Re: [fw-general] PHP Adoption and the Zend Framework

2006-12-17 Thread Dinh

There are several PHP hosting companies that offer free PHP 5.2 engine
already. However,  it comes as a surprise to me that all of them
refuse to offer PDO for MySQL or PosgreSQL. Instead, they offer PDO
for Sqlite which can not be a serious option. I have tried 5 companies
that offer free PHP 5.1+ hosting and see no difference.

For instance, you can have a look here:

What happens to PDO? Have it been considered a dangerous extension or
PHP 5.1+ new features are simply mysteries to hosting company's
owners? Time of PHP 5.1+ seems to be a long way.


[fw-general] Proper way to catch Exception

2006-12-17 Thread Dinh

Dear all,

I wonder what is the proper way to catch Exception in bootstrap file. In my
code, I have done as follows:

  $controller = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();

  $response = $controller-setControllerDirectory('./app/controllers')

  echo $response;
catch (Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception $ex)
  $request = $controller-getRequest();
  echo Exception: .$request-getControllerName().Controller class not
found. .$request-getActionName().Action() not found. ;

However, it only works with URL like this:

my try{} catch does not have any effect when user types:
http://domain/ExistedController/notExistedAction. Exception can not be
caught so it displayed as follows:

Zend_Controller_Exception: IndexController::doAction() does not exist and
was not trapped in __call() in D:\webroot\Zend_Framework\library\Zend.php on
line 229 Call Stack: 0.0095 1. {main}()
D:\webroot\uproject\helloworld\index.php:0 0.2894 2.

Is there anyway to catch this kind of exception?



Nobody in nowhere

Re: [fw-general] Proper way to catch Exception

2006-12-17 Thread Matthew Weier O'Phinney
-- Dinh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Sunday, 17 December 2006, 09:08 PM +0700):
 I wonder what is the proper way to catch Exception in bootstrap file. In my
 code, I have done as follows:
$controller = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$response = $controller-setControllerDirectory('./app/controllers')
echo $response;

Btw, the same changeset that introduced throwExceptions() also made the
front controller send response output by default, so it's no longer
necessary to grab and echo the $response object. If you want the front
controller not to render the response object and return it instead, use

 catch (Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception $ex)
$request = $controller-getRequest();
echo Exception: .$request-getControllerName().Controller class not
 found. .$request-getActionName().Action() not found. ;
 However, it only works with URL like this: http://domain/NotExistedController/
 my try{} catch does not have any effect when user types: http://domain/
 ExistedController/notExistedAction . Exception can not be caught so it
 displayed as follows:
 Zend_Controller_Exception: IndexController::doAction() does not exist and was
 not trapped in __call() in D:\webroot\Zend_Framework\library\Zend.php on line
 229 Call Stack: 0.0095 1. {main}() D:\webroot\uproject\helloworld\index.php:0
 0.2894 2. Zend_Controller_Front-dispatch() D:\webroot\uproject\helloworld\
 Is there anyway to catch this kind of exception?

In your try/catch block above, you only catch
Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exceptions. The second exception you display
is a Zend_Controller_Exception. You should modify your try/catch block
to add a second catch for these, or have the catch block catch a more
generic type of exception:

try {
// ...
} catch (Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception $e) {
// dispatcher exceptions
} catch (Zend_Controller_Exception $e) {
// controller exceptions
// you could do even more here...


try {
// ...
} catch (Exception $e) {
// handle any exception

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Zend - The PHP Company   |

Re: [fw-general] Build Zend Framework, parse errors.

2006-12-17 Thread Lars Strojny

Am Dienstag, den 12.12.2006, 18:38 +0200 schrieb Joe Kramer:
 It's not only about obfuscating.
 Zend Guard optimizes performance of scripts. Compiles php files into
 bytecode. And it caches them.
 Makes perfect sense for high-volume projects.

I do not want to be beaten by the Zend-guys, but if you just want to
have bytecode, then try Xcache[1]. It works pretty well, provides a
sensible admin interface and is open source software, btw. I'm currently
one of the developers of germany's biggest dating platform, and we are
using there the Zend Framework combined with Xcache which works

Greetings, Lars
  Kriterium des Wahren ist nicht seine unmittelbare
  Kommunizierbarkeit an jedermann
 -- Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, aus: »Negative Dialektik«

name: Lars H. Strojny  web: 
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city: D-51103 Köln mail/jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [fw-general] PHP Adoption and the Zend Framework

2006-12-17 Thread Lars Strojny
Am Dienstag, den 12.12.2006, 00:40 -0500 schrieb Lee Saferite:
 Well, Gentoo has 5.1.6 listed as stable and 5.2 in available in an

And I really do not understand why it is not moved into portage since
i'm using it on different hosts with different setups for weeks without
any problems. I'm not sure, what's the showstopper here.

Greets, Lars
  Kriterium des Wahren ist nicht seine unmittelbare
  Kommunizierbarkeit an jedermann
 -- Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, aus: »Negative Dialektik«

name: Lars H. Strojny  web: 
street: Engelsstraße 23blog:
city: D-51103 Köln mail/jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [fw-general] PHP Adoption and the Zend Framework

2006-12-17 Thread Lars Strojny
Am Sonntag, den 17.12.2006, 20:10 +0700 schrieb Dinh:
 There are several PHP hosting companies that offer free PHP 5.2 engine
 already. However,  it comes as a surprise to me that all of them
 refuse to offer PDO for MySQL or PosgreSQL.  

Not all refuses that (shameless plug): 

Greets, Lars
  Kriterium des Wahren ist nicht seine unmittelbare
  Kommunizierbarkeit an jedermann
 -- Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, aus: »Negative Dialektik«

name: Lars H. Strojny  web: 
street: Engelsstraße 23blog:
city: D-51103 Köln mail/jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
f-print: 1FD5 D8EE D996 8E3E 1417  328A 240F 17EB 0263 AC07

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: [fw-general] Code freeze 12/15 for ZF 0.6.0

2006-12-17 Thread Bill Karwin

Bill Karwin wrote:

We are entering the code-freeze period for the 0.6.0 Preview Release.
Please don't commit any files starting now, until I follow up to this 
email to announce that the code-freeze has been lifted, which should 
be in a day or two.

The release has been made, and we can now consider the code-freeze lifted.

Thanks again to everyone for your help!

Bill Karwin

Re: [fw-general] PHP Adoption and the Zend Framework

2006-12-17 Thread Dinh

I would like to confirm that SQLite allows:

1. Big database
2. Big number of fields
3. Complicated queries
4. Very fast

but not
1. High concurrency

The problem is there is a lot of PHP applications require MySQL or
PostgreSQL backend. SQLite is very fast for tasks with low concurrency. It
will become a bad option when you decide to roll out a high-traffic website
and/or a website that need to serve multi-users browsing at once. By nature,
it locking mechanism does not fit for it. Moreover, PHP is moving toward to
be a tool for web applications that require high concurrency and

On 12/17/06, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I beg to differ about PDO + Sqlite.  File-based solutions like SQLite
have their place if you're creating large databases with small numbers
of fields and don't need to do any complicated queries.

Chris Hartjes

The greatest inefficiencies come from solving problems you will never
-- Rasmus Lerdorf

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

Nobody in nowhere

[fw-general] Support for Office 2007

2006-12-17 Thread Andi Gutmans
Hi all,

I've been thinking for a while now to see if there are people interested in
adding support for Office 2007 documents to framework. Thanks to the new
format being XML-based and apparently an open-standard it should be much
easier to pull-off than the previous binary Office formats. It's also pretty
useful that Microsoft made available a compatibility plug-in for Office 2003
( which allows it to load the new XML-based

Recently Maarten (cc'ed) posted some code which refers to some work he did
to create some basic Office 2007 Excel spreadsheet support. This reminded me
of my interest in working on this subject.

Judging by the amount of work Alex has put into Zend_Pdf I must say that
this will definitely not be a small trivial amount of work. The Office 2007
formats are huge, and even if we limit what we support (like we did with
PDF), it will still be a large amount of work and will probably require
several contributors and a good sense for making decisions of what we should
support and what not (the latter usually being the hard part :)

If any of you are interested, I suggest to join the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list (please don't respond to fw-general@)
so that we can try and see whether there's enough interest and enough people
willing to contribute to making this happen. Let's start the discussion only
on Tuesday so that interested developers have a chance to join the mailing
list prior to that.
