Re: [fw-general] ZF 1.8 and Performance Guide (using find/sed to remove require once calls)

2009-05-12 Thread Tony Ford
If you want to remove the disk as a bottleneck then get apc going and  
turn apc.stat=0. This will cache your scripts in memory and never go  
back to disk until you clear the cache (and/or restart apache).

 - Tony

On May 12, 2009, at 12:40 AM, Laurens0619 wrote:

Hi Matthew,

I am trying to gain performance because our server (ibm as/400) is  

slow with disk access.
I've tried the solution from the manual by removing the require_once
statements and use the autoloader.

I get the same error, just blank pages. I have error reporting on so  
I can't

find the problem.
Autoloader is on by using the new architecture with zend_application.

Thanks in advance,

Matthew Weier O'Phinney-3 wrote:

-- j5 wrote
(on Friday, 01 May 2009, 02:33 PM -0700):

I was tinkering with ZF 1.8 and the performance guide.


C.2.2.1. Strip require_once calls with find and sed.

The sed/find commands here have changed I noticed.  When I run  
these new

commands I get the following error:

-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('

I took a look at the commands again and I thought I found a  
missing '


I've fixed this on trunk and the 1.8 release branch now, and the  

will show when we release 1.8.1. Thanks for the report!

so I tried the revised commands:

find . -name '*.php' -not -wholename '*/Loader/Autoloader.php' - 
print0 |

xargs -0 sed --regexp-extended --in-place 's/(require_once)/\/\/  

(I added a ' after Autoloader.php).

That looked like it worked. But now when I browse to my website, I  
get a

blank page.

I am not sure if what I did fixed anything or what..

Anyone have any suggestions?

Do you have display_errors on? If not, turn it on to see if any  

are being reported.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead|
Zend Framework  |

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Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

Re: [fw-general] Zend Framework team reorganization

2009-04-16 Thread Tony Ford
Just wanted to say Congrats Matthew! The promotion is well deserved.  
Keep up the hard work :)

 - Tony

Re: [fw-general] Smarty Poll Question

2008-09-30 Thread Tony Ford
Sure, I won't disagree with any of your points, but I'm choosing to not 
assume anything. That's why we benchmark.

- Tony

On 9/29/2008 1:41 AM, Karol Grecki wrote:
Rendering views is usually not a bottleneck in any application. 
Even if Smarty is slow, it should still account for a just a fraction of

total request time.
I'm not big on Smarty so normally I wouldn't hold you back,  but I think
your intentions are misplaced. 
Performance is the last thing I would worry about in this case. 
Features and simplicity, that's a different story.


Tony Ford wrote:
Well I'm obviously not going to refactor anything if there is no 
noticeable performance gain. Hence, my whole entire point of 
benchmarking in the first place.

Are you asserting its a waste of time to see if zend view is faster than 
smarty? I have my doubts about how well smarty compiles templates into 
php. For more complicated templates there could be a decent difference 
between the php smarty produces and what a seasoned web developer can 
write using zend view. And let's not dismiss a lot of the nice feature 
benefits of zend view over smarty, especially some of the integration 
with other zend framework components, dojo, and the active continued 
development of zend view. You have to be honest that feature wise, in 
the long term, zend view is more attractive than smarty.

 - Tony


Re: [fw-general] Smarty Poll Question

2008-09-24 Thread Tony Ford
We still use smarty for basic legacy reasons. I'm interested in running 
some benchmarks between zend view and smarty. If there is a significant 
performance increase I'll consider refactoring all of our views over time.

I plan to do our own benchmarking in the next couple of months, so I'll 
share that later. Anyone else done any benchmarking?

- Tony

On 9/24/2008 1:23 PM, Karol Grecki wrote:

Used it few years ago when css adoption was poor and there were no decent mvc
frameworks. Nowadays it's no longer necessary. It's also old php4 code that
I'd rather stay away from.


Garrison Locke wrote:

I know this usually starts a big war, but I was just curious about how
many people out there are using Smarty and to what extent you're using it?
 If you're not using it, why did you decide to not use it?  If you are,
why?  Also, if you're using it, how big or small are the projects?  Just
personal things or like giant things with tens of thousands of users.




Re: [fw-general] SVN Repository Reorganization

2008-05-17 Thread Tony Ford
I just submitted a final proposal of sorts, based on all feedback to 
date. I quite like the way it turned out and overall I think its a great 
compromise and is based on best practices of other large open source 
project repositories like the apache foundation and php itself.

- Tony

On 5/16/2008 8:39 AM, Darby Felton wrote:

Hello again,

So far I've seen some very helpful feedback on the proposed SVN 
repository reorganization. Thank you to everyone who has posted so 
far! :)

For those of you that haven't commented yet, however, please review 
and post your thoughts. I'm thinking that we'll stop collecting 
feedback on Monday, so please post your feedback by the end of Monday 
if at all possible.

Thanks again! :)

Best regards,

Darby Felton wrote:

Hi all,

In order to prepare the framework SVN repository for accommodating 
the upcoming distinction between standard and extras components, 
and to consolidate the currently separate laboratory repository, we 
have prepared a proposed SVN structure for your review. And yes, this 
means you. :)

We are particularly interested in receiving feedback from both ZF 
users and ZF developers regarding this reorganization, and you can 
help by taking a look and commenting on the following wiki page:

Please let us know if you see any glaring oversights or even if you 
just see a little room for improvement - your feedback would be 
sincerely appreciated.

If you don't have wiki commenting privileges, please send an e-mail 
(from the address associated with your JIRA/Confluence account) to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask for posting privileges. :)

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Best regards,

Re: [fw-general] Using Zend_Config / Changing a module behaviour

2007-12-06 Thread Tony Ford

We do it differently, and better in my opinion. In your bootstrap:

1) Figure out which type of env
2) Load appropriate config
3) Set the config object in the registry

In your controller super class be sure to set a protected member 
$_config, which you can get from the registry during construction.

Now $this-_config is always available in your controllers. You can do 
the same for your model super class too.

We do stuff with ini files and sections, we also merge several configs 
because the app is layered in a specific way for our stuff, and we even 
allow loading custom configs so developers can setup whatever type of 
config they want on their own local machines, but that's the basics.

BTW, we used to use SetEnv in apache but quickly figured out that it 
doesn't help you when you're doing cli php. We run cronjobs written in 
php for lots of different stuff and crons need a dev env too. So, we 
figured out we could actually use php.ini to set the env, which will 
allow us to know the env using php as an apache module OR cli. First set 
a directive in your php.ini, like:

app_environment = dev

Then in your bootstrap you can access this with:


- Tony

On 12/2/2007 11:33 AM, robert mena wrote:


I've adopted ZF as the framework that I am rewriting my modules.  One 
of the things I'd like to do is have a better way of changing / 
defining some of my modules' behaviour.

I am considering using Zend_Config (not sure if .ini o .xml) and have 
development, stagging and production config files.  When the bootstrap 
is called I find out which enviroment I am using and in my __construct 
 I load the appropriate config file.

Basically I have 3 questions:
a) should I use Zend_Config or is there any better way?
b) which format should I use? ini or xml?  The parameters can be 
numbers, strings or mixed arrays
c) If I use Zend_Config I am planning something like the snippet 
below. Any advice on using it or a smarter way?

.../blog/application/config/devel.xml, stagging.xml production.xml

if(some tests do define the environment as devel)
elseif(some tests do define the environment as stagging)

class Blog_IndexController
function indexAction()
... throw an Exception if the environment is not defined...
$blog = new Blog(...,Zend_Registry::get('ENVIRONMENT');



class Blog
   function __construct(...,$environment)
$config = new 
Zend_Config(/path_to_module/config/.$environment..xml) ;




[fw-general] Zend_Session - problem with illegal session ids, might be a larger general php issue

2007-08-23 Thread Tony Ford

Recently our company started scanning a new ZF based site we just
launched. It's some sort of security scanner that checks for things
like sql injection, XSS, etc. Anyway, it presented a problem with
sessions that I've never encountered before. This scanner, for whatever
reason, resets all cookie values to some weird uri. So now, instead of
the session cookie looking like:


it looks like:

The uri obviously has characters like ':' and '/', which are of course
illegal characters for a session id. The problem? First of all, this
throws a Zend_Session_Exception, example:

[21-Aug-2007 15:05:50] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception
'Zend_Session_Exception' with message 'Zend_Session::start() -
session_start(): The session id contains illegal characters, valid
characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '-,'' in
Stack trace:
#0 /z/applib/app/bootstrap.php(72): Zend_Session::start()
#1 /z/www/obscurity_network/app/networkbootstrap.php(53):
#2 /z/www/
#3 {main}
thrown in /z/applib/lib/Zend/Session.php on line 379

Secondly though, the reason this happens in the first place, php
actually throws a warning when a session id contains illegal
characters. Example:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]:
The session id contains illegal characters, valid characters are a-z,
A-Z, 0-9 and '-,' in /obscurity.php on line 88

What do you guys think? In my opinion, the session extension should
gracefully handle this without a warning. Then again, cookies can be
considered user input, therefore should be filtered ... I dunno. At the
very least, something should be added to the Zend_Session start()
method to check the session id before session_start() is called. At
most, a bug report should be filed at to change the behavior of
the warning.

I'm willing to help however I can, but wanted some opinions first.
(BTW, running php 5.2.2)


Re: [fw-general] zend auth session timeout

2007-08-23 Thread Tony Ford

It doesn't really matter what you set that to if the entire session
expires. You need to take a look at these settings:


If cookie lifetime is set to 0 then any session will expire when all
browser windows are closed. If set less than 24 hours, obviously the
session cookie will expire as well.

gc max lifetime can be a little tricky. The session garbage collector
goes out and removes sessions that have not been active for greater
than gc max lifetime. Therefore, if gc max lifetime is set less than 24
hours, a session has the potential to be removed from the servers
before 24 hours. For instance, let's say gc max life time is set to 4
hours. That means, if I have a period of inactivity for ~ 4 hours (it
depends upon how probability and divisor are set), even if I haven't
closed my browser, the garbage collector will clean up my session on
the server, so my next request will no longer have a valid session.

- Tony

On 8/23/2007 10:55 AM, Raul Andres Gomez Quijano wrote:

  // Set Auth Session Expiration to
24 hours
$objSessionNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace( 'Zend_Auth' );
$objSessionNamespace-setExpirationSeconds( 86400 );
isnt working, zend auth session expires early...
in advance.
  This message contains
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If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate,
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Re: [fw-general] zend auth session timeout

2007-08-23 Thread Tony Ford

True, in which case you can use "save_path" when you create the session
object and avoid that issue. That is, if you are allowed to use
ini_set(), which you'll need to set any of these options. Or, if you
have access to the php.ini then you just set them all there.

- Tony

On 8/23/2007 2:25 PM, Gunter Sammet wrote:

  As a side not to garbage collection: IIRC, if you are on a shared server or
have another app that shares the same session directroy, the application
with the shortest lifetime determines it.


On 8/23/07, Tony Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It doesn't really matter what you set that to if the entire session
expires. You need to take a look at these settings:


If cookie lifetime is set to 0 then any session will expire when all
browser windows are closed. If set less than 24 hours, obviously the session
cookie will expire as well.

gc max lifetime can be a little tricky. The session garbage collector goes
out and removes sessions that have not been active for greater than gc max
lifetime. Therefore, if gc max lifetime is set less than 24 hours, a session
has the potential to be removed from the servers before 24 hours. For
instance, let's say gc max life time is set to 4 hours. That means, if I
have a period of inactivity for ~ 4 hours (it depends upon how probability
and divisor are set), even if I haven't closed my browser, the garbage
collector will clean up my session on the server, so my next request will no
longer have a valid session.

 - Tony

On 8/23/2007 10:55 AM, Raul Andres Gomez Quijano wrote:

  // Set Auth Session Expiration to 24 hours
  $objSessionNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace( 'Zend_Auth' );
  $objSessionNamespace-setExpirationSeconds( 86400 );

it isnt working, zend auth session expires early...

thanks in advance.

This message contains confidential information and is intended only for
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disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender
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this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be
secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost,
destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender
therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the
contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If
verification is required please request a hard-copy version.


Re: [fw-general] Major headache trying to tweak or extend Zend_Cache

2007-06-10 Thread Tony Ford

Thanks for the consideration :)

On 6/9/2007 1:03 AM, Fabien MARTY wrote:


I will review for 1.1.0


2007/6/8, Tony Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Find attached a patch file for this.


On 6/7/2007 1:07 PM, Tony Ford wrote:
 Zend_Cache seemed very elegant to me at first, until I tried to make a

 I have some apps that will be using memcached for objects. Thing is,
 some of my server farms will have multiple sites and networks, all
 using the same pool of memcached servers. Of course all the networks
 will cache similar named objects, like 'acl' for instance. So, to
 avoid namespace trampling, or rather to create namespaces, I thought
 it'd be very useful to have cache id prefixes. Now, instead of setting
 keys in memecached just called 'obj_name' they'd be
 'uniquenetwork_obj_name'. This allows me to have an acl object for
 Network1 (network1_acl) and an acl object for network2 (network2_acl).

 I could just go ahead and setup a constant and pass it in along with
 the ids into every load(), save(), remove(), etc calls, but that seems
 like a lot of unnecessary crap. Instead, it makes a lot more sense to
 me to create a new backend option for my cache id prefix, then have
 each one of those methods concat the prefix on to the front of ids
 automatically just before the real memcache calls are made.

 So, I went about this, and its a real mess. First of all, all options
 are hardcoded into the classes and get explicitly checked at object
 instantiation. OK, well, I extended Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached and
 did this:

public function __construct($options = array())
// add cache id prefix as an allowed option, default nothing
$this-_options['cache_id_prefix'] = null;
// Call parent constructor

 Then each one of those methods now look basically like this:

public function load($id, $doNotTestCacheValidity = false)
$id = $this-_options['cache_id_prefix'] . $id;
parent::load($id, $doNotTestCacheValidity);

 Overall, I didn't think that was too big of a deal, but then I
 realized that the backends are hardcoded and checked in Zend_Cache,
 just like the options, so I'd have to do the same thing for that.
 What's worse though, is only the name of the backend is passed in, and
 then class names are created and called with a hardcoded
 'Zend_Cache_Backend' . $backend. Now I can't even call my class
 something different. Now I'd have to create my class file specifically
 in the /Zend/Cache/Backend directory, and call it something like

 Anyway, overall Zend_Cache is a very nice component with lots of
 options, and I appreciate all of them, its just that its very closed.
 Maybe that was the intention, and if so, maybe you would accept a
 patch file from me to officially add this feature to the memcache

 Thanks in advance for reading,

Index: Memcached.php
--- Memcached.php   (revision 264)
+++ Memcached.php   (working copy)
@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@
  * = (boolean) compression :
  * true if you want to use on-the-fly compression
+ * = (string) cache_id_prefix :
+ * prefix for cache ids
+ *
  * @var array available options
 protected $_options = array(
@@ -72,7 +75,8 @@
 'port' = Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached::DEFAULT_PORT,
 'persistent' = 

-'compression' = false
+'compression' = false,
+'cache_id_prefix' = null

@@ -98,6 +102,11 @@
 Zend_Cache::throwException('The memcache extension must 
be loaded for using this backend !');

+if (isset($this-_options['cache_id_prefix'])) { // 
particular case for this option
+if (!preg_match('~^[\w]+$~', 
$this-_options['cache_id_prefix'])) {
+Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid cache_id_prefix 
: must use only [a-zA-A0-9_]');

 if (isset($this-_options['servers'])) {
 $value= $this-_options['servers'];
 if (isset($value['host'])) {
@@ -131,7 +140,7 @@
 if ($doNotTestCacheValidity) {
 $this-_log(Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached::load() : 
\$doNotTestCacheValidity=true is unsupported by the Memcached backend);

-$tmp = $this-_memcache-get($id);
+$tmp = $this-_memcache-get($this-_id($id));
 if (is_array($tmp)) {
 return $tmp[0];
@@ -146,7 +155,7 @@
 public function test($id)
-$tmp = $this-_memcache-get($id);
+$tmp = $this-_memcache-get($this-_id($id));
 if (is_array($tmp)) {
 return $tmp[1];
@@ -173,7 +182,7

[fw-general] Major headache trying to tweak or extend Zend_Cache

2007-06-07 Thread Tony Ford
Zend_Cache seemed very elegant to me at first, until I tried to make a 

I have some apps that will be using memcached for objects. Thing is, 
some of my server farms will have multiple sites and networks, all using 
the same pool of memcached servers. Of course all the networks will 
cache similar named objects, like 'acl' for instance. So, to avoid 
namespace trampling, or rather to create namespaces, I thought it'd be 
very useful to have cache id prefixes. Now, instead of setting keys in 
memecached just called 'obj_name' they'd be 'uniquenetwork_obj_name'. 
This allows me to have an acl object for Network1 (network1_acl) and an 
acl object for network2 (network2_acl).

I could just go ahead and setup a constant and pass it in along with the 
ids into every load(), save(), remove(), etc calls, but that seems like 
a lot of unnecessary crap. Instead, it makes a lot more sense to me to 
create a new backend option for my cache id prefix, then have each one 
of those methods concat the prefix on to the front of ids automatically 
just before the real memcache calls are made.

So, I went about this, and its a real mess. First of all, all options 
are hardcoded into the classes and get explicitly checked at object 
instantiation. OK, well, I extended Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached and did 

   public function __construct($options = array())
   // add cache id prefix as an allowed option, default nothing
   $this-_options['cache_id_prefix'] = null;
   // Call parent constructor

Then each one of those methods now look basically like this:

   public function load($id, $doNotTestCacheValidity = false)
   $id = $this-_options['cache_id_prefix'] . $id;
   parent::load($id, $doNotTestCacheValidity);

Overall, I didn't think that was too big of a deal, but then I realized 
that the backends are hardcoded and checked in Zend_Cache, just like the 
options, so I'd have to do the same thing for that. What's worse though, 
is only the name of the backend is passed in, and then class names are 
created and called with a hardcoded 'Zend_Cache_Backend' . $backend. Now 
I can't even call my class something different. Now I'd have to create 
my class file specifically in the /Zend/Cache/Backend directory, and 
call it something like CustomMemcached.

Anyway, overall Zend_Cache is a very nice component with lots of 
options, and I appreciate all of them, its just that its very closed. 
Maybe that was the intention, and if so, maybe you would accept a patch 
file from me to officially add this feature to the memcache backend.

Thanks in advance for reading,

[fw-general] Major headache trying to tweak or extend Zend_Cache

2007-06-07 Thread Tony Ford
Zend_Cache seemed very elegant to me at first, until I tried to make a 

I have some apps that will be using memcached for objects. Thing is, 
some of my server farms will have multiple sites and networks, all using 
the same pool of memcached servers. Of course all the networks will 
cache similar named objects, like 'acl' for instance. So, to avoid 
namespace trampling, or rather to create namespaces, I thought it'd be 
very useful to have cache id prefixes. Now, instead of setting keys in 
memecached just called 'obj_name' they'd be 'uniquenetwork_obj_name'. 
This allows me to have an acl object for Network1 (network1_acl) and an 
acl object for network2 (network2_acl).

I could just go ahead and setup a constant and pass it in along with the 
ids into every load(), save(), remove(), etc calls, but that seems like 
a lot of unnecessary crap. Instead, it makes a lot more sense to me to 
create a new backend option for my cache id prefix, then have each one 
of those methods concat the prefix on to the front of ids automatically 
just before the real memcache calls are made.

So, I went about this, and its a real mess. First of all, all options 
are hardcoded into the classes and get explicitly checked at object 
instantiation. OK, well, I extended Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached and did 

  public function __construct($options = array())
  // add cache id prefix as an allowed option, default nothing
  $this-_options['cache_id_prefix'] = null;
  // Call parent constructor

Then each one of those methods now look basically like this:

  public function load($id, $doNotTestCacheValidity = false)
  $id = $this-_options['cache_id_prefix'] . $id;
  parent::load($id, $doNotTestCacheValidity);

Overall, I didn't think that was too big of a deal, but then I realized 
that the backends are hardcoded and checked in Zend_Cache, just like the 
options, so I'd have to do the same thing for that. What's worse though, 
is only the name of the backend is passed in, and then class names are 
created and called with a hardcoded 'Zend_Cache_Backend' . $backend. Now 
I can't even call my class something different. Now I'd have to create 
my class file specifically in the /Zend/Cache/Backend directory, and 
call it something like CustomMemcached.

Anyway, overall Zend_Cache is a very nice component with lots of 
options, and I appreciate all of them, its just that its very closed. 
Maybe that was the intention, and if so, maybe you would accept a patch 
file from me to officially add this feature to the memcache backend.

Thanks in advance for reading,

Re: [fw-general] Major headache trying to tweak or extend Zend_Cache

2007-06-07 Thread Tony Ford

Find attached a patch file for this.


On 6/7/2007 1:07 PM, Tony Ford wrote:
Zend_Cache seemed very elegant to me at first, until I tried to make a 

I have some apps that will be using memcached for objects. Thing is, 
some of my server farms will have multiple sites and networks, all 
using the same pool of memcached servers. Of course all the networks 
will cache similar named objects, like 'acl' for instance. So, to 
avoid namespace trampling, or rather to create namespaces, I thought 
it'd be very useful to have cache id prefixes. Now, instead of setting 
keys in memecached just called 'obj_name' they'd be 
'uniquenetwork_obj_name'. This allows me to have an acl object for 
Network1 (network1_acl) and an acl object for network2 (network2_acl).

I could just go ahead and setup a constant and pass it in along with 
the ids into every load(), save(), remove(), etc calls, but that seems 
like a lot of unnecessary crap. Instead, it makes a lot more sense to 
me to create a new backend option for my cache id prefix, then have 
each one of those methods concat the prefix on to the front of ids 
automatically just before the real memcache calls are made.

So, I went about this, and its a real mess. First of all, all options 
are hardcoded into the classes and get explicitly checked at object 
instantiation. OK, well, I extended Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached and 
did this:

   public function __construct($options = array())
   // add cache id prefix as an allowed option, default nothing
   $this-_options['cache_id_prefix'] = null;
   // Call parent constructor

Then each one of those methods now look basically like this:

   public function load($id, $doNotTestCacheValidity = false)
   $id = $this-_options['cache_id_prefix'] . $id;
   parent::load($id, $doNotTestCacheValidity);

Overall, I didn't think that was too big of a deal, but then I 
realized that the backends are hardcoded and checked in Zend_Cache, 
just like the options, so I'd have to do the same thing for that. 
What's worse though, is only the name of the backend is passed in, and 
then class names are created and called with a hardcoded 
'Zend_Cache_Backend' . $backend. Now I can't even call my class 
something different. Now I'd have to create my class file specifically 
in the /Zend/Cache/Backend directory, and call it something like 

Anyway, overall Zend_Cache is a very nice component with lots of 
options, and I appreciate all of them, its just that its very closed. 
Maybe that was the intention, and if so, maybe you would accept a 
patch file from me to officially add this feature to the memcache 

Thanks in advance for reading,
Index: Memcached.php
--- Memcached.php   (revision 264)
+++ Memcached.php   (working copy)
@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@
  * = (boolean) compression :
  * true if you want to use on-the-fly compression
+ * = (string) cache_id_prefix :
+ * prefix for cache ids
+ * 
  * @var array available options
 protected $_options = array(
@@ -72,7 +75,8 @@
 'port' = Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached::DEFAULT_PORT,
 'persistent' = Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached::DEFAULT_PERSISTENT
-'compression' = false
+'compression' = false,
+'cache_id_prefix' = null
@@ -98,6 +102,11 @@
 Zend_Cache::throwException('The memcache extension must be loaded 
for using this backend !');
+if (isset($this-_options['cache_id_prefix'])) { // particular case 
for this option
+if (!preg_match('~^[\w]+$~', $this-_options['cache_id_prefix'])) {
+Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid cache_id_prefix : must use 
only [a-zA-A0-9_]');
 if (isset($this-_options['servers'])) {
 $value= $this-_options['servers'];
 if (isset($value['host'])) {
@@ -131,7 +140,7 @@
 if ($doNotTestCacheValidity) {
 $this-_log(Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached::load() : 
\$doNotTestCacheValidity=true is unsupported by the Memcached backend);
-$tmp = $this-_memcache-get($id);
+$tmp = $this-_memcache-get($this-_id($id));
 if (is_array($tmp)) {
 return $tmp[0];
@@ -146,7 +155,7 @@
 public function test($id)
-$tmp = $this-_memcache-get($id);
+$tmp = $this-_memcache-get($this-_id($id));
 if (is_array($tmp)) {
 return $tmp[1];
@@ -173,7 +182,7 @@
 } else {
 $flag = 0;
-$result = $this-_memcache-set($id, array($data, time()), $flag, 
+$result = $this-_memcache-set($this-_id($id), array($data, time()), 

[fw-general] Any plans for Zend_Controller_Request_Cli?

2007-01-27 Thread Tony Ford
It would be nice for utilities and especially crons. Support for cli 
options -r -n as well as arguments would be nice.

Just curious ... if not, I'm sure we'll end up implementing one cause we 
pretty much do not write any perl crons anymore.

- Tony

[fw-general] Change property visibility in subclass?

2007-01-11 Thread Tony Ford
I understand it make no sense to change a private member to protected or 
a protected member to public, but what about the other way around? Example:

class Foo
public $my_prop = '';

class Bar extends Foo
protected $my_prop = 'bleh';

Why can't I do this in php? I can't think of a reason you should not 
be allowed to do this.
