Re: FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

2012-11-20 Thread Mike Meyer

Zach Leslie  wrote:
>> l
>> I'm not fossil user, but it's BSD licensed in written in C.
>Also, this particular tool bails out on the unix philosophy, with its
>gui, ticket tracker etc.  Do one thing.  Do it well.

I would argue that git bails on that as well, but that's a different discussion.

Whether or not fossil does "one thing" depends on which "one thing" you pick.  
If the one thing is "version control", you're right. However "version control" 
is just one aspect of a larger task that does't have a common name.  But if you 
look at systems designed for managing projects with source, you'll see they 
universally provide web uis, issue trackers, and wikis.  Due you trash IDE's 
because they provide tools that are useful for doing "software development" 
instead of limiting themselves to being "text editors"?

That fossil provides all of those things in a single relatively small program 
is a major win - at  least for small projects (which is the fossil target). On 
the other hand, the fossil project does stay focused on the core task. They 
will reject a change proposal because it's not part of that task.

That said, much as I like fossil (it's my goto VCS) I don't think it would be a 
good choice for FreeBSD. We're not a small project - we have people who are 
willing to devote time to things like an external wiki and isse tracker. Nuts, 
we have (had?) repos in four different VCSs! Those features in fossil are 
purposely kept simple since they're meant for doing one thing, not as 
general-purpose tools for lots of things. The issue tracker doesn't support 
branching issues, which is liable to cause problems in a large project.  The 
FreeBSD wiki's are used for lots of things other than just project documents. 
The web ui - well, that's probably useable as is. But that one thing isn't a 
deal maker.
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Re: Problems mounting nfs from freebsd to Mac.

2010-09-26 Thread Mike Meyer
On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 14:58:21 -0500 (CDT)
Robert Bonomi  wrote:

> > From  Sat Sep 25 03:29:33 2010
> > Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 04:01:18 -0400
> > From: Mike Meyer 
> > To:
> > Cc: 
> > Subject: Problems mounting nfs from freebsd to Mac.
> >
> > I've got an nfs server that's refusing to mount one client - via one
> > route - and it's driving me crazy.
> First question, are you _SURE_ that it's a server-side problem?  I under-
> stand that things are failing in one situation and not others, but there
> are about -five- possible causations, only one of which is a server-side
> NFS configuration.

No, I'm not sure. The question is more "what server tools can I use
figure out what's wrong" than "how do I fix the server". That the
FreeBSD community is the most helpful one involved might have some
bearing on which question I chose to ask here.

> > As far as I know, there are only three reasons for an NFS server to
> > refuse a mount request: 1) The exports file is borked somehow, 2) The
> > server insists that the client use a privileged port, or 3) The IP
> > address the request is coming from is disallowed.
> There _are_ others, depending on how access controls are specified in
> the exports file.

Those are pretty much what I meant by "the exports file is borked
somehow". The file systems are all zfs, all exported by zfs, and
mostly all inherited from the parent file system. For the record,

/export -maproot 0 -network 192.xx.yy.0/25 

> > #1 isn't it - the file systems mount fine on other boxes. And they
> > mount fine on the problem box via Wifi.
> >
> > #2 shouldn't be it - I'm running the server with -n turned on, and the
> > mount works via wifi.
> >
> > #3 seems logical, but I only have one network enabled, and it's a
> > *.0/25. The working addresses include .96, and .106, while the failing
> > address is .105. So I'm not sure what's going on here.
> >
> > Running mountd with a -d flag generates no output at all when the
> > request is denied. This makes me think I'm not looking in the right
> > place.
> First thing, what does 'showmount -a', run on the misbehaving client show? 
> And are there differences, depending on being on the wired vs wireless link?

Just "All mounts on localhost:" and then an empty list, whether they
are mounted or not.

> Check how the client resolves the server hostname on both the wireless and
> wired links.

It's the same. That's expected - the WRT610N is providing both dns &
dhcp services, and they both resolve through it.

> make sure the _server_ name (in the form used in the nfs mount) is
> resolving in the same way -- to the same address -- when the client is
> on thee wireless and wired links.  (an 'unqualified' hostname, and a
> lack of a default domain in the wired setup  _could_ cause what you
> are seeing.

Yup, both connections resolve to the same address. Yes, I use an
unqualified hostname, but the dhcp server provides a default domain.

> Check to make sure you've got network connectivity both ways on both the
> wired and wireless links.  Does traceroute work in both directions on
> both links?  does it show the _same_names_?

Yes, and yes. 

> You've say you've got a WRT610N in the middle of things.  Is it actually
> playing _router_ on all ports, or switch/hub on the lan side with routing
> on the external interface.  

The latter, and it's bridging the wireless network into the LAN side
as well.

> If it's actually -routing- on all ports, check _both_ the client and server
> routing tables to make sure they're pointing in the right plac, when the
> client is connected on both paths.  Also double-check the router itself
> for any access-control and/or filtering rules.

Those all look right to me. In particular, the client routing tables
are identical (module different interface names & ip addresses) when
it's on the wireless and wired connection.

> If nothing has shown up so far, an obvious next step is to look at the data
> 'on the wire' between the machines.  e.g., tcpdump/etherfind/netshark etc.

I was hoping for something a little bit higher level than that, but I
guess that's what's next.

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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Problems mounting nfs from freebsd to Mac.

2010-09-25 Thread Mike Meyer
I've got an nfs server that's refusing to mount one client - via one
route - and it's driving me crazy.

The server is running 8.1-RELEASE, exporting a collection of zfs file
systems. All the file systems are exported with the exact same
flags. The clients are either FreeBSD or OSX boxes. Most of them work

One OSX box - updated to the latest snow leopard while trying to fix
this - gets "permission denied" when it tries to mount the interesting
fie systems. But only when using it's wired connection. If it connects
via wifi to the same router (a cisco WRT610N running dd-wrt)
everything works fine.

As far as I know, there are only three reasons for an NFS server to
refuse a mount request: 1) The exports file is borked somehow, 2) The
server insists that the client use a privileged port, or 3) The IP
address the request is coming from is disallowed.

#1 isn't it - the file systems mount fine on other boxes. And they
mount fine on the problem box via Wifi.

#2 shouldn't be it - I'm running the server with -n turned on, and the
mount works via wifi.

#3 seems logical, but I only have one network enabled, and it's a
*.0/25. The working addresses include .96, and .106, while the failing
address is .105. So I'm not sure what's going on here.

Running mountd with a -d flag generates no output at all when the
request is denied. This makes me think I'm not looking in the right

Relevant entries from rc.conf (nothing really fancy):

nfs_server_flags="-u -t -n 4 -h $MY_IP"
mountd_flags="-r -n -h $MY_IP"
rpcbind_flags="-h $MY_IP"
rpc_lockd_flags="-h $MY_IP"
rpc_statd_flags="-h $MY_IP"

So, questions: if mountd isn't the issue (though it's issuing the
denied messages), what is? Is there some reason I've overlooked for
the permissions to be denied? Anything I can do to get more
information out of mountd (or whatever is causing the problem)? Any
other things I might try?

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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Mike Meyer
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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Re: weird restarts when compiling

2008-07-13 Thread Mike Meyer
On Sun, 13 Jul 2008 09:09:09 +0300
"Aggelidis Nikos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi to all the list, i 've been using FreeBSD for almost a month ,and i
> have this weird problem. Sometimes when i try to compile a program the
> computer will hard-reset itself, like someone pulled of the plug...
> For example yesterday i was trying to install jdk1.6 + eclipse, and
> while i was compiling eclipse {more precisely -if i remember
> correctly-  the "diablo-jdk" needed for eclipse} the computer rebooted
> itself.
> The load of the computer was: 2-3xterms, 1 Konversation irc client
> ,several opera9.51 windows, 1-2 konqueror windows, and 1-2 Firefox
> widows. I have a dual core box with 2GB of memory and i use freebsd7
> 32bit. The computer was online for 8hours with almost the same load
> {minus the compilation-procedure}.
> * Has anyone had problems like this?

Yes. It's always turned out to be flaky hardware for me.

> * What can i do to investigate a bit more what was the situation
> before the restart?

Look through /var/log/messages.

> * Is there anyway to solve this problem.

Well, you really can't "solve" it, so much as troubleshoot it. Make up
a list of possible causes, and then start checking each possible
cause. You haven't given any real information about the system or the
problem, so we can't eliminate anything. My top suspects would be the
PSU (old or inadequate) and CPU (overheating or overclocked). Memory
and the I/O subsystem would be next, but they tend to cause
random process failure rather than system shutdowns when they go
flaky, so I'd try them last.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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Re: network/multithreaded programming on FreeBSD

2007-07-30 Thread Mike Meyer
On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 00:25:06 +0200 Karol Kwiatkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael S wrote:
> > Good day all,
> > 
> > I am not sure this is the correct list for my
> > question, I am still going to ask though. 
> > I am a 3rd year computer science student and in the
> > fall I am going to be taking courses in network and
> > system programming (with pthread). As a lot of
> > universities do, mine also teaches these courses on
> > Linux. I was wondering if there was a lot of
> > difference in socket and multi-threaded programming
> > between Linux and FreeBSD?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Michael
> Hi Michael,
> I think @hackers might be better place to ask programming questions
> (added to CC).

It certainly liable to get a better answer, because it has a higher
density of programmers hanging out there. I'm not sure it's a better
place to ask programming questions, as it's meant for discussing the
development of FreeBSD, as opposed to development on FreeBSD. On the
other hand, there doesn't seem to be a list for the latter on the list
of freebsd mail lists.

The answer depends on what your goal is. If you want to write portable
code, both strive to be Posix systems, so if you follow the Posix
guidelines, you'll be ok. Since I develop on several different Unix
platforms including FreeBSD for clients running GNU/Linux (among other
things), that's what I do, and it generally works.

However, if you start straying outside Posix, you'll find
differences. My experience is that Linux tends to be missing features,
but more lenient about transgressions of the standard, than
FreeBSD. On the other hand, my sample set is sufficiently small that
this may not be a good indication of what it's like for others.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: kernel panic at boot on any 6.x OS

2007-02-26 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ted Mittelstaedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > For instance, is rebuilding world between point releases (e.g. 5.4 to
> > 5.5) an okay idea, compared to across major releases (e.g. 5.5 to 6.2)?

For the record, I do a rebuild between point releases - actually, I
track -stable on those systems, but do the wipe & reinstall across
major releases.

> I run a number of FreeBSD servers and what I do is simply keep them patched
> with security updates.  Every once in a while a security hole will be
> discovered in a non-core program and if it's serious enough I'll go into the
> port
> and do a "make deinstall" followed by downloading and compiling the program
> the "old fashioned way"  I shoot for a min of 3 years on the OS before even
> thinking about updating, and when it's time to update the hardware has
> generally reached the old rag stage anyway.

This works great for servers, that don't have any real users on them,
and is pretty much how I do things. I'll try updating the ports tree
and installing from that rather than building the old fashioned way,
because that works a surprising percentage of the time.

On desktop and development systems, the users tend to get pissed if I
let things get that old. So I do upgrade them more often. There are a
couple of things you can do to make reinstalling to a clean disk a bit
less painfull.

1) Intelligent file system layout. I put all the things that aren't
installed from the FreeBSD disks on their own partitions (/home and
/local). I can then wipe and reinstall /, /var and /usr without
clobbering the non-system data.

2) Mirrored disks. Disks for consumer systems are cheap. Throwing a
second one in a system and mirroring the system disk is a cheap way to
improve the reliability of the system. When it's time to upgrade, take
a drive out of the mirror, and install to that drive. You can reboot
to the old system if you need to interrupt the process and run the old
system for some reason. With a file system layout as per #1, you can
even mount the users files under both versions of the OS. When you're
happy with the new system, mirror the new system drive to the old one.

Neither of these is an excuse for not backing up your data before you
start the process.  Given the above, the backups are for disaster
recovery, so you don't need full level 0 dumps, just up-to-date
incrementals. So if you're running daily backups, this should be easy:
drop into single user, and run an incremental since the last daily,
which typically takes me a few minutes.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: Dual Core Or Dual CPU - What's the real difference in performance?

2007-02-08 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Cy Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mike Meyer writes:
> > Generally, more processors means things will go faster until you run
> > out of threads. However, if there's some shared resource that is the
> > bottleneck for your load, and the resource doesn't support
> > simultaneous access by all the cores, more cores can slow things
> > down.
> > 
> > Of course, it's not really that simple. Some shared resources can be
> > managed so as to make things improve under most loads, even if they
> > don't support simultaneous access.
> Generally speaking the performance increase is not linear. At some point 
> there is no benefit to adding more processors.

When some other resources becomes the bottleneck. Which resource
depends on the workload. In some cases, adding processors will slow
things down.

> To add another dimension to this discussion, hyperthreading uses spare 
> cycles in a single processor to pretend there are two processors, 
> increasing performance for some apps and reducing performance for other 
> apps.

I think hyperthreading gets a bad rap. It shares lots of resources -
like the computing units - so there are lots of workloads that cause
things to get worse when you add a processor. But the general case
should still be that it gets faster.

> Generally speaking, dual core is an inexpensive way to get SMP into the 
> hands of people who could not normally afford SMP technology as it was.

Gee, I thought it was a reaction to losing the clock rate war.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: Dual Core Or Dual CPU - What's the real difference in performance?

2007-02-07 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Vince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Nicole Harrington wrote:
> > Using FreeBSD, what is really the difference, besides
> >power and ability to shove in more memory, between
> >having the two seperate CPUS's? 
> Dual core or Quad Core CPUs performance are far better compared to more 
> socket CPUs since they get shared access to memory cache and reduce 
> memory latency/probing over AMDs hypertransport bus.

Of course, it's not really that simple. For one thing, the intel quad
core CPUS are two dual core chips in one package, and the two chips
don't share internal resources - like cache. So any data in cache is
only available to two of the four cpus; if the one of the other two
cpus needs that data it'll have to go to the external bus.  The AMD
quad core package is similar - except they don't put the two chips in
the same package, but provide a proprietary high-speed interconnect
between them.

Also, shared access to the memory cache means - well shared access to
the memory cache and the memory behind it. Shared access raises the
possibility of contention, which will slow things down. If all four
CPUs get a cache miss for different data at the same time, one of them
is in for a long wait. Yeah, this isn't very likely under most
loads. How likely is it under yours?

Generally, more processors means things will go faster until you run
out of threads. However, if there's some shared resource that is the
bottleneck for your load, and the resource doesn't support
simultaneous access by all the cores, more cores can slow things

Of course, it's not really that simple. Some shared resources can be
managed so as to make things improve under most loads, even if they
don't support simultaneous access.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: LinkLib Issues In freebsd Lazarus

2006-07-17 Thread Mike Meyer
> I have been involved in a parallel discussion on the fpc-devel list, and
> have discovered a few facts which will impact the manufacture of a
> freepascal Lazarus port. In fact, what I have learned will impact the
> usability of FPC on freepascal itself.
> The "problem" which initiated this thread was the "wrong naming" of some
> libraries. Well, it turns out that this renaming was done mid-stream by
> the freebsd development team, and not by the freepascal folks.
> It seems that from freebsd 6.0 to freebsd 6.1 (the one I am using)
> library names were arbitrarily changed. The ones I ran into were libgdk,
> libgtk, and libglib. In all previous versions (prior to 6.1) of freebsd,
> the lib versions 1.2 were named libgdk12, libgtk12, and libglib12 they
> were changed in 6.1 to libgdk-12, libgtk-12, and libglib-12
> respectively. I wonder how many more library names were changed? This is
> a real blow to any third party software developer, who's software will
> likely start to bomb on freebsd6.1, where it ran just fine on 6.0

I can't help with this. I have no idea why it was done - it certainly
wasn't discussed on -hackers.

> BIG problem! If I compile a program on my 6.1 system, which makes any
> dynamic calls to these libraries (and possibly others as yet unknown),
> that executable will ONLY run on freebsd 6.1, and bomb on all prior
> versions. My "fix" of patching the freepascal 2.0.2, or your method of
> sym-linking, while fixing the local problem of compiling Lazarus, breaks
> all portability to previous freebsd installs. This is a bad thing the
> freebsd folks have done!

Well, one solution is to distribute sources - which works especially
well if you provide a port. See below for more on that.

If you want to distribute binaries, you could simply include the
correct libraries in your tarball, and only install them if they
aren't installed.

> There are some dirty work-arounds, and according to the fpc developers,
> they will be implementing some new tools to deal with this in fpc-2.0.4,
> who's rc2 has just been released.
> I can see making these kinds of changes from a 5.x version to a 6.x
> version, as bad as even that would be, but to make such a change from
> within the 6.x branch is pretty inconsiderate IMHO.
> Given the above, it would be senseless to create a "port" of lazarus,
> which would require a "port" of the "patched" fpc sources, (as a
> dependency), and then have a development system which was tied to a
> particular version of freebsd.

No, it's not senseless. You can *ask* the various libraries what they
need, by runnig "gdk-pixbuf-config --libs", for example. However, you
shouldn't need to do that. Adding something like "USE_GNOME=gdkpixbuf"
to your port Makefile will cause the Makefile to add all the
appropriate dependencies to CFLAGS.

Except you may not use CFLAGS, and may have to go back to
gdk-pixbuf-config to get the data you need. You may even need to tweak
the output to make it accpetable to fpc.

Basically, this change is only really painfull if you want to
distribute binaries. In that case, you could, as mentioned
above,distribute binaries of the libraries as well.  Or you could not
support anything prior to 6.1 (actually, that's not correct - my 5.5
system has the new library naming).  Or - since this change is in the
ports system, not FreeBSD proper, and the ports tree can be updated
independently of the base system, require that 6.0 users update their
ports tree and the libraries in question.

Please note, I'm not trying to defend or justify this change - you
pointing it out is the first I'd heard of it. I'm just trying to point
out some ways you can deal with it.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: LinkLib Issues In freebsd Lazarus

2006-07-17 Thread Mike Meyer
> > I'd say this is a mistake. You should probably install the fpc port in
> > /usr/ports/lang/fpc. There may be reasons to install your own version
> > instead of a port, but you haven't presented any.
> As per the Lazarus docs/INSTALL, compiling Lazarus requires the FPC
> source tree, A binary install of FPC won't do.

It's *really* unusual for a port to install a binary tarball if the
source is available. Most ports that install binaries are for
commercial products for which source isn't available.

> > Again, you should probably have used the ports version, in
> > editors/fpc-ide.
> That's the text-mode IDE, not the GUI one, called Lazarus.

That port doesn't say very much about what it is, other than it's an
fpc-ide. Sorry for the mistake.

> So, all that is needed is to apply the patches I mentioned in my OP, get
> the proper gdk-pixbuf installed from ports, and it is as good as gold.
> Now, how can I create a port for Lazarus, now that I have it compiled
> and running?

You'll probably want to start by creating an fpc port that builds from
source. A lazarus port could fetch the source files itself and use
them, but if I were using them, I'd like to know that the fpc I was
using was built from the sources the ide used.

A port is basically a Makefile plus at least some text files. The
ports tree includes a lot of make machinery to
fetch/extract/patch/build/etc. based on that. See the porters handbook
> for details.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: LinkLib Issues In freebsd Lazarus

2006-07-16 Thread Mike Meyer
This is really more appropriate for -questions, so I've redirected it

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bob Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Hi Folks:
> I believe this is a "hacker" issue, at least any possible solution is.
> I recently moved from Linux to FreeBSD as my primary work environment.
> My development system of choice is FreePascal. I installed FPC-2.0.2
> from the official FreePascal distribution tar ball

I'd say this is a mistake. You should probably install the fpc port in
/usr/ports/lang/fpc. There may be reasons to install your own version
instead of a port, but you haven't presented any.

> My next step was to install Lazarus, the FPC IDE, and here is where I
> have run into troubles.

Again, you should probably have used the ports version, in

> A tar-ball install ran well until Lazarus was being Linked. The errors were:
> the following libraries were not found by ld: glib12, gdk12, and gtk12.

Where did you get these from? And what versions are they?

> a grep -r in the FPC-2.0.2 source tree revealed the problems, in every
> case of:
> packages/extra/ glib, gtk, and  gdk the linklib statements were wrong thus:
>  {$ifdef FreeBSD}
>{$linklib gtk12}
> So, I created a patch to fix the above constructs to:
>   {$ifdef FreeBSD}
>  gtkdll='gtk-12';
>  {$linklib gtk-12}
> For all three libraries; since freebsd names these libraries with a "-"
> I recompiled and reinstalled FPC-2.0.2 with the patches applied,
> re-tested the compiler; all OK!
> I went back to the Lazarus source tree gmake clean; gmake and received
> the following error:
>   Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.2 [2006/07/14] for i386
>   Copyright (c) 1993-2005 by Florian Klaempfl
>   Target OS: FreeBSD/ELF for i386
>   Compiling lazarus.pp
>   Linking ../lazarus
>   /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgdk_pixbuf
>   lazarus.pp(113,1) Error: Error while linking
> a locate gdk_pixbuf finds: /usr/X11R6/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0
> So, at this point I just sym-linked my libgdk_pixbuf-2.0 to
> libgdk_pixbuf: ln -s libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.a libgdk_pixbuf.a

This is almost certainly a mistake, as a major version number change
indicates that the interface changed.

> and ran gmake again, only to produce:
> Linking ../lazarus
> /usr/home/bob/lazarus/lcl/units/i386-freebsd/gtk/gtkint.o(.text+0x6f65):
> undefined reference to `gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable'
> Many many more "undefined reference" to something missing in  gdk_pixbuf.

Well, yeah - you're linking against *the wrong library*. My system has
a /usr/X11R6/lib/libgdk_pixbuf.a, installed from the
graphics/gdk-pixbuf port. That does have the function you're looking

> so: freebsd's stock-installed gdk_pixbuf does not contain the functions
> needed!

No, FreeBSD's stock-installed gdk_pixbuf-2.0 does not contain the
functions you need from gdk_pixbuf. This should not be surprising.

> So, I went to ports and found "ruby18-gdk_pixbuf2-0.14.1" a make
> install provided "" but no "gdk_pixbuf2.a" !! I find it
> odd that no provision is provided to link to this lib!

Again, you *don't want* gdk_pixbuf2. And that port doesn't provide
gdk_pixbuf2, but almost certainly requires it, so it'll install the
port to provide that library if it isn't there. But that doesn't help
you at all.

> Funny! I moved away from Linux mainly because of Library-Hell issues :-)

Shared library versioning hell is platform-independent. In general,
FreeBSD's port/package system is older than Linux package
managers. This means they got to learn from it, and are in some ways
better. On the other hand, it also means that the freebsd ports system
has features that those systems may not have yet.

In particular, you can use the sysutils/portupdate port to update
ports, and it will move old versions of shared librarys out of the way
so they don't confuse new builds, but will still be found by older
packages that depend on them.

You can also use the sysutils/portsearch port to find files that the
ports will install for you.

> Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. I seem to have run
> out of things to try here. Surely someone has successfully compiled
> Lazarus on freebsd

I'd install the fpc and fpc-ide ports. If you want to continue the way
you started, delete your bogus symlink, and install the
graphics/gdk-pixbuf port to get the library you need.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: What's up with 6.1 and ATA????

2006-05-19 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 09:05:54PM -0400, Mike Meyer wrote:
> > Um, someone want to tell me what happened to the ATA drivers in
> > 6.1-RELEASE? I tried to upgrade my desktop box from 5.4 to
> > 6.1-RELEASE, only to have the CDROM fail to find the SATA drive. I
> > wind up upgrading to 5-STABLE from CVS instead, which works fine.
> > 
> > Today, I tried upgrading an old appliance from 4.X to 6.1. Same thing
> > - the 6.1 CDROM boots, then fails to find the drive.
> > 
> > Have the ATA drivers been mangled in some way? Or is this a problem
> > with the CDROM, and if I install 5.X and then upgrade via CVS to 6.1,
> > it'll work?
> I know you're upset, but try to avoid being emotional when reporting
> bugs.

Actually, I'm not upset, as nothing critical is busted. I'm just a
little frustrated - two failed installs in one day does that to
me. I'm sorry you felt I was being emotional. I certainy wasn't
feeling that way, and rereading what you quoted makes me wonder what
caused you to think that I was. But I apologize for whatever gave you
that impression in any case.

> You also forgot to give any details of your hardware, which is
> surely the most important fact.

Yup. I was trying to find out if I was just plain unlucky enough to
see a double failure, or if there was a general problem with ATA in
6.1, similar to the one that showed up with 5.2.

I haven't done anything with the box that's now running
5.5-PRERELEASE. That upgrade fixed the problem I was having, so
upgrading it is on hold while I figure out what's wrong with the other

Here's the dmesg from it:

Copyright (c) 1992-2006 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 5.5-PRERELEASE #14: Tue May 16 15:42:03 EDT 2006
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/BHUDA
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (2992.70-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0xf41  Stepping = 1
  Hyperthreading: 2 logical CPUs
real memory  = 536543232 (511 MB)
avail memory = 515473408 (491 MB)
ioapic0  irqs 0-23 on motherboard
npx0:  on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
acpi0:  on motherboard
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x808-0x80b on acpi0
cpu0:  on acpi0
pcib0:  port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0:  on pcib0
pcib1:  at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1:  on pcib1
pci1:  at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
isab0:  at device 2.0 on pci0
isa0:  on isab0
atapci0:  port 
0xffa0-0xffaf,0x376,0x170-0x177,0x3f6,0x1f0-0x1f7 at device 2.5 on pci0
ata0: channel #0 on atapci0
ata1: channel #1 on atapci0
pcm0:  port 0xec00-0xec7f,0xe800-0xe8ff irq 18 at device 2.7 on pci0
ohci0:  mem 0xdfff8000-0xdfff8fff irq 20 at device 3.0 
on pci0
usb0: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb0:  on ohci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: SiS OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 3 ports with 3 removable, self powered
ohci1:  mem 0xdfff9000-0xdfff9fff irq 21 at device 3.1 
on pci0
usb1: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb1:  on ohci1
usb1: USB revision 1.0
uhub1: SiS OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub1: 3 ports with 3 removable, self powered
ohci2:  mem 0xdfffa000-0xdfffafff irq 22 at device 3.2 
on pci0
usb2: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb2:  on ohci2
usb2: USB revision 1.0
uhub2: SiS OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub2: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
pci0:  at device 3.3 (no driver attached)
atapci1:  port 
0xef90-0xef9f,0xefe0-0xefe3,0xefa8-0xefaf,0xefe4-0xefe7,0xeff0-0xeff7 irq 17 at 
device 5.0 on pci0
ata2: channel #0 on atapci1
ata3: channel #1 on atapci1
ahc0:  port 0xe000-0xe0ff mem 
0xdfff7000-0xdfff7fff irq 17 at device 9.0 on pci0
aic7880: Ultra Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 16/253 SCBs
em0:  port 
0xef00-0xef3f mem 0xdffa-0xdffb,0xdffc-0xdffd irq 18 at device 
10.0 on pci0
em0: Ethernet address: 00:07:e9:0f:53:d0
rl0:  port 0xee00-0xeeff mem 0xdfff6c00-0xdfff6cff 
irq 19 at device 11.0 on pci0
miibus0:  on rl0
rlphy0:  on miibus0
rlphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
rl0: Ethernet address: 00:11:d8:79:44:b5
acpi_button0:  on acpi0
atkbdc0:  port 0x64,0x60 irq 1 on acpi0
atkbd0:  irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
psm0:  irq 12 on atkbdc0
psm0: model Generic PS/2 mouse, device ID 0
fdc0:  port 0x3f7,0x3f0-0x3f5 irq 6 drq 2 on 
fd0: <1440-KB 3.5" drive> on fdc0 drive 0
ppc0:  port 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on acpi0
ppc0: Generic chipset (NIBBLE-only) in COMPATIBLE mode
ppbus0:  on ppc0
lpt0:  on ppbus0

What's up with 6.1 and ATA????

2006-05-18 Thread Mike Meyer
Um, someone want to tell me what happened to the ATA drivers in
6.1-RELEASE? I tried to upgrade my desktop box from 5.4 to
6.1-RELEASE, only to have the CDROM fail to find the SATA drive. I
wind up upgrading to 5-STABLE from CVS instead, which works fine.

Today, I tried upgrading an old appliance from 4.X to 6.1. Same thing
- the 6.1 CDROM boots, then fails to find the drive.

Have the ATA drivers been mangled in some way? Or is this a problem
with the CDROM, and if I install 5.X and then upgrade via CVS to 6.1,
it'll work?

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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video playback not working

2005-07-27 Thread Mike Meyer
I moved a bunch of mpegs (and other video formats) to a 5.4 box
running on a P4 from a 5.3 box running on a Thunderbird of some flavor
or another.

On the 5.3 box, they worked just fine.

On the 5.4 box, they don't display any video. Instead, they display a
black and red checkerboard. I get the same behavior from xine and
plaympeg, so I presume that there is some common library they use that
is causing this problem, but the only video stuff that the two ports
have in common according to "make all-depends-list" is X.

Both systems running The 5.3 system had an old nvidea card in
it (Diamond 550, I think). The 5.4 system has on-board SiS video.

Searching google, the FreeBSD bugs database - for bugs with xine and
plaympeg - and the FreeBSD web site all turned up nothing.

I'm sort of at a loss as to how to go about debugging this
problem. Any clues on things to try to figure out what's busted would
be greatly appreciated.

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Problems building OO

2005-07-06 Thread Mike Meyer
I'm trying to build openoffice-1.1, setting WITHOUT_MOZILLA since I
don't have (or want) mozilla installed.

It's failing in the build process with:

rm -f 
../../ >& 
tr -d "\015" < ../../examples/OLE/delphi/InsertTables/SampleUI.dfm > 
tr: Illegal byte sequence
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 
---* RULES.MK *---

ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making 
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 'build_all'
---* TG_SLO.MK *---
*** Error code 255

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/openoffice-1.1.

The real error seems to be an "Illegal byte sequence" while using tr
to build unxfbsd.ptr.

Can anyone spare a clue on what I need to do to get this to build? I
know OO takes a lot of space to build. It used to say "5 gig" in the
makefile, but doesn't any more. I've got 5.9gig free on the partition
that the build is happening on.

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Finding a wireless lan card

2005-06-20 Thread Mike Meyer
I recently asked for help finding a wireless lan card. I got a couple
of solid suggestions, some suggestions on buying a "wireless ethernet
bridge", and a "wireless lan master list" for Linux systems. Since my
solution was none of the above, I wanted to post it so it would show
up in the search engines.

The Linux wireless lan master list was rather long, and turned out to
be pretty useless. Some of the chipsets listed don't have FreeBSD
drivers; some of the drivers FreeBSD has aren't on that list. Further,
as others noted here, sonme some of the manufacturers rev chipsets -
or even change chipsets completely(!) without changing the product

What I wound up doing was buying a Wireless Access Point from Linksys,
which could be set to "bridge mode". Turns out it only bridges to
products from the same company. It does, however, have an "AP client"
mode that doesn't have that restriction. That lets me survey the local
wireless networks, chose one, and connect to it. Worked like a charm.
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Sudden need for a wireless card for 5.3

2005-06-14 Thread Mike Meyer
I suddenly find myself in need of a wireless card for a 5.3 desktop box.

Anyone want to recommend something?

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Re: Problems with command line scratch files in zsh

2005-06-12 Thread Mike Meyer
> In the last episode (Jun 12), Mike Meyer said:
> > [Format recovered from top posting.]
> > In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Christopher Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > > On Sun, 2005-06-12 at 03:31 -0500, Mike Meyer wrote:
> > > > Since going to 5.x with devfd, I've noticed that some of the
> > > > shell constructs used by zsh (and other shells - I know zsh
> > > > didn't invent this) quit working. To wit:
> > > > 
> > > > guru% wc <(cat /etc/motd)
> > > > wc: /dev/fd/11: open: No such file or directory
> > > > 
> > > > The <(...) construct runs the pipe in (), and replaces the <(...)
> > > > with the name of the /dev/fd/ entry for the output of that pipe.
> > > > The file exists for the shell process doing all this. But when
> > > > the comm process tries to open the file to read the data, the
> > > > file doesn't exist. This is pretty nasty.
> > > > 
> > > > Anyone got any suggestions on how to fix this? A bug report with
> > > > a patch, maybe (I couldn't find any such bug report)?
> > > > Workarounds? Maybe this should go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Why not just 'cat /etc/motd | wc' ?
> > 
> > Because I used a trivial example designed to illustrate the problem. A
> > less trivial example would be:
> > 
> > comm -12 <(sort file_one) <(sort file_two)
> > 
> > Of course, this can also be rewritten using temp files instead of
> > pipes. But that will be longer, slower, and uglier.
> > 
> > This worked on 4.X. It ought to work on 5.X.
> If you want a tempfile, you should probably use the =() syntax, which
> will always use a tempfile.  <() and >() will attempt to use /dev/fd. 
> It probably worked on 4.* because 4.* creates 64 /dev/fd/* device nodes
> on install.  If for some reason zsh had more than 64 files open
> already, it would have failed even on 4.*.

But I don't want temp files, I want pipes. That's why I used <().
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Re: Problems with command line scratch files in zsh

2005-06-12 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Svein Halvor Halvorsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> * Mike Meyer wrote [2005-06-12 03:31 -0500]
> >  > guru% wc <(cat /etc/motd)
> >  > wc: /dev/fd/11: open: No such file or directory
> Did you mount the fdescfs filesystem? I have this in my /etc/fstab:
> fdesc/dev/fd  fdescfs  rw  0   0

That indeed was the problem. Such wasn't required for 4.X. I couldn't
find anything about this searching the FreeBSD web site, or checking
/usr/src/UPDATING. Maybe there's somewhere else I should have looked?

If not, this change should be mentioned in one of those places.

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Re: Problems with command line scratch files in zsh

2005-06-12 Thread Mike Meyer
[Format recovered from top posting.]

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Christopher Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:

> On Sun, 2005-06-12 at 03:31 -0500, Mike Meyer wrote:
> > Since going to 5.x with devfd, I've noticed that some of the shell
> > constructs used by zsh (and other shells - I know zsh didn't invent
> > this) quit working. To wit:
> > 
> > guru% wc <(cat /etc/motd)
> > wc: /dev/fd/11: open: No such file or directory
> > 
> > The <(...) construct runs the pipe in (), and replaces the <(...) with
> > the name of the /dev/fd/ entry for the output of that pipe. The file
> > exists for the shell process doing all this. But when the comm process
> > tries to open the file to read the data, the file doesn't exist. This
> > is pretty nasty.
> > 
> > Anyone got any suggestions on how to fix this? A bug report with a
> > patch, maybe (I couldn't find any such bug report)? Workarounds? Maybe
> > this should go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Why not just 'cat /etc/motd | wc' ?

Because I used a trivial example designed to illustrate the problem. A
less trivial example would be:

comm -12 <(sort file_one) <(sort file_two)

Of course, this can also be rewritten using temp files instead of
pipes. But that will be longer, slower, and uglier.

This worked on 4.X. It ought to work on 5.X.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Problems with command line scratch files in zsh

2005-06-12 Thread Mike Meyer
Since going to 5.x with devfd, I've noticed that some of the shell
constructs used by zsh (and other shells - I know zsh didn't invent
this) quit working. To wit:

guru% wc <(cat /etc/motd)
wc: /dev/fd/11: open: No such file or directory

The <(...) construct runs the pipe in (), and replaces the <(...) with
the name of the /dev/fd/ entry for the output of that pipe. The file
exists for the shell process doing all this. But when the comm process
tries to open the file to read the data, the file doesn't exist. This
is pretty nasty.

Anyone got any suggestions on how to fix this? A bug report with a
patch, maybe (I couldn't find any such bug report)? Workarounds? Maybe
this should go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Problems with compat3x libraries.

2004-12-16 Thread Mike Meyer
Two problems, actually. Since these appear to be compressed shared
object files, there's not much I can do to "fix" them. So I'm hoping
someone here can enlighten me on how to deal with my issues, or point
me at someone who can help.

1) libm doesn't exist in compat3x. I actually worked around this by
installing compat4x, as the version from it seems to work.

2) getpwuid_r seems to no longer be in libc. In any case, the
application in question worked fine with 3.x emulation on 4.x, but now
complains about missing getpwuid_r on 5.3.

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Can't compile kernel...

2004-12-14 Thread Mike Meyer
Ok, I'm an old hand at building BSD kernels. Been doing it since BSD
4.2, and FreeBSD 3.0. But the code for 5-STABLE fails to compile for
me. I've tried 5.3 from the CD-ROM, RELENG_5_3_0, RELENG_5_3, and
RELENG_5. They all fail to build with this error:

cc -c -O -pipe -march=athlon -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs 
-Wstrict-prototypes  -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual  
-fformat-extensions -std=c99 -g -nostdinc -I-  -I. -I../../.. 
-I../../../contrib/dev/acpica -I../../../contrib/altq 
-I../../../contrib/ipfilter -I../../../contrib/pf -I../../../contrib/dev/ath 
-I../../../contrib/dev/ath/freebsd -I../../../contrib/ngatm -D_KERNEL -include 
opt_global.h -fno-common -finline-limit=8000 --param inline-unit-growth=100 
--param large-function-growth=1000  -mno-align-long-strings 
-mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -ffreestanding -Werror  ../../../dev/fb/vga.c
../../../dev/fb/vga.c:1346: warning: 'filll_io' defined but not used
../../../dev/fb/vga.c:1336: warning: 'fill' defined but not used

I've included [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the mail, as he was the last person to
touch this file on those branches.

I'll attach the kernel config file as that's almost certainly relevant.

Any help in getting this kernel to build would be greatly appreciated.


Description: config file

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Strange startup behavior on 5.3-release

2004-12-13 Thread Mike Meyer
I'm running 5.3-release, and seeing *very* strange behavior on startup.

If I reboot the system, I get the following errors in /var/log/console.log:

Dec 13 17:38:59 guru kernel: Starting sshd.
Dec 13 17:39:00 guru kernel: sendmail: illegal option -- L
Dec 13 17:39:00 guru kernel: sendmail: usage: sendmail [ -t ] [ -fsender ] [ 
-Fname ] [ -bp ] [
 -bs ] [ arg ... ]

I'm getting those errors because sendmail is set to
/var/qmail/bin/sendmail in /etc/mail/mailer.conf. Since I'm running
qmail, sendmail should be run *at all* at startup.

The really strange thing is that if I shutdown and then restart the
system, without a reboot, I don't see these error messages.

I've traced this down to the sendmail_msp_queue_enable variable in
/etc/rc.conf. If set to yes, that invokes sendmail with the -L option.

There don't appear to be any currently filed bugs related to this
issue, and google didn't turn up anything relevant.

I'm running the GENERIC kernel. I've attached my /etc/rc.conf in case
something there is pertinent.

Any hints as to what would cause this - especially with the two
different behaviors - would be greatly appreciated.


Description: /etc/rc.conf

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Cross-compiling Linux binaries

2004-11-19 Thread Mike Meyer
Anyone ever tried building Linux rpm's on freebsd? If so, any hints
for someone thinking of trying it?

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: Dangerously dedicated vs. fully dedicated, etc.

2004-09-24 Thread Mike Meyer
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >Mike, I'll pay back your effort in replying to this long thing by
> >working up a patch for the "disklabel" manpage (at least) and, if you
> >want, I'll CC you so you can veto things you don't like.  I do worry
> (B) Dedicated format created by sysinstall
>   sector 0: boot1 and the DOS slice table, where
>   the slice table contains one slice
>   (slice 1) covering the entire disk,
>   including sector 0.
>   sector 1:   disklabel
>   sector 2-15:boot2
>   sectors 16-31:  'a' partition filesystem superblock
>  In this case, there is no boot0, and boot1 serves as the boot
>  loader that is invoked by the BIOS. Here, all of the boot code
>  is contained within the first slice and also within the first
>  partition. Again, the 8k reserved at the start of every ffs
>  filesystem protects the boot code. Sysinstall sets up fstab to
>  refer to the partitions as e.g. /dev/ad0s1a (I think).

This can also be referred to as /dev/ad0a, like your C case. I
personally prefer that because it lets you know that the disk is DD.
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Re: Dangerously dedicated vs. fully dedicated, etc.

2004-09-24 Thread Mike Meyer
> As to the issue of BIOSes disliking DD modes, there have been a few
> different reasons suggested.

I had a dual xeon BIOS that had "anti-virus" code. If the boot block
didn't have the write MBR on it, it rewrote the first 63 sectors,
clobbering my DD (type B) disklabel. It could be turned off in the
BIOS, but caused me (not the kernel) to panic the first time it
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Re: pkg_upgrade ?

2004-09-24 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matthew Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Of course, this method does not work if there are any packages/ports
> depending on the port you are upggrading.  The pkg_deinstall will fail
> because of the dependencies.  I believe a pkg_deinstall -f will forcibly
> remove the package anyway.  Unfortunately, I still sometimes find the
> dependent ports need to be recompiled for the new version of the port
> you are installing.

Yup. That's what portupgrade is for.
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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Re: pkg_upgrade ?

2004-09-24 Thread Mike Meyer
> I do have cvsup installed, and can run cvsup to update my ports
> collection.  My question is if I already have a package installed,
> running cvsup, the make install again for a preexisting port will mess
> up the pkg-data base right?

Wrong. If you are installing a port a second time, "make install" will
refuse to install the port because it's already installed. If you are
installing an updated port, then the pkg-data will be in a different
place because the port has a different name. The latter case may leave
parts of the first port laying around unused, and deinstalling it will
probably break the second port.

>  So, if I only want to upgrade a single
> port, is the recommended way
> 1) pkg_deinstall
> 2) cvsup ports collection
> 3) pkg_install again (or make install)
> This seems rather poor as I don't want to have all the downtime
> between deinstalling and installing again.

Try this:

1) cvsup ports collection
2) make
3) pkg_deinstall
4) make install

> If I cvsup ports and then make install, is there a fix to update the
> pkg data base?

It's not needed.
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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Re: to make or add a package

2004-09-24 Thread Mike Meyer
[Text formatting corrected.]

> I'm very impressed with the ports collection.

[Pat jkh on the back, though it's a long reach from here.]

> I have found there are two was to install a port, through pkg_add or
> the make.  I was wondering that if a port were a make, if the
> compiler would do any optimizations on the final executable,
> therefore giving me a faster/smaller/whatever application.  Maybe
> there would be no significant difference.  But, if I have the time
> to wait, is it worth it?

You can set CFLAGS in /etc/make.conf, and those optimizations/machine
types will be used at build time. Whether that makes a difference to
you is up to you.

You can also set build options to change the location where the
executables live - though that tends to cause some ports to fail - or
specify what parts of the package you do/don't want built.

Personally, I always build from ports. If nothing else, having the
source handy is worth a little extra time.
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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jdk14 not building?

2004-09-04 Thread Mike Meyer
I'm getting the attached when trying to build jdk14, using the
linux-sun-jdk as the pre-installed jdk.

 'class' or 'interface' expected
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Can't detect initial thread stack location
 unclosed character literal
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Can't detect initial thread stack location
2 errors
gmake[4]: *** [.compile.classlist] Error 1
gmake[4]: Leaving directory 
gmake[3]: *** [optimized] Error 2
gmake[3]: Leaving directory 
gmake[2]: *** [all] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/datmp/ports/usr/ports/java/jdk14/work/j2se/make/java'
gmake[1]: *** [all] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/datmp/ports/usr/ports/java/jdk14/work/j2se/make'
gmake: *** [j2se-build] Error 2
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports/java/jdk14.

Any hints on how to get it to finish greatly appreciated.

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Re: Fwd: How to read bad blocks error message & marking of same

2004-08-05 Thread Mike Meyer
> I'm reposting this because I've not rec'd a response from the freebsd-fs mailing 
> list yet and I need an answer fairly quickly.  Thanks be any who can help out!

The correct place to send this is freebsd-questions. I've added that
to the list, and pointed replies there as well.

> I've begun rec'ing these error messages:
> ad0s1a: hard error reading fsbn 141935 of 70848 - 71103 (ad0s1 bn 141935; cn 8  tn 
> 212  sn 59 ) status=59 error=40
> Got about 7 of these with varying values.
> I ran Seagate's diag utility and it reported only 1 bad sector (# 71099 ).  
> Unfortunately ad0s1a happens to my / dir so allowing the utility to write zeros to 
> that block hasn't sat well with me.
> Sooo - if some one could explain the exact meaning of my error message & point me in 
> the right direction to use these values to fix my disk problem I'd greatly 
> appreciate it
> (with many many many thanks in advance :) )

Modern drives deal with bad block substitution all by themselves. By
the time you've got blocks going bad that the OS sees, the drive is in
really sad shape. You should replace it with a new drive ASAP.
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Re: xpdf help

2004-06-23 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 11:58:43AM -0500, Mike Meyer wrote:
> > For some reason, xpdf (version 3.00, as installed on FreeBSD 4.9 by
> > the ports system) can't find the Courier, Times, Helvetica and Symbol
> > fonts that are built into it. Using xfontsel to try the selectors
> > listed in xpdfrc finds the fonts just fine.
> > 
> > Clues? Hints? Anything?
> You need to install ghostscript-gnu for the fonts. I've asked the
> maintainer to put a note into the port about this, but he's not
> listening..

Ghostscript-gnu is installed. Unfortunately, LOCALBASE is /usr/opt,
and the port apparently doesn't change the default locations that it
looks for fonts to include LOCALBASE/share/fonts.

I fixed this problem - well, mostly - by adding a fontDir line top
~/.xpdfdir that points to a collection of commercial fonts that
include the 14 base fonts. xpdf complains about not being able to find
the fonts, but renders pages properly anyway.
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xpdf help

2004-06-23 Thread Mike Meyer
For some reason, xpdf (version 3.00, as installed on FreeBSD 4.9 by
the ports system) can't find the Courier, Times, Helvetica and Symbol
fonts that are built into it. Using xfontsel to try the selectors
listed in xpdfrc finds the fonts just fine.

Clues? Hints? Anything?

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No networking on 4.9-PRERELEASE

2003-09-14 Thread Mike Meyer
I updated (via source) to 4.9-prerelease. No, I *tried* to update to
4.9-prerelease as of Sep 13th. The problem is that networking seems to
be failing in the 4.9-prerelease kernel. I build on one system and
test on a second system, installing via nfs. Following the nsame steps
I always follow to install a new kernel and world fails when I try and
install the world running the new kernel, as the nfs mount never
happens. Trying to ping the build system results in "Host is down"
messages. I can ping localhost and the ip address of the test machine
with no problems; those both use the loopback network. The interface
that's failing is xl0.

Does anyone have an xl that's working with 4.9-prerelease? How about
anyone else having network problems with 4.9-prelease. A solution
would be best of all, of course.

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Re: Uninstalling dependencies

2003-04-05 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Konrad Scorciapino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> How can I uninstall all dependencies of a port?

Install the portupgrade port, and use "pkg_deinstall -r".


# pkg_delete -f $(pkg_info -R  | sed 1,/Required/d)

should do the trick. But this doesn't handle dependencies of the
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Re: How to list installed ports that have no dependant ports

2003-04-05 Thread Mike Meyer
> On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 13:20, Mike Meyer wrote:
> > Since you want to delete them, why don't you just use pkg_delete on
> > them. If they something depends on them, they won't be deleted.
> I do use pkg_delete, but the idea here is to effectively FIND the ports
> that have no ports dependent on them .. I've got 500+ installed ports to
> go through here .. Trying pkg_delete on all of them would take too long
> .. I need to narrow my search space considerably in order to do this
> effectively ..

Here's a simple python script for you. You'll need python 2.2 if you
haven't got it already. Feed it the output of "pkg_info -a -R" on
standard in, and it'll output the package names of all packages that
aren't required by other packages.

Don't forget that you may have packages which are only required by
packages that you don't want, so you need to iterate over the deletion
process multiple times.
Description: Python program to find ports with no dependents.

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Re: Fwd: Re: [Directoryadmin-list] compile trouble

2003-04-05 Thread Mike Meyer
> >md4.c:144: warning: implicit declaration of function `memcpy'
> >source='smbdes.c' object='smbdes.o' libtool=no  depfile='.deps/smbdes.Po'
> >tmpdepfile='.deps/smbdes.TPo'  depmode=gcc3 /bin/bash ../depcomp  gcc
> >G_H -I. -I. -I.. -I/usr/X11R6/include/gnome-1.0 -I/usr/X11R6/include
> >- -DNEED_GNOMESUPPORT_H -I/usr/X11R6/lib/gnome-libs/include
> >- -I/usr/local/include/glib12 -
> >I/usr/local/include/orbit-1.0 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/gtk12  
> >- -I/usr/X11R6/include/gtk12 -I/usr/local/include/glib12 -I/usr/local/include 
> >- -I/usr/X11R6/include  -g -O2 -Wall -Wunused -c `test -f 'smbdes.c' || echo
> >'./'`smbdes.c
> >source='mkntpwd.c' object='mkntpwd.o' libtool=no  depfile='.deps/mkntpwd.Po'
> >tmpdepfile='.deps/mkntpwd.TPo'  depmode=gcc3 /bin/bash ../depcomp  gcc -DHAVE_C
> >ONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I/usr/X11R6/include/gnome-1.0 -I/usr/X11R6/include
> >- -DNEED_GNOMESUPPORT_H -I/usr/X11R6/lib/gnome-libs/include
> >- -I/usr/local/include/glib
> >12 -I/usr/local/include/orbit-1.0 -I/usr/local/include
> >- -I/usr/X11R6/include/gtk12   -I/usr/X11R6/include/gtk12
> >- -I/usr/local/include/glib12 -I/usr/local/incl
> >ude -I/usr/X11R6/include  -g -O2 -Wall -Wunused -c `test -f 'mkntpwd.c' || echo
> >'./'`mkntpwd.c
> >source='md5.c' object='md5.o' libtool=no  depfile='.deps/md5.Po'
> >tmpdepfile='.deps/md5.TPo'  depmode=gcc3 /bin/bash ../depcomp  gcc
> >- -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. 
> >- -I.. -I/usr/X11R6/include/gnome-1.0 -I/usr/X11R6/include
> >- -I/usr/X11R6/lib/gnome-libs/include -I/usr/local/include/glib12 -I/usr/local/
> >include/orbit-1.0 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/gtk12  
> >- -I/usr/X11R6/include/gtk12 -I/usr/local/include/glib12 -I/usr/local/include
> >- -I/usr/X11R6
> >/include  -g -O2 -Wall -Wunused -c `test -f 'md5.c' || echo './'`md5.c
> >source='users.c' object='users.o' libtool=no  depfile='.deps/users.Po'
> >tmpdepfile='.deps/users.TPo'  depmode=gcc3 /bin/bash ../depcomp  gcc
> >- -I. -I. -I.. -I/usr/X11R6/include/gnome-1.0 -I/usr/X11R6/include
> >- -DNEED_GNOMESUPPORT_H -I/usr/X11R6/lib/gnome-libs/include
> >- -I/usr/local/include/glib12 -I/us
> >r/local/include/orbit-1.0 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/gtk12  
> >- -I/usr/X11R6/include/gtk12 -I/usr/local/include/glib12 -I/usr/local/include
> - -I/u
> >sr/X11R6/include  -g -O2 -Wall -Wunused -c `test -f 'users.c' || echo
> >'./'`users.c
> >users.c:30:19: crypt.h: No such file or directory
> >users.c: In function `diradmin_user_set_password':
> >users.c:357: warning: implicit declaration of function `mklmhash'
> >users.c:358: warning: implicit declaration of function `to_hexstr'
> >users.c:361: warning: implicit declaration of function `mknthash'
> >users.c:370: warning: long int format, int arg (arg 4)
> >users.c:370: warning: long int format, int arg (arg 4)
> >users.c: In function `diradmin_user_new_from_ldap':
> >users.c:491: warning: implicit declaration of function `diradmin_user_dump'
> >users.c: At top level:
> >users.c:699: warning: type mismatch with previous implicit declaration
> >users.c:491: warning: previous implicit declaration of `diradmin_user_dump'
> >users.c:699: warning: `diradmin_user_dump' was previously implicitly declared
> >to return `int'
> >users.c: In function `create_user_struct_from_dialogbox':
> >users.c:1051: warning: long int format, int arg (arg 4)
> >users.c:1051: warning: long int format, int arg (arg 4)
> >*** Error code 1
> >
> >Stop in /usr/download/directory_administrator-1.3.5/src.
> >*** Error code 1
> >
> >Stop in /usr/download/directory_administrator-1.3.5.
> >*** Error code 1
> >
> >
> >Stop in /usr/download/directory_administrator-1.3.5.
> >
> >
> >
> >~~ 
> >Andy Harrison
> >ICQ: 123472  AIM/Y!: AHinMaine
> >[full headers for details]
> >
> >Version: PGP 6.5.8
> >
> >iQCVAwUBPo8ZT1PEkLgodAWVAQElswP/ebTFa/jEJMfa14wyG8CLvd0LKcw8tfQl
> >LUcJOmlibuhlHxLL3vLUA8DNlJQ9zg9zdg0mVIykyV98xRt0O4KwfzK0qGKUHukC
> >ZIrh7bdMePZBoaxigC8RcwOw5T7+WNValdzWa62LAoptT/0+h/11blrM3zqQ/Leo
> >=D/xe
> >
> >
> >---
> >This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb: 
> >Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth! 
> >No other company gives more support or power for your dedicated server
> >
> >___
> >Directoryadmin-list mailing list
> >
> >  
> >
> - ---
> This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb: 
> Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth! 
> No other company gives more support or power for your dedicated server
> ___
> Directoryadmin-list mailing list
> - --End of forwarded message-
> Version: PGP 6.5.8
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> y4rcwqiSrvJ/CthMWv3tgirqn/C6lfK2GeCROdNUKYIWAC5kGmIzdJTnWkLLqrVy
> Td9b6HvJMDY=
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Re: paths - a newbie question

2003-04-05 Thread Mike Meyer
> After installing a port using "pkg_add -r ," the only
> way I know to be able to type  at the command prompt
> to have it execute is either to reboot, or to make an alias
> for it by hand.  Surely there's a better way.  Is there a
> way to make the OS make a link auto-majically?  Thanks.

This is your shell, not the OS. Without knowing which shell you are
using, I can't say for sure, but you might try the "rehash" command.
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Re: USB Printer

2003-04-05 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Konrad Scorciapino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> I found the proper documentation at 
> But when I tried to test it, I got an error message:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/konrad # enscript -p /etc/motd | gs -q -dNOPAUSE 
> -sOutputFile=- -sDEVICE=ijs -sljsServer=hpijs -dljsUseOutputFD 
Are these right ^ ^

Do you really specify l and not i for the server and UseOutputFD?
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Re: Read-only /usr/ports (problem with fontconfig)

2003-04-04 Thread Mike Meyer
> Is a read-only /usr/ports directory supported?

Yes, it is. You're supposed to be able to build ports off of a CDROM.

> I received the following error message during installation of
> x11-fonts/fontconfig (as part of a build of x11/XFree86-4):
>  install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./fontconfig.pc /usr/X11R6/libdata/pkgconfig
> /fontconfig.pc
> gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/work/usr/ports/x11-fonts/fontconfig/work/fontc
> onfig-2.1.92'
> gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/work/usr/ports/x11-fonts/fontconfig/work/fontc
> onfig-2.1.92'
> ===>   Generating temporary packing list
> cannot create /usr/ports/x11-fonts/fontconfig/pkg-install: read-only file system
> *** Error code 2
> Stop in /usr/ports/x11-fonts/fontconfig.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/x11/XFree86-4-libraries.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/x11/XFree86-4.
> My /usr/ports directory is NFS mounted (read-only) from another
> system.  I have the following entries in /etc/make.conf to allow
> multiple clients to share the same /usr/ports tree:
> WRKDIRPREFIX=   /usr/work  (local directory)
> DISTDIR=/usr/distfiles (NFS mounted read-write)
> Is it normal for a port to try to write into /usr/ports when
> WRKDIRPREFIX is defined like this?

No, it isn't. I've been using a setup similar to yours for years, and
have never had a problem. I could swear I saw a note in the porter's
handbook that scratch files were supposed to be built in $(WRKDIR),
which is in $(WRKDIRPREFIX). I'd contact the maintainer of the of the
fontconfig port about this - it seems like it's touching something it
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Re: Daily Run Output error

2003-04-04 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matthew Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Jon Reynolds wrote:
> > I am getting this error in my daily run output:
> > Mail in local queue:
> > mailq: execing /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail: No such file or directory
> > I have qmail installed and have done the 'make disable-sendmail' and the
> > 'make enable-qmail' on the machine and it is working fine as a mail
> > server. Anyone seen this before and have a fix for it?
> I think you will want to look at /etc/mail/mailer.conf

In particular, you want a line like:

mailq   /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qread

Alternatively, you can add


to /etc/periodic.conf. You probably want to add


to /etc/periodic.conf in either case.
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Re: How to list installed ports that have no dependant ports

2003-04-04 Thread Mike Meyer
> So, what I'd like to do is list all the ports installed on my box that
> have nothing dependant on them. In this way, I could start removing
> things that I don't need anymore. 
> Is there any clever way to do this? I've toyed around with a few ideas,
> but haven't been able to come up with anything that works nicely.

Since you want to delete them, why don't you just use pkg_delete on
them. If they something depends on them, they won't be deleted.

So the recommended methodology is:

Put a sorted list of ports you know you want to keep in "keeps".

Generate a list of things to try and delete by

(cd /var/db/pkg; ls | sort) | comm -23 - keeps | xargs pkg_delete

and keep doing that as long as things are vanishing from /var/db/pkg.
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Re: #!sh grep and move files

2003-04-03 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matthew Bettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> I am trying to find the best way to search through several thousand files and 
> move some to a different directory.  The files are all prefixed with LB.  
> Like, LBX99.DAT141683.
> 1~TA~  (standing for timeand attendance labor transactions)
>  I've tried
> #!/usr/bin/sh
> for x in `find /dir -type f -exec grep '1~TA' [] \;`
> do
> mv $x /newdir
> done

Assuming there are few enough matching files that you don't run out of
arguments, try:

cd /dir; mv $(grep -lr 1-TA- .) /newdir

will do the trick.

If you have to man files for arguments, then you can use xargs:

$ cd /dir
$ grep -lr 1-TA- . | xargs -J % mv % /newdir
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Re: USB Printer

2003-04-03 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Konrad Scorciapino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > Install enscript so you can generate postscript files. Then read the
> > ijs documentation to figure out what flags to feed it to make produce
> > output for your printer. You can test this by doing something like:
> Where can I find its documentation? I tried `man ijs` and `man -k ijs`, but 
> got nothing.

I'm not sure. Try "pkg_info -L  ghostscript\*" to get a list of files,
and look for a README or something on it. Alternatively, try googling
for "ijs documentation".

Also, please leave freebsd-questions on the mail. Someone out there
may have just found the ijs documentation, and would be able to tell
you where it is.
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Re: VNC and blackbox

2003-04-02 Thread Mike Meyer
> I'm trying vnc to excess my fbsd machine from a windows machine but I 
> can only get X running twm with vnc, is there a way to get blackbox in 
> vnc instead of twm?

vnc runs the script ~/.vnc/xstartup to start the desktop. If it
doesn't exist, you get an xterm in twm.
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Re: rebuild one module

2003-04-02 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Antoine Jacoutot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> On Wednesday 02 April 2003 20:23, Mike Meyer wrote:
> > Well, what are you doing now to build the kernel? You should be able
> > to use the classic kernel build method, except you don't have to
> > repeat any of the steps but "make".
> What I am doing is
> $ cd /usr/src
> $ make buildkernel KERNCONF=MY_CONF
> $ make installkernel KERNCONF=MY_CONF
> Then I reboot the machine. But I don't want to rebuild the kernel each time I 
> change one line in the emu10k1... I want to be able to just rebuild the 
> module itself.

That's the way to rebuild new sources. Try:

$ cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf
$ config MY_CONF
$ cd ../../compile/MY_CONF
$ make depend
$ make
$ make install

The first time, that will rebuild everything. From then on out, just
do the last two make's to rebuild and install what changed. Actually,
just "make install" may do the trick, but I'm not sure about that.
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Re: rebuild one module

2003-04-02 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Antoine Jacoutot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Hi !
> I was wondering if it was possible to just rebuild one module in FreeBSD.
> Indeed, I'm trying several patches on the emu10k1 module and each time I apply 
> the patch I have to recompile all the kernel+modules to use the new module.
> I am sure there's a way to only compile the emu10k1 module, but I don't know 
> how.

Well, what are you doing now to build the kernel? You should be able
to use the classic kernel build method, except you don't have to
repeat any of the steps but "make".
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Re: ata0-slave: ATA identify failed

2003-04-02 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Florin Betivoiu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
>  Hello. I am a beginner with FreeBSD (I have 5.0 DP2) and I

Two generic comments. First, that's an old version of a
not-suitable-for-production system - see > for more
information. Updating to -current may help you.

Second, please put newlines in your mail messages. It makes them
easier to read in mailers that follow the standards.
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Re: I damaged a disklabel

2003-04-02 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Eduardo Viruena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> I just blew the label of my disk.
> I do not know how I did it but you know that 
> we can make amazing things without even be aware
> of what we are doing.
> I have a paper on my desk where I write down 
> the sizes of my partitions.
> Is there a way of fixing it?

If you have the starting sector for each partition as well, you can
fix it. You need to use disklabel to set those two numbers. See the
disklabel man page for details.
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Re: USB Printer

2003-04-02 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Konrad Scorciapino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > Whichever one you want. They should all work. you probably don't need
> > the x11 port, so one of the two -nox11 versions. One is licensed with
> > GNU, one with an open source license that permits commercial reuse if
> > you pay a licensing fee.
> Ok, I've installed both ghostscript and magicfilter. How should I proceed now?

Install enscript so you can generate postscript files. Then read the
ijs documentation to figure out what flags to feed it to make produce
output for your printer. You can test this by doing something like:

enscript -p - /etc/motd | gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=- [ijs options] > /dev/ulpt0

If things are done right, you should get a copy of /etc/motd on the
printer. After that, you need to set up a filter file and printcap.
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Re: USB Printer

2003-04-01 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Konrad Scorciapino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > It's probably a winprinter. You can use those on FreeBSD if there's a
> > driver for it for ghostscript. The ijs driver should support the
> > 656C. 
> There are 5 ghostscriptlike ports in /usr/ports/print:
> ghostscript-afpl-nox11, ghostscript-gnu-commfont, ghostscript-gnu, 
> ghostscript-afpl and ghostscript-gnu-nox11.

Whichever one you want. They should all work. you probably don't need
the x11 port, so one of the two -nox11 versions. One is licensed with
GNU, one with an open source license that permits commercial reuse if
you pay a licensing fee.

How did this -questions get dropped from this? I've put it back.
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Re: USB Printer

2003-04-01 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Konrad Scorciapino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > What did you try sending to /dev/ulpt0 that caused things to lock up?
> Anything I tried caused the system to lock up. Here are some examples
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/konrad # lptest > /dev/ulpt0
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/konrad # ls > /dev/ulpt0
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/konrad # cat /etc/cvsupfile > /dev/ulpt0

> > > And how do I know whether my printer is a winprinter or not?
> > The standard way is by sending it flat ascii text, and seeing if it
> > prints that. If it prints the text you sent, it's not a winprinter. If
> > it does nothing, or prints gibberish, it's probably a winprinter.
> So it means that my printer is a winprinter?

Ok, I misinterpreted "system locked up" to mean your FreeBSD system
froze. From the looks of things, that's not the case - the sending
program just locks up.

It's probably a winprinter. You can use those on FreeBSD if there's a
driver for it for ghostscript. The ijs driver should support the
656C. From there, you can either install apsfilter - which will
install an a2ps port to print ascii, or install magicfilter and then
use your favorite ascii to postscript printing tool to print straight
text. I prefer enscript for that. Either one will detect various
graphics formats and automatically translate them to postscript to be
printed via ghostscript.
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Re: USB Printer

2003-03-31 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Konrad Scorciapino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > > How can I configure a USB Printer on FreeBSD? Actually I have a Deskjet 
> 656c 
> > > from HP and I've tried to send something to /dev/ulpt0, but the system 
> simply 
> > > locked up.
> > if ulpt0 is showing up in dmesg, then you have the printer
> > configured. What to do next depends on what you want to do with the
> > printer - and whether or not the deskjet is a winprinter.
> ulpt0 is showing and it detects my printer type. Here is the output:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ > dmesg | grep ulpt0
> ulpt0: HEWLETT-PACKARD DESKJET 656C, rev 1.10/1.10, addr 2, iclass 7/1

What did you try sending to /dev/ulpt0 that caused things to lock up?

> I want to be able to print all popular kinds of files. How can I proceed? 

You need to install a printer filter program. The most popular one is
apsfilter, because it handles all the details of the setup. The
downside is that it's a honking big shell script that treats all
printers as if they were winprinters. I prefer magicfilter, which is a
C program that interprets filter files to control things, and will
handle flat ascii or even PCL reasonably. The downside of it is that
you have to set up your printcap and the filter file by hand. I'll be
glad to help you with that if you want to go that way.

Both magicfilter and apsfilter are available as ports.

> And how do I know whether my printer is a winprinter or not?

The standard way is by sending it flat ascii text, and seeing if it
prints that. If it prints the text you sent, it's not a winprinter. If
it does nothing, or prints gibberish, it's probably a winprinter.
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Re: switching IDE controllers

2003-03-30 Thread Mike Meyer
> i've checked the handbook, man pages, web, etc. for info regarding
> this and i'm still not entirely sure as to how i should go about it.

Yes you are.

> i want to take ad4, which is where FreeBSD is installed and all of my
> main partitions are (/ , /var , /tmp , /usr , and the swap), and move
> it to the on-board controller.  the other 3 drives are nothing but
> data for samba shares.
> i've gathered that i will have to change the mount points in
> /etc/fstab to reflect the new drive location (ad0), but past that i
> am unsure as to what all needs to be done to have the machine boot
> correctly.

That should do it. You may have to tweak the BIOS boot settings so it
boots from the new ad0. I don't have the hardware you do, so I can't
check that.

While you're adding new drives, I'd recommend adding a second swap
partition. Letting the kernel interleave paging across two drives
improves paging performance. If you're not paging, it doesn't matter.
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Re: USB Printer

2003-03-30 Thread Mike Meyer
In <200303301644.13393.Konrad Scorciapino <>, Konrad Scorciapino <> typed:
> How can I configure a USB Printer on FreeBSD? Actually I have a Deskjet 656c 
> from HP and I've tried to send something to /dev/ulpt0, but the system simply 
> locked up.

if ulpt0 is showing up in dmesg, then you have the printer
configured. What to do next depends on what you want to do with the
printer - and whether or not the deskjet is a winprinter.
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Re: general email question

2003-03-30 Thread Mike Meyer
> I need help. I have done quite a bit of reading but it is all just beating
> around the bush.. or maybe I am missing something.
> I have one ISP POP3 account (maildrop) with 5 aliases. I need to collect all
> mail onto the local fbsd server mail server and sort it according to the
> "To:" field so LAN users can collect mail from that server. I also want
> users to be able to send mail to the LAN mail server and then the server has
> to relay that mail to the ISP's SMTP. all this has to be done over a Dial-up
> link.
> the dial-up is up and running OK.
> as far as I understand I need fetchmail, sendmail, procmail, and some mail
> server. am I right?

Not quite. You don't need procmail, but it's handy to have around. You
need a pop mail server. Sendmail will be your smtp mail server.

> could someone point me to the right documentation or
> examples on the internet OR if possible to explain to me what comes first
> and how all the above components (fetchmail, sendmail, etc) come together
> and possibly suggest what combination of software packages I should use.

Personally, I don't use sendmail - it's massive overkill for job of
being an smtp server. But it's very popular, already installed on
FreeBSD, and you shouldn't have trouble getting help with it.

Basically, the flow goes:

mail arrives at your ISP's smtp server, which puts it where your POP
server can get it.

fetchmail picks up mail from the the pop server, and hands it to your
local delivery agent. Procmail can do that for you, or Sendmail can do
it. That needs to put the mail where your local POP mail server can
find it. There are a lots of choices for that - just check out
/usr/ports/mail/*pop*. I use qmail-pop3d, which comes in the qmail
port, which is what I use instead of sendmail.

Outbound is even simpler. Your users will tell their clients to
deliver outgoing mail to your local SMTP server. Since you have(?) to
use your ISP's SMTP server, you'll configure your sendmail to use that
as a SMARTER_HOST. There were details on that here in the last couple
of weeks. That will cause all outgoing mail to be sent to your ISP's
SMTP server to be forwarded to the actual destination.

I'd advise doing one direction at a time. Set up sendmail for local
delivery by setting sendmail_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf. Check
/etc/defaults/rc.conf for other sendmail flags you may want to set
up. Then install the fetchmail port, and set that up to read mail from
your ISP's POP server and deliver it to sendmail. Finally, choose a
pop mail server and install that so you can read mail locally. If you
have any questions about the individual steps, ask back here after
you've checked the ports documentation and the handbook.

Once that's done, all that's left is tweaking your sendmail config for
to set the SMARTER_HOST stuff up. Check the archives of this list for
information on how to do that.
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Re: How can I rescan the scsi-bus in freebsd?

2003-03-30 Thread Mike Meyer
> I'd like to know how to rescan the scsi bus in FreeBSD 4.7. I have an
> external scsi harddisk that I only switch on when needed. I would like to
> be able to mount the hd as soon as I've switched it on, without having to
> reboot my FreeBSD machine.

Camcontrol takes a rescan command. "camcontrol rescan all" is the
simple way, but see the camcontrol man page for details on how to
specify what to rescan.
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Re: fonts.alias / fonts.scale

2003-03-30 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, /* jsha */ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> I've got a directory filled with Type1 fonts (.afm, .inf, .pfa, .pfb and .pfm
> accompanying each font release) which I'm trying to install on X11. However,
> in order to make mkfontdir work I seem to need a fonts.alias and/or fonts.scale
> in advance.

See >
for instructions on adding fonts to fonts.dir and fonts.scale.
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Re: audio question

2003-03-30 Thread Mike Meyer
> I am looking to capture audio input into a file (from a microphone).
> I looked through the ports but did see anything applicable.
> Is there a package available that I can use to capture audio
> input to a file that I can later output it?

There are lots. audio/sox includes both play and rec commands.
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Re: Spamassassin "tools"

2003-03-30 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Roman Neuhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2003-02-24 08:37:04 +0100:
> > I installed the spamassassin port, but I believe somewhere there should
> > be a tools directory for various utility programs. I can find no trace
> > of it ?
> > Anyone a clue ?
> Have you had a look in the ports plist?
> grep -v ^@ /var/db/pkg//+CONTENTS

"pkg_info -L " does the same thing. Using zsh you even get
completikon of the portname against /var/db/pkg.
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Re: wanna have a freebsd partition on extended partition

2003-03-29 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Benjamin Groß <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> but every time - every, i try to compile openoffice from the ports
> (which needs up to 4gig space) my system crashes (FreeBSD 5-current - i
> know it's not stable...). so is there another way to use these 6 gig on
> the end of the extended partition, most likely with ufs/ufs2?

Unmount it, newfs it, and then mount it. The Freebsd disk tools handle
extended partitions just fine, with a couple of exception. You
shouldn't have problems with the exceptions for your application.
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Re: db2

2003-03-28 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Brian Henning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> is there a port for db2 for freebsd?

"make search key=db2" in /usr/ports turns up:

Port:   db-2.7.7_1
Path:   /usr/ports/databases/db2
Info:   The Berkeley DB package, revision 2
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Re: 'origin not recorded' error upon attempt to use pkg_add

2003-03-28 Thread Mike Meyer
> Hello!
> Upon attempts to use 'pkg_add' utility, I get a string of error messages
> such as the following:
>pkg_add: package wterm-6.2.7a1 has no origin recorded
>pkg_add: package wmtime-1.0b2 has no origin recorded

> 2) Theories about what causes this condition.
>(Least important)

That's easy - the packages are old enough that they didn't record
their origin.

> 1) The methodology by which I can correct this error condition.
>(Most important)

Installing newer versions of the packages is the obvious way. You can
also go into /var/db/pkg/wterm-6.2.7a1/+CONTENTS and add a line that
says "@comment ORIGIN:x11/wterm" after the @name line. There may be
other magic required as well, but this worked for the one I did it to.

What's odd is that this shouldn't make pkg_add fail. Is it possible
that you're getting another error message in amongst these complaints?
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Re: sendmail timeout

2003-03-26 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Karl Hammerschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Sendmail times out when mailing to addresses outside my ISP.
> /var/log/maillog shows the mail received by localhost and then it times out
> sending to the domain of the recipient. It keeps trying to send
> intermittently. It goes fine if I send to an address that's hosted at my
> ISP.
> How could I diagnose the problem?

I'd try telnetting to port 25 on one of the domains that is
failing. I'd expect it to fail, as it smells like your ISP is blocking
port 25 at the perimeter. The workaround is to route mail through your
ISPs smtp server.
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Re: Py22-Qt port problems...

2003-03-26 Thread Mike Meyer
> I'm having a bit of a problem with the PyQT port...any help would be 
> appreciated.
> First of all, the port itself doesn't download the correct files, because they 
> don't seem to be available...PyQt-x11-gpl-3.4.tar.gz has been replaced by a 
> newer version, PyQt-x11-gpl-3.5.tar.gz. Assuing that usingthe newer one might 
> not be such a good idea, I searched the web and found a 
> PyQt-x11-gpl-3.4.tar.gz on the Gentoo Linux distfiles site. When I installed 
> it into /usr/ports/distfiles, the md5 passed and the install proceeded.

Ok, you've got the right version of PyQT for the port. The question
is, do you have the right version of Qt?

> QTabletEvent::QTabletEvent(const QTabletEvent &)
> sip/qevent.sip: In function `struct PyObject * sipSubClass_QEvent(const QEvent 
> *)':
> sip/qevent.sip:504: `Tablet' is not a member of type `QEvent'
> sipqtQEvent.cpp: At top level:
> sipqtQEvent.cpp:378: `Tablet' is not a member of type `QEvent'
> *** Error code 1

I know the Qt library was updated recently, as the Qt port tracked
that. From the looks of things, you're trying to install the a PyQt
meant for the previous version of Qt, and that isn't working.

> Has anyone had any luck installing Py-QT from ports? Am I doing something 
> incorrectly?

Yes, I installed it from ports. However, that was using the old
version of the Qt library. Trying to build it with the new version of
the Qt library results in sip failing without generating much in the
way of error messages.

First, make sure you've got the latest version of the PyQt port. It's
possible it has been updated for the new version of PyQt. If you've
got the latest version, nudge the maintainer of the port to see if
he'll update it. Actually, the port maintainer is usually the right
person to contanct when port builds fail.

As a workaround, since there are no patch files in the port, you might
try building the 3.5 version of PyQt with the port. The pkg-plist may
be wrong in this case, so it may not uninstall cleanly. However, once
the PyQt port gets updated, installing that should fix the pkg-plist
to use the right thing.
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Re: How to produce debugging symbols?

2003-03-26 Thread Mike Meyer
> In the last episode (Mar 26), taxman said:
> > On Wednesday 26 March 2003 03:11 pm, Dan Nelson wrote:
> > > If it's your program, recompile and link with the -g commandline
> > > switch added.  If it's a base FreeBSD program (or port), edit the
> > > Makefile and add a line reading "DEBUG_FLAGS=-g" (this will compile
> > > with -g and also no strip the debugging symbols when the binary
> > > gets installed).
> > Does this work for the kernel?  I'd read that the kernel strips
> > symbols anyway.  If i put makeoptions DEBUG=-g in my kernel config
> > (as shown in LINT) will I still get the symbols?  Thats for 4.x, what
> > about 5.0 is that different?
> It still works in 5.0.  What ends up happenning is a debugging kernel
> gets built as kernel.debug, but the stripped version is still installed
> into /boot/kernel/ (most likely to conserve space on /).  When you
> panic and coredump, copy kernel.debug out of the source tree into
> /var/crash and use that to debug.

That's  the difficult way to do this. You can debug the core and
kernel dumps in /sys/crash, and use the gdb symbol-file command to
load the symbols from kernel.debug. This is all documented in the
kernel debugging section of the developer's handbook link at >.
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Re: disklabel - 8th partition shows "X" as Partition name

2003-03-26 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Eric Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Mike Meyer wrote:
> [..snip..]
> > Of course, one has to wonder why anyone needs as many as seven
> > partitions on a single disk. It's far more common to want to go the
> > other way, and have multiple disks in a single partition.
> Separating the 350Gb up into smaller chunks makes dividing the space for 
> different projects much easier.  Also, this is a RAID 50, so I've got 
> the "multiple disk in a single partition" taken care of.

Different projects is what directories are for - unless there are
reasons to have a space firewall between them. In general, the reasons
for creating partitions these days are administrative. Otherwise,
you're just creating things that will run out of space quicker than
having one big one.

Have you thought about dividing the disks up into different RAID
devices to mimic your administrative needs?
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Re: disklabel - 8th partition shows "X" as Partition name

2003-03-26 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Siegbert Baude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> >>I once tried to use (in DOS-terms) logical partitions within an 
> >>extended partition. This is possible, if you do the math and creation 
> >>of partition tables by hand, but is not supported by the FreBSD tools. 
> > No, you don't need to do anything by hand. Just disklabel /dev/amr0s5
> > and so on, and create the partitions in it. I will note that on
> > 5.0-RELEASE, the extended slice devices didn't get created for me.
> Yes, disklabel worked o.k., I talked about potential problems with 
> (DOS-term) partition tables, aka slice tables.
> It's about two years ago, that I experimented with FBSD and 
> "extended/logical slices", but at least fdisk and /stand/sysinstall 
> didn't support those then. Did this change? At the moment I don't have 
> a spare system to experiment and check this myself.

Ah, I understand you this time. The FreeBSD tools for manipulating
slices don't grok extended slices. I forget what I used to do this -
possibly Linux fdisk - but it wasn't the FreeBSD tools. The
alternative on FreeBSD is to do the calculation by hand, as you said.
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Re: disklabel - 8th partition shows "X" as Partition name

2003-03-26 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Siegbert Baude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> With a maximum of four slices on PCs you can create up to 28 
> partitions, which should be sufficient for a disk.

You can put FreeBSD partitions in extended slices, so the upper limit
is significantly higher than 28.

> I once tried to use (in DOS-terms) logical partitions within an 
> extended partition. This is possible, if you do the math and creation 
> of partition tables by hand, but is not supported by the FreBSD tools. 

No, you don't need to do anything by hand. Just disklabel /dev/amr0s5
and so on, and create the partitions in it. I will note that on
5.0-RELEASE, the extended slice devices didn't get created for me.

Of course, one has to wonder why anyone needs as many as seven
partitions on a single disk. It's far more common to want to go the
other way, and have multiple disks in a single partition.
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RE: OpenSSL obstacle to PostgreSQL Installation

2003-03-25 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tamir Halperin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> I did do a custom kernel only it wasn't me and the person that did this for me is no 
> longer available to refer the question to.
> I remember clearly that he was interested in shrinking down the size of the kernel 
> for the sake of saving memory but I don't remember the details of how he achieved 
> this.
> What are some typical things to look for and where when trying to hunt down a config 
> file for a custom kernel.

/usr/src/sys/i386/conf. That should have GENERIC and LINT in
it. Anything else there is a custom kernel, and can be used as the
value of the KERNCONF= parameter to make kernel.
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RE: OpenSSL obstacle to PostgreSQL Installation

2003-03-25 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tamir Halperin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > -Original Message-----
> > From: Mike Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 10:50 AM
> > To: Tamir Halperin
> > Subject: RE: OpenSSL obstacle to PostgreSQL Installation
> > 
> > Right. That's a good symlink to do. The question is, why did ports
> > think you should have /usr/lib/ when you didn't have one?
> > Either you didn't install the crypto distribution, or you didn't build
> > it when you upgarded to a system that had it.
> 1a. As I proceed with the full upgrade how do I confirm that crypto is installed and 
> running properly so that I can remove the symlink and get the system into a 
> configuration that is more supportable and relying more on default settings?

Make sure you select any cryptography distributions that show up.

> 1b. How do I get rid of the symlink? I looked at man ln and it wasn't very clear. I 
> have so much to learn :(

Just rm /usr/lib/

> 2. I do not know how to do a back up. I hope there's some program in the system that 
> will allow me to simply back up only the system related config files since those are 
> the only thinga that aren't application specific that I've modified from time to 
> time.

The upgrade process will back up the system related config files for
you. Like I said, I'm not sure where it backs them up to, as I haven't
done a binary upgrade in a while.

> I can easily get burn those on to a cd as well or copy them as a backup volume to my 
> other machine for later restoration.
> > Alternatively for that last step, you can copy the your version back,
> > and run "/usr/sbin/mergemaster" to merge in the config file changes
> > from 4.8. But getting your config files up to date is the only part
> > that's not simple.
> 3a. An interestingly sounding alternative but I'm not sure what you mean by "copy 
> your version back".
> 3b. What does my "version" pertain to?

The upgrade process copies all your old system config files to a safe
place before it installs the new ones. That's your version of them.

> Are you limiting that term to my version of the config files in the sense that I 
> restore them back to their original locations and a program called mergmaster 
> "automagically" updates them all with 4.8 settings where appropriate?

Sort of. Mergemaster isn't completely automatic. It will ask you if
you want to udpate files, and gives you the option to examine both
files and then merge them under your control. If you haven't modified
very many of the files, it might be easier to do this the other way

> > If you want to do a source upgrade, the handbook covers that in "the
> > cutting edge". But the sequence is:
> > 
> > # cvsup # to get new sources.
> > # cd /usr/src
> > # make buildworld
> > # make kernel KERNCONF=whatever # use your kernel
> 4a. Where will I find the file that needs to be referenced in place of the word 
> "whatever"? If you know the directory the KERNCONF file is stored in, great. But 
> some hints as to the name will go a long way as well if you don't.
> > config file name here
> 4b. This one eludes me as well.

Those are the same thing. If you haven't configured a custom kernel,
then you can just do "make kernel" and leave off the KERNCONF=
stuff. If you have configured a custom kernel, you should know the
name of the kernels config file, and that's the "whatever" to use.
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RE: OpenSSL obstacle to PostgreSQL Installation

2003-03-25 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tamir Halperin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> It appears that a symlink solved the problem. I did try someone else's symlink 
> suggestion but it didn't point to the /usr/lib directory like Dmitry's did.
> A brief conversation with Dmitry Morozovsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] in the 
> pgsql-admin list produced the following:
> DM> So, possibly, quick hack like 'ln -s 
> DM> /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib' may
> DM> help you.

Right. That's a good symlink to do. The question is, why did ports
think you should have /usr/lib/ when you didn't have one?
Either you didn't install the crypto distribution, or you didn't build
it when you upgarded to a system that had it.

> He brings up a good point. I'm running something that's over a year behind and I 
> think it would benefit me to be at 4.8 or at least 4.7.
> Can you point me to a concise document that discusses the upgrade procedure?

I don't know of one. Upgrading a binary distribution is
straightforward, though. Boot the 4.8 CDROM, and select
"ugprade". That will give you a long warning about how dangerous all
this is - which you should ignore, because you've backed up your
system prior to doing this. Go through the upgrade procedure, then use
the copy of your config files that it saved - I forget where - to
modify the new versions that were installed so your config files are
up to date.

Alternatively for that last step, you can copy the your version back,
and run "/usr/sbin/mergemaster" to merge in the config file changes
from 4.8. But getting your config files up to date is the only part
that's not simple.

If you want to do a source upgrade, the handbook covers that in "the
cutting edge". But the sequence is:

# cvsup # to get new sources.
# cd /usr/src
# make buildworld
# make kernel KERNCONF=whatever # use your kernel config file name here
# shutdown -r   # reboot new kernel in single user mode.

Then, in single user mode

# fsck -p
# mount -a
# cd /usr/src
# make installworld
# /usr/sbin/mergemaster

And again, it should all just work, except for the mergemaster step.
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Re: crashdumping on massive amounts of RAM

2003-03-24 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, The Anarcat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> On Mon Mar 24, 2003 at 11:59:50AM -0600, Mike Meyer wrote:
> > In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, The Anarcat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > > I am fortunate enough to have a box with a lot (by my standards) of
> > > RAM:
> > > Any brilliant ideas to work around this?
> > Yes - enable the kernel debugging option (DDB) on the kernel, and
> > debug the running system when it panics.
> The only problem I see with that is with non-reproducable panics, if I
> don't debug *everything* properly the first time, I might not be able
> to get back all the data I need.

Yup, it's not as handy as having a dump. But dumps happen to swap, so
you have to have a first swap partition that's at least 64K bigger
than main memory.

> > As for your swap partition - the same thing happens when you run out
> > of virtual memory either way: processes start dieing. Having a little
> > swap lets you get a warning of that because you'll start paging things
> > out which would otherwise live in memory. Unless you're planning on
> > setting up a warning system that watches for paging activity and
> > notifies you so you can do something about it, there's probably not
> > much point in having 250MB of swap on a system with a gigabyte of
> > ram. In your shoes, I'd seriously consider running without swap.
> I've considered it, but I found that I've been able to run over 1GB of
> mem, so the 250MB is handy to handle exceptional situations as the
> disk slows down allocation.

If you've just run through a gigabyte of real ram, how long does an
extra 250mb last you?

> > On the other hand, disk space is so cheap that I always have lots of
> > swap. Something about the days when I used to recompile LISP systems
> > on memory-starved machines
> Eh. It's a 40GB disk and I really considered putting 1GB of it for
> swap.

I've got a gigabyte of swap with only 20GB of real space. Of course, I
use swap for /tmp with an mfs-backed file system.
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RE: OpenSSL obstacle to PostgreSQL Installation

2003-03-24 Thread Mike Meyer
[Context lost to top posting.]

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tamir Halperin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> oops!
> I don't have an /etc/make.conf but rather an /etc/defaults/make.conf.
> Even though I don't think you'll find it very interesting, it is attached for your 
> entertainment.

It looks like you haven't modified anything in it. Which is good - you
should never modify things in /etc/defaults.

> uname -a responds with:
> FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE #0: Tue Jun 11 06:14:12 GMT 
> 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/GENERIC i386

What do you have for /usr/lib/libcrypto*?
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RE: OpenSSL obstacle to PostgreSQL Installation

2003-03-24 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tamir Halperin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Thanks for responding to my request, Mike.
> I'll privately provide you an update offlist and please feel free to repond to me 
> via the list for the benefit of others.

This is a really bad idea - others on the list may have answers I
don't. Also, someone later may have this problem, and be looking for
the answer in the archives. I've taken this back to the list.

> TH> I'm sure there's a solution to using postgresql 7.3.2 with openssl. I just don't 
> have it.

There is. Mine is built using libcrypt with no problems. Though it
uses the old version of libcrypt for some reason.

> so you're basically caught up to date. The other approach I tried to take is to 
> simply upgrade the entire system. I've never done this before and wading through all 
> the documentation I'm told to go to is driving me insane. I simply don't even 
> understand the terminology or concepts involved in the instructions for upgrading. I 
> tried following whichever instructions I sort of understand in /usr/src/UPDATING but 
> I'm not having much luck. I'm at the step where I'm supposed to execute 'make 
> buildkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE' but I have no idea what to put instead of 

If you've updated the ports tree without updating the system, updating
the system may be what you need to do. However, you shouldn't be
running into that error unless you are running a version of postgresql
late enough to use the old libcrypt. Let's not go down the road of
updating everything until we've exhausted some other options.

What version of freebsd are you running this on. Also, is there
anything strange in your /etc/make.conf? It should be short enough to
post the entire thing here.

> You officially have my plea!

And you have mine - please hit carriage return every now and then!
You're in danger of creating lines longer than the SMTP spec allows!
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Re: crashdumping on massive amounts of RAM

2003-03-24 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, The Anarcat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> I am fortunate enough to have a box with a lot (by my standards) of
> RAM:
> real memory  = 1207877632 (1151 MB)
> avail memory = 1166782464 (1112 MB)
> Now the problem I have is I'd like to debug the panic()s I'm seeing
> now and then on this box, since I'm running 5.0. :) But it seems I
> need at least as much swap as I need RAM to do this.
> So I just want to make sure there is no other way to crashdump this
> RAM than making a gigantic 1GB swap area. The worst is that I really
> don't need 1GB of *swap*!! 1GB of RAM is fine. All processes run in
> main memory, but 1GB of swap? That would *suck*. ;) I have 250MB right
> now and I already think it's too much.
> Any brilliant ideas to work around this?

Yes - enable the kernel debugging option (DDB) on the kernel, and
debug the running system when it panics.

As for your swap partition - the same thing happens when you run out
of virtual memory either way: processes start dieing. Having a little
swap lets you get a warning of that because you'll start paging things
out which would otherwise live in memory. Unless you're planning on
setting up a warning system that watches for paging activity and
notifies you so you can do something about it, there's probably not
much point in having 250MB of swap on a system with a gigabyte of
ram. In your shoes, I'd seriously consider running without swap.

On the other hand, disk space is so cheap that I always have lots of
swap. Something about the days when I used to recompile LISP systems
on memory-starved machines
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Re: OpenSSL obstacle to PostgreSQL Installation

2003-03-24 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tamir Halperin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> I'm not able to install PostgreSQL 7.3.2 from ports because I get the following 
> error after having just installed openssl-0.9.7a_2. openssl shows up in /var/db/pkg.
> When I try to make in /usr/ports/databases/postgresql7 I get the following error:
> "This port requires the OpenSSL library, which is part of the FreeBSD crypto 
> distribution but not installed on your machine. Please see the "OpenSSL" section in 
> the handbook (at ...) for instructions on how to obtain and install the FreeBSD 
> OpenSSL distribution.
> *** Error code 1
> Stop."

You get that message if you are building a port that needs SSL on a
recent enough version of FreeBSD, and don't have a
/usr/lib/ The version number doesn't matter.

Assuming you don't have, did you try the handbook and
following the directions there for installing the OpenSSL
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Re: UML program

2003-03-23 Thread Mike Meyer
> In windows they have two programs for making UML class diagrams, 
> Together and Rose, do we have anything like that in FreeBSD?

"make search" in /usr/ports is your friend.

Doing "make search key=UML" there turns up two things, one of which
clearly isn't what you want. The other is /usr/ports/devel/umbrello,
which is described as a "UML diagrame programme for KDE."

> bwt please CC to me as I am _not_ on the list!

That's SOP for this list.
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Re: OpenBSD fdisk

2003-03-22 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Joshua Oreman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Hello -questions,
> I did a quick port of OpenBSD's fdisk program to FreeBSD. It works pretty well
> and allows one to edit extended partition tables with a much more sophisticated
> interface than the standard fdisk. It's actually kind of like linux fdisk in its
> functionality. This could be useful as a part of the base system (or as a port),
> so dual-booters could edit extended partitions without having to reboot into
> their other system.
> Should I send this as a PR? Insights? Questions? Suggestions?

I think it's a good idea. I'd say package it as a PR. Unless there's a
tarball with just it - or just it and a bit more - bundling it up as a
port is probably not worth the trouble. You might try contacting one
of the people who have committed to fdisk recently to see if they are
interested in importing the OpenBSD version.
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Re: dd

2003-03-22 Thread Mike Meyer
> Hi again all,
> Are there any 'dd' experts out there who would be willig to talk of list.

I'm pretty handy with dd. I'm not sure about talking off-list, though.

What's the problem.
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Re: pkg_upgrade ?

2003-03-18 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matthew Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Of course, this method does not work if there are any packages/ports
> depending on the port you are upggrading.  The pkg_deinstall will fail
> because of the dependencies.  I believe a pkg_deinstall -f will forcibly
> remove the package anyway.  Unfortunately, I still sometimes find the
> dependent ports need to be recompiled for the new version of the port
> you are installing.

Yup. That's what portupgrade is for.
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Re: pkg_upgrade ?

2003-03-18 Thread Mike Meyer
> I do have cvsup installed, and can run cvsup to update my ports
> collection.  My question is if I already have a package installed,
> running cvsup, the make install again for a preexisting port will mess
> up the pkg-data base right?

Wrong. If you are installing a port a second time, "make install" will
refuse to install the port because it's already installed. If you are
installing an updated port, then the pkg-data will be in a different
place because the port has a different name. The latter case may leave
parts of the first port laying around unused, and deinstalling it will
probably break the second port.

>  So, if I only want to upgrade a single
> port, is the recommended way
> 1) pkg_deinstall
> 2) cvsup ports collection
> 3) pkg_install again (or make install)
> This seems rather poor as I don't want to have all the downtime
> between deinstalling and installing again.

Try this:

1) cvsup ports collection
2) make
3) pkg_deinstall
4) make install

> If I cvsup ports and then make install, is there a fix to update the
> pkg data base?

It's not needed.
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Re: getting device for umass?

2003-03-18 Thread Mike Meyer
> I'm using a USB compact-flash card reader. When attached it is recognized,
> and umass(4) creates a device for it. On a SCSI-less system it is da0 but
> this is obviously not always true.

It's not always true on a SCSI-less system, either. You can wire the
device down to whatever point you want. On SCSI systems, umass devices
are found and numbered before the real SCSI drives, so it tends to
come up as da0 there. Some people - me, for instance - wire down
things so that their SCSI devices show up first.

> How can I systematically identify the disk it is attached as? As you might
> guess, the point is to fire up a script from /etc/usbd.conf. However all I
> get from usbd is umass0 for DEVNAME. I poked around camcontrol but it didn't
> seem to give me enough information to come up with a robust script. Any
> ideas?

If you're trying for a really general solution, you may be

camcontrol devlist gives you the name of the device. I.e., mine is:

 at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (pass4,da3)

Knowing that it's a HAGIWARA reader, I can look for that and pull the
da3 out of the last bit of the card.

The other alternative is to check dmesg for the umass-sim
device. I.e., mine shows up as:

da3 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0

If you've got more than one attached, you'll have to figure out which
one you're looking for. If the goal is to mount them, then you can
check the output of mount and look for the one that's not there.

One simple solution is to note that the device numbers for the umass
devices seldom change, so you can fix them in usbd.conf for each
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Re: Stuck with pkg_info

2003-03-18 Thread Mike Meyer
> It's been a bad week.  Here's today's problem.  I just tried running
> pkg_info after updating my ports collection and I get the error
> "pkg_info: read_plist: bad command '@ckmment
> MD5:e612f324240eea2f88d666ee1325ea7c' ".  I tried removing the pkgdb.db
> file in /var/db/pkg and rebuilding it using pkgdb -u, but that didn't
> fix it.  Anyone have any other suggestions?

pkgdb.db is created and maintated by the portupgrade tools. pkg_info
isn't part of those, and doesn't use pkgdb.db.

Your problem is that one or more packages has a typo in the +CONTENTS,
saying @ckmment instead of @comment. You can find the this by doing:

# cd /var/db/pkg
# grep -l ckmment */+CONTENTS

That will list the broken file. You can then fix it with ed, vi or
your favorite editor.

If lots of files have that problem, then you have a serious problem,
because one or more of the tools you are using to install ports is
probably corrupt. The fix to that is probably to upgrade your system.
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Re: Pushing commands to the background

2003-03-17 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> hostname
> uptime
> ping -c 100
> traceroute
> I'd like to push all the commands into the background & be able to log
> off and let it do its business unattended.  Unfortunately, with my
> lacking knowledge, so far I have managed this, (sad isn't it)...
> (ping -c 10 > /tmp/results && cat /tmp/results | mail
> Even with an & at the end of this command, I do not get my prompt back
> :-(

The easiest oneliner is:

(hostname; uptime; ping -c 100; traceroute | mail 

The reason your one-liner didn't come back fromm the background is
that you didn't background the shell running the command, but
backgrounded the commands the shell was waiting on.

Putting a bunch of commands in parens separated by ; runs them one
after the other in a subshell, with output going to standard
output. Just send that output to mail and you're done.
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Re: apsfilter - exasperation - willing to pay

2003-03-17 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Banning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> I cannot for the life of me get aspfilter working.

You might try magicfilter instead of apsfilter. It's not a shell
script, so is less likely to break when the environment changes around
it. However, it does require that you configure /etc/printcap
yourself. Here's a sample entry:

lj|lp|LaserJet 5MP:\

If you can't find a magicfilter entry for your printer - which is
likely, as it's old - you'll have to take one for a similar - meaning
handles the same data formats - and modify it slightly. I'll be glad
to help with that as well.
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Re: a bit confused with new rc.d system in 5.0

2003-03-16 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jorge Mario G. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Hi there
> I just installed 5.0
> the first thing I noticed is the new rc system
> yeah looks good but I'm totally lost!
> so what is the difference between /etc/rc.sendmail and /erc/rc.d/sendmail

/etc/rc.d/sendmail integrates into the new rc system.

> I tried the handbook but there is no info about how to properly use this
> new system!.

To properly use this system, just set the appropriate config variables
in /etc/rc.conf. That hasn't changed.

> I like to integrate my scripts with the system so I would like to learn
> this new stuff

Doing your own scripts works just like it used to. Either put things
in /etc/rc.local - which is depreciated - or put scripts in
/usr/local/etc/rc.d. The latter scripts need to end in ".sh" and be
executable. They should accept an argument of "start" to start things,
and "stop" to stop things.

> so please if anyone could point me to some kind of doc/info I'll
> appreciate it

I don't know of any docs, and the info I'm using is the shell scripts
proper. You might ask on -current if you want more information than
I've provided.
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Re: usb printers

2003-03-16 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Khairil Yusof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Once connected would the device just be something like /dev/usb0 (on
> FreeBSD 5) or do you need a usb to parallel converter? There is no
> mention of usb printers in the handbook.

If the device is recognized as a USB printer, it will show up as
/dev/ulpt0. You just use that instead of /dev/lpt0 in the printcap
file. No converter or any such thing is needed.
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Re: Port that makes HTML from jpeg images?

2003-03-15 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Doug Poland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Sorry for the ambiguity of the subject.  I thought there's a port that
> can generate HTML pages (with hrefs) from a bunch of .jpeg images.   
> I belive I came across something like this perusing the ports a few 
> months ago but I'm unable to find anything searching the current ports for

You probably want either www/WebMagick or www/thumbnail_index.

"make search key=thumbnail" turned them both up.
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Re: bootloader configuration ?

2003-03-14 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Lee S Parsons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> I can't find a good page that tells me how to configure the freeBSD 
> bootloader.  I have my system set to dual boot but there are partitions 
> listed in the bootloader that are no described correctly or not actually 
> bootable that I would like to change or remove from the list.  Can you 
> point me to the page that tells me how to do this?  

You can't configure the FreeBSD boot loader. The names are hardwired
in depending on the partition type. All partitions that are recognized
are listed.

If you want more control, you need to install a boot loader from
ports. Personally, I use grub when I need a multiboot system.
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Re: portupgrade mess

2003-03-14 Thread Mike Meyer
> Quoting Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Daxbert
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > > Quoting Cliff Sarginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > > > BTW, any idea how I could reduce the size of the /usr/ports slice -
> > it's 
> > > > > max is about 2Gb and there is about 1.7 in use. It seems a bit bloated
> > and
> > > > > I certainly don't need all the stuff that is in there...
> > > > Delete everything in "/usr/ports/distfiles".
> > > > And before you go to bed one night do a "make clean" from "/usr/ports".
> > > > It takes  some time...
> > > Another option is to add the following to your make.conf
> > > ( 5.x: /etc/make.conf  4.x: /etc/defaults/make.conf )
> > No! 4.x is /etc/make.conf as well. It just doesn't have one by
> > default, whereas 5.x does. You should *never* edit anything in
> > /etc/defaults.
> Ok... so why in 5.x does make.conf no longer live in /etc/defaults as well?

The copy in /etc/defaults was never anything more than documentation
on what could go there. It's been moved to
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Re: portupgrade mess

2003-03-14 Thread Mike Meyer
> Quoting Cliff Sarginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > BTW, any idea how I could reduce the size of the /usr/ports slice - it's 
> > > max is about 2Gb and there is about 1.7 in use. It seems a bit bloated and
> > > I certainly don't need all the stuff that is in there...
> > Delete everything in "/usr/ports/distfiles".
> > And before you go to bed one night do a "make clean" from "/usr/ports".
> > It takes  some time...
> Another option is to add the following to your make.conf
> ( 5.x: /etc/make.conf  4.x: /etc/defaults/make.conf )

No! 4.x is /etc/make.conf as well. It just doesn't have one by
default, whereas 5.x does. You should *never* edit anything in
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Re: init and process restart

2003-03-14 Thread Mike Meyer
> Hi. Is it possible to use init to restart some user critical processes if they die. 
> Has any work been done in this area. Please CC me.

Yes, it's possible to have init start a process at system boot time,
and restart the process if it dies. The single paragraph that
describes this in the init man page is:

 The init utility can also be used to keep arbitrary daemons running,
 automatically restarting them if they die.  In this case, the first field
 in the ttys(5) file must not reference the path to a configured device
 node and will be passed to the daemon as the final argument on its com-
 mand line.  This is similar to the facility offered in the AT&T System V
 UNIX /etc/inittab.
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Re: portupgrade mess

2003-03-13 Thread Mike Meyer
> I just upgrade XFree86 from 4.2 to 4.3 using portupgrade on 2 different 
> machines.

That statement doesn't make sense. Portupgrade upgrades pors, not the
system. So you can't upgrade from 4.2 to 4.3 with portupgrade. If you
actually upgraded the system, how did you do it? Did you then use
portupgrade to upgrade all the ports you had installed? If not, that
may be part of the problem.

Generally, when upgrading across a release, you want to deinstall the
ports in large chunks - all of them is best - and then reinstall the
ports from the new ports in the system.
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Re: Kernel Panic in 5.0-RELEASE

2003-03-13 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Simon Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> This past weekend I experienced a kernel panic in my 5.0-release running on
> a Dual Pentium Pro system.  Is this the correct mailing list to write to and
> seek help from?  (I've already posted in the comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
> group but nobody has responded thus far.)

No, it isn't. 5.0-release is not a production system, it's a
development system. The correct procedure when you are having problems
is to upgrade your system to the lastest version of 5.0-CURRENT to see
if the problem has already been fixed, then send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if you are still having problems.

For dealing with panics, you should have a kernel with symbols built
so you can provide a stack trace of the problem. Being able to
identify the problem and provide a fix is strongly encouraged for
-current users.
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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Re: Possible drive failing??

2003-03-13 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dragoncrest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
>   Hi all.  I got this message in my daily reports and I've got a 
> question.  Does this signal possible disk troubles or potential 
> failure?  Here's the message.
>  > ad0s1g: hard error writing fsbn 13434039 of 5930556-5930559 (ad0s1 bn 
> 13434039; cn 836 tn 58 sn 45) trying PIO mode
>  > ad0: DMA problem fallback to PIO mode
>   Is that something I can ignore, or should I keep an eye on this??

Well, there is some possibility that it's just a one-time hiccup. More
likely, the drive has already exhuasted it's supply of replacement
blocks, as modener drives do bad block remapping all by themselves. In
the latter case, the drive is about to fail catastrophically. At the
very least, I'd keep a very close eye on the drive, and double-check
my backups if I saw that happen to one of my drives. Depending on how
critical that system is, I may have a backup ready, or replace the
drive under controlled conditions before things get worse.
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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Re: how do i invoke the command "ee" or "vi" when system fails toload

2003-03-12 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Nah.  It's not a good idea to use "mount -a" before fsck.  The safest
> thing you can do if you haven't tinkered with the sizes and/or order
> of the partitions is to run:
>   # fsck -p && mount -u / && mount -va

I disagree. If the file systems were dismounted cleanly, then "fsck -p"
just verifies that, and does nothing. If they haven't dismounted
cleanly, then mount won't mount the file systems. Running "fsck -p"
just insures that the file systems will mount - unless they are really
badly damaged. You won't hurt anything if you skip the "fsck -p", you
just may have to run it then rerun the mount.
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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Re: why BIND and sendmail installed by default?

2003-03-12 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jorge Mario G. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Now I from the sys admin point of view (mine):
> Do I need a DNS server???
> YES, but I usually grab the lastest version, and the default install does
> not suit to our needs...

But it suits a lot of peoples needs.

> Do I need mail server?
> YES, but I dont use sendmail, or I dont like the default install, it doesnt
> suit to our needs etc...

But it suits a lot of peoples needs.

Basically, these are things that have historically been part of BSD,
and have people who are willing to support them in the
distribution. Enough people need that functionality that there's not
much point in ripping them out.

Replacing sendmail is probably impossible because there's no consensus
about what should replace it, and you need something do mail
submission. Just turn off the build and forget it. Replacing BIND with
a later version might be possible, but needs someone willing to do the
work. If you're volunteering, great. If not, just keep on installing
the newer version and ignore the one in the base system.

BTW, they are both in 5.0-RELEASE. It's might be worth pointing out
that some other things - like uucp - have moved to ports.
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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Re: ftp logging question

2003-03-12 Thread Mike Meyer
> Anyone know how ftp's get logged?  I do a last -10 and see a user did a 2
> hour ftp, yet he has no files in his home.  So I am curious what he
> downloaded/uploaded.  Uploading is easy to poke around and look as his
> access is limited as to where he can write to.  Downloading on the other
> hand is an open book.  He's a trusted user, but if others poke around w/
> accounts, I'd like to be able to check what they are downloading.  Oh, and
> nothing shows up in his home dir loggin (.history)  I think .history only
> shows things when they are actually logged in via telnet/ssh.
> I've poked around /var/logs, and didnt see any ftp logging.  Maybe its an
> option I missed? Maybe nothing is being logged? Dunno.. a little education
> would be appreciated!  Thanks!

Depends on which ftp daemon you are running. The one that comes with
the system - /usr/libexec/ftpd - needs -ll - that's two els - to log
each file transfer. With just one l, it only logs session
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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