Re: breeding problem

2003-02-19 Thread Frank & Sally Higgins
This message is from: "Frank & Sally Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For Rhonda Taylor
  I don't know if this is your problem or not, but years ago I had a Morgan
mare we were trying to breed.  She always settled first time, then absorbed
the fetus around 4 months.  Our vet finally came to the conclusion it was an
RH blood factor; and then we bred her to a Saddlebred, which resulted in a
foal.  We never did get a Morgan foal from her, which was very strange; but
had success crossing her to the Saddlebred.  Go figure!
Sally Higgins in Maine where there is too much snow to sleigh ride!

Re: "Versitile Fjords"

2003-01-11 Thread Frank &amp; Sally Higgins
This message is from: "Frank & Sally Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

AmyVery well written! You made my day and gave me a good chuckle!
(I'm still smiling)  Another thought: yes, Fjords are very similar to the 'old
type'  Morgan that was around 14:2, rugged, and a do-anything horse; as well
as being an easy keeper and (for the most part) very people-oriented.  Over
the years I have had 3 old-type Morgans and one 'government-bred' Morgan (i.e.
Saddlebred sire).  She had the head and body of a Morgan on long Saddlebred
legs.  Oh, and let's not forget that Saddlebred neck!  However, mentally she
was a Morgan, thank goodness.  I am enjoying the List and discussions, even
tho I am 'horseless' right now.
Sally in snowy, cold Maine


2002-05-08 Thread Frank &amp; Sally Higgins
This message is from: "Frank & Sally Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi, Listers...the "Lurker" is back.  Been thinking about origin of the name
"Fjordhorse".  Could be once "horse of the Fjords"?  Shortened to
"Fjordhorse"?  Norwegian Fjordhorse:  First country to originate a stud book
and "planned parenthood"?  Then all the other countries came into the
picture.  So now, is fjordhorse a general term/name?  We had a Swedish
Fjordhorse, a Danish Fjordhorse and 2 Canadian Fjordhorses.  Eventually an
American/North American Fjordhorse.  Get my meaning?  That is, prefix
denoting country of birth, but all are Fjordhorses.  Does this make any
sense to anyone?  Just wondering and (oh-oh) thinking!

Sally in southern Maine who is still horse-less but not without hope!

To: Debi Wlliams

2002-03-18 Thread Frank &amp; Sally Higgins
This message is from: "Frank & Sally Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Debi, just wanted to tell you I had brain surgery 4 years ago (double
aneurysm), and went under just knowing I would be okay since my mare was due
to foal and I didn't want to miss that!  I had three weeks of therapy, and by
mistake told the doctor I was going to ride horseback.  "No, no!" was the
answer.  I might fall off.  Hey!  It was for balance that I wanted to ride!
It took me two months of begging before I got the okay.  My husband was bound
to follow the doctor's advice, even if it was wrong in my book.  So, go at it
with positive thoughts, ride you horse as soon as you can, and all will be
fine.  Been there, done that!  So they shave your hair - it will grow back!
Best of Luck to you from this non-Fjord lurker.
Sally Higgins in Maine where it is snowing again.  "Poor Man's Fertilizer

Re: Older Mares

2001-11-01 Thread Frank &amp; Sally Higgins
This message is from: "Frank & Sally Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just had to comment on the breeding of older mares.  Two years ago we
boarded a 25 year old QH who had just had her first foal!  There were no
problems with either mare or foal, she had plenty of milk, and the foal grew
well.  The mare was not what I'd call 'conditioned', since she was used very
seldom and only for pleasure trail riding.  Personally, I was quite
surprised at the whole event.  I couldn't imagine breeding a 25-year-old
mare for the first time.  I would worry the whole time!

Sally in ME  who usually just lurks on here

Saddles & Trees

2001-09-27 Thread Frank &amp; Sally Higgins
This message is from: "Frank & Sally Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi, Listers!  Decided to stop "lurking" and add a little to your List.  On
the subject of Wintec western saddles:
I have one that fit all our Fjords (each built differently) as well as our
Morgan.  However, one gelding was so rotund that hardly any saddle stayed
put right unless you kept your balance, but it fit.  Oh, yes, and our Fjords
loved bark!  We considered loaning them to the local saw mill for debarking!
They used to pull our firewood out of the woodshed and debark it all!  Every
Spring, we must have picked up 1/4 cord of wood in the paddock!  This was
all hard wood, of course.  We had fantastic Sugar Maples in our yard, and
tapped them in the Spring.  Our primary gelding used to watch us, then
decided to tap his own tree!  The other three would watch him, then line up
for their turn at the tree when he was done!  I didn't have the heart to
fence them off from it, either; they enjoyed it so!  It was their morning
ritual, after breakfast.  I am enjoying the List and all the comments!

Sally Higgins in Maine where the leaves are turning and it's getting cooler
(and who misses her Fjords)

Re: Shoes, etc.

2001-09-05 Thread Frank &amp; Sally Higgins
This message is from: "Frank & Sally Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In regard to shoe size:  our Fjords wore different sizes.  My saddle mare
wore a size #1, while our team usually wore a #2 or sometimes a #3 with
modifications.  Our 13.3H gelding wore a #2.  So you see, size has little to
do with the breed.  I'm sure others will say the same thing, they are all
different!  As to teeth:  our 'boys' both lost teeth at 3 years -- I found
them in the feed bin!  We no longer have our Fjords, but lots of happy

Sally Higgins in Maine where the leaves are turning and the heat is on

Re: Draft Shows

2001-07-28 Thread Frank &amp; Sally Higgins
This message is from: "Frank & Sally Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi, Listers!  this is mainly directed to Deidre Lange.  We showed our Fjords
in draft shows, and we were odd man out.  Too big for 'Pony Draft', and
considered too small for reg. drafts.  We persisted, and ended up showing
against Belgians, Percherons, etc.  The first year we weren't even
considered!  Judges looked down their noses at us.  So, the next year I went
prepared with a Judging Standard for Fjords, presenting it to show
secretaries for the judges to see.  {Always gave to show secretaries; direct
to judge is a 'no-no'}  Due to that, our Fjords were finally 'looked at'.
Draft owners called ours "the little horses'.  They were very good to show
against, and made allowances for our size and were very polite to us.  We
trimmed butt in log twitching, much to our pleasure!  Performance classes we
shown!  Won "Matched Pair" many times, and showed that 'big things do come
in little packages"!!  So, my suggestion is, print out a copy of the Judging
Standard, and have it ready to present to the judging booth.  Let them KNOW
what a Fjord is all about!  Persevere, and you will succeed!
Good Luck in your showing, and 'kick butt' !!

Sally in Maine who misses her Fjords

A Question?

2001-07-03 Thread Frank &amp; Sally Higgins
This message is from: "Frank & Sally Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello, all you lucky Fjord-owning Listers!  This 'Newbie" has been lurking
and reading with interest all the notes sent in to the list.  How wonderful
everyone can share their knowledge and experiences with each other.  Sure
wish something like this had been available years ago!  {Or that I had known
about it}

I do have a question/request for you knowledgeable folks.  Where can one get
a pattern for a stained glass Fjordhorse head?  I have seen only one, and
the person who made it is no longer available and no one knows how to
contact her.  My daughter is doing stained glass, and would like to make one
for us if only she could get a pattern.  Thanks for any suggestions!

Once again, I am enjoying the List, thanks to Aimee Day!

Sally Higgins {ex-Fjord owner  :-( } from southern Maine -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-06-12 Thread Frank &amp; Sally Higgins
This message is from: "Frank & Sally Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Fjord Lovers!  I am a newcomer to the list, having been signed up by
Aimee Day!  {Thank you, Aimee}
I will probably just 'lurk' in the background, but did want to introduce
myself.  I'm Sally Higgins, and hubby and I just happened on a field of
Fjords about 11 years ago, and were invited in by their gracious owner,
Rivoire {when she was in NH}.  She told us all about the breed, and we were
smitten!  Then she told us about the all-Fjord show in Woodstock, VT.  We
attended the show, and left owning two geldings from Orville
Unreau, BC.  They were delivered to Maine Thanksgiving; but hubby knew I
liked mares, and we were told Judy Utheim had 5 for sale in VT.  So we went,
we looked, and one kept following us around!  She was very, very pregnant,
due any time.  Judy offered to keep her until she foaled, then deliver her
to us as soon as the foal could travel.  We never regretted our choices, and
had 4 Fjords in a two-horse barn!  In 1990 we moved north to Bingham (north
of Skowhegan) to a big farm, and were off and running with the Fjords!!  Our
"big boys" were very busy doing farm chores, showing in draft horse shows,
log twitching, doing weddings, parades, hay & sleigh rides, and trail
riding/driving.  They were very versatile single and double, would come when
called, and were a total joy. The mare was 6 before she ever had a saddle on
or a bit in her mouth, but was a fast learner.  She was used for trail
riding, lessons, and riding therapy for a handicapped child.  Best of all,
she was a good Mom, but we had trouble getting her to a stallion; so we
visited the Venheims in VT, and came home with Drafn, who was to be Daddy to
all our foals.  He was a completely green 2-year-old, so when he was 3 we
sent him to 'school' with the well-known trainer, Larry Poulin.  After that
he was ridden and driven frequently, in the ring and on trail.
Our 'boys' were big -- 14:3H and around 1400#, while the mare was a little
lighter and a nice 14:1H.  Drafn
matured out around 14:2+ H, and must  weigh nearly 1200#.

Circumstances prevailed, and 8 months ago we had to sell our farm and
horses.  We were so lucky that Aimee and Gene Day purchased our "little
family" of Fjords!  They have a good home, and she keeps us up to date on
all their doings.  We miss our Fjords and farm, but still actively promote

   Sincerely, Sally & Frank Higgins from Southern Maine
{You may want to edit this, as I get carried away and talk too much!}