Re: [fw-general] Comment on Zend_Validate

2007-02-02 Thread Markus Wolff

Troy L. Marker schrieb:

My suggestion is to change how the validation receives it values. For
instance, you have an array as follows:

$aData = ('username' = 'someone', 'password' = 'somepass');

You could pass this array to Zend_Validata as follows:

$valid = new Zend_Validate($aData);

Now each validator could be changed to accept another parameter indicating
which element of the array the validator would validate. For example:

$valid-addValidator(new Zend_Validate_StringLength(8, 20), true,

This would validate the 'username' array element.

Hi Troy,

I can't believe it - I actually needed a component like this, and 
Zend_Validate somehow slipped completely under my radard. As a result, I 
spent some time last week while I was on vacation to write a class 
precisely like this from scratch.

This should teach me once and for all to check all the directories in 
the latest checkout, including the incubator, whenever I'm searching for 
components :-/

The approach I used was almost exactly like what you described in your 
post - except for the parameter order. Thus, I second your request :-)

If noone else has the time to implement this, I'll gladly volunteer (I 
already have the code anyway, I just have to adapt it to Zend_Validate, 
which is very similar to my own approach).

The question remains though, how to do it in detail:

1. Use the array approach exclusively, single values can no longer be

2. Allow both arrays and single values using the same isValid() method

3. Have separate methods for checking either arrays or single values

4. Have a specialized subclass, like Zend_ValidateForm or something,
   that specifically handles arrays from web forms

Personally, I am in favour of door 2.


[fw-general] Re: OFFI-SPAM [fw-formats] Re: [fw-general] Authentication in Mail Class

2007-02-02 Thread Andries Seutens

Though this should be part of Zend_Auth, and not Zend_Mail please see:



Gavin Vess schreef:
Looking at the code below, and the C code I wrote for SASL 
authentication in Postfix, I am not confident that sufficient code 
would be shared to justify the complexity of creating a component to 
export APIs to these different components, although I can imagine a 
helper class might contain a small amount of common code, especially 
if we created something vaguely like a fly-weight version of the 
expect language.  Regardless, my recent experience with 
Zend_Session* classes went the opposite direction, by carefully 
segmenting APIs and publishing them only for consumption by the 
intended classes, without polluting APIs with irrelevant methods, 
using superclasses with protected methods.

If PHP had more robust syntactical methods for isolating methods of a 
class and exporting them only to selected classes, then the situation 
would be different.

I trust Justin's working code is better than what we have now 
(nothing), and I personally will need this functionality, so I am 
hoping Justin will sign our CLA and contribute the code.  There would 
be plenty of opportunities to examine options and alternative ways of 
using this code :)


Nico Edtinger wrote:
Maybe we could create a seperate class for auth methods so we can use 
them with POP3 and IMAP too.


[01.02.2007 23:10] Gavin Vess wrote:

Moving discussion to fw-formats list ...

Hi Justin,

Would you like to sign our CLA and create an issue in our issue 
tracker with this patch?


Justin Hendrickson wrote:
I wrote this a few weeks back and it seems to be working alright. 
It only supports AUTH LOGIN and AUTH PLAIN though.

require_once 'Zend/Mail/Transport/Smtp.php';

class My_Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp_Auth extends 
Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp {

 * Authentication types
 * @var string
const LOGIN = 'LOGIN';
const PLAIN = 'PLAIN';
 * @param string $username
 * @param string $password
 * @param string $method
protected function authenticate($username, $password, $method = 
self::PLAIN) {

switch($method) {
case self::LOGIN:
$this-authenticateLogin($username, $password);
 case self::PLAIN:
$this-authenticatePlain($username, $password);
 * @param  string $username
 * @param  string $password
 * @throws Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception
protected function authenticateLogin($username, $password) {
$this-_send('AUTH LOGIN');
 try {
} catch(Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception $e) {
if(substr($e-getMessage(), 0, 3) == 503) {
throw $e;
 * @param  string $username
 * @param  string $password
 * @throws Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception
protected function authenticatePlain($username, $password) {
$this-_send('AUTH PLAIN');
 try {
} catch(Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception $e) {
if(substr($e-getMessage(), 0, 3) == 503) {
throw $e;
 $this-_send(base64_encode(chr(0) . $username . chr(0) . 


On 1/31/07, *Sanjay Aggarwal* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Right Now SMTP authentication is not there in the mail class. Is
there anyone who has implemented SMTP authentication with Zend
Framework any how? If so - do let me know asap. That will be a
great help for us.
Sanjay Aggarwal


Which ZF List?
Everything, except the topics below:

Authorization, Authentication, ACL, Access Control, Session Management

Tests, Caching, Configuration, Environment, Logging

All things related to databases

Documentation, Translations, Wiki Manual / Tutorials

Internationalization  Localization, Dates, Calendar, Currency, Measure

Mail, MIME, PDF, Search, data formats (JSON, ...)

MVC, Controller, Router, Views, Zend_Request*

Community Servers/Services (shell account, PEAR channel, Jabber)
Web Services  Servers (HTTP, SOAP, Feeds, XMLRPC, REST)

Re: [fw-general] Comment on Zend_Validate

2007-02-02 Thread Markus Wolff

Darby Felton schrieb:

We do not yet have a component that provides full functionality for
working with forms; this is a large undertaking, and there are a couple
of proposals for such:

Zend_Form - Simon Mundy  Ralf Eggert

Zend_Form_Controller Proposal - Simon Mundy

I don't think that form validation and the actual form definition should 
be too deeply tied together. You shouldn't need to have to use a 
fully-featured form package supporting building of the actual form 
fields to use data validation for form-like data arrays.

Having said that, I think Zend_Validate is the right place to do 
validation of data coming from forms, and when a form package is in a 
developed-enough state to be actually useable, it should make use of 

It must however also be possible to build forms by hand (markup or 
helpers in Zend_View templates) and define rules for validating incoming 
data from these forms.

This is why the proposed functionality is needed.

I have seen suggestions similar to this before. How would this support
multidimensional arrays? For example, assume that you need to validate
an array where:

$aData['favorites']['colors'] = array('red', 'blue');

Good point - I suppose this could be done by nesting Zend_Validate 
objects. In other words: Define a separate ruleset for each possible 
nesting level in a new instance of Zend_Validate and pass that instance 
to addValidator() in the main Zend_Validate object.

Yes, though I think there is some confusion over the Zend_Validate
component. It alone is not intended to solve the problem of form
validation. It is intended to solve the problem of validating a single
value against possibly multiple criteria. Zend_Validate would provide
the foundation, however, on which to build a component that eases the
pain of working with form data.

In that case, I think it may be a good option to provide a specialized 
subclass of Zend_Validate to deal with array data, which could 
optionally be used by a Zend_Form component.


Re: [fw-general] updating /library to current SVN problems

2007-02-02 Thread Ralf Eggert
Hi Michael,

 I also use find() fetchRow(). What am I doing wrong?

I guess you are doing nothing wrong. I just updated to the latest
nightly myself and encountered the same notices.

These notices are due to a change to the
Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql::describeTable() method which does not work
properly yet. Just comment out the lines 109 to 111 in the
Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql class and it should work again for the moment.

This issue has already been reported for MySQL and MSSQL here:

Best Regards,


[fw-general] zend_date

2007-02-02 Thread Michael Baerwolf
I've been trying to use zend_date to rearrange mysql dates and am having 

when i try the examples from the manual
$date = new Zend_Date();
print $date;
$date = new Zend_Date();
print $date-get();

I get Warning: Missing argument 1 for Zend_Date::__construct(), called 
in /home/applications/controllers/TestController.php on line 13 and 
defined in /home/library/Zend/Date.php on line 147

I found an example of rearranging a date from the mailing list
$mydate is a mysql date 2007-01-31

$date = new Zend_Date($myDate, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
$date-toString('dd.MM. HH:mm:ss');

when i try this i get the date that is stored in the mysql but the 
toString() as no effect on the output. Changing any of the MM. does 
not change the output.

All I want to do is change 2007-01-31 to 01-31-2007.

Thanks in advance for any help,

Re: [fw-general] PEAR Channel Distro

2007-02-02 Thread Gavin Vess
I see much value in each of the following scenarios, which combined form 
what I expect to cover the majority of use cases:

1) PEAR component distributing entire ZF (for developers interested 
primarily in the latest official release of the incubator, docs, and 
tests, with an easy mechanism to update to a future official release).

2) PEAR component distributing only the stable, production-ready code 
tree (for easy deployment to production servers)

3) SVN checkout of the entire ZF (for developers interested in the 
latest and greatest incubator, docs, and tests)

4) Downloadable tarballs/zip archives for those in a hurry, who want a 
specific release once and no updates.

5) Downloadable nightly snapshots for those who one to make a one-time 
evaluation/analysis of the latest versions of everything in our source 
code repository.

6) Online docs - I have a personal bias due to a belief that online 
documentation usually enables more rapid and frequent updates, user 
comments and contributions, and ease of use, thus resulting in greater 
developer productivity.

Developers doing actual development probably want #1 or #3 for the 
reasons Matthew lists below.

My personal preference for deploying to production servers is #2.

Unfortunately, when we look at the directory structure 
(zftrunk/library/Zend and zftrunk/incubator/library/Zend) in combination 
with the conventions of PEAR components, combining both into a single 
PEAR component (i.e. #1 above) becomes slightly problematic, so #1 might 
not result in a convenient layout for some.  I suggest we start with 
implementing #2 first by updating and finishing the system started at


Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

-- Rob Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
(on Friday, 02 February 2007, 06:42 AM +):

Michael Caplan wrote:

Being a newbie, perhaps I am overlooking something here, but I don't
understand your comment that The Zend Framework works together, as a
complete unit.  I understand their are various component dependencies,
but I don't believe that I can't use Zend_Pdf, for example, if the
_entire_ framework is not installed.  If PDF generation is my goal, I
don't care to have to install 15MB of framework just to use that piece.
If anything I see that as being an inhibitor for framework use,
especially as the core framework size grows (and it is, isn't it?).


Personally, I think that we should consider packaging up just library/
for each release in addition to the entire caboodle that we do at the

Certainly, on our production servers, we don't need demos/
documentation/, incubator/ or tests/. 

Just a note: most PEAR packages contain, minimally, tests, and often
documentation and examples. Granted, however, the ZF documentation is
the larger part of the install, so it may make sense to have it
available separately.

(It's good to have the tests available, as you may run them on an
architecture different than those developing a component, which may
expose new errors. Additionally, tests show you how the code is intended
to work.)

[Fwd: Re: [fw-general] PEAR Channel Distro]

2007-02-02 Thread Michael Gauthier
I forgot to reply to the list.
Solution #2 would be great for silverorange. If we want the latest and
greatest from the incubator packages for our dev servers we can do a SVN
checkout. Also, we love your on-line documentation.

On Fri, 2007-02-02 at 14:05 -0800, Gavin Vess wrote:
 I see much value in each of the following scenarios, which combined form 
 what I expect to cover the majority of use cases:
 1) PEAR component distributing entire ZF (for developers interested 
 primarily in the latest official release of the incubator, docs, and 
 tests, with an easy mechanism to update to a future official release).
 2) PEAR component distributing only the stable, production-ready code 
 tree (for easy deployment to production servers)
 3) SVN checkout of the entire ZF (for developers interested in the 
 latest and greatest incubator, docs, and tests)
 4) Downloadable tarballs/zip archives for those in a hurry, who want a 
 specific release once and no updates.
 5) Downloadable nightly snapshots for those who one to make a one-time 
 evaluation/analysis of the latest versions of everything in our source 
 code repository.
 6) Online docs - I have a personal bias due to a belief that online 
 documentation usually enables more rapid and frequent updates, user 
 comments and contributions, and ease of use, thus resulting in greater 
 developer productivity.
 Developers doing actual development probably want #1 or #3 for the 
 reasons Matthew lists below.
 My personal preference for deploying to production servers is #2.
 Unfortunately, when we look at the directory structure 
 (zftrunk/library/Zend and zftrunk/incubator/library/Zend) in combination 
 with the conventions of PEAR components, combining both into a single 
 PEAR component (i.e. #1 above) becomes slightly problematic, so #1 might 
 not result in a convenient layout for some.  I suggest we start with 
 implementing #2 first by updating and finishing the system started at
 Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
  -- Rob Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
  (on Friday, 02 February 2007, 06:42 AM +):

  Michael Caplan wrote:
  Being a newbie, perhaps I am overlooking something here, but I don't
  understand your comment that The Zend Framework works together, as a
  complete unit.  I understand their are various component dependencies,
  but I don't believe that I can't use Zend_Pdf, for example, if the
  _entire_ framework is not installed.  If PDF generation is my goal, I
  don't care to have to install 15MB of framework just to use that piece.
  If anything I see that as being an inhibitor for framework use,
  especially as the core framework size grows (and it is, isn't it?).

  Personally, I think that we should consider packaging up just library/
  for each release in addition to the entire caboodle that we do at the
  Certainly, on our production servers, we don't need demos/
  documentation/, incubator/ or tests/. 
  Just a note: most PEAR packages contain, minimally, tests, and often
  documentation and examples. Granted, however, the ZF documentation is
  the larger part of the install, so it may make sense to have it
  available separately.
  (It's good to have the tests available, as you may run them on an
  architecture different than those developing a component, which may
  expose new errors. Additionally, tests show you how the code is intended
  to work.)
---End Message---

Re: [fw-general] zend_date

2007-02-02 Thread Matthew Ratzloff
Hi Mike,

If you're pulling dates from MySQL, why not use DATE_FORMAT()?

Hope that helps,


 I've been trying to use zend_date to rearrange mysql dates and am having

 when i try the examples from the manual
 $date = new Zend_Date();
 print $date;
 $date = new Zend_Date();
 print $date-get();

 I get Warning: Missing argument 1 for Zend_Date::__construct(), called
 in /home/applications/controllers/TestController.php on line 13 and
 defined in /home/library/Zend/Date.php on line 147

 I found an example of rearranging a date from the mailing list
 $mydate is a mysql date 2007-01-31

 $date = new Zend_Date($myDate, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
 $date-toString('dd.MM. HH:mm:ss');

 when i try this i get the date that is stored in the mysql but the
 toString() as no effect on the output. Changing any of the MM. does
 not change the output.

 All I want to do is change 2007-01-31 to 01-31-2007.

 Thanks in advance for any help,

[fw-general] getting controllers into subdirectories

2007-02-02 Thread Patrick Veach

Greetings to Zend Framework team;

Is there an example of getting the rewrite router to work with 
controllers in subdirectories?
I have several controllers and I would like to group them into different 
functional areas and

place them into subdirectories.

I want the URL *' /testing/test/info' *to map to 
/testing/TestController.php.  Where TestController.php contains infoAction..

I have tried several different urls similar to */testing_test/info.

*I have tried using the 'useModules' switch (in both front controller 
and router) and then URL */testing/test/info*

but nothing seems to work.

Is there a code snippet that shows controller setup that works with 

A very plain example would be most appreciated.



Re: [fw-general] PEAR Channel Distro

2007-02-02 Thread Rob Allen
Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
 Just a note: most PEAR packages contain, minimally, tests, and often
 documentation and examples. 

I only actually discovered this recently when one pear package put it's
docs and tests in c:\php\pear even though my install is in
c:\programs\php\pear ...

