Remember my Fjord cross?

2004-09-28 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bonnie is doing so good! We found a farrier that works with her rapid hoof 
growth, due to founder. She's getting trimmed every 5 weeks. The first time JW 
trimmed her, she was lame for about 3-4 days after (which it has been a min of 
10 days) and then the 2nd time he trimmed her, she was sound the same day, 
went on a ride that afternoon! No bute! It's amazing.

She is toning her chest up, with being sound, we ride her almost every day! A 
few days we've ridden up to 10 miles! Mostly walk. 

I have a harness and sulky that I borrowed, she seems to know what she is 
doing in that dept. The link I added, is a picture of Bonnie in harness and 
I'm letting her mane grow out, so she looks more like a buckskin/dun than a 
fjord right now! Unless you look at her tail, then you know!

She is really sweet, and everybody that see's her, loves her! 

I have hope, now that we are ahead or seem to be... I hope that we can stay 
ahead thru the spring time, and try and beat this founder. I hope for no more 
episodes that are as bad as what we went thru.

Bonnie is a foundered horse with a happy ending, new beginning!

This is the picture.;

JRD  Bonnie!

Re: How sad-does anyone know more?

2004-09-24 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

A friend sent this to me this morning, it's the other details.

Buckskin / fjords / drafts

2004-08-14 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Acceptable Type  Conformation: The Buckskin is found in all types of horses
and for this reason all types are eligible for registration. ABRA registers
light (not draft) horses. For the purpose of this provi­sion, a draft horse
shall be any horse which by reason of its weight, conforma­tion or bone
struc­ture, is fitted for heavy work. An ideal Buckskin is that horse which
most closely
represents the ideals of its particu­lar breed type.

ABRA registers ponies and mules in a sepa­rate section of the registry.
Ponies and mules may not compete in horse classes, but they will follow the
and regulations as set forth in the horse section for their respective

Horses must be at least 56 inches (14 hands) at four (4) years of age. All
ponies, regardless of height, and horses under 56 inches (14 hands) will be
in the pony section. All other rules will apply unless stated otherwise.

**Maybe I understood this wrong. If I did I am sorry. But I understood it
meaning they only accept light horses and ponies, NOT drafts.


Bonnie's Progress

2004-08-14 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK here goes...

Bonnie's fat rolls as I had called them swelled up so she looked really 
fat, she had liquid edema. Then over the next few days it seeped thru her skin, 
drained out, and then her skin shrinked.

That all happend in about a weeks time.

The cause is still unknown for sure. Vet said alergic reaction to fly bites. 
But it did not look lumpy like fly bites. did not look like hives. Just entire 
swelling! Others think it was mycotoxins. Or she ate something toxic to 
horses. Inside her mouth she also had blisters on her tongue.

There are pictures found at that show the 
days progress of that condition she experienced.

I found a farrier who would trim her the way I asked, and he made his first 
visit about 10 days ago. She was lame prior to the trim, (I think she might 
have been foundering again, or just lame due to the long feet, there was heat 
her feet) she is still sore from the trim on the fronts, but not as bad as 

To top this all off, I had thought she tried to kick her pasture buddy, 
Streak. I noticed she had swelled up in her right hind leg, from the hoof to 
hock. This started 2 days ago. I had her on bute for the pain. There was heat 
her fetlock and a little in the hock. NOne in the hoof. She was not even 
trying to put weight on it.

Well this morning I thought a turkey pooped on her foot. But as I inspected 
it better, I noticed she had a Gravel that busted thru the coronary band! So I 
hope with that over, she will soon be sound!

I tell ya, if its not one thing, it's another! But THIS is why I got her for 
free... and I love her anyway.

She does not love her pasture buddy. He's more of a kicking bag to her. So 
I'm taking on a boarder for the winter, another gelding, and just put up a new 
pasture for the 2 geldings, so they can graze. That will leave Bonnie with her 
goat, in her dry lot, and she won't have reason to kick nobody!

Also, when Bonnie is sound, I'd like to see if she drives... I don't know how 
to drive, but I'd like to see if she can/knows how. My longterm idea is get a 
harness and sled, and do rides this winter on the sled! It sounds like so 
much fun.

Anyone willing to share some things I could do to see if Bonnie knows what 
she is doing?

I think that covers everything with the bonnie update this time.

Oh there is new updated pictures of Bonnie and Streak (in General) on I have not updated the pics of her feet after 
this last 
trim, it was storming that day, and no one wanted to be outside longer than 
they had to, and I admit, I forgot!


Re: outcrosses

2004-08-14 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I own a Fjord-cross. Thanks to the nice folks on this list who helped me 
determine she is not purebred. I love her the same as I will not be breeding or 
showing. I think she was crossed with QH. She might have been a PMU mare or 
in her early days. 

At any rate she is still a nice mare. 

Her coloring does draw attention. When people see her, they ask about her 
breed. I am truthful with these people, I tell them she's part Fjord. That she 
NOT purebred. So if they go looking for a Fjord they will know that it will 
not look like mine. 

Now, the Buckskin Reg will register any horse with buckskin color, unknown 
pedigree, BUT WILL NOT reg any horse with drafty build. So with that, Bonnie 
can't be registered as a buckskin. She's too drafty to fit in with the QH. 
I should just call her a draft-cross that looks simimlar to the fjord but is 
NOT one.


Re: mycotoxins?

2004-07-07 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh yes, forgot to add that she's eating normally, seems her old lazy self. 
But she's so lazy that I don't know if I KNOW her enough to KNOW if she's down? 
But I didn't ride her today. But I did yesterday afternoon, and she seemed 
spunkier than normal, gave a few bucks when we cantered! 


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Re: mycotoxins?

2004-07-06 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm waiting for more news, I guess a lady here in MI had this with every 
horse on her farm last year? Something with molds in the feed? I have not yet 
the vet out. I just noticed them today, I was going to bath her, and grabbed 
the camera to capture this strange thing happening to her. After I saw this 
with her chest area, I did a thorough check of her body. Will keep ya'all 

Thanks, Jennie 

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Winter .jpg]


2004-07-06 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

anybody hear of this? Know what it is? The MHL board told me that's what my 
horse has.

go to the link to see pictures of what is happening to my horse.

Is this what they say it is? This mycotoxin?
Anything I should do?

thanks, Jennie

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Winter .jpg]

Re: Trail riding/camping

2004-06-30 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Its not NY, but Michigan has a shore to shore trail. From Lake Huron to Lake 
Michigan? I've never done it, but I want to someday. Just need to get in shape 
for it. I think the website is to get more info on it. You have 
to be a member of the MI trail horse Association before you do the trails, but 
they have a few scheduled rides thru the year.


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Winter .jpg]

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2004 #134

2004-06-15 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cougars (like cats) prefer ledges or other things up high in tree's. They 
wait for their prey to walk near, then they jump down on top of the horses back 
and bite into the neck, withers. Try to get them to fall down.

Wolves group up, and chase the horse, and when the horse shows that it's 
tired, they move in, and grab at the hind legs, hoping to break tendons so the 
horse cannot run, then falls down.

coyotes prefer dead already, don't they?
Isn't this right?
Atleast that is what I was told to teach in my Horse Sense Class when I 
worked at the horse camp.


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Winter .jpg]

Re: Fjord Ham Operators?

2004-06-10 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Fred.

That is cool that you take your radio with you when you ride. I have an HT, 
but I need a new charger for it. Just waiting for the next hamfest to come to 
town. Our house looks like a porkypine with all the antennas on it. Have a 
small beam for ham radio, an antron and a M-105 for CB. Its kind of high-tech 
the basement. KC8AFL likes to experiment. He's got everything rigged to his 
computer and keeps those folks on  on the CB in line, but then talks to lots of 
other folks on the ham. He also has the Echolink. Where you can talk on the 
computer to repeaters in other states or countrys. The repeater has to have the 
Echolink as well. 
I'm a no-code tech, I don't talk on it that often, but keep it incase I need 

I like that, a Ham on a Fjord is that a slogan?

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Winter .jpg]

Fjord Ham Operators?

2004-06-10 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Nice to meet you Fred. I'm a new Fjord owner here and have had my ticket for 
almost 2 years. 


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 
Winter .jpg]


2004-06-08 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I read some of the article on foundered horses  treatment, the one on a site 
that one of you recommended.

I am looking into Magnesium for Bonnie. I guess it will help with her cresty 
neck AND encourage circulation in her feet? Is that right?

Also. I went out last nite and got pictures of her hooves. Close ups from 3 
angles (should have gotten the heels, but didn't. If you want, I will get them 
too)(thank goodness for digital cameras). Also, a close up of each front sole. 

The soles look bad in my opinion. But I am very used to looking at a normal 
unfoundered horse hoof. So maybe what I see is normal for founder? I'd like to 
know what you all think. 

I'd like to keep her barefoot. I don't like the tought of shoes. But I am 
interested in a horse boot. Not anything real expensive tho. Just for riding 
occasionally on the road, when Bonnie is sound. No telling how long that will 


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Winter .jpg]

Horse Boots

2004-06-08 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are tons of brands of these boots. And I know that more you pay for 
them the better. But as a temporary thing, can I get away with buying the 

Has anyone used the Easyboot? Or the Davis Boot?

I don't really know that I have the extra funds to buy anything more 

Bonnie seems to be doing much better today. I did not bute her, as I don't 
see the need today. She is still slow, but she is not limping. And sometimes I 
think that slowness is just her laziness? She can be that way sometimes, even 
when feeling good.

I took some profile pics of her actual hoofs last nite, along with a pic of 
the soles on the front. I will put them on my site sometime today.

Jennie  Ali  Bonnie  Gang

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Winter .jpg]

Re: Jennie and Bonnie

2004-06-06 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Jeanne

Yes, I think we are pretty close. I live just south of Jackson. In Napoleon. 
Out in the sticks of MI... very small town. but 3 times a year this lil 
community becomes big during race weekends. The little town next door swells to 
engulf the entire county. Those days we hide in our homes, and don't go out 

I love to trail ride. A friend of mine is trying to talk me into paying for 
her trailer tags, to let me have free use of her trailer for ... as long as I 
want it I guess. She had to downsize her truck, and can no longer pull it, she 
uses my truck for that now. With the new trailer plate law in MI, it sounds 
like a really good idea. 

I am hoping that when Bonnie gets 100% sound, that we could haul up to 
Waterloo, Pinkney/Stockbridge railroad, Sleepy Hollow, Shore - to - Shore! ha 
And any other big trails. I have never been out to trail ride. That is, never 
been out of anywhere farther than what I can ride to from home. 

Here, Gramma owns the 50+ acres around the house, and we are on the Pipe 
Line, so I could follow that farther. The 4-wheelers have made tons of trails 
there. The road we live on is paved, but it has a wide grass shoulder that the 
state keeps mowed. Traffic is slow if I go towards the lake (25mph) and 
country fast the other way (55mph) but most ppl just go for country drives that 

It's a trip going to Tom's Western Store. About 1 hr or a little more 
depending on traffic. And the store is so huge, I get lost in there. I took my 
Sherrie, she had never been (new horse owner) and she's attending a clinic 
here in Jackson on the 18th? or 19. Jill Moufort? She does natural 
But is not focused on one style, she blends what she likes together. So, with 
that, Sherrie was looking for the TOOLS, the rope halter, rope lead, and the 
stick thing. And after looking on eBay, asking Jill, and TSC, Tom's was the 
cheapest, and we got way more for the money. I even went ahead and got the 
incase I attend one of her clinics this summer. 

I also got my daughter a riding helmet. It's a Troxel. Spirit model, but it 
has this little dial on the back, that adjusts a strap, and you turn it tight 
to make the helmet size smaller. So in other words, it will grow bigger as the 
child's head grows bigger. I love it, since I have have a small head, I wear a 
small, and now Ali has that same helmet with the adjustment. It is so cool, 
and just as inexpensive as any of the other Troxel Spirit helmets. Periwinkle 
too! Ali wore her helmet all thru the store and wouldn't put it in the box 
until we had to get in the truck.

And of course, her tradition is to get a Breyer Stablemate each time, and 
this time she picked out what looks like a palamino icelandic pony.

Does Breyer make a Fjord? I'd sure be interested in it, if the price was not 
too much.

I'd love to get together sometime and talk horse and/or fjords. I don't get 
out and drive too much esp with gas prices so high. Put my truck up for sale, 
and the next week everyone else did too... so I just keep mine I guess. I don't 
really want to sell it, and it's not THAT bad on gas. But I don't get out 
much. Like driving to Tom's, last time I went was Oct 03, I drove up there to 
some laceup's that where on sale, bone color to wear with my wedding dress! 

I tend to type long emails...


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Founder, Rotation, and shoes

2004-06-05 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I watched that Horse Shoeing Time on RFDTV last nite. Just so happened to 
have a foundered pony on there. And the farrier was saying how you can see if a 
foundered horse has rotation by just looking at the white line and the width of 
another line. I wasn't watching it with my full attention, so if I missed 
something, please fill me in. 

Also, I'm a firm believer in going barefoot when possible. And half of the 
farriers say you need shoes with founder, and the others say you need shoes 
founder to prevent the coffin bone from going thru the sole, or to give it 
more support.

I'd like to know what your opinions are. What are your reasons for what you 
think is right? 

I personally would like to see Bonnie go barefoot. She is tender now, and I 
think thats normal? Since she's had shoes on for the last year at least, 
possibly 2. She had some shoes on the front called New Balance? They are a 
heavy shoe, with a flat toe on them. 

Other concern: When trimming the foundered hoof... do we want a low heel and 
long toe, or short toe and long heel? Do we want to keep the hoof looking like 
a normal hoof, or try and set the coffin bone so it's still at with the 
bottom part on the bottom of the hoof? I know I'm probably confusing you. But a 
farrier told me it would be better to go with a low heel to help correct her 
angle! Is this what I want?

I put new pics up of Bonnie's trim.

Thank you.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 
Winter .jpg]

Re: New Fjord Owner Here

2004-06-03 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Answer some Questions you have:

One, she appears to be a cross breed, probably with Quarter Horse. This is a 
common cross at PMU farms -- is that where you got her? 

~NO. I got her from horse camp. They purchased her with a foal at her side, 
then sold the foal. I think they said the camp had her for about 4 years.

Two, her feet look horrid. If you haven't had them trimmed by now, make an 
appointment. They look like they've been neglected for some time. 

I had the farrier out today! I saw that the last farrier (who was a student 
from a local school) did a horrible job. That's how they get so many horses 
done so cheaply, is have students do them. I know, you get what you pay for, 
they get just that. Now, with her feet trimmed she looks like all her feet 
belong to the same horse. Although he didn't want to take too much off too 
she looks much better. We left her barefoot, to see if she will handle that, 
she is a little ouchy yet. But I hope she gets over that.

Three, she is overweight. Notice the lump on her neck -- that's fat. The 
neglected feet and 
excess weight no doubt contributed to her founder. 

I thought she was overweight. Some say she isn't, but she does have rolls of 
fat under her tail, I don't think that's normal! And on her crest that one 
part is very thick and hard. She is on NO grain, and only grass hay. At the 
they don't like to single out special needs and care for them differently. 
Even if it is just a little different.

With your good care, it probably won't happen again. 

I hope with everybody's suggestions, I can make Bonnie into a much more 
healthier horse.

Four, it may be a trick of the light but she appears to have patches of white 
hair on either side of her wither. If this is the case, she's been ridden 
hard in an ill-fitting saddle. When you start riding her, take it slow and easy 
to avoid problems; she may have developed bad habits from the discomfort.

Yes, she does have some old saddle sores on her withers and under belly. 
There is white patches there. At camps with low spending for programs, tack is 
always high on the list. So you do with what you have. I know my saddle does 
NOT fit her, and in time I hope to find one that will fit her better. I prefer 
western. But when I do ride, I have been riding bareback!

So, how did you come to be a Fjord owner? What are your plans for Bonnie? 
Tell us more!

How I became a Fjord owner: Well, I used to work at that camp. And always 
held a special place in my heart for Bonnie. She was so good, and fun to ride.  
Then after a year or so of not working there, I went back to help out one day. 
I had seen that a lot of the horses had been sold and new ones in. I asked if 
Bonnie was still there, and they said yes. I asked jokingly if she was for 
sale, and they said YES! My heart sank. I asked how much. They said $500. This 
was too good to pass up, it seemed. But my problems were I rent the house I 
in. My in-laws own it. Gramma owns the land around the house. So I asked 
everybody if I could have a horse here. It took them 4 months to tell me it was 
ok. So I went back to the camp, put a deposit down on her. They gave me a month 
to get the fence up and all. So I started working on that. With the fact in 
mind that she had foundered in the past. Well a week later she came up lame. 
They said they couldn't sell her in this condition. I didn't know what to do. 
I finished the fence and sadly started to look at other horses. Then finally 
catching up with the boss to get my deposit back. She told that Bonnie still 
needed a home, after not being sold, and lame. So I offered her the home 
And That's how I got her. 

But I think that last trim was more to blame for her latest lameness than the 
founder, as she has had no heat in her feet, or much of any other symptoms.

My plans? Well I have a 5 year old daughter that LOVES horses. I wanted a 
nice gentle horse for her to learn on. And that is what Bonnie is. She'd let 
do anything on her, and she just stands there.  I enjoy trail riding. We live 
on a family plot of land, 50+ acres, so there's plenty of trails here. Also a 
lake, if I could ever get her to step in it. Its there if she wants it.  For 
this summer we are just going to get her back into shape and see how things go. 
In time we will see if we will do more with her. The guy across the road said 
I should show her on the Buckskin Circuit, that she'd win ribbons. But I have 
never been in a horse show. Maybe we will join the local 4-h or youth club, 
so my daughter can do all those things that I never did. (still need a trailer 
to do those things.)

I will get more pictures up tomorrow. After her trim today, I think she looks 
much better. Maybe try a bath? I know she hasn't had one in a few years!


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 

New Fjord Owner Here

2004-06-03 Thread LLStara117
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


My name is Jennie. I live in South Central Michigan. And I am a new member of 
this group.

I have owned my first Fjord since Saturday, May 29, 2004. I have surfed some 
of the internet and have learned that Fjords as a breed are different than 
other horses in general. 

Bonnie is a 10 yr old mare. I was told she was registered and has papers 
(somewhere). I know she has had a colt before, about 4 years ago, and they said 
the sire was a QH. I'd like to know if there's any chance of being able to 
down her papers?

Also, Bonnie has foundered before, which I guess is pretty common with this 
breed. I'd like to know how many of you owners deal with this problem. From 
feeding to shoeing and hoofcare, and all that goes in between. 

The other horses I have owned were both QH's. And quite healthy, so this is a 
BRAND NEW experience for me.

I made a small page with some pictures of Bonnie, so if anyone wanted to see, 
you can. (I tried to put a video at the bottom, it's not working on my 
computer. Not sure if will yours. I am trying to get my husband to make it 
work.)  This is Bonnie.

Hope to hear from someone soon.
Thank you, Jennie

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