Re: Speed Boost Formulas?

2008-08-28 Thread Peter

On Aug 28, 2008, at 12:36 PM, billycar_G3-5 wrote:

> Xbench must have a fairly complex formulation?

It does, and if you have a relatively slow disk subsystem, such as  
ATA, instead of SATA, your XBench scores will be low. They can also  
be low if you have a CI/QE video card with those features turned off.

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Re: Anti Trust Hackin' back . Psystar answers and stands firm.

2008-08-29 Thread Peter

On Aug 28, 2008, at 7:13 PM, Dan wrote:

>> Don't get me wrong the OS is what makes us Mac users, but I don't
>> think I would feel quite the same sitting in from of a Dell with OSX
>> installed.
> Nothing some krylon and a few stickers can't fix.  :)

Funny, as MacOS comes with free stickers.

I may not apply them (two were supplied) to my two Shuttle XPCs, but  
my just completed Gigabyte GA-P35-S3G may get one, otherwise it will  
have an all-black case (Antec Sonata III/500).

Incidentally, I tried a Psystar OpenPro build (OpenPro is a P35,  
whereas the OpenComputer is a G31) on this P35/ICH9 mobo, but no go!

A little-known package called, incredibly enough, DS3L-Package,  
provided everything which was necessary to get this mobo going,  
although CI/QE was very tricky and very frustrating.

Although DS3L-Package, as with most P35 installers, was intended for  
the three PCI-slots P35 mobos, of which there are several, this  
package worked perfectly for my five PCI-slot GA-P35-S3G.

A word to the wise: expect software updates to OpenComputers/OpenPros  
to become increasingly difficult to obtain. Apple is changing the  
links to its software updates, which Psystar's installers are using,  
more frequently.

Psystar's counterattack is to supply its scripted installers on an as- 
requested, when-requested basis.

And, this requires what is essentially an on-line service call ...  
provided free at this point.

Incidentally, the Gigabyte P35 mobos are exceptionally overclockable.

With an el-cheapo E4500 (2.2 GHz) overclocked to 2.8 GHz, it XBenched  
at just over 170.

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Re: Anti Trust Hackin' back . Psystar answers and stands firm.

2008-08-29 Thread Peter

On Aug 29, 2008, at 3:00 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

> On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:40 AM, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote:
>> As if being a CEO or CFO was the measure of a man or his right to  
>> bear
>> and express an opinion.
> Who is telling you you can't have an opinion? No one.
>> I wonder how the founding fathers of the USA felt about that. Care to
>> exchange quotes from them?
> The sure sign of a scoundrel: when he can't marshal the facts, he
> wraps himself in the flag.
> The essence of your argument is "Waaah I'm a whiny privilege baby and
> I demand a cheep mac now!! Wh!".
> The essence of MY argument is "Apple doesn't have to do what you  
> want."
> YOU may think that Apple selling their OS to any and all comers and
> opening it up to cloning will be the bees knees and turn Apple into an
> industry-straddling giant.
> I think that that's a poor strategy for Apple to pursue, because it
> guts their main business which is not selling OS X, but selling Macs.
> I think that neither of our opinions matter worth a damn in this case
> because neither of us are running Apple.
> -- 
> Bruce Johnson

I guess that is what most people forget, Apple is in business to  
develop and sell hardware that runs a specific Operating System. That  
is why you can't compare Apple to any other computer company except  
maybe SUN. If I would be Apple, I also would try to protect my  
business model at all cost.

Peter M.

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Re: Anti Trust Hackin' back . Psystar answers and stands firm.

2008-08-29 Thread Peter

On Aug 29, 2008, at 12:18 PM, Peter wrote:

> I guess that is what most people forget, Apple is in business to
> develop and sell hardware that runs a specific Operating System. That
> is why you can't compare Apple to any other computer company except
> maybe SUN. If I would be Apple, I also would try to protect my
> business model at all cost.

Compare it to IBM also, as it has FOUR separate series which have  
identifiable hardware and software offerings, not just one.

IBM recently bought out its competitor which offered an emulator for  
its top-tier, and most profitable series.

Likely, it will "take dark" that product family, although it now owns  
the entire intellectual property portfolio of that former competitor,  
reportedly including several patents for emulator systems.

And ...

As with Mac OS, there is an OSX86-like offering, although in this  
specific case, the IBM software which is included was specifically  
selected from pre-copyrighted software products of IBM.

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Re: Anti Trust Hackin' back . Psystar answers and stands firm.

2008-08-30 Thread Peter

On Aug 29, 2008, at 6:25 PM, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote:

> To think that Steve Jobs could not pull off any of the alternatives
> proposed here and find a market advantage if one is posssible at all
> would run counter to what he has done in the past. A real chance taker
> that one!

Jobs could do it with an "arms length" arrangement with a group of  
outside volunteers plus an "ombudsman" assigned from Apple to keep  
things Kosher.

> "The single greatest career comeback of all time" is a published
> description of Steve. And he did not do it by playing safe.

No doubt about it.

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Re: Help! Looking for wireless!!

2008-08-30 Thread Peter

On Aug 29, 2008, at 1:26 PM, diane wrote:

> Looking for a wireless adapter of some sort that will work with a G4
> 533 DP.
> USB or PCI

AirLink101 AWLL-3026 (ZyDas 1215b chip set) or AWLL-3028 (Realtek  
8187b chip set).

Both have MacOS drivers available for them, although not from  
AirLink101 ... you have to go to the chip set manufacturers.

10.3 driver for PPC Macs.

10.4 driver for Tiger or Leopard on PPC or Intel Macs. Even  
Hackintoshes. Especially Hackintoshes.

These USB sticks, with their drivers, have all the security features  
one would want, and are dirt cheap ... $6 on sale for the  
AWLL-3028 ... the AWLL-3026 has been discontinued.

These come with USB extension cords so you can move 'em around for  
best reception.

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Re: A T H' ---> Darwin & GUI

2008-08-30 Thread Peter

On Aug 30, 2008, at 7:33 AM, Charles Davis wrote:

> What you are seeing, is evidence of what you actually have. I.E. A
> 'UNIX' clone operating system, with Apple's GUI, Aqua [which they are
> justly proud of.] atop Darwin [Apple's contribution to the 'open
> source' cloning of UNIX effort for the PPC family of processors].

Thanks to THE University of California, the inventors of the IP,  
RAID, The Atomic Bomb, and The Hydrogen Bomb, oh, and Human  
Recombinant DNA insulin, and highly parallel-ized (clustered) computing.

OS X is more BSD [ Berkeley Standard Distribution ] than it is  
[ AT&T ] Unix.

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Re: DA file server gone down

2008-09-01 Thread Peter

I have seen a similar behavior on my G4 just recently. After switching  
the processor card it worked fine again. If you have a spare processor  
card you might want to give it a try.

Peter M.

Sent from my iPod Touch

On Sep 1, 2008, at 5:43 AM, Doug Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Got up this morning and booted up the computer, using Chicken of the
> VNC I was going to check my mail, but it could not locate my file/mail
> server.   I don't keep a monitor on that computer as I usual
> administer it via VNC.  Hooked up a monitor and did a reset, it seemed
> to start normally, gray screen with spinning gear, then to blue screen
> with starting OS X progress bar, but that is as far as it got.  It
> completely filled the progress bar and just stayed there.
> Next I tried safe mode, booting with the shift key down.  Again it
> started normally and booted all the way to the login screen.  Typed in
> password and it booted, but I had no menu bar at the top of the screen
> and the dock was not present.
> Now I've tried booting from the Tiger startup CD and all the further I
> get is the gray screen with the spinning gear, been doing that for
> about 15 minutes now.  Help!
> Just a message from Doug...
> >

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Re: Anti Trust Hackin' back . Psystar answers and stands firm.

2008-09-01 Thread Peter

On Aug 29, 2008, at 12:00 PM, paul beard wrote:

> Rumors of Apple's imminent demise have been around for 15 years: right
> now their market cap is 150 Billion Dollars (that's billion with a B).
> Dell's is 44Bn. HP's is just under 6Bn. What do you think you know
> that the market doesn't?

In the short term, market cap reflects present shareholder sentiment.

No one can predict future share performance, hence future market cap.

Those who have tried to do so have usually lost their shirts.

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Re: Follow Up to G4 Large Drive Question - the Hack Works!

2008-09-02 Thread Peter

On Sep 2, 2008, at 6:24 AM, Michael B. in Cincinnati wrote:

> support-on-the-g4-cube-with
> -leopard/
> It's an Open Firmware hack that essentially does the same thing
> through a different path. It's a little unnerving; when one types in
> a line of new code and hits enter, the line just entered disappears.
> But when I rebooted, the system recognized all 238 GB of the new
> drive. I partitioned it into 28, 100, and 100+ GB drives so as not to
> cross over the 128 GB limit, and installed OS9 on the first partition.
> So far, everything is working fine. I've installed my OS9 software on
> that first partition, and written and read from all three seamlessly.

Make sure there is a break at precisely 131,072 MB, and place at  
least one bootable partition below the 131,072 MB "line".

The new properties (it is NOT a hack) remain active until a "reset- 
nvram" O.F. command is executed.

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Re: Hard drive recommendations

2008-09-02 Thread Peter

Same experience here. I had several Fujitsu drives in several  
different computer and all failed in under 12 month. I have had good  
results with Western Digital and some Seagate models.

Peter M.

Sent from my iPod Touch

On Sep 2, 2008, at 4:10 PM, Steve R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> At 7:16 PM +0100 9/2/08, Simon Royal posted:
>> Hi
>> I would stay away from Fujitsu, while they work great they are very  
>> noisy.
> I bought a 20GB Fujitsu back when 20GB was considered big
> (2000/2001?). It failed within a month, very suddenly without
> warning. They sent me another one that failed within 2 months, then
> another that last less than a month. The stickers indicated different
> manufactured dates. I started watching my regular shopping sites and
> within a month of the third drive dying, no one was even listing the
> drives.
> fwiw
> Steve R
> -- 
>Reopen NAFTA. Reclaim our sovereignty.
>   <>
> >

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Re: Follow Up to G4 Large Drive Question - the Hack Works!

2008-09-03 Thread Peter

On Sep 2, 2008, at 10:35 AM, insightinmind wrote:

>> The new properties (it is NOT a hack) remain active until a "reset-
>> nvram" O.F. command is executed.
> Out of curiosity ... is that something that can be re-done at each
> Startup? Set the disk size through Open Firmware at Boot Time?
> Realizing it should be effective until resetting nvram? do it anyway?

There are three properties, of which the later G4 machines will  
always have two of them, with the HD bus being the faster of the two,  
and the optical bus being the slower of the two.

With specific reference to a DA or QS, there is the ATA4 and ATA3  

Earlier models may have ATA3 and ATA2 properties.

Some may have other properties.

You set the properties individually, once per bus.

Incorrectly setting the property may turn off the property without  

If you always place a partition break at 131,072 MB, then you can  
never get into the position of losing access to your entire drive,  
just the partitions which are above 131,072 MB.

A good guide is Intech's "safe partitioning" white paper.

It works on all models, so if you may move, say, a B&W drive over to  
a QS 2002 without issue.

If your OS install is universal, say, from a full retail installer,  
your boot partitions can be so moved, too.

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Re: PCI IDE Card Question

2008-09-03 Thread Peter

On Sep 3, 2008, at 10:25 AM, Len Gerstel wrote:

>> Folks, while we're discussing the disk drive topic, I have a question
>> about PCI IDE controllers. Does one need a special model with Mac
>> firmware, or will any PCI iDE card suffice?
>> Thanks!
> You need a Mac compatible one. A windows one will not work.

The kexts which come with OS X list which IDE cards are supported. In  
each case, only the Mac-compatible cards are supported.

10.4 supported every known Mac-compatible IDE card, even the age-old  
ProMax card (UATA/33).

With 10.5, most of the IDE cards were dropped, perhaps because the  
manufacturers refused to supply Leo-compatible kexts.

ACARD did supply kexts, so ACARD cards are still supported.

To see which cards are supported, look in /S/L/E.

For OS 9, there are no drivers required, as OS 9's built-in SCSI  
Manager 4.3 code suffices.

These card were really designed around SCSI Manager 4.3.

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Re: G5 internal DVD burner not able to read DVD-DL/DVD9

2008-09-03 Thread Peter

On Sep 3, 2008, at 9:30 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

>> Recent threads have maintained that all recent/modern DVD readers can
>> read dual layer disks, yet I know I have to use my external Pioneer
>> drive to read dual layer.
> Any DVD drive capable of reading a commercial (data or movie) DVD are
> capable of reading DL DVD-R's, since those are DL.

Any movie over about 1 hour and 50 minutes, and which has almost any  
kind of supplementary materials, save a simple menu, will require a  

But, there are many movies which can easily fit on a DVD5, and some  
were intentionally mastered with lower resolution so as to fit on a  

In theory, the capacity, without any significant down-rezzing, of a  
DVD5 is 2.0 hours, and the capacity, without any significant down- 
rezzing, of a DVD9 is 4.0 hours.

Just as Beethoven's 9th was used as the putative maximum capacity of  
a CD, The Ten Commandments and Gone with the Wind were used as the  
putative capacity of a DVD9.

Complete with "Overture" music, Act One, "Intermission" music, "Entre  
Act" music, Act Two and "Exit" music, and "Prologue", for TTC, those  
two films each run almost exactly 4.0 hours. Something like 3 hours  
and 59 minutes and a few seconds.

While every DVD reader can read manufactured DVD5s and manufactured  
DVD9s, not all DVD readers can read burned DVD9s, although these may  
be able to read burned DVD5s, while some DVD readers can read only  
DVD-Rs (which are DVD5s, only), and hence no burned DVD9s at all.

The DVD burners supplied with Quicksilver 2002s are capable of DVD-R  
burning and reading, but have problems with DVD+ media, which  
certainly includes DVD9s.

As a personal policy, I usually discard the burner, if present, and  
install at least a Pioneer DVR-109, -110 or -111.

The recent Lite-Ons have been very good, too, but I tend to reserve  
those for Hackintoshes.

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Re: PCI IDE Card Question

2008-09-03 Thread Peter

On Sep 3, 2008, at 1:46 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:

>> No, you need one with Mac firmware.
> It's true you'd need one with Mac firmware too boot from an older PPC
> Mac, however I've used non-Mac firmware SCSI cards successfully in
> older PCI PowerMacs in OS X only.

Check to see if a manufacturer-supplied kext is available for your  
card. If not, then you're out of luck.

10.4 contains perhaps every known PCI PATA card, even way back to the  
original ProMax, which was released during the 7.6.1 days.

10.5 deletes most PCI PATA cards, possibly because the manufacturers,  
many of which had already exited the marketplace, refused to provide  
updated kexts.

But, ACARD did, and that's why you'll see its cards still supported.

Incredibly, one thing which was never to my knowledge done was  
incorporate the small change in protocol which is necessary to  
support large drives.

The manufacturers preferred to apply this change to the on-card  
firmware itself, and not to the kext.

Consequently, few manufacturers went back and made large drive  
support available on already shipped cards, although a few did so for  
their UATA/100 products. This support became mandatory with UATA/133  

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Re: Follow Up to G4 Large Drive Question - the Hack Works!

2008-09-03 Thread Peter

On Sep 3, 2008, at 12:04 AM, Ralph wrote:

>> The new properties (it is NOT a hack) remain active until a "reset-
>> nvram" O.F. command is executed.
>  It seems as though the break does not need to be precisely there.  It
> just needs to be under the 128 GB barrier, as long as that is the only
> partition you would need to access in a pinch.

If you want to avoid a "no-man's land" in a partition, the break  
should be at precisely 131,072 MB.

You can achieve this for any size drive larger than 128 GB by  
selecting precisely two partitions, and setting the first partition  
to be precisely 131,072 MB, then "lock" both partitions. Anything  
above 131,072 MB becomes the remainder. Then, selectively go back and  
unlock the partition which is below 131,072 MB and "split" it as  
desired. Then "lock" it/them again. Do the same for the partition  
above 131,072 MB. Finally, select "partition" and you are done.

>  You say it is not a hack, and you may well be right.  It appears that
> it is only a property that is negotiated between the firmware and the
> drive.  That is a guess on my part.  How would you describe it?

The large drive function is a protocol change which requires that the  
command's data be supplied to the chip in two parts.

Only one part is needed for drives which are smaller than 131,072 MB,  
whereas two parts are required for larger drives.

Enabling the LBA48 property enables the two-part protocol, whereas  
disabling the LBA48 property returns to the one-part protocol.

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Re: Hard drive recommendations

2008-09-03 Thread Peter

On Sep 3, 2008, at 2:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Speak of the devil...  The 1 TB SATA Seagate is $159 with free
> shipping at Frys again.  The 500 GB SATA drive is $79 with free
> shipping.  Unfortunately, the PATA drives are not similarly reduced--
> usually they are priced the same as the SATA drives.  There is no 1 TB
> PATA drive, but there is a 500 GB PATA, however it is still $110.

750 GB PATA drives are occasionally available, but 1 TB PATA drives  
are not, and are not likely to be offered in the future as the  
manufacturers are all rushing to being their 1.5 TB drives to market.

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Re: Follow Up to G4 Large Drive Question - the Hack Works!

2008-09-03 Thread Peter

On Sep 3, 2008, at 2:38 PM, Peter wrote:

>>  You say it is not a hack, and you may well be right.  It appears  
>> that
>> it is only a property that is negotiated between the firmware and the
>> drive.  That is a guess on my part.  How would you describe it?
> The large drive function is a protocol change which requires that the
> command's data be supplied to the chip in two parts.
> Only one part is needed for drives which are smaller than 131,072 MB,
> whereas two parts are required for larger drives.
> Enabling the LBA48 property enables the two-part protocol, whereas
> disabling the LBA48 property returns to the one-part protocol.

My understanding is this:

1) for small drives, one 24-bit CDB (command data buffer, a kind of  
parameter list which provides for feedback) is sufficient, whereas

2) for large drives, two 24-bit CDBs are required, thereby making up  
the required 48 bits.

Apparently all the drives know about this, but not all host adapters do.

More particularly, almost all PCI ATA cards do not know about this.

That many of Apple's motherboards can be made to use the two CDB  
protocol, by enabling the ROM's LBA48 property, is a good thing, and  
is but one reason to use Apple's ATA channels exclusively.

The property is there, and it can be easily enabled.

I don't know which, if any, version(s) of Intech's "High Cap" kext  
actually works with Leo, but the version which I have certainly DOES  
NOT work with Leo, therefore, for the entire machine, which has FOUR  
bootable partitions, 10.3.9, 10.3.9 Server, 10.4.11 and 10.5.4, I  
enable the LBA48 property in the NVRAM, and leave it at that.

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Re: G-3 B&W faster

2008-09-03 Thread Peter

On Sep 2, 2008, at 12:37 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

> Which is why the people doing such projects here usually rely on large
> scratch drives they can reformat between projects.

At a large general-purpose service bureau with whom I was formerly  
employed as a lead (i.e., principal) systems programmer, we  
"squished" (the System/370 version of a defrag) our customer- 
accessible drives on a periodic basis, usually several drives per  
evening shift.

Now, this was way, way back when a large drive was 200 MB (3330-11),  
and a very, very large drive was 316 MB (3350).

Fast-forward nearly two decades and drives were hardly larger, in  
real-world terms: 1 GB (3390-1), 2 GB (3390-2) and 3 GB (3390-3), and  
the performance of the 9 GB 3390-9 was just plain too slow for any  
use except long-term archiving as it spun at 1200 rpm instead of the  
usual 3600 rpm in order to accommodate three times the data, while  
maintaining the same aeriel density, yet increasing the mximum  
latency from 16.67 msec to 50 msec.

For true "scratch" volumes, which were usually 3330-11s, these were  
"scratched" (i.e., initialized, thereby deleting all data) every  

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Re: Follow Up to G4 Large Drive Question - the Hack Works!

2008-09-03 Thread Peter

On Sep 3, 2008, at 4:51 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:

>> If you want to avoid a "no-man's land" in a partition, the break
>> should be at precisely 131,072 MB.
> A most interesting thread. I'm not about to use the patch but I do  
> have a question and it's about the meaning of MB and GB in this  
> context.

131,072 is in base 10, yet your so-called "examples" used other bases.

The true professionals in the industry know, implicitly, when base  
10, and when another base is being used.

In some  archaic (and discontinued) architectures, base 8 (octal) is  
assumed, whereas in a vastly greater family of architectures,  
hexadecimal (base 16) is assumed.

(In commerce, base 10 is assumed, unless otherwise specified, yet  
there haven't been so-called "decimal" computers made in perhaps 4.5  

Presently, bases 2, 10 and 16 are in very common use.

And, those "skilled in the art" know which one is which, in a given  
set of conditions.

131,072 = 128 (base 10) times 1024.

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Re: SATA cards was Re: Hard drive recommendations

2008-09-04 Thread Peter

On Sep 4, 2008, at 4:29 AM, diane wrote:

> Thinking of the future here, I am wondering if I wouldn't be well
> served to buy a SATA PCI (not express) card for the FW800.

I would go with PCI-E, more particularly the Silicon Image 3132 chip  

These are even available for laptops (-34 size) and work great.

The 3132 chip set supports "port multipliers", and MacOS drivers are  
available for all current versions.

Drivers are available for Linux and that other operating system, too.

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Re: What is the exact HD partition limit?

2008-09-04 Thread Peter

On Sep 4, 2008, at 12:42 PM, Michael B. in Cincinnati wrote:

> Is it possible to hit the nail exactly on the
> head?

It is when initially initializing the drive.

Simply select two partitions, and make the size of the first  
partition 131,072 MB, then "lock" that partition. Let the second  
partition be what it is, then "lock" that partition, too.

Now, selectively "unlock" one partition at a time, and "split" it as  
your needs require, "locking" them again.

Finally, when all partitions have been laid out, click "partition".

The results will not add up as there is overhead in each partition,  
and the split ones, too.

Which is why you initially start off with a 131,072 MB partition  
which has been "locked" so it cannot be resized.

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Re: Disk Partition Size Limit

2008-09-04 Thread Peter

On Sep 4, 2008, at 12:33 PM, Michael B. in Cincinnati wrote:

> I need to
> repartition the drive at 128 GB, which translates to 137,016 MB.

128 * 1024 = 131,072.

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Re: SATA cards was Re: Hard drive recommendations

2008-09-04 Thread Peter

On Sep 4, 2008, at 1:13 PM, diane wrote:

>> I would go with PCI-E, more particularly the Silicon Image 3132 chip
>> set.
> I can't do that in a G4 FW800 though, can I?

For those who are stuck with PCI (not PCI-E) there is the Sil 3512  
chipset PCI card.

I have no experience with it, but the PCI-E 3132 has been great, and  
if the 3512 is just good, that would be fine with me.

The Initio-based PCI cards have been OK on G4s, but I know they won't  
work on Intel Macs with PCI slots.

The Initio-based cards are 1.5 MB/s; the Si I-based cards are 3.0 MB/s.

The drives will automatically negotiate the speed.

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Re: SATA cards was Re: Hard drive recommendations

2008-09-04 Thread Peter

On Sep 4, 2008, at 1:21 PM, Peter wrote:

> I have no experience with it, but the PCI-E 3132 has been great, and
> if the 3512 is just good, that would be fine with me.

Oops ... no MacOS support for 3512 ... so, for a PCI application on  
MacOS, its probably limited to Initio.

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Re: Disk Partition Size Limit

2008-09-04 Thread Peter

On Sep 4, 2008, at 1:09 PM, insightinmind wrote:

> 1GB = 1028MB, and not 1000 MB,

If you read the device's characteristics, it says it's capacity is  
1000 megabytes.

> and that when a disk is formatted, you "lose" space due to maintenance
> / indexing / allocation needs of the system ... maybe even bad sectors
> being mapped out.

The maintenance cylinders are not visible to the user, although they  
are there.

The manufacturing process provides the user with 1000 megabytes of  
fully usable, fully contiguous blocks, with blocks numbered from zero  
to n-1.

Even with the least complicated initialization for MacOS, there will  
be around nine partitions which are present and are reserved for  
system use, such as holding the SCSI boot loader, or the IDE boot  
loader, or the Firewire boot loader, or the SATA boot loader, plus a  
patch partition, etcetera.

The first user-accessible partition starts after those partitions.

The initial director space comes out of the user-accessible partition  

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Re: Disk Partition Size Limit

2008-09-05 Thread Peter

On Sep 5, 2008, at 1:32 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:

> The computer folks use M for 10^6 when they're talking about bit  
> rate or bandwidth in Hz but somehow they expect us to understand  
> that M means 2^20 when they're talking about bytes on a disk. When  
> they're talking about bits per second it's 10^6 - or is it? What  
> was the transfer rate for that file in kBytes per second when each  
> byte, as transmitted, was a 10 bit item after adding a start and  
> stop bit?

Amateurs need to know the context in order to be 100 percent certain  
of the meaning of kilo (is it 1000 or 1024, ectetera).

Professionals seldom need to know the context, but in legal  
documents, both will be enumerated to that the legal eagles don't  
shaft somebody.

The first time a term (called a "word of art" in legalese) is used,  
it will be defined, as in, "... 1 k-bits (k = 1024) ...".


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Re: Disk Partition Size Limit

2008-09-05 Thread Peter

On Sep 5, 2008, at 2:50 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

> You don't REALLY think motorcycle engines come in nice round numbers
> like 750CC, do you? ;-)
>  The famous Honda CB750
> started life as 736 CC engine.

My 1964 Royal Enfield "Interceptor" was perhaps the first modern  
750cc English machine, but even it was only 736cc unless oversized  
pistons were fitted.

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2008-09-05 Thread Peter

On Sep 5, 2008, at 3:28 PM, PAR wrote:

> Recently I got a nice B&W. I would love to trade out the CDRW drive
> for a DVDRW drive I have handy, but I have not been able to track down
> specific instructions on how to remove the current cd drive or install
> a new DVD drive in its place. Poking around in my machine, the only
> way I can see of pulling out the old drive is prying it out.

Open the case.

Press on the two blue plastic tabs which are found in the inside of  
the case.

Remove  the entire bezel.

Remove the two screws which retain the CD/Zip carrier.

Slide out the carrier.

Disconnect all data and power cables.

Remove the carrier completely.

Remove drives.

Install drives (you won't need screws for the optical drive, and I  
always discard the Zip drive anyway.

Reinstall in reverse.

If you get a DVR-109 or later, it will work for everything.

Some Lite-Ons are good, too, but I usually reserve those for  

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Re: Upgrading PM G5 with DVD-RW

2008-09-05 Thread Peter

On Sep 5, 2008, at 7:31 PM, Jeffrey Engle wrote:

>>  I googled up the
>> instructions for installing optical drives in the Late 2004 G5, and
>> found that special screws/standoffs were needed depending on the  
>> model
>> of Superdrive. So will my el-cheapo burner mount in the G5 with the
>> existing screws?
> If it has a combo drive in it now, chances are it will have the
> "special screws" on the bottom side of it.

All 1-5/8" tall (so-called "half-height") optical drives have a  
standardized physical interface.

Four M3-0.5 screws in the bottom, for bottom-retained drives, four  
M3-0.5 screws in the sides, for side-retained drives.

Just transfer your existing carrier and screws to your new drive.

The power and data connections are also standardized.

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2008-09-05 Thread Peter

On Sep 5, 2008, at 9:46 PM, Powermac wrote:

>>> Some Lite-Ons are good, too, but I usually reserve those for
>>> Hackintoshes.
>> why? This is the second time you've said this and it still doesn't
>> make sense.

I like Pioneers for real Macs, and Lite-Ons for fake Macs.

All my real Macs have Pioneers (PATA), and all my fake Macs have Lite- 
Ons (SATA).

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Which OS X on eMac 700

2008-09-06 Thread Peter

I just acquired a eMac 700 to my Mac family and was wondering which  
version of OS X is best for it? Should I go for 10.5 or stick with  
10.4? It only has a 32mb Nvidia  card which means some features of  
10.5 will not work anyway. Any thoughts?

Peter M.

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Re: Hard drive?

2008-09-06 Thread Peter

On Sep 6, 2008, at 1:40 PM, Dennis Myhand wrote:

> I am putting together a G-4.  A Sawtooth to be exact.  I have  
> access to
> a number of hard drives to use.  An IDE interface is what I will  
> end up
> using.  My question is, will any IDE drive work (less that 120 gigs)?

Use any drive with a 40-pin interface (PATA).

It matters little whether the drive is /100 or /133 as the Mac and  
the drive will negotiate the speed down to /66 or /33, anyway.

I don't know with certainty when the LBA48 property was added to the  
G4 Macs, but some can address large drives by adding the property to  
the Mac's NVRAM.

Also, there is the "High Cap" kext, which has been around for nearly  
a decade.

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Re: Hard drive?

2008-09-06 Thread Peter

On Sep 6, 2008, at 1:57 PM, Simon Royal wrote:

> The drives in both PC and Mac are the same, it is the physical  
> formatting and partitioning that makes the difference.
> Windows uses FAT32 and NTFS, while Mac OSX uses HFS+.

Macs can support FAT-formatted drives, and have been able to do so  
for a decade.

FAT is not a "native" Mac format, however, and it is provided for  
convenience in data interchange between Macs and PCs.

The partitioning scheme and the data organization can be different.

You can have HFS+ partitions on drives which are APM-partitioned (PPC  
Macs), GUID-partitioned (Intel Macs, but also some Hackintoshes), and  
also MBR-partitioned (primarily Hackintoshes).

> Apple use a lot of Seagate and Western Digital drives, but any IDE  
> will work in both.
> However using the IDE bus on a Sawtooth limits you to 128GB. To go  
> higher you will need a PCI ATA controller.

Only UATA/133 cards (and some UATA/100 cards for which the  
manufacturer has provided updated firmware) implicitly provide for  
greater than 131,072 MB drives.

Some G4s can respond to a special NVRAM "property" which allows for  
LBA48 (large drives), otherwise LBA24 is used.

LBA48 is really a special variation of the IDE protocol wherein the  
logical block number is sent to the drive in two parts, each of these  
being 24 bits.

All large drives are aware of this new LBA48 protocol, whereas it is  
the host adapter (PCI card), or the Mac (IDE buses), which may, or  
may not support this protocol.

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Re: Upgrading PM G5 with DVD-RW

2008-09-06 Thread Peter

On Sep 6, 2008, at 3:25 PM, Eric Volker wrote:

> Thanks for the responses everyone. What concerned me was this document
> from Apple:

The pattern and size on the bottom is standardized.

What is not standardized is how far inside a screw may project  
without interfering with the logic board and/or the mechanism and  
also certain details of the drawer face.

On many "Apple Shipped" Pioneer drives, the bezel AND the face of the  
drawer is completely removed. Also, there is no "activity LED" at all.

I have no experience with current Sony drives.

I have heard that Pioneer was seeking to exit the market for OEM  
drives as there was no profit in it for them, and that current  
contracts for OEM drives was being fulfilled by another manufacturer.

The same may be true of Sony.

I have several drives which report themselves as Pioneer DVR-111s,  
yet if you try to FLASH their firmware with updated firmware, they  
report themselves as Sony, and refused to be FLASHed.

With 10.5, nearly every drive being made is either "Apple Shipped",  
"Apple Supported", or is "Generic, with Apple generic support", so  
the differences in drives has indeed become vanishingly small.

I now strongly favor the Lite-On 20X burners, but I have yet to  
install one of these in a gen-u-wine Mac.

Quite a few in fake Macs, though.

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Re: Hard drive?

2008-09-06 Thread Peter

On Sep 6, 2008, at 10:28 PM, Robert MacLeay wrote:

> Gotcha: I am unsure whether a 160+ will format into a usable 120 in
> your Mac, or whether this would have to be done first in a later Mac
> with large drive support. I suspect you can, but I haven't tried it
> myself.

Put a 500 GB on a Mac which doesn't support large drives and it shows  
up as 128 GB.

The LBA48 property is easy to add to many G4s, and is unnecessary on  
anything made including and after the QS 2002.

The "High Cap" kext is another route, and it works back to the G3s,  
for which the LBA48 property probably doesn't exist.

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Re: Hack for Leopard install?

2008-09-07 Thread Peter

On Sep 7, 2008, at 3:35 PM, Dana Collins wrote:

> Tiger will install on a G3, whether it is using a G3 CPU or a G4  
> CPU. Your
> issue is that the original ROM (actually it's firmware) on the B+W  
> G3s was
> set (or "restricted" may be better) to recognize G3 CPUs only. The  
> enabler
> hack in question removes the restriction, allowing the B+W's ROM to  
> bless
> the G4 as a viable CPU.

The B&W was intentionally crippled so it could not have a G4 ZIF  
installed into it.

The "first graphite" is more-or-less a B&W which has had this  
restriction removed, and which came with a G4 ZIF from the git-go.

The patch simply puts the earlier B&W on the same playing field as  
the later "first graphite", no more, no less.

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Re: burning a DVD-R-W

2008-09-07 Thread Peter

On Sep 7, 2008, at 5:00 PM, Jane, (Portland, OR) wrote:

> Kris, uh, it says in the title that it is a DVD-RW. Actually, the
> discs are DVD+RW.  Does the plus make a difference?

No, not at all, except + disks are claimed to be "more compatible",  
although early owners of Macs equipped with so-called Super Drives  
would differ as they were - compatible, only, and would choke on a +  

What + disks are "more compatible" with are really set-top boxes, and  
not other PCs/Macs.

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Re: SATA cards was Re: Hard drive recommendations

2008-09-09 Thread Peter

On Sep 9, 2008, at 2:22 PM, J Winter wrote:

> With that in mind: Instead of what i had planned: internal drive of
> under 100 gig, should I be getting some card for PCMIA slot that
> would allow me to use a SATA (they're so less expensive) or some
> other drive for internal use?

For my Toshiba, I use an Express-34 card ... Silicon Image 3132 chip  
set ... and it is Mac compatible right out of the box.

Well, you DO have to download the Mac OS drivers from SiI's web site,  
but the 3132 chip set is supported by MacOS.

The 3132 supports "port multipliers", too, so you can have up to five  
SATA drives off of each of the two eSATA connections.

You can get 3132 cards for desktops, too, but some are RAID-only, and  
have to be FLASHed to be BASE.

For my work, I need lots of storage, particularly external storage.

With eSATA being very economical now, and with it being so much  
faster than USB or Firewire, I see eSATA is the way to go.

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Re: router recommendations?

2008-09-12 Thread Peter

On Sep 12, 2008, at 7:57 AM, Sam Macomber wrote:

> I got a netgear G something for $10 or so on black friday last  
> year...   works fine for my powerbook, Wii and DSs...No idea  
> how well the router works though just using it as a wireless access  
> point.  Got a linksys RV042 for router duty. (which is a very nice  
> piece of gear BTW)

I generally go with AirLink101, Fry's Electronics "house brand".

Router technology has reached the point where there are only a few so- 
called "standard designs".

Most user interfaces have gone to the HTTP route, and almost all have  
the same windows and features within windows.

A plus for the Airlink101 router is the WAN port is 10/100 half-/full- 
duplex (many routers are 10 half-duplex for the WAN port) so that  
secondary routers won't slow down the overall network, although the  
WAN port to the DSL or cable modem may still remain a choke-point, at  
least it may be the only one.

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Re: SATA cards was Re: Hard drive recommendations

2008-09-12 Thread Peter

On Sep 10, 2008, at 6:17 AM, J Winter wrote:

> Do you mean using eSATA as external drives?
> (I didn't think you are saying that this card allows you to use eSATA
> internally.)

The SiI 3132 is the chip type.

The chip may be operated in two modes: RAID mode and BASE mode.

Most of the PCI-E cards, which are used in desktops, are RAID mode,  
although some can be FLASHed to be BASE mode (BASE mode simulates an  
IDE drive to the host).

When used as n Express-34 card in a laptop, the card provides two  
eSATA (external SATA) ports, which are identical to the ports found  
on a PCI-E card.

Most of the Express-34 cards are BASE mode, and I am unaware of those  
which can be FLASHed to RAID mode as this requires a DOS system,  
although a Win-32 FLASHer is also available (a MacOS FLASHer is NOT  

As I stated SiI3132 is included in many MacOS distributions, and if  
it is not, then the MacOS installer is freely available from the SiI  
web site.

After you insert the Express-32 card, you may then insert one or two  
eSATA (external SATA) cables (not generally included with the card),  
and each of the two ports supports a port multiplier, which provides  
for a five-to-one expansion of the available storage on each port.

It is thereby possible to connect 10 TB of external storage to a  
laptop, using a simple Express-34 card.

You need not buy a special Mac card, either. Just look for the  
Silicon Image 3132 designation in the description of the card. Almost  
every manufacturer of 3132 cards is using the SiI "reference design",  
so they all work alike, although some cost $40 and some cost $90.

If you have a PCI-E card, and it is in BASE mode, then your desktop  
has the same capabilities as described, above.

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Re: router recommendations?

2008-09-12 Thread Peter

On Sep 12, 2008, at 2:26 PM, Richie wrote:

> Your ISP would have to provide them and the router would have to  
> have a provision for entering them. This is exactly what happened  
> at work but I should note that only one person contacted the ISP  
> and entered the fixed DNS number on his computer. You might have to  
> do that, bypassing the routers settings.

True, but there are usually a few "magic" DNSes floating around,  
which are so rock-solid that you can just about use them as if they  
were your ISPs.

You do not have to use your ISP's DNSes ... heck, you could even use  
your own DNSes, as a freebee DSN software package is available ...  
you could just as easily use another ISP's DNSes.

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Re: DNS server exploit (was Re: PayPal Fraud...?)

2008-09-13 Thread Peter

On Sep 13, 2008, at 8:38 PM, Bill Christensen wrote:

> In early August a security hole in the Domain Name System (the
> "traffic cop" part of the internet that changes the name you type in
> to your browser such as '' into an IP address of a specific
> machine) was discovered.  Not all domain name servers have been fixed
> yet, though patches exist for most of them.

Many DSNes run Windows, but a real-deal-SEAL DNS which runs under  
Unix is available for free.

Those which don't run Windows for their DNSes run that Unix version.

There really is no excuse running a mission-critical software system  
on something as flimsy as Windows.

I would run it on a System/390 or a z/System.

System/360 ... System/390's and z/System's predecessor ... was  
reliable enough to get us ... the U.S. ... to the Moon and back,  
during Project Apollo, although it ran the Houston-based software,  
not the LEM or CM software, which computer had all of 1K of RAM.

The Houston-based System/360s had a meg or two of RAM, back when a  
megabyte of main storage cost a million dollars, and the largest disk  
drive was on ten 14" diameter platters and had a capacity of 30  
megabytes per module, with a maximum of eight modules per disk  

I've been programming System/360, System/370, System/390, and the  
various Amdahls which were System/370 and System/390 compatible, for  
nearly 45 years and the code I wrote 45 years ago will still run on  
IBM's latest and greatest with no modifications.

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Re: Leopard 10.5.5 Update is out today

2008-09-16 Thread Peter

On Sep 16, 2008, at 6:17 AM, Ted Treen wrote:

> I have a mixture of G5 & 8-core MacPro machines at work - so I  
> downloaded the 600MB+ Combo update for use on each/all.

I think Apple may have finally come up with the proverbial "silver  
bullet" which renders OS X86 boxes useless.

Although other OS X86 users have reported "no problema" with the  
10.5.5 Delta Update (for bringing a Hackintosh running the  
"Vanilla" [ retail DVD ] version of Mac OS 10.5.4 up to 10.5.5), my  
Hackintosh, equivalent to an OpenPro/MacPro, got a kernel panic  
during the Software Update process itself, thereafter leaving the  
partially updated system completely unusable. Fortunately, I have an  
identical 1 TB disk as an on-line back-up to my usual boot disk. And,  
fortunately, I had "synched" the two just before applying the update.

I am, therefore, hesitant to apply the update to my G4s (I have no  
G5s, nor do I have any Intel Macs).

It is believed that 10.5.5 does update the MacOS kernel, but this was  
"no problema" for the 10.5.4 update, which also updated the kernel.

I will likely "age" the update, and try again, after others running  
G4s, and others running Hackintoshes, too, report positive results.

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Re: 'Cheapest Software Anywhere' web site reliable?

2008-09-19 Thread Peter

On Sep 19, 2008, at 10:47 AM, Terry Hirsch wrote:

> Their URL is: They say they  
> purchase the unused software keys from volume  
> interesting approach. I'd be interested in hearing what group  
> listers have to say.

It always is questionable if a Company does not publish a phone number  
or physical address. I would not buy anything there.

Peter M.

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Re: Mail Under 10.5.5 Fooling Me ...

2008-09-28 Thread Peter

On Sep 28, 2008, at 6:17 AM, insightinmind wrote:

> I can't for the life of me figure what I've done wrong in my Leopard
> Mail app ...
> Can't send Mail ... are all good (have 4+ e-mail
> addresses for sorting things out) ... but
> doesn't work anymore.
> It must be something simple ... looks like everything is set like I
> had it under Panther (now Tiger) on all my other Macs ...
> Is something different in the SMTP department under 10.5.5?
> I did notice that earlier versions of Mail label things a little
> differently:
> "" versus now, just
> "", regardless of what e-mail address its
> associated with ...
> and my POP, for accounts created last week and earlier are called
> POP ... this week, a new one I created is called "Verizon POP".
> Multiple e-mail outgoing.ISP nomenclature problem?
> I keep checking my spelling's (eyes play tricks on me) ... but no  
> avail.
> When reading through Mail Help topics, the question came up: since I
> access my e-mail accounts on my ISP by several machines, should I be
> using IMAP instead of POP?

I'm not sure if Verizon offers IMAP but it sure would be a good  
solution. In your SMTP setup, did you check if the username/password  
authorization is enabled correct?

Peter M.

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Re: Upgrading the OS on an iMac700

2008-11-08 Thread Peter

On Nov 8, 2008, at 8:44 AM, Marty Levine wrote:

>> Marty
>> didn't you have to trick the OS X.5 software to install on less  
>> than a
>> 867 processor?
> I did not need any tricks other than installing Leopard on an external
> drive attached to a faster iBook G4.   Target mode would work too.
> Marty

I have an eMac 700 with 512MB and 10.4.11 is running great on it and I  
don't see any reason to put 10.5 on it. If you want run 10.5 on a un- 
supported Mac, there are different ways to do that. One way was just  
mentioned with using a supported Mac fore the installation and then  
transfer the hard drive to the un-supported Mac , another way is to  
modify the Firmware.

Peter M.

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Re: Safari 3.2.1 is fast! (was Re: Safari 3.2 is slooow).

2008-11-25 Thread Peter
On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OMG!  Apple did something ... better.
> At 9:52 AM -0500 11/14/2008, Dan wrote:
> >
> >Apple hit us with Safari 3.2 yesterday.
> >
> >So far, I'm not excited.  It gets only 75/100 on Acid3 - with a few
> >long pauses.  And on other sites, I've found it to be slower than
> >Safari 3.1.  The speed difference is really bad, if you compare it
> >with WebKit.
> Installed Safari 3.2.1 a few hours ago.  Amazing difference!
> 3.2.1 still gets an embarrassing pitiful 75/100 on Acid3 and barfs on
> eBay pages as well as the same gaggle of other sites (aka the norm
> for Safari).  But its speed is back up to that of 3.1.  And it's
> *stable*.
> heh.  Wanna see something really fast  Rip out flash then go surfing!
> - Dan.
> --
> - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

Apple released an update already?

Peter M.

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Re: iTunes- apology- bottom post!

2008-11-27 Thread Peter

On Nov 27, 2008, at 9:29 PM, MIKO's Support, Design and Development  
Services wrote:

> VERY sorry.  I was depressed, alone and upset. THIS LIST REQUIRES  
> BOTTOM POST!  Sorry, I'm on lists where you have to top post and I  
> was just
> getting it wrong.  Not surprising on this horrible day.

You are wrong again. The rules for bottom posting don't exist  
anymore :-)

Peter M.

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Re: Apple & Psystar Come To A Settlement!

2008-12-03 Thread Peter
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 6:41 PM, Richard Ramsowr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Just yesterday, I again ask this very question on MacDailyNews... how
> could a small start up pay for such legal support when there out of
> business?
> Maybe I'm better at law that I through...
> Anyway, good for Apple and there legal department...
> Yours
> Rick
> Rick
> Houston
Out of business? They still sell the Computer and rumors have it that a
Laptop is coming soon.

But it is a good question, who is behind Psystar?

Peter M.

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Re: need your help in posting

2008-12-06 Thread Peter
On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Kris Tilford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Begin forwarded message from Dana Collins:
> > Greetings, gang.
> >
> > I've asked our colleague to submit this to the group on my behalf as
> > I have
> > no way to contribute. My problem is that it appears that Google has
> > glitched
> > my membership in the G3-5 List, and I no longer have any contributory
> > permissions with my account. Our list-nanny Kyle states that it
> > appears my
> > account is set up properly.
> > The G3-5 List is the only group (that I am a member of) affected.
> > Do not
> > worry about my receiving any input you can provide; I can read all
> > posts,
> > and email delivery of such works fine. The opposite, however is my
> > problem:
> >
> > * if I respond to a posted thread via email, the message bounces,
> > and I get
> > a nasty note from Google telling me it did so, and it must be my fault
> > (spelling, improper addressing, etc.
> > * if I respond to a continuing thread online, Google tells me I do
> > not have
> > any privileges to do so, and cancels my post.
> > * I cannot start a new topic, as the "New Topic" button (on the
> > right of our
> > group's main page) is completely missing.
> > * I cannot start a new topic via direct email, as the same result as
> > in item
> > #1 occurs
> >
> > This has gone for sometime without any satisfying way to actually
> > address
> > the issue. This issue, btw, is consistent, regardless of which
> > machine, OS,
> > or browser I use. If you know a way to contact an actual Google person
> > please let me know.
> >
> > So far, the only solution I can come up with is to unsubscribe, then
> > re-subscribe, but I do not know what havoc, if any, results from that.
> >
> > Any ideas would be so appreciated - I've got a myriad of threads to
> > run by,
> > and no way to get them in.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Dana
Easiest thing would be to unsubscribe and then subscribe again.

Peter M.

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Re: DA 533 reporting as 466?

2008-12-09 Thread Peter
On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:38 PM, Larry Stotler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I have a Digital Audio with a 533Mgz proc.  It says rx533pd on it, so
> it should be a 533Mhz chip.  However, both OS X 10.4 and Linux report
> it as a 467Mhz chip.  I don't see any jumpers to mess with like a G3/
> G4 Yikes, so what am I doing wrong.  I also notice that there is a red
> LED labeled
> "ds5" beside the DIMM slots.  Profiler shows it as a Powermac3,4.

Did you reset the PRAM? What does the label on the mainboard say?

Peter M.

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Re: Alternatives to iTunes

2008-12-12 Thread Peter
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 7:12 PM, Ralph  wrote:

> Howdy,
> On Fri, 2008-12-12 at 13:50 -0500, Dan wrote:
> > In the thread " iTunes and duplicating songs", on 12/3/2008, Ralph wrote:
> > >
> > >[...] I have no interest in iTunes.  It just does not work well
> > >enough to merit use.
> >
> > So what don't you like about iTunes?
> >
>  iTunes has a bad license.  It is not the worst license I have seen,
> but the worst part is it got annoying having to read the license and
> agree to it so often.  It seems like it is updated often enough that
> this became tiresome.
>  One of the worst aspects to me is how Apple just removes capability
> from iTunes and and there is no recourse.  That is the problem with
> depending on a closed source proprietary application for something that
> matters to me like the front end of my media collection.
>  iTunes also poorly supports the format of most of my audio collection
> and that is what I mean about it not working well.  I use ogg vorbis for
> most files.  I tested a couple of plugins that added ogg support, but I
> did not think they worked well.
> > What app(s) are you using instead?
> >
>  I have tried several audio programs, and none seem very close to
> ideal.  I am writing my own program and I'll probably move to that in
> 2009.  My program is more than a simple player, but that is one niche it
> will fill.  Most often now a days, I find myself using vlc.
> > - Dan.
> Good day,
> Ralph

There is an application called Songbird but I'm not sure which formats it
will support. It is Open Source.

Peter M.

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Re: 10.5.6 Update Available

2008-12-15 Thread Peter

On Dec 15, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:

> 10.5.6 is available.
> I used Software Update, it was 377 MB for my PPC G5. The MacBook Pro
> Intel version was 190 MB.
> I'm using a non-Apple 802.11n card (Netgear WN311B) that requires
> patching with the to be recognized as
> Airport. After the update I had no wireless connection and needed to
> redo the patch. The patch worked fine, the card is recognized as
> Airport and the connection is fine.
> Nothing else to report. It booted normally.

On my G4 software update downloaded 190MB. No problems noted after the  

Peter M.

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Re: 10.5.6 Update Available

2008-12-15 Thread Peter

On Dec 15, 2008, at 4:37 PM, Paul wrote:

> The combo is 669 MB; the update from 10.5.5 to 10.5.6 is 372 MB.

For me it was 190MB according to Apple Software Update.

Peter M.

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Re: BBC NEWS | Technology | Apple to ditch Macworld gathering

2008-12-17 Thread Peter
On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Bruce Johnson <> wrote:

> On Dec 17, 2008, at 2:12 AM, Brian Durant wrote:
> > Apple to ditch Macworld gathering
> > By Maggie Shiels
> > Technology reporter, BBC News, San Francisco


> Note 2: Apple is in an enviable position in this economy. They have
> not one, but two industry-leading products (iPod and iPhone) massively
> hot laptop sales (up 22% year over year, IN THIS YEAR!!), no corporate
> debt, and a monster pile of cash on hand, 25Billion-with-a-B. A
> competent and honest analyst would say that Apple was in good shape
> financially. Competence and honesty are in dramatically short supply
> on Wall Street.
> > However he said Apple's ability to innovate would keep it ahead of the
> > competition.
> >
> > Sales of Macs in US stores last month fell 1% from a year ago, while
> > industry-wide PC sales rose 2%, according to research firm NPD Group
> > Inc
> > which tracks retail sales.
> >
> Not all macs, just desktop Macs, meaning iMacs and Pros. MacBook and
> MacBook Pro sales? Up 22%, AHEAD of the rest of the industry. They
> lied by omission here.
> --
> Bruce Johnson
> University of Arizona
> College of Pharmacy
> Information Technology Group

There are some other factors playing a role. Apple announced new products
twice a year at a date that was not controlled or set by Apple. As long they
used the PPC Processors it was ok because development was not that quick.
Apple switched to Intel processors and the Intel development is much faster,
not to mention that the Intel development strategy is available to the
public. Which means that Apple needs to have the opportunity to announce new
products or updates at a different time and/or more often. It has nothing to
do with Steve Jobs, it is a needed simple and logical marketing decision.

Peter M.

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Re: What is hole above iMac screen?

2009-01-19 Thread Peter

How about a micophone?

Peter M.

Sent from my iPod

On Jan 19, 2009, at 6:32 PM, Jonas Lopez  wrote:

> What is hole above iMac screen? I understand the camera location in  
> portables and am just wondering if this hole, actually a sorta slit  
> vertical was a place for a camera or what? Is a camera there or not?  
> This is an older 400Mh G3 iMac.
> >

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Re: best browser now

2009-01-31 Thread Peter

On Jan 31, 2009, at 10:51 AM, Dan wrote:

> At 8:39 PM -0800 1/30/2009, tortoise wrote:
>> It seems to me that icab is now fastest browser for powerpc.
>> I had been using firefox and then I went to a g4 optimized version of
>> Seamonkey.
>> Then I got the newest icab. Its quite a bit better on my 550g4  
>> (7410).
> iCab does seem pretty quick.  I'm finding WebKit nightly to be a bit
> faster tho.
> - Dan.

I think it depends on which G4 you are using. On my eMac 700, Firefox  
and Camino is pretty slow. On my QS 933 it will run much better.
But my preference still is Webkit. I wished Google would release  
Chrome for PPC but that will be a dream forever.

Peter M.

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Re: Terminal tells me I have new mail

2009-02-03 Thread Peter
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Hunter Fuller  wrote:

> Kris Tilford wrote:
> > On Feb 3, 2009, at 2:35 AM, Bill Christensen wrote:
> >
> >
> > I still don't understand.
> >
> > My OS X System has been continuously upgraded and/or transferred and
> > has a lineage going back many years. My Terminal NEVER has any mail
> > messages, and my var/mail/~user file is empty.
> >
> > I don't know why a program such as ClamAV would produce these mail
> > messages in preference to actual log files unless it's as others have
> > suggested, something related to "server" versions of software where a
> > system administrator would regularly be using Terminal and the mail
> > message would be a notification of a log entry? Whatever the reason,
> > I'd remove whatever software you've installed that's giving you 1,245
> > messages from "cron jobs". My zero mail messages total is what I
> > believe any "client" OS X system should have? No?
> >
> It doesn't hurt anything to have these messages. They do take up space
> but... so? It's a tiny amount, and it is easily removed. Maybe even set
> up a cron job to delete the mails?

Or you just setup Pine and read/delete the e-mails.

Peter M.

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Re: Terminal tells me I have new mail

2009-02-03 Thread Peter
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Peter  wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Hunter Fuller wrote:
>> Kris Tilford wrote:
>> > On Feb 3, 2009, at 2:35 AM, Bill Christensen wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > I still don't understand.
>> >
>> > My OS X System has been continuously upgraded and/or transferred and
>> > has a lineage going back many years. My Terminal NEVER has any mail
>> > messages, and my var/mail/~user file is empty.
>> >
>> > I don't know why a program such as ClamAV would produce these mail
>> > messages in preference to actual log files unless it's as others have
>> > suggested, something related to "server" versions of software where a
>> > system administrator would regularly be using Terminal and the mail
>> > message would be a notification of a log entry? Whatever the reason,
>> > I'd remove whatever software you've installed that's giving you 1,245
>> > messages from "cron jobs". My zero mail messages total is what I
>> > believe any "client" OS X system should have? No?
>> >doesn't hurt anything to have these messages. They do take up space
>> but... so? It's a tiny amount, and it is easily removed. Maybe even set
>> up a cron job to delete the mails?
> Or you just setup Pine and read/delete the e-mails.
> Peter M.
Pre-built binaries for Mac OS X can be found here:

Peter M.

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Re: Safari 4 Public Beta available today

2009-03-09 Thread Peter
You probably downloaded the Leopard version. You need the version for Tiger.

Peter M.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

-Original Message-
From: Jonas Lopez 

Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 15:19:29 
Subject: Re: Safari 4 Public Beta available today

I have Safari 3 Version 3.2.1 (4525.27.1) For Safari 4 Beta the Macintosh 
Requirements * Any Mac running Security Update 2009-001 and Mac OS X Leopard 
10.5.6 or Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11. I have 10.4.11, Build 8S165, but it refuses 
to install wanting 10.5 I am G4 Power PC. BUT Software Update reports I am up 
to date?? What is going on?

--- On Sun, 3/8/09, Dan  wrote:

> From: Dan 
> Subject: Re: Safari 4 Public Beta available today
> To:
> Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 2:10 PM
> At 5:48 PM -0500 3/6/2009, Dan wrote:
> >LOL   Darn voodoo.
> Cookies tasty cookies.
> Don't think about them often enough, I guess,
> 'cause Safari just 
> handles them.  Today I was poking around, and took a look
> at the 
> cookies.  wow.  Amazing how many cookies some companies
> slap on you! 
> Started selectively deleting them, got tired of that, and
> hit Remove 
> All.  All gone.
> OMG.  Safari is s much faster now!
> - Dan.
> -- 
> - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth


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Re: Guidance on Webcam - better list to keep the piece here

2010-02-23 Thread Peter
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Jonas Lopez  wrote:

> Guidance on Webcam - better list to keep the piece here
> Dear Listers,
> I am very sorry that you all decided to blast my earnest request for
> assistance on webcams and then proceeded to hijack the subject to the point
> that it apparently has no moderation to morphing into an entirely different
> subject.
> BTW: Thanks for confirming that it is indeed ON TOPIC for this G List!
> I do not intend to leave the list, but now I ask the collective for a good
> place to discuss webcam issues in fairness and on a leveler playing field.
> This is the coming future of communications: WEBCAMS AND VOICE COMMANDS
>  and we are on the brink of the precipice of it, but others want to drag us
> backward. So be it, please help me find a better place.
> Thank you all,

Where have you been? Webcams and voice command is around for many years and
the technology is pretty old. It sure is not "the future of communication".
In your previous post you said something about watching your house over the
Internet. The best solution would be using an IP based camera (or network
camera), means a camera that does not use your computer. You just set it up
and plug it in to your router. D-Link makes some decent one, the best ones I
have worked with are from AXIS.

Peter M.

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Re: boot image

2010-03-21 Thread peter

On Mar 20, 2:21 pm, Kris Tilford  wrote:
> Yes, I've experience this same issue on "some" cloned DVD installer  
> images on HDs. You can boot once, and then it stops booting. I believe  
> this is because the HD isn't locked as a "read-only" device. I've  
> tried locking the HD via software using permissions to lock the entire  
> HD or partition to read-only, and that has NOT worked for me on  
> problematic HDs. I believe you can lock a HD to read-only via a  
> jumper, but I've never tried that. For some reason this doesn't happen  
> on all HDs, just some. It seems to be consistent, meaning ones that  
> only boot once will continue to only boot once, and ones that boot  
> more then once continue to stay bootable. It may be the OS version  
> also, I think most all of the unbootable HDs were Tiger 10.4 PPC? Any  
> better theories to explain this phenomenon? The only solution I found  
> was a fresh clone, blessing the HD didn't help.

I just ran into this with a USB flash drive, I cloned tiger retail
DVD, and used Pacafist to strip out the hardware checks, then used it
to install tiger (very, very slowly) on a tangerine clamshell (no
firewire) I had picked up for $10. I then tried to use the same method
on my backup Lombard (just for fun) and the drive was not recognized
as bootable no matter what I did.

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Re: boot image

2010-03-21 Thread peter

On Mar 21, 10:37 am, Bill Connelly  wrote:
> I'm not sure which, but aren't most G4s not USB bootable? FW, yes.
> According to Mactracker specs, maybe because G4s USB are only 12 Mbs,  
> and starting with G5s, they are 480 Mbs, just over FWs 400.
> Just guessing.
Yet, the G3 clamshell with USB1, Booted from it and and allowed the
install. Clamshell works fine(ish) in Tiger now.

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Re: boot image

2010-03-21 Thread peter

On Mar 21, 10:49 am, Nestamicky  wrote:

> I'm curious about this process. Anyone care to write out the steps,
> please? Could be useful in the absence of a DVD drive. Thanks.

I followed a couple of tutorials online, using a little of this, and a
little of that, and meant to write it all up and post to the G-Books
group (as it was for the Clamshell) But I never got around to it.
Perhaps it's time for me to do that, I think I'll have to go through
the entire proccess again in order to remember, so don't expect the
post right away. I'll post it to this thread as well for those who
don't subscribe to the Book group, since the process applies to
desktops as well. However, I think it's clear that YMMV...

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Mac's can't connect to WAP

2010-03-21 Thread peter
I was just told by the Hotel that inhabits 1/2 of one of my buildings
here that their guests with Macs can't connect to the free wireless.
They have been running into a brick wall with Time Warner Cable, and
their guests are angry...  Apparently this has been going on for a
while. Even though we own the building, we aren't supposed to touch
time warner's stuff. I can tell you that the router is unbranded, and
the WAPs are b/g D-Links, Windows users don't have a problem.

Any ideas?

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Re: Mac's can't connect to WAP

2010-03-22 Thread peter

On Mar 22, 4:30 pm, Bruce Johnson 
> On Mar 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, John Musbach wrote:
> > Hmm, perhaps this hypothesis could be proven by trying to use this
> > troublesome wifi system with ie5 for mac on the troublesome mac(s).
> Would not work. IE5 for Macs does not have anywhere near the same  
> capabilities that IE6 and later did on PC's.
I have my Lombard with be tonight, and I'll be checking over ethernet
in one of the rooms, and one of the other Techs is bringing in a G4
book tommorow to check WiFi.

"You can TRY (and I don't think I did, I was just pissed off)
on the developer menu in Safari, and setting the user agent as IE6,
but I don't think it'll work. "

I had planned to do this, either in Safari, or Firefox (or both)

"It might be interesting to see the source of the page they're
sending. "

Planned on that too.

"But if it doesn't, and they're not providing said free wifi to ALL
guests that want it...
that's a legal leg to beat them with.  That beating might best be a
PR thing - a major hotel chain that's discriminating against Apple...
Announcing that to the public will hurt their bottom line.  It would
be cheaper for them to fix the problem. "

Unfortunatley, the owner of My company has (through this building) a
vested interest in NOT bad mouthng the hotel chain publicly.  From a
guest perspective, this would be something to think about wherever you
go, these companies are hulking giants, and don't always realize that
they are driving people away through their actions, until you throw a
rock at their heads...  Certianly, higher ups here could exert
preasure, that does not mean it will change, and I hope here is a
solution that can be accomplished at the User level until then,( I am
realy hoping that User agent switching can work) because I am on the
ground, and have to see disgruntled guests. If I can't give them a
work around, I (and they) think I'm not doing the best I can for them.
Guests (and other tenants) don't make the distinctions between all of
the companies involved here, they see the guy with the tool belt, and
think I can fix anything.  All you I.T. guys aught to know the
feeling ;)

Thanks for all of the replies, and wish me luck.

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Re: Mac's can't connect to WAP

2010-03-22 Thread peter

On Mar 22, 6:55 pm, Bruce Johnson 
> This is why *every* place like that has comment cards and contact  
> addresses. Carry some with you and encourage the paying customers to  
> make their opinions known, that it's when paying customers complain,  
> is when things get changed.
> Now if you'll get fired for THAT basic act of customer service, my  
> sympathies and I hope you find a new job soon, whereupon you can tell  
> us who this company is so I never patronize them, because if they do  
> that to their employees and contractors, they cut corners everywhere  
> else, too.

Luckily, I don't work for the Hotel, I work for the property owner
(or, technicaly an affiliated company that does Property Management
for the owner, which is also owned by the owner...) The hotel is our
Contractor. In any case, I think they would encourage this approach,
but finding an interem fix is something they would like more,
posssibly coupled with the comment card.

If the higher ups in my company get involved, they can say to the
Hotel, fix it or you're fired. Then they can get another Hospitality
chain to run our hotel. but that would be a huge PITA!

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Re: Mac's can't connect to WAP

2010-03-23 Thread peter

On Mar 23, 9:44 am, PM7500  wrote:
> Are they trying to connect using WPA encryption? I've been trying for
> months to get any of my Macs to connect to my Wi-Fi router using WPA
> and I can only connect with WEP.
No, the Wireless Access Points are, basicaly un-encripted, you don't
need a password, or any personal info, you just have to click the "I
Agree" button on the terms page, and you are on the web.

BTW, my co-worker forgot his G4 at home, but he might be back downtown
later, and we can check wireless then...

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Re: Apple update

2010-04-03 Thread Peter
It still would be illegal to make copies ;-)

Peter M.

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: John Carmonne 
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 16:55:12 
Subject: Re: Apple update

> Well maybe it's for the better, you really should stop pirating
> movies, it's a violation of federal law.
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> John Musbach

FYI "Snarky John" I happen to own said movies.:-)

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA
Sent from my MBP

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Re: Best OS for MDD

2010-04-04 Thread Peter
Why not just use Leopard? It would work even better.

Peter M.

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: dorayme 
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 09:38:51 
Subject: Re: Best OS for MDD

> Jonas Ulrich  Apr 03 09:38PM -0700 ^
> Hi all, looking for some advice here. I have a MDD Tower with the
> following specs:
> Hardware Overview:
> Machine Name: Power Mac G4
> Machine Model:PowerMac3,6
> CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (2.1)
> Number Of CPUs:   2
> CPU Speed:1 GHz
> L2 Cache (per CPU):   256 KB
> L3 Cache (per CPU):   2 MB
> Memory:   2 GB
> Bus Speed:133 MHz
> Boot ROM Version: 4.4.8f2
> What would be the fastest/best OS for this?

Tiger latest.


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Re: Safari 4.0.5 memory leak?

2010-04-09 Thread Peter
I think the difficulty here is that different parts of the software package 
fall under different license agreements. Webkit is open source, I believe. 
Safari is under Apple license 

Peter M.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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Re: [Bulk] Re: Safari 4.0.5 memory leak?

2010-04-09 Thread Peter
Or you just go to:

and report the Bug yourself. ;-)

Peter M.

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: iJohn 
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 19:08:43 
Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: Safari 4.0.5 memory leak?

My personal take on Dan's post is why can't the SAFARI folks at Apple
investigate the problem, verify the source, and, if appropriate, open
up a problem with WebKit. Was some law passed while I was napping
which prevents development organizations from trying to get bugs fixed
in critical external components their project depends on?

I can maybe see why they'd rather someone else did their grunt work.
But if their work depends on a component then I'd expect them to be
pushing hard(er) to see that whatever is broken gets fixed. Who in
particular is going to be doing the fixing feels more like a

I'm just saying ...

Oh, well.

-irrational john

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Re: My quicksilver died on me.. help.

2010-04-16 Thread Peter
And then there is eBay.just full with Mac parts.

Peter M.

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "" 
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 14:52:57 
To: G-Group
Subject: Re: My quicksilver died on me.. help.

There is one here as well:

I use the BookYard for a lot of Mac parts, they are quite expensive,
but you get a warranty with all the parts and they provide very good


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Re: Safari

2010-05-10 Thread Peter
I think you are barking at the wrong tree. Mostly this kind of issues come from 
scripts running on websites. MySpace and Facebook both are using lots of 
scripts on their websites that can make a web browser unresponsive.

Peter M.

Sent from my BlackBerry® 

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Conrad 
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 05:28:06 
To: g3-5-list
Subject: Safari

I have decided that next to Opera Safari is the biggest piece of crap out
I quit it earlier and in only a few hours I was getting "Application Not
Now I don't have many tabs open, in fact in the past I have had more and not
had this problem

Tabs I have open
The Daily Pages
The Daily Kitten
Facebook (noth are my page)
A text site (stories people put online)
A friend's Facebook site
Facebook site of a person I know
Google Voice

Does Apple have any plans to fix the known memory leak(s) or do they even

Steve Conrad
Henrietta, MO 64036

"The time has come for mankind to grow up and leave its cradle behind; to go
forth and claim our place in outer space."
  - Capt. Henry Gloval

Help Bunny Take Over The World!

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Re: what can i do with my old G5?

2010-05-11 Thread Peter
If you don't know what to do with your G5 how about you put it in a box and 
send it to me?  ;-)

Peter M.

Sent from my BlackBerry® 

-Original Message-
From: Amanda Ward 
Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 05:16:03 
Subject: Re: what can i do with my old G5?

On 5/10/10 10:08 PM, "GT"  wrote:

> hey all!
> this is my first post as i am new here.
> basically this is what's up, i have a G5 that i use ocasionally
> (mostly just my nephew uses to watch youtube).
> my main computer is a macbook, but i would like get some kind of use
> out of the G5. I haven't done anything with it in a while, i once
> tried to install tiger (running panther right now) but i could't, it
> gave me some message about it not being able to install Mail. that was
> my last attempt of doing anything with it.
> one thing i have noticed looking into this topic, that i have
> experienced is the comp. not turning on but the fans go full blast. i
> just push the power botton till its stops i guess you all have
> figured out by now that i am no computer wizz!
> hahahahaha
> well any help or suggestions would be appreciated! thanks in advance!

I have an iMac G5 that, mostly, crunches s...@home work-units and serves as
as a media center. 


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Re: Safari

2010-05-13 Thread Peter
Webkit is good, even after 12 hours being open :-)

  687 top  4.0%  0:01.25   118 28  440K   200K
  675 bash   0.0%  0:00.01   114 19  280K   196K  1004K
  674 login   0.0%  0:00.10   117 49  296K   200K  1056K
  673 Terminal   19.0%  0:04.05   399+   167 2752K+   16M+ 8472K+
  343 Safari 0.0%  9:56.76  10   251823   44M+   30M-   84M
  238 AppleSpell  0.0%  0:03.14   123 30  612K  6028K  4496K
  120 WeatherBug0.0%  0:26.59   5   169143 7356K11M11M
  119 Google Not  0.2%  0:10.46   6   177+   179 7624K14M13M
  104 Finder 0.0%  0:28.41   7   160210 4244K24M20M
  103 SystemUISe   0.0%  0:05.40   6   214207 2916K13M  7840K
  102 coreaudiod  0.0%  0:00.33   2   105 49  984K  1436K  2564K
  101 ATSServer  0.1%  0:05.25   289106 1136K  4712K  3916K+
  100 Dock  0.1%  0:02.80   2   111197 3780K+   17M  9392K+

Peter M.

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Re: Safari 4.1

2010-06-09 Thread Peter
There is no Safari 5 for 10.4.X

Peter M.

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sokolovsky 
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 02:08:18 
Subject: Re: Safari 4.1

> Don't download Safari 4.1, Download Safari 5.0. it's faster, and for some
> reason it looks a bit like Safari 3. it really does. Safari 4 had the
> loading word in a box and a loading symbol next to it. Not it's back to the
> blue leading bar and loading circle at the right side on the address bar.
> Ironic, isn't it? It's like Apple ditched the "supposed" better looking
> safari 4 interface for good.
 Sent from my Power mac G4 Sawtooth.

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Re: plain text please

2010-07-18 Thread Peter
The list rules are very clear. If you don't like it or don't want to follow 
this rules then get off the list.

Peter M.

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "Wallace Adrian D'Alessio" 
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 14:34:11 
Subject: Re: plain text please

Metered service? Who has metered service? The UK? If that is the only
thing available that is what you go with but then why bother at all. A
phone call would be preferable. And hopefully the post office is still

You still think anyone who has a machine new enough to be on the G
list notices a longer load time for an HTML email?

No one reads the posts unless they are interested in the subject
presented in the subject line.

Forcing everyone to adhere to a standard which is so out of date it is
not at all funny and making a huge fuss about it while hiding behind
"helpfulness is a tyranny of the passive aggressive sort.

Do you SERIOUSLY think the G Listers actually really care if a post
shows up in rich text?
Maybe you have not noticed but LEM seems to be a sinking ship. Many
lists here I subscribe to have not had a post for weeks or months.

Anyone who thinks HTML mail is too much for their G Mac needs to read
the manual. I don't care what connection they have.

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Re: iTunes now plays movies - What the ?

2009-03-20 Thread Peter
Itunes always played movies, nothing new.

Peter M.

Sent with my BlackBerry Pearl

-Original Message-
From: Jonas Lopez 

Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 18:11:06 
To: G3 G5 List
Subject: iTunes now plays movies - What the ?

iTunes now plays movies - What the ?

I nearly fell off my pin head when, to my great surprise, I clicked on a movie, 
it opened iTunes and played it! 

What in the world is going on?

G4/10.4/iTunes 8.0 the movie kind is <*.m4v>.


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Re: Worms in clear plastic keyboard

2009-03-26 Thread Peter
Honestly, I would just dump that thing in the nearest trash can.

Peter M.

Sent from my mobile device

-Original Message-
From: Bill Connelly 

Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 15:40:53 
Subject: Re: Worms in clear plastic keyboard

It might be the larvae of moths, sometimes found in bird seed.

Been feeding birds, lately?

Maggots would probably only be found where there's decaying  meat ...

Where flies have laid eggs ...

Not a zoologist ... just from observing my birdseed and trash cans ...

On Mar 26, 2009, at 1:23 PM, Jonas Lopez wrote:

> Worms in clear plastic keyboard
> It was a surprise to find upon inspection of the underside of the
> clear plastic keyboard that indeed worms have invaded it. More
> specifically, I would guess they are maggots – God I hade maggots!
> Anyway, what should I do about these yucky things resident in my
> keyboard?
> Please help, as I don’t even want to type on it any more!!!
> >

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Re: How to block ads in Safari 3.2.1 in Leopard?

2009-03-28 Thread Peter

On Mar 28, 2009, at 12:05 AM, Tom wrote:

> Thanks George. I do have that checked. It blocks pop-ups, but it
> doesn't stop all the ads that flash, flutter, flicker, and float.
> Fooey.
> I need something like AdBlock for FireFox. But Safari AdBlock doesn't
> work. After I download and install it, it vanishes, just like
> SafariBlock

Safari AdBlock works fine for me even in Safari 4. You should find it  
under the Safari preferences.

Peter M.

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Re: to charge for streaming (BBC).

2009-03-30 Thread Peter
Or use an public proxy server from the country you want to be :-)

Peter M.

Sent with my mobile divice

-Original Message-
From: Tony Gamble 

Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 08:00:35 
Subject: Re: to charge for streaming (BBC).

On 30-Mar-09, at 3:02 AM, Brian Durant wrote:

> I am wondering if anyone
> knows of a program that will change the IP address in OS X to an
> address that shows another geographical location, such as the US?

Try HotSpot Shield, available for Tiger and Leopard:

  - Tony

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Re: What is the point of

2009-03-31 Thread Peter
Real man grep a pencil.

Peter M.

Sent with my mobile divice

-Original Message-
From: Dennis Myhand 

Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 16:14:26 
Subject: Re: What is the point of

Bruce Johnson wrote:
> On Mar 31, 2009, at 11:40 AM, Dan wrote:
>> At 11:15 AM -0700 3/31/2009, Jonas Ulrich wrote:
>>> I have always wondered what the point of the mail app in osx? What
>>> is the advantage?
>> It comes with OS X, so it's convenient.
>> It has all the basic features one should need in a POP3/IMAP client,
>> so it's useful to at least 80% of the userbase.
>> YMMV.  Real men use Eudora or Thunderbird or 
> real mean grep port 143

That's "real men grep port 25."

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Re: What is the point of

2009-03-31 Thread Peter
Perhaps it only was on the Graphite iMac?

Peter M.

Sent with my mobile divice

-Original Message-
From: Bruce Johnson 

Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 14:47:10 
Subject: Re: What is the point of

On Mar 31, 2009, at 1:50 PM, Peter wrote:

> Real man grep a pencil.
> Peter M. /dev/pencil you must be running a different distro than I  
am :-)

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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Re: Erase a drive to sell

2009-04-04 Thread Peter
That was in the Floppy Disc age :-)

Peter M.

Sent with my mobile device

-Original Message-
From: Steve R 

Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 16:53:54 
Subject: Re: Erase a drive to sell

I thought one of the ways security minded people ensured thieves and 
law enforcement type people didn't gain access to their data was by 
creating a magnetic loop around the doorframe of their designated 
computer room so that the information on the drives was rendered 
useless by the magnets??

Steve R

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Re: Safari 4 beta Problems still?

2009-04-07 Thread Peter
Webkit is not Safari 4, Webkit is using it's own Framework which is different 
then the Safari 3/4 Framework.

Peter M.

Sent with my mobile device

-Original Message-
From: dc 

Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 06:47:39 
To: G3-5 List
Subject: Re: Safari 4 beta Problems still?

I have encountered two specific problems with Safari 4 beta on my G5.
First, it hangs every time I try to use the Rhapsody streaming music
player from the VH1 website. Second, it hung when trying to open a
large PDF file, a Sears parts manual I was trying to download. When I
went back to my Cube running Safari 3 I could download the PDF while
listening to the streaming music, no problems at all. I was using the
nightly build v.42162, so it was the latest version of Safari
available at the time. I did report the errors, maybe there will be
fixes soon. What I have found is that I can keep Safari 3 and use the
Webkit to try Safari 4. Unlike downloading from Apple, which replaces
Safari 3 with 4, the Webkit lets you keep both so that you can fall
back to 3 if you encounter trouble with 4.

On Apr 7, 2:13 am, Kris Tilford  wrote:
> On Apr 6, 2009, at 10:48 PM, joe wrote:
> > I still think it's the best browser I've used in a while.
> Agreed.
> > I do have these problems:
> > 1)It causes messages in Mail to be half invisible until you select a  
> > part of the text
> I'm not sure what you're talking about? My behaves normally.
> > 2)With Webkit, it always reports problems on startup (which I've  
> > figured out is the ClickToFlash plug-in that I like a lot, so I  
> > don't mind just clicking "continue" whenever I start up).
> Webkit nightly builds are completely different than Safari 4 beta.  
> Webkit works as a "self-contained" application, it doesn't install a  
> new version of webkit or the associated frameworks, but rather  
> utilizes copies within it's own Contents package. Safari 4 beta  
> actually installs newer versions of webkit and associated shared  
> files. This is a big difference. With Webkit nightly you can trash an  
> old version and use a new version instantly. With Safari 4, you'd need  
> to use an installer, and if you decided to downgrade you'd need to use  
> the special "uninstaller", and perhaps even reinstall Safari 3.
> Webkit DOES NOT support plugins or extensions like Safari does, so  
> you'll ALWAYS get the warning when you start any version of Webkit and  
> you have any plugins or extensions such as ClickToFlash.
> > 3) When I open a link from a Mail message and I already have Webkit/
> > Safari opened, it opens a second instance of the application.
> This occurs when you have both Safari and Webkit. The problem is a  
> preferences issue. You're probably using Webkit, and your preference  
> is for Safari as your "default" browser, and when you click ANY link  
> (not just from Mail messages, ANY link), the default browser will open  
> in addition to the one you're already using. This isn't a good idea to  
> run multiple versions of webkit simultaneously. I normally try to  
> change my default browser preference to whichever I happen to be using  
> to avoid this scenario. If you don't have multiple versions on your  
> computer (i.e. Safari & Webkit both) then there's no way to open two  
> instances together. If you do, make certain your default browser  
> preference is whichever version you're using, or another browser such  
> as Firefox, so you can avoid two versions running together.

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2009-04-10 Thread Peter
You are wrong.

Peter M. 

Sent with my mobile device

-Original Message-
From: Kyle Hansen 

Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 14:07:16 
Subject: Re: HELP!

On 4/10/09 1:56 PM, "Mel"  Broadcast into the ether:

> Regardless of what happens, invest in an external case and use CCC or
> equivalent to back up everything.
> Mel
> --- On Fri, 4/10/09, Bruce Johnson  wrote:
>> From: Bruce Johnson 
>> Subject: Re: HELP!
>> To:
>> Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 1:48 PM
>> On Apr 10, 2009, at 1:21 PM, schrödinger's cat wrote:

Please post your responses UNDER the quoted text.  Top posting is not
allowed on these lists.

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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Re: Dinosaur on the Internet

2009-04-22 Thread Peter
If you want Highspeed Internet look for internet over Satelite. It is not that 
expensive anymore. If you want dialup, I would look for a local ISP first.

Peter M.

Sent with my mobile device

-Original Message-
From: Ron Romine 

Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 15:46:34 
Subject: Dinosaur on the Internet

I need a new Internet provider, I would like some input on my options.

For nearly two decades I've been using Compuserve.  Where I live, the  
cable service still does not offer cable modem support, nor does the  
phone company offer DSL. (Both claim the need for equipment upgrades  
in my area.)

Now, Compuserve is shutting down its "Classic" service, and  
suggesting other internet providers AOL, Gateway.

I'm looking for options to dial up.  I've already discovered the  
world of high speed wireless, as I use my G3 iBook Late 2001, (via  
Airport) in town at the various free hotspots.  But I would also like  
some speed at home on my G4 DA Tower as well.

I would like something I could swap or share between my laptop and  
tower, like a USB wireless modem, but both my machines have USB 1.1,  
I believe.

Could you point me to some good info?  Most of the sites I google are  
selling their own products and services.  All I really need is an  
internet connection, no other services (mail, virus ware, etc.) are  

- Ron.  Mac user in need.

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Re: Never for this website

2009-04-24 Thread Peter
Look at the cookies and delete the cookie for that website. 

Peter M.

Sent with my mobile device

-Original Message-
From: MacGuy 

Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 12:55:22 
Subject: Never for this website

My wife when entering user/password for our bank website accidentally  
pushed the "Never for this website" button instead of the  other  
button she should've pushed... Q: how to "undo" that little mishap? Jeff

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Re: Time Synchronization error in 10.4.11

2009-05-01 Thread Peter
One could try to access a different public ntp server. Sometimes a different 
ntp server will solve connection problems.

Peter M.

Sent with my mobile device

-Original Message-
From: Dan 

Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 09:45:21 
Subject: Re: Time Synchronization error in 10.4.11

At 3:55 AM -0500 5/1/2009, Kris Tilford wrote:
>I've got a G3 iBook with 10.4.11 (8S165) that was constantly out of 
>sync with time even though the preference "Set date & time 
>automatically" option was selected.
>I searched Google and the #1 hit was this Apple knowledge base article 
>(Last Modified: May 12, 2006):

(which has you add an iburst to the ntp daemon's config file)

>My file had no line that started with "ntpd -f". [etc]

Very stale article.

>I am more concerned that this issue with time synchronization wasn't 
>fixed in an update.

I don't think they can without a LOT of work and expense.  The 
problem is messy - network reliability (mostly at your end) vs ntp 
server overload (at their end).

In general, one tries to be "polite" when accessing expensive 
services such as atomic clocks.  That's what the minpoll 12 maxpoll 
17 settings do.  In some cases, the polite queries don't get thru. 
At that point you have two choices:  wait a while and keep at it, or 
hammer your way in to the server.  Adding iburst tells the daemon to 
hammer its way in with a bunch of queries, hoping that at least one 
gets thru.  If everyone did that, the server (and its network 
connectivity) would be crushed under a pseudo- denial of service 

>Time synchronization is REALLY IMPORTANT, and the need to manually 
>repair this in 10.4.11 seems totally wrong to me. I know mine wasn't
>working in 10.4.11. It appears to be fixed now, but this seems lame.

It's not that important, and your Mac already has a built-in clock. 
This sync is simply to correct the drift now and then.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: Anyone update to 10.5.7 yet?

2009-05-13 Thread Peter
Update went well on my QS. No problems at all.

Peter M.

Sent with my mobile device

-Original Message-
From: Amanda Ward 

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 11:28:27 
Subject: Re: Anyone update to 10.5.7 yet?

On May 13, 2009, at 8:59 AM, Bill Connelly wrote:

> I'm having trouble even connecting via Software Update. It sat
> spinning its Aqua Bar for an hour ...
> Could have changing my mobo affected my "SLA" connectivity? I didn't
> think Apple was so saavy/picky.
> I see the upgrades on the Apple site ... I have 10.5.6 on my QS
> 2002 ... is the Combo the way to go?
> Anyone having any problems on a PPC G4? being that 10.5 leans towards
> Intel Macs ...

Just installed on an Al Powerbook 1.5 GHz/2GB/80GB. No problems so  
far. It did do one odd reboot during the restart, but everything seems  
to be okay.

One odd change noted... the icon for the Energy Saver Preference Pane  
changed from an incandescent bulb to a compact fluorescent bulb on my  
iMac, but not on the Powerbook!?


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Re: Safari 4.0

2009-06-10 Thread Peter
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Kris Tilford  wrote:

> On Jun 10, 2009, at 4:37 PM, tonycd wrote:
> > Anyone else having the same problem I'm having? Tiger keeps giving me
> > the (seemingly) same Safari updater every time I boot, every day for
> > about the last 2 weeks. 19.1 MB in size, if memory (mine, not my
> > Quicksilver's) serves. I run it, but it keeps coming back anyway.
> Yes, I had this problem. After installing the Software Update version
> at least twice, I downloaded the stand-alone installer, and after
> installation checked to be sure a Receipt was created (Software Update
> uses the Receipts folder to know what's installed), and it STILL came
> up again. I think this is a bug that needs correction. This is a
> Safari 4.0 Tiger version only problem, it doesn't affect the Leopard
> version.

No problems noted on my 10.4.11 nor 10.5.7 Powermac.

Peter M.

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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Peter

On Jun 13, 2009, at 1:54 AM, Kyle Hansen wrote:

> Hello,
> I am a Nanny here at LEM.  We have some rules about posting in our  
> forums.
> One rule that gets looked over quite frequently is what is called ³top
> posting.²  We ask that you post your responses AFTER the text you are
> answering.  This is called ³bottom posting² and considered the polite
> Internet standard.  Naturally you should also trim out some of the
> non-essential information from the previous post as well.
> Kyle Hansen
> -- 
> LEM List Nanny

Some time ago (last year, I believe) it was established here on the  
list that top posting was ok. I can remember the that it was a lengthy  
discussion. Now we have changed that again and went back to bottom  
posting only?

Peter M.

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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Peter

On Jun 13, 2009, at 10:28 AM, wrote:

> Folks,
> On Jun 13, 1:54 am, Kyle Hansen  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am a Nanny here at LEM.  We have some rules about posting in our  
>> forums.
>> One rule that gets looked over quite frequently is what is called  
>> ³top
>> posting.²  We ask that you post your responses AFTER the text you are
>> answering.  This is called ³bottom posting² and considered the polite
>> Internet standard.
> This was posted in error. Bottom posting is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, along
> with selective trimming. Top posting will not get you banned or
> moderated.
> HOWEVER, many of the more active/ knowledgeable members adhere to
> bottom posting/ selective trimming etiquette and on more than one
> occasion have mentioned (on or off list) "If they are not willing to
> take the 3-5 seconds to bottom post and trim, why should I take 3-5
> minutes to help them out".
> It makes email list threads much easier to read. If you examine some
> of the longer threads we have had here lately, you will see how hard
> to read a thread/ long message with a lot of previous top/bottom
> posting, along with trying to figure out who said what.
> So, PLEASE folks, TRY and bottom post and trim out non-relevant
> portions. But there is no firing squad or banishment for violators.
> Also, just a reminder, do not post attachments to the list.
> Thanks,
> Len Gerstel
> G3-5List Nanny

Sometimes it is not as easy executed as said. Sometimes people use  
mobile devices (iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry or who knows) and on  
some of the mobile devices you can't cut or partial delete if you hit  
the reply button. I'm pretty sure most people try very hard to follow  
your advice but it is not always as easy as it seems. Just some  
thoughts from somebody using mobile devices a lot.

Peter M.
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Re: Safari 4.0

2009-06-13 Thread Peter
On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Dan  wrote:

> At 12:09 PM -0500 6/13/2009, Ralph Green wrote:
> >Well, it is not exactly what George asked for.  But, if you like the
> >progress bar, use Firefox and install the fission add-in.  I almost
> >always add that add-in, because I like the Safari style progress bar.
> ug.  Firefox is s slow compared to Safari 4!
> That's like handing someone rusted rollerskates
> while you zoom off in their Porché.
> - Dan.

I believe solutions will be found very soon for Safari 4. We just have to
wait a little. Personally, I still use Webkit but would not change to Camino
or Firefox.

Peter M.

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Re: [G3-5]A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-14 Thread Peter

On Jun 13, 2009, at 11:19 PM, MaGioZal wrote:

> On 6/13/09 8:21 PM, Kyle Hansen at  wrote:
>> Even more
>  I feel like in hell...

Ok, got that trimming part. Anything else?

Peter M.

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Re: Safari 4.0

2009-06-14 Thread Peter

On Jun 14, 2009, at 12:47 PM, tonycd wrote:

> A question for our illuminati:
> Do I remember correctly that Safari 4 and Camino use a similar
> underlying engine?
> And if so, does that mean they are roughly comparable in speed and
> overall performance?
> (Vested interest: I'm not anxious to ditch Camino. I'm used to it, and
> I like the idea of using a browser that hackers aren't thinking
> about.)
>  --Tony

Safari and Camino are two different monster. Safari uses the Webkit  
engine and Camino the Gecko engine.

Peter M.

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Re: A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-16 Thread Peter

On Jun 16, 2009, at 3:14 PM, Len Gerstel  wrote:

> On Jun 16, 2009, at 2:59 PM, John Musbach wrote:
>> ... What'd he say?
> The official word from Dan Knight, the list owner is:
>> We've decided to end our policy of asking that list members not
>> "top post" their replies. That's the default behavior of most email
>> clients, and just reminding people of our recommendation to "bottom
>> post" or interleave your replies has become more trouble than its
>> worth. From this point forward, top posting is no longer an issue.
> So there is no official requirements for posting.
> Len Gerstel
> G3-5 List Nanny
> End of my comment as a List Nanny.
> Now as Len, a regular member of the G3-5 List:
> If you noticed, some of the most vocal supporters of bottom posting
> and trimming camp are the most prolific and helpful posters on the  
> list.
> Wouldn't you want to suck up to them to get their help? Wouldn't you
> want to make it (what they see as) the easiest way for them to read
> the posts and help you?
> Len

You shouldn't suckup to anybody.

Peter M

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Re: Steve Jobs had liver transplant

2009-06-20 Thread Peter

If I would need a transplant I also would go to the Hospital with the shortest 
waiting list. Nothing wrong with that.
Sent with my mobile device

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