Re: bpf -> kernel panic

2003-03-17 Thread IAccounts
> I have a FreeBSD machine that tended to hang in the recent past. After a few tests I 
> managed to clearly isolate one
> condition that causes this kernel panics.
> If I do a "tcpdump -l -i fxp0" I'm sure the machine will lock in less than 3 second.
> The same happens (in a more or less short time) if I run ntop, snort or any other 
> thing that opens a bpf.
> There is a dhcp server running, which is isc version 3.0.1.r11_1 and, on startup, 
> says:
> >Listening on BPF/fxp0/00:07:e9:0b:78:d9/
> >Sending on   BPF/fxp0/00:07:e9:0b:78:d9/
> So, basically one bpf seems to work. A second one is, however, almost sure death: I 
> didn't have the chance to write
> down the full exact message yet, but basically it's like "page fault while in kernel 
> mode".
> uname -a gives:
> >FreeBSD xxx 4.7-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE-p6 #1: Thu Feb 27 1
> >2:40:24 CET 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/XXX  i386

As it looks like you have compiled yourself a custom kernel, you didn't
accidently set 'device bpf 1' did you? I think by default in 4.7 it's 4.

Don't know if this will help, but it may be worth a look.


> Any hint on what I might try to solve this?
> Has anyone had this problem before?
> Any way to better debug this?
>  bye & Thanks
> av.
> P.S. In case it matters, the machine has two fxp interfaces.
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Re: /usr/src on a dedicated drive?

2003-03-17 Thread IAccounts
>   Hey all.  I've got a problem on one of my systems (lack of drive
> space) that forced me to remove /usr/src.  However, I like that system
> to track the STABLE version.  I don't think it'd be a problem, but I'd
> like someone else to confirm this.  Would there be any problems if I put
> /usr/src on it's own disk?

I added a second drive for this purpose, and only mount it when I need it.
Upon bootup, it does not get loaded with fstab. Just this last weekend I
pulled it up and upgraded 4.5-4.8.


> Thanks,
> --Brian
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Re: GUI front-end for dump/restore

2003-03-17 Thread IAccounts

> Actually, I only need it for restore, dump is handled by cron.
> Anyone know of anything?  I basically need a GUI that will load
> all the file/directory information off tape and display it so
> someone other than me can pick files to restore

>(the command-
> line interface is too cumberson for many people, it seems)

So it seems :o)

> If there's none currently available, I'll probably whip one up
> in perl.

If you get one up and running, I would love to see it. It would be very
nice to have people point and click instead of running to me! If you need
any assistance let me know. I am fluent with perl, but don't know restore
to well. I use amanda. If there are some portions you want help writing
that do not directly interact with restore I can probably lend some coding
time to such a project. Perhaps web driven?


> --
> Bill Moran
> Potential Technologies
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Re: five networks

2003-03-17 Thread IAccounts
> yes, purely for experimenting...I have a lab of different pc'S and am
> LEARNING as much as possible about FreeBSD.  Once I iron out this routing
> thing (that I don`t understand as well as most), I will move on to
> simulating a VPN between different sites throughout America.  All the
> machines are currently in the same network, same subnet 192.168.0

If you are doing complete development, with no Internet in between, the
following diagram below may help. There are a couple of things to note:

- When setting up a net-net vpn, the internal network id's must be
different from each other. Note that I have used on one side,
and on the other. This has to be, due to routing issues, and
they will become more apparent when you search google for VPN setup

- Note the 172.16.x.x addresses. This is the simulated WAN Link between
your VPN gateways. For testing, you will need these two router addresses
to be on the same subnet. IN the real world, any external Internet IP will
work, but they need to stay static so each VPN box can see each other all
of the time. Instead of using a DSL router, turn your Free box into a
PPPoE server so you can plug the modem directly into your server, as
opposed to going through a residental gateway. This will alleviate many
issues when setting up the VPN.

- To bring yourself up to speed with routing, search google for
'subnetting' and I think it will help clear up some misconceptions you

- I did develop an automated Perl VPN setup program, where it will ask you
several questions, including IP's, hostnames and such, and will generate 2
scripts: 1 for the local gateway and one for the remote. These scripts are
put into the /usr/local/etc/rc.d directories and are run at startup. They
take the liberty of creating all required information for the vpn tunnel,
including configuring gif interfaces, configuring routing, setting up
natd, and configuring IPSec and the associated keys. Note that it is ONLY
capable of using manual keys at this time, but will be changed soon to use

Advise if you would like to try it out and I will put it on one of my
sites for you.

Took me a few months to get this exact setup up and running, but patience,
diligence and many hours of reading users notes got me through it. I did
go in with a very strong knowledge of routing though. If you like, I can
send you some of the docs that I found. Let me know and when I get home I
can send you the links.

*** All hosts up here will have:
IP: 192.168.0.x
SN: (/24)(default)

*** This router will need these routes set up: (shown as unix commands):
# route add (all of your hosts get IP's on this network)

- (your FBSD router, this is your internal interface) (external interface simulating WAN)
| (Simluated Internet link for VPN Experiment Setup)
| (Just use an X/0 cable)
- (external interface on remote network router) (internal iface. Note the different subnet!!!)

-- (your hosts on your remote network get these ip's)

*** This router will need these routes set up: (shown as unix commands):
# route add

 *** Hosts down here will have:
IP: 192.168.2.x
SN: (/24)(default)

Following these minimum directions, you will be able to ping any host from
any host over the simulated WAN link, provided you don't have any IPFW (or
firewall) rules blocking traffic.

Once this config is complete, then you can proceed with the VPN config,
which is a whole other world.

If you are doing this over the Internet, be advised that you will not be
able to ping a host on 192.168.2 from 192.168.0 as the first true INternet
router will drop this traffic. The above setup will ONLY work in a test
environment. When you go hot online for real, in order to ping across, you
will need the VPN tunnel in place.

Hope this gives you at least some direction to where you are headed.


> Will
> =
> Will Williams
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Re: Email Auto-responders with Vacation

2003-03-14 Thread IAccounts
> I'm trying to get an email auto-responder working
> using vacation, but have hit a bit of a wall.
> I have the .forward file in the user's home directory
> containing:
> \mikew, "|/usr/bin/vacation -r 1 mikew"
> (Where mikew is the login for this user)
> I have a .vacation.msg file available in the same
> directory, and have also verified the path
> /usr/bin/vacation is correct.
> But no vacation message... =/  Any suggestions would
> be most appreciated.

# /usr/bin/vacation -i

Should initialize the vacation program.


> Regards,
> Ben Craig.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Everything you'll ever need on one web page
> from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts
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Network Scanner

2003-03-13 Thread IAccounts
I was playing around with a network scanner today called Retina (for the
W32 platform) and was wondering if there is anything in the ports or
anywhere else that performs equally or similarly to it.

None of my machines run X (including my laptop) so I am hoping to find
something that generates text output that can be put into a database, or
something that generates web page output.



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Re: right way to set-up SOA?

2003-03-13 Thread IAccounts
> I'm wondering how, given my scenario, I should set-up the MX record for
> my domain (and all the domains I host)

In your primary domain, set up your main MX records as:


mailIN  A
mail2   IN  A

@   IN  MX 10   mail
@   IN  MX 20   mail2

Then in all of your hosted domains, simply use the names:


@   IN  MX 10
@   IN  MX 20

That way, you can change the ip's of the servers in your domain
(, along with the serial, and all of the other domains will
simply follow suit with no changes required.

This is my preferred method for many servers, not just one. We host 300
domains and this makes it very nice to make changes.


> I only have one physical server at the moment which does everyhing: web,
> email, etc.
> For sub-domains, to same some time, I have a * which forwards
> all requests for anything to the correct IP (where
> Apache then handles it using VirutalHosts.) But, for the MX record, I'd
> like to use, so I can eventually set-up and migrate all
> users to a specific mail server, whithout having to update all the SOA
> records. For example, when I set-up a mail server, I'd like to change
> one record in's SOA which says in A
> 123.456.78.1 and otherwise, * in A 123.456.78.2.
> Does this make sense and is their a better, RFC compliant way of doing
> this?
> p.
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Re: sendmail question

2003-03-13 Thread IAccounts
> I get a startup message like this:
> Mar 11 03:02:52 lorax sm-mta[22980]: h2B92pBL022966: SYSERR(root):
> config error: mail loops back to me (MX
> problem?)
> Mar 11 03:02:52 lorax sm-mta[22985]: h2B92qBL022981: SYSERR(root):
> config error: mail loops back to me (MX
> problem?)
> Mar 11 10:15:49 lorax su: kwythers to root on /dev/ttyp0
> According to what I've read in the sendmail FAQ, it looks like I need to
> add my local hostname to /etc/mail/local-host-names.

Create /etc/mail/local-hostnames and simply add your domain name to it,
then HUP sendmail.

What's happening is that your smtp server receives the mail, doesn't know
it should keep it, and sends it out to the mx for your domain. If that box
is the MX for the domain, this will cause an infinite loop, as the server
will never keep the message for final delivery.

Hope this helps.


> However my system
> does not seems to have a local-host-names file. Why wasn't this file
> created when I did a standard cd install? Is this something I need to
> add manually?  Or am I completely on the wrong track here?
> thanks
> --
> Kirk R. Wythers   Department of Forest Resources
> Tel: 612.625.2261 University of Minnesota
> Fax: 612.625.521  1530 Cleveland Ave. N
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Saint Paul, MN 55108 USA
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Re: Partitioning

2003-03-12 Thread IAccounts
> Can you send me some information about how much space freebsd will take
> up, i want to keep Win XP as my main OS ... Thanks.

Although Free can be installed on a partition under 500M, 3G will give you
more than adequate playing space, with some reasonable storage in your
home directory.

I like around 8-10G minimum in most situations, especially if your pc will
be doing major logging, storage and the like.


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Re: Mail Clients

2003-03-12 Thread IAccounts
> I was wondering what terminal mail clients there are for FreeBSD.
> And which one is best for reply rules or reply opitons.

# /usr/ports/mail/pine



> Thanks
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Re: POST data not available in cgi perl scripts

2003-03-12 Thread IAccounts
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 12:48:44PM +, Matthew Faircliff wrote:
> > Hello,
> Hiya,
> >
> > Have you tried using libapreq? I find that it is a superior method of transmitting 
> > POST data. Find it in /usr/ports/www/p5-libapreq.
> > $my_posted_var = $r->parms{'my_var'};
> >
> Nope haven't tried it yet, because using was working for me on my other
> servers, I never felt the need for a more clever thing, but I'll give it a try
> for sure, this looks great.
> > Also, why not look into Mason (like emb_perl, only better). It handles POST data 
> > like a charm.
> I'll have a look at it right now too.
> But anyhow I don't think those will solve the problem because the POST data
> coming from the HTTP request doesn't even reach my script, although it has
> been working all the time on my previous servers. So I guess the problem is
> not in my method of getting/parsing the data, but in the process between the
> client's request and the script getting it. And PHP scripts get the POST data
> fine, argh :(
> But thanks a lot for your suggestions, I'll try them as soon as I am done
> compiling the perl port and re-installing all my perl modules.. Not that there
> is a chance of it working better, since the system's perl works ok for POST
> when trying it in the console. But I'm lost so trying anything I haven't
> yet...

Post the relevent pieces of your form and the script. (including lines
that contain definitions and parsing).


> Thanks again Matt :)
> --
> Olivier
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Re: difficulties with BIND going from 8.* to 9.*

2003-03-11 Thread IAccounts
> I decided today it was time to install bind9 from ports and I am have
> having some issues I need help with.  Under 8.* I started BIND with the -u
> bind -g bind flags and a sockstat -4 showed named running as user bind.
> However, in 9.* I understand the -u bind flag is enough, but the server
> fails to start since it can open /var/run/ If I simply run the
> server with no -u flag, the server starts fine ( except denote below ).
> Although BIND is running in a jail() by itself, I'd still like for the
> server to run non-root.

First, I would check to see who owns the file. Sounds like you
are logged in as root and when you start it with no -u flag, there is no
issue. This may be because root is the only one with write access on the

> 1. Mar 10 20:32:13 darken named[796]: couldn't add command channel
> not found

This one has to do with configuring rndc keys (as far as I know). I began
this process of doing this, but gave up when I ran out of time. BIND will
continue to run normally, but you will not be able to use the rndc
controls for it. (At least I cant). There are many docs on configuring
this in google.

> 2. Mar 10 20:32:13 darken named[796]: dns_master_load:
> /usr/local/etc/namedb/ extra input text
> Mar 10 20:32:13 darken named[796]: zone loading
> master file /usr/local/etc/namedb/ extra input
> text
> It is also important to note that I am using the same named.conf  and zone
> files I did under 8.*

Extract the conf files from 9 source, input your info manually and see if
that clears up these issues.


> Michael
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Re: transparent ipfw

2003-03-11 Thread IAccounts
> Been browsing for a bit (knowing I will get some rtfm responses from this) but
> havnt come across a solid answer for this.  Most solutions involve NAT or some
> other non-routable ip block type of solution.
> Have the following ( used in place of routable addresses)
> - Internet connection coming into port 1 of Cisco switch(switch address
> - Other FreeBSD servers( - connected to various
> ports on the switch using the switch as the gateway device.
> - Other networks( etc...) connected to the switch which is
> bridging them over to the internet connection out of port 1.
> Wish to place a FreeBSD server in front of the switch to count traffic to and
> from various IP addresses for the entire network.
> NIC1 on the FreeBSD box would go to the Internet Connection
> NIC2 on the FreeBSD box would go to the switch.
> All addresses used are routable(3 /24 blocks will be coming down to NIC1), and
> all addresses/packets should be passed through without any NAT or other
> readdressing taking place. Aside from telnetting into the box itself, it doesn't
> need any IP addresses except for whatever is needed for the above setup.
> Comments appreciated, this would be my first implementation of ipfw / fw rules
> in general using a FreeBSD box.

In your kernel:

options BRIDGE
options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=xx # where xx == any number

In /etc/sysctl.conf

No IP's needed now. You could put one on the switch side of the box, for
ssh access. Then your IP's can be placed directly on the servers

This setup (bridged) is great because if for some reason the bridge fails,
or it needs to be taken offline, you can pull the wire from the bridge,
plug it back into the switch and your immediatly back in business. (of
course less your firewall).

If you need help with this, I will be happy to give you more info. I have
this exact setup in two places at this ISP I work for, plus I use it at
home to protect the integrity of my wireless lan (this one is running
IPSec however). What first took me months of R&D to implement, now takes
me minutes.


> Dave
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Re: Sendmail config file

2003-03-10 Thread IAccounts
> > > > > > # install -c -m /etc/mail/
> > > > > > Install: Invalid file mode:
> > > > > > Has anyone else experienced this during their sendmail upgrade?
> > > > >
> > > > > Does the file /usr/share/mk/ exist?
> > > > >
> > > > > If yes, does it contain a definition of SHAREMODE?
> > > > >
> > > > >   % grep SHAREMODE /usr/share/mk/
> > > > >   # SHAREMODE ASCII text file mode. [${NOBINMODE}]
> > > > >   SHAREMODE?= ${NOBINMODE}
> > > >
> > > > It certainly does. The entry is laid out exactly as you have it above.
> > > > The Makefile appears to be a binary, for reasons unknown to me, but that
> > > > is besides the point. Can I just copy a new makefile over from a different
> > > > box, or am I headed in the wrong direction with this?
> > >
> > > Have you upgraded recently?  Did you run mergemaster after installworld?
> > >
> > > What is the output of the following command?
> > >
> > >   $ diff -u /etc/mail/Makefile /usr/src/etc/mail/Makefile
> >
> > Sorry, the output is 'Binary files differ'. The /etc/mail Makefile is
> > binary, the former is not.
> >
> > The copy of the new Makefile did not work, It states that it 'Do not know
> > how to make'. By driving through mergemaster, I can see
> > that I will destroy what is working of sendmail :o)
> >
> > Is there any reason that I can't stay with the old config files? I can't
> > afford to break sendmail at this time. If it is not a security risk to
> > remain with old config files against the newest binary, I will just leave
> > it sit for now until I can dig up more info.
> It depends on what the old version of Sendmail was.  What do you get
> when you telnet to port 25?


As far as I can tell, there are no vulnerabilities by reusing the old
configs, so I will let you get back to more important things on the list
and play around and research independantly for the time being.

Thanks for everything!


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Re: Sendmail config file

2003-03-10 Thread IAccounts
> > > > > > # install -c -m /etc/mail/
> > > > > > Install: Invalid file mode:
> > > > > > Has anyone else experienced this during their sendmail upgrade?
> > > > >
> > > > > Does the file /usr/share/mk/ exist?
> > > > >
> > > > > If yes, does it contain a definition of SHAREMODE?
> > > > >
> > > > >   % grep SHAREMODE /usr/share/mk/
> > > > >   # SHAREMODE ASCII text file mode. [${NOBINMODE}]
> > > > >   SHAREMODE?= ${NOBINMODE}
> > > >
> > > > It certainly does. The entry is laid out exactly as you have it above.
> > > > The Makefile appears to be a binary, for reasons unknown to me, but that
> > > > is besides the point. Can I just copy a new makefile over from a different
> > > > box, or am I headed in the wrong direction with this?
> > >
> > > Have you upgraded recently?  Did you run mergemaster after installworld?
> > > What is the output of the following command?
> > >
> > >   $ diff -u /etc/mail/Makefile /usr/src/etc/mail/Makefile
> >
> > Yes I just upgraded last week. 4.3->RELENG_4.
> >
> > I did do mergemaster, but only on the password file.
> > I will copy the latter file to /etc/mail and give it a test.
> >
> > Thanks.

> Nice :)
> You should really run mergemaster and let it merge all the necessary
> changes to /etc though.  Not just the password file.

I will play with this on a test box, but not on production. Looks like it
is trying to merge some lines that I am not overly confident will produce
successful results.



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Re: Sendmail config file

2003-03-10 Thread IAccounts
> > > > # install -c -m /etc/mail/
> > > > Install: Invalid file mode:
> > > > Has anyone else experienced this during their sendmail upgrade?
> > >
> > > Does the file /usr/share/mk/ exist?
> > >
> > > If yes, does it contain a definition of SHAREMODE?
> > >
> > >   % grep SHAREMODE /usr/share/mk/
> > >   # SHAREMODE ASCII text file mode. [${NOBINMODE}]
> >
> > It certainly does. The entry is laid out exactly as you have it above.
> > The Makefile appears to be a binary, for reasons unknown to me, but that
> > is besides the point. Can I just copy a new makefile over from a different
> > box, or am I headed in the wrong direction with this?
> Have you upgraded recently?  Did you run mergemaster after installworld?
> What is the output of the following command?
>   $ diff -u /etc/mail/Makefile /usr/src/etc/mail/Makefile

Sorry, the output is 'Binary files differ'. The /etc/mail Makefile is
binary, the former is not.

The copy of the new Makefile did not work, It states that it 'Do not know
how to make'. By driving through mergemaster, I can see
that I will destroy what is working of sendmail :o)

Is there any reason that I can't stay with the old config files? I can't
afford to break sendmail at this time. If it is not a security risk to
remain with old config files against the newest binary, I will just leave
it sit for now until I can dig up more info.


> - Giorgos
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Re: Sendmail config file

2003-03-10 Thread IAccounts
> > > > # install -c -m /etc/mail/
> > > > Install: Invalid file mode:
> > > > Has anyone else experienced this during their sendmail upgrade?
> > >
> > > Does the file /usr/share/mk/ exist?
> > >
> > > If yes, does it contain a definition of SHAREMODE?
> > >
> > >   % grep SHAREMODE /usr/share/mk/
> > >   # SHAREMODE ASCII text file mode. [${NOBINMODE}]
> >
> > It certainly does. The entry is laid out exactly as you have it above.
> > The Makefile appears to be a binary, for reasons unknown to me, but that
> > is besides the point. Can I just copy a new makefile over from a different
> > box, or am I headed in the wrong direction with this?
> Have you upgraded recently?  Did you run mergemaster after installworld?

Yes I just upgraded last week. 4.3->RELENG_4.

I did do mergemaster, but only on the password file.
I will copy the latter file to /etc/mail and give it a test.


> What is the output of the following command?
>   $ diff -u /etc/mail/Makefile /usr/src/etc/mail/Makefile

> - Giorgos
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Re: Sendmail config file

2003-03-10 Thread IAccounts
> > # install -c -m /etc/mail/
> > Install: Invalid file mode:
> > Has anyone else experienced this during their sendmail upgrade?

> Does the file /usr/share/mk/ exist?
> If yes, does it contain a definition of SHAREMODE?
>   % grep SHAREMODE /usr/share/mk/
>   # SHAREMODE ASCII text file mode. [${NOBINMODE}]

It certainly does. The entry is laid out exactly as you have it above.
The Makefile appears to be a binary, for reasons unknown to me, but that
is besides the point. Can I just copy a new makefile over from a different
box, or am I headed in the wrong direction with this?


> - Giorgos
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Re: FreeBSD (4.5-to-4.7) Binary Upgrade Mishap

2003-03-08 Thread IAccounts
> What did I miss?  Does one have to become an "expert" to work with this OS?

All I have to say is that people tell me that practice makes perfect
(eventually, with help from these lists of course ;o)

No one can know everything, so it's the frustration and anguish that makes
success much more enjoyable. (Unless there are corporate mandates with
superiors breathing down your neck, but that's another story)

Just my $0.02.


> BTW, I did back up my 4.5 system before attempting the upgrade.
> Thanks.
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Re: DHCP Server "learning" name servers since server itself isdhcp'd??

2003-03-08 Thread IAccounts
> > Alternatively is there a way to dynamically tell BIND to get it's
> > forwarders list from /etc/resolv.conf?
> This could be done pretty much the same way.  I thought I'd done it on
> my system, but as I look at named.conf, I don't seem to have ever
> finished the shell script to auto-generate the named.conf file.
> Bind 8 doesn't have a sufficiently powerful include mechanism to do
> this neatly.

I would be very interested in helping (or starting) some development for
this purpose. I already have created a perl script for generating zone
files and updating serial numbers, but give me until the beginning of the
workweek, and I can do this.

Very interesting concept that I would happily put forth time to develop.
Mail me off list with any other details that you would like considered.

My personal email is steve*at*


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Re: Multiple Apache Ports

2003-03-07 Thread IAccounts
> Time for me to install another Apache in a different
> location, so I can have two, differently configured,
> Apache installs running side-by-side.

I have done this successfully by installing from source and running
configure with the following:

#./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache_prod

and on the other:

#./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache_test

Of course, you will have to decide what other options/modules you want to
configure with.


> When I try to install the same port again, however,
> with a different PREFIX, the pkg system complains that
> I've already got an Apache installed. Should I force
> this new install? Earlier, when I worried that this
> would overwrite information in /var/db/pkg someone
> kindly advised me not to worry about it, that it
> wouldn't do this. But how should I handle the
> exception that's showing?
> Any advice is appreciated.
> Peace.
> __
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Re: Thanks for the response...

2003-03-07 Thread IAccounts
> slower speed (4x is as low as I get), but I'm still at a point where the
> system responds with:
> Boot from ATAPI CD-ROM:  Failure...
> No /boot/loader

Did you try to download the floppies, boot from them, then direct /stand
to point to the CD as the install media?


> I assume that ATAPI is the model of the CD-ROM the system found. But,
> the 'Failure..." has me stumped. Is it possible that although the system
> (and FreeBSD) recognize the type of CD-Rom I have, but FreeBSD just
> doesn't support it [Creative Infra1800]. I admit when looking at the
> supported hardware, I didn't see Creative on the list - but then what's
> up with ATAPI?
> I apologize. A lot of my questions are rhetorical in that I just need to
> 'vent' (if I don't talk to myself, then I type to myself). And as
> another poster put it 'Don't throw out the old machine, just have
> patience' - as you've stated also. I have patience (and an occasional
> temper). Although my hostility factor towards this so far is only at
> about 3.
> Thanks again, and if you have anything else to add (not to my misery
> please), feel free.
> Scott McClellan
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Re: Sendmail config file

2003-03-07 Thread IAccounts
> # cd /etc/mail
> # tar cf - *.cf | gzip -9c - > oldcf.tar.gz
> Then regenerate all the *.cf files:
> # make cf
> Install them as and
> # make install

At this point it fails with:

# install -c -m /etc/mail/
Install: Invalid file mode:

I have tried all manner of file permissions, as I am assuming that they
this is what is referred to by mode.

Has anyone else experienced this during their sendmail upgrade?


> Restart sendmail:
> # make restart
> and you should be set to go.
> : If anything seems to fail for you after this remake of the *.cf
> : files, just enter /etc/mail and restore from the backup copy:
> :
> :   # cd /etc/mail
> :   # zcat oldcf.tar.gz | tar xf -

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Sendmail config file

2003-03-07 Thread IAccounts
This same question was asked yesterday (I think), but I accidently deleted
the thread, and it hasnt hit the archives yet.

I have upgraded from 4.3 to 4.8, and a telnet to sendmail states

Someone had responded on how to upgrade just the .cf to reflect the new
binary version. Could someone please either post the response, or send it
to me personally?



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Re: 4.3 -> RELENG_4

2003-03-07 Thread IAccounts
> If the scenerio I described above seems to fit, yes.  Sounds like things
> are going well.  If you want to be REAL paranoid, you could try rebuilding
> your kernel with IFPW_DEFAULT_ACCEPT (or whatever that option is) and make
> sure you have network connectivity before continuing.
> I wouldn't bother if it were me.  It sounds like things are going well.
> The main thing you're looking for is that the new kernel actually BOOTs.
> Drop to single-user mode and do the installworld.

I went ahead and did installworld. The IPFW problem dissapeared
immediatly. All I had to do was add the smmsp user as per UPDATING, and it
went slick from there.

Small issues were:

- a depricated line in sshd_config, which I manually commented out
- sig 11 on nmbd, for which I will upgrade samba (should fix it)

All in all, I am very exited as my amanda box now uname -a with
FreeBSD-4.8RC, and is back in full production.

I have began syncing source on my mission critical boxes, and plan on
starting the upgrade on them next week.

I did mergemaster on amanda box, but must of did something wrong as
afterwards, my /etc/master.passwd file was missing. Copied it back from
backup and all is well. mergemaster didn't seem to touch anything except
for it, so next time I will likely just do the manual thing.

Thanks for all of your help, which gave me the confidence to proceed in
this delicate manner.

However, I should of known that with the stability of Free that I really
had nothing to worry about from the beginning!


> --
> Bill Moran
> Potential Technologies

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Re: Jailed BIND not logging

2003-03-07 Thread IAccounts
> > > It works perfectly fine, but there is no logging taking place. I have fed
> > > syslogd the following in rc.conf:
> > >
> > > #syslogd_flags="-s -l /chroot/named/dev/log"
> >
> > Try:
> >
> > syslogd_flags="-s -l /chroot/named/var/run/log"
> Same effect. No logging being done. Ironic part is, I can't check the logs
> to see why it is not logging! :o)

I set up logging outside of the jail, and will wait it out for a bit. If
no luch, then I will reopen the issue.



> >
> > >
> > > I did not make any changes to syslogd.conf.
> > >
> > > but the file has never grown past 0 bytes in size. I do get
> > > some named messages in the messages log, despite having the following in
> > > my named.conf:
> > >
> > > logging {
> > >   channel default_syslog {
> > >  syslog daemon;   # send to syslog's daemon facility
> > >  severity notice;   # only send priority info and higher
> > >   };
> > >
> > >
> > > Again, I have lived with it like this so it is not critical, but it makes
> > > it very difficult to debug testing on the server.
> > >
> > > Tks.
> > >
> > > Steve
> > >
> > >
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Re: Jailed BIND not logging

2003-03-07 Thread IAccounts
> > It works perfectly fine, but there is no logging taking place. I have fed
> > syslogd the following in rc.conf:
> >
> > #syslogd_flags="-s -l /chroot/named/dev/log"

> Try:
> syslogd_flags="-s -l /chroot/named/var/run/log"

Same effect. No logging being done. Ironic part is, I can't check the logs
to see why it is not logging! :o)

> >
> > I did not make any changes to syslogd.conf.
> >
> > but the file has never grown past 0 bytes in size. I do get
> > some named messages in the messages log, despite having the following in
> > my named.conf:
> >
> > logging {
> >   channel default_syslog {
> >  syslog daemon;   # send to syslog's daemon facility
> >  severity notice;   # only send priority info and higher
> >   };
> >
> >
> > Again, I have lived with it like this so it is not critical, but it makes
> > it very difficult to debug testing on the server.
> >
> > Tks.
> >
> > Steve
> >
> >
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Jailed BIND not logging

2003-03-07 Thread IAccounts
I have lived with this for quite a while, but now that I would like to get
some of my bind logs, I had to ask.

Last summer, I managed to get BIND 9 running in a jail, (howto I generated
is here:

It works perfectly fine, but there is no logging taking place. I have fed
syslogd the following in rc.conf:

#syslogd_flags="-s -l /chroot/named/dev/log"

I did not make any changes to syslogd.conf.

but the file has never grown past 0 bytes in size. I do get
some named messages in the messages log, despite having the following in
my named.conf:

logging {
  channel default_syslog {
 syslog daemon;   # send to syslog's daemon facility
 severity notice;   # only send priority info and higher

Again, I have lived with it like this so it is not critical, but it makes
it very difficult to debug testing on the server.



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Re: 4.3 -> RELENG_4

2003-03-07 Thread IAccounts
Ok, everything went reasonably well with cvsup upgrade, buildworld,
buildkernel. After installkernel, everything appears to load perfectly,
until I try to send data to the box. IPFW barfs on a SIG 11.

Assuming that it is loading ok at boot, can I properly assume that this
will be repaired when I installworld?

What I don't understand is that the kernel I built was the exact same
kernel config I rebuilt the old way a month ago. It was then I added ipfw
support with:


and everything was ok. Anyone know why IPFW would just crap out? What part
of the changes would affect the way IPFW operates. In your opinion, is it
safe to installworld, or should this be further investigated first?


Steve Bertrand

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Re: 4.3 -> RELENG_4

2003-03-06 Thread IAccounts
> IAccounts wrote:
> >>I may be wrong, but ...
> >>Do this order:
> >>make buildworld
> >>make buildkernel
> >>make installkernel
> >>reboot
> >>make installworld
> >
> > I am going to attempt the above in order as stated. I have read UPDATING,
> > have the handbook open. One thing I am confused about: The next line after
> > my new text states that this should give me a new config. My understanding
> > is that buildworld will build the system, but not install it. Am I correct
> > in saying that if the world is not installed, then the new config will not
> > be installed either?
> I apologize, I'm forgetting things and giving you half-correct information
> all over the place.
> First off ... the handbook is your authoritative reference on this, if
> anything I say conflicts with the handbook, I'm most likely wrong.
> buildworld builds everything except the kernel and puts it all in /usr/obj,
> thus there are no changes to your running system.
> buildkernel is similar (it builds the kernel and puts it in /usr/obj) but
> it uses the utilities that are in /usr/obj instead of your running sytem,
> that's why you must always buildworld first.
> At this point, nothing on your running system has changed.  You can buildworld
> and buildkernel on a live system without affecting its operation.
> When you installkernel, it copies /kernel to /kernel.old, then installs the
> kernel it built with buildkernel as /kernel.  It also installs kernel modules
> in the /modules directory.  At this point your system has changed ... but getting
> it back to where it was involves copying /kernel.old to /kernel and /modules.old
> to /modules ... not too hard.
> The changes don't take effect until you reboot, though.  If, apon reboot, things
> don't look good, you can backtrack easily by booting the kernel.old and doing
> the copying described above.
> If everything looks good, you do installworld.  Installworld copys a lot of stuff
> to it's proper place.  I have no idea what all files are altered, but there are
> LOTs of them.  Reverting an installworld is a LOT of work!  But it is doable ...
> I've done it, so don't think that all is lost if something goes wrong, it's just
> that it's probably easier to reinstall the system and restore from backup.
> There's a step that I left out: mergemaster.  Mergemaster creates a temporary copy
> of the files that belong in /etc.  (make a backup of /etc before running mergemaster)
> and then allows you to selectively install whatever files you need.  It goes through
> each file that should be in /etc, compares it to what is currently in /etc and tells
> you whether it needs updated or not.
> This is the most difficult and easiest step to screw up.  If you install the new
> /etc/passwd, for example, you'll lose any users you've added, so you'll probably want
> to merge that file in.  Some other examples are /etc/printcap, /etc/group, 
> /etc/hosts.
> On the other hand, there are some startup scripts in /etc that you almost always
> want to update, such as /etc/rc, and everything in /etc/defaults.  This is why it's
> so important to backup /etc before using mergemaster, so you can easily back out of
> a mistake.  Using mergemaster is important!  Don't skip this step.
> Hope this helps clear up some of the confusion I created.

First, there are no apologies neccisary, and you did not create confusion,
you actually helped me clear most of it up. Another member suggested that
a #make buildworld will actually allow me to use the new config before
installworld, so that is what I am going to attempt.

When I first submitted my q to the list, I was looking for any and all
ideas/opinions out there. I am attempting to perform tasks that are
clearly spelled out in a different order in the handbook, and your advice
was very useful. If it wasn't for your first couple of responses, I would
not have learned that I can install just 'parts' of the new source by
going into /usr/src/usr.sbin and just make/installing it. I will certainly
have use for this in the near future.

Also, I don't feel that anybody should have to apologize for giving a
response that they afterwards feel was 'wrong' or 'not right'. I know for
a fact that I am guilty of spitting out a response in these lists and
others quickly, sometimes before I even totally realize what the user is
asking.  I'm sure that you have work to do otherwise and spent just the
amount of time helping out here as you can. Sometimes words get jumbled
and things seem confusing, but for me, it seems straight as I'm typing,
but sometimes when I go back and read it, it doesn't seem rig

Re: 4.3 -> RELENG_4

2003-03-06 Thread IAccounts
> > I am going to attempt the above in order as stated. I have read UPDATING,
> > have the handbook open. One thing I am confused about: The next line after
> > my new text states that this should give me a new config. My understanding
> > is that buildworld will build the system, but not install it. Am I correct
> > in saying that if the world is not installed, then the new config will not
> > be installed either?
> The magic of the "buildkernel" target is that it uses the programs just
> build by "buildworld", regardless of whether you've done an installworld.

This is great! Tks!

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Re: mail problem

2003-03-06 Thread IAccounts
On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, Brian Henning wrote:

> > On 2003-03-06 10:51, Brian Henning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > i am able to perform the following command fine when i want to send
> > > mail on the local network.
> > >
> > > cat input_message.txt | mail -s "hello world" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > is there a flag that i can pass to mail to tell it to use the proper
> > > server for when i want to perform this operation to an address
> > > outside my local network?
> > >
> > > cat input_message.txt | mail -s "hello world" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Have you checked your /var/log/maillog file?  Any hints there?
> >
> > When you say that you are unable to use mail(1), do you mean that you
> > get the message returned to your local mailbox?  If yes, what is the
> > precise error that the failed delivery contains?
> >
> > - Giorgos
> >
> ... while talking to
> <<< 553 5.1.8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Domain of sender address henni
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist
> the error seems to point to the domain name of my internal network... is there a
> way to change this such that the  server will accept my emial?

In the DNS zone file for error domain, there is an MX record pointing to
your localhost. If you are not sending mail from the machine DNS is
running on, it will surely fail. I don't believe this is related to this
specific issue though.

I am assuming that trinity is a host in the domain. If this
is the case, you need to create an A record in your DNS for this host. If
you can't do that, try putting the FQDN inside of /etc/hosts with it's ip.
This should be done on the box that sendmail is running on.


> thanks,
> brian
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Re: 4.3 -> RELENG_4

2003-03-06 Thread IAccounts
> I may be wrong, but ...
> Do this order:
> make buildworld
> make buildkernel
> make installkernel
> reboot
> make installworld

I am going to attempt the above in order as stated. I have read UPDATING,
have the handbook open. One thing I am confused about: The next line after
my new text states that this should give me a new config. My understanding
is that buildworld will build the system, but not install it. Am I correct
in saying that if the world is not installed, then the new config will not
be installed either?


> This should get you an updated config program, while still giving you the
> safety of backing out if the new kernel doesn't boot.
> If I'm wrong on this point, please correct me.  But I don't see it being
> harmful to try. (as nothing actually gets installed until the 'make install*'
> stage)
> --
> Bill Moran
> Potential Technologies

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Re: mail problem

2003-03-06 Thread IAccounts
> i am able to perform the following command fine when i want to send mail on the
> local network.
> cat input_message.txt | mail -s "hello world" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> is there a flag that i can pass to mail to tell it to use the proper server for
> when i want to perform this operation to an address outside my local network?
> cat input_message.txt | mail -s "hello world" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've always redirected the file into the mail command as opposed to piping
cat results to the mail command. eg:

# mail -s "Hello, World!" [EMAIL PROTECTED] < input_message.txt


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Re: 4.3 -> RELENG_4

2003-03-06 Thread IAccounts
> > > > Basically:
> > > > Update your source with cvsup
> > > > read /usr/src/UPDATING and follow any instructions required (I believe
> > > >   you'll need to manually create the relatively new sendmail users)
> > > > Reveiw you kernel config file to see if any options have changed since
> > > >   4.3
> > > > make buildkernel
> > > > make installkernel
> > > > reboot  >>> if the reboot doesn't go well, boot kernel.old and copy it to
> > > >  /kernel to get back to 4.3
> > > > make buildworld
> > > > make installworld
> >
> > Ok, I have cvsup'ped successfully, upon buildkernel I get:
> >
> > "Error: version of config does not match kernel!
> > config version = 400018, version required = 400019
> >
> > I understand that I am doing oposite of what the handbook says by
> > installing a new kernel first, but is there a way to get around the out of
> > date config problem so I can proceed in this 'backwards' approach?
> Not that I know of, and you've just started to uncover problems with
> doing things backwards. You really need to do the buildworld
> first. You can - in fact, should - leave the installworld until after
> the new kernel is booted.

Thanks greatly for the advice! I will attempt to do a buildworld now, and
I can actually understand why this is. I can also see that I *should* have
a backdoor prior to installworld.

In the meantime, I did (thankfully) find a 4.3 cd that the previous admin
had left (with no label or anything of course) and have installed it onto
a scrap unit. It is in cvsup mode right now, updating source.

I am going to gamble on the buildworld on my production amanda box first,
as this is at least not mission critical, and I can afford to lose this
one for a day.

Things are looking very hopeful for my first real attempt at upgrade, and
the things I am learning about the src structure and the way the FreeBSD
source tree works is great! I recently built a cvs server for my own
production, but now I actually understand cvs and branching at a whole new

Tks again for such great user support and for an OS that nothing can even
compare to. (Not to put down other BSD variants, because I have not used

Steve Bertrand

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Re: 4.3 -> RELENG_4

2003-03-05 Thread IAccounts
> > Basically:
> > Update your source with cvsup
> > read /usr/src/UPDATING and follow any instructions required (I believe
> >   you'll need to manually create the relatively new sendmail users)
> > Reveiw you kernel config file to see if any options have changed since
> >   4.3
> > make buildkernel
> > make installkernel
> > reboot  >>> if the reboot doesn't go well, boot kernel.old and copy it to
> >  /kernel to get back to 4.3
> > make buildworld
> > make installworld

Ok, I have cvsup'ped successfully, upon buildkernel I get:

"Error: version of config does not match kernel!
config version = 400018, version required = 400019

Make sure that /usr/src/usr.sbin/config is in sync with your /usr/src/sys
and install a new config binary before trying this again."

Doing a:

# cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/config
# make

Fails with "make: dont' know hwo to make config.1. Stop" At this point it
looks like everything has compiled, and is in the linking object files

I understand that I am doing oposite of what the handbook says by
installing a new kernel first, but is there a way to get around the out of
date config problem so I can proceed in this 'backwards' approach?


Steve Bertrand

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Re: 4.3 -> RELENG_4

2003-03-05 Thread IAccounts
> > Unfortunatly, I have never successfully upgraded a Free box yet, mind you
> > I have only tried it on one.
> >
> > Last year I was dropped into a production environment with all 4.3
> > machines. I have no devel equipment prior to 4.6. The upgrade attempts
> > were all only on one box (4.6) and failed due to suspect hardware.
> >
> > My question is not howto upgrade, but;
> >
> > 1> Since I have only production equipment to 'test' an upgrade on, I am
> > very nervous. At what point of the upgrade procedure is it too late to
> > turn back if something does not go right.
> If you install the kernel, then reboot (before installing world) you will
> be ensuring that the new kernel you built will boot reliably.  This is
> the final practical point of return.  If you have problems with the new
> kernel booting, you can copy /kernel.old back to /kernel and be back to
> where you started.  If the new kernel is fine, continue with installworld.
> Once you've installed world, however, it's an ungodly amount of work to
> revert everything.
> > 2> I keep amanda tape backups of every file system on all machines. If
> > something goes critically wrong, can the system be rebooted at least to
> > the point where I can pull data back off tapes?
> As long as your system is bootable, yes.  Do you have FreeBSD 4.3 CDs?
> If so, you can easily do a base install, and then restore from backup to
> get back up and running as you were.  (should things happen to go
> terribly wrong)
> I've very seldom had any problems upgrading using cvsup.  You will hit a
> few (minor) gotchas ... read /usr/src/UPDATING and you won't have any
> problems with them.
> Basically:
> Update your source with cvsup
> read /usr/src/UPDATING and follow any instructions required (I believe
>   you'll need to manually create the relatively new sendmail users)
> Reveiw you kernel config file to see if any options have changed since
>   4.3
> make buildkernel
> make installkernel
> reboot  >>> if the reboot doesn't go well, boot kernel.old and copy it to
>  /kernel to get back to 4.3
> make buildworld
> make installworld
> Going from 4.3 -> 4.7 may cause some problems with some ports.  The solution
> is generally to uninstall the port and rebuild it.  Update your ports tree
> first.
> Schedule yourself a nice chunk of time to do the first machine, then you'll
> be able to better predict the time required for the rest.

Thanks for the goldmine of info! Unfortunatly, my boxes are sooo old :o)
that cvsup appears to be out of date, as I get 'Protocol negotiation

Catch 22 I guess, so I found on (I
think this is John Poelstra's site?) That I have to upgrade my cvsup.
I will do this then let you know how the upgrade went.

Thanks again.

> --
> Bill Moran
> Potential Technologies

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4.3 -> RELENG_4

2003-03-05 Thread IAccounts
Unfortunatly, I have never successfully upgraded a Free box yet, mind you
I have only tried it on one.

Last year I was dropped into a production environment with all 4.3
machines. I have no devel equipment prior to 4.6. The upgrade attempts
were all only on one box (4.6) and failed due to suspect hardware.

My question is not howto upgrade, but;

1> Since I have only production equipment to 'test' an upgrade on, I am
very nervous. At what point of the upgrade procedure is it too late to
turn back if something does not go right.

2> I keep amanda tape backups of every file system on all machines. If
something goes critically wrong, can the system be rebooted at least to
the point where I can pull data back off tapes?

Tks for all help!

Steve Bertrand

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Re: FreeBSD-SA-03:04 and postfix

2003-03-05 Thread IAccounts
> Couple of questions regarding this Sendmail-related security advisory:
> 1. Am I right in assuming that the machines that have
> sendmail_enable=NONE in /etc/rc.conf are not vulnerable? How about
> sendmail_enable=NO?
> 2. On one of my 4.7-RELEASE-p6 servers, I'm running Postfix as MTA.
> I have NO_SENDMAIL=YES in /etc/make.conf so I don't rebuild sendmail
> when upgrading (which I have done many times on this machine). If
> I follow the security advisory by applying the patch supplied and
> rebuilding the system sendmail, will I end up replacing my Postfix with
> Sendmail?

2. I am doing some testing of postfix/mysql/courier the last week or so
and somewhere I read that if you update your system, you will need to
reinstall the postfix binaries. I'm almost certain that this was stated
in the Postfix INSTALL or README files.


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Re: The web-based bug interface is currently disabled.

2003-03-03 Thread IAccounts
> Or you could consider helping find a way to re-enable
> the www to send-pr while preventing script kiddies from
> abusing it.
> >>
> >>Why not have a "pr-moderator" for each category (i386, kern, doc, etc), who
> >>approves each incoming PR.  Basically this person would act as a front-line
> >>defense against spammers, but it would also allow them to assign PRs to
> >>developers as they are submitted, rather than letting them sit in the PR
> >>database for weeks/months before anyone picks them up.
> >
> > I believe something like this is being considered.
> Have you considered a 'confirmation' system that sends mail back to the
> originator for confirmation before actually submitting the PR?
> This way, if someone does manage to spam the GNATS database, we'll have
> their email address and can officially complain.

> Most ISPs would have
> such abuse be grounds for cancelling their account.

That is exactly what would happen at this ISP :o)

Steve Bertrand,
Senior Sys/Network Manager Internet Services

> --
> Bill Moran
> Potential Technologies
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Re: Do sorted messages exist?

2003-02-28 Thread IAccounts
> On Tuesday, I subscribed to the e-mail version of freebsd-questions.
> Because it generated messages at the rate of about two per minute all day
> long, and I received them on my employer's computer, and just the amount of
> time it took to delete the messages was interfering with my productivity, I
> had to unsubscribe on Wednesday.  I was fascinated by the messages as I am
> a newbie still trying to get my BSD system going and many of them pertained
> to issues that I expect to face.  I may be in fantasy-land, but I will ask
> this question anyway.  Is there any version of freebsd-questions in which
> the traffic is sorted by topic, and in which the recipient can pull onto
> his screen only those messages on the topic of interest?  Kudos to any
> person who takes the time to read any significant portion of the messages,
> and especially many thanks to those kind soles who actually take the time
> to respond.  Both of the questions that I posted in the past did receive a
> response.  Thank you.

I use pine to read all of my mail. I have an account that handles about 6
mailing lists, each of which filtered into it's own folder.

Usually while at work, I let the messages build up, then when I get a
minute, I go through all of the folders and sort by thread. I then delete
the threads I don't want, and read the rest of the messages one by one.

I find with pine I can manoever and manipulate through several mail
accounts by using the shortcut keys 5 times faster than any gui based
email client.


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Re: open relay server

2003-02-27 Thread IAccounts
> I have a freebsd 4.0 server with sendmail 8.9.3
> that is acting as an open relay server now.
> beginning to get lost after trying so many ways to stop it.
> any help will be most appreciated.

Check out the access and relay-domains files for sendmail.
Tons of info in google regarding how these files should be set up

I have had success by configuring these files, but please be advised that
I have only experience with 4.5+.


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Re: How to tell if Port is blocked...

2003-02-22 Thread IAccounts

> I'm running FreeBSD 5.0, I think that my isp have recently block ports on me. I know 
> the block port 82. But is there a way I can test to see if other ports are blocked?

# cd /usr/ports/security/nmap
# make && make install && make clean
# man (8) nmap

Best if you can run it on a machine foreign to your ISP network.


> TIA,
> Rod
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Re: usernames and aliases etc.

2003-02-21 Thread IAccounts

> While hosting mail for several domains, a local user
> with an account name of say "biz" has a domain of say ""
> would receive mail from other domains hosted at the same site
> such as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> What I am looking for is a general setup criteria that would eliminate this
> behavior so that [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be rejected even though
> is hosted on the same server but has no username of biz.

I use the virtusertable (sendmail) for this. There are several things that
I have done. You can use the *strange* method, which works very well, and
allows for greater expandibility and management when dealing with
thousands of users, or use the straight up approach and ensure that there
is a catchall for the domain after it's last valid user, so
[EMAIL PROTECTED] will not be sent to the improper user:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   companya01
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   companya02
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   companya03   company04

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   companyb01
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   companyb02   /dev/null


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   david   /dev/null

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   help   biz

Both of these situations force the username to be inside of it's own
domain to accept mail. With both setups above, you can be assured that biz
will only receive email if it is sent to the domain his virtuser entry
resides in.

Note that the second approach is the exact same, but using the actual
named account. This will quickly become a nightmare (and a large mess) if
you get up around the thousand user mark.


> One thing I thought of would be to use strange local usernames and
> then create virtual users that point to them.
> can anyone give me a suggestion on standard practice with this?
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Re: Stuck mail

2003-02-21 Thread IAccounts
> 1.) I run a script on my FreeBSD firewall to parse the
> firewall logs into csv format. When I tested this, I
> was able to mail them to myself with no problems. But
> the last two times, I am getting a message that says
> that the email was denied being sent by the localhost.
> Is there a way to retrieve the email that is stuck?

# grep "text to find" /var/spool/mqueue/*
Will dump out a list of messages in the queue with your text.

> 2.) Is there a way to alias my account on the firewall
> box to my account on another FreeBSD workstation?

Yes. Edit /etc/mail/aliases, and add:

# username: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Then run:

# newaliases

(supposing you are running sendmail).


> Thanks in advance,
> Ron Clark
> __
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Re: Setting up FreeBSD as a wireless base station

2003-02-21 Thread IAccounts
On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Emmanuel Gravel wrote:

> I was looking into setting up a wireless network at home. I'm already using
> FreeBSD 4.4 as my gateway/firewall (NATD/ipfw/junkbuster) for my wired network.
> I was initially looking at a Cisco 350 as an access point and Orinoco cards for
> the laptops/desktops that don't have wired access, mostly because an admin I
> knew swears by their security features. Cost is too high for my budjet however
> (for the access point).
> After some searching, I've found that FreeBSD could be used directly with a
> wireless card to become an access point. However, with the Orinoco cards, I
> read it could only do ad-hoc and not infrastructure mode. For that, a
> Prism-based card is required. I've looked at the list of cards pretty quickly,
> but I don't know which ones to get. Keep in mind that all the systems that will
> be wireless will be Windows (98/XP), apart from the FreeBSD gateway.
> Here's what I would like to accomplish:
> 1- The "access point" will not advertise it's name
> 2- When connecting to the access point, the clients will encrypt the name
> they're trying to connect to, so outside snoopers, even if they do break WEP,
> won't be able to connect (I think this is what was done with the Orinoco cards,
> the Cisco 350, and special client software).
> 3- All communication afterwards is continuously encrypted between the clients
> and the access point (not just with WEP). Both clients and server should have
> key pairs (SSL?).
> 4- All clients will have access to the network and internet as if they were
> wired (i.e. there should be no difference to the user whether using a wireless
> or wired computer). This includes Windows shares as well as any other TCP/IP
> based protocol.
> Which Prism-based card would be best for this? Keep in mind I need both PCI and
> PCMCIA cards that should all be compatible with each other. I have both PCI and
> ISA slots available on my FreeBSD system.
> Also, which Windows software will I be needing to make this painless to the
> user (if anything specialized is needed)? Also, on the Windows side again,
> which diagnostics software would be best?
> Thanks for your help!

I use a DLink dl-650 card in my box. I also put my wireless network inside
of IPSec and enforce it with IPFW. This way, unless each client is using
the appropriate ipsec settings, they will never see the wireless network.

My setup may be a little different however. Heres what I have:

To Internet
| FBSD gw/firewall
| FBSD (bridge)(firewall)| - To wired internal network
 nothing but IPSec ESP/AH
 in here (or out)
To wireless internal network
My wireless laptops.

> >
> __
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Re: question

2003-02-19 Thread IAccounts
> On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 04:28:14PM -0500, IAccounts wrote:
On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Cliff Sarginson wrote:

> > > is java or javascript goods languages to learn?
> > > if no what is the best language to start with, the second and the third
> > > thank you for your answer
> >
> > Depends on what you want to learn.
> >
> > Perl: Extremely flexible text string manipulation features and scripting
> > features. Relatively easy to learn.
> >
> > c++: Cross platform across several (all?) OS's. Extremely powerful, can be
> > extremely confusing with it's pointers and references. Most programs for
> > unix are written in this language.
> >

> Mmm. Not true. Most programs for Unix are written in C :)
> C++ is popular however.

My apologies :o) I even knew this. I don't know why that came out!


> --
> Regards
>Cliff Sarginson
>The Netherlands
> [ This mail has been checked as virus-free ]
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Re: question

2003-02-18 Thread IAccounts
> is java or javascript goods languages to learn?
> if no what is the best language to start with, the second and the third
> thank you for your answer

Depends on what you want to learn.

Perl: Extremely flexible text string manipulation features and scripting
features. Relatively easy to learn.

c++: Cross platform across several (all?) OS's. Extremely powerful, can be
extremely confusing with it's pointers and references. Most programs for
unix are written in this language.

PHP: Good scripting language for http transfer.

I would play with perl as it is easy and does not need to be compiled.
Then move on to the much more powerful c++

My $.02


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Re: make buildworld failure...

2003-02-18 Thread IAccounts
> I went to my kernel to look at line 76 and this is where it put me
> (using vi):
> (Cursor here)#Floppy Drives
> device  fdc0at isa? port IO_FD1 irq 6 drq 2
> device  fd0 at fdc0 drive 0
> device  fd1 at fdc0 drive 1
> I can't figure this out.  As there is not 0 in the "#Floppy Drives"
> line.

Post the few lines leading up to line 76. Many times, (I have noticed) a
compiler will pooch on a line and give the line number of the following

Perhaps this is the case here.


> Here is:
> palea# uname -a
> FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE #0: Mon Feb 10
> 16:10:13 EST 2003
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/PALEA  i386
> If there is anything else you need me to provide let me know.  Thank you
> for any advice/suggestions you can give.
> I love this os. Curt Micol
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Re: SMC 2602W Wireless PCI Card on stable

2003-02-18 Thread IAccounts
On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Viny wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 02:57:21PM +0100 or thereabouts, Peter J. Blok may have 
>written :
> > I don't use the pccard stuff for the 2602. I just kldload if_wi or compile
> > device wi inside the kernel.
>   Thanks for your quick answer !
>   So there is no reference to card or pcic devices in your kernel
> config file (both are present in the GENERIC one) ?
>   Assuming your card has been recognized by the kernel, how do you
> configure the device ? What are the relevant lines in rc.conf or other
> config files ?

Using a DLINK 650 wi card (in the kernel) my rc.conf looks like this:


Hope this helps.


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Re: arplookup going mad

2003-02-17 Thread IAccounts
> >Feb 16 18:35:06 voo /kernel: arplookup failed: host is
> >not on local network
> >Feb 16 18:35:06 voo /kernel: arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for
> >

I had this back in the summer time, and it was due to having an IP
address aliased on one of my nics in a block that was not on the local

Check the block the NIC's bound IP is on, then verify that any blocks that
the aliases are in are reachable from that machine.


> >
> >How do I put an end to this? The IP mentioned is NOT on the local
> >network. I do NOT tell it anywhere it is. Nothing has changed in my
> >config. Why does it do this, and why every second all of a sudden? How
> >do I stop it?
> >
> >man llinfo gives 0, apropos llinfo gives 0. man arplookup: nothing,
> >apropos arplookup: nothing.
> man 4 arp (not an answer but may be help you to resolve the problem)
> >
> >I rebooted, to no avail. It came back within half an hour.
> >
> >Since the machine is colocated (and not next door) I do not want to
> >lock myself out by trying funny things with arp -s. And I tried that
> >on a machine here, and it refused it anyway for a host not on the
> >local network. As it should, I am sure.
> >
> >Any really good ideas?
> >
> >uname -a: FreeBSD [hostname] 4.7-STABLE FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #13: Sat
> >Nov 16 16:09:35 CET 2002
> >marc@[hostname]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/FUCHSIA  i386
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Regards,
> Dancho Penev
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