Re: How dangerous a Standard User could be to a FreeBSD box?

2007-01-12 Thread Oliver Fromme
James Long wrote:
  Nathan Vidican wrote:
   Gotcha all beat, screw the 'standard user' issue... I had a client call 
   me once cause the office cat peed onto/into the server; no technical 
   expertise required whatsoever, no password, no re-wiring of network, 
   heck no opposable digits even or anything else for that matter, yet it 
   still managed to kill the server ;)
  Ah yes, the infamous cat(1) ppp(8) exploit.  Much harder to clean up
  than cat(1) dump(8), too.
  Fortunately, the worst problem I've had with mine is occassional 
  race conditions with mouse(4).

You mean like this one?

(cat(1) performing a DoS attack on mouse(4).)

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH  Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
Dienstleistungen mit Schwerpunkt FreeBSD:
Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.

C++ is over-complicated nonsense. And Bjorn Shoestrap's book
a danger to public health. I tried reading it once, I was in
recovery for months.
-- Cliff Sarginson
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Re: Improvement to IPFilter / nfsd in FBSD (6.2+?)

2007-01-12 Thread Patrick Lamaizière
Garrett Cooper :


 Just wondering if anyone has IPFilter / nfsd setup properly on their
 boxes with any beta versions of FBSD.

 I am having loads of issues transferring large files (~300MB apiece) or
 issues transferring a large number of smaller files (3MB ~ 10MB apiece)
 from a FBSD 6.1 client to a FBSD 6.1 server, where it transfers part of
 the files, then cp / mv get stuck indefinitely on the client system. The
 stuck cp / mv processes cause the client to hang on reboot, and then
 terminate before all of the buffers are written to disk (which forces
 fsck on next boot).

Did you try to use tcp transport with NFS ? See the '-T' option of 
mount_nfs(8). See also the -i option (Make the mount interruptible).

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Why buy Recruitment Software?

2007-01-12 Thread News from Evolve


   [2]3D Don't buy  Recruitment Software. . . Evolve

   In  today’s World it’s very much about On-Demand services; we
   all = pay monthly  subscriptions for many things including our
   phones, internet = connections  and TV.  

   So why  buy Recruitment Software when you can benefit from a
   complete = Managed  Service?

   Instead  of purchasing expensive hardware and software licences,
   which you = have to  install, maintain and back-up, let us
   manage your = recruitment  database for you.

   What does = this mean  for your company?
 * No IT Burden 
 * Instant = Scalability 
 * Unlimited = Capacity 
 * Guaranteed = Security 
 * Your consultants access your = database  using the Internet from
   anywhere  * Upgrades and updates are managed by us 
 * Maintenance and data back up is = managed  by us
 * 99.999% guaranteed uptime and bandwidth  available

Evolve offers unique  functionality including . . .
 * Unique  searchable Raw CV Pool.
 * Unique background automatching = of  candidates and vacancies.
 * Unique workflow modeller – = this allows  you to tailor Evolve
   to work the way that you want to  work.
 * Unique Compliance  Wizard
 * Unique Global Management  reporting

   . . .  all the benefits of a = database  that you can customise to
   your company’s requirements – without = the  associated costs.

   For = more  information or to book a demonstration please callChris = 
Pawsey on  01252 44 or e-mail our salesdepartment at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   If you do not wish to receive = regular  updates on Evolve and
   issues facing recruitment companies 
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   Telephone : 01252 44


   FCP is dedicated to = the  Recruitment industry and are the only
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   We are committed to respecting your privacy. = We do  not share your
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2007-01-12 Thread Tim Nilimaa
Im not able to run fortune on my freeBSD 5.3 installation, and I know why - 
since its not installed and thats where I step into trouble. Im not able to 
install it. I've searched the portscollection and asked Mr. Google but none of 
them knows it (in other words I don't know how to ask the question right since 
Mr. Google and the (holy) handbook knows it all).
Any ideas?
Additional info:
-bash-3.00$ uname -prs
FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE i386

bash-3.00# ls /var/db/pkg/
./  mysql-server-4.1.22/
../ nano-1.2.5/
apache-2.0.59/  ncftp-3.1.8/
automake-1.5_2,1/   openldap-client-2.3.32/
bash-3.0_5/ p5-Mail-Ezmlm-0.05.1/
bind9-base-9.3.3/   p5-Mail-Tools-1.74/
bind9-dlz+postgres-9.2.2+0.7.0/ p5-gettext-1.03/
cups-base-   pcre-7.0/
db4-4.0.14_1,1/ perl-5.6.2_2/
eggdrop-1.6.18/ perl-5.8.8/
expat-1.95.8/   php4-bz2-4.3.10_2/
expat-2.0.0_1/  php4-gd-4.3.10_2/
ezm3-1.2/   php4-gettext-4.3.10_2/
ezmlm-idx-0.40_4/   php4-mbstring-4.4.4_1/
fontconfig-2.2.3,1/ php4-mcrypt-4.4.4_1/
freebsd-games-5.1.1_4/  php4-mysql-4.3.10_2/
freetype2-2.2.1_1/  php4-openssl-4.3.10_2/
gettext-0.14.5_2/   php4-session-4.3.10_2/
glib-1.2.10_12/ php4-xml-4.3.10_2/
glib-2.4.8/ php4-zlib-4.3.10_2/
glib-2.8.6/ phpMyAdmin-
gmake-3.80_2/   phpSysInfo-2.5.1/
gtk-1.2.10_15/  pkg_cutleaves-20061113/
irssi-0.8.10_3/ png-1.2.8_1/
jed-0.99.16_1/  portaudit-0.5.11/
jhead-2.2/  portupgrade-2.2.2,2/
jpeg-6b_3/  proftpd-1.3.1.r1_3/
jpgtn-2.06/ python-2.4.3,1/
ldconfig_compat-1.0_8/  python24-2.4.3_3/
libgpg-error-1.0_1/ ruby-1.8.4_5,1/
libgpg-error-1.4/   ruby18-bdb4-0.5.7/
libiconv-1.9.2_1/   samba-3.0.23d,1/
libltdl-1.5.22/ screen-4.0.3/
libmcrypt-2.5.7_2/  sudo-
libslang-1.4.9/ t1lib-5.0.1,1/
libtool-1.5.22_2/   texinfo-4.8_3/
libtool-1.5.8/  tiff-3.8.2_1/
lynx-2.8.5_2/   ucspi-tcp-0.88_2/
lzo-1.08_1/ unzip-5.52_2/
m4-1.4.1/   vim-6.4.6_1/
miracl-4.85_3/  xorg-libraries-6.8.1_1/

Kind regards
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Upgrading from FreeBSD 5.4 to 6.2

2007-01-12 Thread Guill. Moreno-Socias

  I am planning to upgrade two servers from FreeBSD 5.4 to 6.2, as soon as
it is released.
  I would like to know how to proceed.  I have not been able to find
instructions on (please forgive me if I have missed something).
  Thanks in advance.

Guillermo Moreno-Socías
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Re: fortune

2007-01-12 Thread Mark Tinguely

fortune is distributed with FreeBSD in the games directory.

You can install from sysinstall or manually by mounting your CD,
cd to the binary games directory and install:

 cat games.?? | tar --unlink -zxpf - -C / usr/share/man/man6/fortune.6.gz 
usr/share/man/cat6/fortune.6.gz usr/share/games/fortune usr/games/fortune

execute /usr/games/fortune.

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Re: fortune

2007-01-12 Thread Gerard Seibert
On Friday January 12, 2007 at 08:33:08 (AM) Tim Nilimaa wrote:

 Im not able to run fortune on my freeBSD 5.3 installation, and I know
 why - since its not installed and thats where I step into trouble. Im
 not able to install it. I've searched the portscollection and asked Mr.
 Google but none of them knows it (in other words I don't know how to ask
 the question right since Mr. Google and the (holy) handbook knows it all).

OK, I think I can assist you. First, I assume you have tried
which fortune
to insure that it is not actually installed. It is usually in

I thought that the files were installed it with the base system. The
files are located in

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Re: fortune

2007-01-12 Thread Malcolm Kay
On Sat, 13 Jan 2007 12:03 am, Tim Nilimaa wrote:

 Im not able to run fortune on my freeBSD 5.3 installation, and
 I know why - since its not installed and thats where I step
 into trouble. Im not able to install it. I've searched the
 portscollection and asked Mr. Google but none of them knows it
 (in other words I don't know how to ask the question right
 since Mr. Google and the (holy) handbook knows it all).

 Any ideas?

I believe 'fortune' is part of the 'games' installation and when 
installed is part of the core distribution -- not a port.

As I recall during a normal installation 'games' are offered as 
an option.

You could try /stand/sysinstall


 Additional info:
 -bash-3.00$ uname -prs
 FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE i386

 bash-3.00# ls /var/db/pkg/
 ./  mysql-server-4.1.22/
 ../ nano-1.2.5/
 apache-2.0.59/  ncftp-3.1.8/
 automake-1.5_2,1/   openldap-client-2.3.32/
 bash-3.0_5/ p5-Mail-Ezmlm-0.05.1/
 bind9-base-9.3.3/   p5-Mail-Tools-1.74/
 bind9-dlz+postgres-9.2.2+0.7.0/ p5-gettext-1.03/
 cups-base-   pcre-7.0/
 db4-4.0.14_1,1/ perl-5.6.2_2/
 eggdrop-1.6.18/ perl-5.8.8/
 expat-1.95.8/   php4-bz2-4.3.10_2/
 expat-2.0.0_1/  php4-gd-4.3.10_2/
 ezm3-1.2/   php4-gettext-4.3.10_2/
 ezmlm-idx-0.40_4/   php4-mbstring-4.4.4_1/
 fontconfig-2.2.3,1/ php4-mcrypt-4.4.4_1/
 freebsd-games-5.1.1_4/  php4-mysql-4.3.10_2/
 freetype2-2.2.1_1/  php4-openssl-4.3.10_2/
 gettext-0.14.5_2/   php4-session-4.3.10_2/
 glib-1.2.10_12/ php4-xml-4.3.10_2/
 glib-2.4.8/ php4-zlib-4.3.10_2/
 glib-2.8.6/ phpMyAdmin-
 gmake-3.80_2/   phpSysInfo-2.5.1/
 gtk-1.2.10_15/  pkg_cutleaves-20061113/
 irssi-0.8.10_3/ png-1.2.8_1/
 jed-0.99.16_1/  portaudit-0.5.11/
 jhead-2.2/  portupgrade-2.2.2,2/
 jpeg-6b_3/  proftpd-1.3.1.r1_3/
 jpgtn-2.06/ python-2.4.3,1/
 ldconfig_compat-1.0_8/  python24-2.4.3_3/
 libgpg-error-1.0_1/ ruby-1.8.4_5,1/
 libgpg-error-1.4/   ruby18-bdb4-0.5.7/
 libiconv-1.9.2_1/   samba-3.0.23d,1/
 libltdl-1.5.22/ screen-4.0.3/
 libmcrypt-2.5.7_2/  sudo-
 libslang-1.4.9/ t1lib-5.0.1,1/
 libtool-1.5.22_2/   texinfo-4.8_3/
 libtool-1.5.8/  tiff-3.8.2_1/
 lynx-2.8.5_2/   ucspi-tcp-0.88_2/
 lzo-1.08_1/ unzip-5.52_2/
 m4-1.4.1/   vim-6.4.6_1/
 miracl-4.85_3/  xorg-libraries-6.8.1_1/

 Kind regards

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SV: fortune

2007-01-12 Thread Tim Nilimaa
okey I have:
-bash-3.00$ locate fortune
[End Of Locate]
Nice I thought, fortune lies under /usr/share/games and so I tried to run it.
-bash-3.00$ /usr/share/games/fortune
-bash: /usr/share/games/fortune: is a directory

Do'h a la Homer.. well well better look inside...
-bash-3.00$ ls -la /usr/share/games/fortune/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Mar  5  2005 ./
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  512 Mar  5  2005 ../

do'h again.
okey, lets look at the src-path.. nothing there =/
Installed the src with sysinstall.. Wee =)
but then - 
bash-3.00# whoami
bash-3.00# pwd
bash-3.00# make install
=== fortune
install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   fortune /usr/games
install: fortune: No such file or directory
*** Error code 71
Stop in /usr/src/games/fortune/fortune.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/src/games/fortune.

Any ideas?
Kind regards

Från: [EMAIL PROTECTED] genom Gerard Seibert
Skickat: fr 2007-01-12 15:01
Till: User Questions
Ämne: Re: fortune

On Friday January 12, 2007 at 08:33:08 (AM) Tim Nilimaa wrote:

 Im not able to run fortune on my freeBSD 5.3 installation, and I know
 why - since its not installed and thats where I step into trouble. Im
 not able to install it. I've searched the portscollection and asked Mr.
 Google but none of them knows it (in other words I don't know how to ask
 the question right since Mr. Google and the (holy) handbook knows it all).

OK, I think I can assist you. First, I assume you have tried
which fortune
to insure that it is not actually installed. It is usually in

I thought that the files were installed it with the base system. The
files are located in

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Re: Upgrading from FreeBSD 5.4 to 6.2

2007-01-12 Thread Josh Paetzel
On Friday 12 January 2007 07:24, Guill. Moreno-Socias wrote:
I am planning to upgrade two servers from FreeBSD 5.4 to 6.2, as
 soon as it is released.
I would like to know how to proceed.  I have not been able to
 find instructions on (please forgive me if I have
 missed something). Thanks in advance.

If you csup/cvsup to RELENG_6_2 you'll end up with 6.2-RELEASE :)


Josh Paetzel
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Re: fortune

2007-01-12 Thread Jonathan Horne
your problem lies here:


i never have fortune until i rebuild the world on my systems (which, i
then immediatly 'chmod -x /usr/games/fortune', since it annoys me on login
and i cant find where its called from).


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Re: How to clear strage route in routing table?

2007-01-12 Thread Patrick Dung
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ifconfig -a
mtu 1500
inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fec4:3bd3%lnc0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
ether 00:0c:29:c4:3b:d3
ether 00:0c:29:c4:3b:dd
lo0: flags=8049UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST mtu 16384
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
inet netmask 0xff00
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# route add
add net gateway
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# netstat -nr
Routing tables

DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif
default172.16.21.1UGS 1  338   lnc0  UH  0  426lo0
128.0.10xac101501  UGS 00   lnc0
172.16.21/24   link#1 UC  00   lnc0  UHLW211381   lnc0  
1152   00:0c:29:c4:3b:d3  UHLW1   26lo0

Destination   Gateway   Flags  
   Netif Expire
::1   ::1   UH 
fe80::20c:29ff:fec4:3bd3%lnc0 00:0c:29:c4:3b:d3 UHL
fe80::%lo0/64 fe80::1%lo0   U  
fe80::1%lo0   link#4UHL
ff01:1::/32   link#1UC 
ff01:4::/32   ::1   UC 
ff02::%lo0/32 ::1   UC 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# route delete
route: writing to routing socket: No such process
delete net gateway not in table
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# route delete
route: writing to routing socket: No such process
delete net gateway not in table
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# route delete -net
route: writing to routing socket: No such process
delete net gateway not in table
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# route delete 128.0.10xac101501
route: bad address: 128.0.10xac101501
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# route delete 128.0.1
route: writing to routing socket: No such process
delete host 128.0.1: gateway not in table

--- Oliver Fromme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Patrick Dung wrote:
   Suppose I have mistype a command:
   # route add
 So you swapped gateway and netmask.  Nasty mistake.  :-)
 It's usually better to use CIDR notation (with a slash
 followed by the number of network bits), to avoid any
 confusion.  It's also less typing.
 # route add
   There is a strange routing table and I am unable to remove it
   192.168.00xc0a80301  UGS 0   86  
 How did you try to remove it (exact comand line, please),
 and what was the error message that you got?  You should
 enter exactly the same line you used to add the route,
 only replace add with delete.
 It works fine for me, so I assume you did a syntax error
 when trying to remove it.
 Best regards
 Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH  Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
 Dienstleistungen mit Schwerpunkt FreeBSD:
 Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
 and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.
 The last good thing written in C was
 Franz Schubert's Symphony number 9.
 -- Erwin Dieterich


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2007-01-12 Thread Gerard Seibert

Hash: SHA1

- From time to time while compiling a program an error message will display 
regarding Present But Cannot Be Compiled with a notation to report this 

First, is this really necessary since the package does compile and 
secondly, who or what is this 'AC_PACKAGE_NAME'?

- -- 

The Supreme Court does it with all deliberate speed.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (FreeBSD)

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2007-01-12 Thread Christian Walther

On 12/01/07, Gerard Seibert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1

- From time to time while compiling a program an error message will display
regarding Present But Cannot Be Compiled with a notation to report this

First, is this really necessary since the package does compile and
secondly, who or what is this 'AC_PACKAGE_NAME'?

AC_PACKAGE_NAME is a macro that is defined by autoconf.

AFAIK, if such a message appears during compilation, the wrong version
of autoconf is being used. It would be interesting to know if you
compile a port, because in this case the dependency is wrong.
If you downloaded a source tarball from a website, you should check
the requirements what the package needs to compile successfully.
autoconf and automake should be listed there, too.
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Re: How to clear strage route in routing table?

2007-01-12 Thread Nikos Vassiliadis
On Thursday 11 January 2007 19:01, Patrick Dung wrote:
 Suppose I have mistype a command:
 # route add
 There is a strange routing table and I am unable to remove it unless
 192.168.00xc0a80301  UGS 0   86   fxp0
 Any ideas?

Use route flush. And add your static routes again
either by hand or with the help of /etc/rc.d/routing start

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Re: fortune

2007-01-12 Thread Kevin Downey

On 1/12/07, Tim Nilimaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


okey I have:
-bash-3.00$ locate fortune
[End Of Locate]

Nice I thought, fortune lies under /usr/share/games and so I tried to run it.
-bash-3.00$ /usr/share/games/fortune
-bash: /usr/share/games/fortune: is a directory

Do'h a la Homer.. well well better look inside...
-bash-3.00$ ls -la /usr/share/games/fortune/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Mar  5  2005 ./
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  512 Mar  5  2005 ../

do'h again.

okey, lets look at the src-path.. nothing there =/

Installed the src with sysinstall.. Wee =)

but then -
bash-3.00# whoami
bash-3.00# pwd
bash-3.00# make install
=== fortune
install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   fortune /usr/games
install: fortune: No such file or directory
*** Error code 71
Stop in /usr/src/games/fortune/fortune.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/src/games/fortune.

Any ideas?

Kind regards


Från: [EMAIL PROTECTED] genom Gerard Seibert
Skickat: fr 2007-01-12 15:01
Till: User Questions
Ämne: Re: fortune

On Friday January 12, 2007 at 08:33:08 (AM) Tim Nilimaa wrote:

 Im not able to run fortune on my freeBSD 5.3 installation, and I know
 why - since its not installed and thats where I step into trouble. Im
 not able to install it. I've searched the portscollection and asked Mr.
 Google but none of them knows it (in other words I don't know how to ask
 the question right since Mr. Google and the (holy) handbook knows it all).

OK, I think I can assist you. First, I assume you have tried
which fortune
to insure that it is not actually installed. It is usually in

I thought that the files were installed it with the base system. The
files are located in

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mapping inode to file name

2007-01-12 Thread Robert Huff

Is there a program (or a standard function) that, provided the
inode #, returns the associated filename?

Robert Huff
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fsck operation

2007-01-12 Thread Robert Huff

Let's say fsck is examining a filesystem, and determines the
block count is wrong for file FOO.  When it adjusts the value, does
it leave a trace (e.g. changed modification time for the file) or
would one have to not such changes by hand?

Robert Huff
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Re: mapping inode to file name

2007-01-12 Thread Pieter de Goeje
On Friday 12 January 2007 16:55, Robert Huff wrote:
   Is there a program (or a standard function) that, provided the
 inode #, returns the associated filename?
find / -inum number

- Pieter
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iwi + 802.11b

2007-01-12 Thread Christopher Sean Hilton
I'm having problems getting a good connection from my laptop to my
802.11b network via the iwi interface. The ath interface does this well
and the iwi interface works great with my 802.11g network but it's
unhappy with 802.11b.

-- Chris

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Re: cvsup'dating several machines

2007-01-12 Thread David Robillard

I will soon update FreeBSD on several machines from 4.11 to 5.5, they
are all at the same level of 4.11.

I would like to save network bandwidth, would it be OK/enough if I
cvsup one machine and then copy /usr/src from that opne to the others?

Hi Olivier,

If you run an infrastructure of multiple FreeBSD machines, then you
should consider building a local CVSup mirror.

This way, you'll prevent the error-prone and tedious process copying
/usr/src from one machine to the others by hand.

Plus, with a local update server, you make sure all your machines have
the exact same FreeBSD sources. You can also use this machine not only
for CVSup, but for all your ports repository, thus saving even more
bandwith. Not to mention the speed increase every time you run cvsup.
It's way faster to cvsup on the local LAN then from the internet.

To get you started, check out this article from O'Reilly ONLamp's
author Michael Lucas at

Now, we've made several modifications to the above article to include
a generic update user on our machines which uses scponly(8) and
sudo(8) with ssh keys to encrypt all of our CVS and porteasy(8)
updates. It also permits you to delegate the cvsup(1) of the machines
to other admins without giving them the root password. If you're
interested, I can send you the documentation.

Have fun!

David Robillard
UNIX systems administrator  Oracle DBA
CISSP, RHCE  Sun Certified Security Administrator
Montreal: +1 514 966 0122
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How to get best results from FreeBSD-questions

2007-01-12 Thread Greg Lehey

How to get the best results from FreeBSD questions.

Last update $Date: 2005/08/10 02:21:44 $

This is a regular posting to the FreeBSD questions mailing list.  If
you got it in answer to a message you sent, it means that the sender
thinks that at least one of the following things was wrong with your

- You left out a subject line, or the subject line was not appropriate.
- You formatted it in such a way that it was difficult to read.
- You asked more than one unrelated question in one message.
- You sent out a message with an incorrect date, time or time zone.
- You sent out the same message more than once.
- You sent an 'unsubscribe' message to FreeBSD-questions.

If you have done any of these things, there is a good chance that you
will get more than one copy of this message from different people.
Read on, and your next message will be more successful.

This document is also available on the web at



II:   How to unsubscribe from FreeBSD-questions
III:  Should I ask -questions or -hackers?
IV:   How to submit a question to FreeBSD-questions
V:How to answer a question to FreeBSD-questions

I: Introduction

This is a regular posting aimed to help both those seeking advice from
FreeBSD-questions (the newcomers), and also those who answer the
questions (the hackers).

   Note that the term hacker has nothing to do with breaking
   into other people's computers.  The correct term for the latter
   activity is cracker, but the popular press hasn't found out
   yet.  The FreeBSD hackers disapprove strongly of cracking
   security, and have nothing to do with it.

In the past, there has been some friction which stems from the
different viewpoints of the two groups.  The newcomers accused the
hackers of being arrogant, stuck-up, and unhelpful, while the hackers
accused the newcomers of being stupid, unable to read plain English,
and expecting everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.  Of
course, there's an element of truth in both these claims, but for the
most part these viewpoints come from a sense of frustration.

In this document, I'd like to do something to relieve this frustration
and help everybody get better results from FreeBSD-questions.  In the
following section, I recommend how to submit a question; after that,
we'll look at how to answer one.

II:  How to unsubscribe from FreeBSD-questions

When you subscribed to FreeBSD-questions, you got a welcome message
from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  In this message, amongst
other things, it told you how to unsubscribe.  Here's a typical

  Welcome to the mailing list!

If you ever want to unsubscribe or change your options (eg, switch to
or from digest mode, change your password, etc.), visit your
subscription page at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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also make such adjustments via email by sending a message to:

with the word 'help' in the subject or body (don't include the
quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions.

You must know your password to change your options (including
changing the password, itself) or to unsubscribe.
Normally, Mailman will remind you of your mailing list
passwords once every month, although you can disable this if you
prefer.  This reminder will also include instructions on how to
unsubscribe or change your account options.  There is also a button on
your options page that will email your current password to you.

  Here's the general information for the list you've
  subscribed to, in case you don't already have it:

  FREEBSD-QUESTIONS   User questions
  This is the mailing list for questions about FreeBSD.  You should not
  send how to questions to the technical lists unless you consider the
  question to be pretty technical.

Normally, unsubscribing is even simpler than the message suggests: you
don't need to specify your mail ID unless it is different from the one
which you specified when you subscribed.

If Majordomo replies and tells you (incorrectly) that you're not on
the list, this may mean one of two things:

  1.  You have changed your mail ID since you subscribed.  That's where
  keeping the original message from majordomo comes in handy.  For
  example, the sample message above shows my mail ID as
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Since then, I have changed it to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If I were to try to remove [EMAIL PROTECTED] from
  the list, it would fail: I would have to specify the name with
  which I joined.

  2.  You're subscribed to a mailing list which is subscribed to

The Complete FreeBSD: errata and addenda

2007-01-12 Thread Greg Lehey
The trouble with books is that you can't update them the way you can a web page
or any other online documentation.  The result is that most leading edge
computer books are out of date almost before they are printed.  Unfortunately,
The Complete FreeBSD, published by O'Reilly, is no exception.  Inevitably, a
number of bugs and changes have surfaced.

The Complete FreeBSD has been through a total of five editions, including its
predecessor Installing and Running FreeBSD.  Two of these have been reprinted
with corrections.  I maintain a series of errata pages.  Start at to find out how to get the errata

Note also that the book has now been released for free download in PDF
form.  Instead of downloading the changed pages, you may prefer to
download the entire book.  See 
for more information.

Have you found a problem with the book, or maybe something confusing?
Please let me know: I'm no longer constantly updating it, but I may be
able to help

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Re: BIND 9.3.2 on FreeBSD 6.1-release-p2

2007-01-12 Thread Brian A. Seklecki

Did you run it in foregroun debug mode or ktrace(1) it yet?  Turn on 
querylog and see if you're getting worked?


On Tue, 2 Jan 2007, patrick wrote:

I'm running BIND 9.3.2 on FreeBSD 6.1, and am noticing that it gets
out of control after running for a while.

60480 53 1 1320   195M   194M RUN 41.7H 75.54% named

After restarting it, its CPU usage goes back down to what it should
be, as does its memory usage. I really don't want to babysit this
process, so I'm trying to find the cause of this. I have
max-cache-size set to 150M, as before I turned this on, this
process would just grow and grow until it hit FreeBSD's limit and
would stop responding all together, not to mention eating up as much
CPU time as it could.

I never had this problem at all with BIND 8, and am wondering if
there's something I'm doing wrong with BIND 9 to have this problem?
Has anyone else experienced this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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-lava (Brian A. Seklecki - Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

...from back in the heady days when helpdesk meant nothing, diskquota
meant everything, and lives could be bought and sold for a couple of pages
of laser printout - and frequently were.
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Re: which options/files/chunks of the kernel source define xpt_done and xpt_release?

2007-01-12 Thread Brian A. Seklecki

In general:

$ egrep -ir xpt_done /usr/src/sys/*


On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Jim Stapleton wrote:

Thank you,

-Jim Stapleton

On 6/25/06, Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the last episode (Jun 25), Jim Stapleton said:
 I am trying to work on some stuff, and it references those functions,
 but I can't seem to find where they are in the kernel.

xpt_done and a lot of xpt_release_* functions are in /sys/cam/cam_xpt.c

Dan Nelson

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-lava (Brian A. Seklecki - Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

...from back in the heady days when helpdesk meant nothing, diskquota
meant everything, and lives could be bought and sold for a couple of pages
of laser printout - and frequently were.
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Re: Constant segmentation faults with freebsd 6.1-release and -stable

2007-01-12 Thread Brian A. Seklecki

Memtst86+ ISO images you can boot.  Also any good ACPI hardware sensor 
info.  You may be running hot; but segmentation means memory.

Memtest86+ :}

On Thu, 25 May 2006, Kris Kennaway wrote:

On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 12:50:47AM -0700, Aaron Holmes wrote:

Am i the only one who gets this with most port installations?
I'm trying to narrow it down to a hardware fault or a 6x fault.

I get signal 4's and segmentation faults on nearly every compilation

any ideas?

Yep, hardware.


-lava (Brian A. Seklecki - Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

...from back in the heady days when helpdesk meant nothing, diskquota
meant everything, and lives could be bought and sold for a couple of pages
of laser printout - and frequently were.
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Re: Can I Make my own CD ROM bootable from this ftp server: ?

2007-01-12 Thread Brian A. Seklecki

Or use bittorrent if you're way out in the cut


On Sat, 29 Jul 2006, Bryan Bonifacio wrote:

Why don't you just download the CD image and burn that
onto a CD?

Go to

--- Stojance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear FreeBSD
Can I make my own bootable CD from FreeBSD, actually
from the ftp

I really need it. I can't pay for your CD ROM so any
help would be very
much appreciated.
I'll download everything and put it on a CD and burn
it under Nero as a
bootable CD.
Please Help ME
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-lava (Brian A. Seklecki - Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

...from back in the heady days when helpdesk meant nothing, diskquota
meant everything, and lives could be bought and sold for a couple of pages
of laser printout - and frequently were.
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program kill

2007-01-12 Thread Arseny Solokha

How can I kill the program at the defined time? For example, I need to
kill mpg321 at 21.00 if it works.


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Re: program kill

2007-01-12 Thread Chuck Swiger

On Jan 12, 2007, at 9:05 AM, Arseny Solokha wrote:

How can I kill the program at the defined time? For example, I need to
kill mpg321 at 21.00 if it works.

Set up a cron job to run pkill mpg321 at the appropriate time, or  
use an at job if this is a one-shot deal.


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Re: How to clear strage route in routing table?

2007-01-12 Thread Patrick Dung
Thanks Nikos for reply

I have figure out how to remove that route
It was consider as host instead of net

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# route add
add net gateway
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# route delete -net
route: writing to routing socket: No such process
delete net not in table
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# route delete -host
delete host

--- Nikos Vassiliadis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 11 January 2007 19:01, Patrick Dung wrote:
  Suppose I have mistype a command:
  # route add
  There is a strange routing table and I am unable to remove it
  192.168.00xc0a80301  UGS 0   86  
  Any ideas?
 Use route flush. And add your static routes again
 either by hand or with the help of /etc/rc.d/routing start


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2007-01-12 Thread César Amaya
Hi list, have you ever installed cups + samba for a print server? That 
is what I am trying to do, the print server box set up is as the following:

- FreeBSD 6.1 release
- cups-1.2
- samba 3
- hpijs-2.1.4
- foomatic-db-20061214
- cups-samba-5.0.r3

I have installed and tested the printer properly via web interface of 
cups. The problem comes when I try to push the Windows printer drivers 
with cups, I get a error message

# cupsaddsmb -H localhost -U root -h localhost -a -v
Password for root required to access localhost via SAMBA:
No Windows printer drivers are installed!
No Windows printer drivers are installed!
No Windows printer drivers are installed!
I have already download the respective drivers.

Any one knows how to fix this?
Thanks in advance!!!

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Re: fortune

2007-01-12 Thread Kent Stewart
On Friday 12 January 2007 06:39, Jonathan Horne wrote:
 your problem lies here:


 i never have fortune until i rebuild the world on my systems (which,
 i then immediatly 'chmod -x /usr/games/fortune', since it annoys me
 on login and i cant find where its called from).

Do a 
grep fortune .*

It is called from the profile used by your shell when you login. On my 
systems, I see freebsd-tips.


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA I am Andean project.
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SSH connection from within a jail

2007-01-12 Thread Andras GELANYI

Do you know how can I initaite a SSH connection from within a jail?

I always get the Host key verification failed. message. Starting the 
ssh session with -v it seems that the problem is with tty allocation.

debug1: read_passphrase: can't open /dev/tty: Device busy

The jail has devfs mounted with the default ruleset. (As seen in 


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

SV: fortune

2007-01-12 Thread Tim Nilimaa
I had to run make clean twice and the run make, not make install.. and after 
make I could run make install =/
Kind regards

Från: [EMAIL PROTECTED] genom Kevin Downey
Skickat: fr 2007-01-12 16:17
Till: Tim Nilimaa
Kopia: User Questions
Ämne: Re: fortune

On 1/12/07, Tim Nilimaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 okey I have:
 -bash-3.00$ locate fortune
 [End Of Locate]

 Nice I thought, fortune lies under /usr/share/games and so I tried to run 
 -bash-3.00$ /usr/share/games/fortune
 -bash: /usr/share/games/fortune: is a directory

 Do'h a la Homer.. well well better look inside...
 -bash-3.00$ ls -la /usr/share/games/fortune/
 total 4
 drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Mar  5  2005 ./
 drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  512 Mar  5  2005 ../

 do'h again.

 okey, lets look at the src-path.. nothing there =/

 Installed the src with sysinstall.. Wee =)

 but then -
 bash-3.00# whoami
 bash-3.00# pwd
 bash-3.00# make install
 === fortune
 install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   fortune /usr/games
 install: fortune: No such file or directory
 *** Error code 71
 Stop in /usr/src/games/fortune/fortune.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/src/games/fortune.

 Any ideas?

 Kind regards



 Från: [EMAIL PROTECTED] genom Gerard Seibert
 Skickat: fr 2007-01-12 15:01
 Till: User Questions
 Ämne: Re: fortune

 On Friday January 12, 2007 at 08:33:08 (AM) Tim Nilimaa wrote:

  Im not able to run fortune on my freeBSD 5.3 installation, and I know
  why - since its not installed and thats where I step into trouble. Im
  not able to install it. I've searched the portscollection and asked Mr.
  Google but none of them knows it (in other words I don't know how to ask
  the question right since Mr. Google and the (holy) handbook knows it all).

 OK, I think I can assist you. First, I assume you have tried

Upgrade apache

2007-01-12 Thread Tim Nilimaa
How do I upgrade apache-2.0.59 to apache22? Do I have to do make uninstall for 
port apache20 and then make install for apache22?
I do have php installed - wouldnt that be a problem if I uninstall apache20? 
Also - upgrading php43 to php51, is it the same thing with that?
Kind regards
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Re: Serving windows print drivers with Samba+CUPS (Was: CUPS +)

2007-01-12 Thread Nathan Vidican

César Amaya wrote:
Hi list, have you ever installed cups + samba for a print server? That 
is what I am trying to do, the print server box set up is as the 

- FreeBSD 6.1 release
- cups-1.2
- samba 3
- hpijs-2.1.4
- foomatic-db-20061214
- cups-samba-5.0.r3

I have installed and tested the printer properly via web interface of 
cups. The problem comes when I try to push the Windows printer drivers 
with cups, I get a error message

# cupsaddsmb -H localhost -U root -h localhost -a -v
Password for root required to access localhost via SAMBA:
No Windows printer drivers are installed!
No Windows printer drivers are installed!
No Windows printer drivers are installed!
I have already download the respective drivers.

Any one knows how to fix this?
Thanks in advance!!!

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Firstly, I changed your subject to something a little more specific; you 
really should read 
for details on getting better results from this mail list. A vague or 
generic subject such as your's frequently gets skipped and your chances 
of solving your problem lessen.

That said, herein I contradict myself by trying to answer your initial 
problem, but I have some experience with what you are apparently trying 
to do and would like to help. Unfortunately, acting as a print server 
for windows clients isn't always cut-and-dry.. The key with Samba+CUPS, 
is to NOT use any filters or drivers on the CUPS end of things. This is 
very important, as it will change your output if you're also using the 
windows drivers. You must add your printers via CUPS as 'RAW' queues, no 

The process is outlined very well in the Samba documentation, and that 
too I would strongly recommend you do some more reading up on, but in 
the interest of sparking the desire to do so, here's an outline of the 
basic process required:

1 - Setup CUPS, add printers using RAW queues, Setup Samba, tell it to 
use cups for printing

2 - Setup a shared location for printer drivers from Samba, the share 
can be pretty much anywhere on your local FreeBSD filesystem, and can 
use all the options of any other file-share, but must be shared from 
Samba with the name 'print$'. Something similar to this inside your 
smb.conf should suffice:

comment = Windows Client Printer Drivers
path = /var/db/windows_printers
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
read only = yes
write list = root Administrator @Domain Admins @Printer Admins

3 - Login from a Windows client, to the Samba server using an 
administrator login (as specified in the write list for print$). Goto 
the 'Printers' section, NOT the direct queue mapping, for example:
\\samba1\Printers NOT \\samba1\some_printer. When in the printers 
folder, right-click the printer you wish to add the drivers to, and you 
can add them from the windows properties dialog like you would any 
printer. This will upload the drivers to the samba [print$] share for 
other clients to use.

4 - From another samba client running windows, goto 
\\samba1\some_printer and it will prompt if you wish to 'Connect to 
printer', simply say yes - and that client should use the windows 
drivers directly from the samba [print$] share without further prompting.

There are some issues, and it's not just as simple as 4 easy steps... 
but this is the general process to go through, with a little reading 
from the Samba website/documentation you should be able to get it going. 
Feel free to drop another message back to the list if you run into more 
questions from there.

Nathan Vidican
Windsor Match Plate  Tool Ltd.
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Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD box and when?

2007-01-12 Thread VeeJay


Can anyone tell?

Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD box and
when? If yes, where can one find them?


BR / vj
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Re: Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD box and when?

2007-01-12 Thread Jeff Royle

VeeJay wrote:


Can anyone tell?

Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD box and
when? If yes, where can one find them?

The file /var/log/auth.log should contain all the information you are 
looking for.

man syslog.conf and man syslogd for more information on customizing what 
you are logging.



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SV: Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD boxand when?

2007-01-12 Thread Tim Nilimaa
cat /var/log/auth.log
tail -f /var/log/auth.log
Kind regards

Från: [EMAIL PROTECTED] genom VeeJay
Skickat: fr 2007-01-12 20:10
Till: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; FreeBSD-Questions
Ämne: Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD boxand 


Can anyone tell?

Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD box and
when? If yes, where can one find them?


BR / vj
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Re: Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD box and when?

2007-01-12 Thread Andras GELANYI

hi, have a look at /var/log/auth.log
(and also on utmp)

VeeJay wrote:


Can anyone tell?

Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD box and
when? If yes, where can one find them?

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Re: Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD box and when?

2007-01-12 Thread Chuck Swiger

On Jan 12, 2007, at 11:10 AM, VeeJay wrote:

Can anyone tell?

Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD box  

when? If yes, where can one find them?

Yes, see the last command or man wtmp...


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man page synopsis syntax reference

2007-01-12 Thread Michael P. Soulier


Is there an authoritative reference of what manpage syntax should look like?


foo [optional arg] required arg required multiple...

I can't seem to find a reference that explains this syntax.

Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a
touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
--Albert Einstein
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Re: Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD box and when?

2007-01-12 Thread Greg Albrecht

login errors and successful logins are going to be in /var/log/auth.log

to see who is currently or has ever logged in from the command line, try:


On 12/01/07, VeeJay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Can anyone tell?

Are there any log files which shows who is logging to a FreeBSD box and
when? If yes, where can one find them?


BR / vj
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Greg Albrecht ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
An Indie, Hip Hop and IDM Podcast: The Letter G
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Re: man page synopsis syntax reference

2007-01-12 Thread Pietro Cerutti

On 1/12/07, Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Is there an authoritative reference of what manpage syntax should look like?

There's a section on style(9) which explains the synapsis of typical
usage() functions, asserting that such a syntax should be similar to
the one used in man pages, so maybe you can get some info there..

Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a
touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
--Albert Einstein


Pietro Cerutti
ICQ: 117293691
PGP: 0x9571F78E

- ASCII Ribbon Campaign -
against HTML e-mail and
proprietary attachments
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Re: Upgrade apache

2007-01-12 Thread Greg Albrecht

from memory...

for apache:

$ cd /usr/ports/www/apache20
$ make deinstall
$ cd /usr/ports/www/apache22
$ make install

you might need to upgrade your /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf as
some of the directives have changed between 20 and 22. when you try to
start apache it will let you know what's wrong.

for php:

$ cd /usr/ports/lang/php5
$ make install

make sure you select 'apache' in the menu list, otherwise you'll be
stuck with php5 as a cgi (who wants that?)

of course, upgrading to php5 introduces it's own problems, aside from
syntax changes in the language, you'll also need to upgrade all of
your php5 and pecl modules:

$ cd /usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions
$ make install


On 12/01/07, Tim Nilimaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


How do I upgrade apache-2.0.59 to apache22? Do I have to do make uninstall for 
port apache20 and then make install for apache22?
I do have php installed - wouldnt that be a problem if I uninstall apache20? 
Also - upgrading php43 to php51, is it the same thing with that?

Kind regards

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Greg Albrecht ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
An Indie, Hip Hop and IDM Podcast: The Letter G
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Re: Upgrade apache

2007-01-12 Thread Peter Giessel
On Friday, January 12, 2007, at 10:09AM, Tim Nilimaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
How do I upgrade apache-2.0.59 to apache22? Do I have to do make uninstall for 
port apache20 and then make install for apache22?
I do have php installed - wouldnt that be a problem if I uninstall apache20? 
Also - upgrading php43 to php51, is it the same thing with that?

I did this upgrade early last year.

IIRC, you'll have to change the apache configuration files.  IIRC, they are not 

make deinstall apache20
make install apache22
rewrite your apache config files (they are even in a different folder than the 
apache20 config files.  New location: /usr/local/etc/apache22).

You could add your LoadModules for php43 to apache22 or you could upgrade
php after apache, and the installer scripts will add the correct LoadModule
lines to your apache22 config files for you.
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Re: SSH connection from within a jail

2007-01-12 Thread Greg Albrecht

are you using the default /etc/ssh/sshd_config? i'm currently running
jails with ssh and don't recall having this problem. the only thing i
remember explicitly having to do is tell sshd to bind to the jail's


On 12/01/07, Andras GELANYI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you know how can I initaite a SSH connection from within a jail?

I always get the Host key verification failed. message. Starting the
ssh session with -v it seems that the problem is with tty allocation.
debug1: read_passphrase: can't open /dev/tty: Device busy

The jail has devfs mounted with the default ruleset. (As seen in


Greg Albrecht ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
An Indie, Hip Hop and IDM Podcast: The Letter G
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Re: How to clear strage route in routing table?

2007-01-12 Thread Greg Albrecht

i did this once too! the quickest way to fix the problem is:

/etc/rc.d/routing restart


On 11/01/07, Patrick Dung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Suppose I have mistype a command:
# route add

There is a strange routing table and I am unable to remove it unless

192.168.00xc0a80301  UGS 0   86   fxp0

Any ideas?

Any questions? Get answers on any topic at  Try it now.
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Greg Albrecht ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
An Indie, Hip Hop and IDM Podcast: The Letter G
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iSCSI hardware HBA status

2007-01-12 Thread pete wright

hi all,
i have tried googling for the current status of iSCSI software and
hardware HBA support in FreeBSD.  A lot of the hit's seem pretty
stale.  Is there active development going on with support hardware
iSCSI HBA's in current by any chance?  I have not been able to find
any listed cards.  For example I have a Qlogic 1gig 2port HBA with a
ISP4022 chipset.  Is any work being done on this?  I would be willing
to do some testing if time permits on my end.



Pete Wright
NYC's *BSD User Group
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Re: How dangerous a Standard User could be to a FreeBSD box?

2007-01-12 Thread Chuck Swiger

On Jan 12, 2007, at 11:48 AM, Lamont Granquist wrote:
That cat is rather fortunate the server didn't kill the cat at the  
same time.

I haven't lived with a cat in awhile, but don't they tend to  
'spray' rather than 'stream' so that a direct line of current would  
not be established from the PSU to the cat?

Um.  While I grew up with a pair of cats, I must admit that I've  
never paid sufficiently close attention to know one way or the  
other.  I wouldn't like my cat to test either spraying or streaming a  
live PSU unit...  :-)


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traditional upgrade trouble

2007-01-12 Thread Rick Chisholm
I am trying to get from 5.4 to 6.1 and for the most part, the process 
seems fairly straight forward.  Unfortunately, I keep getting an error 
when running 'make buildworld' - which essentially is a bunch of errors 
preceding the error code 1 in /usr/src/sbin/ipf/ipftest

I've removed /usr/obj and /usr/src/sbin/ipf on separate iterations, yet 
buildworld dies everytime at the same spot.

last error referencing ipftest is error: prototype declaration

Rick Chisholm
Manager Information Technology
Southland Insurance
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Re: CUPS +

2007-01-12 Thread John Nielsen
On Friday 12 January 2007 12:53, César Amaya wrote:
 Hi list, have you ever installed cups + samba for a print server? That
 is what I am trying to do, the print server box set up is as the following:

 - FreeBSD 6.1 release
 - cups-1.2
 - samba 3
 - hpijs-2.1.4
 - foomatic-db-20061214
 - cups-samba-5.0.r3

 I have installed and tested the printer properly via web interface of
 cups. The problem comes when I try to push the Windows printer drivers
 with cups, I get a error message

 # cupsaddsmb -H localhost -U root -h localhost -a -v
 Password for root required to access localhost via SAMBA:
 No Windows printer drivers are installed!
 No Windows printer drivers are installed!
 No Windows printer drivers are installed!
 I have already download the respective drivers.

I don't have any experience pushing Windows printer drivers out through Samba, 
but I do know that cups clients (Windows or otherwise) don't need 
printer-specific drivers. They should just use a PS driver (the one you can 
download from Adobe or one of the ones that ships with Windows) with the 
appropriate ppd.

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traditional upgrade trouble

2007-01-12 Thread Rick Chisholm

I am trying to get from 5.4 to 6.1 and for the most part, the process
seems fairly straight forward.  Unfortunately, I keep getting an error
when running 'make buildworld' - which essentially is a bunch of errors
preceding the error code 1 in /usr/src/sbin/ipf/ipftest

I've removed /usr/obj and /usr/src/sbin/ipf on separate iterations, yet
buildworld dies everytime at the same spot.

last error referencing ipftest is error: prototype declaration

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Re: How dangerous a Standard User could be to a FreeBSD box?

2007-01-12 Thread Lamont Granquist

On Thu, 11 Jan 2007, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Thu, Jan 11, 2007 at 08:52:44AM -0500, Nathan Vidican wrote:

Gotcha all beat, screw the 'standard user' issue... I had a client call
me once cause the office cat peed onto/into the server; no technical
expertise required whatsoever, no password, no re-wiring of network,
heck no opposable digits even or anything else for that matter, yet it
still managed to kill the server ;)

That cat is rather fortunate the server didn't kill the cat at the same time.

I haven't lived with a cat in awhile, but don't they tend to 'spray' 
rather than 'stream' so that a direct line of current would not be 
established from the PSU to the cat?

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how to make an init script

2007-01-12 Thread Miguel
Hi, the handbook doesnt show an example for a custom init script, i want 
to make one for wildfie jabber server, any tutorial?

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Re: Upgrading from FreeBSD 5.4 to 6.2

2007-01-12 Thread Panagiotis Christias

On 1/12/07, Josh Paetzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Friday 12 January 2007 07:24, Guill. Moreno-Socias wrote:
I am planning to upgrade two servers from FreeBSD 5.4 to 6.2, as
 soon as it is released.
I would like to know how to proceed.  I have not been able to
 find instructions on (please forgive me if I have
 missed something). Thanks in advance.

If you csup/cvsup to RELENG_6_2 you'll end up with 6.2-RELEASE :)

I am wondering if freebsd-update (for 6.2) would be happy with the system..

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ntpd crashes every once in a while

2007-01-12 Thread Guido Demmenie


ntpd crashes every once in a while, sometimes with days in between  
sometimes within a few hours.

And the error I see in my /var/log/messages is:
Jan 12 14:21:34 rottnic kernel: pid 516 (ntpd), uid 0: exited on  
signal 11 (core dumped)

My server is in the pool of and there is mentioned that  
I might have to raise my ulimit, but as shown below it is already  
unlimited as far as I can see.

rottnic# csh
rottnic# limit
cputime  unlimited
filesize unlimited
datasize 524288 kbytes
stacksize65536 kbytes
coredumpsize unlimited
vmemoryuse   unlimited
descriptors  3463
memorylocked unlimited
maxproc  1731
sbsize   unlimited

rottnic# sh
rottnic# ulimit

uname -a
FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE #0: Wed Mar  8  
19:48:39 CET 2006 rottweilertje@:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/ 

I added this to my kernel:

options IPDIVERT
options IPSEC
options IPSEC_ESP
options DUMMYNET
options QUOTA

# Wireless AP support
wlan_wep# 802.11 WEP support
wlan_ccmp   # 802.11 CCMP support
wlan_tkip   # 802.11 TKIP support
wlan_xauth  # 802.11 external authenticator support
wlan_acl# 802.11 MAC ACL support

Thanks in advance,

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server-side PPPoE: how to get ppp to automatically assign IPs?

2007-01-12 Thread James Long
I'm working with PPPoE.  I have one client and a provider working.
I'm using pppoed to spawn ppp instances on the provider:

/usr/libexec/pppoed -F -p t30 fxp0

The provider's ppp.conf:

 set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
 ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)
 set device /dev/cual0
 set speed 115200
 set timeout 1200
 set server +3000 pppass

# this is pppoe server-side
set device PPPoE:fxp0:t30
set ifaddr
enable proxy
enable pap
enable passwdauth

The client's ppp.conf is:

 set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
 ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)
 set device /dev/cual0
 set speed 115200
 set timeout 1200
 set server +3000 pppass

# this is ppp over ethernet
#set ifaddr mine/0 his/0
set ifaddr
add default HISADDR
set timeout 0
set dial
set device PPPoE:fxp0:t30
set authname ppp
set authkey 

I can connect the first client no problem, and it is assigned  When the second client tries to connect, it fails.
Actually, the ppp -background t30 on the client goes well, and
says PPP enabled but then the client ppp dies, I presume because
the server side ppp closed the connection.

It appears that the problem is client IP number conflict.  The 
server-side ppp.log shows that it tries to assign the first client's 
IP to the second client, and though ppp detects the conflict, it does 
not try to assign a different IP, even though a /25 is provided in the 
server's ppp.conf, and the client is configured to accept any IP.

How can I get the pppoe provider to automatically assign a unique IP
to each client that requests service?

Also, what if my pool of available IPs has discontinuities, such as
a.b.c.d/24 and then i.j.k.l/25 and w.x.y.z/22?  I don't see how
that can be accomodated in the set ifaddr line.  Is there a more
extensible mechanism for assigning client IPs?  How many tun
devices is a low-end P4 machine likely to support?

Thank you!


When the second client attempts to connect, the server ppp.log shows:

Jan 12 12:59:17 t30 ppp[2513]: tun1: LCP: deflink: LayerFinish
Jan 12 12:59:17 t30 ppp[2513]: tun1: LCP: deflink: State change Closing -- 
Jan 12 12:59:17 t30 ppp[2513]: tun1: LCP: deflink: State change Closed -- 
Jan 12 12:59:17 t30 ppp[2513]: tun1: Phase: deflink: Disconnected!
Jan 12 12:59:17 t30 ppp[2513]: tun1: Phase: deflink: Connect time: 1 secs: 373 
octets in, 400 octets out
Jan 12 12:59:17 t30 ppp[2513]: tun1: Phase: deflink: 16 packets in, 17 packets 
Jan 12 12:59:17 t30 ppp[2513]: tun1: Phase:  total 773 bytes/sec, peak 0 
bytes/sec on Fri Jan 12 12:59:16 2007
Jan 12 12:59:17 t30 ppp[2513]: tun1: Phase: deflink: lcp - closed
Jan 12 12:59:17 t30 ppp[2513]: tun1: Phase: bundle: Dead
Jan 12 12:59:17 t30 ppp[2513]: tun1: Phase: PPP Terminated (normal).
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: Phase: Using interface: tun1
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: Phase: deflink: Created in closed state
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Command: default: ident user-ppp VERSION 
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Command: default: set device /dev/cual0
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Command: default: set speed 115200
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Command: default: set dial ABORT BUSY 
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Command: default: set timeout 1200
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Command: default: set server +3000 
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Phase: Listening at port 3001.
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Command: t30: set device PPPoE:fxp0:t30
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Command: t30: set ifaddr
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Command: t30: enable proxy
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Command: t30: enable pap
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Command: t30: enable passwdauth
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Phase: PPP Started (direct mode).
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Phase: bundle: Establish
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Phase: deflink: closed - opening
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Phase: deflink: Link is a netgraph node
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Phase: deflink: Connected!
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Phase: deflink: opening - carrier
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: Phase: deflink: carrier - lcp
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: LCP: FSM: Using deflink as a transport
Jan 12 12:59:50 t30 ppp[2516]: tun1: LCP: deflink: State change Initial -- 
Jan 12 12:59:50 

Re: is THIS why the 6.2 release seems stalled ?

2007-01-12 Thread Ceri Davies
On Wed, Jan 10, 2007 at 07:40:22AM -0800, Josef Grosch wrote:

 While I do agree that FreeBSD does need work, the big pebble in my shoe
 right now is a journaling file system (try doing a fsck on a 1TB file

If you want journalling file system then the thing to do is to check out
-current, try out the journalling file system that it's had for the last
couple of months and send bug reports when it misbehaves.

Failing that it will eventually find its way into -stable when we assume
that the lack of bug reports means that it works ok for people, whereupon
you can all come here and bitch about how shit it is.

Your call, people.

That must be wonderful!  I don't understand it at all.
  -- Moliere

Description: PGP signature

Re: How dangerous a Standard User could be to a FreeBSD box?

2007-01-12 Thread Beech Rintoul
On Friday 12 January 2007 10:48, Lamont Granquist wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Jan 2007, Chuck Swiger wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 11, 2007 at 08:52:44AM -0500, Nathan Vidican wrote:
  Gotcha all beat, screw the 'standard user' issue... I had a client call
  me once cause the office cat peed onto/into the server; no technical
  expertise required whatsoever, no password, no re-wiring of network,
  heck no opposable digits even or anything else for that matter, yet it
  still managed to kill the server ;)
  That cat is rather fortunate the server didn't kill the cat at the same

 I haven't lived with a cat in awhile, but don't they tend to 'spray'
 rather than 'stream' so that a direct line of current would not be
 established from the PSU to the cat?

While spray(8) may protect the cat, it is likely to invoke crash(8). When 
combined with dumpon(8) permanent damage may result. :-)

Beech Rintoul - Sys. Administrator - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign  | Alaska Paradise Travel
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Please Help! How to STOP them...

2007-01-12 Thread VeeJay

I am reading many hundred lines similar to below mentioned?

Could you please advise me what to do and how can I make my box more secure?

Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo
for [] failed - POSSIBLE
Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: Invalid user sysadmin from


BR / vj
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Re: how to make an init script

2007-01-12 Thread Pietro Cerutti

On 1/12/07, Miguel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, the handbook doesnt show an example for a custom init script, i want
to make one for wildfie jabber server, any tutorial?

Doesn't wildfire provide an rc.d script by itself?
If it doesn't, read man rc(8) and the scripts in /etc/rc.d/ and

Pietro Cerutti
ICQ: 117293691
PGP: 0x9571F78E

- ASCII Ribbon Campaign -
against HTML e-mail and
proprietary attachments
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Re: Please Help! How to STOP them...

2007-01-12 Thread Bill Moran
In response to VeeJay [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I am reading many hundred lines similar to below mentioned?
 Could you please advise me what to do and how can I make my box more secure?
 Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo
 for [] failed - POSSIBLE
 Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: Invalid user sysadmin from

Somebody is trying to break in to your system:

In order to stop the messages, disconnect the system from the Internet,
the attacker will then be unable to reach it.

There are, however, less drastic workarounds.  An exercise with google will
turn up a number of programs that will reduce the problem to a manageable
level.  This topic comes up about once a week on this list alone.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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binary called top not have realtime filter/search? [#SHAZBOTAA7235423352662A]

2007-01-12 Thread Peter aka SweetPete

I've red the manpage for top (from heh heh top to bottom...), and
I am amazed that there is not a feature to hit '/' or '?' in order to
search and display only processes which match a certain keyword/search
term.  For example, a user running top could hit '/' and enter fire,
which would display processes related to firefox.

What is the best way to get (such) a feature added to top?!  I know
I know, I'm always causing mayhem.  *grin*

Peter aka SweetPete!
La Jolla San Diego, CA, 92039, USA, EARTH
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Re: ntpd crashes every once in a while

2007-01-12 Thread Chuck Swiger

On Jan 12, 2007, at 1:03 PM, Guido Demmenie wrote:
ntpd crashes every once in a while, sometimes with days in between  
sometimes within a few hours.

And the error I see in my /var/log/messages is:
Jan 12 14:21:34 rottnic kernel: pid 516 (ntpd), uid 0: exited on  
signal 11 (core dumped)

My server is in the pool of and there is mentioned  
that I might have to raise my ulimit, but as shown below it is  
already unlimited as far as I can see.

I've been running ntpd as part of the pool for years on FreeBSD 4.11  
 5.5; ntpd will stay running for at least months at a time if your  
hardware is OK.  Seeing segfaults suggests a RAM problem; try running  
a memory tester like Memtest86.


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Re: binary called top not have realtime filter/search? [#SHAZBOTAA7235423352662A]

2007-01-12 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Jan 12), Peter aka SweetPete said:
 I've red the manpage for top (from heh heh top to bottom...), and
 I am amazed that there is not a feature to hit '/' or '?' in order to
 search and display only processes which match a certain keyword/search
 term.  For example, a user running top could hit '/' and enter fire,
 which would display processes related to firefox.
 What is the best way to get (such) a feature added to top?!  I know
 I know, I'm always causing mayhem.  *grin*

Submit a patch :)  It's a useful idea, though.

Usually filtering on username (u myuser), or sorting by size (o
size) works for me.

Dan Nelson
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Re: Recovering select files from a failing hard disk

2007-01-12 Thread Chuck Swiger

On Jan 12, 2007, at 1:18 PM, Garrett Cooper wrote:
1. Can I bypass mounting or reading certain sections of the  

Sure, if you boot off some other device or a CD-ROM.

2. Can I force part of a drive to be remapped to other sectors?

Yes, but it is likely that modern drives will have automatically  
reassigned failing sectors already, until it ran out of spare  
sectors.  If you've got an older SCSI system, you might try running  
your adaptor's BIOS utility and having it do a device verify; that  
will encourage the drive to remap problematic sectors.

3. Is there a backup superblock on the disk and what would it be? I  
this feature exists on some filesystems, but I'm not sure if UFS is  

of those filesystems.

There are many backup superblocks kept on the disk; fsck -b 32 will  
try using the first alternate, but there will be others scattered  
about.  You can run dumpfs to locate more, I believe.

The reason for these questions is that I believe that the
portion of my failing hard disk is involved with the statistics  

for the data slice or a series of directories. So, I want to grab the
files off my disk and just dump the thing asap.

OK.  You might try doing a block-copy with dd to a new drive, and  
then trying to fsck or repair the data on that copy rather than  
trying to fix the filesystem on the failing drive...


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What to write in a secure hosts.allow file? Please advise

2007-01-12 Thread VeeJay

This is a sample file... What to REMOVE and What to ADD or KEEP?

# cat /etc/hosts.allow
# hosts.allow access control file for tcp wrapped applications.
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/hosts.allow,v 2006/02/19 14:57:01 ume Exp $
# NOTE: The hosts.deny file is deprecated.
#   Place both 'allow' and 'deny' rules in the hosts.allow file.
#   See hosts_options(5) for the format of this file.
#   hosts_access(5) no longer fully applies.

#_  _  _
#   | | __  __   __ _   _ __ ____ __   | |   ___  | |
#   |  _|   \ \/ /  / _` | | '_ ` _ \  | '_ \  | |  / _ \ | |
#   | |___   | (_| | | | | | | | | |_) | | | |  __/ |_|
#   |_| /_/\_\  \__,_| |_| |_| |_| | .__/  |_|  \___| (_)
#  |_|
# !!! This is an example! You will need to modify it for your specific
# !!! requirements!

# Start by allowing everything (this prevents the rest of the file
# from working, so remove it when you need protection).
# The rules here work on a First match wins basis.
ALL : ALL : allow

# Wrapping sshd(8) is not normally a good idea, but if you
# need to do it, here's how
#sshd : : deny

# Protect against simple DNS spoofing attacks by checking that the
# forward and reverse records for the remote host match. If a mismatch
# occurs, access is denied, and any positive ident response within
# 20 seconds is logged. No protection is afforded against DNS poisoning,
# IP spoofing or more complicated attacks. Hosts with no reverse DNS
# pass this rule.
ALL : PARANOID : RFC931 20 : deny

# Allow anything from localhost.  Note that an IP address (not a host
# name) *MUST* be specified for rpcbind(8).
ALL : localhost : allow
# Comment out next line if you build libwrap with NO_INET6=yes.
ALL : [::1] : allow
ALL : : allow

# To use IPv6 addresses you must enclose them in []'s
ALL : [fe80::%fxp0]/10 : allow
ALL : [fe80::]/10 : deny
ALL : [2001:db8:2:1:2:3:4:3fe1] : deny
ALL : [2001:db8:2:1::]/64 : allow

# Sendmail can help protect you against spammers and relay-rapers
sendmail : localhost : allow
sendmail : : allow
sendmail : : deny
sendmail : ALL : allow

# Exim is an alternative to sendmail, available in the ports tree
exim : localhost : allow
exim : : allow
exim : : deny
exim : ALL : allow

# Rpcbind is used for all RPC services; protect your NFS!
# (IP addresses rather than hostnames *MUST* be used here)
rpcbind : : allow
rpcbind : : allow
rpcbind : ALL : deny

# NIS master server. Only local nets should have access
ypserv : localhost : allow
ypserv : : deny
ypserv : : allow
ypserv : ALL : deny

# Provide a small amount of protection for ftpd
ftpd : localhost : allow
ftpd : : allow
ftpd : : deny
ftpd : ALL : allow

# You need to be clever with finger; do _not_ backfinger!! You can easily
# start a finger war.
fingerd : ALL \
   : spawn (echo Finger. | \
/usr/bin/mail -s tcpd\: [EMAIL PROTECTED] fingered me! root)  \
   : deny

# The rest of the daemons are protected.
   : severity \
   : twist /bin/echo You are not welcome to use %d from %h.

BR / vj
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Re: Please Help! How to STOP them...

2007-01-12 Thread Reko Turja

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; FreeBSD-Questions

Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 11:43 PM
Subject: Please Help! How to STOP them...

I am reading many hundred lines similar to below mentioned?

Could you please advise me what to do and how can I make my box more 

Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: reverse mapping checking 
for [] failed - 

Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: Invalid user sysadmin from

It's basically just script kiddies trying to get in using some ready 
made user/password pairs.

Lots of info covering this has been posted in these newsgroups 
previously, but some things you might consider

Moving your sshd port somewhere else than 22 - the prepackaged 
cracking programs don't scan ports, just blindly try out the default 
port - with determined/skilled attacker it's different matter entirely 

Use some kind of portblocker (lots in ports tree) which closes the 
port after predetermined number of attempts - or as an alternative, 
use PF to close the port for IP's in question after predetermined 
number of connection attempts in given time.

Use key based authentication and stop using passwords altogether.

Remember to keep ssh1 disabled as well as direct root access into ssh 
from the ssh config file.


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Re: Please Help! How to STOP them...

2007-01-12 Thread VeeJay

Thanks Reko

Just couple of more questions...

On 1/12/07, Reko Turja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; FreeBSD-Questions
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 11:43 PM
Subject: Please Help! How to STOP them...

I am reading many hundred lines similar to below mentioned?

 Could you please advise me what to do and how can I make my box more

 Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: reverse mapping checking
 for [] failed -
 Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: Invalid user sysadmin from

It's basically just script kiddies trying to get in using some ready
made user/password pairs.

Lots of info covering this has been posted in these newsgroups
previously, but some things you might consider

Moving your sshd port somewhere else than 22 - the prepackaged
cracking programs don't scan ports, just blindly try out the default
port - with determined/skilled attacker it's different matter entirely

How to change the port from 22 to something other and in what range should I
choose a number?

Use some kind of portblocker (lots in ports tree) which closes the

port after predetermined number of attempts - or as an alternative,
use PF to close the port for IP's in question after predetermined
number of connection attempts in given time.

Can you suggest such port which I should install to block these attempts?

Use key based authentication and stop using passwords altogether.

What do you mean here?

Remember to keep ssh1 disabled as well as direct root access into ssh

from the ssh config file.

How to disable SSH1 and How to stop direct root access into ssh, where to



BR / vj
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Re: Serving windows print drivers with Samba+CUPS (Was: CUPS +)

2007-01-12 Thread César Amaya

1 - Setup CUPS, add printers using RAW queues, Setup Samba, tell it to 
use cups for printing

2 - Setup a shared location for printer drivers from Samba, the share 
can be pretty much anywhere on your local FreeBSD filesystem, and can 
use all the options of any other file-share, but must be shared from 
Samba with the name 'print$'. Something similar to this inside your 
smb.conf should suffice:

comment = Windows Client Printer Drivers
path = /var/db/windows_printers
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
read only = yes
write list = root Administrator @Domain Admins @Printer Admins

3 - Login from a Windows client, to the Samba server using an 
administrator login (as specified in the write list for print$). Goto 
the 'Printers' section, NOT the direct queue mapping, for example:
\\samba1\Printers NOT \\samba1\some_printer. When in the printers 
folder, right-click the printer you wish to add the drivers to, and 
you can add them from the windows properties dialog like you would any 
printer. This will upload the drivers to the samba [print$] share for 
other clients to use.

4 - From another samba client running windows, goto 
\\samba1\some_printer and it will prompt if you wish to 'Connect to 
printer', simply say yes - and that client should use the windows 
drivers directly from the samba [print$] share without further prompting.

There are some issues, and it's not just as simple as 4 easy steps... 
but this is the general process to go through, with a little reading 
from the Samba website/documentation you should be able to get it 
going. Feel free to drop another message back to the list if you run 
into more questions from there.

Nathan Vidican

It does not worked for me.

This is my smb.conf file and my cupsd.conf

printserver# cat smb.conf
  workgroup = AmnetDatos
  server string = Print Server
  printcap name = cups
  load printers = yes
  printing = cups
  browseable = yes
  log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
  max log size = 50
  hosts allow = 192.168.10. 127.
  security = share
  encrypt passwords = yes
  smb passwd file = /usr/local/etc/samba/smbpasswd
  socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
  dns proxy = no
  log level = 4

  comment = Printer Drivers
  path = /usr/local/share/cups/drivers
  browseable = yes
  guest ok = no
  read only = yes
  write list = root Administrator @Domain Admins @Printer Admins

  comment = HP Laser Jet 4000
  printable = yes
  path = /var/spool/samba
  guest ok = yes
  public = yes
  printable = yes
  printer admin = root

  comment = All Printers
  path = /var/spool/samba
  browseable = no
  guest ok = yes
  public = yes
  writable = no
  printable = yes
  printer admin = root

printserver# cat cupsd.conf
LogLevel info

# Administrator user group...
SystemGroup wheel

# Only listen for connections from the local machine.
Listen *:631
Listen /var/run/cups.sock

# Show shared printers on the local network.
Browsing On
BrowseOrder allow,deny
#BrowseAllow @LOCAL
BrowseAllow 192.168.10.*

# Default authentication type, when authentication is required...
DefaultAuthType Basic

# Restrict access to the server...
Location /
 Order allow,deny
 Allow localhost
 Allow 192.168.10.*
 Allow 192.168.101.*

# Restrict access to the admin pages...
Location /admin
 Encryption Required
 Order allow,deny
 Allow localhost

# Restrict access to configuration files...
Location /admin/conf
 AuthType Basic
 Require user @SYSTEM
 Order allow,deny
 Allow localhost

# Set the default printer/job policies...
Policy default
 # Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an adminstrator...
 Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job 
Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription 
Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job 
Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job CUPS-Move-Job

   Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
   Order deny,allow

 # All administration operations require an adminstrator to authenticate...
 Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Set-Printer-Attributes 
Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job 
Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer 
Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job 
Schedule-Job-After CUPS-Add-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Class 
CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs CUPS-Set-Default

   AuthType Basic
   Require user @SYSTEM
   Order deny,allow

 # Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job...
 Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job
   Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
   Order deny,allow

 Limit All
   Order deny,allow

do you see something wrong in my configuration?

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Re: What to write in a secure hosts.allow file? Please advise

2007-01-12 Thread Garrett Cooper
Hash: SHA1

VeeJay wrote:



a) Why did you include the example file?
b) Didn't you understand the examples?

I think you need to sit down with a Unix book and figure out what's
going on..

- -Garrett
Version: GnuPG v2.0.1 (FreeBSD)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: Please Help! How to STOP them...

2007-01-12 Thread Garrett Cooper
Hash: SHA1

VeeJay wrote:
 Thanks Reko
 Just couple of more questions...
 On 1/12/07, Reko Turja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; FreeBSD-Questions
 Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 11:43 PM
 Subject: Please Help! How to STOP them...

 I am reading many hundred lines similar to below mentioned?
  Could you please advise me what to do and how can I make my box more
  Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: reverse mapping checking
  for [] failed -
  Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: Invalid user sysadmin from

 It's basically just script kiddies trying to get in using some ready
 made user/password pairs.

 Lots of info covering this has been posted in these newsgroups
 previously, but some things you might consider

 Moving your sshd port somewhere else than 22 - the prepackaged
 cracking programs don't scan ports, just blindly try out the default
 port - with determined/skilled attacker it's different matter entirely
 How to change the port from 22 to something other and in what range
 should I
 choose a number?
 Use some kind of portblocker (lots in ports tree) which closes the
 port after predetermined number of attempts - or as an alternative,
 use PF to close the port for IP's in question after predetermined
 number of connection attempts in given time.
 Can you suggest such port which I should install to block these attempts?
 Use key based authentication and stop using passwords altogether.
 What do you mean here?
 Remember to keep ssh1 disabled as well as direct root access into ssh
 from the ssh config file.
 How to disable SSH1 and How to stop direct root access into ssh, where to

Read man sshd_config.
- -Garrett

Version: GnuPG v2.0.1 (FreeBSD)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: Please Help! How to STOP them...

2007-01-12 Thread VeeJay

What should be ENABLED and what should be DISABLED?

#   $OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1.74 2006/07/19 13:07:10 dtucker Exp $
#   $FreeBSD: src/crypto/openssh/sshd_config,v 2006/11/11
00:51:28 des Exp $

# This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file.  See
# sshd_config(5) for more information.

# This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

# The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with
# OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where
# possible, but leave them commented.  Uncommented options change a
# default value.

# Note that some of FreeBSD's defaults differ from OpenBSD's, and
# FreeBSD has a few additional options.

#VersionAddendum FreeBSD-20061110

#Port 22
#Protocol 2
#AddressFamily any
#ListenAddress ::

# HostKey for protocol version 1
#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
# HostKeys for protocol version 2
#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key

# Lifetime and size of ephemeral version 1 server key
#KeyRegenerationInterval 1h
#ServerKeyBits 768

# Logging
# obsoletes QuietMode and FascistLogging
#SyslogFacility AUTH
#LogLevel INFO

# Authentication:

#LoginGraceTime 2m
#PermitRootLogin no
#StrictModes yes
#MaxAuthTries 6

#RSAAuthentication yes
#PubkeyAuthentication yes
#AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys

# For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
#RhostsRSAAuthentication no
# similar for protocol version 2
#HostbasedAuthentication no
# Change to yes if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for
# RhostsRSAAuthentication and HostbasedAuthentication
#IgnoreUserKnownHosts no
# Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files
#IgnoreRhosts yes

# Change to yes to enable built-in password authentication.
#PasswordAuthentication no
#PermitEmptyPasswords no

# Change to no to disable PAM authentication
#ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes

# Kerberos options
#KerberosAuthentication no
#KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes
#KerberosTicketCleanup yes
#KerberosGetAFSToken no

# GSSAPI options
#GSSAPIAuthentication no
#GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes

# Set this to 'no' to disable PAM authentication, account processing,
# and session processing. If this is enabled, PAM authentication will
# be allowed through the ChallengeResponseAuthentication and
# PasswordAuthentication.  Depending on your PAM configuration,
# PAM authentication via ChallengeResponseAuthentication may bypass
# the setting of PermitRootLogin without-password.
# If you just want the PAM account and session checks to run without
# PAM authentication, then enable this but set PasswordAuthentication
# and ChallengeResponseAuthentication to 'no'.
#UsePAM yes

#AllowTcpForwarding yes
#GatewayPorts no
#X11Forwarding yes
#X11DisplayOffset 10
#X11UseLocalhost yes
#PrintMotd yes
#PrintLastLog yes
#TCPKeepAlive yes
#UseLogin no
#UsePrivilegeSeparation yes
#PermitUserEnvironment no
#Compression delayed
#ClientAliveInterval 0
#ClientAliveCountMax 3
#UseDNS yes
#PidFile /var/run/
#MaxStartups 10
#PermitTunnel no

# no default banner path
#Banner /some/path

# override default of no subsystems
Subsystem   sftp/usr/libexec/sftp-server

# Example of overriding settings on a per-user basis
#Match User anoncvs
#   X11Forwarding no
#   AllowTcpForwarding no
#   ForceCommand cvs server

What steps need to follow?

On 1/12/07, VeeJay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Reko

Just couple of more questions...

On 1/12/07, Reko Turja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; FreeBSD-Questions
 Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 11:43 PM
 Subject: Please Help! How to STOP them...

 I am reading many hundred lines similar to below mentioned?
  Could you please advise me what to do and how can I make my box more
  Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: reverse mapping checking
  for [] failed -
  Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: Invalid user sysadmin from

 It's basically just script kiddies trying to get in using some ready
 made user/password pairs.

 Lots of info covering this has been posted in these newsgroups
 previously, but some things you might consider

 Moving your sshd port somewhere else than 22 - the prepackaged
 cracking programs don't scan ports, just blindly try out the default
 port - with determined/skilled attacker it's different matter entirely

How to change the port from 22 to something other and in what range should
I choose a number?

Use some kind of portblocker (lots in ports tree) which closes the
 port after predetermined number of attempts - or as an alternative,
 use PF to close the port for IP's in question after predetermined
 number of connection attempts in given time.

Can you suggest such port which I should install to block these attempts?

Use key based authentication 

Sysinstall: No Floppy Devices Found

2007-01-12 Thread Dan Mahoney, System Admin

Hey all,

I'm getting the message when I try to load a KLD in Sysinstall, even 
though I KNOW my floppy drive works.  In fact, I can load the KLD from the 
loader prompt just fine.

Is there a difference/advantage to one way of doing this over the other?

-Dan Mahoney


Hitler, Satan, those Hanson kids, anything.  Just not the curious

-Peter Scolari, as Wayne Szalinki in Honey, I Shrunk The Kids--The

Dan Mahoney
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM

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Re: Please Help! How to STOP them...

2007-01-12 Thread Peter Giessel
On Friday, January 12, 2007, at 01:34PM, VeeJay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What do you mean here?

Remember to keep ssh1 disabled as well as direct root access into ssh
 from the ssh config file.

How to disable SSH1 and How to stop direct root access into ssh, where to

Sounds like you have some reading to do.  Start here:
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Re: Please Help! How to STOP them...

2007-01-12 Thread Gerard Seibert
On Friday January 12, 2007 at 04:54:37 (PM) Reko Turja wrote:

 I am reading many hundred lines similar to below mentioned?
  Could you please advise me what to do and how can I make my box more 
  Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: reverse mapping checking 
  for [] failed - 
  Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: Invalid user sysadmin from
 It's basically just script kiddies trying to get in using some ready 
 made user/password pairs.
 Lots of info covering this has been posted in these newsgroups 
 previously, but some things you might consider
 Moving your sshd port somewhere else than 22 - the prepackaged 
 cracking programs don't scan ports, just blindly try out the default 
 port - with determined/skilled attacker it's different matter entirely 

Security through Obscurity is not true security at all. You are simply
assuming that other ports are not being scanned.
 Use some kind of portblocker (lots in ports tree) which closes the 
 port after predetermined number of attempts - or as an alternative, 
 use PF to close the port for IP's in question after predetermined 
 number of connection attempts in given time.
 Use key based authentication and stop using passwords altogether.

A very secure method. I would recommend this along with making sure your
firewall is properly configured and all unnecessary ports closed, etc.
 Remember to keep ssh1 disabled as well as direct root access into ssh 
 from the ssh config file.


For GOOGLE (L)Users:  

RAM Disk is not an installation procedure.

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Re: Please Help! How to STOP them...

2007-01-12 Thread Jay Chandler

VeeJay wrote:

I am reading many hundred lines similar to below mentioned?

Could you please advise me what to do and how can I make my box more 

Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: reverse mapping checking 

for [] failed - POSSIBLE
Jan  9 17:54:42 localhost sshd[5130]: Invalid user sysadmin from

VeeJay, you've asked several questions now to this list that are very 
simple to solve with even a minimal amount of reading through Google.  
Some people more generous than I have given you the answers, which are 
are immediately met with further questions, most of which are answered 
in the first part of the man page for the relevant program.

I, and I suspect other posters on this list, have little interest in 
reading Unix for Dummies to you.  Technical questions about specific 
failures are one thing, but you're asking things that are covered in any 
decent Unix / FreeBSD book.  Heck, you can even get the FreeBSD Handbook 
for free online.

Please, please, PLEASE RTFM.  If that's too much to ask, try taking a 
class, hiring a consultant, or using a more user-friendly OS.

Jay Chandler
Network Administrator, Chapman University
714.628.7249 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Today's Excuse: Incorrectly configured static routes on the corerouters. 

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who's using that port?

2007-01-12 Thread Michael P. Soulier

I came home tonight to find my server with a full /var partition due
to httpd-error.log being very full of error messages. I cleaned it up,
and restarted apache to find that it wouldn't bind to ports 80 and 443
as they were in use.

netstat -na confirmed that they were, but not by who. There's no -p
argument to track the pid of the process using the port.

How do you track that on BSD?

Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a
touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
--Albert Einstein
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Re: who's using that port?

2007-01-12 Thread Matt Emmerton
 I came home tonight to find my server with a full /var partition due
 to httpd-error.log being very full of error messages. I cleaned it up,
 and restarted apache to find that it wouldn't bind to ports 80 and 443
 as they were in use.
 netstat -na confirmed that they were, but not by who. There's no -p
 argument to track the pid of the process using the port.
 How do you track that on BSD?

See sockstat(1).

Matt Emmerton

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Re: who's using that port?

2007-01-12 Thread Josh Carroll

netstat -na confirmed that they were, but not by who. There's no -p
argument to track the pid of the process using the port.

How do you track that on BSD?

sockstat -4 -p port

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Re: who's using that port?

2007-01-12 Thread Garrett Cooper
Hash: SHA1

Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 I came home tonight to find my server with a full /var partition due
 to httpd-error.log being very full of error messages. I cleaned it up,
 and restarted apache to find that it wouldn't bind to ports 80 and 443
 as they were in use.
 netstat -na confirmed that they were, but not by who. There's no -p
 argument to track the pid of the process using the port.
 How do you track that on BSD?

sysutils/lsof is helpful in this case. Just grep for the port
number you are looking for.
Make sure to run it as root though or it will only show a
limited number of open filehandles.
- -Garrett
Version: GnuPG v2.0.1 (FreeBSD)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: how to make an init script

2007-01-12 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2007-01-12 14:15, Miguel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, the handbook doesnt show an example for a custom init script, i
 want to make one for wildfie jabber server, any tutorial?

Does the ``Practical rc.d scripting in BSD'' article help?

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Broadcom Nics in Tyan Transport GT24 (B3992)

2007-01-12 Thread Dan Mahoney, System Admin
Hey all, I have a Transport GT24 (B3992 Motherboard), and while it has one 
intel nic which works well, I'd like to be able to use the onboard 
broadcom network cards.  Is there a known way of making them work?  I seem 
to recall some dealy where you could use a windows driver?



I love you forever eternally.

-Connaian Expression

Dan Mahoney
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM

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Re: binary called top not have realtime filter/search? [#SHAZBOTAA7235423352662A]

2007-01-12 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2007-01-12 14:02, Peter aka SweetPete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've red the manpage for top (from heh heh top to bottom...),
 and I am amazed that there is not a feature to hit '/' or '?' in
 order to search and display only processes which match a certain
 keyword/search term.  For example, a user running top could hit '/'
 and enter fire, which would display processes related to

That's an excellent idea :)

Should we also allow for limiting by other stuff too, i.e. like the
'l' command in the mail/mutt mailer accepts a 'limit pattern' with a
syntax like:

Limiting by PID

~p minpid-maxpidonly show pids in [minpid...maxpid]
~p maxpid  only show pids less than maxpid
~p minpid  only show pids greater than minpid

Limiting by username or user ID

~u username only show processes of user `username'
~U uid  only show processes of user uid
~U uidmin-uidmaxonly show processes of users minuid-maxuid

Limiting by number of threads

~t minthr-maxthronly show processes with minthr-maxthr threads
~t maxthr  only show processes with less than maxthr threads
~t minthr  only show processes with more than minthr threads

Limiting by priority

~P minpri-maxprionly show processes with minpri-maxpri priority
~P maxpri  only show processes with less than maxpri priority
~P minpri


You get the idea...

 What is the best way to get (such) a feature added to top?! I know
 I know, I'm always causing mayhem.  *grin*

If you have a patch to submit, I'm sure we can find people who are
interested in reviewing, testing and committing it.

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Re: binary called top not have realtime filter/search? [#SHAZBOTAA7235423352662A]

2007-01-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom

On 2007-01-12 14:02, Peter aka SweetPete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've red the manpage for top (from heh heh top to bottom...),
and I am amazed that there is not a feature to hit '/' or '?' in
order to search and display only processes which match a certain
keyword/search term.  For example, a user running top could hit '/'
and enter fire, which would display processes related to

That's an excellent idea :)

Should we also allow for limiting by other stuff too, i.e. like the
'l' command in the mail/mutt mailer accepts a 'limit pattern' with a
syntax like:


Limiting by username or user ID

   ~u username  only show processes of user `username'
   ~U uid   only show processes of user uid
   ~U uidmin-uidmax only show processes of users minuid-maxuid

username is already there...

u  Display only processes owned by a specific username (prompt  for
username).   If  the username specified is simply +, then processes
belonging to all users will be displayed.

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automake19: texinfo error during build

2007-01-12 Thread Mahmoud Labadi
Dear ALL,
I got the same problem... any news plz

I'm trying to upgrade my automake from 1.8.5_2 to 1.9.6 (in
order to install Subversion, which seems to require
this). During the build, I get a screenful of errors like

./automake19.texi:8788: Unknown command `tie'.
./automake19.texi:8788: Misplaced {.
./automake19.texi:8788: Misplaced }.
./automake19.texi:9090: Unknown command `tie'.

before dying with

makeinfo: Removing output file `./' due to errors; use --force 
to preserve.
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/automake19/work/automake-1.9.6/doc.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/automake19/work/automake-1.9.6.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/automake19.
** Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/bin/script -qa /tmp/portupgrade39976.0 
** Fix the problem and try again.
** Listing the failed packages (*:skipped / !:failed)
! devel/automake19 (automake-1.8.5_2)   (texinfo error)

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Re: /dev/null in a chroot

2007-01-12 Thread James Long
 Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2007 20:03:40 -0400
 From: Marc G. Fournier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: /dev/null in a chroot
 To: Michael Grant [EMAIL PROTECTED],FreeBSD Questions
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Hash: SHA1
 /sbin/devfs -m $1 rule apply hide
 /sbin/devfs -m $1 rule apply path null unhide
 where $1 == the dev directory you mount within the chroot environment ...

This issue is currently biting users of /usr/ports/security/scponly
also, I believe.

I'm finding that recently-created scponlyc chroots do not permit sftp 
login, although they do allow ftp login.  The client symptom is just:

Connecting to www...
Connection closed

The cause appears to be that recent versions of 
/usr/libexec/sftp-server will complain about of lack of access to 
/dev/null and exit, resulting in the closed connection witnessed by 
the remote client.

The solution appears to be to create a devfs in the scponlyc chroot.

This is a little disappointing, as scponlyc used to be delightfully
lightweight and low-maintenance.  At this point, my understanding is
that the devfs requirement means that now I must run a script at boot
time that iterates through a list of chroot'ed users and create dev 
nodes within each jail.  scponlyc jails were previously a 
set-and-forget type of setup.

What is the proper mechanism for setting up an arbitrary number of
scponlyc chroots at boot time?  /usr/share/examples/etc/devfs.conf
doesn't show an example of how to apply these rules to a non-default
dev path.  I have chosen to put a script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d.

In case other scponly users are reading this in the archives, the 
manual method that works for me with 6.2-PRE and scponly-4.6_1 is:

# cd ~user
# mkdir -p dev
# mount_devfs devfs dev
# devfs -m dev rule -s 1 applyset
# devfs -m dev rule -s 2 applyset

One then sees:

# ls -l dev
total 0
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0,   6 Jan 12 17:15 null
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0,  12 Jan 10 07:57 random
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel 6 Jan 12 16:54 urandom@ - random
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0,   7 Jan 10 15:57 zero

which is more than enough to appease /usr/libexec/sftp-server.

chroots created some months ago contain lib versions with numbers 
typically one less, such as ./usr/lib/ in the older 
chroot, versus ./usr/lib/ in the newer.  The older
scponly chroots do net require devfs nodes!  I suspect they will 
eventually break though, given enough time.

Given that scponlyc provides a script that provides
hooks for OS-specific chroot setup steps, would it help the port
maintainer to provide the shell script below?  I have it installed
in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/



# script to create devfs filesystems at boot time for scponlyc 
# chroot'ed users.  We will read /etc/shells to determine
# where scponlyc is installed.  Then we'll iterate through
# each user in /etc/passwd to find users whose shell is set to
# scponlyc.  For each such user found, we will create a 
# minimal devfs under ~/dev.

SCPONLYC=$(/usr/bin/grep /scponlyc$ /etc/shells 2/dev/null | /usr/bin/tail 

make_devfs() {
# $1 is the user name whose home directory needs a minimal
# devfs created.  If ~/dev is not a directory, it will be 
# deleted and replaced with a directory.

eval DEV=~$1/dev
while /sbin/umount ${DEV} 2/dev/null; do :; done
[ -h ${DEV} ]  rm ${DEV}
[ -f ${DEV} ]  rm ${DEV}
mkdir -p ${DEV}
if /sbin/mount_devfs devfs ${DEV}; then
  /sbin/devfs -m ${DEV} rule -s 1 applyset || /sbin/umount ${DEV} 2/dev/null
  /sbin/devfs -m ${DEV} rule -s 2 applyset || /sbin/umount ${DEV} 2/dev/null


scponly_startup() {
# $1 is the path to the /etc/passwd file

if [ x${SCPONLYC} = x ]; then
  echo scponlyc is not defined in /etc/shells 2
  exit 1

/usr/bin/grep -v ^[ ]*# $1 | 
  /usr/bin/awk -F: {'print $1   $7'} |
while read USER SHELL; do
  if [ x${SHELL} = x${SCPONLYC} ]; then
make_devfs ${USER}


case $1 in
scponly_startup /etc/passwd
echo -n ' scponlyc'
echo Usage: `basename $0` start 2

exit 0
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Mapping USB ugen 802.11g adapter to ndis

2007-01-12 Thread Brian J. McGovern
I have a USB 802.11g (DLINK) adapter that I would like to use to
access a wireless network. I've been able to download the Windows drivers,
convert them in to the kernel module, and load the module.

However, when I plug the adapter in, the ugen driver picks it up.

Historically, when I've had a new device, I had to tweak the USB
driver to recognize the manufacturer and model. However, in the case of
ndis, I've only found /usr/src/sys/dev/if_ndis/if_ndis_usb.c, which doesn't 
seem to have such a list.

Can anyone point me to how I can get the ndis driver to take ownership
for the USB device in question? Or is USB NDIS support just not there yet?

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Re: How dangerous a Standard User could be to a FreeBSD box?

2007-01-12 Thread Andy Greenwood

On 1/12/07, Chuck Swiger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jan 12, 2007, at 11:48 AM, Lamont Granquist wrote:
 That cat is rather fortunate the server didn't kill the cat at the
 same time.

 I haven't lived with a cat in awhile, but don't they tend to
 'spray' rather than 'stream' so that a direct line of current would
 not be established from the PSU to the cat?

male (non-neutered) cats spray to mark territory, but as for normal
urination, it would be a stream.

Um.  While I grew up with a pair of cats, I must admit that I've
never paid sufficiently close attention to know one way or the

Nah, you don't have to watch them or anything. Just scoop the litterbox.

I wouldn't like my cat to test either spraying or streaming a
live PSU unit...  :-)


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I'm nerdy in the extreme and whiter than sour cream
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Re: binary called top not have realtime filter/search? [#SHAZBOTAA7235423352662A]

2007-01-12 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2007-01-12 19:27, Philip Hallstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 2007-01-12 14:02, Peter aka SweetPete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've red the manpage for top (from heh heh top to bottom...),
and I am amazed that there is not a feature to hit '/' or '?' in
order to search and display only processes which match a certain
keyword/search term.  For example, a user running top could hit '/'
and enter fire, which would display processes related to

 That's an excellent idea :)

 Should we also allow for limiting by other stuff too, i.e. like the
 'l' command in the mail/mutt mailer accepts a 'limit pattern' with a
 syntax like:

 Limiting by username or user ID

~u username   only show processes of user `username'
~U uidonly show processes of user uid
~U uidmin-uidmax  only show processes of users minuid-maxuid

 username is already there...

 u  Display only processes owned by a specific username (prompt  for
 username).   If  the username specified is simply +, then processes
 belonging to all users will be displayed.

I know.  I was thinking loudly of a way to extend this without having
to hijack the entire keyboard.  If/when we have a more featureful
limiting mechanism, we can certainly leave 'u' as a key binding that
works exactly the same as before, for compatibility reasons.

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[OT] advice on wikis and bulletin boards

2007-01-12 Thread Andrew Gould
Strategic planning will be starting soon at my new place of employment, and I'd 
like to setup a place on our intranet to facilitate discussions and planning 
prior to meetings to reduce meeting times and make meetings more productive.  
This would be a new activity for this organization, so we'll start with just 
our own office.  User permissions will be needed for security.

I've used bulletin boards before (phpbb); but they don't seem to be well 
designed for group editing of documents.  I've noticed that wiki's have become 
very popular; but I'm not sure how well they facilitate discussions.

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?


Andrew L. Gould

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Re: automake19: texinfo error during build

2007-01-12 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2007-01-12 22:26, Mahmoud Labadi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear ALL,
 I got the same problem... any news plz

 I'm trying to upgrade my automake from 1.8.5_2 to 1.9.6 (in
 order to install Subversion, which seems to require
 this). During the build, I get a screenful of errors like

 ./automake19.texi:8788: Unknown command `tie'.
 ./automake19.texi:8788: Misplaced {.
 ./automake19.texi:8788: Misplaced }.
 ./automake19.texi:9090: Unknown command `tie'.

 before dying with

 makeinfo: Removing output file `./' due to errors; use --force 
 to preserve.
 *** Error code 2

 Stop in /usr/ports/devel/automake19/work/automake-1.9.6/doc.
 *** Error code 1

FYI, I think you are attacking the problem the wrong way:

1. Don't use the devel/automake19 port for development work with automake.

   AFAIK, this port is not a full automake19 package, but a special port
   of automake, which provides just barely enough automake support for
   the Ports tree.

   For local automake-based development, you should either use the
   devel/gnu-automake port instead, or roll your own installation of
   automake and friends, from a clean source tarball of automake-1.9.6

2. Why do you have to install automake19 for Subversion?

   Does the devel/subversion port require it?  I don't see a dependency
   for automake in `ports/devel/subversion/Makefile'.

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Re: [OT] advice on wikis and bulletin boards

2007-01-12 Thread bobmc
Andrew Gould wrote:
 Strategic planning will be starting soon at my new place of employment, and 
 I'd like to setup a place on our intranet to facilitate discussions and 
 planning prior to meetings to reduce meeting times and make meetings more 
 productive.  This would be a new activity for this organization, so we'll 
 start with just our own office.  User permissions will be needed for security.

 I've used bulletin boards before (phpbb); but they don't seem to be well 
 designed for group editing of documents.  I've noticed that wiki's have 
 become very popular; but I'm not sure how well they facilitate discussions.

 Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?


 Andrew L. Gould
I installed Apache and on FreeBSD.
You have to install it in cgi-bin, create group www, and look at httpd.conf
to see where files should be.  I also used it to create a website

There are tons of wikis available. The most famous is MediaWiki for
Wikipedia.  But oddmuse is only one Perl script that works anywhere.

MoinMoin has a nice balance between eyecandy and ease of use. You see it
on some open-source sites. I also like DokuWiki

Since it is so easy to create wiki pages, the challenge is to prevent a
spaghetti-ball forming. Read all about it starting at where it all started
Also, a wiki is social software which some people are shy about using.
Setting one up is like boiling a frog,  you have to do it slowly.

For minutes of meetings you can setup a mailing list like this one but
in notification mode.

For documentation, several dedicated wikis can be setup. Think about
a page naming scheme that is consistent for your purpose.


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[Semi OT]

2007-01-12 Thread Jay Chandler

Installed /usr/ports/net/cvsup-mirror/

I've got a couple dozen servers here, and waiting for cvsupdates is 
always onerous-- wish I'd thought of this ages ago.

In any case, I wait for the update script to kick itself off, and get 
this in my logs:

CVSup update begins at 2007-01-12 20:53:42
Updating from
Connected to
No record for server in /home/cvsupin/.cvsup/auth
CVSup update ends at 2007-01-12 20:53:42

Did I forget something basic?

My apologies if this is too severely off topic...

Jay Chandler
Network Administrator, Chapman University
714.628.7249 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Today's Excuse: Incorrectly configured static routes on the corerouters. 

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Re: [OT] advice on wikis and bulletin boards

2007-01-12 Thread John Levine
for group editing of documents.  I've noticed that wiki's have become very
popular; but I'm not sure how well they facilitate discussions.

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?

I've found them very useful.  If you already have PHP and mysql
installed, I encourage you to use Mediawiki.  I resisted installing it
because it does so much stuff that I assumed it would be a pain to set
up, but it turns out to be one of the easiest packages I have ever
installed, stick it in a directory visible to the web server, point
your browser at the startup page, answer a few questions, and poof!
you have your wiki.

Someone else noted that wikis can turn into spaghetti balls which is
true.  It definitely helps if there is someone whose job it is to
impose order on the wiki and reorganize it when it gets too messy.

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Re: [Semi OT]

2007-01-12 Thread Kent Stewart
On Friday 12 January 2007 20:56, Jay Chandler wrote:
 Installed /usr/ports/net/cvsup-mirror/

 I've got a couple dozen servers here, and waiting for cvsupdates is
 always onerous-- wish I'd thought of this ages ago.

 In any case, I wait for the update script to kick itself off, and get
 this in my logs:

 CVSup update begins at 2007-01-12 20:53:42
 Updating from
 Connected to
 No record for server in
 /home/cvsupin/.cvsup/auth CVSup update ends at 2007-01-12 20:53:42

 Did I forget something basic?

Yes, if you are not a major mirror, you are supposed to use a mirror 
such as


 My apologies if this is too severely off topic...

Kent Stewart
Richland, WA I am Andean project.
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Re: Broadcom Nics in Tyan Transport GT24 (B3992)

2007-01-12 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt
Use the latest Broadcom driver from FreeBSD CVS.  The one included in 6.1
release is buggy.


- Original Message - 
From: Dan Mahoney, System Admin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 5:02 PM
Subject: Broadcom Nics in Tyan Transport GT24 (B3992)

 Hey all, I have a Transport GT24 (B3992 Motherboard), and while it has one
 intel nic which works well, I'd like to be able to use the onboard
 broadcom network cards.  Is there a known way of making them work?  I seem
 to recall some dealy where you could use a windows driver?



 I love you forever eternally.

 -Connaian Expression

 Dan Mahoney
 Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
 Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
 ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM

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Re: automake19: texinfo error during build

2007-01-12 Thread Mahmoud Labadi

thank for your quick response..
I did that because I got this error during making install for mutt 
package so I tried to check automake

please advise

===   mutt- depends on executable in : sgmlfmt - found
===   mutt- depends on file: /usr/local/bin/automake19 - not found
===Verifying install for /usr/local/bin/automake19 in 

===  Building for automake-1.9.6
Making all in .
Making all in doc
restore=:$$   am__cwd=`pwd`  cd .   rm -rf 
$backupdir  mkdir $backupdir   if (makeinfo --no-split --version) 
/dev/null 21; then  for f in ./ 
./[0-9] ./[0-9][0-9] ./automake19.i[0-9] 
./automake19.i[0-9][0-9]; do  if test -f $f; then mv $f $backupdir; 
restore=mv; else :; fi;  done;  else :; fi   cd $am__cwd;  if 
makeinfo --no-split   -I .  -o ./ ./automake19.texi;  
then  rc=0;  cd .;  else  rc=$?;  cd .   $restore $backupdir/* `echo 
././ | sed 's|[^/]*$||'`;  fi;  rm -rf $backupdir; exit $rc

./automake19.texi:8788: Unknown command `tie'.
./automake19.texi:8788: Misplaced {.
./automake19.texi:8788: Misplaced }.
./automake19.texi:9090: Unknown command `tie'.
./automake19.texi:9090: Misplaced {.
./automake19.texi:9090: Misplaced }.
./automake19.texi:9310: Unknown command `tie'.
./automake19.texi:9310: Misplaced {.
./automake19.texi:9310: Misplaced }.
./automake19.texi:9318: Unknown command `tie'.
./automake19.texi:9318: Misplaced {.
./automake19.texi:9318: Misplaced }.
makeinfo: Removing output file `./' due to errors; use 
--force to preserve.

*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/automake19/work/automake-1.9.6/doc.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/automake19/work/automake-1.9.6.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/automake19.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/mutt.

*Eng. Mahmoud AL-Labadi*
/Network Department
Palnet Communications Ltd.
Hadara Technologies
//Tel.02/2403434. Fax.02/2403430/

Giorgos Keramidas wrote:

On 2007-01-12 22:26, Mahmoud Labadi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear ALL,
I got the same problem... any news plz

I'm trying to upgrade my automake from 1.8.5_2 to 1.9.6 (in
order to install Subversion, which seems to require
this). During the build, I get a screenful of errors like

./automake19.texi:8788: Unknown command `tie'.
./automake19.texi:8788: Misplaced {.
./automake19.texi:8788: Misplaced }.
./automake19.texi:9090: Unknown command `tie'.

before dying with

makeinfo: Removing output file `./' due to errors; use --force 
to preserve.
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/automake19/work/automake-1.9.6/doc.
*** Error code 1

FYI, I think you are attacking the problem the wrong way:

1. Don't use the devel/automake19 port for development work with automake.

   AFAIK, this port is not a full automake19 package, but a special port
   of automake, which provides just barely enough automake support for
   the Ports tree.

   For local automake-based development, you should either use the
   devel/gnu-automake port instead, or roll your own installation of
   automake and friends, from a clean source tarball of automake-1.9.6

2. Why do you have to install automake19 for Subversion?

   Does the devel/subversion port require it?  I don't see a dependency
   for automake in `ports/devel/subversion/Makefile'.


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