Re[2]: Competitor Conduct at Fjord Shows Evaluations

2002-05-26 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Saturday, May 25, 2002, you wrote:

 The difficulty I see in regional Fjord shows is there is no
 Technical Delegate to help diffuse the competitors anger and if the
 TD perceives a real problem can then facilitate setting things
 straight... My comment on qualified judges is in no way meant to
 demean the NFHR list of judges it is just that in my opinion it
 takes a mighty amazing judge to be familiar with the NGB rules
 governing all the disciplines that take place at a breed show.

  I certainly agree with what you say, however I believe it would be
  just a hard to find TDs with the requisite breadth of knowledge as
  judges. And without an agreed set of rules to take as a starting
  point how can either judges/TDs or competitors really know what's
  expected in the ring?

  Just as an example, in a Fjord show several years ago the locally
  written rules for an obstacle driving class called for elimination
  for a break to canter, but didn't bother to define a break. As a
  result, the majority of competitors were eliminated. When I talked
  to the judge later he said he was aware of the ADS 3 stride
  definition of a break, and that only a time penalty was called for
  on the first three breaks, but he was stuck with the rules he had
  been given by the show committee.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 If I be once on horse-back, I alight very unwillingly;
 for it is the seat I like best. --Michel Eyquem de Montaigne(1533-1592)

Re: Competitor Conduct at Fjord Shows Evaluations

2002-05-25 Thread Vivian Creigh
This message is from: Vivian Creigh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve McIlree5/25/02 2:31 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If anyone is going to throw back the rhetoric about outside rules
 destroying the friendly family atmosphere of the shows, please
 explain exactly how standard, proven rules would do that.

You are not going to get any argument from me, Steve. Rules prevail in every
recognized competition and they are there to level the playing field for all
so discrepencies do not or should not happen.

 The difficulty I see in regional Fjord shows is there is no Technical
Delegate to help diffuse the competitors anger and if the TD perceives a
real problem can then facilitate setting things straight.

Because everyone at a regional Fjord show are friends or at least acquainted
with one another it is difficult for the show committee members to remain
neutral. Also often the members of the show committee are themselves showing
which compromises any conflict of interest issues. Management should not
compete especially if they have hired the judges. HUGE CONFLICT

If a show publishes that the driving classes will be run according to ADS
rules but there are show committee members that always drive without
nosebands or cavessons on their driving bridles it is quite likely that this
ADS rule will be ignored. If the judge judging the driving classes is not an
ADS judge it is unlikely he/she will know that there is such a rule or if
they do know that it is a rule and approach a show committee member about it
is possible they will be told to ignore it because Fjord people routinely
drive without nosebands. This scenario is pure conjecture. I am just trying
to point out how these issues often play out.

Rules for all but the Fun classes  have already been worked out by the USA
Eq, ADS, USDF etc. But saying you will run a show according to those rules
and then having a judge and management that is unfamiliar with those rules
defeats the purpose.

Publishing that your show will be run by certain rules is a great start but
unless you have an impartial, knowledgeable person (TD) to make sure that
those rules are followed and a judging panel that is also familiar with the
rules and general protocol you will not be able to effectively put those
rules into effect. Failure to play by the rules will in some instances be
grounds for elimination, but just try and tell someone at a local Fjord show
that they have been elminated because their harness doesn't conform to ADS
rules and believe me you'll have a fight on your hands. By the way only the
judge can eliminate a competitor.

There is absolutely no reason that the NFHR needs to reinvent the wheel by
writing their own rules or even sanctioning regional Fjord shows. Some of
the issues Brian referred to in his post would be covered under USAEq or ADS
rules, but unless the show committee spends the money to hire qualified
judges and a licensed TD the show committees should save money on ink and
not bother to publish any affiliations.

My above comment on qualified judges is in no way meant to demean the NFHR
list of judges it is just that in my opinion it takes a mighty amazing judge
to be familiar with the NGB rules governing all the disciplines that take
place at a breed show.

As for Brian's comment on profanity, throwing hayforks and the like that can
be chalked up to poor social skills, nothing more. Unless the profanity was
directed personally towards the judge there isn't much one can do about that
type of behaviour. However, if there were a TD officiating he/she could take
that person aside and try and calm things down a bit . I have always
admired licensed TDs in Driving because they must wear so many hats and
remain gracious and efficient at all times. How do they do that?

This turned out to be too long and a bit redundant, sorry.

Have a Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone.
Vivian Creigh

Re: Competitor Conduct at Fjord Shows Evaluations

2002-05-25 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thursday, May 23, 2002, you wrote:

 For some time now I have encouraged the NFHR to adopt a standard set
 of show rules for all shows they have sanctioned...

  Well, Mike points out that the NFHR doesn't sanction shows, but
  maybe it's time that some thought was given in that direction. It
  would be real nice to have one set of rules so people could go to
  any Fjord show and not run into any surprises. Of course, as Mike
  also pointed out the NFHR has ALREADY published a set of standard
  show rules. So what is the problem with the regional shows adopting
  them? For the most part, the Registry's rules follow those that have
  been proved workable by the AHSA and ADS. If the purpose of the
  regional clubs is to promote the Fjord Horse, one of the best things
  they can to is get members showing up at open horse shows with their
  Fjords. And learning the rules that the general horse community
  competes by at friendly local shows makes a lot of sense. So let me
  ask once more, why don't the regional groups just start using the
  NFHR rules?

  If anyone is going to throw back the rhetoric about outside rules
  destroying the friendly family atmosphere of the shows, please
  explain exactly how standard, proven rules would do that.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 Horses carry the history of mankind on their backs. If you should
 find one is carrying you as well, acknowledge your good fortune and
 indeed your honor. --Lucinda Prior Palmer(b. 1953)

Re: Competitor Conduct

2002-05-23 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- Ursula Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This message is from: Ursula Jensen
Dear List from Brian Jensen;
  The digest article I  sent appears
 to have been edited by
 someone or out in cyber space. Can someone let me
 know if they received the
 first article on the digest that I wrote or only
 Mike Mays answer?


I received both your article AND Mike's answer. 
However, as on many people's email servers, the answer
preceded the original article.  My email comes sorted
by date and time, with the most recent posts listed
first - therefore, I must read the postings from
bottom to top, rather than top to bottom, in order for
them to make sense.  Possibly other people have the
same type of listing and just didn't 'turn the page'
and get the original article as well.



Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

Re: Competitor Conduct

2002-05-23 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: Mike May, Registrar NFHR [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 08:01 PM 5/22/2002 -0700, you wrote:

This message is from: Ursula Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Dear List from Brian Jensen;
 The digest article I  sent appears to have been edited by
someone or out in cyber space. Can someone let me know if they received the
first article on the digest that I wrote or only Mike Mays answer? Brian

Well I received it here Brian but I get the messages individually.  Might 
have been a problem with the digest version.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director  Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

Competitor Conduct at Fjord Shows Evaluations

2002-05-23 Thread Ursula Jensen
This message is from: Ursula Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from: Ursula Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear List from Brian Jensen;
   After another E-Mail about show conduct by competitors I
thought it imperative to write the list about these issues. As we conduct
ourselves in life-there are standards and guidelines for conduct at
shows and Evaluations. If my information is an indicator there is an
increasing amount of improper, impolite, and disrespectful conduct by some
competitors at our shows and Evaluations. This conduct- be it profanity
in public; unfair gossip and criticism of fellow members or Show Committees
or Judges is not acceptable under any circumstances.
 Conduct--as outlined in CEF Rules. All participants are obliged to
conduct themselves in an orderly manner and in the best interest of the
horse and show. Management, or the Show Committee shall bar violators from
further participation for the remainder of the show. A report of continued
violation or incident be forwarded to the designated authority for any
disciplinary action deemed necessary. If a competitor acts in a manner
contrary to the Show Rules, or in a manner deemed improper, unethical,
dishonest, unsportsmanlike, or prejudicial to themselves, others, committee
members, or well being of their animals; is not acceptable.
   Making remarks considered offensive, or with the intent to
influence or cast aspersions on the character of the Judge or any other
person at the show is not acceptable.
 Examples of infractions I am aware of are profanity in
public. Throwing hay forks at other competitors , Deformation of the
character of officials.Knowingly breaking show rules to suit oneself.
For some time now I have encouraged the NFHR to adopt a standard
set of show rules for all shows they have sanctioned and insured. In Canada
our show insurance is void if the standard set of show rules have not been
It is unfortunate that I have to address these issues.
Competitors naturally become very emotional and sometimes say or do things
they would later regret. The present incidents  now seem to have occurred
sometime-somewhere in all Fjord shows, and does not seem to be diminishing .
If you are unhappy with a situation at a show there is a protocol that is
universal to all sanctioned events. The procedure for lodging protests and
requesting appeals is directed to the show committee with a deposit of about
50.00.If the protest or appeal is upheld ones deposit is returned.
An example of this protocol being used happened at Libby last
fall. After a driving runaway in a class it was noticed some entrants were
driving without nosebands which are ADS Rules regulation. Some entrants were
removed from the class but others were allowed to continue without the
proper driving equipment.This confusion could be totally eliminated with
standard rules and guidelines.
 Sincerely--Brian Jensen Ursula  Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303

Re: Competitor Conduct

2002-05-23 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Wednesday, May 22, 2002, you wrote:

 The digest article I sent appears to have been edited by someone or
 out in cyber space. Can someone let me know if they received the
 first article on the digest that I wrote or only Mike Mays
 answer? Brian Jensen

  You're right. The digest version of your message appears to have
  fallen into the bit bucket. It did get delivered to those
  subscribers who receive the individual format, however.
  Unfortunately, that only accounts for about 25% of the whole
  subscriber base. I'm going to resend it to the list, so that digest
  readers will get to have some input on this subject that I agree is
  of some importance. Sorry, but those of you who have seen Brian's
  message in the individual format will get it again; I have no other
  way to get it to the digest.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd  Skipper -- Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears. --Arabian proverb

RE: Competitor Conduct

2002-05-23 Thread Skeels, Mark A (MED)
This message is from: Skeels, Mark A (MED) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It got past my company's wall. Received it fine.
Mark Skeels

-Original Message-
From: Ursula Jensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 10:01 PM
To: fjordlist
Subject: Competitor Conduct

This message is from: Ursula Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Dear List from Brian Jensen;
 The digest article I  sent appears to have been edited
someone or out in cyber space. Can someone let me know if they received
first article on the digest that I wrote or only Mike Mays answer?
Ursula  Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303

Re: Competitor Conduct

2002-05-23 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I received the article OK, but i get individual messages...Maybe those that
get the list in digest form had a problem.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, 85 degrees and sunny, and already fires getting from a hot chainsaw.

Can someone let me know if they received the
first article on the digest that I wrote or only Mike Mays answer? Brian

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

Competitor Conduct

2002-05-22 Thread Ursula Jensen
This message is from: Ursula Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Dear List from Brian Jensen;
 The digest article I  sent appears to have been edited by
someone or out in cyber space. Can someone let me know if they received the
first article on the digest that I wrote or only Mike Mays answer? Brian
Ursula  Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303

Re: Competitor Conduct at Fjord Shows Evaluations

2002-05-22 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: Mike May, Registrar NFHR [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 07:38 PM 5/21/2002 -0700, you wrote:

This message is from: Ursula Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear List from Brian Jensen;

For some time now I have encouraged the NFHR to adopt a standard
set of show rules for all shows they have sanctioned and insured. In Canada
our show insurance is void if the standard set of show rules have not been

Just to clarify this part a bit Brian.  First of all the NFHR does NOT 
sanction or insure any horse shows.  The NFHR only holds the 
Evaluations.  Sometimes they are in conjunction with a horse show but they 
are separate events.  The NFHR has published rules for horse shows but they 
are not binding  are up to each group to use them or not.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director  Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

Competitor Conduct at Fjord Shows Evaluations

2002-05-21 Thread Ursula Jensen
This message is from: Ursula Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear List from Brian Jensen;
   After another E-Mail about show conduct by competitors I
thought it imperative to write the list about these issues. As we conduct
ourselves in life-there are standards and guidelines for conduct at
shows and Evaluations. If my information is an indicator there is an
increasing amount of improper, impolite, and disrespectful conduct by some
competitors at our shows and Evaluations. This conduct- be it profanity
in public; unfair gossip and criticism of fellow members or Show Committees
or Judges is not acceptable under any circumstances.
 Conduct--as outlined in CEF Rules. All participants are obliged to
conduct themselves in an orderly manner and in the best interest of the
horse and show. Management, or the Show Committee shall bar violators from
further participation for the remainder of the show. A report of continued
violation or incident be forwarded to the designated authority for any
disciplinary action deemed necessary. If a competitor acts in a manner
contrary to the Show Rules, or in a manner deemed improper, unethical,
dishonest, unsportsmanlike, or prejudicial to themselves, others, committee
members, or well being of their animals; is not acceptable.
   Making remarks considered offensive, or with the intent to
influence or cast aspersions on the character of the Judge or any other
person at the show is not acceptable.
 Examples of infractions I am aware of are profanity in
public. Throwing hay forks at other competitors , Deformation of the
character of officials.Knowingly breaking show rules to suit oneself.
For some time now I have encouraged the NFHR to adopt a standard
set of show rules for all shows they have sanctioned and insured. In Canada
our show insurance is void if the standard set of show rules have not been
It is unfortunate that I have to address these issues.
Competitors naturally become very emotional and sometimes say or do things
they would later regret. The present incidents  now seem to have occurred
sometime-somewhere in all Fjord shows, and does not seem to be diminishing .
If you are unhappy with a situation at a show there is a protocol that is
universal to all sanctioned events. The procedure for lodging protests and
requesting appeals is directed to the show committee with a deposit of about
50.00.If the protest or appeal is upheld ones deposit is returned.
An example of this protocol being used happened at Libby last
fall. After a driving runaway in a class it was noticed some entrants were
driving without nosebands which are ADS Rules regulation. Some entrants were
removed from the class but others were allowed to continue without the
proper driving equipment.This confusion could be totally eliminated with
standard rules and guidelines.
 Sincerely--Brian Jensen Ursula  Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303