Re: [Full-disclosure] J. A. Terranson

2005-08-31 Thread Steve Kudlak

Atte Peltomaki wrote:

I get it. This is a place where he gets to feel like a big man. A tough
guy. Fine. Whatever floats his boat.

While I'm not taking a stand in this issue, I would like to point out
that there are quite a few people on this list who push their egos by
putting down other people. 

Remember: Arguing on the Internet is like competing in special olympics.
	  (Even if you win, you're still retarded)


Security collects a lot of people like this. Whether male or female
they are often pretty brazen. But remember that those of us who
descended from 545 Tech Square were fond of calling people's ideas
"bogus" way back when too, so there is historical precedent. So I don't
worry about it and just figure it goes with the territory and all of
that sort of stuff.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

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Re: [Full-disclosure] J. A. Terranson

2005-08-29 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Sun, 28 Aug 2005, ghost wrote:

 J.A.,. give up computers, go play in a sandbox. Did you just admit to
 threatening to mailbomb someone? lol.

Bzzdt.  This dude calls me up and starts asking if I'm going to.  Out of
the blue - like I said psycho central.  My first response was to tell him
to GFY and hang up.  His persistence brought him his future.

 Look, Alif,

Awww... Bonding.  How cute.

 I like you, really
 I do. All your lame posts attacking people really adds to the list's
 security awareness, you really are elite. I mean, anyone who puts all
 their backups on a PUBLIC FTP SERVER can't be too bad of a guy, ya

Those backups are a hodge podge of stuff from a variety of folks.  I
have always left that open (provided there is no warez stored).  Feel free
to join in.

 I know, I know, you're an *Admin*, you taught the FBI, eric is
 your toy, and you probably thought you closed it in time.

Actually, most of it was moved around over the weekend, but it will be
back shortly.  Nothing to hide here.

 Does your
 wife know about your porn problem?

Problem?  Whats wrong with my taste in pr0n?

 You're almost as bad as that n3td3v idiot.

Now *thats* fightin' words!  (chuckles)

 In short, all i'm trying to say is, lets not play the one up game.

Theres no one up game being played here.

Theres some fucking freak who thinks he can call people on their fucking
cell phones without picking up a case.  It aint so.


J.A. Terranson

I like the idea of belief in drug-prohibition as a religion in that it is
a strongly held belief based on grossly insufficient evidence and
bolstered by faith born of intuitions flowing from the very beliefs they
are intended to support.

don zweig, M.D.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] J. A. Terranson

2005-08-29 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
I think the real issue here is that the rest of us really don't care. If you have a problem with someone, great. But telling us about it doesn't make you any more important in our eyes. In fact, everyone involved in this tit-for-tat is coming off looking very unprofessional.

On 8/29/05, J.A. Terranson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sun, 28 Aug 2005, ghost wrote: J.A.,. give up computers, go play in a sandbox. Did you just admit to
 threatening to mailbomb someone? lol.Bzzdt.This dude calls me up and starts asking if I'm going to.Out ofthe blue - like I said psycho central.My first response was to tell himto GFY and hang up.His persistence brought him his future.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] J. A. Terranson

2005-08-29 Thread John Smith
I agree. Please stop. Perhaps we could have a count of the 'ayes' to determine whether the list members wish to participate in the drama.
 I think the real issue here is that the rest of us really don't care. If you have a problem with someone, great. But telling us about it  doesn't make you any more important in our eyes. In fact, everyone involved in this tit-for-tat is coming off looking very unprofessional. 

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Re: [Full-disclosure] J. A. Terranson

2005-08-28 Thread James_gmail-ij
On 28/08/05, KF (lists) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Great... thanks for the extra commentary. Now how about you both 
 STFU [..]


just lose the ego boosting at the expense of other list members,
contributors and lurkers alike?  The saddest part is that most parties actually
do have valuable experience and knowledge to contribute to the high
levels of professionalism that usually found here. But people wont take
them as seriously as their skills, experience, and knowledge deserve.

We all learn more from constructive peer review of mistakes. One 
tool contributor that stimulated a LOT of valuable insights is unlikely to
volunteer stuff here again because of the way people ripped into him.

Its fine to be right about something, even when everyone else *is*
ignorant or misguided. The mark of a professional is stimulating
scientific debate to produce better understanding for all.

Save the flaming for UseNet unmoderated groups and ( if you must )
private email. Passion is fine. Just direct it with rational thoughts
about what you hope to achieve socially by its expression!

It aint just about what you do. Its how you do it. Process not product.
A concept that security professionals understand already.

I want to hear from you *all*, OK? But play nice or corrective measures
are likely to be applied ( logic: I have no say in this matter ).

If that happens, then everyone loses. It denies Full disclosure and
makes hypocrites of us all!
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Re: [Full-disclosure] J. A. Terranson

2005-08-28 Thread Honza Vlach
Hash: RIPEMD160

Guys! Stop wasting our time and bandwidth! If you want to argue about
bullshit, you have each other's email.



- --
Version: 3.12
GIT/CS d- s: a-- C$ ULS$ P L+++ E--- W- N+ o? K? w- O?
M-+ V? PS PE Y++ PGP+++ !t 5? X++ R tv-- b++ DI+ D++ G e h--- r++ y?
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail
/\- against microsoft attachments

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] J. A. Terranson

2005-08-28 Thread mjcarter
and phone numbers :-)

 Hash: RIPEMD160

 Guys! Stop wasting our time and bandwidth! If you want to
 argue about bullshit, you have each other's email.



 - --
 Version: 3.12
 GIT/CS d- s: a-- C$ ULS$ P L+++ E--- W- N+ o? K?
 w- O? M-+ V? PS PE Y++ PGP+++ !t 5? X++ R tv-- b++
 DI+ D++ G e h--- r++ y? - --END GEEK CODE
 BLOCK-- ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail
 /\- against microsoft attachments

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)

 CgilEB /dvuV2WGiufAqkt0t4J8jjM=
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Re: [Full-disclosure] J. A. Terranson

2005-08-28 Thread Steve Kudlak


  and phone numbers :-)

Hash: RIPEMD160

Guys! Stop wasting our time and bandwidth! If you want to
argue about bullshit, you have each other's email.



- --
Version: 3.12
GIT/CS d- s: a-- C$ ULS$ P L+++ E--- W- N+ o? K?
w- O? M-+ V? PS PE Y++ PGP+++ !t 5? X++ R tv-- b++
DI+ D++ G e h--- r++ y? - --END GEEK CODE
BLOCK-- ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail
/\- against microsoft attachments

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)

CgilEB /dvuV2WGiufAqkt0t4J8jjM=
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I want to thanke everyone for helping with my research project. It
deals with moderation styles of various groups. From USENET where there
was no real moderation for the most part and frequent flamefests, to
yahoogroups when saying something offensive to the moderator often
causes puniasahment or banning. The two worst being "Buffy the Vampire
Slayer" and "INTIMACY FOR THE DISABLED" which has a "zero tolerence
policy" for the whatever upsets the moderator. One must admit the
Biffy Group had production folks involved so wanted to keep them
involved, so their wished had to be acceded to and overall it has
worked well. 

Now to us net old timers what goes on here is just another flamewar and
mos t of the time if one ignores the combatants whether they are right
or wrong they calm down and go away, or at least calm down. I'd suggest
Xanax .5mg to 1mg but even if had the power to prescrbe such it would
not be medically legitimate to do so without talking to the people

Anyway this is most curious and seems like a blast back to the Wild
West of the Internet. circa USENET groups, many of which regulaly get
abandoned when a different group takes over. I suspect on a mialing
list someone has it and could delete people. Of course this if one
this isn't a grammar argument but usually that only happens when F
users outnumber M users by greater than 3 to one, c.f. Linuxchix but
also INTIMACY FOR THE DISABLED, which was sort of a fascist paradise.

Anyway it would be nice to calm down and get back to basics. What I was
about to ask about was whether a hard to break into and recover
infromartion Cryptocard existed that would allow one to put one's
private key on it and have it be difficult to recover. The reason I ask
this is I have been reading US Federal Court cases and I am getting
more and more concerned that even people who feel they are doing little
to knothing wrong should encrypt their communication. If one's machine
and stuff is seized in a raid then having your private key on an easily
obtainable media it does not good.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

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[Full-disclosure] J. A. Terranson

2005-08-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I did a dumb thing today.

I decided to be nice to someone who didn't deserve it and correct his
mistakes offline so that he wouldn't have to look like a dumbass in public.
In return, I got an earful of profanity. Honestly, I should have known

I've watched Terranson participate on this list long enough to know that
he's not merely rude and obnoxious, he's mean. Bottom line, when you're
dealing with someone who isn't a particularly good person; there's no point
in trying to treat them like a human being. Like the man said; it wastes
your time and annoys the pig.

I get it. This is a place where he gets to feel like a big man. A tough
guy. Fine. Whatever floats his boat.

HOWEVER, that's no excuse for:

a) Acting like a JackAss. (Is that what the J.A. stands for?)

For the record, Kid... (Act like a child, you'll get treated like one.)

1) An Autonomous System is a network or group of networks under the control
of a single administrator and/or administrative policy.

2) A Multihomed network is one which has more than one WAN connection to
one or more service providers.

3) The one has nothing to do with the other. ALL Autonomous systems are NOT
multihomed. In fact, the vast majority are not. If you actually understood
what an autonomous system was, you'd know that. But then, you wouldn't have
put your foot in your mouth.

4) Access Control Lists ARE traffic shaping devices. A device is a
contrivance, invention or technique serving a particular purpose. In this
case, the purpose being served is the movement of packets. The packets may
be moved to another port or they may be moved to the trash. The ACL tells
the machine to examine the packet based on certain defined criteria that
the administrator chooses and make decisions about the movement of the
packet based on that criteria. This may serve a security purpose or it may

5) Access Control Lists are constructed in a particular manner; complex to
simple. Specific to general. They don't HAVE to be written that way, but
they should be and there is a damned good reason for it. Once a packet
matches a particular line, the packet is moved. It may go to another port
or it may get dropped; but the point is that it doesn't stick around for a
second analysis. If you put a deny statement about a particular subnet
ABOVE a permit statement for a particular host FROM that subnet, it's too
late. The packet from that host has already been dumped. But hey, if you
don't mind having a buggy network because you insist on doing things YOUR
way, go ahead and write your ACL's any way you want. Not my problem.

As has already been pointed out, this is a subject better addressed in a
textbook. Whether you want to learn Cisco ACLs, iptables or whatever; you
need some in depth subject matter. This is a complex subject and one in
which you CLEARLY need remedial study.

One last thing, Kid...

You said that you could suggest some books for me?

If those are the same books that you got YOUR monumentally incorrect
information out of, no thanks.

I actually know something about this subject, and I'd like to keep it that

You may now feel free to have the last word. I'd know that sort of thing is
important to someone like you.

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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Re: [Full-disclosure] J. A. Terranson

2005-08-27 Thread KF (lists)
Great... thanks for the extra commentary. Now how about you both shut 
the fuck up and disclose something, other than the fact that you are 
both douche knobs.



I did a dumb thing today.

I decided to be nice to someone who didn't deserve it and correct his
mistakes offline so that he wouldn't have to look like a dumbass in public.
In return, I got an earful of profanity. Honestly, I should have known

I've watched Terranson participate on this list long enough to know that
he's not merely rude and obnoxious, he's mean. Bottom line, when you're
dealing with someone who isn't a particularly good person; there's no point
in trying to treat them like a human being. Like the man said; it wastes
your time and annoys the pig.

I get it. This is a place where he gets to feel like a big man. A tough
guy. Fine. Whatever floats his boat.

HOWEVER, that's no excuse for:

a) Acting like a JackAss. (Is that what the J.A. stands for?)

For the record, Kid... (Act like a child, you'll get treated like one.)

1) An Autonomous System is a network or group of networks under the control
of a single administrator and/or administrative policy.

2) A Multihomed network is one which has more than one WAN connection to
one or more service providers.

3) The one has nothing to do with the other. ALL Autonomous systems are NOT
multihomed. In fact, the vast majority are not. If you actually understood
what an autonomous system was, you'd know that. But then, you wouldn't have
put your foot in your mouth.

4) Access Control Lists ARE traffic shaping devices. A device is a
contrivance, invention or technique serving a particular purpose. In this
case, the purpose being served is the movement of packets. The packets may
be moved to another port or they may be moved to the trash. The ACL tells
the machine to examine the packet based on certain defined criteria that
the administrator chooses and make decisions about the movement of the
packet based on that criteria. This may serve a security purpose or it may

5) Access Control Lists are constructed in a particular manner; complex to
simple. Specific to general. They don't HAVE to be written that way, but
they should be and there is a damned good reason for it. Once a packet
matches a particular line, the packet is moved. It may go to another port
or it may get dropped; but the point is that it doesn't stick around for a
second analysis. If you put a deny statement about a particular subnet
ABOVE a permit statement for a particular host FROM that subnet, it's too
late. The packet from that host has already been dumped. But hey, if you
don't mind having a buggy network because you insist on doing things YOUR
way, go ahead and write your ACL's any way you want. Not my problem.

As has already been pointed out, this is a subject better addressed in a
textbook. Whether you want to learn Cisco ACLs, iptables or whatever; you
need some in depth subject matter. This is a complex subject and one in
which you CLEARLY need remedial study.

One last thing, Kid...

You said that you could suggest some books for me?

If those are the same books that you got YOUR monumentally incorrect
information out of, no thanks.

I actually know something about this subject, and I'd like to keep it that

You may now feel free to have the last word. I'd know that sort of thing is
important to someone like you.

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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