Re:Non allergenic horses

2001-03-09 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I had horses for quite a few years before I bought our crazy Arab with no
>problems.  I am evidently allergic to Arabs only.  My arab, the neighbors
>friends part Arabs.  But not to Fjords, QH, TB, WB, Shetland or Walker.
>Martie in md 
Well, that almost puts in another good word for the non-allergenic Fjord,...
along with the QH, TB, WB, Shetland and Walker.  :-)   That's interesting
about the Arabs.  Very unusual, I think.  Judy

Re: Teresa's Rivoire post/Montana breeders

2001-03-09 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I can't say that I recall where they said the horse
>was from, but I do well recall that the name of the seller wasn't any
>Montana Fjord breeder that I have ever heard of and I thought at the time
>was simply an unknown individual person of parts unknown.
>I just want to speak up on behalf of all Montana Fjord Breeders who are the
>best in the west; proclaim our innocence and defend our integrity!
>Ruthie, nw mt

Ruthie, I'm sure that anyone whom has ever spoken with you, seen your farm
or seen your stock, would know good and well that the unscrupulous person
who sold that sickly horse was definitely not you or any other reputable
Montana breeder.  It makes you feel bad when something like that happens at
all, and even a little worse, I guess, when it's your home state.  Such a
shame.  Judy

Re: Teresa's Rivoire post

2001-03-09 Thread Ruth Bushnell
This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I was there too, at the Sandpoint Draft Show exhibit, at the time of this
conversation of Jennie's with the couple who were disappointed that their
Fjord wasn't registered. I can't say that I recall where they said the horse
was from, but I do well recall that the name of the seller wasn't any
Montana Fjord breeder that I have ever heard of and I thought at the time it
was simply an unknown individual person of parts unknown.

I'm sure they signed the guest book and their story could be searched out.

I just want to speak up on behalf of all Montana Fjord Breeders who are the
best in the west; proclaim our innocence and defend our integrity!
Ruthie, nw mt

 Jen spent
>quite a bit of time at the Sandpoint Draft Show last fall calming and
>placating a pair of extremely disgruntled new fjord owners who's bad
>experience left such bitter scars that it tainted their outlook on fjords
>They bought a fjord for sale from somewhere in Montana out of the
>They had been looking at fjords and never dreamed the breeder would not be
>honest (because fjord owners are known for their openness in horse
>They received photo's, the assurance the horse was sound, healthy, happy
>up to date on all shots, registered, etc., the price was good and they
>bought sight unseen. What was delivered to them was a nightmare. The horse
>was sickly, full of worms, unregistered and cost them a couple thousand
>dollars in vet bills and endless hours of worry and strife.
>Jennie worked hard with these people trying to calm them down about the
>breed in general, assuring them their experience was not standard for the
>breeders she knows and answering their questions. She did not want them to
>go around bad mouthing fjords just because someone out there was dishonest.
>Hopefully she was successful. Later, when she told us about these people,
>equated their experience to a backyard owner or a puppy mill type breeder.
>I am not sure how this could have been avoided and ultimately it was the
>buyers responsibility to research the horse. Maybe they didn't know how. I
>don't know. Maybe we should be advertising our NFHR website in traditional
>horse places so new owners can find out more
>about the fjords. Maybe. And maybe this will just be an isolated incident.
>Teresa Sanders
>with too much time on my hands apparently since this post is so long.

Re: It is a filly!

2001-03-09 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Isa is darling, congratulations.  She does have a bit of a stunned look on
her face!  Must have been quite a trip.  Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Re: Sanders re Rivoire post

2001-03-09 Thread Kathy Spiegel
This message is from: Kathy Spiegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sanders wrote:

> This message is from: "Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Kathy,
> Where is southern Idaho are you? I enjoyed your post (3-6-01) and would like
> to speak to one point you brought up.
> "My point is, people who are willing to pay that much for a horse will do
> the
> research and seek out quality."

Thank you - I am south of Pocatello - and north of Salt Lake City.  I can see
the peaks of the Tetons from the mountain behind my house and a ski area in the
mountain in front of my house and a lot of sage brush and lava rock desert in
between. I am located in what is called the southeastern Idaho highlands.  It is
a series of  grass/sagebrush valleys bordered by mountains with fir trees -  if
you haven' been through here we don't look anything like northern Idaho.

I probably overgeneralized by saying that everyone would do the research.
Finding information, or the ability to sit  on that information for awhile while
you wait for the right situation may  not be as easy for some people as for
others ( and I may have also been very lucky).   That's why responsible  breed
promotion is important.  When I started looking, Fjord links did not appear on
many of the other horse sites. I saw my first Fjords at the Eastern Idaho State
Fair quite a few years ago and fell in love with them and couldn't find out much
about them.   The people showing had breed information from the NFHR outside the
stalls.  The horses were in excellent condition and performed beautifully.  When
I got serious about looking I  started at the NFHR site and this list and I
think I visited every single one of the links on the breeders directory.
Without fail, the people I contacted replied and were open and helpful. Also all
of the posts on this site - even those that generated a lot of controversy -
were helpful. It helped to assess what was imprtant to each person.  And,
although Carole takes a lot of flak for her views and many of us do not agree
with her totally as far as the mechanics  of a method or system,  I would trust
her judgement implicitly  as to the quality of a Fjord.  If I had the money I
would now have LOTS of fabulous Fjords from any number of members of this list.

Events like the driving demonstration  this Sunday by the Pedersens  at the Utah
Horse Expo  and manning the breed booths at these shows is important
particularly in getting potential buyers in touch with responsible breeders.
Thankyou to those of you that have gone out of your way to do this - it has to
be a hassle. I am taking some of my horse friends ( not the four legged types)
to see this demonstration.   One is a vet who has only seen one Fjord in the
practice and equates them with Bassett Hounds ( not favorably), one who raises
foundation bred cutting and reining quarter horses EXCLUSIVELY and the other who
has an adaptive riding program for disabled kids and adults.  I am secretly
hoping that the Pedersens knock my friends'  socks off with the Fjords so I can
( just to  myself of course) be saying "I told you so".
Unfortunately I think there will always be negative experiences for some
people.  I would be willing to bet that with the people on this list dealing
with the buying public, maybe it would occur less frequently than with other

Sorry about the long post, it is snowing again after three absolutely glorious
days of pre-spring.

Kathy in Southern Idaho

Re: Sanders re Rivoire post

2001-03-09 Thread Kathy Spiegel
This message is from: Kathy Spiegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sanders wrote:

> This message is from: "Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Kathy,
> Where is southern Idaho are you? I enjoyed your post (3-6-01) and would like
> to speak to one point you brought up.
> "My point is, people who are willing to pay that much for a horse will do
> the
> research and seek out quality."

Thank you - I am south of Pocatello - and north of Salt Lake City.  I can see
the peaks of the Tetons from the mountain behind my house and a ski area in the
mountain in front of my house and a lot of sage brush and lava rock desert in
between. I am located in what is called the southeastern Idaho highlands.  It is
a series of  grass/sagebrush valleys bordered by mountains with fir trees -  if
you haven' been through here we don't look anything like northern Idaho.

I probably overgeneralized by saying that everyone would do the research.
Finding information, or the ability to sit  on that information for awhile while
you wait for the right situation may  not be as easy for some people as for
others ( and I may have also been very lucky).   That's why responsible  breed
promotion is important.  When I started looking, Fjord links did not appear on
many of the other horse sites. I saw my first Fjords at the Eastern Idaho State
Fair quite a few years ago and fell in love with them and couldn't find out much
about them.   The people showing had breed information from the NFHR outside the
stalls.  The horses were in excellent condition and performed beautifully.  When
I got serious about looking I  started at the NFHR site and this list and I
think I visited every single one of the links on the breeders directory.
Without fail, the people I contacted replied and were open and helpful. Also all
of the posts on this site - even those that generated a lot of controversy -
were helpful. It helped to assess what was imprtant to each person.  And,
although Carole takes a lot of flak for her views and many of us do not agree
with her totally as far as the mechanics  of a method or system,  I would trust
her judgement implicitly  as to the quality of a Fjord.  If I had the money I
would now have LOTS of fabulous Fjords from any number of members of this list.

Events like the driving demonstration  this Sunday by the Pedersens  at the Utah
Horse Expo  and manning the breed booths at these shows is important
particularly in getting potential buyers in touch with responsible breeders.
Thankyou to those of you that have gone out of your way to do this - it has to
be a hassle. I am taking some of my horse friends ( not the four legged types)
to see this demonstration.   One is a vet who has only seen one Fjord in the
practice and equates them with Bassett Hounds ( not favorably), one who raises
foundation bred cutting and reining quarter horses EXCLUSIVELY and the other who
has an adaptive riding program for disabled kids and adults.  I am secretly
hoping that the Pedersens knock my friends'  socks off with the Fjords so I can
( just to  myself of course) be saying "I told you so".
Unfortunately I think there will always be negative experiences for some
people.  I would be willing to bet that with the people on this list dealing
with the buying public, maybe it would occur less frequently than with other

Sorry about the long post, it is snowing again after three absolutely glorious
days of pre-spring.

Kathy in Southern Idaho

Re: Hello

2001-03-09 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Susan M Cargill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I enjoyed the conversation regarding horse vs. rider
> size and
> would like to leave you with this joke.
> Lena wanted to lose weight. The doctor recommended
> she
> ride a horse every day.  The first week, the horse
> lost 10
> pounds.


Would this maybe be one of the old "Lena and Lars"
jokes perchance?  It's a good one.

> Susan Cargill, Longtheway Farm, Birchwood, WI

Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Hello

2001-03-09 Thread John and Martie Bolinski
This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had horses for quite a few years before I bought our crazy Arab with no alergy
problems.  I am evidently allergic to Arabs only.  My arab, the neighbors Arabs,
friends part Arabs.  But not to Fjords, QH, TB, WB, Shetland or Walker.  Only

Martie in md 

truman matz wrote:

> As to the non-allergenic Fjord, maybe not something to advertise, but it
> could be added that we all know someone (here on the list) who IS allergic
> to regular horses, but not to Fjords.  Unfortunately, anyone can be allergic
> to something, whether it be a food product, animals, metals, or whatever.
> (I'm allergic to the non-allergenic posts on earrings!)  But at least for
> one person, Fjords are non-allergenic.  Perhaps that really is NOT enough to
> use for advertising.  But could be worth honorable mention?  Judy


2001-03-09 Thread Susan M Cargill
This message is from: "Susan M Cargill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello everyone - I thought I'd take a minute to introduce myself.  My name is
Susan Cargill. We live in Birchwood,
WI  which is about 2 1/2 hours northeast of Minneapolis, MN.  Someone of the
list said that fjords are like potato
chips, you can't have just one.  Well, I fall into that category.
At last count, I had 7 ranging in ages from 3 to 15, all mares.  We also have
two Norwegian  Forest Cats - age 3
they are brother and sister with reproduction units removed.
People with allergies are not allergic to these cats.

I can say that I've had a relationship with horses from the day I was born.
My father drove my mother in a sleigh pulled by a team of Percherons in a
raging blizzard to the
hospital.  As many others on the list before coming to the
fjords, I've been involved in other area of horsemanship -
dressage, jumping and western style horses, quarter horses, hanovarians,
thoroughbreds, westphalians and one
paint (which I still have).  They were all nice horses but I
really like the fjords best.

Now as to Fjords being non'allergenic - I'd have to differ with
than one.  Horses, including fjords, and their environments -
hay, dust, molds, etc. cause me a major problem.  Now, it
may be that I'm just more sensitive than others on the list
but I wouldn't want someone adding to their advertising that
Fjords were non'allergenic. Just my opinion.

I enjoyed the conversation regarding horse vs. rider size and
would like to leave you with this joke.

Lena wanted to lose weight. The doctor recommended she
ride a horse every day.  The first week, the horse lost 10

Susan Cargill, Longtheway Farm, Birchwood, WI

Re: legs

2001-03-09 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just out of curiosity, what do your horses measure cannon wise?
Green Valley Farm

I will go out and measure tomorrow,(if it stops snowing - we have some of 
your weather now :^D, but, I do think that my stallion (Sven) should have 
his meas. on file w/ the NFHR. (Mike??) He participated in one of the first 
fledgling NFHR Eval's, in Libby, in 1992 (?)w/ Norwegian judges Klove & 
Hegdal, and American judge, Karen Cabic.
Visually, Sven's legs are pretty can see him, and some of his 
kids on the NFHR Pedigree pages (thanks to much help from Lori A.!)
As to being 'clean' legged, Sven had some films taken a couple of years ago 
at age 19. He came up lame from pounding the fenceline late in the breeding 
season when the ground became very hard. He had a minor crack on his RF 
coffin bone,(which healed up quickly), but my vet really commented on how 
nice and clean his legs were after a long life of CDE's, jumping and draft 
use, etc..

Karen McCarthy
Great Basin Fjords
Carson City, NV

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Re: legs

2001-03-09 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pat, Green Valley Farm wrote:
"...I should have been more definitive -  "Tico" has an 8 1/2"  cannon ."

Sorry Pat, missed this in copying to new message -Tico's legs appear like 
they are stout enough.
I think "fine" used as a description of Fjord legs has a tendency to throw 
one into a conformation tizzy. It did me! Sorry!!

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Re: legs

2001-03-09 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
From: Karen McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, March 09, 2001 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: legs

>This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Pat, Green Valley Farm wrote:
>"...I should have been more definitive -  "Tico" has an 8 1/2"  cannon ."
Tico's legs appear like
>they are stout enough.
>I think "fine" used as a description of Fjord legs has a tendency to throw
>one into a conformation tizzy. It did me! Sorry!!

Pat & Karen, I've been reading your posts as you two banter back and forth.
I think what I'm seeing here is not two ladies having a disagreement, but
two very smart ladies using the legs issue as a means of promoting and
advertising their horses.:-)A very ingenious, innovative idea.  Good
work.  Judy

Re: Hello

2001-03-09 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 3/9/01 11:38:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Lena wanted to lose weight. The doctor recommended she
> ride a horse every day.  The first week, the horse lost 10
> pounds.

  This is too close to the truth for me!   I've been working out, 
dieting and riding almost daily.  My pants are still snug. :(  However, when 
the farrier came out yesterday to trim hooves, he commented on how fit my 
horses are looking


Re: Hello

2001-03-09 Thread truman matz
This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Now as to Fjords being non'allergenic - I'd have to differ with
>than one.  Horses, including fjords, and their environments -
>hay, dust, molds, etc. cause me a major problem.  Now, it
>may be that I'm just more sensitive than others on the list
>but I wouldn't want someone adding to their advertising that
>Fjords were non'allergenic. Just my opinion.
>Susan Cargill, Longtheway Farm, Birchwood, WI
Hi Susan, Enjoyed your post.  Especially the sleigh ride to the hospital
with your mom.  I also enjoyed the joke, (wonder if the horse did!).

As to the non-allergenic Fjord, maybe not something to advertise, but it
could be added that we all know someone (here on the list) who IS allergic
to regular horses, but not to Fjords.  Unfortunately, anyone can be allergic
to something, whether it be a food product, animals, metals, or whatever.
(I'm allergic to the non-allergenic posts on earrings!)  But at least for
one person, Fjords are non-allergenic.  Perhaps that really is NOT enough to
use for advertising.  But could be worth honorable mention?  Judy

RE: Rivoire post

2001-03-09 Thread Sanders
This message is from: "Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Kathy,
Where is southern Idaho are you? I enjoyed your post (3-6-01) and would like
to speak to one point you brought up.
"My point is, people who are willing to pay that much for a horse will do
research and seek out quality."

We (representing Quad-L Ranch) sold two horses to some Oregon people who did
just what you would expect, they visited ranches in 4 states before finally
purchasing their first fjords. (Yes, fjords are addictive. Why buy one when
two is so much better :)). BUT, not all first time fjord buyers have a
background in equines and  don't always know how to pick a horse.  Jen spent
quite a bit of time at the Sandpoint Draft Show last fall calming and
placating a pair of extremely disgruntled new fjord owners who's bad
experience left such bitter scars that it tainted their outlook on fjords in

They bought a fjord for sale from somewhere in Montana out of the newspaper.
They had been looking at fjords and never dreamed the breeder would not be
honest (because fjord owners are known for their openness in horse circles).
They received photo's, the assurance the horse was sound, healthy, happy and
up to date on all shots, registered, etc., the price was good and they
bought sight unseen. What was delivered to them was a nightmare. The horse
was sickly, full of worms, unregistered and cost them a couple thousand
dollars in vet bills and endless hours of worry and strife.

Jennie worked hard with these people trying to calm them down about the
breed in general, assuring them their experience was not standard for the
breeders she knows and answering their questions. She did not want them to
go around bad mouthing fjords just because someone out there was dishonest.
Hopefully she was successful. Later, when she told us about these people, we
equated their experience to a backyard owner or a puppy mill type breeder.

I am not sure how this could have been avoided and ultimately it was the
buyers responsibility to research the horse. Maybe they didn't know how. I
don't know. Maybe we should be advertising our NFHR website in traditional
horse places so new owners can find out more
about the fjords. Maybe. And maybe this will just be an isolated incident.

Teresa Sanders
with too much time on my hands apparently since this post is so long.

Re: legs

2001-03-09 Thread Pat
This message is from: Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Pardon me if I stepped on your toes here,

Not a problem.

> ..But, if I wanted to get even more carried away, I could comment on your
> description of his legs as being: "very clean, fine legs".

I should have been more definitive -  "Tico" has an 8 1/2"  cannon .
I took the liberty of trying to find this measurement on other Fjords. When Pat 
owned Marnix and Hostar he advertised them with 8" cannons. Valea's Lee has 9+" 
to owners Kit and Ron Davis and Karibu has a 7 3/4 " May put "Tico" in the 
middle?  Just
out of curiosity, what do your horses measure cannon wise?

> You have
> mentioned an attribute,(fine legs) that when applied to Fjordhorses, is seen
> as a negative,

I don't know how to answer that.
Fine doesn't mean to me fragile- so I wouldn't consider it a negative.

> Many
> traditionalists, myself included, would have no use for legs like that

Understood and appreciated.


Professional Horse Transport

2001-03-09 Thread Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR
This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I need some information on a professional horse transport. Any recommendations.
Anyone have good or bad to say about All State Horse Transportation? You can
e-mail me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED] TIA.

Cynthia Madden

Expos and video tape

2001-03-09 Thread FofDFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 3/6/01 6:31:46 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< It appears that Bonnie and Buzz have sold Gus thanks to
 the fair as several people were seriously interested in him.
 The tape showing Wez doing a grand prix dressage test brought oohs and ahhs f
 rom the dressage crowd who thought it was some of the best dressage they had
 seen. The scenes from Norway and Holland also got lots of attention. We 
 enjoyed seeing Libby again.
 We haven't head anything about how the MWFHC mid-winter meeting went. Could
 someone please give a report TIA.
 Cynthia Madden >>
Hi Cynthia,

My phone has been out for several days so have not been able to check emails.

Thanks for the report on your Expo.  We have an Expo coming up March 23-25 in 
Albany, OR.  The video tape that you mentioned sounds wonderful.  Am 
wondering if that could be added to the NFHR promo 'goodies'?  It sounds 
PRIMO for PROMO!  Could someone 'loan' that to us for our EXPO?

While on the subject of the Albany Expo, everyone is welcome to send flyers 
or info to me for our hospitality booth.

Cynthia, will you be sending the NFHR promo boxes on to me?  I also will need 
to know where I am to send them after our Expo is over?  Sue G., can you fill 
me in?

Will report at a later date when I have more time, on the MWFHC meeting in 
Galena.  I can tell you - it was COLD!!  No wonder Pat Holland said that this 
was the longest winter of her life!!  You folks have my sympathies!!  It was 
ever so nice to get back home to Oregon where I have flowers blooming!  Got 
out of Olympia just before the earthquake hit.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR