gEDA-user: gEDA user list in transition

2011-09-18 Thread Ales Hvezda

Hello All,

After many years (10+) of hosting the user mailing list at SEUL, the
time has come for the user list to find a new home.

DJ has graciously volunteered to host two new gEDA mailing lists on
his server:

1) A new list called:  geda-help  
   The geda-help mailing list is for people seeking help using the current
   released versions of the various gEDA tools, including new gEDA users,
   those looking for tips and techniques, or those trying to work around
   a bug to get their jobs done.  Please avoid such topics as the history
   or future of these tools, as it only serves to confuse new users.

2) The replacement for this list called:  geda-user   
   General discussion list for users of the gEDA tools, including gschem
   and friends (gaf), PCB, gerbv, Icarus Verilog, gnucap, and ngspice.

Please subscribe to the above lists going forward.  Information on doing
so is at:   

Specifically go to:

for info on how to subscribe to the new geda-help or the new geda-user.

Note, these new lists will be unmoderated, however, there is now a
gEDA Code of Conduct Document that you should read and agree to follow
before you subscribe to any mailing list or participate in any gEDA
communication channel.  This document is available at:

This list (old geda-user) is now in emergency moderation mode so I will
only approve messages that are currently in the queue (or somehow critical
to this transition).  I will send out redirects to the new list for a
little bit of time.  Eventually this list (old geda-user) will be shutdown.

Other related notes/changes:

  * The gEDA announce, bugs, and cvs mailing lists will continue to be
hosted at SEUL for the time being.

  * The gEDA developers mailing list will be moving to launchpad in the
near future.  Note, the developer mailing list archives are currently
broken.  Fixing this is on my todo list before it moves to LP.

  * The gEDA wiki will be undergoing some changes as well in the near
future, but those have not been formulated as of now.  But for now,
I have disabled all write access to the wiki until I can sort out
some issues related to the new Code of Conduct.  Plus I need to do
a user purge as there quite a few stale accounts.  Please watch the 
start wiki page for any updates.

Thank you for your patience in this time of transition,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: howto toporoute?

2011-09-11 Thread Ales Hvezda

Unfortunately, its original site seems to be out of business :-|

Probably not, as the original toporoute developer has quit:



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Documentation for scheme API

2011-06-18 Thread Ales Hvezda

 Like I said before, this is in no way an inherent property of wiki style
 software, or dokuwiki in particular. See my wiki at
 or any of the examples offered at
 I volunteered to morph the look and feel of the geda wiki into something
 more usable. The response by the geda devs was nil. Yes, this put me off.

Kai-Martin Knaak, you do not have to ask permission to do something
like that.  Please create/setup a better gEDA wiki on one of your 'net
servers, advertise it (like here), and get people to add content to it.
I can pretty much guarantee that if you create something superior,
the existing gEDA wiki will become obsolete/out-of-date and nobody will
use it.

Please send out a link when you have something to show us.  Thanks!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: first time

2011-06-18 Thread Ales Hvezda

 Lately, there is an effort to revamp the default lib of symbols and
 footprints. But don't hold your breath.

Kai-Martin Knaak, how is that new/revamped library coming along?  Recall
that in [1] you were challanged (and you accepted) to create a new default
lib that can replace the existing shipping symbols library with something
that is better.  Everybody is waiting with bated breath! :)



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA wiki in read-only mode

2011-05-23 Thread Ales Hvezda

I'm doing some maintenance on the gEDA wiki this weekend, so it is
currently in read-only mode.  ...

The gEDA wiki is back to read-write mode.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Meta (was: Reinventing the wheel)

2011-05-22 Thread Ales Hvezda

The difficulty for me is that when I see potentially flexible changes discusse
d in inflexible ways by developers, I strongly suspect that the developers wil
l act as they write: they will actually implement something inflexible.

Yes, the developers will do whatever they want (regardless of whether you
think it is flexible or inflexible).


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Meta (was: Reinventing the wheel)

2011-05-22 Thread Ales Hvezda

Yes, the developers will do whatever they want (regardless of whether you
think it is flexible or inflexible).

And let me further qualify this statement with this:  

John Doty, if you really want to influence the developers, then you
should step up and create something (like a prototype) that shows your
ideas that others can play with and evaluate.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Solving the light/heavy symbol problem

2011-05-21 Thread Ales Hvezda

Kai-Martin Knaak,

 My proposal to tackle many of the library related issues is the notion
 of packages.

Great, thank you for posting these details.  You seem to have an approach
on how to fix the library issues.  It would be great if you could now 
implement this approach as a prototype for everybody to evaluate.
I look forward to downloading your new symbol libraries as well as any
modified software.

Thank you,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Solving the light/heavy symbol problem

2011-05-21 Thread Ales Hvezda

I think we're still in the what do we want to do phase :-)

We have been in the what do we want to do phase for many many years.
Talk is cheap.

less talk, more code

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA mailing lists change

2011-05-21 Thread Ales Hvezda

Hi folks,

Effectively immediately, all gEDA mailing lists except geda-dev are
now moderated.  As I do not want to moderate every single post, I will
do some sort of a whitelist scheme and I'll find a way of getting a
group of people moderation privileges.

Sorry for the sudden change.  Feel free to send me private e-mail if
you have any questions.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [snip] chip vendor companies

2011-05-21 Thread Ales Hvezda

Hi All,

[snip entire message]

I've dealt with this offline and made some changes so it doesn't happen

Sorry for the interruption,

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA wiki in read-only mode

2011-05-21 Thread Ales Hvezda


I'm doing some maintenance on the gEDA wiki this weekend, so it is
currently in read-only mode.  Let me know if you desperately need to
make an edit. :)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: An opportunity to fix the symbol library

2011-05-20 Thread Ales Hvezda

Kai-Martin Knaak,

 No size fits all. That does not preclude improvement over the current 

DJ and I are asking you to improve the current situation by creating,
distributing, and maintaining a better default symbol library than the
one that is currently shipped with gEDA/gaf.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: An opportunity to fix the symbol library, (Was: Reinventing the wheel)

2011-05-19 Thread Ales Hvezda

Kai-Martin Knaak,

 The symbols in the current default lib fail for both.

Why don't you use to show us how you would fix the
current gEDA/gaf shipped symbol library.  Create your ideal library,
no limits, or restrictions.  Also, feel free to use as much disk space
on (I have explicit permission from DJ) as you need.
Let people know it exists, use it, and comment on it.  Then, we can
compare your symbol library to the broken shipped symbol library and
see if it makes sense to switch.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA wiki software updated

2010-12-12 Thread Ales Hvezda

I have upgraded the software running the gEDA wiki today (long overdue).

If you see something broken please let me know.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Draft Licence for Open Source Hardware published

2010-07-14 Thread Ales Hvezda


commentary here:

And my usual questions:


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [PATCH 1/7] PCB localization

2010-05-25 Thread Ales Hvezda

Ales - is it possible to configure mailman not to munch [PATCH...]
emails? It has stripped some leading whitespace from the context, and
appended a footer which is confusing patch.

I looked and I don't see a way of doing that sort of (non)filtering
with mailman.  I do recommend that people submit patches to the trackers
since 1) no munching and 2) ability to track them.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Database on symbols, footprints and other (was Re: gattrib)

2010-05-07 Thread Ales Hvezda

symbols Ales himself manages.  I also have far more symbols than Ales,
and Ales's files have remained untouched for over four years now.

As I said, I have absolutely nothing to do with gedasymbols.  

I should remove those symbols since they are completely unmaintained
and I do not want them associated with me.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Database on symbols, footprints and other (was Re: gattrib)

2010-05-06 Thread Ales Hvezda

 Again I'd be happy to clean this page up a bit.

 Who is admin for this page? Ales? DJ?

I have absolutely nothing to do with gedasymbols.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: suppress command line window in Win32 build

2010-05-01 Thread Ales Hvezda

Can you post the server's new SSH fingerprint?

2048 d7:07:7f:96:51:11:ab:43:57:0d:fe:92:45:72:e8:93


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: going down (server move)

2010-04-29 Thread Ales Hvezda

If you get a blank page, then it means that DNS hasn't been fully
propagated (or if it has, then I've managed to mess something up).

DNS seems to have propagated sufficient, so most services should
be up and running.  Let me know if you see something broken.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: suppress command line window in Win32 build

2010-04-29 Thread Ales Hvezda

I've got a patch ready for testing (attached), and if you can confirm it
works, I'll push it to git HEAD once Ales declares the servers are ready
for use again.

git on the new server should be ready for use now (all
repositories).  Please report any issues, cause I probably messed
something up. :(


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: going down (server move)

2010-04-28 Thread Ales Hvezda


I'm taking down now (for probably all this evening).   Please
don't commit anything in the meantime (cause won't be able to...).

Hopefully by the time it comes back, it will be living on a new server.
Note, I am changing DNS so it will take a while for the new information
to propagate.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: going down (server move)

2010-04-28 Thread Ales Hvezda

I'm taking down now (for probably all this evening).   Please
don't commit anything in the meantime (cause won't be able to...).

The new host is up, but's DNS hasn't yet propagated
everywhere (even to the the host itself), so until that happens I don't
expect much to work (externally).  

If things are working, the following websites should load:

If you get a blank page, then it means that DNS hasn't been fully
propagated (or if it has, then I've managed to mess something up).

Anonymous git should work just like before:

git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://

Those people with write access should change repo.git/.git/config remotes
line from:

[remote origin]
url = ssh://


[remote origin]
url = ssh://


[remote origin]
url = ssh://

(putting in the right name for repo.git).  Those with write access should
also be able to clone using the following:

git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://

Please let me know if you cannot clone or get to the webpages after about 12
hours (in order to get DNS a chance to propagate).  

I would hold off on pushing changes until I get a chance to test things a 
little better.



PS. I'm going to shutdown the old host once a full backup finishes.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Now, no more whining please... :)

2010-04-21 Thread Ales Hvezda


Due to popular, consistent, long term, and quite annoying whining :),
I have moved almost all the static content from into the
gEDA wiki.  I also simplified's top nav bar a little and made
the wiki and the remaining static pages consistent.

The download page ( needs serious
help and is quite hideous at the moment, so please suggest (or just do it;
anything else has got to be better) a better layout/approach (keeping
the existing content somewhere on the page).

Those people with wiki write access, go nuts.  Those people without wiki
write access, feel free to ask me for access if you plan on adding/doing
something constructive.

Feel free to post any comments you may have.  If you see something wrong,
be sure to point it out.


PS. I am switching hosting companies, so please expect some downtime
sometime before the end of this month.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: snag building GAF from git

2010-04-11 Thread Ales Hvezda

INSTALL and README seem very simple now, so I think I followed all the steps.
The simplicity is nice Ales.  Any ideas how to get past this:

Actually, I had very little to do with the README, INSTALL, or 
the simplified build.  You can thank PeterB and PeterC for all that.

 cp -f ./*.scm  ; \
cp: target `./gnetlist.scm' is not a directory
It's repeatable after a make clean.

Yeah, that's no good.  What version of automake and autoconf:

automake --version ;autoconf --version

are you running?  And what OS?  Stuart was running some unholy old version
of Fedora (heh, there I said it again, Stuart :-), but I don't have
this problem and I haven't heard of anybody else having this problem
(until now).


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: network down...

2010-04-08 Thread Ales Hvezda


It seems that the network (mainly incoming) to is down.  I have
submitted a support ticket with the hosting provider.   

I think this is a clear sign that I should move to the new
hosting provider, probably later tonight or this week.

I'll send a note once things start working again.  Thanks,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hydraulic symbols and schematics

2010-04-07 Thread Ales Hvezda
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Dave McGuire wrote:
 On Apr 7, 2010, at 2:46 PM, Bert Timmerman wrote:

 Do not discuss patents here please !

 This is highly contageous and attracts law suits.

 Without the mentioning of patents the general idea would have come across

  Oh good heavens.  Mentioning the existence of a patent, and suggesting it
 as good reading because it contains interesting and geeky science stuff,
 attracts LAWSUITS?

No really.  Please do not post or discuss patents on any gEDA mailing list.


Ales Hvezda

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Two Questions

2010-03-31 Thread Ales Hvezda

   I must have forgotten to ask this question: Where and how can I get
the latest release of gschem (1.6.1) - as apparently the link I use has
only 1.6.0:

Now fixed. Thanks,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Two Questions

2010-03-31 Thread Ales Hvezda

Maybe you can fix the death link

No, since that is a valid link but just doesn't have content behind it.
The gerbv announcement really should be added at some point.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA code sprint this coming weekend (April 3rd)

2010-03-29 Thread Ales Hvezda


It's been a while since we had one of these, but this Saturday (April 3rd)
there is going to be a gEDA code sprint at my place and on the 'net.
Time wise, I'm thinking the usual of 10am to 5pm EDT (or whenever for
virtual attendees).

For those of you that are located in the Boston area, you are more
than welcome to attend in person at my home.  Please e-mail me
( so that I can get a head count and for the

For those of you that are not local to New England, you are more than
welcome to hang out in irc (, #geda) and you'll probably
get more work done anyways. :-)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: downtime this weekend (3/20 - 3/21)

2010-03-20 Thread Ales Hvezda

I want to do an OS upgrade this weekend on  I don't

Okay, I'm going to start the upgrade right now.  So, please don't
commit anything for a little bit until it is done.  In theory it should
go okay, however, I haven't rebooted this box in over a year.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: downtime this weekend (3/20 - 3/21)

2010-03-20 Thread Ales Hvezda
Okay, I'm going to start the upgrade right now.  So, please don't
commit anything for a little bit until it is done.  In theory it should
go okay, however, I haven't rebooted this box in over a year.

Hmmm.  Unfortunately the upgrade didn't go quite according to plan
(complicated by how the server is virtualized).  I have reverted back
to a backup I did when I started the process so everything should be up
and running again.  Feel free to continue doing whatever you were doing
before I started this upgrade attempt.

I need to talk to the hosting owners and figure out how to do this upgrade
without breaking my current configuration.  I will try this upgrade at
a later date.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: downtime this weekend (3/20 - 3/21)

2010-03-18 Thread Ales Hvezda


I want to do an OS upgrade this weekend on  I don't
expect long downtimes, but there might be a period of a couple hours
of downtime.  I'm not sure which day, but probably either Saturday
afternoon/evening EST or Sunday.

I'll send a note when things go down and when they come back. 

Let me know if this is a problem for anybody.  Thanks,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: GIT via HTTP

2010-03-15 Thread Ales Hvezda

[snip] doesn't publish an HTTP repository.

Actually it does, but I want to phase it out completely since git over
http is a huge bandwidth hog.  So, yeah, please use somebody else's
bandwidth. :-)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Launchpad (was: rant: pcb print from command line)

2010-03-15 Thread Ales Hvezda

So how do we explicitly get that consensus? Do we need a concrete
proposal to vote or otherwise express opinion on? Does anyone
strongly object if I try to write that?

I think the discussion should be more along the lines of:

1) Leave gEDA (that includes gaf, pcb, and gerbv) split between two
   private servers ( and both privately funded).


2) Move _all_ the projects project data elsewhere, like to SF or

On a related note, there have been grumblings about the way things
currently are, as evident by a fairly recent irc conversation (names
removed and key statements cherry-picked):

ATM Ales is a single point of failure
I'm concerned actually about Ales being a single point failure
problem with for-pay servers is users are motivated, they help
  pay for a few months, then no more
so any decisions that affect $$ need to account for probably
  Ales paying for it out of pocket

I have absolutely no issues with removing me as a single point of 
failure, however, if you people want to do it then put up the *cash*,
time, and get some buy-in from all people doing the development work.

For the record: getting gaf, pcb, and gerbv all in once place was a
ton of work and was no picnic.  I would be happy to provide a tarball
of everything (it'll be big) and I don't want duplication of data, so
if things are migrated away from, I would be happy to turn
those services off.

If you can't tell, I don't see the value of moving just the trackers
from one SF-like service to another, just because we don't like the
user interface.  However, moving all the data to SF or Launchpad, that
has my vote.

And all the data includes:

* webpage (though I own the domains for a few more years)
* released files (current and historical)
* git repositories
* mailing lists
* mailing list archives (also huge)
* bug trackers
* wiki


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Launchpad (was: rant: pcb print from command line)

2010-03-15 Thread Ales Hvezda

Minor correction below.

1) Leave gEDA (that includes gaf, pcb, and gerbv) split between two
   private servers ( and both privately funded).

Actually more than just two, there is:

* and chunks on Launchpad.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Screenshots on

2010-03-08 Thread Ales Hvezda
 I'd volunteer to provide an update. However, this page is not part of the
 wiki. How would I go about to contribute?

Post some updated screenshots.  Please make sure that they scale
reasonably to something thumbnailed sized or such.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Open Source mechanical CAD on the horizon

2010-02-28 Thread Ales Hvezda


Yes, there have been many times when I wanted to use a program for a
larger project but it depended on opencascade. I do not like their
license but what I really dislike is how they call it opensource.

Yeah, this is quite unfortunate.  A nice thread on Fedora's position (a
link from Chitlesh's blog):

What is interesting too is that OpenCascade has been accepted into
Debian/Ubuntu into the main repository:

With the interesting changes:

   * Upstream replaced Triangle by a free implementation,
 thus external-triangle.patch is removed as well as
 dependencies against libtriangle-dev.
   * All non-free bits have thus been removed, and opencascade
 is moved from non-free into main.

One of the best discussions has been at:

The very last response/paragraph is most telling:

So when Open CASCADE becomes LGPL (one day, hopefully) anyone
making any modifications will have to license those modifications
under LGPL, should he/she will to integrate it into the source
base he/she must be ready to disclaim copyright claims. Yes,
Open CASCADE is free to use those modifications in its commercial
projects, just like anyone else here, and to deliver them to
its paying customers ahead of others. So what ? It's fair,
it's open source, isn't it ? I don't see a problem here.

disclaim copyright claims?  Sounds like Open CASCADE S.A.S. wants the
unfair advantage in taking code contributions and delivering them to
paying customers ahead of others.  They want to control everything and
that doesn't seem very OSS friendly at all.  Either it is open source/free
software or it is _not_.

The more I think about it, the more I like the chaotic: you contribute
something, you own the copyright to that something, and then nobody has
an advantage over anybody else.  The important lesson here is pick the
initial license carefully when starting a new project.

I've gone OT for geda-user, sorry.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA project links updated

2010-02-28 Thread Ales Hvezda


I finally got around to adding some links people have sent me or
I've found via the referrer logs.   This is what happens when I get
flamed on slashdot. :-)

I've added about 25 new gEDA create open source/free hardware projects.

Please send me links if you have them or if you see a broken link.
I may not respond right away, but I file these e-mails away for when
I'm in a updating mood.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf Mac OSX screenshots?

2010-02-28 Thread Ales Hvezda

Here's one of each. :)

Awesome! Thanks,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: I am such a troll for posting to slashdot

2010-02-27 Thread Ales Hvezda

Hi Denis,

I'm using gEDA on Windows (after fixing that quirk with cairo making the  
fonts too small). gschem is fine for editing schematics, and PCB is very  

Out of curiosity, how did you go about running gEDA on Windows?
Which of the binaries are you using or did you build it yourself?

Also, is there a gEDA bug report for the cairo font issue
on win32?

Thanks a bunch,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: I am such a troll for posting to slashdot

2010-02-27 Thread Ales Hvezda

   John Luciani did some publication-quality symbols a couple of  
years ago.  What ever happened to those?


Just a sampler and make sure you abide by John's license if
you get the actual symbols.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf Mac OSX screenshots?

2010-02-27 Thread Ales Hvezda


Could somebody please send me some screenshots of gEDA/gaf 1.6.x and/or
PCB running on Mac OSX?  Preferably with an interesting schematic/PCBs
that you don't mind sharing with the world?



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: I am such a troll for posting to slashdot

2010-02-26 Thread Ales Hvezda

Let me be the first to apologize. :-)  Although, a couple people have
posted that gEDA's documentation lacks in places.  

Any volunteers for: Make a beginners interface that looks Eagle-ish.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Open Source mechanical CAD on the horizon

2010-02-25 Thread Ales Hvezda

If you are looking for 2D CAD, then go with QCad.  I've done a lot with that. 
 It is very mature and very solid.  I use it for all my 2D CAD designs, and I'
ve used their .dxf I/O library in a CAM program for one of my tools. 

Unfortunately the current version of QCad is not free software
and their community edition is a really old release which hasn't been
updated in years (and is missing basic things like send to back/front).
And their is virtually no development community around the community
edition.  I really doubt they will ever update their community edition
as long as people are purchasing the commercial version.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: how to push/commit a new vbpp to geda?

2010-02-23 Thread Ales Hvezda

So let me ask again, how do I upload it here:

You really to get permission from the author of the vbpp to
get write access to his repository.  I did see some of the e-mails that
you sent, but until you get a response, there is very little I am going
to do or even willing to do with regard to repository write access.

If you cannot get explicit permission (as Jimen might have disappear from
the net) then you have two choice (IMHO):

1) Rename, fork, host, and maintain the vbpp derived project going
   forward.  You will need follow the license which is described
   in the COPYING file.  For vbpp this seems to be some sort
   of GPL derived like/hacked up thing (VPP GENERAL PUBLIC

2) Fork, host, and maintain the vbpp project going forward (still
   following the appropriate license).  Do this (with no project
   rename) at your own peril though, even though you made an
   honest effort to contact the author.  You never know what will
   happen if the original author(s) comes along (suddenly wakes
   up from a coma etc...) and isn't happy that you hijacked
   his project.

Good luck,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: how to push/commit a new vbpp to geda?

2010-02-23 Thread Ales Hvezda

   You really to get permission from the author of the vbpp to
  \- need
get write access to his repository.  I did see some of the e-mails that

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf stable version 1.6.1-20100214 released!

2010-02-15 Thread Ales Hvezda

gEDA/gaf 1.6.1 has been released.  This focus for this release was bug
fixing and language translation.

Release Notes: to be written shortly.

Package maintainers: feel free to package up this release into any

0db35e4f2a5711f991022e106a56f125  geda-gaf-1.6.1-README.txt
c0049dd86c2ca3177bf3bafce85d6edd *geda-gaf-1.6.1.tar.gz

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Please update your translations for gEDA/gaf in prep for a release

2010-02-10 Thread Ales Hvezda


There is a desire to get a release (1.6.1) out this weekend or there

Translators, please verify/update your translations as soon as possible.
I don't really have a preference as to which branch these updates occur
on, unless PeterC has a preference.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: how to push/commit a new vbpp to geda?

2010-02-08 Thread Ales Hvezda

How do I upload my updates to vbpp to the above repository? Or should a 
new repo be created here instead ?

Have you tried contacting the original author of vbpp?  
Based on the README this would be: Jimen Ching 


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: --enable-cluster option.

2010-02-04 Thread Ales Hvezda
 While ngspice is one the the simulation back ends that gEDA can use, it is
 not part of the gEDA project, and I don't believe its developers watch this

ngspice is part of the gEDA project:

It is just managed/maintained/released completely independently.  Paolo and the
core gEDA developers do occasionally touch base from time to time.

The best place for the OP to post ngspice questions would be to the
ngspice mailing list:


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: service coming back slowely...

2010-01-19 Thread Ales Hvezda

   All of's gEDA services should be fully functional now.
Please send me a note if you see anything gEDA related non-functional.

One more update/change.  SEUL is no longer running an ircd on its
primary machine.  So, #geda hss moved to  You can find all
sorts of info on this irc network at:  

Note, points to, so there shouldn't be any 
interruption in service.  If you cannot connect via, please
try and if that doesn't work please contact oftc.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA-dev: service coming back slowely...

2010-01-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

The various services of are slowely coming back.  I do expect
the wiki and irc server to be back sometime soon.

All of's gEDA services should be fully functional now.
Please send me a note if you see anything gEDA related non-functional.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: service coming back slowely...

2010-01-14 Thread Ales Hvezda


This is a test message to see if the mailing lists are working somewhat 

The various services of are slowely coming back.  I do expect
the wiki and irc server to be back sometime soon.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Outage coming for

2010-01-11 Thread Ales Hvezda

Just a heads up that all remaining gEDA related services that are hosted
on may be in a period of unstableness in the coming week
(due to an OS upgrade and maybe hardware upgrade).  I don't have a good
feel for when (or how long) the outage will occur yet, but probably
sometime this coming week.

This downtime will start at 4pm (US EST).  The machine
will be down until tomorrow afternoon, probably until about 4-5pm.
Then in will take some time for various services to be restored.  Luckily,
most of gEDA is no longer dependent on except the following:

1. geda-* mailing lists
2. geda-* mailing lists archive
3. wiki / documentation
4. Any legacy web pages living on
5. irc server
6. dist, devel, and release directories
7. My e-mail: ahvezda AT (alt e-mail:

If somebody needs something badly during the downtime, send
me an e-mail to the alt e-mail address), however, it better be an
emergency.  Thanks,


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Outage coming for

2010-01-02 Thread Ales Hvezda

Hi All,

Just a heads up that all remaining gEDA related services that are hosted
on may be in a period of unstableness in the coming week
(due to an OS upgrade and maybe hardware upgrade).  I don't have a good
feel for when (or how long) the outage will occur yet, but probably
sometime this coming week.

gEDA related services hosted on include:

1. geda-* mailing lists
2. geda-* mailing lists archive
3. wiki / documentation
4. Any legacy web pages living on
5. irc server
6. dist, devel, and release directories
7. My e-mail: ahvezda AT (alt e-mail:

Some of these services I will move to or elsewhere.  To get
a status report (in case things suddenly disappear) as to where things
stand, where things have moved to, please see:

Sorry for the short notice and thanks for your patience, 


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf stable version 1.6.0-20091004 released!

2009-10-05 Thread Ales Hvezda

gEDA/gaf 1.6.0 has been released.

Release Notes: to be written shortly.

Package maintainers: feel free to package up this release into any

0db35e4f2a5711f991022e106a56f125 *geda-gaf-1.6.0-README.txt
1dacc71407e69d77eaf4c1115f5bcd56 *geda-gaf-1.6.0.tar.gz

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf unstable/development snapshot 1.5.4-20090830 released

2009-08-30 Thread Ales Hvezda

An unstable/development snapshot of gEDA/gaf was released yesterday
(1.5.3-20090829) and today (1.5.4-20090830).  gEDA/gaf v1.5.3 had some
release critical bugs (DOA) so it has been withdrawn and is no longer
available for download.  Please download, build, and run gEDA/gaf v1.5.4.

You can find this unstable/development snapshot at:

Release Notes:

NOTE: This unstable snapshot should _not_ be packaged into distributions. 

Please report any issues either via the bug tracker or to geda-user.
Many thanks to everybody who worked on this release.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Project sources web page update

2009-04-19 Thread Ales Hvezda

a patch for sources.html and a list of packages to download to (both assuming you still want to mirror the sources
on   Otherwise, may I suggest just removing the list

Thanks for your patch.  I actually updated most of the links
late last night after seeing your msg in IRC.  I do have a couple more
links to update though.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gaf build problem: configure fails with syntax error

2009-04-18 Thread Ales Hvezda


I tried to build the gaf (version 20090328) cloned from git today. After 
resolving some dependencies, I definitely stuck on following error (in 


With 20081221 version configure runs without any problem:

Any idea where can be a problem with latest version?

Did you build 20081221 from git or from the release tarballs?
Could you try building the 20090328 version using the released tarballs?
Do you have the development libraries/files installed for guile (if you 
built guile yourself then you probably do)?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Problem building gEDA from git repository

2009-04-10 Thread Ales Hvezda

I'm having problems building gEDA from the git repository, following the
instructions here:  I'm getting
the following error when running 'make install':

configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: error: cannot find input file:
make: *** [libgeda_config] Error 1

Can someone give me a few pointers?

I just updated that page and added two more required dependencies:
cvs and flex.   Please install those packages and then either:

* rerun all the steps from the beginning or 
* better yet blow away the entire gaf.git tree and fetch it
again and start over.

Please let me know if that helps.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf unstable/development snapshot 1.5.2-20090328 released!

2009-03-29 Thread Ales Hvezda

An unstable/development snapshot of gEDA/gaf was released yesterday
(1.5.2-20090328).  Many thanks to everybody who worked on this release.

You can find this unstable/development snapshot at:

Release Notes:

NOTE: This unstable snapshot should _not_ be packaged into distributions. 
This request is being reviewed and might change, stay tuned...

Please report any issues either via the bug tracker or to geda-user.


PS. Let me know if I missed something from the release notes.  There were
a rather large number of commits in this release as well.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: hosting outage

2009-03-15 Thread Ales Hvezda


There seems to be some sort of a network outage at the ISP that is hosting  Since they have posted a status update, I'm guessing they
are working on the problem as we speak.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hosting outage

2009-03-15 Thread Ales Hvezda

There seems to be some sort of a network outage at the ISP that is hosting  Since they have posted a status update, I'm guessing they
are working on the problem as we speak.

Obviously, things are back to normal (total downtime less than 4
hours and fixed on a Sunday morning; yah for commercial hosting).
Please remote any odd behavior as the hosting machine (including the
virtual machine) was up for many months.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pinseq - pinnumber?

2009-03-11 Thread Ales Hvezda
 H  maybe I need to change this piece of gEDA documentation:

 I'm pretty sure this page is wrong.  Maybe people will complain less
 if it's fixed.

Who ever removes the text that states that pinseq= is a requirement,
please actually test gnetlist with non-trivial symbols that does not
have the pinseq= attribute.  You will probably have to test all the
other gnetlist backends to make sure.

From my point of view, pinseq= is still a requirement and I would
rather not drop it.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB Build Errors

2009-03-03 Thread Ales Hvezda


 cvs -d co pcb

The correct cvs co command is:

cvs -d co master

I have fixed the Obtaining PCB page now.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Was there a major change to how power nets are handled in netlists?

2009-02-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

I'll try the 2nd in the immediate term, but it makes me nervous to use
a netlister with a known bug.

I have filed a bug (artifact as the new sf tracker likes to
call them) on this issue (#2611098).


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Was there a major change to how power nets are handled in netlists?

2009-02-16 Thread Ales Hvezda
Hi Matt,

In many of my schematics, I would have multiple power symbols, and
when I wanted them to be the same, I just connected them.  However,
that no longer works!  The netlister is making them separate nets.

I cannot seem to reproduce this in a simple schematic.  Could
you do me a favor and take a look at the below schematic, netlist it with
your gnetlist (on your machine), and let me know if:

1) it matches what you are doing in your large schematic 
2) it netlists correctly or incorrectly for you.

I might not have interpreted your schematics correctly and maybe I am
missing something subtle.

Was this intentional?

I hope not.


v 20081231 1
C 46000 47600 1 0 0 resistor-1.sym
T 46100 47900 5 10 1 1 0 0 1
N 46000 47700 45200 47700 4
N 45200 47700 45200 48700 4
C 45000 48700 1 0 0 generic-power.sym
T 45200 48950 5 10 1 1 0 3 1
C 44300 48300 1 0 0 generic-power.sym
T 44500 48550 5 10 1 1 0 3 1
N 44500 48300 44500 48100 4
N 44500 48100 45200 48100 4
C 45400 45800 1 0 0 resistor-1.sym
T 45500 46100 5 10 1 1 0 0 1
N 45400 45900 44600 45900 4
N 44600 45900 44600 46900 4
C 44400 46900 1 0 0 generic-power.sym
T 44600 47150 5 10 1 1 0 3 1
C 43700 46500 1 0 0 generic-power.sym
T 43900 46750 5 10 1 1 0 3 1
N 43900 46500 43900 46300 4
N 43900 46300 44600 46300 4

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Problems cloning from

2009-02-10 Thread Ales Hvezda
 Cloning gaf.git works OK, but cloning pcb.git gives the same error

 gar...@xdcnb047-vbox:~/devel/geda$ git clone

Is this the right URL?  I thought it was supposed to be  Please check the gaf.git URL and
see if it has a .../git/... in there.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Problems cloning from

2009-02-09 Thread Ales Hvezda

Has something changed in the configuration of the git server in the
changes of the last week? I now cannot clone from the repo at one of my

Yes, I made a change which affected http git access.  I have
re-enabled git access via http.  Please try again.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA new home on the 'net and other good changes...

2009-02-07 Thread Ales Hvezda


Recent good news/changes:

* The gEDA's project's homepage has moved.  The new address is:

  I have moved most things except the mailing list archives
  and the wiki.  Please report any problems or broken links.
  In theory I have setup (correctly) redirection (301) on the, so if you flush your web cache, you should be
  redirected to the new site automatically.  Let me know if that
  doesn't work for you.

* The PCB project has a new webpage too!  The new address is:

* The PCB project has also moved to using git.  The git repository
  can be browsed at:;a=summary

  Information on how to access the repository can be found at:

The above changes have been a fairly recent push to unify the various
toplevel gEDA projects in one place on the 'net.  Many thanks to the PCB
developers of allowing their project to be moved.  Hopefully the other
very important projects will move to as well.  Stay tuned...

All comments to me,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new symbols

2009-02-06 Thread Ales Hvezda
 Ask Ales for an account and add your section to the site. Just remember,
 that your name is attached to the collection. IMHO, it's nice to have a
 collection of z80 related symbols in the lib.

I have absolutely no responsibilities on  You need to
contact DJ Delorie for an account there.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [OT] gEDA Linkedn group

2009-01-24 Thread Ales Hvezda

I think Steve is right,  so in the meanwhile  I removed the said
statement, for a more general one, without quoting or linking to the
gEDA website, until a word of the project leader.
If Ales and the other feel it's right to continue using it, we may
choose together the best description for the group, and choose to
modulate the description to give a link strength to gEDA as strong as we
want (even none, if you wish, of course).

Really, I don't object if people want to create groups like this.
However, (and soon only will always be the
official website of the gEDA project.

You can describe a gEDA group on LinkedIn (or elsewhere) as you
wish as long as it doesn't misrepresent the name/project.  For example,
please do not misrepresent the group saying that gEDA is some sort of
economic developers association. :)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [OT] gEDA Linkedn group

2009-01-24 Thread Ales Hvezda

Currently gEDA's presence is spread between,,, now linkedn..

* is going to be de-emphasized at some point.
  I will probably continue using it as a file distribution site
  and for mailing lists (and respective archives).

* will be the new homepage of the gEDA project
  in the near future.  There has been progress in getting
  the various major gEDA projects to move to
  Stay tuned...

* Is anybody using the geda part of

* Sourceforge will continue to be used for file distribution, 
  the trackers, and donation.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hurray for gEDA!

2009-01-24 Thread Ales Hvezda

Hi JohnD,

Last night I delivered the schematic design and netlist for a data  
acquisition board for the TESS space mission. 1200 components, but  
the design is only seven schematics and three connector pin list  


Out of curiousity, how do you verify that the generated netlist
matches the schematic?


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: FWD: Re: gEDA-dev: pyinotify and mac osx

2009-01-23 Thread Ales Hvezda

[[ I'm forwarding this message that arrived to geda-dev (which was turned
   off last week) to geda-user. -Ales ]]

On Wed, 2009-01-14 at 21:50 -0500, Peter Wiley-Cordone wrote:
 I've got geda running and building on macosx, and I'm trying to get  
 geda manager going. It looks like I've got it down to needing  
 pyinotify, and when I try to install that, I get:
 Exception: inotify not available under macosx-10.5-i386
 The pyinotify page also says something about it relying on a linux  
 kernel feature.  Does anyone know if there is a way to get pyinotify  
 running in mac osx?

You're probably out of luck, since it is indeed a wrapper onto a Linux
kernel API.

geda-manager needs porting to the more portable libgamin / libfam.

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: ben-mode with outline layer

2009-01-23 Thread Ales Hvezda

[[ I'm forwarding this message that arrived to geda-dev (which was turned
   off last week) to geda-user. -Ales ]]

On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 01:39:46 +, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 15:48:37 -0600, Mark Rages wrote:

 convert in.png \( +clone -background black -shadow 75x20+20+20 \) \
+swap -background white out.png

Oups, some options are missing in this line. This will work better:

convert PD-ac.png \( +clone -background black -shadow 75x20+20+20 \) \
+swap  -background white -layers merge -resize 50% out.png

Kai-Martin Knaak  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211   
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
GPG key:;op=get

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [OT] gEDA Linkedn group

2009-01-23 Thread Ales Hvezda

OK, but you can see where this idea creeps in: people wanting
to work on, contribute to, and use Free (as in freedom) hardware
designs do not want to depend on proprietary software to do it.

Exactly, which is the primary reason why I started the gEDA project.

Maybe Giuseppe should weaken that statement a little, but it
makes sense to keep some kind of reference in there.  Maybe:

The statement actually comes for the gEDA website and the wording was
choosen quite explicitly:

The gEDA project was started because of the lack of free EDA
tools for POSIX systems with the primary purpose of advancing
the state of free hardware or open source hardware. ...

The key words are:

The gEDA project was started because ...

Also, this license page has been debated and refined in the past:

and if you want to argue against it, then by all means, but please do it
offlist.  Thanks,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [OT] gEDA Linkedn group

2009-01-23 Thread Ales Hvezda

 so what is off topic?

Very little it seems.  If you read my e-mail again, I didn't say anything
was off topic.  I just don't want to see another debate on the license,
since it is all in the archives.  And if you want to lobby for a change,
please do it off list.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [RFC 1/6] Non-Turing-complete configuration files.

2009-01-18 Thread Ales Hvezda

 I don't think it is upto the implementer to decide what he/she
 wants, it us upto the Ales and other key developers decision.

And as it so happens, PeterC and PeterB are key developers and the
implementers.  Best of all possible worlds, if you ask me.  

I think we can stop betting this horse which has long passed into
Sto-Vo-Kor, as I haven't heard anything particularly bad about 
non-turing complete config files.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [RFC 1/6] Non-Turing-complete configuration files.

2009-01-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

My proposal is to use a Scheme-like syntax for the configuration files,
but to parse rather than execute them. Naturally, it would be necessary
to design the system carefully to ensure that all configuration
parameters can be specified in the reduced syntax.

No objections as long as -s and File/Execute scripts... keep
working.  Scheme plugin mechanism should also allow arbitrary scheme to
be executed on startup.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [RFC 2/6] Plugin system

2009-01-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

Currently, Scheme is the only available extension language for
gEDA. However, in future it may be desirable to extend gEDA apps in
other languages, including possibly as native code loaded from .so

No objections with the following constraints:

- All plugins should be opt-in.
- No enabled plugins by default (to start with; subject to
  careful review and discussion); no undiscussed and agreed upon
  plugin enabling.
- Any plugins enabled by default (in the future) should not be
  used to stealthly circumvent current defaults or behavior.
- It would be really nice to refactor existing scheme functionality
  into plugins.
- Plugin mechanism must be portable.
- Initial focus should probably be on scheme-centric plugins;
  native plugins can come later.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [RFC 3/6] Embedding system revamp

2009-01-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

gEDA currently allows symbols or pictures to be embedded in a
schematic. However, the current embedding system requires the full
data to be embedded for each instance of an embedded item.

This has a number of shortcomings:

1. It bloats filesize by requiring multiple redundant copies of the same

2. It makes updating embedded symbols a hassle, especially if you
   accidentally miss one copy of a particular symbol.

3. It is limited in terms of the filetypes that can be
   embedded. Although I can't currently think of any reason to embed
   file types other than images, symbols or (possibly) schematics, one
   might crop up in the future.

I propose that a schematic or symbol file explicitly embed each embedded
file once only, to then be referred to each time a component or picture
object instantiates that file.

1. Disk space is cheap and it is currently really obvious how things are
   being stored.

2. Updating symbols is not that hard (select everything and update).  Plus
   gschlas can probably be modified to provide functionality update all
   components in the specified schematics.  However, what happens if a
   user does want N different versions of the same symbol embedded?

3. If you think of something other than symbols and images, please post.

I'm neutral on this one at the moment.  I think I will need to
hear more pros/cons to justify the non-trivial amount of change (code
wise and from a user's point of view) you are proposing.  Also, keep
in mind that the default of gschem is not to embed symbols/pictures,
so how many users will really take advantage of this?

[*] Note that we may also consider making gEDA files officially use CRLF
line-endings, for better compatibility with 'quoted-printable'
encoding  Windows users.

Really _not_ sold on this one.  I think you will get significant
push back if you expect POSIX users to have ^M in their files by default.
gaf (anything really) should handle both including mixed gracefully.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [RFC 4/6] New window functionality.

2009-01-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

The New window functiona in gschem is getting in my way (for a variety
of rather technical reasons that I can go into if someone really wants
me to). [*]

Neutral, leaning towards leaving it in.  Especially with an undefined /
dangling [*].


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [RFC 5/6] Use of X server clipboard

2009-01-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

Currently, if you 'copy' in gschem and 'paste' in another program,
nothing useful happens. We should ideally try and use the X

No objections to any of the options.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [RFC 6/6] Generation of log files

2009-01-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

Currently, running any gEDA suite program leaves behind a log file in
the current working directory. I would like to change the default to not
generating log files, so that I (and other users who use the default
configuration) don't end up with gschem.log and gnetlist.log files
scattered over their entire filesystem. Any objections?

No objections, but the first user who posts a mysterious error
report with no information (where the clarifying info would be in the
disabled log file), you get the honor of playing 20 questions and telling
them how to enable the log file and dealing with all the whining which
will result. 


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [RFC 6/6] Generation of log files

2009-01-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

The general consensus so far seems to be to carry on generating log files b=
default, but to put them in some central location. What to call them and=20
where exactly that location should be ($HOME/.gEDA/logs? $TMPDIR/gEDA?=20
Somewhere else?) seems to be up for debate.

That's fine, as long as you solve the contention problem in
a portable and robust fashion.  

For simplicity sake I'm okay with the log files going into $TMP/gEDA/logs
with the pid in the filenamme.  This should probably be configurable
(so those who like the log files in the project dir can stay happy),
with the new location behavior being the default.  You could also move
the undo files into $TMP/gEDA/undo etc...


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [RFC 6/6] Generation of log files

2009-01-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

I'm actually okay with leaving the backup  undo files where they are. No-o=
seems to complain about Emacs keeping its backup/undo files in the same=20
directory as the file being edited. Doing this has the added advantage that=
if gschem crashes, and then someone tries to open the schematic as another=
user/from another machine, they will receive the do you want to recover=20

undo not backup files (they are different).  Backup files 
should stay where they are.  Run gschem for a while and look in the
/tmp directory.  There you will find the undo files which over time
tend to pollute /tmp (and aren't removed if gschem crashes).


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [RFC 2/6] Plugin system

2009-01-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

Can someone define plug-in for me?

What is the advantage, given that the whole project is open-source?

This is a good page which describes plugins:


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [RFC 6/6] Generation of log files

2009-01-17 Thread Ales Hvezda

We need to fix the security implications of making known named files in
$TMPDIR, and with that I'd suggest that we used a subdir (per process
perhaps?). I can't find anything in my /tmp for gschem undo files after
I've been working with gschem for a while.

If you exit gschem, the /tmp files are cleaned up.  If gschem
crashes, they are not.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: DJ's PCB making procedure

2009-01-16 Thread Ales Hvezda

   I have the link to your pictures of you making a pcb at:

   I was wondering do you have written directions, not that the pictures
   aren't self explanitory, that go along with it?  Or should I go by
   Direct Etch PCB's website?  I thought I'd check before trying it.

DJ did write up some descriptions, but somebody (an unnamed guilty
individual, name starts with an A) hasn't posted the captions yet...


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: compiling gaf from git repos

2009-01-14 Thread Ales Hvezda


I didn't try the AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL line, but I did revert
back to the original AM_PROG_LIBTOOL only line.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Power (and other non-graphical) pins

2009-01-12 Thread Ales Hvezda


Oh no, not again...  We have already had this _exact_ same endless
discussion a couple of months ago.  People, please go back into the
archives and re-read the previous discussion and take all follow up
offline.  Please?

[ snip everything cause it has been hashed out before ]


Posting the same complaints again and again, does *not* help your cause
and will not generate any action/attention/sympathy.

Again, please read and act upon the advice given at:

In particular bullets one and three.  I think that all developer goodwill
and kindness (bullet two) has already been spent in full.

In the end, my final recommendation is that you go out and purchase a
commercial EDA package that meets all of _your_ needs.  This project is 
really not for people who are unwilling/unable to accept the published
goals/approach [1].

Let's all try very hard to avoid such repeat threads in the future.
Thank you,


[1] The gEDA project's goals/approach are clearly documented at:

Please read it in full.  If you do not agree with these goals, please
find some other mailing lists to inhabit.  Thank you.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Power (and other non-graphical) pins

2009-01-12 Thread Ales Hvezda

Where on is the word goal even used?
The word is approach is only used to argue against monolithic
programs. So I dispute that the goals/approaches are clearly documented

I edit the page and spell it out even more clearly when I get
a chance.

[snip rest of the post -- no point of adding fuel to a fire]


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: geda-user Digest, Vol 32, Issue 28

2009-01-11 Thread Ales Hvezda

It is an x86 Linux binary release. Unfortunately the release notes don't
appear to be with it on the sourceforge site.

Check again now.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: ExpressPCB is evil.... was: Re: New user to PCB - what does this error mean?

2009-01-11 Thread Ales Hvezda

[snip nice e-mail]
Call me a control freak if you like, but gEDA seems ok with that.  :)

This is an interesting point that should be reiterated.  The
whole point of gEDA is flexibility-- I hate it how some tools force you
to work in and only in their narrow world.  We (as developers) should
not take away flexibility unless there is a really really good reason.
At least we should keep all the control freaks happy. :)


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf stable version 1.4.3-20081231 released!

2008-12-31 Thread Ales Hvezda


I have released the last stable release of gEDA/gaf for this year today
(1.4.3-20081231).  I'm _really_ hoping that this is the last stable
release in the v1.4.x series.  The sooner we can get 1.5.2 and 1.6.0 out
the door the better.  1.4.3 is a roll up release that picks up a bunch
of bug fixes since 1.4.2.  Many thanks to everybody who did the cherry
picking work (PeterB and PeterC) for this release.

You can find this stable release at:

Release Notes:

2008 was a really good year for gEDA/gaf.  There were three
unstable/development releases and four stable releases this year.

Enjoy and Happy New Year!

PS. md5sum's for this release are:

6305083c37a86f2353a8be40bcf70b99 *geda-docs-1.4.3.tar.gz
923fe9d9cc843b5eb7b26c91ad0ef2d4 *geda-examples-1.4.3.tar.gz
e1f68401e7ca5fff16292358f0dfd553 *geda-gattrib-1.4.3.tar.gz
ef31d47010108518c6d214516f3d0cad *geda-gnetlist-1.4.3.tar.gz
76eef656ba4e27c6083fa29b3a5dfb08 *geda-gschem-1.4.3.tar.gz
764613c24a752281a4f5d5432e53d0d2 *geda-gsymcheck-1.4.3.tar.gz
e93f0c9747a66ce229702418b49e128f *geda-symbols-1.4.3.tar.gz
55ab23cad7aee2e65fcc742c424e68d4 *geda-utils-1.4.3.tar.gz
f4254f345b5d1a1f3ae4e2e27ae38b0a *libgeda-1.4.3.tar.gz
c425ae4dc5af85b0dba114050494d4a5 *Makefile
4745ac2c32a160bfcc55ca0fc5b14349 *README

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf unstable snapshot 1.5.1-20081221 released!

2008-12-30 Thread Ales Hvezda

 Release Notes: TBD (these will take time due to the sheer number of changes)

Now posted at:

Let me know if I have missed some critical change or misrepresented something.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Recommendations for laptop?

2008-12-26 Thread Ales Hvezda

So, does anybody in here have recommendations for a good laptop?  Or
do you have any laptops to avoid?

I am a big fan of IBM Thinkpads.  There is no reason why
you could not find an older referbished Thinkpad that isn't manufactured
by Leveno.

A number of people are adovcating Apple hardware on this list.
I will not argue that Apple makes nice hardware.  But this is after all a
a free software oriented mailing list, so a little balance would be nice.
I generally avoid Apple hardware, since Apple is as closed/proprietry
and single source as a compay can possibly get.

We can discuss this in person tomorrow, Stuart and JohnD.  But
please leave all weapons at home. :-)


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