Re: bash Shell Scripting Question

2012-09-19 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 21:03:11 -0500, Martin McCormick wrote:
   I just discovered a knowledge deficiency on my part that
 I can't seem to resolve.
   If one writes a loop of the following form:

Just a sidenote: If you're not using bash-specific functionality
and intend to make your script portable, use #!/bin/sh instead.

 ls -LF |grep \/ /tmp/files
 while read dirname; do

Attention: dirname (/usr/bin/dirname) is a binary!

 cd $dirname
 #Do whatever commands to be repeated in each directory.
 done  /tmp/files
   This works quite well but it is shall we say sloppy
 because it creates a file that then must be cleaned up and its
 name needs to be made unique, etc.

Correct. You could use different approaches which may or may
not fail due to the directory names you will encounter (like
directories with spaces or special characters).

for DIR in `ls -LF | grep \/`; do
cd ${DIR}
# do stuff

Or you can use piping:

ls -LF | grep \/ | while read DIR; do
cd ${DIR}
# do stuff

I'm quite confident there are even more elegant and fault-
tolerant solutions. You would maybe have to tweak the ls
command or play with IFS (space or newline).

   The standard output of the `ls -LF |grep \/` command
 needs to look like a file and all should be well. I thought the
  redirection would pickup the standard output.

No, the  and  redirections basically operate on files,
while pipes redirect strandard output to standard input.
So for example,

somecommand  /tmp/somefile

refers to a file that has to exist, while

somecommand  `someothercommand`

does not take someothercommand's output (stdout), but instead
interprets it as a file specification and then reads from that
files (if existing).

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: 8.1 - 8.3

2012-09-16 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 15 Sep 2012 16:32:42 -0500 (CDT), Robert Bonomi wrote:
  From  Sat Sep 15 11:58:42 2012
  From: Michael Powell
  Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2012 12:56:49 -0400
  Subject: Re: 8.1 - 8.3
  Laszlo Danielisz wrote:
   Hey Guys,
   If I want to upgrade from 8.1-RELEASE-p11 to 8.3 do I need to also update
   installed packages? One more thing: by when has 8.3 release maintenance?
   Maybe I'm blind but I haven't found the date on
  When updating within a major release version such as 8.1 to 8.x the ABI is 
  stable and remains the same so it is not necessary to update the third 
 Note: this is _generally_ accurate.   There are *rare* exceptions -- things
 that have to be compiled against against the actual kernel in use, because
 they go rummaging through kernel internal data structures.
 Historically, lsof wa one such program.
 Such programs tended to have *LOUD* caveats in the build documentation,
 and run-time checks for kernel version consistency. 
 In 30+ years as a sysadmin, I think I've only encoundered abouut _four_
 such programs. 

There may be one addition: Sometimes, programs originating
from ports become part of the OS (the base system). If I
remember correctly, that happened in the 7.x branch with
xz (becoming /usr/bin/xz). In such cases, it's good to
revier the related ports.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: kinternet alternative in FreeBSD

2012-09-14 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 14 Sep 2012 11:05:03 +0200, wrote:
 Matthias, Polytropon:
 I have answered to your messages using reply to but my messages
 haven't reached the mailing list. I am posting now my answer in a
 new (not reply to) mail.

Check your mail client for reply options. I'm using Sylpheed
here and have:
- Reply
- Reply to all
- Reply to sender
- Reply to mailing list
I assume this is decided upon the headers From:, Reply-To:,
and Cc:. I don't see a MUA declared in your mail headers,
so whatever you use, check for such reply options. Even
old-fashioned tools like (al)pine have then. :-)

 Thank you for your answers.
 I am using KDE 3.5.10. I would like to use FreeBSD as a desktop machine
 for replacing openSUSE if it is possible at all.

I don't see a reason why this shouldn't be possible. Many years
ago, FreeBSD 4 obsoleted Linux as my home desktop, and I do not
regret the choice. Depending on what _you_ actually *do* with
your computer, there _may_ be certain obstacles.

 For clarity, I do not need exactly kinternet, I want only an GUI frontend
 for pppdial which possibly resides in system tray and can be used to control
 network connections.

As I said, I've heared of a tool named kppp, and according to
the traditional naming convention in KDE (of _that_ time), I
assume this is a KDE program for dealing with ppp. Even though
networking is done at OS level which doesn't have such a tight
integration with desktop environments as this is done in
Linux (as the big three desktop environments are quite
Linux-centric), ppp can be invoked by the user (if he has
been granted the required permissions by the system administrator).
If a KDE program can communicate with the ppp command line
tool, it should work.

 In openSUSE kinternet is a frontend for smpppd package.
 smpppd requires ppp. I will try to look into it whether  smpppd  can
 work with FreeBSD's ppp.

That sounds like an interesting approach. Good luck!

I know that's basically possible. Many years ago, I wrote
a Tcl/Tk-based frontend with buttons to enable / disable
the connection, see the status and the elapsed time. If
that has been possible, chances are good that KDE in its
much advanced manner has something comparable.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: NFS Install

2012-09-13 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 13 Sep 2012 11:29:47 -0400, Gardner Bell wrote:
 What I'm wanting to do is build/installworld from my workstation to a
 remote machine but both have different /etc/src.conf and kernel
 configuration files.  Is there a way to define seperate files so I can
 perform this upgrade without any errors?

I assume that you run i386 _or_ amd64 on both systems.
It's easy to copy the remote machine's /etc/src.conf
to the system you're building on and to _temporarily_
replace the /etc/src.conf of that system. Also copy
the kernel configuration file and put it into the
correct location (/sys/i386/conf or /sys/amd64/conf).

Make sure /usr/obj is empty.

Then use the build and install parameter DESTDIR=
and pay attention to other upgrading steps as listed
in the comment header of /usr/src/Makefile.

Also see The FreeBSD Handbook, section 25.7:

Rgarding /etc/rc.conf, I'm not aware of specifying
a _different_ file name than the default one (i. e.,
what KERNCONF= does to override GENERIC), so maybe
maybe dealing with a symlink in /etc/ would be the
least painful way: src.conf - src.conf.local (fits
the machine you build on) _or_ - src.conf.remote
(fits the machine you build for). You could also
create symlinks pointing to their location on the
NFS file system (that the remote machine promotes
to the build system): src.conf - src.conf.local
(fits the machine you build on) _or_ (now mounted
via NFS) - /mnt/remotehost/etc/src.conf (fits the
machine you build for); and a similar symlink for
/sys/i386/conf/REMOTE - /mnt/remotehost/sys/i386/conf/MYKERNEL.

I know that looks ugly, but it's the easies solution
that currently occurs to my mind. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: cksum entire dir??

2012-09-13 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 12 Sep 2012 10:46:25 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 07:31:45AM +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
  On 12/09/2012 00:14, Polytropon wrote:
 % cksum directory
   and could obtain a checksum - so it _seems_ to work.
   After alteration of one file within the hierarchy a
   different result was printed.
  That will give you a checksum on the directory inode -- file names and
  associated metadata only, not file content.  In theory you could edit a
  file without modifying any of the timestamps, and that wouldn't result
  in any change to the directory checksum.  Also, modifying things a few
  layers down the filesystem hierarchy won't have any effect either.
  Generally I find the best test for differences between old and new
  copies of a filesystem is 'rsync -avx -n ...'
  Also, sum and cksum have way too small a key size for this to be
  reliable, since you can't tell a true result from a hash collision.  Use
  md5 or sha1 or sha256 for best results.
   So this sha256 is *real*??  I have no md5 on my fedora
   that is on my desktop and m having trouble getting used to.  
   but the gentleman who recommened cpio was right on the money.
   note that I am loathe to spam this list with the following mail from my
   files in sept, 1988, but here it is.  if I had only gr -r -w cpio
   around in all my directories, I would have found this, sent to one Dirm
   Myers across the pond ::
 From kline Sat Sep  5 11:52:20 1998
 Subject: lost mail file...
 To: (Dirk Myers)
 Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 11:52:20 -0700 (PDT)
 Organization: public access uNix in service... 
 X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL32 (25)]
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Content-Length: 2283
 Status: RO
   Yesterday morning I began composing the next two Q's and A's
   in my mailer.  Last night in the wee hours there was a power
   glitch and I lost the mail.
   Enclosed is the first//next Q/A.  I'll send along another one
   or two later today.  One that I was playing around with *failed*
   and I'm trying to figure out why.
   How can I uise my FBSD floppy drive to copy files to it (in this case,
   at work), and retrieve the files on my FBSD systtem at home.  So far
   I've only seen examples that used floppies with a filesystem on them.
   Is there a simplr, more direct way?
   You can treat the 'raw' floppy device as if it is a tape drive, and
   use typically UNIX tape tools to read/write, such as tar and  cpio.
   For instance, to copy the current directory onto a floppy to
   take home at night:
 (put the floppy in the drive, and cd to the directory where
  the files are; then )
 % tar -cvf /dev/rfd0 .
   To read it when you get home:
 (put the floppy in the drive at home; and extract the tarball
  wherever you want the files)
 % tar -xvf /dev/rfd0
   The flags -c and -x indicate create and extract mode, the ``v''
   specifies verbose mode, and the ``f'' tells tar that the following
   argument is the file or device that tar acts upon.  Here, it is
   the floppy devide.
   With cpio:
 (chdir to the directory where the files are)
 % ls | cpio -oc  /dev/rfd0
To read a cpio archive from a tape drive:
% cpio -icd  /dev/rfd0
The flags -i and -o indicate copy-in or extract mode and
copy-out or create archive mode.   The ``c'' tells cpio
to use the old, portablr ASCII archive format.  And the
``d'' flag tells cpio to create directories where necessary.
Do a
% man cpio
for much greater detail on this utility.
   There are another one or two of the simpler Q/A's and one or two
   more involved.
   Then, for this month only, I want to write a paragraph or two
   about who I am and where I'm coming from.  Since you are sharing
   the by-line you might want to consider this too.
   PS:   Next month we get a break!!
Gary D. Kline  Public service uNix
   as you can see, this dealt with my olden tape drive.  a 250meg
   QIC drive, I think.  

Really? I think /dev/rfd0 refers to fd - floppy disk. Even
though I know there are floppy-controller connected tape
drives (still have one myself!), the examples shown seem
to indicate work with a floppy disk, used in a non-fs'ed
manner, just as I did in the past with tar, the most
universal file system that isn't even a filesystem to
transfer files across different UNIX / BSD / Linux boxes
via floppy (because they've not been networked). Still the
examples look fully valid when applied to a tape drive, as
both floppy and tape can be (ab)used as linear fs-less
media. :-)

  but this was about the earliest reference 
   I could find re my use

Re: svn and/or portsnap

2012-09-11 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 11 Sep 2012 04:15:24 -0400, Thomas Mueller wrote:
 One question comes up that I didn't think of immediately.
 How do you use svn on a fresh install of FreeBSD, no ports yet?
 svn/subversion is not part of the base system.
 How do you get the ports tree or svn in that case if not using portsnap?

As this is an O(1) kind of problem, I'd suggest the easiest
way: Use the package for svn. Install svn via

# pkg_add -r svn

(or however the svn package is called) and then use it to
incorporate the full ports tree (and maybe also bring your
OS sources to the branch you want, patched RELEASE, STABLE
or HEAD).

Afterwards, upgrade svn with the version from the ports tree
which will possibly be newer. Then continue using ports to
install software as usual.

When CVS was not part of the OS, I went the same way by
installing cvsup-without-x11 (or how the package was called)
to be able to update ports and sources via CVS. Today this
is not needed anymore, as CVS (as csup) is part of the OS.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: kinternet alternative in FreeBSD

2012-09-11 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 11 Sep 2012 11:15:50 +0200, wrote:
 Hello FreeBSD users:
 I am new to FreeBSD. I've been using openSUSE for 8 years but would
 like to try something different.
 I have installed FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE from DVD and configured
 KDE3. I also configured DSL (pppoe) connection that automatically
 connects the computer to the network.
 In openSUSE I have kinternet (and its alternative qinternet), an application
 which incorporates into KDE system tray and indicates whether network
 connection is active or not. It can also be used by the desktop user to
 disconnect and connect from/to the network (eg. for getting new dynamic
 IP address or test downloaded web pages offline).
 Is there a similar program in FreeBSD? I could not find kinternet or qinternet
 in ports database or by googling.

I'm not aware of a tool that integrates both with KDE _and_
the FreeBSD operating system. KDE is quite Linux-centric,
and FreeBSD is a different operating system. A PPPoE
connection can be controlled via userland ppp tools
(e. g. ppp dial by the user) to control the connection.
And checking the connectivity of the respective interface
should also be possible. So it might be that there is some
KDE component that can help. Maybe kppp? As I've never
really used KDE for such things, sorry... I can't provide
better suggestions.

However, there was some tool mainly aiming at wireless LAN
use which was considered an abomination. I sadly cannot
remember its name... networkmanager???

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: cksum entire dir??

2012-09-11 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 11 Sep 2012 14:38:04 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
 I'm trying to checksum directories as I move them around.
 ive read the man page for sum and cksum ... or maybe skimmed 
 them.  no joy.  anybody know of a utility to do this?  I've 
 got files that are decades old... 

Maybe it's possible to tar the directory (without
compression of course) and obtain a checksum of
the tar archive?

% tar cf - director | cksum

But I also tried cksum directly with a directory

% cksum directory

and could obtain a checksum - so it _seems_ to work.
After alteration of one file within the hierarchy a
different result was printed.

Tested on OS version 8.2-STABLE/i386, one year old.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: cksum entire dir??

2012-09-11 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 11 Sep 2012 17:24:08 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 01:14:43AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
  On Tue, 11 Sep 2012 14:38:04 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
   I'm trying to checksum directories as I move them around.
   ive read the man page for sum and cksum ... or maybe skimmed 
   them.  no joy.  anybody know of a utility to do this?  I've 
   got files that are decades old... 
  Maybe it's possible to tar the directory (without
  compression of course) and obtain a checksum of
  the tar archive?
  % tar cf - director | cksum
  But I also tried cksum directly with a directory
  % cksum directory
  and could obtain a checksum - so it _seems_ to work.
  After alteration of one file within the hierarchy a
  different result was printed.
  Tested on OS version 8.2-STABLE/i386, one year old.
   I think I tried something like your second example last night.
   I think I did
   % cksum foodir/*

That lets the shell expand * to the content of foodir, making
a final command line like cksum foodir/file1 foodir/file2
and so on. If you omit the /* part, the directory will be
checksummed entirely. If you then remove a file or change
it, a different checksum will be printed. At least that is
my interpretation of what I've tested.

   if there isn't anything that can compare entire dirs, it looks like
   it's time to hack a small program.  tx, polyt.

The Midnight Commander has a function to compare directories
which will also identify _which_ files have changed (unlike
the command cksum foodir that will tell you _that_ a file
has been changed) and use the mark file function to highlight
those files. It can be accessed by putting one directory into
the left, the other one into the right panel, and then F9 C C
(or Ctrl-X D). You are then presented a selection:

+ Compare directories -+
| Select compare method:   |
|  |
|  [ Quick ]  [ Size only ]  [ Thorough ]  [ Cancel ]  |

Quick = file names, Size only = file sizes, Thorough = file

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Re: portsnap Generating a Bad file descriptor Error Message

2012-09-10 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 10 Sep 2012 08:56:29 -0400, Pierre-Luc Drouin wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Pierre-Luc Drouin pldro...@gmail.comwrote:
  so I have been having problems using portsnap lately. I always get a Bad
  file descriptor message when trying using it on one of my i386 machine:
  Looking up mirrors... none found.
  Fetching snapshot tag from done.
  Fetching snapshot metadata... done.
  Fetching snapshot generated at Mon Sep  3 20:04:44 EDT 2012:
  86abb3c6f24b24e7fdadda42805f9ae38f487177dcb949  0% of   67 MB0  Bps
  Bad file descriptor
  86abb3c6f24b24e7fdadda42805f9ae38f487177dcb9493f5e0cb4f792490b2f.tgz: Bad
  file descriptor
  I tried fsck -y the /var, /tmp and /usr partitions and everything seems
  fine. What could the problem be?
 Anyone has an idea about what could be causing this problem?

I'm not familiar enough with portsnap (I use CVS) so I can just
throw some guesses around:

The message Bad file descriptor is issued by fetch and seems
to be for _your_ side of the connection, and I assume it is
regarding the place where the requested file will be fetched
to. I don't exactly know _where_ that is. It could be in
the ports tree or in a temporary location (from where the
results are then written to /usr/ports). The manpage mentions
a default workdir of /var/db/portsnap which is on the /var
partition. You checked that, no errors.

Just check what /var/db/portsnap contains. In worst case,
remove portsnap/ and recreate that directory. I have no
idea what it is supposed to contain, maybe make a copy of
it. You could also try to manually create the file, e. g.
by issuing

# touch 

Look if the file is there. Use

# stat 

to check if everything is okay.

You could also try to manually fetch the file using fetch or
maybe even wget, just to see if it can be downloaded and
written properly, to a different location, e. g.

# cd /tmp
# fetch


# cd /tmp
# wget

That should be _no_ problem (with the correct file name of course).

Again, Bad file descriptor is often seen in relation to file
system trouble. I've seen that in the past myself.

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Re: svn and/or portsnap

2012-09-09 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 9 Sep 2012 10:37:03 + (UTC), Helmut Schneider wrote:
 I'm running a custom kernel so I (guess I) need svn in future to fetch
 sources instead of cvsup. Should I still use portsnap then for ports or
 also fetch them via svn?

Ports and system sources are managed independently. You can
use whatever tool you want. Note that portsnap _might_ not
deliver the most current ports tree for a given point in
time. For short time deltas, CVS has often proven to be
the better tool, but of course portsnap has significant
advantages (e. g. faster for longer pauses between ports
tree updates, better integration with make update target).
Depending on your updating habits, choose the tool that
works best for you.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: svn and/or portsnap

2012-09-09 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 9 Sep 2012 11:26:50 + (UTC), Helmut Schneider wrote:
 Polytropon wrote:
  On Sun, 9 Sep 2012 10:37:03 + (UTC), Helmut Schneider wrote:
   I'm running a custom kernel so I (guess I) need svn in future to
   fetch sources instead of cvsup. Should I still use portsnap then
   for ports or also fetch them via svn?
  Ports and system sources are managed independently. You can
  use whatever tool you want.
 The question should read: If I need to install svn anyway, is there an
 advantage of portsnap over svn to fetch ports.

As I said, it depends. If you don't update regularly (in
short time spans), portsnap might be faster than SVN (to
incorporate all the deltas). If you feel comfortable with
this approach, you can keep using it. I don't see a general
advantage here.

  Note that portsnap might not deliver the most current ports tree
  for a given point in time. For short time deltas, CVS has often
  proven to be the better tool, but of course portsnap has significant
  advantages (e. g. faster for longer pauses between ports
  tree updates, better integration with make update target).
  Depending on your updating habits, choose the tool that
  works best for you.
 Currently I'm updating ports and src twice a day so I will keep using
 svn for both.

Good choice, in that case you won't have any advantage using
portsnap as smaller amounts of deltas are no big deal when
using SVN (or traditional CVS).

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Re: ports

2012-09-08 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 8 Sep 2012 19:08:25 +0400, иван кузнецов wrote:
 i was download 135g distfiles from russian mirror on usb hdd,
 and i have no room on laptop for this to setup apps
 from it,how to build pbi files? i was read some articles but i

I assume it's better to ask PBI-related questions in PC-BSD's
web forum as those are not exactly native FreeBSD things.

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Re: openbsd packet firewall

2012-09-07 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 7 Sep 2012 09:00:27 -0400 (EDT), Darrel wrote:
 when i updated from fbsd82 to fbsd90 using buildworld, buildkernel, 
 installkernel, reboot, installworld, mergemaster, and make check-old, then 
 packet filter simply did not load. 

That's nmot 100% the procedure. Please refer to the comment
header of /usr/src/Makefile for the full description. It should
also be mentioned in The FreeBSD Handbook.

 1.  `cd /usr/src'   (or to the directory containing your source tree).
 2.  `make buildworld'
 3.  `make buildkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE' (default is GENERIC).
 4.  `make installkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE'   (default is GENERIC).
  [steps 3.  4. can be combined by using the kernel target]
 5.  `reboot'(in single user mode: boot -s from the loader prompt).
 6.  `mergemaster -p'
 7.  `make installworld'
 8.  `make delete-old'
 9.  `mergemaster'(you may wish to use -i, along with -U or -F).
10.  `reboot'
11.  `make delete-old-libs' (in case no 3rd party program uses them anymore)

The proper use of mergemaster and the two delete* targets
seems to be different from your description.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: FreeBSD in finance sector

2012-09-07 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 07 Sep 2012 18:55:49 +0100, Kaya Saman wrote:
 Does anyone know of any financial firms or banks that run FreeBSD?
 I have been instructed to research this for the firm I work at as I am 
 trying to get the senior management to switch over from Linux as our 
 current network is in shambles.

There is a good chance that networking equipment they use
(e. g. firewalls, routers, gateways, encryption appliances)
run FreeBSD internally, or a system derived from it and
turned into closed source (which the BSD license explicitely
allows). Probably you won't have a chance to verify this.

For running actual services (not sure _what_ you are running),
FreeBSD might be as good as Linux, maybe even better. It can
also serve as storage solution or networking subsystem for
various kinds of client OSes.

Probably banks won't tell you what they run. Some run IBM
mainframe systems (which you can recognize when looking
at screens you're not supposed to look at). Any information
more precise than just my assumptions can only be provided
by insiders or service contractors who know the actual
infrastructures. Banks and financial firms tend to _not_
publish what they run.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: gpart and mbr give no operating system message at boot.

2012-09-07 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 07 Sep 2012 17:00:24 -0600, markham breitbach wrote:
 I was always under the impression that partition 3 was not to be touched as 
 the raw
 partition, so figured it was best left alone.

No, that is regarding traditional partitioning. But it's
not the 3rd partition, it's the 'c' partition, which means
nothing more or less than the whole device or the whole
slice. In today's FreeBSD /dev representation, the 'c' is
left out, e. g. /dev/ad0c = /dev/ad0, and /dev/da3s2c = /dev/da3s2.
For GPT partitions, that doesn't matter. It's only relevant
for the kind of partitions disklabel (bsdlabel) creates
inside a slice or directly on the device.

Reserved names (or those with special purpose) are 'a'
for a bootable partition, 'b' for a swap partition and
'c' for the whole slice or disk. I think even 'd' has
had a special meaning, but I didn't encounter it yet,
even though I'm using FreeBSD since 4.0. :-)

Partitions created with the gpart / gpt tools usually use
e. g. /dev/ad0p1 and so on for partitioning, if I remember
correctly. Additionally, I typically point to

to encourage the use of labels, because that lets you leave
devices names alone.

More information can be found here:

And also

regarding labels (GEOM labels, UFS labels, UFSIDs).

 I was mostly concerned with installing MBR so it would still be compatible 
 sysinstall, although I can't really think of a terribly good reason not to go 

Maybe that is significant only on older hardware where you
intendedly want to preserve the traditional approach of
MBR partitioning, maybe to keep compatibility with other
systems that have trouble with GPT layouts.

 Installing the bootcode gets me a step closer, but is now puking at the 
 loader. I'm not
 sure if this is because the bootcode is coming from and 8.1 install, but at 
 this point I'm
 pretty much out of time and out of patience for this, since it is something 
 of a bandaid
 situation anyway.

The version number should not be the problem. It's only important
that the boot elements installed refer to the layout that is
present on disk correctly.

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Re: .package files?

2012-09-06 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 06 Sep 2012 18:07:37 +1000, Da Rock wrote:
 Just a quickie- has anyone been able to install a .package file on FBSD?
 File offered an interesting diagnosis: bash script 4 file. Opening in ee 
 (gedit had kittens) displayed that it was indeed a bash script file with 
 one massive difference: there is a line that says skipline=insert 
 number here, and from that line number onward it is encoded.

Is this possibly a shell arthive from Linux?
Try man shar for more information. Or is it
a kind of shell archive that contains a binary
or uuencode-encoded data block? You could extract
that block manually to a separate file and then
try uudecode (or some other decoder) on it.
It's possible that it is a self-contained
installer from a Linux distribution...

Keep on fighting, Blondie has puppies. :-)

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Re: Auto-mounting sshfs from /etc/fstab

2012-09-05 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 6 Sep 2012 07:43:38 +1000, andrew clarke wrote:
 On Wed 2012-09-05 19:38:54 UTC+0200, OriS 
 ( wrote:
  I've been trying to find a page on the Internet where an example is posted
  explaining how to mount sshfs from /etc/fstab, but I can't find any!
 Have you tried running sshfs from cron?  eg. run crontab -e as a
 regular user and add:
 @reboot  /usr/local/bin/sshfs remotehost: $HOME/mnt/remote
 Note: Untested.

Also untested, but possible, if you want it to happen
system-wide: Add a section to /etc/rc.local:

echo -n  sshfs
/usr/local/bin/sshfs your parameters

And to /etc/rc.shutdown.local:

echo -n  sshfs
umount where it was mounted to

Note that you can add additional configuration tweaks by
using the rc.conf mechanism, and you can also add tests
to increase reliability.

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Re: NFSv4 ACL permissions setting

2012-09-05 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 6 Sep 2012 01:20:38 +0200, Edward Tomasz Napierała wrote:
 Wiadomość napisana przez Doug Sampson w dniu 6 wrz 2012, o godz. 01:13:
  Wiadomość napisana przez Doug Sampson w dniu 31 sie 2012, o godz. 01:42:
  This itself looks like a bug in setfacl(1).  I'll look into it.
  # run this script where you wish to effect the changes
  # reset perms to default
  find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 setfacl -b *
  Why the asterisk?  Also, using -m with NFSv4 ACLs is not a very good
  idea - it's supposed to work, but with NFSv4 ACLs the ordering does
  and -m simply modifies the ACL entry in place, while the effect of the
  entry might depend e.g. on deny entries before it.  Use -a instead.
  Forgive me- I am not particularly strong when it comes to shell scripting. 
  I will modify so that the -a parameter is used instead of -m when setting 
  new entries.
 Ok.  It's simply a matter of replacing '-m' with '-a0'.
 Btw, the bug in setfacl(1) command has been fixed in HEAD and will
 be merged into STABLE in a month from now.
  What would you use in place of the asterisk when you want to apply the 
  setfacl -b command to either all files or all directories? The period?
 find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 setfacl -b
 find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 setfacl -b
 The whole point of xargs here is to take the list of files it gets from find
 and turn it into a series of arguments for setfacl.  So, in the example above,
 the actual invocation of setfacl would read setfacl -b first-file 
 etc.  With the asterisk, it would be setfacl -b * first-file second-file;
 this means setfacl would modify not only the files passed by find, but also
 all the files in the current directory.

Note that the parameter lists constructed by xargs and passed
to setfacl might grow quite long and possibly exceed the
respective buffer. In that case, you could modify the command
to process one result at a time:

# find . -type f -exec /bin/setfacl -b {} \;

for all files, and

# find . -type d -exec /bin/setfacl -b {} \;

for all directories. Not tested. :-)

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Re: Error with Coretemp

2012-09-04 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 4 Sep 2012 13:17:21 -0600 (MDT), Warren Block wrote:
 On Tue, 4 Sep 2012, Maxim Galkin wrote:
  Hello, my name is Maxim. Can u help me with my question?
  I want to know the temperature of the CPU with the values ??of sysctl.
  The command sysctl-a | grep tempe ... any results
  I rebuilt the kernel with the remark:
  device coretemp
  just trying to add a module with kldload.
  # kldstat
  May 1 0xc040 b65944 kernel
  February 1 0xc0f66000 22d0 accf_http.ko
  March 1 0xc0f69000 30d4 coretemp.ko
  Anyway sysctl s not display temperature.
  My CPU:
  Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.4GHz (1400.09-Mhz 686-class CPU)
 From coretemp(4):
The coretemp driver provides support for the on-die digital thermal
 sensor present in Intel Core and newer CPUs.
 So the Pentium 4 is too old to be supported by that driver. 
 sysutils/mbmon might work.  Some P4 systems might not have accessible 
 temperature monitoring.

I've successfully been monitoring CPU temp with a Intel Pentium 4
processor on FreeBSD 5 and 7, using xmbmon and some kernel configuration
tweaks, such as the inclusion of:

device smbus
device iicbus
device iicsmb
device iicbb
device iic

With xmbmon, temperatures could then be queried.

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Re: Sharing COM ports to Windows hosts

2012-09-03 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 3 Sep 2012 10:02:17 +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:
 There is a FreeBSD box with several RS232 ports. Can those ports be
 accessed by Windows hosts over the network? Actually, does anyone
 have a success story for such a scenario?
 There is some software like comms/serialoverip, comms/tits etc but are
 there any (freeware) Windows virtual COM port drivers compatible
 Maybe some Windows drivers for hardware console servers (like Moxa)
 would work with tits etc?

It is _easily_ possible, even though my own experiences do
not include doing this with Windows, but with other BSD
boxes and even DOS.

First you have to enable a serial terminal connection just
the same way you handle the virtual terminals in text mode:
Edit /etc/ttys and enable the line

ttyu0  /usr/libexec/getty std.19200 dialup  on  secure

Now you can connect to that port via a serial cable, using
a terminal emulator (for example Kermit). Make sure you have
set the proper speed, 19k2 in this example (faster than the
default 9k6). See man 5 ttys for examples.

If you use a UNIX or Linux client, you can use the cu program.
See man cu for details.

However, what you need on Windows side is a program that can
communicate via serial port. I don't know if such a program is
still included in today's modern versions of Windows, but
I seem to remember that the 3.11 and 95 versions came with such
a program. In worst case, maybe you can use a DOS program like
Kermit under Windows? I'm sure the compatibility is restricted,
but maybe you can give it a try.

Note that I haven't tried this with any recent FreeBSD system.
But it _was_ possible with FreeBSD 4 and 5.

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Re: CMI8788 audio card/chip support

2012-08-30 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 29 Aug 2012 22:50:22 +, James Powell wrote:
 kldload snd_driver only detected my USB Headset and loaded
 theusb audio driver. It did not detect my CMI8788 (ASUS Xonar
 DX PCIe)and snd_cmi does not support it.
 cat /dev/sndstat generated this:
 FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm: 64bit 2009061500/amd64)Installed devices:pcm0: 
 USB audio (play/rec) default
 Which is my Logitech USB headset, not my PCIe sound card.
 The boot generated a message stating Unsupported Sound Carddetected.
 Please contact with soundcard make and model.

That would be a good thing to do.

On Wed, 29 Aug 2012 23:01:31 +, James Powell wrote:
 This also was generated at startup:
 none3@pci0:5:4:0: class=0x040100 card=0x82751043 chip=0x878813f6 rev=0x00 
vendor = 'C-Media Electronics Inc'
device = 'CMI8788 [Oxygen HD Audio]'
class  = multimedia
subclass   = audio

That information could be useful for the person who maintains
the cmi sound card driver. Maybe it's possible to take those
IDs (card=0x82751043 chip=0x878813f6) and temporarily patch
them into the cmi driver, to try if it then will recognize
the device and handle it (maybe with limited functionality)?

I know a similar approach has been possible to magically
activate some incompatible USB hardware...

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Re: text editor

2012-08-28 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 28 Aug 2012 22:09:39 +, Robin, Michael wrote:
 Which text editor program will run 64-bit operating system with
 following features:
 * Support 100 percent of hot keys

Depends also on the terminal emulator used and if it's
configured properly. Editors like the one belonging to
the Midnight Commander (mcedit) can learn keys.

 * Hot keys available for setting start/end block to be copied,
 moved or deleted without requiring any mouse lock.

That applies to most editors, like Joe's Own Editor (joe),
mcedit (already mentioned) or vi / vim.

 It is not possible to use mouse lock or to hold shift key combined
 with navigating key at the same time without accidently dese4lcing.

I know that both mcedit and joe support this, i. e. editing
inside an already selected region; joe also is able to handle
the begin and the end of the selection independently (^KB and

 * Support special ASCII characters

Also depends on terminal emulator and certain system settings,
as well as your preferred input method. I've been succhessfully
using chinese characters in mcedit running in xterm with the
LC_* language setting to en_US.UTF-8. Use with non-UTF local
characters is easlily possible even in text mode consoles,
using e. g. ISO8859-1 on cons25l1 emulation. I'm quite sure
that even the basic editors can support that.

As a programmer, you should have no problems evaluating the
family of editor you will use, and find the one that fits
your needs best. Try for example vim and gvim, also give
mcedit and joe a try. Make sure your system is properly
configured (terminal emulation and language settings, keyboard
settings) so you can benefit from what those editors can do.

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Re: text editor

2012-08-28 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 28 Aug 2012 22:41:52 +, Robin, Michael wrote:
 What is VIM? 

VI = VI Improved, based on vi-like editor behaviour, which
is often considered one of the MAIN editor environments
among programmers.

 Where could it be downloaded?

You don't manually download things on FreeBSD. You install
software by a system means.

I suggest you make yourself familiar with the OS and how to
install programs using The FreeBSD handbook and the FAQ,
accessible from the project's main web page.

In short,

# pkg_add -r vim


# pkg_add -r gvim

should install vim or gvim (the Gtk-enhanced vim editor) for
you easily.

 What is CLI? 

Command line interface, a common name for text mode applications
(even when they run in a terminal emulator under X), so the
term doesn't fit 100 percent here.

A command line editor could be sed (the stream editor), which is
a a non-interactive editor, programmed by its programming language
and via command line arguments. But also text mode editors like
joe or vim allow many command line arguments (see the respective
manpages to learn more).

To a Programmer Analyst that should be known, but don't bother. :-)

 I am looking for GUI/command prompt text editor for Windows 7/8.

You should then consult a mailing list (or probably a web-based
discussion forum) related to Windows topics. In worst case,
install a FreeBSD image for a virtualisation environment (e. g.
VirtualBSD) and use that for edititing. :-)

 My top priority is setting start/end block option which was available
 for old DOS-based text editor, but I have not seen any window-based
 text editor for this option. 

I'm sure there are ports of normal text editors also for Windows.
But this list -- FreeBSD questions -- is not the best place to
ask for what they are or where to download them.

 16-bit DOS text editor program will not run on 64-bit operating system.

That lack of compatibility is a significant problem on Windows,
don't you think? :-)

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Re: GTK and black window content

2012-08-28 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 29 Aug 2012 00:43:45 +0200, Stephan Schindel wrote:
 Hey :),
 I have sometimes a problem with GTK applications such as Firefox, Thunderbird 
 and some others too: The whole application window gets almost black [...]

ALMOST black?

 [...] and the 
 only fix is to reboot the system.

Does the program window stop responding? Have you tried killing X?
Maybe that's not as drastic as rebooting (except of course the
system completely refuses to respond, which you didn't mention).

 I am using KDE (disabled composite) as my 
 Desktop and I have got a Nvidia card (propr. driver).

Have you tried to temporarily use a different, more simpler
window manager (simplest idea: twm) to see if this might be
related to KDE?

 Does this happen to you as well?

I'm using several Gtk applications here on WindowMaker (so
no full KDE desktop), and _sometimes_ I have Firefox freezing
the whole system; it stops during drawing operations (!) and
the only help is to power off the machine. But in my case,
I'm quite confident it's related to a malfunctioning graphics
card -- also nVidia card + proper driver. However, this does
not happen to other Gtk applications (such as Sylpheed), only
to Firefox (and games such as Doom 3 demo and Quake 4 demo,
but not to OpenArena).

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Re: how to solve the problem to install R?

2012-08-26 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 26 Aug 2012 08:41:35 -0400, contro opinion wrote:
 when i  make configure ,there is a wrong output,how can i do now?

That's impossible. Are you sure your ports collection is
properly updated and complete? The screenshot I've inserted
has been directly copied from the terminal. As R has
settable options, make configure (_after_ make rmconfig
to limit the possibilities of mistakes) is supposed to
bring up the configuration dialog I showed.

Then you proceed to show messages from a make or make
install command:

 Downloaded 689.8 kilobytes in 3:35 seconds. (3.19 KB/s)
 ===  Found saved configuration for png-1.5.12
 = SHA256 Checksum mismatch for libpng-1.5.12.tar.xz.
 = SHA256 Checksum OK for libpng-1.5.12-apng.patch.gz.
 ===  Giving up on fetching files: libpng-1.5.12.tar.xz
 Make sure the Makefile and distinfo file (/usr/ports/graphics/png/distinfo)
 are up to date.  If you are absolutely sure you want to override this
 check, type make NO_CHECKSUM=yes [other args].
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/ports/graphics/png.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/ports/graphics/png.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/ports/graphics/png.
 *** Error code 1

Another problem with png (libpng is a dependency of R).
Make sure your ports tree is up to date. Don't forget

# make clean

prior to any new build attempt.

As I said, I've partially checked things here on my system,
and I get the configuration dialog and can even get around
the BROKEN warning by deselecting PDF_MANUALS.

Start in a clean environment. Follow the steps as described
in the manuals (e. g. man 7 ports) and The FreeBSD Handbook
and you should be fine.

In _worst_ case, try

# pkg_add -r R

to do a binary install.

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Re: CMI8788 audio card/chip support

2012-08-26 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 27 Aug 2012 02:01:34 +, James Powell wrote:
 Are any plans being made to start support for these audio cards?
 Currently I'm using one in a system I would like to use with
 FreeBSD but it has no support through the kernel and driver
 support from OSSv4 lands me with a system that either freezes
 or won't boot properly.

Interesting. I've been using a CMI-based sound card with
FreeBSD 4, 5 and 7 already. See man snd_cmi:

 The snd_cmi driver supports the following sound cards:

 ·   CMedia CMI8338A
 ·   CMedia CMI8338B
 ·   CMedia CMI8738
 ·   CMedia CMI8738B

It lists older CMI8788 as supported devices. Doesn't it
provide sufficient compatibility?

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Re: how to solve the problem to install R?

2012-08-25 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 25 Aug 2012 21:32:55 -0400, contro opinion wrote:
 [root@sea ~]# cd /usr/ports/math/R
 [root@sea /usr/ports/math/R]# make install  clean
 ===  R-2.15.1 is marked as broken: The PDF_MANUALS option cannot be used,
 because print/texinfo is incompatible with print/teTeX-base.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/ports/math/R.

Enter the command

# make configure

and deselect the PDF_MANUALS option. (Not tested!) This
should leave you with GNU info manuals if you keep that
option selected.

Then repeat the installation command.

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Re: how to solve the problem to install R?

2012-08-25 Thread Polytropon
{ Re-including list, hope that's okay. }

On Sun, 26 Aug 2012 00:14:37 -0400, contro opinion wrote:
 # cd /usr/ports/math/R
 [root@sea /usr/ports/math/R]# make configure
 ===  R-2.15.1 is marked as broken: The PDF_MANUALS option cannot be used,
 because print/texinfo is incompatible with print/teTeX-base.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/ports/math/R.
 how can i do now?

I have the same port version here, and I can get to the
configuration menu. First of all, make sure you have done

# make rmconfig

And then you should see no error message when doing

# make configure

And in the menu, do _not_ select PDF_MANUALS. Having
examined the port's Makefile for the BROKEN variable
and other options that might trigger it, it seems
that the R port has significant problems regarding
its documentation.

 |   Options for R 2.15.1 |  
 | ++ |  
 | | [ ] ATLAS Use ATLAS instead of BLAS/LAPACK | |  
 | | [X] GHOSTSCRIPT   [dev2]bitmap() graphics devices  | |  
 | | [X] ICU   Use ICU for collation in multibyte locales   | |  
 =  | | [X] INFO_MANUALS  GNU info manuals | |  
 | | [X] JPEG  jpeg() graphics device   | |  
 | | [ ] LETTER_PAPER  US Letter paper  | |  
 | | [X] LIBR  R shared library and a dynamically-linked R  | |  
 | | [X] PANGOCAIROcairo and pango graphics support | |  
 | | [X] PCRE_PORT Use devel/pcre instead of the bundled PCRE   | |  
 =  | | [ ] PDF_MANUALS   PDF manuals (requires TeX)   | |  
 | | [X] PNG   png() graphics device| |  
 | | [X] TCLTK tcltk package| |  
 | | [X] THREADS   Threading support| |  
 | | [X] X11   X11() graphics device| |  
 | || |  
 |   [  OK  ]   Cancel|  

Then you should be able to continue building (will possibly pull
gcc 4.6.3, this is the point where I stopped testing it myself.

If this doesn't work, again remove the configuration and re-enter
it by make configure: Then deselect INFO_MANUALS also. As I
said, the port's Makefile shows:

INFO=   R-FAQ R-admin R-data R-exts R-intro R-lang

BROKEN =The PDF_MANUALS option cannot be used, because\
print/texinfo is incompatible with print/teTeX-base
BUILD_DEPENDS +=pdftex:${PORTSDIR}/print/teTeX-base \

Keywords are MDOCS and MINFO_MANUALS here. So if the problem
might be inherited from other ports (mdoc related?), you could

# make rmconfig-recursive

followed by

# make config-recursive

to visit and carefully check all configuration screens that might
have an option that triggers the BROKEN mechanism, possibly
related to some info, texinfo, teTex or other dependency for the
documentation of R.

Finally, you could try to install R from package (via pkg_add -r).
The Makefile doesn't define RDEPS (runtime dependencies), so that
should be relatively easy. The LaTeX dependency seems to be a
build dependency (see Makefile excerpt above).

If you don't have success with any advice, maybe file a ports PR.

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Re: EXIF inspector

2012-08-23 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 00:00:08 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
 For the photo folks --
 What do you use for inspecting EXIF data?
 I've tried 
 and none of them show the full compliment of tags present on my oly pen-ep3.
 In particular, they omit most of the vendor specific stuff,
 and they seem to display different parts of things, but not everything.

I've been using exiv2 (port graphics/exiv2) which fits my needs.
Here's an example of its output:

% exiv2 cam/img_6842.jpg 
File name   : cam/img_6842.jpg
File size   : 2887326 Bytes
MIME type   : image/jpeg
Image size  : 2816 x 2112
Camera make : Canon
Camera model: Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Image timestamp : 2011:08:19 09:14:42
Image number: 120-6842
Exposure time   : 1/50 s
Aperture: F2.7
Exposure bias   : 0 EV
Flash   : No, red-eye reduction
Flash bias  : 0 EV
Focal length: 6.0 mm
Subject distance: 68
ISO speed   : 100
Exposure mode   : Easy shooting (Auto)
Metering mode   : Multi-segment
Macro mode  : Off
Image quality   : Fine
Exif Resolution : 2816 x 2112
White balance   : Auto
Thumbnail   : image/jpeg, 5981 Bytes
Copyright   : 
Exif comment: 

See man exiv2 for details. It's a really versatile program
which can be excellently integrated into scripts.

In case you need more info from a photo file, use the strings
utility provided by the system and parse its output.

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Re: /tmp filesystem full

2012-08-23 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 09:54:08 -0400, wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 11:04:02AM +0200, Andy Wodfer wrote:
  Can't seem to figure out the problem with MAXPATHLEN.
  locate: integer out of +-MAXPATHLEN (1024): 1029
  In my /etc/locate.rc I have pruned several directories (even the most
  obvious) - still the locate DB exeeds well over 1GB before outputting this
  error message.
  I have moved the tmp dir for locate to /usr/tmp which works fine (changed
  in locate script) and there is no problems with diskspace here.
  the find awk command suggested earlier in this thread didn't give me a
  better clue about what's happening.
  Anyone have any other ideas what I can try to find out why locate fails?
 I'm starting to wonder if you have a corrupt filesystem. Do you have
 a large number of files or something? My locate database is about three
 megs in size. Granted, I don't have that much data to index.

On my home system, it's 16 GB, but that's still far away from
any gigabyte barrier...

 A loop in the filesystem will eventually result in a path that is
 too long. Use fsck to diagnose a corrupt filesystem if you are using

Performing a file system check is a good advice, just to make
sure there's not a file system inconsistency that triggers some
abnormal behaviour. Note that _repairing_ a potential defect
should be done in single user mode (boot -s) on the unmounted

 If you don't mind a teeny bit of scripting then you can get close to
 the problem with a find command that runs a short python script:
 find / -exec scriptname {} \;
 Where scriptname is an executable file with contents something like this:
 # /usr/local/bin/python
 import sys
 for x in sys.argv[1:]:
if len(x)  900:# make higher or lower as needed
   sys.stdout.write(x + \n)
 This script takes all command line arguments to it and prints them
 out if the length of the argument exceeds 900 characters. The find
 command I gave above should run this script and give it each
 filename as it comes across it.

In short and which system tools only:

% find / -type d | awk 'length  900'

And with storing a list for further reference:

% find / -type d | awk 'length  900'  /tmp/longpaths.txt

Also note that this test only considers path names. In case
you have long _file_ names (or names containing corrupt characters
maybe), that could also be a problem, as the locate command also
records those, if I remember correctly. You can change the -type d
to -type f to test for file names (_including_ the path).
See man find for details.

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Re: freebsd-update question.

2012-08-23 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 11:36:51 -0400 (EDT), wrote:
 I wanted to see if I could get an 8.1 system updated to 9.0 (mostly) with 
 freebsd-update. I did this with a source update to RELENG_8_3 and then did 
 standard stuff to get to 9.0
 perl and xdm both gave errors that was missing. scanning google 
 questions suggested this module was removed. Also in some basic way the ports 
 make scripts view the system as an 8.X system as make index gives 'Generating 
 INDEX-8 - please wait..
 Can this be repaired? Building from source is out of the question for this 

After a major version update (8.x - 9.x) you should reinstall
_all_ ports. See man portmaster (EXAMPLES section) for suggestions
on how to do this.

If you want to avoid it. you can install the compat8x port on
your system. Unaltered (!) installs from 8.x should continue
running. But as soon as you're introducing new software, trouble
may occur. In that case, a clean install of your applications
should be the better way. (Note that you can do this either by
source or by packages, just as you prefer.)

The described problem with libutil can be avoided when working
with the compat8x port. There are more such ports for older
versions that allow running binaries compiled for those OS
versions (API/ABI remapping).

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Re: Issue with kernel building

2012-08-23 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 17:23:59 +0100, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
 [ Lowell Gilbert wrote on Thu 23.Aug'12 at 10:28:47 -0400 ]
  Jamie Paul Griffin writes:
   [ Lowell Gilbert wrote on Thu 23.Aug'12 at  9:23:14 -0400 ]
   antonin tessier writes:
I have a problem when I try to build my own kernel. I had never
got such a one; here is my kernel configuration file and the
building errors that it makes.

   Or just stay with GENERIC; most consumer PCs have no real reason to need
   a customized kernel.
   I agree. It boots quickly and it isn't really necessary for the majority 
   of users. I can be useful to learn the procedure, etc. but didn't use the 
   correct command anyway:
  make kernel is equivalent to make buildkernel installkernel.
 Ah, I didn't know that. I just stick to the Handbook info but it's good
 to learn other options. Cheers.

Have a look at the comment header of /usr/src/Makefile -- it contaons
lots of compressed information about how to deal with source installs.
Also worth reading: man make.conf and man src.conf.

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Re: firefox png

2012-08-23 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 12:26:18 -0400, david coder wrote:
 +++ Jamie Paul Griffin [23/08/12 07:54 +0100]:
 [ Polytropon wrote on Thu 23.Aug'12 at  2:00:15 +0200 ]
  On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 19:43:55 -0400, david coder wrote:
   thx, i hadn't seen the reply to my earlier message.
   unfortunately, though i've got the png port installed w/ 
OPTIONS=APNG Animated PNG support On
  That should be the default. Anyway, you can always check which
  options had been in use when building and installing a port:
 % cat /var/db/ports/png/options
 # This file is auto-generated by 'make config'.
 # No user-servicable parts inside!
 # Options for png-1.4.8
  In this example you can see that it has been properly installed.
   the install of freebsd fails w/ the error message given below.
  Sadly the Firefox build error message is not included. 
   is there something else required in the png makefile or elsewhere that 
  I'm sure this entry of /usr/ports/UPDATING applies:
AFFECTS: users of graphics/png
The PNG library has been updated to version 1.5.10.  Please rebuild all
ports that depend on it.
 I built Firefox 14 a couple of days ago and png installed is now version 
 1.5.12. So an updated ports tree should incorporate that change now 
 shouldn't it.
 true, but from what i have been able to sniff out on my own, ports
 configuration data are stored in /usr/local/include, not anywhere in the ports
 tree, so that if png has been installed already  you do a make showconfig
 in /usr/ports/graphics/png, the data are read from files in 
  if you run make config in /usr/ports/graphics/png, the files affected by
 any change are in /usr/local/include, not anywhere in the ports tree.

That's not fully correct. Ports _configuration_ (what you select
with make configure) is not stored inside the ports tree -- so
far correct. It's _not_ stored in /usr/local/include. Anything
that will go to those directory subtree will be installed there
only by a make install step, not by make configure. The
options set for a port by make configure (even if no make or
make install follows) is /var/db/ports/name/options, where
name is the name of the port in question. This data will be
queried by make showconfig. See the example shown above.

make configure - data into /var/db/ports/name/options

make - data into /usr/ports/category/name/work/...

make install - data into /usr/local and its subtrees

The directory /usr/local/include is intended to hold header files
for interfacing with various libraries. It doesn't have anything
to do with ports _configuration_; it's designated content _may_
be affected by how a port is configured (by its own options or
by implicit dependencies and _their_ content).

 this has been a learning experience for me  prolly will continue to be as
 others here correct me.

See man 7 ports for an overview of how ports are utilized on
FreeBSD. There's also a chapter in The FreeBSD Handbook dealing
with ports. As soon as you have understood the simple mechanisms
that build the basic parts the ports infrastructure works on,
you will be quickly able to resolve all issues easily.

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Re: port configuration data [was re: firefox png]

2012-08-23 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 12:41:41 -0400, david coder wrote:
 it's happened already:  in another post here, polytropon gives a more central
 role to /var/db/ports/png/options.  if i understand him correctly, make
 showconfig executed in /usr/ports/graphics/png reads from that file.
 changes made through make config change both that file  files in
 /usr/local/include  subdirectories thereof.

Nothing in /usr/local is going to be changed until make install
(or make deinstall respectively) is executed. In /usr/local/include
header files are _installed_ for accessing library functions, mostly
a means for programmers to interface with software.

But it's correct that you mention /usr/local/include/libpng/pngconf.h
here. It's not to be changed by make configure, but it will be
created by make install, reflecting the properties libpng has
been installed with; it's a machine configurable file for libpng
by its own declaration. It belongs to the png port, _not_ to the
port configuration subsystem (which is _independent_ from the
ports theirselves.

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Re: freebsd-update question.

2012-08-23 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 13:49:18 -0400 (EDT), wrote:
 After seeing if xorg and twm would just work, I did remove all packages with 
 pkg_delete. That did not clear out all of /usr/local.

You can do a manual cleanup of /usr/local, entirely removing it
and then reconstructing its structure from the /etc/mtree file.

# cd /usr/local
# rm -rf *
# mtree -f /etc/mtree/BSD.local.dist
# mtree -f /etc/mtree/BSD.x11.dist

(Not tested, see the manpage for reference.)

That should give you a clean environment for a full re-installation.
Also note that /var/db/pkg could be manually deleted in this case.

 When pkg_add of perl 
 failed, I just built that. pkg_add of xorg worked. pkg_add of xdm got an 
 something along the line of unliking lib/X11/auth... so I deleted that dir 
 did pkg_add again. This installed but xdm fails on execution with 

Seems that there are complications with leftover stuff in /usr/local.

 monhegan:~ uname -a
 FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE-p3 #0:
Tue Jun 12 01:47:53 UTC 2012  i386
 But make index thinks (I think) this is an 8.x system. pkg_add did add from 
 ...lastest..9.0 for xorg and xdm. AFAIK there are no 8.x components.

You could install the ports tree from a 9.0 installation media
or simply use CVS to obtain (or at least update) it.

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Re: implications of adding root to a group

2012-08-23 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 23:07:04 +0200, Damien Fleuriot wrote:
 On 23 Aug 2012, at 17:26, Steve O'Hara-Smith wrote:
  On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 07:51:10 -0700
  Krims G wrote:
  Hello, I've been looking at the /etc/group and have noticed that some
  groups have root included in them, for example operator. Is it not
  implied that root has access to all things and groups? What is the purpose
  of adding root to a group? If I add root to some new arbitrary group, what
  does it result in differently than if I do not add root to that group?
 The root user has the ability to ignore file permissions, but not
  the ability to subvert group membership tests in scripts or programs.
  Steve O'Hara-Smith  |   
 While I can compute what you wrote, I fail to see the implications.
 Would you kindly explain in layman's terms ?

Let's say a script tests (upon execution) if the caller does
belong to a specific group. While root may execute all scripts
and remove all barriers, root:wheel will still have wheel
as the group. While root is superior to non-root is true,
wheel is superior to non-wheel does not apply.

In this fictional example, let's assume the script is executable
for a specific non-root user. Obviously, root can override this
and execute it anyway, even if the script is rwx/---/--- for
bob:foo. The script initially tests if the caller is member of
the group foo to continue. As root is member of wheel, and
_not_ of foo, the test will fail. The script doesn't continue.

Adding root to specific groups allows programs testing for group
membership to recognize the required group. It's comparable to
adding non-root users to operation groups like dialer or
operator to allow them execute scripts and programs that
are executable for the respective group, even though they are
owned by root, like rwx/r-x/---.

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Re: /tmp filesystem full

2012-08-22 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 14:12:25 +0200, Andy Wodfer wrote:
 How can I find which directories break the MAXPATHLEN variable?

It's easy to do this with find and awk:

% find / -type d | awk 'length  LIMIT'

where LIMIT is the numerical value you want to be exceeded (in
your case, MAXPATHLEN). You can add  /tmp/longpaths.txt to
obtain a list file for further reference.

 or can I somehow run the periodic script in verbose mode to see the output?

You could manually run it. Note that it's output is tailored
to generate mail messages about success or failure which is
then mailed to the system administrator.

See /etc/defaults/periodic.conf for various *_verbose variables
to make the scripts themselves be more verbose. But I only can
see those:

daily_clean_tmps_verbose=YES  # Mention files deleted
daily_clean_preserve_verbose=YES  # Mention files deleted
daily_clean_rwho_verbose=YES  # Mention files deleted

You could however (temporarily) add your own debugging statements
to the script in question.

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Re: Warning - FreeBSD (*BSD) entanglement in Linux ecosystem

2012-08-22 Thread Polytropon
, and not going to stop doing so. :-)

 It is also shrinking in the server area, there
 is increasingly little reason to use an OS that has worse hardware support,
 less functionality.

Depends on what functionality you need on your server (as software
feature), and what server you are actually using - standard hardware
or short-life consumer stuff.

 Linux is just as reliable as FreeBSD and has more
 functionality by far.

Again, it depends on your setting if you need them, and if you are
willing to take the risk they might imply by their presence.

 I have been a supporter of FreeBSD for some time, but it was becoming clear
 that Linux distributions can offer much more and are just as reliable, in
 addition to offering more capabilities, power and features.

On the other hand, as a developer, I might argue that Linux often
has inferior documentation (which is _essential_ to developers)
and suffers from massive fragmentation, starting at directory
layout and not ending at what initialization system to use. Of
course I can understand that attitude: Why put time and money
into documentation that nobody will be interested in reading
it, or which would require manpower for continuous changing,
and that will be obsolete and not applying anymore in few years?

 all of this has
 left little reason to keep using FreeBSD. Why use an OS that has less
 features and capabilities when there are more powerful alternatives with
 more capabilities that are just as reliable, available?

Because it JUST WORKS(tm). :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: firefox png

2012-08-22 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 19:01:50 -0400, david coder wrote:
 is there a system png that comes w/ 8.3 that is distinct from the ports png?
 if not, how explain that install of firefox-14.0.1 fails w/ the error message
 that the system png does not support APNG even though the makefile for the
 png port contains the line
   OPTIONS=APNG Animated PNG support On
 i am puzzled.

The question has already been answered on 2012-08-02.

You need to recompile the PNG library (from ports, does _not_
belong to the system - it's /usr/ports/graphics/png that will
install libpng to your system) with the Animated PNG support
(APNG) option [x] set. After doing so, you will be able to resume
your Firefox build. See man ports or the manual of your port
management tool (e. g. portmaster) on how to do that. Make sure
you do make clean prior to that attempt.

From the error message which you _have not shown_ (so I'm just
guessing) it seems that libpng has been installed without the
animation support. If you can make sure it's properly installed
and you still get the error, please _show_ the error here so a
better diagnostics step can be done.

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Re: firefox png

2012-08-22 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 19:43:55 -0400, david coder wrote:
 thx, i hadn't seen the reply to my earlier message.
 unfortunately, though i've got the png port installed w/ 
   OPTIONS=APNG Animated PNG support On

That should be the default. Anyway, you can always check which
options had been in use when building and installing a port:

% cat /var/db/ports/png/options
# This file is auto-generated by 'make config'.
# No user-servicable parts inside!
# Options for png-1.4.8

In this example you can see that it has been properly installed.

 the install of freebsd fails w/ the error message given below.

Sadly the Firefox build error message is not included. 

 is there something else required in the png makefile or elsewhere that i'm

I'm sure this entry of /usr/ports/UPDATING applies:

  AFFECTS: users of graphics/png

  The PNG library has been updated to version 1.5.10.  Please rebuild all
  ports that depend on it.

  If you use portmaster:
portmaster -r png-
  If you use portupgrade:
portupgrade -fr graphics/png

It's easy to do so as the required commands are provided. Make
sure your ports tree is up to date and follow the advice to
install all ports depending on the _latest_ libpng (which you
seem to have installed, as you confirmed).

 some writers have insisted that a recent install of the os is also needed,
 but that is also a non-issue for my boxes:  they're up to date.

That is only needed when a 3rd party program or library requires
a newer OS version. The OS itself does not provide a PNG library.
If such a requirement is present, ports usually refuse to build
on older systems (the Makefile refuses to continue working if the
minimum OS version is not met). Such a change in a port will
definitely be mentioned in /usr/ports/UPDATING, a file worth
checking whenever dealing with updates as it often contains
important information regarding such changes.

 installing firefox is not as urgent for me since chrome is adequate for most
 purposes, but still...

I also have Firefox installed here, even though it's not up to
date, perfectly fitting the system's outdatedness. :-) I had
no problems installing it. Examining the Makefile of Firefox
(/usr/ports/www/firefox/Makefile) I don't see anything that
mentions libpng or animated PNG support. Maybe this is a
dependency of a dependency of Firefox?

Again, this seems to match the entry of /usr/ports/UPDATING.
It does _not_ require you to reinstall your OS. Where would
we be if every little package addition would force the OS to
be reinstalled... :-)

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Re: /tmp filesystem full

2012-08-22 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:35:29 -0700, Michael Sierchio wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 3:29 PM, RW wrote:
  Sorry I misread the previous post which *was* referring to an md device,
  but the rest is right.
 Not really. ;-)  The one compelling reason to use an md filesystem for
 /tmp or /var is when you have no swap, and/or your root fs is read
 only (or read mostly), as with embedded computers, Soekris boxes
 booting from CF, USB stick, or even mSATA (I wouldn't swap on a
 partition on an MLC mSATA device).
 In that case, you most certainly want to reserve the space for the
 filesystem at creation time.  Usually
 /tmp - /var/tmp is that case.

For the mentioned appliances, that would not be a problem.
However there's a distinction between /tmp and /var/tmp
that can be summarized like this: The content of /tmp may
disappear after a reboot (see clear_tmp_enable=YES in
/etc/rc.conf), whereas /var/tmp is to be preserved during
reboot. Some programs rely on this behavior when putting
delete-temporary and keep-temporary files into the
respective directories.

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Re: Double boot

2012-08-21 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 18:58:51 +0200, wrote:
 i had same error after some updates and fixed it with
 fdisk -B -b /boot/boot0/device/
 ^  ^
lokademus malquoted command. rectify. :-)

The source you've provided at


# fdisk -B -b /boot/boot0 device

where device is the boot device where the MBR should be
written to (e. g. /dev/ad0). Either /boot/mbr or /boot/boot0
can be passed as -b parameter, installing a standard MBR
or the boot0 boot manager.

See man fdisk for details, as well as man boot0cfg.

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Re: I Can Has Packages?

2012-08-20 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 06:38:33 +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
 I always keep saying the ideal
 situation would be that you could customise and compile just your own
 really mission critical software and freely mix that with installing
 pre-compiled packages of anything else from the public repositories.

To be honest, that's what I'm doing for many years now. I
tend to compile only those ports where it is either required
in order to obtain the software because no suitable package
does exist (e. g. OpenOffice), or because I intendedly want
to have access to compile-time options (e. g. mplayer), which
can also apply when specific optimization is needed in order
to get something into a usable state on older hardware. For
everything else, packages are fine. Mixing those forms (and
maybe assuming that ports can be either handled by the
native make method or one of the port management tools
such as portmaster) is possible. Of course you have to think
first, then do, but I assume it's not needed mentioning. :-)

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Re: freebsd-update fetch trying to update custom kernel

2012-08-20 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 14:37:40 +0400, Denis wrote:
 Hi Alexandre,
  Have you rebuilt your custom kernel after ?
  This is described in the Handbook in the section 25.2.2
 Yes, I rebuilt my custom kernel after. But this doesn't help - every
 time I run freebsd-update fetch it suugest me to update kernel and

Then why not follow my suggestion of _letting_ freebsd-update
update the kernel, but _use_ a different one instead which it
won't touch? In /boot/loader.conf:


Now freebsd-update can happily alter the default kernel without
affecting yours. Note that this implies that _you_ have to take
care of kernel changes and recompiling if needed.

I know, it's just a workaround and doesn't address the problem
directly, but it should get you away from any related trouble.

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Re: Issue with kernel building

2012-08-20 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 14:13:44 +0100, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
 == Michael Powell wrote on Sun 19.Aug'12 at 19:43:14 -0400 ==
  Keep in mind whenever you install a new kernel your present kernel (and its 
  matching modules) get moved to kernel.old. What this means is that the 
  GENERIC you have with a base install will be moved to kernel.old and can be 
  used in the event the new kernel won't boot. Realize this: after the next 
  rebuild process this kernel.old will be replaced _again_. In which case  
  might now have 2 broken kernels with not an easy way to recover.
 Very good point! I'd clear the /usr/src/obj directory as pointed out,
 then build a generic kenel, install it and boot from it. Then you
 know you've got a working kernel to fall back on.

You could then make a copy of that kernel, e. g. from its
initial installation location /boot/kernel to /boot/kernel.GENERIC.
If you continue building a custom kernel, /boot/kernel will be
overwritten. In worst case, you can unload your custom kernel
at the loader prompt, load kernel.GENERIC instead and boot the
system with that definitely working kernel.

 At that point rebuild your custom kernel with correct commands
 as pointed out in the previous response by Michael; i.e.
 `make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL` ... etc.

Again, I may point to The FreeBSD Handbook, the section regarding
building world and kernel, as well as the instructions in the
comment header of /usr/src/Makefile. Following those advices
should be easy and provide you with a procedure that reliably

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Re: Issue with kernel building

2012-08-20 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 09:46:30 -0400, Robert Huff wrote:
 Polytropon writes:
Very good point! I'd clear the /usr/src/obj directory as pointed out,
then build a generic kenel, install it and boot from it. Then you
know you've got a working kernel to fall back on.
   You could then make a copy of that kernel, e. g. from its initial
   installation location /boot/kernel to /boot/kernel.GENERIC.
   Before doing this, make sure you have enough space on /.  On my
 -CURRENT system, /boot/kernel uses ~300 mb and /boot/modules another
 35; I created / with 2 gb in part so it could hold multiple kernels.
   Running out of space on / is a Really Bad Idea(tm).

Excellent advice. I'd like to add man src.conf and maybe
tweaking /etc/make.conf to adjust kernel and world builds
for the case that more control over what should be built
and installed is desired, such as omitting debug symbols,
the exclusion of certain modules and so on.

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Re: doom, quake, hexen...

2012-08-20 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 21:24:32 +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:
 Please advise if there are any 3D shooters in the ports collection
 which work out of the box on 9.0-STABLE (amd64)? None of those I have
 tried work for a number of irritating reasons, like e.g.

MIDI load failed:/etc/timidity.cfg: No such file or directory

Install timidity++ from ports to get MIDI background music support.


doom-1.10_5 is only for i386, while you are running amd64.

A precise message.

 games/quake2lnx even pretends to do something: it opens a tiny X11
 window with some flickering rubbish and plays some farting sounds to
 the audio system.
 Is there any working 3D shooter in the ports collection my 8 year old
 son could enjoy?

How about OpenArena? I'm currently playing it with pals via
Internet. Okay, not at this moment, as I'm writing this
message, obviously... :-)

 Thank you very much in advance.

First make sure all your 3D stuff runs fine. Install xlockmore
and test it with:

% xlock -nolock -mode lament
% xlock -nolock -mode fire

Works fine? Next consideration:

Games in ports collection that run out of the box (even though I
still have 8.2-STABLE/x86 here) include DooM 3 and Quake 4. I've
also tried RTCW, but except a grey fullscreen I get nothing.
Music plays, I can move the mouse and listen to the main menu
choices clicking, but I don't see anything. For older DooM
ports, I've successfully been playing DooM, DooM II and Heretic
using lsdldoom port on a 300 MHz P2. Note lsdldoom also supports
OpenGL graphics. I could also play Quake, Quake 2 from ports,
and Jedi Knight II via wine. I don't see a massive problem to
run those on the amd64 platform, from which I switched back
to i386 on my home system due to trouble with wine.

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Re: doom, quake, hexen...

2012-08-20 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 00:05:17 +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:
 Polytropon wrote:
   Please advise if there are any 3D shooters in the ports collection
   which work out of the box on 9.0-STABLE (amd64)? None of those I have
   tried work for a number of irritating reasons, like e.g.
  MIDI load failed:/etc/timidity.cfg: No such file or directory
  Install timidity++ from ports to get MIDI background music support.
 Actually I have compiled it WITHOUT_MUSIC. Anyway, recompiling with background
 music support does not make things any better:
 Starting Hexen!
 XDM authorization key matches an existing client!V_Init: allocate screens.
 M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
 W_Init: Init WADfiles.
 DEMO IWAD detected!
 Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon.
 MN_Init: Init menu system.
 CT_Init: Init chat mode data.
 SN_InitSequenceScript: Registering sound sequences.
 I_Init: Setting up machine state.
 SDL Audio opened successfully.
 ST_Init: Init startup screen.
 Executable: U-Hexen 0.5 build Aug 20 2012.
 R_Init: Init Hexen refresh daemonTextures Bus error (core dumped)

Bus error doesn't sound good.

  doom-1.10_5 is only for i386, while you are running amd64.
  A precise message.
 Does not make me any happier.

But at least it tells the truth from the beginning.

   games/quake2lnx even pretends to do something: it opens a tiny X11
   window with some flickering rubbish and plays some farting sounds to
   the audio system.
   Is there any working 3D shooter in the ports collection my 8 year old
   son could enjoy?
  How about OpenArena? I'm currently playing it with pals via
  Internet. Okay, not at this moment, as I'm writing this
  message, obviously... :-)
 This is some multiuser game, isn't it? I was looking for something one
 could play alone, like Doom or Hexen.

You actually have a series of levels to play against computer
enemies (AI), but it's not that it contains a story like
DooM or Quake.

 I have some WADs from the old
 DOS CDs and from BBSes.

Try to load them with lsdldoom or prboom (I've tried both in
the past).

  First make sure all your 3D stuff runs fine. Install xlockmore
  and test it with:
  % xlock -nolock -mode lament
  % xlock -nolock -mode fire
  Works fine? 
 Yes, it does. In fact, I use xlock as my screensaver all the time.

Very good, so there will be _no_ problem related to 3D, which
often is the main issue for those games.

  Next consideration:
  Games in ports collection that run out of the box (even though I
  still have 8.2-STABLE/x86 here) include DooM 3 and Quake 4. 
 If I wanted a linux game, I would use the linux notebook. I am very
 reluctant in install half-a-penguin on my FreeBSD box just to play a

I also had to apply some tweaks to get those games running, it's
at least not trivial.

  also tried RTCW, but except a grey fullscreen I get nothing.
  Music plays, I can move the mouse and listen to the main menu
  choices clicking, but I don't see anything. For older DooM
  ports, I've successfully been playing DooM, DooM II and Heretic
  using lsdldoom port on a 300 MHz P2. Note lsdldoom also supports
  OpenGL graphics. 
 Which port is it? make search key=lsdldoom finds nothing.

Oh, it's doomlegacy.

  I could also play Quake, Quake 2 from ports,
  and Jedi Knight II via wine. 
 Oh, is there really nothing native?

No, that game is far too old, but Quake and Quake 2 have ports
(to native FreeBSD) which work very nicely with the original
files from the DOS version. Still it was playable more than 5
years ago, so even considering the ongoing disimprovement, it
should run today. :-)

Maybe even other older DOS shooters (Duke Nukem 3D, Chasm,
Shadow Warrior, Dark Forces, Blood and so on) could be easily
run using a VM or emulator?

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: doom, quake, hexen...

2012-08-20 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 00:46:40 +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:
 Polytropon wrote:
I could also play Quake, Quake 2 from ports,
and Jedi Knight II via wine. 
   Oh, is there really nothing native?
  No, that game is far too old, but Quake and Quake 2 have ports
  (to native FreeBSD) which work very nicely with the original
  files from the DOS version. 
 What are the ports' names? 

The port for Quake is games/quakeforce (the binary then is
nq-sdl, e. g. nq-glx -width 1024 -height 768, or nq-glx),
for Quake 2 it is games/quake2.

I'm not sure if wine can run those native DOS games, but
the big virtualisation software (VirtualBox, VMWare)
should be able to emulate a PC, then have some DOS
installed, and the game should run - _if_ the virtualisation
works properly and _fully_ supports the required
interfaces that the games _directly_ address.
I assume doscmd is not sufficient. Maybe bochs
is okay.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: user specific xorg.conf?

2012-08-19 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 11:44:15 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
 In attempting to zero in on my system crash problem, 
 I need to customize xorg.conf.
 As I read the documentation, 
 there is no way for an ordinary user to provide an xorg.conf;
 Xorg looks for files in the normal server search path,
 which does not include any user directories --
 unless the user is root.

What if you do (as a user) the startx command and try
to hand the -config file to the program, like this:

% Xorg -file /home/user/test/xorg.conf

I haven't tried that myself, but according to man Xorg
this option does exist. However, I'm not sure if xinit
or startx honors this option if you use them (to make
use of ~/.xinitrc).

 Am I missing something?
 Is this because of the security vulnerabilities in X?

A valid consideration. With a malfunctioning X server, you
can easily crash a system. That's why a user should not be
able to have access to such files.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: I Can Has Packages?

2012-08-19 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 20:33:49 +0200, vermaden wrote:
 OpenBSD seems to have packages for everything, even
 for LAME (audio/lame), why FreeBSD can not provide
 package for LAME the same way as OpenBSD does?

j00 CAN haz pakagez. =^_^=

Packages for _everything_ is impossible because of the many
options that may or MAY NOT fit your needs, so things have
to be set at compile time. Just imagine how many different
packages you would have to host for OpenOffice!

In the past, pkg_add -r de-openoffice would have given
you a full-featured german version of OpenOffice, even
including a dictionary. Today, it's not that easy anymore.

There are also ports that draw a massive slew of dependencies.
Some of them are of minor importance, like documentation that
urges you to install LaTeX. If that's the default the package
has been created from, installing it will bring teTeX to your
system too, even if _you_ don't need it.

Also consider programs like mplayer that can have a lot of
codecs. Because it's illegal in the U.S. to listen to MP3,
those may not be included. :-)

Okay, you get the idea: There may apply shipping restrictions.
If I remember correctly, there has been such an issue for lame
in the past, but I thought that it would have been resolved.
When trying make package, it was not possible, and there
also was not package for use with pkg_add. You _had_ to compile
it yourself because the terms of use told so.

The ports collections has a specific field in Makefile that
gives you information about such issues:

RESTRICTED= patent issues, see

So if OpenBSD serves a lame package (I mean a package containing
lame), you should ask them in how far they have an agreement that
allows them to do so, in comparison to what patent issues prohibit
doing the same on FreeBSD.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: user specific xorg.conf?

2012-08-19 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 14:38:13 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
 Combining a couple of responses into one to cut down traffic...
 On 08/19/12 11:51, Polytropon wrote:
  On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 11:44:15 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
  In attempting to zero in on my system crash problem,
  I need to customize xorg.conf.
  As I read the documentation,
  there is no way for an ordinary user to provide an xorg.conf;
  Xorg looks for files in the normal server search path,
  which does not include any user directories --
  unless the user is root.
  What if you do (as a user) the startx command and try
  to hand the -config file to the program, like this:
  % Xorg -file /home/user/test/xorg.conf
  I haven't tried that myself, but according to man Xorg
  this option does exist. However, I'm not sure if xinit
  or startx honors this option if you use them (to make
  use of ~/.xinitrc).
 According to the man page:
   This option will work for any file when the server is run as root
(i.e, with real-uid 0),
or  for files relative to a directory in the config search
path for all other users.
 The config search path only includes system directories, not user directories.

Read: config search path. In my interpretation, this applies
to _path names_ in where config files (default name: xorg.conf)
will be searched. This does _not_ contradict to explicitely
naming a _file_ as in:

% X -config /home/someuser/test/xorg.conf

It could also be possible to give the file a totally different
name. However, the X server might refuse to use that file. You
could easily try it. I have prefixed the example with % indicating
that this command could be executed from a user (non-root) terminal,
just the same way you would usually call

% xinit

or the

% startx

script to benefit from the ~/.xinitrc startup file. Also you
could try to add the -config option to the two commands mentioned.
I haven't looked into their specific implementation on if and how
they will allow X parameters to be included.

 Again, I think that is for security reasons, but I'm not certain.

Primarily it is, but also about complexity. Imagine the X server
would scan the whole (!) directory structure, beginning in /, to
find a valid configuration file...

 On 08/19/12 12:38, Jeff Tipton wrote:
  Gary, why do you need user-specific xorg.conf?
  By default, there's no xorg.conf file,
  so if you generate one and put it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf,
  your file will be used instead of the default options.
  And before putting the file there, you can test it,
  as suggested in the Manual:
  X -config /root/ -retro
 I wanted a user-specific xorg.conf for test purposes.
 The server already generated one when I first installed it, IIRC.

No. The server can generate a file that is then typically
placed as /root/ which you'd have to copy to
/etc/X11/ in order to have further X starts recognize and
use it (in case you are _not_ explicitely calling the X server
with the config file at the location in /root).

If the X server does not find a xorg.conf file, it will run
without one. That should be fine in 99% of all cases. Still
there are reasons you intendedly want a xorg.conf file. In
my opinion, the example I mentioned above should be fine for
testing. If you agree with the final result, you can then
install it into the server's default location mentioned
at the top.

 In general, I'd prefer to leave default generated stuff alone,
 as it's easy to screw up and edit the wrong thing,
 not save the original, not properly comment mods to the file, etc.

In that case, put the file under version control. (I use CVS
for that kind of stuff.)

 However, in this case it looks like I'll have to tweak the global file.

_Finally_ you can do this, but try (!) with the idea I mentioned
at the beginning of this message. As I haven't tested it, I cannot
tell you if it works, but I _assume_ that it should work.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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Re: I Can Has Packages?

2012-08-19 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 22:54:52 +0200, vermaden wrote:
  On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 20:33:49 +0200, vermaden wrote:
   OpenBSD seems to have packages for everything, even
   for LAME (audio/lame), why FreeBSD can not provide
   package for LAME the same way as OpenBSD does?
  j00 CAN haz pakagez. =^_^=
  Packages for _everything_ is impossible because of the many
  options that may or MAY NOT fit your needs, so things have
  to be set at compile time. Just imagine how many different
  packages you would have to host for OpenOffice!
  In the past, pkg_add -r de-openoffice would have given
  you a full-featured german version of OpenOffice, even
  including a dictionary. Today, it's not that easy anymore.
 The OpenBSD team serves these 'complicated' packages
 by using *flavours* and *subpackages*, packages or their
 parts compiled with different options, its described in the
 OpenBSD FAQ here:
 | 15.2.3 - Finding packages
 | (...)
 | You will notice that certain packages are available in a
 | few different varieties, formally called flavors. Others
 | are pieces of the same application which may be
 | installed separately. They are called subpackages.
 | This will be detailed further in Using flavors and
 | subpackages but flavor basically means they are
 | configured with different sets of options. Currently,
 | many packages have flavors, for example: database
 | support, support for systems without X, or network
 | additions like SSL and IPv6. Every flavor of a package
 | will have a different suffix in its package name. For
 | detailed information about package names, please
 | refer to packages-specs(7).

Interesting. That should work for packages with not so
many options. Opera has, if I remember correctly, 4 options,
resulting in tons of different dependencies; mplayer has
more options than you can fit on one screen (while we
assume the screen has 24 or 25 lines). It's an easy task
to calculate for a package with n options, each can be
set or not set, how many packages would have to be built
and served. :-)

I just assume providing packages for every imaginable
combination requires lots of resources. As an example
take OpenOffice: Every language variant, then integration
with KDE, Gnome, or none of them, and printing support
(I think). That would be many hours of compiling, and
lots of storage space needed (note: current _and_ older
packages are needed, plus supported architectures).

  There are also ports that draw a massive slew of dependencies.
  Some of them are of minor importance, like documentation that
  urges you to install LaTeX. If that's the default the package
  has been created from, installing it will bring teTeX to your
  system too, even if _you_ don't need it.
  Also consider programs like mplayer that can have a lot of
  codecs. Because it's illegal in the U.S. to listen to MP3,
  those may not be included. :-)
  Okay, you get the idea: There may apply shipping restrictions.
  If I remember correctly, there has been such an issue for lame
  in the past, but I thought that it would have been resolved.
  When trying make package, it was not possible, and there
  also was not package for use with pkg_add. You _had_ to compile
  it yourself because the terms of use told so.
  The ports collections has a specific field in Makefile that
  gives you information about such issues:
  RESTRICTED= patent issues, see
  So if OpenBSD serves a lame package (I mean a package containing
  lame), you should ask them in how far they have an agreement that
  allows them to do so, in comparison to what patent issues prohibit
  doing the same on FreeBSD.
 The OpenBSD port from here:
 Has its description of LAME as a *educational* tool, maybe that is
 the reason why they provide package for LAME:
 | LAME is an educational tool to be used for learning about MP3
 | encoding.  The goal of the LAME project is to improve the psycho
 | acoustics, quality and speed of MP3 encoding.
 My buddy has sent email to OpenBSD LAME port maintainer with
 question why they can distribute that without concerns, I will let
 You know if he gets the answer.

That's really a good reason to avoid the restriction. I think
some specific kind of agreement has to be made to have this
declaration take effect and allow packaging the software.

There are other ports that don't have equivalents on FreeBSD.
A good example is Java. While I think it's possible to
package the software (the make package command), the
current vendor or Java (no idea who is it today) forces
you do manually download the sources and put them into
/usr/ports/distfiles, requiring you to interactively
agree with their terms of use.

Now keep working harder and carry a towel. =^_^=

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa

Re: user specific xorg.conf?

2012-08-19 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 15:45:28 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
 On 08/19/12 15:01, Polytropon wrote:
  On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 14:38:13 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
  Combining a couple of responses into one to cut down traffic...
  On 08/19/12 11:51, Polytropon wrote:
  On Sun, 19 Aug 2012 11:44:15 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
  In attempting to zero in on my system crash problem,
  I need to customize xorg.conf.
  As I read the documentation,
  there is no way for an ordinary user to provide an xorg.conf;
  Xorg looks for files in the normal server search path,
  which does not include any user directories --
  unless the user is root.
  What if you do (as a user) the startx command and try
  to hand the -config file to the program, like this:
% Xorg -file /home/user/test/xorg.conf
  I haven't tried that myself, but according to man Xorg
  this option does exist. However, I'm not sure if xinit
  or startx honors this option if you use them (to make
  use of ~/.xinitrc).
  According to the man page:
 This option will work for any file when the server is run as root
  (i.e, with real-uid 0),
  or  for files relative to a directory in the config search
  path for all other users.
  The config search path only includes system directories, not user 
  Read: config search path. In my interpretation, this applies
  to _path names_ in where config files (default name: xorg.conf)
  will be searched. This does _not_ contradict to explicitely
  naming a _file_ as in:
  % X -config /home/someuser/test/xorg.conf
  It could also be possible to give the file a totally different
  name. However, the X server might refuse to use that file. You
  could easily try it. I have prefixed the example with % indicating
  that this command could be executed from a user (non-root) terminal,
  just the same way you would usually call
  % xinit
  or the
  % startx
  script to benefit from the ~/.xinitrc startup file. Also you
  could try to add the -config option to the two commands mentioned.
  I haven't looked into their specific implementation on if and how
  they will allow X parameters to be included.
 I thought about that path vs file distinction;
 looks like my original interpretation was correct:
 %startx -- -config ~/xorg.conf
 Fatal server error:
 Invalid argument for -config
 For non-root users, the file specified with -config must be
 a relative path and must not contain any .. elements.
 Using default xorg.conf search path.
 Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
  for help.
 xinit: giving up
 xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
 xinit: server error

Interesting. Your path ~/xorg.conf does not contain .. elements.
Have you tried specifying a full path (e. g. one containing your
username, just in case ~ could not be properly resolved)?

  Again, I think that is for security reasons, but I'm not certain.
  Primarily it is, but also about complexity. Imagine the X server
  would scan the whole (!) directory structure, beginning in /, to
  find a valid configuration file...
 I assumed if no user directories were in the search path,
 you would have to specify a complete path, not a relative one.
 I never expected it to search all possible paths.
 I was surprised to see that no user directories are in the default path,
 but upon reflection decided it was probably because of security concerns.

How could it be possible to have user directories in the _default_
search path when X doesn't know which users actually have an
account on the system, and where their home directories are

However, when we can assume that

# X -config /root/

works, we could assume that

# X -config /home/foo/xorg.conf

could also work. This example shows running X directly as root.
The next step would be to login as foo and then performing

% X -config /home/foo/xorg.conf

from the foo user account.

Again to take the error message

 For non-root users, the file specified with -config must be
 a relative path and must not contain any .. elements.
 Using default xorg.conf search path.

into account: If ~/xorg.conf (where ~ equals /home/foo) is
considered _not_ being a relative path, how about

% X -config ./xorg.conf

or even

% X -config xorg.conf

bein executed when the current directory is /home/foo - here
the requirements relative directory and no .. are met by
omitting any path elements.

Finally, if you're going to experiment with X, do it with
using /etc/X11/xorg.conf. You can easily maintain different
versions of the file and then using a symlink to indicate
which one you want to try. So you can switch back to
previous versions. For example, you have


Re: fsck recoveries, configuration

2012-08-18 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 23:53:55 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
 acpi0: 030811 XSDT1017 on motherboard
 acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
 acpi0: reservation of fec0, 1000 (3) failed
 acpi0: reservation of fee0, 1000 (3) failed
 acpi0: reservation of ffb8, 8 (3) failed
 acpi0: reservation of fec1, 20 (3) failed
 acpi0: reservation of fed8, 1000 (3) failed
 acpi0: reservation of 0, a (3) failed
 acpi0: reservation of 10, c7e0 (3) failed
 acpi_button0: Power Button on acpi0

 Do all those reservation failed indicate the interrupt is not
 going to actually be seen?

Seems to be messages related to an improperly implemented ACPI
BIOS I'd assume. Look:

acpi0: reservation of 0, a (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of 10, 7fde (3) failed

I also have two of such messages here. In my case, it's a
really cheap home PC (from a discounter).

 What does (fixed) mean?

A can only guess: It probably means that the button is fixed
(mounted) in the machine, e. g. at the front panel.

You could also check in sysctl's output on what state the button
will initiate when pressed (usually S3).

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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Re: about system api

2012-08-18 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 18 Aug 2012 12:44:07 +0800, Aric wrote:
 could anybody knows how to get the FreeBSD system APIs 

For documentation about the kernel interfaces and the library
calls, refer to the respective manpages. For the full source
code of the entire system, check the content of the /usr/src
directory. Whatever you want to understand as system APIs
will be in there.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: doc

2012-08-18 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 18 Aug 2012 06:16:31 -0400, Jerry wrote:
 On Sat, 18 Aug 2012 03:43:58 +0200
 Polytropon articulated:
  On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 13:17:42 +0400, иван кузнецов wrote:
   how to open RU_FREEBSD_DOC_20111014.TBZ under windows?  
  The file is a tar archive compressed with BZip2. It's no real
  surprise that Windows cannot natively handle it, as with many
  established standard formats. :-)
   several program cant,i was attempt.7zip cant.  
  It's not a 7zip archive; still the 7zip page on
  mentions that the BZip2 format is supported.
  However, there's BZip2 available for Windows, maybe this
  can help you:
  There are also claims that WinRAR is able to extract BZip2
 WinZIP® is perfectly capable of
 handling the following file types:
 Zip (.zip)
 Zipx (.zipx)
 RAR (.rar)
 7Z (.7z)
 BZ2 (.bz, .bz2, .tbz, .tbz2)
 LHA/LZH (.lha, .lzh)
 Cabinet (.cab)
 Disc Image (.img, .iso)
 TAR (.tar)
 GZIP (.gz, .taz, .tgz)
 Compress (.tz, .z)
 UUencode (.uu, .uue)
 XXencode (.xxe)
 MIME (.b64, .mim)
 BinHex (.bhx, .hqx)
 Most other compressed files
 I was personally responsible for having the 7Z format added several
 years ago.

I thought that the OP would have used WinZIP as the typical
first candidate, given the fact that .tbz means tar bzip2
archiving and compression. So that program should havve been

 By the way Poly, FreeBSD does not handle all types of compressed files
 natively any more than Windows does. There are also add-ons available
 to handle some really obscure formats.

It can handle everything that tar, cpio, pax, compress
and (of course bzip2 (belongs to the OS!) and all other
native tools utilizing libarchive addresses. I'm quite
confident that this is a better out of the box support
than what Windows has to offer because handling archives
usually involves manually downloading and installing 3rd
party programs, like WinZIP or WinRAR. Of course I
do not claim all types, e. g. for RAR archives you
also need to have the system install the proper program,
but who uses RAR anyway (except the packagers of warez)... :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: handbook pkg name

2012-08-17 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:48:24 -0400, Fbsd8 wrote:
 What is the pkg name of the English version of 9.0 handbook?

It should be en-freebsd-doc or freebsd-doc-en.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: fsck recoveries, configuration

2012-08-17 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 14:19:07 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
 1.  It appears to me that the file system (ufs) is not writing
 stuff out when things are idle.  If I do a sync manually and
 leave the machine idle and it crashes later, it comes up clean. 
 If I don't do a sync manually and it crashes later, it often
 comes up needing fsck.  Is there a way to configure the filesystem
 to cache but still write cached stuff at low priority?

Note that even if the OS orders a data write, it's up to the
disk driver to actually tell the disk to do it. And the disk
then _has_ to do it. There is no real connection (in time)
for those components of the task line, even though one would
assume that they happen immediately.

On a somewhat idle system, you could keep a process (e. g. top -S)
running to check system processes that could be responsible for
writes (or missing writes).

 2.  When my machine hung (could not rlogin or ping), I powered
 off and rebooted.

Does the machine have a soft power button and it is configured
to issue a shutdown -p now (which is quite common)? When you
have access to the machine, try that. Even if the machine does
not accept network logins, this mechanism might still work.

 Reboot did a deferred fsck. 

Is this intended? Personally, I'd rather wait some time to boot
in a fully checked file system environment then dealing with the
uncertain situation of snapshots and background FS check activity.
In worst case, I want to be prompted by fsck if a major defect has
been found that requires administrator attention.



into /etc/rc.conf to get this behaviour. Note that as long as fsck
is running, you can't enter any interactive commands, and it will
happen _prior_ to allowing any network connections. Also note that
this is in single user mode, so you can't switch VTs.

 After it booted I logged in, and also logged in on another system. 
 On the remote system I could do a ping but rlogin returned
 connection reset by peer, even though I could log in locally. 

Does rlogin work when you give the system some time to recover?

 I presume that is because the background fscks were not complete?

Possible. Background fsck is uncertain per se, so for diagnostics
better leave it aside and use the maybe less comfortable method.
This is easy when you have local access to the machine in question.

 I then did a 
   ps ax | grep fsck
 and saw only the logger process for the deferred fsck's.
 I did a 
   man logger
 which appeared to hang -- no output.  I'm guessing because it needed
 the filesystems which hadn't yet fsck'd.

Just a guess: Maybe you're experiencing a file system defect and fsck,
even though running in background, needs an input? I'm not really sure
about this, because I'm _intendedly_ not using fsck that way.

 I then attempted to switch consoles using
 but could not.

That would imply you're still stuck in SUM. A strange constellation
given that it appears that you have fsck running in background.

 I then attempted to kill the man logger process using ^C with no success.

Waiting / hanging process?

 Can someone shed light on the above sequence of events?  It's highly
 likely some of them occurred before the 60 second delay for fsck
 timed out, but I'd like to understand what the heck is going on.

Try to construct a more _defined_ situation for further diagnostics.
Also you could boot the system up in SUM (use boot -s) and then
perform fsck manually, just to make sure your disks are fine.

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: doc

2012-08-17 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 13:17:42 +0400, иван кузнецов wrote:
 how to open RU_FREEBSD_DOC_20111014.TBZ under windows?

The file is a tar archive compressed with BZip2. It's no real
surprise that Windows cannot natively handle it, as with many
established standard formats. :-)

 several program cant,i was attempt.7zip cant.

It's not a 7zip archive; still the 7zip page on
mentions that the BZip2 format is supported.

However, there's BZip2 available for Windows, maybe this
can help you:

There are also claims that WinRAR is able to extract BZip2

 why i not able read documentation BEFORE install?

I'd refer to the documentation presented on FreeBSD's web page.
You can easily create a local copy of the HTML subtree using
wget (and yes, there's WGET.EXE even for Windows).

The most important pages are:

Check out FreeBSD's main web page for language selection. Here
you can find a russian translation of all those documents:

Again, it's possible to make a local copy of them which you could
carry on a USB stick or CD for further reference.

 where it after install?

It will be installed into /usr/doc, containing the language variants
and formats.

 second,you installer is not well, not very undersandingable for newbis.

I don't think so. It's very precise in wording and easy to use.
You just have to read what's on the screen and answer accordingly.
A help function is also included.

 i mean user must hit tab in some dialogs,but he press enter - 
 attempt please.

The keyboard support is explained in the first help pages. It's
also mentioned in the Handbook which one should read before or
even while performing the install (if one is unsure about how
the interface works).

 it is not MISTAKE but look mysteriously,and user worry.

That's quite possible. :-)

Users feeling unhappy with the FreeBSD installer often tend
to prefer PC-BSD with its GUI installer and a more lengthly
step by step guide through the installation with much more
interactivity and user attention. As this interface can be
used with a mouse, the distinction between TAB and ENTER is
not that important anymore.

 you shoud do only one small step in order to do freebsd more
 frendly - publish full international docs on install dvd --
 user only put dvd and see docs in browser.

How is a user supposed to have a browser available when putting
the CD into a system he wants to install it on, with _nothing_
on the hard disk?

I agree that the documentation could be accessible via a web
browser from the install media when used in a _different_ computer,
and maybe it should also be accessible in text form during an
early stage of the installer.

However, the purpose of an installation medium is to install
something. The installer does exactly that.

 its simpler than rewriting os in order to div it more frendly.

The OS has basically nothing to do with its installer or the
way help is presented to the user. This is done by programs,
_those_ could be extended or changed.

 is it true flash work badly or after complex work?

No. Outdated stuff like Flash can be quickly and easily installed,
and it works reliably and stable.

 i cant write on my writemaster dvd drive with freebsd9 - brasero
 dont see drive.

Can you provide more information, e. g. what model, how connected,
output of dmesg and so on? Please check the Handbook regarding the
use of optical media. Start with low level diagnostics (i. e.
use OS tools to first check if the drive is detected and attached
to the correct driver), in a next step maybe check your Gnome
and Brasero configuration. If it fails, try a command line tool.
Those are typically easier to use and more comfortable.

 what you can say about it? with best regards,ivan,Russia,Moscow.


Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: fsck recoveries, configuration

2012-08-17 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 20:44:10 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
 On 08/17/12 19:05, Polytropon wrote:
  2.  When my machine hung (could not rlogin or ping), I powered
  off and rebooted.
  Does the machine have a soft power button and it is configured
  to issue a shutdown -p now (which is quite common)? When you
  have access to the machine, try that. Even if the machine does
  not accept network logins, this mechanism might still work.
 Hmmm.  It has a soft power button; have to hold it down 5 sec
 or so to power off. 

That's the override time for a hard power off. If you only
press it once, it should issue shutdown -p now, but of course
this only works if the system is still responding. Even if the
keyboard input and screen output, as well as networking services
stopped to work, this _might_ still be effective.

 Those things can be configured to issue a command that will actually
 get executed without a login? 

Sure, it has been working for many years. Check the BIOS setup,
some machines can be configured to what the button does. The
default setup of FreeBSD should perform the correct action via

In the past, it also worked with APM. In that case, /etc/apmd.conf
would contain the command executed when the button was pressed.
On APM-capable machines, the PSU would be switched off, just like
today's ACPI-based systems. Of course that only works with ATX
power supplies, the AT ones usually had a mechanical switch.

 I assume you're talking about a bios option?  How does that work? 

I've seen BIOS setups allowing different actions for the button,
from go to sleep to soft power off or hard power off. That
action (hard power off) is taken when pressing the button for
about 5 seconds. The OS can NOT deal with that case.

 sounds like magic of some sort...  Or is this a whole login
 sequence with the shutdown at the end?

No, it's a system action using ACPI. No magic involved. :-)

  Reboot did a deferred fsck.
  Is this intended? Personally, I'd rather wait some time to boot
  in a fully checked file system environment then dealing with the
  uncertain situation of snapshots and background FS check activity.
  In worst case, I want to be prompted by fsck if a major defect has
  been found that requires administrator attention.
  into /etc/rc.conf to get this behaviour.
 Yeah, I came to that conclusion...  Thanks.

I _know_ booting a system may take time when the file system
needs repair, but you have to set your priorities: I prefer
waiting 20 minutes instead of running stuff on a damaged
file system.

  After it booted I logged in, and also logged in on another system.
  On the remote system I could do a ping but rlogin returned
  connection reset by peer, even though I could log in locally.
  Does rlogin work when you give the system some time to recover?
 yes, if it's not hung -- i.e. done with fsck, I think.  I verified
 that by monitoring the delayed fsck process and as soon as it was
 done the rlogin worked.

It seems that background fsck stops certain services from working...
interesting; another reason for me to avoid it when possible. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: fsck recoveries, configuration

2012-08-17 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 22:14:47 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
 On 08/17/12 21:17, Polytropon wrote:
  On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 20:44:10 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
  On 08/17/12 19:05, Polytropon wrote:
  2.  When my machine hung (could not rlogin or ping), I powered
  off and rebooted.
  Does the machine have a soft power button and it is configured
  to issue a shutdown -p now (which is quite common)? When you
  have access to the machine, try that. Even if the machine does
  not accept network logins, this mechanism might still work.
  Hmmm.  It has a soft power button; have to hold it down 5 sec
  or so to power off.
  That's the override time for a hard power off. If you only
  press it once, it should issue shutdown -p now, but of course
  this only works if the system is still responding. Even if the
  keyboard input and screen output, as well as networking services
  stopped to work, this _might_ still be effective.
  Those things can be configured to issue a command that will actually
  get executed without a login?
  Sure, it has been working for many years. Check the BIOS setup,
  some machines can be configured to what the button does. The
  default setup of FreeBSD should perform the correct action via
  In the past, it also worked with APM. In that case, /etc/apmd.conf
  would contain the command executed when the button was pressed.
  On APM-capable machines, the PSU would be switched off, just like
  today's ACPI-based systems. Of course that only works with ATX
  power supplies, the AT ones usually had a mechanical switch.
 Ah, I see.  The driver raises a signal the system can respond to.

Yes, it's typically done in the kernel (or by a kernel module).

  I assume you're talking about a bios option?  How does that work?
  I've seen BIOS setups allowing different actions for the button,
  from go to sleep to soft power off or hard power off. That
  action (hard power off) is taken when pressing the button for
  about 5 seconds. The OS can NOT deal with that case.
  sounds like magic of some sort...  Or is this a whole login
  sequence with the shutdown at the end?
  No, it's a system action using ACPI. No magic involved. :-)
 I'll look at it next time I reboot.  Reading the bios manual, it
 looks like acpi 2.0 support is disabled by default, which may be
 where it is; otherwise I don't see anything obvious.  Thanks.

Also check the BIOS setup. In most cases, the default configuration
will assign the button press to a soft power down, raising the
proper signal via ACPI. You can also check dmesg's output:

acpi_button0: Power Button on acpi0
acpi_button1: Sleep Button on acpi1

I don't know where this 2nd button is on my system, it only has
one which - when being pressed - lets the system shut down and
then power off properly.

You can find even more elaborate data in sysctl's output:

hw.acpi.power_button_state: S5
hw.acpi.sleep_button_state: S3
dev.acpi_button.0.%desc: Power Button
dev.acpi_button.0.%driver: acpi_button
dev.acpi_button.0.%location: handle=\_SB_.PWRB
dev.acpi_button.0.%pnpinfo: _HID=PNP0C0C _UID=0
dev.acpi_button.0.%parent: acpi0
dev.acpi_button.1.%desc: Sleep Button
dev.acpi_button.1.%driver: acpi_button
dev.acpi_button.1.%location: handle=\_SB_.SLPB
dev.acpi_button.1.%pnpinfo: _HID=PNP0C0E _UID=0
dev.acpi_button.1.%parent: acpi0
dev.acpi_button.1.wake: 1

As I said, my system doesn't have that 2nd sleep button anywhere,
but addressing the power button is correct, the S3 state explained
as Commonly referred to as Standby, Sleep, or Suspend to RAM. RAM
remains powered is then used as a signal to perform the system
shutdown as intended.

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Re: Blender port

2012-08-16 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 16 Aug 2012 11:33:22 +0200, Peter Boosten wrote:
 So I did a ktrace, and it seems to stumble on a library it cannot find:
 This library however is nowhere to be found on my system, nor in the ports 
 Does anyone know what this library is for, and where would I find that 

IRML - it seems to be the Intel Resource Management Layer library.
It is a work dispatcher used by Threading Building Blocks (TBB).
The tbb port (devel/tbb) however does not contain it. No port
seems to mention it in its pkg-plist file. The google search
results are very disillusioning, even more than the typical
Linuxisms that sometimes hits a FreeBSD port... ;-)

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Re: freebsd-update and csup - I'm going around in circles.

2012-08-16 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 16 Aug 2012 21:24:37 + (UTC), Walter Hurry wrote:
 Every time I run freebsd-update fetch it says it wants to update the 
 following 5 source files as part of updating to 9.0-RELEASE-p4:
 So I run freebsd-update install and they are updated happily.
 But when I run csup with my standard-supfile, it puts the same 5 files 
 back to where they were.

Not and. Why are you mixing tools here? You're shooting
your own foot. :-)

You use _either_ freebsd-update to update your system the binary
way, _or_ you use csup to update your sources and then compile
your system from that sources.

Solution: Don't use csup. :-)

Side note: Check your update configuration files so they reflect
the proper branch you want to follow. With freebsd-update you
follow the -RELEASE-pX branch, with csup you can

a) follow -RELEASE-pX
b) follow -STABLE
c) follow -CURRENT

Note that you should not mix those! You can always switch branches
when using the source code based method (csup), but you should not
do so using freebsd-update.

An example configuration to follow -RELEASE-pX using the csup
method with make update would look like this:

% cat /etc/sup/release.sup 
*default base=/var/db
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_9_0
*default delete use-rel-suffix
*default compress

Together with the selection in /etc/make.conf:

PORTSSUPFILE=   /etc/sup/ports.sup
DOCSUPFILE= /etc/sup/doc.sup
DOC_LANG=   en_US.ISO8859-1 de_DE.ISO8859-1

you can easily control the process.

(Sidenote: I also have /etc/sup/stable.sup which looks like the
example provided, but has tag=RELENG_9 in it. You could also use
tag=RELENG_9_0_0_RELEASE to revert back to 9.0-RELEASE.)

You can find an example for what the CVS tags mean here:

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Re: problem

2012-08-13 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 12 Aug 2012 22:55:08 +0330, Web webmaster wrote:
 Direct Admin and enter the desired installation package gives error
 Command:pkg_add -r gmake perl
 Error: Unable to get
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
 pkg_add: unable to fetch ''
 by URL
 Broken pipe

You're running a quite old version (7.4/amd64), but that's
not a problem. You need to change the root for fetching the
packages to a different path, i. e.

See man pkg_add for details - PACKAGEROOT has to be set
to the mentioned path. There are no 7.4-release packages
on the FTP server, but the 7-stable packages should work.

You could also use ftp to manually fetch the packages and
then install them without the -r flag; note that this case
does not involve any dependency resolution!

If possible, you may consider updating your system to a
newer version, 8.3 or 9.0 if it fits your requirements.

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Re: How to keep freebsd-update from trashing custom kernel?

2012-08-13 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 12 Aug 2012 20:50:43 -0600, Brett Glass wrote:
 Just ran freebsd-update (fetch, then install) on a system on which 
 I run a customized kernel, and discovered that it has overwritten 
 my custom kernel... even though I'd copied the original to 
 /boot/GENERIC when I first installed the system. I was under the 
 impression that creating /boot/GENERIC, and putting the GENERIC 
 kernel in it, would cause freebsd-update to update that directory 
 rather than one's custom kernel. I now must rebuild the kernel to 
 keep the machine working.

That seems to be the default behaviour, as freebsd-update is
not supposed to be used with a custom kernel. It works with
GENERIC kernels (because it updates them by overwriting).

 What went wrong, and how do stop it from recurring?

Nothing went wrong. :-)

Just an idea, not tested: Leave the GENERIC kernel updated
by freebsd-update, and put your own kernel unter a different
name into /boot, for example:

/boot/kernel/kernel - GENERIC kernel
/boot/mykernel/kernel   - your kernel

Then change /boot/loader.conf to contain:


See /boot/defaults/loader.conf and man loader.conf for details.
I'm _not_ sure freebsd-update doesn't touch that file, but if
my assumption is correct, it won't, and it will therefore only
update /boot/kernel/ containing the GENERIC kernel that matches
your binarily updated world (so it's a good fallback kernel in
case of problems!), and you boot from /boot/mykernel which still
contains your untouched kernel.

However, what you're doing seems to be not supported, but it
would be a shame if it was impossible. :-)

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Re: Optimus vga on notebook

2012-08-13 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 13 Aug 2012 14:10:57 +0430, Ashkan Rahmani wrote:
 I have asus j52k core i5 notebook. its graphic card is optimus nvidia 310m.
 i'm using debian on it and work great. now I need to install freebsd 9.
 every things are great but vga.
 pciinfo shows my vga card is nvidia and company is Intel corp.
 vga resolution is not correct. it is 1024*768.
 xorg -configure and manual editing xorg.conf not work.
 ports/x11 driver / nvidial driver not work too.
 even as my last try i tried Intel driver and not work.
 i load nvidia module and linux module,

The nVidia GeForce 310m should be supported. Have you tried
the x11/nvidia-driver?

Maybe this forum posts (title: Problems with video (nVidia
GeForce 310M and FreeBSD 8.2) can help you:

You should have no problems using the binary driver from
nvidia-driver (kernel module plus X driver). I'm using it
here myself with a regular nVidia PC graphics card.

If your display characteristics aren't detected properly
(but that should be no problem on a laptop), you are right
by hard-coding them into xorg.conf. Please refer to the
Handbook chapter about configuring X to deal with possible
upcoming problems when using xorg.conf.

And also see:

That document could save you from avoidable trouble. :-)

 and finally i installed ubunu and freebsd on vmware.

Does it run there properly? VMware defines a virtual graphics
card that should be compatible with the X driver for Intel
cards, if I remember correctly.

 please help about this, i need to install freebsd on my notenbook

Try to follow the instructions precisely and check each step.
In case of problems, provide more information (commands you
tried, their results, significant log messages etc.).

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: How to keep freebsd-update from trashing custom kernel?

2012-08-13 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 13 Aug 2012 10:35:12 -0600, Brett Glass wrote:
 At 05:24 AM 8/13/2012, Polytropon wrote:
 That seems to be the default behaviour, as freebsd-update is
 not supposed to be used with a custom kernel. It works with
 GENERIC kernels (because it updates them by overwriting).
 Actually, freebsd-update is claimed to respect custom kernels. See 
 the FreeBSD Handbook at 25.2.2:
 The freebsd-update utility can automatically update the GENERIC 
 kernel only. If a custom kernel is in use, it will have to be 
 rebuilt and reinstalled after freebsd-update finishes installing 
 the rest of the updates. However, freebsd-update will detect and 
 update the GENERIC kernel in /boot/GENERIC (if it exists), even if 
 it is not the current (running) kernel of the system.

Interesting, didn't know that (because I typically use
freebsd-update with a GENERIC kernel and then load modules
if needed).

 But in fact, freebsd-update did not update the kernel in 
 /boot/GENERIC on my system. Instead, it trashed the customer kernel 
 in /boot/kernel, and did so with no warning. If there had been a 
 power outage or other problem before I could rebuild, the system 
 would have been disabled.

I've never seen a system having a /boot/GENERIC directory
containing the GENERIC kernel. The default location even
for the GENERIC (but also for a custom) kernel is /boot/kernel,
where the kernel itself is /boot/kernel/kernel. It's possible
to do some renaming here and change /boot/loader.conf accordingly
as mentioned in my previous message. If such preparations have
been taken place, freebsd-update could alter /boot/kernel content
without problems, leaving /boot/mykernel untouched. The boot
mechanism would then continue using _that_ directory.

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Re: Question?

2012-08-10 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 10 Aug 2012 11:49:17 +0300, Hamed M wrote:
 Can I run PS3 games on the system FREEBSD? 

I don't think this is possible first due to licensing restrictions,
and I also assume there is no PS3 emulator available in The Ports
Collection. But check it out yourself. So even if a way of PS3
emulation existed, I'm not sure you're legally allowed to run
PS3 games outside of a real Sony PS3.

Anyway, I'm not a typical gamer, so my short statement is ready
to be corrected by someone who knows better. :-)

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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard (w/ numpad) woe

2012-08-09 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 10 Aug 2012 00:10:46 +0100, Steve Roome wrote:
 Hi all, has anyone got any pointers for why my Apple (A1243)
 wired USB keyboard (with numpad, gb/uk model) doesn't want to
 report  F13 (and some other keys).

Seems to be related not only to this model. I have the
old version here (white plastic, german layout), and
F13-F16 and the four keys on the top right don't seem
to generate anything. I've checked both text mode and
xev (in X) - and made almost the same observations as
you did. I don't have that kind of strange behaviour
with other multifunctional keyboards (Sun type 6 and 7,
german layout).

 Thanks very much, and apologies if there's a known answer, it's
 not something I've managed to find yet if it is.

Sorry, no solution here, only confirmation... :-(

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: Why can't I set my cpu type in kernel config ?

2012-08-07 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 7 Aug 2012 14:14:30 -0500 (CDT), Robert Bonomi wrote:
  From  Tue Aug  7 02:44:36 2012
  Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2012 09:41:41 +0200 (CEST)
  From: Wojciech Puchar
  To: Chris Hill
  Cc: RW,
  Subject: Re: Why can't I set my cpu type in kernel config ?
   That's the amd64 (64-bit) GENERIC
   Jason: It looks like you may have installed the 64-bit distribution on 
  nonsense. 64-bit distribution doesn't run on 32-bit computer.
 *PRECISELY* why the OP is having problems.   He _is_ trying to build amd64
 kernel on 34-bit only processor.
 Unlike Wojciech the infallible people _do_ get things wrong on occasion.

That's why the statement you may have installed the 64-bit
distribution Wojciech refered to as nonsense: On a 32 bit
system, the 64 bis OS version should not run. So the OP seems
to be using the (correct!) 32 bit OS version, but trying to
compile the 64 bit kernel (from /sys/amd64/conf instead of
from /sys/i386/conf). Therefore, it's a matter of having
chosen the wrong kernel config, not the wrong OS version. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: Why can't I set my cpu type in kernel config ?

2012-08-07 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 8 Aug 2012 01:04:49 +0100, RW wrote:
 On Tue, 7 Aug 2012 23:26:33 +0200
 Polytropon wrote:
  On Tue, 7 Aug 2012 14:14:30 -0500 (CDT), Robert Bonomi wrote:
From  Tue Aug  7 02:44:36 2012
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2012 09:41:41 +0200 (CEST)
From: Wojciech Puchar
To: Chris Hill
Cc: RW,
Subject: Re: Why can't I set my cpu type in kernel config ?
 That's the amd64 (64-bit) GENERIC

 Jason: It looks like you may have installed the 64-bit
 distribution on your
nonsense. 64-bit distribution doesn't run on 32-bit computer.
   *PRECISELY* why the OP is having problems.   He _is_ trying to
   build amd64 kernel on 34-bit only processor.
   Unlike Wojciech the infallible people _do_ get things wrong on
  That's why the statement you may have installed the 64-bit
  distribution Wojciech refered to as nonsense: On a 32 bit
  system, the 64 bis OS version should not run. So the OP seems
  to be using the (correct!) 32 bit OS version, but trying to
  compile the 64 bit kernel (from /sys/amd64/conf instead of
  from /sys/i386/conf). Therefore, it's a matter of having
  chosen the wrong kernel config, not the wrong OS version. :-)
 The architecture isn't defined in GENERIC, it defaults to what's
 already installed.

Yes, I think this is done in /usr/src/Makefile.inc1 where
the correct GENERIC file in /usr/src/sys/i386/conf or
/usr/src/sys/amd64/conf is then selected.

 You have to explicitly set it to cross-build, and I
 find it hard to believe that someone would set TARGET/TARGET_ARCH to
 amd64 by mistake

In case of a crossbuild, I assume the system would also do
the proper TARGET magic to use the GENERIC corresponding
to the requested architecture.

 I think it's likely that it is a 64-bit installation.

Not sure about that. How could the amd64 OS be installed
and run on a i386 machine?

Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: Mounting raw disk backup file.

2012-08-06 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 5 Aug 2012 23:12:48 -0700, Matthew Navarre wrote:
 I can probably fix the partition table using testdisk, but now that I've
 got this image file I'd rather work with that instead of the physical disk.
 I've read the Handbook section on using mdconfig, but that assumes the
 image file is of a filesystem, not a whole disk. I think I've
 found instructions for how to do it on linux, but if there's a way to mount
 it on FreeBSD I'd rather do that.

It depends on _what_ your disk image (typically created by a
dd-like utility to make a 1:1 copy of a whole disk) contains.
If there are several slices and partitions, each of them can
be accessed like it was a physical disk.

Let's assume you have /home/you/ada1.dd which is the copy of
your former /dev/ada1 disk. You do:

# mdconfig -a -t vnode -u 0 -f /home/you/ada1.dd

This results in a file /dev/md0 as well as any partitional
qualifier specials that might correspond to the disk the copy
has been taken from. You can check that with

# fdisk /dev/md0

and it should print the same partition table as for the real

Now you can access and mount from that disk image, e. g.

# mount -t ufs -o ro /dev/md0s1a /mnt

as this maybe is the root file system of the 1st slice. Note
the use of -o ro in this case. If you have had partitioned
your system, you can add those partitions into a fully
accessible /mnt tree for that system disk, e. g.

# mount -t ufs -o ro /dev/md0s1d /mnt/tmp
# mount -t ufs -o ro /dev/md0s1e /mnt/var
# mount -t ufs -o ro /dev/md0s1f /mnt/usr
# mount -t ufs -o ro /dev/md0s1g /mnt/home

Note that unmounting must happen in the reversed order. If there
was another file system, e. g. for sharing with Windows stuff,
it's also possible to mount it:

# mount -t msdosfs -o ro /dev/md0s2 /mnt/win

Of course you can access all slices and partitions independently.
That should be the best approach for recovering data.

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Re: Patent hit - MS goes after Linux - FreeBSD ?

2012-08-06 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 6 Aug 2012 19:08:19 +, David Brodbeck wrote:
 Now, it's reasonable to argue that in some fields the duration of that
 limited monopoly is too long, given how quickly technology advances,
 but that doesn't mean the concept isn't sound.

It's also debatable if one of today's most prominent use
of patents is fair: I tell you! I have patents! You are
infringing! I'm not gonna tell you which patents about
what, but I'll sue all your users! Of course, if such
a claim enters a court, it might be verified or discarded
(because it's just a claim, nothing applicable). In order
not to risk a lawsuit, it seems that spreading FUD is
often the more profitable way of using patents: I told
you! I have patents! But if you pay me $$$, maybe I won't
sue you and your users. Maybe... but now PAY!!!

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Webpage screenshot

2012-08-05 Thread Polytropon
I'm searching for a simple way to create a screenshot from
a web page, i. e. convert the rendered page into a PNG (or
something similar) graphic format. This is intended to be
used for usability and design visualization where different
components of the web page can be colored using Gimp to
show their structure by inking the different elements.

The idea of taking a screenshot from the web browser may
look sufficient at first, but it is problematic when the
web page doesn't fit horizontally or vertically. This
sometimes doesn't even work when using the browser in
total fullscreen (which is 1400x1050 or 2800x1050 here).
Using the browsers print to PS functionaliy also add
pagination that is not desired, and continuous form
printing export doesn't exist.

How would you suggest to solve this task? CLI utilities
are welcome - the less interaction, the better. It doesn't
matter if the result is a 800x1 px image with 300 px
white margin left and right. :-)

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Re: Installing details

2012-08-04 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 4 Aug 2012 20:51:59 +0100 (BST), James wrote:
 I am absolutely new to FreeBSD and would like a simple 'by the hand'
 explanation of how to install and use FreeBSD on a Pc. I tried to
 follow the info from its website but explanations seem too cryptic
 for me to understand properly.

It would be a good idea if you'd mention _what exactly_ is
giving you troubles (by reference or quote). Traditionally
the FreeBSD documentation is well suited for newbies. Things
like terminology that might look strange can easily be
determined by a google search.

Your primary instructions should be:

Chapter 2 _or_ 3 of The FreeBSD Handbook:

This depends on the version you're going to install.

Also check out the FAQ which deals with problems you might

There's also a Wiki which might be helpful:

You are of course free to ask specific questions on one
of the FreeBSD mailing lists. There's some advice on how
to get the best results from using them:

The more detailed and precise your questions are, the
more you will be able to learn from the answers.

 I'd like to try it on a empty partition of my hard drive,
 alternatively a memory stick/CD/DVD will also do.

Installing to USB sticks encourages you to pay more attention
to configuration details due to technical reasons (regarding
the media). Creation and installation of live systems to CD
or DVD is also possible.

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Re: confused about the png/APNG issue

2012-08-01 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 22:25:24 -0400, david coder wrote:
 one thing i don't understand about what otherwise seemed to me the best
 suggestion for dealing with this issue:  assuming that the system png
 refers to the png that comes w/ the freebsd distributions, how would
 upgrading the png port help?

The operating system FreeBSD (i. e. the base system) does _not_
come with a PNG library. You won't find it if you search through
the /usr/src tree (which contains the sources for all the stuff
in the base system).

The libpng is a 3rd party addition - a port (or a package) which
other software depends on. So if you need to update it, you need
to deal with the ports, not with the base system.

Unlike Linux, FreeBSD doesn't come in distributions. There is
_one_ base system. _THE_ operating system FreeBSD. It contains
of a defined set of components maintained by the FreeBSD team.

 wouldn't the other ports continue to use the
 system png?  there was, i know, a hint or two that upgrading old systems was
 a necessary part of the fix, but then why would the port matter @ all then,
 ie, why wouldn't updating the system be sufficient?

Such a procedure (i. e. updating the OS) _might_ be required to
get certain ports running. I'm not sure this is related to the
libpng issue, but basically it's _possible_ that such steps may
be needed for some software (which for example only runs on the
8- and 9- branch of the OS, but not on 7- anymore).

You need to understand that FreeBSD (the OS) is not arbitrarily
composed from packages like Linux distributions. In their context,
that what forms their base system (different among the distros!)
is created by selecting packages, and even the kernel can be seen
as a package. Many (most?) distros also include X and various
software, so they chose the PNG library to be part of that basic
distribution content.

 obviously, i'm confused.  will some patient person please explain where i'm
 going wrong?

I think it has been done hereby. :-)

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Re: Mail Reference Manual?

2012-07-31 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 10:45:29 +0100 (BST), Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
 mail(1) man page mentions the Mail Reference Manual.
 The only one I can find is here:
 Is this the one? The URL isn't that definitive.

There's also a local version installed into
/usr/share/doc/usd/07.mail as and
paper.ascii.gz. The corresponding source tree
item is a Makefile in /usr/src/share/doc/usd/07.mail
which points you to investigate /usr/src/usr.bin/mail/USD.doc;
here are the nr (nroff) source files.

 In fact, perhaps it's better to merge the reference
 manual into the mail(1) man page completely?

Sounds possible.

 at least add the sources into the base OS too?

A pointer to the locally installed documentation
would be nice, as it belongs to the base system
just like the manpage does, even if it's just
mentioned in the SEE ALSO section.

 I understand mail is not very popular these days,
 but for me a combination of mail/mpack does all I need.

Maybe it looks to you that it's not popular among users,
but it's very popular among programs. :-)

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Re: Flash in Firefox

2012-07-30 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 30 Jul 2012 14:55:46 -0600 (MDT), Warren Block wrote:
 On Tue, 31 Jul 2012, Manish Jain wrote:
  Okay, so can you please go to the URL below and see whether the bubbles 
  for you ?

 Works here.  amd64,
 Set up as the Handbook describes.

Also works here, FreeBSD/i386 8.2-STABLE of August 2011, setup
according to the Handbook, with the difference that I'm using
Opera here with the following ports:


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Re: Where did my port go?

2012-07-29 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 17:36:53 -0500, Kyle Hanson wrote:
 So yesterday I spent all day compiling haskell-platform through ports which
 was successful. I installed and got my project ready to go, but when I
 rebooted I can't use any of my haskell commands. Where does ports install

You can find a list of everything a port will install
in the ports package list file, pkg-plist, and search
for entries beginning with bin/ which typically are
the binaries.

A similar information can be obtained from the package
database, /var/db/pkg/name/+CONTENTS; in this file,
als search for lines beginning with bin/ to find
the binaries.

However, I don't see a port haskell-platform on my
systems (ports collection updated few days ago).

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Re: acroread9 makes CPU spin (busy loop?)

2012-07-29 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 13:07:21 +0200 (CEST), Wojciech Puchar wrote:
  acroread9 is awfully slow, or more accurately it was the PDF I was
  editing for UK government tax return (**.) I recall reading it was
  also awfully slow on MS.  I never use it except when I have to (**)
 true. braindamaged PDFs are the only reason to use this bulky software.

Even if no file is opened, the load increases:

8465 poly  1 1150   109M 62720K CPU00   1:08 87.35% acroread

This state is reached in about a minute. Note: No file loaded,
it's just the viewer program!

 xpdf do everything else - at least 5 times faster

I also prefer xpdf, and gv for specific cases. I'm almost sure
the PDF viewers of KDE and Gnome are also capable of dealing
with the most extensions that create braindamaged PDFs. :-)

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Re: Where did my port go?

2012-07-29 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 18:14:48 -0500, Kyle Hanson wrote:
 Thanks for the response. I'll check when I get home. Its called
 hs-haskell-platform in devel for reference.

Allow me to add: Some ports do not directly install the
binaries into $LOCALBASE/bin (/usr/local/bin typically),
but instead into /usr/local/something/bin and then make
a symlink. An example is gprolog:


In your case, it's not that easy because the specified
port directory does not contain a package list, and the
Makefile includes a different file from lang/ghc which
contains some binary locations. That directory also
contains a pkg-plist file which has entries such as


I'm quite confident that this is what you've been searching
for. Again, depending on metaporting and dependency construction,
the binaries may be recorded in /var/db/pkg as described in
my previous message.

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Re: Where did my port go?

2012-07-29 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 30 Jul 2012 06:52:24 +0700, Erich Dollansky wrote:
 whereis name
 will show where the program name is.

And which name can work similarly, but you need to know the
name to ask for. If it's not the same as the port name, you need
to find it out first. This particular Haskell port werks that
way: There is no haskell binary installed by that name. If
the port installed is a metaport, you need to track some
references (Makefile or pkg-plist) or check the info in the
package database at /var/db/pkg.

The port name in question was hs-haskell-platform, and by
doing the previously mentioned investigation, it's probably
the ghc or runhaskell command. I'm not familiar with
Haskell, so I can only guess. :-)

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Re: Where did my port go?

2012-07-29 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 19:51:06 -0500, Kyle Hanson wrote:
 To clarify I could use the haskell commands runhaskell cabal etc
 yesterday. When I restarted my computer it can't find the command so I cant
 use where is. The commands disappeared.

Check the presence of /usr/local/bin/runhaskell. If it's
not there, _repeat_ the port installation. Also check if
the ghc port has been properly installed (as I assume
that hs-haskell-platform depends on that. There is no
reason why a command should disappear other than it has
been deleted manually or by a deinstallation (either by
ports infrastructure or pkg_delete).

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Re: FreeBSD on SSD

2012-07-28 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 12:44:35 +0300, Vladimir Videscu wrote:
 Good day. I have recently bought a Seagate Momentus XT for my laptop.
 The specs for the drive are :
 RPM : 7200
 Buffer : 32 MB
 HDD Memory : 750 GB
 SSD Memory : 8 GB
 I wish to install FreeBSD on it, but I wanted to ask this beforehand :
 Would it would be possible to install it on the 8 GB SSD sector ?
 Would it work, and how would FreeBSD generally handle the SSD share of the
 memory ?

I think you're misunderstanding what this drive basically is.
According to what I read from Seagate's web page, it is _not_
a combination of a HDD and a SSD where each part can be
addressed _independently_. The SSD component seems to
function as a kind of read cache, but it is controlled
by the disk unit's firmware itself. (I'm not even sure
it works without software drivers, judging by the funny
little pictures...)

(manual see 3.2.2)

You could easily test it by attaching the drive to a FreeBSD
system and see if _one_ or _two_ disk devices (ad or ada)

If I'm wrong and it should really be two units in one, your
idea would work. Install FreeBSD to the SSD part and apply the
known optimizations. Make use of the HDD part for OS components
that need much writes to prevent wearing the SSD.

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Re: FreeBSD on SSD

2012-07-28 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 20:19:25 +0300, Vladimir Videscu wrote:
 Seeing as the HDD only has a SATA connector, this would mean that the SSD
 part already has a memory control device that regulates access to that
 sector, whether it is a plain read-cache or not. This would imply that
 FreeBSD could communicate with the HDD normally, through the SATA
 connector, just like any regular HDD.
 Based on that sequence of thought, and the fact that on the System
 Requirements page of FreeBSD it says :
*   *4.4.1.* What kind of hard drives does FreeBSD support?
  FreeBSD supports EIDE, SATA [...],
 am I right to assume that there should be no incompatibility or conflict
 between the OS and the  drive ?

I don't think you'll experience any problems. According to the
documentation on the Seagate web page (which I mentioned in my
previous message), the drive talks to the system like any
other SATA drive. The fact that it uses an internally controlled
SSD for caching (including management of that disk by the disk's
firmware!) does not make any difference to the operating system.
Even the 512/4k sectoring would be no problem.

You're going to install FreeBSD as on any other hard disk. You
will then (hopefully) see a speed gain when in use. :-)

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Re: acroread9 makes CPU spin (busy loop?)

2012-07-28 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 22:17:37 +0200, Jens Schweikhardt wrote:
 hello, world\n
 I'm wondering if it's just here or if other people also observe that
 acroread9 makes the CPU spin at 100% (one load point), as if in a busy
 loop. This happens for me on 9-STABLE and 10-CURRENT alike (amd64), with
 up-to-date ports tree. It has done this as long as I can remember. Maybe
 there's something wrong with the way I compile my system and custom
 kernel, and if so, I'd like to get to the bottom of it. The only
 diagnostics I get are
(process:33229): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
 Using the fallback 'C' locale.

That seems to be a result of sloppy programming. That message
is also printed by many modern Gtk applications.

 and dmesg says
linux: pid 33229 (acroread): syscall inotify_init not implemented

Same here, also seems to refer to acroread accessing a Linux
kernel call which FreeBSD's ABI does not implement.

 Anybody know what's causing acroread to spin?

No idea, but I can conform this on my home system too. It's
OS version 8.2-STABLE (from August 2011) i386, and I have
acroread9-9.4.2 and acroreadwrapper-0.0.20110529 installed.
The program is still responsive (as far as you can say this
for bloated programs). In top, the WCPU value increases until
it reaches 100.00%, and CPU utilization monitor shows a bar.
When the program is closed, everything goes back to normal.

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Re: On-access AV scanning

2012-07-27 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 27 Jul 2012 12:00:19 +0100, Daniel Bye wrote:
 All desktops/workstations (that is, all of them, every single one),
 must have AV software running on them. There will be no exceptions, on pain
 of dismissal.

Why is the AV software running on FreeBSD not sufficient in
the opinion of your superior (or by the guidelines of the
corporate directives)?

And those who bring a smartphone to work (private or company
use), how do they run AV software on those _IT devices_? :-)

Oh, and how is AV software brought to the company network
printers, the LAN gear and WLAN APs and everything else
that can be infected, exploited, ruined or damaged?

Or do they simply not count as desktop/workstation as you
mentioned? In that case: Happy attack vectors. :-)

Excuse my sarcasm, but there's a little truth in it, when
seen from an IT security point of view.

Really, I _do_ understand your problem (or better the problems
others created for you). Try to get more specific statements
to what kind of AV software with which action attributes is
required and try to construct a solution that will be sufficient
in the _view_ of the responsible superiors. The less they do
actually understand, the easier it should be. FreeBSD does
_have_ AV software, but not _for_ FreeBSD per se (as it cannot
be infected by viruses, trojans and malware that are designed
explicitely for Windows platforms), but it can very well
detect them. This all still does not help against human

Feel free to show this article and make use of its arguments:

Robert McMillan: Is Antivirus Software a Waste of Money?

A _responsible_ and well-educated IT representative should
form his own intelligent opinions, instead of trying to
blindly corporate guidelines which are possibly _impossible_
to instantiate.

My idea for a solution: You can use a file access monitor
(FAM) to detect when a new file enters the system, and then
immediately have it scanned by a virus scanner you have
already installed from ports.

Next issue: You need a virus scanner that inspects network
packets! :-)

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Re: On-access AV scanning

2012-07-27 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 27 Jul 2012 13:10:12 -0500, Mark Felder wrote:
 Virus scanning should not be your problem. If the Windows users in the  
 organization have an antivirus solution there is no need for you to have  
 one. It doesn't matter if you share files over SAMBA -- when they access  
 the files their virus scanner will check them.

His problem is that there's a corporate reglementation
of what he has to do, which he needs to obey in order to
keep his job. Even though this ruleset contains something
stupid (or even impossible), it's a requirement. Of course
a stupid one, but it does exist.

Surely it would be better for the company that has _admitted_
to have had more than one significant infection to do the
simplest, most stupid and absolutely basic tasks:

1. educate users, repeat educating users, continue
   educating users

2. connect Windows PCs through a non-Windows scanning
   facility to the Internet; think about who needs Internet
   and who doesn't

3. limit access to local storage (CD, DVD, USB sticks) and
   force those to be inserted to the network (e. g. as
   a CIFS share) again through a non-Windows scanning
   facility; again think about who should be allowed to
   enter foreign data to the company network and _how_
   it is _required_ to be done

4. consider the whole network, also think about (W)LAN or
   BT connected smartphones, printers, networking gear

5. learn about viruses, trojans, malware: how they work,
   how they are used and therefore how to actively act
   against them

6. understand security as a process, not a stupid list that
   tells you to have a virus scanner on the system that
   works on access; now go to item 1 again

Of course, _none_ of those points seems to be on the agenda
at the moment. There's still the rule You must have a
virus scanner on your computer that acts as on-access scanner
and scans for any viruses. It misses both that FreeBSD is
not infectable by Windows viruses, and it does not prevent
any non-virus attacks (such as per smartphone, per printer,
per human stupidity and carelessness).

So I think Daniel is actually on the best road at the moment.
Sure, it won't make _his_ system safer, and it won't make
other systems safer, but it will conform to the rules. If
he's able to use FAM/Ganim as the on-access part, and
a virus scanner he finds suitable for the virus scan part,
that should be sufficient.

if(system_has_scanner  scan_on_access)

Obeying can be fun, if it _is_ that easy. :-)

Maybe later on, he can convince his superior to switch
on his brain for thinking about the corporate guidelines.
It's worth it, and it saves money. I'm confident that it
is a chance to finally dump the stupid idea of insisting
to have a virus scanner on FreeBSD where there are no
viruses it could scan for.

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Re: how to speed up port make??

2012-07-26 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 26 Jul 2012 11:36:18 +0200, David Naylor wrote:
 On Wednesday, 25 July 2012 17:02:37 Mr U wrote:
  is it possible to speed up port make ??
  i want to install openbox and xorg on a Pentium 4 and 2gb ram,
  compiling xorg takes about 2 hours
 A few things you could try adding to make.conf:

I'm not sure this is supported on a _single_ core Pentium 4 CPU
(or will gain speed if it was emulated).

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Re: how to speed up port make??

2012-07-25 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 08:02:37 -0700 (PDT), Mr U wrote:
 is it possible to speed up port make ??
 i want to install openbox and xorg on a Pentium 4 and 2gb ram,
 compiling xorg takes about 2 hours

That's a fully normal make time on such a system. I've been
experiencing it on FreeBSD 5 and 7 (with ATA disks and 768 MB

There is no real way to speed it up, except to replace the hard
disk with a SSD. But that's only for I/O, not for compiling itself.
You also won't benefit from using the -j parameter (maximum number
of jobs), because the P4 does not seem to support it.

There's not much you can do to improve the system performance.
You _can_ few things to streamline the system, but that won't
be a _significant_ change.

Plan your builds to take place when you don't use the system
interactively, or use the nice command to give building a lower
priority. It will last longer, but can be run in the background
without noticing it.

Don't complain about build times until you compile world and
kernel on a 150 MHz Pentium 1 with 64 MB RAM. :-)

To give you some impressions of real-work build times, see those

FreeBSD 5, 500 MHz P2 system:
# make buildkernel KERNCONF
# make buildworld

FreeBSD 5, 2 GHz P4 system:
# make buildworld buildkernel
# make buildworld
# make buildkernel KERNCONF=*
# make installkernel KERNCONF=*

On the same system:

A portupgrade of XFree86 server:
And mplayer including nearly all options:

FreeBSD 7, 2 GHz P4 system:
# make buildkernel KERNCONF=*
# make buildworld

Even worse:

# time make buildkernel KERNCONF=* -D USBDEBUG
18232.967u 2427.404s 7:19:49.24 78.2%   391+379k 47250+5754io 3049pf+0w

# time make buildworld buildkernel KERNCONF=*
18992.839u 2569.146s 9:12:00.28 65.1%   927+762k 25593+6358io 2506pf+0w

(No idea how I got _that_ time!)

# time make buildworld buildkernel KERNCONF=*
17272.243u 2294.595s 6:01:33.44 90.1%   24+204k 34888+6367io 2911pf+0w
18541.285u 2596.192s 6:19:33.55 92.8%   498+327k 31247+7302io 3034pf+0w
19725.009u 2882.355s 7:39:11.57 82.0%   -875+548k 44987+6963io 2950pf+0w

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Re: how to determine the temperature of your CPU?

2012-07-25 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 14:55:00 +0300, Владислав Продан wrote:
 CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor(3110.49-MHz K8-class 
   Origin = AuthenticAMD  Id = 0x600f12  Family = 15  Model = 1  Stepping = 2
 # kldstat -v | grep temp
 319 cpu/coretemp
 311 hostb/amdtemp

There are programs in ports like mbmon and xmbmon to easily
output the CPU temperature values.

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Re: how to speed up port make??

2012-07-25 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:59:56 -0400, Sean Cavanaugh wrote:
 Got you beat. Compiled world on a 100MHz Pentium with 40 MB of RAM.

I think I can: FreeBSD 4 on a Pentium 1 with 64 MB EDO RAM.
The make buildworld took 24 hours. The kernel itself, if I
remember correctly, required 3-5 hours, of course without
much tweaking. :-)

 I gave
 up after 4 days and just went with prebuilt after that.

Precompiled packages are very helpful on such systems. Only
top level ports that _need_ compiling should be touched
(e. g. mplayer due to the options). With today's FreeBSD OS,
you can do many things by control files (loader.conf et al.)
which previously required at least rebuilding the kernel
(e. g. firewall, divert).

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Re: help about free bsp version netcat to work it on ubuntu

2012-07-24 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 24 Jul 2012 19:13:00 +0800, lei yang wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Polytropon wrote:
  On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 23:29:38 +0800, lei yang wrote:
  Yes, the second version I post is using the source from you supplied,
  then I compiled it, but it has no
  -U flag like what I post, it seems a version different casued this.
  Yes. The version distributed by the ports collection is different
  from that one supplied with the base system of FreeBSD.
  To try _that_ version, you can download the source tarball and
  extract it; in the directory
  # wget
  # tar xvf src.txz
 Thanks for the help,
 tar xvf src.txz
 tar: This does not look like a tar archive
 tar: Skipping to next header
 tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers
 tar: Read 4896 bytes from src.txz
 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
 [lyang0@ala-lpggp2 lyang0]$ tar xvf src.txz
 tar: This does not look like a tar archive
 tar: Skipping to next header
 tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers
 tar: Read 4896 bytes from src.txz
 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Oh sorry I forgot: You're _not_ on a FreeBSD system!
That's why you cannot use tar (means: bsdtar) with
the xz compression support.

On your system, you first need to install xz. Use
the unxz to uncompress the archive. Then you will have
a valid tar archive which you can extract with stock

  # cd cusr/src/ontrib/netcat/
  # ls
  FREEBSD-XlistFREEBSD-vendor   atomicio.h   netcat.c
  FREEBSD-upgrade  atomicio.c   nc.1 socks.c
  your build command(s) here
 Suppose gcc -o netcat netcat.c atomicio.c socks.c should work

It seems that I pointed you to a wrong location inside
the src/ tree. Maybe try this instead:

# unxz src.txz
# tar xvf src.tar usr/src/usr.bin/nc/
# tar xvf src.tar usr/src/contrib/netcat/
# cd usr/src/usr.bin/nc/
# ls
# cd ../../contrib/netcat/
# ls
FREEBSD-XlistFREEBSD-vendor   atomicio.h   netcat.c
FREEBSD-upgrade  atomicio.c   nc.1 socks.c

Problem: The Makefile which describes the build
process refers to which is specific to
FreeBSD (and located in src/share/Mk which you'd
also have to extract).

The content of the Makefile is rather simple:

.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../contrib/netcat

PROG=   nc
SRCS=   netcat.c atomicio.c socks.c

LDADD=  -lipsec


Still it seems that your simplified approach could
work: Compile all the .c files.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: help about free bsp version netcat to work it on ubuntu

2012-07-23 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 12:59:55 +0800, lei yang wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 12:25 AM, Polytropon wrote:
  On Sun, 22 Jul 2012 22:41:57 +0800, lei yang wrote:
  I want to build a netcat on my local pc (ubuntu) with gcc, is it
  possible? I'm new to free bsd
  I hope I don't misunderstand your intention: You are trying to
  build a Linux executable of netcat from FreeBSD's sources?
  You _do_ know that FreeBSD and Linux (here: Ubuntu) are two
  totally different operating systems. I'm not sure code is
  compatible at this level (but it maybe _could_ be, you'd
  have to try it).
  The netcat program (nc) is part of the FreeBSD operating
  system for some time now. There's also a port of netcat
  in /usr/ports/net/netcat (which can also be used). That
  port's Makefile lists some sources:
  You could try to use that source distribution as well.
 Thanks for the great help, I have built it successfully on my ubuntu.
 I find it's not the version I want
 I want use the version on Rehat,which has a -U flag( yes, I want to
 use this flag) but the above version has no this flag
 on redhat:
 usage: nc [-46DdhklnrStUuvzC] [-i interval] [-p source_port]
 [-s source_ip_address] [-T ToS] [-w timeout] [-X proxy_version]
 [-x proxy_address[:port]] [hostname] [port[s]]
   Command Summary:
   -4  Use IPv4
   -6  Use IPv6
   -D  Enable the debug socket option
   -d  Detach from stdin
   -h  This help text
   -i secs Delay interval for lines sent, ports scanned
   -k  Keep inbound sockets open for multiple connects
   -l  Listen mode, for inbound connects
   -n  Suppress name/port resolutions
   -p port Specify local port for remote connects
   -r  Randomize remote ports
   -s addr Local source address
   -T ToS  Set IP Type of Service
   -C  Send CRLF as line-ending
   -t  Answer TELNET negotiation
   -U  Use UNIX domain socket
   -u  UDP mode
   -v  Verbose
   -w secs Timeout for connects and final net reads
   -X protoProxy protocol: 4, 5 (SOCKS) or connect
   -x addr[:port]  Specify proxy address and port
   -z  Zero-I/O mode [used for scanning]
   Port numbers can be individual or ranges: lo-hi [inclusive]
 with the above you list:
 lyang0@lyang0-OptiPlex-755:~/tmp/nc110$ ./nc -help
 connect to somewhere: nc [-options] hostname port[s] [ports] ...
 listen for inbound:   nc -l -p port [-options] [hostname] [port]
   -g gateway  source-routing hop point[s], up to 8
   -G num  source-routing pointer: 4, 8, 12, ...
   -h  this cruft
   -i secs delay interval for lines sent, ports scanned
   -l  listen mode, for inbound connects
   -n  numeric-only IP addresses, no DNS
   -o file hex dump of traffic
   -p port local port number
   -r  randomize local and remote ports
   -s addr local source address
   -u  UDP mode
   -v  verbose [use twice to be more verbose]
   -w secs timeout for connects and final net reads
   -z  zero-I/O mode [used for scanning]
 port numbers can be individual or ranges: lo-hi [inclusive]
 it has no -U flag, can you point me where I get this version

This indicates you did use the netcat version that also is
in the FreeBSD Ports Collection. The netcat version that
belongs to the FreeBSD system (the operating system itself)
does seem to have the switch you need.

From my home FreeBSD box (8.2-STABLE of August 2011, i386),
THIS is the netcat help message:

% nc -help
usage: nc [-46DdEhklnrStUuvz] [-e policy] [-I length] [-i interval] [-O length]
  [-P proxy_username] [-p source_port] [-s source] [-T ToS]
  [-V rtable] [-w timeout] [-X proxy_protocol]
  [-x proxy_address[:port]] [destination] [port]
Command Summary:
-4  Use IPv4
-6  Use IPv6
-D  Enable the debug socket option
-d  Detach from stdin

Re: Question about install from ports

2012-07-23 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 04:00:37 -0700 (PDT), Mr U wrote:
 is it possible to change download location (mirror) or is it possible to 
 download file manually 
 and add file in openbox dir?

It is possible.

First check the port's Makefile for where to obtain the required
files from. There are typically more than one source listed. If
one fails, try the next one.

Then place the file in /usr/ports/distfiles and restart the build.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: help about free bsp version netcat to work it on ubuntu

2012-07-23 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 23:29:38 +0800, lei yang wrote:
 Yes, the second version I post is using the source from you supplied,
 then I compiled it, but it has no
 -U flag like what I post, it seems a version different casued this.

Yes. The version distributed by the ports collection is different
from that one supplied with the base system of FreeBSD.

To try _that_ version, you can download the source tarball and
extract it; in the directory 

# wget
# tar xvf src.txz
# cd cusr/src/ontrib/netcat/
# ls
FREEBSD-XlistFREEBSD-vendor   atomicio.h   netcat.c
FREEBSD-upgrade  atomicio.c   nc.1 socks.c
your build command(s) here

You can check the FTP server for other versions of the OS
(e. g. different branch and architecture, starting at, then selecting
architecture and finally the OS version). There are also
different ways of obtaining the sources, but the solution
shown here should be sufficient.

(You can use tar xvf src.txz usr/src/contrib/netcat to
only extract the files for netcat instead of everything,
but it _might_ be possible that the build process needs
some files from other locations.)

If you don't have wget installed, stock ftp location
command should also work for downloading.

 I don't know where to find the source code in Red Hat.

Me neither, but check man hier on a RH system to get
the documentation about the file system hierarchy which
should have detailed information on what is stored where.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: usb identity issue (adds more info)

2012-07-23 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 14:02:37 -1000, Al Plant wrote:
 doesnt say on this dmesg. Only shows up when you plug in the /flash 

Ah, SanDisk... I remember I returned one of their USB sticks
in exchange for a Sony, because that DID WORK. :-)

  Have you tried different manufactures of flash drives?
 Have tried 2 sandisk /flash different series.

For diagnostics, by the book, simple and step by step:

You could first check dmesg ouput atter plugging in the USB
device. It should show the steps of recognition properly:
USB device --- mass storage --- direct access. Typically
that's the last few lines in dmesg output.

ugen4.3: Sony at usbus4
umass1: Sony Storage Media, class 0/0, rev 2.00/2.00, addr 3 on usbus4
da3 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus4 target 0 lun 0
da3: Sony Storage Media 1.00 Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device 
da3: 40.000MB/s transfers
da3: 3826MB (7835648 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 487C)

You can easily see those steps represented here. If all this
is met, you should have /dev/da3 (in this case) in /dev.
Depending on partitioning, there may be other files like
/dev/da3s1. One of them is to be mounted.

Try per command line first, then check if your /etc/fstab
does reflect those settings, e. g.

# mount -t msdosfs -o ro /dev/da3 /mnt
# df -h /mnt
FilesystemSizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/da3  3.7G3.4G352M91%/mnt
# umount /mnt

Please report back and provide the output of the commands
you entered (just to make sure it's not blocked by permission
issues or typos). :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: Removing sendmail from an installed system

2012-07-23 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 17:16:33 -0700, Darren Pilgrim wrote:
 Even though I have WITHOUT_SENDMAIL specified and the world was built 
 with that, mergemaster still installs /etc/mail/aliases and 
 /etc/rc.d/sendmail.  Is there a way to prevent this other than adding 
 them to IGNORE_FILES in mergemasterrc?

I've never tried to actually _remove_ sendmail (because
simply ignoring it seems so much easier when needed), but
did you try the make delete-old and make delete-old-libs
as explained in /usr/src/Makefile's comment header for the
updating process?

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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