[flexcoders] Michael Corbridge/ServiceCenter/US/SunLife is out of the office.

2007-11-23 Thread michael . corbridge

I will be out of the office starting  11/20/2007 and will not return until

I will respond to your message when I return.

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[flexcoders] Flex Camp Boston - Dec 7

2007-11-06 Thread michael . corbridge
Interested in attending Flex Camp?

This December 7, Flex Camp Boston is being hosted at Bentley College in
Waltham (just outside downtown Boston)

For more information on registration, the agenda and list of speakers,
visit:  www.flexcampboston.com

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Re: [flexcoders] How do I call a POJO from Flex ?

2007-10-16 Thread michael . corbridge
1) write the POJO
2) place the class in WEB-INF/classes (be aware of the package structure)
3) add the destination to remoting-cofig.xml, for example:

  destination id=ProcessTimeSummary
4) restart the server (required with JRun)
5) create the mxml page with the remoteObject call, for example:
  mx:method name=getProcessResults
result=resultHandler( event )
fault=faultHandler( event ) /
6) Write the result and fault handlers (mx:Script, usually)
7) Have a look at Cairngorm before you get yourself into too much trouble
(write me if you want an easy tutorial to get started - POJO's included)

Michael Corbridge
Distributed Computing
Sun Life Financial Ltd.
One Sun Life Executive Park
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481

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Re: [flexcoders] Dragging onto a tree

2007-05-23 Thread michael . corbridge
You probably need to look at the:  event.dragInitiator.selectedItem

  Christopher Olsen
  com flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  
  Sent by:  cc 
  om   Subject 
  05/23/2007 03:23 PM  [flexcoders] Dragging onto a tree   
  Please respond to


 What I am trying to do is drag an icon off of a panel and drop it onto 

 an item in a Tree and get the value of the item that I dropped on in the   

 tree... tree.selectedItem does not return this. How should I be handling   


 Thank you all, 



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---attachment: pic13648.gif

Re: [flexcoders] Binding a property to a function

2007-01-26 Thread michael . corbridge
The approach I have used in this case is the ChangeWatcher class

// set up the watcher when the app loads
private function doInit():void



// call this function anytime 'changeText' component is changed
via the model
private function updateResultsPopup(event:FlexEvent):void
//do something

!--   this component lurks at the bottom of the template, listening for
change --
mx:Text id=changeText text={modelLocatorAdmin.updateResults}
height=0 width=0 visible=false/

there is probably a better way of achieving the same result, but this works
- let me know

 - mike


 Lieven Cardoen   To: 
 e Subject:  [flexcoders] Binding 
a property to a function
 Sent by:   
 01/26/2007 08:20 AM
 Please respond to flexcoders   


 Is it possible to bind a property to a function... A bit like the MVC-pattern… 

 When a property changes, a function should be triggered…   

 BindingUtils can’t seem to do this.

 Thx, Lieven Cardoen

 Lieven Cardoen 

 Application developer  


[flexcoders] CANNOT embed arrayCollection inside valueObject ... Anyone see this? (Pete Farland)?

2007-01-19 Thread michael . corbridge
This seems  to be specific to a WebLogic server.

When a valueObject, containing a property as an arrayCollection, is passed
to the server, we get the following error:

error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: flex.messaging.io.ArrayCollection:  This
error could indicate that a component was deployed on a  cluster member but
not other members of that cluster. Make sure that any component deployed on
a server that is part of a cluster is also deployed on all other members of
that cluster.

This does not happen testing locally on JRun.

Ideas anyone?

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Re: [flexcoders] How do you capture the browser's onclose event in Flex 2.0?

2007-01-16 Thread michael . corbridge
I finished doing this a week ago if you are interested ...

On my first attempt, I used the browsers onUnload event to call a service
in the swf, but this did not work.  Apparently the object in the DOM is not
available to the javascript when browser begins unloading (ie6).

My solution was to make an AJAX call to a jsp, upon onUnload, which in turn
called the appropriate java service to log the user out.  If this sounds
promising to you, or if it makes sense, you can contact me off-list for the

 - mike


 chrislpigg  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com   
 Sent by:  Subject:  [flexcoders] How do 
you capture the browser's onclose
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  event in Flex 2.0? 
 01/16/2007 11:13 AM
 Please respond to  


 I need a way to capture the browser's close event so I can log the 

 user out with my Flex 2.0 app.. If anyone knows how to do this...  

 Please help!   



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Re: [flexcoders] Multiple Selections in a List

2007-01-05 Thread michael . corbridge
Not a stupid question at all!

If you have a list that has an id=myList, you can inspect the
selectedIndices array property.

Here is some code (courtesy of Flex 2 Help in Eclipse) to help illustrate:


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;


private function showListSelection():void
  trace(); // breakpoint inserted here!


  mx:Model id=mystates
state label=Alabama data=AL/
state label=Alaska data=AK/
state label=Arizona data=AZ/
state label=Arkansas data=AR/
state label=California data=CA/
state label=Colorado data=CO/
state label=Connecticut data=CT/

   mx:List id=source width=100% color=blue

mx:Button label=show selection click=showListSelection()/


If you throw a break point in at the trace(), then you can drill down to
the selectedIndices property of that list.

I hope this helps.

 - mike


 Lisa LeeTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com   
 Sent by:  Subject:  [flexcoders] Multiple 
Selections in a List   
 01/05/2007 01:55 PM
 Please respond to  


 I hate asking what I think is probably a very stupid question, but 

 being so new to Flex, I am still quite wet behind the earsI have   

 an mx:List and I have set the allowMultipleSelection property to   

 true...my question is, how do I determine what selection(s) the user   

 has selected, if they're selected more than one?   



 import mx.controls.List;   

 [Bindable] private var serviceTypeTemp:ArrayCollection;

 private function serviceTypeHandler2(event:ResultEvent):void { 

 serviceTypeTemp = event.result.serviceTypeData.serviceType;




 mx:HTTPService id=serviceTypeRPC




 mx:List id=stComboList  


Re: [flexcoders] [Flex2, Cairngorm 2.1] Trouble with ServiceLocator

2006-12-28 Thread michael . corbridge


In my delegates, I am using this syntax:

this.service = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getService( testService );

I note that you use getRemoteObject?

Just a thought 

 - mike


 Thomas Rühl -akitogo- To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com   
 Sent by:  Subject:  [flexcoders] [Flex2, 
Cairngorm 2.1] Trouble 
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  with ServiceLocator
 12/28/2006 06:40 AM
 Please respond to  


 Hello flexcoders,  

 I'm sort of stuck at the moment; I think, I'm missing something here...

 In my Services.mxml I configure a RemoteObject with the id 'testService':  

 cairngorm:ServiceLocator xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;


 mx:RemoteObject id=testService destination=ColdFusion 

 source=some.path.to.cfc.StuffManagement showBusyCursor=true / 


 I implemented a BusinessDelegate for testing, that should make use of  

 the above: 


 However, for some reason I don't see, this throws a reference error

 (property not found):  

 ReferenceError: Error #1069: Eigenschaft testService für   

 com.adobe.cairngorm.business.ServiceLocator nicht gefunden und es ist  

 kein Standardwert vorhanden. at

 com.adobe.cairngorm.business::ServiceLocator/::getServiceForId() at

 com.adobe.cairngorm.business::ServiceLocator/getRemoteObject() at  

 customer.business::TestDelegate$iinit() at 

 customer.commands::ApplicationStartupCommand/execute() at  



RE: [flexcoders] POST data to Flex 1.5 app from Flex 2.0 app

2006-08-08 Thread michael . corbridge
Thanks Matt,

I get the following response if I try to post data to a mxml page:

JRun Servlet Error
HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL

This seems to point to config settings on the JRun4 server (web.xml?).  I
note that http GET works as expected.
Any thoughts?

 - mike

 Matt Chotin To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 


 Sent by:  Subject:  RE: [flexcoders] POST 
data to Flex 1.5 app from Flex 2.0 app   

 08/07/2006 11:56 PM

 Please respond to  


 If you hit the MXML file so that the compiler generates the HTML wrapper I 
 it should try to pass the parameters through, the same as it would if you 


 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  
 Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 1:39 PM  

 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 

 Subject: [flexcoders] POST data to Flex 1.5 app from Flex 2.0 app  

 Anyone have any insight into whether this can be done? 

 I am well aware that navigateToURL() allows the method to be set to POST,  

 but is there a way for a Flex 1.5 app to 

Re: [flexcoders] Re: image in text within Alert.show()

2006-08-08 Thread michael . corbridge

public var alertSymbol:Class;

Alert.show(Text entered in the comments box will be lost!  Do you want to


 Doug Arthur To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com   

 Sent by:  Subject:  Re: [flexcoders] Re: 
image in text within 
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  Alert.show()   
 08/08/2006 02:09 PM
 Please respond to  


 can anyone point me in the right direction on this?


 On 8/7/06, Doug Arthur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
   I'm also realizing I'm not to sure on how I'd do that? The show does a 
   more than just text...   

   On 8/7/06, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:  

 Hi Doug,   

 To do this, you are probably going to have to create your own  

 component that extends the Alert class. Instead of text, use 


 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Doug Arthur [EMAIL 



  Does anyone know how to add an image in the text that I would 
put in 




  Here's why I'm trying to do this, I'm alerting an error, and I 
 an image   

  to bullet point some items.  



[flexcoders] POST data to Flex 1.5 app from Flex 2.0 app

2006-08-07 Thread michael . corbridge
Anyone have any insight into whether this can be done?

I am well aware that navigateToURL() allows the method to be set to POST,
but is there a way for a Flex 1.5 app to have access to that data?

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Re: [flexcoders] anyone out there in eclipse land?

2006-07-07 Thread michael . corbridge
Hey Brendan,

No problem, no offense taken :-)

I tried your suggestion and it doesn't seem to apply to the 'console'
panel, although it does apply filters to the 'problems' panel.  I'll keep

Thanks for the suggestion.

 - mike


 Brendan MeutznerTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com   
 Sent by:  Subject:  Re: [flexcoders] 
anyone out there in eclipse land?  
 07/06/2006 11:23 AM
 Please respond to  



Hey Michael,

In the problems pane, one of the top right buttons is for filters.  You can
filter out Flex issues all together there.

Sorry, for the sarcasm earlier... I understand where you're coming from...
it's just that some folks think that it's just as good to ignore the
problem as to fix it.  Those warnings are there for a reason



  No problem Brendan

  Maybe it was too much of a lob ball to resist ;-)

  The only reason I was asking is because I am trying to fix someone
  code and I think I know what the problem is. However the warnings are
  causing my Flex Builder to run so S L O W L Y (extra emphasis on the
  'slow') that I can't even run my app in debug. I bumped up the memory
  eclipse.ini, but the problem persists. I was hoping I could suppress
  warnings just to fix this problem.

  Any thoughts or insight on the problem?

  Brendan Meutzner To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Sent by: Subject: Re: [flexcoders] anyone out there in eclipse land?
  07/05/2006 05:56 PM
  Please respond to


  Well, you could fix the problems... :-) Sorry, couldn't resist


  On 7/5/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  know how to suppress the:

  warning: unable to bind to property ... 


  TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
  object reference.

  in the eclipse console?

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Re: [flexcoders] anyone out there in eclipse land?

2006-07-06 Thread michael . corbridge
No problem Brendan

Maybe it was too much of a lob ball to resist ;-)

The only reason I was asking is because I am trying to fix someone else's
code and I think I know what the problem is.  However the warnings are
causing my Flex Builder to run so  S L O W L Y (extra emphasis on the
'slow') that I can't even run my app in debug.  I bumped up the memory in
eclipse.ini, but the problem persists.  I was hoping I could suppress the
warnings just to fix this problem.

Any thoughts or insight on the problem?


 Brendan MeutznerTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com   
 Sent by:  Subject:  Re: [flexcoders] 
anyone out there in eclipse land?  
 07/05/2006 05:56 PM
 Please respond to  




Well, you could fix the problems... :-)  Sorry, couldn't resist



  know how to suppress the:

  warning: unable to bind to property ... 


  TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
  object reference.

  in the eclipse console?

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Description: GIF image

[flexcoders] anyone out there in eclipse land?

2006-07-05 Thread michael . corbridge

know how to suppress the:

warning: unable to bind to property ... 


TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
object reference.

in the eclipse console?

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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Repost of bug issue over weekend

2006-06-26 Thread michael . corbridge
not a bug - here is working code:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; xmlns=*

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

private var  selectedChannels:ArrayCollection = new

private function initList():void

  var o1:Object= new Object();
  o1.data = 1;
  o1.value = foo1;

var o2:Object= new Object();
  o2.data = 2;
  o2.value = foo2;

var o3:Object= new Object();
  o3.data = 3;
  o3.value = foo3;

var o4:Object= new Object();
  o4.data = 4;
  o4.value = foo4;

var o5:Object= new Object();
  o5.data = 5;
  o5.value = foo5;

mx:List dataProvider={selectedChannels} width=100


mx:Label xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; text={data.value}/

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Re: [flexcoders] Mx.controls.Alert confusion

2006-06-13 Thread michael . corbridge
perhaps a bit confused ...

the alert boxes appear on top of each other, sort of a 'last in - first
out type of scenario, meaning the 'hi' is rendered, then the 'hello' is
rendered on top of 'hi'

working code below ...


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout=absolute

  import mx.controls.Button;

  public var btn:Button = new Button();

  public function doInit():void

  public function handleClick(e:Event):void
mx.controls.Alert.show(hi); // appears below the 'hello'
mx.controls.Alert.show(hello); // appears on top of the 'hi'

mx:Canvas id=cnv1 height=100 width=100 backgroundColor=white/


 rama satoskar   To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com   
 Sent by:  Subject:  [flexcoders] 
Mx.controls.Alert confusion  
 06/13/2006 07:32 AM
 Please respond to  



hi all,
Has anyone come across this?
I have a button whose click event activates an event listener where i
have two alert boxes. The first one displays a message hi and the
second one displayshello. They are written one after the other.
However the second alert message displays first. Why is this?? i am

The code is given below:

var btn:Button = new Button()

public function handleClick(event:Event):void

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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Newbie : How do i listen to a value ? Cairngorm inside.

2006-05-23 Thread michael . corbridge

I'm not sure if this is relevant or not, but the following is response from
Alistair regarding a previous question I had about the use of viewHelpers


In your complex value object case, here's what we'd recommend now.

In your command, put the complex object in your model (ModelLocator),
ModelLocator.getInstance().complextData = theResultFromTheServer;
Now, in your view, you bind to that model item, but call a utility class
to massage the results into the format you want. eg,
mx:Label text={ MyUtilityClass.formatDataToSomethingSimpler(
ModelLocator.getInstance().complexData ) } /
Now, you could possibly call MyUtilityClass a view helper, in the broad
sense of the pattern, but extracting it this way lets you, for example,
unit tests it's functionality and keeps the Model and View separate.


 Jean-Luc ESSER To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent by: Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Newbie : How do i listen to a value ? Cairngorm 
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com inside. 
 05/23/2006 11:30 AM 
 Please respond to 

That's exactly the question Tim, and it has been haunting me for quite a
while now :
1/ Ok, if the view function simply updates the view, fine, using bindings
should do it.
2/ But if it is more complex, i would agree on writing a new command. But
when dispatching an event from any component, it means that the destination

view (where command should execute) should be passed as a parameter. But
that won't scale, imagine you change the destination view name ?!?! So you
could bind the name of the view in the model locator so that if you change
it, you won't have to update each one of your dispatch events.
I don't know which way is the good way...


- Original Message -
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 4:45 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Newbie : How do i listen to a value ? Cairngorm


You scenario questions make me wonder; when does a function in a
viewHelper or viewLocator (or MXML file) merit becoming a command?
In my opinion, I don't see any reason not to call one command from
another (dispatch or direct call). For instance getData calls
calculateTotals on result. Since commands are in the same
abstraction layer, this should be OK. However crossing layers by
calling a view function from a command should be avoided.

What does the view function actually do. If it updates the view,
then you can rework this to have your command update state variables
or VO's in the ModelLocator that are bound to the view. This will
automatically update the view. If the function does anything else,
perhaps the function should become a command. This was my thought
process when addressing similar issues. I would love to hear what
Steven and/or Ali have to say about this.

Tim Hoff

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Jean-Luc ESSER [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do i listen to a value change in a var ?

 Let's say i have a component CompA.
 In this component is a function FunctionA which needs to be
triggered when an event is dispatched from a component CompB.
 Using Cairngorm, i dispatch an event from CompB, running a Command.
 For now, i trigger FunctionA from the Command (ie
Application.application.CompA.FunctionA(myObject) ).
 But that is not how Cairngorm is supposed to work, right ?
 The way i should do it, i guess, is by updating a var myVar to
myObject in my ModelLocator from my Command.
 Then, via bindings, in CompA, listen to myVar, and when changing
to myObject, trigger FunctionA.

 Am i right ?
 But how would i do this ?

 Help is welcome.


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[flexcoders] mx.automation

2006-05-22 Thread michael . corbridge


Anyone know how these are used? Any examples out there?

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RE: [flexcoders] Are ViewHelper and ViewLocator deprecated in Cairngorm 2?

2006-05-16 Thread michael . corbridge

Thanks Alistar,

That seems like a cleaner way to handle things.

 - mike

 Alistair McLeod To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent by: Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Are ViewHelper and ViewLocator 
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com deprecated in Cairngorm 2? 
 05/16/2006 08:59 AM 
 Please respond to 

Hi Michael,

In your complex value object case, here's what we'd recommend now.

In your command, put the complex object in your model (ModelLocator),

ModelLocator.getInstance().complextData = theResultFromTheServer;

Now, in your view, you bind to that model item, but call a utility class
to massage the results into the format you want. eg,

mx:Label text={ MyUtilityClass.formatDataToSomethingSimpler(
ModelLocator.getInstance().complexData ) } /

Now, you could possibly call MyUtilityClass a view helper, in the broad
sense of the pattern, but extracting it this way lets you, for example,
unit tests it's functionality and keeps the Model and View separate.



Alistair McLeod
Practice Director (Rich Internet Applications)
Adobe Consulting
Westpoint, 4 Redheughs Rigg, South Gyle, Edinburgh, EH12 9DQ, UK
p: +44 (0) 131 338 6108

-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: 16 May 2006 13:14
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Cc: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Are ViewHelper and ViewLocator deprecated in
Cairngorm 2?

I am using the viewLocator and viewHelper in a fds2b3 prototype, and
they function correctly, although a post from Steve Webster states

My quick response is that we really don't anticipate you needing to use
ViewHelpers as much (if at all). Use ModelLocator instead (that's why I
left it out the article series

However, I think I understand when you say that:

It seems that the command class has no idea where the view is.

Thus I use the command class to set the variable, and that is all. If I
have a complex value object that I need to iterate through to get single
value to be displayed in a view (although I know that there might be
arguments for doing all this on the java layer, however ...), I would
rather call a viewHelper to handle this (one that is linked
intrinsically with a view) rather than fill the command class with
business logic.

So ... this is probably a long winded way to say that, 'yes' the
viewHelper and viewLocator work fine in fds2b3.

 Larry Liang To:

 Sent by: Subject: [flexcoders]
Are ViewHelper and ViewLocator deprecated
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com in Cairngorm 2?

 05/15/2006 07:52 AM

 Please respond to


Hi all,

I just donwloaded the latest cairngorm framework for fb2 beta 3. I found
that the viewhelper and viewlocator are still included in the package. I
remeber (please correct me if I'm wrong) that these two classes are
deprecated for flex 2.

If this is the case, then suppose a command class needs to update a
view, should it only do that throuhg ModelLocator class. It seems that
the command class has no idea where the view is. For example, if a
command class need to set a label on a view to say downloading...
before start a webservice call and after the rpc call comes back, the
command class sets the label text to be empty. How should the command
class handle this situation if it does not know where the view is.

The only way that I can think of is to have a string variable in
ModelLocator class which is bound to the label text property. and then
command class can update the label text through this string variable.
I'm sure there is a better (best practice) way to update a view in a
command class. Please give me some hints.


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Re: [flexcoders] delete class instances

2006-05-16 Thread michael . corbridge

To stop the 'ping' just throw a 'timer.stop()' into your stopPing()
function. It worked for me. I also removed the timer.reset();
timer.start(); from the sayPing() function. I'm not sure that you need

This should help cure the 'tinnitus' :-)

Also - did you notice that you did not place the 'click' handler in the
button? It's in the TextArea component.

Others can weigh in on deleting an instance of a class ... I think that the
VM has a memory manager that takes care of that for you?

 Sonja Duijvesteijn To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent by: Subject: [flexcoders] delete class instances 
 05/16/2006 02:54 PM 
 Please respond to 

I've been working with Flex since last Februari, and since then I've been
having a problem with classes. Since it's seemed foolish that I could not
find the solution myself I've been hesitant to ask but here goes.

How do you delete and instance of a class?! I've set up a small example
with a class 'PingTime' which says 'ping' every second. And I'd like it to
stop, but not just stop but completely remove the class out of memory. How
do I do that? I'm sure there's a solution, and probably it's in the docs
somewhere, but I just can't find it.

How do I make the pinging stop?

Kind regards,
Sonja Duijvesteijn

package sd.classes {
 import flash.utils.Timer;
 import flash.events.TimerEvent;
 import mx.core.Application;

 public class PingTime {
 private var timer:Timer;

 public function PingTime() {
 timer = new Timer(1000);
 timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, sayPing);

 private function sayPing(event:TimerEvent):void {
 Application.application.pingTxt.text += ping 

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml layout=absolute
 import sd.classes.PingTime;
 private var ping:PingTime;

 private function init():void {
 ping = new PingTime();

 private function removePing():void {

 mx:Button x=10 y=10 label=stop Ping/
 mx:TextArea x=10 y=56 width=445 height=143
click=removePing() id=pingTxt/

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Re: [flexcoders] Re: delete class instances

2006-05-16 Thread michael . corbridge

did you try 'timer.stop()' ?

private function stopPing():void {
 ping = null;
 trace(ping:  +ping);

 Sonja Duijvesteijn To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent by: Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: delete class instances 
 05/16/2006 03:25 PM 
 Please respond to 

Thank you for your swift answers, but either I just don't get it, or it's
not working. I've changed the function stopPing to the following:

private function stopPing():void {
 ping = null;
 trace(ping:  +ping);

The trace does say (as expected) ping: null, but it doesn't make the bad
ping go away.

Btw, there was a small mistake in my example, the click should obviously be
on the button and not the textarea.

Any other ideas/hints?

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[flexcoders] question for cairngorm mavens

2006-05-15 Thread michael . corbridge

For those of you who are developing using the cairngorm framework, are
there any opinions on the use of multiple modelLocators in a (potentially)
very large Flex2 app.

Consider, for example, a Main.mxml that uses a tabNavigator to view five
separate custom components, each of which is a large 'sub' application.
These components are being developed by a team of developers located in
different continents, thus it is necessary to establish a structure that
permits 'sandbox' code development, while ensuring that each component fits
nicely into the 'big picture'.

Are there negative implications in creating a modelLocator created for each

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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm Sample Store

2006-05-11 Thread michael . corbridge

I would place: org.nevis.cairngorm.*

in your: WEB-INF\flex\user_classes

others may have different ideas

A working cairngorm app updated to fds2_B_05_08 is being sent to you.

 stefan_schmalhaus To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent by: Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm Sample Store 
 05/11/2006 10:34 AM 
 Please respond to 

Thanks for all your hints and tips. I finished reading Steven
Webster's excellent 6-part series and I took a look at the old 0.99
Cairngorm files. Then I tried to set up a simple app in Flex 2 (Beta
3) with the latest Cairngorm version. But reading and studying this
stuff is one thing, setting up something new from scratch is another
story. Maybe I'm too stupid... LOL... I'm struggling with basic
things: What's the best location for the Cairngorm folders/files?
Should I import the classes into my own Flex project? Or am I supposed
to store the Cairngorm assets in a folder outside the projects hierarchy?

It would be helpful if there was a working sample application based on
the latest Flex/Cairngorm versions. The sample applications on the
Adobe Labs site helped me a lot to grasp the overall Flex concept, the
MXML constructs, etc. I really appreciate that the developers
constantly update these samples to make sure that they work with the
latest Flex version.

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Re: [flexcoders] BackgroundColor

2006-05-10 Thread michael . corbridge


gets you a green background


gets you a green background with an momentary flash of grey



gets you a grey background


(I think this was covered in an earlier forum posting?)

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Re: [flexcoders] Beta 3 - Custom Java Adapter

2006-05-02 Thread michael . corbridge


does that work for you?

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Re: [flexcoders] How to subclass a singleton class ---- cairngorm issue --- Please help!!

2006-04-27 Thread michael . corbridge

Are you creating a business delegate class to handle the service call? In
the cairngorm framework, the actual work of getting the remoteObject and
making a request is inside a delegate. Consider, for example a
remoteObject service which returns a list of customers with the id:
roCustList. Create a business delegate class called
'CustomerListDelegate' having this function:

public function CustomerListDelegate ( responder : Responder )
 this.service = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getService(roCustList);
 this.responder = responder;

the call is made here:

public function getCustList(): void
 var call : Object = service.getCustList();
 call.resultHandler = responder.onResult;
 call.faultHandler = responder.onFault;

Obviously there is much more to creating a successful request/response to a
service call than this. You have to create a cairngorm event and dispatch
that event with is handled in a command class that places the result in a
model. I can send you a step-by-step bare bones example of all the
required steps if you think you might benefit. I don't mind admitting that
I found it a bit bewildering at first, but when you get the hang of it, it
is a great framework.

 Larry Liang To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent by: Subject: [flexcoders] How to subclass a singleton class  
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com cairngorm issue --- Please help!! 
 04/27/2006 12:36 AM 
 Please respond to 

I'm new to Flex and have been spending a lot of time trying to figure
out how is part of cairngorm framework works. Please help.

Cairngorm uses singleton pattern to ensure that there is only one
instance of a class running for each app.

For example, the ServiceLocator class use a static method to return
the instance reference to you.

 public static function getInstance() : ServiceLocator
 if ( serviceLocator == null )
 serviceLocator = new

 return serviceLocator;

The documentation said that the recommended way to use this class is
to subclass ServiceLocator and define your services, using the code
similar to the following:

cairngorm:ServiceLocator xmlns:mx=http://www.macromedia.com/2003/
mxml xmlns:cairngorm=org.nevis.cairngorm.business.* 

 mx:RemoteObject id=customerDelegate source=org.nevis.
 result=event.call.resultHandler( event )
 fault=event.call.faultHandler( event )


so far so good. however the documentation said Services can later be
located, usually in a business delegate class as shown here:
 var service = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getService( 
customerDelegate );

This is where I am confused. I just used mxml to subclass the
servicelocator class and add a new property (remoteobject) to the
instance of the subclass (not parent class). But when I use

what I get is a reference to the parent class which is ServiceLocator
 class defined by cairngorm. How can i use a reference to the parent
class to locate a property of the child class.

I'm very confused. This may have something to do with the way that
mxml script is compiled into actionscript object. Someone please give
me some ideas.

By the way, I tried to subclass the ServiceLocator class in
actionscript 2 and assign an service object to the subclass.

When I use


The program returned saying that the service can not be found. I
guess it kind of makes sense in that the object belongs to the
subclass not the parent class.

sorry for making this a bit long.



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Re: [flexcoders] PLEASE: Could someone at Adobe/Macromedia do a Carnigorm Video Intro.

2006-04-26 Thread michael . corbridge

 I have a very (very) simple sample app that I use to illustrate how to get
the ball rolling with Cairngorm2 that I can send to you. It includes
documentation on how to add your own dispatchEvent in step-by-step
instructions. I'm not knocking the Cairngorm2 'Login' example, but I think
that a 'hold-your-hand' example is helpful for those getting familiar with

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Re: [flexcoders] PLEASE: Could someone at Adobe/Macromedia do a Carnigorm Video Intro.

2006-04-26 Thread michael . corbridge

I will be sure to send it to you.

The http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/flex/articles/cairngorm_pt1.html
article is great, however I don't think that it has been updated to Flex2
(Steve W?)

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Re: [flexcoders] PLEASE: Could someone at Adobe/Macromedia do a Carnigorm Video Intro.

2006-04-26 Thread michael . corbridge

I'll send you a copy.

On another note, I was looking at the ViewLocator/ViewHelper code and I
found myself wondering how to implement it. It's not that the theory isn't
sound, I'm sure it is - just try to find some simple working examples.
Anyone out there have some simple Cairngorm2 ViewLocator examples? Steve
Webster had mentioned to me that the ModelLocator can handle all the work
that the ViewLocator/ViewHelper is intended to do, so perhaps they are not
necessary. Thoughts?

 Darren Houle To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent by: Subject: Re: [flexcoders] PLEASE: Could someone at Adobe/Macromedia do a Carnigorm 
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com Video Intro. 
 04/26/2006 11:10 AM 
 Please respond to 

Hey Michael

Any chance I could get that from you too? I've found the available Cg2
examples out there somewhat lacking... the 6 part article talks about and
uses Cg.99, but I have F2B2 installed so I want to learn Cg2. The Cg2
CairngormLogin example has little documentation (not that it really does
much anyway)... and there's a PhonesCairngorm2 example, but it's complex,
uses Data Services, requires CF code, so... what I'd love to get my hands
would be a simple Cg2 example, one that has a couple simple RPC services to

something like a public blog feed or a local XML data file, a couple VOs, a

couple commands, a couple views, a couple controls. Nothing overly
complicated and something with some healthy documentation (even inline
comments would be fine.) Your example might not meet all those criteria,
but that's totally okay, I'll take anything :-)


Reply-To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] PLEASE: Could someone at Adobe/Macromedia do a
Carnigorm Video Intro.
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 09:51:56 -0400

 I have a very (very) simple sample app that I use to illustrate how to
the ball rolling with Cairngorm2 that I can send to you. It includes
documentation on how to add your own dispatchEvent in step-by-step
instructions. I'm not knocking the Cairngorm2 'Login' example, but I
that a 'hold-your-hand' example is helpful for those getting familiar with


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Re: [flexcoders] PLEASE: Could someone at Adobe/Macromedia do a Carnigorm Video Intro.

2006-04-26 Thread michael . corbridge

I took the ViewLocator class and modified it to take an Object rather than
a ViewHelper. It seems to work in that all components, and their methods
are reachable at any point in the application. I'm not sure if this is
what was intended in Cairngorm, but it seems to greatly simplify our
development (no one gets that dirty feeling). If you are interested, I can
send you the class and examples.

 Jonathan Miranda To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent by: Subject: Re: [flexcoders] PLEASE: Could someone at Adobe/Macromedia 
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com do a Carnigorm Video Intro. 
 04/26/2006 05:35 PM 
 Please respond to 

Got any examples of this Jester?

On 4/26/06, JesterXL [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you're an OOP, Cairngorm purist, sure. However, for those of use
 extreme deadlines who have no problem tossing lofty ideals out the
 ViewLocator is a life saver. If there is a need to have some view tell
 another view not within the direct DisplayList to do something, it's a
 to have. To be honest, I feel dirty everytime I use it though.

 - Original Message -
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] PLEASE: Could someone at Adobe/Macromedia do a
 Carnigorm Video Intro.

 I'll send you a copy.

 On another note, I was looking at the ViewLocator/ViewHelper code and I
 found myself wondering how to implement it. It's not that the theory
 sound, I'm sure it is - just try to find some simple working examples.
 Anyone out there have some simple Cairngorm2 ViewLocator examples? Steve
 Webster had mentioned to me that the ModelLocator can handle all the work
 that the ViewLocator/ViewHelper is intended to do, so perhaps they are
 necessary. Thoughts?

 Darren Houle To:
 Sent by: Subject: Re: [flexcoders]
 PLEASE: Could someone at Adobe/Macromedia do a Carnigorm
 flexcoders@yahoogroups.com Video Intro.
 04/26/2006 11:10 AM
 Please respond to

 Hey Michael

 Any chance I could get that from you too? I've found the available Cg2
 examples out there somewhat lacking... the 6 part article talks about and
 uses Cg.99, but I have F2B2 installed so I want to learn Cg2. The Cg2
 CairngormLogin example has little documentation (not that it really does
 much anyway)... and there's a PhonesCairngorm2 example, but it's complex,
 uses Data Services, requires CF code, so... what I'd love to get my hands
 would be a simple Cg2 example, one that has a couple simple RPC services

 something like a public blog feed or a local XML data file, a couple VOs,

 couple commands, a couple views, a couple controls. Nothing overly
 complicated and something with some healthy documentation (even inline
 comments would be fine.) Your example might not meet all those criteria,
 but that's totally okay, I'll take anything :-)


 Reply-To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [flexcoders] PLEASE: Could someone at Adobe/Macromedia do a
 Carnigorm Video Intro.
 Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 09:51:56 -0400
  I have a very (very) simple sample app that I use to illustrate how to
 the ball rolling with Cairngorm2 that I can send to you. It includes
 documentation on how to add your own dispatchEvent in step-by-step
 instructions. I'm not knocking the Cairngorm2 'Login' example, but I
 that a 'hold-your-hand' example is helpful for those getting familiar


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Re: [flexcoders] Disabling navigation between tabs in a tab navigator

2006-04-06 Thread michael . corbridge
One way to approach this might be to a run function (perhaps initiated by a
button click event)  that sets a boolean var: bTabEnabled = false; then set
a var (statTabIndex) equal to the tabNav.selectedIndex.

The tabNavigator has a change event that will fire when the user interacts
with a tab.  If the boolean is false, the tabNav.selectedIndex will be set
to 'statTabIndex'.


  var bTabEnabled = true;
  var statTabIndex;

  function doChange(e)
  tbNav1.selectedIndex = statTabIndex;

  function setTabNavEnabled()
  bTabEnabled = false;
  btn1.label = enable tab change;
  statTabIndex = tbNav1.selectedIndex;
  bTabEnabled = true;
  btn1.label = disable tab change;

mx:TabNavigator id=tbNav1 change=doChange(event)
  mx:HBox height=400 width=400 backgroundColor=#003399/
  mx:HBox height=400 width=400 backgroundColor=#00CC99/
  mx:HBox height=400 width=400 backgroundColor=#993300/
  mx:HBox height=400 width=400 backgroundColor=#FF/
  mx:HBox height=400 width=400 backgroundColor=#00CC66/

mx:Button id=btn1 label=disable tab change

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Re: [flexcoders] This is my mistake.

2006-03-09 Thread michael . corbridge
What I really think is that someone should proof your copy.

every beautiful little things in this world are fresh ... ?

Unless you are attempting to initiate another, Your base are belong to us

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