2000-07-31 Thread Josh Ronsen

Well, I guess I am finished with the timepiece project. I'm not so good with keeping 
to a fixed schedule. I missed a couple of days, and I discontinued the project while I 
was in Chicago the past couple of days. Now I need to have two rolls of film 
developed. What happens then? Do I send them somewhere? Should I hide them somewhere 
and let everyone find them? Or mail one photo to everybody on the list?

I saw a screening of Tarkowsky's "The Sacrafice." In it, a line that is of particular 
interest to us (and I paraphrase here): "If only a person would perform the same task 
at the same time every day, the world would be changed."

While in Chicago, I visited the Contempoary Museum of Art where I went through an 
exhibit of works by Tom Friedman. Wow. I won't go into great detail (maybe later, if 
anyone is interested), but I was amazed by some (many?) of his works, some of which 
seemed to be pure Fluxus anti-art. One piece was called "Curse" and it was an 
eleven-inch sphere of air on top a pedestal that was cursed by a witch. Another piece, 
displayed on the floor in a glass case, was a piece of paper about 3 foot square in 
which (as stated on the title plaque) every word of the English language was written. 

There was also a huge exhibit of works by Sol LeWitt, a name I've often read of, but I 
have never really seen much of his work. Now I have seen a lot of his work. Huge works 
involving geometric shapes and lines that would fill up an entire wall. His works 
played with an architectual precision of pure form and shape. I am glad my first 
exposure to his work was of so much stuff that would have been missing something if I 
had flipped through a book on him (there were also about 2 dozen books of his work on 
display under glass).

Other things in Chicago: Harold's Chicken! Fred Anderson! Kevin Drumm! Edith Frost! A 
protest march for afforible housing with 5 effigies! Seeing the hatching egg sculpture 
in Hyde Park again (I used to walk by it everyday on my way to classes: It is called 
"Bird of Peace" or something, but it will always be the hatching egg sculpture to me)! 
Being awarded "Dog of the Day" by a homie on the El for lending him my pen (I wore 
this honor like a badge)! Searching for a copy of Charlie Christian's "Live at 
Carnigie Hall" and not finding it at 4 record stores! Looking for a copy of Nancy 
Cunard's biography at 4 bookstores and not finding it! Seeing how much my old 
neighborhood has changed in 7 years! Listening to my cousin tell stories of my 
grandfather (who died when I was 4 or 5) who owned a fish store in Brooklyn NY! Having 
a friend borrow a rare Romanian LP by Iancu Dumitrescu that I was able to tape a copy!

Oh well. I'm back in Texas now.

-Josh Ronsen

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Before you buy.

FLUXLIST: Re: timepiece

2000-08-11 Thread Carol Starr

hi patricia,
i sent yesterday's post from a high school down the road that has a
fabulous computer lab (macintoch) and is run by an old friend of mine,
tom. well tom has been helping me with my scanning and sending since our
first fluxlist i-zone project way back in december i think.
now this is always a fun time as there are some very bright teenagers who
are always hanging out there as tom is something of a pied piper. now this
is a busy place so i try not to be too troublesome. sothe i-zones and
other things copied and sent don't have all the placement and design that
one might wish for. in the timepiece my image on the screen is too large.
when i sent i-zones to sol he very brilliantly made them a proper size and
also left the larger image which i like very much. how all this is done is
most mysterious to me as my computer knowledge is very limited, even after
watching it done at the school with tom. 
so this is a long winded explaination of what's going on with my timepiece
and i hope it is possible for you to adjust the image the way sol does. if
not i will return to the school and ask tom to fix it.
the young people at the lab were very interested in what we are doing. so
that was fun because they really liked the idea.
TTYL, carol :) 

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Carol Starr wrote:

> http://laplaza.org/~datastar/TIMEPIECE.html
> hi patricia,
> here is  my timepiece at last.
> bests,c   :)
> carol starr
> taos, new mexico, usa


2000-07-10 Thread Ronsen, Josh

> Patricia Harris wrote:
>One image, same thing, or words or painting or drawing or
>whatever at the same time every day from the 10th of July ' til
>the 31st - 

I started this on Saturday! A photo out of my front porch in the morning. I
have three pictures! I started early b/c I will be leaving for Chicago at
the end of the month...

Routine, I'm awful at routine. We will see how often I will be able to keep
this up. My wife has this awful auto-focus, auto-flash camera. My first
morning to take a photo, there was a squirrel running across a telephone
line that was in the shot! Of course, the awful camera wouldn't take a
picture just then b/c of the auto-flash, which cannot be turned off. 

Oh well, maybe I will be able to catch another squirrel later in the month.

I've always been fascinated by photo-a-day (or month) projects. I have
always wished that I started a project like this 20 years ago, or was the
subject of such a project. Anyways, now I am finally doing one!

-Josh Ronsen


2000-07-31 Thread Patricia

Hi Josh,

Welcome back!!!

>  What happens then? Do I send them somewhere? Should I hide them somewhere and let 
>everyone find them? Or mail one photo to everybody on the list?

Not a bad idea, hmight be interesting for me to gather them and mail 1 day of 
each persons life as a group to each of those on the list...h.  Or I might do 
online animations, still not sure.  Anyway, I shall do an *official post* with instrux 
and info on where to mail.

I must confess that my original inspiration of photographing a tube of "Rembrandt" 
(art, see, get it) toothpaste each day to portray the entropy of my month was 
immediately thwarted when the toothpaste tube refused to collapse.  This resulted in 
several days of frustration and an ensuing half hour or more at Long's Drug Store, 
ripping open toothpaste boxes surreptitiously trying to find a tube that actually 
would show wearall of the good titles like "anti-aging toothpaste" etc. were 
noncollapsible ones.  (There is, I am sure, a stocking clerk at Long's that wonders 
what exactly transpired).  Finally, I found several cast out tubes of "Gleem" on the 
bottom shelves.  Since I had to venture to Ventura that weekend, I shot approximately 
5 shots on one morning with help from a friend who was "dressing up" the shooting with 
toothpaste drips, etc.  Ah, now I've confessed.  I feel much better now.

> There was also a huge exhibit of works by Sol LeWitt, a name I've often read of, but 
>I have never really seen much of his work. Now I have seen a lot of his work. Huge 
>works involving geometric shapes and lines that would fill up an entire wall. His 
>works played with an architectual precision of pure form and shape. I am glad my 
>first exposure to his work was of so much stuff that would have been missing 
>something if I had flipped through a book on him (there were also about 2 dozen books 
>of his work on display under glass).

LeWitt was the major show at SFMOMA a couple of months back.  After checking out some 
of the 3 story wall paintings, I asked one of the guards how long it took his crew to 
paint them.  He said, "Too long, too long."

> Other things in Chicago: Harold's Chicken! Fred Anderson! Kevin Drumm! Edith Frost! 
>A protest march for afforible housing with 5 effigies! Seeing the hatching egg 
>sculpture in Hyde Park again (I used to walk by it everyday on my way to classes: It 
>is called "Bird of Peace" or something, but it will always be the hatching egg 
>sculpture to me)! Being awarded "Dog of the Day" by a homie on the El for lending him 
>my pen (I wore this honor like a badge)! Searching for a copy of Charlie Christian's 
>"Live at Carnigie Hall" and not finding it at 4 record stores! Looking for a copy of 
>Nancy Cunard's biography at 4 bookstores and not finding it! Seeing how much my old 
>neighborhood has changed in 7 years! Listening to my cousin tell stories of my 
>grandfather (who died when I was 4 or 5) who owned a fish store in Brooklyn NY! 
>Having a friend borrow a rare Romanian LP by Iancu Dumitrescu that I was able to tape 
>a copy!

The above much better than museums, yes?  I like the egg sculpture, all round and 
friendly and understanding.

Your pard in art,

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: timepiece

2000-08-11 Thread Patricia


Absolutely wonderful!!

Yes I can adjust the images, but probably not the way Sol does, he's way
beyond me in computer skills.

Again, your work is super.


Carol Starr wrote:

> hi patricia,
> i sent yesterday's post from a high school down the road that has a
> fabulous computer lab (macintoch) and is run by an old friend of mine,
> tom. well tom has been helping me with my scanning and sending since our
> first fluxlist i-zone project way back in december i think.
> now this is always a fun time as there are some very bright teenagers who
> are always hanging out there as tom is something of a pied piper. now this
> is a busy place so i try not to be too troublesome. sothe i-zones and
> other things copied and sent don't have all the placement and design that
> one might wish for. in the timepiece my image on the screen is too large.
> when i sent i-zones to sol he very brilliantly made them a proper size and
> also left the larger image which i like very much. how all this is done is
> most mysterious to me as my computer knowledge is very limited, even after
> watching it done at the school with tom.
> so this is a long winded explaination of what's going on with my timepiece
> and i hope it is possible for you to adjust the image the way sol does. if
> not i will return to the school and ask tom to fix it.
> the young people at the lab were very interested in what we are doing. so
> that was fun because they really liked the idea.
> TTYL, carol :)
> On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Carol Starr wrote:
> > http://laplaza.org/~datastar/TIMEPIECE.html
> >
> > hi patricia,
> > here is  my timepiece at last.
> > bests,c   :)
> >
> > carol starr
> > taos, new mexico, usa
> >
> >
> >
> >


2000-07-10 Thread Patricia

I'm not at all good at routine, eitherso I kind of like this discipline
orientation just to see how I do...thought about doing my dishrack as a method
to get self to do dishes, but then, what if the dishrack never changed?  I'm
not using a fancy camera, just the izone.

Maybe we should call this 1/3 of 9 1/2 weeks.

Btw, I got your story and enjoyed it.  I am altering it today - who do I send
it to, was it Alex Cook?  If so, Alex, what is your address?  Do we keep
documentation on this?  Does it go back to you, Josh, at the end?


"Ronsen, Josh" wrote:

> > Patricia Harris wrote:
> >
> >One image, same thing, or words or painting or drawing or
> >whatever at the same time every day from the 10th of July ' til
> >the 31st -
> I started this on Saturday! A photo out of my front porch in the morning. I
> have three pictures! I started early b/c I will be leaving for Chicago at
> the end of the month...
> Routine, I'm awful at routine. We will see how often I will be able to keep
> this up. My wife has this awful auto-focus, auto-flash camera. My first
> morning to take a photo, there was a squirrel running across a telephone
> line that was in the shot! Of course, the awful camera wouldn't take a
> picture just then b/c of the auto-flash, which cannot be turned off.
> Oh well, maybe I will be able to catch another squirrel later in the month.
> I've always been fascinated by photo-a-day (or month) projects. I have
> always wished that I started a project like this 20 years ago, or was the
> subject of such a project. Anyways, now I am finally doing one!
> -Josh Ronsen
> http://www.nd.org/jronsen


2000-07-10 Thread Alex Cook

If it is me, my address is

Alex V. Cook
318 W 7th St #509
Kansas City, MO 64105

actually, that's my address even if it isn't me
-Alex, possibly not me

>Btw, I got your story and enjoyed it.  I am altering it today - who do I 
>it to, was it Alex Cook?  If so, Alex, what is your address?  Do we keep
>documentation on this?  Does it go back to you, Josh, at the end?

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2000-07-10 Thread David Baptiste Chirot

routine:  re out in

or : re in out

out in re

in out re

in re out

out re in

the elements are the same; what is new is the order of their




2000-07-10 Thread Devon Paulson


Devon Paulson
2021 S. Alameda St. Ste. 5
Los Angeles, CA 90058

I get it next then I send it to who ever wants it.

>actually, that's my address even if it isn't me
>-Alex, possibly not me
>>Btw, I got your story and enjoyed it.  I am altering it today - who do I
>>it to, was it Alex Cook?  If so, Alex, what is your address?  Do we keep
>>documentation on this?  Does it go back to you, Josh, at the end?

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com


2000-07-10 Thread Patricia

Ooops, of course it's you, it's just that

Alex sounds so much like Devon,
Robert sounds like Josh,
Guess it depends on your accent.

Okay, I'll send it to you tomorrow after I alter it tonight (which I hate to
do, because it's a steamy treat, mind you).  Then you can send it to Alex,
'kay?   shhh.  Everything is all better now.


Devon Paulson wrote:

> Devon Paulson
> 2021 S. Alameda St. Ste. 5
> Los Angeles, CA 90058
> I get it next then I send it to who ever wants it.
> >
> >actually, that's my address even if it isn't me
> >-Alex, possibly not me
> >
> >
> >>Btw, I got your story and enjoyed it.  I am altering it today - who do I
> >>send
> >>it to, was it Alex Cook?  If so, Alex, what is your address?  Do we keep
> >>documentation on this?  Does it go back to you, Josh, at the end?
> >>
> >
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com


2000-07-11 Thread Devon Paulson

Alright, I'm feeling much better now. All calm and soothed.

>Alex sounds so much like Devon,
>Robert sounds like Josh,
>Guess it depends on your accent.
>Okay, I'll send it to you tomorrow after I alter it tonight (which I hate 
>do, because it's a steamy treat, mind you).  Then you can send it to Alex,
>'kay?   shhh.  Everything is all better now.
> > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com


2000-07-11 Thread Patricia

It's in the mail to you already, all colored up and altered and such.

Lady Chamomile

Devon Paulson wrote:

> Alright, I'm feeling much better now. All calm and soothed.
> thanks
> disco
> >Alex sounds so much like Devon,
> >Robert sounds like Josh,
> >Guess it depends on your accent.
> >
> >Okay, I'll send it to you tomorrow after I alter it tonight (which I hate
> >to
> >do, because it's a steamy treat, mind you).  Then you can send it to Alex,
> >'kay?   shhh.  Everything is all better now.
> >
> >Best,
> >PK
> >
> > > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
> >
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com


2000-07-11 Thread Devon Paulson

>It's in the mail to you already, all colored up and altered and such.
>Lady Chamomile



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