Re: National Show

2001-10-13 Thread Pat
This message is from: Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Tim Hamlett from Arlington, IA has been talking to people about having a
> National Show in Decorah.

I am on the NFHR Show Committee and as of this date there have been no plans 
for a
National Show. However the Promo or Publication Committees (I believe Catherine
suggested it) thought we could do something with a National Show on the 25th
Anniversary of NFHR. It would give us time to prepare and do it right. It would 
be a
one time deal to see how it was attended, then maybe every five years or 
It would have to be at a facility with an indoor arena, weather proof outdoor 
and warm
up space. Sufficient stalling and space for a trade show and clinics (the trade 
and clinic booth sales would fray overall expenses) We also need meeting rooms 
dining facilities, lodging, parking and facilities for RV hook up.
A state fair ground usually accommodates these needs.
This idea has not died it ruminates on and on.
Pat Holland

Re: National Show

2001-10-12 Thread Pat Wilson
This message is from: Pat Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Decorah is in Iowa - North east corner.  Very pretty area of hills and
> valleys.  Home of Luther College.

Re: National Show

2001-10-12 Thread HorseLotti
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Decorah is in Iowa - North east corner.  Very pretty area of hills and 
valleys.  Home of Luther College.

Re: National Show

2001-10-12 Thread Pat Wilson
This message is from: Pat Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I give up, where is Decorah?


> This message is from: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> DeeAnna,
> Tim Hamlett from Arlington, IA has been talking to people about having a
> National Show in Decorah.  It is still in the talking stages. 100% of the
> idea is still in the talking stages.  That is first to have a National Show
> and Second where to have it.
> Tim would like to have it in Decorah with the festival there. However, the
> hotel rooms are lacking. He has been looking into the college/university
> there for housing.
> Catherine Lassesen

Re: National Show?

2000-11-06 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 07:56 PM 11/05/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> This message is from: Steve McIlree
> this show
>>   should include all Fjords irrespective of
>> registry. It just struck
>>   me that probably the second most numerous registry
>> represented would
>>   be the Canadian Fjord Horse Association. So maybe
>> in the spirit of
>>   inclusiveness, we should be calling this the North
>> American Show
>Hear, hear!!
I wholeheartedly ABSOLUTELY agree, The North American Show. Ruthie 

Re: National Show?

2000-11-05 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This message is from: Steve McIlree
 this show
>   should include all Fjords irrespective of
> registry. It just struck
>   me that probably the second most numerous registry
> represented would
>   be the Canadian Fjord Horse Association. So maybe
> in the spirit of
>   inclusiveness, we should be calling this the North
> American Show


Hear, hear!!


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

Re: National show

2000-11-02 Thread Pat
This message is from: Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   I am not sure the membership is ready for it now.

When would it be? If it takes a larger membership for an event such as this, 
how do we create size without having something to grow into,
develop and progress.

An event such as this is fun to talk aboutYes it is.

> , but would be a tremendous amount
> of work.

You bet, everything worthwhile is.

>  For whom?  Volunteers!  I have been in charge of horse shows and
> the thought of something on this scope scares me.  Volunteers are hard to
> come by and the fact that they would have to come from all over would be a
> lot to ask.

Alot to ask but also an expansive group -with diverse backgrounds and talents 
to make it happen.

>  How many people can contribute the MONEYand TIME this would
> take?

Some can't do both, some have more of one than another. If everyone gives a 
little of one or the other, it can be done.

>  If the idea is to have more people see Fjords, how about an effort to
> have more participation in Expos?

I do not necessarily see this as a platform for people to "see the Fjord". 
Although it certainly can be advertised in such a fashion that
the non Fjord owning public is very welcome to watch and hopefully it could be 
held in a full size coliseum that would be conducive to a
large audience..I see it as an avenue for US, the current membership to have a 
common place to perform, compete, learn, administrate,
listen, speak, sell, buy, meet and see -on a national level.

And I agree with Mike - all Fjords can come.

Where would we be if those who started the NFHR didn't think it couldn't be 
done, or the time wasn't right. -


Re: National Show & Event

2000-11-02 Thread Pat
This message is from: Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

All the conversations concerning a National Show has far exceeded my 
and I see now it is within reach of becoming a reality.

One of the reasons a same-date  -- same location is important as I believe Lori
pointed out , and something I found out recently is reservation of that site. 
Haflinger people reserve the Springfield, IL. facilities every year, but in 
June (a
very poor time of the year for a National event)...but that was the only open 
and the only way they can get a date closer to the fall is from the inside so to
speak. If say for example a plot opens in Sept. they would have first chance to 
over to that better date. Does that make sense?
Steve's idea of the Nebraska facilities is a good one as if it is so new, we 
can get
a good time spot and keep it forever.Sort of get in from the beginning.
Lets face it, the show is going to be in "someone's" back yard. It will be more
convenient for some then others - however I would assure you the folks whom live
close will probably be asked to do more. So its a win-win or loose-loose 
on your outlook.

Something that could get the ball rolling - is sponsorship. We need seed money,
hell, we need money to plant the whole thing!
One company I thought - and mentioned before was Fiskars - the scissor people. 
I see
on their package they have an office in Wausau, WI but it appears they are 
from Canada.
What I'm saying here is this: Lets put our heads together and come up with some
ideas on sponsorship. What other companies would be - and put yourself in their
place -to gain from giving us money?  Come on now, think! And how do you ask a
company?  I know some of you out there have backgrounds that do this sort of 
..or work for companies - or drove past one once. Anyone work for Rolex?...know
anyone who used to work for Rolex?...Timex maybe?...This is something we can do 
our computers- this winter-
Lots of good ideas out there just waiting to come alive!
A job for everyone...

Re: National Show

2000-10-31 Thread Lori Albrough
This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I love Pat Holland's ideas of a National Show. It sounds so exciting, all
those stallions to drool over, all the people and horses from all over the
country to finally meet in person. 

Personally I would prefer a single central location that stayed the same
every year. If the national show moves around, I don't think we'll get the
'bringing together' effect and chance to meet people and their horses from
outside our geographical region. Lincoln Nebraska looks quite central and I
would travel to go there, and bring horses, it looks like a three day drive
from here. 

Tops on my list for attending any show is that it is well organized and run.
By that I mean that the programs go out well in advance to allow me to plan
who I'm bringing and what I'm going in; that the classes start on time and
finish by a reasonable time; that the judge is very familiar with Fjord
breed type; that the facilities are safe; that there are written rules and
standards for tack, apparel, etc. This does not in any way detract from the
fun or friendliness of a show. I know I have travelled very far to go to
regional shows where some of the above points were missing. This detracts
from my enjoyment of the show and I wonder if it accounts for the low
attendance in recent years. The new show held in NY was very well organized
and also very fun and friendly, so the two are not mutually exclusive.

Here's to Pat for coming up with such an ambitious idea, and I hope it
becomes a reality.

Lori Albrough
Moorefield Ontario

Re: National show / Association vs. Registry

2000-10-31 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/31/00 12:40:47 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

<< P.S.:  Personally I'd favour Albuquerque - been wanting to go there again 
for a 
 loong time! >>

Eike, anytime you want to come just let me know I live about 20 miles from 
Albuquerque and you are welcome to stay.
Sue Clark-Sorger
Crown oak Fjords
Sandia Park NM

Re: National show / Association vs. Registry

2000-10-30 Thread Eike Schoen-Petersen
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eike Schoen-Petersen)

To give you some idea of a situation of seperate registry and association I can 
tell you what things are like in Germany, where we have registries on state 
level and a national association for the promotion of the breed.  This 
out of historical independence of the states of the federal republic and the 
fact that animal husbandry laws regulating the recognition of registries - 
authorities are the states - have been in place from times when horse breeding 
was vital for warfare/cavalry in central europe.  The Fjord Association (IGF) 
has good working relationships with the state registries, but still much effort 
has to be put into communication and coordination.  With more people involved 
things become slower and sometimes more difficult than they would have to be.  
Personally I can not imagine what positive effects one would expect in the 
US from the establishment of a separate body besides the NFHR.  Also I can not 
see what keeps the NFHR from promoting the breed by organizing a national show. 
Your kind of "show" compares horses in the different uses they are bred for.  
"evaluation" is different and may not be the thing for the person "only" 
interested in riding, driving etc.  But a chance to combine the show classes 
with an evaluation in one big event (as we have done on the 20th and 25th 
anniversary of our association) could be great for everybody.

Of course it's easy for me to say - but I'd definitely try to book my trip for 
that national event!  


P.S.:  Personally I'd favour Albuquerque - been wanting to go there again for a 
loong time!

Re: National Show

2000-10-30 Thread DBLDAYFARM
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/30/2000 2:32:13 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

> Myself I would prefer to see this National show open to any pure bred & 
>  registered Fjord.  I don't think it should be limited to one registry or 
>  another.  Ever Fjord should be welcome.  I think that would do more to 
>  bringing the groups together than anything could.

I agree Mike. It also would offer MORE for the public to see and enjoy. And 
after all, that is what promoting horses (any breed) is all about. NEW BLOOD
Check out our website";>DoubleDay Farm - 
Paint & Miniature Horses 

Re: National Show

2000-10-29 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/29/00 2:40:19 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

<< Myself I would prefer to see this National show open to any pure bred & 
 registered Fjord.  I don't think it should be limited to one registry or 
 another.  Ever Fjord should be welcome.  I think that would do more to 
 bringing the groups together than anything could. >>

I totally agree. I own 3 fjords, only one of them is registered with the NFHR 
please don't stop any purebred Fjord owner from showing based on where they 
are registered.

Sue Clark-Sorger
Crown Oak Fjords
in waterlogged NM

Re: National Show

2000-10-29 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 05:18 AM 10/29/00 +, you wrote:
The next point that I think needs to be addressed before we can go any 
farther with this concept of a National show is that the NFHR must support 
and maintain this 100%, with co-operation and full participation by 
regional groups. So here again, we come to the "bump" in the road: do we 
(as local/regional groups) affiliate with the NFHR, or will this remain an 
unanswered topic with the NFHR, and we remain "in limbo"?

I think in order for this "Unanswered" topic to be answered it has to be 
formally asked of the NFHR BOD.  Someone needs to come up with a proposal 
for them before an answer can be forth coming.  I have been on almost every 
BOD meeting that has been held in the last 7 - 8 years now & I can't ever 
remember a real proposal being brought to them to discuss.

So how about someone putting some thoughts on paper (or some electronic 
words would do I guess) and sending a proposal to the BOD of the NFHR.  I 
think someone needs to do this before a National show is possible.  The 
major Promotional groups need to be more connected to the NFHR and each 
other if this is ever going to work.

By supporting, I am thinking in terms of the NFHR sponsoring and setting 
up NFHR qualifying classes at the regional shows, and then inviting the 
qualifiers to the Nationals.

At this point you would be able to invite anyone that owns a Fjord and not 
have an over crowding problem I am afraid.  I think you can probably get 
enough horses but I don't think you will have a problem of having to many 
yet.  I also think the NFHR Promo committee might just be open to 
sponsoring some classes at the regional shows.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

Re: National Show

2000-10-28 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

About a National's my spin on it:

Yes, in the most perfect of worlds, I can see this happening...but can I say 
something about the other registries that have National shows?
They have a membership base in the tens of thousands, (AQHA, IAHA,Morgans, 
etc.) Out of that membership base, who actually shows? 20%, 30% of the 
membership? There is actually a separate economy generated from within the 
registry, in breeders and trainers, making a living solely out of what they 
do with horses. I see very little of this activity happening in our registry 
(so far), with the exception of trainers like you and Gayle.

The next point that I think needs to be addressed before we can go any 
farther with this concept of a National show is that the NFHR must support 
and maintain this 100%, with co-operation and full participation by regional 
groups. So here again, we come to the "bump" in the road: do we (as 
local/regional groups) affiliate with the NFHR, or will this remain an 
unanswered topic with the NFHR, and we remain "in limbo"? By supporting, I 
am thinking in terms of the NFHR sponsoring and setting up NFHR qualifying 
classes at the regional shows, and then inviting the qualifiers to the 
Nationals. Also, for an undertaking of this kind, I think it best that there 
be PAID positions for Show Manager and Secretary - unless some generous soul 
of independent means steps up to the plate, but then, the question of 
accountability could possibly be raised, and if the position was a paid one, 
there would be more assurance of this.

Rotating the show location is a VERY good idea. Theoreticlly, the regional 
group in who's area the show is being held, would have most of the 
responsibility for doing the local 'legwork', done by delegation to specific 
committees. ( I know that the POA Registry, a relatively small registry, 
alternates their show sites from one coast to the other.)
Rotation will give those living in the most distant areas an opportunity to 
participate. Another idea would be to give a show discount, or stipend based 
on mileage to those traveling from beyond a specific distance, say from 
beyond a 250 mile radius of the show.
Another idea that I think is worth investigating is creating a NORDIC horse 
show with the inclusion of the other breeds, to share with the overhead. 
(Icelandics and Swedish Gotlands are the only other 'native' nordic 
registries that come to mind in the U.S.)This is working well for us at 
Turlock, and we don't step on each others toes...
Having an Evaluation during a national show would be a smart thing to do, 
but again, this could really stretch the support staff to the max, and an 
all out team of volunteers would have to really hustle to pull it off.
Thanks for bringing up this topic Pat and Catherine. Look at the response 
you have generated so far! That's what I think is so neat about this list.

night all,

Great Basin Fjords
Carson City, NV

Karen McCarthy
Great Basin Fjords
Carson City, NV

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Re: National show

2000-10-28 Thread Pat
This message is from: Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Would it be possible to double/triple up with some other Nordic breeds or
> piggyback on some other multi-breed show?  That way the work and expense can
> be shared a little more broadly?
> I've thought of that -someone out west had the good idea of the "small world"
> show  I think it was two years ago? -how was that attended?  Was alot of 
> interest
> generated. I know the Haflingers have a National show in the Ohio area in the
> early fall each year, I believe its in Columbus, Ohio. At the same grounds 
> where
> the QH congress is held, and that too is fantastic facilities.
>  But as a Registry,
> the BOD will need to define what will the qualifications, if any will be set
> in place.   We are also in need to define the role of NFHR and the role of
> the local groups.

The Registry -as it stands now -is not in the business of "shows" - its a 
not an Association. Unfortunately an Association needs to be organized along 
the Registry. Somehow the regional groups need to get together and form the
Association working in concert with he Registry.

> ---
> If Albuquerque was chosen for the National Show I would be glad to help with
> the organizing.
> Sue Clark-Sorger
> Crown Oak Fjords
> Sandia Park NM

I'll start making a list of volunteers.

> --
>  (dosen't have to be a BIG deal, a VFW or Grange
> will do).  I love to vacation with a Fjord.
> Carol Tacey
> Rhode Island

My own opinion is that is DOES need to be a big deal. An event -the place to be.

> --
>  Many people have work, school schedules .. so need to have a
> date that fits into vacations and no school time.  If you want people to
> travel, they need a week or more on the road.  With that in mind, you're
> locked into summer months.

When the other breed associations have their National shows - many of  them are 
the fall. The main reason for that is in the larger associations you have to 
in order to go. So the National - or World shows wait until the show seasons are
pretty much over so you can get your "points" to qualify.Its been my experience 
that instead of making the event when everyone can come (which is impossible
sometimes) -you make an event of such importance that the people go out of 
their way
to attend.
That is why we need to make it all encompassing. The show -BUT also the stallion
avenue -an auction - a trade show- the annual meeting -clinics. I know people 
be thinking about breeding their mares soon. Wouldn't it be nice to not only 
see the
prospect stallions live - but see them compete -see them do "the thing" they do 
best - if its draft work, or pleasure riding, or dressage or reining or 
jumping?  OR
imagine having   a stallion evaluation - so you can "match" your mares. No 
is perfect -as no mare is either. You may want to "lighten-up" one of your 
mares -
or maybe you have a "sport-type" mare that you want ot beef up. Or you have a 
with bad legs can see first hand  -that Mr.Stud throws great legs but 
has a
god awful head...or a neck thats lower than his forearm -.or  that one Mr. Stud 
always thought was drafty -turns out that he has a fantastic stride and floats.


> How about calculating the exact center of the NFHR membership and chosing the
> closest facility?

I think this would be great if someone had the computer ability to do it. It 
solve the problem.

> . If all
> regional shows are hanging by a thread, would this be better attended or
> worse?

This National show is not to stop the regional show -but to add another place 
all of us to attend. The Midwest has two events that keeps growing each year. 
show in Blue Earth and our winter meeting in Galena, IL Each year - each event 
more and more people coming. Last year just the winter meeting and clinic had 
people - great for our size group - you all know the evaluation /show was the
largest attended.

> --
> Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 00:21:49 -0500
> From: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re[2]: National Show
>   Some place like Nebraska. As of next spring, Lincoln, Nebraska will
>   have the newest and one of the best facilities for horse shows in
>   the country. The Lancaster Event Center which will open with the
>   Nebraska Horse Expo in March, 2001 will have in the first phase of
>   construction, indoor stalling for 400 horses and a show arena with
>   seating for 2500.

STEVE - this sounds fantastic -can you somehow provide me with more information 
the people to contact. Anyplace near to -off of I-80 is very fair to the 
members. I
mean you just drive north -or south eventually crossing I-80 turn left or right 
the cruise - and go!Come on Fjord people -lets get adventurous !

> --

Re: National Show

2000-10-27 Thread SUSAN L GIARGIARI
This message is from: "SUSAN L GIARGIARI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List!

Like what is being said about a National Show. You build it, and we
certainly will come! No matter where it is. Dave McWethy, I am sure will
come, and that would be one 4 In Hand! I think that once a place is picked,
it should stay there, so it could be improved upon each year. What if we
started out with having it every two years? That would maybe help it also.
What if some of the Regional Shows just took place every two years so that
they happened on the years that the National Show didn't. We could hold
Evaluations on the year of the National Show at the different Regional
places. Instead of trying to hold a show and an Evaluation at the same time.
What an opportunity for the Evaluation judges and trainees to see a whole
lot of fjords together at one time. The halter classes at the national show
could be judged using the Fjord Standard. Not one at a time, but using the
standard. Some of the judges do this anyways. Karen Cabic did at the NY show
and Karen Maas did at the VT show. Just a thought!

Now Peg! I have to explain something to you!!!  Yes, you do need to get
geldings evaluated. They are half of what our mares and Stallions are
producing. What if a certain stallion produced mostly geldings compared to
how many mares he produced. And all the mares were OK, just OK. If the
geldings were not OK, no one would ever know. And that Stallion would keep
right on breeding mediocre stock. A breeder needs to know the faults of all
his offspring. If Erland only produced mostly colts, and the people never
got them evaluated, you could never get his offspring awards or it would
sure take a lot longer. The geldings and the folks who buy them from the
breeders are the most important people to a breeder. They also become
friends, as all who buy your stock usually do! We have wonderful
relationships with most of the folks who have bought stock from us, they
become life long friends.  After all, they love fjords too!  The geldings
are a very important part of the Evaluation System. No, they can't
reproduce, but they are the results of at least half of what you are
producing. If you think of the Evaluation as a place to show your geldings,
if you love to show anyways, it is alot of fun, and educational experience,
kind of like a weekend of clinics. You learn your faults and some folks even
learn what their farriers are doing wrong to their horses and how some
faults can be corrected with the right trimming on the youngstock. Very
important stuff!
   Here is a neat challenge to everyone on the list. Take a tape measure out
to the barn. Measure the length of the foot from the coronary band to the
end of the toe. See if the two front measurements are the same. Do the hind
feet also. They should be equal to each other, not that the front should
equal the back. Front and hind feet are shaped differently. Now, how high
are the heels. Measure the front heels to each other, or even by eyeing them
you can see if they are the same. Do the back feet also. Is your frog nice
and big and having contact with the ground or does the farrier hack it off.
It is a pump for blood circulation to the feet. If it doesn't hit the ground
with each step, it doesn't pump. If the heels are too high, usually the feet
are too steep. This can lead to a club foot. Club feet can be produced by
improper trimming and shoeing. We have seen this. Are your horses feet left
as large as they can be to carry the weight of the horse. As large as they
can be, doesn't mean long in the toe. Some fjords just have smaller feet
than they should. If the heels on these guys are left too long, the feet are
tiny and steep. Steep in the front of the foot, meaning the angle of the
pastern, which should match the angle of the foot, doesn't match. Should be
an even line. Check this out on your horses feet. The front and back angles
are different though. If you have an angle tool, check to see if the angles
are the same in the two front feet. In the two back feet. If you don't have
a tool, use two sticks or pencils. Put one along the bottom of the foot and
one along the front plane. (from the tip of the toe to the coronary band).
Keep them at the same angle and mark it down on a paper, the two lines. Now,
do the other foot. Is the measurement from one end of the pencil to the
other end (the open angle) the same for each front foot and the same for
each back foot. If not, you need to have a talk with your farrier.

Ok now! I will give it a rest!   Good evening to you all!  Sue g.

Re: National Show

2000-10-26 Thread MoonWise
This message is from: "MoonWise" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Actually Suzan, to be fair we should figure out the epicenter of  Fjord
ownership based on *driving times.*

Those of us having to cross over the Rockies or drive a long way on back
roads in the West would then tend to skew the chrono-geo-logical center
towards Colorado. ;)

Lori Puster
MoonWise Farm
Bella Vista, CA

Re: National Show

2000-10-26 Thread SSlotness
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How about calculating the exact center of the NFHR membership and chosing the 
closest facility? It would probably be in Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, or some 
place like that. Are there any facilities close to that? Or maybe find out 
who would come, if there is a concentration in a certain area. Maybe more 
would come from the ast, then it should be there.
A survey would be needed, so we could determine the feasibility of it. If all 
regional shows are hanging by a thread, would this be better attended or 

I'm not making judgements here, just asking logistical questions.

Re: National Show

2000-10-26 Thread carol
This message is from: "carol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>"  I really like the idea of a National Show."
>" Me too.   If you build it, we will come."

Could be at different location every three years, West, Mid-States, East.
With enough lead time we could all plan our vacations around the show.  Need
to plan on camping, lodging stable needs.  There is a great horse camp in
Rhode Island with a show ring.  Make it a weekend event, with a Saturday
night dinner for everyone (dosen't have to be a BIG deal, a VFW or Grange
will do).  I love to vacation with a Fjord.
Carol Tacey
Rhode Island

Re: National show

2000-10-26 Thread SorgerJ
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/26/00 12:17:56 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

<<  know Albuquerque has great facilities.  The have the Arabian National
 every year.
We host the Arabian Nationals every other year. 
If Albuquerque was chosen for the National Show I would be glad to help with 
the organizing.
Sue Clark-Sorger
Crown Oak Fjords
Sandia Park NM 

Re: National Show

2000-10-26 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/26/00 9:11:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Me too.   If you build it, we will come.  Lisa Pedersen >>

GMTA.  Lisa, I had JUST posted something in the AOL horse message boards 
about how they took away our fjord board.  A missed opportunity for 
equi-philes browsing the boards and not seeing fjords.  I just told them IF 
they replace our board, we WILL come.


Re: National show

2000-10-26 Thread MoonWise
This message is from: "MoonWise" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sounds like you've been there Pat.  You sure you don't want to take this on?

Would it be possible to double/triple up with some other Nordic breeds or
piggyback on some other multi-breed show?  That way the work and expense can
be shared a little more broadly?

I know Albuquerque has great facilities.  The have the Arabian National
every year.

Lori P.
MonWise Farm
Bella Vista, CA

Re: National show

2000-10-26 Thread Pat
This message is from: Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  NATIONAL SHOW in different locations.

It wouldn't matter to me as an exhibitor where the national show was held, as an
event of this magnitude would justify the travel and expenses. (Ok - I don't pay
the expenses -Howard and Sophie do - but I could justify the cost to them.)The
problem with changing locations from year to year is the set-up. All of you know
the enormous amount of work that goes into preparing for any event. A horse
show, a clinic, conferences, seminars, association meetings and so forth. Once a
location is set, it takes on a life of its own. Some locations lend themselves
to the organization and preparation better than others depending on the people
you work with on site, and the area your working.
Someone needs to be "the guy". For example - and this is only an example - say
we contacted the people for  the Stock Show grounds in Denver and said we want
to rent the facilities for the week of September -- , 2001. I happen to know the
facilities of the stock show grounds and they are excellent and what we need. So
the first person I'd call is Beth and Sandy and say which coliseum should we
use, the big one or the old smaller one, how many stalls can we get near by -
inside, who in the area will furnish bedding. We need vendors - good golly
Denver is filled with tack stores, Beth,call them, go see them.We need a
photographer, Beth...get a local one and a good announcer. We need food service,
..BethWe need the running people, Beth can find a local group that will be
runners. Now Beth and Sandy are very busy - formatting the facilities. And here
is the point, the same vendors, food service, runners and photographers will
fill those jobs next year, plus more hopefully. Someone else in another part of
the country will be hiring the judges, clinicians and ring stewards. Someone
else will be putting the program together. Someone else will be organizing the
cash flow. Someone else will be doing the advertising. The facilities
coordinator will have half the job next year, mainly because you have a place -
so to speak to go on. example: we know the little arena worked fine, and we only
needed two warm up areas, not three. We need more space for vendors, but in the
same spot - the photographer was good, but the announcer has a squeaky voice. .
People will come. I know it. Not everyone will bring horses to show. However if
we offer a "things" for everyone. it will grow. Get some Amish harness makers,
along side of Hunts  harness...find someone who makes western saddles with small
skirts to fit the Fjords with short backs. Not to mention saddle pads, the hugh
western pads for QH's do not fit many Fjords. The herbal feed people would
attend, it seems everyone in the Fjords are feeding the natural additives to the
Fjords. The company who makes those scissors  ...Fiskars... good golly tell them
how everyone who owns a Fjord has to cut the mane. That company alone could
sponsor the show. The ideas are endless and limited only by our imagination and
pocket book.  We could have an auction...a Fjord horse, equipment and tack
auction. People who never want to show a horse, might come to sell a good trail
horse or buy a good driving horse and while they are there, see the stallion
they want to breed to, or finally meet, face- to -face, the person you've been
chatting with on the Digest. We could have one whole youth division. One day,
just for the kids.
Imagine, if those through out the country who have a four-in-hand  all came
to this. What it would look like in the ring. Oh, Beth we need the big arena
now! : )
If the event is a good one, and possibly off season, hotels, restaurants will
offer group rates, and sponsor classes and events. Local businesses will sponsor
things and work with you year after year after year. You establish a history -
people want to be a part of it and support it.
This would be a full time job for someone who doesn't have a job, family, or a
life. It could be good. It can happen.

Re: National Show & more ideas

2000-04-14 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Wednesday, April 12, 2000, you wrote:

> We have a registry which a registry is to register horses An
> Association is for Horse Shows, Show Rules, Horse Riding Programs, Promotion
> of the Breed and for National and Regional Forums or Conferences

> Questions?... Should the Registry become an Association??? Or should the
> Registry allow an Association develop under "its wings"??? Or should those
> that want Association functions start an Association with the Registry's
> "blessings"??? Or should those that want an Association keep their mouth
> shut???

  I'm surprised that this one hasn't started any discussion. I for one
  agree that the functions you delegate to an Association plus some
  additional ones are currently crying to be served. I believe that
  there are committees addressing some of these needs for the
  registry. Are these programs going to be developed by the Registry
  quickly enough to satisfy the desires of new Fjord owners who are
  essentially "end users" rather than breeders? Only time will tell,
  but in that time how many potential Fjord buyers will have opted for
  another breed that offers this kind of support? I think that the
  real problem with building a vehicle for these needed programs,
  whether within the Registry or as a separate entity, comes down to
  money. There is only so much funding that can be raised from the
  limited number of Fjord owners in North America. Maybe some low cost
  programs should take first priority. Defining a standard set of show
  rules to be used nationwide and sanctioning Fjord shows would cost
  little. Providing support for people wishing to start local clubs
  shouldn't be expensive. Buying embroidered patches for a
  riding/driving awards program and administering such a program
  wouldn't break the bank. And if the existence of such aids
  encouraged even a handful of new people to get into Fjords each
  year, I believe it would be money well spent. So, can the Registry
  pick up this ball and run with it, or do we need an additional
  organization? Please notice I said RUN, not crawl or walk.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
 Noblest of the train that wait on man, the flight-performing horse.
   --William Cowper(1731-1800)

Re: National Show & more ideas

2000-04-12 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/12/00 3:37:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Actually this very topic is being discussed by the BOD.  I expect that it 
 will be easier soon to not only import frozen semen from Holland but also 
 from Norway where there are a couple of stallions that are being used for 
 that now. >>

Good!  I'm waiting breathlessly for the road to be paved to do just this!  I 
have a soft part in  my heart for the American born and bred, but this will 
certainly help keep the gene pool from getting stale.  


Re: National Show & more ideas

2000-04-12 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 02:22 PM 4/12/00 -0400, you wrote:

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/12/00 9:18:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

Here goes then.  With my constructive idea to make our Fjord world better.
Is there any way to facilitate the process of registering get of stallions
whose semen has been imported from overseas?  I was very tempted to do that
this year, still am, but the waters are murky with regards to how to register
the babies.

It seems like it would be in the best interest of the fjord breed in America
to be able to take advantage of some of the best animals in Holland.

What do you think?  Any way to speed this process along so somebody could
have a nicely bred baby to register next spring?

Actually this very topic is being discussed by the BOD.  I expect that it 
will be easier soon to not only import frozen semen from Holland but also 
from Norway where there are a couple of stallions that are being used for 
that now.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

Re: National Show & more ideas

2000-04-12 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/12/00 9:18:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< These ideas are to
 generate talk and to get HELP in what the Fjord Owner REALLY wants to do
 with their FJORD... So hey no SLAM DANCING with out giving your constructive
 ideas to make our Fjord World BETTER. >>

Here goes then.  With my constructive idea to make our Fjord world better.  
Is there any way to facilitate the process of registering get of stallions 
whose semen has been imported from overseas?  I was very tempted to do that 
this year, still am, but the waters are murky with regards to how to register 
the babies.

It seems like it would be in the best interest of the fjord breed in America 
to be able to take advantage of some of the best animals in Holland.

What do you think?  Any way to speed this process along so somebody could 
have a nicely bred baby to register next spring?


Re: National Show

2000-04-11 Thread Pat
This message is from: Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

About the National Fjord show.
First of all I never intended it to be an International or World show. Julie 
your right we do not have the numbers to make it a "qualifying" show. And I do 
not see people coming from abroad to attend. My idea was to create an event, 
that all the other breeds already have. Very simply a National show.
The point brought up about the Quarter Horse Congress was a good one, However 
the facts ought to be set straight first. Congress is NOT, nor ever was a 
National/Internationl/World show.   Created in 1968, it was just a show 
sponsored by the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. With $2,000.00 and a dream. 
Blair Folck worked for Bob Evans (the sausage guy) who owned Charolais cattle, 
Blair attended the Charolais Congress in Kansas City and came back with the 
idea of the Q.H. Congress. To help finance the first Congress they created the 
now famous "stallion avenue"...a place where breeders could show off their 
stallions and mare owners could see them live, eventually came the trade show 
and so on and so is now the largest single breed show in the world, 
with 15,000 entries and 600,000
horse people in one spot. It started as a three day show and now it takes three 
weeks to complete. It is THE place to be in October. ...
NOW the point of all of this isit started as just a show by people with 
foresight and imagination. I am NOT proposing we can get the numbers like the 
Congress for the Fjordsbut if we continue to say "we're too small"..or "we 
don't have that many people who show" will simply never be done...we will 
always be to smallor small thinking I should say. The Midwest Fjord group 
used to have a winter meeting and if we were lucky 40-50 people came...if 
anyone knows the exact amount, please correct me. Last year...after listening 
to our club and having a clinic with the meeting 112 people came, this year 
again listening to our people..and had another clinic...128 people came...I 
know because alot of the leg work I did. IT CAN BE DONE.
I felt a National Show would solve many problems facing our Fjord Registry. One 
place, once a year to have an Annual Registry meeting!,all the directors in 
one place, meeting the membership!, a stallion avenue where we can see live the 
stallions we want to breed to. A large enough show with divisions for draft, 
ADS type driving, western, hunt seat, dressageeverything.maybe one big 
evaluation!.with Wayne from U.S. AND Bob from Holland and Arne from Norway 
and Eika from Germany and the inspectors from Denmark and Sweden who 
knowsand for those people who chose not to show!Wouldn't you think THIS 
would be the place to go to just watch. And yes a trade show, with heavens 
forbid...a saddle maker who knows how to fit a horse to a Fjord! You don't 
think the harness
people would come?and if John Lyons have made friends with our east coast 
people...invite him to do a clinic.  Its limitless the possibilities! Mike 
might be able to have a way to figure the most central place according to 
Fjordhorse ownership. So everyone is happy.
I don't know if it will ever come to pass, right now I have a hard enough time 
getting to the grocery store, more or less to plan a National Show. But ideas 
need roots and if we don't look ahead with imagination and improvement ..what 
are we doing?.Mike did mention that a show was not the job of a Registry 
and I agreeits going to have to come from out here somewhere. Personally I 
think its a win-win situation.
Pat Holland