[Audyssey] Friday's Out-Of-Sight events

2012-06-15 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, June 15th:

Spending Time in God's Word
7:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location:  House of Our Lord
Hi All! Come and join Evangelist Diane for Spending Time in God's Word. We will 
be looking at the start of mans fall in the garden. We will be looking at 
Genesis 3:1-12 scriptures and questions are below as well. Remember our time 
for Bible study will be every Friday at 7:00 PM eastern . Please remember to 
send me the month you request to give your testimony. We will have testimony 
service every 1st Friday of each month. You can email me at: 
livebyfa...@mediacombb.net. Look forward to learning more about you and all God 
has brought you through in your life.

Genesis 3

1 Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD 
God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, has God said, All of you shall 
not eat of every tree of the garden?
2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of 
the garden:
3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has 
said, All of you shall not eat of it, neither shall all of you touch it, lest 
all of you die.
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, All of you shall not surely die:
5 For God does know that in the day all of you eat thereof, then your eyes 
shall be opened, and all of you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was 
pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of 
the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he 
did eat.
7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; 
and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of 
the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God 
among the trees of the garden.
9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where are you?
10 And he said, I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I 
was naked; and I hid myself.
11 And he said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree, 
whereof I commanded you that you should not eat?
12 And the man said, The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the 
tree, and I did eat.

1. What do you see that Adam did besides eating of the tree of life?
2. Do you see the blame game on sin ? If so explain.
3. How is this fall in the garden relate today's sins?

Books R Us
8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Linda 
Location: Library
Join us tonight as we discuss our two book selections. We will also be choosing 
other selections for our next monthly meeting, which will be held on July 20th. 

Fact or Myth
9:15 Pm eastern
Hosted by Julie and Sherry
Location: Game Zone
Join Julie and Sherry in the Game Zone at 9:15 pm for this game called Myth or 
Fact. Each team will be asked a question on one of the following 6 categories: 
health, celebrity, crime, classics, nature and business. The Captain of each 
team gets to answer whether they think the question is a myth or a fact. 2 
points will be scored for each correct answer. There will be 2 bonus rounds but 
beware because you have to bet how many points you think you want to risk 
answering one of the 6 categories of your choice. Come on in and join us for 
this challenging and informative game. 

Have a nice weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out-Of-Sight events

2012-06-08 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, June 8th:

Smart Alec
8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Julie and Sherry
Location: Game Zone
Join Julie and Sherry tonight in the Game Zone. We will be hosting a fun 
and challenging game of Smart Alec. This is a team game of Who am I, what 
am I, or where am I. If your team gets the answer on the first clue you will 
score 10 points. For each additional clue that your team is given you will 
be deducted a point. After each round both teams will receive a Smart Alec 2 
part, ten point bonus card. At the end of the game one team will be declared 
Smart Alecs. Hope to see y'all there.

Fact or Myth

9:15 PM eastern

Hosted by Julie and Sherry

Location:  Game Zone

Join Julie and Sherry in the Game Zone at 9:15 pm for this new game called Myth 
or Fact. Each team will be asked a question on one of the following 6 
categories: health, celebrity, crime, classics, nature and business. The 
Captain of each team gets to answer whether they think the question is a myth 
or a fact. 2 points will be scored for each correct answer. There will be 2 
bonus rounds but beware because you have to bet how many points you think you 
want to risk answering one of the 6 categories of your choice. Come on in and 
join us for this challenging and informative game. 

Have a nice weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out-Of-Sight events

2012-06-01 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, June 1st:

1:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: Come Roll Them Dice
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Join us for this exciting dice game that's real simple to
play and its loads of fun. Be sure to arrive early to grab a seat,
otherwise, you can join the studio audience and root on the players.

Spending Time in God's Word
7:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: House of Our Lord
Hi all! Come and Join Diane tonight, at 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM 
eastern to celebrate all Christ has done for us.  Next week, this event will be 
held on Thursdays, at the same time and location.   

Smart Alec
8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Julie and Sherry
Location: Game Zone
Join Julie and Sherry tonight in the Game Zone. We will be hosting a fun 
and challenging game of Smart Alec. This is a team game of Who am I, what 
am I, or where am I. If your team gets the answer on the first clue you will 
score 10 points. For each additional clue that your team is given you will 
be deducted a point. After each round both teams will receive a Smart Alec 2 
part, ten point bonus card. At the end of the game one team will be declared 
Smart Alecs. Hope to see y'all there.

Buzz Word
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Julie and Sherry
Location:  Game Zone
Here is another new game hosted by Julie and Sherry. Each team will get the 
same buzz word and 5 questions related to that word. For each correct answer 
the team will receive 2 points. For an incorrect answer the question will go 
over to the other team for a one point steal. 

Have a fabulous weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's out of sight events corrected

2012-05-25 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, May 25th:

1:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: Come Roll Them Dice
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Join us for this exciting dice game that's real simple to
play and its loads of fun. Be sure to arrive early to grab a seat,
otherwise, you can join the studio audience and root on the players.

Spending Time in God's Word
7:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: House of Our Lord
Hi all! Come and join Evangelist Diane for Spending Time in God's Word Friday 
tonight at 7:00 PM eastern. We will be looking at 2 Peter 1:1-9 which deals 
with our conduct toward each other and God's Scriptures are below. Last week we 
discussed Psalms chapter 91 and we had a great discussion so praying for the 
same this week, so looking forward to see you. Scriptures is below:

1 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have 
obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our 
Savior Jesus Christ:
2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of 
Jesus our Lord,
3 According as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto 
life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory 
and virtue:
4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by 
these all of you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the 
corruption that is in the world through lust.
5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to 
virtue knowledge;
6 And to knowledge willful restrain; and to willful restrain patience; and to 
patience godliness;
7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness love. (o. 
8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that all of you 
shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus 
9 But he that lacks these things is blind, and cannot see far off, and has 
forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location: Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey of 
100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us! 

Have a great weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] friday's out of sight events

2012-05-25 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, May 25th:

1:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: Come Roll Them Dice
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Join us for this exciting dice game that's real simple to
play and its loads of fun. Be sure to arrive early to grab a seat,
otherwise, you can join the studio audience and root on the players.

Spending Time in God's Word
7:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: House of Our Lord
Hi all! Come and join Evangelist Diane for Spending Time in God's Word Friday 
tonight at 7:00 PM eastern. We will be looking at 2 Peter 1:1-9 which deals 
with our conduct toward each other and God's Scriptures are below. Last week we 
discussed Psalms chapter 91 and we had a great discussion so praying for the 
same this week, so looking forward to see you. Scriptures is below:

1 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have 
obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our 
Savior Jesus Christ:
2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of 
Jesus our Lord,
3 According as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto 
life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory 
and virtue:
4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by 
these all of you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the 
corruption that is in the world through lust.
5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to 
virtue knowledge;
6 And to knowledge willful restrain; and to willful restrain patience; and to 
patience godliness;
7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness love. (o. 
8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that all of you 
shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus 
9 But he that lacks these things is blind, and cannot see far off, and has 
forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.

Have a nice weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] friday's out of sight events

2012-05-18 Thread Charles Rivard
Good morning gang!

Here are the events scheduled for Friday, May 18th:

1:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: Come Roll Them Dice
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Join us for this exciting dice game that's real simple to
play and its loads of fun. Be sure to arrive early to grab a seat,
otherwise, you can join the studio audience and root on the players.

Spending Time in God's Word
7:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: House of Our Lord

Hi all!  Come and join Evangelist Diane for Spending Time in God's Word Friday 
tonight at 7:00 PM eastern.  We will be looking at 2 Peter 1:1-9 which deals 
with our conduct toward each other and God's Scriptures are below. Last week we 
discussed Psalms chapter 91 and we had a great discussion so praying for the 
same this week, so looking forward to see you. Scriptures is below:

1   Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have 
obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our 
Savior Jesus Christ:
2   Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of 
Jesus our Lord,
3   According as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertain 
unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that has called us to 
glory and virtue:
4   Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by 
these all of you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the 
corruption that is in the world through lust.
5   And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to 
virtue knowledge;
6   And to knowledge willful restrain; and to willful restrain patience; and to 
patience godliness;
7   And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness love. (o. 
8   For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that all of you 
shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus 
9   But he that lacks these things is blind, and cannot see far off, and has 
forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.

Books R Us
8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Linda 
Location: Library
Join us tonight as we discuss our two book selections. We will also be choosing 
other selections for our next monthly meeting, which will be held on June 15th.

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location: Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey of 
100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us! 

Have a great weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out-Of-Sight events

2012-05-10 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, May 11th:

1:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: Come Roll Them Dice
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Join us for this exciting dice game that's real simple to
play and its loads of fun. Be sure to arrive early to grab a seat,
otherwise, you can join the studio audience and root on the players.

Spending Time in God's Word
7:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: House of Our Lord
Hi all!  Come and join Evangelist Diane tonight at 7pm eastern for Spending 
Time in Gods word.  We will be looking at Psalms chapter 91:1-7 and will finish 
the chapter the next week.  So, bring your music and prayer request and let's 
look at Gods Word together.  Look forward to seeing you there.  The Scriptures 
are below for study and discussion.

Psalms 91
1   He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the 
shadow of the Almighty.
2   I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him 
will I trust.
3   Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the 
noisome pestilence.
4   He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou 
trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5   Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that 
flieth by day;
6   Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction 
that wasteth at noonday.
7   A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but 
it shall not come nigh thee.

Smart Alec
8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Julie and Sherry
Location: Game Zone
Join Julie and Sherry tonight in the Game Zone. We will be hosting a fun 
and challenging game of Smart Alec. This is a team game of Who am I, what 
am I, or where am I. If your team gets the answer on the first clue you will 
score 10 points. For each additional clue that your team is given you will 
be deducted a point. After each round both teams will receive a Smart Alec 2 
part, ten point bonus card. At the end of the game one team will be declared 
Smart Alecs. Hope to see y'all there.

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location: Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey 
of 100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us!

Have a great weekend! 

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-05-04 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, May 4th:

1:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: Come Roll Them Dice
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Join us for this exciting dice game that's real simple to
play and its loads of fun. Be sure to arrive early to grab a seat,
otherwise, you can join the studio audience and root on the players.

Spending Time in God's Word
6:30 PM eastern

Hosted by Diane

Location: House of Our Lord

Hi all!  Come and join Evangelist Diane from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM eastern as we 
look at judging what a good topic I think we all can relate to and discuss.  
The scriptures will be coming out of Matthew 7:1-5 listed below look forward to 
spending time with you in looking at Gods word, and please bring your prayer 
request or any music you might want to play.

Matthew 7
1   Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2   For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure 
ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3   And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considers 
not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4   Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine 
eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5   Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then 
shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Smart Alec
8:00 PM
Hosted by Julie and Sherry
Location: Game Zone
Join Julie and Sherry tonight in the Game Zone. We will be hosting a fun and 
challenging game of Smart Alec. This is a team game of Who am I, what 
am I, or where am I. If your team gets the answer on the first clue you will

 score 10 points. For each additional clue that your team is given you will be 
deducted a point. After each round both teams will receive a Smart Alec 2 
part, ten point bonus card. At the end of the game one team will be declared 
Smart Alecs. Hope to see y'all there.

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location: Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey 
of 100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us!

Have a great weekend! 

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! are! finished!
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-03-01 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, March 2nd:

1:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: Come Roll Them Dice 
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Drop by for some fun and excitement because you never know
who will win until the final dice roll! No software to download and it
only takes a few minutes to get the hang of the game. Polished Zilch
players and new folk are most welcome!

Spending Time in God's Word
7:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Diane

Location:  House of Our Lord

Come and join Diane tonight, at 7pm eastern for time in the word The Scriptures 
are below.

Ecclesiastes 3
1   To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the 
2   A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck 
up that which is planted;
3   A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to 
build up;
4   A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

We will discuss how these verses have affected your life and will continue the 
rest of this chapter next week.

Smart Alec

8:00 PM
Hosted by Julie and Sherry
Location:  Game Zone
Join Julie and Sherry tonight in the Game Zone.  We will be hosting  a  fun and 
challengeing game of Smart Alec. This is a   team game of Who am I, what am I, 
or where am I. If your team gets the answer on the first clue you will score 10 
points. For each additional clue that your team is given you will be deducted a 
point. After each round both teams will recieve a Smart Alec 2 part, ten point 
bonus card. At the end of the game one team will be declared Smart Alecs. Hope 
to see y'all there. 

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location:  Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey of 
100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us! 

Have a great weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's out of Sight events, plus another reminder

2012-02-24 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, February 24th:

1:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: Come Roll Them Dice 
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Drop by for some fun and excitement because you never know
who will win until the final dice roll! No software to download and it
only takes a few minutes to get the hang of the game. Polished Zilch
players and new folk are most welcome!

Spending Time in God's Word

7:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Diane

Location:  House of Our Lord

Come and join Diane for Spending Time in God's Word this Friday at 7pm eastern 
until 8pm eastern

scriptures and questions below:


Phillipians chapter 4:11-13


11   Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever 
state I am, therewith to be content.

12   I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in 
all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and 
to suffer need.

13   I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.



In what area of life have you found yourself not content?


In what ways can you use these scriptures to better your life?


Can you see the blessing in believeing you can do all things through Christ? 

Memory Lane

8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Suzy B.
Location:  Out-of-Sight Presents
Would you like to know more about your friends here on Out of Sight? Do you 
wonder what caused their blindness?  Would you like to know about their 
passions?  What careers they've had throughout life? If so, let's take a trip 
down Memory Lane. This event will be held on the fourth Friday evening of every 
month.  Come on in and get to know a fellow Out of Sight member!  This month's 
featured guest is Pam, aka Texie!  Come on in and learn about her trip to the 

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location:  Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey of 
100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us! 

Also, below is a special reminder:

Just a reminder to those that know, and an invitation to those that don't know 

On the last Friday of every month, at 7 PM Central time, there is a music and 
voice chat session open to everyone.  It lasts until the last person leaves.  
Connect a microphone to your PC's sound card and come join the fun.  Put a 
voice to who you have been reading posts from.  The main focus is music, so if 
you play an instrument, come join the fun and help entertain others.  Of 
course, if you want to chat, your voice is your instrument.  heh heh heh.  
Texting is the least preferred method, as the synthesized voice tends to 
interrupt, disrupt, or overpower those who are using a mike connected to the 
computer, and, besides, it's easier and more natural to just talk to each other 
instead of type.  It adds the human touch, too.  
The chat is at


If you have not installed the chat client plug in before, you will have to do 
so in order to join in, but it only takes a minute or so, and is pretty simple. 
 The chat client is the same one used by Out Of Sight, ACB Radio, and many 
others, so you might already have it if you are a frequent user of chat sites 
for blind people.If you use dial-up service, you might find that you won't get 
the best results, but come on in and give it a try.

Katie, also known as Wee1, and I hope to hear you all there.

Have a nice day.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to heart.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-02-16 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, February 17th:

1:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location:  Come Roll Them Dice 
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Drop by for some fun and excitement because you never know
who will win until the final dice roll! No software to download and it
only takes a few minutes to get the hang of the game. Polished Zilch
players and new folk are most welcome!

Spending Time in God's Word 

7:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Diane

Location:  House of Our Lord

Come and join Diane at 7pm eastern until 8pm eastern for spending time in the 
word of God. We will have bible study every Friday at the same time

Lesson will be coming out of:

King James version

Proverbs 3: 5-6

5. trust in the Lord with all Thine heart

6. Do not Lean not on thine understanding

But in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct our path.

1.   In what ways can you trust the Lord more?
2.   Where do you see in your life that you   lean on your own 
3.   In what way do these scriptures help you?

Books R Us

8:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Linda 

Location:  Library

Join us tonight as we discuss our book selections.  We will also be choosing 
other selections for our next monthly meeting, which will be held on March 16th.

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location:  Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey of 
100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us! 

Have a great weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-02-10 Thread fred olver
Okay, Charles, then why not just give the link for the sight or the 
subscribe information. I subscribe to many lists and so for me, having 
another email to delete each day,...


Fred Olver

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

> From the main page, you can get all the info.
> www.Out-Of-Sight.net
> ---
> Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "fred olver" 
> To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 2:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events
>> Charles, is there a way for individuals to sign up for an email listing 
>> the events on a daily basis? Or does that email come out once a week?
>> Fred Olver
>> - Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Charles Rivard" 
>> To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
>> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 2:01 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events
>>> If you're not signed up, do so at
>>> www.Out-Of-Sight.net
>>> After you get your user name and password, log in, then go to the room 
>>> locator.  Unoccupied and occupied rooms are listed.  Enter which ever 
>>> one you choose.  You may also have to install a plug-in, but it's easily 
>>> done. HTH.
>>> ---
>>> Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Nicole Valicia Thompson-Andrews" 
>>> To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
>>> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 1:55 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events
>>>> How do I enter the rooms?
>>>> Nicole Andrews
>>>> Pen name Mellissa Green
>>>> Budding novelist
>>>> Tweet me
>>>> @greenNovelist
>>>> - Original Message - 
>>>> From: "Charles Rivard" 
>>>> To: "audyssey gamers list" 
>>>> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 2:49 PM
>>>> Subject: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events
>>>>> Here are the events scheduled for Friday, February 10th:
>>>>> Spending Time in the Word of God
>>>>> 7:00 PM eastern
>>>>> Hosted by Diane
>>>>> Location:  House of Our Lord
>>>>> Come and join Diane, today, February 10, at 7:00 PM eastern until 8:00 
>>>>> PM eastern for a new event called, Spending Time in the Word of God. 
>>>>> We will have bible study every Friday at the same time.  Lesson will 
>>>>> be coming out of:
>>>>> King James version
>>>>> Proverbs 3:5-6
>>>>> 5. trust in the Lord with all Thine heart
>>>>> 6. Do not Lean not on thine understanding
>>>>> But in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct our path.
>>>>> Questions.
>>>>> 1.   In what ways can you trust the Lord more?
>>>>> 2.   Where do you see in your life that you  lean on your own 
>>>>> understanding?
>>>>> 3.   In what way do these scriptures help you?
>>>>> Smart Alec
>>>>> 8:00 PM eastern
>>>>> Hosted by Julie and Sherry
>>>>> Location:  Game Zone
>>>>> Join Julie and Sherry tonight, at 8:00 PM eastern, in the Game Zone. 
>>>>> We will be hosting  a  fun and challenging game of Smart Alec. This is 
>>>>> a team game of Who am I, what am I, or where am I. If your team gets 
>>>>> the answer on the first clue you will score 10 points. For each 
>>>>> additional clue that your team is given you will be deducte

Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-02-10 Thread Charles Rivard

From the main page, you can get all the info.


Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: "fred olver" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

Charles, is there a way for individuals to sign up for an email listing 
the events on a daily basis? Or does that email come out once a week?

Fred Olver

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

If you're not signed up, do so at


After you get your user name and password, log in, then go to the room 
locator.  Unoccupied and occupied rooms are listed.  Enter which ever one 
you choose.  You may also have to install a plug-in, but it's easily 
done. HTH.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: "Nicole Valicia Thompson-Andrews" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

How do I enter the rooms?
Nicole Andrews

Pen name Mellissa Green
Budding novelist
Tweet me

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 

To: "audyssey gamers list" 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 2:49 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

Here are the events scheduled for Friday, February 10th:

Spending Time in the Word of God

7:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Diane

Location:  House of Our Lord

Come and join Diane, today, February 10, at 7:00 PM eastern until 8:00 
PM eastern for a new event called, Spending Time in the Word of God. We 
will have bible study every Friday at the same time.  Lesson will be 
coming out of:

King James version

Proverbs 3:5-6

5. trust in the Lord with all Thine heart

6. Do not Lean not on thine understanding

But in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct our path.


1.   In what ways can you trust the Lord more?

2.   Where do you see in your life that you  lean on your own 

3.   In what way do these scriptures help you?

Smart Alec

8:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Julie and Sherry

Location:  Game Zone

Join Julie and Sherry tonight, at 8:00 PM eastern, in the Game Zone. We 
will be hosting  a  fun and challenging game of Smart Alec. This is a 
team game of Who am I, what am I, or where am I. If your team gets the 
answer on the first clue you will score 10 points. For each additional 
clue that your team is given you will be deducted a point. After each 
round both teams will receive a Smart Alec 2 part, ten point bonus 
card. At the end of the game one team will be declared Smart Alecs. 
Hope to see y'all there.

Have a nice weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 

You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 

please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 

You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 

please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 

You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 

please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 

You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 

Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-02-10 Thread fred olver
Charles, is there a way for individuals to sign up for an email listing the 
events on a daily basis? Or does that email come out once a week?

Fred Olver

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

> If you're not signed up, do so at
> www.Out-Of-Sight.net
> After you get your user name and password, log in, then go to the room 
> locator.  Unoccupied and occupied rooms are listed.  Enter which ever one 
> you choose.  You may also have to install a plug-in, but it's easily done. 
> HTH.
> ---
> Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Nicole Valicia Thompson-Andrews" 
> To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 1:55 PM
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events
>> How do I enter the rooms?
>> Nicole Andrews
>> Pen name Mellissa Green
>> Budding novelist
>> Tweet me
>> @greenNovelist
>> ----- Original Message - 
>> From: "Charles Rivard" 
>> To: "audyssey gamers list" 
>> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 2:49 PM
>> Subject: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events
>>> Here are the events scheduled for Friday, February 10th:
>>> Spending Time in the Word of God
>>> 7:00 PM eastern
>>> Hosted by Diane
>>> Location:  House of Our Lord
>>> Come and join Diane, today, February 10, at 7:00 PM eastern until 8:00 
>>> PM eastern for a new event called, Spending Time in the Word of God. We 
>>> will have bible study every Friday at the same time.  Lesson will be 
>>> coming out of:
>>> King James version
>>> Proverbs 3:5-6
>>> 5. trust in the Lord with all Thine heart
>>> 6. Do not Lean not on thine understanding
>>> But in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct our path.
>>> Questions.
>>> 1.   In what ways can you trust the Lord more?
>>> 2.   Where do you see in your life that you  lean on your own 
>>> understanding?
>>> 3.   In what way do these scriptures help you?
>>> Smart Alec
>>> 8:00 PM eastern
>>> Hosted by Julie and Sherry
>>> Location:  Game Zone
>>> Join Julie and Sherry tonight, at 8:00 PM eastern, in the Game Zone. We 
>>> will be hosting  a  fun and challenging game of Smart Alec. This is a 
>>> team game of Who am I, what am I, or where am I. If your team gets the 
>>> answer on the first clue you will score 10 points. For each additional 
>>> clue that your team is given you will be deducted a point. After each 
>>> round both teams will receive a Smart Alec 2 part, ten point bonus card. 
>>> At the end of the game one team will be declared Smart Alecs. Hope to 
>>> see y'all there.
>>> Have a nice weekend!
>>> ---
>>> Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
>>> ---
>>> Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
>>> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
>>> gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
>>> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
>>> http://mail.audyssey.org/mailman/listinfo/gamers_audyssey.org.
>>> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/gamers@audyssey.org.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
>>> list,
>>> please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.
>> ---
>> Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
>> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
>> gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
>> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
>> http://mail.audyssey.org/mailman/listinfo/gamers_audyssey.org.
>> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/gamers@audyssey.org.
>> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
>> list,

Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-02-10 Thread Charles Rivard

If you're not signed up, do so at


After you get your user name and password, log in, then go to the room 
locator.  Unoccupied and occupied rooms are listed.  Enter which ever one 
you choose.  You may also have to install a plug-in, but it's easily done. 

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: "Nicole Valicia Thompson-Andrews" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

How do I enter the rooms?
Nicole Andrews

Pen name Mellissa Green
Budding novelist
Tweet me

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 

To: "audyssey gamers list" 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 2:49 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

Here are the events scheduled for Friday, February 10th:

Spending Time in the Word of God

7:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Diane

Location:  House of Our Lord

Come and join Diane, today, February 10, at 7:00 PM eastern until 8:00 PM 
eastern for a new event called, Spending Time in the Word of God. We will 
have bible study every Friday at the same time.  Lesson will be coming 
out of:

King James version

Proverbs 3:5-6

5. trust in the Lord with all Thine heart

6. Do not Lean not on thine understanding

But in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct our path.


1.   In what ways can you trust the Lord more?

2.   Where do you see in your life that you  lean on your own 

3.   In what way do these scriptures help you?

Smart Alec

8:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Julie and Sherry

Location:  Game Zone

Join Julie and Sherry tonight, at 8:00 PM eastern, in the Game Zone. We 
will be hosting  a  fun and challenging game of Smart Alec. This is a 
team game of Who am I, what am I, or where am I. If your team gets the 
answer on the first clue you will score 10 points. For each additional 
clue that your team is given you will be deducted a point. After each 
round both teams will receive a Smart Alec 2 part, ten point bonus card. 
At the end of the game one team will be declared Smart Alecs. Hope to see 
y'all there.

Have a nice weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 

You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 

please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 

You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org. 

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-02-10 Thread Nicole Valicia Thompson-Andrews

How do I enter the rooms?
Nicole Andrews

Pen name Mellissa Green
Budding novelist
Tweet me

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 

To: "audyssey gamers list" 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 2:49 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

Here are the events scheduled for Friday, February 10th:

Spending Time in the Word of God

7:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Diane

Location:  House of Our Lord

Come and join Diane, today, February 10, at 7:00 PM eastern until 8:00 PM 
eastern for a new event called, Spending Time in the Word of God. We will 
have bible study every Friday at the same time.  Lesson will be coming out 

King James version

Proverbs 3:5-6

5. trust in the Lord with all Thine heart

6. Do not Lean not on thine understanding

But in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct our path.


1.   In what ways can you trust the Lord more?

2.   Where do you see in your life that you  lean on your own 

3.   In what way do these scriptures help you?

Smart Alec

8:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Julie and Sherry

Location:  Game Zone

Join Julie and Sherry tonight, at 8:00 PM eastern, in the Game Zone. We 
will be hosting  a  fun and challenging game of Smart Alec. This is a 
team game of Who am I, what am I, or where am I. If your team gets the 
answer on the first clue you will score 10 points. For each additional 
clue that your team is given you will be deducted a point. After each 
round both teams will receive a Smart Alec 2 part, ten point bonus card. 
At the end of the game one team will be declared Smart Alecs. Hope to see 
y'all there.

Have a nice weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 

You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org. 

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-02-10 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, February 10th:

Spending Time in the Word of God 

7:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Diane

Location:  House of Our Lord

Come and join Diane, today, February 10, at 7:00 PM eastern until 8:00 PM 
eastern for a new event called, Spending Time in the Word of God. We will have 
bible study every Friday at the same time.  Lesson will be coming out of: 

King James version

Proverbs 3:5-6


5. trust in the Lord with all Thine heart

6. Do not Lean not on thine understanding

But in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct our path.



1.   In what ways can you trust the Lord more?

2.   Where do you see in your life that you  lean on your own understanding?

3.   In what way do these scriptures help you?

Smart Alec

8:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Julie and Sherry 

Location:  Game Zone

Join Julie and Sherry tonight, at 8:00 PM eastern, in the Game Zone. We will be 
hosting  a  fun and challenging game of Smart Alec. This is a   team game of 
Who am I, what am I, or where am I. If your team gets the answer on the first 
clue you will score 10 points. For each additional clue that your team is given 
you will be deducted a point. After each round both teams will receive a Smart 
Alec 2 part, ten point bonus card. At the end of the game one team will be 
declared Smart Alecs. Hope to see y'all there. 

Have a nice weekend!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-02-03 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, February 3rd:

1:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Diane
Location: Come Roll Them Dice 
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Drop by for some fun and excitement because you never know
who will win until the final dice roll! No software to download and it
only takes a few minutes to get the hang of the game. Polished Zilch
players and new folk are most welcome!

Smart Alec

8:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Julie and Sherry

Location:  Game Zone

Join Julie and Sherry at 8pm in the game zone. We will be hosting  a  fun and 
challengeing game of Smart Alec. This is a   team game of Who am I, what am I, 
or where am I. If your team gets the answer on the first clue you will score 10 
points. For each additional clue that your team is given you will be deducted a 
point. After each round both teams will recieve a Smart Alec 2 part, ten point 
bonus card. At the end of the game one team will be declared Smart Alec's. Hope 
to see y'all there.  


Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location:  Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey of 
100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us! 

Have a great weekend!

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! are! finished!
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-01-20 Thread Charles Rivard
Good morning gang!

Happy Birthday Out-Of-Sight!

4th Annual Birthday Celebration!

Join us this Saturday for our 4th Annual Birthday Celebration!  We will have a 
movie, several games, On Stage, and Zilch!  We will also have 5 door prizes 
given out during the festivities!  Don't miss the fun!  Below is the schedule 
so far!

2:00 PM:

Outburst hosted by Suzy

2:30 PM:

Word Burst hosted by Kathy

3:00 PM:

Connect 3 hosted by Suzy

3:30 PM:

Jeopardy hosted by Kathy

4:30 PM:

The Zoo Keeper movie hosted by Willy

7:00 PM:

Still open

8:00 PM:

On Stage hosted by Lisa

11:00 PM:

Zilch hosted by Roger

Here are the events scheduled for Friday, January 20th:

Books R Us

8:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Linda 

Location:  Library

Join us tonight as we discuss our two book selections.  We will also be 
choosing other selections for our next monthly meeting, which will be held on 
February 17th.

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location:  Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey of 
100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us! 

Have a nice day!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-01-18 Thread QuentinC

These are not only Peter's though. I agree with him.

Because english is a world-wide language, there are on this list many 
people from many parts of the world. I'm personally eased enough with 
the language to communicate with written text and be 
reasonablyunderstood even if I make errors, that's why I have interest 
to be on this list, but it's really not the case in oral. To give 
another example, I participated in traditional RPG via skype and even be 
dunjon master once, but I would never like to try that in english or in 
any another language than french. It will probably be much too hard for 
me to fully enjoy the game. And even if it's in written form, english 
muds remain difficult for a non-native english speaker.

I think many people here think the same as me.

So a game relying essentially on voice chat wouldn't be as enjoyable as 
one want because of language barrier.
If I have well understood, sorry if I have misstaken, many of your games 
are based on letters, words, vocabulary, or general culture knowledge 
skills (except your recent chess proposition). That sort of games suffer 
even much more from language barrier than simpler card/board/dice games 
for which the rules are allmost equivalent everywhere, additionnally to 
the fact that oral require generally much better language skills to writing.

Infortunately, as a game maker you can't do anything against language 
barrier. You can only accept that everybody don't speak english well 
enough to play, and try to translate your games with the hope to get 
more players. Of course in your case of voice chat based games you can't 
make any translation, obviously.

The time problem is another one. For this one neither there is a 
solution. There is always somebody across the globe for which the time 
you fixed fall during the night or too late in the evening. The goal 
here is to choose a time which goes for the most part of the targetted 
players. For example if you set a time in the afternoon instead of 
evening for the US, then it fall in the evening for UK, but bad luck if 
there are australians... some french people on the playroom have set up 
uno tournaments, I know how it could be hard to make verybody happy.

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-01-18 Thread Ron Schamerhorn
You know this may not exactly be what you are interested in, however you 
don't represent the entire list.  Myself I attend these events a few times 
each week.  It's game related and thus falls within list guidelines.  It is 
understandable that it won't be for everyone due to type of game/time zone 
or whatever but I'll say it is alot of fun!  Had a blast there last Sunday!

- Original Message - 
From: "Pitermach" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 5:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

Might as well take the time also to say why I don't think so many people
personally attend. Those are just my thoughts, not everyone else, obviously.

Since you're just using some kind of voice chat client, you'd need to
probably track your progress, which may actually require you to make a
text file or something and update as stuff happens, while also trying to
follow along... I personally wouldn't find that enjoyable. Might as well
meat up with a few friends on Teamtalk, make a private game on RS or the
Playroom and just play that and still talk. It'd be quite fun too.
Also, not everyone is confortable with voice chat. english may not be
the first language for some people and it took me like 2 years to get
over the barrier myself.
And lastly, looking at the times, 8PM eastern probably is fine for
everyone in the states, but for me, being in GMT+1 (an hour ahead from
the UK) I'd have to basically wake up in the middle of the night and
play until early morning. I think I'd rather sleep instead if you don't
mind, especially if I have school the next day.
on 2012-01-18 10:55, shaun everiss wrote:
> Charles, there is no link to actually view these.
> And to be honest, these messages just look like spammy spam.
> I usually delete them when opened.
> I never asked for them.
> I just get them.
> At 11:15 a.m. 13/01/2012 -0600, you wrote:
>> I have a thought I want to put out there before listing the events:
>> I've seen messages on this list that indicate that people want more
>> online games, yet nobody attends these games I post about.  What's up
>> with that?  These games are great opportunities to have fun online,
>> and they are team participation, which is another feature that I have
>> seen people posting that they would like to see more of.  If you want
>> these features available, folks, here they are!  Come join the fun.

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org. 

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-01-18 Thread Pitermach
Might as well take the time also to say why I don't think so many people 
personally attend. Those are just my thoughts, not everyone else, obviously.

Since you're just using some kind of voice chat client, you'd need to 
probably track your progress, which may actually require you to make a 
text file or something and update as stuff happens, while also trying to 
follow along... I personally wouldn't find that enjoyable. Might as well 
meat up with a few friends on Teamtalk, make a private game on RS or the 
Playroom and just play that and still talk. It'd be quite fun too.
Also, not everyone is confortable with voice chat. english may not be 
the first language for some people and it took me like 2 years to get 
over the barrier myself.
And lastly, looking at the times, 8PM eastern probably is fine for 
everyone in the states, but for me, being in GMT+1 (an hour ahead from 
the UK) I'd have to basically wake up in the middle of the night and 
play until early morning. I think I'd rather sleep instead if you don't 
mind, especially if I have school the next day.

on 2012-01-18 10:55, shaun everiss wrote:

Charles, there is no link to actually view these.
And to be honest, these messages just look like spammy spam.
I usually delete them when opened.
I never asked for them.
I just get them.
At 11:15 a.m. 13/01/2012 -0600, you wrote:

I have a thought I want to put out there before listing the events:

I've seen messages on this list that indicate that people want more 
online games, yet nobody attends these games I post about.  What's up 
with that?  These games are great opportunities to have fun online, 
and they are team participation, which is another feature that I have 
seen people posting that they would like to see more of.  If you want 
these features available, folks, here they are!  Come join the fun.

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-01-18 Thread shaun everiss

Charles, there is no link to actually view these.
And to be honest, these messages just look like spammy spam.
I usually delete them when opened.
I never asked for them.
I just get them.
At 11:15 a.m. 13/01/2012 -0600, you wrote:

I have a thought I want to put out there before listing the events:

I've seen messages on this list that indicate that people want more 
online games, yet nobody attends these games I post about.  What's 
up with that?  These games are great opportunities to have fun 
online, and they are team participation, which is another feature 
that I have seen people posting that they would like to see more 
of.  If you want these features available, folks, here they 
are!  Come join the fun.

Here are the events scheduled for Friday, January 13th:

Smart Alec
8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Julie and Sherry
Location:  Game Zone
Join Sherry and Julie at 8:00 PM eastern in the Game Zone. We will 
be hosting  a  fun and challenging game of Smart Alec. This is 
a   team game of Who am I, what am I, or where am I. If your team 
gets the answer on the first clue you will score 10 points. For each 
additional clue that your team is given you will be deducted a 
point. After each round both teams will receive a Smart Alec 2 part, 
ten point bonus card. At the end of the game one team will be 
declared Smart Alec's. Hope to see y'all there.

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location:  Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a 
survey of 100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.

It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us!

Have a fantastic day!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-01-13 Thread Charles Rivard
I have a thought I want to put out there before listing the events:

I've seen messages on this list that indicate that people want more online 
games, yet nobody attends these games I post about.  What's up with that?  
These games are great opportunities to have fun online, and they are team 
participation, which is another feature that I have seen people posting that 
they would like to see more of.  If you want these features available, folks, 
here they are!  Come join the fun.

Here are the events scheduled for Friday, January 13th:

Smart Alec
8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Julie and Sherry
Location:  Game Zone
Join Sherry and Julie at 8:00 PM eastern in the Game Zone. We will be hosting  
a  fun and challenging game of Smart Alec. This is a   team game of Who am I, 
what am I, or where am I. If your team gets the answer on the first clue you 
will score 10 points. For each additional clue that your team is given you will 
be deducted a point. After each round both teams will receive a Smart Alec 2 
part, ten point bonus card. At the end of the game one team will be declared 
Smart Alec's. Hope to see y'all there. 

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location:  Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey of 
100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us! 

Have a fantastic day!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-01-06 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, January 6th:

Smart Alec
8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Julie and Sherry
Location:  Game Zone
Join Julie and Sherry at 8:00 PM eastern, in the Game Zone. We will be hosting  
a  fun and challengeing game of Smart Alec. This is a   team game of Who am I, 
what am I, or where am I. If your team gets the answer on the first clue you 
will score 10 points. For each additional clue that your team is given you will 
be deducted a point. After each round both teams will recieve a Smart Alec 2 
part, ten point bonus card. At the end of the game one team will be declared 
Smart Alec's. Hope to see y'all there. 

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location:  Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey of 
100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us! 

Have a fun day!

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2011-12-30 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, December 30th:

Not So Newlywed, Newlywed Game

8:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Julie and Rick

Location:  Game Zone

Come join Rick and Julie at 8pm in the game zone for our own Out of site's, Not 
so Newlywed, Newlywed Game. Watch as 5 new couples, who know nothing about each 
other,  try to give the same answers to outrageously funny questions.If you 
would like to be a contestant on the Not so Newlywed, Newlywed Game. please 
contact Julie P at luvhum...@gmail.com.

9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Patti W.
Location: Game Zone
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Drop by for some fun and excitement because you never know
who will win until the final dice roll! No software to download and it
only takes a few minutes to get the hang of the game. Polished Zilch
players and new folk are most welcome!

Have a fabulous day! 

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2011-12-02 Thread joseph weakland

whats the gameszone

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 

To: "audyssey gamers list" 
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 6:53 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

Here are the events scheduled for Friday, December 1st:

8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Rick and Julie
Location: Game Zone
Join Rick and Julie for a game. It's called Scatagories. We will have 3 
teams and once the category is given, each team will have 30 seconds to 
give their answer to the captain who will submit it to the host. Come and 
try out another Out of site new game. Hope to see you all there.

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location:  Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey 
of 100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.

It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us!

Have a nice day, and thank goodness it's Friday!

"Security is not the absence of danger.  It is the presence of the Lord."
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 

You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org. 

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2011-12-02 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, December 1st:

8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Rick and Julie
Location: Game Zone
Join Rick and Julie for a game. It's called Scatagories. We will have 3 teams 
and once the category is given, each team will have 30 seconds to give their 
answer to the captain who will submit it to the host. Come and try out another 
Out of site new game. Hope to see you all there. 

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location:  Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey of 
100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us! 

Have a nice day, and thank goodness it's Friday!

"Security is not the absence of danger.  It is the presence of the Lord."
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2011-11-10 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, November 11th:

Veterans Salute
7:00 PM eastern
Hosted by John
Location:  Out of Sight Presents
Please join us as we recognize our fellow veterans.

Out-of-Sight Trivial Pursuit
8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Julie, Rick, and Suzy
Location:  Game Zone
Join Rick, Julie and Suzy in the game zone, on the 2nd Friday night of each 
month, at 8:00 PM eastern for a new game that we are going to call Out-of-Sight 
Trivia. There will be 2 teams, a roll of the dice and 5 categories. 
If you roll a one the question will be in the donut shop category, which earns 
you one point as you should never eat more than one donut at a time. It is also 
a great room to drop in and have a chat with your fellow members sometime. If 
you roll a 2, the category is Mutt and Jeff, If you or your team answer the 
question correctly, you earn 2 points. If you roll a 3, the category is the MP3 
room, where you might listen to or answer a question about entertainment. If 
you roll a 4, the category is Four of a kind, the correct answer earns you 4 
points. and last but not least, if you roll a 5 the category is the Yahtzee 
room, which for a correct answer you will earn 5 points. The key here is to 
roll a 6 and then you get to choose which category you would like the question 
to be from.
If you like trivia, music, and entertainment then this is the game for you. 

Family Feud
9:15 PM eastern
Hosted by Kate
Location:  Game Zone
Tonight, Kate will host Family Feud. Kate will ask questions from a survey of 
100 people and you try to come up with the 5 most popular answers.
It is loads of fun, so come on in and join us! 

Have a nice day, and thank goodness, it's Friday!

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! are! finished!
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2010-08-06 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, August 6th:

Word Burst

6:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Kathy Mertz

Location: Game Zone

Do you love to play Outburst? Do you love words? Let's put the two together and 
play Word Burst! Word Burst is the same as Outburst, except that you don't call 
out items in categories, such as Elvis hits or makes of cars. Instead, the 
members of each team call out anagrams of the word I will give you. So come in 
and find the words within a word. Hope to see you there. 


8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Jeannette
Location: Game Zone
If you like figuring out crossword puzzles, join Jeanette on the first Friday 
of every month. Keep your brains sharp with this fun and challenging event.

Shepherds are the best beasts!
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2010-07-29 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, July 30th:

Word Burst

6:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Kathy Mertz

Location: Game Zone

Do you love to play Outburst? Do you love words? Let's put the two together 
and play Word Burst! Word Burst is the same as Outburst, except that you 
don't call out items in categories, such as Elvis hits or makes of cars. 
Instead, the members of each team call out anagrams of the word I will give 
you. So come in and find the words within a word. Hope to see you there.

Game Night

8:00 PM eastern

Hosted by O-O-S Game Hosts

Location: Game Zone

Join us in the game Zone room at 8pm eastern tonight, July 30, for a night 
of fun! What will we be playing? You will have to come and find out. We 
can tell you this, if you like the games played on Out of Sight you will 
love Game Night.

Shepherds are the best beasts!
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2010-07-22 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, July 23rd:
Word Burst

6:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Kathy Mertz

Location:  Game Zone

Do you love to play Outburst? Do you love words? Let's put the two together and 
play Word Burst! Word Burst is the same as Outburst, except that you don't call 
out items in categories, such as Elvis hits or makes of cars. Instead, the 
members of each team call out anagrams of the word I will give you. So come in 
and find the words within a word. Hope to see you there.  



Memory Lane

8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Suzy B.
Location:  Out of Sight Presents
Would you like to know more about your friends here on Out of Sight? Do you 
wonder what caused their blindness?  Would you like to know about their 
passions?  What careers they've had throughout life? If so, let's take a trip 
down Memory Lane. This event will be held on the fourth Friday evening of every 
month.  Come on in and get to know a fellow Out of Sight member!  This month's 
featured guest is: Mark Dew, aka Piano Bar! 



The Out of Sight main site is at:

Shepherds are the best beasts!
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2010-07-16 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, July 16th:
Word Burst

6:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Kathy Mertz

Location:  Game Zone

Do you love to play Outburst? Do you love words? Let's put the two together and 
play Word Burst! Word Burst is the same as Outburst, except that you don't call 
out items in categories, such as Elvis hits or makes of cars. Instead, the 
members of each team call out anagrams of the word I will give you. So come in 
and find the words within a word. Hope to see you there.  



Books R Us

8:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Linda 

Location:  Library

Join us tonight as we discuss our two book selections, "My Sister's Keeper", 
and "Highest Duty".  We will also be choosing another book for our next book 
club meeting, which will be held on the third Friday of August!



The Out of Sight main site is at:

Shepherds are the best beasts!
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2010-07-01 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, July 2nd:
Word Burst

6:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Kathy Mertz

Location:  Games Anyone

Do you love to play Outburst? Do you love words? Let's put the two together and 
play Word Burst! Word Burst is the same as Outburst, except that you don't call 
out items in categories, such as Elvis hits or makes of cars. Instead, the 
members of each team call out anagrams of the word I will give you. So come in 
and find the words within a word. Hope to see you there.  




8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Jeannette
Location:  Games Anyone
If you like figuring out crossword puzzles, join Jeanette on the first Friday 
of every month.  Keep your brains sharp with this fun and challenging event.


The Out of Sight main site is at:
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2010-06-24 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, June 25th:
Word Burst

6:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Kathy Mertz

Location:  Games Anyone

Do you love to play Outburst? Do you love words? Let's put the two together and 
play Word Burst! Word Burst is the same as Outburst, except that you don't call 
out items in categories, such as Elvis hits or makes of cars. Instead, the 
members of each team call out anagrams of the word I will give you. So come in 
and find the words within a word. Hope to see you there.  



God's Praise and Worship Hour

7:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Diane

Location:  How Great Thou Art

Hi everyone come and join me, Diane, known as Live by Faith, for God's Praise 
and Worship hour from 7:00 to 8:00 PM eastern, on Fridays.  We can come 
together and listen to a selection of songs that I have created to praise and 
worship God.  Look forward to seeing you there.  Be blessed!



Memory Lane

8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Suzy B.
Location:  Out of Sight Presents
Would you like to know more about your friends here on Out of Sight? Do you 
wonder what caused their blindness?  Would you like to know about their 
passions?  What careers they've had throughout life? If so, let's take a trip 
down Memory Lane. This event will be held on the fourth Friday evening of every 
month.  Come on in and get to know a fellow Out of Sight member!  This month's 
featured guest is: Immigrant!  



Have a nice day, and thank goodness it's Friday!

The Out of Sight main site is at:
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2010-06-17 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Friday, June 18th:
Word Burst

6:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Kathy Mertz

Location:  Games Anyone

Do you love to play Outburst? Do you love words? Let's put the two together and 
play Word Burst! Word Burst is the same as Outburst, except that you don't call 
out items in categories, such as Elvis hits or makes of cars. Instead, the 
members of each team call out anagrams of the word I will give you. So come in 
and find the words within a word. Hope to see you there.  



God's Praise and Worship Hour

7:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Diane

Location:  How Great Thou Art

Hi everyone come and join me, Diane, known as Live by Faith, for God's Praise 
and Worship hour from 7:00 to 8:00 PM eastern, on Fridays.  We can come 
together and listen to a selection of songs that I have created to praise and 
worship God.  Look forward to seeing you there.  Be blessed!



Books R Us

8:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Linda 

Location:  Library

Join us tonight as we discuss our two book selections, "Crashing Through", by 
Robert Kurson, and "The Sea Wolf", by Jack London.  We will also be choosing 
another book for our next book club meeting, which will be held on July 16th!



The Out of Sight main site is at:
Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audyssey.org.
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to gamers-ow...@audyssey.org.

[Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2010-05-28 Thread Charles Rivard

The Out of Sight main site is at:


Good morning gang!

New Game Hosts!
First of all, we would like to thank Lyn so much for her two years of 
hosting our On Stage and Memory Lane events!  We can't thank you enough Lyn, 
and hope to see you soon!

Second, two lovely ladies have graciously agreed to host these events, and 
they are:  Suzy B. to host Memory Lane, beginning tonight, and Lisa filroy 
will host On Stage beginning on Saturday.  Thank you ladies for volunteering 
to take over these very popular events!

Trivial Pursuit is cancelled for this Saturday.  In its place, Shelley will 
host her chain Reaction game for one hour, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM eastern. 
Thank you Shelley.

Here are the events scheduled for Friday, May 28th:

Word Burst

6:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Kathy Mertz

Location:  Games Anyone

Do you love to play Outburst? Do you love words? Let's put the two together 
and play Word Burst! Word Burst is the same as Outburst, except that you 
don't call out items in categories, such as Elvis hits or makes of cars. 
Instead, the members of each team call out anagrams of the word I will give 
you. So come in and find the words within a word. Hope to see you there.

God's Praise and Worship Hour

7:00 PM eastern

Hosted by Diane

Location:  How Great Thou Art

Hi everyone come and join me, Diane, known as Live by Faith, for God's 
Praise and Worship hour from 7:00 to 8:00 PM eastern, on Fridays.  We can 
together and listen to a selection of songs that I have created to praise 
and worship God.  Look forward to seeing you there.  Be blessed!

Memory Lane
8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Suzy B.
Location:  Out of Sight Presents
Would you like to know more about your friends here on Out of Sight? Do you 
wonder what caused their blindness?  Would you like to know about their 
passions?  What careers they've had throughout life? If so, let's take a 
trip down Memory Lane. This event will be held on the fourth Friday evening 
of every month.  Come on in and get to know a fellow Out of Sight member! 
This month's featured guest is: James Clayton, aka Plowboy!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

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