Re: Trailer cam

2003-03-12 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean Ernest in Alaska is, most years, the queen of dealing with frozen
septic tanks (and Fjords...of coursse).  Ask her about her techniques.
>> Hi,
>Never thought of using that for a frozen septic tank. 

Re: Trailer cam

2003-03-12 Thread Carol J. Makosky

This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jon A. Ofjord wrote:

This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for the good advice on trailer cams. That helped to make the 

On another note:
Stock tank heaters have been selling very well here in the land of 
frozen septic tanks.


Never thought of using that for a frozen septic tank.  Crossing our 
fingers, we have not had any problems, but you can know we will add more 
leaves to the field for another year like this.  Frozen fields and tanks 
and lines between the house and tank are the big topic of conversation 
at most gatherings.  I wonder about all the mound systems and how they 
fair in this almost snowless winter.  Such a subject.  Congrats on your 
new Fjord.  Are you going to the MN expo?  How is your neighbor Phyllis 
Anderson?  I know she spells her name different, but don't remember how.


Carol M.
On Golden Pond
N. Wisconsin

Re: Trailer cam

2003-03-12 Thread Jon A. Ofjord

This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for the good advice on trailer cams. That helped to make the decision.

On another note:
Stock tank heaters have been selling very well here in the land of frozen 
septic tanks.

Re: expo

2003-03-12 Thread HorseLotti
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Carol - that is great about the fjord journals - we gave several away last 
year - people love to see them and are so thrilled when we tell them to take 

Actually, I am packed - ready to go - tomorrow I take the trailer to be 
washed inside and out (meeting a fellow fjord owner for lunch while I wait 
for the trailer - fun!) and we are packing it with boxes for a "first trip" 
up north.  

Where are you "working" at the expo?   I missed something.

Linda in Corcoran


2003-03-12 Thread Reena Giola
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ok, FINALLY my new subscription has come through!! Yippee!!

Just to make this horse/Fjord related it is snowing again here in MI  with
2-4" expected...Gus ripped up the back of his
blanketarrrgggh...I know, why in the world do I have him
blanketed?  Well because he was a CA horse, is older and had never
experienced a long exposure to cold weather.  When we moved last year, he
lost a lot of weight and as we went into winter, even more.   He was quite
thin when we came out of winter.I even asked on list about how to put
weight on (Betsy Patyrjak can confirm the thin-ness) and he did finally gain
the weight so I was hesitate to leave him to fend against the cold this

Anyhoo, I did leave the blanket off till we hit a nice cold snap in mid
december and well, it just never went back to normal...soo, if I
had my druthers and had him home, I could regulate and adjust things myself
to make sure I felt he was staying at an adequate weight.  But as things go,
he is boarded, and I don't have that type of control/or extent of
controlI have already posted about the freezing water tanks, and thank
GOODNESS I am an anal and concerned boarder cause I was out there twice in
one month cracking open 3" of frozen ice on the tanks.the heater/floats
were upside down.

ok, longwinded I know, just excited to FINALLY get off of the digest!!


Re: dogs & fjords

2003-03-12 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good to hear the story about Pooh and the coyote.  Amazing she was so
determined to do the job herself.  Makes me feel more confident re what
might happen here with the coyotes circling about the neighborhood. Wonder
how a cougar would fare?  Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Re: dogs & fjords

2003-03-12 Thread Monica Spencer
This message is from: "Monica Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

R. Taylor said:

> Pooh went through the gate of her pen (it's bull panels - she broke the
> chain), through the field fence (she broke 2 wooden posts over), and
> killed the coyote.  

Wow!  What an amazing story!  Thanks for sharing it.

Monica in Nelson, BC

Weight tape issue

2003-03-12 Thread blackcat
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Weight tapes and Fjords
Of course weight tapes aren't accurate on Fjords, becaue of their build.
BUT it does give you a standard for comparison other than your eyes.  
It's like standing on the scale, or putting on your jeans.  The scale
says you weigh the same - the waist band of your jeans says that over the 
winter, your muscle has turned to flab.  Muscle weighs more, but occupies 
less space.  So - scale or tape? 
R.Taylor, Straw Hat Stables

Jumping through hoops to get E-mail on the road? 
You've got two choices: Join the circus, or use Molly Mail.

Molly Mail --
Having trouble sending email from different locations ?
Need a single outgoing mail server that will work from anywhere ?

Set it to and never have to change it again !

dogs & fjords

2003-03-12 Thread blackcat
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This note is from R. Taylor, Straw Hat Stables
I read the note from Hope Carlson, about the Fjords protecting a little
one from the neighbor's pit bull. I'm glad your baby is OK. I have a 13
y.o. Fjord brood mare who goes by the name of Pooh (you know, fuzzy,
golden, chubby, loves food, very huggable), who is also my lead mare.
Last spring, there was a Thoroughbred mare in foal boarded next to where
Pooh is.  Early one morning, the Thoroughbred's owner turned her into the 
pasture for a run, then left.  I arrived just in time to see a 65 pound
coyote corner the mare, and slash her front leg.  When she screamed, Pooh 
went through the gate of her pen (it's bull panels - she broke the
chain), through the field fence (she broke 2 wooden posts over), and
killed the coyote.  She ran him down, snatching at the back of his neck
with her teeth when she could get close enough, and striking with both
front feet when he dodged.  She eventually caught him by the back of the
neck, tossed him into the air, and stomped him.  When she was done, she
calmly came to me when I called her to halter, and as usual, stood to be
examined for any injuries.  I guess these "primitive" type horses still
have some really strong instincts!

Jumping through hoops to get E-mail on the road? 
You've got two choices: Join the circus, or use Molly Mail.

Molly Mail --
Having trouble sending email from different locations ?
Need a single outgoing mail server that will work from anywhere ?

Set it to and never have to change it again !

Re: Well, the vet says Friska is "obese"

2003-03-12 Thread Monica Spencer
This message is from: "Monica Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you to everyone who responded to my message, both on and off list, and
for all the helpful advice and information.

I have cut out the corn oil and am cutting back Friska's pellets each day.
She's still getting pretty much free-choice timothy hay, and vitamins of

Valerie asked how Friska's personality is now that she's well fed and cared
for... it's hard to say since I haven't spent much extra time with her over
the last couple of months.  She does have some fear of people (runs out of
her shelter when I approach it with food - and I don't think running away
from food is normal Fjord behaviour!) but her confidence continues to
improve.  Her basic manners are fine but she would clearly prefer to be left
alone.  I think this will continue to change with daily handling and

Soon the weather will be better and we'll start ponying Friska along on
trail rides - that will help to build muscle and fitness, and hopefully
she'll enjoy the outings.  She needs more work in the round pen with basic
things like despooking and giving to pressure before I'll try riding her -
especially since she's been so spoiled.

Spring is coming, indeed - my Andalusian-cross gelding is  hanging onto
every hair on his little yellow hide but Friska started shedding the day
after the winter solstice.  I'm just not used to the extreme fur on a Fjord!
One morning the soft ground had frozen overnight and there was a thick
carpet of hair where she'd slept - it was all sticking up through the frozen
dirt and I swear it looked as though a woolly mammoth was about to melt up
out of the substrate below!

Monica in Nelson, BC

Re: weight measure

2003-03-12 Thread Carol J. Makosky

This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


How funny with the dump scale - I am laughing outloud.  Thing iswhen 
we move we will be frequenting "the dump" for disposal of various items and 
my brother said he looks forward to hauling stuff to the dump together (I 
think he is desperate for a social life - hahahaha!! ) .wait till I 
tell him we will be taking Sven and Lena to be weighed.  

I can't wait to hear your stories from the Boonies.  Our friend mans a 
small dump and on Wed  and Sat. afternoon, that is the social gathering 
place in town.  And you should see the stuff he brings home from there. 
I won't complain because we have gotten some worthy things from him. 
Like bags and bags of cedar shavings for the garden and an unlimited 
supply of used tennis balls for the dogs.  I will be working at the expo 
sales booth on Sat. and Sun 8-12.  I'll wander by your stalls and see 
what help I can be.  First I have to shop though.  I will also hope to 
be bringing my old extra Fjord journals to give away.  How can one be 
packing a whole house full and be on the internet a lot? ;-)



Carol M.
On Golden Pond
N. Wisconsin

Re: weight measure

2003-03-12 Thread HorseLotti
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


How funny with the dump scale - I am laughing outloud.  Thing iswhen 
we move we will be frequenting "the dump" for disposal of various items and 
my brother said he looks forward to hauling stuff to the dump together (I 
think he is desperate for a social life - hahahaha!! ) .wait till I 
tell him we will be taking Sven and Lena to be weighed.  He thinks I am a 
little "off" anyway to have so many horses and goats and cats and dogs and 

Our house in Corcoran is sold - we close on the new house in 9 days 
the remodel begins and I will relocate ..OMG  This is NOT 
a dream!

Getting excited:):):)   Linda in MN

Horses circling for protection

2003-03-12 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: Cynthia Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Years ago, Steve and I took our horses our to western
Nebraska and spent a week riding them on a ranch. Our
quarters overlooked the neighboring ranch. This
rancher had a herd of horses and raised part-bred

We were shocked the first evening to hear the sound of
wolves (not as shocked as our horses!) and then to see
them approaching the herd at a dead run. The horses
immediately circled and the wolves ran around them for
several minutes.

We discovered over the course of the week, that this
occured every evening when the wolves were let out for
a run. It finally occurred to us that this was a game
between the horses and wolves, played out every
evening to the enjoyment of all. The horses circled,
the dogs ran around them. Everyone postured for a
while and then the wolves went home and the horeses
went back to their eating. Our horses never quite got
use to this and watched the whole event with great
attention. We just enjoyed the evening show.

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online

RE: Weight Measure

2003-03-12 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: Cynthia Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I use the weight tape on Tank but as more of a plus or
minus measurement that anything. I don't know his
exact weight but I can keep track of what he is
gaining or losing by using the tape - especially when
I am carefully watching  his weight due to training or
other factors. I mostly depend on my eyes to see if he
is looking OK. Right now, he is what I would call
trim. He has been known as big piggy in the past! I
think he looks good.

BTW, I had to laugh when a European women who purports
to know Fjords thought that Tank's reluctant manner of
going was due to his being too thin! She said she had
never seen such a slim Fjord. I told her to find his
ribs if she thought that. I've never found them!

Also, since our Jeff Morse Clinic, Tank and I doing
much better with our forward movement.

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online

Re: weight measure

2003-03-12 Thread Carol J. Makosky

This message is from: "Carol J. Makosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We have covered this once before, of course, but I still disagree with


the weight measuring tape on fjords.  

I agree about trusting the weight measuring tape.  I took Heidi to our 
local garbage dump or transfer station and walked her on the scale 
there. The dump manager thought that was the funniest thing ever and 
wanted to know which bin to put her in.  Anyway, she weighed 940#, but 
she is not real drafty.  I'll have to do it again when it is summer and 
the dump hrs. are everyday to compare her with the last time which was 
about 2 yr ago.  It is nice to know exactly how much your horse weighs 
and not to be sort of guessing.



Carol M.
On Golden Pond
N. Wisconsin