Re: [Flexradio] Looking for PowerSDR Friendly Anti-virus software

2009-08-07 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
I'm using F-Secure.  No adverse interaction with PowerSDR, as far as I 
can tell.  PC is is a Tecra M3 laptop running Win XP.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

Gary Mackey wrote:

Hi All,

My subscription for Norton Internet Security 2008 is about to expire
and I'm starting to look around for another product. When I got my
Flex3000 a few months ago I was having latency issues when surfing the
web that would cause PowerSDR to lockup. I tracked down the source of
my latency spikes to be Norton's Intrusion Prevention and disable
it. I also find my self fighting with Norton from time to time with
other applications, trying to share files across my home network, and
I don't like that fact that it does not interface with my e-mail
client Thunderbird. I've been looking at NOD32 as a possible
replacement but thought I would post here to see what other Flex'ers
are running before making my final decision.


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[Flexradio] Re-Knob Tuning

2009-07-02 Thread Greg - ZL3IX

Note heading change, as this is no longer anything to do with speakers.

I have completely disabled keyboard shortcuts, as I find that, when I 
have several apps open at once (eg logger, chat window) I am forever 
forgetting to change focus.  I start typing, only to find that PowerSDR 
had focus, and has suddenly done something I didn't want - irritating in 
the extreme.

I had a shaft encoder from a much older project, which has a heavy wheel 
and can be spun.  I have modified an old mouse and interfaced the shaft 
encoder with the old mouse wheel circuit.  That part works fine, but I 
find that PowerSDR can't keep up with the pulse rate, and the PC beeps 
at me if I spin the wheel too fast.  (I wish someone would fix that)  So 
I am back to dragging the pan display for large changes and using the 
knob for small ones.  Nothing gained over the original mouse wheel, really!

Greg ZL3IX

N4PY2 wrote:


I have solved this problem with a mouse wheel that is the type that is 
weighted and spins.  I have a logitech MX620 mouse that works very 
well in this application.  Then I use my N4PY software that has 
parameters in it to allow a step multiplier when the wheel is spun 
fast.  You can customize both the trip point for when the multiplier 
comes into effect, and the multiplier value itself.  I have mine setup 
and it works extremely well.

Carl Moreschi N4PY
121 Little Bell Drive
Bell Mountain
Hays, NC 28635

- Original Message - From: Brian Lloyd
To: Ray Andrews, K9DUR
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Speaker set-up

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 5:03 AM, Ray Andrews, 

There an additional advantage to using this method -- I found a useful
application for my Griffin PowerMate. Like many, when I bought my 

I was nervous about not having a VFO knob, so I bought the Griffin
PowerMate. I quickly found that I did not like using the PowerMate for
frequency change.

This is an interesting example of how a tiny change in user-interface
can make a huge difference in usability. I too like a VFO knob. It is
actually a very natural way to change frequency and everyone is very
comfortable using it. On other radios it works very well. Older radios
with analog VFOs have a much faster tuning rate so that one can use
the finger dimple and quickly QSY from one end of the band to the
other. Once you get near the desired frequency, the fact that the VFO
is analog means that you can tune spot-on just by turning the knob
very slowly.

Newer radios approach the problem a different way. Newer radios either
have a PLL or DDS VFO which tunes in discrete steps. The problem is,
you want to go quickly when QSY-ing to the other end of the band and
then you want to go slowly when you tune to the final frequency. I
have seen two approaches to this problem which work pretty well:

1. use a small step-size but have a free-wheeling weighted VFO knob
that can be spun very quickly to make gross frequency changes and yet
still have a reasonable step size, usually around 10Hz, that will let
you tune in the desired signal when you get near;

2. use acceleration to increase the step size when tuning quickly,
e.g. 100Hz, and then change to a smaller step size when tuning slowly.

The problem with the Griffin knob is that you can't spin it. So in
order to move quickly you need to change to a much larger step size.
That precludes final tuning of the signal without changing the step
size again. Some use the ability to push down on the knob to change
the step size but then it is more awkward as you are trying to push
and turn at the same time. So the only way to make the Griffin knob
work well would be to apply acceleration when turning the knob

So you can see why the Griffin knob is not particularly useful AS IT
IS CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED. If one were to add acceleration to frequency
selection in  PowerSDR, the Griffin knob would become very useful and

As it is, I think most people have adopted the same approach to
solving the problem: drag the panadaptor display for gross frequency
changes and use the mouse-wheel for fine tuning. Both are accomplished
from the mouse which saves moving one's hands around to different
places. If that is going to be the preferred method of tuning the
radio then I would deprecate the use of the Griffin knob entirely.

Here's a question: does anyone use the keyboard shortcuts to tune the
radio? I know there are keys that will tune up/down for the various
digits in the frequency display but in over a year of use I have never
been even slightly motivated to use them. Am I the rule or the

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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Re: [Flexradio] Shure 444 mic

2008-09-16 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Hi Leon,

I don't have the 5000, but I do have an HPSDR system (Penelope) and I 
use my old Shure 444 with great results.   The input characteristics of 
Penny are probably similar to the 5000.  What Tim says about the 
characteristics of the mic is true, except that the frequency response 
peak is at about 1200 Hz, not 3k.

You do need to buffer the output to match the impedance, as Tim 
suggests, BUT don't try and flatten the response using any EQ.  The 
Shure designers made the response of their mic like that for an 
excellent reason - it provides far more effective communications in 
rough conditions.  I use mine with an outboard RF clipper, which has 
even more pre-emphasis in its input circuit.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

Tim Ellison wrote:
 I don't have one, but based on the wiring diagram,

 Shield=(PTT and mic ground)

 The Shure 444 has a very narrow frequency response range (300-3000 Hz) with a 
 gigantic pre-emphasis at 3000 Hz.  The FLEX-5000 has a flat frequency 
 response so you are going to probably have to use aggressive EQing to cut the 
 3000 Hz range to get it to sound acceptable.

 It is also a very high impedance mic, @ 10K ohms.  The FLEX-5000 is not 
 designed for high impedance and unbalanced loads and you may have to use a 
 direct box (DI) to lower the impedance and convert the signal from an 
 unbalanced to balanced load.  IMHO, this mic is not well suited for the 
 FLEX-5000, but that doesn't mean it can't be made to work.

 Good luck.


 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Luther Bishop
 Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:20 AM
 Subject: [Flexradio] Shure 444 mic

 Has anyone ever mated a Shure 444 to the 5000?  I just happen to have one on 
 Leon  N5PU
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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR and RTTY

2008-03-23 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Thanks to all those who answered my request for info on the above.  I'm 
pleased to report that I had my first RTTY QSO today, with FO5PS.  My 
problem with MMTTY was that the internal mic on my laptop was switched 
on, and adding background noise to the audio from PowerSDR.  Once I 
found out how to turn the mic off, MMTTY decoded perfectly.

So, now I'm ready for the next expedition that goes to RTTY before all 
the CW/SSB has dried up!

73, Greg, ZL3IX

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[Flexradio] PowerSDR and RTTY

2008-03-20 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
In the past couple of months there have been several DXpeditions that 
seem to have put quite an emphasis on RTTY, even to the point that the 
chances of working them at all are considerably reduced if one does not 
use that mode.  I have therefore decided to try it out, as it would seem 
to improve my chances of a QSO with these guys.

I would appreciate comments from folks using PowerSDR for RTTY.  What is 
your setup?  Are you using MMTTY?  Which mode do you select, and which 
filter?  Do you use a wired audio connection back into the PC sound 
card, or VAC?  Any other comments would be appreciated.

I have tried MMTTY with a wired connection myself, but I was not too 
impressed with the results.  I certainly think I would have managed a CW 
contact at S/N ratios way below where the RTTY decoder gave up and 
printed garbage.  Maybe I'm dong something wrong.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

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[Flexradio] PowerSDR Parallel Port

2008-03-20 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Can anyone tell me which parallel port pin is used for PTT and what 
sense is used (active high or low)?  I have looked in the PowerSDR 
manual, but all they say is that all 25 pins have to be connected 
between the radio and the PC.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

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[Flexradio] Mouse Scroll Wheel

2008-02-15 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
I would like to hijack the scroll wheel circuit in an old mouse, so that 
I can connect external devices and use them to tune the VFO in PowerSDR.

Does anyone know how the scroll wheel circuit operates in a Logitech 
mouse?  I would have thought that there would simply be two optical 
paths that would give quadrature drive signals, but probing around with 
my scope, leads me to believe that it is much more complex than that.  
There seem to be bursts of 6 us pulses regardless of whether the wheel 
is being operated or not.  When the wheel is operated, other pulses 
appear in the gaps between the bursts.

Does anyone know what this is all about?

73, Greg, ZL3IX

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Re: [Flexradio] [hpsdr] [dttsp-linux] A proposal

2008-01-17 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Chris, isn't this a bit different?  Bob is not just writing open source 
code, he is offering to teach the rest of us how to write this stuff.  
Most educational material has some cost attached.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

Chris Albertson wrote:
 * High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *

 Yes make some tutorials.  But rememebr that you got
 Erlang itself for free.  dttsp for free.  Linux for
 free.  Many people spent countless hours on all of this
 and did not ask for any compensation other then their
 work be used.  What about HPSDR all that electronic
 design work and PCB layout?  Why is your work different?
 Obviously Linux, HPSDR, dttsp, was a lot of effort too.

 You might sell a dozen copies but I suspect your
 work will bring far greater return if it is more
 widely distributed.  

 --- Bob Cowdery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


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Re: [Flexradio] SSB Tx Audio Punch

2008-01-05 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
What I am about to write may not be very popular, and I am likely to be 
shot down in flames.  Please believe me that I mean no offence, and 
would just like to share an opinion that has been developed over many 
years of HF SSB operation, both on the amateur bands and on military HF 
comms circuits.

While the new SDR world brings many huge advantages to the radio 
experimenter, we must be very careful not to throw the baby out with the 
bath water when we discard analogue techniques.  IMO, the speech 
processing area represents the very crown jewels of an HF radio 
transmitter, as it is critical to the overall operation of the radio.  I 
therefore believe that developers should be very careful when they 
tinker in this area, and such work should not be undertaken lightly.  
Before presenting new code for evaluation, the following bench testing 
should be done.  (On the air testing is VERY time consuming, and 
requires contacts under the right propagation conditions which are not 
always available)

Test 1.

Adjust the OUTPUT level on the UUT (unit under test) to give the 
required peak output power while whistling into the mic  Use an average 
reading power meter.  Then say aargh into the mic, and adjust the 
INPUT level for half of this power.  Eg, 100W indicated for a whistle, 
and 50W for aargh.  Then go back to the whistle if necessary, and 
re-adjust the OUTPUT for 100W.  Iterate as necessary to achieve both 
these results.  For an RF clipper, this represents approximately 15 dB 
of clipping.  If this 2:1 power ratio cannot be achieved, then the UUT 
fails the first test.  Note the input level for the whistle using a scope.

Test 2.

Using an audio signal generator at a frequency of 700 Hz, feed in the 
same level into the UUT as the mic was giving for a whistle.  Do NOT 
adjust the input or output levels of the UUT.  Check the output of the 
radio on a spectrum analyser, and ensure that the products at 1400 Hz 
and 2100 Hz offset are at least 30 dB down.  This can also be done at 
some intermediate test point if available.

If both the above tests pass, then it is worth while to try some on air 

The other parameter that affects on air intelligibility is audio 
frequency response.  The mic itself should peak at about 1 kHz (eg Shure 
444), and there should be ADDITIONAL electronic pre-emphasis with a time 
constant of about 160 us.  This gives a roll-off below 1 kHz of 6 dB per 

Many operators (especially the AM HiFi bunch) will hate what I have 
said, but under difficult weak signal conditions, a radio performing as 
above will give the most intelligible signal.  From a performance point 
of view, it really doesn't matter whether this is achieved by analogue 
processing external to the radio, or internally in DSP.  The result will 
be the same if the correct principles are followed.  In my experience, 
it is very difficult to achieve these results with processing performed 
at baseband.  Envelope tracking comes the closest.  In principle they 
are easier to achieve with IF/RF processing.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

Ian Scoble wrote:


 Please can anyone else confirm whether they are having audio punch problems
 on SSB, the problem seems to have occurred since the SVN upgrade on or
 around 1840. I did put a bug up on the board but this seems to have been
 deleted other people I know are having the same problem and I was wondering
 how wide spread it is.


 Thanks Ian G0CTO


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[Flexradio] PowerSDR with Logger32 and VCOM

2007-12-31 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
I have a set up a VCOM CAT link between Logger32 and PowerSDR.  The link works, 
except that, if Logger32 is booted up before PowerSDR, 
either manually or under automatic startup, it sends a CAT request to 
the radio for frequency before it can reply.  Seeing no reply, Logger
assumes that no radio is connected, or will be connected, and doesn't 
try again.  (In contrast N1MM warns the user, and tries again.  N1MM 
doesn't have some of the other features of Logger though)

I could decide to start Logger manually after PowerSDR is up and 
running, but that really should not be necessary.

Has anyone found a way around this in the Logger32 setup?  I'm sure there must 
be something I've missed.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

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Re: [Flexradio] Rolling wave ver 1.10.1

2007-08-26 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Hi Tom,

My guess would be that this is a real signal that just happened to 
appear at the time you upgraded.  There are all sorts of ionospheric 
probes that various organisations use, and what you are seeing may just 
be one of those.  I see/hear them from time to time as well, not only 
with SDR, but on my analogue radio too.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

Tom Homsley wrote:
 I converted from 1.8 to 1.10.1 a few days ago.  Since then I have 
 noticed a wave that surfs across my panadapter from low to high 
 frequencies.  As it passes through my (CW) listening frequency, I hear 
 a doppler-like signal.  I re-calibrated with a clean database.

 Any ideas on the source of this signal?

 Tom, N4WBS

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[Flexradio] Feedback comments on PowerSDR 1.9 beta

2007-07-14 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Could someone please tell me where I should post comments/observations 
on the PowerSDR software?  I have not been able to find a suitable spot 
on the Flex web site.

Thanks + 73,

Greg, ZL3IX

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[Flexradio] PowerSDR v1.91. beta

2007-07-13 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Hi all,

I have been trying this out for a few days with my development version 
of Mercury and HPSDR.  I am really pleased that the new version has the 
full width waterfall display.  The waterfall works very well, and will 
be great for weak signal CW work.

I would just like to suggest that the low signal level threshold should 
be available on the main screen using a slider, rather than having to go 
to the setup page.  The way I like to adjust my waterfall is to adjust 
the threshold while actually watching the display, and setting it so 
that the noise level just causes dark blue to appear.  i was wondering 
if it's possible to get the change in before ver 1.9 is officially 
released.  If so, is this reflector page the right place to get the 
request in, or should I lodge it somewhere else?

73, Greg, ZL3IX

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Re: [Flexradio] Noise Floor S meter vs Panadapter

2007-06-14 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Hi Bob,

Forgive me if this is in the manual - What are the attack and decay time 
constants on the S meter?  Are they adjustable? - I haven't found 
anywhere to adjust them.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

Robert McGwier wrote:

 Please ignore all of the erroneous information you have been given. 
 Everyone is supposed to have read the thousands and thousands of emails 
 and to have learned everything that was ever said here. You did this right?


 Sorry, I just couldn't resist.  Let me explain.  This is definitely NOT 
 a bug, it is a feature and a serious one at that, one which we are very 
 proud of.

 The panadapter noise floor shows the power that is in the SINGLE bin in 
 the FFT calculation of the power spectrum, the value of the power in a 
 single pixel width.   The meter ADDS UP all of the bins inside the green 
 stripe representing the filter to give you the PROPER S METER READING.

 When you have the noise floor only in the filter (no signal, just noise) 
 and the radio is calibrated,  the meter is reading the minimum 
 discernible signal right on the front panel.



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Re: [Flexradio] [hpsdr] Dayton Audio

2007-06-09 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Great, Jerry.

There has been mention of someone putting all this on to a DVD.  Does 
anyone know if that is still going to happen?  If so, I would be quite 
happy to buy a copy for a reasonable amount if the person offering the 
service has a PayPal account.

Greg ZL3IX

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[Flexradio] VFO lock.

2007-06-08 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Apologies if this is in the manual, but if it is, I can't find it.

How do I prevent the tuning step from changing if the mouse wheel is 
rotated fast?  I wish to lock the tuning rate at 100 Hz per click, but 
don't seem to be able to do it.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

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Re: [Flexradio] Audio Punch

2007-05-31 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
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Re: [Flexradio] audio punch

2007-05-31 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
My experience of listening to the SDR1000 on the air is also that there 
is no audio punch.  I keep a sked with a ZS every Friday over quite a 
difficult polar path.  He has two radios, one an old analogue rig with 
an RF clipper, and the other an SDR1000.  When the path is especially 
difficult, or there is some auroral flutter, the SDR is almost unusable.

I have raised this issue with the SDR software guys, asking if/when 
there is going to be an RF clipper included as an option.  Reactions 
have been mixed.  One guy said he appreciated that RF clipping was the 
way to go, but the other is not convinced.

I am intending to replace my ageing analogue rig with an HPSDR, but will 
not put in on the air on SSB until the Tx audio issue is resolved.  I 
was hoping that somebody else would write the clipper software, but it 
doesn't look like that will happen in the short term.  I will therefore 
have to have a go myself.  The problem is that, although I have written 
some C in the past, software development has left me behind a tad, and 
it will take a while to catch up.  I have, however ordered Visual 
Studio, and when it arrives I will start my re-learning process.

I DO intend to have an RF clipper in my HPSDR, even if it takes a 
while.  If someone else comes up with one in the mean time, so much the 

73, Greg, ZL3IX

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Re: [Flexradio] Audio Punch

2007-05-31 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Frank Mayer wrote:
   I wonder if this type of circuit CAN be written in
Hi Frank,

Indeed it can.  In my previous employment we used one that was written 
in DSP assembler for the 56002 (not by me unfortunately, although I did 
give the algorithm inputs).  It was very effective.

73, Greg

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[Flexradio] PowerSDR Source

2007-05-02 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
I have just down loaded the source code for ver 1.8 with a view to
learning what is going on, and maybe making a contribution one day.  I
note that there are 666 files when unzipped - a bit daunting!

Does anyone know if there is a rough guide somewhere, that tells what
files (or at least groups of files) perform what function?

Thanks + 73,

Greg, ZL3IX

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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Source

2007-05-02 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
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[Flexradio] Waterfall

2007-04-22 Thread Greg - ZL3IX
Does anyone know if there are plans afoot to make the waterfall display 
cover a wide input frequency range like the panadaptor does?  For weak 
signal work the waterfall is the most useful.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

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