Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer curvature and overlay displays

2014-11-25 Thread Graham Wideman
At 11/24/2014 08:23 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Graham

have you tried freeview? We stopped development on the tktools some time 


Hi Bruce, thanks for replying.

Yes, I did proceed to try the same task in Freeview (which in general has a 
nicer UI, to be sure). Some notes:

Test case: For subject bert, display principal curvature k1 (of smoothwm) on 
smoothwm and on inflated. Using Freeview latest version, in Linux Mint 15.

Freeview Problems/Bugs
1. The Threshold frequency histogram widget with color adjustment handles is a 
great idea, but has several problems.

a. Horizontal range of the freq hist defaults to entire range of the variable, 
which, for k1, is one to two orders of magnitude larger than the range of the 
bulk of the data. Consequence: the bulk of the data appears compressed to a 
tiny range near zero, in a tiny number of bins, and it's impossible to set the 
adjustment handles. 

This mechanism needs to accept manual upper and lower limits (and options to 
clip outliers to that value, or exclude them).

b. The Use percentile checkbox doesn't seem to do anything that I could 

c. The mouse hit detection for selecting and dragging the color adjustment 
handles often doesn't work. This is some combination of:

-- The target area of the handles is too small.

-- Clicking the handle but missing instead moves some other handle to the 
clicked location

-- Sometimes the hit detection seems to think you're pressing/clicking on the 
mirror-image side of the graph. Press at +10, and it's like you pressed at -10.

2. It would be great to be able to clone (or save/load) display settings 
associated with one surface onto another. This way, time spent configuring the 
display of a particular variable on, say, smoothwm, would not have to be redone 
(inevitably imperfectly) to display the same variable on another surface like 
inflated, which is a frequent need.

3. crv-text, text-crv.  I didn't find a tool that would convert between crv 
and text format and back, to make it easy to use some other tool to clip k1 to 
tractable limits. 

Maybe mris_convert does this, but if so, the help for that program could use 
some revision:
Usage: mris_convert [options] input file output file
-c scalar file  input is scalar curv overlay file (must still specify surface)

a. 'curv' perhaps also includes 'crv'?

b. Why is 'surface' needed? The curv/crv files contain everything they need for 
conversion. Requiring surface makes it seem like the conversion is going to do 
something more elaborate than just convert binary -- text.

c. And does 'surface' mean just an argument like 'orig' or 'pial', or the name 
of a surface file? Perhaps it just means that mris_convert still looks for an 
input file argument, but doesn't use it?

Anyhow, I didn't trust that this was going to do what I intended.
I DID end up getting the display I wanted: I inspected a k1.crv file in a hex 
editor, discovered it was the same as old new .curv format, and wrote some 
python code to read/write/filter such a file. With this I could produce a 
clipped version of k1, which did work tractably in Freeview and produced a nice 

-- Graham

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[Freesurfer] tksurfer curvature and overlay displays

2014-11-21 Thread Graham Wideman
Hi all,

I'm having some issues (some possibly mine, some possibly tksurfer's) getting 
tksurfer (5.3c6) to display curvature the way I think it should be able to.  I 
am using the bert sample data.

The Curvature display
If I use the Show Curvature button in the UI control panel, I get the familiar 
gyrus=green; sulcus=red pattern applied to the displayed brain. 

The Configure Curvature Display is a bit of a shambles, and I think should be 
fixed. First, it is virtually impossible to set midpoint using the slider, 
because the values it pushes to the adjacent textbox are way too coarse. Typing 
values into the midpoint textbox works, in that it affects the balance of red 
and green in the display.  However the textbox does not affect the position of 
the slider, suggesting that it actually does not work. 

That said, there's no actual adjustment of the threshold size. Indeed, it's not 
clear that there actually IS a threshold -- perhaps there isn't. Maybe 
threshold midpoint just sets the midpoint of the color range?

And then there's a a textbox labeled threshold slope. I'm pretty sure that's 
nonsensical phrase. What this box appears to do is set the ratio of color to 
curvature value. Ie: Color intensity.

Bottom line -- this dialog only partially fits the purpose at hand, and is so 
confusingly wording that ones attempts to use it are pretty much random. It may 
even be that some UI elements or functionality that was once there has gone 
missing accidentally?

Finally, I wanted a colorbar for the curvature display, and so far as I can 
tell there isn't one. I can turn on a colorbar, but it's the one for overlays.

Using a Curvature variable as an overlay

I next tried to read in the k1.crv variable as an overlay. This sort of works, 
but gives a very mottled display (except using heat map color scheme), I 
think because even in definite sulcus and gyrus regions, the curvature values 
straddle the border of the grey range of color, and I'm not sure how to adjust 
it sensibly.

-- I couldn't figure out how to set the overall color range, that is to say the 
extremes of the colorbar. These seem stubbornly stuck at 5.0 and -5.0. In 
particular, the Theshhold Max setting doesn't seem to affect the extremes of 
the color range.

-- I couldn't figure out how to eliminate the large grey range in the middle of 
the color range. I noted that the Threshhold Min setting can be used to make 
the grey range larger, but setting Min below 1.5 (for example, zero) does not 
eliminate the grey between 0 and +/-1.5.

Anybody have any helpful clues on these items!


-- Graham

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[Freesurfer] CVS crashing consistently

2013-05-31 Thread Graham Wideman
Hi MGH folks,

I am attempting to download the source via CVS as described here:


cvs -d checkout -P 
-r release_5_3_0 dev

(ie: 5.3.0 source)

The CVS process is consistently stopping about 760 files into the process, with 
the final lines of output being:

cvs checkout: Updating dev/distribution/trctrain
U dev/distribution/trctrain/
Terminated with fatal signal 9

After the first attempt got stuck here, I attempted to run the checkout command 
again. CVS quickly displays a bunch of Updating x where x is all the 
directories already downloaded, then gets to trctrain and stops indefinitely. 
(I then killed it using Ctl-C)

I then created a new local directory and restarted from scratch. The checkout 
proceeded apace, and then got stuck at the same place (trctrain), with same 
failure message.

So... I'm thinking it might be something at your end, maybe disk problems in 
whatever files come next after the last one above?

FWIW, I'm using cvs as installed with Mint 15, which is 1.12.13-MirDebian-9 

-- Graham

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[Freesurfer] CUDA install; libcudart; 64-bit detection

2013-05-30 Thread Graham Wideman
Hi all, probably mostly Bruce and co.,

I've just got a new linux box set up and am able to run all graphical tools and 
recon-all OK.

Linux Mint 15 x64 RC (based on Ubuntu 13)
Intel i5 Ivy Bridge
nVidia GTX 650 Ti
nVidia drivers: Selected from System  Device Drivers; nvidia-313-updates; 
automatically installed.

Freesurfer 5.3 Centos 6 version

Now I'm hoping to get CUDA working.

The proximate problem is that when I run Freesurfer's cudadetect I get:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or directory

Indeed, searching the file system, there appears to be no libcudart.* anywhere. 
But there do appear to be CUDA components installed with the installation of 
the nvidia video driver:

/usr/lib/nvidia-313-updates/   10.4 MB
(plus some version-named links to same)

So, my current model is that nvidia has installed what it considers to be the 
necessary components for an application to use to operate the CUDA hardware.

Googling around, there seem to be some mentions that* is 
something that would be supplied with a particular application (in this case 
Freesurfer). I'm not sure I believe that, but...

The only other alternative I see is to download the nvidia CUDA developer kit 
and install that. However I'm very loath to do that because it replaces the 
video driver along with installing a lot of other unneeded apparatus. I have no 
idea the extent to which that installation works with or against the 
Ubuntu/Mint installation scheme, and what would happen on next video driver 
update. Not to mention that the latest Ubuntu-compatible package nvidia has is 
for 11.10, while my Mint is based on Ubuntu 13.

Any idea how to proceed? Any chance of getting a la carte?

SIDE NOTE ON 64-bit detection in cuda_setup

I see that in script cuda_setup there's a section which detects 64-bit by 
looking for directory: /usr/lib64

However, on Mint (so I assume Ubuntu and Debian) 64-bit, there is no such 
directory. Instead, there are:


Suggestions for other ways to detect 64-bit:

I'm pretty sure this is not pertinent to the hunt for missing, but 
seems like that needs to be fixed too for Ubuntu/Mint.


-- Graham

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[Freesurfer] Freesurfer on Ubuntu/Mint/Debian?

2013-04-26 Thread Graham Wideman
Hi all,

My System Recommendations? post of a few days ago got some useful and 
interesting input on hardware and software.  For Linux flavor, Nick S. 
commented that Centos was the OS of choice at home base.

My question for today -- is Ubuntu, Mint or Debian equally satisfactory for 
Freesurfer and related software, both in terms of installation, and of use?  Or 
are awkward obstacles encountered?



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[Freesurfer] down?

2013-04-24 Thread Graham Wideman
Hi MGH-ers,

From where I sit (San Diego), seems to have 
been non-responsive at least since about 4 pm west-coast time. It's now 4:40 
pm. is working fine.

Perhaps you are already on top of this, but in case not...


-- Graham

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[Freesurfer] System recommendations for Freesurfer

2013-04-24 Thread Graham Wideman
Hi all,

I am looking for current recommendations for specs for a desktop Linux box for 
running Freesurfer (and friends), both recon-all, and the interactive graphical 

I have read the generic recommendations here:
(also here as surfer is down)...

Feel free to point me to existing email threads if I've missed the place where 
this was definitively covered!

I'd like any more detailed input such as:

CPU: Intel vs AMD, and the extent to which more cores increase performance.

Video card:
-- AMD/ATI or nVidia?  My model is that nVidia has had better support for 
OpenGL/Mesa -- still true?
-- if nVidia, then how many CUDA cores and RAM is beneficial for FS's CUDA code?

Hard drive: Does SSD make much difference while running recon-all?

Linux distro: Which are favored for use with Freesurfer, FSL, etc?


-- Graham

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Re: [Freesurfer] Content of .tif files

2011-03-21 Thread Graham Wideman
Hi Anderson,

This might be helpful (beware datedness though).

The data at the time I did that goc was evidently stored in 32-bit float 
format... that could lead to your wild number range if you interpret it as  

-- Graham

At 3/21/2011 12:44 PM, Anderson Winkler wrote:
Means and variances are large too, around 1,000,000,000 for all 3 sets. 
I'm using imread in Matlab and I don't seem to find options to set 
endianess. The numbers apparently get less badly behaved (e.g. mean 
~21,000 and var ~15,000) if I convert to PNG with ImageMagick, but I'm 
unfamiliar with these ranges anyway. The scaling, even in PNG, doesn't 
seem linear, but logarithmic.

Regardless..., knowing what is in each frame already solves what is 
needed... Thanks!


On 03/21/2011 03:11 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
 are they? I thought they were just stored as straight variances. Are the
 means large too? Make sure there are no byte-swapping issues

 On Mon, 21 Mar 2011, Anderson Winkler wrote:

 Hi Bruce,

 Thanks! They appear to be stored as 32-bits integers and when I open I
 get very large numbers. How could I scale them back to the actual
 I just tried to find a linear relation for the dof, but I get a
 non-integer result... maybe it's a log function (?)

 Thanks again!

 All the best,


 On 03/21/2011 02:00 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
 Hi Anderson,

 there are 3 sets of 3 frames each. In each set I store:

 Frame 1: means
 Frame 2: variances
 Frame 3: dofs (actually, there is only 1 dof for the whole map)

 these are stored for curv, sulc and inflated curvature.


 On Mon, 21 Mar 2011, Anderson Winkler wrote:

 Hi all,

 The .tif files (templates) contain 9 pages each, which seem to be
 organized as 3+3+3. I think I understand that they are equirectangular
 projections of the latitude/longitude of curvature and sulcal depth, is
 this correct? But what exactly each of these 9 frames contain?



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Re: [Freesurfer] automating tkmedit

2008-09-20 Thread Graham Wideman
... also if anyone might find these helpful, there's an article that may be of 
interested here:

This shows tcl scripts to do something substantial in tkmedit and tksurfer, and 
bash scripts to activate FreeSurfer and the tcl scripts.

Hope that helps,

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer tcl

2008-03-04 Thread Graham Wideman
What caption are you refering to?


At 3/4/2008 07:44 AM, you wrote:

Is there a way to adjust the caption (at least turn it on and off) in a
tcl script.  I couldn't find any information on the wiki.



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Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer tcl

2008-03-04 Thread Graham Wideman
Hmmm, well since the menus are implemented in tksurfer.tcl, it might be 
possible to add some tcl to that file (actually it already has code to 
daisy-chain to user-provided extra code on startup), to implement some means to 
control caption on/off by a later script.

Not known by me: how the normal tksurfer mechanism to run a user script 
interacts with tksurfer.tcl.  But it should be easy to discover.


At 3/4/2008 02:44 PM, Daniel Wakeman wrote:

Sorry, As in ViewCaption.  In the menu bar.

 What caption are you refering to?


 At 3/4/2008 07:44 AM, you wrote:

Is there a way to adjust the caption (at least turn it on and off) in a
tcl script.  I couldn't find any information on the wiki.



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Re: [Freesurfer] RE: annotation binary files into ascii format

2008-03-01 Thread Graham Wideman
Hi Teddy:

If you're investigating that area, you might also be interested in:


At 2/28/2008 05:09 PM, you wrote:
Hi everyone,

Thanks again for your help from my previous query.  I had a question about 
how to convert the binary format of the annotation file to ascii format, 
similar to using mris_convert to surface files from binary to ascii.  Is 
there an equivalent program that does the same thing for annotation files?

Thanks very much,

-Teddy Youn

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] which image is the best

2008-01-24 Thread Graham Wideman

Your description of the problem looks to me like there's some trouble with the 
interpretation of the 1404 mm dimension. It seems very unlikely that you have a 
scan that actually covers 1404 mm, so there must be a problem here.

I would advise reading the header of the scan, which might require some program 
to read and interpret the header for you.  

Perhaps the header actually contains sensible information, such as:

1404 slices at 0.2 mmm -- ~ 280 mm field of view in that direction


304 slices (or some other sensible number) instead of 1404.

Anyhow, if you see this, it would suggest that the scan is OK, but FreeSurfer 
is having trouble loading it.  A possible strategy in that case is to load the 
scan into some other software, resample to a grid closer to 1 mm grid, and 
trim/pad to make it 256 x 256 x 256.

Software which might help there is AFNI. Also MRICro (Chris Rorden) might be 
useful, and even my GWRawMRIView for inspecting what your dealing with.

Hope that helps,


At 1/25/2008 11:32 AM, you wrote:
   I have a problem about which image is the best to run. I had ran
the 1.5T data in freesurfer. Because the contrast of the 1.5T data was
too bad, I use the 3T data and rerun again. When I run, it says the

The physical sizes are (1404.00 mm, 256.00 mm, 256.00 mm), which
cannot fit in 256^3 mm^3 volume.
The resulting volume will have 1404 slices.
The freesurfer tools should be able to handle more than 256 slices.
If you find problems, please let us know (

This problem confused me. What can I do? Could you tell me what image
is freesurfer I can run and get the best results? (about dimension¡K. )

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Re: [Freesurfer] Creating one's own average sphere/template

2008-01-18 Thread Graham Wideman
Doug and Bruce:

Bruce says:
 mris_make_template creates an average sphere.reg (actually a bunch 
 of means and variances of different geometric features. To make a new 
 gcs file use mris_ca_train.

Side point -- the bunch of means and variances... that sounds more like the 
template or GCS file than the average sphere.reg, which I thought was a mesh, 

Doug says:
I've included hooks into make_average_subject and recon-all to make this 
much easier. make_average_subject will create the template (.tif) files 
from the subjects you specify, then you just run recon-all with 
-surfreg-to-subject averagesubjectname.

Are these two suggestions alternates or complementary in some way? A major gap 
for me is this:

Supposing we start with 10 subjects, to be used in creating a new average 
sphere, tif and gcs for labels, later to be used for many more subjects.  These 
initial 10 subjects are processed by freesurfer, and hence have all their 
surfaces, (along with ?h.sphere.reg and annot files, courtesy of the default 
average sphere, tif and label gcs --- which we don't want to use ultimately.)

What then are the steps to create a *new* average sphere and tif?

My assumption has been that some program reads the 10 individuals' ?h.sphere 
(not reg) files, plus their curv and sulc files, and by clever average, warp 
and whatever on spherical surface, it produces an average ?h.sphere along with 
corresponding average curv and sulc tif file. I'm expecting these to be done in 
one step, because without a curv/sulc tif file the new average sphere is 
meaningless I think.

I'm specifically *not* expecting that the process involves averaging the 
individual white surfaces (possibly including talairaching), followed by 
inflating the average white surface to a sphere. And because I have the 
impression that this is the kind of thing that make_average_surfaces (called by 
make_average_subject) does, I'm resistant to thinking that make_average_subject 
is part of the answer here.

So... I'm all ready to think that mris_make_template is the program to do the 
job... but I don't see anywhere in the source code where it writes out a 

(FWIW I do see that mris_ca_train is used to create the GCS file -- I don't 
have any questions on that part.)

And finally:
Bruce wrote:
 average is a catch-all for various average files, like volume 
 statistics, tal atlases, etc..., fsaverage is the subject made 
 from averaging our 40 manually labeled subjects I'm getting the impression that some of the {fshome}/average files are 
not related to the fsaverage subjects (such as mni 305 files), and some perhaps 
are (like lh.average.curvature.filled.buckner40.tif)... and some others... not 

On this point, mainly I'm trying to understand what common sphere and tif file 
are used in a normal recon-all run, and where they came from (and trying to 
follow recon-all call's args into mris_register is puzzling).



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[Freesurfer] Creating one's own average sphere/template

2008-01-16 Thread Graham Wideman


I'm trying to get a complete picture of what's entailed in creating our own 
atlas, including our own average reference sphere, so if there's a doc on 
this specific subject I'd love to see it.

Absent that, below are questions to fill in some gaps:

1. Normal spherical reg:  mris_register's command-line params don't include 
all files it must read, so I'm looking for a list of all the files that it 
reads under the usual circumstances (ie: registration to ref sphere; 
registration to opposite hemi), and how it decides *which* files to read. 
(Amongst other discrepancies, when recon-all runs, mris_register doesn't 
seem to read ?h.curv, whereas various postings suggest that it does.)

2. Normal labeling with mris_ca_label:  Presumably this only works if 
subjects are registered to the same average sphere mesh as was used to 
create the chosen GCS file, right?  Yet mris_ca_label doesn't need to read 
that actual ?h.sphere.reg file because equivalent position-on-sphere info 
is contained in the GCS file... right?

3. Creating one's own average reference sphere:  What progam(s) does one 
use to create the average ?h.sphere(.reg?) file (presumably from each 
subject's ?h.sphere file)? and average curvature file (ie: the tif 
file)?   FWIW, it looks like mris_make_template is somehow involved here, 
but it's entire documentation consists of just This program will add a 
template into an average surface (what does that mean?), and the source 
code looks like it only produces the tif file containing average sulc and 
curv data.  (From which I conclude the here, template refers to just that 

4. What, if any, is the relationship between


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[Freesurfer] Zen of label editing in tksurfer

2008-01-16 Thread Graham Wideman


We notice that when we try editing labels in tksurfer (eg: draw an outline, 
fill with new label value), this results in tksurfer's control panel 
showing two labels everywhere (even where we didn't edit), with the second 
one saying 1 additional label (or something like that... don't have it 
running at the moment).

Further exploration has us puzzled about deletion, saving and so on.

What is the model that tksurfer is following here?

If you load one label file, and then start editing, is that like tksurfer 
introduces another layer (ie: a second label slot for every vertex?). How 
do you load a label file and explicitly edit that data instead of creating 
new data?



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[Freesurfer] Re: Freesurfer Digest, Vol 47, Issue 2 (Visual Inspection)

2008-01-02 Thread Graham Wideman


If you are running a bunch of cases and then want to do basic visual 
inspection QA, it can be helpful to script tkmedit and tksurfer to generate 
screen caps at various angles and positions which you can then view rapidly.

I've just posted some sample scripts to do this:

Hope that helps,

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Folding Index question

2007-11-16 Thread Graham Wideman


We're wondering about how FS's folding index corresponds to Van Essen's 
calculation (J Neurosci, 1997 Sept 15).

In particular, do the FI values for each region factor out the area of the 
region or not.  When we plot them the FI values look extremely correlated 
to area, but that doesn't make sense for an index.

Ultimately we're wanting to know how to aggregate FIs for individual 
parcellations into larger regions.


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[Freesurfer] tkmedit scripting: control window size?

2007-09-25 Thread Graham Wideman


In a tcl script for tkmedit, is there a way to control the size of the 
graphics window?

I see functions for all sorts of other aspects of the view, but not this -- 
maybe I'm missing something?


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[Freesurfer] New recon-all Files vs Steps doc posted

2007-06-18 Thread Graham Wideman


If you need to know what recon-all and its many steps are really doing you 
may be interested in a doc I've just posted tabulating file 
create/read/write/delete for each step:

In case you've seen my previous similar effort, this one's a considerable 
improvement because it's based on monitoring an actual run (bert to the 
rescue!), rather than on documentation.

Hope it shortens a few learning curves :-).


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[Freesurfer] Scripting: Feeding arguments and variables to script?

2007-04-13 Thread Graham Wideman


Basic scripting questions:

1. When you launch FS from command line and provide a -tcl command to 
invoke a tcl script, how do you supply arguments to that script (or is that 
even possible)?

FWIW, I tried things along the lines of:

set myvar [lindex $argv 1]

... and this gives an error about no such variable.

2. Once a script is running, what variables can it look at to find out:

Current subject id
Path to current subject
Details about currently loaded surfaces: especially right or left

3. What assumptions, if any, can a script rely on as to current directory?



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[Freesurfer] Insula: Why no label in parcellation?

2007-04-12 Thread Graham Wideman


We see that parcellation has insula labelled as unknown. Is this by 
design and if so is there a discussion of the rationale?



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[Freesurfer] aparc - voxels program?

2007-02-26 Thread Graham Wideman


I'm hoping that there's an aparc -- voxels program. That program might be 
mri_aparc2aseg, but I wanted to check first if that's the best way to go 
and whether there are particular options to know about and so on.

Basically I want a program that inputs a parcellation, and outputs a label 
mri where each voxel that's fully or partially between the white and pial 
surface gets labelled with the parcellation label from the vertex (white or 
pial) that it's closest to.  (A variation that would also work for our 
purpose would label voxels even beyond that, possibly all voxels).

This seems like it's probably already been done, hence my asking.

I'm thinking that *might* be what mri_aparc2aseg does... but I'm not clear 
what the wiki description is trying to say:

First, it appears from Example 1 that mri_aparc2aseg does something 
interesting when run with basically no specific command line arguments, so 
presumably using default input files. But then what is the purpose of 

Then the description talks about the automatic segmentation volume as 
though it's an input separate from the ?h.ribbon, yet there are no 
parameters related to that. And finally the --noribbon flag is mentioned as 
turning something off, but it's not clear what it's turning off.

Bottom line: I'd appreciate some clarification as to which program does 
what I want, and if it's mri_aparc2aseg, then what options are appropriate 
to do the simple version of the task where it ignores existing aseg and ribbon.



Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] aparc - voxels program?

2007-02-26 Thread Graham Wideman


Thanks for your quick reply -- but I still have some big holes in 
understanding, probably because I'm having a hard time digesting the 
mri_aparc2aseg's wiki page.

For the ribbon-related parameters we seem to have the 3 choices:

  no ribbon param   ... or ...
  --ribbon  ...or...

The Description presumably applies to using no ribbon parameter, and 
describes that *both* aseg *and* the surface-derived ?h.ribbon are 
used.  If that's the case, then what does the --ribbon arg add?

It goes on to say This can be turned off with --noribbon. What can be 
turned off? Use of ?h.ribbon? Or relabeling of the unknown voxels to zero 
(ie: aparc+aseg would have them labeled as cortex).

Finally, for my task where I hope to ignore aseg entirely, is my solution 
to fake up an aseg volume filled with cortex voxels, and use that for 
input? (And I'm not seeing an argument to tell mri_aparc2aseg to use a 
different aseg...).



Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tkmedit/tksurfer fail at startup: Followup

2007-01-31 Thread Graham Wideman

Nick and all:

Followup on the earlier thread: tkmedit/tksurfer fail at startup with X 

I was not able to get to the root cause of this problem. However, 
conducting the installation for the latest nVidia display driver resulted 
in a system that now does run tkmedit (and glxgears, FWIW).

(I was already running a version of the nVidia driver as up-to-date as the 
ones you recommended.)

So, not sure whether the installation actually installed anything that 
fixed a previous bug relative to the particular video card, or whether it 
replaced some software component that was damaged or missing, or whether it 
replaced some setting in xorg.conf that was troublesome.

Anyhow, progress has now resumed.

Thanks for the suggestion to try glxgears -- I had thought that other 
software that was clearly running OK was sufficient evidence that video was 
OK, but apparently not.


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tkmedit/tksurfer fail at startup with X BadValue errors

2007-01-29 Thread Graham Wideman


Still having the same trouble as reported last week.  Several more tests to 

1. I installed 3.0.4 -- same result.

2. In addition to several other GUI apps, I ran xclock as you suggested, 
looks fine.

3. I ldd'ed tkmedit.  To get a realistic output I first did:

source tkmedit
... to run the preparatory script that sets up environment variables as 
would normally be seen at the point that tkmedit.bin runs. Here's the ldd 

/brain-bin/fs_20061125/centos4/freesurfer/bin//tkmedit.bin = 
(0x00f42000)  = 
(0x00bf7000) = 
(0x00111000) = /usr/lib/ (0x00bb4000)   = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x00b5a000)  = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x00b65000)  = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x0067f000)   = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x00dee000)  = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x004f5000)   = /usr/lib/ (0x0056e000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x00b24000)   = /lib/ (0x00b1e000)  = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x001aa000)  = 
/brain-bin/fs_20061125/centos4/freesurfer/lib/gsl/lib/ (0x00289000) = 
(0x00907000) /usr/lib/ (0x003dd000) = /usr/lib/ (0x03c6f000) /usr/lib/ (0x00b34000) /lib/tls/ (0x00af9000) /lib/ (0x02f5d000) /lib/tls/ (0x009cc000)  = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x00df8000)   = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x0062c000)   = /usr/lib/ (0x003fb000) /lib/ (0x00ddf000)   = /usr/lib/ (0x065ea000) = /usr/lib/tls/ (0x00ba)
/lib/ (0x009b3000)

Any ideas?


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tkmedit/tksurfer fail at startup with X BadValue errors

2007-01-29 Thread Graham Wideman


Thanks for the suggestions. It's looking like the problem is not specific 
to FS after all, but I'll recount the latest clues in case you hit this again.

1. NVidia version is 1.0-8765.

2. glxgears actually fails in same way as FS programs.  Hmmm.

3. Color depth, as reported by GUI tools is supposedly millions of colors 
(presumably 24 bit).

Anyhow, looks like I need to pursue this as a generic GL problem.


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] tkmedit/tksurfer fail at startup with X BadValue errors

2007-01-26 Thread Graham Wideman


On an installation that had been working, suddenly we're getting fatal 
errors on starting either tkmedit or tksurfer. These appear to be errors 
trying to perform X functions. Command lines and responses shown below.

I am not aware of recent changes to the environment (new software installed 
etc) that would relate to this... but one never knows.

1. Anyone happen to know exactly what solves this?

2. Any clues as to how to troubleshoot would be  helpful (eg: is there a 
log that these programs write into at this early of a stage in startup?)




[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ source 

Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)
FREESURFER_HOME /brain-bin/fs_20060528/centos4/freesurfer
FSFAST_HOME /brain-bin/fs_20060528/centos4/freesurfer/fsfast
FUNCTIONALS_DIR /brain-bin/fs_20060528/centos4/freesurfer/sessions
GSL_DIR /brain-bin/fs_20060528/centos4/freesurfer/lib/gsl
QTDIR   /usr/lib/qt-3.3
TCLLIBPATH  /brain-bin/fs_20060528/centos4/freesurfer/lib/tcltktixblt/lib
FSL_DIR /brain-bin/fs_20060528/centos4/freesurfer/fsl
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ which tkmedit
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ tkmedit
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for 

  Major opcode of failed request:  78 (X_CreateColormap)
  Value in failed request:  0x0
  Serial number of failed request:  15
  Current serial number in output stream:  17

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bxbaseline]$ tksurfer 85432 rh white
surfer: current subjects dir: 

surfer: not in scripts dir == using cwd for session root
surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
surfer: /data/Structural/FreeSurfer_2007/segmixtest/bxbaseline
surfer: Reading header info from 

surfer: vertices=184105, faces=368206
surfer: single buffered window

Received X error!
Error code   : 2
Request code : 78
Minor code   : 0

Error text : 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'

Received X error!
Error code   : 12
Request code : 1
Minor code   : 0

Error text : 'BadColor (invalid Colormap parameter)'

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tkmedit/tksurfer fail at startup with X BadValue errors

2007-01-26 Thread Graham Wideman


Thanks for the quick reply. Relating to the info you added, here's what I see:

1. DISPLAY is set to just :0  (ie: without the quotes, and no .0).
Changing it to :0.0 -- the failures occur as before.

2. The logfiles you mention show the following:

tkmedit started: Fri Jan 26 13:40:02 2007


$Id: tkmedit.c,v 2006/04/15 00:13:10 nicks Exp $ $Name: stable3 $

.xdebug_tksurfer:  empty

So... nothing obvious seems to jump out here.


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tkmedit/tksurfer fail at startup with X BadValue errors

2007-01-26 Thread Graham Wideman

At 1/26/2007 11:23 PM, Nick Schmansky wrote:

Does an X app like 'xclock' work?  If not, does xclock work if the
Freesurfer setup script is not run?

I haven't run xclock, and unfortunately (?) am no longer at work. 


-- Machine is running Centos 4.4
-- KDE works fine so far as I can tell
-- I can run various GUI editors etc.
-- I can run AFNI

So, my main conclusion is that this is FS-specific. Later in the weekend, I'll 
try launching various apps from a terminal window after running FS setup 
script, and see if that disrupts anything.

I'm also downloading FS 3.0.4 (was 3.0.3), and I'll see if that does anything 
for us.


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] processing steps

2006-09-25 Thread Graham Wideman

Claudia -- 
With your line of questioning, you may also might like to look at:
... particularly ...

At 9/25/2006 10:29 AM, you wrote:

I have just started to look at freesurfer and
decided to run each step to try to understand what recon-all does.

Well, after a bit of teething to put the data
in the right orientation, we managed to start, but we have a few
questions :-)

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Quadrangle surface formats

2006-09-18 Thread Graham Wideman
Probably for Nick or Bruce?

Is it the case that the quadrangle surface formats are obsolete, and only the 
triangle surface is currently used?


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Odd and brainmask data and behavior

2006-09-13 Thread Graham Wideman

Thanks for your reply and explanation of the brainmask logic and rationale. 

As for this:

 Question 1: Is there a rationale for 255 values? (in the brainmask volume)

I'm not sure where these are coming from in your volume - I assume you 
havent done any editting on this one. 

These subjects' data may well have been edited (not by me, hence my not knowing 
exactly what's what here). And I suppose it's the brainmask.mgz volume that 
would have been edited, and the act of editing it sets voxels to 255 perhaps? 
(The 255's are in the appropriate locations to add additional grey matter to 
the edges.)

That leads me to believe that the answer to this:

 Question 0: Is the detailed image data in brainmask.mgz ever used, or is 
 it simply a zero/not-zero mask? Ie: is the meaning masked brain, or 
 mask using non-zero values to show where brain is.

... is that brainmask.mgz is used by subsequent steps as a mask in combination 
with some other image volume providing the actual image. In that case the 
actual intensities of brainmask.mgz are ignored.

And I now see in the script that mri_ca_normalize does indeed use brainmask.mgz 
with the mask flag, so I guess I'm probably right that the actual intensities 
are unimportant. (And nu.mgz provides the actual image).

Phew, I think I now have that straight... for this week :-)

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Coordinate system clarification please

2006-09-12 Thread Graham Wideman


I am (still!) trying to get traction on some aspects of the current FS 
coordinate system(s).

In the recon-all pipeline, am I right in assuming that from orig.mgz all 
the way through to aseg.mgz and then on to brain.mgz, wm.mgz and so on, 
that there's NO resampling to a new coordinate system (eg: the specific 
brain's data doesn't get resampled to rotate or talairach it)?

Ie: if you overlay, for example, wm.mgz's data onto orig.mgz, it'll align 
properly? (Ie: overlay the raw voxel data, unmolested by any clever viewer 

I *think* I'm right on this, but it's hard to be sure, because for example, 
mri_ca_normalize's docs say that it takes a gca transform file as input. 
But that *might* be so that mri_ca_normalize can resample some other 
standard file to match the specific brainmask.mgz file.

scratching of head


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Odd and brainmask data and behavior

2006-09-12 Thread Graham Wideman


I'd appreciate if someone could explain the, and 
brainmask.mgz logic?

Somewhat alarming is that in a brainmask volume, I'm seeing some 
full-brightness (255) values on the edge of the mask (border of brain and 
nothing), which are certainly not in the input volume T1.mgz volume.

Question 0: Is the detailed image data in brainmask.mgz ever used, or is it 
simply a zero/not-zero mask? Ie: is the meaning masked brain, or mask 
using non-zero values to show where brain is.

Question 1: Is there a rationale for 255 values?

That led me to look at the volume, and the bad values are 
not there either.

The recon-all script is a bit puzzling and convoluted in this area --

Question 2: It appears that the Skull Stripping section of the script uses 
a -keep flag on mri_watershed. This isn't explained on the wiki doc page 
-- what does it do? (And why does mri_watershed get BMA and two BM's?)

Question 3: In the normal case, does just get copied to 
brainmask.mgz?  If so it's a puzzle to me how these wind up different (in 
the cases I looked at the mgz files are not the same size).

more scratching of head



Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] FS using uncompressed (not mgz) MRI files?

2006-09-06 Thread Graham Wideman

Folks -- probably Nick?

I'd like to be able to work with some FS sessions using uncompressed data, 
ie: not using mgz files. (Why? So that I can conveniently use some other 
tools for troubleshooting and inspection, tools that don't know how to 
uncompress mgz files).


1. If I just try to gunzip mgz files, some of their names collide with the 
directories that mksubjdirs has set up. Historically, most of these dirs 
used to act as containers for per-slice COR files, so they don't seem 
useful anymore. Can they just be deleted without consequence?

2. I'm assuming that the uncompressed files should be given the extension 
.mgh. Do the FS pipeline scripts and programs automatically adapt to 
uncompressed files?



Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] FS using uncompressed (not mgz) MRI files?

2006-09-06 Thread Graham Wideman

Doug and Nick:
Thanks for the quick replies. Notes:
Doug wrote:
 mri_convert orig.mgz orig.mgh
Ah, good to know, and lets you rename in the same step, so avoids
At 9/6/2006 02:14 PM, you wrote:
1. You should keep the orig
directory as that's where you store the the input data
Yep, I knew about that one :-)
Nick said:

 Yes, freesurfer recognizes the filename extension .mgh 
 (and just doesnt do the gunzip on it internally). 

But Doug said:
2. I'm not sure that everything
will run smoothly with mgh. I think a lot of stuff is hardcoded to work
with mgz and/or COR
Hmmm, so not sure what to make of that. Ideally programs would process
the input based on the filename extension, and then produce same-format
output. But that may not have been a priority.

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] mri_em_register args, ICV, etc

2006-07-24 Thread Graham Wideman


A couple of weeks ago, Bruce noted that:

 EM Registration with Skull is for generating ICV measures

... so I just got around to investigating where the ICV measures might be 
getting saved.

Bottom line is I don't see what file that ICV measure is getting saved into.


I tried to figure out which program/script does this step, and what files 
it produces which might capture ICV.

1. Which commands correspond to the EM Registration with Skull step? 
Clue: wiki recon-all shows this step employs the noskull-lta step. 
Looking in recon-all script, this corresponds to the DoSkullLTA variable, 
and that in turn leads us to mri_em_register as the pertinent command.

2. Looking at docs for mri_em_register in the wiki shows 4 arguments, only 
one of which is flagged. Looking at actual help output from mri_em_register 
shows about 50 flagged arguments, none described.

3. The pertinent bit of script looks like this:

  set xopts = `fsr-getxopts mri_em_register $XOptsFile`;
  set cmd = (mri_em_register -skull -t transforms/talairach.lta \
 $xopts nu_noneck.mgz $FREESURFER_HOME/average/$GCASkull \

4. From all this, I don't see what output file mri_em_register might be 
placing the ICV into.




Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] aseg, aparc regions reference table (aka data dictionary)?

2006-07-24 Thread Graham Wideman


It would be *really* great if there was a page somewhere (or just a file) 
giving some info on the various measures that are captured in the aseg and 
aparc files.

For each measure (in the table or the comments above the table):

-- Description of what it includes -- some are obvious from the name, 
others not.

-- Whether it's deprecated.

-- Whether FS V-whatever actually produces this value, or just zero. (Very 
useful, and probably not too much work? Plus I'd like to adapt this info so 
as to pull only the non-inert rows from the data file). (Or is there some 
other way to determine this?)

-- Some suggestions on what numbers need to be added to get popular subtotals.

I've just read through the last six months of freesurfer list traffic, and 
I see numerous questions along these lines... and replies with some clues 
here and there. Also references to papers, but these don't detail the nitty 
gritty of what FS V-something actually does.

Probably numerous users would get a lot of use out of having this info in 
one place.



Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] The 5 mm limit on cortical thickness?

2006-06-23 Thread Graham Wideman


Thanks for your reply --

actually the limit is in  the thickness measurement, not the deformation. 
You can recreate the thickness files with mris_thickness -max $maxthick ...

if you want a larger value. What's going wrong?

Well we're trying to guess why the pial surface is somewhat consistently 
(across subjects) positioned short of the actual pial surface in certain 
instances, notably frontal medial temporal, and some other locations.

We had wondered whether it was because of such a limit.


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] The 5 mm limit on cortical thickness?

2006-06-23 Thread Graham Wideman

At 6/23/2006 06:57 PM, you wrote:
probably not. Check the intensity of the white matter underlying the gray 
and see if it's significantly less than 110. If so, try putting a few 
control points there (make sure they aren't in partial-volumed wm)


You would recommend this, even though the white boundary looks more or less 
in the right place?

One incongruity is that the aseg segmentation gets the grey pretty much 
right, but the pial surface is way inboard. (I do understand that the aseg 
grey is not used to find the surface, it just *looks* like it should be 

And probably we shouldn't strain this discussion too far at this point... 
we need to take a closer look given that the 5 mm hypothesis is thrown out...


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Some FS input questions

2006-06-02 Thread Graham Wideman

Nick and Doug:

Thanks guys for the thoughtful comments -- I need to do some further digesting.

Nick: Yes I'll get a Wiki username.

Both: Looks to me like I really need to understand what is the coordinate 
system of each input and output file in the pipeline -- this would greatly 
clarify what data is immediately compatible with what, or what transforms 
(and resampling tradeofss) are needed.

And yes, after an initial conception that the subcortical seg and surface 
processing were completely separate, I did notice that output from the 
subcortical seg feeds into the preparation of volumes for the surface 
processes. (So thanks Doug for the further comments on that... again, still 


At 6/2/2006 09:51 AM, you wrote:


It's tough to say just where you can begin processing with already ac-pc
aligned brain extracted non-conformed input, [...]

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] How to disable jumping tool windows? Environment variables?

2006-06-01 Thread Graham Wideman


Both tkmedit and tksurfer have tool windows which jump to a location below 
their respective main image windows whenever the image windows are moved or 

This prevents the image windows from being enlarged to full screen height, 
because the tool windows then jump to bottom of screen, and behind the main 

Is there some way to signal these two apps not to move the tool windows?

Also, if there is such a setting I'm suspecting it would be an environment 
variable.  I looked at the Wiki, but didn't find a listing of useful 
environment variables -- is there one to be had?



Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] mghWrite failure in mri_remove_neck

2006-05-30 Thread Graham Wideman

In our first attempt at a complete run of recon-all, we hit this odd failure: 
recon-all stopped after the mri_remove_neck stage, claiming that:

1. mri_remove_neck couldn't mghWrite to nu_noneck.mgz

2. But then appeared to perform the neck removal anyway and write the output

3. But then the subsequent step: mri_em_register failed saying that it can't 
read nu_noneck.mgz

... and sure enough, there is no such file there.

The recon-all.log for these steps is copied below.

This doesn't appear to be a permissions problem, as the script happily wrote 
other files to the same mri directory.

I do wonder whether mri_remove_neck was actually using the correct directory 
(we are not using the default SUBJECTS_DIR), but the logic for that is in an 
executable that I don't think we have source for?

But the primary troubleshooting question is why the mghWrite failed, but 
processing continued anyway, with the subsequent writing output message 
suggesting success of this step (but no file to show for it).




New invocation of recon-all 

Sun May 28 12:44:36 PDT 2006
-s 40588a -autorecon2
subjid 40588a
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /data/Structural/FreeSurferData/Testing20060528/subjects
FREESURFER_HOME /brain-bin/fs_20060528/centos4/freesurfer
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /brain-bin/fs_20060528/centos4/freesurfer
Linux 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 #1 Thu Jun 2 22:55:56 EDT 2005 i686 
i686 i386 GNU/Linux
cputime  unlimited
filesize unlimited
datasize unlimited
stacksize10240 kbytes
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
vmemoryuse   unlimited
descriptors  1024 
memorylocked 32 kbytes
maxproc  8180 

program versions used
$Id: recon-all,v 2006/05/02 18:28:49 nicks Exp $
$Id: mri_motion_correct.fsl,v 1.4 2006/01/01 21:56:44 greve Exp $
mri_convert -all-info 
ProgramName: mri_convert ProgramArguments: -all-info ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable3 $ TimeStamp: 06/05/28-19:44:36-GMT CVS: $Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.121 
2006/02/22 05:39:36 greve Exp $ User: graham Machine: 
Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 CompilerName: GCC 
CompilerVersion: 30400
$Id: talairach,v 1.2 2005/12/12 23:04:35 greve Exp $
mri_convert --version 
# $Id:,v 1.12 2004/02/12 05:55:18 rotor Exp $
Program nu_correct, built from:
Package MNI N3, version 1.10, compiled by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (i686-pc-linux-gnu) 
on 2005-11-15 at 21:02:27
ProgramName: mri_normalize ProgramArguments: -all-info ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable3 $ TimeStamp: 06/05/28-19:44:37-GMT CVS: $Id: mri_normalize.c,v 
2006/04/12 02:02:57 nicks Exp $ User: graham Machine: 
Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 CompilerName: GCC 
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_watershed ProgramArguments: -all-info ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable3 $ TimeStamp: 06/05/28-19:44:37-GMT CVS: $Id: mri_watershed.cpp,v 1.48 
2006/02/27 16:57:57 segonne Exp $ User: graham Machine: 
Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 CompilerName: GCC 
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_segment ProgramArguments: -all-info ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable3 $ TimeStamp: 06/05/28-19:44:37-GMT CVS: $Id: mri_segment.c,v 
2006/04/12 02:02:58 nicks Exp $ User: graham Machine: 
Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 CompilerName: GCC 
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_fill ProgramArguments: -all-info ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable3 $ TimeStamp: 06/05/28-19:44:37-GMT CVS: $Id: mri_fill.c,v 1.101 
2006/02/22 23:05:06 nicks Exp $ User: graham Machine: 
Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 CompilerName: GCC 
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_tessellate ProgramArguments: -all-info ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable3 $ TimeStamp: 06/05/28-19:44:37-GMT CVS: $Id: mri_tessellate.c,v 2006/05/02 21:41:01 nicks Exp $ User: graham Machine: 
Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 CompilerName: GCC 
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_smooth ProgramArguments: -all-info ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable3 $ TimeStamp: 06/05/28-19:44:37-GMT CVS: $Id: mris_smooth.c,v 
2006/05/02 21:41:01 nicks Exp $ User: graham Machine: 
Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 CompilerName: GCC 
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_inflate ProgramArguments: -all-info ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable3 $ TimeStamp: 06/05/28-19:44:37-GMT CVS: $Id: mris_inflate.c,v 
2006/05/02 21:41:01 nicks Exp $ User: graham Machine: 
Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 CompilerName: GCC 
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_sphere ProgramArguments: -all-info ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable3 $ 

Re: [Freesurfer] mghWrite failure in mri_remove_neck

2006-05-30 Thread Graham Wideman


There's over 200 gig space on that drive, and I have since test copied over 
100 Meg to the mri directory (as the same user, so permissions seem OK).


1. Is mghWrite failure salient, or is this just mri_remove_neck checking 
for an existing file in order to delete it (ie: it's not really an error).

2. In general, does recon-all happily restart at wherever stage you tell 
it, and overwrite existing files, or is some special action necessary to 
deal with existing files?



At 5/30/2006 10:10 AM, Doug Greve wrote:

Can you verify that the disk was not full?


Graham Wideman wrote:


In our first attempt at a complete run of recon-all, we hit this odd 
failure: recon-all stopped after the mri_remove_neck stage, claiming that:

1. mri_remove_neck couldn't mghWrite to nu_noneck.mgz

2. But then appeared to perform the neck removal anyway and write the output

3. But then the subsequent step: mri_em_register failed saying that it 
can't read nu_noneck.mgz

... and sure enough, there is no such file there.

The recon-all.log for these steps is copied below.

This doesn't appear to be a permissions problem, as the script happily 
wrote other files to the same mri directory.

I do wonder whether mri_remove_neck was actually using the correct 
directory (we are not using the default SUBJECTS_DIR), but the logic for 
that is in an executable that I don't think we have source for?

But the primary troubleshooting question is why the mghWrite failed, but 
processing continued anyway, with the subsequent writing output message 
suggesting success of this step (but no file to show for it).




Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] mghWrite failure in mri_remove_neck

2006-05-30 Thread Graham Wideman

At 5/30/2006 01:41 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:

do you have gzip on your system?

Yes... and just ran it to be sure.


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] mghWrite failure in mri_remove_neck

2006-05-30 Thread Graham Wideman

At 5/30/2006 01:38 PM, Doug Greve wrote:

I've put a new Linux version of mri_remove_neck at:
Can you run this? It prints more info about why it's failing.

Thanks Doug... here are the results, and it looks like Bruce's guess was in 
the right area :-)

I ran:

recon-all -autorecon2  -nogcareg -nocanorm -nocareg -nocareginv

... so as to run only the Remove Neck step, and here's what I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove Neck Tue May 30 13:56:46 PDT 2006

 mri_remove_neck -radius 25 nu.mgz transforms/talairach.m3z 

erasing everything more than 25 mm from possible brain
reading atlas 

setting gca type = Normal gca type
reading input volume 'nu.mgz'...
reading transform 'transforms/talairach.m3z'...
gcam-type = vox
reading labels out of gcam file...
removing structures at least 25 mm from brain...
11495184 nonbrain voxels erased
writing output to nu_noneck.mgz...
mghWrite(nu_noneck.mgz, -1): could not open file
ERROR: opening pipe gzip -f -c  nu_noneck.mgz, errno = 12
Cannot allocate memory
Linux 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 #1 Thu Jun 2 22:55:56 EDT 2005 
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

recon-all exited with ERRORS at Tue May 30 14:08:38 PDT 2006

Any ideas on this? I've not sure which program is issuing which error.


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] mghWrite failure in mri_remove_neck

2006-05-30 Thread Graham Wideman

At 5/30/2006 03:25 PM, Doug Greve wrote:
It was running out of memory. I've copied a new version into that ftp 
site. It might do a little better with the memory managment.

First off -- thanks for the quick response with new versions of the program 
to try, and obviously the addition of the diagnostic output has really helped.

Response with this version was basically the same as before... Cannot 
allocate memory (log excerpt below).

FWIW here's more info:

Linux box running FC4. Only half gig of memory, plus one gig swap space.

While running these last couple of times I watched memory allocation in 
KInfoCenter's Memory monitor pane.

With no FS script running:

Physical memory: 432 Meg free
Swap: 933 Meg free.

With mri_remove_neck running:
Physical memory: fluctuates between 5 Meg and 40 Meg free.
Swap memory: Generally about 500 Meg free.

So, clearly mri_remove_neck sucks up a lot of memory, and one 
path-of-least-resistance is a trip to Fry's for some more memory :-).

Any other suggestions are welcome, of course.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove Neck Tue May 30 14:39:56 PDT 2006

 mri_remove_neck -radius 25 nu.mgz transforms/talairach.m3z 

erasing everything more than 25 mm from possible brain
reading atlas 

setting gca type = Normal gca type
reading input volume 'nu.mgz'...
reading transform 'transforms/talairach.m3z'...
gcam-type = vox
reading labels out of gcam file...
removing structures at least 25 mm from brain...
11495184 nonbrain voxels erased
writing output to nu_noneck.mgz...
mghWrite(nu_noneck.mgz, -1): could not open file
ERROR: opening pipe gzip -f -c  nu_noneck.mgz, errno = 12
Cannot allocate memory
Linux 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 #1 Thu Jun 2 22:55:56 EDT 2005 
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

recon-all exited with ERRORS at Tue May 30 14:54:52 PDT 2006

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] mghWrite failure in mri_remove_neck -- SOLVED

2006-05-30 Thread Graham Wideman

Doug and Bruce:

Turns out that 2 gig of memory causes mri_remove_neck to work. (Not known 
whether 1 gig would do the trick.)

Thanks for the crucial clues.


At 5/30/2006 04:44 PM, Doug Greve wrote:
I don't know why the new version did not work. I free the morph before it 
tries to write. Maybe there was not enough contiguous space.

Bruce Fischl wrote:

oh, that's because it reads in the nonlinear morph which is big. I guess 
we need to recommend 1G/cpu from now on :)

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Some FS input questions

2006-05-28 Thread Graham Wideman

Most likely to Nick S, unless anyone else would like to chime in...

I'm gearing up for some extensive use of FS... it's downloaded, installed, 
and initial tests run OK... so far with minimum of pain (yay team!).

Now... I need to discover how to feed in data other than raw scanned files, 
because we want to try several alternatives to the initial processing, 
which we have in AFNI format, ac-pc aligned with iso-sided voxels but not 1 mm.

I suspect I'll end up scouring the recon-all script, but a few hints would 
be helpful, mainly aimed at (a) taking advantage of processing that we have 
done by other methods, (b) minimizing resampling and (c) winding up with 
surfaces and segmentations that are most readily overlayed with our other 
processed data, tracings etc.

1. If we want to feed in already ac-pc aligned, brain-extracted input, at 
what stage of recon-all should we be looking to supply it? (I can figure 
out where in the directories to put the data, but not sure on the stage of 
processing to start at).

2. It used to be that FS's surface pipeline didn't insist on Talairaching 
the voxel data, and skipping that resulted in output that is true to 
original space. Is that still the case?

3. Does current FS proper require 256x256x256 1mm data, or can it take any 
shape brick and voxel size (ie: without resampling) these days?

4. If FS *does* want to work with 1mm voxels only: It used to be that 
though FS wanted 1mm input voxels, you could feed in some other sizes by 
do-it-yourself creation of the COR images, and FS was fine... is that still 
the case (but now with mgz format)?

4. Is it the case that the subcortical voxel-based parcellation *does* 
require the Talairaching step for correspondence with the probability atlas?

5. The surface and voxel-based pipelines are separate, not even sharing the 
white segmentation step, right?

Thanks in advance,


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Announcement: new stable release, v3.0

2006-03-06 Thread Graham Wideman




At 3/6/2006 11:59 AM, you wrote:

Freesurfer community,

A new stable release, v3.0, is now available.
The Release Notes page describing what's new,
and a link to the download page, is here:

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Video card/linux distro for 3D dual monitors: Recommendations?

2005-12-05 Thread Graham Wideman


Having developed high blood pressure due to the incredible time waste 
involved in trying to get anything other than lowest-common-denominator 
video running on linux... I thought I'd ask you all for recommendations 
that you know *do* work.

So I'm looking for some combination of video card, drivers/libraries and 
linux distribution that can be installed and configured in time guaranteed 
to be less than infinite...

1. Must support dual monitors (ie: for 2560 x 1024 desktop).

2. Vid card must have some features that make 3D operations speedy.

3. Must have actual non-buggy drivers that allow FreeSurfer to drive the 
vid card's 3D features.

4. All should be relatively recent so that they don't preclude getting 
other things running due to being obsolete.

Any suggestions?



Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Coregistration?

2005-10-12 Thread Graham Wideman

Nate Parks wrote: 

 Does AFNI have an automated coregistration
 I thought you could only do manual coreg in AFNI. 

AFNI coregistration program is 3dvolreg.

See docs:

And if you are having trouble finding which AFNI program does what, you
might like my all afni helps on one page:


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Distributions: which? ; Archives -- forbidden

2005-08-26 Thread Graham Wideman


I would like to get up-to-date on our FreeSurfer installation.  Are there 
some notes which describe the various snapshots at:  ?

In particular, some of these downloads are much huger than others, which 
makes one wonder what's included in each.

I also tried to see if there were some email messages covering this in the 
archives, but the archive seems to be broken currently:

... returns Forbidden -- ie: permissions problem.



Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] can left and right surfaces be flipped?

2005-05-18 Thread Graham Wideman
I think mris_reverse will do the trick.
But one cautionary note... I think when I investigated this there is a 
minor problem.

The job of mris_reverse is to flip the sign of the RL coordinate on each of 
the vertices, and also to change the order of the vertices in the sets of 
three points that make up each triangle (because order of the three points 
is used to indicate inside and outside the brain).

If you wish to have your flipped surfaces viewable in conjunction with your 
original COR volume you might be tempted to flip the input volume also 
(using for example AFNI or some other MRI software).

However, 0,0,0 in the coordinate system used by FreeSurfer is not in the 
center of the COR volume, it's off by half a voxel. Ie: in the L-R 
direction, the center of a COR image (ie: between the two middle pixels) is 
at R = 0.5 mm. [*]

The net result will be that the flipped surfaces will misregister with the 
flipped MRI volume by one voxel RL (ie: half + half).

For some users this is no concern at all, for others its a problem.
More details at:
[*] Subject to the usual possibility of getting off-the-top-of-the-head 
details wrong in emails. 

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_convert and COR files

2004-10-15 Thread Graham Wideman
You may benefit from my notes (now somewhat outdated) on getting FS going, 
including the Bert data and how it doesn't match the manual.
At 10/15/2004 03:27 PM, Kushal Koolwal wrote:
 I downloaded the raw data set for the subject called
'bert' and found 3 directories named 001 002 003 under
it. And each of the directories contains files from
COR-001 to COR-256.
Freesurfer mailing list