Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder on Linux been scrapped ?

2009-05-04 Thread john fisher
I was thinking the same...

thomas parquier wrote:
> As eclipse is java based, how does fb happen to be incompletely ported to
> linux ?
> What about opening source of fb ? There must be some java developers who
> will be able to work on fb.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex Builder on Linux been scrapped ?

2009-05-04 Thread john fisher
Howard, once something gets traction, then licenses and boxes can be
bought. In spite of our stripped to the bone status, money somehow
appears for projects that have to get done.

Howard Fore wrote:
> How were you going to buy Flex Builder even if it was going to be
> available
> on Linux?

Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder on Linux been scrapped ?

2009-05-01 Thread john fisher

Paul Andrews wrote:
> A really difficullt viewpoint to understand.
> FB != Flex - there's always the SDK - most people don't use the design view 
> that much - do they?
won't I lose the debugger too? as noted I have to try it... Linux
doesn't have the Design View.

>  but you do 
> seem happy to bet your customers come only from the linux world.
not going to specify any OS for customers, building Flash for web

> I don't have a problem with open source, but many people see it as a mantra 
> for ife, ...

mostly it depends on what you have invested in, I've let my Windows
investment drop in favor of Linux, and I'm not sorry.
> I have yet to meet anyone outside the geek/software development world using 
> Linux, 
well we ARE talking about development platforms, not end user platforms.
Anyway netbooks and Android phones are colonizing the lower Windows
space - food for a business discussion elsewhere.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex Builder on Linux been scrapped ?

2009-05-01 Thread john fisher
Well most or all decisions are based on emotion, despite what we
rationalists think, but I take your point.

I'd like to write something here thats actually useful and might
contribute a tiny item to the knowledge pile at Adobe, without boring
everybody with personal details-

1) windows + Adobe puts me over budget at home, and I am accustomed to
using all-open software, and one of the appeals of Flex Builder on Linux
was I could learn it without forking over money. and yes it galls me to
send money to MS.

2) My company is a Linux shop and no license money is available for
experimental projects; CTO wants Java and the only way I can convince
him Flex/Flash is better is to show something else that works.

3) I need to see what its like developing without the Flex Builder
framework. I am already the only one in the building who uses an IDE or
visual debugger.

Just as I had no idea how Sun was going to make money on Java ( opposed
to IBM who does) I don't know how Adobe can make money giving away
tools, but it sure looks like open tools are going to win the battle in
the long run, and proprietary tools will lose market share. Maybe Adobe
can sell the visual designer stuff?

Open source software people are so wary of proprietary tools because we
have seen over and over how tool sets get munged over time, or even
abandoned, how open tools have vastly better tech support, and now
finally with Eclipse, open tools are achieving parity with the visual
IDE stuff from vendors. It seemed to me that Adobe was following a
semi-open model with Flex, for instance open bug reporting, and that
attracted me in the first place.

and so forth


daxdr9 wrote:
> If your willing to drop Flex because they don't sell an IDE for Linux, you're 
> basing a technical decision on emotion.

Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder on Linux been scrapped ?

2009-04-30 Thread john fisher
well thanks for that Matt, I'll wait for announcements.

Matt Chotin wrote:
> I'm going to continue to stay out of the fray, but just to be clear, that 
> conversation is about Flex Builder, not the SDK.  We will always support 
> developers on Linux, it's a question of what we tools beyond the SDK we 
> provide.
> We'll be looking to share more information on our plans in a few weeks.
> Matt

Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder on Linux been scrapped ?

2009-04-30 Thread john fisher
Guy I could use the bare SDK of course. I hadn't really tried it before
because the Flex Builder Eclipse plugin seemed like a good idea. And
there is *some* support for it in the community, I don't know how much.
You're right I should try that before I give up.

"blame" Adobe is not quite right, "trust" is more like it. Watching Java
slowly worm its way out of Sun's grasp to the point where its now more
or less open-source should provide a positive prediction for the
eventual outcome, but Adobe ain't Sun, but then Sun ain't either now.

Does Adobe have the right corporate culture to nurture an open-source
project?   I like the way they are running Flex otherwise, but maybe I
indulged in wishful thinking on the Linux support.


Guy Morton wrote:
> Wouldn't you still be able to build your own IDE using the free SDK?
> As I understand it a lot of people do this now to avoid having to buy
> FB, and I imagine Linux users would be relatively common within that
> group.
> If sales for a linux version of FB are too low to justify the ongoing
> cost of development, you can hardly blame Adobe for that. Their
> support for *nix is better than most.
> Guy

Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder on Linux been scrapped ?

2009-04-30 Thread john fisher
If Adobe drops Linux support for Flex, then I will probably drop Flex.

I won't maintain a Windows or Mac box at home, and my company really
doesn't want to invest in any more Windows apps. I don't want to invest
myself in technology I can't run independently of whoever I happen to be
working for today. Seeing the fickleness of the corporate owners of
development tools is what sent us to Linux and open source tools in the
first place. We can't bet our products on some whim of Adobe. My current
all-Linux proof-of-concept project will be blown out of the water, and
I'll have to get up to speed on Java.

-grieving already


and at a time when Linux is gnawing away at laptop market from below and
the desktop market is dying...

Re: [flexcoders] Cant receive socket data

2009-04-10 Thread John Fisher
hmmm. I could easily append some bytes and see what happens, but not 
'til Monday when I go back to work.

Maciek Sakrejda wrote:
> Interesting. We ran into this issue with URLStream: 
> -- maybe your problem is related? 
> Actually, searching Adobe JIRA for XMLSocket turns up a number of bugs that 
> sound vaguely like what you're experiencing...
> -Maciek

Re: [flexcoders] Cant receive socket data

2009-04-09 Thread john fisher
More debugging:

If I send
connect,  request data (a short XML text which the server is looking
for),  then connect again,
The data comes through.

Note: I am watching in a packet sniffer and I never see the policy file
come across any port, though I am able to connect.

Note2: if I remove the nullbyte from the perl code no data ever appears.



Re: [flexcoders] Cant receive socket data

2009-04-09 Thread john fisher
Thanks - but I added this code and no change. The events don't fire.

socket = new XMLSocket();

 private function configureListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void {
dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, closeHandler);
dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, connectHandler);
dispatcher.addEventListener(DataEvent.DATA, dataHandler);

private function closeHandler(event:Event):void {
trace("closeHandler: " + event);
etc etc etc copied from

Maciek Sakrejda wrote:
> You are an optimist: you are not listening for 
> or 
> from the XMLSocket.

Re: [flexcoders] Cant receive socket data

2009-04-09 Thread john fisher
yikes, please ignore extraneous asterisks in snippet.

this is corrected:

the server code ( perl) snippet:
my $NULLBYTE = pack( 'c', 0 );

if (  $1 eq "new" ) {
print STDOUT "request is: $1 sending xml data\n";
print CONNSOCK $simdata ;

the flex code snippet:

 var socket:XMLSocket = new XMLSocket();

  socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, connected);
  socket.addEventListener(DataEvent.DATA, dataReceived);

  socket.connect("localhost", 8989);

  private function connected(event:Event):void
  private function dataReceived(dataEvent:DataEvent):void
var xml:XML = new XML(;


[flexcoders] Cant receive socket data

2009-04-09 Thread john fisher
I have a Flex 3.0 app which can connect to a remote socket server, and
send it XML, but nothing happens ( no event fires, no error in debugger)
in Flex when the server returns data. The remote server is appending a
nullbyte to the xml message, and thinks its sending the data.


the server code ( perl) snippet:
my $NULLBYTE = pack( 'c', 0 );

if (  $1 eq "new" ) {
print STDOUT "request is: $1 sending xml data\n";
print CONNSOCK $simdata ;

the flex code snippet:

| var socket:XMLSocket = *new *XMLSocket();

  socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, connected);
  socket.addEventListener(DataEvent.DATA, dataReceived);

  socket.connect("localhost", 8989);

  *private function *connected(event:Event):*void*
  *private function *dataReceived(dataEvent:DataEvent):*void*
var xml:XML = *new *XML(;


Re: [flexcoders] Cant empty context menu- previous answers don't work...

2009-01-14 Thread john fisher
Thanks Doug, I'll stop trying to make this work and change the interface

Flex team: this seems like a collision between proprietary ideas of how
to build a framework and Open Source culture. Obviously a developer
ought to be able to do whatever he likes with right-click events.


Doug McCune wrote:
> This is specifically (and has always been) impossible. You cannot ever get
> rid of those context menu items. As in never ever ever. The best you can
> hope for is supressing the context menu and replacing it with your own,
> which is sort of possible with a javascript hack I believe (google stuff
> about javascript flash context menu, I think Dan of was doing
> some tests trying to figure it out).
> Doug
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 4:51 PM, john fisher  wrote:

Re: [flexcoders] Cant empty context menu- previous answers don't work...

2009-01-13 Thread john fisher
well since nobody had time to answer yet, I kept digging.

here's one bug: if you add "Settings" as part of the string which forms
your custom menuitem label, not just the whole String which could
collide with the Settings menu, but part of a custom string, it won't
show at all in the menu, and no error is thrown. "Parameters" is
acceptable, but thats all I know one way or the other.
see Alex's previous comment:

this code definitely does NOT clear the two standard menuitems,
"Settings..." and "About..." nor the debugger-player's "debugger" and
"show redraw regions"
var menuItem:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Our switch:
Change Parameters");

 var customContextMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
Though it does add an item, and run the associated function.

Has anyone cleared the *whole* contextMenu out?
Taken control of mouse-rt-click events so as to avoid the standard


[flexcoders] Cant empty context menu- previous answers don't work...

2009-01-13 Thread john fisher
-This was discussed as recent;y as late last month, but I have tried all
the solutions and they are not working.-

I want to get control of the contextMenu, and I need to remove the
built-in items.
I am able to add menuitems

-I tried advice from these sources:
flexcoders 12/29/2008

-they said:
 if you run hidebuiltins() on the systemmanager you can wipe the menu clean.
When I look in the debugger I see that a list of print, zoom and so
forth are indeed made false, but when I run the app, I get the standard
Flash context menu with
show redraw
about adobe flash
and I can't find these labels in the debugger, though they must be there
*somewhere*. I *do* see my new menu with only a single item. Its as if
the flash palyer itself adds the menu

I'd be just as happy to get a right-click event on my sprite, and dump
the context menu altogether!

building in: Flex3.0 flexbuilder for Linux
running on: Firefox 3.x on Linux, Flash debugger v 9 0 11 5 0


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Generating random colors, excluding others

2009-01-13 Thread john fisher
here is some Adobe code to create random colors:

function changeColor(event:ContextMenuEvent):void
square.transform.colorTransform = getRandomColor();
function getRandomColor():ColorTransform
return new ColorTransform(Math.random(), Math.random(), 
Math.random(),1,(Math.random() * 512) - 255, (Math.random() * 512) 
-255, (Math.random() * 512) - 255, 0);



Re: [flexcoders] Creating an ArrayCollection object for charting

2009-01-08 Thread john fisher
Bless you! this is the syntax I didn't get-

and behold, it works!


Maciek Sakrejda wrote:
> then inside that loop, for each property you want to graph:
> currItem[] = element.valueOf();

Re: [flexcoders] Creating an ArrayCollection object for charting

2009-01-08 Thread john fisher
Thanks Maciek... I actually started that way, but it failed. I'll try
again and post if I can't get it to work.

Maciek Sakrejda wrote:
> It looks like you're creating a String that looks like the code for the
> object (i.e., "{ foo: 'bar' }"), and then casting that to Object. That
> won't do what you want. The thing is still a String. You need to
> actually programmatically create the Object.

Re: [flexcoders] Creating an ArrayCollection object for charting

2009-01-08 Thread john fisher
Can I define this better? Anybody got an idea?

john fisher wrote:
> ## This does not work:   
> simpleData = new ArrayCollection([]);
> var st:String = new String();
> #left out the loops here for clarity#
>  st += '{' + "name:" + '"' + + '", ' ;   
> # looped here through data #
> var elname:String =;
> var elvalue:Number = element.valueOf() ; 
> st += elname + ":" + elvalue + ", " ;  
> var newst:String = st.slice(0,  st.length-2  ); cuts off last white
> space and comma
>  newst +=  '}' ;
> simpleData.addItem( newst  as Object ) ;
> trace("ServerPopUp:makeChart simpledata: = " +
> ObjectUtil.toString(simpleData) );
> ServerPopUp:makeChart simpledata: = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#0
>   filterFunction = (null)
>   length = 1
>   list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#1
> length = 1
> source = (Array)#2
>   [0] "{name:"se2", inpps:2233, refresh:3000, outpps:7799,
> conns:2211, inbps:1144, inpkts:3322, outbps:2233, outpkts:4433,
> inbytes:4455, outbytes:5544,cps:6655}"
> uid = "9543B87D-14F5-0BC6-E2F0-B289C8EC32FC"
>   sort = (null)
>   source = (Array)#2
> #
> thanks
> John

[flexcoders] Creating an ArrayCollection object for charting

2009-01-07 Thread john fisher
I am feeding data to a chart from an arraycollection. When I test it by
using a literal to create the data object the chart works fine, but when
I assemble the data piece by piece, the chart fails. A correction of my
syntax would be great, and explanation even better!

I have tried creating an object, then using addItem to add it to
simpleData, and I have tried using addItem directly in simpleData, and
here I try it using a string- the result is, as you can see from the
trace output, that it was added as an array, not an object at least
thats what *I* see.

#3  This works:  
simpleData = new ArrayCollection([]);   
simpleData.addItem({name:"se2", inpps:2233, refresh:3000, outpps:7799,
conns:2211, inbps:1144, inpkts:3322, outbps:2233, outpkts:4433,
inbytes:4455, outbytes:5544, cps:6655});
trace("ServerPopUp:makeChart2 simpledata THAT WORKS: = " +
ObjectUtil.toString(simpleData) );
ServerPopUp:makeChart2 simpledata THAT WORKS: =
  filterFunction = (null)
  length = 1
  list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#1
length = 1
source = (Array)#2
  [0] (Object)#3
conns = 2211
cps = 6655
inbps = 1144
inbytes = 4455
inpkts = 3322
inpps = 2233
name = "se2"
outbps = 2233
outbytes = 5544
outpkts = 4433
outpps = 7799
refresh = 3000
uid = "CBEA58EB-CF06-51A8-8887-B289C8E48C2A"
  sort = (null)
  source = (Array)#2
## This does not work:   
simpleData = new ArrayCollection([]);
var st:String = new String();
#left out the loops here for clarity#
 st += '{' + "name:" + '"' + + '", ' ;   
# looped here through data #
var elname:String =;
var elvalue:Number = element.valueOf() ; 
st += elname + ":" + elvalue + ", " ;  
var newst:String = st.slice(0,  st.length-2  ); cuts off last white
space and comma
 newst +=  '}' ;
simpleData.addItem( newst  as Object ) ;
trace("ServerPopUp:makeChart simpledata: = " +
ObjectUtil.toString(simpleData) );
ServerPopUp:makeChart simpledata: = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#0
  filterFunction = (null)
  length = 1
  list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#1
length = 1
source = (Array)#2
  [0] "{name:"se2", inpps:2233, refresh:3000, outpps:7799,
conns:2211, inbps:1144, inpkts:3322, outbps:2233, outpkts:4433,
inbytes:4455, outbytes:5544,cps:6655}"
uid = "9543B87D-14F5-0BC6-E2F0-B289C8EC32FC"
  sort = (null)
  source = (Array)#2




Re: [flexcoders] People with blogs

2008-12-04 Thread john fisher
Nate, along with the other two plugin suggestions I can tell you that
with various WP plugins you can get. *anything* to display inside your WP.
I have an (internal) demo running now that allows raw html, swf files,
php code to run in WP pages or posts. Beware of security issues with the
ajaxed-wp  exec-php  raw-html

Nate Pearson wrote:
> Sorry this is a little off topic.  I'm trying to start a flex blog but I'm 
> not sure how to copy code 
> from flex builder into Wordpress and have the formating stay the same.  Is 
> there some plugin 
> that you use?  How do you guys do it?
> Thanks a lot!
> -Nate

Re: [flexcoders] multiple data sources not loading except in MXMLapp

2008-11-23 Thread John Fisher
Tracy, Fotis...

I set up the same experiment at home and it works fine.
Of course because *there was no error message or event* gr
I wasted two days tracking it down.

so close this question .

and thanks


Tracy Spratt wrote:
> " just jumps from service.send()to the next function in the init
> file ...", that is normal, because of the async nature of RPC calls.
> The code does NOT wait until the call returns. How are you debugging?
> You need a breakpoint or trace or alert in the handler.
> Also, verify that the fault handler is not being called.  If you are
> invoking send, you should get either a result or fault.
> Also, verify the url by pasting it into a browser,  you should see valid
> xml.  I see the one in the component is different from the one in the
> main app that works.  Use the same one both places.
> Then debug the data source itself, to see if it is getting the call
> I assume "service" is an instance variable in the component?
> Tracy
> ________
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of john fisher
> Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 5:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] multiple data sources not loading except in
> MXMLapp
> Tracy Spratt wrote:
>> Have you debugged to see if httpResult is being called?
> thats it exactly, it never gets called
> I added the "e4x" and no difference.
> When debugging it just jumps from service.send() to the next function in
> the init file.
> I think I should make a dummy mxml app and see if the same code works
> there
>> One problem, you are not seetting resultFormat="e4x" in the component
>> code, so the line, xmlFeed = event.result as XML; certainly will fail.
>> But step into or put a trace in httpResult first.
>> Tracy

Re: [flexcoders] multiple data sources not loading except in MXMLapp

2008-11-21 Thread john fisher

Tracy Spratt wrote:
> " just jumps from service.send()to the next function in the init
> file ...", that is normal, because of the async nature of RPC calls.
> The code does NOT wait until the call returns. How are you debugging?
> You need a breakpoint or trace or alert in the handler.
I have breakpoints in the app: at service.send() and in the result
handler and the do-something-else function that follows.

Breakpoints ( see below) fire in this order: 1,2,4  3 never fires

### a stripped down file that does NOT work ###";
layout="absolute" creationComplete ="init();">


## end of file ###

> Also, verify the url by pasting it into a browser,  
yep checked that

> Then debug the data source itself, to see if it is getting the call
I don't see anything in the logs no matter how I access the file, so
I'll have to pursue that...
a different xml file on a different server fails in the same way...

Re: [flexcoders] multiple data sources not loading except in MXMLapp

2008-11-21 Thread john fisher

Tracy Spratt wrote:
> Have you debugged to see if  httpResult is being called?
thats it exactly, it never gets called

I added the "e4x" and no difference.
When debugging it just jumps from service.send() to the next function in
the init file.

I think I should make a dummy mxml app and see if the same code works

> One problem, you are not seetting resultFormat="e4x" in the component
> code, so the line, xmlFeed = event.result as XML; certainly will fail.
> But step into or put a trace in httpResult first.
> Tracy

Re: [flexcoders] multiple data sources not loading except in MXMLapp

2008-11-21 Thread john fisher
More info:
I am following this 

( see below)

and I have left out two things I see-
"destination" and parameters
parameters would be destination and rooturl, both of which seem optional?

the result event is not firing and calling the httpResult function in my

### adobe docs sample #

 private var service:HTTPService 

public function useHttpService(parameters:Object):void {
service = new HTTPService();
service.destination = "sampleDestination";
service.method = "POST";
service.addEventListener("result", httpResult);
service.addEventListener("fault", httpFault);

public function httpResult(event:ResultEvent):void {
var result:Object = event.result;
//Do something with the result.

thanks for the help,

Re: [flexcoders] multiple data sources not loading except in MXMLapp

2008-11-21 Thread john fisher
great. good news = " I am doing something wrong"
never mind Flare - the data is never getting there...

here's what I have:
an xml source  and a graphml source. Each will drive a visualization.
Maybe more sources to come...

here's what I want to do:
make a class or component for each type of visualization, and pull the
data in inside the class.

so far:
when I make a component and try to use HTTPService or URLloader I get no
when I tried two httpservice tags in the MXMLapp, I get data from only
one, I assume because the "event" never fires in one... But I'd rather
call HTTPService from inside the component anyway.

this works in the mxmlapp:";
layout="absolute"  xmlns:ns1="flare.flex.*" xmlns:demo="com.flare.*"
 xmlns:local="*" applicationComplete="rawData.send()" >";
 id="rawData" resultFormat="e4x"
result="gmrResultHandler(event);" fault="gmrFaultHandler(event);"

public var gmrFeed:XML;
  private function gmrResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
gmrFeed = event.result as XML;

this doesn't work in the component:
private var xmlFeed:XML;
 private  function useHttpService():void {
service = new HTTPService();
//service.destination =
service.method = "POST";
service.addEventListener("result", httpResult);
service.addEventListener("fault", httpFault);

private function httpResult(event:ResultEvent):void
xmlFeed = event.result as XML;  

Tracy Spratt wrote:
> Why do you want two?  You can, but do you really need to?
> Tracy

Re: [flexcoders] multiple data sources not loading except in MXMLapp

2008-11-21 Thread john fisher
I am NOT able to get two HTTPServices working in one MXML app.
Is there a way around this?

john fisher wrote:
> The problem:
> I have multiple data sources and multiple visualizations planned.
> I am using the Flare libraries for some ( and I have also asked this on
> their forum)
> I find that I cannot load data (XML) using URLLoader or HTTPService from
> a subclass or MXML component. HTTPService works fine in my MXML app.
> Symptom:
> no error, var is null after loading.
> Am I hitting known limitations?
> John

[flexcoders] multiple data sources not loading except in MXMLapp

2008-11-21 Thread john fisher
The problem:
I have multiple data sources and multiple visualizations planned.
I am using the Flare libraries for some ( and I have also asked this on
their forum)
I find that I cannot load data (XML) using URLLoader or HTTPService from
a subclass or MXML component. HTTPService works fine in my MXML app.

no error, var is null after loading.

Am I hitting known limitations?


Re: [flexcoders] Re: updating data in Actionscript

2008-11-13 Thread john fisher
well then I *really* don't understand what you are up to, and haven't
tried the BlazeDS...
so any further discussion with me will probably result in me learning
from you instead of helping.
it *sounds* like your set-up is over-complex, but no doubt you have
requirements to follow.
to me theres a swf and theres a data source somewhere behind a URL, and
thats all you need


netdeep wrote:
> The problem is that I'm transferring an ActionScript object to the server, 
> populating it with 
> the data, and then returning the ActionScript via BlazeDS and remoting (so 
> these objects 
> get converted to Java objects on the server and back to ActionScript when the 
> come into 
> flex).  And the ArrayCollection is buried deep in the the object and I also 
> build the series 
> items for the chart on the fly in Actionscript.  So I don't have access to 
> the series items in 
> the chart I create (for instance to reassign the dataproviders), nor do I 
> have easy access to 
> the ArrayCollections themselves since they are buried in the ActionScript 
> objects.  Here's 
> some pseudocode of how the charts get created which illustrates the problem.
> in ReportObject
>   for each ChartObject in ReportObject
>  create CartesianChart
>  for each AxisObject in ChartObject
> create DateTimeAxis and assign it to chart
>for each SeriesObject in AxisObject
>   create Series and assign it to axis
>   bind to Series.dataprovider
> So when I get the next ReportObject pushed to the flex app from the server, 
> the structure 
> of the Report is exactly the same (i.e. x# axes, x# series for a given axis, 
> etc) but the data 
> has been updated and the series do not pick this up.

Re: [flexcoders] updating data in Actionscript

2008-11-12 Thread john fisher
I am using an httpservice to xml files on other servers. The display
changes when the file changes, mostly. All you have to do is bind the
Maybe your problem is different? Theres lots of documentation for what I
am doing


> I have been trying to find an answer for this with no success. How do
> you get flex to refresh 
> data bindings using objects which are passed via remoting?

Re: [flexcoders] udefined property error without function

2008-11-11 Thread john fisher
No you nailed it. I didn't understand about  having to use a function.
I'm sure I moved my eyes over the very document, but it just didn't stick.



Paul Andrews wrote:
> I have a feeling this error may not be to do with these particular snippets.
> Paul

Re: [flexcoders] udefined property error without function

2008-11-11 Thread john fisher
I am calling addChild inside the mx script section of a mxml file. If it
has to be called inside a method, then I need some instruction.


Fotis Chatzinikos wrote:
>> public var myDemoClass:Zdemos ;
>> public var myDataFilePath:String = "http://.realdata2.xml"; ;
>> myDemoClass = new Zdemos(myCanvas,myDataFilePath);
>> myCanvas.addChild(myDemoClass.getUIComponent());
> Are you trying to call addChild in the class itself? In your first example
> (that is working)
> addchild is called inside a method
> In the second example (not working) the code is in no method...

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Debugging: general advice

2008-11-11 Thread john fisher
ah, I did not grok that trace() would work with all classes, d'oh, I'll
have to get trace working. I used my own before, but of course it
doesn't work outside the main mxml code.

Amy wrote:
> -
> I use trace() when it _is_ in the browser, 

Re: [flexcoders] Debugging: general advice

2008-11-11 Thread john fisher
Thanks Josh, xray seems to be not at Flex3 yet, and the last news was
2007. Though it seems to be just what I need.

The debugger in Linux Flex Builder Eclipse debugger works fine AFAIK. I
guess I'll make a copy of my code that exercises the bad line of
execution automatically.

Josh McDonald wrote:
> I use a lot of logging (with a simple framework that allows me to do some
> better things than mx.ILogger), the occasional trace() and Alert, and a lot
> of single-stepping and breakpoints. But I don't know how good the debugging
> support is on Linux, so that might not be an option. You could also look
> into X-Ray.
> -Josh
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 11:30 AM, john fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: [flexcoders] udefined property error without function

2008-11-11 Thread john fisher
oh %^&$  thats what I get for typing anything instead of cut&paste!
The *actual* error has the capital "P" so unfortunately its not this
simple pilot error, though I am not ruling out some other dumb pilot

any other idea?

Paul Andrews wrote:
> -
> You'll notice that in the error there's a mention of "myDataFilepath" not 
> "myDataFilePath" in the error, so somewhere you've got the wrong variable 
> name..
> Paul

[flexcoders] udefined property error without function

2008-11-10 Thread john fisher
context: an mxml app, with classes written by me ( Zdemos) and Flare
classes. "myCanvas" is the id of a canvas in the flex part of the file
and it works.
 I don't understand---

this compiles:

public var myDemoClass:Zdemos ;
public var myDataFilePath:String = "http://.realdata2.xml"; ;
private function init(): void {
myDemoClass = new Zdemos(myCanvas,myDataFilePath); 

this doesn't:

 public var myDemoClass:Zdemos ;
public var myDataFilePath:String = "http://.realdata2.xml"; ;

myDemoClass = new Zdemos(myCanvas,myDataFilePath); 

Errors: "access to undefined property" myCanvas/myDemoClass/myDataFilepath

thanks for help

[flexcoders] Debugging: general advice

2008-11-10 Thread john fisher
I read a thread from a few weeks ago, and Amy was using Alert to debug
in the browser.
So am I, and its moderately successful, but I wonder if there is a
better way?
I: linux, eclipse, flex builder

For instance I'd like to step through on classes that aren't  invoked
until  the user clicks. Is there any way to do this other than
re-writing the code to call the bad section automatically?

yes the damn debugging flash crashes FireFox all the time. sigh.
fortunately I can type "kill" and Firefox remembers where I was

tips and dope-slaps welcome.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Security and dual localhost address question

2008-11-05 Thread john fisher
Fotis, you may be right, but messing with the hosts file and the
crossdomain file did fix the problem for me, albeit on a Linux box.
It probably also matters what the setup for his Tomcat is too. It
puzzled me too, because I am accustomed to having "localhost" resolve
correctly, though its in the hosts file by default on  *nix OSes.. dunno
what Windows does.

If the problem is resolving "localhost" the solution is in the places we
pointed him


Fotis Chatzinikos wrote:
> John, appart from your correct info on dns, I do not think thats John's
> problem, (confict on Johns' here :-)...
> He is using http://localhost:8080
> and localhost works without manually adding it in the hosts file (usually ?)
> On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 9:24 PM, john fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Security and dual localhost address question

2008-11-05 Thread john fisher
the hosts file ( see Fotis for location I believe he has it right for WinXP)
lists ip addresses with domain names so your PC knows that equates to
The key here is that the OS reads the hosts file first and then asks
DNS, so whatever you put in will override what your public DNS server says.
see "name resolution" and "domain name service" IIRC Windows help is
pretty good on this...

When Tomcat ( or any app ) Gets an http request it has to be able to
figure out the IP address from either "localhost" or ""
hence the need for hosts file and DNS.
If your browser says "http://..."; it still uses the network interface,
even if its all on one machine. this is a Good Thing. If it uses
"file://..." then not.

This is why the raw ip address works and localhost doesn't - see?

HTH sorry if its a bit pedantic

ralcab wrote:
> (3)  Excuse my ignorance, but what's a host file?  I'm self taught on 
> this and pretty new to it.

Re: [flexcoders] Security and dual localhost address question

2008-11-05 Thread john fisher
1) is all this running on one machine?
2) which OS?
3) what does your hosts file say?

I had same problem, "localhost" vs "" 
I am running Apache 2.x not Tomcat on Linux, Flex3

my crossdomain


my hosts file localhost



ralcab wrote:
> I am building a Flex (version 2) application on my machine with a 
> Tomcat server that is hosting the application, a couple of servlets 
> and an Axis2 web service.  The application runs fine if I load it 
> from an address starting with  However, the 
> web-service call will fail if I load the exact same application from 
> http://localhost:8080.  The gives me a "Security error accessing url" 
> Alert.  
> I've read in the past that Flash is strict about the interpretations 
> of domains, so I'm not surprised by this behavior.  Further, 
> I am theorizing this is happening because the WSDL file for the 
> service uses the numeric address rather than localhost.  Since that 
> is the only usage of the numeric IP address I can find (all the URLs 
> I have constructed use localhost).
> I have a crossdomain.xml file that is reachable 
> at "";.  It's not solving 
> the problem.
> The crossdomain file has this format:
> The web service is built using Apache Axis2.  So, its address in the 
> WSDL is: http://l27.0.0.1:8080/axis2/services/TestService.
> Is there some special location or content to the policy file that I'm 
> missing?
> Thank you.

Re: [flexcoders] What classes are available to Flex applications vs AS3 applications?

2008-10-28 Thread john fisher
Me too: I am trying to move an app based on an AS class ( using the
Flare classes )  into an MXML app, and I'd appreciate any tutorial on this.

ivo wrote:
> Ive found that I can import many classes under the packages below, but not 
> all. The whole trial and error method of finding which classes are available 
> got old rather quick.

Re: [flexcoders] first time using the AdvancedDataGrid and can use some help.

2008-10-24 Thread john fisher
 Amy set me on to this post, which I found very helpful:
This assumes you are using format as "e4x"

just my also-a-newbie suggestion:
using children() and child() methods made it possible for me to drill
down into quite a bit more nested XML than yours.
oh yeah beware there are differences ( not very well understood be me
yet) between XML: and XMLListCollection.


Mark wrote:
> I'm finding a few examples in the help and online but with 
> everything I see the XML only goes about 2 deep.  I'm having a hard 
> time setting up the datagrid to be broken out by Person, then 
> Project, then by Date with the hours.
> Can anyone lend a hand on how to put together this datagrid.  I'm 
> sure it's right in my face but I just don't see it.
> Thanks,
> Mark

Re: [flexcoders] Do you use a Mac?

2008-10-24 Thread john fisher
yeah, thanks, have that. Its much better than a couple of years ago.
Probably plenty good enough for a bushwhacker like me if I just took
some time with it.

Guy Morton wrote:
> Inkscape is a reasonable Illustrator-replacement, and it's free.

Re: [flexcoders] Do you use a Mac?

2008-10-23 Thread john fisher
Just in case anybody cares, it is also possible to use Flex Builder on
Since I don't normally use any non-free software, and I do a lot of
Linux sys admin, thats good for me.
There are a few apps I can't duplicate, like Illustrator and Google
Sketchup and Rhino, but mostly I don't miss anything from Windows-land.
true I don't care about iTunes&music, but I do subscribe to podcasts. (I
don't do professional graphics or audio.)

In the last year or so the package system for Ubuntu has gotten mature,
so that software installation is just select and click.
It used to be a PITA sometimes. Most of the sys admin apps now work in
KDE, too. Theres a few things that still don't work, but in Linux you
can be pretty sure they'll be fixed. I like OSX, too, and used  DOS and
Windows since 1985.
just sayin'

Re: [flexcoders] Re: getStyle("fill") from chart series fails

2008-10-23 Thread john fisher
good idea, I should trace that way...

This code ( in the adobe example) works:
 var star:* = myChart.series[z].getStyle("fill");
  "[object SolidColor]"

This code FAILS:
series1 = new ColumnSeries();  // snipped other property settings
 var star:* = series1.getStyle("fill");

and yet
This FAILS too
 // add all the series to the chart
 myChart.series = mySeries;
 var starrr:* = myChart.series[0].getStyle("fill");

NOTE the chart as displayed has colors as assigned, so I know the 
setStyle is working...

Continuing to experiment

Amy wrote:
> If it were me, I'd put the result of the getStyle() into a variable
> with a * type and set a break point to look at it in the variables 
> window, rather than trying to trace it out.

[flexcoders] getStyle("fill") from chart series fails

2008-10-22 Thread john fisher
I must be doing something simple wrong here.

What I am doing:
creating a column chart entirely in AS, and controlling the colors, and
series, and legend in AS. The legend will be in a grid, instead of
automatic in the chart.
once the XML data is acquired, the makeserviceschart assembles the
chart, including choosing which data to include, and which colors to
use, and then finally calls  drawlegend, passing the grid and chart
objects, in order to assemble the legend in a Grid.

What doesn't work:
The legend gets the data name ( label) correct, but doesn't get the fill
Back inside the makeserviceschart, I can't trace out the fill color
using getStyle either, even though I have just set it using setStyle.
The getStyle syntax is a cut&paste from the Adobe example code app:  
which DOES work on my system


// set the color from the colorlist array of SolidColors
series1.setStyle("fill", colorlist[count]) ; //THIS WORKS CORRECTLY

// in the legend building func
// Apply the current series' displayName to the LegendItem's label.
li.label = colChart.series[z].displayName;
display( li.label ) ;  // YEP THIS WORKS
display( colChart.series.length) ;
// Get the current series' fill.
var sc:SolidColor =
colChart.series[z].getStyle("fill"); // NOPE NO COLORS SHOW UP
display("color sc = " +  sc ); // NOPE
display("series color fill = " +
colChart.series[z].getStyle("fill")  ); //NOPE TRACES "UNDEFINED"
  // I tried toString()  and toString(16)  and sc.color


 public function makeserviceschart():void {
var myChart:ColumnChart;
  var series1:ColumnSeries ;
  var mySeries:Array=new Array();
  var data_items:Array = new
Array("inpkts",..."inbytes","outbytes"); // dummy user-selected data choices
 simpleServicesData = new ArrayCollection([]); //subset of
the XML
 // various data munging ops snipped out here

myChart  = new ColumnChart();
myChart.showDataTips = true;
myChart.dataProvider = simpleServicesData;

// Define the category axis.
var hAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
hAxis.categoryField = "name" ;
hAxis.dataProvider =  simpleServicesData;
myChart.horizontalAxis = hAxis;
// define the vertical axis
var vAxis:LogAxis = new LogAxis();  // makes logarithmic
vAxis.interval = 10 ;
myChart.verticalAxis = vAxis;
//create the colors
var colorlist:Array = new Array(
new SolidColor(0x8dd3c7, .8),, );

// Add the series:
   var count:int = 0 ;
for each (var item:String in data_items){   
series1 = new ColumnSeries();
series1.yField= item ;
series1.displayName = item;
series1.setStyle("fill", colorlist[count]) ; //THIS
count++ ;
// add all the series to the chart
myChart.series = mySeries;

 // Attach chart and legend to the display list.
// first kill off the previous version of the chart

//Create a dynamically sized grid for numerous legend
drawlegend(myChart, serviceslegend) ;

//THE LEGEND TO GRID FUNC called by makeserviceschart
// taken from here: 
private function drawlegend(colChart:ColumnChart,
myGrid:Grid):void {
// empty grid object

for (var j:int = 0; j < numRows; j++) {
var gr:GridRow = new GridRow();
for (var k:int = 0; k < rowSize; k++) {
// As long as the series counter is less than the
number of series...
if (z < colChart.series.length) {
var gi:GridItem = new GridItem();
var li:LegendItem = new LegendItem();
// Apply the current series' displayName to the
LegendItem's la

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to keep Tree control synchronized with the database. Please Help

2008-10-22 Thread john fisher

I meant, "search through the online adobe docs for 'timer polling
example' or other keywords like those."

there are many many examples in the online docs at Adobe.


anuj sharma wrote:
> Hi John
> I am not sure i get what you are trying to say. Can you be please elaborate
> little bit more.
> Thanks
> Anuj
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:13 AM, john fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   @mark: thanks will check it out
>> @anuj:
>> this is just exactly what the adobe sample code does, except not
>> directly to the database.
>> anuj sharma wrote:
>>> ... Can I use the Timer class to create a timer instance
>>> which will periodically call HTTP a

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to keep Tree control synchronized with the database. Please Help

2008-10-22 Thread john fisher
@mark: thanks will check it out
this is just exactly what the adobe sample code does, except not
directly to the database.

anuj sharma wrote:
> ... Can I use the Timer class to create a timer instance
> which will periodically call HTTP a

Re: [flexcoders] How to keep Tree control synchronized with the database. Please Help

2008-10-21 Thread john fisher
I am working on a similar problem...
I don't use PostGres, but there may be some sort of export to XML
function. *If* that can fire on changes ( or you set up the
inserts/updates that way), then you have something that an httpservice
can acquire directly. But somebody still has to ask the file if it
You use a socket connection to stuff an event into the dataprovider.
Theres some examples in the adobe docs.
you poll, but don't refresh the whole html page, just the data in the
swf, and only when it changes. My users cant tell the difference between
polling and the socket connection in the two demos I made.

I'm just a newbie, so if there is another way, I'd sure like to hear
about it.


Paul Andrews wrote:
> Isn't this simply a problem that multiple calls are required to poll the 
> database for change? I think the OP really needs a push type service.
> There's no way to know that the database table has changed without polling 
> the database..

Re: [flexcoders] Syntax of using a variable to make an object

2008-10-18 Thread John Fisher
Thanks Paul.

Paul Andrews wrote:
> The curly bracket syntax is for compile time declaration only where the 
> compiler knows all of the values at the time of compilation. In your example 
> variables are involved so the compiler gives you an error.
"AHA" he said.
> Generally speaking the variable equivalent of
> var o:Object = { x: 1234};
> would be
> var o:Object = new Object();
> o.x = 1234;
obviously I warn't raised on  OO style I was still looking for "*"
> your code is trying to have the variable name as a vaiable itself, so the 
> equivalent would be:
> o["x"] = 1234;
> var variableName:String = "x";
> var variableValue:Number = 1234;
> o[variableName] = variableValue.
excellent. Thanks very much
> I'm rather suspicious of your XML handling code, but I won't go there!
Oh that was almost pseudo-code, to make it easier to read, without 
explaining the whole razzmatazz of hoops I am jumping through. No doubt 
there will be extensive re-factoring once it all works and my 
understanding grows.

[flexcoders] Syntax of using a variable to make an object

2008-10-17 Thread john fisher
I am stuck on some basic AS syntax.

Here is some Adobe sample code:

public var dpac:ArrayCollection =  new ArrayCollection([
   {A:2000},{A:3000}, {A:6000} ]);

public function addDataItem():void {
var o:Object = {"A":2000};

Inside a loop, I need to add a data item to an arraycollection, but I
need to get the name of the data  and the result of the data from an XML
OK I've got those two things working, but now my name and dataresult are
variables not ints and strings.

public var dpac:ArrayCollection =  new ArrayCollection;
for each ( var something:XML in myXML.children()) {
var dataresult:Obj = something ;  // don't know type of result 
ahead of time...
var name:String = ;

var o:Object = { name + ':' + dataresult } // WRONG! 


I am going wrong where I try to create an object out of method-results or 
variables that can be additem'ed to an arraycollection. 
And I don't really get the curly brace syntax, as you can see...

Thanks for guidance here...

PS what is the proper name for this like 'passing by reference vs passing by 
value' or?

Re: [flexcoders] AS equivalent for perl's chop/chomp?

2008-10-17 Thread john fisher
thanks Guy
and of course you're right  if they irritate my sense of code style, I
can just wrap them up.
Just thought I'd ask in case I missed something.

Guy Morton wrote:
> I don't think so...I've never seen one, but what's hard about using
> String.replace? Aren't the following functionally equivalent?
> //perl's chomp
> String.replace(/[\r\n]*$/);
> //perl's chop
> String.replace(/.$/);
> I guess if you really care, you could extend the String class to add
> them?
> Guy

[flexcoders] AS equivalent for perl's chop/chomp?

2008-10-16 Thread john fisher
I see String.replace using a regex, but is there a more straightforward
way to do this (very) common adjustment?

(perl: "chop" and "chomp" delete the last character from a string in
slightly different ways)


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Feeding complex XMLdata to charts: Flex3

2008-10-10 Thread john fisher
well it may be easier... but I liked the obvious page layout of the mx
tags, separated from the AS code. No doubt I can still have what I want.

My comment on the documentation is that as long as you are using very
simple data, everything goes together smoothly, but as soon as I
introduced real data from this big ugly XML file, I found myself off in
the weeds.

and thanks again, I am still working up to taking your code apart.


Amy wrote:
> I was actually surprised to find that creating charts in AS instead 
> of MXML was actually _less_ confusing and quicker than MXML.

Re: [flexcoders] Feeding complex XMLdata to charts: Flex3

2008-10-09 Thread john fisher

For total spanking newbies reading this:

See Amy's code and also this simplified version

stuff I didn't get that tripped me up-

1) You don't have to use the  at all - you can do
everything in AS instead. This is very confusing, because the call in AS
that actually creates the chart is
"addChild" as in
" // Attach chart and legend to the display list.
My initial reaction is "yuck" but knowing nothing, its worth will likely
be revealed to me later.

2) use of the "child" method on XML objects, I need to practice this and
figure it out.

3) I was right, the bar charts just want an array of arrays for data,
but I lacked the tools to create that from the XML.

further comment welcome.


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Feeding complex XMLdata to charts: Flex3

2008-10-08 Thread john fisher
Hey I see what you are doing, including a call I didn't know about...
will try this afternoon, and probably have Qs.  Have to write some
release notes first.
I knew I was having a forest and trees problem, but sometimes you just
get stuck.

Amy wrote:
> You might find this useful 
> HTH;
> Amy

[flexcoders] Feeding complex XMLdata to charts: Flex3

2008-10-07 Thread john fisher
Good morning in PDT, and thanks for being here.
Me: new to AS & Flex, building a Linux-based dashboard, using
Flexbuilder alpha for Linux in Eclipse
( this does not have all features compared to Windows and OSX I believe,
and may be buggy)

*Problem:* I've been given an XML schema for incoming data thats
complex, and well, may not be optimum. :)
When I follow the tutorials using simple data,




I am able to get a dynamic bar chart that responds to changes in number
of members of the "data" array of elements. But my real data is complex
( see below) and it appears to me that the dataFunc to chart series
dataprovider connection, which understands simple arrays, gets confused
with complex arrays.

*What I get thats wrong:*
Trace shows me getting results like
" data1 
 data2 "
or using a different notation,
when I expect an array of  data1,data2
and the chart won't work at all.

*What I want to know:* I want some guidance to help me avoid dead ends-
Is my XML just flat not suitable?
Am I wrong about the problem?
Do I need to do some complicated restructuring of the data before I
return it from the dataFunc, so I send a simple array like shown above?


*Simplified Data:*








* data1*
   * 0 X label*
* data2*










private function dataFunc(series:Series, item:Object,
fieldName:String):Object {   
if(fieldName == "yValue" &&"peas"){
return( ) ;}
else if(fieldName == "yValue" &&"bugs"){
return( ;}
else if(fieldName == "xValue"){
return( ;}
 display (" dataFunc returns NULL");
return null;