Re: hello???

1999-12-22 Thread Carl Sarah Nagel
This message is from: Carl  Sarah Nagel [EMAIL PROTECTED]


the new address for the list is:

be looking forward to your posts!

Sarah Nagel

-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 9:17 PM
Subject: hello???

This message is from: Evers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hope this is the right address the message wasn't to clear on what
address to post to.  I tried [EMAIL PROTECTED] and got a help
message back?
Someone let me know!



1999-12-22 Thread Evers
This message is from: Evers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hope this is the right address the message wasn't to clear on what
address to post to.  I tried [EMAIL PROTECTED] and got a help
message back?
Someone let me know!


Re[2]: Welcome to the New List

1999-12-22 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Wednesday, December 22, 1999, you wrote:

 Who is located where in reference to new commands on the list?

  I have disabled the who command on the new list as it was on the
  old list. I have done this to protect everyone's privacy from
  spammers who subscribe to mailing lists for the sole purpose of
  harvesting email addresses.
Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  Then we began to ride.  My soul smoothed itself out, a long-cramped
  scroll freshening and fluttering in the wind. --Robert Browning(1812-1889)

Re: Welcome to the New List

1999-12-22 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jean, look in your wlcome message and you will find the ddifferent commands.

Eqvalan liquid  is the brand of Ivermectin by Merck, and it is under
prescription. My vet sold it to me for about twice what it is listed in KV
vet supply, but I saved money on doing it myself.  Apparently Ivomec 1 %
injectable for cattle is the very same stuff, but not under prescription!
The price in the K-V vet catalog is about the same per ML but EQVALAN comes
in 100 ml bottles, IVOMEC comes in 50 and 200 ML bottles.  1 ml/110 lbs, or
10 ml for a 1100 lb horse.  I use a 12 ml plastic syringe and squirt it
onto the middle of the horse's tongue. They don't seem to spit it out like
the paste!

Glad you are having some dry weather...I would have preferred the 10 inches
of snow they were warning us about, rather than this melting stuff and
freezing rain!  We're losing our insulation!

Jean in Fairbanks, temp dropped to +39, but still dripping out there:  all
the pretty snow and frost has fallen off the trees!

Jean, Two questions,  Who is located where in reference to new commands on
the list?  And what is liquid ivermectin.  Is it the same as for cows and

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Secret Santa ring Busted!

1999-12-22 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: Welcome to the New List

1999-12-22 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jean, Two questions,  Who is located where in reference to new commands on
the list?  And what is liquid ivermectin.  Is it the same as for cows and
injected?  I bought a bottle for the chickens and then chickened out!!
Ahem.  Jean  PS it has been in the forties and dry for two days.  Sheer

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Re: Welcome to the New List

1999-12-22 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi  Everyone, just testing the new list.  Lets TRY and make a fresh start and 
not turn every subject into a  I dont agree with what your saying: pissing 
contest.  It does the memory of  June and Jean disgrace, to see what started 
as condolenses , turn into a big fued over  where or where not  we all go 
(animals included)  when we leave this world.   If you dont agree,  you dont 
have to respond EVERY time,  AND  not every subject has to be beaten into the 
ground .  OKAY   NERVE WAS STRUCK  i admit. And a little advice (given for 
free and unsolicited)  A little sugar and humor always makes  the words better
May you all have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New year

PS  Lisa PeDerson,  you have the right idea,  i loved your post about the 
signature lines

Michele Noonan
Wild Hair Ranch
Home of 4 children 6 horses 3 (wishing it was 2) dogs and 5 cats  that all 
need fixing soon
Havent done anything famous
Home is under construction
and my presents arent wrapped

Re: religious views

1999-12-22 Thread Meredith Sessoms
This message is from: Meredith Sessoms [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Whether you believe in the Lord in Heaven, Buddha, or the Kachina
... it's a wonderful world!

Merry Christmas everybody!

Meredith Sessoms
Soddy-Daisy TN USA
~ Dorina  NFR Aagot ~

Re: Pledge Total

1999-12-22 Thread Anne Morgan
This message is from: Anne Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Count me in for a pledge , Steve.  with many thanks, Anne in VA
- Original Message - 
From: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Fjord Horse List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 8:53 PM
Subject: Pledge Total

 This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The pledge total already stands at $57. I'll send a thank-you note to
  each person who pledges telling them where to send the money.
 Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
   People may talk of first love--but give me the flush, and triumph,
   and glorious sweat of a first ride. --George Borrow(1803-1881)

Re: Welcome to the New List

1999-12-22 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks, steve!

Looks good to me?  I see we can find out who is on the list? (the command

Again, thanks for all your work Steve..this list is important to me! I
don't geel so isolated way up here in Fairbanks!

The temp got up to +43 today and I got manes cut, and wormed everybody with
liquid Eqvalan (ivermectin).  Boy, that's much easier than using the paste!
 and my vet says its is more effective.  Now, if I only could have gotten
the farrier out to do their feet...first time in two months it has been
warm enough, but the roads were slick sheets of ice, with freezing rain,
frost building up on the cold pavement, etc.  More freezing rain
predicted.  Then back to -10 to -30 Friday and Christmas!  What crazy weather!

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, where we are GAINING daylight, even if it only
half a minute!

At 05:53 PM 12/22/1999 -0600, you wrote:
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Let me initiate the new FjordHorse list by welcoming everyone. The
  switch-over seemed to go pretty smoothly to me. Please let me know
  right away if anyone has any problems.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  Then we began to ride.  My soul smoothed itself out, a long-cramped
  scroll freshening and fluttering in the wind. --Robert Browning(1812-1889)

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: may the Fjorce be with you

1999-12-22 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Very nice message Ruthie and my hopes that you have a lovely Christmas and
also for everyone else on the list.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Bad message

1999-12-22 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I think Topica is sending out notices saying people are being
  removed from the FjordHorse discussion list. Don't worry about it,
  it's coming from me dismantling that list.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  The hooves of the horses!--Oh! bewitching and sweet; Is the music
  earth steals from the iron-shod feet. -- Will H Ogilvie

Re: horses i heaven

1999-12-22 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks Linda and Daniel, very interesting re the Gods of old.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Bad message

1999-12-22 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I think Topica is sending out notices saying people are being
  removed from the FjordHorse discussion list. Don't worry about it,
  it's coming from me dismantling that list.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  The hooves of the horses!--Oh! bewitching and sweet; Is the music
  earth steals from the iron-shod feet. -- Will H Ogilvie

Re: horses i heaven

1999-12-22 Thread Heithingi
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone, Jean,

The eight legged horse is Sleipnir, and yes, ridden by Odhinn.  Norse 
Mythology is full of horses; for example, the god, Freyr, gives his beloved 
horse away to gain the love of a beautiful giantess; The Valkyries ride 
horses throughout all their travels; the goddess Hel rides a three legged 
horse; and Freya and Skuld ride horses.  These are the ones I remember off 
the top of my head, anyway.

Interestingly enough, the horses ridden by the Valkyries are said to carry 
souls from Earth to the next world, hence, an afterlife.

From a mythological/polytheistic viewpoint (most early polytheistic religions 
were also animistic), the question of whether or not an animal had a soul 
would be a moot point.  All creatures were seen with souls, and all would be 
seen as going on to live in an afterlife.

Hope this different prospective helps a bit!

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI 

Welcome to the New List

1999-12-22 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Let me initiate the new FjordHorse list by welcoming everyone. The
  switch-over seemed to go pretty smoothly to me. Please let me know
  right away if anyone has any problems.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  Then we began to ride.  My soul smoothed itself out, a long-cramped
  scroll freshening and fluttering in the wind. --Robert Browning(1812-1889)

Wonderful gift ! List woes.....ho ho ho's?

1999-12-22 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 99-12-21 06:02:24 EST, you write:

 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Just a note to say I got my Santa gift on its way to the South of us here in
 Montana..Funny thing about the name thing, so close to mine.

YES Patty Peterson from Libby..I recieved your package yesterday !   
Except for you spelling your name WRONG ( Pedersen is correct VBG ) you are 
wonderful !   When I asked for tack, as mine has been burried in the move, I 
didnt expect ALL the tack that I ever neededI opened my box to find a 
gift pack of brush's, comb, hoof pick, curry, bathing mit. ect. ALSO there 
wasa the neatest tile of Norwegian welcome and a coffee mug with a Dala horse 
on it !WOW.   Thank-you so much for all the great stuff, Patty.what 
fun, esp. of the picture of you and ( ? ) a beautiful mare at Libby with a 
grand ribbon of blue on her neck.  I hope to meet you this next year at 
Libby, and please correct that name between now and then.  ;   )

  Hi List !   I feel like such a loser today, I JUST mailed out all my 
x-mas cards, a few packages, my Santa Pals gift, ect.From one who usually 
sends out cards nearer to Halloween, I felt like it was Jan. 16th, and I was 
crawling into the PO to mail my tax's.  Oh well, I guess its all relative and 
just the thought that counts( only LATE LOSERS SAY THAT )  So, 
hope you like your custom gift, Santa Pal, I can say that only you will 
recieve this EXACT gift, so enjoy!   P.S. You may feel the need to DRY OUT 
from all the wet stuff you have been getting , so please come to dry, cool 
So. Utah for a visit. We will go hitch and play.   Hint, Hint. 

   Steve.on chat this week, was it you who mentioned that the cost of us 
contributing to the list was only going to be around 1 dollar?   If so, sign 
me up. I get One-List for my Draft Horse digest form, and yes, it does run 
ad's after EVERY postmaking the total same ad seen by me around 30 times 
per day.very annoying to say the least, esp. when they love to copy 
everyones full prior message before sending a ,  I agree or a  Really? 

   BUT :   I will blindly follow wherever you take your loyal 
subject should.  If you build it, we will come.  

   Maybe IF we end up at One-List, ( doning the flame retardant suit now ) we 
all could help by shortening our own sig. lines. There, I said it. The place 
where someone lives always interests me, but with 3 diff. lists I subscribe 
to,sometimes reading over and over the ad's, along with a multitide of repeat 
posts, then throw in a sig. line like.

   Max Farmer  MD, EMT, ESPN, CNA, CPA
Holder of the worlds best time for spinning a dog
on a ladder / Guiness Book Of World Records
Vol. 11. 1963 Special Ed. 
Rockville, Mn. USA 
( available at IDIOT BOOK CLUB, Lansing, MI. ( 800-699-4431 ) 
 when the dog's a spinning, the man's a winning   Quoted by wife,  
Hilde, mom to future record holder, Bobbie, age 24, who, when let out on a 
day pass.practices for the tital. 


I know, Im a little over the top here, but tis the season to be crabby, 
and one can only read those just SO many times a day..see?  Anyone who 
gets multiple lists per  day, Digest form WITH ad's every 20 sec. or so will 
relate. Everyone else with big signature lines will just get mad.

 ( ducking )  ;   (

Had another fun group for chat this weeksans Jackie, PAV Aussie, who 
seems to have blown up her computer for real this time !  Waaa, 
Jackie HELP !  Those  speed  greetings are not working well with my 2 
fingered attempts. Hope you and everyone can find time to stop by next Sun. 
for a visit. We can all share what type of cookies we are eating, and how 
much weight we all gained over the weekend.  Bye for now, Lisa Pedersen  
--note spelling.  PAV FJORDS
Cedar City, Ut. 

Re: religious views

1999-12-22 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/22/99 12:41:40 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

  i've asked you before, LIGHTEN UP! 
I apologized for snapping at you before under the stress of moving, etc.
I didn't agree to give up all my opinions and behave the way you want me to.  
I suspect we'll never be best friends.Gail

The New List

1999-12-22 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Even as I write this everyone is being subscribed to the new list.
 You should all receive a new Welcome letter from the new list. Please
 notice that there are a few changes. The biggest of these is that
 there is no nomail command. This means that when your going on
 vacation you should use the form on the list Web site to turn your
 mail on and off. It also means that some people who had silent
 subscriptions to allow them to post from multiple addresses while
 receiving the list at only one address will have to start posting
 only from the address at which they receive the list. Sorry, I'll see
 if I can get this feature included at the new site, but it will take
 awhile. Other than that everything should be pretty much the same,
 except that messages should now go to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
 If you don't get a Welcome message sometime this evening, please let
 me know so I can make sure you get on the new list.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  No whisper of lover, no trilling of birds, Can stir me as hooves of
  the horses have stirred. -- Will H Ogilvie

may the Fjorce be with you

1999-12-22 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: Bushnell's [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Probably the best appreciation we can ever give Steve for his List efforts
is to behave ourselves =)). 

I've thought I sensed a blending, or melting, or what have you, in our
posts these last few months. It's most apparent that many of us cherish our
Fjord communication highly.

If we cannot tolerate the intolerant, what's the diff?

While our common denominator is the Fjord and we probably should confine
ourselves to that topic of discussion I must say that I enjoyed all the
many dog posts immensely and various sidelines. 

Trouble is, now I'm pining for a Swedish Vallhund! Darn! =))

I'm always glad for every letter and feel happy early morning when I see
several waiting. I thank you all for sharing your lives with me.

Ruthie Bushnell, NW MT

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #312

1999-12-22 Thread Cait603
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm replying to Ingrid about her daughters theology class. I'm 14 and If 
animals didn't have souls or a heaven then what makes us think we do. God has 
a place for all its creatures not just humans

Re: religious views

1999-12-22 Thread linda hickam
This message is from: linda hickam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ah yes..pc = nix the first amendment.if you're a
Christian..merry CHRISTmas everyone
and may God's love shine on us's very easy to
delete this message
Subject: Re: religious views
Date: Wed, Dec 22, 1999, 3:08 PM

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/22/99 10:52:34 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

 Though not a theological scholar, 
I don't like this sort of thing.  Not all Americans are Christian.   What we 
agree on in the list is animals.  Discussing religion and politics is tricky 
enough with friends much less strangers.

Re: religious views

1999-12-22 Thread SSlotness
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: not talking about religion with strangers: I kind of think we are not 
strangers and that we had already agreed to disagree and not be so strict about 
the topics. This one is about horses, although in a more abstract way.

Re: horses i heaven

1999-12-22 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Denise, not to alarm you but fjords are stoic and do not show illness like
most horses.  So not eating is a sign of a problem , he may be plugged up.
Listen to his gut sounds on each side of his belly.  If there are no sounds
or only on one side, call the vet.  He will need mineral oil or .  Also
before calling the vet take his temp and be sure to hang on to the
thermometer as they can suck it into the rectum.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Re: horses i heaven

1999-12-22 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: Denise Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dear jean,
not too many legs if odin wanted to go fast!  big, sturdy fjord legs are a
sight to behold,  can never have too manytalking about horses;  my
knute is'nt up to par today.  not much in  the mood for playing around,
did'nt even want to eat his daily apple, so quinny took it.  no fever, just
not his usual self.  hope this is'nt the start of something. merry
christmas, denise
- Original Message -
From: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 11:24 AM
Subject: horses i heaven

 This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Wasn't it Odin who rode the eight legged horse?  That horse looks exactly
 like a fjord except for too many legs.

 Jean Gayle
 Aberdeen, WA
 [Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
 Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
 Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Re: religious views

1999-12-22 Thread Denise Delgado
This message is from: Denise Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED]

about the biblical quotes re: the horse and responses.

if we are not careful this could start up another one of those bitch
sessions...come on gail,  i've asked you before, LIGHTEN UP!
everyone is entitled the their opinion.   i for one enjoyed reading the
exerpts.  you don't have to be christian to learn something from the bible.
just like you don't have to be a nazi to learn something from mein kampf.
take a few breaths and relax!!!   denise in northern calif.
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: religious views

 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In a message dated 12/22/99 10:52:34 AM Mountain Standard Time,

  Though not a theological scholar, 
 I don't like this sort of thing.  Not all Americans are Christian.   What
 agree on in the list is animals.  Discussing religion and politics is
 enough with friends much less strangers.

horses i heaven

1999-12-22 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wasn't it Odin who rode the eight legged horse?  That horse looks exactly
like a fjord except for too many legs.

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Re: religious views

1999-12-22 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/22/99 10:52:34 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

 Though not a theological scholar, 
I don't like this sort of thing.  Not all Americans are Christian.   What we 
agree on in the list is animals.  Discussing religion and politics is tricky 
enough with friends much less strangers.

Re: religious views

1999-12-22 Thread Annette
This message is from: Annette [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Though not a theological scholar, I'll add my 2 cents to the current
theological debate:

1st...there are the 4 horses of the Apocalypse; they come down from Heaven;
white horse (Revelation 6:2; Rev. 19:1114), red horse (Revelation 6:4),
black horse (Rev. 6:5), and a pale horse (Rev. 6:8).  Whether they died
first and went to Heaven or are created in Heaven isn't implied or
stated...but, clearly, they're there.

2nd... Isaiah 11:6:9 and Isaiah 65:25 both talk about the way things will be
when the Messiah establishes a new earth:  The wolf will live with the
lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the
yearling together; and a little child will lead them.  The cow will feed
with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat
straw like the ox.  The infant will play near the hole of the cobra and the
young child put his hand into the viper's nest.  They will neither harm nor
destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge
of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

3rd...Concerning the murder of man Genesis 9:5 says:  And for your
lifeblood I (God) will surely demand an accounting.  I will demand an
accounting from every animal.  And from each man, too, I will demand an
accounting for the life of his fellow man.   The assumption seems to be
that animals answer in the next life, therefor, they must have a next life.

4th...Animals were created by God in the Garden of Eden and were declared
Good by God BEFORE the fall of man. (Genesis 1:31)

5th...God uses animals in describing His own Son, Jesus...Lamb of God (Rev.
5:6, John 1:29) and the Lion of Judah (Revelation 5:5).   While these are
used figuratively, they imply that God holds animals in a place of favor.

While not willing to be martyred for this facet of my beliefs, I do believe
the above Scriptures provide a compelling argument for animals in Heaven.

Annette Johnson
(I haven't written any books)
(My farm doesn't have a name)
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Re: fjordhorse-digest V99 #311

1999-12-22 Thread Evers
This message is from: Evers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That brings tears to my eyes.  It is sooo hard to say good-bye.  

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

 We too think of the day our coming 24 yr. old Ellinor will not be in our
pasture.  She came from Norway 1980,  The Jacobsen's had her till 1984.,
then Forresters , till 1998 and now her place is with us. This will be her
9th  baby. She is the queen, when I call the girls to me for the treats,
her head high, on the run(maybe not as fast as the younger ones) and when
she is waiting for her carrot her head on my shoulder saying I'll wait till
the youngsters have their's  We feel blessed that she is in foal with our
Bjorn-Knutson.  Our fingers are crossed till July.  She is healthy, happy
and can keep up with the young ones.. I am going to try to ride her one of
these days.She has not had any thing done with her for many years. She is
sad when Bud  Amy saddle or harness up the others. I won,t push her into
anything,  just take it easy with her. I don't think she has forgotten
anything she knew or done years ago. I to have used the Over the Rainbow
 Hurrah We will continue to have our List and Thanks to all that have
made it possible.Steve you are Number 1.The Happest of Holidays to all.

Re: List must move

1999-12-22 Thread Don Jane Brackett
This message is from: Don  Jane Brackett [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I agree Jeri!
Jane in Maine

Steve, by the time I got to the list read you had already covered this 
year's costs. However, I like both suggestions of paying you back and 
saving some for a list member's or fjord owner's rainy day. I want to 
contribute, do you truly want me to wait til next year??? Feels like 

Jeri in Missouri

Re: List!!!Hold on!!!

1999-12-22 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/21/99 8:48:19 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

 Would you please try out 
He's done enough.  32 cents a person is not a big bit and since you can't 
make a check out for 32 cents, some of us will be happy to do a bit extra.  
It is kind of like PBS pledge, I have sure already gotten my money's worth 
even if I were paying half or the whole thing.

Pledge drive wrap-up

1999-12-22 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Pledge acknowledgments have been sent along with premiums. If you
 pledged and don't receive yours, please let me know. I apologize to
 anyone running a Mac that the premium will be useless, but hey, it's
 a Wintel world.

 Anyway, we had enough folks pledge that I was able to tell many to
 cut back on their contribution. I've picked up the tab for the list
 up until now because I wanted to, and I don't need compensation.
 Mike's idea is interesting, but I don't see myself as administrator
 of the Widows and Orphans fund. So if we just spread it around
 amongst those who have pledged and cover the expenses, I'm more than
 happy. Thanks, all! Have a very happy holiday season!

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  It's never the horse, it's always the rider.  --Old Cavalry Adage

Re: Re[2]: List!!!Hold on!!!

1999-12-22 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This message is from: Steve McIlree
   Digest subscribers get off scot free, since they
 don't know anything
   about this yet. Thank you all who pledged. I'll
 send you notes in
   the morning.   I will
 publish all these
   people's names next year so everyone will know
 whose turn it isn't.

Thanks to everyone!!  Was just getting ready to enter
my pledge after reading my morning mail.  Publishing
the names of this year's contributors next year is a
great idea.  That way we can all take our turn
sponsoring the List.

Thanks for all your hard work, Steve.


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
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Re: parasites cross-species?

1999-12-22 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- Marsha Jo Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah
 Got a question for those of you whose barnyard
 includes non-equines.
 What problems do equines have with
 parasites/diseases from other
the other is smaller and tightly fenced,
 but currently
 overstocked with sheep, goats, a llama, and who
 knows what else.  I
 don't know enough about these other critters to
 assess their health,
 but the density of critters brings to mind Murphy.
  What are the
 potential problems, and what might I do to lessen
 any risks? 

Everyone will tell you that lice are specific to each
breed/class of animal.  That is, llama lice don't like
horses and visa versa.  BUT for the past several years
Line has had a good case of lice every spring.  She is
the only one of our horses who ever has them AND she
is the only one whose pen is in the same woods with
the neighbors' llamas.  These llamas have become
increasingly unkempt the past couple of years, and I
suspect they are the source of Line's problem.  The
lice she gets don't look like any lice I've ever seen
on a horse before - more like the ones sheep sometimes
have.  So there you have it - I suspect that lice
might be a problem you could encounter, especially if
the animals currently residing in that enclosure are
overcrowded and not taken care of.  I am not aware of
any other parasites or diseases which transfer from
sheep, llamas, goats, etc., to horses. That would be a
question for a veterinarian. We have had all three
around us at different times and have had no problems,
other than the lice.  The llamas have all been sold
this winter, so it will be interesting to see what
happens with Line next spring.


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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Re: New Home for List

1999-12-22 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/22/99 4:26:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Something like keeping it in an account to donate to some of 
 the members when they are in need.  Seems like horse people have some of 
 the damnedest luck some times. 

There is something  wonderful about most horsepeople.  Last week a friend's 
young filly got her mouth around a chain link fence and ripped her teeth out. 
 Her adult  teeth are compromised and her mouth was just a mess.  The owner 
is a woman who puts her heart and soul and all her cash into her horses, but 
she doesn't  have a lot of cash (she gives her services for free quite 
often).  Lisa, you know her.  It's Julie.  The filly needed surgery.  No ifs 
ands or buts.  Julie took the filly in, but wasn't sure how she would pay.  
But knowing her she'd find a way.  The ladies on my other horse email list 
heard this and without her knowledge offered to chip in, $20 here, $50 there. 
 One of the ladies is putting the whole bill on her credit card, when Julie 
goes to pick up her filly this morning she will find the bill has been paid.  
We will reimburse the card holder for some expenses and Julie will reimburse 
for more.  

I don't know.  It's horsepeople, the spirit of Christmas or what, but I'm 
amazed at the generosity of horsepeople.

Oh yes, somehow I missed out on hearing the decision that Steve would keep 
paying for the list?  I missed out on that and since I benefit from the 
knowledge here, would gladly pay my fair share.


RE: List must move

1999-12-22 Thread Jeri L Rieger
This message is from: Jeri L Rieger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve, by the time I got to the list read you had already covered this 
year's costs. However, I like both suggestions of paying you back and 
saving some for a list member's or fjord owner's rainy day. I want to 
contribute, do you truly want me to wait til next year??? Feels like 

Jeri in Missouri

Re: New Home for List

1999-12-22 Thread Mike May

This message is from: Mike May [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 05:07 PM 12/21/99 -0600, you wrote:

This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The list will be free of advertising, and it will have 10Mb of disk
space for archives. The cost for this is going to be $100 per year.

Excellent choice Steve!  I have sent my pledge to you privately.  When do 
you want the check and who do you want it made out to?

Something like a PBS or NPR fund drive. People can send pledges
directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll keep the list apprised of
how we're doing on meeting the goal. At the end I'll publish the names
of all who contributed unless they ask to remain anonymous. I think
this should work, I only wish it didn't come at such an already costly
time of year.

How about doing something a little special with the extra you are obviously 
going to get?  Something like keeping it in an account to donate to some of 
the members when they are in need.  Seems like horse people have some of 
the damnedest luck some times.  I don't have ideas on how to manage it or 
who would qualify for the funds but it is just a thought.
