g_b Sundae

2010-07-04 Thread asfan

Why is football played for 45 minutes in each half, not 30 minutes or
1 hour?

Even the sports scientist and some of the senior players could not
give the right answer.

In that confusing situation one person came up with a reasonable and
brilliant answer.
He said..."The reason people play this game for 45 minutes is...
There are 2 teams and there are 11 players in each team.
Each player brings his own "2 balls"
So in total there are 44 balls.
There is one ball on the ground itself. Thus the grand total is 45

Sometimes there is extra time of 2 mins which is because of the
referee's balls!

g_b Sundae

2011-01-16 Thread asfan

A wife went in to see a therapist and said, 'I've got a big problem, doctor. 
Every time we're in bed and my husband climaxes, he lets out this 
ear splitting yell.'
'My dear,' the  shrink said, 'that's completely natural. I don't see
 what the problem is.'

'The problem is,' she complained, 'it wakes me up!' 

Tired of a listless sex life, the man came right out and asked his wife
 during a recent lovemaking session, 'How come you never tell me 
when you have an orgasm?'

She glanced at him and replied, 'You're never home!' 

g_b Sundae

2011-01-30 Thread asfan
A bus filled with politicians was driving through the countryside one day, on 
the campaign trail.
 The bus driver, caught up in the beautiful scenery,loses control and crashes 
into the ditch. A farmer
 living nearby hears the horrible crash and rushes out to discover the 
wreckage. Finding the politicians, 
he buries them.

The next day, the police come to the farm to question the man. "So you buried 
all the politicians?"
 asked the police officer. "Were they all dead?"

The farmer answered, "Some said they weren't, but you know how politicians lie."

g_b Sundae

2011-05-08 Thread asfan

Forgot my glasses  

Yesterday my daughter asked why I didn't do something useful with my time.  She 
suggested I go down to the senior centre and hang out with the guys.
I did this and when I got home last night I told her that I had joined a 
parachute club. 
She said "Are you nuts?  You're almost 70 years old and you're going to start 
jumping out of airplanes?" 

I proudly showed her that I even got a membership card. 
She said to me, "You idiot, where are your glasses! This is a membership to 
a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club!" 

I'm in trouble again and don't know what to do!  I signed up for five jumps a 

Life as a senior citizen is not getting any easier

g_b sundae

2011-07-20 Thread asfan

A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the
mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is
idling smoothly.

She says, 'What's the story?'

He replies, 'Just crap in the carburetor'

She asks, 'How often do I have to do that?'

g_b Sundae

2011-10-15 Thread asfan
1. I get stuck with a piece of meat between the buns. When I get old I get 
limp. You're never 
satisfied with a little head. What am I?
2. All day long, it's in and out. I discharge loads from my shaft. Both men and 
go down on me. What am I?
3. Over 1,000 went down on me. I wasn't a maiden for long. A big hard thing 
ripped me open. 
What am I? 
4. Why did The Lord give women nipples?
5. What's the difference between Clint Eastwood and anal sex? 

2. An Elevator
3. The Titanic 
4. To make suckers out of men
5. One will make your day, and the other will make your hole weak

g_b Sundae

2011-10-22 Thread asfan
>Roger Is In The Hospital . . . Who in the hell is Roger?
>Well Roger is the bloke who gets home late one night and 
>June, his wife, says "Where the hell have you been?"
>Roger replies "I was out getting a tattoo!"
>"A tattoo"? She frowned. "What kind of tattoo did you get?"
>"I got a hundred dollar bill on my privates" he said proudly.
>"What the hell were you thinking"? She said, shaking her head in disgust. "Why 
>on earth 
>would a Chartered Accountant get a hundred dollar bill tattooed on his 
>"Well, one, I like to watch my money grow. Two, once in a while I like to play 
>with my money. 
>Three, I like how money feels in my hand. And, lastly, instead of you going 
>out shopping, 
>you can stay right here at home and blow a hundred bucks anytime you want."
>Roger is in the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Critical Care Unit, Room 233   


2012-02-04 Thread asfan

The phone rings and the lady of the house answers,


"Mrs. Sanders, please."


"Mrs. Sanders, this is Doctor Jones at Saint Agnes Laboratory.
When your husband's doctor sent his biopsy to the lab last week, a biopsy 
another Mr. Sanders arrived as well...
We are now uncertain which one belongs to your husband.
Frankly, either way the results are not too good."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Sanders asks nervously.

"Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other 
one tested
positive for HIV.We can't tell which is which."

"That's dreadful! Can you do the test again?" questioned Mrs. Sanders.

"Normally we can, but MEDICARE will only pay for these expensive tests 

"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"

"The MEDICARE Helpdesk recommend that you drop your husband off somewhere in 
the middle of town.

If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him 

g_b Sundae

2012-09-30 Thread asfan

 Paddy and Colleen were making passionate love in Paddy's mini van when 
suddenly Colleen, 
being a bit on the kinky side, yells out,"Oh big boy, whip me, whip me!"

Paddy, not wanting to pass up this unique opportunity, obviously did not have 
any whips on hand, but in a flash of inspiration,he opens the window, snaps the 
antenna off his van and proceeds to whip Colleen until they both collapse in 

About a week later, Colleen notices that the marks left by the whipping are 
starting to fester a bit so she goes to the doctor.The doctor takes one look at 
the wounds and asks, "Did you get these marks having sex?"

Colleen, a little embarrassed that she has slept with Paddy (let alone that she 
allowed the kinky boy to whip her) eventually admits that, yes, she did.

Nodding his head knowingly, the doctor exclaims,
"I thought so, because in all my years as a doctor, you've got the
 worst case of van aerial disease that I've ever seen."

g_b Sundae

2012-11-18 Thread asfan

A man and a woman were sitting beside each other in the first class section
of an airplane.
 The woman sneezed, took out a tissue, gently wiped her nose, then visibly
shuddered for
 ten to fifteen seconds.

The man went back to his reading. A few minutes later, the woman sneezed
again, took a tissue,
wiped her nose, then shuddered violently once more.

Assuming that the woman might have a cold, the man was still curious about
the shuddering.
A few more minutes passed when the woman sneezed yet again.

As before she took a tissue, wiped her nose, her body shaking even more than

Unable to restrain his curiosity, the man turned to the woman and said, "I
couldn't help but notice
 that you've sneezed three times, wiped your nose and then shuddered
violently. Are you ok?"

"I am sorry if I disturbed you, I have a very rare medical condition;
whenever I sneeze I have an orgasm."

The man, more than a bit embarrassed, was still curious. " I have never
heard of that condition before" he said. . "Are you taking anything for it?"

The woman nodded, "Pepper!"

g_b Sundae!!

2013-01-20 Thread asfan
An old man walks into the barbershop for shave and a haircut, but he tells
the barber he probably can't get all of his whiskers off because
 his cheeks are wrinkled from age.

The barber gets a little wooden ball from a cup on the shelf 
and tells  him to put it inside his cheek to spread out the skin.

When he's finished, the old man tells the barber that was the 
cleanest shave he's had in years. But he wanted to know what 
would have happened if he had swallowed that little ball.

The barber replied, "Just bring it back in a couple of days like
everyone else does.."

g_b Sundae

2013-01-27 Thread asfan

Young people have theirs.
Now Seniors have their own texting codes:

* ATD- At the Doctor's

* BFF - Best Friends Funeral

* BTW- Bring the Wheelchair

* BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth

* CBM- Covered by Medicare

* CUATSC- See You at the Senior Center

* DWI- Driving While Incontinent

* FWIW - Forgot Where I Was

* GGPBL- Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low

* GHA - Got Heartburn Again

* HGBM - Had Good Bowel Movement

* LMDO- Laughing My Dentures Out

* LOL- Living on Lipitor

* OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas

* TOT- Texting on Toilet

* WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?

Hope these help. GGLKI (Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking in!)

g_b Sundae

2008-11-03 Thread asfan

With all the advances in medical technology regarding fertility, a
65-year-old friend of mine was able to at last give birth.  A boy, Jason. As
soon as she was discharged from hospital, I called in to see her.

"Where’s Jason? Let me see him,” I said as soon as I came through the door.

"Not yet," said my friend, a little testily I thought. "I'll make coffee.
Let’s chat for a while first."

So we had coffee and gossiped. After half an hour, I asked again: "May I see
the new baby now?"

"No, not yet," she said.

So we gossiped some more, and had another cuppa. But now I was running short
of time. “I’m afraid I have to go,” I said. "May I see the baby now?"

"No, not yet," replied my friend.

I was impatient. After all, that was why I had called. "Well, tell me, when
can I see the baby?"

"When he cries!" she told  me.

"WHEN HE CRIES?" I exclaimed. "Why must I wait until he CRIES?"

"Because I forget where I put him, OK?”

Senility meets Fertility ….

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g_b Sundae

2008-12-13 Thread asfan

A huge guy marries a tiny girl, and at the wedding, one of his friends says to 
him, "How the hell do the two of you have sex?"

The big guy says, "I just sit there, naked, on a chair, she sits on top, and I 
bob her up and down."

His friend says, "You know, that doesn't sound too bad."

The big guy says, "Well, it's kind of like jerking off, only I've got somebody 
to talk to now!"

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g_b Sundae

2009-02-09 Thread asfan
A mother took her five-year-old son with her to the bank on a busy lunchtime.

They got behind a very fat woman wearing a business suit complete with pager. 
Patiently, the little boy said loudly, "Gee, she's fat!"

The mother bent down and whispered in the little boys ear to be quiet.

A couple of minutes passed by and the little boy spread his hands as far as 
they would go and announced; "I'll bet her butt is this wide!"

The fat woman turns around and glares at the little boy. The mother gave him a 
good telling off, and told him to be quiet. After a brief lull, the large woman 
reached the front of the line. Just then her pager begin to
emit a beep, beep, beep.

The little boy yells out, "Run for your bloody life, she's backing up!!"

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g_b Sundae

2009-02-15 Thread asfan
For all the orthopods on the site:
The 70-year-old man sat down in the orthopaedic surgeon's office. "You know, 
Doc," he said, "I've made love in more exotic cars than anyone I know. Must be 
at least a thousand."

"And now, I suppose, you want me to treat you for the arthritis you got from 
scrunching up in all those uncomfortable positions," the medic said.

"Heck, no," the old fellow replied. "I want to borrow your Lamborghini!"

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 

g_b Sundae

2009-02-21 Thread asfan
There was a cop on his horse waiting to cross the road when a little boy on his 
new shiny bike stopped beside him. ''Nice bike,'' the cop said, ''did Santa 
bring it to you?''

''Yep,'' the little boy said, ''he sure did!''
The cop looked at the bike and while handing the boy a $20 ticket he said, 
''Next year, tell Santa to put a license plate on the back of it.'' 

To go along with the cop, the little boy said, ''Nice horse you got there sir, 
did Santa bring it to you?'' 
''Yes, He sure did,'' said the cop.

The little boy looked up at the cop and said, ''Next year tell Santa to put the 
dick underneath the horse instead of on top."

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g_b Sundae

2009-06-06 Thread asfan
Two gay men friends are walking through a zoo. They come across the gorillas, 
and after a while they notice that the male gorilla has a massive erection.

This fascinates the gay men. One of the men just can't bear it any longer and 
he reaches into the cage to touch it. The gorilla grabs him, drags him into the 
cage and mates with him for six hours non-stop. When he's done, the gorilla 
throws the man back out of the cage. An ambulance is called and the man is 
taken away to the hospital. 
A few days later his friend visits him in the hospital and asks: "Are you 
"AM I HURT?" He shouts, "Wouldn't you be? He hasn't called, he hasn't 

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g_b sundae

2009-07-26 Thread asfan
A guy walks down to the bar and slams $20 down and asks the barman to get him a 
stiff drink.  The barman serves the drink and enquires about his problem.  "I 
just found out my brother is gay", says the man. 
 "Man, that's tough", said the bartender.  
Two weeks later the same guy goes into the bar again and slams down $20 for 
another stiff drink. 
 "I found out my father is gay too", he tells the bartender.  Two weeks later 
he walks in again and before he has the chance to take his wallet out the 
bartender looks at him and asks, "Hey doesn't anyone in your family like to 
sleep with women?".  
"Yes", says the man.  "My wife".

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g_b Sundae

2009-09-05 Thread asfan

A gentle, well-brought up girl is moving to Mumbai. Before she left, her mother 
gave her some advice.

"Daughter, when you're in Mumbai, if you're looking for a match there, you 
must remember the following requirements mother is setting  for you. You must 
find a man who is faithful, not a spendthrift  and he must be a virgin."

With this advice from her mother, the girl went to Mumbai. Some months later, 
she came home to ask for her mother's blessings.

"Mother, I've found my match. My future husband is faithful because when we 
went out for a holiday he took care of me specifically, even though there were 
so many prettier girls around. Isn't that being faithful?"

Her mother nodded in agreement.

"And then since it was getting late and rain was pouring, my boyfriend decided 
that we stay the night in a hotel. He also suggested that in order not to spend 
too much, we share one room only. So he's not a spendthrift, right mother?"

For the second time her mother nodded in agreement, but with a little concern.

"And finally mum, I know he is a virgin."

"You do?? How do you know he is a virgin?" The wide-eyed mother asked.

"Well you know.. his.. his 'that thing' is new... its still wrapped in 
plastic, mother!"

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Yahoo! Buzz. http://in.buzz.yahoo.com/

g_b Sundae

2008-02-24 Thread asfan
A young woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing 
herself into the Arabian Sea off the Gateway of India.. 
  She went down to the pier and was about to leap into the frigid water when a 
handsome young sailor saw her tottering on the edge of the pier crying. He took 
pity on her and said, "Look, you've got a lot to live for. I'm off to Europe in 
the morning, and if you like, I can stow you away on my ship. I'll take good 
care of you and bring you food every day. Moving closer he slipped his arm 
round her shoulder and added, "I'll keep you happy, and you'll keep me happy". 
The girl nodded yes. After all, what did she have to lose?
That night, the sailor brought her aboard and hid her in a lifeboat. From then 
on, every night he brought her three sandwiches and a piece of fruit, and they 
made passionate love until dawn. Three weeks later, during a routine 
inspection, she was discovered by the captain. "What are you doing here?" the 
Captain asked. "I have an arrangement with one of the sailors," she explained. 
"I get food and a trip to Europe, and he's screwing me."
"He sure is, lady," the Captain said. "This is the Elephanta Island Ferry."

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g_b Sundae

2008-03-30 Thread asfan
Once a farmer has a horse, who has a very depressing face, so the farmer puts 
up an ad in local newspaper. 
"Anybody who makes my horse laugh, gets $10,000". The next day a man comes up 
to the farm and says" I can do it, just let me be alone with the horse for 5 
minutes". The farmer agrees. 
After 5 minutes, the man comes out with the horse, and lo and behold, the horse 
is actually laughing. The farmer is surprised and pays up. 
After a couple of days, the farmer gets irritated to find his horse still 
laughing. He again puts up an ad, this time it states. "Whoever makes my horse 
cry, gets $10,000". The next day, the same man comes up and again says, "Give 
me 5 minutes alone with the horse." The farmer agrees. 
After 5 minutes, the man leads a crying horse out of the stables. 
The farmer is surprised, he asks the man, "What did you do with the horse?" 
The man says, "The first time I told the horse, I was hung bigger than him. So, 
the horse started laughing." The farmer is amused, and asks, "What did you say 
the second time." 
"Well, I actually showed him." said the man. 

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g_b Sundae

2006-01-14 Thread asfan

A guy goes into a costume shop. He says, "I'm going to a costume party, and I want to go as Adam."The girl brings out a fig leaf. But he says, "Not big enough!" So she brings out a bigger one."Still not big enough!" So she brings out a HUGE fig leaf. "Still not big enough!" he proudly tells her.So she says, "Listen, Ace, why don't you just throw it over your shoulder and go as a gasoline pump?"   
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g_b Sundae

2006-01-28 Thread asfan

A woman is learning how to golf. She has been teaching herself to play for more than three months and she is really bad. She decides to consult golf pro. When she sees the golf pro, she explains how bad she is and he tells her to go ahead and hit the ball. She does. The ball goes about 50 yards into the brush slicing to the right. The golf pro says to the woman, "I can see that you have a lot of problems. Your stance is bad, your head is all over the place, and the worst thing is that grip." When she asks what can be done to fix the situation, he suggests, "Grab the club gently, as if you were grabbing your husband's 'club'. When the feeling is right, go ahead and swing." She does just that and the ball goes off the tee perfectly
 straight for about 275 yards. The golf pro says to the woman, "That is unbelievable, I didn't think you would do that well. But now on to the next problem. How do we get that golf club out of your mouth?"
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Romance relationship
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g_b Sundae

2006-02-05 Thread asfan
One woman says to another, " Has your husband been circumcised?"
"Nope.  He has always been a complete dick."

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g_b Sundae

2006-02-25 Thread asfan

Little Johnny came down for breakfast one morning and asked his grandma, "Where's Mom and dad? " and she replied, "they're up in bed"    So he started to giggle and ate his breakfast and went out to play. Then he came back in for lunch and asked his grandma "Where's Mom and dad?" and she replied "They're still up in bed" and the he started to giggle and he ate his lunch and went out to play. Then he came in for dinner an once again he asked his grandma "Where's Mom and dad?" and his grandmother replied "They're still up in bed" and he started to laugh uncontrollably and his grandmother asked "Why are
 you laughing everytime I tell you they're still up in bed !  What is going on here? " And he replied, "Well last night daddy came into my bedroom and asked me for the Vaseline and I gave him FEVIQUICK instead." 
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g_b Sundae

2006-03-18 Thread asfan

Giorgio is in this country for about 6 months. He walks to work every day and passes a shoe store. Each day he stops and looks in the window and admires a certain pair of Bocceli leather shoes. He wants those shoes so much it's all he can think about.After about 2 months he saves the $300.00 the shoes cost and purchases them Every Friday night the Italian community gets together at a dance in the church basement, so Giorgio seizes the opportunity to wear his new Bocceli leather shoes to the dance.He asks Sophia to dance and as they dance he asks her, "Sophia, do you wear red panties tonight?"Sophia, startled, says, "Yes, Giorgio, I do wear red panties tonight, but how do you know?"Giorgio replies, "I see the reflection in my new $300.00 Bocceli
 leather shoes. How do you like them?"Next he asks Rosa to dance, and after a few minutes he says to her, "Rosa, do you wear white panties tonight?"Rosa answers, "Yes, Giorgio, I do, but how do you know that?"He answers, "I see the reflection in my new $300.00 Bocceli leather shoes. How do you like them?"Now as the evening is almost over and the last song is being played, Giorgio asks Carmella to dance. Midway through the dance his face turns red. He says, "Carmella,  stilla my heart, please, please tell me you wear no panties tonight, please, please, tella me this true!"Carmella smiles coyly and answers, "Yes Giorgio, I wear no panties tonight."Giorgio gasps and says "Thanka God ... I thought I had a CRACK in my $300.00 Bocceli leather shoes!"
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g_b Sundae

2006-03-26 Thread asfan

A woman was trying hard to get the catsup to come out of the jar. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her four-year old daughter to answer the phone. "It's the minister, Mommy," the child said to her mother.Then she added, "Mommy can't come to the phone to talk to you right now. She's hitting the bottle." 
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g_b Sundae

2004-10-02 Thread asfan
About a century or two ago, the Pope decided that all the Jews had to leave Rome. 
Naturally there was a big uproar from the Jewish community. So the Pope made a deal. 
He would have a religious debate with a member of the Jewish community. If the Jew 
won, the Jews could stay. If the Pope won, the Jews would leave. 
The Jews realised that they had no choice. So they picked a middle-aged man named 
Moishe to represent them. Moishe asked for one addition to the debate. To make it more 
interesting, neither side would be allowed to talk. The Pope agreed. 
The day of the great debate came. Moishe and the Pope sat opposite each other for a 
full minute before the Pope raised his hand and showed three fingers. Moishe looked 
back at him and raised one finger. The Pope waved his fingers in a circle around his 
head. Moishe pointed to the ground where he sat. The Pope pulled out a wafer and a 
glass of wine. Moishe pulled out an apple. The Pope stood up and said, "I give up. 
This man is too good. The Jews can stay." 
An hour later, the cardinals were all around the Pope asking him what had happened. 
The Pope said, "First I held up three fingers to represent the Trinity. He responded 
by holding up one finger to remind me that there was still one God common to both our 
religions. Then I waved my finger around me to show him that God was all around us. He 
responded by pointing to the ground and showing that God was also right here with us. 
I pulled out the wine and wafer to show that God absolves us from our sins. He pulled 
out an apple to remind me of
original sin. He had an answer for everything. What could I do?"
Meanwhile, the Jewish community had crowded around Moishe. "What happened?" they 
asked. "Well," said Moishe, "First he said to me that the Jews had three days to get 
out of here. I told him that not one of us was leaving. Then he told me that this 
whole city would be cleared
of Jews. I let him know that we were staying right here."
"Yes, yes,.. and then???" asked the crowd.
"I don't know," said Moishe, "He took out his lunch, and I took out mine."

g_b Sundae

2004-10-09 Thread asfan

1.Each player shall furnish his own equipment - normally, one club and two balls. 
2. The owner of the hole must approve to play on a course. 
3. Unlike outdoor golf, the object is to get the club into the hole and keep the balls 
4. For most effective play, the club should have a firm shaft.Course owners are 
permitted tocheck the stiffness before play begins. 
5. Course owners reserve the right to restrict the length of the club to avoid damage 
to the hole. 
6. The object of the game is to take as many strokes as is necessary until the course 
owner is  satisfied. Failure to do so may result in being denied permission to 
play the course again. 
7. It is considered bad form to begin playing the hole immediately upon arrival at the 
course. The  experienced player will normally take time to admire the whole course 
being played, with special attention to well formed bunkers. 
8. Players are cautioned not to mention other courses they have played, or are 
currently playing, to the owner of the course being played. Upset course owners have 
been known to damage players' equipment for this reason. 
9. Players are encouraged to bring along rain gear, just in case. 
10. Players should assure themselves that their match has been properly scheduled, 
particularly when a course is being played for the first time. Previous players have 
been known to become irate if they discover someone else playing what they consider a 
private course. 
11. Players should not assume that a course is in shape for play at all time. Some 
players may be embarrassed to find the course temporarily under repair. Players are 
advised to be extremely  tactful in this situation. More advanced players will find 
alternative means of play when this is the case. 
12. Players are advised to obtain the course owner's permission before attempting to 
play the back nine. 
13. Slow play is encouraged; however, players should be prepared to proceed at a 
quicker pace, at least temporarily, at the course owner's request. 
14. It is considered an outstanding performance, time permitting, to play the same 
hole several times in one match. 
15. The course owner will be the sole judge as to who is the best player. 

g_b Sundae

2004-10-30 Thread asfan
This is the message that the Pacific Palisades High School California) Staff voted 
unanimously to record on their school telephone answering machine. This came about 
because they implemented a policy
requiring students and parents to be responsible for their children's absences and 
missing homework.

The school and teachers are being sued by parents who want their children's failing 
grades changed to passing grades even though those children were absent 15-30 times 
during the semester and did not complete enough school work to pass their classes.

This is the actual answering machine message for the school:
"Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to 
assist you in connecting the right staff member, please listen to all your options 
before making a selection:

·To lie about why your child is absent - Press 1
.To make excuses for why your child did not do his/her work - Press 2
·To complain about what we do - Press 3
·To swear at staff members - Press 4
·To ask why you didn't get information that was already  enclosed in your newsletter 
and several flyers 
  mailed to you – Press 5
·If you want us to praise your child - Press 6
·If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit someone - Press 7
·To request another teacher for the third time this year - Press 8
·To complain about bus transportation - Press 9
·To complain about school lunches - Press 0

 If you realize this is the real world and your child must be accountable and 
responsible for his/her own behaviour, class work, homework, and that it's not the 
teachers' fault for your child's lack of effort, hang up and have a nice day!"

g_b Sundae

2004-11-07 Thread asfan
Three priests were in a train station on their way  home to Pittsburgh.
Behind the ticket counter was a  very sexy, shapely, well endowed woman
wearing a  very  tight sweater. She made the three priests very  nervous,
so they drew straws to determine who  would  get the tickets.
 The first priest approached the window.
"Young lady, I would like three pickets to  titsburg."
 He completely lost his composure and fled.
 The second priest goes to the window.
"Young lady, I would like three tickets to  Pittsburgh  and I would  like
the change in nipples and dimes."
 Mortified, he too fled.
The third priest moves to the window.
"Young lady, I would like three tickets to  Pittsburgh  and I would  like
the change in nickels and dimes.  And, I must  say,
 if you insist on dressing like that, when you get  to the pearly gates,
St. Finger is going to shake  his  Peter at you."

g_b Sundae

2004-11-14 Thread asfan
A young boy had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father, who was a 
rabbi, if they could discuss his use of the family car. His father took him 
into his study and said: "I'll make a deal with you. You bring your grades up, 
study your Talmud a little, get your hair cut and then we'll talk about it."
After about a month, the boy came back and again asked his father if they could 
discuss his use of the car. They again went into the father's study where the 
father said: "Son, I've been very proud of you. You have brought your grades 
up, you've studied the Talmud diligently, but you didn't get your hair cut."
The young man waited a moment and then replied:" You know Dad, I've been 
thinking about that. You know Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah 
had long hair, and even Jesus had long hair." 
The rabbi said: "Yes, and they walked everywhere they went."

g_b Sundae

2013-12-03 Thread asfan

The kids filed into class Monday morning. They were all very

Their weekend assignment was to sell something, and then give a
talk on 

Little Sally led off. "I sold Girl Scout
cookies and I made $30" she said
proudly. "My sales approach was to appeal
to the customer's civil spirit,
and I credit that approach for my obvious

"Very good", said the teacher.

Little Debbie was next.
"I sold magazines" she said. "I made $45 and I
explained to everyone that
magazines would keep them up on current events."

"Very good, Debbie",
said the teacher.

Eventually, it was Little Johnny's turn. The teacher
held her breath.

Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom, and
dumped a box full of
cash on the teacher's desk. "$2,467", he

"$2,467!" cried the teacher, "What in the world were you

"Toothbrushes", said Little Johnny.

echoed the teacher. "How could you possibly sell enough tooth
brushes to
make that much money?"

"I found the busiest corner in town", said Little
Johnny. "I set up a Dip &
Chip stand, and I gave everybody who walked by
a free sample."

They all said the same thing: "Hey, this tastes like dog

Then I would say, "It is dog poop. Wanna buy a toothbrush? I used
President Obama method of giving you some crap, dressing it up so it
good, telling you it's free, and then making you pay to get the bad
out of your mouth."

Little Johnny got five stars for his

Bless his heart. 

g_b Sundae

2014-08-17 Thread asfan asfa...@yahoo.com [gay_bombay]

Beware of these viruses: 

Isnebola, usnebola, kyunbola , kesebola, kahanbola, kab-bola, tubola,
wobola,mein-ne-bola, yebola –all more dangerous than Ebola 

g_b Sundae

2005-02-19 Thread asfan
Harry did like he always does, kissing his wife, crawling into bed and falling 
to sleep. All of a sudden, he wakes up with an elderly man dressed in a cowl 
standing in front of his bed.
"What the hell are you doing in my bedroom?.. and who are you?" he asked.
"This is not your bedroom," the man replied, "I am St. Peter, and you are in 
"WHAT!?? Are you saying I'm dead? I don't want to die.. I'm too young." Said 
Harry. "If I'm dead, I want you to send me back immediately."
"It's not that easy", said St.Peter, "you can only return as a dog or a hen. 
You can choose on your own..."
Harry thought about it for a while, and figured out that being a dog is too 
tiring, but a hen probably has a nice and relaxed life. Running around with a 
rooster can't be that bad.
"I want to return as a hen." Harry replied. And in the next second, he found 
himself in a chicken run, really nicely feathered.
But man, now "he" felt like the rear end was gonna blow.. then along came the 
"Hey, you must be the new hen on the farm." he said. "How does it feel?"
"Well, it's OK I guess, but it feels like my rear end is blowing up."
"Oh that!" said the rooster. "That's only the ovulation going on. Have you 
never laid an egg before??"
"No, how do I do that?" Harry asked.
"Cluck twice, and then you push all you can."
Harry clucked twice, and pushed more than he was good for, and then 'Plop' and 
an egg was on the ground.
"Wow" Harry said "that felt really good!"
So he clucked again and squeezed. And you better believe that there was yet 
another egg on the ground.
The third time he clucked, he heard his wife shout: "Harry, for Gods sake wake 
up, you're shitting all over the bed.

g_b Sundae

2005-02-26 Thread asfan

An old man was sitting on a bench at the mall. A teenager walked up to
the bench and sat down. He had spiked hair in all different colours: green,red,orange, blue, and yellow. The old man just stared.

Every time the teenager looked, the old man was staring. The teenager
finally said sarcastically, "What's the matter, old timer, never done
anything wild in your life?"

Without batting an eye, the old man replied, "Got drunk once and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son."

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g_b Sundae

2005-03-19 Thread asfan
Boss, to four of his employees: "I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to let 
one of you go."
Black Employee: "I'm a protected minority."
Female Employee: "And I'm a woman."
Oldest Employee: "Fire me, buster, and I'll hit you with an age discrimination 
suit so fast it'll make your head spin."
...To which they all turn to look at the helpless young, white, male employee, 
who thinks a moment, then responds: "I think I might be gay..." 

g_b Sundae

2005-04-09 Thread asfan
Doc," says Arthur, "I want to be castrated."
"What on earth for?" asks the doctor in amazement.
"It's something I've been thinking about for a long time and I want to have it 
done," replies Arthur.
"But have you thought it through properly?" asks the doctor.
"It's a very serious operation and once it's done, there's no going back. It 
will change your life forever!"
"I'm aware of that and you're not going to change my mind - either you book me 
in to be castrated or I'll simply go to another doctor."
 "Well, O.K.," says the doctor. "But it's against my better judgement!"
So Arthur has his operation, and the next day he is up and walking very slowly, 
legs apart, down the hospital corridor with his drip stand. Heading toward him 
is another patient, who is walking exactly the same way.
"Hi there," says Arthur, "It looks as if you've just had the same operation as 
"Well," said the patient, "I finally decided after 37years of life that I would 
like to be circumcised."
Arthur stared at him in horror. "Damn! THAT'S the word!!!"


2005-05-08 Thread asfan
Three women had a very late night drinking Guinness. They left in the early 
morning hours and went home separately. 
They met the next day for an early pint, and compared notes about who was 
drunker the night before. 
The first gal claims that she was the drunkest, saying, "I drove straight home, 
walked into the house, and as soon as I got through the door, I blew Chunks." 
To which the second gal replied, "You think that was drunk? I got in my car, 
drove out of the parking lot, and wrapped my car around the first tree I saw. I 
don't even have insurance!" 
And the third proclaimed, "I was by far the most drunk. I got home, I got in a 
big fight with my husband, knocked a candle over and burned the whole house 
They all looked at each other for a moment. Then the first gal says, "Ladies, I 
don't think you understand. Chunks is my dog."

g_b Sundae

2005-06-04 Thread asfan
There was a Great Dog Convention.
They come from near and far.
Some came on bicycles,
and some came in cars.

Y'know, before they could enter,
or even take a look,
they had to take their asshole off,
and hang it on a hook.

But before they even got seated,
(every mother, pup, and sire),
An old dog hollered from the back,
"Run for your life. It's a FIRE!"

The crowd of dogs began to panic,
and nobody stopped to look.
They grabbed the very nearest asshole,
off the very nearest hook.

And this is why, even today,
a dog will drop a bone,
to sniff another dog's asshole,
to see if it's his own.

g_b Sundae

2005-06-12 Thread asfan
Dear Colleagues,
 Due to current financial position, economic recession and probable future 
mergers, the management has decided to implement a scheme to put all employees 
over 25 years of age on early retirement. This scheme will be known as RAPE 
(Retire Aged Personnel Early). 

Persons selected for RAPE can apply to the management for the SHAFT (Special 
Help After Forced Termination) scheme. The situation of the employees who have 
been RAPED and SHAFTED will be reviewed under the SCREW (Scheme for Retired 
Early Workers) scheme.

 An employee may be RAPED only once, SHAFTED twice but may be SCREWED as many 
times as the management deems appropriate. Employees who have been RAPED can 
get AIDS (Additional Income for Dependants and Spouse) or HERPES (Half Earning 
for Retiring Personnel Early Severance). 

Obviously employees who have AIDS or HERPES will not be SHAFTED or SCREWED by 
the Management any further. Employees on SHAFT or SCREW will receive as much 
SHIT (Special High Intensity Training) as possible. 

The management has always prided itself on the amount of SHIT it gives to its 
employees. Should you feel that you do not receive enough SHIT, please bring it 
to the notice of your Manager. We have been trained to give you all the SHIT 
that you can handle. 

Manager - Personnel & Administration

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g_b sundae

2005-07-17 Thread asfan
An 80-year-old man is having his annual check-up. The doctor asks him how he's 
"I've never been better," he replies. "I've got an eighteen year old bride 
who's pregnant with my child! What do you think about that?" 
The doctor considers this for a moment, then says, "Well, let me tell you a 
story. I know a guy who's an avid hunter. He never misses a season. But, one 
day he's in a bit of hurry and he accidentally grabs his umbrella instead of 
his gun. So he's walking in the woods near a creek and suddenly he spots a 
beaver in some brush in front of him. He raises up his umbrella, points it at 
the beaver and squeezes the handle. BAM! The beaver drops dead in front of 
"That's impossible!" said the old man in disbelief, "Someone else must have 
shot that beaver." 

g_b Sundae

2005-07-23 Thread asfan


The Washington Post asked readers to take any word from the dictionary... alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter... and supply a new definition! 

Here are some recent winners: 
1) Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. 
2) Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly. 
3) Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid. 
4) Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high. 
5) Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. 
6) Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late. 
7) Hipatitis: Terminal coolness. 
8) Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (this one got extra credit) 
9) Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer. 
10) Glibido: All talk and no action. 
11) Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. 

And, the pick of the liter(ature): 
12) Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole

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Re: g_b Sundae

2010-07-05 Thread shedge_sushant
Oh very good sms
Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

-Original Message-
From: asfan 
Sender: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2010 13:18:49 
To: ; 
Reply-To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Subject: g_b Sundae

Why is football played for 45 minutes in each half, not 30 minutes or
1 hour?

Even the sports scientist and some of the senior players could not
give the right answer.

In that confusing situation one person came up with a reasonable and
brilliant answer.
He said..."The reason people play this game for 45 minutes is...
There are 2 teams and there are 11 players in each team.
Each player brings his own "2 balls"
So in total there are 44 balls.
There is one ball on the ground itself. Thus the grand total is 45

Sometimes there is extra time of 2 mins which is because of the
referee's balls!

Re: g_b Sundae

2010-07-05 Thread Pisces Love
good one :)

--- On Sun, 4/7/10, asfan  wrote:

From: asfan 
Subject: g_b Sundae
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, gaybom...@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, 4 July, 2010, 7:48 AM




Why is football played for 45 minutes in each half, not 30 minutes or
1 hour?

Even the sports scientist and some of the senior players could not
give the right answer.

In that confusing situation one person came up with a reasonable and
brilliant answer.
He said..." The reason people play this game for 45 minutes is...
There are 2 teams and there are 11 players in each team.
Each player brings his own "2 balls"
So in total there are 44 balls.
There is one ball on the ground itself. Thus the grand total is 45

Sometimes there is extra time of 2 mins which is because of the
referee's balls!




Re: g_b Sundae

2011-05-08 Thread Mike Morea

From: asfan 
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com; gaybom...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, May 8, 2011 5:19:25 AM
Subject: g_b Sundae


Forgot my glasses  
Yesterday my daughter asked why I didn't do something useful with my time.  She 
suggested I go down to the senior centre and hang out with the guys.
I did this and when I got home last night I told her that I had joined a 
parachute club. 
She said "Are you nuts?  You're almost 70 years old and you're going to start 
jumping out of airplanes?" 
I proudly showed her that I even got a membership card. 
She said to me, "You idiot, where are your glasses! This is a membership to 
a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club!" 

I'm in trouble again and don't know what to do!  I signed up for five jumps a 

Life as a senior citizen is not getting any easier

RE: g_b sundae

2008-02-10 Thread Needy Needed

that was good

23:07:41 -0800Subject: g_b sundae

An Amish woman and her daughter were riding in an old pen buggy one cold, 
blustery January day. The daughter said to the mother, "My hands are freezing 
cold." The mother replied, "Put your hands between your legs. The body heat 
will warm them up." So the daughter did, and her hands warmed up.The next day, 
the daughter was riding in the buggy with her boyfriend. The boyfriend said, 
"My hands are freezing cold." The daughter replied, "Put them between my legs, 
they'll warm up."The next day, the boyfriend was again driving in the buggy 
with the daughter. He said, "My nose is freezing cold." The daughter replied, 
"Put it between my legs. It will warm up." He did, and his nose warmed up.The 
next day, the boyfriend was once again driving with the daughter and he said, 
"My penis is frozen solid."The next day, the daughter is driving in the buggy 
with her mother, and she says to her mother, "Have you ever heard of a penis?" 
The slightly concerned mother says, "Sure, why do you ask?" The daughter says, 
"Well, they make one hell of a mess when they thaw out!"

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. 

Get Hotmail on your mobile, text MSN to 63463!

Re: g_b Sundae

2004-10-11 Thread Smarter boy Boy

g_b Sundae Bonus

2005-04-30 Thread asfan

On the evening of the Royal wedding, Camilla was becoming
somewhat uncomfortable in her regal attire. Unfortunately, the shoes she had worn that day were a bit too small and, by the time the festivities  were over, her feet were in agony.

When Camilla and Charles withdrew to their bridal
suite, the only thing she could think of was getting her ill-fitting
shoes off.

The rest of the Royal Family crowded round the door to the
bedroom and  they heard roughly what they expected, grunts,
straining noises and the occasional muffled scream.
 Eventually they heard Charles say, "God, that was tight."
 "There," whispered the Queen. "I told you Camilla was a virgin."
Then, to their surprise, they heard Charles say, "Right - now
 for the other one."
This was followed by even more grunting and straining and at
last Charles exclaimed, "My God! That was even tighter!"
 "That's my boy," said the Duke. "Once a sailor, always a sailor

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Re: g_b Sundae

2005-06-13 Thread Samir S
Good one!
--- asfan   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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g_b Sundae (an oldie)

2011-09-18 Thread asfan
An airline's passenger cabin was being served by an obviously gay flight 
attendant, who seemed to be putting everyone into a good mood as he served them 
food and drinks. 

As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and announced 
to the passengers: "Captain Marvin has asked me to announce that he will be 
landing the big scary plane shortly, lovely people, so if you would just put 
your trays in an upright position, that would be super." 

On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed that a well-dressed rather exotic 
looking woman hadn't moved a muscle. 

"Perhaps you didn't hear me Miss, because of those big brute engines. I asked 
you to please raise your tray so the Main Man can gently put us on the ground." 

She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a Princess. I 
take orders from no-one." 

To which the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat, "Well, 
sweet-cheeks, in my country, I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray-up 

g_b Sundae (very tasty!!)

2005-05-28 Thread asfan
A woman goes to her boyfriends parents house for dinner. This is to be her 
first time meeting the family and she very nervous. They all sit down and begin 
eating a fine meal. The woman is beginning to feel a little discomfort, thanks 
to her nervousness and the broccoli casserole.
The gas pains are almost making her eyes water. Left with no other choice, she 
decides to relieve herself a bit and lets out a dainty little fart. It wasn't 
loud, but everyone at the table heard the poot. Before she even had a chance to 
be embarrassed, her boyfriend's father looked over at the dog that had been 
snoozing at the women's feet, and said in a rather stern voice, "Skippy!!!"
The woman thought, 'This is great!' and a big smile came across her face. A 
couple minutes later, she was beginning to feel the pain again.
This time, she didn't even hesitate. She let a much louder and longer fart rip. 
The father again looked at the dog and yelled, "Dammit Skippy!!!".
Once again the woman smiled and thought, 'yes!'. A few minutes later the woman 
had to let another one rip.
This time she didn't even think about it. She let rip with a fart that rivalled 
a train whistle blowing. Once again, the father looked at the dog with disgust 
and yelled, 
"Dammit Skippy, get away from her before she shits on you!"

g_b Sundae - an old one but still funny

2011-07-31 Thread asfan

Superman was feeling bored after a long break of crime fighting and wanted to 
go out and party. He called Batman to ask if he wanted to go to a club & pick 
up some young girls. 
Batman said Robin was ill & he had to look after him. A little disappointed, 
Superman "SMS" Spiderman to see if he fancied a few beers but Spiderman said he 
had a date with Catwoman.
 As a last resort,Superman flew over to Wonderwoman's apartment to see if she 
was free. As he landed on her balcony, he saw Wonderwoman naked on the bed with 
her legs open and her eyes closed. Superman thought to himself, "So exotic, 
should I or shouldn't I ...wait ...I'm faster than a speeding bullet! I can be 
in there, have sex & out again before she knew what happened."

So Superman did his super thing in a split second and flies off happily.

Meanwhile on the bed, Wonderwoman said, "What is going on? Did you hear 
anything ...?" 
Invisible-Man replied, "No! But... my ASS hurts like hell!"