
2001-01-30 Thread Janne Myrdal
This message is from: Janne Myrdal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK, whoever is compiling the age list:

Who the ... is jane myral, 38  :)

Janne Myrdal 38,  in white winter wonder, frost covered trees and all, ND!!


2001-01-26 Thread BugEwhip
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, while you're at it, put my 49 down as two 20's and change.

Pam Garofalo
Age is a state of mind.

Re: our ages

2001-01-25 Thread whitedvm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 20:20:11 -0600 Bonnie Liermann
 This message is from: Bonnie Liermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I sent in my age, but it must have been missed.  
 So . . .  I'll be one of the 20's!
 yeah!  Put me down for 20 years old!

I sent mine in,  but it was missed too.  I'm 35.  I'll let Amy reply on
her own if she wants to.  I don't want to get into any trouble


Steve and Amy White
Prairieholm Farm
Waterloo, Nebraska

our ages

2001-01-25 Thread Bonnie Liermann
This message is from: Bonnie Liermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I sent in my age, but it must have been missed.  
So . . .  I'll be one of the 20's!

yeah!  Put me down for 20 years old!


Re: Ages?

2001-01-20 Thread pattybronson
This message is from: pattybronson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hmm, I think age is a state of mind unfortunately I haven't figured out
what state mine is in.

Happily trotting along


Re: Ages?

2001-01-20 Thread Jon Mary Ofjord
This message is from: Jon  Mary Ofjord [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As long as we are 'fessing up, I am still 49 for a few more months.


Mary can confess on her own. My lips are sealed.

Re: ages

2001-01-20 Thread John and Martie Bolinski
This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All of our horses paw from time to time.  The little shetland/welsh, Wee
Willy has made it into an art form.  He goes all the way down on his elbows
sometimes, stretches slow and long, then stands back up and does an upright
stretch that seems to involve a lot of buttock and neck muscles - looks
like he is in training for giraffe.  He even stretches his tail when he
does this.

Martie in MD


 Gunthar does cat should I. :)
 Gail Russell
 Forestville CA


2001-01-19 Thread Kim Gibson Rogstad
This message is from: Kim Gibson Rogstad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi we mostly lurke too. I think this idea of a profile is a good idea so here
goes Gunnar 38 and Kim 46 our two daughters Casey 5 and Quinn 4 Casey will be
6 in Feb Our four maresVirdon Ingrid 7 and Virdon Dagny 3 these two are in
foal to Pat wolfs Stallion Felix and due in mid May the other two mares
areWild Flower Cloe 2 and Wild Flower Lily 2 two dogs five cats 5 goats and
two on the way.

   Gunnar and Kim Rogstad
Tall Pines Farm
 Sutton Ont

Re: ages

2001-01-19 Thread GAIL RUSSELL
This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thor sometimes paws the ground, waiting for the hay to arrive. The
other day he was standing with his one foot stretched forward - he put
his other foot forward and did a cat-style stretch. Never saw a horse
do that before.

Gunthar does cat should I. :)
Gail Russell
Forestville CA


2001-01-19 Thread sloma
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Another mostly lurker, surfacing to participate in the age and profile
thing. I'm 38, hubby is 42 and two girls, 11 and 9. I subscribe to the
digest from work, and forward relevant advice, stories, etc to the
family at home. I almost never go near the computer at home - too much
to do! I've learned so much from the list, really enjoy the jokes,
stories etc. I got inspired to take riding lessons by hearing from
others on this list. I thought I was too old to start such a thing -
silly me.

We have two 11 year old Fjord geldings, a saddle horse of undetermined
breed (transplanted southwestern ranch horse - mustang, perhaps), one
teeny black pony, sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, cats, dogs, guinea
pig and angora bunny. The Fjords are finally, after a very long break,
being handled and worked fairly consistently, preparing for being used
on the farm. My oldest daughter is riding Thor a little, bareback
until we get a saddle that fits.

Thor sometimes paws the ground, waiting for the hay to arrive. The
other day he was standing with his one foot stretched forward - he put
his other foot forward and did a cat-style stretch. Never saw a horse
do that before.

Thanks to all for a great list - gotta get back to work.

Candy, Ed, Erica and Samantha Sloma, Thor, Max, Taco, Billy, et al
Laughing Crow Farm, upstate NY


2001-01-19 Thread BugEwhip
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please add Pam Garofalo- 48 (soon to be 49)

Re: Ages and Aging

2001-01-18 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/18/01 1:05:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

 .  My age is 50 and I'm in the fishing
 business in Alaska - sole, cod and scallops mostly.  I was a horse lover as
 a kid and finally at age 48 fulfilled my dream of ownership.  That's about

What part of Alaska?  I spent a summer fishing out of Juneau.  I met some 
lovely people there!


Re: Ages and Aging

2001-01-18 Thread linda hickam
This message is from: linda hickam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Kathywelcome...I live in Kuna...linda
From: Kathy Spiegel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Ages and Aging
Date: Thu, Jan 18, 2001, 2:11 PM

This message is from: Kathy Spiegel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I liked the note on aging.
This most of the time lurker is also 51 and would love to see some profiles.
This list has become a must read.  Usually, unless I have students waiting, I
look at it first thing when I get in in the morning. I  am getting my first
Fjord from a member of the list and have seen an incredible amount of just 
useful information. What is amazing is the number of us who are not teenagers
using the technology.

Kathy at Idaho State University in Southeastern Idaho - close to the  coldest
spot in the nation last night but warming today.

Re: Ages and Aging

2001-01-18 Thread Teressa Kandianis
This message is from: Teressa Kandianis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I love the profile thing.  This is such a great forum for information - I'm
not sure how I would have coped with my fjords without listers.  A great
example of a virtual community.  My age is 50 and I'm in the fishing
business in Alaska - sole, cod and scallops mostly.  I was a horse lover as
a kid and finally at age 48 fulfilled my dream of ownership.  That's about

By the way, though, do any gardening listers know of a good garden mail
list?  I've tried a few that turned out to be non existent or so off topic
as to be a waste of time.  Teressa Kandianis - watching Nina try to swim in
her water trough.

Re: Ages and Aging

2001-01-18 Thread Kathy Spiegel
This message is from: Kathy Spiegel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I liked the note on aging.
This most of the time lurker is also 51 and would love to see some profiles.
This list has become a must read.  Usually, unless I have students waiting, I
look at it first thing when I get in in the morning. I  am getting my first
Fjord from a member of the list and have seen an incredible amount of just plain
useful information. What is amazing is the number of us who are not teenagers
using the technology.

Kathy at Idaho State University in Southeastern Idaho - close to the  coldest
spot in the nation last night but warming today.


2001-01-18 Thread Janne Myrdal
This message is from: Janne Myrdal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK, OK, I am 38, my horses are 13  (QH), fjords are 10, 9 and 9 months.  Two
dogs, a yellow lab and a JR puppy, 2 cats, fish, parakeet ( I hate that
messy thing) and way to many cattle to count :).

Janne in stormy ND


2001-01-18 Thread M.Bijster
This message is from: M.Bijster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Denise, you forgot to mention me
 I alraide mailed that I am 54
Marion Bijster, The Netherlands

I saw the name Betsy Bister on the list
I wonder whether you last name might originally have been Bijster ???
Do you know of that ?

Re: Ages and Aging

2001-01-17 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I had to laugh about what you said about kids and their ages, Our son will be 
18 on the 22nd and he came to me this week with a serious face and said WOW 
I'm almost 21!

I tried ever so hard to keep a straight face, I said something 
like,Technically you are almost 18, but yah I guess you are getting closer 
It's been the family joke for a week now
Kind of like WOW, I'm 35, but getting close to that big 40! (Hint Hint) 
And Mike is enjoying his Senior Citizen discount, at a limited amount of 
restaurants, But he was pretty pissed when the car insurance company made him 
sign up for the 55 Stay Alive class   LOL

Mike and Michele Noonan

Ages and Aging

2001-01-17 Thread Cheryl Beillard
This message is from: Cheryl Beillard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok .. you can put me down as 51 .. today.  You aren't recording how old we
feel are you?

re the discussion . . here's a little set of age related observations that I
think we can relate to ..

Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is
when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about
aging that you think in fractions.

How old are you?I'm 4 and half.

You're never 36 and a half, but you're 4 and a half going on 5! That's
the key.

You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You
jump to the next number. How old are you?  I'm gonna be 16.

You could be 12, but you're gonna be 16. And then the greatest day of
your life happens: you become 21. Even the words sounds like a
ceremony--you BECOME 21. YES

But then you turn 30. Ooohhh, what happened here?? Makes you sound
like bad milk. He TURNED. We had to throw him out. There's no fun now.
What's wrong?? What changed??  You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're
PUSHING 40... stay over there,  it's all slipping away...

So, you BECOME 21, you TURN 30, you're PUSHING 40, you REACH
dreams are gone... and then .. you MAKE IT to 60...Whew! I didn't think I'd
make it.

You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, You're PUSHING 40, you REACH 50, you MAKE IT to
60, and by then you've built up so much speed, you HIT 70!

After that, it's a day by day thing. You HIT Wednesday, you get into your
80s, you HIT lunch. I mean my grandmother won't even buy green bananas,
Well it's an investment, you know, and maybe a bad one.

And it doesn't end there...Into the 90's, you start going backwards: I was
JUST 92. Then a strange thing happens, if you make it over 100, you become a
little kid again: I'm 100 and a half!!

Age is a funny thing.

Re: Ages

2001-01-16 Thread Ruth Bushnell
This message is from: Ruth Bushnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 FRED, Gene always quotes Sachel Page saying, HOW OLD would you be 
 if you
 DIDN'T KNOW how hold you were?
 THINK YOUNG! and avoid mirrors.  =))
 Ruthie, NW MT

I thought he was the one who said Age is just mind over matter.  If you
don't mind, it doesn't matter.


SOUNDS LIKE the same guy Steve! Ruthie, NW MT

Re: Ages

2001-01-16 Thread whitedvm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 FRED, Gene always quotes Sachel Page saying, HOW OLD would you be 
 if you
 DIDN'T KNOW how hold you were?
 THINK YOUNG! and avoid mirrors.  =))
 Ruthie, NW MT

I thought he was the one who said Age is just mind over matter.  If you
don't mind, it doesn't matter.


Steve and Amy White
Prairieholm Farm
Waterloo, Nebraska

Re: Ages

2001-01-16 Thread Ruth Bushnell
This message is from: Ruth Bushnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is from: Frederick J. \(Fred\) Pack [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Jack Benny stopped counting at 39.

I think I'll stop counting forward (now) at 64 (chronologically) and start
counting backwards until I hit 39 again.

After all, I'm only 39 on the inside (my child bride, Lois, would probably
state a smaller number).  You'll never take the kid out of me anyway.

Fred Pack
Wilkeson, WA USA

FRED, Gene always quotes Sachel Page saying, HOW OLD would you be if you
DIDN'T KNOW how hold you were?

THINK YOUNG! and avoid mirrors.  =))

Ruthie, NW MT

RE: Ages

2001-01-15 Thread Frederick J. \(Fred\) Pack
This message is from: Frederick J. \(Fred\) Pack [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Jack Benny stopped counting at 39.

I think I'll stop counting forward (now) at 64 (chronologically) and start
counting backwards until I hit 39 again.

After all, I'm only 39 on the inside (my child bride, Lois, would probably
state a smaller number).  You'll never take the kid out of me anyway.

Fred Pack
Wilkeson, WA USA


2001-01-15 Thread Momster18
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone!  
I'm 47 and have been riding for almost 3 years.  I had never been near horses 
until my daughter began to ride.  After about 4 years I decided it looked 
like fun and took my first lesson!  Have been having so much fun.  However, 
my mind is always playing games and I'm constantly overcoming fears.  
Currently I'm reading Sally Swift's book, CENTERED RIDING.  It's been really 
making me think about my position in the saddle.  I'm definately a forward 
leaner by nature.  Will focus on this and become more balanced.  
Pat McCurdy
Cato, NY


2001-01-15 Thread Julie Will
This message is from: Julie Will [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am old enough to have been a staunch Elvis fan, and young enough to still
have teenage children.  I'm old enough to be a grandma, five times over, and
young enough feel shocked when AARP solicits my membership.  My mother still
gives me advice, and my children still think they know more than I do.
Riding is my preferred activity, although I've been on break for a little
while.  (Back in the saddle tomorrow, if all goes as planned.  I'm 56 years

I think list profiles would be fun!

Julie, in upstate New York where it HASN'T snowed in 5 days!!!

Re: Ages

2001-01-15 Thread John and Martie Bolinski
This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK, I am 54.  I mostly just drive these days, but as soon as Frida has weaned 
upcoming foal John and I plan to get back to trail riding.  We hope.

Martie in MD

Re: Ages

2001-01-15 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: Jean Gayle [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Great idea about a prize for the oldest who still rides!  Make it
something expensive and blue.  I like blue.   :)  A friend and I went into
the hinterlands yesterday and found a place where very few people live, how
novel, and will be taking dressage again. Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of The Colonel's Daughter
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
Barnes  Noble Book Stores

Re: Ages

2001-01-15 Thread NordicKees
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, guess I will have to fess up here too.  I am 60.
But this ole Norwegian here keeps pretty busy with:
6 horses
7 dogs
2 old cats
2 birds
1 pet chicken (the only one left after the coyotes and mountain lions 
finished the rest 
  of  them off.)
Guess the years on the farm back in Norway gave me the stamina to keep going.

Rondi Tyler.

Re: Ages

2001-01-15 Thread Anneli Sundkvist
This message is from: Anneli Sundkvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I will be 34 in March. And my HORSES are 8 and 16.


Anneli Sundkvist
Department of Archaeology  Ancient History
Uppsala University
St. Eriks Torg 5
S-753 10 Uppsala
Phone: +46-18-4712082
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: Ages

 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm 43.

Re: Ages

2001-01-15 Thread linda hickam
This message is from: linda hickam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

O.K.FINE..I'm 46BUT...remember.when I was 16,I was in a coma
for 3 weeks..I had to learn how to do EVERYTHING over I
figure I'm really 16 years younger than I am mentally{ emotionally,I'm still
at 16physically,am heading rapidly back to fetal position!} 
From: Mariposa Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Ages
Date: Mon, Jan 15, 2001, 8:59 AM

This message is from: Mariposa Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Arthur Rivoire wrote:
  I think that person suggested we identify ourselves as to age.  That would
  be interesting.

OK, I'll play  I'm 41

Mark McGinley (and Lisa too for 4 more days, but I never said it)

Re: Ages

2001-01-15 Thread carol j makosky
This message is from: carol j makosky [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lori Albrough wrote:

 This message is from: Lori Albrough [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Arthur Rivoire wrote:
  I think that person suggested we identify ourselves as to age.  That would
  be interesting.

 OK, I'll play  I'm 36.

 Lori A.

Is there a prize for the oldest, who still rides?

Built FJORD tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
Northern Wisconsin

Re: Ages

2001-01-15 Thread Mariposa Farm
This message is from: Mariposa Farm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Arthur Rivoire wrote:
  I think that person suggested we identify ourselves as to age.  That would
  be interesting.

OK, I'll play  I'm 41

Mark McGinley (and Lisa too for 4 more days, but I never said it)


2001-01-15 Thread Lori Albrough
This message is from: Lori Albrough [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Arthur Rivoire wrote:
 I think that person suggested we identify ourselves as to age.  That would
 be interesting.

OK, I'll play  I'm 36.

Lori A.

horse ages

1999-11-19 Thread Alison Barr
This message is from: Alison Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It seems that there is two conversations about the age to start horses.
One is about starting  too early and one is about too late.
Starting with early, there are several problems with it. The first is
the knee joint fusion. At around two a section of the joint joins and
fuses.  For really serious trainers, who x-ray, this is the indication
to start more serious work (not just backing and groundwork).  However,
warmblood types tend to mature later. Also, there are many other joint
and bone problems related to starting really young. As a result, I would
suggest starting Fjords no earlier than than 3.
On the other hand, what about starting them late?  While there would
certainly be no physical problems, you don't want to miss their peak
years because they are still so green. Also, from starting Fj at 7, when
an animal is left that long, they aren't very happy about working (much
rather eat).  It doesn't help when working with a stubborn breed.
 As such, it seems to me to be best to start somewhere between 3 and 6.
So to Anneli, I as go for it! you couldn't pick a better breed to start
with.  But remember that it is always good to get instruction to help you.