Re: Newbie question

2009-09-03 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Dola,

 I did my homework, but this does not appear to be an FAQ!

 How does FOP read PDF's?

It doesn't, at least not to my knowledge. It reads Formatting Objects
files (typical extension: .fo) and *produces* PDF and other formats.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: Named Destination support in FOP 0.94

2007-09-13 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Tai,

 Thanks so much for your help. However, I tried exactly as you
 describe. It doesn't work for me. The PDF always open at the top of
 document. I am using FOP 0.94, JDK 5, Windows 2000, Acrobat Reader
 8.1, and IE6. Do you have any idea why this is not working? Is that
 because my combination of software cause this problem?

I don't know, but I've uploaded some files that may help you find out:
- contains the following named destinations: intro, roses, tulips, 
- contains links to all of them (one URI and one GoToR to each 

I've also added the two PDFs, built here with a freshly installed FOP 0.94

On my system (Win2000, Acrobat Reader 7.0.0, MSIE 6.0, Firefox I get the following results:

In Acrobat Reader, the GoToRs work 100% correctly.
In MSIE, the GoToRs don't work (this is as expected), the URI links
work 2 or 3 times out of ten.
In Firefox, I can't open them locally (it immediately asks me if I
want to save it or open it in Acrobat Reader).

In MSIE, the GoToRs don't work (this is as expected), the URI links
work 5 times out of ten.
In Firefox, the GoToRs always work (surprise!), and so do the URI
links (this time at least).

I suggest that you try the generated PDFs both online
( and on your local computer.

If they don't work for you in Acrobat Reader, it must have something
to do with the version (8.1 vs. 7.0.0). If they do work, rebuild both
PDFs on your computer and see what results you get then.

BTW, I've deliberately placed the fox:destinations in in
all kinds of spots, just to show that the location doesn't matter as
long as daddy is a fo:block. Of course I don't suggest that you should
scatter your destinations all over the place like that in a serious

Please let us know your results!

Kind regards,
Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: Named Destination support in FOP 0.94

2007-09-13 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
I wrote:

 In Firefox, the GoToRs always work (surprise!), and so do the URI
 links (this time at least).

Playing a bit more with this, I now get all kinds of wrong results
(i.e. landings on the wrong dest) with GoToRs in Firefox. Sometimes
it jumps to the wrong destination, sometimes it even jumps to a
destination if I click on flowers.pdf in the web directory, so it
should go top-of-file (I suppose it had the dest cached).

Bottom line: don't trust any browser to work 100% correctly with
named destinations.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: Named Destination support in FOP 0.94

2007-09-12 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Tai Hu,

 I want to find a way to add a named destination into PDF file by using FOP 
 0.94. Then later on, I could open a pdf file by pass in #nameddest=named 
 destination on URL to jump to a particular section. I checked 0.94 change 
 history which states that Named Destination support is added for version 
 0.94. However, I couldn't find any document on how to use it. Could anyone 
 show me an example of usage of this feature? Thanks!

Let's say your target document is called flowers.pdf, and you want certain 
sections to be reachable from outside the document. To do that, first declare 
this namespace in


And declare the destinations like this:

  fox:destination internal-destination=intro/
  fox:destination internal-destination=tulips/
  fox:destination internal-destination=roses/
  fox:destination internal-destination=daisies/

- intro, tulips, roses and daisies must be existing ids in;
- the declaration order of the destinations is unimportant, and they don't have 
to be all together either. Just make sure that each fox:destination is the 
direct child of a fo:block. Any block will do, it doesn't have to be the 
block that bears the corresponding id.

Now if you build - flowers.fop, the named destinations will be 
present in the PDF.

In the referring document, you can link to flower.pdf's named destinations in 
two ways:

1) URI-style (using a relative or absolute *URL*):

 fo:basic-link external-destination=flowers.pdf#tulipsSurf to relative 
external-destination=;Surf to 
absolute Tulips!/fo:basic-link

   If you're reading flowers.pdf with e.g. Acrobat Reader on your local 
computer and it encounters this type of link, it will launch a web browser and 
pass it the URL. The target file will be opened in the browser.

2) GoToR-style (using a relative or absolute *file path*):

 fo:basic-link external-destination=flowers.pdf#dest=tulipsGoToR to 
relative Tulips!/fo:basic-link
external-destination=/home/sharon/flowers.pdf#dest=tulipsGoToR to relative 

   GoToRs work via the local filesystem. Acrobat Reader will open the target 
document itself if the link is a GoToR.
   GotToRs should not work across the Web, but in practice FOP-built relative 
GoToRs often did, because of a bug in the source code which generated a URL 
link instead of a GoToR. That bug has been fixed, so I suppose this feature 
stopped working in 0.94 (if it didn't, don't count on it to keep working 

You should also know that web browsers sometimes (Firefox) or often (MSIE) 
screw up if you add a named destination to a URL. They always open the target 
document, but they don't always jump to the targeted named destination 
(however, even if they don't, they do show the named dest in the address bar). 
A lot of investigation and testing has been done in April/May and the PDF 
objects generated by the FOP named destination code are absolutely, 
one-hundred-percentedly compliant with the formal PDF specification. Still 
these errors occur, but they are very erratic: clicking on the same destination 
ten times may get you to the right spot eight times and to top-of-document two 
times. Or the other way round, depending on the browser.

Hope this helps!
Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: Named Destination support in FOP 0.94

2007-09-12 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
 Now if you build - flowers.fop, the named destinations will be 
 present in the PDF.

Sorry, I meant - flowers.pdf of course.


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Re: Lines not breaking with zero width space characters inserted

2007-07-23 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi David,

I re-inserted the ZWSPs in your XSL-FO table (they didn't survive the message 
transport, but it's obvious where they had been), included it in a small test 
file, built the PDF and the line wrapped nicely after one of the underscores. 
When I removed the ZWSPs again, I got an overflow. It didn't make any 
difference whether hyphenation was on or off.

This was done with a home-built FOP, based on the trunk as it was around May 
15th. Repeating the exercise with FOP 0.93, I got an overflow regardless if 
there were ZWSPs present or not, but only if hyphenation was on. With 
hyphenation off (and ZWSPs present, of course) everything worked fine with 0.93.

So if you want hyphenation on and functional ZWSP-breaking at the same time, 
the solution is to upgrade to the current fop-trunk.

Hope this helps!
Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: Lines not breaking with zero width space characters inserted

2007-07-21 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi David,

 I have looked at the threads relating to line break issues as well
 as looking at various documentation on how to force line breaks.
 From what I have read, it appears that inserting a zero-width space
 character in a long string should enable the string to be broken at
 the ZWS character when it spans a column edge (in my case, a very
 narrow table column).

 I have succeeded in inserting various kinds of breakable
 characters after underscores (which are common in the strings I'm
 trying to break).
 However, the only character that actually causes a break is a full
 space character, #x0020; .

 Other characters I've tried include the ZWS U+200B, soft hyphen
 U+00AD, and hair space U+200A -- but these do not appear to enable
 line breaking for me.  I am using FOP 0.93 in a Windows
 environment. I'm also using an en-US hyphenation table from OFFO.

 What I would like to find out is: 1. Should the ZWS work, and if so,
 what might cause it not to work?

ZWS U+200B should definitely work - I use it all the time. However,
I've done some work on this a couple of months ago and I discovered
that they don't work as potential line breakers if you wrap them in a
fo:character instead of inserting them directly into the string.

So if yours are inserted via fo:characters, change your setup.

Second, are you sure the ZWSPs end up correctly in the XSL-FO file?
Have you actually seen them sitting there, with an editor that can
detect them?

Third, there were some ZWSP-related problems if you embedded fonts in
the PDF (as opposed to using a standard font). These exist in FOP
0.93, but have been fixed in the trunk. So that's another thing you
might try.

 2. Are there alternatives for creating a line-break after an

Beyond the things you mention, I wouldn't know (not that that says a
lot). But it _must_ be possible to get the ZWSPs to work, so let's try
that route first. If the above suggestions don't help, you might
create a small XSL-FO file that doesn't work for you and let me and/or
others try it.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: collapsing PDF bookmarks

2007-07-06 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Andreas,

 Home, checked, yes: FOP fully supports the starting-state attribute
 (show or omit to expand, hide to collapse).

 Interesting. I haven't needed the feature myself, so was unaware
 that this was implemented. Just one question: is this already true
 for FOP 0.93, or only for Trunk?

I just gave it a try with 0.93 and it's fully functional in that

Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: collapsing PDF bookmarks

2007-07-05 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Jeff,

 By default, when you use FOP to generate a PDF file, the bookmarks
 in the file are expanded. I'd like to collapse the bookmarks.

 In the FOP FAQ
 (, it
 says that FOP doesn't currently allow you to control bookmark display.

I'm not so sure if that's still correct (not home right now, so I
can't check). I think if you set the starting-state=hide attribute
on a fo:bookmark, FOP will nicely render it as initially collapsed.

Notice that hide is a little misleading: the bookmark itself isn't
hidden, only its children are. Please give it a try; chances are that
you won't need any post-processing tools.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: collapsing PDF bookmarks

2007-07-05 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi again,

 (, it
 says that FOP doesn't currently allow you to control bookmark display.

 I'm not so sure if that's still correct (not home right now, so I
 can't check). I think if you set the starting-state=hide attribute
 on a fo:bookmark, FOP will nicely render it as initially collapsed.

Home, checked, yes: FOP fully supports the starting-state attribute
(show or omit to expand, hide to collapse).

Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: FOP 0.93 is not resolving empty fo:inline index markers

2007-06-26 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Jeff,

 I'm using DocBook XSL with FOP 0.93. When I generate a PDF,
 the indexterm elements have extra whitespace (from line breaks and
 tabs). I successfully removed the whitespace by editing one of the
 DocBook stylesheet templates. However, the page numbers in the index
 are missing. Also, FOP warns about unresolved ID references, such as
 this warning:

 WARNING: Page 9: Unresolved id reference d0e127 found.

 When I open the FO file, here's what one of the index entries looks

 Console, fo:basic-link

 Here's the internal destination it's pointing to in the file:

 fo:inline id=d0e127!--Administration Console--/fo:inline

I suspect that the inline is dropped because it has no content. You
can verify this by inserting a zero-width space (200B hex) after the
opening tag and rebuilding the PDF. If it works for that destination,
you can change the indexterm template so it will generate these ZWSPs

If it doesn't work, let the indexterm template generate wrappers
instead of inlines and switch to fop-trunk (FOP 0.93 drops empty
wrappers, but the trunk version keeps them if they have an id).

The missing page numbers are another thing. I had a similar (but not
the same) problem with FOP 0.20.5, which was caused by the fact that
the basic-link element had no content other than the
page-number-citation. This too was solved by inserting a ZWSP (my
template inserts it after the page-number-citation, but I suppose it
works just as well if you place it before).

I hope this helps you a little in finding a solution.

Kind regards,
Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: fo:bookmark external-destination support

2007-04-12 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi John,

 I am writing to get a confirmation on whether or not the
 external-destination attribute on the fo:bookmark is supported by
 FOP 0.93. Note: I am going to PDF... not sure if this is important
 or not.  The error I'm getting in my console is: 37755 [main] WARN - Warning(22/770): fo:bookmark,
 external-destination property not currently supported

I have recently worked on the bookmarks code (to improve the
*in*ternal targeting) and I can confirm that external-destination
support is currently totally absent. It's fairly easy to implement
though, and I've been thinking of doing it -- if I find some time
before somebody else does ;-)

Meanwhile, you'll have to use basic-links for external destinations.

Kind regards,
Paul Vinkenoog

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Base URL for loading images

2007-03-30 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

When I call fop.bat with -fo input, the base for resolving relative
image URLs is the source file's directory.

When I call fop.bat with -atin input, the base URL is the parent of
the current dir.

Is there a special reason for this?

(The build used is a late Jan 2007 fop-trunk.)

Kind regards,
Paul Vinkenoog

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Typo in AbstractRenderer :: renderBlockViewPort

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

In fop/render/, lines 453-462:

  protected void renderBlockViewport(BlockViewport bv, List children) {
  // clip and position viewport if necessary
  if (bv.getPositioning() == Block.ABSOLUTE) {
  // save positions
  int saveIP = currentIPPosition;
  int saveBP = currentBPPosition;

  Rectangle2D clippingRect = null;
  if (bv.getClip()) {
  clippingRect = new Rectangle(saveIP, saveBP, bv.getIPD(), 

I suppose the second call to getIPD() should be getBPD(), unless you
want to force the clipping rect to be square.

At first I wanted to report this through Bugzilla, but the Getting
Help page stipulated that it should be raised at the user list first,
so here it is.

Kind regards,
Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: Typo in AbstractRenderer :: renderBlockViewPort

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Andreas,

 At first I wanted to report this through Bugzilla, but the Getting
 Help page stipulated that it should be raised at the user list first,
 so here it is.

 Well, in fact this is slightly off-topic here, and belongs more on

That's what I figured too, but being a relative newcomer I decided to
follow the published guidelines to the letter :-)

 Ultimately, the quality of FOP depends greatly upon users like
 yourself, who are not afraid to take a stroll through the code,

The reason I looked at the code at all was that I wanted to
re-implement the full internal link behaviour (landing on the exact
spot, that is). I've got it working now, need to iron out a few
wrinkles and then I'll bring it up on fop-dev. I hope it's usable for
the project too.

Kind regards,
Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: zero width space displayed in pdf file

2007-03-02 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

 I have some problem with zero width spaces they occur in PDF file
 generated from fop file.

 fo:inline font-family=MSMincho font-size=10pt text-

 I just tried with FOP trunk, and with a Base14 font this problem
 can't be reproduced, so I'm guessing this is caused by the fact that
 the font(s) in question have a glyph for this character...?

I can also confirm what lecki reports. In our project we use FOP
0.20.5 to produce PDFs in several languages. In Western and Cyrillic
script there's no problem with ZWSP 200Bh (except that they are
sometimes stretched for justification purposes, which we don't want).
In Japanese (MSMincho) they appear as full spaces.

Kind regards,
Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: zero width space and FOP

2006-03-21 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Fabrizio,

 I've asked the translators to insert zero width spaces in Unicode.
 All the properties file are UTF-8 encoded.
 They tried inserting zero width spaces as they know how, but up to
 now it doesn't seem to work.

 Has any one ever tried to insert zero width spaces into a properties
 file and use it to create a PDFs?

I'm not sure what you mean with properties files but I have written
XSLT templates that insert zero-width spaces which I specify as:

After transformation, they wind up as UTF-8 encoded zero-width spaces
(Unicode 200B hex) in the .fo file.

FOP 0.20.5 handles them correctly, breaking lines at such spots if and
where appropriate.

The only thing I dislike is that it also uses the ZWSPs to insert
whitespace for line justification. I know the standard allows this,
but I wish there was an option to turn that behaviour off, because it
pulls apart path elements, URL components etc.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: Fop missing Ant?

2006-02-04 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Jeremias,

 Something doesn't feel right here. FOP 0.20.5 DOES bundle Ant 1.5.1
 (found in the lib directory).

That's strange - I have a FOP download here ( and
there's definitely no Ant inside.

Afaict I made the download on 10 Jun 2004. All the files are
timestamped 15 Jul 2003 4:04.

Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: Fop missing Ant?

2006-02-03 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Sir Strongbad,

 I just downloaded FOP 0.20.5 and I am trying to run the servlet
 example and I am getting an NoClassDefFoundError error.  When the
 build.bat runs, it references a JAR called Ant-1.5.1.jar under the
 lib directory.  When I go to that directory, there is no
 Ant-1.5.1.jar file present.  I have read in several places that
 the Ant-1.5.1.jar should be packaged with FOP.  What's the deal?
 I know I am overlooking something.

No, you're not. FOP 0.20.5 does not come with Ant. You have to get
that separately at You may also have to
download some of the other tools.

BTW, the build.bat references really old lib versions. You need to
change the filenames to match what you download (the names don't
usually include version numbers).

Good luck,
Paul Vinkenoog

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Re: How to use a relative URI in the config file (in 'renderer/fonts/font/@embed-url')

2006-01-06 Thread Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

 FOP 0.91 currently can't deal with relative URLs for embedding. Neat
 comment in the relevant code:
  /[EMAIL PROTECTED] Temporary hack to compile, improve later */
 return new;
 Don't expect a quick fix,Getting the necessary information for
 resolving relative URLs at this point will need some work.

 I tried to use file://../, file://.././, etc., but no one works.

 Neither of these two is an relative URL, as you might have thought.

I haven't tried 0.91 yet, but in 0.20.5 the above URLs did work as
relative (although indeed they shouldn't). Worse: if you left out the
//, they didn't work anymore. I have fontBaseDirs for several
languages that look like this (relative to baseDir):


But if I put it like that in userconfig.xml, FOP complains about the
missing protocol. This shouldn't be an issue, but OK, I change it to:


Now the resolver seems to eat the first four dots (waiting until it
encounters two slashes?) and looks in ../config/ru, which doesn't
exist. To make FOP find the dir, I can specify this:

  file:../../../../config/ru  (notice the *extra* ../)

or even this:


or this:


There's also something wrong at the other end: if the location isn't
found, the /ru part will be left out of the not found message. If
I put a slash at the end, this doesn't happen.

So, to wrap it all up, in order to have FOP look for my metrics files
in ../../../config/ru *and* give me the right error message if it
doesn't find them, I have to specify the fontBaseDir as:


BTW, there seems to be a similar (though not exactly equal) problem
in Ant.

All that said, let me also make clear that I love FOP and that I
HUGELY appreciate the efforts of all you people who brought it to us
and are working hard to improve it. Without Apache FOP, the Firebird
open source project would have no PDF documentation, or at least we
would be dependent on individuals who had the money to buy a
proprietary FO processor and the time and kindness to build our docs.
Now every project member can build great-looking PDFs, using only
open-source tools. Thanks!

Paul Vinkenoog

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