fjords in Alaska

2002-11-13 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hello, it looks like I am going to have to sell or lease my fjords, a 13
year old gelding and a lovely mare. Is anyone in Alaska interested in
talking to me about it?
Ann Restad in Homer


2002-02-08 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I felt it really well on the ridge here in Homer, and my son was still
in his crib and he noticed it too because he blurted, stop it! :)  No
one else around here felt it
Ann restad


2001-09-12 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Our whole nation is traumatized.  If one of you has suffered a personal
loss or has a missing person they are waiting to hear about, please
email me; I want to pray specifically for you, as well as the whole
situation.  Thank you.  Ann Restad

thanks for help

2000-08-12 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

THANK YOU to those who wrote helping me with trailer flooring and advice
on therapeutic riding!!  I have copiedthe trailer stuff off for my
husband to read (including gruesome stories) and I am sure we will come
up with something safe.  thanks.
Ann Restad
homer, ak

Horse trailer flooring and therapeutic riding/ hippotherapy

2000-08-05 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hello, list!  I havn't written for about 16 mo, about the time my baby
was born : )
Two questions: we need to replace the floor of the horse trailer. Oak is
really spendy here.  What do you all recommend, and has anyone ever used
the synthetic deck boards this way?
Also, it looks like I am going to be involved in therapeutic riding in
our little town.  Any advice on getting this started would be
appreciated.  We have started hippotherapy with our little boy with Down
syndrome, and hope this will help him walk.  He does say Up and -ide
when we take him into the barn!
Thanks, all
Ann Restad
Homer, Alaska


1999-06-18 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, I have been interested in the recent comments on hippotherapy.  I 
only recently learned that there was a difference between hippotherapy 
and therapeutic riding.  
My son was born this March with Down Syndrome.  I would like to hear 
from those of you who do hippotherapy with your horses, about when to 
start, and how.  We do not have this available in our community, though 
Espen's physical therapist, who comes once a month, has some experience 
with it, but I dont expect her to be able to come out to our place 
to help.
Any comments, please reply either personally or on list.  Thanks!  
Incidentally, Espen is doing really well; we just want to help him along 
with learning to walk, etc.
Ann Restad
Homer, Alaska

to nancy H , re: Espen

1999-04-02 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My understanding is that Espen is a derivative of Asbjo/rn, and means 
God's bear.

re: Birth Announcement

1999-03-26 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jean, Espen is a Nowegian name.  Now i expect to hear about a crop of 
fjord foals named Espen!  -Ann Restad

Birth Announcement

1999-03-25 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No, not a foal, I had my baby boy, Espen Karl on March 15 at home.  I 
promised to let you guys know.  NOW if the 7 feet of snow would go away, 
I could ride my new mare...
Ann Restad

Sonora's marking..

1999-01-28 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, Lindsay, I had been meaning to get in touch with you sice I 
bought Kyra this fall!  Since she is out of Sonora and your lovely 
Solar, you know all about her.  what is the intriguing marking?  I am so 
anxious to know.  Kyra is doing well. email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if 
you would like to.  I have a few more questions for you too if you don't 
Ann Restad, Kyra and Dro/y
Homer, AK

lost Brian's feed recommendations

1999-01-27 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, I thought i had printed Dr. Jacobson's recommendations for feeding 
on 1/23, but I hadn't :(  Would anyone be willing to send me a copy at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thank you!  I have been enjoying the converstions.
Ann Restad


1998-12-19 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

thank you Catherine, I have been looking for this book!  Now I can 
request it by author, so I think they will be able to find it.  Tusen 
Ann Restad

Thanks Brian, and drawing

1998-12-15 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you Brian for your advice.  they really go to town on the 
salt/mineral block.
Hestehavn: just in case my little friend Cassie Hillstrand wins tonight, 
you can reach her through me.  I dont think I wrote her number down when 
I bought the ticket, but maybe I did.   Ann Restad

No offense meant

1998-11-21 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I also meant no offense to anyone, and certainly hope everyone will hang 
in there.  But my reality is too vivid since I am married to a man who, 
after an acciednt we were in together in Siberia, didn't know I was his 
wife until someone said so, and has had to start a marriage in the 
middle of it.  No fun for either of us! Non-fatal, but life changing. 

Re:horse related accidents

1998-11-19 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, I want to respond to Pat Wolf and others comments on helmets, not 
because I am so experienced in horses, but in medicine.  Head injuries 
are fairly common, and as Pat said, can mean anything from killing you, 
causing a vegetable situation, prolonged hospitalization, head aches, 
and a lot of other, more subtle symptoms such a a person's personality 
changing, usually towards irritability- not nicer!  People often say, 
well if i am going to go, I am going to go or such comments, but the 
thing we should really consider is living on, but having your life 
changed forever by one of these conditions.  Enough from me.  Happy 

Ann Restad, PA-C

To Jackie-

1998-11-03 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Congratulations!! from all of us, I am sure!
Ann Restad

Bon Voyage, Jackie!

1998-10-18 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

have a wonderful time and let us know what it was like when you get 
Ann Restad

To Martie

1998-10-14 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

thanks for the harness info.  i have a smuckers brochure somewhere.  
What style of collar did you go with?  Thanks

Difficulty introducing mare

1998-10-13 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, I am still having a problem with my new mare and my gelding, and 
since Deanna wrote something similar, I thought i would jump back on the 
bandwagon for help.  They are both fjords.  When the mare arrived 3 
weeks ago, she seemed to be i heat and she got whooped by the gelding- 
lots of bites and chasing.  She got a few kicks in but no big deal.  We 
have tried reintroducing about one time a week for the last 3 weeks and 
she still seems to be presenting to him.  Like Deanna, we just can't 
keep them apart all winter.  We are trying to be patient, but any help 
would be appreciated.  We are about to go with a progesterone injection 
to keep her from being in heat.
ann in alaska

to Kristine W and Linda L

1998-10-08 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, I think you two and I have been over a lot of the same territory 
with our horses.  It is really helpful when you guys take the time to 
share your experiences; we can all help each other avoid pitfalls.  any 
one done any round pen work with your horses?  I was told to go back to 
basics with droy, so we may this winter.  Also, hope that Pat perelli's 
Barb Appell will be returning to our area a third time this summer.  My 
hope is that I'd-rather-have-a-boat Mark will enetr the course with the 
horse and I can watch, as I will be nursing my first baby (at 35)!  
enjoy your fall!

re: blessing, and sharing knowledge

1998-10-06 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In response to Kristine Werner, thank you for encouraging all to share 
what they know.  I am interested that you enjoyed your Pat Perelli 
course with Kai.  It may actually be a possiblility to attend one up 
here, so i am interested.  I was thinking that  the game aspect of a 
lot of it would appeal to Dro/y; he is too smart and really gets bored 
easily.  Besides, if I don't initiate the games, he will!  Keep me 
posted with Kai.
Re blessing the animals, I know that if I took Dro/y to be blessed, he 
would be sure that HE was the one that would bless or not bless, thank 
you very much!


1998-10-05 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, i am another person interested in safe logging.  We have a spruce 
bark beetle infestation killing off all the spruce, and we are taking 
ours down one by one as they show signs of it.  We have a light fjord 
mare who is well trained to drive and a driving harness.  We also have a 
drafty gelding who is not yet trained to drive.  We have a home made 
sled-type log skidder and will have plenty of snow soon :(  I would 
never want to compromise either of the horses by not using appropriate 
eqipment, but it would be hard for us to buy another harness right now. 
I would love to hear the opinion of those of you who have pulled logs as 
work.  thank you.
Ann Restad, homer AK

promo video

1998-10-01 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I liked all Meredith Sessoms' ideas for inclusion in the video.  Again, 
I will represent the total novice/rural person and say don't forget to 
have enough footage of non-show context fun with fjords: trail/beach 
riding, camping, packing, logging or plowing and regular folks using 
their horses in everyday life.  also, we really need some footage of 
Saskia tickling her horse, and at least one shot of a grumpy husband (I 
never wanted any horses;rather have a boat!) giving the horses their 
good night kisses :)
have fun, all
ann restad

smiling horses

1998-09-26 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, Saskia
In response to your question about smiling, I have to relate my favorite 
 story of my nephew Tobin.  When he was 2 1/2, I was excited to 
introduce him to our new gelding.  Later I asked him, Did you like 
Dro/y?  He said yes.  I said, well, he liked you too  Tobin said I 
know. He smiled at me!
So it must be true!
Ann in Alaska

Showing fjords

1998-09-23 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For what it is worth, here is the perspective of a brand new horse 
person who has never attended any of the aforementioned shows.  Remember 
that many people are choosing a fjord for their first horse.  We chose 
them for the obvious reasons, and a side benefit is that the fjord 
people I have communicated with in any manner have been wonderful, 
helpful interesting people.  I havn't found any of the stuck up behavior 
among you that I encountered my whole life with horse people. Thank 
you!  I hope you can maintain your challenging classes and improvements 
in those areas while keeping open opportunities for people like myself 
who could benefit a lot from starting showing in a fun, encouraging 
environment, and also have the opportunity to learn by watching the 
feats of the advanced competitors at that show.  As we promote the 
breed, you are going to be seeing more novices like myself in the 
picture.  Good luck working this all out.
Also, I agree with the statements that products would be 
welcome.  It would be wonderful if someone specialized in fjord tack, in 
Ann R

raspberry leaf and thank you Brian

1998-09-21 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I too am very thankful for the sound veterinary information you share 
with us!  Where we live in Alaska, we don't have as much help as we 
would like, so thanks.
Re: red raspberry leaf, I can say that my experience with it as a 
midwife mirrors that on the horse owners using it.  We use it during 
pregnancy to decrease bleeding, tone the uterus etc.  It also makes 
human mothers hold on to their babies a good long while; in fact we 
recommend to stop it a few weeks before the due date in order to 
decrease liklihood of going overdue.  I myself am taking it in a 
supplement along with alfalfa to deal with my pregnancy and placenta 
Keep up the good work, everyone
Ann R

Introducing new mare

1998-09-17 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hello, I have especially enjoyed the list these past weeks as I am on 
bedrest for a pregnancy problem (temporarily, I hope).  Yesterday our 
new mare arrived in Homer (the famous diving horse, Mike!) and afetr 
several hours apart, we put our gelding in with her.  We noticed she was 
in heat and thinking he was very studly.  They did a lot of charging 
around and he gave he several bad bites, and as it was dusk, we 
separated them again for the night.  Have since decided to wait till the 
heat is over to try it again, but any advice?  Here is the deal.  Both 
are fjords.  He is 10, very headstrog and poorly trained.  Only other 
time we put another horse (TB 3 yo filly) in with him, he gave her anip 
anf it was over.  This mare is 7, very well trained and well behaved, 
but was reportedly quite dominant over the other 7 horses she trailered 
up from the lower 48 with.  She kicks, he bites.  We would like to see 
them get their dominance established with minimum trauma.  They have to 
live together.  If we could vote, we would like to see her come out on 
top since in harness and saddle she is the far better behaved.  Any 
advice would be welcomed.  Both are shod but its near time to pull their 
shoes; should we get that done before re-introducing them?  She gave him 
a hearty kick in the face last night, so I heard :(.  Oh, and I was 
wondering if it wasn't better to get the human's out of the picture 
while they are working it out.  They could spy from the hay loft.  
thanks, everyone, you have always been so helpful with my questions!  
Ann in Homer, Alaska (10 hours' drive from Jean in Fairbanks!)

New mare

1998-08-26 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I want to thank all of you who helped me along my way in my quest for a 
mare during the last few months.  I just spent a week with her at 
Nancy's Fjords where I rode a bit but mostly learned to dive her, which 
was wonderful.  Nancy and Lou were great instructors and I am very happy 
with my new girl. She'll be here in 2 weeks.  Congratulations to me!
Ann Restad in cold Homer, AK


1998-08-18 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In response to Kristine Werner's experience longing her horse, I had the 
same problem when working with Dro/y this winter.  We had a lot of snow 
and I was longing him in the only open area, which was not in any 
enclosure.  he also hated it and would buck and occasionally make a 
break for it and get away.  I got the impression that it is way too 
boring for him- he loves to get out and see things.  Anyone's comments 
would be appreciated but I wont be able to answer for a week as I am 
heading to Nancy's tonight to look at a mare and spend a week.
One note in response to the recent discussion: we Americans especially 
have to be careful not to be ethnocentric and remember that other people 
live with many different circumstances in their lives that we ourselves 
have not experienced.  One shouldn't look at one small point in a 
culture and pass judgement without any more information than that one 

to Janne

1998-07-20 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think to happiest month of my life was on a dairy in Dividalen in 
July.  have a wonderful time with your family. Eat some Mo/lte for me!  
God Tur!
Ann Restad, Alaska

Welcome to Linda and cart/sleigh questions

1998-07-17 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Linda, I am glad you asked bout carts because I want to hear the 
answers you get and I thought I would tag on with some questions of my 
We will soon be getting a Fjord that drives and we will want a cart and 
a sleigh.  Pretty rugged around here and we want these just for fun.  
Any insights would be good, also any resources to learn about the 
various kinds. We are beginners.  Oh, and sources of good used carts and 
sleighs would be helpful.  Thanks.
Ann, Alaska


1998-06-25 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks to all of you who have been helping me toward finding my mare.  I 
am off computer for 2 weeks now, so if you refer anyone to contact me 
with a mare for sale, please let them know, so they won't think I am 
ignoring them!
Have fun, all
Ann Restad

Thanks all!

1998-06-16 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks to all for your feeding comments, that helps. Jean E, glad to 
hear that carlo creek fire has laid down, and hope you dont have too 
muck smoke in Fbx!
Ann Restad

feeding, genetics of color

1998-06-13 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hello, I wanted to know what you folks have found is best for feeding a 
fjord.  When i bought him here in Alaska, the prior owner said to feed 
him hay only.  how much per body weight do you all feed?  Ours (a 
gelding) got fat this winter :(  I also give him a general daily 
supplement, as well as extra selenium ( I checked and his level is 
perfect) due to the low level in Ak.  In summer when he grazes, I am 
also giving him extra thiamine since he eats some equisetum.  Any hints?
Also can anyone tell me about the genetics of coat color in fjords?  I 
am quite versed in genetics, so you can be specific.  how is it 
inherited? In general, what % are brown, red and grey dun?  Is there 
really a white dun?  just curious!  carol's book is ordered, so i may 
have many of these answers soon in the book too.  Thanks
Ann Restad, Alaska

Fjord of Dreams

1998-06-10 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello all.  You certainly are a fun group.  Well I just got a green 
light from dear Mark to seek to purchase a second fjord for our little 
homestead in Alaska!  I am thrilled, and can't sleep (fjord fever?).  As 
I previously stated, we are looking for a mature, well trained fjording 
to drive and trail ride. We are beginners and would like one that is not 
spooky and doesn't buck (been there).  A big effort will have to be made 
to arrange a visit to try the horse and transportation, but it could 
happen.  Please let me know if you have any ideas.  CYNTHIA M-thanks for 
your note and I couldn't get to your email personally, so please feel 
free to write more about this lovely gelding you know.  Thanks, Ann 

bossy pony

1998-06-10 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am glad I am not alone.  Mine is really mouthy too, but not a biter.  
ok I am ready for all the advices, please be specific since I have never 
had a horse before!  thanks

thanks for the input!

1998-06-09 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It was great to read the digest this am.  thanks for the input.  I have 
a lesson on Dro/y this afternoon, which should be interesting.  It would 
help if I was much of a rider to begin with, but I am not!

we're new

1998-06-08 Thread Mark and Ann Restad
This message is from: Mark and Ann Restad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, this is Ann and Mark in Alaska.  I am happy to have been hooked 
up with this list.  We are new with horses and got a 9 yo fjord gelding 
last year.  He is sweet but bossy and hadn't been worked with a lot.  A 
bad start for two novices, but so be it.  I will be doing a lot of 
listening to your conversations and probably begging for help 
We are also looking for a second horse, this one to be well trained, a 
good role model and even teacher for the humans to some degree!  If we 
can afford to, we'd love that one to be a fjord also.  We are building a 
barn this summer with nice big stalls in case we ever have a foal.  I am 
looking for a gelding or a mare.  I would probably breed her a few times 
(during my own pregnancies, ideally) but mostly we are interested in 
riding, packing and learning to drive a sleigh.
That is enough for an introduction!