Classified Ads Info

2008-08-21 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: "Steve McIlree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Let me start here by thanking everyone for all the feedback I have
finally received about the classified ads on the FH-L website. I guess
once again we have an example of the similarity between Fjord horses
and their owners. You have to ask several times before they are
convinced you REALLY DO want them to move. But once you folks move you
do so in a big way. Since my plea yesterday, many of you have
responded. It appears that the overwhelming majority of you like not
only the idea but what you see so far. Some of you have come up with
specific suggestions and questions about what to expect. First, I'll
address some of those questions and suggestions. Finally, since I'm
now pretty well convinced that going ahead with the actual
installation of this software is a go, I'd like to outline what the
future will hold.

Sue Freivald liked the ads but had a suggestion - "I would recommend
somehow adding the url to each edition of the digest, because if folks
are like me, they'll forget!" I thought Sue had a great idea, so if
you check the bottom of this message or digest you'll see it's already

Curtis Pierce said, "The site looks good!  Can you make web addresses
and/or emails hot?" OK, now this is going to be a look at what's to
come. When the full version of the software is installed, you will no
longer have to include your contact information in the body of your
ad. Instead, there will be a button at the bottom, that will send you
an email when an potential buyer clicks it. There will be another
button that the viewer can use to send a copy of your ad to a friend
who might be interested. This arrangement will keep your email hidden
from being harvested by would-be spammers. Right now I think this
shouldn't be a big problem since only list subscribers know about the
ads, and since the ad pages are built on the fly they should be safe
from robot harvesters.

Martie Bolinski likes the concept but asks, "Are you thinking of
adding and other 'horse related' sections?  I sell equine art...".
That's another category I will definitely add when I upgrade. Some
kind of catch-all for art, books, model horses, etc. I am wide open to
more suggestions for additional categories. By the way Martie, I
notice there is an ad for a Fjord calendar under Miscellaneous
Equipment, you might want to put something there for the time being.

People seem to like having a single categorized destination to look
for their wants. I like the fact that the ads expire in a relatively
short time. That means if you see a mare you really like advertised,
there is a pretty good chance she's still available, as opposed to
finding one in the list archives that was sold eight months ago. For
advertisers, you should be aware that you will receive an email notice
5 days before your ad expires and you will be able to renew it up to
five times.

I will be putting a "State/Province" field on all ads. There is
nothing I hate worse than finding a great horse in an ad only to
figure out from the telephone area code that its 1200 miles away. So
each ad will contain a field for the state from which the
horse/harness/cart ships. And this field will be searchable.

I spent some time on the phone today with the Chief Cook and Bottle
Washer at Noah's, the software company which designed the classified
system, discussing their future update plans. As I believe I have
mentioned, although the ads will be browsable by the whole world,
posting privileges will be limited to FjordHorse List subscribers. I
will be waiting until the next revision is released which will allow
registration to post ads to be coordinated with a subscriber database.
In the mean time, feel free to continue to use the Evaluation version
which is now running. I will let everyone who has an ad posted at the
time I do upgrade so you won't lose your posting.

Here are a couple goodies you can look forward to. You will be able to
have an email sent when a new ad is posted in some category in which
you have a particular interest. You will be able to build a "Favorites
List" of ads you want to go back to for a second look.

That's about all I can think of for now. If you have any specific
questions, don't hesitate to ask. If you have any suggestions, please
let me hear them. Especially, give me ideas for additional categories
you think I should add. I'm glad there seems to be nearly unanimous
approval of what you've seen so far. I have wanted to do this for
quite some time, but this software is the first I've found that is as
usable while at the same time being inexpensive.

Steve McIlree
Owner/Administrator FjordHorse List

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Classifieds - Again...

2008-08-21 Thread Shawna B.
This message is from: "Shawna B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes, I think these are a very good thing.  Hopefully I won't have a reason to
use the horse section, but a good place to look for horses or used tack that I
have a good chance of being Fjord-usable is a great idea.


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OK, List! Let's drop everything and go visit Brian and Ursula!

2008-08-21 Thread JadeBear
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well...maybe not all at once.  I just got back  from a GREAT stay at their 
beautiful place in BC...the  western-most point  in a cross-continent odyssey 
that started with Blue Earth (where, once again, I  had so much fun!) and ended 
back home in MI this  last Friday.
I finally got the chance to be a student at Brian's  "driving weekend" 
and it was just the best!  I was introduced to pairs  driving which, as it 
out, is very  addictive.  He has 2 different pairs that students can drive 
who are both  very confidence-building ponies and, at the same time, very 
different from each  other.  In addition to arena work you also get to go for 
gorgeous pleasure  drives though lovely forests and meadows along about a 
miles of  logging roads at the end of both the AM and PM sessions.  There are 
also  great dinners involved and the chance to meet lots of really nice 
people.   You get to stay in this wonderful cottage, and the views from your 
porch  alone are worth the trip!
Anyhow, I'm going to write up my adventures in the  hope that one of our 
publications may be interested.  On the last day I  even got to drive the 
four-in-hand!  OK...not very far and not very fast  (and Brian was there to 
prevent disasters) but it was  SO exciting.  
Laugh if you will, but I have pictures!
Kay Van Natta
and Bogie ("She made me do a barrel race then left me with a tall, bearded  
gentleman for a  good-buggy-  pony refresher  course!  I tried 
to get out of as much work as possible but he figured out  all my
   tricks and even put me on a diet!")
and Braveheart ("She left me AT HOME!!!  But my trainer helped me with  my 
canter and a herd 
of  little girls taught me good-bareback-pony skills.)

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

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Virginia Fjord Evaluation and Ironwood Farm

2008-08-21 Thread Paula Chmura
This message is from: Paula Chmura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just returned home from the Virginia Fjord Evaluation and Festival and had a
great time.  The fjords were absolutely wonderful and I met a lot of great
people :)   I should have the pictures from the show done by the end of the
week.  I took a ton of pictures :)
After the evaluation I had the great pleasure of going back to Ironwood Farm
with Margaret Bogie and Tom Schneider and spent the day taking pictures of
their wonderful fjords.  What a treat!  I have to say there aren't too many
stallions I would be comfortable shooting with in a pasture by myself but
Blitzen is such a sweetheart he is definitely one of them! 
Here is a link to some of the pictures I took at the farm that day -;
you may need to enter the password ironwood to see the images.  To see the
different galleries just look under Categories at the top of the page.  I had
to be physically restrained from stealing Madellin's new colt and taking him
home with me - what a cutie ;). 
Paula with Frodo and Galiana

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Re: My Apologies on the Classified Ads

2008-08-21 Thread Genie Dethloff

This message is from: Genie Dethloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think the ads are a great idea.  People then can post on the list 
that they have posted an ad.  I find it very time consuming to try to 
find ads posted on the list especially if I can't remember who posted 
it.  I like the idea of having one central place for ads.  The only 
addition that would be nice would be to be able to search on 
location.  Also if old ads could be archived in some ways as 21 days 
is not a very long time to have an ad listed.

This message is from: "Steve McIlree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Genie Dethloff and Pjoska
Killingworth, Connecticut

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fjord dressage in a blog

2008-08-21 Thread CrystalZak
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

somehow, i think from wandering around fugly horse, i came across with a 
blogger who had a very nice write up about seeing anne appleby and nell doing a 
dressage test in the seattle area. very nicely done.

laurie, and oz

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. 
Find your travel deal here.

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RE: Classified Ads

2008-08-21 Thread Karen Keith
This message is from: Karen Keith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I'm late replying but I really like having one place to go to see Fjords for
sale.  I regularly cruise through Dreamhorse, Horsetopia, AgDirect, etc., but
have to wade through their selection process each time. (BLECH!)  I'm sure
I'll continue with those sales websites since not every Fjord seller is on
this List, but having the addition of the Fjords-only adverts is great.  And
I've been really entertained with the start-up.  Every time I've looked at
your classifieds, there's been something new added.  I realize if/when this
classified is well established it won't be quite so dynamic, but in the
meantime, it's a little like Christmas every time I get online (well, maybe
more like the UPS man at the door with a package).:^) Thanks for the



Win a Nokia E51 with mobile Hotmail SMS alerts

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RE: fjordhorse-digest V2008 #177

2008-08-21 Thread Frederick J Pack
This message is from: "Frederick J Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You must have missed how to get to the classifieds, click on:  then click on the individual

No question is dumb if you don't know the answer...  It is only dumb NOT to


All Mail is scanned in AND out by Norton Anti-virus.
Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, Washington  98396 


dumb do i access the classified ads?

laurie, it's the heat, not the humidity, fried the brain

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Aurora is here from Norway

2008-08-21 Thread fjords
This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Last night / this morning, Aurora from Norway arrived. By the time we were
on the farm it was 2 AM. She is sleeping in after two days of travel. She
took a bus from Nordfjordeid to Oslo and then flew Oslo to Newark, Newark to
Seattle and Seattle to Medford. She said she only slept on the plane from
Newark. Now, Aurora is on our 127 acre farm in Days Creek.  She is very
interested in horses and working with them and is an accomplished rider and
driver. She participated and placed in the Norwegian Championships this
year. She will be with us until after Christmas. 

We hope many of you on the west coast will get a chance to meet her. She
will be going to the Libby Evaluation and show. (I think she will go with
Amtrak to Libby. Thank you for the suggestion, Gayle.)

If anyone is having clinics or going to a show on the west coast and you
need horse help, please give me a ring.  If Aurora has the time free, she is
interested in seeing other fjords / horses.


Catherine Lassesen

Hestehaven - "The Horse Garden" 

& Hundehaven - "The Dog Heaven" / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1-541-825-3027 / toll free: 866-484-5141

Southern Oregon

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2008 #177

2008-08-21 Thread CrystalZak
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dumb do i access the classified ads?

laurie, it's the heat, not the humidity, fried the brain

only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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Fjords driving in the neighborhood

2008-08-21 Thread M. Denmark
This message is from: "M. Denmark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well a while back you (someone on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]  list)
asked what folks were doing with their pairs...well we have been having so
much fun driving around the
neighborhood lately.  It had been so hot this summer we just didn't
want to punish our ponies or ourselves by going out in the 100+
temps.  But the rain has come to south Texas and it is glorious and so
much cooler.  Of course we never know when the showers are going to
pop up but we aren't letting that stop us.  The ponies think we're
crazy to go out in the rain but off we go anyway.
These fjord geldings are a relatively new pairing with one guy that is
just learning about being a pair mate and we have found that puddles
and garbage day are not his favorite things...which is why pairs is
such a wonderful invention.  Well in the pouring rain we took them
down the road which was covered in sheets of water and over the lake
bridge and he soon decided it wasn't so bad.  Now the hissing of the
car tires and the flinging of water onto them was a bit disconcerting
but no big deal.  We decided to go off road and through the woods on
a sandy trail.  Well that was an awesome training opportunity as there
were many large areas of water ponding that were about a foot deep and
15-20 feet across.  I was so proud (and surprised) as the boys just
plowed right through it each time.  We rarely have the opportunity to
go through water like that so it was quite useful.

Oh and I almost forgot the young lady on her bicycle that came up from
behind to pass us.  Bikes can be bad enough, but this was in the rain and
she was carrying a big umbrella.  Ponies didn't hardly even take a look.

Last Saturday our new friend Shari came up from near the Gulf Coast
and she gatored for the boys...I think it was her first gatoring and
pairs experience. She was very good at it. She is in the process of
training her new driving pony (sigh, unfortunately not a fjord...I tried to
tell her she need another one. :-)  Her hubby would like a fjord though.

We have also been bringing along a young fjord mare that is new to driving
and soon to be a pair partner.  The other day we had our queen of all she
surveys mare
hitched and ponying the newby behind on the streets.  We had one of
the ultimate spook potentials and it was a non-starter. Evidently some
dogs had gone through the area and torn up all the trash bags that
were set out.   Well one must have had something quite appealing to
buzzards in it.  We look up the road and there must be 30 buzzards
feasting on the trash scattered on the road.  Also there are those
handle type grocery plastic bags rolling down the road in the breeze
all over.  I was afraid all the buzzards would raise up at once and
fly but no they just hopped to the side of the road and stood around
flappiing their wings while the girls had to wind their way through
buzzards, trashbags and blowing plastic.  Those mares were so
good just looked and never got worried.

So we are trying to make learning opportunities for the ponies where
we can.  We hope we can get our gelding pair fit and ready for a
charity trail ride/drive in October for our daughter's therapeutic
riding and driving center.  So we have a fitness goal...keep your
fingers crossed we manage it.

Hope everyone else is having fun with their fjordies.

Milli Ann
Magnolia, TX

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[Fwd: Lee Smith - October 4,5,6]

2008-08-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm passing on this information about a riding clinic in the upper 
Midwest by Lee Smith on October 4-6.

The clinic location is the KCB Equine Center, near Dassel, Minnesota, 
west of Minneapolis-St Paul.

Contact the organizer Colette Bolster directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
or 320.275.2075. Her website is

Lee Smith has a website as well --

 Original Message 
Subject: Lee Smith - October 4,5,6
From: Colette Bolster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Everybody

We have Lee Smith scheduled to come back on October 4-6, 2008.

We originally planned to have another Video Clinic.  It was such a great 
success last year.  Everybody said it was the most they had ever learned 
about helping things go better while riding their horse.

One quote: "This was the best money I've EVER spent on a clinic with my 
horse." The format for this clinic is about 10 riders.  Same riders all 

She video tapes everybody to start the clinicwith no instruction. 
Then we all go in and watch the video.  Then back out to ride, making 
changes based on what you have seen.  Then she starts doing some coaching.

There is not an exact amount of times she videos everybody and goes back 
and forth, but I know that there is videoing done at the end to compare 
to what was going on in the beginning.

The feedback I've heard from others who have done this have been 
extremely positive.  It is  a great learning tool and really helps each 
rider see what needs to be done differently for better communication 
between horse and rider.

The thing with the Video Format clinic is that it is a smaller number of
riders, therefore a larger rider fee.  This format is $625/person - 3 
days/all day.

If you have any interest at all in riding with Lee, or know of someone
who is, please respond ASAP and let me know.

If you need more questions answered, let me know that, too.


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