Re: Geldings Wanted

1998-09-13 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I had a problem with AOL last week and was unable to get to Betsy's webpage,
Fjordpony.  The problem is fixed and I just had a blast looking at the
website.  Great job Betsy.  And you are so right, when they step on your toe,
they DO feel like a horse instead of a pony Or maybe a herd of horses.
Nikki stepped on my toe over a month ago, and just now it is starting to NOT
be throbbing, and it looks more like a toe than a tennis paddle.  Ah well, I
love her anyway.

I've got a couple of questions about Fjord babies.  I've had Arab babies, and
babies of other breeds.  But this is the first Fjord baby that I'll be
bringing up.  First question, I really thought at first that Skylark was a
brown dun.  She was born that beautiful creamy color, with an apricot mane,
and a little black stripe in her tail.  However, her face is starting to shed
out her baby coat (at less than a month old).  I swear her undercoat looks
grey.  I don't THINK there are any grey duns in her lineage (Mike, that would
be Capstone's Prinz x Nikki  if you're interested in checking it out).  What
are the odds?

The second question is really a lot more important than the color question,
which is just intriguing to me.  This one concerns feeding.  With the quarter
horse and arab babies, we'd give the mom plenty of grain and creep feed the
baby.  Nikki gets just a bit of grain (mostly oats, with maybe 2 handfuls of
cob) along with her vitamins and Strongid C.  I want the baby to grow strong
and healthy, but am unsure how much grain she should get, and when to start.
Also I need to know if I should be concerned with bone growth problems, the
way you need to worry about OCD and big knees.  I tend to think not, since the
fjords aren't on a high protein/alfalfa diet, but would love to hear your foal
feeding programs.

Any help you may be able to give Skylark and me in this area would be greatly
appreciated, especially by Skylark!


Re: Wolf teeth cont.

1998-09-13 Thread Alison Barr
This message is from: Alison Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Also, seems he's more likely to get his lips pinched
 with loose ring bits due to the more fleshy lips.  I think a lot of fjords
 have this problem.

how very true.  I never thought of that, but if I am not carefull, he does get
On a semi- related subject, does anyone know where I could get a loose ring
french link in a 6 1/4 inch?  by next year, the bit I ride him in will be
banned from dressage due to a new rule about the width of bits, and he would
work really well in that.  I don't want an eggbut because he leans in them.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #171

1998-09-13 Thread FJORDING
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Geldings Wanted

1998-09-13 Thread Betsy Bauer
This message is from: Betsy Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As Linda Lottie wrote - 

There are many folks out there looking for older, trained horses (gelding
or mare) with the steadiness of experience to offer someone new to the
world of horses.  

I Know many of the people who ask for my help in finding them a fjord ask
for trained geldings. Do any of you have some for sale? 

Of course we are all going to post our love for our geldings - but the
tizzie isn't needed because we all know how all but one of us love the
breed, the forum, the subjects and the effort brought forward for our
questions. Merek threw out all the other posts.  So it's not worth post
upon post of his problems.  Merek, name your price and email me, if you
would rather be in your lab than caring for Lars.  I have many clients from
NY looking for geldings. 

I remember your account from May, 1998 after Lars performed in 2 parades
(in the rain).  It may not be worded as bonded but perhaps pride...

 So the leader of the most famous city in the world spent his march
looking at the
striped tail of a Fjord. We did manage to get a picture or two with him, as
am told he is nervous around horses.But then so was I, shaking hands with
- The kids are probably still going crazy telling their friends (some
the partygoers came from the City
themselves)about the pony they rode at the party. And finally,
back to the stable, unload Lars, park the trailer, and back home myself. I
still don't know how I made it to work on time today.  Bye for now, Merek. 

Is it time to change your sporting interests?  I'm sure your package of
Lars and your carriage would be nice for a family or individual who would
like to enjoy Lars.

~The End
Betsy Bauer

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #171

1998-09-13 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ect: Re:That Mane
Date: Tue, Oct 7, 1997 17:15 EDT

   My Fjord, Valea's Lars, wears that zebra cut ALL the time. He does so many
parades, breed exhibitions, street fairs, parties, and processions that it is
easier to leave him that way. The public LOVES it. He is about to go on
display at our Old Bethpage Village Restoration here in Nassau County, Long
Island for 10 days, and after that into our Pet Expo. It gives him instant
recognition by thousands of residents around the Island. Even our Queens Zoo
has copied the cut after being shown pictures of him.
 A few people have complained about the lack of authenticity, but they are
drowned out by the masses who remember him from event-to-event and year -to-
year and call him by name when they see him in town.
*  Couldnt resist!   LP

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #171

1998-09-13 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Thu, Mar 26, 1998 17:43 EST

   The people at the recycling plant (and transfer station) were nuts
about Lars. A supervisor came down and said he had been called to take a
picture of the first horse they had ever weighed. His camera was empty, but I
had mine, so I took them instead. Probably up on their bulletin board now. I
also left a few Pony Party advertisements, just in case. They have children
and company picnics, too. I am thinking of bringing him back there in amonth
or two, after his mane is a bit higher, and taking photos on the scale
platform to submit to a local company which is soliciting horse pictures for a
Long Island (NY) horse calendar. They are looking for the unusual, and a
zebra-maned, 1260 lb. Fjord being weighed should qualify for that! Past that,
the pony party and street fair season is beginning, and it is time to
introduce the public to a Fjord, and let him pay some of his board at the same
time. Ta,Ta for now, Merek.
   iTS OBVIOUS that you like this horse. so whats up?   LP

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #171

1998-09-13 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

te: Tue, Jan 13, 1998 19:29 EST

I can only say that my Fjord, Valea's Lars, is well know by the children
and adults here on Long Island. Children remember his name from year to year
at the various parades and events he attends. Last week, a small girl with her
father pointed at a friend who helps me at these events and yelled That's
him, that's the man!. Yikes! What did I do! Sounds like the kid is calling
you a child molester or something. Then she continued That's the man
who put me on Lars at the street fair. He is the hottest thing since sliced
bread wherever I take him, and he goes to a lot of strange events. Even does a
Roman soldier's horse at a church Good Friday procession, and the Wizard of Oz
horse at a Bat Mitzvah. People constantly ask if he is the same pony they saw
at another parade or fair or party. Not all are a problem. Merek.


   Couldn't resist putting in one of the last posts from the AOL boards,
Meric!Hes the hottest thing since sliced bread?   Dosnt sound like a
person who hates his horse!   Lisa P.   Now, WHAT HAPPEND? 

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #171

1998-09-13 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello List!

I have a question for Meric What happend?I remember last year,
reading posts from you on AOL Fjord Boards, about you're Fjord, and the posts
were full of pride and heartfelt feeling's. Something MUST have occured to you
or you're horse(s) to find us on the recieving end of such negitive stuff.
I hope that you can get back to wherever you were when I was reading about
you're Fjord, and I hope it's soon. ( No malace intended, Meric, you were on
my original  Fjord lovers mailing list  and it seems kind of sad that after
reading posts from you, on AOL, written with obvious pride in you're gelding,
that you're choosing to attack this list for the same type of posts. Maybe,
instead of deleating so many of the posts, you should look back, and read
about current subjects, like bitting, wolf teeth, carts for sale, Fjords for
sale, show updates, foal announcments, Chat topics and guest speakers, Old
style bloodlines, Tempermint VS Bodytype for Evaluation scores, ect. This list
is the best thing comming on my E-Mail, and I personally met alot of people at
Blue Earth, who feel the same, and whom I never would have met without the

  Relationships, Meric, is what it is all about, and that includes people AND
horses...  I wish you happier days,   Lisa Pedersen   PAV FJORDS   
PS  A different Fjord owner spent the better part of last year, FLAMMING and
causing such angry and negitive feedback on the AOL Fjord boards, that the
group never recovered, and to this date, the posts are VERY few and far
between. This person then moved on to the Stallion boards, and instantly
caused such comotion, the AOL had to interviene. at least THEY recovered.

Re: Fjord Shows

1998-09-13 Thread nlllapp
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sun, 13 Sep 1998, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If anyone could send me a list of upcoming Fjord shows and contact people I
would greatly appreciate it . Also where I could purchase some better books
and videos on Fjords.

I'm interested in this too. Could someone post it to the list?

Barbara Lyn

Fjord Shows

1998-09-13 Thread PETSnVETS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If anyone could send me a list of upcoming Fjord shows and contact people I
would greatly appreciate it . Also where I could purchase some better books
and videos on Fjords.


1998-09-13 Thread PETSnVETS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Folks,
   Just wanted to remind you all that Pets and Vets has Every Sunday Night 9
to10 pm Eastern Time LIVE FJORD CHAT with Pedfjords aka PAV Fjords hosting.


Hope to see you there

If you get a chance there's some new Horse classifieds up and ready.