Rain Rot

2004-11-04 Thread Liz Rudy
This message is from: Liz Rudy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a question regarding rain rot and fjords. Is
this a common problem with the breed? 

When I got my fjord gelding, Torsten, last February,
he had pretty severe rain rot on his back and rump. I
live in western Washington where we get lots of rain
during the winter and the temperatures average around
30-50 degrees during the winter months. Torsten had
been an outside pony with some shelter under an
overhang in his previous home. He pretty much chose to
be a stall baby at the place I moved him to for the
remainder of the winter and the rain rot cleared up
nicely by spring. The vet recommended not treating it
if it continued to clear up on its own.

This fall I moved him to my neighbor's place which is
pretty nice. He has access 24/7 to two stalls and a
good sized paddock that he shares with a thoroughbred
mare. He started getting a pretty fuzzy winter coat
around the beginning of September. He seems to like to
be outdoors even when it is raining. I was brushing
him tonight and noticed what I suspect may be the
beginning of the rain rot coming back again.

Anything I can do to help minimize this problem, short
of keeping him blanketed (which I would prefer not to
do )??

Thanks for any suggestions!

Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. 

sterling silver pendant

2004-11-04 Thread kay a konove
This message is from: kay a konove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

FYI -- I ordered and received the pendant this week. It is very well
crafted and heavy! The seller was quite nice and the service was

Brimfield, MA

Looking for Fjord Holiday cards

2004-11-04 Thread gdpony

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would love to send out Fjord Holiday cards.  Anyone know where I 
could find some?

Genie in Ann Arbor, MI

MWFHC news

2004-11-04 Thread coyote

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Midwestern Fjord Horse Club (MWFHC) website  http://mwfhc.org/  has 
been updated with the Fall 2004 newsletter and other recent news. 
Highlights of this update include:

MWFHC Winter Meeting. February 5-6, 2005. Winona MN
Details to follow soon!
Upper Midwest Fjord Horse Show. July 25-27, 2005.
Blue Earth MN

Seeking MWFHC Officer Nominations!
Hey there, whaddaya bid? MWFHC Auction
Looking for a therapeutic riding horse

Blue Earth for the first time
Blue Earth 2004: A record show
2004 Show Results
2004 Annual Meeting highlights
Fjords enter the show ring in Boone County, Illinois

For sale: Stallion Lower Forty Bodil.
For sale: Training cart, show cart, and delivery wagon.
Merchandise: Ingrid's Customized Artwork, Gifts & Embroidered Apparel.


RE: About bits

2004-11-04 Thread Gail Russell
This message is from: "Gail Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am assuming that you are talking about how snaffle bits work (I am using
snaffle to mean a broken mouthed bit) in the mouth.  

It makes sense that a too-long bit would fold over further in the mouth and
take up much more room than a shorter bit.  Does that make sense?

I am preparing to take Odin to a clinic and want to put into his mouth the
kindest bit I can.  (I am meeting resistance from my friend who is going
with me about using a three-piece snaffle, which I think is kindest, they
think is "too elaborate"i.e. I should not be using a "fancy" bit to
start him, just something "simple."  I keep talking about low palates and
nutcracker action, but get blank stares back.  Anyone know of some good
websites I could print out on this issue to show her?

(Unfortunately, the bit that fits him best has a small roller on the center
piece, which may make it just a little sharper in the mouth than a KK
schooling bitpossibly a bit more like a DR Bristol, BUT, the roller is
smooth.and the small eyes that attach it to the sides of the bit are
smaller, such that I would think it would not pinch or hurt his tongue.)  It
is a MYLER comfort snaffle.


This message is from: "Sofia Jagbrant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
the old knowledge, who says that you should have one cm from both sides of
the bit outside the mouth, is totally wrong. A shorter bit does that the bit
is keeping on that's place, down in the mouth, and keeping it straight. As
higher the bit is in the mouth as higher is the pressure. And this pressure
is killing the mouth tissues, it does'nt take a day, but over 70 % of all
his patients have got something wrong in the mouth becouse of the bit. A bit
take absolutly smallest place in the mouth if it is short, and of that
reason will be straight in the mouth 

Re: Equine Affaire in Springfield Ma HELP?

2004-11-04 Thread Crystal Garland
This message is from: Crystal Garland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello, Everyone!

I just got the Fjord newsletter, (couple days ago, busy) and I wanted to help 
at the booth. My grandmother an I. I would like to work Saturday and any other 
day(S) that are needed. 

Also, I didn't knwo if anyone knew if we could get tickets to Fantasia. My 
grandmother said we could only go if we got tickets to that and then it would 
be awsome! Please contact me ASAP so I can plan my destination and other junk 
on leaving.

Could I bring a-two Fjord geldings? If I could also, please let me know. I 
CANNOT work Thursaday, unless you really need me because of school. I can work 
Friday, but if you don't need me a gain, school, but I can take one day of or 
two IF NEEDED. I want to help, but my grades need help too..cough, cough***. 

 thank you, for reading, and again please contact me ASAP
 Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page.  www.yahoo.com/a

New Book being created

2004-11-04 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Howdy Friends,  just a short note to let those in the Fjord community know
that Sherrie & I are about to undertake a big project and we need your help.
In the next year or so we intend to create a book of Fjord Farms, we are
calling it "Fjords, Farms and Friends"  It will contain, at each turn of a
page, a farm with information and photos depicting the Fjord horse in many
settings from across North America and some from overseas.  The idea of the
book has been on our minds for a few years now and we want to include as many
farms as we can.  The main focus of the book will be to inform and entertain
you and not to be used as an advertising tool for any one farm.  This is a
non-profit undertaking and the cost of the finished book will be only enough
to cover expenses.  If you are interested in listing your farm in the book
contact us for more information and we will be glad to include your farm.  We
will have farms of the past and we are now looking for old photos and text for
this.  The book may take up to two years to complete so there is no real
hurry, we just want to do a good job with it and provide a book that can be
handed down to your family members.  Thank you for your time,  Happy Trails,
 Ron & Sherrie Dayton,  Sunwood Fjords & Carriage Co.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or 208-623-3600

Re: Norway?

2004-11-04 Thread Sofia Jagbrant
This message is from: "Sofia Jagbrant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If somebody is tired on the evaluation, but wanna go to Norway and see
something "fjordy", I can suggest the Nordic championship for
fjordhorses. See the best rider and driver from Norway, Sweden and
Denmark fighting about the ribbons. The championship takes place in
Oslo the 30th of June to the 3 of July 2005.

Well, and if somebody are tired on Norway, but not on evaluations you
can allway go to our stallion evaluation in Sweden who is in

Questions? Contact me for more information. 


Something to think about

2004-11-04 Thread Ron & Sherrie Dayton
This message is from: "Ron & Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone.

For several years my husband has been thinking about this project and I
thought I'd run it by all of you to see what the response, support would be.

He thought it would be nice to put together a book showing as many Fjord
Farms in North America, as well as farms in other places in the world as we
could.  The idea of the book is to show Fjord families and friends using and
playing with their fjords, riding, driving, farming and whatever else that
you do with your horses.The idea would be to bring the Fjord community
closer by introducing each other and understanding how these horses have
impacted our lives.  This book is NOT an advertising tool for the individual
farms that choose to participate but rather a way of getting to know each
other better.  We would also like to include information about some of the
early breeders here in North America such as Gene Bauer who is no longer
with us but have someone like Betsy send in pictures and a write up about
her father and his farm, I'm just using Gene as an example because I know
that there are others as well.   It would be a two page format, one page for
photo's and another page for a write up about the farm/ranch.  The format is
8 ½ x 11 inches, each page turn would showcase a 2 page feature of each

The costs would be determined by what it costs to have this book put
together,  Sunwood Fjords does not intend to profit from this in any way,
sales of this book could in the future be used as a fundraiser for PNFPG.

Think about this and let me know if you're interested by e-mailing me
privately, and if you have any questions please ask,

Thanks for taking the time to read this,


About bits

2004-11-04 Thread Sofia Jagbrant
This message is from: "Sofia Jagbrant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here in Sweden we have got new knowledge about bits, and how big a bit
should be. I'm not a expert of this area, but I will try to explain.

We have got a couple of good vets who specialize on the horse mouth
and the bits influance of the mouth. We have one really good
horse-dentist who is known allover our country. He has just written a
book about the big subject after 20 years of researching, and says
that the old knowledge, who says that you should have one cm from both
sides of the bit outside the mouth, is totally wrong. A shorter bit
does that the bit is keeping on that's place, down in the mouth, and
keeping it straight. As higher the bit is in the mouth as higher is
the pressure. And this pressure is killing the mouth tissues, it
does'nt take a day, but over 70 % of all his patients have got
something wrong in the mouth becouse of the bit. A bit take absolutly
smallest place in the mouth if it is short, and of that reason will be
straight in the mouth. I have a 10,5 cm bit on my normal fjord, and
that fits him well. My friend have a Newforest pony, and he could have
a 9,5 cm bit. That's not how big body t! he horse has, who decide what
size on the bit it should have, it's the horse mouth and the jaw.

Well, I hope you understood a little of my maybe, not to perfect

Happy fall! 

fjord chatter

2004-11-04 Thread oe Wilson
This message is from: "oe Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks Lisa for the message.

OE and I had a great time in Cedar City.  We learned a lot under Jeff and
Lisa's tuteledge (spelling).  A long time ago we decided not to show, but
maybe with their encouragement and help who knows.

Jeff and Lisa have a great set up in Utah.  Their seven acres have been
addressed to the Fjord breed as well as to the driving enthusiast.  They have
miles and miles of BLM country to drive in and an arena to practice skills in.
We were worried about trailering our horses 350 miles each way as they haven't
been any further than the nearest arena which is 5 miles away.  All went well
and in spite of the rain, we had a blast.  Good food and great company.

Lisa is an artist in her own right.  We came home with a rock replica of
petroglyphs found in the area.  It will always be a cherished possession.

Pat and OE Wilson
Uff Da Fjords
Hyde Park, Utah

German Fjord Calendar; umzuge ein mehr Mal

2004-11-04 Thread Linda Lehnert
This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You can get the Fjord calendar from the Fjord-Fan Shop in Bayern
(http://www.fjord-fan-shop.de).  The website is in German, but it's
not too difficult to negotiate.  Sine I have a German bank account, it
would be easy for me to order the calendars, but I would want to have
them sent to someone else for mailing out to those who ordered them
since I live in Mexico and it would be more expensive to re-mail them
from here, not to mention to pay to have them shipped from the border
either by the mail forwarding service I use.

Peg, congratulations on HM Erlend.  He's obviously an outstanding

Yes, you heard it here first, folks.  I am moving yet again back to
the farm where I lived before I went to Germany.  The neighbor in the
two small middle houses died and they are available and are much nicer
than where I am living now and considerably less expensive.  Out here
by Lake Chapala where so many foreigners live the rents are sky-high
and everything else is higher too.  I will be moving within the next
2-3 weeks.  Now if I could only find those two old Morgans I had.  I
gave a free lease to a woman who later found she couldn't keep them
and she sold them illegally and now her daughter is stonewalling on
telling me where they are.  I hope they are OK, as they were old and
somewhat unsound when I left 3 1/'2 years ago. 

Linda in Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico (soon to be Tlajomulco, JAL)

Re: Secret Santa / Gift Swap for this year?

2004-11-04 Thread oe Wilson
This message is from: "oe Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm in for Secret Santa.  I agree it was and has been fun.
Pat Wilson
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  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I'm in for Secret Santa. I agree it was and has
  been fun. Pat Wilson ttfn [...] 

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About bits

2004-11-04 Thread Sofia Jagbrant
This message is from: "Sofia Jagbrant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here in Sweden we have got new knowledge about bits, and how big a bit should 
be. I'm not a expert of this area, but I will try to explain.  

We have got a couple of good vets who specialize on the horse mouth and the 
bits influance of the mouth. We have one really good horse-dentist who is known 
allover our country. He has just written a book about the big subject after 20 
years of researching, and says that the old knowledge, who says that you should 
have one cm from both sides of the bit outside the mouth, is totally wrong. A 
shorter bit does that the bit is keeping on that's place, down in the mouth, 
and keeping it straight. As higher the bit is in the mouth as higher is the 
pressure. And this pressure is killing the mouth tissues, it does'nt take a 
day, but over 70 % of all his patients have got something wrong in the mouth 
becouse of the bit. A bit take absolutly smallest place in the mouth if it is 
short, and of that reason will be straight in the mouth. I have a 10,5 cm bit 
on my normal fjord, and that fits him well. My friend have a Newforest pony, 
and he could have a 9,5 cm bit. That's not how big body t!
 he horse has, who decide what size on the bit it should have, it's the horse 
mouth and the jaw.  

Well, I hope some of you understood a little of my maybe, not to perfect 

Happy fall! 

Re: Norway?

2004-11-04 Thread Sofia Jagbrant
This message is from: "Sofia Jagbrant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If somebody is tired on the evaluation, but wanna go to Norway and see 
something "fjordy", I can suggest the Nordic championship for fjordhorses. See 
the best rider and driver from Norway, Sweden and Denmark fighting about the 
ribbons. The championship takes place in Oslo the 30th of June to the 3 of July 

Well, and if somebody are tired on Norway, but not on evaluations you can 
allway go to our stallion evaluation in Sweden who is in september. I think the 
Danish have their evaluation one week before our, so it's possible to see both 
of them :-)  

Questions? Contact me for more information. 


Equine Affaire in Springfield MA

2004-11-04 Thread Carol Tacey
This message is from: "Carol Tacey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Fjord Friends,

 The 7th annual Equine Affaire to be held November 11 to 14th, is in W.
Springfield, MA at the Eastern States Exposition.  More than 90,000 horse
enthusiasts are expected to attend from throughout the United States.  In
store at this year's Equine Affaire will be four days of seminars and
demonstrations on horse related topics, more that 60 training clinics,
equine trade show, and hundreds of horses of all breeds and disciplines. 

The Northeast Fjord Horse Association is working very hard on the Equine
Affaire and we are ready to roll.  I hope you all will visit the NFHA's
breed booth with stall, and also the NFHA Fjord horses in "Farm Barn".  

The booth has a whole new look, you will be proud of.  New drapes, table
covers, rug, poster size prints of Fjords, television and VHS.  The club has
worked very hard on this upgraded look, we are trying for simple and clean.

The Fjord breed demo is 3pm on Saturday, we hope you will be there.  Also,
following the breed demo at 3:30 (in the same ring) Tony DiMuccio with his
Fjord mare will be in a training session with Richard Shrake.  Stay and
cheer Tony on, too.

A driving presentation planned for Fantasia will include two members of the
NFHA this year.  The segment will have horses of all breeds driving in
formation.  The theme and costumes are a secret right now, but much sewing
and cart decoration is going on.  Watch for Karol Cota from Killingworth CT
with her Fjord team Hannah and Sven and Carol Tacey driving her Fjord mare

Find more information about the Equine Affaire on their web site:
More information about the Northeast Fjord Horse Association on our web
site:  www.northeastfjord.com 

Carol Tacey
President, NFHA
West Kingston, RI

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef which had a 
name of winmail.dat]

Re: FW: Economic Impact of the U.S. Horse Industry Study

2004-11-04 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 10:16 AM 11/4/2004, you wrote:

This message is from: "Catherine lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thought this was interesting. to pass on.

I received one too & filled it out for the NFHR.


Catherine Lassesen

Hestehaven - The Horse Garden


From: American Horse Council and Deloitte
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 2:58 AM
Subject: Economic Impact of the U.S. Horse Industry Study


November 2004

Dear Horse Owner;

We are hoping you can take a few minutes out of your schedule to participate
in a survey that will have a significant impact on the Horse Industry.

The American Horse Council Foundation recently commissioned Deloitte
Consulting LLP to update and enhance its Economic Impact of the U.S. Horse
Industry Study, conducted in 1996. The study has proven a valuable resource
in explaining the economic impact of our industry on the nation and
individual states to Federal, State and local officials, the media as well
as the general public. This study represents one of our most effective tools
to create a deeper understanding of our diverse industry and its
participants to the public and policymakers whose decisions impact us most.

Your feedback will be invaluable in helping the Foundation provide an
accurate reflection of the significant size of the horse industry and the
economic impact that it generates. A few minutes spent answering this survey
could ultimately result in tax savings, better land use, funding for
emergency relief and equine research and other benefits to you and all of
the individuals and businesses involved with the industry.


Deloitte Consulting LLP is overseeing the survey process. Your anonymity
will be preserved and all responses will be kept confidential, for use only
in the context of this informational survey.

Please take a few minutes to complete the online questionnaire by following
the hyperlink:


Please answer each question to the best of your knowledge. The response to
the survey is expected by the 19th of November. If you have any questions
regarding this survey, or would like to request a hard copy of the survey,
please call the Deloitte Consulting support line at 1-866-840-5511. Your
time and cooperation is appreciated and will help us to accurately assess
and promote the attributes of the United States horse industry and its


James J. Hickey,


Your name has been randomly selected, if you wish to be removed from our
e-mail list please click
  here so that we may handle your request.

National Horse Council Foundation, 11616 H Street NW 7th Floor, Washington,
DC 20006, 202-296-4031


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497


Re: Anemia/Vet....question

2004-11-04 Thread whitedvm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I often find horses that have systemic infections, such as influenza,
will be a little anemic for awhile.  It generally returns to normal after
the infection has cleared up.  I would do a follow up count in about a
week just to be sure it is coming back up.  25 is a little low, but not

Steve White, DVM

--An eye for an eye leaves the world blind.

FW: Economic Impact of the U.S. Horse Industry Study

2004-11-04 Thread Catherine lassesen
This message is from: "Catherine lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thought this was interesting. to pass on.


Catherine Lassesen

Hestehaven - The Horse Garden



From: American Horse Council and Deloitte
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 2:58 AM
Subject: Economic Impact of the U.S. Horse Industry Study





November 2004 

Dear Horse Owner; 

We are hoping you can take a few minutes out of your schedule to participate
in a survey that will have a significant impact on the Horse Industry. 

The American Horse Council Foundation recently commissioned Deloitte
Consulting LLP to update and enhance its Economic Impact of the U.S. Horse
Industry Study, conducted in 1996. The study has proven a valuable resource
in explaining the economic impact of our industry on the nation and
individual states to Federal, State and local officials, the media as well
as the general public. This study represents one of our most effective tools
to create a deeper understanding of our diverse industry and its
participants to the public and policymakers whose decisions impact us most. 

Your feedback will be invaluable in helping the Foundation provide an
accurate reflection of the significant size of the horse industry and the
economic impact that it generates. A few minutes spent answering this survey
could ultimately result in tax savings, better land use, funding for
emergency relief and equine research and other benefits to you and all of
the individuals and businesses involved with the industry. 


Deloitte Consulting LLP is overseeing the survey process. Your anonymity
will be preserved and all responses will be kept confidential, for use only
in the context of this informational survey. 

Please take a few minutes to complete the online questionnaire by following
the hyperlink:


Please answer each question to the best of your knowledge. The response to
the survey is expected by the 19th of November. If you have any questions
regarding this survey, or would like to request a hard copy of the survey,
please call the Deloitte Consulting support line at 1-866-840-5511. Your
time and cooperation is appreciated and will help us to accurately assess
and promote the attributes of the United States horse industry and its


James J. Hickey,




Your name has been randomly selected, if you wish to be removed from our
e-mail list please click
  here so that we may handle your request. 


National Horse Council Foundation, 11616 H Street NW 7th Floor, Washington,
DC 20006, 202-296-4031