Re: [Freevo-users] Freevo 1.5 on Duron 1.6GHz?

2004-09-08 Thread Jaap Struyk
> On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 22:53, T.Hartman wrote:

> I already have an AverTV card and I was wondering if a Duron 
> > 1.6 GHz is enough to record TV realtime

I use a Duron 1200 to capture in (K)VCD quality at 30% CPU usage with
Works great!
Groetjes Japie

2.4.26 i686

Are you scared of speed? If so, try Windows NT.

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Re: [Freevo-users] Freevo 1.5 on Duron 1.6GHz?

2004-09-08 Thread Jesper Mathiassen
On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 22:53, T.Hartman wrote:
> I've been wanting to put together a Freevo/MythTV type project for quite 
> some time now. I've just been waiting for prices to come down on 
> hardware. I already have an AverTV card and I was wondering if a Duron 
> 1.6 GHz is enough to record TV realtime, and if so at what 
> quality/framerate? I looked a in the documentation and the archives a 
> bit and didn't find anything specific about how much/what kind of 
> processor is required to have basic recording/playback ability.
> -Todd Hartman

I use a 700Mhz Athlon t-bird w. 640Mb SD-ram and a 80Gb Seagate ata-100
disk for a dedicated FreeVO box. I record 480x260 images using divx at
1200kbit/sek. this loads approx. 56% of the cpu, so there's some left
for playback and hick-ups (it doubles as fileserver..).
I tried MythTV, which recorded and played back (the way mythtv livetv
works is by recording a stream to disk and playing it back immidiatly,
unlike Freevo which feeds directly to video) a 2200kbit stream in rtjpeg
without issues. Mythtv uses 480x480 images by default, however mythtv
pretty much maxed out the machine at about 96%..
by all this data, I'd recommend a 1600+ to record in 640x480 (or maybe
768x576, for hw mjpeg) using about 2Mbit datarate. this provides
excellent image quality and I think your box should have leftover
capacity for other roles.

My $0.02

- Styx

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[Freevo-users] Freevo 1.5 on Duron 1.6GHz?

2004-09-08 Thread T.Hartman
I've been wanting to put together a Freevo/MythTV type project for quite 
some time now. I've just been waiting for prices to come down on 
hardware. I already have an AverTV card and I was wondering if a Duron 
1.6 GHz is enough to record TV realtime, and if so at what 
quality/framerate? I looked a in the documentation and the archives a 
bit and didn't find anything specific about how much/what kind of 
processor is required to have basic recording/playback ability.

-Todd Hartman

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[Freevo-users] Weather plugin broken for UKXX0061 - Glasgow, Scotland, UK??

2004-09-08 Thread Nicholas Ruddick

The weather plugin worked for this location before, but
suddenly it’s broken and the data file is showing nothing significant in
it. Is this a known issue?





Re: [Freevo-users] Re: Ideas for next major release wanted: Perhaps a survey is needed?

2004-09-08 Thread Markus Bonet

I this sounds good, i can setup a survey for the freevo pages.
If it doesn't sound goodforget it, it's just an idea

Good idea!
Add some questions about other usage of the box (fileserver etc.).
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[Freevo-users] Re: Ideas for next major release wanted

2004-09-08 Thread Fons van der Beek
Here is my input on ideas how the next major version of Freevo could look like.

At first the "looks" of freevo:
 Comparing freevo to competetors: freevo already looks professional and good (actualy 
after finetuning freevo looks best)  tastes
may vary but all main ingredients: playing media, viewing metadata, connecting to 
internet are OK!  A finetuning of OSD (by using
bmovl(2)) would be fine BUT beware of extra dependencies:

 with version 1.4
 freevo strength was the easy initial installation if mplayer worked freevo provided a 
 user interface!

 with freevo version 1.5
 Freevo looked better! but installation was more difficult and may scare new users off

The needs of users for a new version how freevo will be used depends on the current 
usage of freevo:
-a computer with a crt(tft) and attached keyboard
-a setopbox: a dedicated pc with output to a tv or plasma screen
-a computer with a crt(tft) and keyboard WITH tv or plasma screen

users with an attached crt,keyboard may benefiet from input features like browsing and 
renaming mp3 tags etc
users with an extra TV attached to their computer may benefiet from a dual screen 
users using freevo as setopbox want a "simple" user interface and may benefiet from a 
webinterface allowing them to configure and
operate their system with a second computer.

IMHO extending the webinterface may serve all users in all configurations...
Extending input like renaming mp3-tages, grouping radio stations, creating playlists 
is much easyer done by using a webinterface as
by using a remote control or an attached keyboard to a setopbox

Therefore my question/suggestions would be:
-Perl scripts for downloading main dependencies.
-Keep the TV interface simple (but as beautifull as possible):
 It's for displaying and playing playlists,albums, movies and dvd's.
 Everyone also children and housewife's should be able to operate the "TV interface" 
of freevo

-Usage of buttons like: red,green,yellow,blue would result in a more user friendly 
-Usage of statusbars/screens when streaming could also add functionality
-Usage of a sliding controlpannel could add user comfort
-Define a plugin interface  as stated on emails before: the businterface
-Extend the webinterface: configuration and modifying things like media tags,
 playlists, radiostations, xmltv bindings, stationlist,jukebox etc etc.
-A second setup step could be by using the webinterface for finetuning the 
(this serves every user, by using a browser on a second or the main freevo box)
-Add a jukebox function not based on using the TV set but by using a webinterface.
 Personally i use a modified version of coolmp3 database as a seperate jukebox on my 
freevo box
 combining them (database features for playing and modifying mp3's) and using them 
over a webinterface (i don't  want my  tv on all
the time) would certainly add functionality.

Users that do not benefit from a webinterface are those users only having ONE computer 
attached to a TV with no second computer
around, or no second crt and keyboard around.Designing a good webinterface with "good" 
looks would certainly make freevo unique to
it's  competetors. (the other's all "suck"). A good designed webinterface could also 
serve as "remote control" for pda users.

If all requirements,dependencies,interfaces are known, I would be happy to help 
implementing/migrating the current web interface to
a new one with new functions like remote control, jukebox, configuration etc etc.
Just name what program's that will be used and i will get to know them.

The requirments/sepcs could be:
-a lightwight implementation of a webserver other than apache+php+mysql
-Hardware specs (generating graphs on the freevo box?)
-at what speed the webserver should work: lanspeed or modemspeed
-Graphical design of menu's
-by using java clients (i do not prefer them)
-dependencies: imagemagick, sqllite,python, businterface ?

On the other hand.just for being complete
A completly other aproach could be: controling the freevobox by .e.g. 
tightvnc.. (if freevo is used with X)
Currently I use this aproach and it serves me well, but ofcourse i don't have all 
input features as described above simple for the
fact that freevo doesn't have them.

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[Freevo-users] Re: Ideas for next major release wanted: Perhaps a survey is needed?

2004-09-08 Thread Fons van der Beek
I  wonder if a survey for users of freevo wouldn't be usefull: 
 "knowing the users and their freevo usage would serve the developpers most certainly"

Some questions in this survey could be:

-Hardware specs: 
 -CPU, memory, diskspace
 -(Remote)controll usage: serial lirc, capturing card, usb, keyboard?
 -Used graphic cards
 -Used sound system: OSS /alsa
 -Is AC3 used?
 -Usage of TV out
 -How many (current or planned) TV or SAT cards in te freevo box

-How are spekaers connected to the system?
 -By a 5.1 Amp?
 -Directly: computer speakers?

-How many computers are connected to the freevo box?
-Is the freevo computer contiously conncted to the internet.

-Usage rating: current and future use
 Picture viewing
 Movie viewing
 DVD viewing
 MP3 playing
 Ripping DVD's
 Ripping CD's
 TV viewing and recording
 SAT viewing and recording
 Digital TV viewing and recording
 Need for dual screen configuration?
 Answering machine for telephone?
 Email usage on freevo box?
 RSS feeds
-Need for?
 Installation wizards
 recording Radio
I this sounds good, i can setup a survey for the freevo pages.
If it doesn't sound goodforget it, it's just an idea

Just my 2 cents

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Re: [Freevo-users] Re: Ideas for next major release wanted

2004-09-08 Thread Fons van der Beek

- Original Message - 
From: "Dirk Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 4:39 PM
Subject: [Freevo-users] Re: Ideas for next major release wanted

> Fons van der Beek wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I was wondering how the "new" OSD (or gui while playing a movie)
> > works in ombination with mplayer and the format/size of the movie
> > currently playing.  In other words: "Is there a need to expand the
> > movie to a given size to have a decent layout?"
> Currently: yes! The basic concept does not, but I guess the best way
> would be always use the default resolution and scale it down before
> sending it to bmovl. With that it's easier to move objects from on
> screen to the other without resizing.

As stated in the text on the original email expanding the movie takes considerable cpu 
time, for
a feature that is not often needed.

I guess an option would be:
Expand a movie smallar as a given minimum let's say e.g. 450x600, if the movie is 
"bigger" downsize or upsize
the graphics of the "OSD" to movie size. This would enhance performance of the system 
and preserve a decent layout. Perhaps sizing
of the "OSD" must also be dependend on the aspect ratio of the movie.

my 2 cents...

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Re: [Freevo-users] Re: Freevo 1.5.0 brain dead regarding Xine?

2004-09-08 Thread bc
It does work, I was the one who was brain dead. When I was doing some
troubleshooting, I changed my startup script to run in trace mode. When I
realized it (after pulling a lot of hair out :-) and remove the -trace
command everything worked great.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dirk Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 7:26 AM
Subject: [Freevo-users] Re: Freevo 1.5.0 brain dead regarding Xine?

> "Bret Clark" wrote:
> > Every time I run Freevo it tells me the version of Xine needs to be >
> > 0.9.21 and thus deactivates the plugin. The problem is I have Xine
> > 0.9.22 installed and shows version 0.9.22 if I run it manually. What
> > is Freevo doing that makes it think Xine is not the latest version?
> > And how do I fix it?
> Strange, it should work. But you can force the version by adding
> XINE_VERSION=922 in your
> Dischi
> -- 
> A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is
> never sure.
> ---
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> FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
> Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
> ___
> Freevo-users mailing list

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[Freevo-users] Dxr3 support

2004-09-08 Thread eric tanguy
Hi, i follow the indications given on the freevo website to enable dxr3
support but i have a problem with the dxr3 patch for SDL. I'm trying to
apply SDL-1.2.6-dxr3-ffmpeg.patch to SDL 1.2.7 but i have yhis error : 1
out of 3 hunks FAILED
-- saving rejects to file
*** 1698,1703 
  case "$target" in
--- 1719,1725 
  case "$target" in
+ CheckDxr3Video
I'm a newbie in compilation and can't understand what i have to change.

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Re: [Freevo-users] Re: Ideas for next major release wanted

2004-09-08 Thread Dale Cooper

Dirk Meyer wrote:

  Dale Cooper wrote:
I do not know whether it is already included but have not found any
note about VPS support for TV recording?

I you can tell me how. I looked at the dvb standard (I will only do
that for dvb because I have no other card) and there is a vps
flag. Maybe the next version of Freevo will have vps support for dvb,
maybe not, depends if the stations use that flag. Also showview sounds
like a good idea, but IIRC no one has cracked the code yet.



As I said, I have not fully
configured Freevo for video operations yet so I have no clue how
recording _exactly_ works, sorry. 

However, if Freevo used VDR
for recording, it seems to support VPS "natively". But maybe I am wrong
and it can't be used.


[Freevo-users] Dxr3 support

2004-09-08 Thread eric tanguy
Hi, i follow the indications given on the freevo website to enable dxr3
support but i have a problem with the dxr3 patch for SDL. I'm trying to
apply SDL-1.2.6-dxr3-ffmpeg.patch to SDL 1.2.7 but i have yhis error : 1
out of 3 hunks FAILED
-- saving rejects to file
*** 1698,1703 
  case "$target" in
--- 1719,1725 
  case "$target" in
+ CheckDxr3Video
I'm a newbie in compilation and can't understand what i have to change.

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[Freevo-users] Re: Ideas for next major release wanted

2004-09-08 Thread Dirk Meyer
Fons van der Beek wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was wondering how the "new" OSD (or gui while playing a movie)
> works in ombination with mplayer and the format/size of the movie
> currently playing.  In other words: "Is there a need to expand the
> movie to a given size to have a decent layout?"

Currently: yes! The basic concept does not, but I guess the best way
would be always use the default resolution and scale it down before
sending it to bmovl. With that it's easier to move objects from on
screen to the other without resizing. 


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[Freevo-users] 16:9 (was: Ideas for next major release wanted)

2004-09-08 Thread Dirk Meyer
Fabio Papa wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
>> Doesn't the resolution, which we already configure
>> for freevo, determine the
>> aspect ratio?  (800x600 = 4:3, 1280x720 = 16:9). 
>> Maybe I'm missing
>> something...?
> Hm, I don't think there's any correlation. I think
> freevo simply calls mplayer in fullscreen mode, but it
> doesn't know anything about resolution. And anyway, I
> don't think one should use a fixed resolution. For
> example, what happens if you set a 16:9 resolution and
> then whatch 4:3 TV shows?

I have no 16:9 tv set. So no patches or work from me at the
location. Freel free to send patches so freevo/mplayer/xine do the
correct thing when you have 4:3 and 16:9 videos.


When in doubt, do it.  It's much easier to apologize than to get permission.
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[Freevo-users] Re: Ideas for next major release wanted

2004-09-08 Thread Dirk Meyer
Dale Cooper wrote:
> I do not know whether it is already included but have not found any
> note about VPS support for TV recording?

I you can tell me how. I looked at the dvb standard (I will only do
that for dvb because I have no other card) and there is a vps
flag. Maybe the next version of Freevo will have vps support for dvb,
maybe not, depends if the stations use that flag. Also showview sounds
like a good idea, but IIRC no one has cracked the code yet.


665.9238429876 - Number of the Pentium Beast

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RE: [Freevo-users] Re: Quick question

2004-09-08 Thread Bruno Tavares
Well yes.. i *was* using 2.2.something and everything worked except that
'if text in list' stuff.
I don't mind upgrading my python, but if Freevo really has the python
2.3 dependency it should be written in big fat letters somewhere.

On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 14:32, Mick wrote:
> >
> > I use 'if text in list' all the time. So the first version supporting it
> > is the minimum for Freevo.
> >
> Bruno, are you watching?  This was one of the bus you found on cd_burn.
> Watch version are you running again?  I though it *was* 2.2.3.
> Mick
> ---
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> ___
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Bruno Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Novis Telecom, S.A. - Engenharia / ISP 
EdifÃcio Novis - Estrada da Outurela, 118 - 2795-606 Carnaxide
Tel +351-210104521 - Fax: +351-210104301

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[Freevo-users] Re: Ideas for next major release wanted

2004-09-08 Thread Dirk Meyer
Michael Osten wrote:
> I agree.  Our family watches zero broadcast television.  All
> television programming we watch comes via bittorrent so we can get
> (near) HDTV  in an area with no HDTV signal, or DVD's..  What I would
> like in the next release is a solid interface with bittorrent

Bittorrent is a great program, it it could change the way we download
big files ... but right now, when someone thinks of bittorrent, he
thinks of illegal downloads. The legal video downloads are close to

Since I don't want to spend my free time to fight with film studios
that Freevo is illegal (They think very simple and stupid: freevo can
use bt, bt can be used to download illegal videos ==> freevo is
illegal. Let's sue them). 

> I would guess that the core users of Freevo are like me, because, no
> offense, but MythTV does a much better job of recording live TV, but
> lacks in the other dept.'s

We know that, it's close to the top of my todo list. 


And now for something completely different.

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[Freevo-users] Re: Ideas for next major release wanted

2004-09-08 Thread Dirk Meyer
Dirk Meyer wrote:
> Since I don't want to spend my free time to fight with film studios
> that Freevo is illegal (They think very simple and stupid: freevo can
> use bt, bt can be used to download illegal videos ==> freevo is
> illegal. Let's sue them). 

Oops, the sentence is not finished.

| Since I don't want to spend my free time to fight with film studios
| that Freevo is illegal, I don't want bt support in the Freevo
| core. For plugins, you can do what you want, it's not my problem.


Freedom of speech is wonderful - right up there with the freedom not to

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RE: [Freevo-users] Re: Quick question

2004-09-08 Thread Mick
> I use 'if text in list' all the time. So the first version supporting it
> is the minimum for Freevo.
Bruno, are you watching?  This was one of the bus you found on cd_burn.
Watch version are you running again?  I though it *was* 2.2.3.


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RE: [Freevo-users] DVDcopy error (Skin instance has no attribute 'headlines_areas') and tv channel problems

2004-09-08 Thread Mick
> Problem #1 - DVDcopy
You need to enable the headlines plugin.

I hope the auto releases a new version soon ;-)


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Re: [Freevo-users] Re: Ideas for next major release wanted

2004-09-08 Thread Jon Scheer
First off, I want to say that Freevo is great, and if you never made any 
changes to it again my wife and I would still love it and continue to 
use it.  :-)

Concerning ideas for future releases, when navigating menus, I think it 
would be nice if the menu option you selected was briefly highlighted 
(say, for 250msec) before going into that menu (like on many DVD 
players).  I use LIRC to control Freevo (from any TV location in the 
house), and every now and then when I push a button on the remote Freevo 
(LIRC, really) detects it as multiple presses.  Thus, I may be at the 
top level of the menu, then when I press the button I'm suddenly 3 
levels down.  Having a brief delay before going into the menu would not 
only help to know where one is about to go, but it would make it 
look/work like many (all?) DVD players, etc.

A second idea is an extension of Faser's comment about images -- can the 
EXIF information be read and the image rotated automatically?

Again, thank you for Freevo -- it's a gift to the open source community.
Take care.
Dirk Meyer wrote:
"Faser" wrote:
Image Viewer were to get the information? How about EXIF? There are many
programs to read EXIF infos under Linux. (Please don't kill me if this is
already part of Freevo, don't have me box running).

Exif is supported, but it only has minor informations. For my vacation
pictures I want at least add a nice title, maybe a location, a small
text and maybe a list of people on the photo.

One other suggestion (I don't know if easy or not) have direct access menus
on the top level (e.g. that I can define a new Menu to directly start a
certain radio station).

I will think how to do that.

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[Freevo-users] Re: Freevo 1.5.0 brain dead regarding Xine?

2004-09-08 Thread Dirk Meyer
"Bret Clark" wrote:
> Every time I run Freevo it tells me the version of Xine needs to be >
> 0.9.21 and thus deactivates the plugin. The problem is I have Xine
> 0.9.22 installed and shows version 0.9.22 if I run it manually. What
> is Freevo doing that makes it think Xine is not the latest version?
> And how do I fix it?

Strange, it should work. But you can force the version by adding
XINE_VERSION=922 in your


A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is
never sure.

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[Freevo-users] Re: Quick question

2004-09-08 Thread Dirk Meyer
Mick wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-09-06 at 00:38, Rob Shortt wrote:
>> Justin Wetherell wrote:
>> > Is there any way for Freevo to ignore the "Lost+Found" directories 
>> > created by the ext3 filesystem?
>> I had a friend ask me this last week and sent him this patch.  I haven't 
>> had much time to look deeper to see if it is the "right way" to get this 
>> done but the results were posative.
> This will crash on a 2.2 or bellow python system.  if text in line: does
> not work.

That doesn't work with 2.2? IIRC at least 2.2.3 supports that. 

> Where to we document that we require 2.3?  

I use 'if text in list' all the time. So the first version supporting it
is the minimum for Freevo.


It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

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[Freevo-users] Re: DVD Drive only showing files, not playing.

2004-09-08 Thread Dirk Meyer
"Nicholas Ruddick" wrote:
> I tried echo "1" /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/check_media to no avail and well Gentoo
> builds everything off sources. I tried removing freevo, mmpython, lsdvd and
> then installing lsdvd, followed by mmpython then freevo. No joy either.
> Anybody got any other suggestions to why it is not detecting any dvd's as
> movies? Mplayer plays them fine.
> I had this working on Fedora 2 with no problems.
> Nick
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Veigar Freyr
> Jökulsson
> Sent: 02 September 2004 16:15
> Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] DVD Drive only showing files, not playing.
> I´ve had the same problem, and it solved when I compiled lsdvd from 
> sources and recompiled mmpython and Freevo.

Freevo 1.5.1 (a.k.a. cvs tag rel-1-5) will solve that (I hope)


As long as there are ill-defined goals, bizarre bugs, and unrealistic 
schedules, there will be Real Programmers willing to jump in and Solve 
The Problem, saving the documentation for later.

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[Freevo-users] DVDcopy error (Skin instance has no attribute 'headlines_areas') and tv channel problems

2004-09-08 Thread Niklas Bivald
I'm been trying to set up Freevo for some time now, and I hit some problems 
I can't seem to solve by myself. Therefor I am asking for your help.

Problem #1 - DVDcopy
I've downloaded the latest version of DVDcopy, installed all dependencies 
and configured it. I can load it, open the menu and even start a 
backup-copying. But there are some menus that are unreachable and causes 
Freevo to freeze (making it necessary to kill: python -OO 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/freevo-1.5.0/src/", line 315, in 
  File "/usr/local/freevo-1.5.0/src/", line 561, in 
action( arg=arg, menuw=self )
  File "/usr/local/freevo-1.5.0/src/", line 87, in select
self.function(arg=self.arg, menuw=menuw)
  File "/usr/local/freevo-1.5.0/src/video/plugins/", 
line 559, in show_backup_info
  File "/usr/local/freevo-1.5.0/src/video/plugins/", 
line 1200, in __init__
skin.draw('headlines', self.item)
  File "/usr/local/freevo-1.5.0/src/skins/main/", line 529, 
in draw
self.all_areas= getattr(self, '%s_areas' % type)
AttributeError: Skin instance has no attribute 'headlines_areas'

I've tried the regular skin and the crystal.. Menus affected: DVD 
information and Backup information.

Problem #2:
Channel selection. I enter the TV-Guide and selects a channel and instead 
of playing that channel it simply opens the channel tvtime last used. I'm 
using the channel id's from tvtime.

Channel configuration:
( '', 'SVT1', '0' ),
( '', 'SVT2', '0' ),
( '', 'TV 3 Sverige', '11' ),
( '', 'TV4', '6' ),
( '', 'Kanal 5', '23'),
( '', 'TV8', '11' ),
( '', 'ZTV Sverige', '8' ),
( '', 'MTV', '28'),
( '', 'Eurosport', '29'),
( 'disc', 'Discovery Channel', '10') ]
(svt1/2 isn't configured)
As stated ID 28 matches with ZTV channel in tvtime and so on..
Oh, one more thing: Everytime I try setting a record item, favorite or 
similar all it gives me is: record_client: connection error and/or 
Recording server is unavailable. How do I fix this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, freevo truly is a great system and I 
almost feel embarrassed asking these questions because they are probably 
simple miss configurations by me. But I can't seem to solve them (after 
trying a long time of course)

With great regards,
Niklas Bivald, Sweden
// Niklas Bivald
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, 
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and 
listening to repetitive electronic music."
- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] Via C3 and i810 performance

2004-09-08 Thread John Snowdon
I've a chance of picking up a Saintsong 'Expresso' pc... a tiny little
thing about the size of a postcard... it runs a 900MHz C3, 16bit audio,
2.5" hdd, and Intel 810 video with HD15 and composite out. I was
planning on replacing the in-car Xbox with it, but was wondering if
there are any other Freevo users out there with C3's and the i810 video
chip - what is playback performance like?



 John Snowdon - IT Support Specialist
 School of Medical Education Development 
 Faculty of Medical Sciences Computing
 University of Newcastle

>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
>Sent: 08 September 2004 03:09
>Subject: RE: [Freevo-users] Ideas for next major release wanted
>Hello, good sir, Fabio...
>I now more fully understand your ideas.
>However, I still have a sense of purity in my mind.  I'm not a 
>just a user, so it probably doesn't really matter anyway (I 
>don't want to
>step on anyone's toes here).
>To continue our discussion...
>> Hm, I don't think there's any correlation. I think
>> freevo simply calls mplayer in fullscreen mode, but it
>> doesn't know anything about resolution. And anyway, I
>> don't think one should use a fixed resolution. For
>> example, what happens if you set a 16:9 resolution and
>> then whatch 4:3 TV shows?
>Let me explain... I'm totally positive that when I tell freevo via the
>/etc/freevo/freevo.conf file to display at 768x576, freevo does so.  As
>such, I've essentially told freevo that I'm using a 4:3 ratio 
>(which just
>happens to be the same resolution as a typical television 
>set).  Now, when I
>play a typical DVD using the widescreen format, everything 
>works like it
>should (I have the familiar "letterbox").  When I play a 
>typical DVD using
>the fullscreen format, again, everything works like it should (I have a
>fully filled screen).  I don't pass any special parameters 
>Monsters, Inc. is a perfect test because both formats are on one DVD.
>I'd love to now test 16:9, but I don't possess a monitor 
>capable of such a
>resolution. So, thinking logically, I would assume that freevo 
>would give a
>perfect screen for widescreen format, and sidebars for 4:3 formatted
>Basically, is it possible you're "over-thinking" the issue.  
>Does freevo
>really need to pass to Mplayer the ratio when it already knows the
>Your DVD player wants to know that info so it can 
>automatically re-format
>the source material to fit your screen.  ie.. To crop the 
>sides of a 16:9
>movie to fit a 4:3 television and fill the screen.  I donno, 
>maybe that's
>what you were getting at (re-formatting on the fly)?
>> All of this is true, but only, as you stated, with
>> modern hardware. And expansive, I would add. As a
>> minimum, a digital amplifier/receiver is needed. In my
>> view, one that wants freevo is trying to go cheap in
>> the first place. So you'll have to think more about
>> analog output from the audio card. That was what I had
>> in mind.
>OK, This is where we might be completely confusing one 
>another.  I now think
>you mean for those who are using freevo and NOT integrating it into an
>already established home-theater/home-entertainment system.
>If this is the case, then those users are using their computer 
>speakers as
>their primary speakers for their system.  If so, then yes, I 
>see your point
>that freevo could help by compensating for irregular speaker placement.
>However, might I point out that doing so might be a bit 
>over-kill.  The user
>is using computer speakers for gosh sakes!  Why take all that time
>programming in a feature that few will benefit.  I just don't think an
>audiophile is using computer speakers, nor do I believe a plain user is
>willing to understand the complexities of multi-channel audio.
>> Also, I've seen many rent DVD with only 5.1 tracks, no
>> stereo options available.
>Now, having freevo downmix to 2.0/2.1 in a situation like above, I can
>understand.  But, I must again ask, is this really freevo's job?
>> And that's reasonable, as it should be the hardware, 
>> ie freevo or the set-top player, to do the downmixing.
>I humbly disagree.  Freevo or other DVD player should send ALL 
>the available
>information and allow the equipment on the other end decide 
>how to handle
>> Tell me what you think!
>I honestly think that on the audio portions you are leaning more toward
>freevo helping to do as much as possible for the cheapo with computer
>speakers kinda guy.  While I'm leaning more toward freevo just being a
>simple delivery device that gets the audio/video out in as 
>much of a pure
>way as possible, allowing other external equipment do the 
>processing.  Just
>a different way of thinking.
>I'm NOT a developer--just giving my $.02 on the matter.  Also, a long
>overdue thanks goes out to everyone that