Re: New Fjords

2004-06-23 Thread Tamara Rousso

This message is from: Tamara Rousso [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wednesday, June 23, 2004, at 04:37 PM, Skeels, Mark A (MED) wrote:

She said
she was full of pv.  My wife had to tell me that one,  (piss and 

must be a ranch term, or old timer term anyhow.

Maybe it's a cowboy term.  I grew up in Wyoming and knew it.  Of course 
I lived there when I was just knee high to a grasshopper.  :^)

Tamara Rousso
Fallbrook CA

New Fjords

2004-06-23 Thread Skeels, Mark A (MED)
This message is from: Skeels, Mark A (MED) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everybody.  Just a update on this years foals, the mares of which are in
Montana, because we are in process of moving out there.

Last night my mother in law said she went out at 10pm to check on Jordan,
because she could tell yesterday the foal's head was close to giving birth,
I guess she can tell those things after seeing 350 cows and 50 sheep give
birth every year for 50 years.  Anyhow, no baby.  She went out and checked
at 5am this morning and there was a mostly dried off little filly.  She said
she was full of pv.  My wife had to tell me that one,  (piss and vinager),
must be a ranch term, or old timer term anyhow.  She said the filly was much
spunkier than the colt that was born 2 weeks ago.  She said the filly seems
larger than the colt too.  Anyhow, the foal is healthy and let her do the
imprinting just fine, Jordan didn't seem to mind as she has other years.
Elli was much more protective of the colt she said.

The other colt, Joshua we named him,  goes ripping around the paddock and
there is a manuer pile he dashes up on and stands like king of the dung
pile. She said his legs are so straight and perfect.  In a week she will put
the new one in with the other one,  that should be fun.  She is having a
great time being serigot mother to baby horses, she has never had horses
before this year.

I don't think we will breed again this year,  have enough to train and get
up to speed right now, and it seems like the training only occurs maybe 2-3
times a week so it is a real hand full.

Were going out next week to move a load of stuff and see the new pony's.
Kids are real excited.

Mark - in Wisconsin

Update on Freedom Hill's Fjord, Frodo

2004-06-23 Thread Fhtrp
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Frodo has been retired to very good friends of  mine's little farm where he 
is living like the Prince we all know he is. He was  a Hobbit  pony before 
most had ever heard of Tolkien (I had read all the  books at age 8.
   I truly wish I had a camera with  me the first day when 10 baby goats 
gathered around his big feet. They looking  up and up at him and him looking 
down at them each trying to figure out what the  heck the others were.
Frodo who is actually a fjord/arab cross from the group  Finn Casperson 
bred for Four in Hand Competition is 25 now and worked  continuously in our 
Therapeutic Riding Program from the age of three. He also  worked in the able 
bodied program for almost that long. He's done everything  from Special 
Competitions (where we had a helicopter land right in front  of us - not a 
hestitation on his part) to Prelim fences at Fair Hill to one of  the best 
horses for backriding we have ever had. On our drill team of  mainstreamed 
(both challenged and not so challenged) he performed at  the Capital Center 
with the Vienna Lipizzans, the Baltimore Open Jumper  Classsic, Fair Hill Races 
and on the Mall in Washington DC in front of the  President.
Frodo and I were buddies from Day One when I was just  fascinated by his 
unique coloring and unflappable attitude - he used to come  running when I 
called him. I visit him frequently and he comes to the fence to  say hi with 
trail of young goats.
 Robyn in MD

RE: bits

2004-06-23 Thread GD

This message is from: GD [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Do you use the older KK or the newer Ultra?  I have both in a loose 
ring from my other horses but have not tried them on the Fjord I'm 
leasing - he came with an eggbut single broken snaffle.  I just took 
one of my KKs out to the barn to try next time I ride.  How thick of 
one do you use?  I have a 16mm and an 18mm.  Do you use a loose ring 
or eggbut?  I haven't really played around in Finne's mouth yet to 
see height of  his palate, etc.

This message is from: Cynthia Madden [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I guess it's time I put in a word about the Sprenger KK 3-piece bit I use.

re: Liz's Torsten

2004-06-23 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

...Torsten was purchased for trail riding and he will probably never see a 
show ring, but he certainly is proving himself to be a great family horse.  
Just what I was hoping for when I decided to get a fjord...

Loved your story of Torsten giving pony rides!  That's my hopes for Loki, 
too -- aside from becoming my personal trail riding partner, later one, to lend 
a hoof in my small pony ride business.  I hope Loke can someday walk in 
Torsten's hoof prints!:-)

Sher in CO
and Loki

Re: bits

2004-06-23 Thread jgayle
This message is from: jgayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Right on, Cynthia, those rider's hands are s important.  Jean G

The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 46-49
Send $20 to:
PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Re: Reading pedigrees

2004-06-23 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: Mike May, Registrar NFHR [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looks like you have already gotten answers to these questions.  If you 
still need more let me know.


At 12:30 PM 6/22/2004, you wrote:

This message is from: GD [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can someone tell me or lead me to a source that explains the letters
and numbers in the Fjord pedigree names.

#-A What registry?  What do the -A and -B mean?
C-# Is this Canada - CFHA?
N-# I assume this is the Norwegian Registry
N-# C-# What do the additional letters mean?
N-# D-# C-#
D-# Is  this is the Dutch Registry?
D-# E#
D-# C-#

G-F(He)-#   German and Helsinki, Finland registries?
G[WG]-# Is this West German registry?
HE-#Helsinki, Finland perhaps?

What do these mean - they seem to be seen on the Norwegian horses?

What do all the letters that start the NFHR reg numbers mean?
  Such as HRF, HIV, C-V, C-I, ABN, PGF, C-H,etc.


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director  Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

Re: Reading pedigrees/Thanks Marsha!

2004-06-23 Thread Marsha Jo Hannah
This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Earlier, I wrote:

 The 430-B tells me that Brynjar was originally
 registered by NFA, where he was the 430-th male equine in their stud

Unfortunately, I do my best thinking just AFTER I push send!  :-/

He's the 330-th male Fjord in the NFA stud book.  The first one was
King Harald, 101-A.

Marsha Jo HannahMurphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

Re: Reading pedigrees/Thanks Marsha!

2004-06-23 Thread FjordAmy
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/23/2004 7:19:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
So, now that I understand about the B, can you explain why the 430? 

430-B was his registration # with the other registry. Many horses that 
are/were registered with other registries as well as NFHR will have their 
former/other registration number listed after their name.


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

Re: bits

2004-06-23 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Go to select
Herm/sprenger bits from the menue on ther left.  Look through the selection
of KK bits and the description and explanations. here is the link for the
KK loose ring (if you can make it workit is very long!)

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, another hot and sunny day..but with smoke from

I guess it's time I put in a word about the Sprenger KK 3-piece bit I use.
is very good for the shallow palate of a Fjord.

Cynthia, do you have a photo of the bit?

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Re: Gotta love those fjords

2004-06-23 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/22/2004 8:40:42 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
I can remember
back when I was little and a pony ride was the
absolutely most thrilling event in the world

Great! Sounds like Torsten is a good ambassador for the breed. I do remember 
the pony rides; growing up in Daly City, there wasn't much opportunity for 
equestrian activity, so when the carnival came to town I was very excited! In 
fact, I have some photos of those early experiences that I need to scan and put 
on my web site.

/ )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

Re: bits

2004-06-23 Thread Epona1971
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/23/2004 6:46:07 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
I guess it's time I put in a word about the Sprenger KK 3-piece bit I use. It 
is very good for the shallow palate of a Fjord.

Cynthia, do you have a photo of the bit?

/ )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

Re: Reading pedigrees/Thanks Marsha!

2004-06-23 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Marsha,
   Thanks for the info on the A/B suffixes on our horses' names.  I 
wasn't really aware of them 'til we went to our first evaluation and when the 
results were printed in the Fjord Herald, my horse was listed as Brynjar 430-B! 
made him sound like his name should be followed by a cell-block number.  When 
I bought him as a yearling, he was just Brynjar.  So, now that I understand 
about the B, can you explain why the 430?  It can't mean that there are 
another 429 Brynjars out there somewhere.  Can it?  

Kay Van Natta
45 miles NW of Detroit

The affordable Fjord :)

2004-06-23 Thread Paula Chmura
This message is from: Paula Chmura [EMAIL PROTECTED]

fjordhorse-digest [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I wish my budget would allow me 
to go up in price because I think then I'd find the perfect 
combination of a Fjord that can do dressage and trails plus a little 
jumping for fun.  I love the idea of a sensible, sure footed, 
wide bodied and comfortable little horse to take out on mountain 
trail rides -- and the Fjords sound like a good fit for that! I hear 
they're addictive, though, so maybe in the future I can look for a 
sporthorse type ;-)
Don't despair - there are quite a few gems out there for reasonable prices if 
you look for them.  I found my Frodo for much, much less than what you are 
looking to spend and he is wonderful - does dressage, jumps, trail (and I'm 
told drives but I don't).  He's a little older at age fifteen but with Fjord 
soundness and longevity I hope he'll be my partner for many years to come.  My 
trainer too was able to find a great little dressage fjord mare (only 8) within 
your budget.  So relax, take a deep breath and keep looking for that Fjord of 
your dreams without any thought of settling.
Paula and Frodo

 I wish my budget would allow me 
to go up in price because I think then I'd find the perfect 
combination of a Fjord that can do dressage and trails plus a little 
jumping for fun. But I've already lost too much money on dressage 
horses that ended up with soundness problems, so for now I can only 
afford a trail horse. I love the idea of a sensible, sure footed, 
wide bodied and comfortable little horse to take out on mountain 
trail rides -- and the Fjords sound like a good fit for that! I hear 
they're addictive, though, so maybe in the future I can look for a 
sporthorse type ;-)

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2004 #141

2004-06-23 Thread Quilter855
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/22/04 9:04:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

Liz Rudy and Torsten
Lynnwood, WA. (where it is finally
 cooling off)

Hi Liz,
I grew up in Lynnwood and my brother still lives there. Where about in 
Lynnwood are you? 
Patty in Yakima, WA ( where your heat went to!)