[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20546] Autosettler evaluates road bonus of the road being built as one of the old road

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of bug #20546 (project freeciv):

 Summary: Autosettler evaluates old road bonus as one of the
road being built => Autosettler evaluates road bonus of the road being built
as one of the old road


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20546] Autosettler evaluates old road bonus as one of the road being built

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist

 Summary: Autosettler evaluates old road bonus as one of the
road being built
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: cazfi
Submitted on: Thu 21 Feb 2013 09:42:25 AM EET
Category: ai
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: Ready For Test
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None
 Planned Release: 2.5.0



For evaluating move bonus improvements of building new road autosettler needs
to figure out old move bonus (e.g., when it considers building Railroad and
there already is Road). There it mistakenly uses move bonus of the road being
considered for building instead of the move bonus of the existing road.

Fix attached.


File Attachments:

Date: Thu 21 Feb 2013 09:42:25 AM EET  Name: OldRoad.patch  Size: 962B   By:


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3715] Threaded AI cities generating Worker task requests

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #1, patch #3715 (project freeciv):

- Mutex protection for city existence. Now there should be no possibility of
crash because of lack of mutex protection. It's possible that some data it
handles is inconsistent due to main thread modifying it at the same time, but
I consider this part of the nature of current threadedd ai (we're not after
100% accurate results, but fuzzy heuristics of what is likely the best
- Evaluats road and base building tasks, assigning them only if player is able
to build extras in question to the tile

(file #17300)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: ThreadedCityRequests-2.patch   Size:11 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3729] Attacking player specific reverse pathfinding map for cities

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist

 Summary: Attacking player specific reverse pathfinding map
for cities
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: cazfi
Submitted on: Thu 21 Feb 2013 08:57:51 AM EET
Category: ai
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: Ready For Test
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
 Planned Release: 2.5.0



Currently assess_danger() uses single reverse pathfinding map for all the
units approaching the city. This map is constructed as if all units were owned
by city owner (the defender). This causes inaccuracy due to ZoC effects and
restrict_infra (if enabled) being different for distinct players.

Attached patch creates reverse pathfinding map for each attacker player


File Attachments:

Date: Thu 21 Feb 2013 08:57:51 AM EET  Name: AttackerMapforCity.patch  Size:
5kB   By: cazfi


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3728] assess_danger() to consider AttFromNonNative unit class flag

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist

 Summary: assess_danger() to consider AttFromNonNative unit
class flag
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: cazfi
Submitted on: Thu 21 Feb 2013 08:17:26 AM EET
Category: ai
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: Ready For Test
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
 Planned Release: 2.5.0



Handle unit class flag AttFromNonNative like unit type flag Marines in


File Attachments:

Date: Thu 21 Feb 2013 08:17:26 AM EET  Name: AssessDangerMarineClass.patch 
Size: 599B   By: cazfi


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3727] River as road & natural city names

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist

 Summary: River as road & natural city names
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: cazfi
Submitted on: Thu 21 Feb 2013 07:13:47 AM EET
Category: general
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: Ready For Test
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
 Planned Release: 2.5.0



Count RF_RIVER roads as rivers when determining natural city name suggestion.


File Attachments:

Date: Thu 21 Feb 2013 07:13:47 AM EET  Name: NatCityNaemRiver.patch  Size:
1003B   By: cazfi


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3701] Multiple river types

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of patch #3701 (project freeciv):

  Status:  Ready For Test => Done   
 Assigned to:None => cazfi  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3702] Citylist mutex

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of patch #3702 (project freeciv):

  Status:  Ready For Test => Done   
 Assigned to:None => cazfi  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3712] CodingStyle warning against functionality inside fc_assert()

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of patch #3712 (project freeciv):

  Status:  Ready For Test => Done   
 Assigned to:None => cazfi  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3726] Booleanize all save functions for savegame v2

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of patch #3726 (project freeciv):

Priority: 3 - Low => 5 - Normal 
 Assigned to:None => cazfi  
 Planned Release: => 2.5.0  


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3726] Booleanize all save functions for savegame v2

2013-02-20 Thread Davide Baldini

 Summary: Booleanize all save functions for savegame v2
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: davide_at_debian
Submitted on: Thu 21 Feb 2013 04:16:25 AM GMT
Category: general
Priority: 3 - Low
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
 Planned Release: 



Booleanize the structure of functions below save_command() for savegame
version 2.

Currently, failures to save the game are only textually reported to users but
are not treated by the server, which is bad for automated, self-managed
servers running 24/7, such as Longturn, Greatturn and similar.

This patch intercepts all save failures along the functions chain beneath
save_command(), and makes a boolean available to let the machine check the

Since when such save failures occur (various assert fails) they usually
compromise any other future saves too, Greatturn uses this to automatically
revert the game to the last functioning savefile, 10 minutes back.

Other case usage for this could be a Lua handle to send a warning email to the
server operator, etc.


File Attachments:

Date: Thu 21 Feb 2013 04:16:25 AM GMT  Name: save_booleanized.patch  Size: 6kB
  By: davide_at_debian


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20545] String not marked for translation

2013-02-20 Thread Jacob Nevins
Update of bug #20545 (project freeciv):

Category: general => client 
  Status:None => Ready For Test 
 Assigned to:None => jtn
 Planned Release: => 2.4.0,2.5.0


Additional Item Attachment:

File name: trunk-S2_4-unitselect-i18n-marking.patch Size:3 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20519] Functionality inside fc_assert_ret() in unit unloading

2013-02-20 Thread Jacob Nevins
Update of bug #20519 (project freeciv):

 Summary: Unloading problem in release builds => Functionality
inside fc_assert_ret() in unit unloading


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20545] String not marked for translation

2013-02-20 Thread Jordi Negrevernis i Font
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #20545 (project freeciv):

The string is '(No home city)' which appears on S2_4 on the unit selection


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20545] String not marked for translation

2013-02-20 Thread Jordi Negrevernis i Font

 Summary: String not marked for translation
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: jorneg
Submitted on: Wed Feb 20 22:02:57 2013
Category: general
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: Any
 Planned Release: 




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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3279] Rusyn nation

2013-02-20 Thread J.M. Maalderink
Update of patch #3279 (project freeciv):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => mixcoatl   


Follow-up Comment #1:

Changed city names to Rusyn/Ukrainian ortography as much as possible, plus
some smaller edits

(file #17294)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: rusyn.ruleset  Size:2 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20544] Sea units benefitting from City Walls

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #20544 (project freeciv):

> When a unit is not in their natural element [a ship in dock or a
> plane on the ground] they should be considered essentially
> defenseless and automatically eliminated, IMHO.

Yes, from realism point of view it doesn't make sense that ship in the harbour
manages to defend entire city against attack from inland. Maybe it's the crew
acting as infantry up in the mountains?

BadCityDefender turned out to be much less severe modification than I had
thought. It just reduces defender firepower to 1 (that has no effect until
ships are so powerful that they have greater firepower to begin with) and
doubles attacker firepower.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20544] Sea units benefitting from City Walls

2013-02-20 Thread David Lowe
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #20544 (project freeciv):

I haven't actually surveyed layouts of real life cities for this, but it seems
reasonable that in many cases the wall might well be built right to the
water's edge.  So if a ship in a harbor gets attacked by infantry, it could
well be behind a wall.

Surely the routine that finds a city's defender takes BadCityDefender into
account [i'm not finding it right now]?  Perhaps BadCityDefender should modify
the Defense value and/or Hitpoints alongside the Attack value.  When a unit is
not in their natural element [a ship in dock or a plane on the ground] they
should be considered essentially defenseless and automatically eliminated,

Anyway, to me that was the lesson of Pearl Harbor.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20544] Sea units benefitting from City Walls

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist

 Summary: Sea units benefitting from City Walls
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: cazfi
Submitted on: Wed 20 Feb 2013 05:16:57 PM EET
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None
 Planned Release: 



Old bug (was discussed in RT age, but I found not ticket from gna). As only
one unit can be used as effect requirement, and that's attacking unit in case
of defense bonus effect, it doesn't matter what unit is the defending one.
This means that ships in harbour get benefit from city walls when land unit
attacks. This might be bug in our default rulesets (civ2 ruleset), but the
worst part is that you cannot create ruleset where this is not true. With the
defense values and hitpoints of the sea units, they are often the best city
defenders available despite BadCityDefender (Pearl Harbor) flag when they get
the same City Walls bonus land unit defenders get.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20543] lua error: Execution time limit exceeded in script

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto

 Summary: lua error: Execution time limit exceeded in script
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: pepeto
Submitted on: mer. 20 févr. 2013 16:13:33 CET
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: trunk r22403
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None
 Planned Release: 



Got it with classic ruleset:

4: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:19] in luascript_log_vargs() [luascript.c::413]:
lua callback: 'place_map_labels'
4: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:21] in fc_rand_debug() [rand.c::129]:
fc_rand(4294967295) = 1672392544 at api_common_utilities.c:41
4: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:21] in fc_rand_debug() [rand.c::129]:
fc_rand(4294967295) = 2592976028 at api_common_utilities.c:41
4: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:22] in fc_rand_debug() [rand.c::129]:
fc_rand(4294967295) = 3060075665 at api_common_utilities.c:41
4: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:22] in fc_rand_debug() [rand.c::129]:
fc_rand(4294967295) = 2161002421 at api_common_utilities.c:41
4: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:24] in fc_rand_debug() [rand.c::129]:
fc_rand(4294967295) = 261018728 at api_common_utilities.c:41
4: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:24] in fc_rand_debug() [rand.c::129]:
fc_rand(4294967295) = 2141150283 at api_common_utilities.c:41
1: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] in luascript_log_vargs() [luascript.c::413]:
lua error:
data/classic/script.lua:77: Execution time limit exceeded in script
stack traceback:
[string "tolua: embedded Lua code"]:43: in function <[string "tolua: 
Lua code"]:42>
data/classic/script.lua:77: in function 
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)Backtrace:
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)0: server/freeciv-server()
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)1:
server/freeciv-server(vdo_log+0xca) [0x827efea]
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)2:
server/freeciv-server(do_log+0x40) [0x827f070]
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)3:
server/freeciv-server(luascript_log_vargs+0x14c) [0x829ddbc]
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)4:
server/freeciv-server(luascript_log+0x27) [0x829de37]
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)5: server/freeciv-server()
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)6:
server/freeciv-server(luascript_call+0x135) [0x829e495]
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)7:
server/freeciv-server(luascript_callback_invoke+0xf2) [0x829e7f2]
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)8:
server/freeciv-server(luascript_signal_emit_valist+0xa1) [0x829f711]
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)9:
server/freeciv-server(script_server_signal_emit+0x28) [0x80b5218]
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)   10:
server/freeciv-server(srv_main+0x21f) [0x80797ef]
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)   11: server/freeciv-server(main+0x90d)
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)   12:
/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf3) [0x411e4d3]
2: [T000 - 2013/02/20 13:50:25] (null)   13: server/freeciv-server()


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20542] in unit_virtual_destroy() [unit.c::1881]: assertion '!unit_transported(punit)' failed

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto

 Summary:  in unit_virtual_destroy() [unit.c::1881]: assertion
'!unit_transported(punit)' failed
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: pepeto
Submitted on: mer. 20 févr. 2013 16:09:57 CET
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: trunk r22403
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None
 Planned Release: 



1: in unit_virtual_destroy() [unit.c::1881]: assertion
'!unit_transported(punit)' failed.
2: Backtrace:
2: 0: ./client/freeciv-gtk2() [0x8252c0d]
2: 1: ./client/freeciv-gtk2(vdo_log+0xca) [0x825727a]
2: 2: ./client/freeciv-gtk2(do_log+0x40) [0x8257300]
2: 3: ./client/freeciv-gtk2(fc_assert_fail+0x60) [0x82574e0]
2: 4: ./client/freeciv-gtk2(unit_virtual_destroy+0x1c1) [0x824ccc1]
2: 5: ./client/freeciv-gtk2(player_clear+0x110) [0x8238a10]
2: 6: ./client/freeciv-gtk2(player_destroy+0x5b) [0x8238b9b]
2: 7: ./client/freeciv-gtk2(player_slots_free+0x68) [0x8238df8]
2: 8: ./client/freeciv-gtk2(game_free+0x8) [0x816df28]
2: 9: ./client/freeciv-gtk2() [0x80b065f]
2:10: ./client/freeciv-gtk2(client_exit+0x49) [0x80b0c69]

The assertion looks similar to bug #20045, but it went from an other way. I
think in this case that this assertion is wrong. When exiting the game, it
shouldn't check this.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20541] in auto_arrange_workers() [cityturn.c::397]: assertion 'city_size_get(pcity) - spe == sum' failed

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto

 Summary: in auto_arrange_workers() [cityturn.c::397]:
assertion 'city_size_get(pcity) - spe == sum' failed
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: pepeto
Submitted on: mer. 20 févr. 2013 15:51:59 CET
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: trunk r22403
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None
 Planned Release: 



Autogame with ruleset "experimental", lot of assertion failures like:

1: [T068 - 2013/02/20 15:18:56] in auto_arrange_workers() [cityturn.c::397]:
assertion 'city_size_get(pcity) - spe == sum' failed.
1: [T068 - 2013/02/20 15:18:56] in auto_arrange_workers() [cityturn.c::397]: (
 38,   47) in "Westminster"[4]

Attached previous turn savegame.


File Attachments:

Date: mer. 20 févr. 2013 15:51:59 CET  Name: freeciv-T0067-Y-0825-auto.sav.gz
 Size: 65 ko   By: pepeto


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20539] Assert failure on pregame /save

2013-02-20 Thread Davide Baldini
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #20539 (project freeciv):

> ...when map is not yet created
The map was created and then the game was saved immediately. The pregame
status is due to savefile reload.

No human player ever made any move, not even /take.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3384] autosettler check current danger

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #9, patch #3384 (project freeciv):

> I think this is due to is_square_threatened() calling
> is_ground_threat(). Given that nothing else uses this function,
> perhaps it should be changed to not care about the unit move
> type?

To make it work well, a bit more work is needed. It should not abort work when
settler is not on the coast, but still the sea unit is within checked range,
or when sea unit is not able to coastal bombardment...
I'll leave that to future tickets (and probably TRUNK only). This already
fixed the biggest problem of pirates killing all the AI workers. 


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20539] Assert failure on pregame /save

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of bug #20539 (project freeciv):

 Summary: Assert failure on /save => Assert failure on pregame


Follow-up Comment #1:

> 1: in map_get_player_city() [maphand.c::1063]: assertion 'psite
> == ((void *)0) || psite->location == ptile' failed.

Map related stuff...

> pregame

...when map is not yet created.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20539] Assert failure on /save

2013-02-20 Thread Davide Baldini

 Summary: Assert failure on /save
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: davide_at_debian
Submitted on: Wed 20 Feb 2013 12:36:05 PM GMT
Category: general
Severity: 4 - Important
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: 2.3.4
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: GNU/Linux
 Planned Release: 



/save T0-1361362257
1: in map_get_player_city() [maphand.c::1063]: assertion 'psite == ((void *)0)
|| psite->location == ptile' failed.
1: Please report this message at http://gna.org/projects/freeciv/
1: in map_get_player_city() [maphand.c::1063]: assertion 'psite == ((void *)0)
|| psite->location == ptile' failed.
1: Please report this message at http://gna.org/projects/freeciv/
Game saved as ./saves//T0-1361362257.sav.gz

Match settings:

/show changed
/show: All options with non-default values
/show: In the column '##' the status of the option is shown:
/show:  - a '!' means the option is locked by the ruleset.
/show:  - a '+' means you may change the option.
/show:  - a '=' means the option is on its default value.
/show: Option## value (min, max)
/show: size 14 (0, 128)
/show: xsize84 (16, 512)
/show: ysize168 (16, 512)
/show: topology "Wrap East-West", "Wrap North-South", and
"Isometric" (WRAPX|WRAPY|ISO)
/show: generator"Pseudo-fractal height" (FRACTAL)
/show: startpos "All players on a single continent" (ALL)
/show: separatepolesdisabled
/show: landmass 29 (15, 85)
/show: specials 400 (0, 1000)
/show: huts 0 (0, 500)
/show: minplayers   0 (0, 126)
/show: maxplayers   11 (1, 126)
/show: aifill   0 (0, 126)
/show: ec_turns 5 (0, 9)
/show: ec_max_size  1000 (10, 1000)
/show: ec_info  enabled
/show: startunits   "wwxxx"
/show: dispersion   3 (0, 10)
/show: citymindist  2 (0, 9)
/show: barbarians   "No barbarians" (DISABLED)
/show: revolen  2 (0, 10)
/show: timeout  153357 (-1, 863)
/show: fixedlength  enabled
/show: A help text for each option is available via 'help '.

Ruleset is default; match has 11 players; pregame.
These assertion failures occur at every /save attempt. After some turns, the
asserts turn into another possibly-related severe problem preventing /save to
work at all.
Attached savefile.


File Attachments:

Date: Wed 20 Feb 2013 12:36:05 PM GMT  Name: T0-1361362257.sav.gz  Size: 109kB
  By: davide_at_debian


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20501] Help could be clearer about CanFortify defence bonus vs cities

2013-02-20 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #11, bug #20501 (project freeciv):

> For jtn wondering what to put to NEWS:
Thank you :) I was wondering exactly that. --jtn


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20501] Help could be clearer about CanFortify defence bonus vs cities

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #10, bug #20501 (project freeciv):

> I believed it to affect client side win chance display only.

For jtn wondering what to put to NEWS: "believed unit_win_chance() to affect
client side win chance display only" and the change affecting
unit_win_chance() in turn was specific to city defense, for which you cannot
see the client side chance display -> sum is no user-visible change.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20538] Numerous assertion failures when loading an old savegame

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #20538 (project freeciv):

> Is that classic ruleset? Nationality got enabled in that
> ruleset recently, so presumably savegame was created when
> ruleset has no nationality, but at loading time it has.

Yes, savegame says version=20105, rulesetdir="default".


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20501] Help could be clearer about CanFortify defence bonus vs cities

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #9, bug #20501 (project freeciv):

> One thing i've noticed in conjunction with server-side
> auto-attack: units that have been given the 'Fortify' command
> can be reliably counted on to engage approaching enemies.

 Sounds opposite of what it should be. Fortified units have have better
defense, so they should be less likely to find attack better option than
waiting in defense. Attack also removes their fortified status, so it weakens
their defense value against further attackers.

 I noticed that unit_win_chance() is used by autoattack. Some of the recently
fixed defense bugs affected it, but I believed it to affect client side win
chance display only.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20538] Numerous assertion failures when loading an old savegame

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #20538 (project freeciv):

Is that classic ruleset? Nationality got enabled in that ruleset recently, so
presumably savegame was created when ruleset has no nationality, but at
loading time it has.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20538] Numerous assertion failures when loading an old savegame

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto

 Summary: Numerous assertion failures when loading an old
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: pepeto
Submitted on: mer. 20 févr. 2013 11:58:33 CET
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: trunk r22403
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: Any
 Planned Release: 



I tried to load file #7060 for testing bug #16643.

I got on server side:

in citizens_nation_get() [citizens.c::83]: assertion 'pcity->nationality !=
((void *)0)' failed.
in citizens_nation_get() [citizens.c::83]: assertion 'pcity->nationality !=
((void *)0)' failed.
in citizens_nation_get() [citizens.c::83]: assertion 'pcity->nationality !=
((void *)0)' failed.
in package_city() [citytools.c::2019]: assertion 'cit == packet->size'

On client side:

1: in handle_city_info() [packhand.c::670]: assertion 'citizens_count(pcity)
== city_size_get(pcity)' failed.
1: in handle_city_info() [packhand.c::670]: assertion 'citizens_count(pcity)
== city_size_get(pcity)' failed.
1: in handle_city_info() [packhand.c::670]: assertion 'citizens_count(pcity)
== city_size_get(pcity)' failed.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3725] Optimize disabled autoattack case

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist

 Summary: Optimize disabled autoattack case
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: cazfi
Submitted on: Wed 20 Feb 2013 12:43:42 PM EET
Category: general
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: Ready For Test
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
 Planned Release: 2.5.0



Check against disabled autoattack (default!) is made only in deep in the
iteration of autoattackers. Each unit is not selected to the list of
autoattackers when autoattack is disabled, leaving the constructed list empty.
All the autoattack stuff is executed even when autoattack is disabled, empty
list just makes sure no unit actually attacks.

Attached patch moves check for autoattack setting out of the loop, and no
autoattack code is executed when it's disabled.

Targeting to TRUNK only just to be extra safe - there's always a chance I
missed some side-effect that should happen even when autoattack disabled.


File Attachments:

Date: Wed 20 Feb 2013 12:43:42 PM EET  Name:
DisabledAutoattackOptimization.patch  Size: 1kB   By: cazfi


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19943] Initial protocol between trunk and S2_4-or-earlier broken

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto
Update of bug #19943 (project freeciv):

 Assigned to:None => pepeto 
Operating System:None => Any


Follow-up Comment #12:

New version of the patch:
* also label PACKET_CONNECT_MSG.

Would someone wish to test over patch #3690?

(file #17276)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: 0001-Make-initial-network-protocol-compatible-with-old-ve.patch
Size:20 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #2190] Control of registry boolean compability

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto
Update of patch #2190 (project freeciv):

  Status:  Ready For Test => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #2206] execute_orders() changes

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto
Update of patch #2206 (project freeciv):

  Status:  Ready For Test => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17354] Client tries to load game in spawned server before requesting "hack" access

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto
Update of bug #17354 (project freeciv):

 Assigned to:None => pepeto 


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19868] Network protocol documentation

2013-02-20 Thread Sveinung Kvilhaugsvik
Follow-up Comment #10, bug #19868 (project freeciv):

 > I would suggest for multi-line comment to move the comment before the
Thank you for your suggestion. I had to rework the original comments a bit
since they now are above and need context.

(file #17275)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: labelProtoChangesDraft.patch   Size:16 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20517] Invalid read of size 4 in ruleset reloading cycle

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto
Update of bug #20517 (project freeciv):

  Status:  Ready For Test => Fixed  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 
Operating System:None => Any


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Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20490] Player owner reconnecting to player while delegate user attached => server assertion failures, crash

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto
Update of bug #20490 (project freeciv):

  Status:  Ready For Test => Fixed  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


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Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20086] in astr_vadd() [astring.c::164]: assertion '(size_t) -1 != new_len' failed.

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto
Update of bug #20086 (project freeciv):

  Status:  Ready For Test => Fixed  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19868] Network protocol documentation

2013-02-20 Thread Sveinung Kvilhaugsvik
Follow-up Comment #9, bug #19868 (project freeciv):

False alarm. Turns out that unless delta is enabled building using Werror will
fail no matter if the patch is applied or not.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20519] Unloading problem in release builds

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of bug #20519 (project freeciv):

  Status:  Ready For Test => Fixed  
 Assigned to:None => cazfi  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19868] Network protocol documentation

2013-02-20 Thread pepeto
Update of bug #19868 (project freeciv):

  Status:None => In Progress


Follow-up Comment #8:

I would suggest for multi-line comment to move the comment before the macro.


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Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #3709] Representative icon of river road type

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of patch #3709 (project freeciv):

  Status:  Ready For Test => Done   
 Assigned to:None => cazfi  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


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Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20535] Road icons in editor are a bit ugly

2013-02-20 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of bug #20535 (project freeciv):

Severity:   2 - Minor => 3 - Normal 


Follow-up Comment #1:

"a bit"? What we currently have is what I managed to get working in order of
that icon issue not to block all of gen-road development. It should have been
quite straight-forward conversion from old way of producing road icons (=when
fixing this, pre-gen-road code might be worth checking for reference) but for
some reason it didn't work the same at all.
Once the icon is centered, it will probably make sense to draw just one or two
of the road segments - currently all are drawn to make sure something gets
drawn down from the very top part of the icon.

I'm just about to commit patch #3709 what adds icons for river road types. It
suffers many of the same problems as existing road icons, but again, let me go
forward with river road types.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19868] Network protocol documentation

2013-02-20 Thread Sveinung Kvilhaugsvik
Follow-up Comment #7, bug #19868 (project freeciv):

Warning: The attached patch breaks building when delta and bool folding is
turned off.

I suspect #define NAME VALUE /* start of commentn * next line */" may be
involved (if NAME is replaced using "VALUE /* start of comment" but not the
line that ends it). I see at
that not all versions of the C spec prevent this. Does define count as
"declared variable" in the code style?


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