Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread shaun everiss

But what does that say about his later envolvement.
He became something else.
In fact before vador struck him he had already gone, so was he able 
to go to whatever when he wanted anyway and if vador killed him could 
actually stay there or just go and have no reason to return.
Depending on what you acutally listen to, the actual stories or npr, 
depending on what you here there are 2 versions.

At 11:55 a.m. 8/05/2011, you wrote:


Maybe. Its more likely that Obi-Wan was just to old to fight as
effectively as he did in Revenge of the Sith. Remember 19 years had
passed between Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars A New Hope. Obi-Wan
looked to be in his 60's or 70's by the time he met Vader again, and
he was probably physically weaker and slower than Vader, or he chose
to let himself get killed for reason x. Plus by the time A New Hope
had come along Anakin had fully become Darth Vader and probably had
learned a lot more about the dark side of the force than he did 19
years previously.

If you ask me the reason Luke Skywalker managed to fight and
eventually defeat Vader had nothing to do with skills or powers, but
Vader's emotional weakness. Say what you will about Darth Vader he
had really and truly loved Padme. That made him unable to kill his
only son, and his daughter as well. That emotional bond, although
distant, was enough to make him hold back and not fight as effectively
as he perhaps could have.

As it turns out in Return of the Jedi when Palpatine is trying to kill
Luke it was Darth Vader who grabs Palpatine by the throat and tosses
him into the reactor core. Apparently Vader's love for his son was
greater than the dark side and any loyalty he had to Palpatine.

It is apparent as early as Empire Strikes Back that Anakin, Darth
Vader, secretly hated Palpatine. In Revenge of the Sith, of course, we
find out why. Palpatine told Anakin if he turned to the dark side that
he'd insure Padme didn't die, but of course she does die and Anakin
goes into emotional melt down. Finding out that he had two children
who were alive and well went a long way to bring Anakin back from the
dark side and why he turned on Palpatine and threw him head long into
the Deathstar's reactor core.


On 5/7/11, Hayden Presley wrote:
 Yeah, I know. Funny how he managed to do it once but couldn't twice. I can
 only assume he had some kind of tutalidge from Palpatine.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread shaun everiss
I heard that grevis depending on what starwars fan production you 
here was a droid.
In fact another droid came after him in that production that vador 
later killed.

At 12:03 p.m. 8/05/2011, you wrote:

Hi Clement,

Right. Grevous's reflexes were better than average, but nowhere near a
Jedi's. In one of the Star Wars books I remember Count Dooku actually
commenting as much. Dooku told Grevous that if he ever had the
misfortune of fighting Mace Windu or even Yoda he wouldn't last a
minute. Of course, Obi-Wan ended up fighting him at the Battle of
Megeto and cyborg arms and machine reflexes wasn't enough to take on a
fully skilled Jedi Master, and Grevous ended up at the end of
Obi-Wan's light saber.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
 I'm not so sure it was reflexes that he had. It was simply that he
 moved so fast that most Jedi had to play defensive until they found a
 whole... that, and the amount of jedi he killed gave him a catelogue
 of styles to choose from, so he knew how Jedi fought and defended
 various moves. But he was nowhere as fast as a jedi... whose reflexes
 almost border on anticipation rather than reacting to a situation.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread shaun everiss

well there is copywrite.

New laws coming in mean that any copywrited work is not able to be 
downloaded by me not sure how far it all spreads but it means that if 
its copywrited, just downloading gets you banned from the net and 
fined loads of cash.

No net for like ever probably.
In that environment its going to be almost impossible to do anything 
which is not legal or sold by the major companies.
Sooner or later we will have government based controls on the net and 
everything else.
Then the net will die and we can all go back to using disks and 
probably dos again.

At 01:36 p.m. 8/05/2011, you wrote:

How about a series of star wars games?

- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Like I said nothing is definite. Right now I am working my way through
the Knights of the Old Republic series and there is some great stuff
in there as well. I'm working my way through Star Wars: Knights of the
Old Republic: Deceived and it is a great read. A game based on it
would be pretty cool. The main character, a female Jedi apprentice, is
perfect for a game heroine in my book. The Sith lord in the series
makes Darth Vader, Darth Cidious, etc look like wimps. Lol!

On 5/7/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

Well. If this game is created, it will.
On my part anyway. I love that idea!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread shaun everiss
well in the blue harvist radio drama, done by pendantaudio he was 
rated as being quite old.
His race all died when, well a new syth lord came out or the emperor 
came back or something like that.

At 03:35 p.m. 8/05/2011, you wrote:
Exactly what I'm thinking. If yoda lived for 1000 years it's 
probably because of his race, not because of any force-aided thing. 
And your estimation of Obi-Wan's age and and the gap between him and 
Anakin is one I agree with.

At 08:30 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Not that it's been explored much as far as I know but I sort of got 
the impression that the centuuries-long life span was a 
characteristic of whatever Yoda's race was. After all at the time 
of his death I don't think Anakin Skywalker was much over fifty, in 
his sixties at most I'd guess. He was nineteen or thereabouts at 
the time of Attack of the Clones and if I'm not mistaken Revenge of 
the Sith took place three years later. And I don't think it was 
much over twenty-five years from Revenge of the Sith to Return of 
the Jedi. Obi-Wan might have been in his seventies or eighties 
since he would have been at least ten years older than Anakin. But 
no, I've never heard anything that suggested that human Jedi lived 
much longer than ordinary folks.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Bryan,

No, Yoda was never human. I can't remember the actual planet is race
of aliens came from, but he is and was always an alien. Never human.
Whoever said something different doesn't know their butt from a hole
in the ground when it comes to Star Wars. Yoda's origins was explained
in the books, but I can't remember off the top of my head witch ones.

As for Star Wars shapeshifting there is certainly a race that can
shapeshift. I think they are called the Clawdikes or something like
that. Not sure of the correct spelling. At any rate the bounty hunter
Zam, seen in Attack of the Clones, was a shapeshifter. Don't you
remember that?


On 5/7/11, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 I've even heard speculation that Yoda was human at one time, but then you'd
 have to explain how he turned into whatever he was. If I'm not mistaken
 shapeshifting isn't an ability any race in the Star Wars universe realy
 We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Bryan Peterson
It's been a while since I've watched those movies. And I never did set much 
stock by the Yoda was human business.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 5:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Bryan,

No, Yoda was never human. I can't remember the actual planet is race
of aliens came from, but he is and was always an alien. Never human.
Whoever said something different doesn't know their butt from a hole
in the ground when it comes to Star Wars. Yoda's origins was explained
in the books, but I can't remember off the top of my head witch ones.

As for Star Wars shapeshifting there is certainly a race that can
shapeshift. I think they are called the Clawdikes or something like
that. Not sure of the correct spelling. At any rate the bounty hunter
Zam, seen in Attack of the Clones, was a shapeshifter. Don't you
remember that?


On 5/7/11, Bryan Peterson wrote:
I've even heard speculation that Yoda was human at one time, but then 

have to explain how he turned into whatever he was. If I'm not mistaken
shapeshifting isn't an ability any race in the Star Wars universe realy
We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

No, not true. Grevous was a cyborg not a droid. A droid is a 100%
robot like C-3PO. A cyborg is part organic part machine. Come to think
of it Darth Vader himself is a cyborg as one of his arms both legs,
etc are mechanical since Obi-Wan chopped them off in Revenge of the
Sith and left him for dead in a lava pit.

On 5/8/11, shaun everiss wrote:
 I heard that grevis depending on what starwars fan production you
 here was a droid.
 In fact another droid came after him in that production that vador
 later killed.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Bryan Peterson
Actually didn't he also chop off Vader's other arm? I know Dooku cut off the 
first one in Attack of the CLones but for some reason I always thought that 
Obi-Wan chopped off the other one and yes, both legs during that duel on 

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shaun,

No, not true. Grevous was a cyborg not a droid. A droid is a 100%
robot like C-3PO. A cyborg is part organic part machine. Come to think
of it Darth Vader himself is a cyborg as one of his arms both legs,
etc are mechanical since Obi-Wan chopped them off in Revenge of the
Sith and left him for dead in a lava pit.

On 5/8/11, shaun everiss wrote:

I heard that grevis depending on what starwars fan production you
here was a droid.
In fact another droid came after him in that production that vador
later killed.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Thomas Ward

Well, we do know that the spirit of the person who dies in the Star
Wars universe is able to return and communicate and help the living.
Yoda says in Revenge of the Sith to Obi-Wan this is possible through
the Living Force. Which Qui-Gon Gin was an expert at, and is the first
person we know of to do it. At least in the more modern era anyway.
However, this ability to appear and to speak to the living seems to be
fairly specific to certain people.

For instance, when Obi-Wan dies he only speaks to Luke and Yoda. I
don't know if that is because the Force is required to see and talk to
him, but he never speaks to Leia who also has the Force. However,
Obi-Wan actively helps Luke become a Jedi and councils him in his
early years as a Jedi Knight.

In the Star Wars Legacy series after Jason kills Mara she returns as a
Force spirit. She speaks to Luke and Ben Skywalker, but doesn't seem
to speak or communicate with anyone else. Not even Jaina who she had
taught. However, in the FOTJ series she does speak to Janan Korr
letting him know of a plot to clone Force users so perhaps they aren't
limited to certain people. Interesting enough we do get something of
an answer about life after death in the Star Wars FOTJ series.

In FOTJ Ben and Luke enter a place called the Lake of Apparitions
where Mara's spirit tells them that death is a time of reflection and
a place to lookback on the things one has done both good and bad.
Anakin Solo's spirit is there as well so it seems to be a place where
the spirits of the Jedi go after dying. Although, the book doesn't
mention it perhaps Yoda, Obi-Wan, and all the other Jedis is there


On 5/8/11, shaun everiss wrote:
 But what does that say about his later envolvement.
 He became something else.
 In fact before vador struck him he had already gone, so was he able
 to go to whatever when he wanted anyway and if vador killed him could
 actually stay there or just go and have no reason to return.
 Depending on what you acutally listen to, the actual stories or npr,
 depending on what you here there are 2 versions.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Bryan,

No. Obi-Wan cut off the bionic arm, the same arm Dooku cut off, in
order to try and disable Anakin as that was the arm holding his light
saber. Remember Obi-Wan, like all good Jedi, tried to turn Anakin
first before going for the kill. In fact I have the Final Battle
Anakin Skywalker action figure and the right arm is the one you can
chop off as well as his legs. That's a bit graphic for a kids toy, but
quite accurate in terms of the movie.


On 5/8/11, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 Actually didn't he also chop off Vader's other arm? I know Dooku cut off the
 first one in Attack of the CLones but for some reason I always thought that
 Obi-Wan chopped off the other one and yes, both legs during that duel on
 We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Shane Lowe

One of the books.

- Original Message - 
From: Clement Chou

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Now I'm curious... where in the heck did you get that impression?

At 08:02 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

oh. I thaught he died.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Bryan Peterson
I know some Sith can do that or something similar at any rate. Look at 
Gantoris and Kyp Durron, both of whom briefly fell under the dominion of 
Exar-Kun. In fact if I'mnot mistkane Gantoris was killed by Kun's spirit. 
And then of course there was Freedon Nadd, who led Kun down the dark path to 
begin with. I don't know if it's the same when Sith do it or if they 
actually have to bind their spirits to a specific object or location in 
order to communicate with the living. After all Exar-Kun sealed his spirit 
in those temples on Yavin IV, one of which of course served as the location 
of the rebel base and later the Jedi Academy.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 6:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day


Well, we do know that the spirit of the person who dies in the Star
Wars universe is able to return and communicate and help the living.
Yoda says in Revenge of the Sith to Obi-Wan this is possible through
the Living Force. Which Qui-Gon Gin was an expert at, and is the first
person we know of to do it. At least in the more modern era anyway.
However, this ability to appear and to speak to the living seems to be
fairly specific to certain people.

For instance, when Obi-Wan dies he only speaks to Luke and Yoda. I
don't know if that is because the Force is required to see and talk to
him, but he never speaks to Leia who also has the Force. However,
Obi-Wan actively helps Luke become a Jedi and councils him in his
early years as a Jedi Knight.

In the Star Wars Legacy series after Jason kills Mara she returns as a
Force spirit. She speaks to Luke and Ben Skywalker, but doesn't seem
to speak or communicate with anyone else. Not even Jaina who she had
taught. However, in the FOTJ series she does speak to Janan Korr
letting him know of a plot to clone Force users so perhaps they aren't
limited to certain people. Interesting enough we do get something of
an answer about life after death in the Star Wars FOTJ series.

In FOTJ Ben and Luke enter a place called the Lake of Apparitions
where Mara's spirit tells them that death is a time of reflection and
a place to lookback on the things one has done both good and bad.
Anakin Solo's spirit is there as well so it seems to be a place where
the spirits of the Jedi go after dying. Although, the book doesn't
mention it perhaps Yoda, Obi-Wan, and all the other Jedis is there


On 5/8/11, shaun everiss wrote:

But what does that say about his later envolvement.
He became something else.
In fact before vador struck him he had already gone, so was he able
to go to whatever when he wanted anyway and if vador killed him could
actually stay there or just go and have no reason to return.
Depending on what you acutally listen to, the actual stories or npr,
depending on what you here there are 2 versions.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Shane Lowe

the blue harvest is a family guy remake of star wars.

- Original Message - 
From: shaun everiss

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

well in the blue harvist radio drama, done by pendantaudio he was rated as 
being quite old.
His race all died when, well a new syth lord came out or the emperor came 
back or something like that.

At 03:35 p.m. 8/05/2011, you wrote:
Exactly what I'm thinking. If yoda lived for 1000 years it's probably 
because of his race, not because of any force-aided thing. And your 
estimation of Obi-Wan's age and and the gap between him and Anakin is one 
I agree with.

At 08:30 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Not that it's been explored much as far as I know but I sort of got the 
impression that the centuuries-long life span was a characteristic of 
whatever Yoda's race was. After all at the time of his death I don't 
think Anakin Skywalker was much over fifty, in his sixties at most I'd 
guess. He was nineteen or thereabouts at the time of Attack of the Clones 
and if I'm not mistaken Revenge of the Sith took place three years later. 
And I don't think it was much over twenty-five years from Revenge of the 
Sith to Return of the Jedi. Obi-Wan might have been in his seventies or 
eighties since he would have been at least ten years older than Anakin. 
But no, I've never heard anything that suggested that human Jedi lived 
much longer than ordinary folks.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Bryan Peterson
Ah ok. So Vader still had a living arm even after he was fitted with his 
suit. For some reason I always thought it was the other arm that Obi-Wan cut 
off. Guess my mom didn't explain that part to me right when I watched the 
movie in theaters.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Bryan,

No. Obi-Wan cut off the bionic arm, the same arm Dooku cut off, in
order to try and disable Anakin as that was the arm holding his light
saber. Remember Obi-Wan, like all good Jedi, tried to turn Anakin
first before going for the kill. In fact I have the Final Battle
Anakin Skywalker action figure and the right arm is the one you can
chop off as well as his legs. That's a bit graphic for a kids toy, but
quite accurate in terms of the movie.


On 5/8/11, Bryan Peterson wrote:
Actually didn't he also chop off Vader's other arm? I know Dooku cut off 
first one in Attack of the CLones but for some reason I always thought 

Obi-Wan chopped off the other one and yes, both legs during that duel on
We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Shane Lowe

the lava took off the leggs actually.

- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Actually didn't he also chop off Vader's other arm? I know Dooku cut off 
the first one in Attack of the CLones but for some reason I always thought 
that Obi-Wan chopped off the other one and yes, both legs during that duel 
on Mostafar.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shaun,

No, not true. Grevous was a cyborg not a droid. A droid is a 100%
robot like C-3PO. A cyborg is part organic part machine. Come to think
of it Darth Vader himself is a cyborg as one of his arms both legs,
etc are mechanical since Obi-Wan chopped them off in Revenge of the
Sith and left him for dead in a lava pit.

On 5/8/11, shaun everiss wrote:

I heard that grevis depending on what starwars fan production you
here was a droid.
In fact another droid came after him in that production that vador
later killed.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Clement Chou
The actual story, NPR and movie are all the same in one respect... 
all three show Obi-Wan being cut down physically. In none of those 
does Vader conduct a missed blow... Obi-Wan's involvement later in 
the stories is only through manifestation as a force ghost.

At 01:38 AM 08/05/2011, you wrote:

But what does that say about his later envolvement.
He became something else.
In fact before vador struck him he had already gone, so was he able 
to go to whatever when he wanted anyway and if vador killed him 
could actually stay there or just go and have no reason to return.
Depending on what you acutally listen to, the actual stories or npr, 
depending on what you here there are 2 versions.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Clement Chou
He did indeed. At the end of that fight Anakin is effectively 
limbless... nothing more than a torso and a head.

At 05:09 AM 08/05/2011, you wrote:
Actually didn't he also chop off Vader's other arm? I know Dooku cut 
off the first one in Attack of the CLones but for some reason I 
always thought that Obi-Wan chopped off the other one and yes, both 
legs during that duel on Mostafar.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shaun,

No, not true. Grevous was a cyborg not a droid. A droid is a 100%
robot like C-3PO. A cyborg is part organic part machine. Come to think
of it Darth Vader himself is a cyborg as one of his arms both legs,
etc are mechanical since Obi-Wan chopped them off in Revenge of the
Sith and left him for dead in a lava pit.

On 5/8/11, shaun everiss wrote:

I heard that grevis depending on what starwars fan production you
here was a droid.
In fact another droid came after him in that production that vador
later killed.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shane,

No, that's not correct. Anakin jumped to try and attack Obi-Wan and
Obi-Wan chopped off both legs with his light saber while Anakin was
jumping. I can definitely tell you he didn't lose his legs because of
the lava.

On 5/8/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 the lava took off the leggs actually.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Clement Chou
Nope... Obi-Wan physically chopped them off himself. And it might be 
different in the movie, but in the book it's Anakin's left arm which 
obi-wan slices through. So I was wrong... he still had one limb left. 
Here's the passage from the novel:

 Obi-Wan turned his dive into  a  forward  roll  that  left  him  barely
teetering on the rim of a low cliff, just above the soft black sand  of  the
riverbank. Anakin snarled a curse as he realized  he'd  been  suckered,  and
leapt off his droid at Obi-Wan's back- Half a second too slow.
 Obi-Wan's whirl to parry didn't meet Anakin's blade. It met  his  knee.
Then his other knee.
 And while Anakin was still in  the  air,  burned-off  lower  legs  only
starting their topple down the cliff, Obi-Wan's recovery  to  guard  brought
his blade through Anakin's left arm above the  elbow.  He  stepped  back  as
Anakin fell.
 Anakin dropped his lightsaber, clawing at the edge of  the  cliff  with
his mechanical hand, but his grip was too powerful for the lava bank and  it
crumbled, and he slid down onto the black sand. His  severed  legs  and  his
severed arm rolled into the lava below him  and  burned  to  ash  in  sudden
bursts of scarlet flame.

At 06:38 AM 08/05/2011, you wrote:

the lava took off the leggs actually.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Thomas Ward

Well, at least from what I read most Sith spirits are confined to a
certain place like a temple or tomb. Although, Exar Kun's case might
be different considering he used the Massassi Temples to escape the
Jedi Knights who were hunting him in the Knights of the Old Republic
series comics. They killed his body, but Kun managed to seal his
spirit in the Mesassi temple until someone could set him free. Which
happened in the Jedi Academy series.

On 5/8/11, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 I know some Sith can do that or something similar at any rate. Look at
 Gantoris and Kyp Durron, both of whom briefly fell under the dominion of
 Exar-Kun. In fact if I'mnot mistkane Gantoris was killed by Kun's spirit.
 And then of course there was Freedon Nadd, who led Kun down the dark path to
 begin with. I don't know if it's the same when Sith do it or if they
 actually have to bind their spirits to a specific object or location in
 order to communicate with the living. After all Exar-Kun sealed his spirit
 in those temples on Yavin IV, one of which of course served as the location
 of the rebel base and later the Jedi Academy.
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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Bryan Peterson
No, I'm pretty sure that was Obi-Wan. THe lava just did the rest of the 

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

the lava took off the leggs actually.

- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Actually didn't he also chop off Vader's other arm? I know Dooku cut off 
the first one in Attack of the CLones but for some reason I always 
thought that Obi-Wan chopped off the other one and yes, both legs during 
that duel on Mostafar.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shaun,

No, not true. Grevous was a cyborg not a droid. A droid is a 100%
robot like C-3PO. A cyborg is part organic part machine. Come to think
of it Darth Vader himself is a cyborg as one of his arms both legs,
etc are mechanical since Obi-Wan chopped them off in Revenge of the
Sith and left him for dead in a lava pit.

On 5/8/11, shaun everiss wrote:

I heard that grevis depending on what starwars fan production you
here was a droid.
In fact another droid came after him in that production that vador
later killed.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Hayden Presley
Yep. Oby-won took care of the legs, then Anakin fell into the lava, which
pretty much finished him off; too bad he still survived.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Bryan Peterson
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 9:17 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

No, I'm pretty sure that was Obi-Wan. THe lava just did the rest of the 
We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 the lava took off the leggs actually.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Bryan Peterson
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Actually didn't he also chop off Vader's other arm? I know Dooku cut off 
 the first one in Attack of the CLones but for some reason I always 
 thought that Obi-Wan chopped off the other one and yes, both legs during 
 that duel on Mostafar.
 We are the Knights who say...Ni!
 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas Ward
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 5:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Hi Shaun,

 No, not true. Grevous was a cyborg not a droid. A droid is a 100%
 robot like C-3PO. A cyborg is part organic part machine. Come to think
 of it Darth Vader himself is a cyborg as one of his arms both legs,
 etc are mechanical since Obi-Wan chopped them off in Revenge of the
 Sith and left him for dead in a lava pit.

 On 5/8/11, shaun everiss wrote:
 I heard that grevis depending on what starwars fan production you
 here was a droid.
 In fact another droid came after him in that production that vador
 later killed.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Bryan Peterson
Of course if he hadn't survived it's entirely possible that the Emperor 
wouldn't have been defeated. Vader, or perhaps Anakin reborn would be more 
accurate, was after all the one who killed the Emperor to save Luke. You 
could argue the same point for Lord of the Rings, since it's entirely 
possible that if Bilbo had killed Gollum in The Hobbit, or if Sam or Frodo 
had done so later, that Frodo would have been unable to destroy the ring. 
Heck, it's entirely possible that they might have failed even if Frodo had 
succeeded in turning GOllum back to good. And he almost succeeded in that 
and might have if not for Faramir. But the same principle applies in Star 
Wars. If Anakin had died that day on Mostafar it's entirely possible that 
the Emperor might eventually have overcome the rebels.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Hayden Presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Yep. Oby-won took care of the legs, then Anakin fell into the lava, which
pretty much finished him off; too bad he still survived.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Bryan Peterson
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 9:17 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

No, I'm pretty sure that was Obi-Wan. THe lava just did the rest of the
We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

the lava took off the leggs actually.

- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Actually didn't he also chop off Vader's other arm? I know Dooku cut off
the first one in Attack of the CLones but for some reason I always
thought that Obi-Wan chopped off the other one and yes, both legs during
that duel on Mostafar.
We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shaun,

No, not true. Grevous was a cyborg not a droid. A droid is a 100%
robot like C-3PO. A cyborg is part organic part machine. Come to think
of it Darth Vader himself is a cyborg as one of his arms both legs,
etc are mechanical since Obi-Wan chopped them off in Revenge of the
Sith and left him for dead in a lava pit.

On 5/8/11, shaun everiss wrote:

I heard that grevis depending on what starwars fan production you
here was a droid.
In fact another droid came after him in that production that vador
later killed.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Hayden Presley
It's definitely a point  for discussion. I'm suire Sideous didn't need
Anakin for anything regarding the Empire, especiall as he had his eye on
Luke in the later movies as it is.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Bryan Peterson
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 9:47 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Of course if he hadn't survived it's entirely possible that the Emperor 
wouldn't have been defeated. Vader, or perhaps Anakin reborn would be more 
accurate, was after all the one who killed the Emperor to save Luke. You 
could argue the same point for Lord of the Rings, since it's entirely 
possible that if Bilbo had killed Gollum in The Hobbit, or if Sam or Frodo 
had done so later, that Frodo would have been unable to destroy the ring. 
Heck, it's entirely possible that they might have failed even if Frodo had 
succeeded in turning GOllum back to good. And he almost succeeded in that 
and might have if not for Faramir. But the same principle applies in Star 
Wars. If Anakin had died that day on Mostafar it's entirely possible that 
the Emperor might eventually have overcome the rebels.
We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Hayden Presley
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Yep. Oby-won took care of the legs, then Anakin fell into the lava, which
 pretty much finished him off; too bad he still survived.

 Best Regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Bryan Peterson
 Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 9:17 AM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 No, I'm pretty sure that was Obi-Wan. THe lava just did the rest of the
 We are the Knights who say...Ni!
 - Original Message - 
 From: Shane Lowe
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 7:38 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 the lava took off the leggs actually.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Bryan Peterson
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Actually didn't he also chop off Vader's other arm? I know Dooku cut off
 the first one in Attack of the CLones but for some reason I always
 thought that Obi-Wan chopped off the other one and yes, both legs during
 that duel on Mostafar.
 We are the Knights who say...Ni!
 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas Ward
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 5:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Hi Shaun,

 No, not true. Grevous was a cyborg not a droid. A droid is a 100%
 robot like C-3PO. A cyborg is part organic part machine. Come to think
 of it Darth Vader himself is a cyborg as one of his arms both legs,
 etc are mechanical since Obi-Wan chopped them off in Revenge of the
 Sith and left him for dead in a lava pit.

 On 5/8/11, shaun everiss wrote:
 I heard that grevis depending on what starwars fan production you
 here was a droid.
 In fact another droid came after him in that production that vador
 later killed.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Hayden Presley
So did I. I thought I rememberd something about him grabbing with his
mechanical arm before falling into the lava.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Bryan Peterson
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 8:30 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Ah ok. So Vader still had a living arm even after he was fitted with his 
suit. For some reason I always thought it was the other arm that Obi-Wan cut

off. Guess my mom didn't explain that part to me right when I watched the 
movie in theaters.
We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Hi Bryan,

 No. Obi-Wan cut off the bionic arm, the same arm Dooku cut off, in
 order to try and disable Anakin as that was the arm holding his light
 saber. Remember Obi-Wan, like all good Jedi, tried to turn Anakin
 first before going for the kill. In fact I have the Final Battle
 Anakin Skywalker action figure and the right arm is the one you can
 chop off as well as his legs. That's a bit graphic for a kids toy, but
 quite accurate in terms of the movie.


 On 5/8/11, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 Actually didn't he also chop off Vader's other arm? I know Dooku cut off 
 first one in Attack of the CLones but for some reason I always thought 
 Obi-Wan chopped off the other one and yes, both legs during that duel on
 We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Thomas Ward
HI Hayden,

You are right. I looked it up in Revenge of the Sith, the book, and it
says Obi-Wan chopped off Anakin's left arm, his human arm, and Anakin
used his robotic arm to try and catch is fall, but he fell anyway.

On 5/8/11, Hayden Presley wrote:
 So did I. I thought I rememberd something about him grabbing with his
 mechanical arm before falling into the lava.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Thomas Ward

Yeah, I remember. That's why I said Mara could have killed Jason, but
he cheated by distracting her with Ben's image. That moment of
hesitation was all it took to use the poison dart. Otherwise she'd
have ended it right then and their. However, she gave him one heck of
a battle. It got down right brutal if you come down to it. Jason used
an emotional weakness and Mara paid for it with her life.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
 Kip and Jason. Now that I would've liked to hear about... I love the
 way troy Dennings writes his star wars battles... the detail and
 amount of action he squeezes in is great. And if you recall, Mara did
 not kill Jason because he distracted her with an image of Ben, which
 gave him the second to drive the poisoned dart into her leg.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Hayden Presley
Claudite? I haven't read it in awhile but that definitely sounds correct.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Clement Chou
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:49 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Only one race comes to mind... the assassin from Attack of the Clones 
who was sent to kill Padme. A claudite or whatever the name was.

At 08:47 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
I've even heard speculation that Yoda was human at one time, but 
then you'd have to explain how he turned into whatever he was. If 
I'm not mistaken shapeshifting isn't an ability any race in the Star 
Wars universe realy possesses.
We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - From: Clement Chou
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Exactly what I'm thinking. If yoda lived for 1000 years it's 
probably because of his race, not because of any force-aided thing. 
And your estimation of Obi-Wan's age and and the gap between him 
and Anakin is one I agree with.

At 08:30 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Not that it's been explored much as far as I know but I sort of 
got the impression that the centuuries-long life span was a 
characteristic of whatever Yoda's race was. After all at the time 
of his death I don't think Anakin Skywalker was much over fifty, 
in his sixties at most I'd guess. He was nineteen or thereabouts 
at the time of Attack of the Clones and if I'm not mistaken 
Revenge of the Sith took place three years later. And I don't 
think it was much over twenty-five years from Revenge of the Sith 
to Return of the Jedi. Obi-Wan might have been in his seventies or 
eighties since he would have been at least ten years older than 
Anakin. But no, I've never heard anything that suggested that 
human Jedi lived much longer than ordinary folks.
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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Shane Lowe

oh. I havent watched those movies in years.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

No, that's not correct. Anakin jumped to try and attack Obi-Wan and
Obi-Wan chopped off both legs with his light saber while Anakin was
jumping. I can definitely tell you he didn't lose his legs because of
the lava.

On 5/8/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

the lava took off the leggs actually.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-08 Thread Hayden Presley
I'd cite Grizley Gulch as a good example. Recall the ambush when you come
back with Stealin Steve the second time--the game won't let you win that
one. It's just the way the story goes.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Shane Lowe
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:02 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day


- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Peterson
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 That's not the point. If you aren't supposed to win according to the story

 then the game won't let you.
 We are the Knights who say...Ni!
 - Original Message - 
 From: Shane Lowe
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 7:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 yeah. But you want to be able to win all games. It may be hard, but you 
 can still win.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Bryan Peterson
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 NOt if it's written into the story. THen it won't matter what you do. If

 you're not meant to win then you won't.
 We are the Knights who say...Ni!
 - Original Message - 
 From: Shane Lowe
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Well. If this game is created, it will.
 On my part anyway. I love that idea!

 - Original Message - 
 From: Hayden Presley
 To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
 Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Yoda against Palpatine? Hmmm...last time that happened that didn't go 
 well for the Jedi master in question.

 Best Regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: []

 Behalf Of Shane Lowe
 Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:03 PM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 yours is actually better!
 Long as theres the fight against the turned clones.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas Ward
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Hi Shane,

 Uh...Not even close. I managed to find the notes for Jedi Strike on
 one of my backup drives, wonder of wonders, and your description 
 even remotely close. Now, if you want to hear the true plans for the
 project here they are.

 According to my notes I took these down in 2005. So I was right it 
 about six years ago. The game was basically to be a spin-off of the
 recently released Revenge of the Sith movie. The game was scheduled 
 have about 10 levels and you would play the game using various
 characters. For instance, level 1 was suppose to be the starfighter
 battle leading up to the attack on General Grevous's flagship. Level 
 you would take control of Anikin Skywalker and rescue Chanceler
 Palpatine and fight/kill Count Duku. Level 3 you would take command 
 Yoda and lead a strike force to the Wookiee homeworld to battle the
 droids there. Level 4 you would take the roll of Obi-Wan as he leads
 the attack against Grevous on Megeto where you would fight/kill
 Grevous.  Anyway, the final battle would be you playing Yoda vs
 Emperor Palpatine. I can say that your description of the game is
 nothing more or less than a roomer. Sorry to dissapoint you, but Jedi
 Strike was never suppose to be anything like you described.


 On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
 It was like this though.
 The game had 20 to 25 levels.
 In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and 
 half clone trupers.
 Then the last 5 were like this.
 You get to fight general grevis.
 Fight darth mall.
 fight count doku
 fight darth vador
 Fight  darth sidious.
 There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and 

 Thanks and hth,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread burakyuksek

Do you planning to releaseit  in the future times?
saygilar sevgiler.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Uh...Not even close. I managed to find the notes for Jedi Strike on
one of my backup drives, wonder of wonders, and your description isn't
even remotely close. Now, if you want to hear the true plans for the
project here they are.

According to my notes I took these down in 2005. So I was right it was
about six years ago. The game was basically to be a spin-off of the
recently released Revenge of the Sith movie. The game was scheduled to
have about 10 levels and you would play the game using various
characters. For instance, level 1 was suppose to be the starfighter
battle leading up to the attack on General Grevous's flagship. Level 2
you would take control of Anikin Skywalker and rescue Chanceler
Palpatine and fight/kill Count Duku. Level 3 you would take command of
Yoda and lead a strike force to the Wookiee homeworld to battle the
droids there. Level 4 you would take the roll of Obi-Wan as he leads
the attack against Grevous on Megeto where you would fight/kill
Grevous.  Anyway, the final battle would be you playing Yoda vs
Emperor Palpatine. I can say that your description of the game is
nothing more or less than a roomer. Sorry to dissapoint you, but Jedi
Strike was never suppose to be anything like you described.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
It was like this though.
The game had 20 to 25 levels.
In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and the 

half clone trupers.
Then the last 5 were like this.
You get to fight general grevis.
Fight darth mall.
fight count doku
fight darth vador
Fight  darth sidious.
There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and jedi

Thanks and hth,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe

good point.
Could you also put ventrice in the game?

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Well, as a strict Star Wars fan who would like to stick to cannon as
much as possible I most certainly would care. As has been said by the
time Anikin was old enough to fight Duku etc Darth Maul was 10 years
in the grave. The only way to even bring him into a storyline after
that is to use a clone. Unfortunately, cloned super villains are way
too common as it is in Star Wars. We've got the Palpatine clone that
shows up in some of the later books, there was the clone of Thrawn
they were creating in the Hand of Thrawn series, and C'bouth was a
dark side clone of the original C'bouth. As I said cloned super
villains are all too common in Star Wars, and another one would be to
say the least not that interesting I think. Besides that there were
enough Sith active during the clone wars as it was. We have Palpatine,
Duku, Grevous, Ventris, and of course Anikin is turned and becomes
Darth Vader. That's plenty of super villains as it is without bringing
Darth Maul into the picture.

On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

who cares! it would be more fun to include him.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe

Well. If this game is created, it will.
On my part anyway. I love that idea!

- Original Message - 
From: Hayden Presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Yoda against Palpatine? Hmmm...last time that happened that didn't go so
well for the Jedi master in question.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Shane Lowe
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:03 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

yours is actually better!
Long as theres the fight against the turned clones.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Uh...Not even close. I managed to find the notes for Jedi Strike on
one of my backup drives, wonder of wonders, and your description isn't
even remotely close. Now, if you want to hear the true plans for the
project here they are.

According to my notes I took these down in 2005. So I was right it was
about six years ago. The game was basically to be a spin-off of the
recently released Revenge of the Sith movie. The game was scheduled to
have about 10 levels and you would play the game using various
characters. For instance, level 1 was suppose to be the starfighter
battle leading up to the attack on General Grevous's flagship. Level 2
you would take control of Anikin Skywalker and rescue Chanceler
Palpatine and fight/kill Count Duku. Level 3 you would take command of
Yoda and lead a strike force to the Wookiee homeworld to battle the
droids there. Level 4 you would take the roll of Obi-Wan as he leads
the attack against Grevous on Megeto where you would fight/kill
Grevous.  Anyway, the final battle would be you playing Yoda vs
Emperor Palpatine. I can say that your description of the game is
nothing more or less than a roomer. Sorry to dissapoint you, but Jedi
Strike was never suppose to be anything like you described.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
It was like this though.
The game had 20 to 25 levels.
In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and the
half clone trupers.
Then the last 5 were like this.
You get to fight general grevis.
Fight darth mall.
fight count doku
fight darth vador
Fight  darth sidious.
There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and jedi

Thanks and hth,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Bryan Peterson
So the original C'baoth wasn't a Sith? I read the THrawntrilogy bt I don't 
think it mentioned anything about his original.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

good point.
Could you also put ventrice in the game?

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Well, as a strict Star Wars fan who would like to stick to cannon as
much as possible I most certainly would care. As has been said by the
time Anikin was old enough to fight Duku etc Darth Maul was 10 years
in the grave. The only way to even bring him into a storyline after
that is to use a clone. Unfortunately, cloned super villains are way
too common as it is in Star Wars. We've got the Palpatine clone that
shows up in some of the later books, there was the clone of Thrawn
they were creating in the Hand of Thrawn series, and C'bouth was a
dark side clone of the original C'bouth. As I said cloned super
villains are all too common in Star Wars, and another one would be to
say the least not that interesting I think. Besides that there were
enough Sith active during the clone wars as it was. We have Palpatine,
Duku, Grevous, Ventris, and of course Anikin is turned and becomes
Darth Vader. That's plenty of super villains as it is without bringing
Darth Maul into the picture.

On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

who cares! it would be more fun to include him.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Bryan Peterson
NOt if it's written into the story. THen it won't matter what you do. If 
you're not meant to win then you won't.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Well. If this game is created, it will.
On my part anyway. I love that idea!

- Original Message - 
From: Hayden Presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Yoda against Palpatine? Hmmm...last time that happened that didn't go so
well for the Jedi master in question.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Shane Lowe
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:03 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

yours is actually better!
Long as theres the fight against the turned clones.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Uh...Not even close. I managed to find the notes for Jedi Strike on
one of my backup drives, wonder of wonders, and your description isn't
even remotely close. Now, if you want to hear the true plans for the
project here they are.

According to my notes I took these down in 2005. So I was right it was
about six years ago. The game was basically to be a spin-off of the
recently released Revenge of the Sith movie. The game was scheduled to
have about 10 levels and you would play the game using various
characters. For instance, level 1 was suppose to be the starfighter
battle leading up to the attack on General Grevous's flagship. Level 2
you would take control of Anikin Skywalker and rescue Chanceler
Palpatine and fight/kill Count Duku. Level 3 you would take command of
Yoda and lead a strike force to the Wookiee homeworld to battle the
droids there. Level 4 you would take the roll of Obi-Wan as he leads
the attack against Grevous on Megeto where you would fight/kill
Grevous.  Anyway, the final battle would be you playing Yoda vs
Emperor Palpatine. I can say that your description of the game is
nothing more or less than a roomer. Sorry to dissapoint you, but Jedi
Strike was never suppose to be anything like you described.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
It was like this though.
The game had 20 to 25 levels.
In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and the
half clone trupers.
Then the last 5 were like this.
You get to fight general grevis.
Fight darth mall.
fight count doku
fight darth vador
Fight  darth sidious.
There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and jedi

Thanks and hth,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Hayden,

Actually, there are a number of cases where I can think of where dark
lord's of the Sith have done just that. Resurrecting the dead
certainly isn't common in Star Wars, but there are a few cases I can
think of where it has happened in a sense.

For instance, in Star Wars Mysteries of the Sith there are a number of
Sith Zombies on level 12. When Mara Jade enters the Sith temple Sith
zombies will come out of their tombs and try and attack her with
lightning and other force attacks. I can tell you from having played
that level they are really hard to kill. They don't want to die.

Another case I can think of is a number of Jedi Knights and Sith lords
have come back as ghosts. This perhaps isn't resurrecting the dead so
to speak, but we do know that in Star Wars when someone dies their
spirit is able to communicate and interact with the living. Obi-Wan
did it with Luke, Mara Jade's ghost appears in one of the newer Star
Wars books, and so on. Yoda mentioned this ability had something to do
with the Living Force in Revenge of the Sith when Quigon's spirit
appears to Obi-Wan and Yoda. Then, at the end of Return of the Jedi,
during the Ewok celibration on Endore, Obi-Wan, Anikin, and Yoda's
spirits appear next to Luke Skywalker just as the credits start to
scroll. So we can definitely make a case for Force spirits or Force
ghosts if you want to call them that. Just because someone dies in
Star Wars doesn't mean their spirit is completely gone.


On 5/6/11, Hayden Presley wrote:
 And considering I've never heard mention of the Dark side granting the power
 to resurrect the dead...

 Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward

No. The original C'bouth was a Jedi master asigned to the Outbound
Flight Project that Thrawn destroyed. C'bouth was then cloned and
became a Sith. He is briefly mentioned in a couple of the Clone Wars
era books in passing.

On 5/7/11, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 So the original C'baoth wasn't a Sith? I read the THrawntrilogy bt I don't
 think it mentioned anything about his original.
 We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shane,

Like I said nothing is definite. Right now I am working my way through
the Knights of the Old Republic series and there is some great stuff
in there as well. I'm working my way through Star Wars: Knights of the
Old Republic: Deceived and it is a great read. A game based on it
would be pretty cool. The main character, a female Jedi apprentice, is
perfect for a game heroine in my book. The Sith lord in the series
makes Darth Vader, Darth Cidious, etc look like wimps. Lol!

On 5/7/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 Well. If this game is created, it will.
 On my part anyway. I love that idea!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shane,

were I working on a game based in the Clone wars era yes, but since I
have abandoned Jedi Strike, have no intentions of ever writing it,
your answer is no. My Star Wars ideas currently do not involve the
Clone Wars. I'm either looking at something like the Old Republic era,
the Twilight era, or something involving the current books along the
later era. In other words an area of Star Wars history not heavily
documented where I can get creative and use my own imagination as much
as possible.


On 5/7/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 good point.
 Could you also put ventrice in the game?

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Bryan Peterson
All I can say is a disturbing number of clones seem to turn to the dark 

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day


No. The original C'bouth was a Jedi master asigned to the Outbound
Flight Project that Thrawn destroyed. C'bouth was then cloned and
became a Sith. He is briefly mentioned in a couple of the Clone Wars
era books in passing.

On 5/7/11, Bryan Peterson wrote:
So the original C'baoth wasn't a Sith? I read the THrawntrilogy bt I 

think it mentioned anything about his original.
We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward

First, let me remind you I don't know when or if I'll ever release a
Star Wars game. It is very complicated given that there are many
copyrights etc involved. Besides that I am not, and have no plans to,
revive the original Jedi Strike idea I had back in 2005. I was just
starting out with USA Games, had just watched Revenge of the Sith, and
wanted a game based on the movie. I'm no longer personally interested
in the idea of a game based on Revenge of the Sith specifically.

Second, if I do a Star Wars game at all it will most likely be
something fairly original and based in another timeline like the
Knights of the Old Republic era that has nothing to do with the main
characters like Anakin, Obi-Wan, Luke Skywalker, etc. Like the Jedi
Knight series of the 1990's I'd like to create a main character who
isn't a big well known character and who I can write stories around.
It gives me more wiggle room to create new characters, settings,
adventures, not tied to something like the Clone wars that is getting
a bit boring now that we've had three seasons of cartoons, three
movies, and many books on the topic. Diddo for the Imperial era. Its
like everyones been there done that so to speak.


On 5/7/11, burakyuksek wrote:
 Do you planning to releaseit  in the future times?
 saygilar sevgiler.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Bryan,

Well, Thrawn explained that in the Thrawn triligy. He said that many
of the early clones went insane or suffered mental issues because of
the outside influences of the Force on their brains. There are however
clones such as Boba Fett who didn't go insane because Jango raised him
from a baby, and he was allowed to age normally as any other human.
The fact Boba Fett was a bad guy has little to do with being a clone,
but more to do with having been raised by a bounty hunter like Jango
Fett.  The C'bouth and Luke Skywalker clones may have been effected by
being grown quickly and went insane making them open to the dark side
of the Force.

On 5/7/11, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 All I can say is a disturbing number of clones seem to turn to the dark
 We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Hayden,

Yeah, but you knew it had to end that way coming into the movie.
Revenge of the Sith tells the story of how Chanceler Palpatine took
over the Old Republic and turned it into the Empire. In order for that
to happen Yoda had to loose the fight in order to set the stage for
Star Wars  A New Hope. However, I think in a real fight Yoda would
have won. Look how Mace Windu was kicking the crap out of Palpatine
earlier in the movie before Anakin, turned Darth Vader, showed up and
cut Mace Windu in half. If Anakin hadn't showed up Palpatine would
have been finished off right then and there. Yoda was suppose to be
more powerful than Windu, and was the most powerful Jedi in the
galaxy. For him to lose was, well, a bit staged for story elements
rather than reality I think.

On 5/6/11, Hayden Presley wrote:
 Yoda against Palpatine? Hmmm...last time that happened that didn't go so
 well for the Jedi master in question.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Hayden Presley
Hi Thomas,
That is a good point, actually. I never really thought of it in that manner;
although it certainly makes sense.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 11:21 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Hayden,

Yeah, but you knew it had to end that way coming into the movie.
Revenge of the Sith tells the story of how Chanceler Palpatine took
over the Old Republic and turned it into the Empire. In order for that
to happen Yoda had to loose the fight in order to set the stage for
Star Wars  A New Hope. However, I think in a real fight Yoda would
have won. Look how Mace Windu was kicking the crap out of Palpatine
earlier in the movie before Anakin, turned Darth Vader, showed up and
cut Mace Windu in half. If Anakin hadn't showed up Palpatine would
have been finished off right then and there. Yoda was suppose to be
more powerful than Windu, and was the most powerful Jedi in the
galaxy. For him to lose was, well, a bit staged for story elements
rather than reality I think.

On 5/6/11, Hayden Presley wrote:
 Yoda against Palpatine? Hmmm...last time that happened that didn't go so
 well for the Jedi master in question.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Hayden Presley
Well...that's a bit confusing. The way I understood it they were programmed,
as such, to obey the Republic. COnsidering that the empire was the republic,
they had to obey.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:52 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Bryan,

Well, Thrawn explained that in the Thrawn triligy. He said that many
of the early clones went insane or suffered mental issues because of
the outside influences of the Force on their brains. There are however
clones such as Boba Fett who didn't go insane because Jango raised him
from a baby, and he was allowed to age normally as any other human.
The fact Boba Fett was a bad guy has little to do with being a clone,
but more to do with having been raised by a bounty hunter like Jango
Fett.  The C'bouth and Luke Skywalker clones may have been effected by
being grown quickly and went insane making them open to the dark side
of the Force.

On 5/7/11, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 All I can say is a disturbing number of clones seem to turn to the dark
 We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Hayden Presley
Now that's one character I've been curious about. I've been through the main
starwars books (the time of Luke and Anakin Skywalker) and they mention her
several times without really giving a history of her aphiliations to Dooku.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Shane Lowe
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:08 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

good point.
Could you also put ventrice in the game?

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Hi Shane,

 Well, as a strict Star Wars fan who would like to stick to cannon as
 much as possible I most certainly would care. As has been said by the
 time Anikin was old enough to fight Duku etc Darth Maul was 10 years
 in the grave. The only way to even bring him into a storyline after
 that is to use a clone. Unfortunately, cloned super villains are way
 too common as it is in Star Wars. We've got the Palpatine clone that
 shows up in some of the later books, there was the clone of Thrawn
 they were creating in the Hand of Thrawn series, and C'bouth was a
 dark side clone of the original C'bouth. As I said cloned super
 villains are all too common in Star Wars, and another one would be to
 say the least not that interesting I think. Besides that there were
 enough Sith active during the clone wars as it was. We have Palpatine,
 Duku, Grevous, Ventris, and of course Anikin is turned and becomes
 Darth Vader. That's plenty of super villains as it is without bringing
 Darth Maul into the picture.

 On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 who cares! it would be more fun to include him.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou
Actually, the empire and republic are considered two completely 
different entities... because of how the system was run. The clones 
were programmed to obey whoever was in charge of the empire as that 
plan was apparently in place long before the clones were thouht of as 
a military resource. This is shown in Revenge of the Sith when 
Palpatine issues order 66 and the clone commander responds, It 
will be done, my lord. At least to me, this implies that the 
knowledge of who they're working for has already been programmed into 
their subconscious and was waiting for that trigger. Until then they 
were all-too-happy to serve the republic and obey the Jedi, since 
many of the squads have Jedi leading them. For anyone who doesn't 
know about order 66... this was the order to begin the jedi perge. 
All the clone commanders turned on the Jedi who were leading them, 
including Obi Wan... who was the only one who managed to escape from 
them. Well, there are a couple more I can think of, but the empire 
eventually caught up with them.. and the Jedi perge was also 
happening on Coruscant, as Anakin Skywalker, who was by then known as 
Darth Vader, had already turned to the Dark Side and personally 
slaughtered all the Jedi in the Temple.

At 09:39 AM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

Well...that's a bit confusing. The way I understood it they were programmed,
as such, to obey the Republic. COnsidering that the empire was the republic,
they had to obey.

Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou

Hi Tom,

Quite a list of Sith there.. I didn't realize there were that many 
running around that time. And everyone thought they were extinct. 
lol. I have a question though... would you consider Grevous a sith? 
Since you listed him along with Dooku, Ventris and the rest, I'm 
guessing he qualifies. lol.

- Original Message -
From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Hi Shane,

 Well, as a strict Star Wars fan who would like to stick to cannon as
 much as possible I most certainly would care. As has been said by the
 time Anikin was old enough to fight Duku etc Darth Maul was 10 years
 in the grave. The only way to even bring him into a storyline after
 that is to use a clone. Unfortunately, cloned super villains are way
 too common as it is in Star Wars. We've got the Palpatine clone that
 shows up in some of the later books, there was the clone of Thrawn
 they were creating in the Hand of Thrawn series, and C'bouth was a
 dark side clone of the original C'bouth. As I said cloned super
 villains are all too common in Star Wars, and another one would be to
 say the least not that interesting I think. Besides that there were
 enough Sith active during the clone wars as it was. We have Palpatine,
 Duku, Grevous, Ventris, and of course Anikin is turned and becomes
 Darth Vader. That's plenty of super villains as it is without bringing
 Darth Maul into the picture.

 On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 who cares! it would be more fun to include him.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Clement,

Well, yes and no. Grevous is a cyborg, and has very little control of
the Force. So he's not a true Sith in that sense of the word. However,
he is able to use light sabers with a stunning degree of accuracy and
has held his own against full blown Jedi Knights like Obi-Wan, Mace
Windu, and Anakin on the cartoons and in the books. So he sort of
qualifies even though he doesn't use the Force.

Asaaj Ventris on the other hand is a true Sith. I think she's
classified as a Sith Assassin, but is Count Dooku's apprentice. She is
a master of duel saber combat, and also has held her own against many
Jedi Masters. She even gave Yoda a good battle a time or two. So
Ventris definitely isn't anyone to take llightly.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
 Hi Tom,

 Quite a list of Sith there.. I didn't realize there were that many
 running around that time. And everyone thought they were extinct.
 lol. I have a question though... would you consider Grevous a sith?
 Since you listed him along with Dooku, Ventris and the rest, I'm
 guessing he qualifies. lol.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou
My only real question was Grevous... Ventris I kind of guessed would 
fit into that category. lol. But I guess with how well he knows his 
swordplay... he definitely qualify. And it could be argued though 
that he doesn't have the force, the combat programming he has is 
enough to match the force as you're right, he did give a lot of jedi 
a hard time. Though I personally think that comes down to one 
lightsaber against four. grins.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Actually, not all the clones and clone commanders followed Order 66.
Read Dark Lord: the Rise of Darth Vader. According to that book while
most of the clones turned on their Jedi commanders many had become
loyal to their Jedi commanders and refused to turn. That allowed a
handful such as Olee Starstone to escape alive and go into hiding. Of
course, Darth Vader then hunted them down and killed many of them the
point I'm making is that according to the books not all the clones
were totally loyal to Palpatine. Although, most of them were..

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
 Actually, the empire and republic are considered two completely
 different entities... because of how the system was run. The clones
 were programmed to obey whoever was in charge of the empire as that
 plan was apparently in place long before the clones were thouht of as
 a military resource. This is shown in Revenge of the Sith when
 Palpatine issues order 66 and the clone commander responds, It
 will be done, my lord. At least to me, this implies that the
 knowledge of who they're working for has already been programmed into
 their subconscious and was waiting for that trigger. Until then they
 were all-too-happy to serve the republic and obey the Jedi, since
 many of the squads have Jedi leading them. For anyone who doesn't
 know about order 66... this was the order to begin the jedi perge.
 All the clone commanders turned on the Jedi who were leading them,
 including Obi Wan... who was the only one who managed to escape from
 them. Well, there are a couple more I can think of, but the empire
 eventually caught up with them.. and the Jedi perge was also
 happening on Coruscant, as Anakin Skywalker, who was by then known as
 Darth Vader, had already turned to the Dark Side and personally
 slaughtered all the Jedi in the Temple.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou
This is true. I did know that happened, as I've read Dark Lord... 
which was an amazing book by the way. But at the same time I think 
that was a bit of a minority event as I haven't come across anyone 
else who was in the same situation. Shrine and Starstone just 
happened to get lucky if you ask me. Though it was a good piece of 
luck and let them start quite a bit of trouble before they were 
found. lol. But it was nice to see a bunch of clones who had 
apparently overcome that particular problem.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Hayden,

Smile. Watch the Star Wars Clone Wars cartoons on Cartoon Network.
Ventris is often on their as one of the villains.

Now, as for reading material she is in several books. She's in Dark
Rendezvous, the Sestus Deception, , and a couple of others I can think
of. She's basically Count Dooku's apprentice. She's sent out to
perform assassinations or any other kind of dark underhanded plots
Dooku needs taken care of but doesn't want to get involved with


On 5/7/11, Hayden Presley wrote:
 Now that's one character I've been curious about. I've been through the main
 starwars books (the time of Luke and Anakin Skywalker) and they mention her
 several times without really giving a history of her aphiliations to Dooku.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Clement,

Could be. Have you read the Jedi Twilight saga that follows Dark Lord?

The reason I ask is while the clones not following Order 66 does seem
like an isolated event other Jedis managed to escape the slaughter,
and cause a lot of trouble before Darth Vader hunted them down and
finished them off. Unfortunately, for them none of them were in Darth
Vader's class, and Anakin had always been usually strong and powerful
in the Force. No one until Luke Skywalker came along was able to stand
up to him, and give him a good fight. Although, in A New Hope Obi-Wan
let Vader kill him which doesn't really count as we know Obi-Wan could
have beaten Vader if he wanted too.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
 This is true. I did know that happened, as I've read Dark Lord...
 which was an amazing book by the way. But at the same time I think
 that was a bit of a minority event as I haven't come across anyone
 else who was in the same situation. Shrine and Starstone just
 happened to get lucky if you ask me. Though it was a good piece of
 luck and let them start quite a bit of trouble before they were
 found. lol. But it was nice to see a bunch of clones who had
 apparently overcome that particular problem.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou
I haven't read that series yet... but thanks for the recommendation. 
Will definitely check it out. And I'm not surprised noone could come 
close to matching Vader... though Obi-Wan beating him would've been 
something to see in episode 4.

At 10:55 AM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

Hi Clement,

Could be. Have you read the Jedi Twilight saga that follows Dark Lord?

The reason I ask is while the clones not following Order 66 does seem
like an isolated event other Jedis managed to escape the slaughter,
and cause a lot of trouble before Darth Vader hunted them down and
finished them off. Unfortunately, for them none of them were in Darth
Vader's class, and Anakin had always been usually strong and powerful
in the Force. No one until Luke Skywalker came along was able to stand
up to him, and give him a good fight. Although, in A New Hope Obi-Wan
let Vader kill him which doesn't really count as we know Obi-Wan could
have beaten Vader if he wanted too.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
 This is true. I did know that happened, as I've read Dark Lord...
 which was an amazing book by the way. But at the same time I think
 that was a bit of a minority event as I haven't come across anyone
 else who was in the same situation. Shrine and Starstone just
 happened to get lucky if you ask me. Though it was a good piece of
 luck and let them start quite a bit of trouble before they were
 found. lol. But it was nice to see a bunch of clones who had
 apparently overcome that particular problem.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
HI Hayden,

No, that's not correct.

First, the Empire and the Republic aren't the same thing. The
Republic, in this case the Old Republic, was a republic of planets
governed by a senate and a chancellor for several thousand years. They
were protected by the Jedi Knights who were peace officers and what we
might think of as galactic police. In Attack of the Clones Chancellor
Palpatine convinced the senate to give him absolute power so he could
direct the war with the Separatests, which he secretly commanded as
Darth Cidious, so he could take over the Republic. By the time the war
was over instead of returning power to the senate Palpatine declared
himself emperor and since the clones were directly under his soul
command he held all of the military might and power to govern the
galaxy. After Palpatine became emperor the Imperial senate was only
there to manage day to day government, but they could not inact laws
without Palpatine's personal approval. However, like all other hostile
take overs the Empire was a military dictatorship. So the governments
of the Republic and Empire were totally different.

Second, the clones were genetically designed to obey the chancellor,
in this case Palpatine, and were loyal to him personally rather than
any specific government. Since the clones were loyal to Chancellor
Palpatine personally rather than the Republic Senate, the Jedi
Knights, etc he was able to direct the military in whiping out the
Jedi with Order 66 and take soul control of the Republic forming the
Empire. It was a military take over/dictatorship. Palpatine was just
very clever how he went about it.


On 5/7/11, Hayden Presley wrote:
 Well...that's a bit confusing. The way I understood it they were programmed,
 as such, to obey the Republic. COnsidering that the empire was the republic,
 they had to obey.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Hayden Presley
Yeah, I know. Funny how he managed to do it once but couldn't twice. I can
only assume he had some kind of tutalidge from Palpatine.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Clement Chou
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:59 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

I haven't read that series yet... but thanks for the recommendation. 
Will definitely check it out. And I'm not surprised noone could come 
close to matching Vader... though Obi-Wan beating him would've been 
something to see in episode 4.

At 10:55 AM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Hi Clement,

Could be. Have you read the Jedi Twilight saga that follows Dark Lord?

The reason I ask is while the clones not following Order 66 does seem
like an isolated event other Jedis managed to escape the slaughter,
and cause a lot of trouble before Darth Vader hunted them down and
finished them off. Unfortunately, for them none of them were in Darth
Vader's class, and Anakin had always been usually strong and powerful
in the Force. No one until Luke Skywalker came along was able to stand
up to him, and give him a good fight. Although, in A New Hope Obi-Wan
let Vader kill him which doesn't really count as we know Obi-Wan could
have beaten Vader if he wanted too.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
  This is true. I did know that happened, as I've read Dark Lord...
  which was an amazing book by the way. But at the same time I think
  that was a bit of a minority event as I haven't come across anyone
  else who was in the same situation. Shrine and Starstone just
  happened to get lucky if you ask me. Though it was a good piece of
  luck and let them start quite a bit of trouble before they were
  found. lol. But it was nice to see a bunch of clones who had
  apparently overcome that particular problem.
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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Hayden Presley
Hi Thomas,
Thanks. With all the reading material and cartoons/movies I must confess
things get daunting quickly.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:49 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Hayden,

Smile. Watch the Star Wars Clone Wars cartoons on Cartoon Network.
Ventris is often on their as one of the villains.

Now, as for reading material she is in several books. She's in Dark
Rendezvous, the Sestus Deception, , and a couple of others I can think
of. She's basically Count Dooku's apprentice. She's sent out to
perform assassinations or any other kind of dark underhanded plots
Dooku needs taken care of but doesn't want to get involved with


On 5/7/11, Hayden Presley wrote:
 Now that's one character I've been curious about. I've been through the
 starwars books (the time of Luke and Anakin Skywalker) and they mention
 several times without really giving a history of her aphiliations to

 Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Hayden Presley
Don't forget that we was reupted to have the same speed as Jedi reflexes
with his...replacement arms.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Clement Chou
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:36 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

My only real question was Grevous... Ventris I kind of guessed would 
fit into that category. lol. But I guess with how well he knows his 
swordplay... he definitely qualify. And it could be argued though 
that he doesn't have the force, the combat programming he has is 
enough to match the force as you're right, he did give a lot of jedi 
a hard time. Though I personally think that comes down to one 
lightsaber against four. grins.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou
The reason he let himself get cut down wasn't because Vader 
outsmarted him or had more teaching from palpatine. He let himself 
get cut down so as to distract Vader and give Luke the time to run 
off in the Falcon. But he knew he wasn't really going to die... so he 
let it happen.

At 04:21 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

Yeah, I know. Funny how he managed to do it once but couldn't twice. I can
only assume he had some kind of tutalidge from Palpatine.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Clement Chou
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:59 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

I haven't read that series yet... but thanks for the recommendation.
Will definitely check it out. And I'm not surprised noone could come
close to matching Vader... though Obi-Wan beating him would've been
something to see in episode 4.

At 10:55 AM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Hi Clement,

Could be. Have you read the Jedi Twilight saga that follows Dark Lord?

The reason I ask is while the clones not following Order 66 does seem
like an isolated event other Jedis managed to escape the slaughter,
and cause a lot of trouble before Darth Vader hunted them down and
finished them off. Unfortunately, for them none of them were in Darth
Vader's class, and Anakin had always been usually strong and powerful
in the Force. No one until Luke Skywalker came along was able to stand
up to him, and give him a good fight. Although, in A New Hope Obi-Wan
let Vader kill him which doesn't really count as we know Obi-Wan could
have beaten Vader if he wanted too.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
  This is true. I did know that happened, as I've read Dark Lord...
  which was an amazing book by the way. But at the same time I think
  that was a bit of a minority event as I haven't come across anyone
  else who was in the same situation. Shrine and Starstone just
  happened to get lucky if you ask me. Though it was a good piece of
  luck and let them start quite a bit of trouble before they were
  found. lol. But it was nice to see a bunch of clones who had
  apparently overcome that particular problem.
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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Hayden Presley
I should've clarified...the point I was trying to make was that the republic
was transformed into the empire.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Clement Chou
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 11:50 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Actually, the empire and republic are considered two completely 
different entities... because of how the system was run. The clones 
were programmed to obey whoever was in charge of the empire as that 
plan was apparently in place long before the clones were thouht of as 
a military resource. This is shown in Revenge of the Sith when 
Palpatine issues order 66 and the clone commander responds, It 
will be done, my lord. At least to me, this implies that the 
knowledge of who they're working for has already been programmed into 
their subconscious and was waiting for that trigger. Until then they 
were all-too-happy to serve the republic and obey the Jedi, since 
many of the squads have Jedi leading them. For anyone who doesn't 
know about order 66... this was the order to begin the jedi perge. 
All the clone commanders turned on the Jedi who were leading them, 
including Obi Wan... who was the only one who managed to escape from 
them. Well, there are a couple more I can think of, but the empire 
eventually caught up with them.. and the Jedi perge was also 
happening on Coruscant, as Anakin Skywalker, who was by then known as 
Darth Vader, had already turned to the Dark Side and personally 
slaughtered all the Jedi in the Temple.

At 09:39 AM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Well...that's a bit confusing. The way I understood it they were
as such, to obey the Republic. COnsidering that the empire was the
they had to obey.

Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Hayden Presley
Hi, has been awhile since i've read thato ne hasn't it? I need to pull
them out again.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Clement Chou
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 6:29 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

The reason he let himself get cut down wasn't because Vader 
outsmarted him or had more teaching from palpatine. He let himself 
get cut down so as to distract Vader and give Luke the time to run 
off in the Falcon. But he knew he wasn't really going to die... so he 
let it happen.

At 04:21 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Yeah, I know. Funny how he managed to do it once but couldn't twice. I can
only assume he had some kind of tutalidge from Palpatine.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Clement Chou
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:59 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

I haven't read that series yet... but thanks for the recommendation.
Will definitely check it out. And I'm not surprised noone could come
close to matching Vader... though Obi-Wan beating him would've been
something to see in episode 4.

At 10:55 AM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
 Hi Clement,
 Could be. Have you read the Jedi Twilight saga that follows Dark Lord?
 The reason I ask is while the clones not following Order 66 does seem
 like an isolated event other Jedis managed to escape the slaughter,
 and cause a lot of trouble before Darth Vader hunted them down and
 finished them off. Unfortunately, for them none of them were in Darth
 Vader's class, and Anakin had always been usually strong and powerful
 in the Force. No one until Luke Skywalker came along was able to stand
 up to him, and give him a good fight. Although, in A New Hope Obi-Wan
 let Vader kill him which doesn't really count as we know Obi-Wan could
 have beaten Vader if he wanted too.
 On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
   This is true. I did know that happened, as I've read Dark Lord...
   which was an amazing book by the way. But at the same time I think
   that was a bit of a minority event as I haven't come across anyone
   else who was in the same situation. Shrine and Starstone just
   happened to get lucky if you ask me. Though it was a good piece of
   luck and let them start quite a bit of trouble before they were
   found. lol. But it was nice to see a bunch of clones who had
   apparently overcome that particular problem.
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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou
I'm not so sure it was reflexes that he had. It was simply that he 
moved so fast that most Jedi had to play defensive until they found a 
whole... that, and the amount of jedi he killed gave him a catelogue 
of styles to choose from, so he knew how Jedi fought and defended 
various moves. But he was nowhere as fast as a jedi... whose reflexes 
almost border on anticipation rather than reacting to a situation.

At 04:25 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

Don't forget that we was reupted to have the same speed as Jedi reflexes
with his...replacement arms.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Clement Chou
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:36 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

My only real question was Grevous... Ventris I kind of guessed would
fit into that category. lol. But I guess with how well he knows his
swordplay... he definitely qualify. And it could be argued though
that he doesn't have the force, the combat programming he has is
enough to match the force as you're right, he did give a lot of jedi
a hard time. Though I personally think that comes down to one
lightsaber against four. grins.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward

Maybe. Its more likely that Obi-Wan was just to old to fight as
effectively as he did in Revenge of the Sith. Remember 19 years had
passed between Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars A New Hope. Obi-Wan
looked to be in his 60's or 70's by the time he met Vader again, and
he was probably physically weaker and slower than Vader, or he chose
to let himself get killed for reason x. Plus by the time A New Hope
had come along Anakin had fully become Darth Vader and probably had
learned a lot more about the dark side of the force than he did 19
years previously.

If you ask me the reason Luke Skywalker managed to fight and
eventually defeat Vader had nothing to do with skills or powers, but
Vader's emotional weakness. Say what you will about Darth Vader he
had really and truly loved Padme. That made him unable to kill his
only son, and his daughter as well. That emotional bond, although
distant, was enough to make him hold back and not fight as effectively
as he perhaps could have.

As it turns out in Return of the Jedi when Palpatine is trying to kill
Luke it was Darth Vader who grabs Palpatine by the throat and tosses
him into the reactor core. Apparently Vader's love for his son was
greater than the dark side and any loyalty he had to Palpatine.

It is apparent as early as Empire Strikes Back that Anakin, Darth
Vader, secretly hated Palpatine. In Revenge of the Sith, of course, we
find out why. Palpatine told Anakin if he turned to the dark side that
he'd insure Padme didn't die, but of course she does die and Anakin
goes into emotional melt down. Finding out that he had two children
who were alive and well went a long way to bring Anakin back from the
dark side and why he turned on Palpatine and threw him head long into
the Deathstar's reactor core.


On 5/7/11, Hayden Presley wrote:
 Yeah, I know. Funny how he managed to do it once but couldn't twice. I can
 only assume he had some kind of tutalidge from Palpatine.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Clement,

Right. Grevous's reflexes were better than average, but nowhere near a
Jedi's. In one of the Star Wars books I remember Count Dooku actually
commenting as much. Dooku told Grevous that if he ever had the
misfortune of fighting Mace Windu or even Yoda he wouldn't last a
minute. Of course, Obi-Wan ended up fighting him at the Battle of
Megeto and cyborg arms and machine reflexes wasn't enough to take on a
fully skilled Jedi Master, and Grevous ended up at the end of
Obi-Wan's light saber.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
 I'm not so sure it was reflexes that he had. It was simply that he
 moved so fast that most Jedi had to play defensive until they found a
 whole... that, and the amount of jedi he killed gave him a catelogue
 of styles to choose from, so he knew how Jedi fought and defended
 various moves. But he was nowhere as fast as a jedi... whose reflexes
 almost border on anticipation rather than reacting to a situation.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou
Pretty good analysis there. grins. I never thought of the Padme 
angle, but you're right... it was pretty obvious that Vader wasn't at 
his best when fighting Luke. And the fact that he tore himself out of 
the dark side to save his son isn't very easy to miss. lol. There was 
a touch in the radio drama of Return of the Jedi that I liked, not 
sure if you've listened to it. At the end of the whole thing when 
Palpatine is blasting Luke with lightning, Vader leaps up and cries, 
My Son! Palpatine then commands Vader to put him down, to which 
Vader replies, I will. Down the core shaft... down to your death! 
Palpatine than says, Vader! I am your master! And the last thing 
Vader says before throwing him down the shaft is, Darth Vader's 
master. But not Anakin Skywalkers! I would've liked to see that in 
the movie... and as to Obi-Wan being old, if later episodes count 
Jedi as old as himself can fight just as well as when they are at 
their peak. Luke fought through the entirity of the last battle 
against the Vong in New Jedi Order at probably 40 something... and 
almost kills Jason in Legacy of the Force, a man who is probably 20 
years younger than him... the same age gap, I think, as between 
Obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker / Vader.

At 04:55 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:


Maybe. Its more likely that Obi-Wan was just to old to fight as
effectively as he did in Revenge of the Sith. Remember 19 years had
passed between Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars A New Hope. Obi-Wan
looked to be in his 60's or 70's by the time he met Vader again, and
he was probably physically weaker and slower than Vader, or he chose
to let himself get killed for reason x. Plus by the time A New Hope
had come along Anakin had fully become Darth Vader and probably had
learned a lot more about the dark side of the force than he did 19
years previously.

If you ask me the reason Luke Skywalker managed to fight and
eventually defeat Vader had nothing to do with skills or powers, but
Vader's emotional weakness. Say what you will about Darth Vader he
had really and truly loved Padme. That made him unable to kill his
only son, and his daughter as well. That emotional bond, although
distant, was enough to make him hold back and not fight as effectively
as he perhaps could have.

As it turns out in Return of the Jedi when Palpatine is trying to kill
Luke it was Darth Vader who grabs Palpatine by the throat and tosses
him into the reactor core. Apparently Vader's love for his son was
greater than the dark side and any loyalty he had to Palpatine.

It is apparent as early as Empire Strikes Back that Anakin, Darth
Vader, secretly hated Palpatine. In Revenge of the Sith, of course, we
find out why. Palpatine told Anakin if he turned to the dark side that
he'd insure Padme didn't die, but of course she does die and Anakin
goes into emotional melt down. Finding out that he had two children
who were alive and well went a long way to bring Anakin back from the
dark side and why he turned on Palpatine and threw him head long into
the Deathstar's reactor core.


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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Hayden,

Oh, I know. Especially, if you toss the comicbooks and games into the picture.

For example, at the end of the Hand of Thrawn series Luke asks Mara to
marry him, and she says yes. However, if you want the actual story
when, where, and how they got married that is in the Star Wars
comicbooks. In the issue the Unity I think. Right after that comes the
New Jedi Order which naturally has Luke and Mara married, and Mara
pregnant with Ben Skywalker. So the Star Wars cannon is all over the
place and in multiple sources and media including comics, books,
games, movies, etc which does get to be confusing if you miss

For instance, I'm working my way through the Knights of the Old
Republic series. Well, besides the books part of the history is
contained in the Knights of the Old Republic video games which isn't
fair to us since we can't play or enjoy the video game history.
Personally, I wish they didn't always include game history as actual
cannon as it makes the books harder to follow if you have a certain
comicbook that leads into a series or a video game that accompanies
the series that we can't play. You will be reading something and ask
yourself, when did this happen? Only to find out from the website that the author is making reference to comicbook
issue x from series x and so on.


On 5/7/11, Hayden Presley wrote:
 Hi Thomas,
 Thanks. With all the reading material and cartoons/movies I must confess
 things get daunting quickly.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Clement,

Yeah, I've listened to the radio dramas. Not just the original A New
Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi but the Dark Forces
and Jedi Knight radio series as well. You are right though the ending
of the ROTJ radio version is pretty cool. Too bad it wasn't in the

Anyway, you've got a point about the age thing. Luke was 40 or 50's
when the war with the Vong broke out and at least in his 50's when the
Legacy series takes place. He definitely could have mopped the floor
with Jason if he wanted too. Let's not forget Mara, who was in her
early 50's as well, gave Jason one heck of a battle too. She probably
could have won, but I think she wasn't fully committed to the idea
this was a fight to the death and didn't want to really kill Jason but
turn him back to the light. Big mistake for her since she ended up
getting killed instead. In any case the authors decided to go for full
drama by having Jaina, his twin sister, finish him off instead of
Luke, Mara, or any of the Jedi masters from the New Jedi Order. One
wonders what a battle between Kip and Jason would have been like.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
 Pretty good analysis there. grins. I never thought of the Padme
 angle, but you're right... it was pretty obvious that Vader wasn't at
 his best when fighting Luke. And the fact that he tore himself out of
 the dark side to save his son isn't very easy to miss. lol. There was
 a touch in the radio drama of Return of the Jedi that I liked, not
 sure if you've listened to it. At the end of the whole thing when
 Palpatine is blasting Luke with lightning, Vader leaps up and cries,
 My Son! Palpatine then commands Vader to put him down, to which
 Vader replies, I will. Down the core shaft... down to your death!
 Palpatine than says, Vader! I am your master! And the last thing
 Vader says before throwing him down the shaft is, Darth Vader's
 master. But not Anakin Skywalkers! I would've liked to see that in
 the movie... and as to Obi-Wan being old, if later episodes count
 Jedi as old as himself can fight just as well as when they are at
 their peak. Luke fought through the entirity of the last battle
 against the Vong in New Jedi Order at probably 40 something... and
 almost kills Jason in Legacy of the Force, a man who is probably 20
 years younger than him... the same age gap, I think, as between
 Obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker / Vader.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe
yeah. But you want to be able to win all games. It may be hard, but you can 
still win.

- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

NOt if it's written into the story. THen it won't matter what you do. If 
you're not meant to win then you won't.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Well. If this game is created, it will.
On my part anyway. I love that idea!

- Original Message - 
From: Hayden Presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Yoda against Palpatine? Hmmm...last time that happened that didn't go so
well for the Jedi master in question.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] 

Behalf Of Shane Lowe
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:03 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

yours is actually better!
Long as theres the fight against the turned clones.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Uh...Not even close. I managed to find the notes for Jedi Strike on
one of my backup drives, wonder of wonders, and your description isn't
even remotely close. Now, if you want to hear the true plans for the
project here they are.

According to my notes I took these down in 2005. So I was right it was
about six years ago. The game was basically to be a spin-off of the
recently released Revenge of the Sith movie. The game was scheduled to
have about 10 levels and you would play the game using various
characters. For instance, level 1 was suppose to be the starfighter
battle leading up to the attack on General Grevous's flagship. Level 2
you would take control of Anikin Skywalker and rescue Chanceler
Palpatine and fight/kill Count Duku. Level 3 you would take command of
Yoda and lead a strike force to the Wookiee homeworld to battle the
droids there. Level 4 you would take the roll of Obi-Wan as he leads
the attack against Grevous on Megeto where you would fight/kill
Grevous.  Anyway, the final battle would be you playing Yoda vs
Emperor Palpatine. I can say that your description of the game is
nothing more or less than a roomer. Sorry to dissapoint you, but Jedi
Strike was never suppose to be anything like you described.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
It was like this though.
The game had 20 to 25 levels.
In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and the
half clone trupers.
Then the last 5 were like this.
You get to fight general grevis.
Fight darth mall.
fight count doku
fight darth vador
Fight  darth sidious.
There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and jedi

Thanks and hth,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe

How about a series of star wars games?

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Like I said nothing is definite. Right now I am working my way through
the Knights of the Old Republic series and there is some great stuff
in there as well. I'm working my way through Star Wars: Knights of the
Old Republic: Deceived and it is a great read. A game based on it
would be pretty cool. The main character, a female Jedi apprentice, is
perfect for a game heroine in my book. The Sith lord in the series
makes Darth Vader, Darth Cidious, etc look like wimps. Lol!

On 5/7/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

Well. If this game is created, it will.
On my part anyway. I love that idea!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe

That guy can be the final boss then.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Like I said nothing is definite. Right now I am working my way through
the Knights of the Old Republic series and there is some great stuff
in there as well. I'm working my way through Star Wars: Knights of the
Old Republic: Deceived and it is a great read. A game based on it
would be pretty cool. The main character, a female Jedi apprentice, is
perfect for a game heroine in my book. The Sith lord in the series
makes Darth Vader, Darth Cidious, etc look like wimps. Lol!

On 5/7/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

Well. If this game is created, it will.
On my part anyway. I love that idea!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe

oh okay. sad. Well theres still a chance of a star wars game!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

were I working on a game based in the Clone wars era yes, but since I
have abandoned Jedi Strike, have no intentions of ever writing it,
your answer is no. My Star Wars ideas currently do not involve the
Clone Wars. I'm either looking at something like the Old Republic era,
the Twilight era, or something involving the current books along the
later era. In other words an area of Star Wars history not heavily
documented where I can get creative and use my own imagination as much
as possible.


On 5/7/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

good point.
Could you also put ventrice in the game?

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe

Who's the ultra hard one. The one that makes darth imperor look like a wimp?

- Original Message - 
From: Clement Chou

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Tom,

Quite a list of Sith there.. I didn't realize there were that many running 
around that time. And everyone thought they were extinct. lol. I have a 
question though... would you consider Grevous a sith? Since you listed him 
along with Dooku, Ventris and the rest, I'm guessing he qualifies. lol.

- Original Message -
From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

 Hi Shane,

 Well, as a strict Star Wars fan who would like to stick to cannon as
 much as possible I most certainly would care. As has been said by the
 time Anikin was old enough to fight Duku etc Darth Maul was 10 years
 in the grave. The only way to even bring him into a storyline after
 that is to use a clone. Unfortunately, cloned super villains are way
 too common as it is in Star Wars. We've got the Palpatine clone that
 shows up in some of the later books, there was the clone of Thrawn
 they were creating in the Hand of Thrawn series, and C'bouth was a
 dark side clone of the original C'bouth. As I said cloned super
 villains are all too common in Star Wars, and another one would be to
 say the least not that interesting I think. Besides that there were
 enough Sith active during the clone wars as it was. We have Palpatine,
 Duku, Grevous, Ventris, and of course Anikin is turned and becomes
 Darth Vader. That's plenty of super villains as it is without bringing
 Darth Maul into the picture.

 On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 who cares! it would be more fun to include him.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe

It goes with the story.
Luke was the ultra good guy that time.

- Original Message - 
From: Hayden Presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Yeah, I know. Funny how he managed to do it once but couldn't twice. I can
only assume he had some kind of tutalidge from Palpatine.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Clement Chou
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:59 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

I haven't read that series yet... but thanks for the recommendation.
Will definitely check it out. And I'm not surprised noone could come
close to matching Vader... though Obi-Wan beating him would've been
something to see in episode 4.

At 10:55 AM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

Hi Clement,

Could be. Have you read the Jedi Twilight saga that follows Dark Lord?

The reason I ask is while the clones not following Order 66 does seem
like an isolated event other Jedis managed to escape the slaughter,
and cause a lot of trouble before Darth Vader hunted them down and
finished them off. Unfortunately, for them none of them were in Darth
Vader's class, and Anakin had always been usually strong and powerful
in the Force. No one until Luke Skywalker came along was able to stand
up to him, and give him a good fight. Although, in A New Hope Obi-Wan
let Vader kill him which doesn't really count as we know Obi-Wan could
have beaten Vader if he wanted too.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:
 This is true. I did know that happened, as I've read Dark Lord...
 which was an amazing book by the way. But at the same time I think
 that was a bit of a minority event as I haven't come across anyone
 else who was in the same situation. Shrine and Starstone just
 happened to get lucky if you ask me. Though it was a good piece of
 luck and let them start quite a bit of trouble before they were
 found. lol. But it was nice to see a bunch of clones who had
 apparently overcome that particular problem.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe

I heard that radio drama.
I loved it!

- Original Message - 
From: Clement Chou

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Pretty good analysis there. grins. I never thought of the Padme angle, but 
you're right... it was pretty obvious that Vader wasn't at his best when 
fighting Luke. And the fact that he tore himself out of the dark side to 
save his son isn't very easy to miss. lol. There was a touch in the radio 
drama of Return of the Jedi that I liked, not sure if you've listened to 
it. At the end of the whole thing when Palpatine is blasting Luke with 
lightning, Vader leaps up and cries, My Son! Palpatine then commands 
Vader to put him down, to which Vader replies, I will. Down the core 
shaft... down to your death! Palpatine than says, Vader! I am your 
master! And the last thing Vader says before throwing him down the shaft 
is, Darth Vader's master. But not Anakin Skywalkers! I would've liked to 
see that in the movie... and as to Obi-Wan being old, if later episodes 
count Jedi as old as himself can fight just as well as when they are at 
their peak. Luke fought through the entirity of the last battle against 
the Vong in New Jedi Order at probably 40 something... and almost kills 
Jason in Legacy of the Force, a man who is probably 20 years younger than 
him... the same age gap, I think, as between Obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker 
/ Vader.

At 04:55 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:


Maybe. Its more likely that Obi-Wan was just to old to fight as
effectively as he did in Revenge of the Sith. Remember 19 years had
passed between Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars A New Hope. Obi-Wan
looked to be in his 60's or 70's by the time he met Vader again, and
he was probably physically weaker and slower than Vader, or he chose
to let himself get killed for reason x. Plus by the time A New Hope
had come along Anakin had fully become Darth Vader and probably had
learned a lot more about the dark side of the force than he did 19
years previously.

If you ask me the reason Luke Skywalker managed to fight and
eventually defeat Vader had nothing to do with skills or powers, but
Vader's emotional weakness. Say what you will about Darth Vader he
had really and truly loved Padme. That made him unable to kill his
only son, and his daughter as well. That emotional bond, although
distant, was enough to make him hold back and not fight as effectively
as he perhaps could have.

As it turns out in Return of the Jedi when Palpatine is trying to kill
Luke it was Darth Vader who grabs Palpatine by the throat and tosses
him into the reactor core. Apparently Vader's love for his son was
greater than the dark side and any loyalty he had to Palpatine.

It is apparent as early as Empire Strikes Back that Anakin, Darth
Vader, secretly hated Palpatine. In Revenge of the Sith, of course, we
find out why. Palpatine told Anakin if he turned to the dark side that
he'd insure Padme didn't die, but of course she does die and Anakin
goes into emotional melt down. Finding out that he had two children
who were alive and well went a long way to bring Anakin back from the
dark side and why he turned on Palpatine and threw him head long into
the Deathstar's reactor core.


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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe

When did Luke die again?

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Clement,

Yeah, I've listened to the radio dramas. Not just the original A New
Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi but the Dark Forces
and Jedi Knight radio series as well. You are right though the ending
of the ROTJ radio version is pretty cool. Too bad it wasn't in the

Anyway, you've got a point about the age thing. Luke was 40 or 50's
when the war with the Vong broke out and at least in his 50's when the
Legacy series takes place. He definitely could have mopped the floor
with Jason if he wanted too. Let's not forget Mara, who was in her
early 50's as well, gave Jason one heck of a battle too. She probably
could have won, but I think she wasn't fully committed to the idea
this was a fight to the death and didn't want to really kill Jason but
turn him back to the light. Big mistake for her since she ended up
getting killed instead. In any case the authors decided to go for full
drama by having Jaina, his twin sister, finish him off instead of
Luke, Mara, or any of the Jedi masters from the New Jedi Order. One
wonders what a battle between Kip and Jason would have been like.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:

Pretty good analysis there. grins. I never thought of the Padme
angle, but you're right... it was pretty obvious that Vader wasn't at
his best when fighting Luke. And the fact that he tore himself out of
the dark side to save his son isn't very easy to miss. lol. There was
a touch in the radio drama of Return of the Jedi that I liked, not
sure if you've listened to it. At the end of the whole thing when
Palpatine is blasting Luke with lightning, Vader leaps up and cries,
My Son! Palpatine then commands Vader to put him down, to which
Vader replies, I will. Down the core shaft... down to your death!
Palpatine than says, Vader! I am your master! And the last thing
Vader says before throwing him down the shaft is, Darth Vader's
master. But not Anakin Skywalkers! I would've liked to see that in
the movie... and as to Obi-Wan being old, if later episodes count
Jedi as old as himself can fight just as well as when they are at
their peak. Luke fought through the entirity of the last battle
against the Vong in New Jedi Order at probably 40 something... and
almost kills Jason in Legacy of the Force, a man who is probably 20
years younger than him... the same age gap, I think, as between
Obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker / Vader.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Bryan Peterson
That's not the point. If you aren't supposed to win according to the story 
then the game won't let you.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

yeah. But you want to be able to win all games. It may be hard, but you 
can still win.

- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

NOt if it's written into the story. THen it won't matter what you do. If 
you're not meant to win then you won't.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Well. If this game is created, it will.
On my part anyway. I love that idea!

- Original Message - 
From: Hayden Presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Yoda against Palpatine? Hmmm...last time that happened that didn't go 

well for the Jedi master in question.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] 

Behalf Of Shane Lowe
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:03 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

yours is actually better!
Long as theres the fight against the turned clones.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Uh...Not even close. I managed to find the notes for Jedi Strike on
one of my backup drives, wonder of wonders, and your description isn't
even remotely close. Now, if you want to hear the true plans for the
project here they are.

According to my notes I took these down in 2005. So I was right it was
about six years ago. The game was basically to be a spin-off of the
recently released Revenge of the Sith movie. The game was scheduled to
have about 10 levels and you would play the game using various
characters. For instance, level 1 was suppose to be the starfighter
battle leading up to the attack on General Grevous's flagship. Level 2
you would take control of Anikin Skywalker and rescue Chanceler
Palpatine and fight/kill Count Duku. Level 3 you would take command of
Yoda and lead a strike force to the Wookiee homeworld to battle the
droids there. Level 4 you would take the roll of Obi-Wan as he leads
the attack against Grevous on Megeto where you would fight/kill
Grevous.  Anyway, the final battle would be you playing Yoda vs
Emperor Palpatine. I can say that your description of the game is
nothing more or less than a roomer. Sorry to dissapoint you, but Jedi
Strike was never suppose to be anything like you described.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
It was like this though.
The game had 20 to 25 levels.
In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and the
half clone trupers.
Then the last 5 were like this.
You get to fight general grevis.
Fight darth mall.
fight count doku
fight darth vador
Fight  darth sidious.
There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and jedi

Thanks and hth,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou
Uh... Luke hasn't died yet. I don't know what you're talking about... 
he's come close, but he hasn't actually died.

At 07:01 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

When did Luke die again?

- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Clement,

Yeah, I've listened to the radio dramas. Not just the original A New
Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi but the Dark Forces
and Jedi Knight radio series as well. You are right though the ending
of the ROTJ radio version is pretty cool. Too bad it wasn't in the

Anyway, you've got a point about the age thing. Luke was 40 or 50's
when the war with the Vong broke out and at least in his 50's when the
Legacy series takes place. He definitely could have mopped the floor
with Jason if he wanted too. Let's not forget Mara, who was in her
early 50's as well, gave Jason one heck of a battle too. She probably
could have won, but I think she wasn't fully committed to the idea
this was a fight to the death and didn't want to really kill Jason but
turn him back to the light. Big mistake for her since she ended up
getting killed instead. In any case the authors decided to go for full
drama by having Jaina, his twin sister, finish him off instead of
Luke, Mara, or any of the Jedi masters from the New Jedi Order. One
wonders what a battle between Kip and Jason would have been like.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:

Pretty good analysis there. grins. I never thought of the Padme
angle, but you're right... it was pretty obvious that Vader wasn't at
his best when fighting Luke. And the fact that he tore himself out of
the dark side to save his son isn't very easy to miss. lol. There was
a touch in the radio drama of Return of the Jedi that I liked, not
sure if you've listened to it. At the end of the whole thing when
Palpatine is blasting Luke with lightning, Vader leaps up and cries,
My Son! Palpatine then commands Vader to put him down, to which
Vader replies, I will. Down the core shaft... down to your death!
Palpatine than says, Vader! I am your master! And the last thing
Vader says before throwing him down the shaft is, Darth Vader's
master. But not Anakin Skywalkers! I would've liked to see that in
the movie... and as to Obi-Wan being old, if later episodes count
Jedi as old as himself can fight just as well as when they are at
their peak. Luke fought through the entirity of the last battle
against the Vong in New Jedi Order at probably 40 something... and
almost kills Jason in Legacy of the Force, a man who is probably 20
years younger than him... the same age gap, I think, as between
Obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker / Vader.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe


- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

That's not the point. If you aren't supposed to win according to the story 
then the game won't let you.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

yeah. But you want to be able to win all games. It may be hard, but you 
can still win.

- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

NOt if it's written into the story. THen it won't matter what you do. If 
you're not meant to win then you won't.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Well. If this game is created, it will.
On my part anyway. I love that idea!

- Original Message - 
From: Hayden Presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Yoda against Palpatine? Hmmm...last time that happened that didn't go 

well for the Jedi master in question.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] 

Behalf Of Shane Lowe
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:03 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

yours is actually better!
Long as theres the fight against the turned clones.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Uh...Not even close. I managed to find the notes for Jedi Strike on
one of my backup drives, wonder of wonders, and your description 

even remotely close. Now, if you want to hear the true plans for the
project here they are.

According to my notes I took these down in 2005. So I was right it 

about six years ago. The game was basically to be a spin-off of the
recently released Revenge of the Sith movie. The game was scheduled 

have about 10 levels and you would play the game using various
characters. For instance, level 1 was suppose to be the starfighter
battle leading up to the attack on General Grevous's flagship. Level 

you would take control of Anikin Skywalker and rescue Chanceler
Palpatine and fight/kill Count Duku. Level 3 you would take command 

Yoda and lead a strike force to the Wookiee homeworld to battle the
droids there. Level 4 you would take the roll of Obi-Wan as he leads
the attack against Grevous on Megeto where you would fight/kill
Grevous.  Anyway, the final battle would be you playing Yoda vs
Emperor Palpatine. I can say that your description of the game is
nothing more or less than a roomer. Sorry to dissapoint you, but Jedi
Strike was never suppose to be anything like you described.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
It was like this though.
The game had 20 to 25 levels.
In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and 

half clone trupers.
Then the last 5 were like this.
You get to fight general grevis.
Fight darth mall.
fight count doku
fight darth vador
Fight  darth sidious.
There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and 


Thanks and hth,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Shane Lowe

oh. I thaught he died.

- Original Message - 
From: Clement Chou

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Uh... Luke hasn't died yet. I don't know what you're talking about... he's 
come close, but he hasn't actually died.

At 07:01 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

When did Luke die again?

- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Clement,

Yeah, I've listened to the radio dramas. Not just the original A New
Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi but the Dark Forces
and Jedi Knight radio series as well. You are right though the ending
of the ROTJ radio version is pretty cool. Too bad it wasn't in the

Anyway, you've got a point about the age thing. Luke was 40 or 50's
when the war with the Vong broke out and at least in his 50's when the
Legacy series takes place. He definitely could have mopped the floor
with Jason if he wanted too. Let's not forget Mara, who was in her
early 50's as well, gave Jason one heck of a battle too. She probably
could have won, but I think she wasn't fully committed to the idea
this was a fight to the death and didn't want to really kill Jason but
turn him back to the light. Big mistake for her since she ended up
getting killed instead. In any case the authors decided to go for full
drama by having Jaina, his twin sister, finish him off instead of
Luke, Mara, or any of the Jedi masters from the New Jedi Order. One
wonders what a battle between Kip and Jason would have been like.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:

Pretty good analysis there. grins. I never thought of the Padme
angle, but you're right... it was pretty obvious that Vader wasn't at
his best when fighting Luke. And the fact that he tore himself out of
the dark side to save his son isn't very easy to miss. lol. There was
a touch in the radio drama of Return of the Jedi that I liked, not
sure if you've listened to it. At the end of the whole thing when
Palpatine is blasting Luke with lightning, Vader leaps up and cries,
My Son! Palpatine then commands Vader to put him down, to which
Vader replies, I will. Down the core shaft... down to your death!
Palpatine than says, Vader! I am your master! And the last thing
Vader says before throwing him down the shaft is, Darth Vader's
master. But not Anakin Skywalkers! I would've liked to see that in
the movie... and as to Obi-Wan being old, if later episodes count
Jedi as old as himself can fight just as well as when they are at
their peak. Luke fought through the entirity of the last battle
against the Vong in New Jedi Order at probably 40 something... and
almost kills Jason in Legacy of the Force, a man who is probably 20
years younger than him... the same age gap, I think, as between
Obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker / Vader.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Bryan Peterson
Well I seem to recall that it's hinted that he does die since apparently in 
acommic or something set some centuries in the future he does appear to a 
troubled Jedi in Force Ghost form, but as far as I know that's the only hint 
we have so far as to what his fate might have been.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

oh. I thaught he died.

- Original Message - 
From: Clement Chou

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Uh... Luke hasn't died yet. I don't know what you're talking about... 
he's come close, but he hasn't actually died.

At 07:01 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

When did Luke die again?

- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Clement,

Yeah, I've listened to the radio dramas. Not just the original A New
Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi but the Dark Forces
and Jedi Knight radio series as well. You are right though the ending
of the ROTJ radio version is pretty cool. Too bad it wasn't in the

Anyway, you've got a point about the age thing. Luke was 40 or 50's
when the war with the Vong broke out and at least in his 50's when the
Legacy series takes place. He definitely could have mopped the floor
with Jason if he wanted too. Let's not forget Mara, who was in her
early 50's as well, gave Jason one heck of a battle too. She probably
could have won, but I think she wasn't fully committed to the idea
this was a fight to the death and didn't want to really kill Jason but
turn him back to the light. Big mistake for her since she ended up
getting killed instead. In any case the authors decided to go for full
drama by having Jaina, his twin sister, finish him off instead of
Luke, Mara, or any of the Jedi masters from the New Jedi Order. One
wonders what a battle between Kip and Jason would have been like.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:

Pretty good analysis there. grins. I never thought of the Padme
angle, but you're right... it was pretty obvious that Vader wasn't at
his best when fighting Luke. And the fact that he tore himself out of
the dark side to save his son isn't very easy to miss. lol. There was
a touch in the radio drama of Return of the Jedi that I liked, not
sure if you've listened to it. At the end of the whole thing when
Palpatine is blasting Luke with lightning, Vader leaps up and cries,
My Son! Palpatine then commands Vader to put him down, to which
Vader replies, I will. Down the core shaft... down to your death!
Palpatine than says, Vader! I am your master! And the last thing
Vader says before throwing him down the shaft is, Darth Vader's
master. But not Anakin Skywalkers! I would've liked to see that in
the movie... and as to Obi-Wan being old, if later episodes count
Jedi as old as himself can fight just as well as when they are at
their peak. Luke fought through the entirity of the last battle
against the Vong in New Jedi Order at probably 40 something... and
almost kills Jason in Legacy of the Force, a man who is probably 20
years younger than him... the same age gap, I think, as between
Obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker / Vader.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou

Now I'm curious... where in the heck did you get that impression?

At 08:02 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

oh. I thaught he died.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou
If it's the comic I think you're talking about, it's based hundreds 
of years into the future where Luke's descendants have been around 
for quite a while. And I don't think Luke is going to live for as 
long as Yoda did.

At 08:08 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Well I seem to recall that it's hinted that he does die since 
apparently in acommic or something set some centuries in the future 
he does appear to a troubled Jedi in Force Ghost form, but as far as 
I know that's the only hint we have so far as to what his fate might have been.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - From: Shane Lowe
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

oh. I thaught he died.

- Original Message - From: Clement Chou
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Uh... Luke hasn't died yet. I don't know what you're talking 
about... he's come close, but he hasn't actually died.

At 07:01 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

When did Luke die again?

- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Clement,

Yeah, I've listened to the radio dramas. Not just the original A New
Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi but the Dark Forces
and Jedi Knight radio series as well. You are right though the ending
of the ROTJ radio version is pretty cool. Too bad it wasn't in the

Anyway, you've got a point about the age thing. Luke was 40 or 50's
when the war with the Vong broke out and at least in his 50's when the
Legacy series takes place. He definitely could have mopped the floor
with Jason if he wanted too. Let's not forget Mara, who was in her
early 50's as well, gave Jason one heck of a battle too. She probably
could have won, but I think she wasn't fully committed to the idea
this was a fight to the death and didn't want to really kill Jason but
turn him back to the light. Big mistake for her since she ended up
getting killed instead. In any case the authors decided to go for full
drama by having Jaina, his twin sister, finish him off instead of
Luke, Mara, or any of the Jedi masters from the New Jedi Order. One
wonders what a battle between Kip and Jason would have been like.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:

Pretty good analysis there. grins. I never thought of the Padme
angle, but you're right... it was pretty obvious that Vader wasn't at
his best when fighting Luke. And the fact that he tore himself out of
the dark side to save his son isn't very easy to miss. lol. There was
a touch in the radio drama of Return of the Jedi that I liked, not
sure if you've listened to it. At the end of the whole thing when
Palpatine is blasting Luke with lightning, Vader leaps up and cries,
My Son! Palpatine then commands Vader to put him down, to which
Vader replies, I will. Down the core shaft... down to your death!
Palpatine than says, Vader! I am your master! And the last thing
Vader says before throwing him down the shaft is, Darth Vader's
master. But not Anakin Skywalkers! I would've liked to see that in
the movie... and as to Obi-Wan being old, if later episodes count
Jedi as old as himself can fight just as well as when they are at
their peak. Luke fought through the entirity of the last battle
against the Vong in New Jedi Order at probably 40 something... and
almost kills Jason in Legacy of the Force, a man who is probably 20
years younger than him... the same age gap, I think, as between
Obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker / Vader.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Bryan Peterson
Not that it's been explored much as far as I know but I sort of got the 
impression that the centuuries-long life span was a characteristic of 
whatever Yoda's race was. After all at the time of his death I don't think 
Anakin Skywalker was much over fifty, in his sixties at most I'd guess. He 
was nineteen or thereabouts at the time of Attack of the Clones and if I'm 
not mistaken Revenge of the Sith took place three years later. And I don't 
think it was much over twenty-five years from Revenge of the Sith to Return 
of the Jedi. Obi-Wan might have been in his seventies or eighties since he 
would have been at least ten years older than Anakin. But no, I've never 
heard anything that suggested that human Jedi lived much longer than 
ordinary folks.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Clement Chou

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

If it's the comic I think you're talking about, it's based hundreds of 
years into the future where Luke's descendants have been around for quite 
a while. And I don't think Luke is going to live for as long as Yoda did.

At 08:08 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Well I seem to recall that it's hinted that he does die since apparently 
in acommic or something set some centuries in the future he does appear to 
a troubled Jedi in Force Ghost form, but as far as I know that's the only 
hint we have so far as to what his fate might have been.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - From: Shane Lowe
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

oh. I thaught he died.

- Original Message - From: Clement Chou

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Uh... Luke hasn't died yet. I don't know what you're talking about... 
he's come close, but he hasn't actually died.

At 07:01 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:

When did Luke die again?

- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Clement,

Yeah, I've listened to the radio dramas. Not just the original A New
Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi but the Dark Forces
and Jedi Knight radio series as well. You are right though the ending
of the ROTJ radio version is pretty cool. Too bad it wasn't in the

Anyway, you've got a point about the age thing. Luke was 40 or 50's
when the war with the Vong broke out and at least in his 50's when the
Legacy series takes place. He definitely could have mopped the floor
with Jason if he wanted too. Let's not forget Mara, who was in her
early 50's as well, gave Jason one heck of a battle too. She probably
could have won, but I think she wasn't fully committed to the idea
this was a fight to the death and didn't want to really kill Jason but
turn him back to the light. Big mistake for her since she ended up
getting killed instead. In any case the authors decided to go for full
drama by having Jaina, his twin sister, finish him off instead of
Luke, Mara, or any of the Jedi masters from the New Jedi Order. One
wonders what a battle between Kip and Jason would have been like.

On 5/7/11, Clement Chou wrote:

Pretty good analysis there. grins. I never thought of the Padme
angle, but you're right... it was pretty obvious that Vader wasn't at
his best when fighting Luke. And the fact that he tore himself out of
the dark side to save his son isn't very easy to miss. lol. There was
a touch in the radio drama of Return of the Jedi that I liked, not
sure if you've listened to it. At the end of the whole thing when
Palpatine is blasting Luke with lightning, Vader leaps up and cries,
My Son! Palpatine then commands Vader to put him down, to which
Vader replies, I will. Down the core shaft... down to your death!
Palpatine than says, Vader! I am your master! And the last thing
Vader says before throwing him down the shaft is, Darth Vader's
master. But not Anakin Skywalkers! I would've liked to see that in
the movie... and as to Obi-Wan being old, if later episodes count
Jedi as old as himself can fight just as well as when they are at
their peak. Luke fought through the entirity of the last battle
against the Vong in New Jedi Order at probably 40 something... and
almost kills Jason in Legacy of the Force, a man who is probably 20
years younger than him... the same age gap, I think, as between
Obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker / Vader.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou
Exactly what I'm thinking. If yoda lived for 1000 years it's probably 
because of his race, not because of any force-aided thing. And your 
estimation of Obi-Wan's age and and the gap between him and Anakin is 
one I agree with.

At 08:30 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Not that it's been explored much as far as I know but I sort of got 
the impression that the centuuries-long life span was a 
characteristic of whatever Yoda's race was. After all at the time of 
his death I don't think Anakin Skywalker was much over fifty, in his 
sixties at most I'd guess. He was nineteen or thereabouts at the 
time of Attack of the Clones and if I'm not mistaken Revenge of the 
Sith took place three years later. And I don't think it was much 
over twenty-five years from Revenge of the Sith to Return of the 
Jedi. Obi-Wan might have been in his seventies or eighties since he 
would have been at least ten years older than Anakin. But no, I've 
never heard anything that suggested that human Jedi lived much 
longer than ordinary folks.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Bryan Peterson
I've even heard speculation that Yoda was human at one time, but then you'd 
have to explain how he turned into whatever he was. If I'm not mistaken 
shapeshifting isn't an ability any race in the Star Wars universe realy 

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Clement Chou

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Exactly what I'm thinking. If yoda lived for 1000 years it's probably 
because of his race, not because of any force-aided thing. And your 
estimation of Obi-Wan's age and and the gap between him and Anakin is one 
I agree with.

At 08:30 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Not that it's been explored much as far as I know but I sort of got the 
impression that the centuuries-long life span was a characteristic of 
whatever Yoda's race was. After all at the time of his death I don't think 
Anakin Skywalker was much over fifty, in his sixties at most I'd guess. He 
was nineteen or thereabouts at the time of Attack of the Clones and if I'm 
not mistaken Revenge of the Sith took place three years later. And I don't 
think it was much over twenty-five years from Revenge of the Sith to 
Return of the Jedi. Obi-Wan might have been in his seventies or eighties 
since he would have been at least ten years older than Anakin. But no, 
I've never heard anything that suggested that human Jedi lived much longer 
than ordinary folks.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Clement Chou
Only one race comes to mind... the assassin from Attack of the Clones 
who was sent to kill Padme. A claudite or whatever the name was.

At 08:47 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
I've even heard speculation that Yoda was human at one time, but 
then you'd have to explain how he turned into whatever he was. If 
I'm not mistaken shapeshifting isn't an ability any race in the Star 
Wars universe realy possesses.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - From: Clement Chou
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Exactly what I'm thinking. If yoda lived for 1000 years it's 
probably because of his race, not because of any force-aided thing. 
And your estimation of Obi-Wan's age and and the gap between him 
and Anakin is one I agree with.

At 08:30 PM 07/05/2011, you wrote:
Not that it's been explored much as far as I know but I sort of 
got the impression that the centuuries-long life span was a 
characteristic of whatever Yoda's race was. After all at the time 
of his death I don't think Anakin Skywalker was much over fifty, 
in his sixties at most I'd guess. He was nineteen or thereabouts 
at the time of Attack of the Clones and if I'm not mistaken 
Revenge of the Sith took place three years later. And I don't 
think it was much over twenty-five years from Revenge of the Sith 
to Return of the Jedi. Obi-Wan might have been in his seventies or 
eighties since he would have been at least ten years older than 
Anakin. But no, I've never heard anything that suggested that 
human Jedi lived much longer than ordinary folks.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-07 Thread Alfredo_The_Music_maker
Um, it is almost four days since this topic has been launched and it is 
still going on, I can vaguely remember last year if Star wars Day came 
in 2010, for I do not remember seeing something like that, maybe I did 
not notice, for I have been subscribed since late March.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shane,

Well, is wrong. Yes, come to think of it, I had
origionally came up with a Star Wars idea bback in 2004, maybe 2005, I
guess was called Jedi Strike but abandoned it before doing anything
with the idea. To be honest I completely forgot about it until you
braught it up. So let's just say is not exactly the
most reliable source for things as their database is extremely out of
date apparently.

As for what I'm working on, unofficially, I'm thinking about creating
a retro-remake of Star Wars Mysteries of the Sith. Essentially, in the
game Mara's trainer, Kile Katern, goes missing and Mara has to find
out what happened to him. As it turns out Kile has turned to the dark
side, and now considers himself the new Lord of the Sith. It is your
job as Mara Jade to try and turn him or destroy him. It was a video
game I always liked, and have thought about making an accessible
version of from time to time. That said, this is unofficial as I don't
want to go on record as working on said game in case I change my mind
and work on something else.

Another possible Star Wars idea I have involves the days following
Order 66. In particular its a follow up to Dark Lord: the Rise of
Darth Vader. At the end of the book the main character, Olee
Starstone, helps rescue a number of Wookiees and untrained Jedi
apprentices escape capture from the Empire. I thought it would be sort
of cool using a character like Olee Starstone as there isn't a lot
written about her character, and I could base a game on how she
becomes a member of the early resistance against the Empire and
continues her Jedi training etc. Since Olee is only a Jedi apprentice
I could add some RPG type elements to the game where you gain
experience points and train certain powers or skills as you go along
which would come in handy when she eventually does meet up with Darth
Vader and Emperor Palpatine in the game.


On 5/5/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 Which ones are you working on?
 Because on audio theres a game by you in develipment called star
 wars jedi strike.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Hayden,

Correct. I was hoping to do remakes of Jedi Knight and Jedi Knight II:
Mysteries of the Sith, but they are rather complex games to create. I
may still do them, but I've got other ideas as well. Perhaps one using
Olee Starstone who was the main character in the Rise of Darth Vader
or perhaps someone from the NJO like Jaina Solo. There is a lot of
games I could create, but haven't actually decided on anything
specific in particular yet.

On 5/5/11, Hayden Presley wrote:
 That's not Thomas'. He was going to work on Mysteries of the Sith but I'm
 not sure if those are his current plan.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Shane Lowe
hmm. I'm kind of fond of the old idea. But these sound quite good! We need 
some star wars games!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Well, is wrong. Yes, come to think of it, I had
origionally came up with a Star Wars idea bback in 2004, maybe 2005, I
guess was called Jedi Strike but abandoned it before doing anything
with the idea. To be honest I completely forgot about it until you
braught it up. So let's just say is not exactly the
most reliable source for things as their database is extremely out of
date apparently.

As for what I'm working on, unofficially, I'm thinking about creating
a retro-remake of Star Wars Mysteries of the Sith. Essentially, in the
game Mara's trainer, Kile Katern, goes missing and Mara has to find
out what happened to him. As it turns out Kile has turned to the dark
side, and now considers himself the new Lord of the Sith. It is your
job as Mara Jade to try and turn him or destroy him. It was a video
game I always liked, and have thought about making an accessible
version of from time to time. That said, this is unofficial as I don't
want to go on record as working on said game in case I change my mind
and work on something else.

Another possible Star Wars idea I have involves the days following
Order 66. In particular its a follow up to Dark Lord: the Rise of
Darth Vader. At the end of the book the main character, Olee
Starstone, helps rescue a number of Wookiees and untrained Jedi
apprentices escape capture from the Empire. I thought it would be sort
of cool using a character like Olee Starstone as there isn't a lot
written about her character, and I could base a game on how she
becomes a member of the early resistance against the Empire and
continues her Jedi training etc. Since Olee is only a Jedi apprentice
I could add some RPG type elements to the game where you gain
experience points and train certain powers or skills as you go along
which would come in handy when she eventually does meet up with Darth
Vader and Emperor Palpatine in the game.


On 5/5/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

Which ones are you working on?
Because on audio theres a game by you in develipment called 

wars jedi strike.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shane,

Remind me what was the old idea? I frankly don't even remember what my
original idea was about. As I said the info on is
something like six years old or more. It predates me taking over
Montezuma's Revenge and Raceway which is one reason I nver got to any
Star Wars games. Plus Lucas Licensing has never given me the green
light either.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 hmm. I'm kind of fond of the old idea. But these sound quite good! We need
 some star wars games!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Shane Lowe

Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
It was like this though.
The game had 20 to 25 levels.
In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and the second 
half clone trupers.

Then the last 5 were like this.
You get to fight general grevis.
Fight darth mall.
fight count doku
fight darth vador
Fight  darth sidious.
There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and jedi 

Thanks and hth,

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Remind me what was the old idea? I frankly don't even remember what my
original idea was about. As I said the info on is
something like six years old or more. It predates me taking over
Montezuma's Revenge and Raceway which is one reason I nver got to any
Star Wars games. Plus Lucas Licensing has never given me the green
light either.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
hmm. I'm kind of fond of the old idea. But these sound quite good! We 

some star wars games!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Bryan Peterson
Actually it was Dooku, General Grievous, Darth Vader and finally Palpatine. 
Darth Maul would have been more than ten years in the grave by that time.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
It was like this though.
The game had 20 to 25 levels.
In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and the 
second half clone trupers.

Then the last 5 were like this.
You get to fight general grevis.
Fight darth mall.
fight count doku
fight darth vador
Fight  darth sidious.
There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and jedi 

Thanks and hth,

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Remind me what was the old idea? I frankly don't even remember what my
original idea was about. As I said the info on is
something like six years old or more. It predates me taking over
Montezuma's Revenge and Raceway which is one reason I nver got to any
Star Wars games. Plus Lucas Licensing has never given me the green
light either.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
hmm. I'm kind of fond of the old idea. But these sound quite good! We 

some star wars games!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Phil Vlasak

Games We'd like to play
Here is the deleted Audio Games page on the proposed game.
Star Wars Jedi Strike
genre: Action Games
developer: USA Games
platform: Windows
release: none
features: sound
last edit by: Richard

Star Wars Jedi Strike is an upcoming game by USA Games. Here's a description 
from the website:

Welcome gamers to a galaxy long long ago and far far away. Take up your 
light saber and a med kit and save the Old Republic from the evil 
Separatests. Your Jedi skills are tested in six action packed missions when 
you must face off against: Dark Jedi, various types of battle droids, an 
evil army of Clones, and take the ultimet test of skills against Emperor 
Palpatine himself.

This new high action game takes place during the Clone Wars just before the 
fall of the Old Republic. You are sent by Yoda and the Jedi High Council to 
locate and defeat four lords of the Sith: Darth Vader, General Grievous, 
Count Dooku, and Emperor Palpatine. However, before you can face off with 
these Sith lords you must fight through an army of battle droids, enemy 
Clones, and gain the skills required to face off with the great lords of the 


Three skill levels: learner, knight, and master.
Original Star wars effects.
Realistic 3D audio.
Original story and music from Revenge Of the Sith.
Built in speech.
Uses Microsoft DirectX 9.0C and the .net framework.
Jedi Strike is coming along very quickly. It is uncertain when a demo will 
be made ready for download. However, USA Games has created a fantastic audio 
trailor of mission 1, which you can listen through this link. In the audio 
trailor you will be able to hear the player aboard a trade Federation 
Cruiser. Count Dooku, leader of the Separatests, first tries to destroy the 
player by sending an army of battle droids. After the droids are destroyed 
the player will battle Count Dooku to the death. Despite lightning attacks 
and a furious saber battle the player wins the conflict and rescues the 
Supreme Chancellor.

Whether or not this game will be officially acknowledged by LucasArts, it 
sounds like a promising experience!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Shane Lowe

who cares! it would be more fun to include him.

- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Actually it was Dooku, General Grievous, Darth Vader and finally 
Palpatine. Darth Maul would have been more than ten years in the grave by 
that time.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
It was like this though.
The game had 20 to 25 levels.
In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and the 
second half clone trupers.

Then the last 5 were like this.
You get to fight general grevis.
Fight darth mall.
fight count doku
fight darth vador
Fight  darth sidious.
There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and jedi 

Thanks and hth,

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Remind me what was the old idea? I frankly don't even remember what my
original idea was about. As I said the info on is
something like six years old or more. It predates me taking over
Montezuma's Revenge and Raceway which is one reason I nver got to any
Star Wars games. Plus Lucas Licensing has never given me the green
light either.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
hmm. I'm kind of fond of the old idea. But these sound quite good! We 

some star wars games!

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shane,

Uh...Not even close. I managed to find the notes for Jedi Strike on
one of my backup drives, wonder of wonders, and your description isn't
even remotely close. Now, if you want to hear the true plans for the
project here they are.

According to my notes I took these down in 2005. So I was right it was
about six years ago. The game was basically to be a spin-off of the
recently released Revenge of the Sith movie. The game was scheduled to
have about 10 levels and you would play the game using various
characters. For instance, level 1 was suppose to be the starfighter
battle leading up to the attack on General Grevous's flagship. Level 2
you would take control of Anikin Skywalker and rescue Chanceler
Palpatine and fight/kill Count Duku. Level 3 you would take command of
Yoda and lead a strike force to the Wookiee homeworld to battle the
droids there. Level 4 you would take the roll of Obi-Wan as he leads
the attack against Grevous on Megeto where you would fight/kill
Grevous.  Anyway, the final battle would be you playing Yoda vs
Emperor Palpatine. I can say that your description of the game is
nothing more or less than a roomer. Sorry to dissapoint you, but Jedi
Strike was never suppose to be anything like you described.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
 It was like this though.
 The game had 20 to 25 levels.
 In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and the second
 half clone trupers.
 Then the last 5 were like this.
 You get to fight general grevis.
 Fight darth mall.
 fight count doku
 fight darth vador
 Fight  darth sidious.
 There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and jedi

 Thanks and hth,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Shane Lowe

yours is actually better!
Long as theres the fight against the turned clones.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

Hi Shane,

Uh...Not even close. I managed to find the notes for Jedi Strike on
one of my backup drives, wonder of wonders, and your description isn't
even remotely close. Now, if you want to hear the true plans for the
project here they are.

According to my notes I took these down in 2005. So I was right it was
about six years ago. The game was basically to be a spin-off of the
recently released Revenge of the Sith movie. The game was scheduled to
have about 10 levels and you would play the game using various
characters. For instance, level 1 was suppose to be the starfighter
battle leading up to the attack on General Grevous's flagship. Level 2
you would take control of Anikin Skywalker and rescue Chanceler
Palpatine and fight/kill Count Duku. Level 3 you would take command of
Yoda and lead a strike force to the Wookiee homeworld to battle the
droids there. Level 4 you would take the roll of Obi-Wan as he leads
the attack against Grevous on Megeto where you would fight/kill
Grevous.  Anyway, the final battle would be you playing Yoda vs
Emperor Palpatine. I can say that your description of the game is
nothing more or less than a roomer. Sorry to dissapoint you, but Jedi
Strike was never suppose to be anything like you described.


On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:

Unfortunitly, Dark took down the discription.
It was like this though.
The game had 20 to 25 levels.
In the first 20, you would fight the first ten battle droids, and the 

half clone trupers.
Then the last 5 were like this.
You get to fight general grevis.
Fight darth mall.
fight count doku
fight darth vador
Fight  darth sidious.
There were also 3 difficulties. Jedi apprentice, jedi night, and jedi

Thanks and hth,

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shane,

Well, as a strict Star Wars fan who would like to stick to cannon as
much as possible I most certainly would care. As has been said by the
time Anikin was old enough to fight Duku etc Darth Maul was 10 years
in the grave. The only way to even bring him into a storyline after
that is to use a clone. Unfortunately, cloned super villains are way
too common as it is in Star Wars. We've got the Palpatine clone that
shows up in some of the later books, there was the clone of Thrawn
they were creating in the Hand of Thrawn series, and C'bouth was a
dark side clone of the original C'bouth. As I said cloned super
villains are all too common in Star Wars, and another one would be to
say the least not that interesting I think. Besides that there were
enough Sith active during the clone wars as it was. We have Palpatine,
Duku, Grevous, Ventris, and of course Anikin is turned and becomes
Darth Vader. That's plenty of super villains as it is without bringing
Darth Maul into the picture.

On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 who cares! it would be more fun to include him.

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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Star Wars Day

2011-05-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shane,

As I said I have no plans currently to write Jedi Strike, and had
totally forgotten about it until you braught it up. I will say though
the one project I am thinking about featuring Jedi apprentice, Olee
Starstone, would definitely have plenty of battles with turned clones.
As I said the game would take place during the Jedi Twilight series
where the Jedi Knights are all but whiped out, and a few have banded
together to battle the empire. You would have to carry out various
missions to stop construction of the Deathstar, and eventually end up
battlingVader and Palpatine. However, as I've been busy with MOTA that
is only a rough outline and have no real story drafted for the game.

On 5/6/11, Shane Lowe wrote:
 yours is actually better!
 Long as theres the fight against the turned clones.

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