IPFW, NAT, jailed MySQL connection problem.

2005-06-14 Thread Daniel Nystrom

I seem to have stumbled upon a tiny problem that just will not go
away. I was hoping there would be an answer somewhere before I put my
deep-into-the-dirt-boots on.

The software setup of the problem:
FreeBSD 5.4 Release
Mysql 4.1 Server
Mysql 4.1 client

1 external NIC (
1 internal NIC (
1 internal NIC (

The host system pretty much only serves as NAT and nameserver. I have
one jail setup with mysqld running. The problem occurs when I try to
connect to the mysql server with the flag -h. I get the error that my
user is not authorized to connect from ip (external

However, this is inside the jail so it should not need to be NAT'd
traffic at all.

This is some info from inside the jail:

# ifconfig
rl0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet6 fe80::210:a7ff:fe0a:9119%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
ether 00:10:a7:0a:91:19
media: Ethernet autoselect (none)
status: no carrier
xl0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet6 fe80::201:2ff:feae:6d1d%xl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
ether 00:01:02:ae:6d:1d
media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX  )
status: active
rl1: flags=8802 mtu 1500
ether 00:50:bf:34:24:b3
media: Ethernet autoselect (10baseT/UTP)
status: no carrier
plip0: flags=108810 mtu 1500
lo0: flags=8049 mtu 16384
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5
# nslookup
Address: = db.folkvett.se.

# nslookup db.folkvett.se

Name:   db.folkvett.se

# traceroute db.folkvett.se
traceroute to db (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1  db (  0.882 ms  0.744 ms  0.597 ms
# traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1  db (  0.847 ms  0.908 ms  0.604 ms
# mysql -u root -h db.folkvett.se -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1130 (0): #HY000Host '' is not allowed to
connect to this MySQL server
# mysql -u root -h -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1130 (0): #HY000Host '' is not allowed to
connect to this MySQL server
# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 7 to server version: 4.1.12-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> select user, host from mysql.user  where mysql.user.user='root';
| user | host   |
| root ||
| root | db.folkvett.se |
| root | localhost  |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)


As you can see from the above, I have no trouble resolving the correct
IP or even connect to the database, however it seem that the database
then all of the sudden believe that I come from the external IP of the
HOST enviroment, not the jail. I shouldnt have access to from the jail. Which means I somehow strangely get
NAT'd, even though i try to connect to my local IP.

The ip is an alias on the rl0 interface. In the host it
looks like this:

> ifconfig rl0
rl0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
inet6 fe80::210:a7ff:fe0a:9119%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
ether 00:10:a7:0a:91:19
media: Ethernet autoselect (none)
status: no carrier

Happy for any answers you may come up with.
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Re: BitDefender: Libfn initialization failed

2005-06-14 Thread Ian Smith
Sorry, a little typo on my part there. compat4x did
solve my problem, BitDefender is up and running and
working just great.

Thanks again,


--- Adi Pircalabu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 12:43:04 +0100 (BST)
> Ian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks Adi, that sorted my problem, BitDefender is
> not up and
> > running :)
> Excuse me? :)
> Did compat4x solve the problem? Your answer is quite
> ambiguous.
> -- 
> Adi Pircalabu (PGP Key ID 0x04329F5E)
> -- 
> This message was scanned for spam and viruses by
> BitDefender.
> For more information please visit
> http://www.bitdefender.com/

How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday 
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos http://uk.photos.yahoo.com
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sniff & PROMISC

2005-06-14 Thread kalin mintchev

hi all...  i installed sniff from ports last night to check what its doing
and just noticed that the em0 was put into promisc mode... is that because
of sniff and should i just put it on permanent not promisc


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Re: Need a HELP Lead .. For: xorg 6.8.2 - wont start

2005-06-14 Thread Nikolas Britton
On 6/14/05, Ev Batey WA6CRE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[snipped (every thing)]

The KM400 uses the VIA S3 UniChrome. Try changing the driver section
in the xorg.conf file to the via driver. "man via" for more info.
Starting with a fresh xorg.conf file might be good idea too, "Xorg
-configure". As far as the KM266 thingy, both FreeBSD and Xorg say
it's a KM400 Chipset* see the bottom of my post.  *sorry I allmost
missed that, the system says it has a "CLE266", not a KM266. The
CLE266 uses the UniChrome:


"MSI KM3M-V (VIA KM266, registers as KM400)"
"Have an MSI KM3M-V KM266 (supposedly an S3 Savage like chip)."
ABI class: X.Org  Video Driver, version 0.7
(II) VIA(0): VESA BIOS detected
(II) VIA(0): VESA VBE Version 3.0
(II) VIA(0): VESA VBE Total Mem: 65536 kB

(II) VIA(0): VESA VBE OEM Software Rev: 0.0
(--) VIA(0): Chipset: "KM400"
(--) VIA(0): Chipset Rev.: 132
(II) VIA(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 0x
(--) VIA(0): mapping MMIO @ 0xec00 with size 0x9000
(==) VIA(0): Write-combining range (0xec00,0x9000) was already clear
(--) VIA(0): mapping BitBlt MMIO @ 0xec20 with size 0x1
(==) VIA(0): Write-combining range (0xec20,0x1) was already clear
(II) VIA(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 0x

(==) VIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(--) VIA(0): videoram = 65536k
agp0:  mem
0xe000-0xe7ff at device 0.0 on pci0
agp0: Reserved 0x800 bytes for rid 0x10 type 3 at 0xe000
agp0: allocating GATT for aperture of size 256M

KM266 = S3 Graphics ProSavage8
KM400 = UniChrome™ 2D/3D Graphics with motion compensation
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Re: vlan - pls help

2005-06-14 Thread Wolfgang Lausenbart
Hi ann,

as few/far as I know, you cannot ping from one vlan 
to another. thats the clue. you have to free the ports
on the switch to allow trunking.

I used this

howto, and could send vlan frames, but I am
not sure if they are working. (no hardware yet)

In the howto above a cisco device is configured.

The em(4)driver is vlan capable, you should see something like VLAN_MTU
next to UP,BROADCAST and so on. you should be capable to generate
8021.q Frames.

btw. you used the same arp adresses. does this make sense?
I asked that here: 

good look 

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Re: Problem w/ simple Hello World compiled w/ g++

2005-06-14 Thread Dmitry Mityugov
On 6/14/05, Keyser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Just tried your code on a freshly installed machine, just standard
> >install, no updates performed, and I still cannot reproduce the
> >problem. Your code compiles and runs fine.
> >
> >--
> >Dmitry
> Yeah, that's what I feared.  At this point the only plausible cause for this
> that I can think of is gremlins.  I tried installing FreeBSD 5.4 on a
> different, much older and slower box I had, and wouldn't you know, it works.
> Maybe FreeBSD 5.x doesn't like my newer mobo or something, who knows at this
> point.  I've given up on getting it to work on that box.  Thanks anyway
> though.

Would you like to investigate this any further? If yes, could you test
RAM in that newer machine with this http://www.memtest86.com/ or this
http://www.ocztechnology.com/displaypage.php?name=ocz_memtest ,
please? Guess utilities like these may find one or two gremlins there.


"We live less by imagination than despite it" - Rockwell Kent, "N by E"
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Problem with unix file system

2005-06-14 Thread snoopy

Hi, i have a problem with an erro of me : i have formated unfortunely my
ufs partition of my server data, how is possible to unformat ufs file
system, i've try easy recovry with raw mode but many files lost , please
anybody can help me or my data as lost?

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Re: Need a HELP Lead .. For: xorg 6.8.2 - wont start

2005-06-14 Thread Nikolas Britton
Oops, I missed something. maybe no one will notice. Whats that one
quote from the movie office space when bolton says he always fscking
up the small details?
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Re: Flash plugin

2005-06-14 Thread Ben Paley
On Tuesday 14 June 2005 03:21, Eric Schuele wrote:

> Ben,
> Here's a link (back to the archives) that helped me out (firefox &
> flash)...
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=1302736+0+/usr/local/www/db/tex
> HTH.

Very much! linuxpluginwrapper has been broken for a while but i cvsupped last 
night and installed it this morning, copied the correct libmap.conf file from 
the installed examples and... Bob's your uncle, working flash in Mozilla and 
Firefox! It's not working in Opera or Konqueror yet, mind... but it didn't 
break realplayer in Konqueror which I was worried about!

Thanks to everyone; i'll be trying out your suggestions for Konqueror later 

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Re: Problem with unix file system

2005-06-14 Thread Nikolas Britton
On 6/14/05, snoopy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, i have a problem with an erro of me : i have formated unfortunely my
> ufs partition of my server data, how is possible to unformat ufs file
> system, i've try easy recovry with raw mode but many files lost , please
> anybody can help me or my data as lost?

Your fscked! sorry I couldn't resist.
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How to setup grub to boot freebsd

2005-06-14 Thread windlamf
Hi everyone.
Here is my problem. I want to use grub to boot freebsd, I wrote the following 
lines in grub.conf:
title FreeBSD 5.3
root (hd0,0,a)
kernel /boot/loader
But grub warns me: filesystem unknown, cannot mount selected partition
Can somebody tell me what is wrong and how to setup?

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Re: BitDefender: Libfn initialization failed

2005-06-14 Thread Adi Pircalabu
On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 09:10:49 +0100 (BST)
Ian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry, a little typo on my part there. compat4x did
> solve my problem, BitDefender is up and running and
> working just great.

You could also use /etc/libmap.conf to solve libm.so.2 dependency. For
example, adding the following lines at the end of the file:

# bdc fbsd5
libm.so.2   libm.so.3


Adi Pircalabu (PGP Key ID 0x04329F5E)
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: vlan - pls help

2005-06-14 Thread Chris Knipe
On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 04:23:59PM -0700, ann kok wrote:
> ifconfig vlan0 netmask

> ifconfig vlan1 netmask ??? Obviously it won't be able to see any other


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Re: vlan - pls help

2005-06-14 Thread Chris Knipe
On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 11:18:35AM +0200, Chris Knipe wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 04:23:59PM -0700, ann kok wrote:
> > ifconfig vlan0 netmask
> > ifconfig vlan1 netmask
> ??? Obviously it won't be able to see any other
> addresses 

I'm being a idiot again... Please excuse me.

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Re: tape record bigger than supplied buffer

2005-06-14 Thread Alex Zbyslaw

Damian Sobieralski wrote:

I added the following to my tape drive area in the bacula-sd-conf:

Minimum Block Size = 64512
Maximum Block Size = 64512

 I'm not seeing those errors any longer.  I've restored and all seems
to go well.

Good stuff!  Did that number come out of your tape drive manual, in the 
end?  Just wondering why 64512 rather than 65536...


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Sun Fire V40z Server.

2005-06-14 Thread William Fletcher

We're looking at buying one of these little machines for a rather large company.
However, we don't know if FreeBSD supports it, as it says that it only supports 

So, we're interested to know if FreeBSD supports the V40z sun machines... 

If anyone else can match something with about the same amount of quality that
FreeBSD does run on however, we'll also be interested in that.

Lots of thanks in advance,

William Alexander Fletcher
*BSD Administrator || http://www.omina.co.za || Cell: 084 802 2392
Omina Solutions CC || Tel: (012) 664-2480|| Fax: (012) 664-2474

It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value. 
-- Arthur C. Clarke

Description: PGP signature

Starting MySQL at bootup

2005-06-14 Thread Gerard Seibert

This is probably a dumb question, but I will ask it anyway.

I have 'mysql' installed. From what I have deduced from the documentation, 
I should start it using 'mysqld_safe'. I am assuming that I would use the 
syntax 'mysqld_safe &' to force the program into the background upon 
starting. What I can not seem to figure out is how to get the program to 
start automatically upon boot up.


Gerard Seibert
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Starting MySQL at bootup

2005-06-14 Thread Tsampros Leonidas

Gerard Seibert wrote:

This is probably a dumb question, but I will ask it anyway.

I have 'mysql' installed. From what I have deduced from the 
documentation, I should start it using 'mysqld_safe'. I am assuming that 
I would use the syntax 'mysqld_safe &' to force the program into the 
background upon starting. What I can not seem to figure out is how to 
get the program to start automatically upon boot up.

Usually, when you install a service such mysql from the ports collection 
   all of it's files are installed with --prefix=/usr/local . That 
means that the usual startup scripts and configuration files are 
installed at /usr/local/etc . Taking a look at the file 
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server.sh , you'll see enough comments on how 
to configure your system , to start mysql automatically upon boot up.

# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable mysql:
# mysql_enable (bool):  Set to "NO" by default.
#   Set it to "YES" to enable MySQL.
# mysql_limits (bool):  Set to "NO" by default.
#   Set it to yes to run `limits -e -U mysql`
#   just before mysql starts.
# mysql_dbdir (str):Default to "/var/db/mysql"
#   Base database directory.
# mysql_args (str): Custom additional arguments to be passed
#   to mysqld_safe (default empty).

This is the entries i have in my /etc/rc.conf file :

#mysql_args="--log=/var/log/mysql.log "
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Re: Starting MySQL at bootup

2005-06-14 Thread Trevor Sullivan
Hash: SHA1
Gerard Seibert wrote:

> This is probably a dumb question, but I will ask it anyway.
> I have 'mysql' installed. From what I have deduced from the
> documentation, I should start it using 'mysqld_safe'. I am assuming
> that I would use the syntax 'mysqld_safe &' to force the program
> into the background upon starting. What I can not seem to figure
> out is how to get the program to start automatically upon boot up.
I actually just got throug this last night myself...there are a couple
of ways to look at it depending on how you installed MySQL (from
source or ports tree, etc), one being the FreeBSD handbook, and the
other is the MySQL documentation. The latter provides a startup script
in the MySQL source that you simply copy to /usr/local/etc/rc.d. See
the following page for specifics:

Hope this helps,
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Kernel Core Dumping

2005-06-14 Thread J T

For some reason my machine keeps crashing almost every night at around
3:00am with the following test in the messages log file:

Jun 14 03:02:28 taco kernel: pid 7174 (sh), uid 0: exited on signal 11
(core dumped)

I tracked it down to cvsup. I run it every night at 3:00am, the
following is the log file that I make it create:

===update-os started by root on  at Mon Jun 13 03:01:00 2005===
Connected to cvsup.ca.freebsd.org
Updating collection src-all/cvs
TreeList failed: Error in
"/usr/local/etc/cvsup/sup/src-all/checkouts.cvs:RELENG_5_3": 37510:
File is truncated.  Delete it and try again.
===update-os started by root on  at Tue Jun 14 03:01:00 2005===
Connected to cvsup.ca.freebsd.org
Updating collection src-all/cvs
TreeList failed: Error in
"/usr/local/etc/cvsup/sup/src-all/checkouts.cvs:RELENG_5_3": 37510:
File is truncated.  Delete it and try again.

The following is the 'update-os' script I made:

echo "===update-os started by $USER on $HOST at `date +%c`===" >>
echo "Updating OS sources with cvsup..."
/usr/local/bin/cvsup /usr/local/etc/cvsup/supfile.os >>

The supfile.os:

*default host=cvsup.ca.freebsd.org compress
*default release=cvs
*default base=/usr/local/etc/cvsup
*default prefix=/usr
*default delete use-rel-suffix
*default tag=RELENG_5_3

I decided to rm the file
'/usr/local/etc/cvsup/sup/src-all/checkouts.cvs:RELENG_5_3' just to
see if that fixed it. And it did, but why was it crashing the entire

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Re: Problem with unix file system

2005-06-14 Thread Jerry McAllister
> Hi, i have a problem with an erro of me : i have formated unfortunely my
> ufs partition of my server data, how is possible to unformat ufs file
> system, i've try easy recovry with raw mode but many files lost , please
> anybody can help me or my data as lost?

What do you mean by "format"?   Did you actually do a DOS format
command on it?   If so, you will not be able to get your files 
back - short of going to a very expensive recovery service that
tries to read erased data.

If you have done something else, then please be more specific on
what you did.   It may or may not be possible to recover your files
though, unfortunately, it is probably unlikely.


> ___
> freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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PPP Dialin Server Problem - > Can you help me?

2005-06-14 Thread baijumb


Dear Sir,


I have PPPDial-In Server communication problem. Can you give me an guideline 
where I missed or doing wrong ?



Linux Ver. : Read Hat (rel.11) Fedora Linux 2

Client Pc Operating System: XP Professional









My modem in server is com1 = ttyS0


1. Edited /etc/inittab add one extra line


S1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS0


init q


2. Edited /etc/options/


auth -chap +pap login modem crtscts debug proxyarp




3. Created new file under /etc/ppp/ options.ttyS0




[ here I doing any wrong ?]



4. Edited /etc/mgetty+sendfax/login.config


/AutoPPP/  - - /usr/sbin/pppd


5. add new line /etc/ppp/pap-secrets


tester*   testuser192.168.10.30


( user name * password  client ip address)


6. Given permission


chmod u+s /usr/sbin/pppd


7. Changed /etc/passwd 


tester:x:500:500:PPP Dialin:/etc/:/usr/sbin/pppd


Rebooted after all changes and trying to connect from my client pc.


When authentication time it is disconnecting and xp pc showing blow message


Disconnected !


Error 619: A Connection to the remote computer could not be established, So the 
port used for this

connection was closed. 



Your Help Highly Appreciated.








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Re: applying the vesa patch to stable for high console resolution

2005-06-14 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2005-06-13 22:06, Ted Mittelstaedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> http://people.freebsd.org/~delphij/vesa/patchset-highres.20050522
> Has this patch beeen applied to CURRENT?  So it will be in the next
> release of FreeBSD?


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Re: Flash plugin

2005-06-14 Thread Vizion
On Tuesday 14 June 2005 01:46,  the author Ben Paley contributed to the 
dialogue on-
 Re: Flash plugin: 

>On Tuesday 14 June 2005 03:21, Eric Schuele wrote:
>> Ben,
>> Here's a link (back to the archives) that helped me out (firefox &
>> flash)...
>> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=1302736+0+/usr/local/www/db/te
>>x t/2005/freebsd-stable/20050306.freebsd-stable
>> HTH.
>Very much! linuxpluginwrapper has been broken for a while but i cvsupped
> last night and installed it this morning, copied the correct libmap.conf
> file from the installed examples and... Bob's your uncle, working flash in
> Mozilla and Firefox! It's not working in Opera or Konqueror yet, mind...
> but it didn't break realplayer in Konqueror which I was worried about!
>Thanks to everyone; i'll be trying out your suggestions for Konqueror later

Are any modifications need to libmap.conf for java sdk1.5?
>freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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40 yrs navigating and computing in blue waters.
English Owner & Captain of British Registered 60' bluewater Ketch S/V Taurus.
 Currently in San Diego, CA. Sailing May/June bound for Europe via Panama 
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Re: More errors w/ Firefox, Thunderbird and Mozilla - out of the box w/ 5.4

2005-06-14 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Even more info - 
> /home/moo> thunderbird
> The program 'Gecko' received an X Window System error.
> This probably reflects a bug in the program.
> The error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'.
>   (Details: serial 11327 error_code 2 request_code 53 minor_code 0)
>   (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
>that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
>To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
>option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
>backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error()
> function.)
> /home/moo> firefox
> The program 'Gecko' received an X Window System error.
> This probably reflects a bug in the program.
> The error was 'BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)'.
>   (Details: serial 1341 error_code 9 request_code 150 minor_code 4)
>   (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
>that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
>To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
>option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
>backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error()
> function.)
> /home/moo> mozilla 
> The program 'Gecko' received an X Window System error.
> This probably reflects a bug in the program.
> The error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'.
>   (Details: serial 1083 error_code 2 request_code 53 minor_code 0)
>   (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
>that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
>To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
>option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
>backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error()
> function.)
> /home/moo> 

Is this a local X server, or are you logged in remotely?
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Sendmail relaying from remote domains?

2005-06-14 Thread Brian J. McGovern
I realize this question is probably best served by the sendmail mailing list,
but whereas I've added the Spam Assassin filter, I'm hoping to find a larger
community here that is running FreeBSD + sendmail + SpamAssassin who
have handled this, so I don't have to ask the question in 3 places :)

The issue I seem to be having is that messages are coming in, forged from my
domain, but sent to a valid user within my domain (e.g. from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) containing a virus attachment.

I had assumed that sendmail would be smart enough to look at the fqdn portion,
and see that the sender is not in fact from that domain at all (a quick
reverse/forward DNS lookup of the inbound socket should prove this), and trash

Is there an easy way to shut this down? An example mail log entry (for 

Jun 14 09:16:47 spoon sm-mta[26398]: j5EDGgha026398: from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
size=79449, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=ESMTP, 
daemon=IPv4, relay=255-115.users.forrester.com [] (may be forged)
Jun 14 09:16:47 spoon spamd[697]: connection from localhost.beta.com 
[] at port 64931 
Jun 14 09:16:47 spoon spamd[697]: info: setuid to root succeeded 
Jun 14 09:16:47 spoon spamd[697]: Still running as root: user not specified 
with -u, not found, or set to root.  Fall back to nobody. 
Jun 14 09:16:47 spoon spamd[697]: processing message (unknown) for root:65534. 
Jun 14 09:16:49 spoon spamd[697]: clean message (-0.0/5.0) for root:65534 in 
2.2 seconds, 80647 bytes. 
Jun 14 09:16:49 spoon spamd[697]: result: .  0 - 
Jun 14 09:16:49 spoon sm-mta[26398]: j5EDGgha026398: Milter add: header: 
X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.0 required=5.0 
 autolearn=failed version=3.0.2
Jun 14 09:16:49 spoon sm-mta[26398]: j5EDGgha026398: Milter add: header: 
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.0.2 (2004-11-16) on spoon.beta.com
Jun 14 09:16:49 spoon sm-mta[26402]: j5EDGgha026398: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
delay=00:00:07, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=local, pri=110031, relay=local, 
dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent

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Re: login.conf limits

2005-06-14 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Please don't top-post.

> >Hi,
> >
> > What is shown in the logs? Why the connection failed?
> > Show the passwd entry for that user, or any other info the help
> >us.
> >
> >- Marcelo Souza

Kövesdán Gábor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> The password entry:
> testuser:$1$Q.F0GW3J$ylBS3GPfPbF4jjCbin2OP0:6673:6675:shuser:0:0:User
> &:/home/testuser:/bin/sh
> In the /var/log/auth.log I see this:
> Jun 13 09:42:31 server sshd[63714]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam
> for testuser from port 1049 ssh2
> But my when I type my password:
> Password:
> Connection to closed by remote host.
> Connection to closed.

What happens if testuser is assigned the default login class?  Does
the login still fail?  [If so, it has nothing to do with your login
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Re: system cloning

2005-06-14 Thread Tony Shadwick

On Mon, 13 Jun 2005, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:

Philip Hallstrom wrote:

I have a system that we are running in production that there was an 
oversight on, and it has a single hard drive installed (32GB SCSI I 
believe), rather than a 3 drive raid5 array.  We would like to correct 
this, but we have all sorts of up-to-date packages and config files that 
we've tweaked that we would hate to just start over on it.

There's a tool for OSX called "Carbon Copy Cloner" that would take care 
of this for me, which is basically a series of copy commands that takes 
the filesystem from one drive to another, preserving EVERYTHING 
important, and then bless the boot volume.

If you want two more identical drives then use dump, not tar, but you'd 
have to have them sliced/partitioned up the same beforehand and it 
wouldn't do bootblocks.

You would?  Why?  restore doesn't care where you're restoring to... you'd 
just need to make sure you were in / before restoring and then tweak 
/etc/fstab to suit...

I understood the question to be how to create two identical *disks* not two 
identical directory trees.  So unless the disks were partitioned and sliced 
the same before you used dump/restore then you wouldn't end up with identical 
disks.  If all you want is two identical directory trees, then slicing and 
partitioning are irrelevant.


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Partitioning IS releveant in my situation, but they don't have to be 
perfectly the same.  We have a rather unique system setup on that box to 
where /var is insanely huge compared to the average boxen.  There are a 
few other requirements, but being perfectly identical isn't one of them. 
It needs to be running the same directory tree upon boot, and be basically 
the same system.

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Re: login.conf limits

2005-06-14 Thread Kövesdán Gábor

In this case it works.

Lowell Gilbert wrote:

What happens if testuser is assigned the default login class?  Does
the login still fail?  [If so, it has nothing to do with your login

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KDM and .bash_profile problem

2005-06-14 Thread RW
I think it used to be the case that if you used kdm to login, 
then .bash_profile would not get sourced by bash (because it's not a login 
shell). However it appears that  the Xsession script 
in  /usr/local/share/config/kdm now sources .bash_profile explicitly if bash 
is your shell.

My problem is that when .bash_profile is sourced this way, I only pick-up 
environmental variables, and any aliases or bash functions don't work. They 
work as expected when I login via a virtual-terminal, so I don't think it is 
my script. 

For those who don't have kdm, this is the Xsession file:
#! /bin/sh
# Xsession - run as user


# Note that the respective logout scripts are not sourced.
case $SHELL in
[ -z "$BASH" ] && exec $SHELL $0 "$@"
set +o posix
[ -f /etc/profile ] && . /etc/profile
if [ -f $HOME/.bash_profile ]; then
  . $HOME/.bash_profile
elif [ -f $HOME/.bash_login ]; then
  . $HOME/.bash_login
elif [ -f $HOME/.profile ]; then
  . $HOME/.profile



[ -f /etc/xprofile ] && . /etc/xprofile
[ -f $HOME/.xprofile ] && . $HOME/.xprofile

case $session in
exec xmessage -center -buttons OK:0 -default OK "Sorry, $DESKTOP_SESSION 
is no valid session."
exec xterm -geometry 80x24-0-0
exec $HOME/.xsession
exec /usr/local/bin/startkde
eval exec "$session"
exec xmessage -center -buttons OK:0 -default OK "Sorry, cannot execute 
$session. Check $DESKTOP_SESSION.desktop."

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Re: NFS on 5.4

2005-06-14 Thread Frode Nordahl

On 13. jun. 2005, at 10.29, Marko Čuk wrote:
I have same hardware as before, when 5.3 was installed, except the  
installation is new, 5.4. I have NFS mounted and some FTP app is  
using it extensively and server crashes once / day.

How much memory do you have on the server? You may want to adjust  

I have it set to 419430400 (400MB) on my 2 and 4G RAM servers.

I have recently upgraded 5 NFS servers from 5.3-STABLE to 5.4-RELEASE- 
p2, and have had no ill effects so far.

I had frequent crashes on 5.2.x before setting kmem_size_max (it was  
a compile time option back then), so I have kept it that way since.

Frode Nordahl

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Re: login.conf limits

2005-06-14 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Please don't top-post.

Kövesdán Gábor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I've done a new class "shuser" with some limits, rebuild the cap
> database and made a new user "tester" with adduser. When it asked for
> the login class, I specified shuser, and tried to login with ssh, but
> it failed. My shuser class:
> shuser:\
> :passwd_format=md5:\
> #:passwordtime=90d:\
> #:idletime=30m:\
> #:login-retries=3:\
> #:sessionlimit=1:\
> :copyright=/etc/COPYRIGHT:\
> :welcome=/etc/motd:\
> :path=/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/games /usr/local/sbin
> /usr/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin ~/bin:\
> #:lang=hu_HU.ISO8859-2:\
> #:charset=iso-8859-2:\
> #:ftp-chroot=true:\
> :nologin=/var/run/nologin:\
> :cputime=unlimited:\
> :datasize=unlimited:\
> :stacksize=unlimited:\
> #:memorylocked=15m:\
> #:memoryuse=10m:\
> :filesize=unlimited:\
> #:coredumpsize=5m:\
> #:openfiles=3:\
> #:maxproc=3:\
> #:sbsize=512k:\
> #:vmemoryuse=5m:\
> :priority=0:\
> :ignoretime@:\
> :umask=027:
> After the first try I inserted those hashmarks before the modified
> lines, but it still doesn't work. Did I make something wrong?

> Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> >What happens if testuser is assigned the default login class?  Does
> >the login still fail?  [If so, it has nothing to do with your login
> > settings.]
> In this case it works.

Okay, so it is the login settings.

I'm a little suspicious of commenting out the lines in the middle of
the settings.  I think that may comment out the continuation
character, ending the setting at that point.  Try moving those lines
out of the way and rebuild the database.  It also might be a good idea
to include the default entry explicitly at the end, to make sure you
know you have good defaults.
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Re: Can't make X tunnelling via SSH work, probably loosing my mind....

2005-06-14 Thread Lowell Gilbert
George Hartzell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just noticed that I couldn't ssh -X from a machine into a fully
> configured jail on the same machine and have an X app display back on
> the desktop.
> I think that this used to work, but I can't swear to it.
> I've been playing around, and now have pretty much everything on the
> machine stripped down.  No jails, no ipfw, no interface aliases.
> It's running 5.4-STABLE as of a few days ago, and everything is
> compiled from ports and should be up to date.  The video cards a
> matrox 550 and I'm running with mga_drv.o and mga_hal_drv.o from the
> mgadriver-4.1 tarball from the matrox site.  It's dual headed w/ a
> pair of NEC Multisync LCD1850X's on a dual-headed DVI cable.
> It turns out that I can't ssh -X from that machine into any other
> machine and have it work.  I can, however, ssh -X from another machine
> (e.g. 5.3BETA4 laptop) into it and display onto the laptop.
> In particular, it can't even ssh -X into itself and display an X app.
> There's some information at
>   http://grapeape.alerce.com/screwball
> including netstat and /etc/rc.conf and an ssh -v -v -X session.
> If I ssh -X into itself and run xeyes, it just sits there.  If I do a
> tcpdump -i lo0 from another window, there's a flood of traffic back
> and forth between the .ssh port and a variety of ports including
> .x11-ssh, one at 6011 [I think that the DISPLAY as localhost:11 that
> time around], and a bunch of other randomish.
> I've tried it with X11UseLocalhost on and off.
> At this point my eyes are crossed and I can't even figure out what to
> try next.  And, I'm not feeling particularl bright, I'm sure it's
> going to turn out to be something obvious
> Anyone have any thoughts?

You're going to have problems with ssh authentication there, I would
think.  Have you tried the -Y option to ssh?
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Re: Very Dissapointed

2005-06-14 Thread Lane
Ok, Ok.

I think everybody gets it, now.

FreeBSD Yay!

Microsoft Boo.

FreeBSD users are the most helpful EVER, with never a bad word uttered.

Microsoft users are bad people whose feet stink and they might not love jesus.

Now, please move on.

On Tuesday 14 June 2005 06:46, John McAree wrote:
> > I just came in on the end of this, so I'm not sure what you've done.
> But > you are correct that there aren't many guides for such a thing
> that a
> > beginner could follow.
> hay guys i hear freebsd have this here 'handbook' type thing. Try reading
> it. http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/
> I'd like to see Microsoft provide such a resource for Windows (at least,
> one that doesn't treat the reader like an idiot).
> If dk is such a computer expert (using PCs since the days of DOS 3.3?
> Wow), he should be familiar with using things like command lines,
> non-graphical installers, and the task of setting up your own disk
> partitions. The handbook is an excellent resource, when I was a beginner
> with FreeBSD I found it invaluable. I still refer to it regularly, 2-3
> years later. All I can say is that this is the problem with the way
> Windows does *everything* for the user (and usually not very well)...the
> users lose the ability to think for themselves, or to even learn anything
> about the PC they are using.
> 'dk', Jerry's right in that you made no effort to actually ask a question,
> you should be a bit more diplomatic in future. The FreeBSD community are
> (from my experience) a friendly and helpful bunch of people. As it
> happens, despite your attitude, you still got some advice. Perhaps you
> should think before you type next time.
> Regards,
> John.
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Re: Very Dissapointed

2005-06-14 Thread Dmitry Mityugov
On 6/14/05, Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, Ok.
> I think everybody gets it, now.
> FreeBSD Yay!
> Microsoft Boo.
> FreeBSD users are the most helpful EVER, with never a bad word uttered.
> Microsoft users are bad people whose feet stink and they might not love jesus.
> Now, please move on.

It's amazing what sponsored link Goggle choose appropriate for your
reply Lane: highpaysurveys.com/microsoft.html. Now you're not only
offered some help, but also $300!


"We live less by imagination than despite it" - Rockwell Kent, "N by E"
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Re: WebCam support in FreeBSD

2005-06-14 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Yuri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What is the way to use webcam under FreeBSD ?
> Under Linux there are many drivers supporting many webcams exposing
> them as device with some standardised access.
> Under Windows there's whole driver infrastructure of camera devices.
> What's in FreeBSD ? I couldn't find anything except the old bt848
> driver and driver for some obsolete parallel port camera.
> Am I missing something ?

I haven't got much interest in this kind of thing myself, but I do
know about: http://vinvin.dyndns.org/projects/pwc_bsd.html
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Re: sniff & PROMISC

2005-06-14 Thread Lowell Gilbert
"kalin mintchev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hi all...  i installed sniff from ports last night to check what its doing
> and just noticed that the em0 was put into promisc mode... is that because
> of sniff and should i just put it on permanent not promisc

I'm not quite sure what you are asking, but to sniff packets that
aren't addressed to your machine at the media layer, you need the
interface to be in promiscuous mode.  

If you still have a question, please be more specific about what you
wish to know.
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Re: login.conf limits

2005-06-14 Thread Kövesdán Gábor

Lowell Gilbert wrote:

Okay, so it is the login settings.

I'm a little suspicious of commenting out the lines in the middle of
the settings.  I think that may comment out the continuation
character, ending the setting at that point.  Try moving those lines
out of the way and rebuild the database.  It also might be a good idea
to include the default entry explicitly at the end, to make sure you
know you have good defaults.

I've made a new class with modifying the maxproc only and it works. I 
should modify the limits step-by-step to find which is wrong..

Thanks for the suggestion.


Gábor Kövesdán
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Re: very heavy load avarage

2005-06-14 Thread Riccardo Giuntoli
On 6/10/05, Chris Dionissopoulos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try to create a new kernel with timing at 1000hz and if
> your hardware (nic) is supported enable device polling
> (polling(4)).
Hi Chris,
i've put polling up in my kernel with timing at 2000hz and
kern.polling.burst_max=400, that
are the parameters that the polling's writer says to put fot a gigabit
nic in an old thread:
But now, without no load no band saturate nothing, the system
connections from process in user space collapse after 5 Mbit/s
Please help i'm completly confused

Name: Riccardo Giuntoli
Homepage: http://www.luxoro.org/
Location: Genova, Italy
6BONE Handle: RG581-6BONE
PGP Key: 0x67123739
PGP Fingerprint: CE75 16B5 D855 842F AB54 
  FB5C DDC6 4640 6712 3739
Key server: hkp://wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net
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Re: How to setup grub to boot freebsd

2005-06-14 Thread Lowell Gilbert
windlamf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi everyone.
> Here is my problem. I want to use grub to boot freebsd, I wrote the following 
> lines in grub.conf:
> title FreeBSD 5.3
> root (hd0,0,a)
> kernel /boot/loader
> But grub warns me: filesystem unknown, cannot mount selected partition
> Can somebody tell me what is wrong and how to setup?
> Thanks.

Are you sure you have a version of grub that knows how to boot from
UFS2?  The one currently in the ports collection seems to know how,
but maybe it didn't when 5.3 was released...
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Re: WebCam support in FreeBSD

2005-06-14 Thread Andrew L. Gould
On Tuesday 14 June 2005 09:27 am, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> Yuri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > What is the way to use webcam under FreeBSD ?
> >
> > Under Linux there are many drivers supporting many webcams exposing
> > them as device with some standardised access.
> >
> > Under Windows there's whole driver infrastructure of camera
> > devices.
> >
> > What's in FreeBSD ? I couldn't find anything except the old bt848
> > driver and driver for some obsolete parallel port camera.
> >
> > Am I missing something ?
> I haven't got much interest in this kind of thing myself, but I do
> know about: http://vinvin.dyndns.org/projects/pwc_bsd.html

Thanks for the link!  I've been wondering about webcams as well.

For the original message poster:  Depending on what you want to do, you 
can use a digital camera with an AV out port and a TV tuner card to 
show the image in fxtv and gnome-meeting.  I wouldn't know how to 
stream the image to a web page; but gnome-meeting accepted the TV tuner 
card as an image source device.  Also, if you just want to monitor the 
room remotely, you could forward fxtv and X over ssh.  (Caveat:  I 
haven't messed with this in a long time; so YMMV with newer versions of 
drivers and ports.)

Good luck; and have fun!

Andrew Gould
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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PostgreSQL 8.0.3 + FreeBSD + TCP/IP

2005-06-14 Thread Joseph Koenig (jWeb)

I'm having a difficulty getting PostgreSQL to accept TCP/IP connections on
FreeBSD 5.3. I have edited 'postgresql.conf' in my postgres data directory
to set the listen_address (and uncommented it) and have the port line
uncommented and set to the default 5432. I then restarted the postmaster and
tried to connect. I get:

could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "xx.xxx.xx.xxx" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

I can connect from localhost just fine. Is there anything that needs to be
set in /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/hosts.allow? I have postgresql_enable="YES"
in my /etc/rc.conf file, but have not rebooted since I added that. If that's
the problem, is there a good way to load that value without rebooting? Is it
just an environmental variable? Thanks,

Joe Koenig
Production Manager
jWeb New Media Design

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Re: Drivers Hardware

2005-06-14 Thread RW
On Monday 13 June 2005 16:20, Juan Palacios wrote:
> bought LINSPIRE and it installed everything except
> modem, tried over 3 modems and NOTHING. 

Most cheap modems are  winmodems. These are modems that offload a lot of the 
signal processing from hardware into drivers.  The drivers are typically 
windows only, hence the name winmodems.

I understand there has been a lot of progress in making winmodems work under 
Linux (see  ), but things are a lot easier if you use a 
proper hardware modem. 
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Shrinking slices to make room for linux

2005-06-14 Thread Richard Lupton

I have just installed FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE (my first use of FreeBSD)
onto a Dell Inspiron 5000e laptop, dual booting with Windows. However,
now I would like to install a Linux distro to see if the ACPI support
is any different and so on. I have plenty of space on the FreeBSD
slice, so is there anyway of shrinking the slice without loosing the
data on it (maybe something like GNU parted)? The only references I
have found to this sort of thing are to do with  making FreeBSD slices

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Re: PostgreSQL 8.0.3 + FreeBSD + TCP/IP

2005-06-14 Thread Kalashnikov Ilya
On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 10:05 -0500, Joseph Koenig (jWeb) wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having a difficulty getting PostgreSQL to accept TCP/IP connections on
> FreeBSD 5.3. I have edited 'postgresql.conf' in my postgres data directory
> to set the listen_address (and uncommented it) and have the port line
> uncommented and set to the default 5432. I then restarted the postmaster and
> tried to connect. I get:
> could not connect to server: Connection refused
> Is the server running on host "xx.xxx.xx.xxx" and accepting
> TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
> I can connect from localhost just fine. Is there anything that needs to be
> set in /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/hosts.allow? I have postgresql_enable="YES"
> in my /etc/rc.conf file, but have not rebooted since I added that. If that's
> the problem, is there a good way to load that value without rebooting? Is it
> just an environmental variable? Thanks,
> Joe Koenig
> Production Manager
> jWeb New Media Design
> http://www.jwebmedia.com/
> 636.928.3162 
> ___
> freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

-- see pg_hba.conf in $PGDATA directory. :)
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commands "w" "who" & "finger"

2005-06-14 Thread Dixit, Viraj

Anyone got an idea why any of these commands "w" "who" & "finger" do not show 
who is logged in. I am logged in as a super user and shows no one logged in. 
The commands used to work few days ago now nothing. Thanks for the help.

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Re: PostgreSQL 8.0.3 + FreeBSD + TCP/IP

2005-06-14 Thread Joseph Koenig (jWeb)
>> Hi,
>> I'm having a difficulty getting PostgreSQL to accept TCP/IP connections on
>> FreeBSD 5.3. I have edited 'postgresql.conf' in my postgres data directory
>> to set the listen_address (and uncommented it) and have the port line
>> uncommented and set to the default 5432. I then restarted the postmaster and
>> tried to connect. I get:
>> could not connect to server: Connection refused
>> Is the server running on host "xx.xxx.xx.xxx" and accepting
>> TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
>> I can connect from localhost just fine. Is there anything that needs to be
>> set in /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/hosts.allow? I have postgresql_enable="YES"
>> in my /etc/rc.conf file, but have not rebooted since I added that. If that's
>> the problem, is there a good way to load that value without rebooting? Is it
>> just an environmental variable? Thanks,
>> Joe Koenig
>> Production Manager
>> jWeb New Media Design
>> http://www.jwebmedia.com/
>> 636.928.3162 
>> ___
>> freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
>> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions
>> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> -- see pg_hba.conf in $PGDATA directory. :)
> ___
> freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

I guess I should have specified that I have already added the appropriate
entries into pg_hba.conf. I thought that the error message would be enough
to indicate it was not an authentication problem, as that generates an error
stating there is not an entry in pg_hba for that host.


Joe Koenig
Production Manager
jWeb New Media Design

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: install freebsd with usb keyboard

2005-06-14 Thread Paul Schmehl

--On Monday, June 13, 2005 22:16:38 -0700 Kan Cai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, Paul:

  Thanks for the reply, but it didn't work. I tried 3 keyboards and 2
FreeBSD releases (5.2.1, and 5.3R1). The combination of logitech keyboard
with 5.2.1 does highlight the keymap option in sysinstall menu, but that
is how far it goes. The keyboard stops working so that I cannot press
"space", "tab" or "enter".

I'm not sure I explained myself clearly.  Let's try again.

***During the boot process* before you ever get to sysinstall, when the 
daemon shows up on the screen and you're given a menu with several options, 
if you look closely, option seven (7) must be chosen to use a usb keyboard 
**during the install**.

If you're waiting until the sysinstall appears, that's way too late.  You 
need to chose option 7 before the kernel even loads, almost immediately 
after the system boots.

If you *are* doing that and the keyboards aren't working anyway, then I 
have no idea what the problem might be.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Adjunct Information Security Officer
University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member
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gmirror trouble with bsdlabel

2005-06-14 Thread dave
I'm running a 5.4 box and trying to get gmirror going. I'm following the
howto at:


I'm following procedure1 as i want to mirror the entire
My situation, i have two identical 80 gb IDE drives, ad0 and ad1, when i try
to edit the disk label, i took it from ad0 and change partition a's offset
to 16 and try to save bsdlabel informs me that partitions a and b overlap
and it won't commit changes. My commands are as follows:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad1 bs=512 count=79
gmirror label -v -n -b round-robin gm0 /dev/ad1
gmirror load
fdisk -v -B -I /dev/mirror/gm0
bsdlabel -w -B /dev/mirror/gm0s1
bsdlabel ad0s1 > label1
bsdlabel -R /dev/mirror/gm0s1 label1
bsdlabel -e /dev/mirror/gm0s1
change offset of partition a to 16 and save. This is where i get the error.

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Creating a mirror port

2005-06-14 Thread Ted Wisniewski
I have a FreeBSD box with three Nic's; what I would like to do is mimic the 
functionality of a "mirror-port" commonly found on switches.

On a routing firewall I would like traffic from say sk0 destined to sk1 and 
vice versa to be mirrored on xl0 for purposes of network management.

I am pretty sure this can be done, but what is the easiest/best way do 
implement?  How would this be done for a bridging firewall?

Any advice is appreciated.



| Ted WisniewskiE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| Manager, Systems GroupWEB:http://oz.plymouth.edu/~ted/ |
| Information Technology Services|
| Plymouth State University Phone:  (603) 535-2661   |
| Plymouth NH, 03264Fax:(603) 535-2263   |
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Re: FreeBSD 5.4 X Org Fluebox Keyboard dont respond?

2005-06-14 Thread perikillo
 For some problems with my last installation i decide to install again the 
system, freebsd 5.4 Release,
make the cvsup to update my tree, compile my kernel to add my sound card and 
other things, install my ports and them upgrade my ports:

test$ cd /usr/ports
test$ make update

The system update my ports. Ok this is only information, because i install 
Xorg from packages, the only thing i didnt install was the "Print Server" 
from the options, them use:

test$ xorgconfig

Setup my X system, every thing was right, write my file. I make the test:

test$ startx

My X system start, but still any answer from the keyboard, my mouse is 
working good, but the problem is that i cannot shutdown the X system using 
the "Ctrl+Atl+Backspace" because my Kbd is not working, i try to use the 
mouse menu to shutdown the system but no answer, the last thing to do was 
use the Reset button, is hard to make that decision, but was the only thing 
do. I read again the Xorg log under /var/log/ but i dont see any problems 
with the Kbd or mouse settings.

After that, i decide to make the buildworld, after some hours i finish the 
installworld, builkernel+installkernel,mergemaster, my upgrade process was 
correct, any problems, them i decide to test again with my X system:

test$ startx

Any errors, but the system dont do nothing, any message or errors. Today 
after work i will try what fisher say using the XDM. Any information about 
this issue will be apreciated. In this moment my system dont have any 
Desktop system, only Xorg.

Hey Fisher, did you install the xorg from ports or packages..?

Good day to all.

On 6/13/05, Bernhard Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hy,
> I can confirm your problem for FreeBSD 5.4 amd64-RC3 and I got the same
> problem with a Linux 2.6.8 on an ASUS-Laptop.
> Unfortunately I've no good solution but I'm fairly sure that the problem 
> is
> related to the X.org  and not the OS.
> I think there's something wrong in the communication between the keyboard
> driver of the OS and the X server and (on my machines) it always apeared 
> only
> when booting directly into X running xdm from inittab or /etc/rc.d.
> I figured out that booting to command line and then starting X manually 
> (by
> typing xdm on a root shell) will not cause the problem.
> Regards,
> bh
> On Sunday 12 June 2005 11:24, perikillo wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > I upgrade my Freebsd 5.3 Release to 5.4 Release using the cvsup system,
> > make the buildworld+buildkernel+installkernel, and the others things, on
> > that time my system was with the cvsup port only, them upgrade my ports,
> > after the upgrade i decide to setup the Xorg server 6.8.2 Package + 
> Fluebox
> > ports. Follow the handbook setup and everything was good.
> >
> > But went i start fluxbox the system start but my keyboard dosent respond 
> to
> > any thing, all the keys are disable, if i press many times one key dont
> > make any noise, dont respond to Ctrl+Alt+Backspace even to 
> Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
> >
> > I read about on google, i make a lot of change on the /etc/X11/xorg.conf 
> in
> > the keyboard label, change the driver to "keyboard" to "kbd" and vice
> > versa, use a different type of Option's, us the default config from
> > www.x.org site.
> >
> > I check the /var/log/X?? log file but dont see any error about the
> > settings.
> >
> > I really dont know what more to do, any help and information i will
> > apreciate.
> >
> > My Computer:
> > Motherboard P6SBA
> > Pentium II
> > Mouse USB This is working good
> > kbd PS/2
> > Freebsd 5.4 Release
> >
> > Thanks to all.
> > ___
> > freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
> > http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions
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Re: Need a HELP Lead .. For: xorg 6.8.2 - wont start

2005-06-14 Thread Everett Batey
 I TRIED THAT .. first with vga in the device sections, then vesa, via, 
savage, sis and finally back to vga .. ONLY vga DID NOT produce an immediate 
EXIT -- stating NO SCREEN FOUND ... so NOW WHAT ???
 # The Driver line must be present. When using run-time loadable driver
# modules, this line instructs the server to load the specified driver
# module. Even when not using loadable driver modules, this line
# indicates which driver should interpret the information in this

# vga XX vesa via savage sis
Driver "vga"

 On 6/14/05, Nikolas Britton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> On 6/14/05, Ev Batey WA6CRE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> [snipped (every thing)]
> >
> >
> The KM400 uses the VIA S3 UniChrome. Try changing the driver section
> in the xorg.conf file to the via driver. "man via" for more info.
> Starting with a fresh xorg.conf file might be good idea too, "Xorg
> -configure". As far as the KM266 thingy, both FreeBSD and Xorg say
> it's a KM400 Chipset* see the bottom of my post. *sorry I allmost
> missed that, the system says it has a "CLE266", not a KM266. The
> CLE266 uses the UniChrome:
> "MSI KM3M-V (VIA KM266, registers as KM400)"
> "Have an MSI KM3M-V KM266 (supposedly an S3 Savage like chip)."
> -
> ABI class: X.Org   Video Driver, version 0.7
> (II) VIA(0): VESA BIOS detected
> (II) VIA(0): VESA VBE Version 3.0
> (II) VIA(0): VESA VBE Total Mem: 65536 kB
> (II) VIA(0): VESA VBE OEM Software Rev: 0.0
> (--) VIA(0): Chipset: "KM400"
> (--) VIA(0): Chipset Rev.: 132
> (II) VIA(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 
> 0x
> (--) VIA(0): mapping MMIO @ 0xec00 with size 0x9000
> (==) VIA(0): Write-combining range (0xec00,0x9000) was already clear
> (--) VIA(0): mapping BitBlt MMIO @ 0xec20 with size 0x1
> (==) VIA(0): Write-combining range (0xec20,0x1) was already clear
> (II) VIA(0): vgaHWGetIOBase: hwp->IOBase is 0x03d0, hwp->PIOOffset is 
> 0x
> (==) VIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
> (--) VIA(0): videoram = 65536k
> -
> agp0:  mem
> 0xe000-0xe7ff at device 0.0 on pci0
> agp0: Reserved 0x800 bytes for rid 0x10 type 3 at 0xe000
> agp0: allocating GATT for aperture of size 256M
> -
> http://www.via.com.tw/en/products/chipsets/legacy/km266/
> http://www.via.com.tw/en/products/chipsets/k7-series/km400/
> KM266 = S3 Graphics ProSavage8
> KM400 = UniChrome™ 2D/3D Graphics with motion compensation

805 340-6471 http://www.cotdazr.org
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Re: WebCam support in FreeBSD

2005-06-14 Thread Yuri

For the original message poster:  Depending on what you want to do, you 
can use a digital camera with an AV out port and a TV tuner card to 
show the image in fxtv and gnome-meeting.  I wouldn't know how to 
stream the image to a web page; but gnome-meeting accepted the TV tuner 
card as an image source device.  Also, if you just want to monitor the 
room remotely, you could forward fxtv and X over ssh.  (Caveat:  I 
haven't messed with this in a long time; so YMMV with newer versions of 
drivers and ports.)

Good luck; and have fun!

Andrew Gould

Thanx for the answers.

I am expecting to see that OS should define some standard
how all video input devices and their users interact with OS.

What really exists is that gnome-meeting understands fxtv,
there's also pwc_bsd that can capture video but doesn't
interact with gnome-meeting.

My question is really: are there plans to implement single
standard on video devices so that it becomes independent of
individual devices or individual users and all of them can
interact with all.

Linux went this way using /dev/xxx + some set of ioctls to
Why doesn't FreeBSD just adopt the same approach ?
And port existing webcam drivers to FreeBSD.


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Dialup access

2005-06-14 Thread Johan Venter
When I create a new user on our freeBSD firewall (VIPW e.g.
johanv:*:4032:1000:Johan Venter:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin) I get an error
message "user and or login invalid for the domain" when I dial into the
system. The user in the above example does not give any problems with

Johan Venter

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Re: httpd and memory usage

2005-06-14 Thread Thomas Hurst
* David Banning ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I seem to have a lot of memory being eaten by httpd (part output of top);

> Any ideas to have httpd timeout sooner to preserve memory?

MaxRequestsPerChild is there to cope with leaks, it won't help if Apache
is using a lot of memory to start with though, but if you've got some
mod_php or mod_perl which leaks it can be handy.

Worker MPM uses threads and will probably share more memory than
prefork, not to mention require you to use fewer processes to handle a
given load.

Moving things like mod_php and mod_perl stuff to FastCGI avoids each
httpd having a copy of the interpreter and its various data structures
each, and segments the memory of the interpreters outside httpd so it's
easier to see what's using the memory; you'll have fewer copies running
too, since the static:dynamic request ratio isn't normally 1:1.

Commenting out unused modules in httpd.conf will save some memory.

You might also consider switching to something like lighttpd, which uses
a single process that's generally about 1/3 the size of an equivilent
httpd process.

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst
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Anyone using blade servers???

2005-06-14 Thread Elliot Finley
I'm looking for a blade server that will work with FreeBSD 5.x.  Is anyone
successfully using one?

I would appreciate hearing about it.



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Re: PostgreSQL 8.0.3 + FreeBSD + TCP/IP

2005-06-14 Thread Kalashnikov Ilya
On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 10:05 -0500, Joseph Koenig (jWeb) wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having a difficulty getting PostgreSQL to accept TCP/IP connections on
> FreeBSD 5.3. I have edited 'postgresql.conf' in my postgres data directory
> to set the listen_address (and uncommented it) and have the port line
> uncommented and set to the default 5432. I then restarted the postmaster and
> tried to connect. I get:
> could not connect to server: Connection refused
> Is the server running on host "xx.xxx.xx.xxx" and accepting
> TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
> I can connect from localhost just fine. Is there anything that needs to be
> set in /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/hosts.allow? I have postgresql_enable="YES"
> in my /etc/rc.conf file, but have not rebooted since I added that. If that's
> the problem, is there a good way to load that value without rebooting? Is it
> just an environmental variable? Thanks,
> Joe Koenig
> Production Manager
> jWeb New Media Design
> http://www.jwebmedia.com/
> 636.928.3162 
> ___
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also check how database is started.
example: pg_ctl start -D $PGDATA -o -i
Options -i listen tcp connection.
Kalashnikov Ilya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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SMP and networking under FreeBSD 5.3

2005-06-14 Thread Joe

Not sure if this is the place to ask this.  But this is a
freebsd question.

I've been running FreeBSD since about 4.6.  I have 2
machines running FreeBSD.  One is used as a router, its an SMP
machine, and the other is used to build the source code.  

I'm having a problem with the SMP machine.  When the machine
boots, dmesg shows two messages, that the UP does not show.

WARNING: debug.mpsafenet forced to 0 as ipsec requires Giant
WARNING: MPSAFE network stack disabled, expect reduced

   In v52a I did not get these messages.  After doing some
research, I understand that this has to do with the kernel

   It seems that now my networking is not working on the SMP
machine.  I know others have asked about this, and saw the
release notes, about setting debug.mpsafenet=0, but my
networking is still not working right.  

   Also /dev/kmem and /dev/mem are missing so netstat -ar does
not work either.  

   Where do I start to find a solution to this?

Thanks, Joe


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Buildworld problem?

2005-06-14 Thread Java Weenie
I had a 4gig drive laying around that I wanted to use for a router, so I 
installed the latest (from about 1.5 weeks ago) from the 5.x distrubutions.  
I added ipfw/natd/dummynet to the kernel file and did a full buildworld, 
buildkernel.  I rebooted after install kernel, everything seemed normal, did 
install world/mergemaster, rebooted.  Right now, I have an 'ok' prompt, it 
appears after the 'Press enter to start booting immediately, or hit any 
other key to ' option and it states it cannot find kernel 
or kernel.old.

My guesses are that either I got a really bad batch of sources, I performed 
a buildworld wrong (though I did double check my steps with the handbook 
first), or my hard drive picked a really unusual place to die.

It is a new clean install so it wouldn't be a huge issue to reinstall, but 
if it is hardware, I will need to replace the drive before doing this again.

Any thoughts on how to determine the problem?

Thanks for any tips.

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Re: vlan - pls help

2005-06-14 Thread ann kok
Hi all

Thank you for your help and info
the url is useful and same as what I did

Any help is much appreciated:

I used the tcpdump in the freebsd box
the freebox is receiving the linux box

but why they can't ping each other!

in freebsd box. ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
ping: sendto: Host is down
ping: sendto: Host is down

but itself is fine 
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64
time=0.019 ms

For the mac address of all vlans, it should be same as
the parant interface. 
but I am new for it. Sorry


tcpdump -ei em1
tcpdump: WARNING: em1: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: listening on em1
12:36:51.586368 0:3:47:c1:96:ca Broadcast arp 60: arp
who-has tell
12:36:52.586217 0:3:47:c1:96:ca Broadcast arp 60: arp
who-has tell
12:36:53.586346 0:3:47:c1:96:ca Broadcast arp 60: arp
who-has tell
12:36:54.585972 0:3:47:c1:96:ca Broadcast arp 60: arp
who-has tell

Thank you

--- Wolfgang Lausenbart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi ann,
> as few/far as I know, you cannot ping from one vlan 
> to another. thats the clue. you have to free the
> ports
> on the switch to allow trunking.
> I used this
> howto, and could send vlan frames, but I am
> not sure if they are working. (no hardware yet)
> In the howto above a cisco device is configured.
> The em(4)driver is vlan capable, you should see
> something like VLAN_MTU
> next to UP,BROADCAST and so on. you should be
> capable to generate
> 8021.q Frames.
> btw. you used the same arp adresses. does this make
> sense?
> I asked that here: 
> good look 
> --Nq2Wo0NMKNjxTN9z
> Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
> Content-Disposition: inline
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
> UwCw49+xc3Qb+QM812ALVX4=
> =1llJ
> --Nq2Wo0NMKNjxTN9z--
> ___
> freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Shrinking slices to make room for linux

2005-06-14 Thread Jerry McAllister
> Hello,
> I have just installed FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE (my first use of FreeBSD)
> onto a Dell Inspiron 5000e laptop, dual booting with Windows. However,
> now I would like to install a Linux distro to see if the ACPI support
> is any different and so on. I have plenty of space on the FreeBSD
> slice, so is there anyway of shrinking the slice without loosing the
> data on it (maybe something like GNU parted)? The only references I
> have found to this sort of thing are to do with  making FreeBSD slices
> bigger...

Your best bet is to back up everything in the FreeBSD slice - each partition.
Then rebuild the disk slices and repartition and newfs, leaving room for
your LNX slice.   Then restore the dumps in to the new FreeBSD partitions.
Growing FreeBSD partitions works ok under ideal circumstances, but 
shrinking is not going to work.

Good luck,


> Thanks,
> Richard
> ___
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Re: Can't make X tunnelling via SSH work, probably loosing my mind....

2005-06-14 Thread George Hartzell
Lowell Gilbert writes:
 > George Hartzell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > I just noticed that I couldn't ssh -X from a machine into a fully
 > > configured jail on the same machine and have an X app display back on
 > > the desktop.
 > > [...]
 > You're going to have problems with ssh authentication there, I would
 > think.  Have you tried the -Y option to ssh?

Thanks, that worked!

I'm not really sure why though  I've been through the xauth
section on trusted vs. untrusted, and skimmed the X11 SECURITY
extension specification.

Using ssh -X works on my 5.3BETA4 system from 10/2004.  It's running
an Xorg 6.7 server.

Is this the result of an X change, and ssh change, or a butterfly
flapping it's wings over Brazil?

Thanks again for the help!

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rcNG script problems

2005-06-14 Thread JM
i've written an rcNG script but i'm having some issues.  i've read all 
of the documentation and searched in the mailing lists and didn't find 
anything about writting custom rcNG scripts.  i've built apache2 and 
PHP5 from source (not from ports) so i had to write my own script to 
start httpd at boot.  i'm having trouble with it and this is my first 
attempt at an rcNG script.  the script name is 'httpd_start' and the 
perms are 555, owner root group wheel, same as all the other scripts.  
here is the code:

# PROVIDE: httpd_start

. /etc/rc.subr


start_cmd="echo \"Starting Apache\"; ${command} ${args}"
stop_cmd="/var/www/bin/apachectl stop"

load_rc_config $name

and here is the entry in rc.conf:
can't figure this one out.  is this not the way we're supposed to write 
rc scripts?  this was copied straight from the man pages.  i don't 
understand why it isn't working...
--- Begin Message ---
i've written an rcNG script but i'm having some issues.  i've read all 
of the documentation and searched in the mailing lists and didn't find 
anything about writting custom rcNG scripts.  i've built apache2 and 
PHP5 from source (not from ports) so i had to write my own script to 
start httpd at boot.  i'm having trouble with it and this is my first 
attempt at an rcNG script.  the script name is 'httpd_start' and the 
perms are 555, owner root group wheel, same as all the other scripts.  
here is the code:

# PROVIDE: httpd_start

. /etc/rc.subr


start_cmd="echo \"Starting Apache\"; ${command} ${args}"
stop_cmd="/var/www/bin/apachectl stop"

load_rc_config $name

and here is the entry in rc.conf:
can't figure this one out.  is this not the way we're supposed to write 
rc scripts?  this was copied straight from the man pages.  i don't 
understand why it isn't working...

--- End Message ---
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RE: Buildworld problem?

2005-06-14 Thread John Brooks
run the hard drive diagnostics software of your hard drive manufacturer
to test the condition of your hard drive. it should be available from
their website. this should always be done on used drives being put back
into service.

John Brooks

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Java Weenie
> Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 11:38 AM
> Subject: Buildworld problem?
> I had a 4gig drive laying around that I wanted to use for a router, so I 
> installed the latest (from about 1.5 weeks ago) from the 5.x 
> distrubutions.  
> I added ipfw/natd/dummynet to the kernel file and did a full buildworld, 
> buildkernel.  I rebooted after install kernel, everything seemed 
> normal, did 
> install world/mergemaster, rebooted.  Right now, I have an 'ok' 
> prompt, it 
> appears after the 'Press enter to start booting immediately, or hit any 
> other key to ' option and it states it cannot 
> find kernel 
> or kernel.old.
> My guesses are that either I got a really bad batch of sources, I 
> performed 
> a buildworld wrong (though I did double check my steps with the handbook 
> first), or my hard drive picked a really unusual place to die.
> It is a new clean install so it wouldn't be a huge issue to 
> reinstall, but 
> if it is hardware, I will need to replace the drive before doing 
> this again.
> Any thoughts on how to determine the problem?
> Thanks for any tips.
> ___
> freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to 
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The documents tree(s)...

2005-06-14 Thread Joe Altman
uname -a:

FreeBSD vox.chthonixia.net 5.4-STABLE FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE #0: Thu Jun
9 13:59:19 EDT 2005
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/VOX  i386

Today, I was thinking of upgrading my sources, to see if the new
Hi-Res console modes were available yet. I didn't see them in the
update, but I did notice that some files were being dumped into this
directory (IIRC):


Now, my docs tree has a distinct file in /etc:


So what, I asked myself, are the files in share/doc?

Upon looking, I find various files, including Makefiles...for instance
(and relevant to a separate issue I am trying to solve):

ll share/doc/papers/devfs/

1090302 -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel181 Feb 15 15:12 Makefile
1088608 -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  50718 Feb 18  2002 paper.me

This paper exists in /usr/share/doc/papers in a .gz state. Is that the
only place it is supposed to be? The Makefile doesn't give me a clue
about where else it might be installed. Is there yet another step
(automated, and a part of the make update process), not evident to me,
that might render it (and other files in the /usr/src subdirs) human
readable, and up to date?

It appears to me that the make update process I run should be doing
everything WRT these files.

I don't care what you think. This is not a stylishly insouciant stroll
out of the jungle, here. It's more like we've fallen out of our trees
and rolled, butt-naked before the entire galaxy, downhill. That, and
we seem to have a teensy problem lifting ourselves off the ground.
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Re: tape record bigger than supplied buffer

2005-06-14 Thread Chuck Swiger

Alex Zbyslaw wrote:

Damian Sobieralski wrote:

I added the following to my tape drive area in the bacula-sd-conf:

Minimum Block Size = 64512
Maximum Block Size = 64512

 I'm not seeing those errors any longer.  I've restored and all seems
to go well.

Good stuff!  Did that number come out of your tape drive manual, in the 
end?  Just wondering why 64512 rather than 65536...

It's 63K.  I've seen recommendations elsewhere to use a tape blocksize of 63K 
rather than 64K if hardware compression is enabled, because sometimes the data 
doesn't have a positive compression ratio...


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Re: 36.4GB drive formats out to 32.8GB? what am I missing please grep sectors /var/run/dmesg.boot

2005-06-14 Thread D. Goss

On Jun 14, 2005, at 8:48 AM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

think twice before making RAID-5 array. are you sure small writes  
will not be too common?

No, you are on to something - I will be making small writes / parity  
calculations.  This is going to be a web server but it is for clients  
and they do have sites running with SQL backends and not just static  
HTML content.

i think buying 4 80GB FAST IDE/SATA drives and arranging it as  
RAID-10 will give you 160GB of FAST and protected storage.  
performance gain using mirror+strip will likely offset this of  
using faster 15k rpm drives.

and it will be for sure cheaper. you may put 6 drives (RAID-10) and  
even larger drives and still have cheaper alternative and even  
faster. and MUCH more space.

Sure, it will be cheaper.  For me it's too late, I've purchased the 4  
x SCSI 15k drives I need for this project.  I have bought mostly  
unopened, in-box but secondhand IBM drives/sleds.  They are still  
expensive but certainly not the (what I consider) insane prices for  
the same drives IBM direct.  I'm paying around 1/3 of "list".

I'm curious as to if you're right, I'll certainly have something to  
run some benchmarks on soon.  Keep in mind this is all running though  
hardware raid (IBM ServeRAID 6i).  Somehow I feel that 15k SCSI on  
U320 being processed as RAID-5 with this card will be better than you  
state.  You're right, it will have cost more than IDE but I wanted to  
give this approach a try.

Worst thing is that I can fall back to SCSI 1+0 as you suggest at the  
cost of one drive's space.  My guess is that while the drives are  
clean I will play with both structures for the RAID and compare some  
benchmarks to give me an idea of what kind of hit the parity is  
costing me.

Thanks for you comments.


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Re: Can't make X tunnelling via SSH work, probably loosing my mind....

2005-06-14 Thread Lowell Gilbert
George Hartzell writes about "ssh -Y":

> Using ssh -X works on my 5.3BETA4 system from 10/2004.  It's running
> an Xorg 6.7 server.
> Is this the result of an X change, and ssh change, or a butterfly
> flapping it's wings over Brazil?

It's an SSH change, and came in around OpenSSH 3.8.
I certainly remember needing to adapt to it before FreeBSD 5.3, but my
usage doesn't involve a jail on the same system...
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Re: Creating a mirror port

2005-06-14 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Ted Wisniewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a FreeBSD box with three Nic's; what I would like to do is mimic the 
> functionality of a "mirror-port" commonly found on switches.
> On a routing firewall I would like traffic from say sk0 destined to sk1 and 
> vice versa to be mirrored on xl0 for purposes of network management.
> I am pretty sure this can be done, but what is the easiest/best way do 
> implement?  How would this be done for a bridging firewall?

Sounds like exactly what ng_tee(4) was created for...
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Re: Very Dissapointed

2005-06-14 Thread Bart Silverstrim

On Jun 14, 2005, at 10:21 AM, Lane wrote:

Ok, Ok.

I think everybody gets it, now.

FreeBSD Yay!

Microsoft Boo.

FreeBSD users are the most helpful EVER, with never a bad word uttered.

Microsoft users are bad people whose feet stink and they might not 
love jesus.

Now, please move on.

You forgot "Top posters, Boo!"

Where exactly was the reply inflammatory enough to warrant that reply?

On Tuesday 14 June 2005 06:46, John McAree wrote:

I just came in on the end of this, so I'm not sure what you've done.

But > you are correct that there aren't many guides for such a thing
that a

beginner could follow.

hay guys i hear freebsd have this here 'handbook' type thing. Try 

it. http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/

I'd like to see Microsoft provide such a resource for Windows (at 

one that doesn't treat the reader like an idiot).

Most of the MSDN/Technet?  While not in a "handy" format, it does have 
a lot of articles that I've found to be of use in 
troubleshooting/reconfiguring.  If you know specifically what you're 
looking for.

The FreeBSD handbook is a wonderful resource, but there are still times 
when I find the articles at FreeBSD Diary and some other *BSD sites to 
be more informative and up to date for a particular task.

If dk is such a computer expert (using PCs since the days of DOS 3.3?
Wow), he should be familiar with using things like command lines,
non-graphical installers, and the task of setting up your own disk
partitions. The handbook is an excellent resource, when I was a 

with FreeBSD I found it invaluable. I still refer to it regularly, 2-3
years later. All I can say is that this is the problem with the way
Windows does *everything* for the user (and usually not very 
users lose the ability to think for themselves, or to even learn 

about the PC they are using.

Um...isn't this what ALL users want from there computer, to have it do 
the thinking *FOR* them?  That's a trend not just in 
computing/technology, but for society in general, I've found.

It appears from my observation that kids in school (American, public 
school system) are now being actively trained not to think for 
themselves, period.  It's worse now that schools are accountable with 
No Child Left Behind...they're taught rote skills for passing exams set 
as standards so teachers teach to the tests so schools get a score that 
allows them to keep getting government money, even though the federal 
government hasn't come through with the funding they promised in order 
to have the schools use the programs to teach to the tests in the first 
place so it's driving schools further in debt and people are too 
{ignorant | lazy | naive | brainwashed | apathetic} to care about how 
their tax dollars are being wasted.  But that's a political argument 
that doesn't belong here...just venting :-)

Point is, people by their nature are lazy, they will do the laziest 
thing to achieve the result they want, and they don't want to know 
squat about how their computer works even if it hurts them in the long 
run (Where did you save the file?...Save it?...Yeah, where did you save 
it?...I don't know...)

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FTP not using the users database?

2005-06-14 Thread Paul Hoffman
Hi again. I want to set up an FTP server that does *not* pay 
attention to the FreeBSD login user database. That is, I want the 
server to look in some database (probably text file) that I create 
that has usernames and passwords. I'm not worried about file 
permissions, assuming that the FTP server takes care of that.

Which FTP servers do this? Reviews?
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[Solved] How to disable > quoting of lines starting with From in email body?

2005-06-14 Thread Danny MacMillan
On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 10:39:10PM -0600, Danny MacMillan wrote:
> Hello,
> Every time I read an email that has a line in the message body that
> starts with the word "From", the line is quoted with a > character.
> It is my understanding that this is done necessarily when email is
> stored in the mbox format to distinguish lines that start new email
> messages from lines that are just part of the message body and just
> Happen to start with "From".  However, I am not using the mbox
> message format.
> I am using qmail with Maildir delivery as my MTA.  I read my email
> using mutt to connect to a dovecot IMAP server, all built from
> ports on a FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE machine.
> I know this isn't a FreeBSD question per se, but I can't identify
> the piece of software that is either a) inserting the > when it
> shouldn't or b) not removing the > when it should.  I have done
> my best to search the net for the answer but when the most
> significant search term is the word "From" and the second most
> significant is the > character ... well, let's just say I was
> not successful and leave it at that.  I vaguely remember reading
> something about it a long time ago before I myself was plagued
> with the problem but I can't for the life of me remember where.

It turns out that when I send the same email both to freebsd-test@
and directly to the account I have subscribed to that list, the
mail delivered via the list has the From line quoting and the other
one doesn't.  So it looks like the list is actually sending the
>From lines quoted over the wire and my FreeBSD configuration is
okay.  Most of the mail I read on this box is list traffic so
I didn't notice.

Danny MacMillan

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Re: [Solved] How to disable > quoting of lines starting with From in email body?

2005-06-14 Thread Bart Silverstrim

On Jun 14, 2005, at 2:17 PM, Danny MacMillan wrote:

On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 10:39:10PM -0600, Danny MacMillan wrote:


Every time I read an email that has a line in the message body that
starts with the word "From", the line is quoted with a > character.

It is my understanding that this is done necessarily when email is
stored in the mbox format to distinguish lines that start new email
messages from lines that are just part of the message body and just
Happen to start with "From".  However, I am not using the mbox
message format.

I am using qmail with Maildir delivery as my MTA.  I read my email
using mutt to connect to a dovecot IMAP server, all built from
ports on a FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE machine.

I know this isn't a FreeBSD question per se, but I can't identify
the piece of software that is either a) inserting the > when it
shouldn't or b) not removing the > when it should.  I have done
my best to search the net for the answer but when the most
significant search term is the word "From" and the second most
significant is the > character ... well, let's just say I was
not successful and leave it at that.  I vaguely remember reading
something about it a long time ago before I myself was plagued
with the problem but I can't for the life of me remember where.

It turns out that when I send the same email both to freebsd-test@
and directly to the account I have subscribed to that list, the
mail delivered via the list has the From line quoting and the other
one doesn't.  So it looks like the list is actually sending the
From lines quoted over the wire and my FreeBSD configuration is
okay.  Most of the mail I read on this box is list traffic so
I didn't notice.

On this list?  I forget what it's called now, but qualcomm had a method 
of quoting messages so that email would be indented properly on very 
small displays, and it's a format that Mail.app uses in quoting 
things...and I don't have the ">", but rather colored lines showing 
indenting, so from what I can tell there's a formatting code being put 
into the message to assist with proper word wrapping and the MUA is 
responsible for properly interpreting the text.

Perhaps it's a combination of factors; I remember some mail agents give 
you an option of how to prefix quoted messages (the >, custom 
characters, etc.).

Only other thing I could suggest would be a sniff dump of the messages 
flying over the wire then retracing them to find out exactly what's 
happening, or see if your MUA stores messages in a plain format that 
can be viewed on the console and see what exactly is in them (or use a 
hex editor on the source to see if there are non-visible characters 
embedded in the text for formatting purposes).

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Re: rcNG script problems

2005-06-14 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Tuesday 14 June 2005 12:07, JM wrote:
> i've written an rcNG script but i'm having some issues.

Step one: set rc_debug="YES" in /etc/rc.conf to see what's actually 
happening when you attempt to run your script.  That seems to uncover about 
95% of the problems I've had.
Kirk Strauser

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Solved] How to disable > quoting of lines starting with From in email body?

2005-06-14 Thread Danny MacMillan
On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 02:28:45PM -0400, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> On Jun 14, 2005, at 2:17 PM, Danny MacMillan wrote:
> >It turns out that when I send the same email both to freebsd-test@
> >and directly to the account I have subscribed to that list, the
> >mail delivered via the list has the From line quoting and the other
> >one doesn't.  So it looks like the list is actually sending the
> >From lines quoted over the wire and my FreeBSD configuration is
> >okay.  Most of the mail I read on this box is list traffic so
> >I didn't notice.
> On this list?  I forget what it's called now, but qualcomm had a method 
> of quoting messages so that email would be indented properly on very 
> small displays, and it's a format that Mail.app uses in quoting 
> things...and I don't have the ">", but rather colored lines showing 
> indenting, so from what I can tell there's a formatting code being put 
> into the message to assist with proper word wrapping and the MUA is 
> responsible for properly interpreting the text.

I believe you're talking about format=flowed.  I remember it from a
posting war last year sometime.  The thing is that the format is
determined by the sender, and this is happening even to messages
sent by me, and those messages are not in that format.

GUI mail clients sometimes are able to represent the > characters at
the beginnings of lines as meaning that the line contains quoted text
and represent that graphically.  Opera does it, it sounds like Mail.app
does it too.  But they can only work with the text that is there in
the first place.  Mail.app might have some real fuzzy logic built in
if it doesn't interpet those From lines as quoted text.

> Perhaps it's a combination of factors; I remember some mail agents give 
> you an option of how to prefix quoted messages (the >, custom 
> characters, etc.).

Yes, most do, but that setting only comes into play when you are
replying to or forwarding messages and quoting the original.  It happens
on the sending side.  The issue I'm having is that the message is altered
in transit.  It is sent without a ">" in front of the From lines, but
it arrives with a ">" in front of the From lines.

> Only other thing I could suggest would be a sniff dump of the messages 
> flying over the wire then retracing them to find out exactly what's 
> happening, or see if your MUA stores messages in a plain format that 
> can be viewed on the console and see what exactly is in them (or use a 
> hex editor on the source to see if there are non-visible characters 
> embedded in the text for formatting purposes).

That's good advice.  The mail store on this box is a Maildir folder.
The messages are stored in plain RFC822 format.  Those From lines are
indeed quoted in the mail store, so I guess I can absolve Mutt of all
wrongdoing :)  Dovecot too for that matter.

I don't have those "sniff dump of the messages flying over the wire"
smarts.  If you can recommend a tool for doing that I would appreciate

Thanks for your reply.

Danny MacMillan

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Re: Need a HELP Lead .. For: xorg 6.8.2 - wont start

2005-06-14 Thread Dmitry Mityugov
On 6/14/05, Everett Batey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nickolas,
>  I TRIED THAT .. first with vga in the device sections, then vesa, via,
> savage, sis and finally back to vga .. ONLY vga DID NOT produce an immediate
> EXIT -- stating NO SCREEN FOUND ... so NOW WHAT ???

What's the securelevel on the target machine?


"We live less by imagination than despite it" - Rockwell Kent, "N by E"
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Re: PostgreSQL 8.0.3 + FreeBSD + TCP/IP

2005-06-14 Thread Jonathan Chen
On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 10:05:05AM -0500, Joseph Koenig (jWeb) wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a difficulty getting PostgreSQL to accept TCP/IP connections on
> FreeBSD 5.3. I have edited 'postgresql.conf' in my postgres data directory
> to set the listen_address (and uncommented it) and have the port line
> uncommented and set to the default 5432. I then restarted the postmaster and
> tried to connect. I get:
> could not connect to server: Connection refused
> Is the server running on host "xx.xxx.xx.xxx" and accepting
> TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
> I can connect from localhost just fine.

You need to set listen_addresses, like it says in the comments:

listen_addresses = '*'

This will allow Postgresql connections from all interfaces.
Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 When all else fails, RTFM
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ATA_Identify timeout ERROR - using Tyan S5350 with FreeBSD 5.4 (problems booting - SATA hard disk not recognised) -

2005-06-14 Thread Alan Jay


I just got a new Tyan S5350 using twin Xeon processors I am told this is now a
very standard motherboard.  

Unfortunately when I try to boot FreeBSD 5.4 Release I get the following
errors on the IDE/ATA/SATA connection.

The errors I get during boot up are as follows:

The hard disk is not recognised you get the error:

Ata0_master: Failure ATAPI_IDENTITY timeout (x3) Then
Ata1_master: Failure ATA_Identify timeout (x3)

This is true if I use a standard IDE drive (160Gb) or a SATA drive (250Gb).
The BIOS recognises the drives and is happy with them but the OS has this

The board appears to use the Intel 6300SEB chip set using for the IDE/ATA/SATA

is it supported?  Or is there a problem with my motherboard?

The board we have is:

If anyone is using this motherboard successfully please let me know so I can
organise a replacement.  

Any other help gratefully received.

Alan Jay 

PS The rest of the machine specs are - twin Xeon processor; 4 Gb RAM; Intel
Gigabit Network card in the PCI slot.  250Gb SATA drive. 

PPS Having looked around the lists there appear to be people who say this is
related to the issues described 5.2.1 release errata

PPPS loading in safe mode does work but it isn't a viable way to run a server
anyone got any ideas why this occurs and how to work around it the ideas in
the errata for 5.2.1 don't seem to work assuming that I have the syntax
correct in the /boot/loader.comf 

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Re: httpd and memory usage

2005-06-14 Thread David Banning
> Moving things like mod_php and mod_perl stuff to FastCGI avoids each
> httpd having a copy of the interpreter and its various data structures
> each, and segments the memory of the interpreters outside httpd so it's
> easier to see what's using the memory; you'll have fewer copies running
> too, since the static:dynamic request ratio isn't normally 1:1.
> Commenting out unused modules in httpd.conf will save some memory.
> You might also consider switching to something like lighttpd, which uses
> a single process that's generally about 1/3 the size of an equivilent
> httpd process.

I like these ideas. Thanks. What is the downside, if any, to using
lighttpd? Is it difficult to configure?
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Re: [Solved] How to disable > quoting of lines starting with From in email body?

2005-06-14 Thread Bart Silverstrim

On Jun 14, 2005, at 3:15 PM, Danny MacMillan wrote:

On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 02:28:45PM -0400, Bart Silverstrim wrote:

On Jun 14, 2005, at 2:17 PM, Danny MacMillan wrote:

It turns out that when I send the same email both to freebsd-test@
and directly to the account I have subscribed to that list, the
mail delivered via the list has the From line quoting and the other
one doesn't.  So it looks like the list is actually sending the
From lines quoted over the wire and my FreeBSD configuration is
okay.  Most of the mail I read on this box is list traffic so
I didn't notice.

On this list?  I forget what it's called now, but qualcomm had a 

of quoting messages so that email would be indented properly on very
small displays, and it's a format that Mail.app uses in quoting
things...and I don't have the ">", but rather colored lines showing
indenting, so from what I can tell there's a formatting code being put
into the message to assist with proper word wrapping and the MUA is
responsible for properly interpreting the text.

I believe you're talking about format=flowed.  I remember it from a
posting war last year sometime.  The thing is that the format is
determined by the sender, and this is happening even to messages
sent by me, and those messages are not in that format.

format=flowed is correct, as my dusty mental archives tell me.  Works 
well...wish it caught on more :-)  That way there's less of a "cut your 
postings at line 72" complaint.  I hate manual formatting of my 

Are you absolutely certain that that formatting isn't getting into your 
messages by your MUA?  It would be very strange indeed for an MTA to 
start reformatting it.  I would be more inclined to believe that your 
MUA has the codes inserted and something may be *stripping* them out, 
or maybe converting to another format/MIME type or something like that 
in transit before thinking that an MTA or filter is *inserting* 
characters.  Probably only sniffing the traffic would tell that for 

GUI mail clients sometimes are able to represent the > characters at
the beginnings of lines as meaning that the line contains quoted text
and represent that graphically.  Opera does it, it sounds like Mail.app
does it too.  But they can only work with the text that is there in
the first place.  Mail.app might have some real fuzzy logic built in
if it doesn't interpet those From lines as quoted text.

Mail interprets the flowed formatting and interprets it correctly for 

I'm not sure where there's a reference of how different message formats 
handle "hard" and "soft" representations of quoted material... :-/

Perhaps it's a combination of factors; I remember some mail agents 

you an option of how to prefix quoted messages (the >, custom
characters, etc.).

Yes, most do, but that setting only comes into play when you are
replying to or forwarding messages and quoting the original.  It 
on the sending side.  The issue I'm having is that the message is 

in transit.  It is sent without a ">" in front of the From lines, but
it arrives with a ">" in front of the From lines.

Or some clients (pure speculation here) may be representing where 
they're putting a "format=flowed" quotation symbol in by using that 
character or other times, depending on the format of the message, are 
actually inserting the ">" into the message and displaying both times 
with the same symbol.  I.e., sometimes the > is really a hardcoded >, 
other times the > is a symbolic entry to tell you where it would be 
inserted as a quote.  Then the people on the receiving end would see 
the > in the former case and whatever their MUA translates the code to 
in the latter.

Again, pure speculation. Sorry... :-( But it would explain some of the 
behavior you've outlined.

Only other thing I could suggest would be a sniff dump of the messages
flying over the wire then retracing them to find out exactly what's
happening, or see if your MUA stores messages in a plain format that
can be viewed on the console and see what exactly is in them (or use a
hex editor on the source to see if there are non-visible characters
embedded in the text for formatting purposes).

That's good advice.  The mail store on this box is a Maildir folder.
The messages are stored in plain RFC822 format.  Those From lines are
indeed quoted in the mail store, so I guess I can absolve Mutt of all
wrongdoing :)  Dovecot too for that matter.

I don't have those "sniff dump of the messages flying over the wire"
smarts.  If you can recommend a tool for doing that I would appreciate

TCPDump is the standard "workhorse" for sniffing traffic on Unix.  For 
the more graphically inclined, my favorite has been Ethereal.  Make 
sure you run them with root priv to access the interface in promiscuous 
mode.  There are a number of options for dumping output to logs or in 
hex/ascii format, etc. so you might want to look up an article on using 
Ethereal.  Dsn

Re: SMP and networking under FreeBSD 5.3

2005-06-14 Thread Dmitry Mityugov
On 6/14/05, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Not sure if this is the place to ask this.  But this is a
> freebsd question.
> I've been running FreeBSD since about 4.6.  I have 2
> machines running FreeBSD.  One is used as a router, its an SMP
> machine, and the other is used to build the source code.
> I'm having a problem with the SMP machine.  When the machine
> boots, dmesg shows two messages, that the UP does not show.
> WARNING: debug.mpsafenet forced to 0 as ipsec requires Giant
> WARNING: MPSAFE network stack disabled, expect reduced
> performance.
>In v52a I did not get these messages.  After doing some
> research, I understand that this has to do with the kernel
> locking.
>It seems that now my networking is not working on the SMP
> machine.  I know others have asked about this, and saw the
> release notes, about setting debug.mpsafenet=0, but my
> networking is still not working right.
>Also /dev/kmem and /dev/mem are missing so netstat -ar does
> not work either.
>Where do I start to find a solution to this?

Does FreeBSD 5.4 exhibit the same behavior?


"We live less by imagination than despite it" - Rockwell Kent, "N by E"
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Re: rcNG script problems

2005-06-14 Thread JM

Kirk Strauser wrote:

On Tuesday 14 June 2005 12:07, JM wrote:

i've written an rcNG script but i'm having some issues.

Step one: set rc_debug="YES" in /etc/rc.conf to see what's actually 
happening when you attempt to run your script.  That seems to uncover about 
95% of the problems I've had.

turned on the option rc_debug="YES" and ran 'dmesg -a'... the script 
doesn't even show up in the list anywhere.  are we not supposed to be 
able to write custom rcNG scripts?  is there something i'm overlooking 
where i need to register httpd_start in the rc stuff?  here's my newbie 
impression of how rc works:

- rc i run by init
- rc runs rcorder on all script directories.
- rc reads rc.conf and runs all scripts found by rcorder
rcorder recognizes the script i wrote without any errors... yet when i 
boot the system, there is no "checkyesno" for httpd_start.  there's 
nothing that references the script at all... WHY? >.<

why did FreeBSD have to adopt this standard anyhow?  it seems 
unnecessarily complicated to write custom scripts now.

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Re: Shrinking slices to make room for linux

2005-06-14 Thread Dmitry Mityugov
On 6/14/05, Richard Lupton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just installed FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE (my first use of FreeBSD)
> onto a Dell Inspiron 5000e laptop, dual booting with Windows. However,
> now I would like to install a Linux distro to see if the ACPI support
> is any different and so on. I have plenty of space on the FreeBSD
> slice, so is there anyway of shrinking the slice without loosing the
> data on it (maybe something like GNU parted)? The only references I
> have found to this sort of thing are to do with  making FreeBSD slices
> bigger...

In addition to what Jerry said, if you indeed just installed it, why
you can't just reinstall it, leaving more space for other operating
systems this time?


"We live less by imagination than despite it" - Rockwell Kent, "N by E"
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Re: rcNG script problems

2005-06-14 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Jun 14, 2005, at 1:39 PM, JM wrote:

Kirk Strauser wrote:

On Tuesday 14 June 2005 12:07, JM wrote:

i've written an rcNG script but i'm having some issues.

Step one: set rc_debug="YES" in /etc/rc.conf to see what's  
actually happening when you attempt to run your script.  That  
seems to uncover about 95% of the problems I've had.

turned on the option rc_debug="YES" and ran 'dmesg -a'... the  
script doesn't even show up in the list anywhere.  are we not  
supposed to be able to write custom rcNG scripts?  is there  
something i'm overlooking where i need to register httpd_start in  
the rc stuff?  here's my newbie impression of how rc works:

- rc i run by init
- rc runs rcorder on all script directories.
- rc reads rc.conf and runs all scripts found by rcorder
rcorder recognizes the script i wrote without any errors... yet  
when i boot the system, there is no "checkyesno" for httpd_start.   
there's nothing that references the script at all... WHY? >.<

why did FreeBSD have to adopt this standard anyhow?  it seems  
unnecessarily complicated to write custom scripts now.

Where does your script live?  You can use rcNG style scripts in /usr/ 
local/etc  but they must end in .sh and are done in lexographic order  
without  the rcorder and stuff (unless you write your own ueber- 
script to do it)

I battled this for a long while before I figured out the /usr/local/ 
etc does not get full rcNG support

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Re: SMP and networking under FreeBSD 5.3

2005-06-14 Thread Joe
I haven't tried 5.4 yet.  To build a 5.4 could take a couple of
days on these old machines.  


--- Dmitry Mityugov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/14/05, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Not sure if this is the place to ask this.  But this is
> a
> > freebsd question.
> > 
> > I've been running FreeBSD since about 4.6.  I have 2
> > machines running FreeBSD.  One is used as a router, its an
> > machine, and the other is used to build the source code.
> > 
> > I'm having a problem with the SMP machine.  When the
> machine
> > boots, dmesg shows two messages, that the UP does not show.
> > 
> > WARNING: debug.mpsafenet forced to 0 as ipsec requires Giant
> > WARNING: MPSAFE network stack disabled, expect reduced
> > performance.
> > 
> >In v52a I did not get these messages.  After doing some
> > research, I understand that this has to do with the kernel
> > locking.
> > 
> >It seems that now my networking is not working on the SMP
> > machine.  I know others have asked about this, and saw the
> > release notes, about setting debug.mpsafenet=0, but my
> > networking is still not working right.
> > 
> >Also /dev/kmem and /dev/mem are missing so netstat -ar
> does
> > not work either.
> > 
> >Where do I start to find a solution to this?
> Does FreeBSD 5.4 exhibit the same behavior?
> -- 
> Dmitry
> "We live less by imagination than despite it" - Rockwell Kent,
> "N by E"

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Re: 36.4GB drive formats out to 32.8GB? what am I missing please grep sectors /var/run/dmesg.boot

2005-06-14 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC

On Jun 14, 2005, at 11:51 AM, D. Goss wrote:

On Jun 14, 2005, at 8:48 AM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

think twice before making RAID-5 array. are you sure small writes  
will not be too common?

No, you are on to something - I will be making small writes /  
parity calculations.  This is going to be a web server but it is  
for clients and they do have sites running with SQL backends and  
not just static HTML content.

i think buying 4 80GB FAST IDE/SATA drives and arranging it as  
RAID-10 will give you 160GB of FAST and protected storage.  
performance gain using mirror+strip will likely offset this of  
using faster 15k rpm drives.

and it will be for sure cheaper. you may put 6 drives (RAID-10)  
and even larger drives and still have cheaper alternative and even  
faster. and MUCH more space.

Sure, it will be cheaper.  For me it's too late, I've purchased the  
4 x SCSI 15k drives I need for this project.  I have bought mostly  
unopened, in-box but secondhand IBM drives/sleds.  They are still  
expensive but certainly not the (what I consider) insane prices for  
the same drives IBM direct.  I'm paying around 1/3 of "list".

The SCSI disks will certainly last longer.   If you can do the RAID 1 
+0 with the SCSI you will probably be that much further ahead...


freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: PostgreSQL 8.0.3 + FreeBSD + TCP/IP

2005-06-14 Thread Joseph Koenig (jWeb)

> On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 10:05:05AM -0500, Joseph Koenig (jWeb) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having a difficulty getting PostgreSQL to accept TCP/IP connections on
>> FreeBSD 5.3. I have edited 'postgresql.conf' in my postgres data directory
>> to set the listen_address (and uncommented it) and have the port line
>> uncommented and set to the default 5432. I then restarted the postmaster and
>> tried to connect. I get:
>> could not connect to server: Connection refused
>> Is the server running on host "xx.xxx.xx.xxx" and accepting
>> TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
>> I can connect from localhost just fine.
> You need to set listen_addresses, like it says in the comments:
> listen_addresses = '*'
> This will allow Postgresql connections from all interfaces.

I have already tried setting the listen_addresses to * and the actual IP.
Neither of which has worked. I restarted the postmaster both times using the
script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/, and by using pg_ctl. Even tried starting
postmaster with pg_ctl -i. Nothing seems to be working. I have
double-checked all of my pg_hba.conf settings, even though the error doesn't
indicate that is the problem at all.

Anyone else have any ideas at all? Thanks,

Joe Koenig
Production Manager
jWeb New Media Design

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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RE: [Solved] How to disable > quoting of lines starting with From in email body?

2005-06-14 Thread John Brooks
This is a function of the receiving MTA. mbox format inserts a line
at the beginning of each email in the form of:


This serves as a message delimiter inside the flat text file format
of mbox. Your POP3 mail server needs these lines. Anyway, any time
another line within the headers or message body BEGINS with "From xxx..."
it will be prepended with a single ">" to preserve the validity of
the message delimiters.

This is easy to test. telnet to your mail server on port 25 and
manually deposit an email that has the following lines:

this is a test
From: hello
>From hello
see which will be prepended

This is an entirely distinct issue from the 'quoting' of previous
message bodies (as in below)

John Brooks

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Danny MacMillan
> Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 2:16 PM
> To: Bart Silverstrim
> Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: [Solved] How to disable > quoting of lines starting with
> From in email body?
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 02:28:45PM -0400, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> >
> > On Jun 14, 2005, at 2:17 PM, Danny MacMillan wrote:
> >
> > >It turns out that when I send the same email both to freebsd-test@
> > >and directly to the account I have subscribed to that list, the
> > >mail delivered via the list has the From line quoting and the other
> > >one doesn't.  So it looks like the list is actually sending the
> > >From lines quoted over the wire and my FreeBSD configuration is
> > >okay.  Most of the mail I read on this box is list traffic so
> > >I didn't notice.
> >
> > On this list?  I forget what it's called now, but qualcomm had a method
> > of quoting messages so that email would be indented properly on very
> > small displays, and it's a format that Mail.app uses in quoting
> > things...and I don't have the ">", but rather colored lines showing
 snip .

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: PostgreSQL 8.0.3 + FreeBSD + TCP/IP

2005-06-14 Thread Andrew L. Gould
On Tuesday 14 June 2005 03:14 pm, Joseph Koenig (jWeb) wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 10:05:05AM -0500, Joseph Koenig (jWeb) 
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm having a difficulty getting PostgreSQL to accept TCP/IP
> >> connections on FreeBSD 5.3. I have edited 'postgresql.conf' in my
> >> postgres data directory to set the listen_address (and uncommented
> >> it) and have the port line uncommented and set to the default
> >> 5432. I then restarted the postmaster and tried to connect. I get:
> >>
> >> could not connect to server: Connection refused
> >> Is the server running on host "xx.xxx.xx.xxx" and
> >> accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
> >>
> >> I can connect from localhost just fine.
> >
> > You need to set listen_addresses, like it says in the comments:
> >
> > listen_addresses = '*'
> >
> > This will allow Postgresql connections from all interfaces.
> I have already tried setting the listen_addresses to * and the actual
> IP. Neither of which has worked. I restarted the postmaster both
> times using the script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/, and by using pg_ctl.
> Even tried starting postmaster with pg_ctl -i. Nothing seems to be
> working. I have double-checked all of my pg_hba.conf settings, even
> though the error doesn't indicate that is the problem at all.
> Anyone else have any ideas at all? Thanks,
> Joe Koenig
> Production Manager
> jWeb New Media Design
> http://www.jwebmedia.com/
> 636.928.3162

Have you checked the firewall settings on both computers to ensure that 
port 5432 is open?

Andrew Gould
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Access granted even on root password change

2005-06-14 Thread Vinicius Pavanelli Vianna

How could I afford that i can get always access to my remote server even
in the case of a breakin by some script kiddie/hack? I thought about
setting a key in ssh so i can log using it even the root password is
changed, but this is simple to stop and it's not good to assume lack of
knowledge of others ;)
Anyone knows a good backup access system, like a rootkit for FreeBSD?

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Stability issues with FreeBSD + MySQL

2005-06-14 Thread Ken Ebling

Hello everyone,

I've been experiencing some issues with FreeBSD + MySQL and I was  
hoping someone on this list might have some advice.

I have two servers that run a web site that receives about 650,000  
hits per day (about 15,000 unique visits/day).  Both the machines  
have dual Xeon 3.06 GHz chips with 2GB ECC REG RAM, and RAID Arrays  
(The web server has an Adaptec 2100S U160 controller, and the  
database server has an Adaptec 2120S U320 controller.)  Both machines  
have a 2-disk raid-1 array for the OS, and a raid-5 array for the data.

The web server is running FreeBSD 5.3 with Apache+mod_perl (1.3.33_2,  
installed from ports), mysql-client (4.0.24_1, installed from ports,  
compiled with LinuxThreads), and uses Postfix as an MTA.

The database server is running FreeBSD 4.11 (had all sorts of  
problems with MySQL after upgrading to 5.x) with mysql-server  
(4.0.24_1, installed from ports, compiled with LinuxThreads)

The database server isn't connected to the internet, the web server  
connects to it over a gigabit cross-over link.

Both the machines have custom kernels, that are basically GENERIC  
with all the unnecessary hardware (SCSI controllers, RAID  
controllers, NICs, USB & Firewire)  stripped out, and with SMP  
enabled.  The web server uses an Intel Pro/100 (fxp) for it's  
external interface and an Intel Pro/1000 (em) for it's connection to  
the database server, which also has an Intel Pro/1000.

The problem I'm having is that a few times a day, a perl script on  
the web server will fail to connect to the mysql server, and send out  
an email letting me know that the connection and whatever query it  
was going to execute have failed.

Whenever this happens I check the machines out and everything looks  
okay to me, but I am obviously overlooking something.

Here are some relevant settings on the machines:

/etc/sysctl.conf on web server:

/etc/sysctl.conf on database server:

/boot/loader.conf on web server:

/boot/loader.conf on database server:

netstat -m on web server:
4294928101 mbufs in use
2516/65536 mbuf clusters in use (current/max)
0/3/6656 sfbufs in use (current/peak/max)
4189537 KBytes allocated to network
0 requests for sfbufs denied
0 requests for sfbufs delayed
0 requests for I/O initiated by sendfile
137 calls to protocol drain routines

netstat -m on database server:
450/592/131072 mbufs in use (current/peak/max):
450 mbufs allocated to data
448/570/32768 mbuf clusters in use (current/peak/max)
1288 Kbytes allocated to network (1% of mb_map in use)
0 requests for memory denied
0 requests for memory delayed
0 calls to protocol drain routines

netstat -na | grep tcp | wc -l on web server:

netstat -na | grep udp | wc -l on web server:

netstat -na | grep tcp | wc -l on database server:

netstat -na | grep udp | wc -l on database server:

vmstat on webserver:
procs  memory  pagedisks faults  cpu
r b w avmfre  flt  re  pi  po  fr  sr da0 da1   in   sy  cs  
us sy id
2 2 0  408776 1172772 2447   0   0   0 1958  21   0   0 3257 11668  
5447 15  5 79

vmstat on database server:
 procs  memory  pagedisks  
faults  cpu
r b w avmfre  flt  re  pi  po  fr  sr aa0 md0   in   sy  cs  
us sy id
1 0 0  358932 163800   40   0   0   0 309 192   0   0 1660 27525 992   
7  8 85

vmstat -i on web server:
interrupt  total   rate
irq1: atkbd0 558  0
irq6: fdc0 9  0
irq8: rtc   11062204127
irq13: npx01  0
irq16: fxp0 11129226128
irq48: asr0   891086 10
irq54: em0  37098604429
irq0: clk   86418736999
Total  146600424   1696

vmstat -i on database server:
interrupt   total   rate
em0 irq1150726686501
aac0 irq163114675 30
fxp0 irq10  6  0
fdc0 irq6   1  0
atkbd0 irq1 1  0
clk irq0101253713   1000
rtc irq8 12961771128
Total   168056853   1660

The database server is using the default /usr/local/share/mysql/my- 
large.cnf config file (my-huge.cnf always makes mysql act buggy) with  
binary logging disabled.

Is there any special tuning or something else I am missing that would  
be appropriate for me to try?

Thanks in advance,

Ken Ebling

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: PostgreSQL 8.0.3 + FreeBSD + TCP/IP

2005-06-14 Thread Joseph Koenig (jWeb)
> On Tuesday 14 June 2005 03:14 pm, Joseph Koenig (jWeb) wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 10:05:05AM -0500, Joseph Koenig (jWeb)
> wrote:
 I'm having a difficulty getting PostgreSQL to accept TCP/IP
 connections on FreeBSD 5.3. I have edited 'postgresql.conf' in my
 postgres data directory to set the listen_address (and uncommented
 it) and have the port line uncommented and set to the default
 5432. I then restarted the postmaster and tried to connect. I get:
 could not connect to server: Connection refused
 Is the server running on host "xx.xxx.xx.xxx" and
 accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
 I can connect from localhost just fine.
>>> You need to set listen_addresses, like it says in the comments:
>>> listen_addresses = '*'
>>> This will allow Postgresql connections from all interfaces.
>> I have already tried setting the listen_addresses to * and the actual
>> IP. Neither of which has worked. I restarted the postmaster both
>> times using the script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/, and by using pg_ctl.
>> Even tried starting postmaster with pg_ctl -i. Nothing seems to be
>> working. I have double-checked all of my pg_hba.conf settings, even
>> though the error doesn't indicate that is the problem at all.
>> Anyone else have any ideas at all? Thanks,
>> Joe Koenig
>> Production Manager
>> jWeb New Media Design
>> http://www.jwebmedia.com/
>> 636.928.3162
> Have you checked the firewall settings on both computers to ensure that
> port 5432 is open?
> Andrew Gould

I'm guessing that opening the port is part of what placing
"postgresql_enable=YES" in the rc.conf file does, correct? If so, that's
probably the problem as I have not rebooted since adding that. Is there a
way to safely force that to run without rebooting? There is a hardware
firewall in front of the server that I have ensured is allowing that port
through. Thanks,

Joe Koenig
Production Manager
jWeb New Media Design

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: PostgreSQL 8.0.3 + FreeBSD + TCP/IP

2005-06-14 Thread Ken Ebling

On Jun 14, 2005, at 4:46 PM, Joseph Koenig (jWeb) wrote:

I'm guessing that opening the port is part of what placing
"postgresql_enable=YES" in the rc.conf file does, correct? If so,  
probably the problem as I have not rebooted since adding that. Is  
there a

way to safely force that to run without rebooting? There is a hardware
firewall in front of the server that I have ensured is allowing  
that port

through. Thanks,

Joe Koenig
Production Manager
jWeb New Media Design

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Hi Joe,

You can confirm whether or not port 5432 is opened by typing "netstat  
-na | grep 5432"  on your database server.

You should not have to reboot for the port to be opened.  When  
PostgreSQL starts, (either by starting it manually, or then the  
machine boots) it will open the port.

IIt definitely sounds like the firewall could be your problem.  I'd  
try connecting to the database server's port 5432 via telnet from an  
outside location, so that your packets have to pass thru the firewall  
in question.


Ken Ebling
Ideal Internet, Inc.

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Re: Shrinking slices to make room for linux

2005-06-14 Thread Parv
in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote
Richard Lupton thusly...
> I have just installed FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE (my first use of
> FreeBSD) onto a Dell Inspiron 5000e laptop, dual booting with
> Windows. However, now I would like to install a Linux distro to
> see if the ACPI support is any different and so on.

Not directly related to your query ... i doubt that installing Linux
would help any as the problem is, IMO, w/ the included/implemented
ACPI support from Dell.  Only APM worked for me (FreeBSD 4.x) which
was good only to check battery power level; did not try much or any
power management in Windows Me.

But don't let me hold you back.  If you find that Linux provides
usable better support wrt ACPI, more power to both of you.

  - Parv


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Re: Access granted even on root password change

2005-06-14 Thread Chuck Swiger

Vinicius Pavanelli Vianna wrote:

How could I afford that i can get always access to my remote server even
in the case of a breakin by some script kiddie/hack? I thought about
setting a key in ssh so i can log using it even the root password is
changed, but this is simple to stop and it's not good to assume lack of
knowledge of others ;)
Anyone knows a good backup access system, like a rootkit for FreeBSD?

Enable another uid-0 account, such as the one called toor?  Setup sudo access 
for some other account which can run passwd or a shell as root, gaining 
superuser perms via the account password?

Note that having someone untrusted gain superuser access to a machine should be 
cause for backing up the system and reinstalling from scratch or restoring from 
a known-OK backup


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Sudden need for a wireless card for 5.3

2005-06-14 Thread Mike Meyer
I suddenly find myself in need of a wireless card for a 5.3 desktop box.

Anyone want to recommend something?

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: install freebsd with usb keyboard

2005-06-14 Thread Kan Cai
Thanks, Paul. What you meant is that I should choose option 7 when the 
beastie menu pops up, right? I am not sure which FreeBSD release could do 
that. In my 5.2.1 and 5.3R1, the option 7 is "reboot". Is that in 5.4?

thanks a lot,

On 6/14/05, Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --On Monday, June 13, 2005 22:16:38 -0700 Kan Cai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > Hi, Paul:
> >
> > Thanks for the reply, but it didn't work. I tried 3 keyboards and 2
> > FreeBSD releases (5.2.1, and 5.3R1). The combination of logitech 
> keyboard
> > with 5.2.1 does highlight the keymap option in sysinstall menu, but that
> > is how far it goes. The keyboard stops working so that I cannot press
> > "space", "tab" or "enter".
> >
> I'm not sure I explained myself clearly. Let's try again.
> ***During the boot process* before you ever get to sysinstall, when 
> the
> daemon shows up on the screen and you're given a menu with several 
> options,
> if you look closely, option seven (7) must be chosen to use a usb keyboard
> **during the install**.
> If you're waiting until the sysinstall appears, that's way too late. You
> need to chose option 7 before the kernel even loads, almost immediately
> after the system boots.
> If you *are* doing that and the keyboards aren't working anyway, then I
> have no idea what the problem might be.
> Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Adjunct Information Security Officer
> University of Texas at Dallas
> AVIEN Founding Member
> http://www.utdallas.edu/ir/security/
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Re: Kernel Core Dumping

2005-06-14 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Tuesday, 14 June 2005 at  5:53:58 -0700, J T wrote:
> Hi,
> For some reason my machine keeps crashing almost every night at around
> 3:00am with the following test in the messages log file:
> Jun 14 03:02:28 taco kernel: pid 7174 (sh), uid 0: exited on signal 11
> (core dumped)
> ...
> I decided to rm the file
> '/usr/local/etc/cvsup/sup/src-all/checkouts.cvs:RELENG_5_3' just to
> see if that fixed it. And it did, but why was it crashing the entire
> box?

The message you see there has nothing directly to do with the crash of
the system, though it may be an indication of hardware issues.  To
find out, you'll need to take a processor dump and see what's going
on.  Unfortunately, I can no longer find the instructions in the
online handbook; does anybody else know where they are?  I have some
instructions in my debugging tutorial at
http://www.lemis.com/grog/Papers/Debug-tutorial/tutorial.pdf, but
there should be more concise information on the FreeBSD web site.

When replying to this message, please copy the original recipients.
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See complete headers for address and phone numbers.

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Re: Sudden need for a wireless card for 5.3

2005-06-14 Thread Andrew L. Gould
On Tuesday 14 June 2005 03:58 pm, Mike Meyer wrote:
> I suddenly find myself in need of a wireless card for a 5.3 desktop
> box.
> Anyone want to recommend something?
>   Thanks,
>   http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions
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Re[2]: install freebsd with usb keyboard

2005-06-14 Thread Daniel Gerzo
Hello Kan,

Tuesday, June 14, 2005, 11:05:20 PM, you wrote the following:

> Thanks, Paul. What you meant is that I should choose option 7 when the
> beastie menu pops up, right? I am not sure which FreeBSD release could do
> that. In my 5.2.1 and 5.3R1, the option 7 is "reboot". Is that in 5.4?

Well, I'm not sure if that exists in < 5.4 but there is an option
called "Boot FreeBSD with USB keyboard" or similar in 5.4. I was
installing 5.4 on Dell gx280, which doesn't have any PS/2 ports so it
is possible to use only USB keyboard (that really sucks btw.), some
time ago.

> thanks a lot,
> --ken

> On 6/14/05, Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> --On Monday, June 13, 2005 22:16:38 -0700 Kan Cai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi, Paul:
>> >
>> > Thanks for the reply, but it didn't work. I tried 3 keyboards and 2
>> > FreeBSD releases (5.2.1, and 5.3R1). The combination of logitech 
>> keyboard
>> > with 5.2.1 does highlight the keymap option in sysinstall menu, but that
>> > is how far it goes. The keyboard stops working so that I cannot press
>> > "space", "tab" or "enter".
>> >
>> I'm not sure I explained myself clearly. Let's try again.
>> ***During the boot process* before you ever get to sysinstall, when
>> the
>> daemon shows up on the screen and you're given a menu with several 
>> options,
>> if you look closely, option seven (7) must be chosen to use a usb keyboard
>> **during the install**.
>> If you're waiting until the sysinstall appears, that's way too late. You
>> need to chose option 7 before the kernel even loads, almost immediately
>> after the system boots.
>> If you *are* doing that and the keyboards aren't working anyway, then I
>> have no idea what the problem might be.

Best Regards,

 DanGer, ICQ: 261701668  | e-mail protecting at: http://www.2pu.net/
 http://danger.rulez.sk  | proxy list at:http://www.proxy-web.com/
 | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve!

[ "They've got us surrounded. The poor bastards." ]

  1   2   >