Re: [flexcoders] Observer pattern

2008-11-10 Thread jitendra jain
Well Everytime i create a popup there is only as single instance. But i don't 
want that also because My application is too big and iam not wanting my 
application to occupy the memory. Thanks again. I will read the link once again.

with Regards,
Jitendra Jain

From: Ralf Bokelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 10 November, 2008 1:19:37 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Observer pattern

Very difficult to debug, because we don't know, what is going on
behind the scenes. Try googling Grant Skinner's articles about Flash
Player memory and garbage collection. Might be helpful. Also you could
try to create and destroy the popup a billion times and see, if the
problem manifests into a real problem.


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 8:20 AM, jitendra jain
jitendra_jain_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
 Profiler still shows that popup occupied the memory. I'm
 enforcing garbage Collector but not working. Let me know..

 Thanks Relf for your reply.


 with Regards,
 Jitendra Jain

  _ _ __
 From: Ralf Bokelberg ralf.bokelberg@
 Sent: Monday, 10 November, 2008 12:46:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Observer pattern

 Afaik the gc only runs, if the player is running out of memory. What
 makes you think, that your popup doesn't get garbage collected?


 On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 6:08 AM, jitendra jain
 jitendra_jain_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
 Hi friends,

 I'm using Observer pattern to create popups in my application. But when i
 tried to remove PopUpManager. removePopUp( displayObj) , it does not get
 garbage collected. I even tried with assigning null to my Observer. ITs
 working. I removed event Listeners and also firing Observer by setting the
 boolean 'false' the way we did with 'true'. But nothing seems working.

 Please help.


 with Regards,
 Jitendra Jain

  _ _ __
 Connect with friends all over the world. Get Yahoo! India Messenger.

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[flexcoders] Re: Help on sorting an ArrayCollection then adding an item to the top

2008-11-10 Thread Mark
Thanks, but as soon as you make a choice from the comboBox you can't 
select it again as a default.  And maybe Select One is the wrong 
wording for what I'm doing here... Select All would be a better 
choice of words.

--- In, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 mx:ComboBox prompt=Select One/
 --- In, Mark markp.shopping_id@ 
  Thanks for the quick reply Ralf, but I have no idea how to do 
 of what you
  suggested. Would you know of any examples you can point me to?
  --- In, Ralf Bokelberg 
   You can provide your own sort function, which sorts your 
   at the top.
   Alternatively you can use the prompt propertyof the combobox. 
It is
   shown if the selectedIndex is set to -1
   On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Mark markp.shopping_id@ wrote:
I'm trying to sort an arrayCollection that is the 
dataProvider for
comboBox. But I also need to add an item to the top of the
list Select One. Everything I've tried always sorts that 
as well. Is there a way to exclude something from a sort or 
am I
just doing this completly wrong? Here's what I have?
var sort:Sort = new Sort();
sort.fields = [];
sort.fields.push(new SortField(title,true));
nameCollection.sort = sort;
// add new item to the top
var sItem:Object = new Object;
sItem = {title:Select One};
Thank You,

[flexcoders] Accessing webservice with flex

2008-11-10 Thread moj2joj

I have a flex app (on Flex 3) hosted on our server which is trying to access
data through a webservice call. 
I recently upgraded my flash player from version 9 to version 10. When I am
trying to access my webservice it gives me the Channel.Security.Error . 
I tried to look for a solution to this problem and found that it had to do
with the crossdomain.xml file which is in the same folder as my project on
the server. This is how our file looks 

?xml version=1.0? 
!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM; 
site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies=all/ 
allow-access-from domain=* to-ports=* secure=true / 
allow-http-request-headers-from domain=* headers=* secure=true / 

Could anyone please help me with this error. Its getting really frustrating.
View this message in context:
Sent from the FlexCoders mailing list archive at

[flexcoders] fileRequest.upload to cfc help

2008-11-10 Thread r0brh0des

I am trying to call a coldfusion function in a cfc to handle a
fileRequest upload. I can't seem to get the function to take the url
variables or do anything...if I take away the cffunction and
cfargument tags it works fine as a cfm.

What is it about the cfargument and cffunction tags that makes the
passing of data different?

Won't they take the multipart/form data?...If I need a remote
object how do I upload a file?

[flexcoders] external urls

2008-11-10 Thread iloveyouwisconsin
Newbie for my stupid question. I'm sure this is pretty 
simple but I am completely new to Flex: 

How do I dynamically display an array of external hyperlinks? I have 
the following xml code:

  textClick Me 1/text
  textClick Me 2/text
  textClick Me 3/text

How do I make it so that the user will see the 3 items in the text 
field (dynamically...not hardcoded):
 1. Click Me 1
 2. Click Me 2
 3. Click Me 3
and then when each is clicked they will be directed to their 
respective links: http://www.followthis1com, http://www.followthis2com, 

Here is the flex code I am (wrongly) using:
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.controls.Alert;
[Bindable] private var thisList:ArrayCollection;
private function changeHandler(event:ListEvent):void{
private function init():void{
private function httpResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void{
thisList = event.result.sample.entry;


mx:HTTPService id=goodsample 

mx:LinkBar labelField=text
itemClick=navigateToURL(new URLRequest(   
String(event.label).toLowerCase()), '_blank');

Many thanks!

[flexcoders] Re: Custom combobox even propagation

2008-11-10 Thread schneiderjim
Thanks, but I'm not looking to capture normal keyboard entries in
the combobox. I'm looking for a hotkey/function key press that tells
our system to go do stuff on the fields in the custom form. This
hotkey/function key event propagates just fine from all of my other
custom control wrappers, just not the combobox wrapper. 

Any other thoughts anyone?

--- In, valdhor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have no idea about your specific problem but I do have an idea.
 Instead of a ComboBox, you may like to use an AutoComplete Input:
 --- In, schneiderjim jschneider@ wrote:
  Flex 2.0.1
  We are dynamically generating/building a form and putting it in a
  content area. The form has a list of fields that are custom fields
  (wrappers for the real UI component). I'm trying to capture a key
  press in the content area. It works for the TextInput custom
  component, but not the ComboBox. Any Ideas? Here's the basic class
  structure (pseudo-code):
  class BaseControl extends UIComponent {
 protected var component : UIComponent;
  class MyComboBox extends BaseControl {
 public MyComboBox () : void {
component = new ComboBox();
  class MyTextInput extends BaseControl {
 public MyTextInput () : void {
component = new TextInput();
  class MyForm extends UIComponent {
 var fields : ArrayCollection; // list of BaseControls
 var form = new MyForm();
 ... add form fields
 content.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyboard);
 private function handleKeyboard(event:KeyboardEvent) { down);
  mx:VBox id=content
  The problem is that the keyboard handler is being called correctly
  when a key is pressed with the cursor in the custom Text input field,
  but is not getting called when the custom ComboBox has focus and a key
  is pressed. 
  What am I missing?

[flexcoders] Advanced Data Grid - LockedRowCount property

2008-11-10 Thread grg_blls
Is there actual evidence that this property lockedRowCount actually 
exists (or has any effect) in Advanced Data Grid (of AS3 stable)?

As I have posted this question before (and others did before me) but 
got no reply, I wonder what is the reason... 

Contrary to the above statements, the other lockedColumnCount works 
as adverised... So what gives with this one? Was it forgotten by Adobe?

Any answer pro or con its existance, will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance

[flexcoders] sailorsea21 - How can I modify the value in my ColumnSeries datatip.

2008-11-10 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, 
I have a multiple series graph: ColumnSeries and LineSeries.
How can I modify the value displayed in my ColumnSeries datatip?
The value is a numeric value like 20465. 
I would like to apply a numberFormatter to the value displayed in the 
ColumnSeries datatip without affecting the LineSeries datatip. Is 
this possible?

This is my code:


import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.printing.FlexPrintJob;

import mx.core.IUIComponent;
import mx.formatters.NumberFormatter;
import mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer;

public var ArrayImportationLive:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;

private var XMLImportationLive:XML;

private function get_importationLive(event:ResultEvent):void
XMLImportationLive = event.result as XML;
for each(var ourxml:XML in XMLImportationLive.elements() ) 

private function axisSymbol
return percent_value + %;

private function axisFormatThousand
return numberFormatter.format(format);


mx:NumberFormatter id=numberFormatter/
mx:LinearAxis id=int_5000 interval=5000/
mx:LinearAxis id=percent interval=10 maximum=100/

mx:HTTPService url=xml.php useProxy=false method=POST 
id=importationLive resultFormat=e4x result=get_importationLive

mx:ColumnChart id=S_Res type=overlaid dataProvider={Array} 
mx:CategoryAxis id=H_ArrayImportationLive dataProvider={Array} 
mx:AxisRenderer placement=bottom axis={H_ArrayImportationLive}/
mx:AxisRenderer placement=left axis={int_5000} 
mx:AxisRenderer placement=right axis={percent} 
mx:ColumnSeries verticalAxis={int_5000} yField=in 
mx:ColumnSeries verticalAxis={int_5000} yField=out 
mx:LineSeries verticalAxis={percent} yField=rate 
mx:LineSeries verticalAxis={percent} yField=avg 
mx:Legend dataProvider={S_Res} direction=horizontal/  

This is my XML:

?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?

Thank you


[flexcoders] Re: lockedRowCount won't set

2008-11-10 Thread grg_blls
this is not a solution to your problem, that happens to be mine as 
I posted the same question on the Oct 30 - having missed your post - 
I actually came to the same findings you have, in my project.
As there was no answer to your post, also there are no answers to 
Testing exhaustivelly my code with the adg, I went on to test 
with standard code examples provided with the documentation, only 
adding this lockedRowCount=2 to the mxml code. The result was the 
same as with my more complex code, that I use itemEditors as 
Renderers. It had absolutelly no effect as if that was not set. 
Debugging the same way as you describe in your post, it always report 
a value of 0. To further detail the situation, I also tested the 
lockedColumnCount property (while I don't need it set) that proved 
working as claimed.
So I will put it again: Is this property 'lockedRowCount' actually 
Is there anyone who ever used this property ? and how? 
Please shed some light, if you know. Your help will be much 

--- In, jschacher_2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I have an advanceddatagrid that gets created in actionscript.
 Everything works fine, it comes up with all the properties and data
 set correctly, however when I try to set the lockedRowCount to
 anything  0, it doesn't get set.
 So I have something like...
 dg.lockedRowCount = 2;
 and if I set a break point and debug, it has lockedRowCount = 0
 Any idea what could be going on here, I even tried setting it in a
 function that gets called at the very end after everything else is
 done, and it still doesn't work.
 I'd really appreciate any help.

[flexcoders] Google finance charts - Compare stocks

2008-11-10 Thread chebrolu_srilatha
I am trying to implement flex charts much similar to google finance 
interactive charts.

When the stocks are compared say yahoo and microsoft stocks are 
then the y -axis labels are showing the percentage change in the price 

Could any one please let us know how its implemented?


[flexcoders] Around image in new flash text engine

2008-11-10 Thread cenkhchuluun
Hello guys~ I'm planning to develop a rich text editor using flex.  One
big task is that make it possible to insert image within text content
surrounded by texts, I mean inline image. As you know there's already
inline image support in both flex3,4 (TextField, TextView), the problem
is that the inserted images are not totally surrounded, the height of
the line containing the image becomes the height of image. I'd really
expecting the new text enginge will  support that.  So i wanna ask you
guys if TCAL will support the that particular feature in meantime, or do
i have to re-write whole document object model structure like  I only need to get a basic text processor on flex. 
Thanks Chuka

[flexcoders] Re: fileRequest.upload to cfc help

2008-11-10 Thread btroop202
there is a flex FileReference that you need to use, then call a upload 
cfm page.  
So here is the cfm page:

cfset uploadTargetLocation=expandPath(../../../test)
cfset req = getHTTPRequestData() /

cffile action=UPLOAD filefield=Filedata 
cfsavecontent variable=info
cfdump var=#uploadTargetLocation#
cfdump var=#cffile# label=CFFILE
cfdump var=#req# label=getHTTPRequestData()
cfif IsDefined(URL)
cfdump label=URL var=#url#
cfif IsDefined(FORM)
cfdump label=FORM var=#FORM#

cffile action=write file=#uploadTargetLocation#/dump.html 
output=#info# addnewline=yes

!--- this will also dump out all the data to a file so you can read 
it ---

also check out

--- In, r0brh0des [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to call a coldfusion function in a cfc to handle a
 fileRequest upload. I can't seem to get the function to take the url
 variables or do anything...if I take away the cffunction and
 cfargument tags it works fine as a cfm.
 What is it about the cfargument and cffunction tags that makes the
 passing of data different?
 Won't they take the multipart/form data?...If I need a remote
 object how do I upload a file?

[flexcoders] Re: need some help with extending the LinkBar a bit

2008-11-10 Thread valdhor
LinkBars have LinkButtons as their underlying components so something
like the following should do it:

?xml version=1.0?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=;
 import mx.controls.LinkButton;

 private function onCreationComplete():void
 var linkBarChildren:Array = theLinkBar.getChildren();
 for(var i:int = 0 ; i  linkBarChildren.length ; i++)
 var curentLinkButton:LinkButton = linkBarChildren[i]
as LinkButton;

curentLinkButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver);

curentLinkButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut);

 private function onMouseOver(event:MouseEvent):void
 ( as LinkButton).setStyle(textDecoration,

 private function onMouseOut(event:MouseEvent):void
 ( as LinkButton).setStyle(textDecoration,
 mx:Panel title=LinkBar Control Example height=75% width=75%
 paddingTop=10 paddingBottom=10 paddingLeft=10
 mx:LinkBar id=theLinkBar color=#FF fontWeight=bold
 !-- Define the ViewStack and the two child containers. --
 mx:ViewStack id=myViewStack borderStyle=solid width=100%
 mx:Canvas id=search backgroundColor=#CC
label=Search width=100% height=100%
 mx:Label text=Search Screen color=#00/
 mx:Canvas id=custInfo backgroundColor=#CC
label=Customer Info width=100% height=100%
 mx:Label text=Customer Info color=#00/
 mx:Canvas id=accountInfo backgroundColor=#FFCCFF
label=Account Info width=100% height=100%
 mx:Label text=Account Info color=#00/

--- In, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I found this great post out there on how to remove the highlight
 from a LinkButton.  This post shows how to put the underline under
 the text on rollOver which is what I need.  But I'm using a LinkBar,
 can someone help with this on the LinkBar?


  import mx.controls.LinkButton;
 public class LinkButtonEx extends LinkButton
 public function LinkButtonEx() {
 addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver);
   addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut);
   public function onMouseOver(event:MouseEvent):void {
this.setStyle(textDecoration, underline);
   public function onMouseOut(event:MouseEvent):void {
this.setStyle(textDecoration, none);
   protected override function rollOverHandler
 (event:MouseEvent):void {
// We don't want the rollOver highlight

   protected override function mouseDownHandler
 (event:MouseEvent):void {
// We don't want the rollOver highlight


[flexcoders] Re: Using XML Object passed from ASP.NET web service in a Flex Datagrid

2008-11-10 Thread valdhor
Okely Dokely ;-}

Best Regards


--- In, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, Steve, sign your posts!
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of valdhor
 Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 9:52 AM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Using XML Object passed from ASP.NET web
 service in a Flex Datagrid
 Just an aside. My name is Steve - Valdhor was my alter-ego back in the
 days I was at university and playing ADD every day.
 I am a kiwi, now living in North Carolina.
  But, valdhor is correct

[flexcoders] Help with Custom Text Area (Limited by lines)

2008-11-10 Thread tchredeemed
This is my code:

public class LimitedTextArea extends TextArea {

private static const MAX_LINES:int = 10;
private var storedInput:String;
private var limitHit:Boolean = false;

public function LimitedTextArea(){
  this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler );
  this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler );
  this.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, changeHandler );


protected override function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
  storedInput = this.text;
  var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
  if( tf.numLines  MAX_LINES )
limitHit = true;

protected override function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
  if( limitHit ){ 
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;   

private function changeHandler( event:Event ):void {
  if( limitHit ){
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;



If I just keep entering down and typing stuff in, it works and stops
me from typing more... the problem is when I try to go back and edit
what I have typed, the limit has been hit (10 lines)... I am not sure
how to allow deleting or editing as long as it still does not go
longer than allowed...

Any ideas? ( I tried what you said Alex, but I couldn't get it to work
properly )

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Custom combobox even propagation

2008-11-10 Thread Alex Harui
Try listening in capture phase

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 4:10 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Custom combobox even propagation

Thanks, but I'm not looking to capture normal keyboard entries in
the combobox. I'm looking for a hotkey/function key press that tells
our system to go do stuff on the fields in the custom form. This
hotkey/function key event propagates just fine from all of my other
custom control wrappers, just not the combobox wrapper.

Any other thoughts anyone?

--- In, 
valdhor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have no idea about your specific problem but I do have an idea.

 Instead of a ComboBox, you may like to use an AutoComplete Input:

 --- In, 
 schneiderjim jschneider@ wrote:
  Flex 2.0.1
  We are dynamically generating/building a form and putting it in a
  content area. The form has a list of fields that are custom fields
  (wrappers for the real UI component). I'm trying to capture a key
  press in the content area. It works for the TextInput custom
  component, but not the ComboBox. Any Ideas? Here's the basic class
  structure (pseudo-code):
  class BaseControl extends UIComponent {
  protected var component : UIComponent;
  class MyComboBox extends BaseControl {
  public MyComboBox () : void {
  component = new ComboBox();
  class MyTextInput extends BaseControl {
  public MyTextInput () : void {
  component = new TextInput();
  class MyForm extends UIComponent {
  var fields : ArrayCollection; // list of BaseControls
  var form = new MyForm();
  ... add form fields
  content.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyboard);
  private function handleKeyboard(event:KeyboardEvent) { down);
  mx:VBox id=content
  The problem is that the keyboard handler is being called correctly
  when a key is pressed with the cursor in the custom Text input field,
  but is not getting called when the custom ComboBox has focus and a key
  is pressed.
  What am I missing?

RE: [flexcoders] Drag and drop module

2008-11-10 Thread Alex Harui

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Claudiu 
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 5:04 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Drag and drop module

I have a module who contains a TitleWindow.
In the main application i use a ModuleLoader to loads that module at a
certain time (when I click a button to be more precise).

Everything works fine until I want to move the frehly loaded
TitleWindow (from the module) on the screen. I am not able to maket it
move when clicking it.

If anyone has any input on this it will be appreciated.


RE: [flexcoders] Help with Custom Text Area (Limited by lines)

2008-11-10 Thread Alex Harui
What did the code look like when you tried to save the last length?

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 6:50 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Help with Custom Text Area (Limited by lines)

This is my code:

public class LimitedTextArea extends TextArea {

private static const MAX_LINES:int = 10;
private var storedInput:String;
private var limitHit:Boolean = false;

public function LimitedTextArea(){
this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler );
this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler );
this.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, changeHandler );


protected override function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
storedInput = this.text;
var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
if( tf.numLines  MAX_LINES )
limitHit = true;

protected override function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
if( limitHit ){
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;

private function changeHandler( event:Event ):void {
if( limitHit ){
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;



If I just keep entering down and typing stuff in, it works and stops
me from typing more... the problem is when I try to go back and edit
what I have typed, the limit has been hit (10 lines)... I am not sure
how to allow deleting or editing as long as it still does not go
longer than allowed...

Any ideas? ( I tried what you said Alex, but I couldn't get it to work
properly )

[flexcoders] Re: Around image in new flash text engine

2008-11-10 Thread Cato Paus
I want to know too !

--- In, cenkhchuluun [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello guys~ I'm planning to develop a rich text editor using flex.  One
 big task is that make it possible to insert image within text content
 surrounded by texts, I mean inline image. As you know there's already
 inline image support in both flex3,4 (TextField, TextView), the problem
 is that the inserted images are not totally surrounded, the height of
 the line containing the image becomes the height of image. I'd really
 expecting the new text enginge will  support that.  So i wanna ask you
 guys if TCAL will support the that particular feature in meantime, or do
 i have to re-write whole document object model structure like  I only need to get a basic text processor on flex. 
 Thanks Chuka

[flexcoders] Upgrade only ASDoc.

2008-11-10 Thread rleuthold

Does anybody know if it's possible to upgrade to a newer version of ASDoc 
without having to 
upgrade the whole sdk ? 

It would love to use the new mxml asdoc feature but my app is not Gumbo ready 
at all.

Thank's rico

[flexcoders] Re: Help with Custom Text Area (Limited by lines)

2008-11-10 Thread tchredeemed
public class LimitedTextArea extends TextArea {

private static const MAX_LINES:int = 10;
private var textLength:int = 0;
private var storedInput:String;
private var limitHit:Boolean = false;

public function LimitedTextArea(){
this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler );
this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler );
this.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, changeHandler );


protected override function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
storedInput = this.text;
var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
textLength = tf.length; 
if( tf.numLines  MAX_LINES )
limitHit = true;

protected override function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
if( limitHit  tf.length  textLength ){
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;

private function changeHandler( event:Event ):void {
var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
if( limitHit  tf.length  textLength ){
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;



This does work if I want to go back and change a letter to a different
letter, but I guess another problem I am having is that I want to be
able to keep typing as long as I do not go further than the line limit...

For instance, let's say I hit my limit, but I hit it like this:


I should be able to go up in the first couple lines and keep typing,
because it won't push the bottom line out any further...

[flexcoders] How to get image data and save it?

2008-11-10 Thread markflex2007

I develop an AIR application. I use file browser to select a image
file and I want to get the image data and save it to database so other
people can see the image by reading the image data in database.

I can not save the imageFile.url to database because other people do
not have the image in their computer.I need save the real data of the
image but I do not have a idea how to get it.




The following is part of source code

private function loadImage():void
   var imagesFilter:FileFilter = new 
   imageFile = new File();
   imageFile.browseForOpen(Select an Image, 
private function imageSelected(event:Event):void
imageHolder.source = imageFile.url;

[flexcoders] Re: Custom combobox even propagation

2008-11-10 Thread schneiderjim
I'll admit that I'm not sure you mean by the capture phase. I can
tell you what else I did.

In the customer comboxbox constructor, I did add this (pseudo code):

public MyComboBox () : void {
  component = new ComboBox();
  component.addEventListener(Keyboard.KEY_DOWN, handleIt);

private function handleIt(event:KeyboardEvent) : void {;

And I did get the keyboard event when I pressed my function key.
However, it never seemed to bubble back up to where I really wanted to
handle it. I looked at the properties of the keyboard event and
bubbling was true.

--- In, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try listening in capture phase
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of schneiderjim
 Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 4:10 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Custom combobox even propagation
 Thanks, but I'm not looking to capture normal keyboard entries in
 the combobox. I'm looking for a hotkey/function key press that tells
 our system to go do stuff on the fields in the custom form. This
 hotkey/function key event propagates just fine from all of my other
 custom control wrappers, just not the combobox wrapper.
 Any other thoughts anyone?
 --- In,
valdhor stevedepp@ wrote:
  I have no idea about your specific problem but I do have an idea.
  Instead of a ComboBox, you may like to use an AutoComplete Input:
  --- In,
schneiderjim jschneider@ wrote:
   Flex 2.0.1
   We are dynamically generating/building a form and putting it in a
   content area. The form has a list of fields that are custom fields
   (wrappers for the real UI component). I'm trying to capture a key
   press in the content area. It works for the TextInput custom
   component, but not the ComboBox. Any Ideas? Here's the basic class
   structure (pseudo-code):
   class BaseControl extends UIComponent {
   protected var component : UIComponent;
   class MyComboBox extends BaseControl {
   public MyComboBox () : void {
   component = new ComboBox();
   class MyTextInput extends BaseControl {
   public MyTextInput () : void {
   component = new TextInput();
   class MyForm extends UIComponent {
   var fields : ArrayCollection; // list of BaseControls
   var form = new MyForm();
   ... add form fields
   content.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyboard);
   private function handleKeyboard(event:KeyboardEvent) { down);
   mx:VBox id=content
   The problem is that the keyboard handler is being called correctly
   when a key is pressed with the cursor in the custom Text input
   but is not getting called when the custom ComboBox has focus and
a key
   is pressed.
   What am I missing?

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Help with Custom Text Area (Limited by lines)

2008-11-10 Thread Alex Harui
I see.  What if you go back to your original attempt and set MAX_LINES to 11?  
Will it then stop at 10?

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 7:12 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Help with Custom Text Area (Limited by lines)

public class LimitedTextArea extends TextArea {

private static const MAX_LINES:int = 10;
private var textLength:int = 0;
private var storedInput:String;
private var limitHit:Boolean = false;

public function LimitedTextArea(){
this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler );
this.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler );
this.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, changeHandler );


protected override function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
storedInput = this.text;
var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
textLength = tf.length;
if( tf.numLines  MAX_LINES )
limitHit = true;

protected override function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
if( limitHit  tf.length  textLength ){
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;

private function changeHandler( event:Event ):void {
var tf:TextField = TextField( this.textField );
if( limitHit  tf.length  textLength ){
this.text = storedInput;
limitHit = false;



This does work if I want to go back and change a letter to a different
letter, but I guess another problem I am having is that I want to be
able to keep typing as long as I do not go further than the line limit...

For instance, let's say I hit my limit, but I hit it like this:


I should be able to go up in the first couple lines and keep typing,
because it won't push the bottom line out any further...

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Custom combobox even propagation

2008-11-10 Thread Alex Harui
Combobox stops propagation of the keyboard event.  Go with your original but do 
this in content.mxml

content.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyboard, true);

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 7:16 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Custom combobox even propagation

I'll admit that I'm not sure you mean by the capture phase. I can
tell you what else I did.

In the customer comboxbox constructor, I did add this (pseudo code):

public MyComboBox () : void {
component = new ComboBox();
component.addEventListener(Keyboard.KEY_DOWN, handleIt);

private function handleIt(event:KeyboardEvent) : void {;

And I did get the keyboard event when I pressed my function key.
However, it never seemed to bubble back up to where I really wanted to
handle it. I looked at the properties of the keyboard event and
bubbling was true.

--- In, Alex 
Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try listening in capture phase

On Behalf Of schneiderjim
 Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 4:10 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Custom combobox even propagation

 Thanks, but I'm not looking to capture normal keyboard entries in
 the combobox. I'm looking for a hotkey/function key press that tells
 our system to go do stuff on the fields in the custom form. This
 hotkey/function key event propagates just fine from all of my other
 custom control wrappers, just not the combobox wrapper.

 Any other thoughts anyone?

 --- In,
valdhor stevedepp@ wrote:
  I have no idea about your specific problem but I do have an idea.
  Instead of a ComboBox, you may like to use an AutoComplete Input:
  --- In,
schneiderjim jschneider@ wrote:
   Flex 2.0.1
   We are dynamically generating/building a form and putting it in a
   content area. The form has a list of fields that are custom fields
   (wrappers for the real UI component). I'm trying to capture a key
   press in the content area. It works for the TextInput custom
   component, but not the ComboBox. Any Ideas? Here's the basic class
   structure (pseudo-code):
   class BaseControl extends UIComponent {
   protected var component : UIComponent;
   class MyComboBox extends BaseControl {
   public MyComboBox () : void {
   component = new ComboBox();
   class MyTextInput extends BaseControl {
   public MyTextInput () : void {
   component = new TextInput();
   class MyForm extends UIComponent {
   var fields : ArrayCollection; // list of BaseControls
   var form = new MyForm();
   ... add form fields
   content.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyboard);
   private function handleKeyboard(event:KeyboardEvent) { down);
   mx:VBox id=content
   The problem is that the keyboard handler is being called correctly
   when a key is pressed with the cursor in the custom Text input
   but is not getting called when the custom ComboBox has focus and
a key
   is pressed.
   What am I missing?

[flexcoders] Re: Help with Custom Text Area (Limited by lines)

2008-11-10 Thread tchredeemed
Yes, it would, and I think I just figured out how to do it...

A few changes and I have come up with this:

public class LimitedTextArea extends TextArea {

private static const MAX_LINES:int = 10;
private var allowMore:Boolean = true;

public function LimitedTextArea(){
addEventListener(,textInputHandler );


override protected function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
if( textField.numLines == MAX_LINES  event.keyCode == 13 )
allowMore = false;

else {
if( textField.numLines  MAX_LINES )
allowMore = false;
allowMore = true;


override protected function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
if( !allowMore  text.charAt(text.length-1) == '\r' ){
text = text.substr(0,text.length-1);


private function textInputHandler( event:TextEvent ):void {
if( !allowMore )


Do you see any problems with this?

[flexcoders] Re: How to get image data and save it?

2008-11-10 Thread markflex2007
Maybe my question is how to read a file to binary format and save it
to db.



--- In, markflex2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I develop an AIR application. I use file browser to select a image
 file and I want to get the image data and save it to database so other
 people can see the image by reading the image data in database.
 I can not save the imageFile.url to database because other people do
 not have the image in their computer.I need save the real data of the
 image but I do not have a idea how to get it.
 The following is part of source code
 private function loadImage():void
  var imagesFilter:FileFilter = new 
  imageFile = new File();
  imageFile.browseForOpen(Select an Image, 

 private function imageSelected(event:Event):void
 imageHolder.source = imageFile.url;

[flexcoders] FlexBuilder has forgotten my project's build history

2008-11-10 Thread Andrew Wetmore
We are about to move from alpha to beta of an AIR application. For the
last fifty builds, when I have selected Export Release Build in
FlexBuilder, the system has defaulted to the link to the certificate I
have been using for the project. The resulting package, when used,
knows to check for a previous installation of the app and to offer an
update option if it finds one.

However...last week I upgraded to version 3.1.0 from 3.0.0 of
FlexBuilder. When I tried to export a release build yesterday, the
system did not know about the certificate I had been using. The
resulting package, when used, did not recognize the previous
installation of the app, tried to install, and failed out because
there was already an application of the same name at the default
installation location.

How do I teach the current version of FlexBuilder about the project's
history, so I don't have to make all alpha users uninstall their
current versions of the application in order to install the new one?

Thanks in advance.


[flexcoders] Re: Observer pattern

2008-11-10 Thread stephen_anson
I notice something that is possibly similar in my app, eventually foun
d out the focus manager had a reference to a ui component in the
popup. You can see if it this by looking at references in the
profiler, by taking a memory snap shot and looking at your object 

Hope that helps Steve

--- In, jitendra jain

 Well Everytime i create a popup there is only as single instance.
But i don't want that also because My application is too big and iam
not wanting my application to occupy the memory. Thanks again. I will
read the link once again.
 Â Thanks,
 with Regards,
 Jitendra Jain
 From: Ralf Bokelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 10 November, 2008 1:19:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Observer pattern
 Very difficult to debug, because we don't know, what is going on
 behind the scenes. Try googling Grant Skinner's articles about Flash
 Player memory and garbage collection. Might be helpful. Also you could
 try to create and destroy the popup a billion times and see, if the
 problem manifests into a real problem.
 On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 8:20 AM, jitendra jain
 jitendra_jain_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
  Profiler still shows that popup occupied the memory. I'm
  enforcing garbage Collector but not working. Let me know..
  Thanks Relf for your reply.
  with Regards,
  Jitendra Jain
   _ _ __
  From: Ralf Bokelberg ralf.bokelberg@
  Sent: Monday, 10 November, 2008 12:46:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Observer pattern
  Afaik the gc only runs, if the player is running out of memory. What
  makes you think, that your popup doesn't get garbage collected?
  On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 6:08 AM, jitendra jain
  jitendra_jain_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
  Hi friends,
  I'm using Observer pattern to create popups in my application.
But when i
  tried to remove PopUpManager. removePopUp( displayObj) , it does
not get
  garbage collected. I even tried with assigning null to my
Observer. ITs
  working. I removed event Listeners and also firing Observer by
setting the
  boolean 'false' the way we did with 'true'. But nothing seems
  Please help.
  with Regards,
  Jitendra Jain
   _ _ __
  Connect with friends all over the world. Get Yahoo! India Messenger.
   _ _ __
  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.
   Be the first one to try the new Messenger 9 Beta! Go to

[flexcoders] Persisting Datagrid sort order through dataprovider changes

2008-11-10 Thread ericbichara

I have a datagrid which is populated by data i recieve from a
RemoteObject. If a user sorts the datagrid a perticular way and then
updates the data, the sorting gets reset to the order of the data
recieve from the RemoteObject. Is there any way persist the sorting
even when updating the dataprovider?

Thanks in advance

[flexcoders] flex skins and states issue

2008-11-10 Thread ashok
wanted some help with my unique problem. in my application there are
several states, and in one of the states, i have a canvas which
contains a viewstack. the elements of the viewstack are panels. i have
used skinning for the panels inside the viewstack. i don't see the
titlebar for these panels that i have skinned either in the design
mode during development, or when I startup the application which is
exactly what i wanted.

when i make a switch from some state to the state mentioned above, the
titlebar appears, messing up my whole application. is there a way to
turn this titlebar off when i switch the state. i am unable to
understand what could be happening here. could somebody help me out here.

[flexcoders] Re: How to get image data and save it?

2008-11-10 Thread markflex2007
Hi Cato,

Please send me your post link.

I can not see your post with code.



[flexcoders] Re: How to get image data and save it?

2008-11-10 Thread Cato Paus
Hi i posted you a message on markflex2007 with some source code look
at the flex project it reads bytes form the database.

--- In, markflex2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I develop an AIR application. I use file browser to select a image
 file and I want to get the image data and save it to database so other
 people can see the image by reading the image data in database.
 I can not save the imageFile.url to database because other people do
 not have the image in their computer.I need save the real data of the
 image but I do not have a idea how to get it.
 The following is part of source code
 private function loadImage():void
  var imagesFilter:FileFilter = new 
  imageFile = new File();
  imageFile.browseForOpen(Select an Image, 

 private function imageSelected(event:Event):void
 imageHolder.source = imageFile.url;

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to get image data and save it?

2008-11-10 Thread Fotis Chatzinikos
MArk search your previous thread... i have seen the code... Possibly in an
attachment cannot remember...

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 5:56 PM, markflex2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

   Hi Cato,

 Please send me your post link.

 I can not see your post with code.




Fotis Chatzinikos, Ph.D.

RE: [flexcoders] Re: Use an .exe or a .dll

2008-11-10 Thread Gregor Kiddie
Aperture can connect to DLLs, its Merapi that's restricted to Java
(Though you could write a JNI wrapper for the DLL and use Merapi anyway)



Gregor Kiddie
Senior Developer

Tel:   01382 564343

Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London SW8

Registered Number: 1788577

Registered in the UK

Visit our Internet Web site at

The information in this internet email is confidential and is intended
solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information in it
by anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented are
solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
INPS or any of its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient
please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of mugsisme
Sent: 10 November 2008 11:08
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Use an .exe or a .dll


Thanks for the suggestions, but my .exe/.dll is not written in Java,
rather in VB6

--- In
, Gregor Kiddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You might want to take a look at Merapi or FluorineFX Aperture.
 Gregor Kiddie
 Senior Developer
 Tel: 01382 564343
 Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London SW8
 Registered Number: 1788577
 Registered in the UK
 Visit our Internet Web site at
 The information in this internet email is confidential and is intended
 solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information in
 by anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented are
 solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
 INPS or any of its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient
 please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
] On
 Behalf Of mugsisme
 Sent: 07 November 2008 14:39
 Subject: [flexcoders] Use an .exe or a .dll
 Hi, I have an interface I wrote in Flex/AIR and I want to be able to
 call or use an external program. My Flex/AIR program will accept
 inputs from the user, create a file from those inputs and then I want
 to pass that file to a folder where a program resides, execute the
 program and return the results. The external program can be either an
 .exe or a .dll. I dont need the user to see or interact with the
 program. Is this possible? Thanks!


[flexcoders] Chile?

2008-11-10 Thread sachinyc
I am looking for fellow Flex+Java coders in Chile. If you are in Chile
or can move to Chile, I have some exciting opportunity that will be
really cool. Ping me here or on googleTalk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have fun,

[flexcoders] Re: How to get image data and save it?

2008-11-10 Thread Cato Paus
I have sent it to you on your [EMAIL PROTECTED] with all the
source code.. or do you use a other email?

--- In, markflex2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I develop an AIR application. I use file browser to select a image
 file and I want to get the image data and save it to database so other
 people can see the image by reading the image data in database.
 I can not save the imageFile.url to database because other people do
 not have the image in their computer.I need save the real data of the
 image but I do not have a idea how to get it.
 The following is part of source code
 private function loadImage():void
  var imagesFilter:FileFilter = new 
  imageFile = new File();
  imageFile.browseForOpen(Select an Image, 

 private function imageSelected(event:Event):void
 imageHolder.source = imageFile.url;

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to get image data and save it?

2008-11-10 Thread Barry Gee
any chance of getting that code too? its a problem im trying to fgure 
out too.



Cato Paus wrote:

 I have sent it to you on your [EMAIL PROTECTED] with all the
 source code.. or do you use a other email?

 --- In, markflex2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I develop an AIR application. I use file browser to select a image
  file and I want to get the image data and save it to database so other
  people can see the image by reading the image data in database.
  I can not save the imageFile.url to database because other people do
  not have the image in their computer.I need save the real data of the
  image but I do not have a idea how to get it.
  The following is part of source code
  private function loadImage():void
  var imagesFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter(Images,
  imageFile = new File();
  imageFile.browseForOpen(Select an Image, [imagesFilter]);
  imageFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, imageSelected);
  private function imageSelected(event:Event):void
  imageHolder.source = imageFile.url;


[flexcoders] Re: Help on sorting an ArrayCollection then adding an item to the top

2008-11-10 Thread Tim Hoff

Yes, that wording does make a difference.  You can look into using a
sortCompare function.  Or, you can hack it by adding the item to the
collection, but in addition add an additional property to all of the
items in the collection, like sortIndex; that will be used to sort the
reset item at the top and then the regular items.  Assign 0 to Select
All' and 1 to all of the regular items.  Then add another sort field to
the collecton's sort so it sorts the sortIndex first and then the title:

var sort:Sort = new Sort();
sort.fields = [];
sort.fields.push(new SortField(sortIndex, true, false, true));
sort.fields.push(new SortField(title,true));
nameCollection.sort = sort;
// add new item to the top
var sItem:Object = new Object;
sItem = {sortIndex:0, title:Select One};

// you'll have to change the other objects in the collection to have the
sortIndex property and set them all to 1.


--- In, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks, but as soon as you make a choice from the comboBox you can't
 select it again as a default. And maybe Select One is the wrong
 wording for what I'm doing here... Select All would be a better
 choice of words.

 --- In, Tim Hoff TimHoff@ wrote:
  mx:ComboBox prompt=Select One/
  --- In, Mark markp.shopping_id@
   Thanks for the quick reply Ralf, but I have no idea how to do
  of what you
   suggested. Would you know of any examples you can point me to?
   --- In, Ralf Bokelberg
You can provide your own sort function, which sorts your
at the top.
Alternatively you can use the prompt propertyof the combobox.
 It is
shown if the selectedIndex is set to -1
On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Mark markp.shopping_id@ wrote:
 I'm trying to sort an arrayCollection that is the
 dataProvider for
 comboBox. But I also need to add an item to the top of the
 list Select One. Everything I've tried always sorts that
 as well. Is there a way to exclude something from a sort or
 am I
 just doing this completly wrong? Here's what I have?

 var sort:Sort = new Sort();
 sort.fields = [];
 sort.fields.push(new SortField(title,true));
 nameCollection.sort = sort;
 // add new item to the top
 var sItem:Object = new Object;
 sItem = {title:Select One};

 Thank You,


RE: [flexcoders] Persisting Datagrid sort order through dataprovider changes

2008-11-10 Thread Tracy Spratt
Call refresh() on the collection after assigning the new result data.



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of ericbichara
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 7:34 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Persisting Datagrid sort order through
dataprovider changes



I have a datagrid which is populated by data i recieve from a
RemoteObject. If a user sorts the datagrid a perticular way and then
updates the data, the sorting gets reset to the order of the data
recieve from the RemoteObject. Is there any way persist the sorting
even when updating the dataprovider?

Thanks in advance


[flexcoders] sailorsea - Several buttons targeting different panels with 1 function?

2008-11-10 Thread sailorsea21
Hello everyone, 
I have several panels. They each have a print and a save button.
Is it possible to have only one function to target the panel from the 

Here's my code:

private function print(event:MouseEvent):void
var Printbutton:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
var printConfirmed:Boolean = Printbutton.start();   

private function save(event:MouseEvent):void
convertToImage(((, new JPEGEncoder(100));

mx:Panel id=Panel001_SP_b/
mx:Button id=Panel001_S label=print click=print(event)/
mx:Button id=Panel001_SP label=save click=save(event)/

mx:Panel id=Panel002_SP_b/
mx:Button id=Panel002_S label=print click=print(event)/
mx:Button id=Panel002_SP label=save click=save(event)/

mx:Panel id=Panel003_SP_b/
mx:Button id=Panel003_S label=print click=print(event)/
mx:Button id=Panel003_SP label=save click=save(event)/


[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - How can I modify the value in my ColumnSeries datatip.

2008-11-10 Thread Amy
--- In, sailorsea21 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hi everyone, 
 I have a multiple series graph: ColumnSeries and LineSeries.
 How can I modify the value displayed in my ColumnSeries datatip?
 The value is a numeric value like 20465. 
 I would like to apply a numberFormatter to the value displayed in the 
 ColumnSeries datatip without affecting the LineSeries datatip. Is 
 this possible?

RE: [flexcoders] flex skins and states issue

2008-11-10 Thread Subeesh
You can set the  headerHeight   of the panel to  0 .



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of ashok
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 9:25 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] flex skins and states issue


wanted some help with my unique problem. in my application there are
several states, and in one of the states, i have a canvas which
contains a viewstack. the elements of the viewstack are panels. i have
used skinning for the panels inside the viewstack. i don't see the
titlebar for these panels that i have skinned either in the design
mode during development, or when I startup the application which is
exactly what i wanted.

when i make a switch from some state to the state mentioned above, the
titlebar appears, messing up my whole application. is there a way to
turn this titlebar off when i switch the state. i am unable to
understand what could be happening here. could somebody help me out here.



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Use an .exe or a .dll

2008-11-10 Thread Donna Stewart
Have you looked at WebOrb?
--- On Mon, 11/10/08, mugsisme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: mugsisme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Use an .exe or a .dll
Date: Monday, November 10, 2008, 11:07 AM

Thanks for the suggestions, but my .exe/.dll is not written in Java,
rather in VB6

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gregor Kiddie [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 You might want to take a look at Merapi or FluorineFX Aperture.
 Gregor Kiddie
 Senior Developer
 Tel: 01382 564343
 Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London SW8
 Registered Number: 1788577
 Registered in the UK
 Visit our Internet Web site at uk
 The information in this internet email is confidential and is intended
 solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information in it
 by anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented are
 solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
 INPS or any of its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient
 please contact is.helpdesk@ ...
  _ _ __
 Behalf Of mugsisme
 Sent: 07 November 2008 14:39
 Subject: [flexcoders] Use an .exe or a .dll
 Hi, I have an interface I wrote in Flex/AIR and I want to be able to
 call or use an external program. My Flex/AIR program will accept
 inputs from the user, create a file from those inputs and then I want
 to pass that file to a folder where a program resides, execute the
 program and return the results. The external program can be either an
 .exe or a .dll. I dont need the user to see or interact with the
 program. Is this possible? Thanks!



[flexcoders] Re: Seeking response to SDK-15710 jira issue.

2008-11-10 Thread Sunil Bannur
I want to comment on FLEXDMV-1882. I have fixed this locally, and have
not tested the fix thoroughly, so use the fix with caution.

Basically the fix is to remove the unwanted itemRenderers from the
instanceCache the ColumnSeries uses, whenever the itemRenderer changes.

You can find more details about this at


--- In, kumar_raj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm cross posting this from Flex Support Forums in hope of getting
 some response from Adobe ---
 I'm attaching here the section from sdk-15710 (flex jira) where
 numerous people have been asking for the availability of this bug fix
 which have gone unanswered. The bug however has been marked as fixed.
 Hoping someone from adobe will have some answers.
 eddie berman - [10/03/08 12:55 PM ]
 We're in need of this fix as well. Can you give some indication as to
 when it might be ready for consumption, or if it already is how we
 might be able to get it? (Also any comment on FLEXDMV-1882 would be
 appreciated as well). Thanks.
 [ Show » ]
 eddie berman - [10/03/08 12:55 PM ] We're in need of this fix as well.
 Can you give some indication as to when it might be ready for
 consumption, or if it already is how we might be able to get it? (Also
 any comment on FLEXDMV-1882 would be appreciated as well). Thanks.
 [ Permlink | « Hide ]
 kai mai - [10/22/08 06:11 PM ]
 any update on when this fix will go out and how we can help test
this fix?
 [ Show » ]
 kai mai - [10/22/08 06:11 PM ] any update on when this fix will go out
 and how we can help test this fix?
 [ Permlink | « Hide ]
 Alan Carwile - [11/07/08 07:20 PM ]
 On the Adobe site, there are two bugs that seem to be the cause of the
 memory leak we are seeing when using the Flex Charting package with
 3.0 Flex, running on Windows XP Pro SP2. Both are recorded as Fixed,
 and one is also noted as Closed. Still we are seeing what looks like
 one or both of these bugs.
 Adobe Flex community: How do we verify for certain that we are running
 versions of Flex containing these fixes? What version has fixes for
 both cases? How do we make sure?
 Please provide more information in the JIRA issues for both bugs.
 Obviously these are of interest to the developer community, given the
 follow-up posts and the number of Voters and Watchers.
 Alan Carwile, Omneon, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Flex SDK
 Memory Leak in Charting
 Fixed, Closed
 Votes: 12
 Watchers: 19
 Flex Data Visualization Components
 ARLabelData class in is causing memory leak with every
 new update of dataProvider in ColumnChart
 Fixed, Resolved
 Votes: 1
 Watchers: 1

[flexcoders] Viewing server response from a FileReference.upload request?

2008-11-10 Thread ozziegt
It seems that there is no way to view the response from the server
when making a FileReference.upload request. While URLLoader has a data
object, it seems that FileReference has no such object. Is this true?
The server I am using returns an XML response which includes some
information that I need.


[flexcoders] Re: flex skins and states issue

2008-11-10 Thread ashok
thanks subeesh. that worked like a charm. thanks once again.

--- In, Subeesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can set the  headerHeight   of the panel to  0 .
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of ashok
 Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 9:25 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] flex skins and states issue
 wanted some help with my unique problem. in my application there are
 several states, and in one of the states, i have a canvas which
 contains a viewstack. the elements of the viewstack are panels. i have
 used skinning for the panels inside the viewstack. i don't see the
 titlebar for these panels that i have skinned either in the design
 mode during development, or when I startup the application which is
 exactly what i wanted.
 when i make a switch from some state to the state mentioned above, the
 titlebar appears, messing up my whole application. is there a way to
 turn this titlebar off when i switch the state. i am unable to
 understand what could be happening here. could somebody help me out

[flexcoders] Re: Viewing server response from a FileReference.upload request?

2008-11-10 Thread btroop202
What are you using as your middleware?  if you are using cf, you can 
load the data into a file, then look at the file.

Like this:
cfset uploadTargetLocation=expandPath(../../../test)
cfset req = getHTTPRequestData() /

cffile action=UPLOAD filefield=Filedata 
cfsavecontent variable=info
cfdump var=#uploadTargetLocation#
cfdump var=#cffile# label=CFFILE
cfdump var=#req# label=getHTTPRequestData()
cfif IsDefined(URL)
cfdump label=URL var=#url#
cfif IsDefined(FORM)
cfdump label=FORM var=#FORM#

cffile action=write file=#uploadTargetLocation#/dump.html 
output=#info# addnewline=yes

--- In, ozziegt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It seems that there is no way to view the response from the server
 when making a FileReference.upload request. While URLLoader has a 
 object, it seems that FileReference has no such object. Is this 
 The server I am using returns an XML response which includes some
 information that I need.

RE: [flexcoders] Viewing server response from a FileReference.upload request?

2008-11-10 Thread Tracy Spratt
The DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA event has the data property.



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of ozziegt
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 12:23 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Viewing server response from a
FileReference.upload request?


It seems that there is no way to view the response from the server
when making a FileReference.upload request. While URLLoader has a data
object, it seems that FileReference has no such object. Is this true?
The server I am using returns an XML response which includes some
information that I need.



[flexcoders] new build of as3corelib posted

2008-11-10 Thread Mike Chambers
I have posted a new build and download of the as3corelib library:

This is the first build in some time.  Bug fixes, some new features,  
new docs, and more.

mike chambers


[flexcoders] Flex 3 installation

2008-11-10 Thread markgoldin_2000
I am getting another copy of Flex 3. How do I uninstall current one, 
so it will accept new serial number?


[flexcoders] Setting custom tooltip position

2008-11-10 Thread ericbichara

I have a treemap component () and a datagrid displaying the same data.

I want a custom tool tip to be shown on top of a treemap component
when i mouse over the corresponsing item in the datagrid. I have
managed to create the datatip and showing it by dispatching a
mouse_over event on the TreeMap component when i mouse over the
datagrid. The problem is that the position of the tooltip is by the
mouse and not be the treemap item. Any way to change this? To create
the tooltip i am listening to the TOOL_TIP_CREATE event and setting to
components tool tip to my custom tooltip component which implements
IToolTip. Thanks in advance.


[flexcoders] Conditional imports for mocks

2008-11-10 Thread Richard Rodseth
For some time now I have had most of my code in libraries, and two tiny
application projects, one with mock services instantiated, the other with
actual services. I figured that this way the release SWF would not contain
the mock classes.

I was considering using conditional compilation instead, but it looks as
though you can't wrap an import statement in CONFIG::Mock. Will imported
classes be stripped out if they are not instantiated?

Any better approaches, or should I stick with mine?

Re: [flexcoders] Chile?

2008-11-10 Thread Fernando Lobos
yo soy de chile, mi msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 1:08 PM, sachinyc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I am looking for fellow Flex+Java coders in Chile. If you are in Chile
 or can move to Chile, I have some exciting opportunity that will be
 really cool. Ping me here or on googleTalk [EMAIL 

 Have fun,


[flexcoders] Adding objects to arraycollections

2008-11-10 Thread timgerr
Hello all, I was wondering how to add objects to arraycollections
arrycoll:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
obj1:Object = new Object();
obj2:Object = new Object(); = 'Hi'; = 'Bye';

how do I add obj1 and obj2 to an array collection?

Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 installation

2008-11-10 Thread Howard Fore
Don't. Just reset the license in your current copy: Google flex builder
license reset or go to

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 1:01 PM, markgoldin_2000

 I am getting another copy of Flex 3. How do I uninstall current one,
 so it will accept new serial number?

The universe tends toward maximum irony. Don't push it. - Jeff Atwood

[flexcoders] Re: Adding objects to arraycollections

2008-11-10 Thread Tim Hoff

I think that you could have got this one from the docs.



--- In, timgerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all, I was wondering how to add objects to arraycollections
 arrycoll:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
 obj1:Object = new Object();
 obj2:Object = new Object(); = 'Hi'; = 'Bye';

 how do I add obj1 and obj2 to an array collection?


[flexcoders] Is Astro (version 10) of the Flash VM on the auto-updateder now?

2008-11-10 Thread jim.abbott45
Can anyone (Matt, Alex, ...others?) confirm that version 10 is what
the auto-updater is pushing out now?

FYI: on at least one of my Development machines, I just got an update
recommendation (to v10), even though I wasn't looking for an update.


[flexcoders] Re: Use an .exe or a .dll

2008-11-10 Thread mugsisme
Thanks for the suggestions, but my .exe/.dll is not written in Java,
rather in VB6

--- In, Gregor Kiddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You might want to take a look at Merapi or FluorineFX Aperture.
 Gregor Kiddie
 Senior Developer
 Tel:   01382 564343
 Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London SW8
 Registered Number: 1788577
 Registered in the UK
 Visit our Internet Web site at
 The information in this internet email is confidential and is intended
 solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information in it
 by anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented are
 solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
 INPS or any of its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient
 please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of mugsisme
 Sent: 07 November 2008 14:39
 Subject: [flexcoders] Use an .exe or a .dll
 Hi, I have an interface I wrote in Flex/AIR and I want to be able to
 call or use an external program. My Flex/AIR program will accept
 inputs from the user, create a file from those inputs and then I want
 to pass that file to a folder where a program resides, execute the
 program and return the results. The external program can be either an
 .exe or a .dll. I dont need the user to see or interact with the
 program. Is this possible? Thanks!

[flexcoders] Re: Flex 3 installation

2008-11-10 Thread markgoldin_2000
It worked, thanks.

--- In, Howard Fore [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Don't. Just reset the license in your current copy: Google flex 
 license reset or go to
 On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 1:01 PM, markgoldin_2000
  I am getting another copy of Flex 3. How do I uninstall current 
  so it will accept new serial number?
 The universe tends toward maximum irony. Don't push it. - Jeff 

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - How can I modify the value in my ColumnSeries datatip.

2008-11-10 Thread sailorsea21
Hi Amy, 
My graph is a multiple series (Column and Line).
I successfully modified the column series datatip but my line series 
data tip is now giving me an error:

Type Coercion failed: cannot convert 
mx.charts.series::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to 

How can I have another function for my LineSeries data tip?

This is my script:

public function myDataTipFunction(e:HitData):String 
var columnValue:String;
var value:String;
var yF:String = ColumnSeries(e.element).yField;

if (yF == importations)
columnValue = ColumnSeries(e.element).displayName + \n + 
e.item.period + \n + numberFormatter.format(e.item.importations);
value = columnValue;
else if (yF == finalises)
columnValue = ColumnSeries(e.element).displayName + \n + 
e.item.period + \n + numberFormatter.format(e.item.finalises);
value = columnValue;
return value;

Thank you.


--- In, Amy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, sailorsea21 sailorsea21@ 
  Hi everyone, 
  I have a multiple series graph: ColumnSeries and LineSeries.
  How can I modify the value displayed in my ColumnSeries datatip?
  The value is a numeric value like 20465. 
  I would like to apply a numberFormatter to the value displayed in 
  ColumnSeries datatip without affecting the LineSeries datatip. Is 
  this possible?

[flexcoders] Basic auto Update of Flex UI with the Postgres database

2008-11-10 Thread anuj181
Hi Guys
I asked his question earlier too and you guys were helpful in giving
me solution but i ended up implementing solution which consume lot of
resources . 
I have a tree which is getting data from Postgres though HTTP service
and binding data in XMLList. As soon as new entry has been added to
the database I need my Tree to be updated. I set a timer and what that
timer does is it calls that HTTP service (And goes through Postgres)
after some time and load all the entries back to the Tree. Now this
solution works but the solution would be pain if there are 2000
entries in the database and a new entry has been added, then it loops
through all the 2000 entries and put all these entries in the Tree
which takes lots of resources.
In short what i need is that the timer should only go through the
database when new entry has been added in the database and istead of
loading all the entries in the Tree it should only load the added entry. 
Please let me know if it is possible to do and if yes which way should
I go. Should I target changing the Flex code or does it have to be
done through post gres. Your help will be appreciated. Below is code
mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=;
 height=758 y=10 x=260 width=800
backgroundImage=contentPanelTest.swf  backgroundColor=#92959E
 horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off

mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true

public function initApp():void
//Set the Timer

private function onTimer(event:TimerEvent):void
//Sets up the URL and invokes Send
private function pollHttpService()
var sTime:String=new Date().toTimeString();
var sURL:String=_sURLData+?time=+sTime;
devicesXML.url=sURL; //to avoid caching
devicesXML.send();  //call for data 

 y=79 x=17 height=541 width=317/

[flexcoders] Play audio backwards

2008-11-10 Thread nathanpdaniel
Is it possible to play an audio clip (MP3, WAV, etc.) backwards?

[flexcoders] drag and drop from Tree to List

2008-11-10 Thread graysonpierce
I have a tree and a list that I'd like to use drag and drop on to do the

1.  Do reordering in the list (ie move the items around)
2.  Drag items from the tree to the list in order to copy items

The problem I'm experiencing is that when I turn on dropEnabled=true
on the list the reordering of the list works fine however it stops
allowing the tree to drop items on the list even if I explicitly set a
drag enter function list this

 public function onDragEnter( event:DragEvent ) : void {

[flexcoders] Number of viewable rows in datagrid

2008-11-10 Thread creativepragmatic
Hello Everyone,

This seems like it should be easy to do.  I am trying to get the 
number of visible rows in a datagrid component.  When using the  
creationComplete event of DataGrid, the number of rows is always 7 
after the SWF is loaded.  That is incorrect.  There are 27 rows.  Does 
anyone know how I can get Flex to return the correct number of rows 

Thank you for any assistance given,


Re: [flexcoders] drag and drop from Tree to List

2008-11-10 Thread anuj sharma
I am not sure I get that but in general if you drag and drop from lets' say
'A' to B' ,I have used to drag and drop both ways from one list to another
and I did is as follows



Thats worked in my case , i was moving entries though. Hope that helps
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 11:14 AM, graysonpierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

   I have a tree and a list that I'd like to use drag and drop on to do the

 1. Do reordering in the list (ie move the items around)
 2. Drag items from the tree to the list in order to copy items

 The problem I'm experiencing is that when I turn on dropEnabled=true
 on the list the reordering of the list works fine however it stops
 allowing the tree to drop items on the list even if I explicitly set a
 drag enter function list this

 public function onDragEnter( event:DragEvent ) : void {


[flexcoders] Animate LineChart

2008-11-10 Thread thedevguy
Is there a way to animate a line chart.  I have 80 datapoints that I
would like to draw on the linechart to make it look like a movie or

Is there a way to do this?

RE: [flexcoders] drag and drop from Tree to List

2008-11-10 Thread Tracy Spratt
Because the dataProviders are presumably dissimilar, with the tree being
hierarchical and the list being linear, you will not be able to depend
on the built-in functionality, but will need to override the drag
handler functions, and update the dataProviders yourself.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of graysonpierce
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 2:14 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] drag and drop from Tree to List


I have a tree and a list that I'd like to use drag and drop on to do the

1. Do reordering in the list (ie move the items around)
2. Drag items from the tree to the list in order to copy items

The problem I'm experiencing is that when I turn on dropEnabled=true
on the list the reordering of the list works fine however it stops
allowing the tree to drop items on the list even if I explicitly set a
drag enter function list this

public function onDragEnter( event:DragEvent ) : void {


[flexcoders] Drag and drop module

2008-11-10 Thread Claudiu Ursica
I have a module who contains a TitleWindow.
In the main application i use a ModuleLoader to loads that module at a
certain time (when I click a button to be more precise).

Everything works fine until I want to move the frehly loaded
TitleWindow (from the module) on the screen. I am not able to maket it
move when clicking it.

If anyone has any input on this it will be appreciated.


[flexcoders] Re: Number of viewable rows in datagrid

2008-11-10 Thread creativepragmatic
I figured it out.  Instead of using creationComplete, I used the 
render event.

--- In, creativepragmatic 

 Hello Everyone,
 This seems like it should be easy to do.  I am trying to get the 
 number of visible rows in a datagrid component.  When using the  
 creationComplete event of DataGrid, the number of rows is always 7 
 after the SWF is loaded.  That is incorrect.  There are 27 rows.  
 anyone know how I can get Flex to return the correct number of rows 
 Thank you for any assistance given,

[flexcoders] Re: Number of viewable rows in datagrid

2008-11-10 Thread Tim Hoff

Hi Orville,

You might want to see if it works with the updateComplete or valueCommit
events.  Using he render event can be very expensive; as it fires
everytime the display list is updated.


--- In, creativepragmatic

 I figured it out. Instead of using creationComplete, I used the
 render event.

 --- In, creativepragmatic
 creativepragmatic@ wrote:
  Hello Everyone,
  This seems like it should be easy to do. I am trying to get the
  number of visible rows in a datagrid component. When using the
  creationComplete event of DataGrid, the number of rows is always 7
  after the SWF is loaded. That is incorrect. There are 27 rows.
  anyone know how I can get Flex to return the correct number of rows
  Thank you for any assistance given,

RE: [flexcoders] Accessing webservice with flex

2008-11-10 Thread Tracy Spratt
crossdomain.xml file which is in the same folder as my project.  It
should be at the root of the web server, so that you can do,, and see the xml.



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of moj2joj
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 4:38 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Accessing webservice with flex


I have a flex app (on Flex 3) hosted on our server which is trying to
data through a webservice call. 
I recently upgraded my flash player from version 9 to version 10. When I
trying to access my webservice it gives me the Channel.Security.Error . 
I tried to look for a solution to this problem and found that it had to
with the crossdomain.xml file which is in the same folder as my project
the server. This is how our file looks 

?xml version=1.0? 
!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM  
site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies=all/ 
allow-access-from domain=* to-ports=* secure=true / 
allow-http-request-headers-from domain=* headers=* secure=true /


Could anyone please help me with this error. Its getting really
View this message in context:
Sent from the FlexCoders mailing list archive at


Re: [flexcoders] Seeking response to SDK-15710 jira issue.

2008-11-10 Thread Matt Chotin
The 3.2 nightly builds are available now.  Charting is not included there, but 
you can expect that to be shipped next week assuming all goes well.


On 11/9/08 10:33 PM, kumar_raj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm cross posting this from Flex Support Forums in hope of getting
some response from Adobe ---

I'm attaching here the section from sdk-15710 (flex jira) where
numerous people have been asking for the availability of this bug fix
which have gone unanswered. The bug however has been marked as fixed.
Hoping someone from adobe will have some answers.

eddie berman - [10/03/08 12:55 PM ]
We're in need of this fix as well. Can you give some indication as to
when it might be ready for consumption, or if it already is how we
might be able to get it? (Also any comment on FLEXDMV-1882 would be
appreciated as well). Thanks.
[ Show » ]
eddie berman - [10/03/08 12:55 PM ] We're in need of this fix as well.
Can you give some indication as to when it might be ready for
consumption, or if it already is how we might be able to get it? (Also
any comment on FLEXDMV-1882 would be appreciated as well). Thanks.

[ Permlink | « Hide ]
kai mai - [10/22/08 06:11 PM ]
any update on when this fix will go out and how we can help test this fix?
[ Show » ]
kai mai - [10/22/08 06:11 PM ] any update on when this fix will go out
and how we can help test this fix?

[ Permlink | « Hide ]
Alan Carwile - [11/07/08 07:20 PM ]
On the Adobe site, there are two bugs that seem to be the cause of the
memory leak we are seeing when using the Flex Charting package with
3.0 Flex, running on Windows XP Pro SP2. Both are recorded as Fixed,
and one is also noted as Closed. Still we are seeing what looks like
one or both of these bugs.

Adobe Flex community: How do we verify for certain that we are running
versions of Flex containing these fixes? What version has fixes for
both cases? How do we make sure?

Please provide more information in the JIRA issues for both bugs.
Obviously these are of interest to the developer community, given the
follow-up posts and the number of Voters and Watchers.

Alan Carwile, Omneon, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Flex SDK
Memory Leak in Charting
Fixed, Closed
Votes: 12
Watchers: 19
Flex Data Visualization Components
ARLabelData class in is causing memory leak with every
new update of dataProvider in ColumnChart
Fixed, Resolved
Votes: 1
Watchers: 1

[flexcoders] running flex on a headless server

2008-11-10 Thread netdeep
I have a nice front end chart viewing application which allows users to query 
the database 
and see the results in chart form (basically a dashboard app).

However, the end users want these reports automated and broadcast as 
'snapshots' every few 

So the idea is that the chart app would run in the background on the server and 
export it's 
images every so often as png files.

This all works fine in my development environment, but I have to deploy the 
application onto 
a headless oc4j server running on Solaris.  And I simply cannot get the browser 
to launch by 
hook or by crook.  Could someone please help me with this?  I would greatly 
appreciate it as I 
have been struggling to get this to work for quite some time.

Re: [flexcoders] running flex on a headless server

2008-11-10 Thread Howard Fore
Hmm. How about (off the top of my head, never tried it) shell into the
server, start the screen utility, then start XWindows and Firefox. Then
once the app is up in Firefox, detach from the screen session. Firefox
should remain running via screen, though I'm unsure about running X in

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 3:24 PM, netdeep [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This all works fine in my development environment, but I have to deploy the
 application onto
 a headless oc4j server running on Solaris.  And I simply cannot get the
 browser to launch by
 hook or by crook.  Could someone please help me with this?  I would greatly
 appreciate it as I
 have been struggling to get this to work for quite some time.

The universe tends toward maximum irony. Don't push it. - Jeff Atwood

[flexcoders] Pulling classes from a SWC

2008-11-10 Thread Sceneshift

Hi guys,

I have been looking into the best way to pull in library symbols (at compile
time) from flash for quite some time now... but one last hurdle is really
frustrating me.

I found the best way is to load in your asset swf using a URLLoader,
loadBytes and loaderContext to load the classes into the ApplicationDomain.
The problem with this method is that you won't get code hinting when writing
your code.

The other option is to add your assets SWC to the library path... but this
has one fatal flaw. Whilst you can access your classes with code hinting,
you are unable to use getDefinition without first having a reference to your
class in your application. This sucks when trying to create dynamic content
using something like getDefinitionByName or ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.

I found out the solution to this is to add a line to the compiler:
-include-libraries pathToAssets.swc, but this just seems a really fudged
method. Is there no other way to pull out classes from my SWCs dynamically?
View this message in context:
Sent from the FlexCoders mailing list archive at

[flexcoders] Sorting XMLListCollection based on node value

2008-11-10 Thread flexcoder2008
I have an XMLListCollection that I want to sort based on a particular
node value.  All of the examples I have seen show sorting by XML

My xml is in the following format:

  DisplayNameBob Jackson/DisplayName

I want to sort items by the DisplayName node, which will show up in a
List control.

Here's the code I've attempted (not working)

var s:Sort = new Sort();
s.fields = [new SortField(DisplayName)];

How do I sort based on a particular XML node?

[flexcoders] Re: How to get image data and save it?

2008-11-10 Thread Cato Paus
I have sent you a copy of the source to at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- In, Barry Gee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 any chance of getting that code too? its a problem im trying to fgure 
 out too.
 Cato Paus wrote:
  I have sent it to you on your [EMAIL PROTECTED] with all the
  source code.. or do you use a other email?
  --- In, markflex2007 markflex2007@
   I develop an AIR application. I use file browser to select a image
   file and I want to get the image data and save it to database so
   people can see the image by reading the image data in database.
   I can not save the imageFile.url to database because other people do
   not have the image in their computer.I need save the real data
of the
   image but I do not have a idea how to get it.
   The following is part of source code
   private function loadImage():void
   var imagesFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter(Images,
   imageFile = new File();
   imageFile.browseForOpen(Select an Image, [imagesFilter]);
   imageFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, imageSelected);
   private function imageSelected(event:Event):void
   imageHolder.source = imageFile.url;

[flexcoders] Re: Drag and drop module

2008-11-10 Thread Claudiu Ursica
10x Alex,
I downloaded the code and its working I'll see how can I adapt my code
to this but i believe it will be fine.


--- In, Alex Harui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Claudiu Ursica
 Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 5:04 AM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Drag and drop module
 I have a module who contains a TitleWindow.
 In the main application i use a ModuleLoader to loads that module at a
 certain time (when I click a button to be more precise).
 Everything works fine until I want to move the frehly loaded
 TitleWindow (from the module) on the screen. I am not able to maket it
 move when clicking it.
 If anyone has any input on this it will be appreciated.

[flexcoders] How to get Date type data from mx:DateField?

2008-11-10 Thread markflex2007

I need get the Date type data from DateField,I can get String type
data with text attribute but I can not convert it to Date type.

Please give me  a idea.



[flexcoders] Re: How to get Date type data from mx:DateField?

2008-11-10 Thread fourctv
Try the selectedDate property, that gives you the selected date as a Date 


--- In, markflex2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need get the Date type data from DateField,I can get String type
 data with text attribute but I can not convert it to Date type.
 Please give me  a idea.

Re: [flexcoders] Upgrade only ASDoc.

2008-11-10 Thread Josh McDonald
Flex (and Builder) will be perfectly happy with you having multiple SDKs
installed. I've still got 2.0 HF1 as well as 3.0 and 3.1, and an SVN
checkout of 3.x, so you'll have no problems, unless of course the new AsDoc
doesn't know Fx3 syntax for MXML ;-)

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:09 AM, rleuthold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Does anybody know if it's possible to upgrade to a newer version of ASDoc
 without having to
 upgrade the whole sdk ?

 It would love to use the new mxml asdoc feature but my app is not Gumbo
 ready at all.

 Thank's rico


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Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.

Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - How can I modify the value in my ColumnSeries datatip.

2008-11-10 Thread Amy
--- In, sailorsea21 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hi Amy, 
 My graph is a multiple series (Column and Line).
 I successfully modified the column series datatip but my line 
 data tip is now giving me an error:
 Type Coercion failed: cannot convert 
 mx.charts.series::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to 
 How can I have another function for my LineSeries data tip?
 This is my script:
 public function myDataTipFunction(e:HitData):String 
 var columnValue:String;
 var value:String;
 var yF:String = ColumnSeries(e.element).yField;
 if (yF == importations)
 columnValue = ColumnSeries(e.element).displayName + \n + 
 e.item.period + \n + numberFormatter.format(e.item.importations);
 value = columnValue;
 else if (yF == finalises)
 columnValue = ColumnSeries(e.element).displayName + \n + 
 e.item.period + \n + numberFormatter.format(e.item.finalises);
 value = columnValue;
 return value;

There should be a more generic type that both series types inherit 
from that you could use.  If not, try casting it both ways and having 
alternate paths for each.



[flexcoders] AMFPHP and Value Objects

2008-11-10 Thread Amy
Hi, all;

I have some VO's that I've created to work with AMFPHP.  When I call 
the service, I'm getting an array of untyped objects.  Another 
developer on the project believes that the reason for the problem is 
that the objects extend EventDispatcher and because they have 
additional methods on them to work with the data.

Is there a rule against either of these things with AMFPHP?



[flexcoders] Hslider skin

2008-11-10 Thread Alan Rother
Hey All,
I'm a total newb at making things look right in flex. I've gotten ok at
making them work. Now I've been tasked with re-inventing the wheel at work
and building a video player to be used in one of our products...

Anyhow, the designers have insisted I use a volume control that looks like a
speaker with vertical lines growing progressively larger as they get further
away from the speaker, then, based on the volume percentage in action more
or less them the lines would be visible.

Does anyone have a good example of this or how to build this? I assume I
will need to extend the Hslider to make it work...

Sorry, I just don't know where to start

Alan Rother
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
Manager, Phoenix Cold Fusion User Group,

[flexcoders] Question on how to find out what something is.

2008-11-10 Thread timgerr
So I have this form
mx:Form id=One
  mx:FormItem label=First
 mx:TextInput id=first/

so I have this function 

My question is what is One, what kind of component or object is it. 
This is what I mean;

I take the same form and add a creationcomplete to it:
mx:Form id=One creationcomplete=init(somthing)
  mx:FormItem label=First
 mx:TextInput id=first/

In the above example I pass something into init (init(something), what
is that something?  I am not sure how to declare it?

  trace ???

If I do an object I do not have access to getChildren().

What do I do?
Thanks for the help

Re: [flexcoders] AMFPHP and Value Objects

2008-11-10 Thread Fotis Chatzinikos
Might be completly irrelevant (have not used AMFPHP) but are you using
Remote class Metas?


package beans

public class SemanticTags
public var type:String ;
public var tagsMap:Object ;

public function SemanticTags()

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 12:41 AM, Amy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi, all;

 I have some VO's that I've created to work with AMFPHP. When I call
 the service, I'm getting an array of untyped objects. Another
 developer on the project believes that the reason for the problem is
 that the objects extend EventDispatcher and because they have
 additional methods on them to work with the data.

 Is there a rule against either of these things with AMFPHP?




Fotis Chatzinikos, Ph.D.

Re: [flexcoders] AMFPHP and Value Objects

2008-11-10 Thread Alan
Is it creating a problem for you?  It shouldn't.  From what I remember  
you don't even really need VOs with AMFPHP.

Are you getting those warning that say something like unable to bind  
to property 'X '.  Unfortunately, no one really knows what's going on  
with AMFPHP :)  Wade said he's actually rewriting the enter code base  
for AMFPHP 2.

IF you are getting the warnings, or if data is not binding properly,  
let us know.


On Nov 10, 2008, at 5:41 PM, Amy wrote:

Hi, all;

I have some VO's that I've created to work with AMFPHP. When I call
the service, I'm getting an array of untyped objects.
Is there a rule against either of these things with AMFPHP?

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - How can I modify the value in my ColumnSeries datatip.

2008-11-10 Thread EddieBerman
Here you go...

private function myDataTipFunction( e:HitData ):String {
var obj:Object = e.chartItem;
if (e.chartItem is ColumnSeriesItem) {
...your columnSeries code here
} else {
...your lineSeries code here


--- In, Amy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, sailorsea21 sailorsea21@ 
  Hi Amy, 
  My graph is a multiple series (Column and Line).
  I successfully modified the column series datatip but my line 
  data tip is now giving me an error:
  Type Coercion failed: cannot convert 
  mx.charts.series::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to 
  How can I have another function for my LineSeries data tip?
  This is my script:
  public function myDataTipFunction(e:HitData):String 
  var columnValue:String;
  var value:String;
  var yF:String = ColumnSeries(e.element).yField;
  if (yF == importations)
  columnValue = ColumnSeries(e.element).displayName + \n + 
  e.item.period + \n + numberFormatter.format
  value = columnValue;
  else if (yF == finalises)
  columnValue = ColumnSeries(e.element).displayName + \n + 
  e.item.period + \n + numberFormatter.format(e.item.finalises);
  value = columnValue;
  return value;
 There should be a more generic type that both series types inherit 
 from that you could use.  If not, try casting it both ways and 
 alternate paths for each.

[flexcoders] BitmapData getting clipped

2008-11-10 Thread flexaustin
I was wondering if anyone can tell me why my bitmapdata objects are
getting clipped. I have clipContent = false in all my displayobjects
parents and it doesn't seem to cut off anything that runs off screen
to the right side. For some reason it is cutting everything above left
of 0 or above 0 on stage. So anything x = -1 or y =-1 is being cutoff. 

Is there a way to force flash to take those into account?  I really
don't want to have to tell my users to make sure nothing is off the
screen to the left before they perform a certain action that requires
bitmapdata objects. FYI, think art work not application when
commenting, thx.

Re: [flexcoders] Basic auto Update of Flex UI with the Postgres database

2008-11-10 Thread Fotis Chatzinikos
Use the last inserted id or something similar...


1) get all the data (all means what you really need, ie: last 100,200
whatever) webservice.getAllData()
2) Put in the list and keep a record of the latest id
3) every x seconds hit the web with webservice.getUpdatesFrom(lastInseretId)

This way db is much faster to query, communications are much cheaper (only
updates) and so on...

ah 4) append the new data to your component's data provider


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 9:11 PM, anuj181 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Guys
 I asked his question earlier too and you guys were helpful in giving
 me solution but i ended up implementing solution which consume lot of
 resources .
 I have a tree which is getting data from Postgres though HTTP service
 and binding data in XMLList. As soon as new entry has been added to
 the database I need my Tree to be updated. I set a timer and what that
 timer does is it calls that HTTP service (And goes through Postgres)
 after some time and load all the entries back to the Tree. Now this
 solution works but the solution would be pain if there are 2000
 entries in the database and a new entry has been added, then it loops
 through all the 2000 entries and put all these entries in the Tree
 which takes lots of resources.
 In short what i need is that the timer should only go through the
 database when new entry has been added in the database and istead of
 loading all the entries in the Tree it should only load the added entry.
 Please let me know if it is possible to do and if yes which way should
 I go. Should I target changing the Flex code or does it have to be
 done through post gres. Your help will be appreciated. Below is code
 mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=;
 height=758 y=10 x=260 width=800
 backgroundImage=contentPanelTest.swf backgroundColor=#92959E
 horizontalScrollPolicy=off verticalScrollPolicy=off

 mx:HTTPService id=devicesXML method=GET resultFormat=e4x
 result=devicesXMLHandler(event) showBusyCursor=true

 public function initApp():void
 //Set the Timer
 private function onTimer(event:TimerEvent):void
 //Sets up the URL and invokes Send
 private function pollHttpService()
 var sTime:String=new Date().toTimeString();
 var sURL:String=_sURLData+?time=+sTime;
 devicesXML.url=sURL; //to avoid caching
 devicesXML.send(); //call for data

 y=79 x=17 height=541 width=317/


Fotis Chatzinikos, Ph.D.

Re: [flexcoders] Question on how to find out what something is.

2008-11-10 Thread Fotis Chatzinikos
Something is an event, check the docs...

It can be a MouseEvent, ClickEvent, ListEvent, and so on...

A generic approach is declaring the function:

init (event:Event)

but only if you do not know the particular event class,

you can then get access to your object (one in your example) via target
(usually) or currentTarget...

hope it helps ;-)

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:01 AM, timgerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   So I have this form
 mx:Form id=One
 mx:FormItem label=First
 mx:TextInput id=first/

 so I have this function

 My question is what is One, what kind of component or object is it.
 This is what I mean;

 I take the same form and add a creationcomplete to it:
 mx:Form id=One creationcomplete=init(somthing)
 mx:FormItem label=First
 mx:TextInput id=first/

 In the above example I pass something into init (init(something), what
 is that something? I am not sure how to declare it?

 trace ???

 If I do an object I do not have access to getChildren().

 What do I do?
 Thanks for the help


Fotis Chatzinikos, Ph.D.

[flexcoders] Text Change Tracking

2008-11-10 Thread nhid

We need to implement a tracker on the text being changed within a textarea.
For example, when any word is deleted, that word is shown as striked
out, similar to MS Word Track Changes feature, rather than actually removing
the word.  Has anyone done this or seen something like this in Flex?  Any
pointers will help.

Thank you!

Re: [flexcoders] AMFPHP and Value Objects

2008-11-10 Thread Rich Rodecker
If you are getting an array of untyped objects, that means that your class
mapping is not set up properly.  As already mentioned, make sure that you
have the $_explicitType variable set in your php VOs, and the RemoteClass
metadata included in your AS classes.  This might help:

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 3:39 PM, Alan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On my last AMFPHP project my PHP and Flex VOs were:

 package com.mydomain

 public class UserVO
 public var id :int;
  public var username :String;
 public var password :String;
  public var last_login :String;
 public var user_id :int;
  public var usertype_id :int;
 public var project_id :int;

 public function UserVO()


  PHP ///


 class UserVO

 var $id;
 var $username;
  var $password;
 var $last_login;
 var $user_id;
 var $usertype_id;
  var $project_id;
  // explicit actionscript package
  var $_explicitType = UserVO;

 On Nov 10, 2008, at 6:07 PM, Fotis Chatzinikos wrote:

 Might be completly irrelevant (have not used AMFPHP) but are you using
 Remote class Metas?


Re: [flexcoders] AMFPHP and Value Objects

2008-11-10 Thread Alan

On my last AMFPHP project my PHP and Flex VOs were:

package com.mydomain

public class UserVO
public var id   :int;
public var username :String;
public var password :String;
public var last_login   :String;
public var user_id  :int;
public var usertype_id  :int;
public var project_id   :int;

public function UserVO()


 PHP ///


class UserVO

var $id;
var $username;
var $password;
var $last_login;
var $user_id;
var $usertype_id;
var $project_id;

// explicit actionscript package

var $_explicitType = UserVO;

On Nov 10, 2008, at 6:07 PM, Fotis Chatzinikos wrote:

Might be completly irrelevant (have not used AMFPHP) but are you  
using Remote class Metas?

[flexcoders] Re: AMFPHP and Value Objects

2008-11-10 Thread Amy
--- In, Fotis Chatzinikos 

 Might be completly irrelevant (have not used AMFPHP) but are you using
 Remote class Metas?

Yes.  Thanks :-)

[flexcoders] Re: AMFPHP and Value Objects

2008-11-10 Thread Amy
--- In, Rich Rodecker [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 If you are getting an array of untyped objects, that means that your 
 mapping is not set up properly.  As already mentioned, make sure that 
 have the $_explicitType variable set in your php VOs, and the 
 metadata included in your AS classes.  

I only have control over the Flex side.  I can ask them what's going on 
on the PHP side, but I can't see the actual code there.

[flexcoders] AdvancedDataGrid grouping name gets cut off if the first column is thin

2008-11-10 Thread blc187
Does anyone have any experience using AdvancedDataGrids?

I would like the row that displays the folder and the grouping name to 
span the entire datagrid.

For example, I have a data set that creates 3 groups titled Group 1, 
Group 2, Group 3. Each of these nodes has items underneath of it.

I've noticed that the columns apply to the row with the folder and the 
group name, not just the items below each, so that if my group's name 
is long it gets ellipsed (...) if the first column is short. Is there 
any way I can extend this across the entire row.

Does that make sense? I realize it's a bit of a tricky situation to 

[flexcoders] Re: AMFPHP and Value Objects

2008-11-10 Thread Amy
--- In, Alan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it creating a problem for you?  It shouldn't.  From what I 
 you don't even really need VOs with AMFPHP.

I'd rather not loop through the objects I'm getting back and convert 
them to my typed objects.  Is that what you meant by your question?



RE: [flexcoders] Question on how to find out what something is.

2008-11-10 Thread Tracy Spratt



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Fotis Chatzinikos
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Question on how to find out what something is.


Something is an event, check the docs...

It can be a MouseEvent, ClickEvent, ListEvent, and so on...

A generic approach is declaring the function:

init (event:Event)

but only if you do not know the particular event class,

you can then get access to your object (one in your example) via target
(usually) or currentTarget...

hope it helps ;-)

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:01 AM, timgerr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

So I have this form
mx:Form id=One
mx:FormItem label=First
mx:TextInput id=first/

so I have this function 

My question is what is One, what kind of component or object is it. 
This is what I mean;

I take the same form and add a creationcomplete to it:
mx:Form id=One creationcomplete=init(somthing)
mx:FormItem label=First
mx:TextInput id=first/

In the above example I pass something into init (init(something), what
is that something? I am not sure how to declare it?

trace ???

If I do an object I do not have access to getChildren().

What do I do?
Thanks for the help

Fotis Chatzinikos, Ph.D.


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