Re: [Freedos-user] DOS ASM resources

2022-07-05 Thread Carlos Teixeira
What i don't like about A86 is that allows you to do stuff that is actually

For instance, from what i remember, A86 allows you to do something like:

MOV ES, B800h

This is absolutely not supported by the CPU, and you need to use a general
purpose register to move a value onto a segment register. So the actual A86
assembled code looks like this:

MOV AX, B800h

I believe that it is very important for a begginer to understand how the
ISA works otherwise this will just lead to confusion later.

What i like about FASM is that it is very strict so you learn to do things
properly from the get go. Its raw and gritty so it might be a little more
frustrating at start but you'll really learn things.

A terça, 5/07/2022, 17:51, Anton Shepelev  escreveu:

> Santiago Almenara:
> > What book or webpage do you recommend to learn some DOS
> > assembler?
> At
> I have some books that you may find of use:
>   1.  Advanced MS-DOS Programming, by Ray Duncan
>   2.  Programmer's Technical Reference for MSDOS and the IBM
>   PC by Dave Williams,
>   3.  The Art of Assembly Language Programming, by James F.
>   Peters
>   4.  Peter Norton's Assembly Language Book for the IBM PC
> Also I highly recommend Michael Abrash's Black Book of VGA
> programming, which is available in many versions from
> different sources, e.g.:
> ___
> Freedos-user mailing list
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] retro gamer review of FreeDOS 1.3

2022-03-10 Thread Carlos Teixeira
I use a Pentium MMX as my fastest dedicated PC for DOS and i usually
downclock it to 50MHz FSB x 2. If some games still have issues i can use
SETMUL to manipulate Pentium TR4 registers, which allow to disable
exclusively CPU features like Instruction Cache, Data Cache, Branch
Prediction and V-Pipelining. This helps me get around the specific Runtime
Error 200 cause by Borland Turbo Pascal compiler.

Another common issue is the "Packed File is Corrupt" error. It happens
because binaries compressed by Microsoft's EXEPACK actually uses the wrap
around at the top of 1MB. In real mode CPU's this is never an issue, but on
systems with the A20 gate on and the EXE loaded in the first 64kb of memory
the .EXE will decompress incorrectly leading to that error. Just mentioning
this because some people might mistake it for a problem with FreeDOS.
Curiously, the error reported in Tyrian by the user João seems to have
happened exactly in the first 64kb of memory, though it is not an EXEPACK
error but the infamous Turbo Pascal bug.

I am mostly certain that Tyrian will run fine on FreeDOS 1.3 and i should
be able to test that tomorrow.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 5:15 PM Bret Johnson  wrote:

> I heard/read somewhere that the "Runtime Error 200" was actually caused
> some sort of subroutine that was trying to figure out how fast the computer
> is.  It's certainly ironic that it doesn't work on really fast computers
> since that's exactly the "problem" it's trying to address.
> The other interesting thing about it is that in most programs there is no
> legitimate need to know how fast the computer is (the program is bloated
> and wasting time trying to figure out something it doesn't even need to
> know).  Of course, with some programs (like interactive games) the speed of
> interaction is critical, but those are the exceptions.  A well-written
> program (even an interactive game) wouldn't rely on a specific speed of
> computer, anyway, as long as the computer was some "minimum".
> It's also interesting that CPU speeds are pretty much maxed out at a few
> GHz.  For a long time it looked like they were going to be able to keep
> increasing CPU speeds, but they've pretty much reached the physical limits
> of electrical physics.  They've needed to figure out other ways of
> increasing speeds besides creating faster oscillators.
> Some of the early attempts were things like pipelining in the CPU
> (performing two CPU instructions at once) and caching, but the most common
> solution nowadays is multiple cores/CPU's.  Of course, that takes special
> programming techniques and lots of complication at both the hardware and
> software level.  They're also experimenting with things like optical and
> quantum computing, and even things like  "three-dimensional" CPU's where
> the different parts of the CPU send signals with back and forth with
> magnetic waves or photons instead of signals running along "wires".
> The other interesting thing is that people are still obsessed with speed,
> but sometimes speed is your enemy instead of your friend.  I remember
> talking to a guy one time who used to be in the Air Force and he talked
> about how they still sometimes use prop-driven planes instead of jets
> because the jets are too fast to do the specific job they're trying to
> accomplish.
> Anyway, just some passing thoughts.
> ___
> Freedos-user mailing list
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] retro gamer review of FreeDOS 1.3

2022-03-09 Thread Carlos Teixeira
Hi Eric,

> (...) but my goal would still be finding out how
> to make all games work in FreeDOS - if necessary, by pointing out
> bugs in FreeDOS.

That's what i wish too. And i'll do my best to help. Because the moment
FreeDOS is better than MS-DOS in compatibility i'll never look back. Hoping
for that day to come soon.

> That said, in case you have Linux (not sure about the porting state
> of DOSEMU2 to Windows or other OS), could you test the games here
> with DOSEMU2 and FDPP? The FDPP module of DOSEMU2 is a port of the
> FreeDOS kernel to the Linux side of the emulator, with some glue on
> the DOS side, so it is a bit hard to compare to classic FreeDOS, but
> it has lots of patches which may have already solved the game issues
> so it would be cool to know how well the tricky games run with that.
> FDPP is the default "DOS" for DOSEMU2, but you can still use DOSEMU2
> like a more generic VM or emulator and install classic FreeDOS on it,
> either in a diskimage drive or in a "Linux directory posing as a DOS
> drive". The latter requires loading some special DOS drivers to gain
> write access after boot. In DOSEMU (non-2), some magic was built-in
> to provide more services without manually loading DOS drivers, so that
> just had a normal FreeDOS kernel as default guest operating system.

At the moment i don't have a Linux install, but i regarding fdpp i've found

>From that page notice the following quote:

*many games work better with fdpp than with FreeDOS, says
> <>
>   (Test Drive 2, Tetris Classic, Elite Frontier, Empire
>   Soccer, Virtual Chess, Alone in the Dark, Alpha Waves)*
> Whatever was done in fdpp to fix Test Drive 2 will probably solve the
issues for the other DSI games that use the same engine, Grand Prix Circuit
and The Cycles.
DSI games, running on bare metal, go to a black screen and just stay there.
This feels like the games are stuck in an infinite loop, just before
anything is written to the screen (graphics that is). At least, it seems
that the INT 10h call to set the video mode is actually triggered, and
somehow it just stays in some infinite loop afterwards. This needs some

It seems though that a few more games are mentioned,*Tetris Classic,
Frontier Elite, Virtual Chess and Empire Soccer. *I'm curious, and i'll be
testing those soon.

Also notice 2 Infogrames games in there, Alone in the Dark and Alpha Waves.
These games apparently:
> * 2 of the above games "resize PSP to 0
>   and then terminate it" which apparently MS DOS accepts*
So MS-DOS accepts something that is completely illegal in FreeDOS. I don't
understand why Infogrames developers would mess their code to resize the
Program Segment Prefix to 0, but since MS-DOS accepts this either they
never bothered or they never noticed. So i guess this can't be considered a
bug in FreeDOS? Or in the sake of compatibility should FreeDOS behave the
same way? What are your thoughts on this?

That surprises me, as a default install of FreeDOS has FAT32 enabled.
> Do those games just refuse to run when the game itself is on a FAT32
> drive? Or do they actually care about whether DOS knows about FAT32?

Well Starflight 1 and 2 refuse to run on a FAT32 drive in Win98 DOS, or
MS-DOS 7.1, if you prefer. I would be inclined for the former, but i've
found this:

Something to do with locked files and direct disk access. Making a RAM
drive and copying the game folder into that helps, if i run the game from
the RAM drive there's no issue at all. In FreeDOS there's no need for a RAM
disk, the games just run perfectly from the FAT32 install.

Some Tsunami Media games, i also fail to understand what the issue is. In
FAT32 MS-DOS they refuse to run. If i use a FAT16 partition or even a RAM
drive they run fine.

I just grabbed a HDD i have around and limited it for LBA 28bit with Sea
Tools (my socket 7 board has LBA 28 bit limit), so i'm going to install
FreeDOS 1.3 on that and then just copy all the games i have on my main DOS
7.1 machine into the FreeDOS install. It will take me weeks to test
everything (i have more than 1000 games installed) but i want to see if
more stuff refuses to run on FreeDOS, and on the other hand, see if there's
more stuff like Starflight 1 and 2, that has issues in FAT32 MS-DOS but run
fine in Free DOS.

It would be great to make an official comaptibility list:

FreeDOS games that won't run:

- Alone in the Dark 1 and 2 (floppy versions only, CD versions run fine)
- Alpha Waves
- Empire Soccer
- Frontier Elite
- Grand Prix Circuit
- Test Drive 2
- The Cycles
- Tetris Classic
- Virtua

Re: [Freedos-user] retro gamer review of FreeDOS 1.3

2022-03-08 Thread Carlos Teixeira
Why FreeDOS if i can use other MS (and others) versions of DOS? 6.22 should
be the best option but, for a special purpose all rounder DOS computer i'm
using (because i lack the space to use several builds) FAT16B is too
limiting. With this in mind i have 2 options: strip DOS outta Windows 98SE
(or just use the CDU 7.1) or FreeDOS. Both allow FAT32.

Alas, FAT-32 MS-DOS introduces issues of its own with other games.
Starflight 1 and 2 have problems on these installed, and Tsunami Media
games (Man Enough, Return to Ringworld, just to name a few) refuse to run
completely. All these games Run flawlessly on FreeDOS. Considering i
already use several FreeDOS included drivers (CTMouse, mkeyb, HIMEMX, again
just to name a few) there's no reason why i and others can't aspire to use
FreeDOS with better compatibility and usability than the old unmaimtened
and closed source FAT32 DOS or even the older less feature packed 6.22.

So you downloaded some of those games and they ran but had speed issues and
exited with error code. Then you tried your Floppy versions and you report
black screen with no errors (same as others and me included had reported).
And you tested all this between 1.3rc4 and 1.3 live on a VM. Oh... You know
what? There's no point in continuing this discussion with you. The OP made
a thread about a video a retro gamer made testing FreeDOS compatibility
with some games on bare metal. This is just turning mind blowingly non
sequitur between DOSBox and VMs so, seriously, let's just end this.

A terça, 8/03/2022, 19:20, Joao Silva  escreveu:

> First of all i'm not Dude if more Sir or Mr.
> I don't know you and certainly i'm not your friend...
> Moving on... downloaded the games mentioned above and using my freedos
> 1.3-RC4 i was able to run Test Drive 2 and Grand Prix and Cycles ran the
> intro fast and exited with a error code.
> Test Drive 2 played and exited with a error.
> I grabbed my floppies with the same games (except for cycles) they did not
> run, got a black screen and no error output.
> Runnnig on a VM Freedos 1.3-RC4 and 1.3 Live
> And the final question what do you want with Freedos if you have and quote
> "
> I also can use from CP/M-86 to all MS-DOS oficial releases to Windows 98
> stripped FAT32 MS-DOS. PC-DOS, DR-DOS, whatever.
> "
> They should run games better than Freedos!
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 8:43 PM Carlos Teixeira 
> wrote:
>> Dude... I do have the right hardware from an original IBM XT to a couple
>> Turbo XT clones, to a Tandy 1000 SL that i had to mod for 220V, to a 286,
>> 386, 486 and Pentium MMX.
>> I also can use from CP/M-86 to all MS-DOS oficial releases to Windows 98
>> stripped FAT32 MS-DOS. PC-DOS, DR-DOS, whatever. No point in discussing
>> DOSBox. The point here is:
>> FreeDOS and its ability to run DOS games. In the case of DSI games,
>> there's something specific to the game engine that prevents those games
>> from running, GP Circuit, The Cycles and Test Drive 2. I've had no chance
>> yet but a good thing try might be running a debugger and checking if the
>> code might be stuck in an infinite loop.
>> Planet X3, for instance, despite being programmed for XT class machines
>> that usually use MS-DOS 3.3, had a bug in which the game was stuck in an
>> infinite loop while printing a string just before exiting to DOS. So i took
>> a look into the code and what happened is that INT 29 might trash BX
>> completely which was actually used to point to memory and fetch the
>> characters for the string. BX gets completely trashed so the string never
>> finished and just printed crap on the screen. An isolated problem on a
>> specific version of DOS.
>> This might be what is happening with the DSI games, or might be something
>> entirely different, but the fact that every game that uses the same engine
>> fails to run on FDOS makes it quite obvious that fixing just one of these
>> games will probably fix the rest. This is what we should focus on.
>> A segunda, 7/03/2022, 13:04, Joao Silva  escreveu:
>>> Hello!
>>> Not perfectly... for that you need the right hardware for the game to
>>> run, ms-dos 6.22 or pc-dos 7.0/7.1 and i'm assuming that you don't have
>>> either conditions.
>>> So dosbox will run most games, you can check the compatibility list
>>>  and fine tune the cpu
>>> speed on dosbox.
>>> You  can also check dosbox-x with more features.
>>> You can also check this page for game clones and/or remakes
>>>, some require comp

Re: [Freedos-user] retro gamer review of FreeDOS 1.3

2022-03-07 Thread Carlos Teixeira
Dude... I do have the right hardware from an original IBM XT to a couple
Turbo XT clones, to a Tandy 1000 SL that i had to mod for 220V, to a 286,
386, 486 and Pentium MMX.

I also can use from CP/M-86 to all MS-DOS oficial releases to Windows 98
stripped FAT32 MS-DOS. PC-DOS, DR-DOS, whatever. No point in discussing
DOSBox. The point here is:

FreeDOS and its ability to run DOS games. In the case of DSI games, there's
something specific to the game engine that prevents those games from
running, GP Circuit, The Cycles and Test Drive 2. I've had no chance yet
but a good thing try might be running a debugger and checking if the code
might be stuck in an infinite loop.

Planet X3, for instance, despite being programmed for XT class machines
that usually use MS-DOS 3.3, had a bug in which the game was stuck in an
infinite loop while printing a string just before exiting to DOS. So i took
a look into the code and what happened is that INT 29 might trash BX
completely which was actually used to point to memory and fetch the
characters for the string. BX gets completely trashed so the string never
finished and just printed crap on the screen. An isolated problem on a
specific version of DOS.

This might be what is happening with the DSI games, or might be something
entirely different, but the fact that every game that uses the same engine
fails to run on FDOS makes it quite obvious that fixing just one of these
games will probably fix the rest. This is what we should focus on.

A segunda, 7/03/2022, 13:04, Joao Silva  escreveu:

> Hello!
> Not perfectly... for that you need the right hardware for the game to run,
> ms-dos 6.22 or pc-dos 7.0/7.1 and i'm assuming that you don't have either
> conditions.
> So dosbox will run most games, you can check the compatibility list
>  and fine tune the cpu
> speed on dosbox.
> You  can also check dosbox-x with more features.
> You can also check this page for game clones and/or remakes
>, some require compiling the source code.
> ___
> Freedos-user mailing list
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] retro gamer review of FreeDOS 1.3

2022-03-06 Thread Carlos Teixeira
Not only DOSBox is not the solution for everything (does not run every game
perfectly), there would be no point in keep developing FreeDOS if indeed
"DOSBox was the solution for all problems".

A domingo, 6/03/2022, 17:44, Joao Silva  escreveu:

> Hello.
> Dosbox will solve all your problems!
> On Sat, Mar 5, 2022 at 11:04 PM Carlos Teixeira 
> wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> all DSI games that use that same engine, Grand Prix Circuit, The Cycles,
>> Test Drive 2 have that issue. You launch the games and you just get a black
>> screen. I commented on the video comment section days before it premiered
>> that he should test Grand Prix Circuit and Test Drive 2 as i was sure those
>> would fail. Somehow my comment is not there anymore, but i'm glad that he
>> did test them.
>> There's also the floppy versions of Alone in the Dark 1 and Alone in the
>> Dark 2:
>> It's something about corrupted PSP's that somehow do not crash on MS-DOS
>> but crash on FreeDOS. So these Alone in the Dark games might need to be
>> patched to work on FreeDOS.
>> A sexta, 4/03/2022, 20:56, Eric Auer  escreveu:
>>> Let me summarize this ;-)
>>> >>
>>>   - Lots of games had CD driver issues in FreeDOS 1.2 and are fine now
>>>   - Grand Prix Circuit and Test Drive 2 still do not run
>>>   - most games work best in boot option TWO, which is a sane JEMMEX
>>> config. I guess the default is option ONE, insane JEMMEX tuning? ;-)
>>>   - Wing Commander needs JEMM386 instead, I have no idea why?
>>>   - some games do not like any EMM386, of course
>>>   - the video mentions zero games not liking HIMEM, I think?
>>>   - it sounds like a very bad idea to create a zillion FAT16 partitions
>>> and format only one of them, while using FreeDOS FDISK etc. by hand
>>> made it easy for the reviewer to just create ONE FAT32 drive :-p
>>>   - one of the installers took 20 minutes, but the legacy one was fast?
>>>   - lots of youtube viewers ask whether Windows WfW 3.11 is supported
>>> and I bet they mean 386enh mode (in WfW 3.11, non-386enh is just
>>> left as a sort of safe mode, while in Windows 3.x, standard mode
>>> was still relatively useful for those not supporting 386enh mode)
>>> Maybe somebody can tell me what is going on with GP Circuit and with
>>> TD2 in FreeDOS? Do we know which compatibility problems they trigger?
>>> Have any recent kernel updates made WfW 3.11 work in a less convoluted
>>> way in FreeDOS and if yes, which specific tricks are needed to run it?
>>> I remember you had to disable windows disk drivers to let it use DOS
>>> and/or BIOS instead if your disk is non-tiny? And you had to limit
>>> the size of visible RAM if you had too much of it? HIMEM etc. have
>>> special options for that and you can also tune various things in Win3
>>> configuration files, such as the swap address space ratio etc. There
>>> also was a FreeDOS tech note long ago, I believe.
>>> Regards, Eric
>>> ___
>>> Freedos-user mailing list
>> ___
>> Freedos-user mailing list
> ___
> Freedos-user mailing list
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Re: [Freedos-user] retro gamer review of FreeDOS 1.3

2022-03-05 Thread Carlos Teixeira
Hi Eric,

all DSI games that use that same engine, Grand Prix Circuit, The Cycles,
Test Drive 2 have that issue. You launch the games and you just get a black
screen. I commented on the video comment section days before it premiered
that he should test Grand Prix Circuit and Test Drive 2 as i was sure those
would fail. Somehow my comment is not there anymore, but i'm glad that he
did test them.

There's also the floppy versions of Alone in the Dark 1 and Alone in the
Dark 2:

It's something about corrupted PSP's that somehow do not crash on MS-DOS
but crash on FreeDOS. So these Alone in the Dark games might need to be
patched to work on FreeDOS.

A sexta, 4/03/2022, 20:56, Eric Auer  escreveu:

> Let me summarize this ;-)
> >>
>   - Lots of games had CD driver issues in FreeDOS 1.2 and are fine now
>   - Grand Prix Circuit and Test Drive 2 still do not run
>   - most games work best in boot option TWO, which is a sane JEMMEX
> config. I guess the default is option ONE, insane JEMMEX tuning? ;-)
>   - Wing Commander needs JEMM386 instead, I have no idea why?
>   - some games do not like any EMM386, of course
>   - the video mentions zero games not liking HIMEM, I think?
>   - it sounds like a very bad idea to create a zillion FAT16 partitions
> and format only one of them, while using FreeDOS FDISK etc. by hand
> made it easy for the reviewer to just create ONE FAT32 drive :-p
>   - one of the installers took 20 minutes, but the legacy one was fast?
>   - lots of youtube viewers ask whether Windows WfW 3.11 is supported
> and I bet they mean 386enh mode (in WfW 3.11, non-386enh is just
> left as a sort of safe mode, while in Windows 3.x, standard mode
> was still relatively useful for those not supporting 386enh mode)
> Maybe somebody can tell me what is going on with GP Circuit and with
> TD2 in FreeDOS? Do we know which compatibility problems they trigger?
> Have any recent kernel updates made WfW 3.11 work in a less convoluted
> way in FreeDOS and if yes, which specific tricks are needed to run it?
> I remember you had to disable windows disk drivers to let it use DOS
> and/or BIOS instead if your disk is non-tiny? And you had to limit
> the size of visible RAM if you had too much of it? HIMEM etc. have
> special options for that and you can also tune various things in Win3
> configuration files, such as the swap address space ratio etc. There
> also was a FreeDOS tech note long ago, I believe.
> Regards, Eric
> ___
> Freedos-user mailing list
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS game compatibility mass testing results/questions

2021-11-20 Thread Carlos Teixeira

I urge everyone to try the Floppy version of Alone in the Dark. Game does
not run on FreeDOS.

While investigating i came up to a discussion on dosemu2/fdpp that mentions
that games like Alone in the Dark and Alpha Waves corrupt and resize the
PSP. Somehow MS-DOS versions don't have a problem with this but FreeDOS

Also, some Distinctive Software games (DSI) that use the same engine (Grand
Prix Circuit, The Cycles, Test Drive 2) also don't run. All you get is a
flashing cursor like the game code is stuck on an infinite loop and can't
move any forward.

I really hope that game compatibilty improves in FreeDOS, so that i can
finally put MS-DOS behind.

A sábado, 20/11/2021, 19:34, Joao Silva  escreveu:

> Hello.
> Today the problem is that not everyone have old hardware, so they use what
> they have, new hardware or virtual machines.
> I stil have my first pc IBM 286 with msdos 4.0, but i think i installed 5
> or 6, can't remember.
> I installed freedos on a asus eeepc, runs well, but with no sound.
> Eventually, i will do something that i don't want, replace freedos with
> linux to play dos games with dosbox (stag or X) so i can have sound.
> The downside of dosbox is that i can't use gametools because i don't have
> int13 to do breakpoints.
> I like DOS and it's sad that Microsoft and IBM sent him to trash.
> Best boot times...
> Thank you
> On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 4:56 PM Jim Hall  wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 4:38 AM ZB  wrote:
>>> On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 11:13:45AM +0100, Eric Auer wrote:
>>> > Hi! There is a thread about freedos game compatibility on BTTR,
>>> > started by liljames2k:
>>> >
>>> >
>> [..]
>>> 1. Any attempt to run any old game -- if you mean "testing FreeDOS
>>>  compatibility" -- should be done on "legacy hardware". For simplicity
>>>  let's say "the motherboard should feature at least one ISA slot". If you
>>>  mean testing sound: it should be done using ISA soundcard, inserted
>>> exactly
>>>  in that (single?) ISA slot.
>>> If anyone is using newer hardware -- e.g. PCI-only -- you'll never 100%
>>>  know "is it FreeDOS or hardware-related issue".
>> I think that's a very narrow view. The reality is that a lot of the
>> "classic" (say, '486 or earlier) hardware is hard to find - at least in
>> working condition. And dedicating an entire machine to FreeDOS . So most
>> people run FreeDOS on modern hardware (if they dedicate hardware to it at
>> all) or in a virtual machine (more common).
>> ___
>> Freedos-user mailing list
> ___
> Freedos-user mailing list
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Re: [Freedos-user] Docs for installing Freedos onto a USB drive

2008-04-22 Thread Carlos Garces
dd of=/dev/sda bs=1M is the option used by Jari Turkia to mount one image in
a USB device (I don't have floppy disk)?[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05982.html

I don't know if diskcopy works on usb devices but I'll try this weekend (I
don't have Freedos in this computer)
I'll try also the dd version suggested in other mail

Thanks for your help

-- Original Message --
Received: 22/04/2008 12:11 PM CEST
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Docs for installing Freedos onto a USB drive

 Hi Carlos,
  only one question, where is the equivalent to
  dd of=/dev/sda bs=1M in MS-DOS/FreeDOS or Windows
 You probably mean dd if=dosdisk.bin of=/dev/fd0?
 You can use FreeDOS DISKCOPY for diskcopy dosdisk.bin a:
 which should even work when you use it in common versions
 of Windows... :-). If you meant something else, let me know.
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 Freedos-user mailing list

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Re: [Freedos-user] Docs for installing Freedos onto a USB drive

2008-04-21 Thread Carlos Garcés

 I forgot the URL, I think Mark had some docs about Dell tools
 for XP which can install FreeDOS to USB... But I found something
 else in my archive: Last september, Jari Turkia made USB boot
 images with FreeDOS 1.0 ... Enjoy :-)


 PS: Of course 1.0 is quite old compared to the Rugxulo distro ;-)

only one question, where is the equivalent to dd of=/dev/sda bs=1M in 
MS-DOS/FreeDOS or Windows environment?

Un saludo
Carlos Garcés

This email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
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[Freedos-user] No active partition found

2006-10-17 Thread Carlos Garces

I'm using FreeDOS 1.0 + WinXP
Now (and I don't know why) when start I see
If I use the windows CD, and boot from C: (without press any key) it 
works. HDD are ok. I can launch FreeDOS or Windows

I try to fix it with FIXBOOT and FIXBMR from Windows Recovery Console, 
nut no works
If I try FDISK /MBR from my Freedos 1.0 the msg change to
No active partition found
In FDISK I see the partition 1 of disk 0 as active but... I can`t boot 
from HDD.

¿Any help?

Un saludo
Carlos Garcés

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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Problems instaling 1.0

2006-09-15 Thread Carlos Garces

Now works.
I have load the image with ShsuCDhd made a clean install (deleting the 
fdos folder, maybe not is a good idea)
I can't launch the graphics installer, but TESTINSTAL.exe work (more or 
less), but I have some problems.

Some files are missing (maybe because y have the base cd), like the 
Spanish keyboard (SP.KL)
I need the full distribution if I want a localized version of FreeDOS?

Un saludo
Carlos Garcés
Carlos Garces escribió:
 Eric Auer escribió:

 I'm try to load the iso with
 But something it's wrong. Image is load at device 0 ... ¿what is device
 0? ¿how map the device 0 with a letter?
 You use SHSUCDX or MSCDEX. The device name which
 you tell to SHSUCDX is SHSU-CDH as far as I
 remember. But it is a LOT easier to just boot
 from the cdrom or diskette. It will automatically
 use shsucdhd and shsucdx as appropriate. If it
 would not, please report that as a bug then. Again,
 you FIRST load SHSUCDHD and THEN also load SHSUCDX,
 otherwise you get no drive letter.
 Uhh... not work SHSUCDX said undefined error 4...
 I not use CD under FreeDOS, I had SHSUCDX  with /qq and not see the 
 error before today, booting with F8 :( maybe I have a error in my 
 config.sys... I'll check my SHSUCDX config and try again.

 Un saludo
 Carlos Garcés

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[Freedos-user] Problems instaling 1.0

2006-09-14 Thread Carlos Garces

I'm trying to install FreeDOS from a fdbasecd image.
The computer boot OK with the CD and I can select the options form the 
menu, but when I try to install FreeDOS, one gzip process fails while 
decompress with a message of overflow ¿?

The old version (I don't remember maybe beta 9) works ok.

Any help?

Un saludo
Carlos Garcés

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Re: [Freedos-user] Problems instaling 1.0

2006-09-14 Thread Carlos Garces
Eric Auer escribió:
 This probably means that the new cdrom drivers are less reliable
 than the old ones. Use MEM /d /p to see which driver you have
 loaded. The ElTorito boot-bios-supported driver is probably
 better than the generic cdrom driver. I encountered the same
 problems and used the following solution:

I can't do it. GZIP fails and the process stop without a conmand line to 
type. The error is buffer overrun (not overflow, sorry)

 Copy the iso image (not the contents but really the raw .iso file)
 to c:\fdbootcd.iso and boot the installer (from cdrom or diskette).
 It will find the iso image and mount it, which means that it can
 get all data directly from the iso on harddisk. Fast and reliable :-).
Eh... ¿where is fdbootcd.iso? I can download fdbasecd.iso and 
fdfullcd.iso form 1.0 but fdbootcd.iso is from 0.9
I can try to rename fdbasecd.iso to fdbootcd.iso.

Un saludo
Carlos Garcés

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Re: [Freedos-user] Problems instaling 1.0

2006-09-14 Thread Carlos Garces

I'm try to load the iso with
But something it's wrong. Image is load at device 0 ... ¿what is device 
0? ¿how map the device 0 with a letter?

The iso it's ok (I check the md5), and the CD it's burn without any 
error. I don't know why unzip fails in the gzip image decompression...

The error is
Blair Campbell escribió:
 Just rename it to fdbootcd.iso.  BTW, only UNZIP is used during the
 installation, not GZIP.

 On 9/14/06, Carlos Garces [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Eric Auer escribió:
 This probably means that the new cdrom drivers are less reliable
 than the old ones. Use MEM /d /p to see which driver you have
 loaded. The ElTorito boot-bios-supported driver is probably
 better than the generic cdrom driver. I encountered the same
 problems and used the following solution:

 I can't do it. GZIP fails and the process stop without a conmand line to
 type. The error is buffer overrun (not overflow, sorry)
 Copy the iso image (not the contents but really the raw .iso file)
 to c:\fdbootcd.iso and boot the installer (from cdrom or diskette).
 It will find the iso image and mount it, which means that it can
 get all data directly from the iso on harddisk. Fast and reliable :-).
 Eh... ¿where is fdbootcd.iso? I can download fdbasecd.iso and
 fdfullcd.iso form 1.0 but fdbootcd.iso is from 0.9
 I can try to rename fdbasecd.iso to fdbootcd.iso.

 Un saludo
 Carlos Garcés

 Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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Re: [Freedos-user] Problems instaling 1.0

2006-09-14 Thread Carlos Garces
Eric Auer escribió:


 I'm try to load the iso with
 But something it's wrong. Image is load at device 0 ... ¿what is device
 0? ¿how map the device 0 with a letter?

 You use SHSUCDX or MSCDEX. The device name which
 you tell to SHSUCDX is SHSU-CDH as far as I
 remember. But it is a LOT easier to just boot
 from the cdrom or diskette. It will automatically
 use shsucdhd and shsucdx as appropriate. If it
 would not, please report that as a bug then. Again,
 you FIRST load SHSUCDHD and THEN also load SHSUCDX,
 otherwise you get no drive letter.
Uhh... not work SHSUCDX said undefined error 4...
I not use CD under FreeDOS, I had SHSUCDX  with /qq and not see the 
error before today, booting with F8 :( maybe I have a error in my 
config.sys... I'll check my SHSUCDX config and try again.

Un saludo
Carlos Garcés

Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] ABNT2 in dosemu

2005-09-15 Thread Carlos

There is a set before osdir but thing is it doesn't even display the echo 
on I wrote one line before it. I think it is some problem with the 
filesystem... It got corrupted or something.

I'm gonna make a new raw image file for qemu, tomorrow, and gonna reinstall 
freedos again.

Thanks for your help.

Carlos AB

Em Quinta 15 Setembro 2005 02:04, Henrique Peron escreveu:
 Hi Carlos,

 osdir=c:\fdos was interpreted as a command.
 You forgot to type SET before that.

 try typing this on AUTOEXEC.BAT:

 KEYB BR /ID:274

 Again: It's important that you be sure that you have downloaded and
 extracted the most recent versions of DISPLAY, MODE, KEYB, CPIDOS and
 KPDOS. You will find all those packages here:


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] ABNT2 in dosemu

 Hi Henrique,

 I don't know , maybe your right. The thing is I think I  found a bug.
 Whem autoexec.bat get called by config.sys and executed, this happens:

 bad command or filename OSDIR

 And then keyb br (plus something) don't get executed.

 That is the real problem.

 I had to stop this with a ctrl+c and then I get a prompt.

 Thanks Henrique, when I find  a solution for this, I'll try your fix.

 I'm gonna take a look at bugzilla to see if this is a real bug.

 Carlos AB

 Em Quinta 15 Setembro 2005 00:04, Henrique Peron escreveu:
  if you tell me that you were not able to access the \ key when you
  tried FreeDOS KEYB BR, then I can tell you that you do NOT have an
  ABNT2 keyboard, that's why US works for you.
  Therefore, you should use this FreeDOS solution:
  KEYB BR /ID:274
  Then you will have your US keyboard working as US International, in the
  same way that it works under MS-DOS.
  You'll notice that:
  ' works as a deadkey for áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ/çÇ and, when you try ' + Space,
  you'll have the apostrophe itself.
   works as a deadkey for üÜ and, when you try  + Space, you'll
  have the quotation mark itself.
  ^ works as a deadkey for âêôÂÊÔ and, when you try ^ + Space, you'll
  have the stand-alone circumflex accent.
  ` works as a deadkey for àÀ and, when you try ` + Space, you'll
  have the stand-alone grave accent.
  ~ works as a deadkey for ãõÃÕ and, when you try ~ + Space, you'll
  have the stand-alone tilde.
  - Original Message -
  From: Carlos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 8:39 PM
  Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] ABNT2 in dosemu
  | Thank you all for the answers I solved the problem (not completly)
  | using a .dosemurc file and setting keyboard as us at least I have \
  | now.
  | I also started to use qemu to test some games, installed Blair cd and
  | everything seems to go smooth now. I also got my keyboard working a
  | little better but there is no complete support for abnt2 yet as I can
  | see.
  | Thank you all.
  | Carlos AB
  | Em Quarta 14 Setembro 2005 21:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  |  Hi,
  |  Well, there IS CHCP for FreeDOS, but you would also need to have
  |  NLSFUNC loaded to catch the call. But in any case, nor DISPLAY is a
  |  device
  |  yet, neither can NLSFUNC change yet codepages of devices (only of
  |  so we would continue to use MODE CON CP SEL=
  |  for a while.
  |  Aitor
  |  -- Original Message -
  |  Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] ABNT2 in dosemu
  |  Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 20:41:59 -0400
  |  From: Henrique Peron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |  To:
  |  (As far as I know, CHCP is not available for FreeDOS.)
  |  ---
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  |  Tame your development challenges with Apache's Geronimo App Server.
  |  Download it for free - -and be entered to win a 42 plasma tv or your
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  |  Freedos-user mailing list
  | ---
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  | Download it for free - -and be entered to win a 42 plasma tv or your
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  | Freedos-user mailing list
  | https

Re: [Freedos-user] ABNT2 in dosemu

2005-09-14 Thread Carlos
Thank you all for the answers I solved the problem (not completly) using 
a .dosemurc file and setting keyboard as us at least I have \ working 

I also started to use qemu to test some games, installed Blair cd and 
everything seems to go smooth now. I also got my keyboard working a little 
better but there is no complete support for abnt2 yet as I can see.

Thank you all.

Carlos AB

Em Quarta 14 Setembro 2005 21:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Well, there IS CHCP for FreeDOS, but you would also need to have NLSFUNC
 loaded to catch the call. But in any case, nor DISPLAY is a device driver
 yet, neither can NLSFUNC change yet codepages of devices (only of kernel),
 so we would continue to use MODE CON CP SEL=
 for a while.


 -- Original Message -
 Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] ABNT2 in dosemu
 Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 20:41:59 -0400
 From: Henrique Peron [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 (As far as I know, CHCP is not available for FreeDOS.)

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 Tame your development challenges with Apache's Geronimo App Server.
 Download it for free - -and be entered to win a 42 plasma tv or your very
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SF.Net email is sponsored by:
Tame your development challenges with Apache's Geronimo App Server. 
Download it for free - -and be entered to win a 42 plasma tv or your very
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Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] ABNT2 in dosemu

2005-09-11 Thread Carlos
Hi, how can use my abnt2 on xdosemu?

Here is my autoexec.bat:
@echo off
path c:\bin;c:\gnu;c:\dosemu
set HELPPATH=c:\help
set TEMP=c:\tmp
set BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 T6
prompt $P$G
unix -s DOSDRIVE_D
if %DOSDRIVE_D% ==  goto nodrived
lredir d: linux\fs%DOSDRIVE_D%
rem uncomment to load another bitmap font
loadhi display con=(vga,860,2)
mode con codepage prepare=((860) c:\cpi\ega.cpx)
mode con codepage select 860
chcp 860
rem uncomment the following to load cdrom support
shsucdx /d:mscd0001
echo Welcome to dosemu %DOSEMU_VERSION%!
unix -e

I'm using FreeDOS (that is what it see in my prompt)

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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] The future of FreeDOS GUIs is arriving! OpenGEM Project Liberation is now available

2005-09-01 Thread Carlos
The screenshots look great! I'm gonna use it.

Thanks Shane

Em Dom 28 Ago 2005 11:21, Shane M. Coughlan escreveu:
 Hello all.  A big announcement for the FreeDOS world:

 When GEM first arrived on the PC it caused a revolution. It was simple,
 quick, and easy-to-use. Now it's time for another revolution. OpenGEM is
 about to turn the DOS GUI world upsidedown. There is a new member of the
 OpenGEM family. We'd like to introduce Project Liberation, based on the
 software behind OpenGEM Experimental.

 Project Liberation is a whole new type of OpenGEM, and it's such a leap
 forward it'll blow your socks off.

 Project Liberation has a new 3D interface, with a neat modern pointer
 set, a beautiful new default system font, and cool new icons. It will
 automatically detect the disk drives on your machine, and neatly display
 them on it's desktop.  It'll even happily show the contents of all the
 common text file formats through it's nifty internal viewer.

 And let's not forget that it can run DOS applications simply by
 double-clicking them. It's all so simple.

 It looks better than OpenGEM ever did before. It is better than OpenGEM
 ever was before. And it's just as reliable as OpenGEM always has been.

 Oh, and did we mention that it's 100% DR GEM, FreeGEM and OpenGEM
 compatible? Not many GNU GPL projects can boast that kind of
 compatibility. It even makes old GEM applications look better.

 Project Liberation is still beta software. We're making sure everything
 works before we start shipping it as a completed product. But you can
 download it right now from the OpenGEM website.

 Get with the Beta program! Download Project Liberation now! You can see
 screenshots or download the Beta from

 This software will eventually become OpenGEM 5, though we'll test it
 carefully before it's final release as a product.  If you want a stable,
 updatable GUI you should still use OpenGEM 4, and wait for Project
 Liberation to mature.



 SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
 September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
 Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing  QA
 Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
 Freedos-user mailing list

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
Agile  Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects  Teams * Testing  QA
Security * Process Improvement  Measurement *
Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] New FreeDOS install CD

2005-07-20 Thread Carlos
Hi all,

I think that the new distro idea about a collection of batch files is really 
good. It looks similar to portage/gentoo and freebsd/ports way of installing 
packages and maybe a it can be a revival for the fdpm project.

I think it will be really good for:

- Make the distribution easy to update.
- Maybe less releases/ISOs per year.
- Get comercial software inside the distro, not the software but an install 
- Comercial software site's bandwith can be used .
- To have a binary install for users.
- Or from source install for developers.
- Bandwith from everybody could be used. (just live the package in a place the 
install program can fetch)
- Bandwith usage would be distributed.
- Also bandwith usage would be distributed in time since everybody will not 
update their packages at the same time.
- Make install scripts easier for virtual machines (vmware, bochs, qemu...) 
and emulators (dosemu) since they all have the same network cards, at the 
same address, perhaps. 
- Easy to test and get food for bugzilla faster, while developers still got 
their hands dirty.
- Get software tested faster and in different machines by far more people.
- Get more people installing (hey new stuff) and updating their FreeDOS 

and  I would be happy as a monkey in a banana farm to see it done. I can help 

Blair, I have made some ansi logos, if you are interested I can send you with 
no questions asked. :)

I can't think of bad things right now, maybe it will occur to me somewhere in 

Carlos AB

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] re: New FreeDOS install CD

2005-07-20 Thread Carlos
Hi Eric,

Em Quinta 21 Julho 2005 02:57, Eric Auer escreveu:
 Hi Carlos,

 DOS IS NOT A NETWORKING OS... I would like to say.

  I think that the new distro idea about a collection of batch files is
  really good. It looks similar to portage/gentoo and freebsd/ports way of
  installing packages and maybe a it can be a revival for the fdpm project.
  - Make the distribution easy to update.
  - Maybe less releases/ISOs per year.

 We already are at about ONE :-(.

  - Get comercial software inside the distro, not the software but an
  install script/method.

 That would be okay IF there is real use for it. So far, everybody
 has been able to install their commercial software using the INTENDED
 way of install, i.e. buy the software or download it from the homepage
 of the vendor, then follow the install instructions. I do not see why
 we should take big efforts to make something MORE automatic which is
 ALMOST automatic anyway. AND people should read the homepage from where
 they download stuff BEFORE they use it.

  - Comercial software site's bandwith can be used .

 But what commercial site do you mean? Things like downloading ALL
 DJGPP ports of GNU software in an automatic way? DJ Delorie will
 be NOT amused if you bypass his useful ZIP PICKER.

  - To have a binary install for users.

 Blair's current ISOs already DO come as a BINARY 100 MB and a
 with-sources 200 MB version.

  - Or from source install for developers.

 Sorry to say that, but install from sources is plain nonsense.
 Gentoo users do it because they have a twisted belief in optimizing
 their Linux to 5% more performance by compiling their very own
 binary of everything in night-long compile runs. For FreeBSD, there
 is at least SOME use in the system because FreeBSD can run on
 different types of processors (i.e. non-x86 ones). Plus FreeDOS has
 some packages which can NOT be compiled with freely available compilers.

  - Bandwith from everybody could be used.
(just live the package in a place the install program can fetch)

 You mean: Every package maintainer has to provide his own bandwidth for
 his own packages? The system of worldwide mirrors for things like the
 ISOs, SourceForge, Ibiblio is much more suitable in the general case.

  - Bandwith usage would be distributed.

 Again, a nearby mirror can SAVE bandwidth because you do not have to
 collect a worldwide soup of mixed origin packages to install every single

  - Also bandwith usage would be distributed in time since everybody will
  not update their packages at the same time.

 Then you MUST assume that people START with installing a full ISO and
 only do OCCASIONAL updates. If you ask me, a much BETTER solution for
 this would be a system which shows you the LSMs of all packages which
 got updated since [User Can Enter Date Here] and do the rest manually.
 Only 5 - 10 of the many FreeDOS components are under active development
 at the moment AT ALL :-|.

  - Make install scripts easier for virtual machines (vmware, bochs,
  qemu...) and emulators (dosemu) since they all have the same network
  cards, at the same address, perhaps.

 This is a nonsense argument: MY Bochs does NOT have a network card. If
 I would want to install something on it, it would be MUCH easier to get
 an ISO file. Actually you reach MANY people with a SINGLE ElTorito CD-ROM
 driver and only a FRACTION of the people with a collection of the top 3
 network card drivers.

  - Easy to test and get food for bugzilla faster, while developers still
  got their hands dirty.

 Sorry to spoil your illusions: When you announce an update here with
 PLEASE TEST, I MUST KNOW IF IT WORKS in big red letters on it, you will
 not have heard anything a week later anyway in many cases. Just by having
 a tool which says press here to update your DOS you will get a zero
 increase in user feedback. Remember the WindowsUpdate problem. They say
 you must use this to be safe, and a virus coming out months after a
 security fix still knocks out tens of percent of all Windows machines :-(.

  - Get software tested faster and in different machines by far more


  - Get more people installing (hey new stuff) and updating their FreeDOS

 For that, I recommend having ISOs TWICE a year instead of ONCE, for a

 Plus having a site with a single ALL UPDATES SINCE THE LAST ISO IN ONE
 ZIP file for easy update. This will be really easy for users. All the
 networking stuff is really a big pain in DOS. I did get my DOS online, but
 I am really against any illusions that NETWORKING would be easier than

 Sorry for having to be so harsh about that Make FreeDOS a new Gentoo


 SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
 from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
 informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
 speed, fast.

Re: [Freedos-user] re: New FreeDOS install CD

2005-07-20 Thread Carlos
Hi Eric,

I'm sorry about the last e-mail, just clicked the send button without even  
write something.

I apreciate your opinion Eric, you know that, the thing is I got excited with 
the idea of a new installer. It would be really, really nice/cool/super to 
see it done. :-)

Blair: By ansi I mean ansii art.

That's it.


Em Quinta 21 Julho 2005 02:57, Eric Auer escreveu:
 Hi Carlos,

 DOS IS NOT A NETWORKING OS... I would like to say.

  I think that the new distro idea about a collection of batch files is
  really good. It looks similar to portage/gentoo and freebsd/ports way of
  installing packages and maybe a it can be a revival for the fdpm project.
  - Make the distribution easy to update.
  - Maybe less releases/ISOs per year.

 We already are at about ONE :-(.

  - Get comercial software inside the distro, not the software but an
  install script/method.

 That would be okay IF there is real use for it. So far, everybody
 has been able to install their commercial software using the INTENDED
 way of install, i.e. buy the software or download it from the homepage
 of the vendor, then follow the install instructions. I do not see why
 we should take big efforts to make something MORE automatic which is
 ALMOST automatic anyway. AND people should read the homepage from where
 they download stuff BEFORE they use it.

  - Comercial software site's bandwith can be used .

 But what commercial site do you mean? Things like downloading ALL
 DJGPP ports of GNU software in an automatic way? DJ Delorie will
 be NOT amused if you bypass his useful ZIP PICKER.

  - To have a binary install for users.

 Blair's current ISOs already DO come as a BINARY 100 MB and a
 with-sources 200 MB version.

  - Or from source install for developers.

 Sorry to say that, but install from sources is plain nonsense.
 Gentoo users do it because they have a twisted belief in optimizing
 their Linux to 5% more performance by compiling their very own
 binary of everything in night-long compile runs. For FreeBSD, there
 is at least SOME use in the system because FreeBSD can run on
 different types of processors (i.e. non-x86 ones). Plus FreeDOS has
 some packages which can NOT be compiled with freely available compilers.

  - Bandwith from everybody could be used.
(just live the package in a place the install program can fetch)

 You mean: Every package maintainer has to provide his own bandwidth for
 his own packages? The system of worldwide mirrors for things like the
 ISOs, SourceForge, Ibiblio is much more suitable in the general case.

  - Bandwith usage would be distributed.

 Again, a nearby mirror can SAVE bandwidth because you do not have to
 collect a worldwide soup of mixed origin packages to install every single

  - Also bandwith usage would be distributed in time since everybody will
  not update their packages at the same time.

 Then you MUST assume that people START with installing a full ISO and
 only do OCCASIONAL updates. If you ask me, a much BETTER solution for
 this would be a system which shows you the LSMs of all packages which
 got updated since [User Can Enter Date Here] and do the rest manually.
 Only 5 - 10 of the many FreeDOS components are under active development
 at the moment AT ALL :-|.

  - Make install scripts easier for virtual machines (vmware, bochs,
  qemu...) and emulators (dosemu) since they all have the same network
  cards, at the same address, perhaps.

 This is a nonsense argument: MY Bochs does NOT have a network card. If
 I would want to install something on it, it would be MUCH easier to get
 an ISO file. Actually you reach MANY people with a SINGLE ElTorito CD-ROM
 driver and only a FRACTION of the people with a collection of the top 3
 network card drivers.

  - Easy to test and get food for bugzilla faster, while developers still
  got their hands dirty.

 Sorry to spoil your illusions: When you announce an update here with
 PLEASE TEST, I MUST KNOW IF IT WORKS in big red letters on it, you will
 not have heard anything a week later anyway in many cases. Just by having
 a tool which says press here to update your DOS you will get a zero
 increase in user feedback. Remember the WindowsUpdate problem. They say
 you must use this to be safe, and a virus coming out months after a
 security fix still knocks out tens of percent of all Windows machines :-(.

  - Get software tested faster and in different machines by far more


  - Get more people installing (hey new stuff) and updating their FreeDOS

 For that, I recommend having ISOs TWICE a year instead of ONCE, for a

 Plus having a site with a single ALL UPDATES SINCE THE LAST ISO IN ONE
 ZIP file for easy update. This will be really easy for users. All the
 networking stuff is really a big pain in DOS. I did get my DOS online, but
 I am really against any illusions that NETWORKING would be easier than

 Sorry for having to be so harsh about that Make FreeDOS a new

Re: [Freedos-user] re: New FreeDOS install CD

2005-07-20 Thread Carlos
Hi Eric

Em Quinta 21 Julho 2005 02:57, Eric Auer escreveu:
 Hi Carlos,

 DOS IS NOT A NETWORKING OS... I would like to say.


  I think that the new distro idea about a collection of batch files is
  really good. It looks similar to portage/gentoo and freebsd/ports way of
  installing packages and maybe a it can be a revival for the fdpm project.
  - Make the distribution easy to update.
  - Maybe less releases/ISOs per year.

 We already are at about ONE :-(.

  - Get comercial software inside the distro, not the software but an
  install script/method.

By comercial software, read software with retrictive licenses that can't get 
on freedos cd.

 That would be okay IF there is real use for it. So far, everybody
 has been able to install their commercial software using the INTENDED
 way of install, i.e. buy the software or download it from the homepage
 of the vendor, then follow the install instructions. I do not see why
 we should take big efforts to make something MORE automatic which is
 ALMOST automatic anyway. AND people should read the homepage from where
 they download stuff BEFORE they use it.

  - Comercial software site's bandwith can be used .

 But what commercial site do you mean? Things like downloading ALL
 DJGPP ports of GNU software in an automatic way? DJ Delorie will
 be NOT amused if you bypass his useful ZIP PICKER.

Idem, or the same as above.

  - To have a binary install for users.

 Blair's current ISOs already DO come as a BINARY 100 MB and a
 with-sources 200 MB version.

  - Or from source install for developers.

 Sorry to say that, but install from sources is plain nonsense.
 Gentoo users do it because they have a twisted belief in optimizing
 their Linux to 5% more performance by compiling their very own
 binary of everything in night-long compile runs. For FreeBSD, there
 is at least SOME use in the system because FreeBSD can run on
 different types of processors (i.e. non-x86 ones). Plus FreeDOS has
 some packages which can NOT be compiled with freely available compilers.

I don't know really, but maybe it would be nice to see if some programs work 
or not in different laptops, BIOSes, motherboards. For sure? I don't know.

  - Bandwith from everybody could be used.
(just live the package in a place the install program can fetch)

 You mean: Every package maintainer has to provide his own bandwidth for
 his own packages? The system of worldwide mirrors for things like the
 ISOs, SourceForge, Ibiblio is much more suitable in the general case.

Could be used with software with restrictive licenses.

  - Bandwith usage would be distributed.

 Again, a nearby mirror can SAVE bandwidth because you do not have to
 collect a worldwide soup of mixed origin packages to install every single

I agree with you.

  - Also bandwith usage would be distributed in time since everybody will
  not update their packages at the same time.

 Then you MUST assume that people START with installing a full ISO and
 only do OCCASIONAL updates. If you ask me, a much BETTER solution for
 this would be a system which shows you the LSMs of all packages which
 got updated since [User Can Enter Date Here] and do the rest manually.
 Only 5 - 10 of the many FreeDOS components are under active development
 at the moment AT ALL :-|.

I like that too.

  - Make install scripts easier for virtual machines (vmware, bochs,
  qemu...) and emulators (dosemu) since they all have the same network
  cards, at the same address, perhaps.

 This is a nonsense argument: MY Bochs does NOT have a network card. If
 I would want to install something on it, it would be MUCH easier to get
 an ISO file. Actually you reach MANY people with a SINGLE ElTorito CD-ROM
 driver and only a FRACTION of the people with a collection of the top 3
 network card drivers.

As far as I know, for qemu it works and for vmware too.

  - Easy to test and get food for bugzilla faster, while developers still
  got their hands dirty.

 Sorry to spoil your illusions: When you announce an update here with
 PLEASE TEST, I MUST KNOW IF IT WORKS in big red letters on it, you will
 not have heard anything a week later anyway in many cases. Just by having
 a tool which says press here to update your DOS you will get a zero
 increase in user feedback. Remember the WindowsUpdate problem. They say
 you must use this to be safe, and a virus coming out months after a
 security fix still knocks out tens of percent of all Windows machines :-(.

I like to dream sometimes, what can I do !?

  - Get software tested faster and in different machines by far more


  - Get more people installing (hey new stuff) and updating their FreeDOS

 For that, I recommend having ISOs TWICE a year instead of ONCE, for a

I agree with that but one per year with the ability of not having to update 
twice a year is nice too, for a lazy guy like me. ;)

 Plus having a site with a single ALL UPDATES SINCE THE LAST ISO IN ONE

Re: [Freedos-user] New FreeDOS install CD

2005-07-20 Thread Carlos
Hi Blair,

  I think that the new distro idea about a collection of batch files is
  really good.

 Actually, I am writing a more advanced method of managing packages
 right now to overcome the limitations of batch.

That is great news! 

  - Make the distribution easy to update.

 I'm hoping to have an update.bat in the root directory of the next ISO
 so that users can update anything that has changed.


  - Get comercial software inside the distro, not the software but an
  install script/method.

 I have already a package that can download vide-cdd.sys and set it up.
  This isn't in any of the released ISOs yet, though.

and again.

  - Or from source install for developers.

 It would be neat to allow a developer to compile every package from
 scratch automatically if they only installed source packages.  This is
 similar to Gentoo.


  - Bandwith from everybody could be used. (just live the package in a
  place the install program can fetch)

 I had this in mind, but that would require someone to host all of the
 packages for download on the internet.
Not really, for instance you are already using bandwih from f-prot site. Am I 

  - Make install scripts easier for virtual machines (vmware, bochs,
  qemu...) and emulators (dosemu) since they all have the same network
  cards, at the same address, perhaps.

 I will add an option to the new crynwr.bat I am preparing that will
 set up a QEMU-compatible packet driver.

Oh boy! I'm dying to put my hands on it . :)

Thanks Blair,


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Re: [Freedos-user] DOS Networking HOWTO - wiki

2005-05-22 Thread Carlos
I have updated the wiki with your faq, here -

Carlos AB

Em Sexta 20 Maio 2005 16:52, Michael Bernardi escreveu:
 I've just uploaded the latest revision of my DOS Networking HOWTO to
 sourceforge. It can also be found at my home site

 Comments and suggestion can be sent directly to me.

 Note my DOS Internet Applications guide has also been updated

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RES: [Freedos-user] FD-DOC wiki, was: Question

2005-03-16 Thread Carlos AB
Ok, It will be done. I'll point people to right direction (bugzilla) when it
comes to bugs.


- -Mensagem original-
- De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:freedos-user-
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Em nome de Michael Devore
- Enviada em: terça-feira, 15 de março de 2005 22:43
- Para:
- Assunto: [Freedos-user] FD-DOC wiki, was: Question
- At 09:24 PM 3/15/2005 -0300, Carlos AB wrote:
- The wiki site for Fd-doc is almost ready and I though it would be nice
- to
- have your opinions, comments and help,  before it goes public. So here
- is
- the address:
- Spread the word. :)
- Improvement suggestion: In big bold letters, ask people to post bug
- reports
- to Bugzilla or the mail lists, direct e-mail if they must, but not in the
- wiki FAQ.  I'm just now seeing 1-year-old bug reports people have stuck
- in
- the wiki.
- Individual bug reports are not wiki FAQ fodder.  There is no formal
- mechanism to track new reports.  Plus, asking developers to read not only
- the mail lists and Bugzilla, but to also regularly scan new wiki changes
- looking for bug reports is spreading the debug process too thin and too
- far.  In fact, I would suggest that no individual debugging help be
- offered
- there, but rather a suggestion to go to, and help with, posting the bug
- to
- Bugzilla.  Or directions on how to join the freedos-user mail list.  Or a
- pointer to the FreeDOS contact list URL.
- (Yes, I know I can probably edit the wiki myself, but I've not used it
- previously and a policy-oriented change seems best left to those in
- charge
- of documentation decisions.)

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RES: [Freedos-user] Re: FD-DOC wiki

2005-03-16 Thread Carlos AB
Do you think it is a good thing to change from faqtrak to wiki ? The
original specs idea, will be done.


- -Mensagem original-
- De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:freedos-user-
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Em nome de Eric Auer
- Enviada em: quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2005 08:23
- Para:
- Assunto: [Freedos-user] Re: FD-DOC wiki
- Hi, I noticed that
- has the questions from the normal FAQ system, but not the answers,
- copied over to the Wiki FAQ system copy. That will make people believe
- that there are many open questions, which causes either frustration if
- you want to get the answer or double-answering if you have the answer
- and do not realize that the answer is already stored in the classic FAQ.
- In addition, the SPECs should have two links: Original specs and editable
- specs. Otherwise you might get out of touch with the official version.
- Eric
- PS: I mean original non-editable specs, for reference.
- ---
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- ___
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RES: [Freedos-user] Re: Question

2005-03-15 Thread Carlos AB
Hello there strangers,

The wiki site for Fd-doc is almost ready and I though it would be nice to
have your opinions, comments and help,  before it goes public. So here is
the address:

Spread the word. :)


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RES: [Freedos-user] Eric's new and shiny inofficial FreeDOS 1.0/2.0 TODO list ready

2004-07-20 Thread Carlos AB
Only one question I forgot:

Freedos will do separated distros for each country/language in the end, or
just one big distro for all countries/languages?


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Freedos-user mailing list

RES: [Freedos-user] Re: Freeware: FileMaven (- laplink), CHK-SAFE (md5sum)

2004-07-19 Thread Carlos AB
I have one sugestion as I have made before, but the only problem is that
this program is not free.

It's a program called wbat and creates Dialog boxes for DOS batch:

* menus, buttons, input fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, list

Easy handling, no ANSI stuff to deal with - colors are specified by name.
WBAT runs under all Windows versions or plain DOS.


* Layout for box with text and control elements - all elements can be
freely arranged
* Quick box with specifications in the command line
* Selection from batch generated lists (e.g. DIR file lists)
* Text pages with color attributes
* INI file with defaults and preferences
* Win NT/2000 compatible handling of variables

Mouse handling is supported in a GUI box as well as in full screen mode. Of
course WBAT will also work under plain DOS.

Take a look -

- -Mensagem original-
- De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:freedos-user-
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Em nome de Eric Auer
- Enviada em: segunda-feira, 19 de julho de 2004 17:28
- Assunto: [Freedos-user] Re: Freeware: FileMaven (- laplink), CHK-SAFE
- (md5sum)
- Hi Johnson!
-  FileMaven - a file manager ... with ... and: A file transfer
-  module! You can run one instance in host mode and then open a
-  connection from another FileMaven on another PC. Transfer uses serial
-  or parallel link cables (wiring instructions included).
-   * Yes it DOES support printer port, as LapLink.
-  But DOS alike OS still miss some Killer Application such as
-  Peer-to-Peer swapping program such as Bit Torrent, the most vulnerable
-  part of DOS is the interpreter missing Long File Name support.
- You can install an LFN driver. And p2p stuff is mostly wasting bandwidth.
- People are leeching like crazy, far more than they could conceivably USE
- (you could say they download 50 hours of music each day...). I think this
- should not be the world of FreeDOS. People who call this useful computer
- use today will ask us tomorrow why they cannot click on PowderPoint in
- DOS.
- To make use of long file names, you can then use a DOS version of BASH :-
- ).
-  EzNos also suffer from missing LFN. EzNos itself works fine on my
-  office Pentium 133 PC.
- EzNos supports at most 3 parallel connections, I think, and is a single
- task. It can run on an 8086 with 5 MHz, too. If you want something real,
- any 386 with at least 4 MB, better 16 MB, of RAM can run an Linux Apache
- server. A very big part of the WWW today runs Apache. You are comparing
- a lighter to a barbeque here.
-  Even the famous MP3 encoder LAME don't have a latest DOS binary.
- So what - the old versions of LAME created MP3, too. Maybe slower and
- worse quality, but still... If time matters, better use any multitasking
- 32 bit OS, then you can do something else while encoding the MP3s.
-  Another wonderful soft-synth TIMIDITY same ...
- A soft-synth is only useful for an OS where programs use drivers for
- sound.
- There are attempts to steal audio data from software, with help of
- protected
- mode, but that should be seen as a kludge (e.g. used in VIAFMTSR
- Adlib/OPL3
- driver for DOS). Apart from that, DOS programs just access hardware
- directly.
- Eric
- ---
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This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
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RES: [Freedos-user] catgets/gettext

2004-07-18 Thread Carlos AB

I have a few questions and I hope someone can answer.

1) All programs have catalogs of messages to be translated  to other

(I have interest to translate all catalogs to Brazilian-Portuguese)

2)How can I know which programs have catalogs and what kind of catalogs are
being used?

3)Freedos will be one distro for all languages/countries or  maybe different
distros for each country/language?

Thanks in advance.


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[Freedos-user] New distro

2004-07-08 Thread Carlos AB

My name is Carlos, i'm from Brazil, i love the project and I'm planing to
make a distro for freedos, targeted for new developers and I would like to
hear some opinions and here are my primary goals for the distro.

1 - A FreeDOS distro targeted for new developers.
2 - Similar to the BOCHS distro in -
3 - Ready to run including bochs executable, latest bios files  and config
4 - All the compilers you can REALLY use to make de executables, no matter
the copyright the compilers have.
5 - Configuration scripts for l10n and i18n.

What I have done so far:

1 - I have created na image file for bochs with 150 Mbs
2 - Filled the image with the packages of the FreeDOS CD distribution.
3 - I also have created a new tree estructure with: bin, hlp, key, cpi, src,
doc, nfo, nls and tmp.

|   \---MOUSE
|   \---UTILITY
|+---(Batch files for configuration of the system)
|+---(all cpi files)
|+---(all the doc tree)
|   \---HHSTNDRD
|+---(all keyboard mappinngs)
|+---(all lsm files)
|+---(all nls files)
|+---(all the source tree)

And that is it  I would like to hear opinions and sugestions.

Thank  you all

Carlos AB

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