Re: [Freedos-devel] NCACHE2

2004-09-12 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
As far as I remember, NCACHE2 doesn't work with DOS versions later than 6.
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Re: [Freedos-devel] Zurenava DOS extender

2004-09-07 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Thank you very much, Michael, for your analysis!
Why does MS-DOS work for some people?  Two possibilities besides a 
FreeDOS incompatibility:  1) the memory image is different and vital 
parts don't get sniped out or 2) MS-DOS function 4ch is more aggressive 
about recovering memory from a failed program and forces things back to 
a working state.
Suspect (2). MASM guide says 

This function performs the following actions:
o  All memory belonging to the process is released.
o  File buffers are flushed and any open handles for files or devices 
owned by the process are closed.
o  The termination handler vector (Int 22h) is restored from PSP:000Ah.
o  The CTRL+C handler vector (Int 23h) is restored from PSP:000Eh.
o  The critical-error handler vector (Int 24h) is restored from PSP:0012h.
o  Control is transferred to the termination handler.

I think we do all these things - see task.c:return_user(). Then what else 
could be wrong with us?

So I've changed my mind.  I think the Kaspersky bug in Bugzilla should 
be marked WONTFIX and a suggestion given that users grab dos4gw.exe -- 
readily available in many places -- to run the anti-virus.  Which I will 
post there in a couple days unless otherwise persuaded.  And I think, 
though I have no absolute proof, that ZRDX 0.50 still has an error 
causing the no-termination problem.  In any case, I ain't debugging it 
no more no more.
OK. I sent your analysis to Sergey Beliakov. Hope he will be able to fix 
his ZDRX. But if you have ideas on how to make FreeDOS function 4C more 
fool-proof, don't hesitate to share them.

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Zurenava DOS extender

2004-09-06 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
I got the same result as Lucho. QV.EXE freeze when quit to DOS.
M$-DOS 7.10 (Win98 boot disk) OK, no freeze.
Hopefully our DOS extender guru Michael can help us with this...
If he can't reproduce it, it's hardware dependent - a NIGHTMARE!
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Re: [Freedos-devel] Richard M. Stallman. Debuging tools?

2004-09-03 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
And his personal homepage
have a lot of goodies and news.
He's doing 1000 things at once! An incredibly active man, including his 
social-political activism. (linked to from his home page)
THEY try to ban every possible form of copying and moving us fast towards 
a totalitarian Orwellian 1984-like world :-( So we must resist or... 
blame ourselves for our passivity :-(

The above is not Fear-Uncertainty-Doubt (FUD). The threat is real!
My friend is now working in M$, he said the workload is very heavy.
They squeeze you out like a lemon and then throw you out. *ism :-(
Many years ago our smart Hong Kong programmer make a GAMETOOLS to crack 
the game, can it be use for debugging?
A Hong-Kong program available in Italy ;-) Seems a kind of debugger indeed.
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Re: [Freedos-devel] Expanding EMM386's VDS support

2004-09-03 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
As a future time I may look at expanding VDS support to allow known 
problematic network drivers in upper memory, so if you can send 
something which demonstrates the problem, that would be good.  The files 
should provide a way to definitively detect that things are failing, if 
a crash isn't evident.
I think that the UDMA driver for DOS can be a good candidate ;-)
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Re: [Freedos-devel] Zurenava DOS extender

2004-09-03 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hi Michael,
Sorry I didn't reply earlier but I had no Internet connection since 
yesterday afternoon.

I've tried the Kaspersky antivirus program -- at least running it 
without the AVP files -- and it runs and terminates as expected to DOS 
prompt without problems.
But it fails here, as I wrote, as well as any ZRDX-bound program. Eric 
also had reported failure.

Has anybody else failed when using a program, be it Kaspersky or 
anything else, which is bound to  the Zurenava DOS extender, aka ZRDX, 
under the latest FreeDOS kernel and EMM386?  I need to know what a 
problem configuration might be.
I use UMBPCI + HIMEM. But I just tested - it happens under bare FreeDOS 
(when F5 is pressed) too. Pretty easy to reproduce, isn't it? ;-)

I'm going to ZRXBIND bind to whatever DOS extended applications are 
around and see what happens
What happened?
I'm going to give this a day to allow for last-minute objections and 
then mark the bug WORKSFORME.
You won't lie that it works for you, but this won't help :-(
Whatever used to happen, it isn't happening now.
It isn't happening for you, but it does happen for me, Eric, and the bug 

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Zurenava DOS extender

2004-09-03 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hi Michael,
I think you have an older version of ZRDX and that a newer version fixes 
a bug in their bind program or earlier extender versoin.  Binding with 
ZRXBIND is the only way I can get a crash with it.  It fails, 
incidentally, with no HIMEM or EMM386 loaded or with Microsoft HIMEM and 
EMM386 loaded.  QV Pro works with ZRDX as downloaded, but not after a 
ZRXBIND process.  That's pretty strong indication of  either a ZRXBIND 
failure or a failure in its internal version of the extender.
I tested the latest stable version, 0.47. Did you test the beta-version, 
0.50? They're both at - it's the home 
page of the author, Sergey Victorovich Belyakov.

Specifically, a ZRXBIND application GPF's on a HLT instruction in the 
application regardless of memory manager.
Could you be more elaborate here, if possible? How can it fail on a HLT 
even without a memory manager? Can we do something to prevent this? Why 
doesn't it fail in MS-DOS but only in FreeDOS?

Eric has reported on older kernel/EMM386 version bugs, he hasn't told me 
that the latest version of kernel and memory managers fail with it.
He wrote me that actually he quoted other's tests and didn't test himself.
Telling someone to get the latest versions that work is certainly a help.
Yes, if we're talking about a stand-alone application. But this is a DOS 
extenter. Telling someone to get the latest version of the extender that 
is bound into his application and bind isn't good.

Or we could just leave it NEW forever because it's a problem that we 
can't fix, assuming the problem really exists anymore.
Can't we really fix it? Are you sure? How can it work in MS-DOS but not in 
FreeDOS then?

So send me a program which does it.
The Kaspersky Anti-virus program mentioned in the bug report fails here. 
But it works for you? Even in bare DOS (F5 hit)? How we can explain this 
difference? Hardware? A20?

The evidence here points to a ZRDX bug that was fixed in a later version 
of the program.   Tell you what, grab the latest QV Pro which uses the 
ZRDX extender.  Run it and see if it fails -- the actual download image, 
not the image after a ZRXBIND processing.
The latest QV Pro is 2.53 and I already have it, but I had bound it with 
PMODE/W 1.33. I obvioulsy must had had a good reason to do it. So I just 
re-downloaded it and tried it as-is (bound with ZRDX 0.50 beta by its 
author) both under HIMEM and in bare FreeDOS (F5 hit). See the result 

If it's like here, the original will work and the ZRXBIND processed 
version won't.
The original QV Pro *fails* under FreeDOS here, no matter if HIMEM.SYS is 
loaded or not! (Needless to say that it *works* in MS-DOS, no matter if 
HIMEM.SYS is loaded or not.)

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Microsoft Windows runs on FreeDOS (and now for sure)

2004-09-03 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hola Aitor,
However, if you make the change shell=winfile.exe in the adequate 
section of SYSTEM.INI (that is, replace the Windows shell from Program 
Manager to File Manager), then WinFile boots normally, and seems to work 
well. Further, if you open ProgMan.exe, the dialog complaining about the 
missing GRP files is responsive to keyboard. Some other programs 
(NOTEPAD, WINHELP, WINVER) seem to work well as well. Happy windowing 
over FreeDOS...
Thank you for this information! However, in order to make the FreeDOS 
kernel fully compatible with Windows 3.1, a developer or a group specially 
interested in this must actively work to achieve it. Is there anyone here 
interested AND competent enough to do it? Not speaking about caveats like 
(1) Whoever has Windows 3.1 probably has MS-DOS or DR-DOS too; (2) Windows 
3.1 will be undistributable until Microsoft frees it or dies - that is, 
for very long.

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kaspersky antivirus anybody?

2004-09-01 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hi Michael,
Anyone here taken a look at bug 1822 in Bugzilla about Kaspersky 
anti-virus and downloaded the files?  I would, but I'm rather allergic 
to downloading unknown files from anonymous .ru domains, given their 
overall reputation.  The official Kapersky site doesn't seem to list 
that version.
What is the overall reputation of the anonymous Russian domains? I can 
only say that I think that the Russians are the best in everything they do 
and very much respect them. See for example their famous hardware analysis 
site - one of the most reputable sites of that kind. 
There is an English version of that site at

As the great Russian poet Tyutchev has written,

(try to translate the above poetry in your favourite machine translation 
engine ;-)

If anyone has already tried it and verified the the problem without 
their disk getting eaten, could you send me a copy, maybe as a ZIP so I 
don't have to track down an unRAR'er?
Just verified it and as you see, I'm still alive :) So, please go ahead 
and download KAVDOS32.RAR. You don't need any virus definition files. It 
will complain it doesn't find their list and exit - cleanly in MS-DOS and 
hanging the system in FreeDOS. As to UNRAR 2.0, please find it on my site:
Good luck!
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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kaspersky antivirus anybody?

2004-09-01 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hi Michael and Tom,
Lawless, in a word.  .ru sites are infamous for hosting hacks, cracks, 
phreaks, passwords, net redirects, phishing, and free versions of 
commercial software -- noticeably more prevalent than in the Americas, 
Oceania, or most of Europe.  Given that I used to make a living off of 
copyrighted software; believe in the peaceful coexistence of proprietary 
plus open source plus truly free software together; and have 
professionally known a few people you think must be criminals by virtue 
of the fact that their total net worth was $999,999 + $n where n  0, we 
come from very different perspectives on the entire matter.
Yes, and despite this, we're working together on FreeDOS! Isn't that 
remarkable? ;-)

well - the bulgarians have some problems understanding licensing ;)
Not all Bulgarians. Some have found where the crayfishes spend the 
winter (as we say here), like the Micro$0ft representative in Bulgaria 
Theodor Milev :-(

but that most criminal activity - like phishing for credit card 
information - is also located on russian servers (at least servers with 
.ru domains) doesn't exactly raise the general reputation for russian 
servers. the eyes of the Western world.
Two different worlds, but still working together for FreeDOS - isn't that 
great! ;-)

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[Freedos-devel] Re: [Freedos-devel] Off-topic: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

2004-09-01 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Not to mention any kind of 'ism', better not try to invade other 
people's mind ;-)
Exactly! But aren't we using FreeDOS to hide from the ism we live in 
(that has NO MERCY)? Sure!

I'd much appreciate the idea of Open Source and Richard Stallman.
GNU is our God and RMS is His Prophet! Amen. If serioulsly, he's really a 
great man! The very idea of Open Source implies free share of information. 
It's the deadliest enemy of Microsoft and other hyper monopolies because 
it will ultimately bring the dream of Libert, Egalit, Fraternit! And 
note that it's just the other ism of 2 bearded men whose spectre was 
haunting Europe 156 years ago ;-) No, my friend, there's no real escape 
from politics. So, Long Live FreeDOS, FreeBSD, Linux etc as bridges to 
true freedom, not only in software, but in the whole spectrum of human 

Take the MOST advantage of other people, M$ did the best!
Their name will be incrusted with golden letters in the history as 
Tyrannosaurus Microsoftis ;-G

Everywhere have crime, Michael and Tom are wrong ... even the Russian 
server share the privacy themselves, the Chinese RD (Repeat  
Duplicate) and cracking ability is far better than Russian, but they 
keep them in their hard disk, not sharing with others.
Well, I don't quite agree. Chinese crackers and couriers are not such 
egoists. Even though I don't really know Chinese, sometimes I find some 
forbidden fruit in some Chinese site too! ;-) But not only there. 
Thankfully, good people exist all over the world. Guess the nationality of 
the friend who sent me the copy of W2K3 under which I'm working now, for 
example :) Hint: starts with Am :)

But I'm sure you, me and the people here are not committing crime, we 
are (you guys are) working out something great, that's enough.
Nobody could say it better than you. You should be working as a diplomat 
to prevent dreadful wars!

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Re: [Freedos-devel] FORMAT problem

2004-08-27 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
# of Cylinders__:6296  6296   787
# of Heads__:  1616   128
# of Sectors/Track__:  636363
So BIOS uses some CHS translation mechanism here. What BIOS 
brand/version/date you have?

LBA support Yes 3098.8MB of LBA addressable 3098.8MB in CHS mode
What a pity that your BIOS can't use LBA mode! Or can it?
Congratulations, your drive supports ATA-2
This means UDMA. You could try the UDMA driver there but it will probably 
insist on LBA and fail.

I've try 4 combination of kernel 2035/2035a, FreeCOM 0.82pl3 and 
0.82pl3ak. Format still complain 5 consecutive bad sector as before. 
But I can boot Win98 and using FORMAT 0.91s to format the hard disk.
FreeCOM doesn't affect FORMAT. If by 2035a you mean the unstable kernel, 
then this means that both the stable and the unstable kernels cause FORMAT 
to complain. So, there is NO additional bug in the unstable kernel but a 
common bug in both kernel branches. Or am I wrong?

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Chinese system not running?

2004-08-24 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
I've Chinese system which run into problem but I never reported, because 
it's stupid to spend time for that piece of customized software which 
few of us will use.
Few of *us* here maybe, but how many millions of Chinese users use it? ;-)
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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kernel 2035a HD format problem (Arkady's unstable version)

2004-08-23 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
BIOS setting is CHS (translation), FDISK shows FAT32 (not FAT32 L).
So, FAT32 LBA works but we have a problem with FAT32 CHS. Unfrtunately 
I can't test this here.
The hard disk parameter is auto-detected by BIOS, I've no way to change 
it (16xx cylinder). I've tried:

1) FreeDOS FDISK (delete and create primary partition)
2) FreeDOS Format 0.91r (FORMAT D: /U)
I did a few more test and found that only 2035a-UNSTABLE will report BAD 
SECTOR, switch back to 2035 can format successfully ... But 2035 will 
crash M$-DOS's EMM386 (SB Emulation 2.0 still need it).
Well... no kernel is perfect. Perhaps the problem is some of the Arkady's 
optimisations in DSK.C?!

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kernel 2035a HD format problem (Arkady's unstable version)

2004-08-21 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
What is the partition type - FAT32 LBA (a.k.a. FAT32X), or FAT32 CHS 
(a.k.a. FAT32)? My successful tests were with FAT32 LBA partitions. I 
didn't try FAT32 CHS.
BIOS setting is CHS (translation), FDISK shows FAT32 (not FAT32 L).
So, FAT32 LBA works but we have a problem with FAT32 CHS. Unfrtunately I 
can't test this here.

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kernel 2035a HD format problem (Arkady's unstable version)

2004-08-19 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
I try to FORMAT a Seagate hard disk with FORMAT 0.91r and got an error 
bad sector, I think maybe hard disk have some physical problem. and I 
zero fill it with Disk Wizard, and later I can format.

Later I repeat this action with another PC in office and got the same 
error. This time even zero fill didn't solve the problem, then I boot 
Win98 boot disk and try - it works! Then I try again with Kernel 2035a 
(unstable), fail again ... finally switch to 2035 and work again.
What were the file systems - FAT16 or FAT32? I formatted FAT32 with FORMAT 
0.91r under UNSTABLE on 2 different disks here: 40 GB and 1.2 GB, and 
FORMAT did a great job on both, at that very quickly

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kernel 2035a HD format problem (Arkady's unstable version)

2004-08-19 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Strange is when I do a FDISK delete partition, make a new FAT32 
partition and format will report 'consecutive bad sector' error, I have 
to boot Win98 (with F5) to format.
What is the partition type - FAT32 LBA (a.k.a. FAT32X), or FAT32 CHS 
(a.k.a. FAT32)? My successful tests were with FAT32 LBA partitions. I 
didn't try FAT32 CHS. I used MS-DOS FDISK, if this matters

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[Freedos-devel] Re: To waste or not to waste

2004-07-30 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hola Aitor,
I remember you starting a thread complaining how lame MS-DOS is, and Tom 
replying (and I agreeing) the improvements that MS introduced in DOS in 
their version 2.0. The thread was fun, true, BUT a waste of bandwith and 
time, in my opinion.
Because I don't remember this, it must have been a waste of time, indeed 

In this case I expressed concern that there could be users eventually 
complaining about certain implementation of certain commandline. In my 
opinion, it is not a waste of time discussing about the best way to 
avoid this to happen (and many people even took part giving their 
opinions, amongst them yourself).
And what have we achieved? An eagle, cancer, and pike (like in the 
Krylov's fable ;-)

To my experience, any time my own programs showed a light deviation 
respect to MS's, there was at least one user complaning, and I just 
wanted to help avoid this.
There is NO WAY to avoid this. The more you satisfy them, the more they 
complain :-(

Moral: what you think it's a waste of time, may not be for others. :)
This is true ;-)
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Re: [Freedos-devel] Format 0.91r and FreeCOM sound tests

2004-07-30 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Below is the correct function. I forgot the inversion. Sorry for my 

void delay(unsigned milliseconds)   /* 1 - 1985 */
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i = milliseconds * 33; i++)
while (inp(0x61  0x10) /* refresh bit toggles with each refresh */
;   /* so we wait 30 s but the first time 
while (inp(!(0x61  0x10))
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[Freedos-devel] New delay() function

2004-07-30 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Below is the really correct function. I misplaced the inversion and 
omitted the parentheses. Sorry again for my mistakes! To err is human, to 
forgive divine!

void delay(unsigned milliseconds)   /* 1 - 1985 */
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i = milliseconds * 33; i++)
while (inp(0x61)  0x10)/* refresh bit toggles with each refresh */
;   /* so we wait 30 s but the 
first time */
while (!(inp(0x61)  0x10))
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[Freedos-devel] Re: New delay() function using refresh toggle bit

2004-07-30 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hi Tom,
maybe because that's a *really* undocumented input bit ?
The RBIL documents it. PORTS.A, table 393 says about bit 4: toggles with 
each refresh request.

I searched right now, but couldn't find it anywhere.
so let me ask: what kind of 'refresh' is that ?
DRAM refresh.
does this work on compaq/dell/../tandy TRS-1000 as well ?
I don't know, but the RBIL says it exists on PC, XT and newer (see port 
0060-006F, line 7001).

anyway, I'd go with eric and say that beeping shouldn't be spaceship 
engineering. so take the BIOS 55 ms timer ...
For the beep, you're right. In case someone needs finer reslution, refresh 
toggle bit can be used.

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[Freedos-devel] Re: Be-beep!

2004-07-30 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
use the timer ticks
Or just do
mov ax,0E07h
int 10h
mov al,7
int 29h
which always produces the loadest possible beep (because BIOS does it :-)
and end this thread, please.
Finita la comedia! ;-)
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Re: [Freedos-devel] BEEP

2004-07-30 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hello Bart and Tom,
Don't forget that FreeCOM is also supposed to be able to run over a 
serial line via CTTY. In that case the beep should happen on the 
terminal and not on the PC where FreeCOM actually runs.

So I vote for
no BIOS, no int29, no delay timing, no direct hardware, just keep it 
simple -- the ASCII beep goes to STDOUT, redirected to STDAUX and beeps 
at the right place.
You're right, Bart! I vote for putchar('\a') too! ('\a' is the C 
alert/bell character, ASCII 7.)

in that case, I vote for MS compatibility: don't beep at all.
But MS COMMAND.COM before XP doesn't do autocompletion at all. The XP and 
Windows 2003 COMMAND.COM copy the 4DOS behaviour (just display the next 
matching name on each TAB key press, and beep only if there are no 
matching names). But FreeCOM copies the bash behaviour - beep on the 
first TAB key press and show all maching names on next TAB key press. 
Where is the MS compatibility here?

(the default BIOS beep is really dull)
But it's definitely better than a fancy beep hanging the machine. And an 
'\a' character sent to the console is the only way to make a teminal 
sound, as Bart points out.

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Freeware CHKDSK with FAT32 support

2004-07-27 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hello Jim,
Could you see about getting permission to release the source code for 
this CHKDSK?
I'll see what I can do, but chances are small. Our department decided that 
all graduate thesises are its valuable intellectual property not to be 
released in whole or in part. I wonder how it was possible to get 
permission to release even the executable! There is strong influence of 
Microsoft and even a specialisation called Microsoft Information 
Technologies supplied with M$ materials. We've turned into brain 
exporters and this is both a big shame and a sure sign that Bulgaria is 
really on its death bed without young blood. Oh, sorry but it seems we 
can't escape from politics!

It isn't much use to the FreeDOS community if we don't have access to 
the source code to make modifications, improvements, etc.
Sure, but just a minor note - it may not be of much use to the 
*developers* community, but I hope it *can* be to the *users* community, 
even without a source code. After all, the goal of CHKDSK is to... check 
disks and fix them (even with FAT32 :)

Perhaps I should have posted my announcement in the users mailing list 
instead? I'll do it now.

Even if the code is commented in Bulgarian, I'm sure the code will be 
readable by someone who would like to make improvements.
You obviously haven't seen our students' source code :) It's usually a 
strange mix of Bulgarian and English :( Even if it was readable, the 
assembly parts of it (it's written in 1/3 C and 2/3 Assembler) are 
spaghetti-code and very difficult to understand. And that's not only 
students. Take UDMA code for example. Its author Jack R. Ellis has 
commented everything but it's still very hard to understand - that's one 
of the reasons why there are no volunteers to continue its development.

You say that the grad students can't support this version of CHKDSK - 
the best way to continue improving the program is therefore to open up 
the code.
There is source code and source code. Some isn't understandable even by 
its authors in 6 months :)

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[Freedos-devel] Freeware CHKDSK with FAT32 support

2004-07-26 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hello from Bulgaria, and big thanks to Alain for providing me with an 
e-mail address for FreeDOS!

I'm back just to announce the availability of a freeware FAT32-enabled 
CHKDSK written by some of our most gifted graduate students. It's at

I has simple all-permitting MIT-style freeware license. Like ROMDSK, the 
source code is commented in Bulgarian and will hardly be ever translated 
to English. Unlike ROMDSK, I don't have permission to make it available. 
And before you ask, graduate students can't support their work, nor can I 
or anyone else, so your bug reports and wishes will most likely go to NUL 
- sorry but I can't help...

Anyway, as the Italians say, A caval donato non si guarda in bocca 
(Never look a gift horse in the mouth), and also O la va, o la spacca 
(both proverbs exist in Bulgarian too). So, don't complain, but spread and 
enjoy instead!

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Re: [Freedos-devel] GOODBYE FROM LUCHO THE FOOL!!!

2004-04-07 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
I seems that you have to hide you adress better ;-)
No, I just have to STOP ATTENDING THOSE FORUMS!!! :(
Lucho (the greatest fool that the Earth has seen :-(

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Re: [Freedos-devel] HIMEM64 - KBC

2004-04-06 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Michael, I have such a PC but I haven't understood whether you have 
uploaded the test version or not. If yes, please point me to the exact 
URL, else please send me the binary to test at lucho m0nkey gawab 
fullst0p com.

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Re: [Freedos-devel] HIMEM64 - KBC

2004-04-06 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Tue, 06 Apr 2004 17:12:11 +0200, Bernd Blaauw wrote:

Michael, I have such a PC but I haven't understood whether you have 
uploaded the test version or not. If yes, please point me to the exact 
URL, else please send me the binary to test at lucho m0nkey gawab 
fullst0p com.

check the listed date of the HIMEM archive.
old one has 10-March-2004 as date
EMM386 has 27-March-2004 as date
I don't see a binary dated 27 March, so I got the source dated 27 March 
but it doesn't build. TC 2.01 gives some warnings which I corrected but 
then TASM 5.3 complains about the // comments put in the intermediate .ASM 
file by TC. I don't have the old TASM needed to build this. So Michael 
please send me a binary to test at the aforementioned address if you need 
me to test it


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Re: [Freedos-devel] HIMEM64 - KBC

2004-04-06 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Tue, 06 Apr 2004 19:34:48 +0300, I wrote:

I don't see a binary dated 27 March, so I got the source dated 27 March 
but it doesn't build. TC 2.01 gives some warnings which I corrected but 
then TASM 5.3 complains about the // comments put in the intermediate 
.ASM file by TC. I don't have the old TASM needed to build this.
I just deleted the // comments in the inline assembly code in the C file 
and it compiled but now the linker complains about missing symbols. I 
probably have badly mixed source files from different builds. I don't want 
to and don't have time to try with building it anymore. Michael, please 
send me a binary to test at lucho snai1 gawab peri0d com if you need 
me to test it.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kernel version

2004-04-04 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Below are my quotes and after them, the corresponding explanations.

You've always been honest to me so I'll be honest to you, too.
I'm too busy/lazy/whatever to implement this, so here's an excuse:
Please redirect your request to FreeDOS-kernel mailing list ;-)
For the last 2 years Alain has wished to be able to obtain (through a DOS 
call) more information about the compiler, CPU and FAT type support of the 

To be even more honest (cynical?), I don't care about anything but
FAT32/80386 kernels. But fortunately, Bart is not like me ;-)
Bart distributes only 8086 kernels and never 80386 kernels, whereas I 
include only a FAT32/80386 kernel in the illegal aPacked kernel in my 
ROMDSK package.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kernel version

2004-04-02 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 14:15:25 -0300, Alain wrote:

Do you have it handy to send it back to me? I hava a dos version program 
and I do have a rom-dos and I would like to test it.
Here it is, from my old archives (when I was a Linux man using ROM-DOS and 
FreeDOS was DOS/C):

Can an application tell the difference if it is running in RD as
opposed to MS-DOS or other? Is there a function call or API call or
anything? (REF#980805-0006)
Yes, there is. RD has a special Int 21H, function 30H handler
(normally Get DOS version). With a special magic cookie in certain
registers, ROM-DOS responds with internal commands, one of which is
Which version are you?

On Entry to Int 21H
AX=30DBH  Int 21H get DOS version call (DB in AL indicates RD specific 
CX=H  must be set to 0
SI=B2D2H  ID for ROM-DOS (verifies is REALLY is an RD specific function)
DI=0003H  RD specific function # 3, Get ROM-DOS revision

On Exit:
AX=0260H  ROM-DOS revision (2.6)
CX=B2D2H  ID (use this to verify that ROM-DOS really set things)
ES:BX=Pointer to revision string (do NOT change string!)
Product: ROM-DOS 6.22   Date Created: 8/5/98 10:13 Ref#: 980805-0006
Category: Problem Resolution   Date Updated: 8/5/98 10:13
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Re: [Freedos-devel] DOSFSCK 2G FAT32 bugs fixed!

2004-04-01 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 22:07:55 +0100 (BST), Bart Oldeman wrote:

Hmm. Sorry I didn't check out how dosfsck is compiled but perhaps you 
should compile with the GCC
-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes

may also come in handy
sometimes too but it depends on your codingstyle.
We use these four for DOSEMU and it catches quite a few of these kinds of
Indeed, this is the right way to compile any package, not only DOSEMU and 

-Wall gives me many warnings for volume.c but I think that fixing them 
won't change the code.

Sure they should all be fixed and those that the other warning options you 
suggest give too.

The problem is this:
is by Roman Hodek.
2. DOSFSCK ( taken from the above 
and ported by Imre.
3. Eric's patches, my patches, somebody else's patches, etc...
4. A source/binary package available online.

When a new version by Roman is released, (2), (3) and (4) must be 
repeated. Very inefficient!

We must find a REAL maintainer of our port of DOSFSCK who does (2) and 
(3), puts through to Roman, submits our patches to him so they get into 
the main code, maintains a site for (4) etc.

Sorry, but I'm too busy for that. The TU-Varna server doesn't work now, so 
I can't even do (4). I can't even test how DOSFSCK writes/fixes bad 
volumes as I don't currently have one handy ;-)


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Re: [Freedos-devel] DOSFSCK 2G FAT32 bugs fixed!

2004-04-01 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
The TU-Varna server doesn't work now
Just began working so I put it at (58 KB)

Happy testing! But please take into account that I don't maintain it!


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kernel version

2004-04-01 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 16:23:53 +0800, Johnson Lam wrote:

But VER /R of FreeCOM already does this! Typing VER /R gives:

FreeCom version 0.82 pl 3 XMS_Swap [Dec 10 2003 06:49:21]
DOS version 7.10
FreeDOS kernel version 1.1.33
Oh ... I don't know.
Hidden switch? :-)
It's documented, not hidden (type VER /? to see). It exists in M$ COMMAND 
and JPSoft's 4DOS too.


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[Freedos-devel] Re: Nazi$0ft (Happy April Fool's Day!)

2004-04-01 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Thu, 1 Apr 2004 17:50:12 +0100 (BST), Bart Oldeman wrote:

So the result is: Ein Volk, ein Reich (Microsoft), ein Fhrer (William
Henry Gates III)! :-(
Hmm -- that won't stop you using MS Windows though...
User-Agent: Opera7.23/Win32 M2 build 3227
Yes, I use the weapon of the enemy (W2K3) against the enemy himself! ;-)

Think before you write, such comments can only be counter-productive, as
such comparisons invoke Godwin's law so the thread is over
I have 0 experience with Usenet so I didn't know it. A quote from that URL:

If you're really bored, a fun game to play is Six Degrees of Godwin.  
Take a topic - any topic - and see how quickly you can relate it to Nazis
using legitimate topic drift methods.  For example: a discussion about
computers will eventually lead to discussions of keyboards and which are
best, followed by a lot of complaining about the Windows key on 104-key 
keyboards, leading to complaints about Microsoft, forcing the standard 
MS-vs-government flamewar that I'm sure you're all aware of, leading to
attacks on Microsoft's fascist tactics by one side or another, which
will force the other side to start talking about the differences between
fascism, capitalism, and, of course, Nazism!  The fun never stops!
And to make sure the thread REALLY stops, here's an interesting collage:

Happy April Fool's Day! ;-)


P.S. Jim made a good joke (see the today's announcement at ;-)

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kernel version

2004-04-01 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 15:39:22 -0300, Alain wrote:

There is also one other for DR-DOS and something (which I don't know) 
for Datalife-ROM-DOS.
Right. I posted the ROM-DOS one at the kernel mailing list last year.

But specificaly for FreeDOS it is not enough because there are far too 
many versions with the same numbers :(
You've always been honest to me so I'll be honest to you, too.
I'm too busy/lazy/whatever to implement this, so here's an excuse:
Please redirect your request to FreeDOS-kernel mailing list ;-)
To be even more honest (cynical?), I don't care about anything but
FAT32/80386 kernels. But fortunately, Bart is not like me ;-)

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kernel version

2004-04-01 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
I move this discussion to the place where it belongs - the kernel mailing 

On Thu, 1 Apr 2004 21:46:29 +0100 (BST), Bart Oldeman wrote:

This string can't be removed -- it's part of RBIL:

AX = 33FFh
Return: DX:AX - string of the form
 (Build  KERNEL_BUILD_STRING ) [ __DATE__   __TIME__ ]\n
This must be your April Fool's day joke as the *final* RBIL release is 61 
which does NOT contain such an entry!

I sent this to Ralf Brown at the time that Matthias Paul did a desperate 
call for updates because RBIL62 could be released any day (that was in 
April 2002),
On 1st of April? ;-)

seems I missed that release though.
Not only you - the whole DOS world missed it! :-(

I really object to breaking backwards compatibility here; we already had 
this function when Pat was still maintaining the kernel...
But since nobody knows of that function (because the information about it 
was never publicly released in the RBIL), its removal won't break 
anything! Or do I miss something?

Alas, the RBIL has not been updated for the last 4 years, and will never 
be anymore :-( As the above is NOT part of it, I think it can safely be 
removed, the more so as there isn't any info different than the one from 
function 30h - it's just in *textual* instead of *numeric* format.

But indeed. Adding strings is not good. So I won't add any new strings.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] DOSFSCK 2G FAT32 bugs fixed!

2004-03-31 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Oops! VolumeSeek() should be loff_t(loff_t offset) instead of off_t 
VolumeSeek(off_t offset)! But there must be yet another bug, because 
when I changed it, the bug was still there, although the code generated 
for VolumeSeek() became correct. Will try to catch the other bug 
Caught it! VolumeSeek() wasn't declared anywhere so its return type was 
assimed int. See patch. Needless to say that now DOSFSCK works! I can put 
the binary online for test. Just let me know.


--- io.h-   2002-10-17 08:43:26.0 +0200
+++ io.h2004-03-31 22:19:20.0 +0200
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
+loff_t VolumeSeek(loff_t offset);
+/* Sets the virtual file pointer */
 void fs_open(char *path,int rw);
 /* Opens the file system PATH. If RW is zero, the file system is opened
--- volume.c-   2004-01-27 20:33:50.0 +0200
+++ volume.c2004-03-31 21:49:56.0 +0200
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
 *** Sets the virtual file pointer
-off_t VolumeSeek(off_t offset)
+loff_t VolumeSeek(loff_t offset)
 VolumePointer = offset;
 return offset;
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Re: [Freedos-devel] Kernel version

2004-03-31 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 13:41:33 +0800, Johnson Lam wrote:

Or improve FreeCOM's VER to show Kernel version also.
But VER /R of FreeCOM already does this! Typing VER /R gives:

FreeCom version 0.82 pl 3 XMS_Swap [Dec 10 2003 06:49:21]
DOS version 7.10
FreeDOS kernel version 1.1.33

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Re: SCANDISK vs DOSFSCK

2004-03-30 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
I agree with Alain. DOSFSCK 2.10 with fixed 2G bug will be the easiest 
and the best solution.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] BIOS

2004-03-29 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 15:43:26 +0200, Bernd Blaauw wrote:

Luchezar Georgiev schreef:

I think that each OS has its own niche. Neiether Linux nor DOS can oust 
each other. But try to fit a Linux in the BIOS flash ROM chip when you 
have only several tens of kilobytes free there!
As far as I see, LinuxBIOS *replaces* the built-in BIOS, whereas I'm 
talking about fitting an [D]OS kernel into the free space of *existing* 
BIOS. No one should know better their board than the manufacturer itself 
who has bought the generic BIOS from Award (Phoenix), AMI or Phoenix and 
customised it. The BIOS price is in fact included in each board we buy 
(~$1 for Award, $10 or more for AMI or Phoenix). LinuxBIOS is a small 
Linux kernel intended to boot the big Linux kernel. It's for 
clusters/servers, not for embedded systems, where is the real strength of 
FreeDOS, especially with limited resources or when a multitasking kernel 
would be an overkill. OK, there is a single-tasking Linux for 8086 too, 
but it's not really a Linux anymore ;-)


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Re: [Freedos-devel] UDMA

2004-03-28 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 00:56:48 +0200, Bernd Blaauw wrote:

crash if UDMA loaded high, but no VDS present // XMS-test should have 
been done and succeeded.
UDMA checks if VDS are active and if so, uses them to lock the buffer 
and obtain a physical address, else calculates the physical address 
itself. So in V86 mode without VDS, it may crash. It's tested only on 
M$ EMM386 and not on our EMM386 which lacks VDS support. It could probably 
try to detect V86 mode and REQUIRE VDS in this case, but this may be done 
by its new maintainer (if any). Seems that it's a hot potato though and 
no one is willing to continue Jack's deed.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Latest TASM and MASM

2004-03-26 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
What version of TASM do you use? I haven't had LGDT problems with TASM 
5.3 dated 30.V.2000.
AFAIK, latest DOS version of TASM was 4.1. 5.x is version of TASM for 
TASM 5.3 was released as a PE executable but then was converted to DOS 
using WDOSX, so it now works under DOS! Undertunately, MASM 6.15 cannot be 
converted because it'is a fixed executable.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] SCANDISK vs DOSFSCK

2004-03-26 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Thu, 25 Mar 2004 20:08:32 -0300, Alain wrote:

about fat32 testing: I believe a working DOSFSCK 2.10 just what is 
needed (not what is whished for).
Actually, I agree! If Eric can say FreeDOS SMARTDRV is LBACACHE, why not 
say FreeDOS SCANDISK is DOSFSCK? ;-) DOSFSCK is not a SCANDISK, but 

As for 386 and memory requirements, we made some calculations here some 
time ago that 1) machines below 386 are not hardware compatible with 
disk worth using fat32, 2) due to bios limitations and machine 
evolution, if a bigger disk is possible then memory is almest often 
True, but there are exceptions: (1) 8-bit ISA add-on IDE cards with own 
ROM BIOS supporting modern IDE drives even on an XT; (2) 80186-compatible 
embedded controllers with a PCMCIA socket that can take CompactFlash cards 
up to 4 GB like Vadem/Amphus VG230 and VG330. Of course, these exceptions 
only confirm the rule that you state above ;-)


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Re: [Freedos-devel] APPEND

2004-03-26 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 01:58:56 +0100, Aitor Santamara Merino wrote:

As far as I know, APPEND is considered dangerous and incompatible. It 
had better stay missing.
Well, it is not aware of task switchers, it may have problems with 
executing nested SHELLs, true. Many reasons why MS does NOT support it. 
Anyway I am giving a try, as it was VERY useful to me: it allowed me to 
run WordStar Express on my PC/XT having two DD drives: 3 1/2 and 5 1/4...
Here is what 4DOS authors (Rex Conn  JP Software) think about APPEND 
(from their help file):

CAUTION: In our opinion APPEND is a dangerous command. It is capable of 
fooling programs into thinking they are accessing one file when they are 
really accessing another one with the same name in a different directory. 
This can either do just what you want, or cause all sorts of trouble, 
depending on the circumstances. In particular, this behaviour can cause 
4DOS to place desfriptions which go with files in one directory in the 
description file for another directory, because with APPEND running 4DOS 
can't tell whether APPEND has opened a file different from the one it 
asked for.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS 1.0 TODO list ready (but not yet posted)

2004-03-25 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Thanks, Aitor!
1.0 todo's:
As far as I know, APPEND is considered dangerous and incompatible. It had 
better stay missing.
I think that SCANDISK is the most important missing program. Whether to 
borrow code for it from CHKDSK, DOSFSCK, both or none, is a disputable 
issue which ultimately its developer will solve.

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Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS 1.0 TODO list ready (but not yet posted)

2004-03-25 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
If we have a fat32 kernel, and chkdsk is only fat16 we cannot use it :(
We can, but only on FAT12 and FAT16 volumes.
But SCANDISK must support FAT32. That's why it had better use the DOSFSCK, 
not CHKDSK engine.

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Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS 1.0 TODO list ready (but not yet posted)

2004-03-25 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Yes, Bart, the show must go on! ;-)

The FreeDOS spec still states that we should be compatible with MSDOS 
Here is a quote from the spec 

The MS-DOS 3.3 compatibility extends only to the FreeDOS kernel. FreeDOS 
programs should be compatible with MS-DOS 6.22, because those are the 
features that users will be most familiar with.
MS-DOS 6.22 did contain SCANDISK, although FAT32 wasn't there yet.

If SCANDISK development isn't that easy as Aitor anticipates, DOSFSCK 
replaces it functionally.

We Bulgarians have a proverb - Petima Petka ne chakat (5 men don't wait 
for Pete). So if SCANDISK is ready - fine, if not - DOSFSCK will replace 
it for the show ;-)


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Executable compresison, part II

2004-03-22 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
This proves nothing:

- you is liar?
- no.
OK, King of logic! ;) My logic is wrong but my assertion is right as 
you'll see. Qui prodest?

the century of the downfall of empires... ;-G
Oh, Lucho, please, make less general purpose loud sentences.
OK. More specifically, the first empire to fall will be Megalosoft! ;-G


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Re: [Freedos-devel] UPX/UCL Hell

2004-03-22 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hola Aitor!

I'd like to ask if someone has successfully compiled UPX/UCL.
I did this last year with DJGPP 3.02, and could try UPX 1.91 with DJGPP 
3.33, but I don't think it's worth! See my post at (quoted below).


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 18:00Post subject: Compiling UPX 1.24 with 
DJGPP 3.02
I compiled UPX 1.24 with DJGPP 3.02 under DOS. I only needed to change two 
things, as follows:

1) There are incompatibility warnings which can be avoided by inserting an 
extra underscore to the _, _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8 structure 
member names (fortunately unused!), taking care of the possible 
duplicates, of course, for the following files:

* lefile.h
* p_djgpp.h
* p_exe.h
* p_tmt.h
* p_w32pe.h
* p_w32pe.cpp
2) Because the DJGPP C++ compiler name is GPP and not g++, it must be 
explicitly declared in the makefile under the DJGPP section (near the CC 
definition there):

* CXX = gpp

That's it! The compiled UPX works. If needed, I can send patches to the 
authors. Thanks, and... waiting for UPX 2.0! ;-)

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Re: [Freedos-devel] Executable compresison, part II

2004-03-21 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
If the US or any country can drag someone into prison because of 
stealing idea
They did this already. Remember the Adobe vs Elcomsoft (Dmitry Sklyarov) 
case. And they do this not only for stealing ideas, but also for simple 
disobedience (e.g. Slobodan Milosevic).

this country or the world will come to an end soon.
Yes, IV Reich will follow the fate of III Reich, II Reich and I Reich. All 
Empires end soon or later. And it depends on us! Especially on our US 
friends who live in the belly of the beast!

FBI breaks both US and Russia laws when intrude into computers without 
Unfortunately, US judge was think, that US law not applied into Russia
country, but Russia laws not rules for FBI. :(
If even FBI which is supposed to deal with intra-US matters does that, 
what about CIA and NSA? Not stopping Washington means end of humanity 
Real Soon Now! Do you know they set a strike on Russia around 2010 
( - in 

OK, sorry for the too much politics! I know that this has nothing to do 
with FreeDOS :-(


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Executable compresison, part II

2004-03-20 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Sun, 21 Mar 2004 02:04:57 +0800, Johnson Lam wrote:

Today afternoon I met BAHCL and have a nice talk with him. He did really 
afraid being sued because of a program that he only got no profit, no 
praises, and sweating long working hours of thinking and debugging.
Sorry to hear that, and hope it won't happen! Can we help him out somehow?

No PART of the executable packer is distributed with the program
Since the capitalist didn't think in a way we think. Make sure 
everything OK is better.
I think that there is some misunderstanding here. Who is the capitalist 
in the case of our executable compressor? Joergen Ibsen?! :-O He is a 
hard-programming worker just like all of us! Since both Tom and I are 
registered users of his aPack, I don't think that he would sue us! ;-)


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Executable compresison, part II

2004-03-19 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 20:34:48 +0100, tom ehlert wrote:

You may be able to do this Real Soon Now (in the FSF's sense, which 
means some months ;-)
unlikely. changing the license (from GPL2 to GPL3) requires written 
consent from all contributors ;)
;) ;) ;)

But I didn't mean that... ;-)


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Executable compresison, part II

2004-03-19 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 18:35:30 -0300, Alain wrote:

Following SCO example, if we do that, _every_ FreeDOS user could be 
sued. That would be catastrophic.
Wow! Did I hear right? Do you say this seriously? Who do you think could 
sue us, interestingly? And why would he do that? What we did wrong? Killed 
anybody? Stole anything?

Only for one day, 1655 people voted at SlashDot that they use FreeDOS. I 
assume the real figure is much, much larger. Interestingly, how could 
someone sue tens of thousands of users? ;-)


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Re: [Freedos-devel] mKEYB 0.40

2004-03-18 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 16:12:41 +0100, tom ehlert wrote:

Or do you mean Anton Zinoviev, since he wrote several files from 
several ? and I will immediately remove the BG keyboard from MKEYB, 
should he ask me.
As an active Linux developer he probably doesn't care, and even if it does 
this, I'll write you a free replacement! (If I could do this ten years ago 
for Linux, why not do it now for DOS? ;-)


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Executable compresison, part II

2004-03-18 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 17:42:52 +0100, tom ehlert wrote:

and that's the point where it hurts: that I can't exepack KERNEL.SYS and 
FREECOM.COM with aPack to save some Kbyte
You may be able to do this Real Soon Now (in the FSF's sense, which 
means some months ;-)

Those tiny 200 bytes provoked the current wall of arguments, for which I 
thank you! You put a finger in the wound. It really hurts, I know. That's 
why I wrote my Savonarola-style sarcasm. And yet nobody noticed that it 
was a sarcasm! Why? Because we care more about the letter and not the 
spirit of the GPL. We're developers and will never be lawyers. Se let's 
come down to common sense and think...

What is the goal of the GPL? Providing freedom and ensuring that nobody 
can deprive anybody from it. Do we provide freedom? Sure, by including 
source code with our work. Do we deprive anybody from it? No! Despite that 
we distribute packed executables, anyone can re-build them from the source 
code we provide to obtain a 100% functional copy of the original. (It 
doesn't really have to be byte-identical.) After that, he may pack it with 
the same packer we used, or another packer. So, we *do* ensure that all 
freedom is passed to the recipient of the program!

Another point. EXEPACK is a part of the MS LINK, which is a part of the 
compiler, therefore the GPL allows using it. Now, where's the difference 
between this primitive packer and aPack? There is no difference in the job 
they do, only in the extent of compression - 5% vs 50%. So what?

Let's stop the paranoia. We're NOT criminals! And whoever accuses us so, 
let him prove that... you know where!


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Re: [Freedos-devel] mKEYB 0.40

2004-03-17 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Wed, 17 Mar 2004 10:54:16 +0100, tom ehlert wrote:

MKEYB 0.40 released
now uses APACK for 200 byte smaller executable
licensing changed to allow distribution of APACK'ed executables
Great! But when I downloaded it, it turned out to be... the old version 
(0.39)! :-(


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[Freedos-devel] NRV secret revealed. It went to Mars but not to Earth

2004-03-17 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Today, Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer launched his new site at last 
(after NRV marsed)!

Here is the explanation why NRV isn't included in UPX. This was an old 
hypothesis of mine, but it's now over-confirmed. He just had signed NDAs 
with NA$A (the big liars - their moon landing 35 years ago was hoax!), and 
other not that difficult to guess big corporations. He has become their 
slave. How sad is to see such a talented scientist becoming a slave! 
:-( So, brothers and sisters, we won't see the ultra-advanced NRV until 
the rotten capitalist system is abolished!!!

 start quote from his site 

Partners of

Due to the delicate nature of our technolgy - data compression is usually 
deeply wired into some core system - we usually have to sign very strict 
Non Disclosure Agreements which most of the times do not allow us to 
mention any detail of such a partnership.
Still, here is a very incomplete list:

* World leading German car manufacturer
* Best selling computer games for PC and console
* ...
 end quote from his site 


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[Freedos-devel] GNU GPL Version 3

2004-03-15 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Do you remember the executable compression thread started here by the 
GNU GPL guru Dave Turner? Here is what I found at his site 

Sept 3, 2003  Free Software Licensing in Context  GPL version 3

A new version of the GPL is coming
  Real Soon Now
* Minor updates throughout
* Anti-DMCA clause
* Clarified patent license grant
* Source code must be available to users who use the software over a 
* Prototype: Affero license (

Copyright  2003, Free Software Foundation. Verbatim copying permitted 
provided this notice is preserved.

Indeed, it's known that R. M. Stallman has been writing the GNU GPL 
Version 3 for many months:

On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 18:02:56 -0400 Richard Stallman wrote:

I intend to make the effort some day, but first I have to finish GPL 
version 3, which faces other difficult questions.
The GPL Version 2 was written almost 13 years ago and as we have seen, 
really needs updating. So, my question to Dave Turner and anymore else 
involved in the kitchen of the FSF, is: will this happen in 2004, when 
can we expect it to happen, and do the quotes above still hold true?

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Re: [Freedos-devel] New revision EMM386 with VCPI

2004-03-14 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Sun, 14 Mar 2004 21:52:29 -0600, Michael Devore wrote:

total(available) EMS 6(5) pages = 96(80) kByte
I'm going to pump up the default EMS allocated by 96K for NOEMS, which 
should always leave at least a little bit for VCPI and give more for EMS 
internal tables with lots of RAM, like you have.  That should make your 
NOEMS problem go away.
Please pump it up by 144 KB, not 96 KB, for a total of 240 KB (224 KB 
free), because it's possible to have up to 220 KB of UMBs by including 
F-F6FFF in the UMBs (B-B7FFF = 32 KB, C8000-D = 32 KB, 
D-E = 128 KB, F-F6FFF = 28 KB, and 32 + 32 + 128 + 28 = 220 KB 
total). Many BIOSes use only F7000-F as resident space, freeing 28 KB 
starting at F. That's a well-kept BIOS secret which I learned from the 
UDMA author Jack R. Ellis ;-)


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Version 1.0

2004-03-10 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 14:54:58 -0300, Alain Mouette wrote:

Only one program is missing and that is a Scan-Disk (written as 2 words)
Afraid of the M1CR0$0FT police? ;-) Let's swap the words then and call it 

utility for Fat32. For what I kow, DOSFSCK is working and need only a 
small fixes in the read sector.
If there is a volunteer for this Herculean feat, I'd suggest integrating 

IMHO a working version od DOSFSCK should be included in version 1.0 to 
have a full set of tools.
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Re: [Freedos-devel] Don't we want at least to see each others' photos?

2004-03-08 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
I got your photo, sailormoon otaku :-)
Is this is some mixed English-Japanese language? :)

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[Freedos-devel] Johnson's freedos/frame.html

2004-03-08 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Mon, 08 Mar 2004 10:55:29 +0800, Johnson Lam wrote:

This mean I need to debug.
The following is the source code of freedos/frame.html

frameset cols=220,*
body bgcolor=#ff text=#00
titleOld Song/title
frame src=toolbar.html scrolling=auto name=bar frameborder=no 
border=0 framespacing=0
frame src=cover.html name=main frameborder=no border=0 framespacing=0

I think that it should be corrected as follows (by just exchanging some 
lines :)

titleOld Song/title
body bgcolor=#ff text=#00
frameset cols=220,*
frame src=toolbar.html scrolling=auto name=bar frameborder=no 
border=0 framespacing=0
frame src=cover.html name=main frameborder=no border=0 framespacing=0


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[Freedos-devel] Re: Undocumented DOS by Andrew Schulmann

2004-03-03 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Wed, 03 Mar 2004 18:16:40 +0100, Aitor Santamari'a Merino wrote:

Most is described in books such as Undocumented DOS.
Would be good to read, but not available here :-(
Of those many undocumented books series by A. Schulmann, only UndocDOS was available in Spain (under a bad translation, btw), but I would suggest that you check with Amazon. You may find some (if you are interested in others too). I don't know the status of UndocDOS there either...
The FSF boycotts Amazon ( and I agree with them, so I won't follow your advice :) The more so as we don't have credit cards and can't buy electronically from abroad. So, if anyone has this (or Pat's) book and wants to sell it to me, you're welcome ;-)

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Re: [Freedos-devel] re: re: FreeDOS with open source ClamAV antivirus?

2004-02-25 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 02:29:49 +0100 (MET), Eric Auer wrote:

I think chances for WDOSX are not too bad.
They're zero. See below why.

Where can I find it???

Not sure what not relocateable means here.
It means that this is a fixed executable, which WDOSX *cannot* handle :(

system with long filename support, BASH and SED.
You already know DOSLFN. As to BASH and SED for DOS, they're here:
The v2gnu directory contains many other UNIX utilities for DOS.

Now when I calmed down, please you calm down too ;-) Aitor is right - too much work. And IMHO viruses are a Windows, not a DOS problem nowadays ;-)


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[Freedos-devel] Directory hierarchy (was MS-DOS names)

2004-02-24 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Yet another 3-letter maniac's proposal ;-)

DOS\BIN executable files
DOS\LSM linux software map files
DOS\HLP help files
DOS\MAN manuals and other documentation
DOS\NLS national language support
DOS\SRC source code, divided into project subdirectories
I'd divide *only* SRC into project subdirectories. BIN, INF, HLP, MAN and NLS better be common for *all* projects, as they usually contain only a single file per project (with some exceptions).

Otherwise, I agree with Arkady. No need to have 50 files called COPYING with equal contents ;-)


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Directory hierarchy

2004-02-24 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
LG I'd divide *only* SRC into project subdirectories. BIN, INF, HLP, MAN and
LG NLS better be common for *all* projects, as they usually contain only a
LG single file per project (with some exceptions).
 _Not_ agreed - many distributives contains similar files (readme,, etc.), so MAN should be also splited.
It's better if the directory tree is as simple as possible, but not simpler. WHAT's NEW files can be renamed to PROJECT.NEW, and README files can be renamed to PROJECT.1ST, for example. Otherwise it just becomes a jungle of subdirectories and very tedious to browse, in my opinion.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Re: UDMA as base?

2004-02-23 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 16:37:47 -0600, Jim Hall wrote:

Okay, we can stop the discussion now.  I've gotten *lots* of email asking to keep UDMA in 'base', and none yet to say it should be in 'util'.

Consider UDMA a new resident of 'base'.  :-)
Thanks, Aitor, Bernd, Erwin, Jim, Johnson, Steve, and all others who wrote good words about UDMA, and of course, UDMA author Jack R. Ellis for his great, innovative and pioneering work on UDMA!


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Re: [Freedos-devel] PG 1.08 no binary inside ZIP archive!!

2004-02-18 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hi BAHCL (may I know at least your first name? ;-) Because you use Yahoo, my mail server was putting all your messages into its bulk folder, until I found out this and downloaded them today!

Usually there are people working as system operator
and system coordinator to make things go as smooth as
possible, but such help is not available here, we have
constraint and threat instead.  People still interested
in DOS program today have to be aware DOS support can
hardly be compared with M$ products. We are not borned
to be programmers, we learn, try, learn... as years go
by, why users not go one step ahead to boarden their
knowledge. IMHO learning can be fun, enlightening, and
it does not cost any money too. It is a good time to
for users to make a move to bridge the gap.
I agree. But there are users and... USERS. Some are willing to learn, others just want to USE ;-)

I appreciate your other comments on the other topics too.

Excuse me for replying you so late but I was not aware of the e-mail blocking problem until today!

Regards from Bulgaria,
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Re: [Freedos-devel] Microsoft source code

2004-02-17 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 15:32:27 -0600, Jim Hall wrote:

We've actually addressed this issue before.  Some years ago, the source code to MS-DOS was leaked.  For a while, I would get about an email a week from people (who probably thought they were being helpful) asking if I wanted access to the Microsoft code.  I have always said no, because having access to the MS-DOS source code could compromise my work in FreeDOS.  We have a FAQ about the topic, here:
Of course you're right, Jim! But may I add two things? Firstly, the leaked MS-DOS 6 source code contains only about 1/3 of the whole thing - consequently none of its components will build, and secondly, in my opinion, the harm done by just looking at it is similar to the harm done by just looking at... pornography (as long as you don't do it ;-) At one moment you get bored and just stop looking! Yes, the comparison is exact, because this source code is just a full pornography as we say here! It's full of patches, bug descriptions and workarounds, and so on, is almost 100% assembler, and is the best example of spaghetti code (i.e. not structured at all) I've ever seen! So, not only it's impossible to understand, but also one must be crazy to attempt to copy anything from it - this would be plainly impossible, even if you want do do it! It's of no real value to anybody, not in the last place because as Johnson already said, it's obsolete and our code is already much better in 
every aspect! So, my advice is - just forget that pile of trash!


P.S. I'm glad that the Datalight ROM-DOS code has not leaked [yet]! By the way, some years ago they were offering it for sale, for just... $1 ;-)

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[Freedos-devel] Please mirror the ODIN.720 image - to be removed

2004-02-16 Thread Luchezar Georgiev

Let me remind that the first 720 KB ODIN image I uploaded at wouldn't work on 8086/88 processors but required at least a NEC V20 or 80186/188 because I forgot the --8086 UPX option when compressing the files there. So I re-created it, this time using the --8086 UPX option, re-uploaded it at the same place and it then has proven to work for an 80C88 user. Steve, please mirror this image, because in a couple of days I'm going to remove it from the server to free some room for the beginning semester in the university. This removal will be made silently and without any further notice. Sorry and thanks for understanding!


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Re: [Freedos-devel] PG 1.08 no binary inside ZIP archive!!

2004-02-14 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
Hola, had the compilers for free last I checked --;
I've download tc201. Can you please send me a few lines about how to compile?
Or should I need to setup tc201 first? (extracted in disk 1,2,3 directory).
I don't think that users should be forced to compile themselves. This is a source-only extremism, which is a result of the GPL-RULEZ extremism led to an extremum. GPL allows binary distribution as long as the source is included or offered. So please let's not try to turn users into programmers!


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Executable compression

2004-02-11 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 12:59:27 + (GMT), Bart Oldeman wrote:

it does not allow you to modify the stub. That's the main point.
If this wasn't required by the GPL, why would one want to do that? That stub is very short (between 133 and 340 bytes long) and is so heavily optimised that hardly anyone could that better!

the compressor is not the problem. It is the stub.
Yes, the more so as you know from Joergen's explanation, there is NO such thing as a source code of the aPack stub! Because aPack analyses the executable and CONTRUCTS an INDIVIDUAL stub for it!

The practical question for you, if you want to release some source code
and wish to choose a license is to answer the following:
1. Do I want to prevent others to derive closed-source applications from
   my source code? If Yes:
   a. do i want to prevent linkage with closed or non-GPL
  compatible libraries/stubs that are not part of the compiler?
  If Yes: GPL is a good choice
  If No: LGPL is a good choice
   If No: choose a simple license such as BSD or MIT/X11
Good point, but in which case should one opt to composing one of their own? Are all those licenses really written by lawyers? What if it's a simple one-page license as Tom suggests?

they are all listed here:
Thanks - what a long list!

From what I've found (because I can't remember acronyms), this means I am Not a Lawyer.

NAI (Neither am I ;-)


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[Freedos-devel] Re: Executable compression

2004-02-11 Thread Luchezar Georgiev

[...] You could call the unpacking stub part of what is added due
to the compilation process. Or you could open the sources of the
(usually very short) unpacking stub. In either case you do not need
to open the sources of the executable packer itself.
Joergen wrote that he'd gladly open the stub source code, HAD HE ONE (the stub gets CONSTRUCTED INDIVIDUALLY for each executable!)

And I miss a statement about humane use.
Indeed, it'd be good to add a sentence banning military use, and I'd prefer a shorter license too.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS ODIN 0.6

2004-02-07 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
disk image and source zips.
Thanks - just for Power Users: no install, no config, no autoexec, no menus, not anything but pure content ;-) One note from an Easterner for whom size STILL matters - if you format UNCONDITIONALLY a diskette, then put all the files there, the compressed image size will be reduced significantly. The current release obviously had contained other stuff on the diskette before doing a QUICK format to it, which didn't erase the previous data there, so this old data increased the ZIP size.


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Re: [Freedos-devel] Q: watcom

2004-02-04 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Wed,  4 Feb 2004 03:20:41 +0300 (MSK), Arkady V.Belousov wrote:

I don't know how organized the Watcom RTL sources,
but, probably, there are more common files. In this case, to make
executables smaller, there remains only one way: instead .obj compiler
should generate .lib files, where each function (and common tails) and
each variable placed in its separate library section.
My Watcom CFLAGS (small model) with which I reach the smallest .EXE file size are:

CFLAGS = -wx -zpw -zq -obklrs -ei -s -5 -i$(%WATCOM)\h (you can drop -5 of course ;-)

And the WLINK options I use are:

option quiet,map,eliminate (the latter eliminates unreferenced functions)

But as Bart noted, you can look at our SYS too...


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Re: [Freedos-devel] watcom

2004-02-03 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Tue,  3 Feb 2004 05:06:41 +0300 (MSK), Arkady V.Belousov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But there remains unrecoverable errors, because Watcom doesn't knows
register pseudo-variables (_AX, etc) and __emit__. Unforunately, there are
places, where inline asm is required. Fortunately, Watcom knows presents
inline asm. Unfortunately, rewriting register pseudo-variables into inline
asm not always is easy task. Does anyone knows, how to imitate in Watcom
register pseudo-variables and __emit__?
_emit can be replaced by db, but you'd better study the powerful auxiliary pragmas - they can do much more than just inline asembly ;-) I don't uderstand them well (Bart probably knows much more), but from what I know, you can have a lot of control over the code generation by using them.


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[Freedos-devel] dosfsck 2.10 for DOS

2004-02-03 Thread Luchezar Georgiev

Tested Imre Leber's dosfsck(8) 2.10 port for DOS (at and it works for me on most disks, except on diskettes (hangs up until the diskette is removed, then says Read 32 bytes at n:No Error) and on large FAT32 drives (says Seek to nnn:No Error). I don't know why it hangs on diskettes but perhaps the reason why it doesn't work for large FAT32 drives is a long long (64-bit integer) type issue in real DOS?! In any case the No Error message probably means that errno is zero on some error. Perhaps errno isn't set correctly then?

By the way, excuse my ignorance, but does the chkdsk 0.31 at the same place support FAT32 or LFN?


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