Re: [Flexradio] K8RA P4 Paddle with Flex5000

2008-06-26 Thread Ahti Aintila
On 26/06/2008, Jim Lux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The key words when working with relays are debouncing, contact
 wetting currents and contamination control of contact materials.
 Contrary to the common belief, silver is not the best material for low
 voltage contacts (24 V) due to the high breakover voltage  of the
 naturally developing silver oxide and silver sulphide layers. Gold
 works much better with low voltages and low wetting currents, but is
 suspectible to mechanical wear. Use vacuum protected read relay
 contacts whenever applicable.

 I hadn't ever thought about it before, but devising a rock solid
 interface to any sort of contacts that someone might hook up to it is
 quite an engineering challenge.  Usually, you're designing for some
 small subset, or you actually get to pick the contacts.

 I'd guess that you want a fairly decent voltage (12Vish) with a decent
 current (10mA), but your input circuit also needs to tolerate
 transient voltages, etc.

 Something like an Optoisolator diode with an optional pullup
 (which is what they use on a lot of industrial PLCs).  That would give
 you galvanic isolation, too, which is nice.


Optoisolator is a good solution, but even those need some kind of
debouncing circuitry, as well as reed relays (sorry for my earlier
mispelling: read relay!).


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Re: [Flexradio] K8RA P4 Paddle with Flex5000

2008-06-26 Thread Bill Tippett

 What I think is happening to you is the same sort of thing.  There is
such a low voltage across the contacts that any sort of oxide film
prevents making a good contact.  For a test try cutting a thin strip
of a 3x5 file card and insert it between the contacts and press the
contacts closed with some force on the paper and then pull the paper
out to see if the problem goes away -- at least for the moment.  If
it does that will indicate a thin film of oxide is building up on the
contacts and the logic voltages are too low to break down the film.

 The second test is a bit more difficult but would be very
interesting.  I have been very happy with the contact cleaner called
Pro-Gold from Caig Labs.  It is an organic cleaner that leaves a very
thin film that prevents future oxide build up.  The contact cleaner
is used by NASA and I have found it to be excellent in low-level
signal paths.  The stuff is not cheap and it appears to be no longer
available through RadioShack so you have to go to a bit of trouble to
find it.  But it would be an interesting test of the theory and the
contact cleaner to see if it worked in this application. Although I
am not claiming this to be a permanent fix either.

 John I think you're on the right track but the oxide could
be due to different paddle contact metals.  Someone reported a similar
problem with a Begali paddle but I cannot find the reference for this
at the moment.  Piero once used some odd alloy for his standard paddle
contacts.  The only permanent solution was to swap paddle contacts with
the optional gold contacts.  I don't know what the alloy was but I see
he has now switched to silver for his standard contacts.  I have a Begali
paddle with the old contact material but I've never had any problems
using a Logikey K-1, so it may also be a function of the keyer.  I do
treat my contacts once annually with Caig De-Oxit just as a precaution.

 73,  Bill  W4ZV 

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Re: [Flexradio] K8RA P4 Paddle with Flex5000

2008-06-26 Thread John Brosnahan -- W0UN

 John I think you're on the right track but the oxide could
be due to different paddle contact metals.  Someone reported a similar
problem with a Begali paddle but I cannot find the reference for this
at the moment.  Piero once used some odd alloy for his standard paddle
contacts.  The only permanent solution was to swap paddle contacts with
the optional gold contacts.  I don't know what the alloy was but I see
he has now switched to silver for his standard contacts.  I have a Begali
paddle with the old contact material but I've never had any problems
using a Logikey K-1, so it may also be a function of the keyer.  I do
treat my contacts once annually with Caig De-Oxit just as a precaution.

 73,  Bill  W4ZV

Hi, Bill--


My best guess is that there are a combination of effects going on here.

1)  Some software/firmware issues that need to be resolved.
2)  Possibly some hardware issues associated with very the low 
voltage/current signals that need to be keyed.
3)  Paddle contact resistance that is not consistently low between 
various manufacturers' products, models, and contact materials.
4)  Occasional issues with RFI that are also adding to the confusion 
in symptoms.
5)  The contact pressure and material(s) of the key JACK and PLUG may 
also be a factor in all of this.
6)  And maybe something we haven't even thought about yet.

The problem with contact oxidation on the Dow-Key T-shaped T/R relays 
we were using was a slight oxidation on the GOLD contacts.  I know 
silver oxide is still a good conductor but I do not know how it 
compares with gold oxide.  What I do know is that silver tends to 
become more ugly with time whereas gold does not age in 
appearance as rapidly.   So the question becomes whether gold is 
chosen for its performance after it oxidizes or chosen for its 
aesthetics over longer periods of time compared to silver.  I don't 
know the answer and I am too lazy to look it up since someone 
probably already knows this of the top of his head.

And because I have better things to do with my time this 
morning!   ;-)   I set out a trap for a skunk last night and just 
checked and the skunk is in there.  That was Step 1 of the 
plan.  Unfortunately Step 2 of the plan was never properly developed 
and now I have to figure out what to do with an unhappy and trapped 
skunk that will reduce the chance that the HOUSE, the adjoining LAND, 
and ME from getting sprayed this morning.   ;-)

If no one hears from me later today that means that my wife won't let 
me back into the house because of skunk smell.  One THEORY says that 
I should spray down the area with water as I approach the skunk so 
that if he DOES spray I can use the spray/mist to help flush the 
smell from the air.  But then this is my OWN theory and may be worth 
even less than my thoughts on the paddle contacts!

WISH ME LUCK! I'M GOING IN! Well, I will as soon as it gets 
light enough to see which way the skunk is pointing!

--John  W0UN

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Re: [Flexradio] K8RA P4 Paddle with Flex5000

2008-06-26 Thread Jim Lux
Quoting Ahti Aintila [EMAIL PROTECTED], on Thu 26 Jun 2008  
12:59:31 AM PDT:

 On 26/06/2008, Jim Lux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The key words when working with relays are debouncing, contact
 wetting currents and contamination control of contact materials.
 Contrary to the common belief, silver is not the best material for low
 voltage contacts (24 V) due to the high breakover voltage  of the
 naturally developing silver oxide and silver sulphide layers. Gold
 works much better with low voltages and low wetting currents, but is
 suspectible to mechanical wear. Use vacuum protected read relay
 contacts whenever applicable.

 I hadn't ever thought about it before, but devising a rock solid
 interface to any sort of contacts that someone might hook up to it is
 quite an engineering challenge.  Usually, you're designing for some
 small subset, or you actually get to pick the contacts.

 I'd guess that you want a fairly decent voltage (12Vish) with a decent
 current (10mA), but your input circuit also needs to tolerate
 transient voltages, etc.

 Something like an Optoisolator diode with an optional pullup
 (which is what they use on a lot of industrial PLCs).  That would give
 you galvanic isolation, too, which is nice.


 Optoisolator is a good solution, but even those need some kind of
 debouncing circuitry, as well as reed relays (sorry for my earlier
 mispelling: read relay!).

Of course... I assume one does most of that in software or  
programmable logic, as opposed to with the electrical interface.   
Although.. that 0.1 uF capacitor can do a lot of good


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Re: [Flexradio] K8RA P4 Paddle with Flex5000

2008-06-26 Thread Lee A Crocker
maybe if you plated the skunk with silver.

73  W9OY

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Re: [Flexradio] SVN 2332

2008-06-26 Thread Jerry Harley
I also upgraded this morning but SVN is not showing up at the top?  The 
program i'm executing has a 6/26 date on it.  Jerry

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Re: [Flexradio] K8RA P4 Paddle with Flex5000

2008-06-26 Thread k5nwa
At 06:38 AM 6/26/2008, you wrote:
maybe if you plated the skunk with silver.

73  W9OY

Platinum is the ultimate in contact, it will not corrode when exposed 
to quite a few chemicals, medical instruments tend to use platinum 
for electrodes because they need ultra reliable connections, it's 
pricey buy so is gold.


Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light. 

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Re: [Flexradio] K8RA P4 Paddle with Flex5000

2008-06-26 Thread Tom Thompson
Hi Guys,

I have been following this thread with some interest because I 
occasionally experience this problem with the SDR-1000.  Since the 
problem seems not to occur on the IC-7000, I made a couple of 
measurements.  I have my paddles connected through the key port on the 
SDR and not through the com port.  The current through the contacts on 
the SDR-1000 is 4.9 mA.  The current through the contacts on the IC-7000 
is 0.2 mA.  Since the oxidation problem would occur with a lower current 
and the current through contacts on the IC-7000 is much less than the 
current through the contacts on the SDR-1000 and the problem does not 
occur on the IC-7000, I have concluded that the problem is not oxidation 
.  The debounce scenario is probably more likely.  One can debounce the 
paddle contacts either in hardware or software.  I have used a very 
reliable hardware debounce circuit for years that uses a one shot, a 
flip flop, and an inverter.  I will be glad to forward this circuit to 
anyone who is interested.  I have verified that a transistor closure 
will work just fine for the SDR-1000.  In software if polling is used to 
debounce a switch, the program should sample the switch closure and set 
a timer if the switch appears to be closed.  When the timer expires, if 
the switch is still closed then a valid closure is flagged.  With 
interrupts, the switch closure triggers an interrupt.  The interrupt 
routine sets a timer.  When the timer interrupt occurs, if the switch is 
still closed, then a valid closure is flagged.  The timers in software 
or the one shot duration in hardware has to bridge the bouncing time of 
the contacts.  With a single switch closure this generally is not a 
problem.  You just set the time to be very long as compared to the 
bouncing time of the switch.  With multiple switch closures, the problem 
becomes more difficult because the bounce timer must be long enough to 
bridge the contact bouncing but short enough to be ready for the next 
contact closure.  At an upper limit of 60 wpm on CW assuming 5 
characters per word, there will be 300 switch closures per minute or one 
closure per 200 milliseconds.  The bounce time of a typical switch is of 
the order of 10 to 20 milliseconds.  This factor of ten generally is 
enough for a hardware debounce circuit.  A software debouncer may run 
into trouble depending on the processor speed or the interrupt latency 
time.  On the SDR-1000, this debounce must be handled with Windows 
code.  On the SDR-5000 it could be handled in the firmware.  If the 
timer, whether in software or hardware, is set too short, and the 
bouncing is still happening when the timer expires, the state of the 
switch could be in either state when sampled the second time.  If the 
switch is in the open state when the time expires the switch closure 
will be missed.  With paddles on CW, you can hold the paddle closed 
indefinitely and nothing will happen.  As soon as you release the 
paddle, you get another chance on the next closure, thus the randomness 
of the problem.

I appologise for the length of this post

73,Tom W0IVJ

Lee Mushel wrote:

Working at Hamlin in the sixties I remember well the problems of dry
contacts.   I think that all we have to do is convince Gerald to put a 6C4
in the Flex5000 close to the mike jack and wire it in the cathode circuit of
the triode.   Probably get rid of all the complaints.   Or you can do like I
did and buy the conditioning cable!

Lee   K9WRU
- Original Message - 
From: Ahti Aintila [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Art Gartner [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] K8RA P4 Paddle with Flex5000


On 26/06/2008, Jim Lux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The key words when working with relays are debouncing, contact
wetting currents and contamination control of contact materials.
Contrary to the common belief, silver is not the best material for low
voltage contacts (24 V) due to the high breakover voltage  of the
naturally developing silver oxide and silver sulphide layers. Gold
works much better with low voltages and low wetting currents, but is
suspectible to mechanical wear. Use vacuum protected read relay
contacts whenever applicable.

I hadn't ever thought about it before, but devising a rock solid
interface to any sort of contacts that someone might hook up to it is
quite an engineering challenge.  Usually, you're designing for some
small subset, or you actually get to pick the contacts.

I'd guess that you want a fairly decent voltage (12Vish) with a decent
current (10mA), but your input circuit also needs to tolerate
transient voltages, etc.

Something like an Optoisolator diode with an optional pullup
(which is what they use on a lot of industrial PLCs).  That would give
you galvanic isolation, too, which is nice.



Optoisolator is a good solution, but even those need some kind of

Re: [Flexradio] SVN 2332

2008-06-26 Thread Eric Wachsmann
Check the pan controls just to the left of the display selection.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of José Dumoulin
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:57 PM
To: FlexRadio Reflector
Subject: [Flexradio] SVN 2332

Hi Friends

I updated PowerSDR to revision 2332, this morning. I have sound coming 
only from the left speaker. I tried other old versions and things seem 

José F5JD

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] K8RA P4 Paddle with Flex5000

2008-06-26 Thread John Brosnahan -- W0UN
At 26-06-08 10:22, you wrote:
Hi Guys,

I have been following this thread with some interest because I
occasionally experience this problem with the SDR-1000.  Since the
problem seems not to occur on the IC-7000, I made a couple of
measurements.  I have my paddles connected through the key port on the
SDR and not through the com port.  The current through the contacts on
the SDR-1000 is 4.9 mA.  The current through the contacts on the IC-7000
is 0.2 mA.  Since the oxidation problem would occur with a lower current
and the current through contacts on the IC-7000 is much less than the
current through the contacts on the SDR-1000 and the problem does not
occur on the IC-7000, I have concluded that the problem is not oxidation
.  The debounce scenario is probably more likely.  One can debounce the
paddle contacts either in hardware or software.  I have used a very
reliable hardware debounce circuit for years that uses a one shot, a
flip flop, and an inverter.  I will be glad to forward this circuit to
anyone who is interested.  I have verified that a transistor closure
will work just fine for the SDR-1000.
I appologise for the length of this post

73,Tom W0IVJ

Hi, Tom--

No need to apologize on MY account.  Your post has real-world data 
and is very interesting.  Thanks for adding it to the debate database.

My personal paddle problem (still need to see if I can find it) was 
that there was no conductivity at low voltages between the support 
post and the actual contact.  Any inspection would seem to indicate 
that they were solidly attached mechanically and should be 
electrically as well.  And they were at 9V but not at 1.5 volts!

I once had a similar problem making a fixed antenna that was designed 
to mount on a mobile whip base.  I machined an round aluminum solid 
bar to the proper diameter to fit into the actual antenna element -- 
a 20M 1/4 wave vertical.  The I drilled and tapped a 3/8-32 hole for 
a standard mobile mount threaded stud.  I then made the mistake of 
deciding to use a cyanoacrylate (super glue) to make sure it was held 
tight and would not vibrate loose -- basically Loc-Tite.  But then I 
decided to check the resistance between the stud and the aluminum 
rod.  It was open circuit.  Those pesky little molecules of 
cyanoacrylate managed to wick into every molecular size hole and 
insulate the stud from the rod.  I was really PO-ed big time!

Certainly the debounce issue is the most likely culprit for much of 
the erratic sending, but probably not the answer if you push the 
paddle closed for a dot or dash and get nothing.  It would be 
interesting to see a study of the bounce times of various paddles.

And I would certainly be interested in any hardware debounce circuit 
you have, so if you don't mind and it is easy to do, please email me 
a copy directly. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks  --  John  W0UN

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Re: [Flexradio] SVN 2332

2008-06-26 Thread Ross Stenberg
Not sure what you are saying? I notice the same thing on the latest SVN,
however the left channel will return when toggling the MultiRX button.

73 Ross K9COX

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Wachsmann
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:46 AM
To: 'José Dumoulin'; 'FlexRadio Reflector'
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] SVN 2332

Check the pan controls just to the left of the display selection.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of José Dumoulin
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:57 PM
To: FlexRadio Reflector
Subject: [Flexradio] SVN 2332

Hi Friends

I updated PowerSDR to revision 2332, this morning. I have sound coming 
only from the left speaker. I tried other old versions and things seem 

José F5JD

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FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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[Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive

2008-06-26 Thread Joe - KC2TN
It appears the audio on the 2nd receiver (RX2) is NOT independent of RX1. 
If I mute RX1 than RX2 is also muted and if I reduce the AF on RX1 to 0 than 
RX2 is also reduced to 0.
I can mute RX2 without affecting RX1 but not the inverse.
Is this the way it should work and will always work?
Thanks Joe - KC2TN
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] SVN 2332

2008-06-26 Thread Ross Stenberg
Opps...the right channel returns.

Not sure what you are saying? I notice the same thing on the latest SVN,
however the left channel will return when toggling the MultiRX button.

73 Ross K9COX

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Wachsmann
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:46 AM
To: 'José Dumoulin'; 'FlexRadio Reflector'
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] SVN 2332

Check the pan controls just to the left of the display selection.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of José Dumoulin
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:57 PM
To: FlexRadio Reflector
Subject: [Flexradio] SVN 2332

Hi Friends

I updated PowerSDR to revision 2332, this morning. I have sound coming 
only from the left speaker. I tried other old versions and things seem 

José F5JD

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[Flexradio] Advice About Paddle Problems

2008-06-26 Thread Doug McCormack
I heard from a few people who have problems connecting a cw paddle to a
serial port.  Some are using USB adapters. Some blamed contact bouce and
some blamed dirty contacts.  With serial port keying, none of the paddle
wires is at ground potential - all 3 wires are floating. So the large metal
frame of the keyer base is also floating and picking up hum.

Someone reported connecting two 0.5 MFD capacitors across the paddle
contacts solved the problem.
Someone else said connecting three .001 MFD capacitors between paddle wires
and ground solved the problem.  Both persons were keying VOIP tones, so no
RF was involved.

When I designed my home brew, touch paddle keyer, I used two 5 volt reed
relays (with internal diode) to key the equipment, whether it be a serial
port or a transceiver. One relay is for dits and the other relay is for
dahs.  These relays have less than 1 millisecond of lag, and consume just 10
ma. at 5 volts.  The contacts are rated for 0.5 amps at 200 volts.  It would
be a simple experiment to try hooking up these relays with a battery.

Doug McCormack, VE3EFC
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Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive

2008-06-26 Thread Eric Wachsmann
The two controls that you mentioned are not specific to RX1.  They are
overall Mute and AF controls.  The volume control for RX1 only is just to
the left of the display controls in the MultiRX section -- the left vertical
slider will adjust the volume of RX1 only.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe - KC2TN
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 11:15 AM
To: Flex
Subject: [Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive

It appears the audio on the 2nd receiver (RX2) is NOT independent of RX1. 
If I mute RX1 than RX2 is also muted and if I reduce the AF on RX1 to 0 than
RX2 is also reduced to 0.
I can mute RX2 without affecting RX1 but not the inverse.
Is this the way it should work and will always work?
Thanks Joe - KC2TN

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Re: [Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive

2008-06-26 Thread Dale Boresz
Hello Joe,

You can control the volume level of RX1 independent of RX2's volume by 
using the vertical slider control at the left of the MultiRX grouping 
of controls that is located beneath the DSP grouping (NR, ANF, NB, NB2, 
SR, BIN). When you do this, then the AF behaves more like a master 
gain control for both receivers simultaneously.

You can even place RX1 in one channel, and RX2 in the other channel by 
sliding the top slider in the MultiRX grouping to one side or the other, 
and then sliding the Pan slider in the RX2 section to the opposite 

There is actually quite a bit of versatility available via these controls.

73, Dale

Joe - KC2TN wrote:
 It appears the audio on the 2nd receiver (RX2) is NOT independent of RX1. 
 If I mute RX1 than RX2 is also muted and if I reduce the AF on RX1 to 0 than 
 RX2 is also reduced to 0.
 I can mute RX2 without affecting RX1 but not the inverse.
 Is this the way it should work and will always work?
 Thanks Joe - KC2TN
 FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
 Knowledge Base:  Homepage:


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[Flexradio] FW: Keying problems with the flex 5000

2008-06-26 Thread Richard Beerman

 Subject: Keying problems with the flex 5000
 Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 16:35:01 +
 I too experienced problems with my cw keying. Quite by accident, I was in the 
 DSP/keyer menu and noticed that the R amp value was set at 0. This is just 
 below the box where keying weight is set. I increased the value to 4 and 
 like the heavens opened, the radio began keying correctly. I don't know if 
 the original value was set at the factory or if I did it while noodling 
 around with the various menus, but my cw is now acceptable where before it 
 was terrible. I am using an inexpensive Katsumi paddle from Morse Express. 
 This may or not be of value to others with keying problems. Dick  W5AK   
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Re: [Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive

2008-06-26 Thread Joe - KC2TN
AH !

I was only looking at MultiRX as being used as an in-band control ONLY
and NOT with Dual Receive.

Only had the 5KA for w week and so far it works great, but a lot to go thru

This Grasshopper must open up his mind!

Thanks Eric

Btw..It was great meeting you in Dayton!

-Original Message-
From: Eric Wachsmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:35 PM
Subject: RE: [Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive

The two controls that you mentioned are not specific to RX1.  They are
overall Mute and AF controls.  The volume control for RX1 only is just to
the left of the display controls in the MultiRX section -- the left vertical
slider will adjust the volume of RX1 only.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe - KC2TN
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 11:15 AM
To: Flex
Subject: [Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive

It appears the audio on the 2nd receiver (RX2) is NOT independent of RX1.
If I mute RX1 than RX2 is also muted and if I reduce the AF on RX1 to 0 than
RX2 is also reduced to 0.

I can mute RX2 without affecting RX1 but not the inverse.

Is this the way it should work and will always work?

Thanks Joe - KC2TN

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FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive

2008-06-26 Thread Bob McGwier

Hey buddy.  Welcome to the party!  I think we might have enough neighbors to
start a Friends of Flex Radio coffee klatch here and meet a bunch of new


ARRL SDR Working Group Chair, AMSAT VP Engineering.
Member: ARRL, AMSAT, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
Trample the slow   Hurdle the dead

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe - KC2TN
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive

AH !

I was only looking at MultiRX as being used as an in-band control ONLY
and NOT with Dual Receive.

Only had the 5KA for w week and so far it works great, but a lot to go thru

This Grasshopper must open up his mind!

Thanks Eric

Btw..It was great meeting you in Dayton!

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Knowledge Base:  Homepage:

[Flexradio] Add a Touch Screen to convert the SDR into a Like Real Radio

2008-06-26 Thread Gerald Capodieci
I regularly find it amusing that the feature that most hams hate about the SDR 
is its lack of all the buttons, knobs, dials and switches. I find that odd 
since one of primary design goal was to eliminate most or all of them. Now, if 
a button, switch, knob or even a slider breaks the radio need not be sent back 
to the factory. Just reload the software. The add-on touch screen as in the 
below link allows these touchy feely hams to adjust the controls with their 
fingers thumbs or whatever. Someday a large tuning knob or two could be added 
and even contain virtual dimples that could be spun for that old fashion tuning 
experience. All satire aside, a 22 + inch touch screen would produce a more 
hands-on one-to-one comparison to the 'real radios' most hams seem to want to 
cling to. These screen add-on touch devices cost very little compared to their 
appeal during a live demo session before hams that just can't see themselves 
tuning by clicking a mouse. I emphasize the large screen
 because of the small size taken by all the bonus buttons on PowerSDR besides a 
really large touch screen radio would look really cool.

Gerald Capodieci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   .  and they proudly did 
along with no requirement to send it back to the factory for expensive updates 
(those are downloaded). I suggested the other day that they demo the radio with 
a 24 inch touch screen. Then all the virtual knobs, buttons and even sliders 
can be manipulated with ones finger, just like a real radio. 

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[Flexradio] Digital Voice Keyer for PowerSDR VAC

2008-06-26 Thread Ray, K9DUR
I have been looking for a digital voice keyer program that I could use with
PowerSDR  VAC for contesting.  I currently have an MFJ-434B Voice Keyer in
line, but adding hardware to a software-defined radio just seems silly to
me.  Besides, I want to permanently exile the MFJ-434B to the camper for
portable operations in state QSO parties.  Although there a couple of
neat-looking voice keyer programs out there (as well as some ancient ones),
all that I have found so far require you to use the Windows default sound
card, normally the on-board card.  I do not have VAC set as the default
Windows sound card, nor do I care toSo, I wrote my own.

If you go to my web site

 click on Downloads, you can download the program  user manual.  Like
all of my ham radio software, it is freeware. 

The program will allow you to create up to 250 different profiles.  Each
profile allows playback of up to 10 different pre-recorded messages (.wav
files).  This should be more than adequate for you to set up a different
profile for each contest you normally operate plus one for general

Currently, the program does not support recording the necessary .wav files.
However, the manual outlines a method to create them using PowerSDR  a
sound editing program.

By some strange coincidence, the width of the VoiceKeyer window just happens
to match the width of the PowerSDR window, so VoiceKeyer can be positioned
directly above or below PowerSDR,  it will almost look like it belongs

Like any new software package, I would solicit others to download, install,
 use (beta test) the program and to report any problems or bugs directly to
me off list.  Also, suggestions for added features are always welcome.

73, Ray, K9DUR

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Re: [Flexradio] Digital Voice Keyer for PowerSDR VAC

2008-06-26 Thread Ray, K9DUR
I found a bug in the VoiceKeyer program  disabled the link on my website
until I could fix the problem.

The bug has been properly squashed  the link is functional again.

The link can be found at:

73, Ray, K9DUR

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Re: [Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive

2008-06-26 Thread Joe - KC2TN
Hey to you Bob,

Missed you in Dayton this year

You name the place and time and I'll be there.

After seeing the 5KA in Dayton and meeting all (most) of the fine Flex folks
out there I couldn't resist buying one.
After buying mine I talked K2BU into buying one also.

He's a neighbor too!


-Original Message-
From: Bob McGwier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 1:57 PM
Subject: RE: [Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive


Hey buddy.  Welcome to the party!  I think we might have enough neighbors to
start a Friends of Flex Radio coffee klatch here and meet a bunch of new


ARRL SDR Working Group Chair, AMSAT VP Engineering.
Member: ARRL, AMSAT, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
Trample the slow   Hurdle the dead

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe - KC2TN
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Audio on 2nd Receive

AH !

I was only looking at MultiRX as being used as an in-band control ONLY
and NOT with Dual Receive.

Only had the 5KA for w week and so far it works great, but a lot to go thru

This Grasshopper must open up his mind!

Thanks Eric

Btw..It was great meeting you in Dayton!

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Checked by AVG.
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1516 - Release Date: 6/24/2008
7:53 AM

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Re: [Flexradio] K8RA P4 Paddle with Flex5000

2008-06-26 Thread Ed Haskell

You forgot to tell us what happened with the polecat !


On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 11:56 AM, John Brosnahan -- W0UN [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 At 26-06-08 10:22, you wrote:
 Hi Guys,
 I have been following this thread with some interest because I
 occasionally experience this problem with the SDR-1000.  Since the
 problem seems not to occur on the IC-7000, I made a couple of
 measurements.  I have my paddles connected through the key port on the
 SDR and not through the com port.  The current through the contacts on
 the SDR-1000 is 4.9 mA.  The current through the contacts on the IC-7000
 is 0.2 mA.  Since the oxidation problem would occur with a lower current
 and the current through contacts on the IC-7000 is much less than the
 current through the contacts on the SDR-1000 and the problem does not
 occur on the IC-7000, I have concluded that the problem is not oxidation
 .  The debounce scenario is probably more likely.  One can debounce the
 paddle contacts either in hardware or software.  I have used a very
 reliable hardware debounce circuit for years that uses a one shot, a
 flip flop, and an inverter.  I will be glad to forward this circuit to
 anyone who is interested.  I have verified that a transistor closure
 will work just fine for the SDR-1000.
 I appologise for the length of this post
 73,Tom W0IVJ

 Hi, Tom--

 No need to apologize on MY account.  Your post has real-world data
 and is very interesting.  Thanks for adding it to the debate database.

 My personal paddle problem (still need to see if I can find it) was
 that there was no conductivity at low voltages between the support
 post and the actual contact.  Any inspection would seem to indicate
 that they were solidly attached mechanically and should be
 electrically as well.  And they were at 9V but not at 1.5 volts!

 I once had a similar problem making a fixed antenna that was designed
 to mount on a mobile whip base.  I machined an round aluminum solid
 bar to the proper diameter to fit into the actual antenna element --
 a 20M 1/4 wave vertical.  The I drilled and tapped a 3/8-32 hole for
 a standard mobile mount threaded stud.  I then made the mistake of
 deciding to use a cyanoacrylate (super glue) to make sure it was held
 tight and would not vibrate loose -- basically Loc-Tite.  But then I
 decided to check the resistance between the stud and the aluminum
 rod.  It was open circuit.  Those pesky little molecules of
 cyanoacrylate managed to wick into every molecular size hole and
 insulate the stud from the rod.  I was really PO-ed big time!

 Certainly the debounce issue is the most likely culprit for much of
 the erratic sending, but probably not the answer if you push the
 paddle closed for a dot or dash and get nothing.  It would be
 interesting to see a study of the bounce times of various paddles.

 And I would certainly be interested in any hardware debounce circuit
 you have, so if you don't mind and it is easy to do, please email me
 a copy directly. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thanks  --  John  W0UN

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Re: [Flexradio] seriously off topic --- K8RA P4 Paddle with Flex5000

2008-06-26 Thread John Brosnahan -- W0UN
At 26-06-08 19:47, you wrote:

You forgot to tell us what happened with the polecat !


Hi, Ed,

I'm 2 for 2 this week.  Both skunks have been coming up on the porch 
to eat the dog food.  Unfortunately just above the dog food is the 
bedroom window we leave open at night so that the attic fan can pull 
some cool air through the house.  Although we live in south-central 
Texas, we are at 2,300 ft elevation and it gets decently cool at 
night even in the summer.  Usually down to just about 70 and with LOW humidity.

Didn't want to get too close for fear of upsetting the skunk so I 
decided to take my shot from just over 75 ft away.  The little Ruger 
10/22 has a pretty short barrel but it is very accurate at this 
range.  Well, it is better than I am, at least.

So I waited until the sun was up so I could see as well as possible 
and this time I decided to use my reading glasses so I could actually 
see the sights on the little carbine.  Of course that makes the skunk 
a bit blurry but that is OK.

My philosophy is for a 1-shot instant kill so there is no sign of 
muscle twitching and no chance for the little skunk to spray 
anything.  Earlier this week I had to shoot one under a big trailer 
so I was in the prone position and wanted to shoot from far enough 
away so that I still had time to get out of the way if the skunk 
decided to run my direction.  I am pretty slow these days, at least 
when getting up off the couch or out of my recliner, so I took the 
shot from a longer distance than others might have.   That skunk just 
fell over and never moved a muscle and never sprayed anything.  I 
waited for a time and then used a rake to drag him out from his spot 
under the trailer.

This morning's skunk was about 75 ft from the house and upwind -- so 
it was imperative to do the same thing.  I didn't want to sit in the 
house all day and smell skunk since we rarely turn on the air 
conditioner.  I gathered up the water house so I could quickly hose 
down the area after the shot if need be and set up for the shot on 
the fence from just over 75 ft away.  I took my shot, the skunk fell 
over, and then I just waited.  My wife called from the other end of 
the house Are you only going to shoot once?  And I told her that's 
all it ever takes with this little 22.  I was pretty pleased because 
the skunk had not moved a muscle in the 10-15 seconds since I had 
shot him and answered my wife's question.  But then he moved one leg 
about a 1/4 inch -- so it was not quite the perfect shot.  But it was 
good enough that he never sprayed anything.  I even hosed down the 
area before picking up the skunk with a scoop shovel.  A couple of 
times I smelled just a hint of skunk, but once I had hauled him away 
there was never much of a smell at all.

So I am 2 for 2, but the second one twitched just a tiny bit.  Guess 
the need for reading glasses to see the sights is starting to 
interfere with my shooting.  Thinking maybe I should get a little 
scope for the 22 so that the sights and the critter are both in the 
scope and I can just use my reading glasses or see if I can adjust 
the focus so I can see what I am doing without the glasses.

BTW  My wife is an excellent shot as well, but mainly with a 
handgun.  I am the rifleman in the family.  So when it comes to 
critters that come up on the porch and eat the dog food or dig up the 
flowers it is my job to take care of them.  But my wife often carries 
her 1911 45 or her Walther PPK when she is out working on the 
fences.  We do have a real problem here with wild pigs and 
coyotes.  Rattlers are not so bad.  I've just seen a few in recent 
years.  Actually we have seen more coral snakes than rattlers.

This detailed description is just so the city folk will know what it 
is like out here in the country.

Just so you will know our gentler side we also have a little pond 
out back that always has a lot of frogs so we get a lot of visitors, 
including bob cats.  But, although our neighbors have seen mountain 
lions in the area we have never seen any on our place.   We do get a 
lot of nice visitors, being on the route for a couple of blue herons, 
different hawks, and an occasional group of wood ducks.   And we saw 
our first painted bunting the other day.   We also have wall-to-wall 
deer, although there were only seven in the back yard tonight.  These 
are the white tail variety but we also have Axis deer in the yard on 
occasion.  We haven't seen any auodads on the place yet but one was 
hit out on the road the other day, about a mile or two from the 
house.  And it has been too dry for many wild turkey the last couple 
of years.  They want to use the grass for cover and our cattle have 
pretty much mowed the entire place.  Dry enough so that we will be 
buying hay soon if we don't get any rain.  Last year hay went from 
$3.50 a bale to $14 a bale during the drought.  So far this year it 
has only gone up to about $8 so far.

Hope this satisfies your need 

Re: [Flexradio] SVN 2332

2008-06-26 Thread Dudley Hurry

Check your top slider on the MultiRX box..  The top slider is now L/R 
for RX1.  Center position is center balance. 


José Dumoulin wrote:
 Hi Friends

 I updated PowerSDR to revision 2332, this morning. I have sound coming 
 only from the left speaker. I tried other old versions and things seem 

 José F5JD

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