Re: gEDA-user: Speaker SPICE modeling with gschem and ng-spice/gnucap

2011-09-13 Thread al davis
On Monday 12 September 2011, Hannu Vuolasaho wrote:
> Is it possible to do same thing? Input wav to simulator and
> get speaker's output and hear it? I know it's not perfect
> but it could be very helpful. Has someone done this before
> and provide some hints, examples or links?

If you can do some coding, you could write plugins for gnucap 
that could implement WAV in and out in a sense similar to what 
LTspice has.

For WAV input, one way is to make a "bm" plugin, that would make 
a variant of the voltage source, or anything else, but that is 
beyond what you are asking for.  It should be simple to read the 
WAV file and buffer it using the gnucap WAVE class.  You could 
use "" as a starting point.  That is the plugin that 
provides Spice-style PWL.  Look at the transmission line 
( as an example of the use of the WAVE class.

For WAV output, make a new device, as a plugin.  Start with the 
current source ( .. strip out most of it, and use 
"tr_accept" to write out the WAV file.  You would need to use a 
bit of trickery to write out fixed time steps from gnucap's 
variable steps.  You could force the time steps, that's easy, 
but it would run very slow.

This is just ideas .. seems fairly simple to me, but I haven't 
actually done it.

Of course you could write programs to translate files, but I 
think the plugin approach should be easier, and it will 
certainly run faster.  

Generating a PWL for input is fairly universal, but the spice 
"raw" files are different for every version of spice.  I am 
bewildered at why ngspice hasn't moved on to something more 
standard.  Both ways, the text mode translations on every time 
step will certainly be slow, and could also lose some precision.  
That may even be slower than the calculations.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread al davis
On Monday 16 May 2011, Steven Michalske wrote:
> But lawyers can use that clause as a loophole to invalidate
> legitimate patents.

Minor side effect of "lawyers can use that clause as a loophole 
to invalidate ILLegitimate patents" ...  which outnumber the 
ligitimate ones a million to one.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: zener diode modeling

2011-04-20 Thread al davis
On Monday 18 April 2011, yamazakir2 wrote:
> Does anybody have a nice and simple zener diode model they
> would like to share? The model that I am using has trouble
> with convergence in context of a complicated switching
> circuit with ngspice.

have you tried gnucap?

You will need the spice-diode plugin to get the reverse 
breakdown, or use the parallel combo that Andy suggested, 
because the "native" model doesn't do breakdown.  Several 
plugins do.

The two-diode and battery approach has an advantage that the 
iteration limiting is better behaved that way.  The spice 
junction limiting doesn't work correctly for the breakdown 
region.  The code isn't there.

I don't expect the "B" device approach to help much if any.  
Usually its convergence characteristics are worse than the "C" 

The reason I expect gnucap might work better here is the time 
step control algorithm, which gives much tighter control than 
the algorithm used in Spice.

In a later post, you said that the convergence failures are 
occuring during the transient analysis.  It runs for a while 
then screws up.

Spice time step control is based on three things ..
1. Truncation error in numerical differentiation, storage 
elements only.
2. Iteration count.
3. Pre-determined "break-points", but only in a few places.

The problems:

1. Non-storage devices do not participate in step control, at 
all.  In the simple case, it might not seem like a problem, you 
just get a plot that is rough to look at, and manually reduce 
the step size.  In a complex case, the undersampled waveform 
provides a very wrong input to the storage devices, causing 
incorrect results.  The familiar aliasing you get from sampling 
is one example of this.

2. No handling of analog events.

3. Using iteration count as step control involves many 
failure/recovery cycles.  The failures are not completely 
forgotten, so numeric problems can drive it to neverland.

Gnucap uses these methods as part of the algorithm, and where 
used they work the same, but also has more.  

1. Non-storage devices also participate in step control, based 
on curve fitting.  Step size is chosen such that common 
interpolation will produce a curve, where the whole curve is 
within an error bound.  (Spectre method)

2. Some devices generate analog events, for example on a region 
change.  At an analog event, the time of crossing is error 
controlled.  Unfortunately not all devices do this, but you can 
add switches (S device) to specify places in the circuit where 
you need this extra control.

3. Behavioral devices, including spice-style sources (Sin, sffm, 
etc) generate analog events sufficient that they can be modeled 
correctly, including phase.

Most of the time, you can skip specifying a time step entirely, 
and it will automatically step appropriately.

In this case, if I understand correctly, you have a circuit that 
has some abrupt changes that occur at certain times, but before 
and after that time activitity is slow.

With Spice time stepping, the steps will be large before the 
abrupt change, skipping over it.  In some cases, it seems to 
work and you get believable wrong answers.  In other cases, it 
results in a convergence failure, triggering a step rejection, 
and a retry with smaller time steps.

The Gnucap algorithm helps in several ways ..

First, since all components participate in time step control, it 
is likely that a shape change in the waveform will cause a 
reduction in step size, even if there are no storage devices.  
Often this is enough.

In the future, the semiconductor devices will generate analog 
events on region crossings, but they don't yet.

For now, you can do this explicitly by adding a switch to the 
circuit.  Recall .. the voltage controlled switch has an input 
port, where crossing a threshold causes a resistance change on 
the output port.  The trick here is to just use it to detect the 
crossing.  Ground both output terminals, and connect the input 
across the critical spot, for example across your zener.  Set 
the threshold (in the switch's .model statement) at the critical 
voltage.  It Spice, this won't do anything.  In Gnucap, if you 
use the Spice switch, it will work just like it does in Spice.  
You need to use the Gnucap native switch model.  What it does is 
to force accurate time stepping around the crossing.  There will 
be extra time steps just before and after the crossing, so as to 
provide additional accuracy in the region of the crossing.  The 
additional steps are such that the accuracy of the time of 
crossing is error controlled to the specified tolerances.

How it helps in this case, is that rather than going past the 
critical spot, then going into a recovery cycle, step size is 
reduced leading up to the crossing, so it doesn't go by, and 
doesn't need to fall back to the recovery cycle, hopefully 
solving the convergence problem.

It's not perfect, there is still work to do, but I believe that 
as it is, it provides a signi

Re: gEDA-user: [spice] capacitor current

2011-04-16 Thread al davis
On Saturday 16 April 2011, Levente Kovacs wrote:
> I want to simulate my low pass filters. So far, I managed to
> have my theoretical results.
> Now I want to know the currents of the capacitors vs. the
> frequency.
> I remember that the best way is to put 0V voltage sources in
> series of the capacitors, but I don't know how to get the AC
> current of the source.
> Could you provide any hint on this?

With Gnucap, just ask for the capacitor current.

print ac i(c*)

(this prints all capacitor currents)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: nice C++ (was Re: pcb plugin smartdisperse fails on load)

2011-02-25 Thread al davis
On Friday 25 February 2011, Larry Doolittle wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 12:32:13PM -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
> > > So, could you, pretty please, point me to some nice C++
> > > code.
> > 
> > Sorry, the work I did back then was not OSS.  I'll have to
> > write some more "nice C++" for you :-)
> Tastes may vary, but some years ago when I went looking for a
> clean C++ matrix math class library, I was favorably
> impressed by newmat
> Operator overloading with a clear purpose!

Gnucap is C++.  

There is a matrix class using templates.  It is an advanced 
sparse solver specially designed for "fast-spice" simulation.  
For now, Gnucap only uses it for types double and complex, but 
it works for any type that defines the standard operators.  I 
have used it for symbolic polynomials, but have not released the 
code yet.

There is also a plugin system that really works.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Soft and Hard symbols

2011-01-18 Thread al davis

> On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 21:14 -0500, al davis wrote:
> >   I don't know where that is done, or if it is done 
> > in a form that would be useful here, or whether there
> > exists the  code to go the other way (generate a schematic
> > given a netlist and rendering info) which is equally
> > needed.

On Saturday 15 January 2011, Peter Clifton wrote:
> Not done. Would be nice though - but I'd rate it of similar
> complexity to a board auto-router. (Not as rigidly
> constrained topologically, but to do well would require a
> decent auto-place, and a decent auto-router - even if the
> rules are different to that used with a PCB).

Ah .. but I said "and rendering info".

Generating a schematic from a netlist without the rendering 
info, you are absolutely correct.

But that's where the "rendering info" comes in.  It tells where 
to place and route in a portable way.

Where does the rendering info come from?

Mostly, it would be saved when you convert a schematic to a 
netlist.  That way it is available when you convert it back, so 
when you make a round trip you get the same schematic you had 
before.  Or, if you made some changes in the netlist you get the 
schematic with the changes.  You might need to move the new 
stuff for looks, but it would at least be functional.

Or, convert one kind of schematic, saving the rendering info in 
a portable way, and write it out as another kind of schematic.  
That's the translation facility.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: multiple attributes

2011-01-17 Thread al davis
On Monday 17 January 2011, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
> al davis  writes:
> > How about prefixing simulation attributes with a dot.
> No, please,  use a proper namespace prefix, like 
>   spice- verilog- sim-
>   spice: verilog: sim:
> Backend namespaces, use namespaces, with fallbacks into
> legacy and global namespaces.
>   spice-value=
>   sim-value=
>   value=

If it was just the file, I would agree.  That was my first 

In this case, that means the schematic itself would be visually 
cluttered with repetitions of the namespace prefix, unless there 
are changes to gschem.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: multiple attributes

2011-01-17 Thread al davis
On Monday 17 January 2011, John Doty wrote:
> I'm unhappy with tuning gschem/gnetlist to be especially
> friendly to any specific downstream flow. Al's favorite
> downstream tool is apparently Verilog, so that seems to be
> what he wants to target, with every other flow having to
> adapt.

I'm unhappy with tuning gschem/gnetlist to be especially 
friendly to any specific downstream flow. John's favorite 
downstream tool is apparently SPICE, so that seems to be what he 
wants to target, with every other flow having to adapt.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: multiple attributes

2011-01-16 Thread al davis
It's well past time to realize that there is more to simulation 
than Spice.  A schematic should be able to be used with a 
variety of simulators, and the netlister should take care of  
the differences.

Symbols should not have anything specific to any output format.  
This is difficult considering how irregular the Spice format is, 
but hacking the symbols to compensate for shortcomings in one 
output format is short sighted, especially a format where the 
inventer of the format wishes it would be replaced by something 

In a schematic, attributes really need to have a type.  There 
are simulation attributes, layout attributes, etc.  To minimize 
the changes to code, for now let's identify the type of an 
attribute by a non-alnum first character.  How about prefixing 
simulation attributes with a dot.

A Verilog netlister would just emit the attributes marked as 
simulation attributes in the appropriate format, regardless of 
the meaning of a symbol.  

A Spice netlister could do this in some cases, but needs extra 
code to handle special cases.

So, for a mosfet, you have attributes like "l" and "w".  These 
must not be hard coded, because it cannot be known in general 
what attributes will be used.  A resistor would have an 
attribute "r", a capacitor would have an attribute "c".  Again, 
not hard coded but rather just by convention.

A Verilog netlister might output:
nmos1#(.l(1u), .w(1u))  m12   (.d(3),.s(4),.g(9),.b(0));
resistor #(.r(10k)) r33   (.n(3), .p(8));
boxoid   #(.hat(10),.foot(.01)) xbox1 (.top(3), .bot(7));

A Spice netlister might output:
m12   (3 9 4 0) nmos1  l=1u w=1u
r33   (8 3)10k
xbox1 (3 7) boxoid hat=100 foot=.01

For the Verilog netlister, no funny business is needed.  All 
instances have the same syntax.  All attributes and connections 
are mapped by name.  It's easy.

For the Spice netlister, there are some issues.  In general, the 
attributes can be passed by just stripping the dot and copying, 
but that doesn't work for the resistor.  Different types have 
different syntax.  This must be determined from the type by the 
netlister.  In this case, the mosfet and subckt call can use the 
same syntax.  They are not special.  This behavior can be 
thought of as the default behavior.

The resistor is a special case.  One particular attribute "r" 
needs to be emitted without its name.  This is a netlister task, 
not part of a symbol.  This is where some kind of mapping is 

The resistor isn't the only special case.  Spice is seriously 
burdened with those special cases, which is why a spice 
netlister is so complicated.  Still, it is a netlister problem, 
not a symbol problem.  Let the symbols be consistent, and the 
spice netlister support the bugs in spice.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: FYI [Fwd: [Balloon] Balloon 4]

2011-01-16 Thread al davis
On Sunday 16 January 2011, John Griessen wrote:
> On 01/15/2011 10:36 PM, al davis wrote:
> > Unless I massively missed something, verilog is completely
> > procedural.
> Really verilog is all in parallel, not procedural code,
> unless you want to put some in with special features that
> are trickier to use than everyday verilog.
> The basic statement of verilog is assign, which defines wires
> and connectivity of busses of wires and renamings and logical
> combinations of wire values...  Much like a graphical
> schematic.
> Modules also map names in verilog, allowing reuse of subcells
> with different names for wires inside them.

You are thinking of the original Verilog, as it was in its first 
draft from Cadence over 20 years ago.

Today, Verilog means a family of languages with common syntax 
that do just about everything in electronics.  There is System 
Verilog, Verilog-A, Verilog-AMS,    The insiders refer to 
the old digital verilog alone as "Verilog-D".

If simulation means Spice to you, you are 20 years behind.
If Verilog means only digital to you, you are 20 years behind.
Are we proud of being 20 years behind?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: FYI [Fwd: [Balloon] Balloon 4]

2011-01-15 Thread al davis
On Saturday 15 January 2011, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> I don't see how this could possibly work. Both, gschem and
> altium  contain a graphical representation of the circuit.
> Unless I massively missed something, verilog is completely
> procedural. Graphics information would be lost during the
> process.

Yes .. you missed something.  Verilog has a structural part too, 
which is well documented, has a published standard, and 
completely adequate for this.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: FYI [Fwd: [Balloon] Balloon 4]

2011-01-15 Thread al davis
On Saturday 15 January 2011, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> I looked at
> Unfortunately, my c++ is not fluent enough to read the code
> right away.   This is aggravated by the lack of comments on
> what the various code blocks do. Since I also don't know
> verilog by heart, the whole file looks more like a puzzle.
> Sorry, but this fruit is hanging too high for me. (You can
> call me programming coward)
> Is there a comprehensive specification, what gnucap expects
> to get from  the import plugin? If so, it might make a
> gschem import component a lot easier.

I started to write up things like that:

but then other things came up so I didn't have time to do more.

If somebody actually wants to help, wants to write a language 
plugin, I will work with you and complete the documentation.  
The interaction is a necessary part of completing the work.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Soft and Hard symbols

2011-01-14 Thread al davis
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 6:32 AM, Peter Clifton wrote:
> > Ideally (to be forward compatible with format changes),
> > that plugin would use libgeda. If someone starts on this,
> > please let us know via the lists + bug tracker (
> > ) if you find any API
> > which is lacking.
On Friday 14 January 2011, John Doty wrote:
> The trouble with this reasoning is that the .sch file format
> is reasonably simple, well documented, expressive,
> extensible, and stable. The libgeda API is complex, poorly
> documented, and badly in need of revision. Only a few tools
> use the libgeda API, but there are many useful scripts out
> in the gEDA universe that deal with .sch and .sym files
> directly, so file format changes would be big trouble in any
> case.

You have a point ...

Without getting into the quality of the format or libgeda, lets 
assume that both are likely to change in the future in some way.

The Gnucap plugin system allows many plugins for many different 
formats.  It is reasonable to expect that when the format 
changes there could be plugins for both the new and old 
versions, providing a migration path between them.

If libgeda changes, which it will need to if it will support the 
new format or new features that may be needed, any code using it 
also needs to change, causing maintenance issues.  If something 
is written, it is not known whether whoever writes it will want 
to make the changes as libgeda changes.  Besides, it may be 
necessary to keep the old one around for backward compatibility.  
It is better to eliminate such a burden.

Reading a file is easy.  The hard part about the geda format, 
where use of libgeda may be advantageous, is establishing 
connectivity.  I don't know where that is done, or if it is done 
in a form that would be useful here, or whether there exists the 
code to go the other way (generate a schematic given a netlist 
and rendering info) which is equally needed.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: FYI [Fwd: [Balloon] Balloon 4]

2011-01-14 Thread al davis
On Friday 14 January 2011, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Peter Clifton wrote:

No.  David Bisset wrote, on another list.  Peter just passed it 
on to us.

> >> It is intended that these will be published in Altium
> >> format as that is the CAD package of choice for the
> >> design process.
> Why not geda in the first place?

Anyone here who uses LTspice need only to look in the mirror to 
figure that out.  Apparently, there are some features that 
Altium has that they consider to be important.   What are they?

> >> However we will also explore the possibility of publishing
> >> the files for one of the Open ECAD packages such as gEDA.
> How would the conversion be performed?

That's obvious.  They are waiting for us to provide a conversion 

Let me ask for help again. ..  Gnucap has a conversion facility 
based on Verilog syntax.  If someone writes a plugin for geda 
format (which I have already asked for), and someone else writes 
one for Altium format, we have that translator.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Soft and Hard symbols

2011-01-14 Thread al davis
On Friday 14 January 2011, Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-01-13 at 19:41 -0500, al davis wrote:
> > > On Jan 12, 2011, at 11:29 AM, al davis  wrote:
> > That's great.  There is a long list of things that need to
> > be  done.  Where do you want to start?
> >
> > 
> >
> > My preference is to start with netlist translation, using 
> > gnucap's translator system that goes both ways.  In this
> > case,  that's a "language plugin", reading and writing the
> > gschem format
> Ideally (to be forward compatible with format changes), that
> plugin would use libgeda. If someone starts on this, please
> let us know via the lists + bug tracker (
> ) if you find any API which
> is lacking.

That makes sense to me, I think.

> >  then another language plugin for the PCB format.
> I don't see how the two are congruent. Did you mean for
> extracting layout for simulation?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Soft and Hard symbols

2011-01-13 Thread al davis
> On Jan 12, 2011, at 11:29 AM, al davis  wrote:
> > Both of these are areas where we could take the lead, but I
> > need  help to do that.  I can't do it alone, and can't do
> > it if people are fighting it.  Does anyone want to help?

On Wednesday 12 January 2011, Edward Hennessy wrote:
> I would like to help with this project.

That's great.  There is a long list of things that need to be 
done.  Where do you want to start?

My preference is to start with netlist translation, using 
gnucap's translator system that goes both ways.  In this case, 
that's a "language plugin", reading and writing the gschem 
format, then another language plugin for the PCB format.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Soft and Hard symbols

2011-01-12 Thread al davis

> Dietmar Schmunkamp wrote:
> > Start a design with gschem --> simulate it --> get it thru
> > pcb --> extract physical paramaters from the layout -->
> > OPTIMIZE* --> feedback to gschem --> restart the loop.

On Friday 07 January 2011, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Unfortunately, at the current state of geda and friends the
> simulate  step is a weak spot. Not so much because of
> weaknesses in the simulation algorithm. With gnucap and
> ngspice there are two very capable engines. It is the
> absence of readily available models and almost no GUI
> support that blocks the road.

Actually, not at all because of weaknesses in the simulation 

NGspice has essentially the same algorithms as LTspice.  When I 
benchmarked them (a few years ago) they were indistinguishable, 
which makes sense because they are both derivatives of Spice-3 
from Berkeley, which also is mostly indistinguishable in a 
performance sense.

Gnucap has more advanced algorithms.  My benchmarks show much 
faster performance on large circuits and more robust time step 
control.  Ironically, "switch mode power supply" is a type of 
circuit that works fine on gnucap, but I got identical 
believable bad results on both NG and LT spice, due to step 
control problems.

There is a real problem with the interface to gEDA, and also 
with displaying the results.  Does anyone want to help fix this 

There is somewhat of a problem with models, because most models 
are written for a specific simulator and moving to another makes 
a lot of them not work.  There are several strategies for 
improving this situation, ranging from adding features to the 
simulator to porting models.

Both of these are areas where we could take the lead, but I need 
help to do that.  I can't do it alone, and can't do it if people 
are fighting it.  Does anyone want to help?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: series of gnetlist backend patches

2011-01-05 Thread al davis
On Monday 03 January 2011, Dan White wrote:
> The Analog Rails tweaks to gnucap make parallel simulations
> with hspice feasible from a common *.sch set.  Their repo is
> at

I could use some help with gnucap development.

I have asked Analog Rails to officially participate in the main 
line of gnucap development, but they refuse.  Management 
decision.  Very bad management decision.

In the geda context   Gnucap's preferred netlist format is 
Verilog, but the geda Verilog netlister doesn't do attributes 
and other problems, so it is useless for this.  The spice format 
has been a serious headache for simulator developers for years.

Taking this a step further.  There is a need to treat nets as 
first class objects, which no geda netlister does.

Gnucap has its own translation facility, that can import as well 
as export.  If someone can write plugins for gschem format, and 
PCB format, that would be most appreciated.

Gnucap was never intended to be just another spice, but rather a 
modern replacement.  It's the original "fast-spice", and the 
first true single kernel mixed-mode simulator.  

I could help on the research side too, but in this context, just 
someone to grab the low-hanging-fruit would be extremely 
helpful.  Everything that any Spice has that Gnucap doesn't is 
low-hanging fruit.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Resistor values…

2010-12-26 Thread al davis
On Saturday 25 December 2010, Vanessa Ezekowitz wrote:
> * If the part in question can usually be described by a
> single value, for the purposes of the signal flow in the
> schematic that is, then give it a default of "value=0".

No.  Zero is almost always wrong.  The only sensible default 
value in this case is a copy of the reference designator.  If 
the reference designator is "R1", the default value should be 

Justification ...  For simulation, all modern simulators, and 
some not-so-modern simulators have a means of assigning values 
to parameters.

In a spice format, you could say:
.param R1=10k
or something like that.
Some let you use parameters in other ways, making it even more 

> * If it is a discrete part that is specified entirely by its
> part number rather than a measurement, like a diode or a
> transistor, then pick a reasonable default; "value=1N914" or
> "value=2N".

As I recall, those are specific devices that were popular 40 
years ago.  Not sure how relevant they are today.  Unless you 
link to something, they are just arbitrary strings, no better 
than any other.

The best default would be something that is more universally 
meaningful, and not specificm like "D" or "diode" for a diode, 
or "NPN" for an NPN transistor.

For a simulator that reads spice format, you could then say:
.model D D
.model NPN NPN
to make the names meaningful.  It might be useful to make an 
"include" file to define these things.

> * If the part is something like a logic IC, use the standard
> name of the part in the fastest commonly available series
> for that particular gate; "value=74F74" or "value=74HCT245".

Same as diodes.  Names like 74F74 have no meaning, unless you 
look it up, and are completely wrong most of the time.

> * If none of these fits, then leave the "value=" attribute
> off entirely, since the user would have no choice but to get
> creative anyway.
> The point here is that every one of the component types in
> question has a value, therefore the "value=" field will end
> up being utilized by nearly everyone who instantiates the
> symbol for that component.  Otherwise, schematics with a lot
> of such symbols become nearly impossible to read, let alone
> debug.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hierarchy Refdes and Component Values

2010-12-19 Thread al davis
On Friday 17 December 2010, Thomas D. Dean wrote:
> I have a schematic with seven instances of a schematic, a
> hierarchy.
> I want to give different values to the resistors in each of
> the sub-circuits.
> For example, I have S1 thru S7.  In S1, I want R1=100, in S2,
> I want R1=1k, etc.
> Is this possible with hierarchy?

With Gnucap, just give the resistor value a name, and pass it in 
when you instantiate the subckt.

.subckt thing (a b)
R1 (a b) dv

X1 (1 2) thing dv=100
X2 (3 4) thing dv=1k

It is better to let the simulator handle hierarchy.  The 
netlister should NOT expand subckts.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: FUNDING

2010-12-15 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 15 December 2010, Michael Sokolov wrote:
> ... by way of standard open source mailing list managers
> detecting and automatically rejecting posts encoded in
> base64.

Just because Eudora on Windows can't cope with it?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: FUNDING

2010-12-15 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 15 December 2010, timecop wrote:
> Funny you mention that, this email reads perfectly fine in my
> closed-source email reader.

Of course it does.  You are using the same closed-source email 
reader as Andrew does.  Now, how about a different closed-source 
email reader, like the one Rick uses?

By the way ... it reads fine on my open-source email reader.  I 
use several different open-source readers.  All of them have no 
problem with base64, including "mutt" which is purely text 
based.  Base64 is a published standard that should be 
universally supported.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: TRACKERS [was: Re: gEDA-dev: Dev list [was: Random thoughts onthe future interface of PCB]]

2010-12-10 Thread al davis
On Friday 10 December 2010, kai-martin knaak wrote:
> al davis wrote:
> > In gnucap, I always give contributors top priority, but if
> > a  patch comes in without advance discussion, often there
> > is something wrong with it.
> Well, my three trials to contribute were the opposite of 
> out-of-the-blue. All of them started with me talking about
> the problem on the list. I announced, that I was working on
> a fix and even asked, what format the patch should be.
> Still, I had to do repeated nagging before I got feedback.

I don't remember that.  What I remember is that you made a 
statement, I responded, and it stopped there.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: TRACKERS [was: Re: gEDA-dev: Dev list [was: Random thoughts onthe future interface of PCB]]

2010-12-09 Thread al davis
On Thursday 09 December 2010, Stephen Ecob wrote:
> We're hearing complaints that some submitted patches aren't
> receiving enough attention, but there simply isn't enough
> maintainer time available to give everyone as much attention
> as they'd like.

If submitted patches don't receive enough attention, maybe there 
is something wrong with them.  Maybe they don't work, introduce 
bugs, don't come with adequate testing, mess up future plans, or 
something like that.  In cases like this, the patches require 
lots of work by the project accepting them, maybe more than they 
are worth, or more than just doing it over.

In gnucap, I always give contributors top priority, but if a 
patch comes in without advance discussion, often there is 
something wrong with it.  

If somebody contributes a new plugin, usually it is accepted 
immediately.  We may have some discussion about it, but new 
plugins are accepted freely, and distributed as user contributed 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: control verilog module parameter order when converting .sch and .sym with gnetlist?

2010-11-21 Thread al davis
On Sunday 21 November 2010, Paul Tan wrote:
> Since most Verilog simulators (including Icarus Verilog)
> support "EXPLICIT connection" method for the lower level
> Module Instanciations, so it is not absolutely necessary
> (although desirable) to match the Module portname order
> with the Module instantiation portname order.

I think it is safe to assume that ALL Verilog simulators support 
the explicit form.  The explicit form is preferred.

I don't see any practical way that the netlister can reliably 
support connection mapping strictly by order.  It's a real pain 
in Spice.

If someone is going to improve the Verilog netlister, there are 
other points that really do need to be addressed, such as 
passing parameters and net types other than "wire".  Gnucap 
needs them.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Ben mode feature request

2010-11-01 Thread al davis
On Sunday 31 October 2010, Stefan Salewski wrote:
> Can you please explain why we will always need the command
> line for simulation in gEDA? (I have newer found the time
> doing simulations...)

Try this without a command line:

Experimentally finding model parameters:

Distortion analysis of an oscillator:

Bandwidth analysis of an FM transmitter:

You should be able to do basic stuff without a command line, but 
outgrow it by your senior year in college.

Most GUI's lead you into a trap.  We need a GUI that teaches you 
to move on.  We don't have it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: passing parameters to a subckt

2010-10-24 Thread al davis
On Sunday 24 October 2010, wrote:
> I sapose that you could pass an argument to gnet-spice-sdb
> (or set a  variable) to clue it in on which spice variant to
> target.

You could go nuts with that.  The only real standard in spice is 
back in the spice-2 days.  Then they all evolved incompatibly 
from there.  All simulators using spice format do at least 
something to read files made for another, but none are perfect.  
On the high end, it seems that Hspice is most accepted as a 
pseudo-standard.  On the low end, it seems that Pspice is most 
accepted.  That's two, both spice-2 forks.  Then there is a 
third, for the spice-3 forks that the minor players are more 
likely to follow.

> In the long term maybe an XML like standard language would be
> a way to  modernize it.

In the long term, most people in the know prefer a Verilog 
format for netlists.  The format is well defined, with an 
official document.  Most high end simulators support it to some 
degree, but do not default to it.  NO low end simulators support 
it.  They are all followers, and waiting for someone else to be 
first, then they will be forced to support it.  Gnucap supports 
it, gEDA does not.

Still, that doesn't help with legacy models, which come in many 
different formats, and have lots of issues other than syntax.

> Either way I think it might be better to put the parameters
> in another  attribute like say, params so that value is not
> overloaded and you can choose to handle them differently if
> you like. Eg, I would like to keep someting like 10k in
> value just to keep the schematic looking clean.

Something needs to be done.  The problem has been known for 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Newbie wondering about simulation

2010-10-24 Thread al davis
On Sunday 24 October 2010, Hannu Vuolasaho wrote:
> Changing manually to X1 makes the simulation work but it
> isn't really the Solution.

Yes, it is the solution, for now.  Ultimately, the solution is 
to move away from Spice format netlists.

In Spice, the device type is determined by the first letter.  
The letter "M" says to use a built-in MOSFET model.  The name 
(after the nodes) refers to a ".model" "card".  (When using a 
spice netlist, it is common to refer to the lines in a netlist 
as "cards")  The letter "M" does not ever refer to a "subckt".  
If something is defined as a subckt, the first letter of the 
label must be "X".

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: passing parameters to a subckt

2010-10-24 Thread al davis
On Sunday 24 October 2010, wrote:
> and have gnetlist spit out a line like this:
> XU3 10 9 0 POT VALUE=10k SET=0.5
> and pot.mod could be something like:
> RT 1 T {0.999 * VALUE * (1-SET) + 0.0005 * VALUE}
> RB T 2 {0.999 * VALUE * SET + 0.0005 * VALUE}
> I've googled hither and yon, looked at gnet-spice-sdb.scm but
> couldn't  find anything definitive. Is there some other
> attribute that you might put a list of parameters in?

The situation is less than ideal, but workable.  When netlisting 
to a spice format, the "value" attribute contains a string which 
is copied directly.

So, for XU3, you should set the "value" to the string
"VALUE=10k SET=0.5" .

What is less than ideal is that you must use the simulator's 
syntax there, which means you may need a different schematic for 
different simulators.  This is workable with variants of the 
spice format, but unworkable for non-spice formats.  For 
example, the Verilog netlister does not do attributes at all.

For example, of those using spice variants, the "PARAMS:" 
keyword is required on some, optional on some, and illegal on 
some.  It is optional for gnucap (recent snapshots, it is 
illegal for 0.35).  As I recall, it is required for Pspice, 
illegal for NGspice, but I could be wrong here, or it could have 
changed recently.  Regardless, when you make the schematic, it 
is part of the "value" string.

Another syntax nuisance is that some simulators using spice 
netlists use ticks ' ' instead of curly's to enclose an 
expression.  I believe Hspice uses ticks, Pspice uses curly's.  
Gnucap takes either.  I don't know what NGspice accepts.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: very backward time step?

2010-09-23 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 21 September 2010, Rubén Gómez Antolí wrote:
> Gnucap 2009.12 is so stable, why not released?
> (In several days, I think even ask at debian maintainer to
> include  snapshots, at least, in experimental branch of
> Debian.)

The problem is with the build system.

I spent most of January working on just that, then there were 
other things that got in the way of any progress, including 
moving.  Mid summer, I decided that stable release would come 
from New York, not from Michigan, in order to not delay the move 
or release something with problems.

Again, 2009.12 code is sufficiently robust as to be ready.  
Problems are with the build system, as related to plugins.

I'm in New York now, so things should get moving again soon.

Debian (and several other distros) do include development branch 
releases of other projects.  I had hoped they would here, but 
they haven't, even in Debian "unstable".

Some distros have old development snapshots .  FreeBSD has 
2008.06.08, Mandriva has 20060830 (which is older than 0.35), 
NetBSD has 20060708 (older than 0.35).

Only Gentoo has 2009.12.07.

Meanwhile, I see snapshots of Gimp and others all the time.

It is important to developers that the "unstable" distros DO 
package the development branch, to test it and provide feedback.  
Hamish and Chitlesh, how about it?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: very backward time step?

2010-09-21 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 21 September 2010, Matthew Wilkins wrote:
> It seems like the values that he gave (10m 10 1) could be
> interpreted either  way, but in the plot image it shows
> about 15 data points between the times 4.9219 and
> 5.0781.  That seems to correspond to 10 ms times steps, no?

Could be ...
one of the reasons the spice format drives me crazy.

Oh yeah ..  If you have a 1 second time step, you can't have 
a sample at 10m, so 10m must be the time step, and it starts at 
1 second.

Decision made many years ago, and even I get confused by it 
sometimes.  Such is the nature of Spice format extensions, but 
without them we would be stuck at 2g6, which was last updated 
about 25 years ago.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: very backward time step?

2010-09-21 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 21 September 2010, Matthew Wilkins wrote:
> You're specifying a 10 ms step size (first parameter in the
> tran command), and  it looks like that's what you're
> getting.  The period of a 60 Hz sine wave is 16.6 ms, so
> you're getting fewer than 2 samples per cycle.  Try changing
> the step size to 1 ms and things should start to look
> better.

He's getting 1 second steps.

Spice only takes two numbers for transient.  He uses three, so 
it is Fortran order ..  start stop step.   The spice way of 
using a different order for each command confuses me, so Gnucap 
takes either spice order or Fortran order for everything.

Gnucap has the ability to continue a transient analysis, which 
spice doesn't, so some things need to change.

> In most simulations the solver would calculate additional
> intermediate time  steps which would show up with 'trace
> all', but I'm guessing that your circuit model is so simple
> and linear that the solver just calculated the values at the
> requested time steps without creating any intermediate
> points.

In 0.35, (and Spice) this is true.  In recent development 
versions, the step control is robust enough to figure this out 
regardless of what you specify.  (well almost, but yes in this 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: very backward time step?

2010-09-21 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 21 September 2010, Chris Cole wrote:
> I get a normal sine wave output, 
> but when the frequency increases, the wave changes
> considerably and  starts to turn into a triangle wave...I'm
> not sure what I'm doing wrong, but this is strange.

In the tran command (tran 10m 10 1) you asked it to strobe at 1 
second intervals.  So, no matter what the signal, you get 
samples 1 second apart.

If you add "trace all" to the tran command you will see all of 
the samples, which should produce a smoother waveform.

How it works is a throwback to when people actually looked at 
ASCII plots.  It needs to change to make "trace all" the 
default, and have the strobe interval require a keyword "strobe" 
like spectre does.

The actual time stepping is determined internally.  There will 
be extra steps internally if needed to get a proper simulation, 
but they are not displayed unless you ask for them.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: very backward time step?

2010-09-20 Thread al davis
On Friday 17 September 2010, Chris Cole wrote:
> I'm trying to do a very simple power supply simulation with
> gschem and  I'm not getting very far.
> I'm trying to do a bridge rectification of a 24 VAC supply to
> DC  current. I'm able to do a transient analysis for 10
> iterations before I get:
> very backward time step
> convergence failure, reducing (itl4)
> I read somewhere that "very backward time step" is indicative
> of a  software bug. I'm sending my example schematic and
> netlist and a sample script, that I'm using to run
> everything.

As usual, John Doty is wrong.

You should get a more recent version of gnucap.

With 0.35, I had to make gmin=100u.
With the latest, it worked fine as is.

Gnucap time step control is usually more robust than Spice, 
especially with recent development snapshots, although sometimes 
Spice appears to work but gives wrong answers without warning, 
and on the same circuit Gnucap honestly admits failure.

If I run from the .net file, and manually do the rest, it works 
fine for me, but add "trace all" to the transient command so you 
get all of the time steps.

If I run from your .sh script, gnetlist clobbers the .net file, 
and the generated .net file has some problems .. no ground, a 
missing value ...  That script doesn't work with recent 
snapshots, you must be using an old version.

If you are simulating power supplies, remember that the defaults 
for things like GMIN are designed for small CMOS circuits, so 
you might need to change them.

Your time step parameters (specified in Fortran order, not spice 
order, that's ok) don't make sense for this circuit.  Showing a 
visible step size of .1 second will hide most of the info for a 
60 Hz input.  Assuming you want to hide that and look at the 
ringing of the LC filter, it's still too coarse.

Recent versions of gnucap will figure out proper internal time 
stepping ok in spite of that error, but just show you samples at 
.1 second.  Older versions may need some help to make sure the 
60 Hz signal is accomodated with a .1 second visible step.  This 
might be the problem you are seeing.  If that is the case (and 
you are using an old version of gnucap) try adding the option 
"skip 100" to the transient command, which will force an 
internal time step 100x smaller than the printed time step.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Multiple pages

2010-08-18 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 18 August 2010, John Doty wrote:
> Then go ahead and explain it in a single breath. And how does
> this force you to hack the netlist?

I don't want an argument.  I want help making it better.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Multiple pages

2010-08-18 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 18 August 2010, John Doty wrote:
> Exactly what is the problem you experience?

1. There are many components that do not netlist properly.  
Every symbol must netlist correctly, no exceptions.  There is 
more to simulation than simple spice circuits.

2. There are others that netlist properly to spice only  because 
of hacks specific to the symbol.  It is not acceptable for the 
netlister to have any knowledge of any specific symbol or any 
specific parameter, ever.

3. There is no reverse translation.

4. In most cases, the user enters a value string, in whatever 
syntax the simulator wants, which means it could be different 
for different simulators.

5. It seems to be necessary to have a different schematic for 
layout and simulation.

6. Probes are not supported.

7. Nets are collapsed out, even if the simulator doesn't want it 
that way.

8. I'm tired of hearing about how perfect it is, when I know it 

9. We need to support modern simulators, not just 30 year old 
antiques like Spice, and we need to support them fully, not just 
the compatibility subset.

10. geda seems to insist that everyone who wants to play here 
must adopt its way of doing things, which is in many ways like a 
proprietary system.  We don't outreach to formats that the 
leaders consider to be standard.

11. That "two stage amplifier" example should be simple enough 
to explain in a single breath, but it's ..  how long

I could probably come up with another dozen, but this should be 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Multiple pages

2010-08-18 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 18 August 2010, kai-martin knaak wrote:
> > You have said many times how much you love LTspice,
> No I did not. I said, that I use it because using gnucap or
> ngspice with gschem is such a hassle. When I last looked into
> it, it took me much more time to get results with
> gschem/gnucap than with ltspice. And this is while schematic
> capture with ltspice is a bitch by itself. "Much more time"
> in this case translated to days rather than hours.

I agree that it is a hassle.  I have said it a few times.  What 
gets me most is that the translation is incomplete.  It seems I 
always need to hack the netlist.  The Verilog format (which the 
development branch of Gnucap ordinarily prefers) really doesn't 
work.  It doesn't do attributes at all.  Without attributes, you 
can't (for example) set the value of a resistor.  It has other 
problems too.

Since Gnucap has its own translator system, I would like to see 
a plugin for it to read the gschem format directly.  (and also 
one to read the PCB format).  That would have the side effect of 
being able to import date to gschem.  The same plugin could be 
used with gnucap's standalone translator, to provide file 
translations that could be used by other programs.

> This is the minimum set of features I feel necessary to
> actually use and recommend gnucap with gschem:
> 1) a way to define a permanent group of symbols that shall
> participate in simulation.


> 2) predefined signal and probe symbols 

me too.

> 3) a fairly complete set of models for basic analog
> components

yes yes

> 4) a "simulate!" button to trigger the simulation and 
> yield output.

and how about the ability to augment the schematic by showing 
the DC voltages at the nets?

> The last two requirements are essential. Lack of immediately 
> available models is a show stopper for newbies. The models
> don't have to be elaborated and can be idealized. But they
> have to work with gnucap right away without manual tweaking.

Before we can consider that, we need to have a flawless 
translation of the netlist.  Those buttons are a waste if I need 
to manually edit the netlist.  

> The simulate-button requirement stands for a short round-trip
> time. For me, simulation is all about tweaking the circuit
> and watch out for the effect. It doesn't have to be an 
> actual button. Some kind of script or makefile run on the 
> *.sch file might do, too. 

It is for me too.  I usually save the netlist, then run gnucap 
interactively, usually doing stuff that spice won't let me do.  
Then when the circuit is finally tweeked, how do I propagate the 
changes back to the schematic?  (manually?)

> > Most gnucap users are not geda users.  The most active
> > Gnucap users look at it as an alternative to high priced
> > simulators like Spectre, Nanosim, BDA and Saber.  Not
> > (what they consider to be toys) like LTspice.
> Well, I am talking about usability not accuracy, speed, or
> whatever the other simulators excel at. This might be a 
> different metric.

I know.  That is one of the reasons Qucs seems to be successful.  
The simulator engine is somewhat of a lightweight, and for big 
circuits it can be very slow, but people love it because it is 
easy for a beginner to use.  What we should have here is an 
upgrade path, so when they outgrow Qucs, we provide what they 

> Do you you have some kind of vision on how gschem should 
> interact with gnucap?

Take a look at Qucs.  That's one way.  The manual way of getting 
a netlist and running it manually must be available too.

It seems you have a vision too.  Let's make it happen.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Multiple pages

2010-08-18 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 18 August 2010, Oliver King-Smith wrote:
> I am under the probably incorrect impression that LtSpice is
> actually a better  than ngspice and gnucap.  What do you
> think the benefits are gnucap vs Ltspice?

Better for what?

You got that impression because somebody is promoting it and you 
believe the ads.

The biggest benefit of LTspice is that people like the user 
interface.  Also, it comes with a library of stuff that some 
users like.

The biggest drawback of the geda/gnucap combo is that the 
interface between gschem and gnucap works very badly, hence my 
request for help.  

Another issue with gnucap now is that there is a big difference 
between the stable branch and the development branch.  Some of 
the most important features are only in the development branch, 
which is not the one you get with most Linux distros.

For the benchmarks I have run, Gnucap outperforms LTspice and 
NGspice for medium to large circuits, sometimes by a huge 
amount.  I recall one where Gnucap completed a transient 
analysis in a few minutes, NGspice took about 8 hours, and I 
gave up waiting for LTspice, which had produced no output after 
running it overnight.  Also, Gnucap produces output along the 
way, so even with a slow run you get to see something soon, but 
either Spice doesn't show the user anything until it is all 
done.  This is not a random difference.  I fully understand the 
reasons for it.

Another benchmark, run a long time ago, comparing a predecessor 
of Gnucap to an expensive commercial simulator that specializes 
in power grid analysis, the predecessor of gnucap outperformed 
the commercial package for power grid analysis.

Gnucap is a lot more flexible that any spice.  It has plugins 
for lots of stuff, including models, measurements, simulation 
languages.  You can add new (lots of stuff) without recompiling 
or reinstalling.  It takes several simulation languages, 
including spice, spectre and Verilog.

Gnucap has more flexibility in how you run it, for example, you 
can do an AC analysis at an instant in time, such as a snapshot 
from a transient analysis.  Spice only lets you do AC at 
quiescent.  To see an example of where this matters, try doing 
an AC analysis of a class B amplifier.

Gnucap's step control works better.  One example of where this 
shows is in simulating oscillators.  Gnucap is accurate enough 
to make distortion measurements on a sine wave oscillator.  
Spice isn't.  Gnucap is accurate enough to properly simulate a 
negative resistance oscillator with a switch, and gives a 
correct waveform and correct oscillation frequency.  Either 
spice gives nonsense on this circuit.

Gnucap is not Spice.  (in the same sense that Gnu's not Unix, or 
that C++ is not Fortran)  Gnucap development is more focused on 
moving forward than bug-for-bug compatibility with legacy 

That's just a little.  But really, in free/open-source, or 
anywhere, you should expect tradeoffs.  One will be better in 
some ways, another better in other ways.  The question should 
not be which is better, but how do we make ours better.  That's 
both better than it is, and better than others.

And remember, things get better when you and we work to make 
them better, and worse when you see a perceived deficiency and 
run the other way, and worse when we deny the deficiencies and 
keep the status quo.

The Gnucap development team is working on features for advanced 
users, with the intent of eventually fully supporting Verilog-
AMS, through partnerships with some other GPL'd projects.   What 
seems to be missing is the partnership with schematic and 
layout.  It is in this area that help is most desperately 

Gnucap/gEDA can be made to be better that LTspice (and others 
too) in every way, if we choose to do so.  Let's do it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Multiple pages

2010-08-18 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 17 August 2010, kai-martin knaak wrote:
>  I tend to do simulation with ltspice.

You have said many times how much you love LTspice, and how much 
you dislike the gEDA environment for simulation.

How about stepping forward to do something about it?

I have asked many times over many years for help with gnucap, 
especially with the gnucap/geda interface. 

Most gnucap users are not geda users.  The most active Gnucap 
users look at it as an alternative to high priced simulators 
like Spectre, Nanosim, BDA and Saber.  Not (what they consider 
to be toys) like LTspice.  Therefore the development focus has 
been in areas that appeal to high end users, and not on the "low 
hanging fruit" that seems to be needed here.

You can be a hero by applying your knowledge, bringing what you 
like about LTspice here, and helping to solve that problem you 
are well aware of.

This is really an open invitation to anyone who wants to help, 
but Kai has been rather vocal about it, hence the personal 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Commercial CAD, land pattern generators report

2010-08-14 Thread al davis
On Saturday 14 August 2010, Armin Faltl wrote:
> I think I have the following options then:
> a) fix the bug myself and reinvent your convenience function
> which is  questionable
> b) re-release my library under LGPL and ask you to resubmit
> the patch  with same license
> c) open source or shred my application

d) contact the author of the patch and ask if it is ok for you 
to use in your proprietary version.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Commercial CAD, land pattern generators report

2010-08-13 Thread al davis
On Friday 13 August 2010, Armin Faltl wrote:
> I can't give an example on the intricacies of GPL v3 of the
> top of my head, but wanted to write the following to RFS
> regarding putting libraries under GPL instead of LGPL:
> "I want to contribute or give away what I want to and keep
>  my own what I want to keep and if this is not possible with
> a GPL-license on my own library liked to my own app, I just
> won't use GPL!"

I don't know who "RFS" is but any license you grant for your own 
code applies only to those to whom you grant the license.  

If you write some code, and it's yours, you can license it any 
way you want.  If you make it available for download under GPL, 
this does not prevent you from granting any other license to 
anyone, as you choose.  There is no requirement that you assign 
the copyright.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Commercial CAD, land pattern generators report

2010-08-13 Thread al davis
On Friday 13 August 2010, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> can you give an example, please?

Under GPL-3 you can't make a contribution that applies one of 
your own patents, then sue the users of the package for patent 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: New Poster - Trying to get ngspice up and running with gschem

2010-08-03 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 03 August 2010, Bill Gray wrote:
> To keep things as simple as possible, I am trying to simulate
> a voltage follower using an LM358 opamp.  So far, I have
> been met only with abject failure, and my ability to
> continue investing time at this rate is waning... I have to
> get this project moving forward!!!
> I am running gschem, gnetlist, and ngspice on an ubuntu box.
> I have attached the relevant files to this email.
> As I said, I can get a simple voltage divider to work, but
> not the LM358 voltage follower circuit.

I see a few problems.

The first is "your circuit doesn't work", but I will get to that 

The next one is that this particular model is not compatible 
with gnucap ..   "POLY(5)".

For starters, I prefer to use a simple VCVS model for an opamp.  
Then when that works, I switch to a more detailed model.  Then 
you could try the generic opamp model I posted a while back, 
passing the appropriate parameters like slew rate and GBP.

Now back to "your circuit doesn't work" .   If you want a 
voltage follower, tie the output to the inverting input, and 
drive the non-inverting input.  You have the inputs swapped.

Here's an op-amp.  To use this model, you need the development 
version of gnucap.

* Generic op-amp behavioral model
.subckt opamp (out+ out- in+ in-)
.param gain=100k sr=1e99 clip=1e99 gbp=1e99
.param cc='1/(6.283185*gbp)'
.param ilim='cc*sr'
G1 (0 1 in+ in-) pwl ('-2*ilim','-ilim','-ilim',
+ '-ilim','ilim','ilim','2*ilim','ilim')
R1 (1 0) 'gain'
Cc (1 0) 'cc'
E1 (out+ out- 1 0)  pwl ('-2*clip','-clip','-clip',
+ '-clip','clip','clip','2*clip','clip')

You can specify:
gain = open loop gain
clip = output clipping voltage
sr = slew rate (volts per second)
gbp = gain bandwidth product

There are default values, in case you don't want to specify.

To call:
X1 (out 0 in+ in-) opamp gain=10k gbp=1meg clip=13 sr='5/1e-6'

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gcshem to magic

2010-08-03 Thread al davis
On Sunday 01 August 2010, Oliver King-Smith wrote:
> I have some analog circuits in gschem that I want to layout
> in the magic  vlsi  tool.  Is there a good way to go from
> gschem to magic?

Not that I know of.  It is a rather difficult task to program.

Magic is really a very simple chip layout tool, completely 
manual.  It doesn't understand things like transistors.  It's 
all polygons.  You place regions of diffusion, poly, etc.  Where 
poly overlaps diffusion a transistor is formed.

> For  example it would be nice to generate transistors
> automatically (give w,  l,  and m) and then add port names
> for S,D,G,B.  Likewise it would be  nice to produce a magic
> compatible netlist, so the interactive router  can then be
> used once the cells are placed.
> Please let me know if there is a recommended way of doing
> this?
> If you think there is a better way to tackle this problem
> please let me know.

Perhaps you should consider a higher level tool, such as 
electric, which does understand the concept of cells.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: anyone import into pcb a kicad netlist? I have kicad schematics and modules for all my parts but want to use the topo autorouter in pcb

2010-07-09 Thread al davis
On Friday 09 July 2010, al davis wrote:
> > Can you provide links to the source of existing plugins?
> Gnucap source, the latest development snapshot.

Forgot something ...

The existing plugins are lang_*.cc  .

One file each.

so ..

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: anyone import into pcb a kicad netlist? I have kicad schematics and modules for all my parts but want to use the topo autorouter in pcb

2010-07-09 Thread al davis
On Friday 09 July 2010, kai-martin knaak wrote:
> > So ...  any volunteers?
> What programming language?


> Can you provide links to the source of existing plugins?
Gnucap source, the latest development snapshot.

There's also some documentation, although I know it is 

The next release will be split, so there will be a gnucap_lib to 
link to, kind of like the geda_lib that gschem and gnetlist both 
link to.  It may be appropriate that the gschem plugin links to 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: anyone import into pcb a kicad netlist? I have kicad schematics and modules for all my parts but want to use the topo autorouter in pcb

2010-07-09 Thread al davis
On Thursday 08 July 2010, joshua wojnas wrote:
> anyone import into pcb a kicad netlist? I have kicad
> schematics and modules for all my parts but want to use the
> topo autorouter in pcb

Not that I know of, for now, but I want to take the opportunity 
to ask for help on a project that could provide this 

The project is language plugins for gnucap.  A language plugin 
can read and write one format.  I would like to recruit someone, 
maybe four people, to write four such plugins.  They are:
1: gEDA/gschem
3: Kicad schematic
4: Kicad layout

There are existing plugins for Spice, Spectre, and Verilog, 
which gnucap uses.  The Verilog format is sufficiently rich as 
to be able to convey all relevant information to and from any of 
the formats, so it could be used as a neutral interchange 
format.  There's also a moth-balled, 95% complete, unreleased 
one for IBIS (version 3), which I will revive if someone else 
makes either #2 or #4 as listed above.

These plugins interface to a library function that manages 
internal storage of the info. Gnucap is now using that library 
function.  It is trivial to write a driver program that would 
use it to simply read one format and write another.  This will 
be available in the next snapshot, and could be distributed 
separately to make a standalone translator.

The basis of all of this is that it is translating circuit 
descriptions.  Schematics and layouts are renderings of 
circuits, so the circuit description is augmented with rendering 

So, if we can get someone to write these four plugins, that will 
provide a migration path between Kicad and gEDA, both ways.  It 
will also provide a path to simulation for both Kicad and gEDA, 
both from schematic and layout (enabling post-layout 
simulation).  Providing any of the four is a valuable 
contribution in the sense that even one gives us functionality 
we don't already have that is known to be needed.

gEDA currently provides a means of generating a Spice netlist, a 
fairly small subset of the spice language, but none of the other 
functionality mentioned here.

So ...  any volunteers?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: RMS Waveform of a signal

2010-06-16 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 16 June 2010, Rubén Gómez Antolí wrote:
> I have a signal with harmonics and distorsion and I want to
> get the RMS  waveform of it.
> I check some tools, including engines and post-proccesors,
> with no  success: Oscopy, Ngspice, Gnucap, Octave, KJWaves.
> Anyones knows or have some idea?

The Gnucap measure command?

The rms value, for the entire run:
measure sample = rms(probe="v(out)")

The rms value, between two pre-specified time points:
measure sample = rms(probe="v(out)" begin=4u end=6u)

The rms value of a waveform, between the last two rising zero-
measure t2 = cross(probe="v(out)" cross=0 rise last)
measure t1 = cross(probe="v(out)" cross=0 rise last before=t2)
measure rmsvalue = rms(probe="v(out)" begin=t1 end=t2)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Microwave simulation

2010-04-29 Thread al davis
On Thursday 29 April 2010, 
> how can i perform scattering S-parameter analysis with gEDA?
>  Can i create a model from a s2p (touchstone) file model?

Nothing with gEDA that does it directly and is ready to go.

Your best bet is probably "Qucs".  It's GUI driven, and focuses 
on RF.  It also does a good job at the beginner level in 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: passing parameters to a subckt

2010-04-29 Thread al davis
On Sunday 25 April 2010, kai-martin knaak wrote:
> 6) Opamps: 
>  a) An ideal opamp with essentially infinite
>  amplification, infinite   slew rate, zero bias current, no
>  input offset, etc. 

Here's an op-amp:

* Generic op-amp behavioral model
.subckt opamp (out+ out- in+ in-)
.param gain=100k sr=1e99 clip=1e99 gbp=1e99
.param cc='1/(6.283185*gbp)'
.param ilim='cc*sr'
G1 (0 1 in+ in-) pwl 
R1 (1 0) 'gain'
Cc (1 0) 'cc'
E1 (out+ out- 1 0)  pwl 

You can specify:
gain = open loop gain
clip = output clipping voltage
sr = slew rate (volts per second)
gbp = gain bandwidth product

There are default values, in case you don't want to specify.

To call:
X1 (out 0 in+ in-) opamp gain=10k gbp=1meg clip=13 sr='5/1e-6'

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: passing parameters to a subckt

2010-04-25 Thread al davis
On Sunday 25 April 2010, kai-martin knaak wrote:
> al davis wrote:
> > Ah ..  there's a good idea ..  "don't have to be exact" ..
> > they never are    Not detailed, but just good enough
> > for a beginner. ..  Now we need a volunteer to do it.
> >
> > Have things like a generic parameterizable op-amp. .. with
> > parameters like gain, gbp, and so on.
> Parameterized models are already for the user who got beyond
>  the first successful projects. For the first steps, there
>  should be as little room to screw up as possible.

Not really .. remember there are default parameters ..

x1 (1 2 3) opamp 
* all default parameter

x2 (3 4 5) opamp gain=10k gbp=1meg slew=10e6
* some parameters specified

> 2) diodes: Any generic diode would do. If in doubt, the
>  parameters of 1N4007 should do.

already there, sort of 

.model d d
D1 (1 2) d
* all default parameters

but I think what you are leading to is the need for something to 
"include" that has several of them with parameters defined.

> 6) Opamps:
>  a) An ideal opamp with essentially infinite
>  amplification, infinite slew rate, zero bias current, no
>  input offset, etc. b) A more realistic model of a common
>  opamp, with bipolar input, e.g. OP07
>  c) A more realistic model of a common opamp with FET
>  input, e.g. TL081
>  d) A more realistic model of a common fast opamp, e.g.
>  LM833
> 7) Comparators. Like with the opamps, an idealized model
>  should be complemented with a common real world component.
>  E.g. LM393
> 8) Signal source with the capabilities of a simple frequency
>  generator (sine, square, triangle, pulses, sweep)

has one -- spice doesn't

Even with the spice-style "PULSE" and others ,,  Gnucap lets you 
specify named values.  I can not remember the order of the 
parameters  needed for spice.

> This set of components would already allow for lots of non
>  trivial simulation.

Looks like it would be a nice package ,,  Just "include" it in 
the netlist.

>  Other integrated components like analog
>  switches, voltage constants, transformers, or mixers would
>  be nice to have. But they are not essential to get started.
> > The vast majority of gnucap users are not geda users.
> This might change, if geda provides a way from schematic to
> simulation that is as straight forward as the way from gschem
> to pcb.

I keep hoping.

Another need is post-layout simulation. The dedicated SI 
simulators (Hyperlynx and others) have import filters for all of 
the commecial layout programs.  We can have that too.  I have 
IBIS stored away waiting for a reason to revive it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: passing parameters to a subckt

2010-04-24 Thread al davis
On Saturday 24 April 2010, Armin Faltl wrote:
> I can't "make" the list, but can tell you what I use:
> - resistor
> - potentiometer
> - capacitor
> - inductor
> - diode (including Zener, Schottky,... )
> - bipolar transistors
> - op-amp
> - Schmitt-trigger
> - logic gates (NAND), sometimes abused as analog
> - (crystal) oszillator
> - differential/instrumentation/isolation amplifier
> - switches
> - timer (TLC555)

Most of those are standard Spice elements, which are already 

Others .. can you be more specific on how you think they could be 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: passing parameters to a subckt

2010-04-24 Thread al davis
On Saturday 24 April 2010, kai-martin knaak wrote:
> There should not be a need to search for specific models for
>  getting started  with basic circuits in the first place. The
>  models don't have to be exact. But they need to be available
>  right away.

Ah ..  there's a good idea ..  "don't have to be exact" .. they 
never are    Not detailed, but just good enough for a 
beginner. ..  Now we need a volunteer to do it.

Have things like a generic parameterizable op-amp. .. with 
parameters like gain, gbp, and so on.

Can you make a list of the ones that should be included?

On Saturday 24 April 2010, kai-martin knaak wrote:
> As for the site: IMHO, the gedasymbols concept is a success
>  -- It is a  central site. Yet, every contributor is
>  exclusively responsible for his or her own slice. I see no
>  compelling reason to not use for simulation
>  models, too. If you are annoyed by the name, an alias
>  "" may be a solution.

No .. the name is not a problem.

The vast majority of gnucap users are not geda users.  I think 
that is true of ngspice too.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: A little puzzled about the purpose of gschem

2010-04-24 Thread al davis
On Saturday 24 April 2010, Link wrote:
> I hadn't intended for anyone to interpret it that way, and
>  I'm sorry if you interpreted that as bashing gEDA. Perhaps
>  my choice of words was rather unfortunate.

Apology accepted.  

> What I intended to is that one component (the simulator) of
>  LTSpice tends to perform better _for me_ than gEDA's
>  equivalents, in sheer terms of the simulation results being
>  what I expect. I'm not sure if that is even a problem with
>  gnucap/ngspice or if I'm simply doing something wrong
>  myself, but I do know that I find LTSpice easier to use for
>  simulation. That does not mean I dislike gEDA, or think it's
>  bad, or anything of the sort - in fact, I find it to be
>  absolutely brilliant for schematic capture and PCB design.

There is a real problem with the way "gnetlist" works.  
(contrary to what some others here say).  I have known this for 
years.  Often people have trouble with it.  I don't know what to 
say.  It seems I always need to hack the netlist.  I have tried 
to recruit help on this, specifically making gschem and pcb 
plugins for the gnucap translator system.  No takers.  Maybe 
when I get my other pile of work out of the way I will do it 
myself, for both geda and kicad.

Then "gspiceui" doesn't help.  I don't like that style anyway. 
For a beginner, combined with how gnetlist works, I don't know 
what to do.

In this environment, it's not gnucap or ngspice that is the 
trouble spot.  It's gnetlist, documentation, and communication 
between tools.  So the situation here is that people don't see 
the capability that ngspice and gnucap have because of problems 

The other problem people run into is that nobody here has 
collected the hundreds (thousands?) of models (of all kinds) 
that come from all over.  A commercial organization can pay a 
junior person full time to maintain the collection.  That's what 
it takes.

Not in a commercial environment, this kind of thing has to be 
done by the community, a shared effort. 

But really "google for it", and "check to see if it makes sense"  
is the correct answer.  A lot of those models don't make sense 
for the particular application people are asking about.  The big 
collection that LT and P spice have, that is still incomplete 
because it is impossible to be truly complete, lulls users into 
a false confidence.

As far as simulation results go ..   If it gives you trouble, 
please report it.  I'm well aware of the Spice3f5 false 
convergence issue, and that it still exists in NGspice.  I'm 
well aware of the NGspice step control bugs, where an attempt to 
fix 3f5 problems really made it worse.  I am not convinced that 
LTspice is any better in these issues than NGspice.  As far as I 
know, Gnucap doesn't have these problems. 

Convergence and step control are never perfect.  It seems to 
work for me, but if it doesn't for you, the only way it can get 
better is if you let me know about the problem, and send a test 
case that demonstrates it.

The benchmarks I have tend to show that Gnucap usually 
outperforms NGspice on difficult circuits, and that LTspice 
usually performed about the same as NGspice.  NGspice is often 
faster than Gnucap on small circuits, where both are fast enough 
that it doesn't really matter.  The last time I made any of 
these comparisons was a few years ago, so some things might have 
changed.  Gnucap has improved, perhaps LTspice has improved too.  
NGspice hasn't really changed in this regard.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: passing parameters to a subckt

2010-04-24 Thread al davis
On Saturday 24 April 2010, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Please do so. 
> Lack of models is a major road block to get started with
>  simulation.  Once over the new users stage, more models will
>  help to make even more.
> The more models in the quiver, the more gnucap users, the
>  more new  models. Let's get this felicitous circle rolling!

A model site should be "models" not just "spice models" to leave 
it open for all kinds of models.  There's also Verilog models, 
IBIS models, and many others.  From what I see, the preferred 
language of most modeling work being done now is Verilog-AMS.

The problem is not a lack of models, but rather a lack of a 
beginner-friendly way to find them, and the lack of a beginner-
friendly way to determine which if any of those you find are 
suitable for your application.

This is the idea of Werner's model site.  Unfortunately, it is 
not organized in a beginner friendly way.  It's a start and 
needs to be developed. is a wiki.  If someone wants to take on the task of 
making the model finding process easier, that would be most 
welcome.  There is space available.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: passing parameters to a subckt

2010-04-23 Thread al davis
On Saturday 24 April 2010, Andrzej wrote:
> Do you have any plans for releasing the new version? If so,
>  what would be its scope. I'm afraid that if it is going to
>  include all the planned features (which are pretty
>  ambitious, I must admit), it will remain a development
>  version forever.

Some programs do remain as development versions forever.  
Snapshots are closer to release than CVS.  Sometimes the 
difference is just what you call it.

You can download the development version:

There are other tarballs with plugins there, which you might 
want, including all of the BSIM models including the latest 
BSIM4 and SOI.

I guess you could think of it like the stable and unstable 
versions of Debian.

What is holding up a stable release now is primarily build and 
install issues.  Actually, that has been the holdup for a long 
time, but kept getting preempted by new features that active 
users asked for.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: A little puzzled about the purpose of gschem

2010-04-23 Thread al davis
On Friday 23 April 2010, Link wrote:
> Eh?

Suppose you had instead said:
> .. I suggest
>  using Eagle through Darwine. In my personal experience,
>  Eagle is a lot better than geda, and
>  it is definitely an easier workflow.

Is this any different?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: passing parameters to a subckt

2010-04-23 Thread al davis
On Friday 23 April 2010, D T wrote:
> Thank you Al. Just for the record: ngspice worked; gnucap
>  didn't. Details follow.
> The directions from the subckt section of the NGSPICE User
>  Manual
>  (*checkout*/ngspic
> e/ngspice/ng-spice-manuals/manual.pdf?) did their job exactly
>  as described.
> The directions from the GNUCAP's page:
> patibility:subcircuit_with_parameters
> didn't work for me. Here's the error message followed by the
>  test code ran on gnucap-0.35
> ---gnucap> get
>  X2Y_test.cir
> *  X2Y capacitor the GNUCAP way
> .subckt CX2Y 11 12 13 14 (CAP=22nF ESR=0.052 ESL=0.75nH)
>  ^ ? subckt default parameters not
>  supported yet

Get a newer version of gnucap.

What doesn't work in 0.35 is that syntax for specifying default 
values.  Passing parameters works.

Get the latest snapshot, where it all works.

The wiki is for the snapshot.  Based on the date, 2009/10/04, 
still not the latest.  In the latest version, the LTspice syntax 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: passing parameters to a subckt

2010-04-23 Thread al davis
On Friday 23 April 2010, D T wrote:
> Hi,I have the feeling this has been a topic here already.
>  Nevertheless, is there a way to pass parameters to а subckt
>  for spice3f5/ngspice/gnucap in linux similar to what PSpice
>  and LTSpice have?

Of course there is.

Well .. not spice 3f5 but gnucap does, and I believe ngspice 
does, in the latest version.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: A little puzzled about the purpose of gschem

2010-04-22 Thread al davis
On Thursday 22 April 2010, Link wrote:
> However, if you want a quick, graphical SPICE, I suggest
>  using LTSpice through Darwine. In my personal experience,
>  LTSpice's simulator is a lot better than ngspice/gnucap, and
>  it is definitely an easier workflow than
>  gschem->gattrib->gnetlist->ngspice if you're only interested
>  in simulation.

One reason commercial software (including zero-dollar commercial 
software like LTspice and the light version of Eagle) may be 
better in some ways is that some people choose to bash rather 
than to enter a dialog that could be helpful.

If you look at free/open-source software as a product to be 
consumed, like you consume commercial products, you will 
probably be disappointed.

If you are looking for a handout, sorry, it doesn't work that 

On the other hand, if you appreciate the openness, and want 
something more organic, free/open-source software opens up 
possibilities that commercial software doesn't come near.

If you want to learn by getting involved with a project, 
free/open-source software offers big opportunities to learn and 
connect that you can't get anywhere else.  These opportunities 
are offered to EVERYONE, not just "A students".

I find it somewhat ironic that "" doesn't 
seem to understand the concept.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hydraulic symbols and schematics

2010-04-08 Thread al davis
On Thursday 08 April 2010, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> This is one of the strange consequences of the common law
>  system. In the  rest of the world, where civil law is
>  applied, ignorance of the delinquent does not diminish the
>  forfeit.

It isn't law that you could be ignorant of.

It's a "work".  If you know about the "work" and do something 
like it, they have a strong case that yours is influenced by 

If you don't know about something, you can't copy it, and you 
are in a stronger position to defend that you did it 

It's not just patents ..  It applies wherever there is 
"intelectual property", such as trade secrets.

Signing a non-disclosure agreement is dangerous in a similar 

The EDA business is small and tight.  If any EDA company were to 
attack gEDA, the biggest impact would be in publicity (negative 
for them, positive for us).  I don't feel threatened.  Hey, 
Synopsys, come and get me.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hydraulic symbols and schematics

2010-04-07 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 07 April 2010, Dave McGuire wrote:
>Ok, that's fine by me, as it's your list.  But could you
>  explain   how it could be dangerous?  That suggestion sounds
>  quite ludicrous to me.

In general, it really does present a huge legal risk, so I agree 
with the policy.

In this case, the patent is so old that it has gone into the 
public domain long ago.  A long time ago, all this stuff we 
consider to be so basic was new.

The concept of duality between different types of "circuits" is 
well known, and taught in undergraduate engineering courses.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hydraulic symbols and schematics

2010-04-07 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 07 April 2010, Bert Timmerman wrote:
> Do not discuss patents here please !

Did you notice the date?   (1934)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hydraulic symbols and schematics

2010-04-07 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 07 April 2010, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> > Do you foresee any other difficulties?  ... aside from
> > simulating a hydraulic circuit with spice or generating a
> > layout.
> Actually, my first thought was:  What kinds of simulations
>  (if any) does one do in hydraulics?  Are there any standard
>  simulators?  If so, generating a netlist to feed to such a
>  simulator might be an interesting hobby project.

If simulation means Spice to you, you are 20 years behind.

Looking to the past ...  Simulations of things like this were 
(and are) often done on a proprietary commercial simulator 
"Saber", using a proprietary modeling language "Mast".  
Matlab/Simulink is also popular (and proprietary).

Looking forward ...  Things like this can be done very well in 
Verilog-AMS, which has a published standard, cleaner syntax, and 
several commercial implementations.  Many users of Saber and 
Mast are switching over.   Gnucap provides partial support for 
Verilog-AMS, and is working on more complete support.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: On integrating simulator in gschem

2010-03-16 Thread al davis
On Monday 15 March 2010, Dave McGuire wrote:
> On Mar 15, 2010, at 12:32 AM, Dan McMahill wrote:
> >>> With the help of Ivan I'm writing a viewer, oscopy
> >>> ( based draft #4 of this
> >>> page:
> >>>
> >>
> >> IMHO, there are already very mature open source data
> >> plotters out   there. Think gnuplot, or grace. What is the
> >> rationale in rolling your own?
> >
> > unless I'm missing some key feature of gnuplot and grace,
> > they   stink for plotting simulator output.
> >
> > I spend a *lot* of time looking at simulator output and
> > some of the   things which are used over and over again are
> > easy interactive zoom in/out, panning at a fixed zoom,
> > putting cursors on waveforms that will lock onto the actual
> > datapoints, having delta cursors, and having a flexible and
> > *extensible* waveform calculator.  The types of
> > postprocessing range from the very simple (out_plus -
> > out-minus) to more complex but standard like an fft to
> > fairly complex custom functions.
>    Good heavens.  That's the sort of stuff I do with a
> digitizing   oscilloscope.  I could never imagine doing that
> with simulator output.

Because you have never used a good simulator/schematic 
combination.  What Dan describes is not only doable, it is what 
is needed to be taken seriously.  Nothing less will do.  

The functionality of a digital oscilloscope is the minimum.  
Build that as a base, then you can start to think of what is 
really needed.

I use gwave.  It is the best so far, but there is a lot of room 
for improvement.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: NE 555 and simulation issue

2010-03-08 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 02 March 2010, Peter Clifton wrote:
> Gnucap is another advanced simulation environment which might
>  be interesting. It is different to spice, but can accept
>  spice syntax and models etc.. Again, milage will vary as to
>  how well it works with a given model - and it is by no means
>  a drop in replacement for spice, some things are just done
>  differently.
> Al might chime in and give more info if I've got anything
>  wrong here, as I'm certainly not an expert - and Al ought to
>  know, since he writes Gnucap.

Gnucap is not designed as a drop-in replacement of Spice.  That 
would be a waste of time.  Rather, it is designed as a followup 
to Spice, bringing free simulation up to date, and hopefully 
taking the lead.  In commercial simulators, there are lots of 
them that are just Spice.  In that regard, NGspice is our spice.  
Then there are those that move beyond, in many ways.  They sell 
for a much higher price than any Spice.  This is the "mixed 
signal", "fast spice" and lots of others.  The only reason they 
haven't completely replaced Spice is MARKETING.  They can sell a 
Spice cheap, and make big bucks on the new one.

Gnucap is designed with full knowledge of Spice and others, to 
address the big shortcomings of Spice, and move on.  I am 
referring to the real issues here, not the ones that can be 
easily fixed.  Unfortunately, progress has been hampered by a 
development team that is far too small, and not much open 
community involvement.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: TO-92 Best Practices

2010-03-03 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 03 March 2010, Dave McGuire wrote:
> > Maybe they are like me and don't have the eyesight,
> > equipment or   dexterity to solder anything smaller than
> > TO92 parts?
>We've had these neat things called "magnifying glasses" on
>  the   market for at least a few months now.  And when the
>  proper equipment can be had for less than $100..

Along that line ...  You could get what they call "reading 
glasses" from a supermarket.  Get the strongest ones they have.  
They make great magnifying glasses.

You really should wear eye protection while soldering anyway.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: NE 555 and simulation issue

2010-03-02 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 02 March 2010, Geoff Swan wrote:
> It has been my experience that circuit modeling tools
>  although useful are not able to negate the need to
>  understand the low level principles of the underlying
>  circuit. The better you understand the physics of what is
>  going on the more value you will get from your circuit
>  modelling.

That is one of the reasons I often recommend using simple models 
of things instead of the ones you can download.

It seems this is not taught in schools like it should be.  
Instead, they teach "professional" (ha) tools, often without 
knowing what professionals use or how they use them.

Simulation is very useful as a study aid to help understand the 
low level principles.  Unfortunately, very few texts and very 
few professors use it this way.  They teach simulation strictly 
for validation, not for exploration, and don't even do a good 
job at that.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: I am such a troll for posting to slashdot

2010-02-28 Thread al davis
On Saturday 27 February 2010, Bob Paddock wrote:
> The other thing that is holding back gEDA Schematics is the
>  lack of available publication quality symbols.  If I'm doing
>  a PCB I use gEDA. If I'm after a nice looking schematic I
>  use XCircuit.  I'd like to be able to have it both ways, a
>  nice looking schematic that I can make a PCB from.

For hobby use, I doubt if they notice.  Even for pro use.  Have 
you see the symbols you get with some of the high priced 
packages?  The gEDA symbols really look good by comparison.  The 
gEDA symbols are better looking than the Kicad symbols.  Of 
course I won't complain if they get better.

There is a need for a migration path, for migrating both 
schematics and symbols.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA user: gnetlist -gdrc buffer overflow and gnetlist -gspice-sdb killed

2010-02-28 Thread al davis
On Sunday 28 February 2010, John Doty wrote:
> Ah, but it has an open interface we can use. A great strength
>  of gEDA is that the tools play well with other tools,
>  whether they are part of gEDA or not.

I don't care how many proprietary tools you can leverage by 
starting the schematic on gschem.

I do care how much of a design you can do with a 100% free/open-
source flow, and how well that kind of flow works.

I do care about a migration path to encourage people to move 
from proprietary flows to free/open-source flows.

I do care about cooperation between free/open-source tools, 
whether they are part of gEDA or not.

I do care about welcoming those who are making free/open-source 
tools, adding to how much of a design you can do with a 100% 
free/open-source flow, whether they are part of gEDA or not.

I do care about welcoming researchers, who are creating the new 
state of the art, the tools of the future.

I do care about welcoming hobbyists, who are creating our 
culture and future.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA user: gnetlist -gdrc buffer overflow and gnetlist -gspice-sdb killed

2010-02-27 Thread al davis
On Saturday 27 February 2010, John Doty wrote:
> It looks like you're using the kind of hierarchy suitable for
>  a printed circuit flow, not a SPICE/ASIC flow. I suggest
>  first reading the excellent tutorial at

Ouch ..

That was written 6 years ago when things were very different 
than they are now.

LTspice is as much not a part of gEDA as Eagle is.  Promoting it 
here is the same as promoting Eagle.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Eagle to gEDA conversion path??

2010-02-24 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 23 February 2010, Dave N6NZ wrote:
> Really?  Is there a use for gEDA->Eagle?

Lots of reasons.

Whether you like it or not, it is popular.  Some people will 
insist on it.

If gEDA is ever to replace Eagle, there needs to be a migration 
path both ways.

If Free/open-source is ever to make it to the mainstream, the 
various free packages need to share.  That includes Kicad.  
Regarding Kicad and gEDA, think of it like vi and emacs.  It 
must be possible to use them interchangeably, but you will never 
convince a fan of one to use the other, and it will harm both if 
you try.
> I never would have cared about Eagle, except that the RepRap
>  PCB's are done with Eagle.  Now, why someone would do open
>  source hardware with closed source tools is a mystery to
>  me... but anyway so far in a total of 30 minutes of
>  Eagle usage I've discovered: 1) the crippleware version only
>  allows a single schematic sheet, leading people to create
>  unreadable glop, and 2) printing is truly bizarre.  I can't
>  imagine someone going from gEDA to the free/crippled version
>  of Eagle. 

>  And as to going to the commercial version, OK I
>  can see some customer requiring that, but isn't that Eagle's
>  problem? 

No.  They are on top.  Remember the golden rule:  He who has the 
gold makes the rules.  They have no business reason to 

>  After all, nobody is hiding gEDA's file formats.

True, but they are not really designed for general exchange.  
Rather, they are more like a dump of the internal 
representation.  There is no possibility that anyone outside 
would adopt such a tool-specific format.

For interchange, it is necessary to abstract the content to 
something that is equally meaningful in all contexts.  Don't 
forget .. there is layout too, and lots of other tools and ways 
to use it.  The only representation that is equally meaningful 
in all contexts is a circuit, a netlist.  Then augment it with 
the extra information needed to render it as a schematic, and as 
a layout.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: analog/code co-simulation and schematics and netlists for silicon

2010-02-23 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 23 February 2010, John Griessen wrote:
> Al, are you saying that Icarus verilog would run along side
>  of gnucap once that interface is ready? 

Icarus has two key parts ..  A compiler, and a virtual machine.

In its normal use, the compiler generates code for the virtual 
machine, then you run the virtual machine on that code.

The icarus compiler has a provision for alternate "target" back 
ends.  There are several available. --  fpga, pal, vvp, .

The plan is to make a new target back end that will generate a 
gnucap model plugin.  For gnucap, the Icarus virtual machine 
will not be used.

In gnucap (development version, not 0.35) ..  device models are 
not built-in, but can be loaded and unloaded at run time.  This 
makes it possible to have a lot more models without the bloat of 
all of the models you are not using.

(I'm not talking about the spice ".model" statement here .. This 
is the real code that implements the model.)

These model plugins are standard shared-object files native to 
whatever system you are running on.

As it stands now, some are hand coded in C++, some use the old 
"gnucap-modelgen", and some are spice models.  Gnucap can use 
unmodified Spice C model code as plugins, with a simple 
interface wrapper.

The work in progress is along two lines ..  One is an Icarus 
backend to generate a plugin.  The  other is to use another 
model compiler "ADMS" to generate gnucap code.

You can use ADMS now to generate NGspice code, which gnucap can 
use as a plugin, but this is not as efficient as it should be, 
because of the ancient Spice interface overhead and mapping 

As another approach, it is possible to run the Icarus virtual 
machine "along side of gnucap", but efficiency is not good, and 
you need to hack some code.  It has been done.

> Would you still use gschem/gnetlist to schematically connect
> verilog modules?  That depends on having a good translator
>  first, right?

Anything that generates a netlist.

Gnucap uses "language plugins" to read whatever input format.  
Maybe someone could make a language plugin to read and write the 
gschem format directly.  Once this is done, it will also give us 
a stand-alone translator, both ways, between any of the 
supported formats.

> Could you just use a top level schematic as a guide for
>  connecting code modules to simulate with no netlist
>  generated from gschem?

Sure, but do you want to?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: analog/code co-simulation and schematics and netlists for silicon

2010-02-23 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 23 February 2010, John Griessen wrote:
> Anyone have any ideas you'd like mentioned to him?  Questions
>  I should ask? I'm just planning on telling him the status of
>  verilog-ams backend of gnetlist and that it can run some
>  simulations from a netlist -- the way it needs to be for
>  many chip design/verification work flows.  Just in case
>  there's any development money or new developers available.

It really doesn't work .. sorry.

Gnucap (the development version) will take netlists in Spice, 
Spectre, or Verilog formats.  The gnetlist backend only supports 
a small subset of what could be done.  For years, I have 
accepted the fact that the generated netlist has some flaws and 
requires manual editing.  I can deal with it, unhappily, but 
most beginners can't, and most people who might think of 
migrating won't even if they could.

We really need a more general translator, that isn't based on 
the gschem format or any other tool specific format.  I have a 
start, but need help.
> Reference:
> “We have been working with Keil to simulate mixed-signal
>  peripherals. But, eventually, we are going to need a full 
>  analog/mixed-signal simulator on the desktop—something that
>  can pull together Verilog, Spice, and software simulations
>  on the desktop for a low price,” he says. “We are still
>  searching.”  Reid Wenders EDN, 7/23/2009

If I can get some help with Gnucap, this will happen.

Actually, I do have some help now, but need more, especially 
people to work on user oriented issues, what most people think 
of as the easy part.

Gnucap was designed for mixed signal from the beginning, long 
before there was such a thing as Verilog-AMS.  What is lacking 
is a fully working model compiler.  There is work in progress 
with Icarus to make this happen.  The main missing piece now is 
a back-end for Icarus that matches the gnucap interface.  That 
is really the only critical missing piece.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Eagle to gEDA conversion path??

2010-02-22 Thread al davis
On Monday 22 February 2010, Dave N6NZ wrote:
> Is there any automated Eagle to gEDA conversion path?  
> (He says hopefully, but knowing it's highly unlikely.)

No .. but since you mention it, it is time to ask again for help 
in making something that will do this.

I proposed a translator system, using an intermediate language, 
to translate both ways between schematic, layout, and 
simulation.  It needs to happen.

I don't have time to do it completely, but will  guide if 
someone steps up to do some coding.

Kicad needs it too.  It can be a joint effort, which will 
strengthen both geda and kicad.

There is a long list of translations that are needed.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why separate xgsch2pcb?

2010-02-09 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 09 February 2010, Peter Clifton wrote:
> Not for a GUI, it isn't. Seriously. Right concept, bad
>  integration.

A GUI is just a visual aid.  If you have junk under the hood, 
and hide it with a GUI, you just have more junk.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Latex

2010-02-07 Thread al davis
On Sunday 07 February 2010, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Is this intentional, 
> or just due to a lack of developer cycles? 

We are waiting for you to do it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: very simple gnucap simulation

2010-02-04 Thread al davis
On Thursday 04 February 2010, Chris Cole wrote:
> and gwave shows up with correct Vin and Vout parameters, but
>  no data is  graphed?

The plot would be too cluttered if it showed everything.  You 
need to drag the signal you want to see over to where you want 
to see it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: very simple gnucap simulation

2010-02-03 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 03 February 2010, Chris Cole wrote:
> gnucap> tran 1s 10s
> #Time 
>  0.   
>  1.   
>  2.   
>  3.   
>  4.   
>  5.   
>  6.   
>  7.   
>  8.   
>  9.   
>  10.   
> Any suggestions?
You need to specify what to print first.

Before the tran command do something like:
gnucap> print tran v(nodes) i(D*) 
depending on what you want to see.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Parts Manager Working Document

2010-01-26 Thread al davis
On Friday 08 January 2010, Edward Hennessy wrote:
> I created a working document for a gEDA parts manager on the
>  gEDA wiki.
> If anyone has feedback or specific requirements, please
>  provide feedback to geda-dev or geda-user mailing
>  lists.  I'll continue to update the document as the project
>  progresses.

It should have "simulation models"  not "spice models".  Spice 
models are one kind of simulation model.  We should not restrict 
it to only one, especially when other kinds are already 
supported by geda-related tools.

For example, there are Verilog models, VHDL models, IBIS models, 
Spectre models, and many others.  They need to be all handled on 
an equal basis.

Also, there aren't really "spice models".  There are Hspice 
models, Pspice models, LTspice models, ...  and for spice-
derivative simulators under different names, .. Eldo, multi-sim.

There are often several different models available for a device.  
The database needs to accomodate multiple models that a user can 
choose from.

You don't need to explicitly support anything in particular, 
just general models, and more than one choice.

Also ..  Do not make the types of electronic components (diodes, 
resistors) inherent in the data base.  They are just parts, and 
all parts have schematic symbols, layout footprints, and 
simulation models.  Don't even try to make any specific device 
types inherent to the database.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Parts Manager Working Document

2010-01-19 Thread al davis
> On Jan 19, 2010, at 3:41 AM, Florian Teply wrote:
> > Anything else to add??

I guarantee you will leave something out, and that you will 
include some useless stuff.

Just make sure the design is such that fields can be added and 
removed in the future without breaking anything.

Same goes for device types, and lots of other stuff.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: teardrop compiling installation,

2010-01-03 Thread al davis
On Sunday 03 January 2010, DJ Delorie wrote:
> You need to get the sources for PCB - installing a
>  binary-only package is not enough to let you build plugins.

In the next official release of gnucap, installing a binary-only 
package IS enough to build plugins.  That's true of the 
development snapshot now, but I am not aware of any binary 

That is one of the major goals of this release.  I expect 
plugins to be updated much more often than the core.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gnucap development snapshot 2009-12-07

2009-12-07 Thread al davis

There is a new development snapshot available ...

Optional plugin files:

This file contains the md5sum of the other files, so you can 
check for a proper download:

Most users probably don't need to upgrade.  If you are 
having trouble with an assert failure when using Spice
model plugins, or if you are developing plugins, you 
should upgrade.

This release has one minor bug fix in,
and some changes to the interface to simulation data.

The bug would cause an assertion failure, with some circuits.
It is minor in the sense that the real code was correct.  It was the
check that was wrong.  You could just remove the line with the failure.
There is a proper fix in this release.

There are changes in organization regarding the "language" plugins, 
changing them to single files which will make them easier to manage
as plugins.  This change is not significant to most users.

There are changes to the access to simulation data.  In particular,
there are new files "sim_data.h" and "", and static
pointer "_sim" in CKT_BASE.  This is probably not significant to most
users, but if you have any custom plugins, they will need to be changed.

There are two reasons for the change.  The first is to improve
incapsulation, making a cleaner boundary between core
and what could be a plugin.  The second is as a step toward being
able to store multiple simulation runs for postprocessing.

As usual, to get started you need only the main package 
gnucap-2009-xx-xx.tar.gz .  

You need to recompile all of the plugins with the new headers
and wrappers.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: trying to compile gwave 20090213

2009-11-17 Thread al davis
On Monday 16 November 2009, KURT PETERS wrote:
> What do you intend to use gwave for?  Is it for viewing SPICE
>  output?

Some people use it for Spice output.  Some people use it for 
Gnucap output.  It fits very well with running Gnucap 

I think most gnucap/gwave users are not using gspiceui.

Personally, I use gwave with gnucap as my primary viewer for 
gnucap, but gspiceui (and anything like it) just gets in the way 
so I don't use it.

Getting back to the original question 

>From what I have seen, gwave compile problems are usually 
(perhaps always) due to a missing library.  For some reason I 
can't figure out, the guile libraries have different names on 
different systems, so it is hard to figure out which one is 

It's too bad autoconf isn't more helpful at identifying what is 
missing.  Without autoconf, what files are missing is obvious 
when it fails to compile, so I would ask the package manager 
what package provides that file, and install that package.  With 
autoconf, you can look at the log, and see what test failed and 
how it failed.  With patience, eventually you will find it.

For another clue, look at other distributions that have gwave 
packages and see what the dependencies are.  I believe Fedora 
and Debian (and their derivatives) have working gwave packages 
you can look at.

Unfortunately, I don't remember what the name of the missing 
package was, other than that it was different from what autoconf 
said it was.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gnucap development snapshot 2009-11-10

2009-11-10 Thread al davis

There is a new development snapshot available ...

Optional plugin files:

This file contains the md5sum of the other files, so you can 
check for a proper download:

This release has changes to the "elaboration" phase of simulation.
There are three differences you will see ..

1. (Important!)
It fixes a bug that sometimes caused incorrect parameter values
in some cases.  The bug would manifest with a certain combination
of subcircuits, models, and parameters.

In particular, something like this would give bad results:

.subckt foo (a k)
.model dio d (is={isat})
dfoo (a k) dio

x1 (1 2) foo isat=x
x2 (2 3) foo isat=y

.param x=1e-12
.param y=1e-11


.param x=1e-13
.param y=1e-14


..  would have the wrong value of isat,
probably keeping the original value.

Circuits that did not have this combination of models, subckt, and params
did not have this problem.

It's fixed now.

Expressions with "E" notation (1.3E-6) would sometimes not be
evaluated properly.  This is fixed.

Expressions with function calls would sometimes not be
parsed correctly.  Usually, you could work around this
by careful use of parentheses and quotes.  It should 
work now without the tricks.

As usual, to get started you need only the main package 
gnucap-2009-xx-xx.tar.gz .  

You need to recompile all of the plugins with the new headers
and wrappers.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gnucap development snapshot 2009-09-28

2009-09-28 Thread al davis
On Monday 28 September 2009, A.Burinskiy wrote:
> I have difficulty getting raw file as an output of simulation
>  using  version that is shipped with Fedora 11. Does
>  something changed since that time? Or how I could get raw
>  file out of simulation? (I'm going to try big simulation
>  that produces a lot of data)

Gnucap doesn't produce a Spice-style "raw" file.  Instead, the 
output is in text files that are readable by almost everything 

At some time in the future, probably near future, the output 
will be pluggable too, and maybe somebody will make a plugin for 
a new efficient format like HDF5.

The spice raw file is kind of a pain because there are several 
different incompatible versions of it.

The version supplied with most distros is the "stable" version 
from about 2 years ago.  There is a lot of new stuff in the 
development version.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gnucap development snapshot 2009-09-28

2009-09-28 Thread al davis

There is a new development snapshot available ...

Optional plugin files:

This file contains the md5sum of the other files, so you can 
check for a proper download:

This release has changes to the "elaboration" phase of simulation.
There are three differences you will see ..

1. (Important!)
It fixes a bug that sometimes caused incorrect parameter values
in some cases.  The bug would manifest with a certain combination
of subcircuits, models, and parameters.

In particular, something like this would give bad results:

.subckt foo (a k)
.model dio d (is={isat})
dfoo (a k) dio

x1 (1 2) foo isat=1u
x2 (2 3) foo isat=2u

..  would have the wrong value of isat.

Circuits that did not have this combination of models, subckt, and params
did not have this problem.

2. (cosmetic)
Taming of redundant warnings that would be printed in the
elaboration phase.  Also, bad parameter warnings from 
spice models using plugins are now printed, only once,
on readin, instead of multiple times on elaboration.

3. (new models)
The tarball "models-bsim" includes new models, including
the new BSIM4SOI, released Sep 22 and the new BSIM465,
release Sep 9.


As usual, to get started you need only the main package 
gnucap-2009-xx-xx.tar.gz .  

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gnucap development snapshot 2009-09-22

2009-09-22 Thread al davis

There is a new development snapshot available ...

Optional plugin files:

This file contains the md5sum of the other files, so you can 
check for a proper download:

New features:
"gmin stepping" homotopy for convergence improvement.


As usual, to get started you need only the main package 
gnucap-2009-xx-xx.tar.gz .  

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Library of gnucap and ngspice compatible models?

2009-09-16 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 15 September 2009, wrote:
> I, and judging from the mailing lists and forums many others,
> are frustrated by the difficulty of finding spice models that
> are compatible with open-source circuit simulators. 

Yes.  It's a problem.  It's the kind of problem that will 
require constant attention to keep it up.

> Common 
> replies are "you don't need that level of detail" or "find a
> model library buried in the vendor's website, pick a model
> for a part similar to yours, then alter any lines containing
> X and replace .subckt Y with a reference to your Z".  But
> that's annoying, especially for users who are new to these
> simulators.

I confess 

"Find a model ... alter any "I admit telling people 
that.  I don't like it, but that's all we have.

"you don't need that level of detail" ...  When I said that, I 
can see that the asker is buried in complexity and needs to 
simplify.  It's a different problem.  There is a problem with 
teachers that show simulation as draw the picture, push a 
button, and scope-like picture magically comes out.  When I was 
teaching, I tried to do better, but it's a real battle.

> So my question is, should I make a new project which is a
> library of models to use with open source simulators?  I
> think that there is a need for such a thing, but would it be
> a good idea? 

I think the best approach is a wiki, a way to get tarballs from 
the wiki, a way to search, and simple way to access it inspired 
by the way Linux distros install from their repository.  The 
more I think about it, the more it looks like what Linux and 
BSD distros are doing with applications.

Make a plan for how it is organized, begin to populate it, and 
invite others to help.  There is lots of space on the Gnucap 

It's not just Spice models.  There will never be a significant 
number of "Gnucap models".  Rather, Gnucap needs to read 
standard models, and models designed for other simulators and 
other uses.  Looking forward, Verilog-AMS, VHDL-AMS, and 
System-C are becoming more popular.  Looking back, there are 
lots of IBIS models.

There is also different meanings of "model".  To some, it is a 
spice ".model" statement or subcircuit.  To others, it is the C 
code with the actual model equations.  It's really models that 
depend on other models, which may or may not already be there.

> Licensing should not be a problem; most vendors 
> license their models to permit redistribution. 

Licensing really is a problem.  It goes the whole range from 
freely redistributable to available only after signing a 
nondisclosure agreement.  If you look at any of the Linux 
distros, you will see ways of dealing with it.

> Would it be 
> better to incorporate these into some existing project than
> to start a new one?

I think you need to start a new one.  I have space for you at

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gnucap development snapshot 2009-09-09

2009-09-09 Thread al davis

There is a new development snapshot available ...

Optional plugin files:

This file contains the md5sum of the other files, so you can 
check for a proper download:

New features:
"Binning" (automatic model selection) now works for some spice models. 
The BSIM3 and BSIM4 models now support binning.

Others can be made to support binning in the future, by a change
in each wrapper.h.  For now, just the BSIM models support binning.
I believe this is consistent with commercial simulators.

Bug fixes:

Certain user errors could cause a crash when using spice model
plugins.  This is fixed.

Existing binning, with the embedded (modelgen based) BSIM models
could fail when the binned parameters use expressions.  This is fixed.


As usual, to get started you need only the main package 
gnucap-2009-xx-xx.tar.gz .  

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gnucap development snapshot 2009-08-22

2009-08-23 Thread al davis

There is a new development snapshot available ...

Optional plugin files:

This file contains the md5sum of the other files, so you can 
check for a proper download:

This is a bug fix release.

There was a problem that would lead to an assert fail 
with some spice model plugins using

The bug is a consequence of incomplete initialization of
internal nodes of spice devices.  The problem was 
expressed when continuing an analysis after a structure
change.  Certain non-analysis commands such as 
the ones that set up probes set up to analyze, so
they too could trigger the bug.

A sequence like:
probe or analyze
a topology change
probe or analyze
.. would trigger the bug.

The only file that must change is
This file is not used by the core, but is used by all
spice model plugins.

The web site now links to the wiki, 
which is now the official web site.

The manual:


As usual, to get started you need only the main package 
gnucap-2009-xx-xx.tar.gz .  

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gnucap development snapshot 2009-08-19

2009-08-20 Thread al davis

There is a new development snapshot available ...

Optional plugin files:

This file contains the md5sum of the other files, so you can 
check for a proper download:

1. fix const portability bug, in response to several bug 

2. Parameter expression evaluation improvements. 
Scoping of variables should be correct now.

3. Verilog and Spectre mode improvements.
There was a bug introduced 06-11 which often caused
it to not work with files, but it did work interactively.
The bug was in code to skip the spice title line, but
it had other consequences in some cases.

The web site now links to the wiki, which is 
the official web site.

The wiki:

The manual:


As usual, to get started you need only the main package 
gnucap-2009-xx-xx.tar.gz .  

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Yet another netlister

2009-08-15 Thread al davis
On Saturday 15 August 2009, r wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:12 AM, al 
davis wrote:
> > A netlister needs to work for all symbols.  No exceptions.
> Why? Should it work even for symbols without models or
> incompatible models (e.g. verilog RTL in an analog AC
> simulation)?

You cannot possibly know about all possible symbols that may be 
created in the future.  So, the netlister cannot have explicit 
knowledge of them.  It must work in general.

> > For
> > Spice format, you can go nuts with all of the special
> > cases. There are ways to control it, but you can't fix it
> > completely.
> >
> > This means the netlister cannot have explicit knowledge of
> > any particular symbol.
> Well, currently it has. I would actually prefer it the other
> way around, so that some particular symbols (especially
> primitive devices) had explicit knowledge of a netlist
> format.

You cannot possibly know about all possible netlist formats a 
symbol might be used for.

A netlister for an irregular output format might need to key on 
some attribute to decide what to do, but this is not the symbol 

You could define an attribute that identifies special 
properties, and the netlister could key off of that.  How about 
a "special_target" attribute, where you could specify special 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Yet another netlister

2009-08-14 Thread al davis
On Saturday 01 August 2009, A.Burinskiy wrote:
> And, finally, me, as a user, will not be happy to change the
> script each time I add new symbol!

Good thing you mentioned it.

Unfortunately, the Spice format is very irregular, so dealing 
with it is pure hell.   That is one of the reasons for moving to 
later formats such as Spectre, Verilog, and VHDL as netlist 
formats.  The Spectre format should also be considered 
depricated, leaving Verilog and VHDL as netlist formats.  
Whether you (collectively) like it or not, this is the industry 
trend, and gEDA is not in a position to buck the trend, and can 
benefit by running ahead of everyone else.

In conversation last week with the creator of the Spectre 
format, he commented on why it is the way it is, and why we 
shouldn't use it, and use Verilog or VHDL format instead.  
Either of those choices are regular, easy to parse, and provide 
for named ports that are not order dependent.

A netlister needs to work for all symbols.  No exceptions.  For 
Spice format, you can go nuts with all of the special cases.  
There are ways to control it, but you can't fix it completely.

This means the netlister cannot have explicit knowledge of any 
particular symbol.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gnucap development snapshot 2009-08-13

2009-08-14 Thread al davis

There is a new development snapshot available ...

Optional plugin files:

This file contains the md5sum of the other files, so you can 
check for a proper download:

1. Bug fix in parameter expression evaluation, when functions are called.
In the previous version, nested function calls such as exp(abs(a)) 
were not evaluated correctly.  This has been fixed.

2. Parameter functions and measure functions are now separate.
In the previous version, they were on the same namespace
anticipating future functionality.  There was a problem when
a measure function (such as the "max" measure) and parameter
function (such as "max" selecting the larger argument) were 

Also ..

The web site now links to the wiki, which is now 
the official web site.

The wiki:

The manual:


As usual, to get started you need only the main package 
gnucap-2009-xx-xx.tar.gz .  

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA just hit SlashDotOrg

2009-08-09 Thread al davis
On Saturday 01 August 2009, Bob Paddock wrote:
> "Cheap, Cross-Platform Electronic Circuit Simulation
> Software?
> dv82 writes "I teach circuits and electronics at the
> undergraduate level, and have been using the free student
> demo version of OrCad for schematic capture and simulation
> because (a) it comes with the textbook and (b) it's powerful
> enough for the job. Unfortunately OrCad runs only under
> Windows, and students increasingly are switching to Mac (and
> some Linux netbooks). Wine and its variants will not run
> OrCad, and I don't wish to require students to purchase
> Windows and run with a VM. The only production-quality
> cross-platform CAD tool I have found so far is McCad, but its
> demo version is so limited in total allowed nets that it
> can't even run a basic opamp circuit with a realistic 741
> opamp model. gEDA is friendly to everything BUT Windows, and
> is nowhere near as refined as OrCad. I would like students to
> be able to run the software on their laptops without a
> network connection, which eliminates more options. Any
> suggestions?""

I was out of town when this hit (which was probably fortunate).

What are we going to do about it?

If we want people to use our tools ..

1. They need to be the best.

2. We need to provide a migration path -- in and out.

Gnucap works fine, but there is a problem with the geda 
interface.  Does anyone want to help?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Progress with unified build

2009-08-08 Thread al davis
On Saturday 08 August 2009, igor2 wrote:
> National or otherwise local standards. I know someone who
> would be really angry at me if I used the --/\/\/-- resistor
> symbol instead of the -[]- one, and of course no cad software
> can come with symbols for all possible components drawn for
> all possible standards.

That's like fonts in a text document.  Changing to a different 
standard set of symbols is like changing fonts in a text 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: KJWave

2009-07-27 Thread al davis
On Monday 27 July 2009, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> I have tried using both gnucap and ngspice using KJWaves,
> neither seems to be able to find the 1N4004 diode model

Google for it.

Neither supplies a model library.  It's a lot of work to keep it 
up to date.  So, you need to search the web for the model 

The most obvious answer is "google for 1n4004 spice model".  You 
will find several of them, not all the same.  They all should 
work with either ngspice or gnucap.

Since you need to ask, most likely you don't need the detailed 
model statement.  You can probably get away with using the 
defaults ..

.model 1N4004 D

If you want something better, but still not all of the details, 
look at the gnucap manual examples.  There is an example 
showing how to  determine IS of a diode experimentally.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gnucap development snapshot 2009-07-23

2009-07-26 Thread al davis

There is a new development snapshot available ...

Optional plugin files:

This file contains the md5sum of the other files, so you can 
check for a proper download:

1. Holger Vogt's mods for MS-Windows.
You still need to edit the "Make2" files, but that should be 

2. Other minor changes in spice-wrapper.

3. Change result of cross, min, max measures when the
event doesn't happen and looking for "last" event.
It now returns -infinity.  Previously it returned +infinity.
A first event never happening still returns +infinity.

Most recent work has been in documentation and testing.

The main web site now uses the wiki.  The manual on the wiki is 
nearing completion, so use it in preference to the old manual.

The wiki:

The manual:


As usual, to get started you need only the main package 
gnucap-2009-xx-xx.tar.gz .  

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Learning Spice: TwoStageAmp example

2009-07-23 Thread al davis
On Thursday 23 July 2009, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> al davis wrote:
> > On Monday 20 July 2009, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> >> Also, I would appreciate it if someone could point
> >> me to a tutorial or sample project that shows how
> >> one can do spice simulation!
> >
> > Did you look at what Stefan suggested for Gnucap?
> Yes, I did
> >>> Very basic:
> >>>
> I have gotten all the way though to the point of trying
> to display the curves with `gwave'. The problem is with
> Fedora's 9/10/11 gwave builds, or so I think.
> It seems there is a problem with gwave builds on Fedora.
> I reported this problem on the Fedora-Users mailing list and
> so far no response.

It works for me on Debian, without crashing.  I wouldn't expect 
a response on the Fedora-Users list, but you should be able to 
get help here.  I believe Chitlesh Goorah maintains the Fedora 
package for gwave.  He monitors this list.  Chitlesh, can you 

Usually I run gwave from the gnucap prompt ...
gnucap> tran 0 1u .01u trace all >z
gnucap> !gwave z &

! says run a shell command, & says to detach like the shell 

> I tried to build gwave from sources but
> there was a problem in which make was failing to locate
> gnome2 modules, so I gave up.

There is a library you need that is not installed.  I don't know 
what they are called in Fedora, so I can't tell you which one.  
You need the "dev" versions of the libraries, which are not 
installed by default.  Does the configure output give you any 
clues?  It doesn't work very well.

> I also downloaded the ngspice source, did a build, and all
> compiled with success, but issuing a `make check' revealed
> that the tests fail short starting with the bipolar models
> and quits where there are many more tests to go.

You need to ask the ngspice people about this.  I do know that 
there is a difference in math functions between AMD-64 and Intel 
processors, so the results could be a little different.  The 
differences are not significant, but could cause tests to fail 
if they are based on text file comparisons.

> For some reason, it seems I cannot get a simulation to work
> with the gEDA tools and I thought I was doing something very
> wrong, and that is why I was asking for a tutorial
> explaining, step-by-step, so as to demonstrate that the these
> tools actually work.  So far, it has not, with the tutorials
> I have been working with.

I don't use gspiceui .. It just goes against the way I want to 
work.  Usually, I run gnucap interactively, from the command 
line.  The netlister isn't perfect.  You should use the "spice-
sdb" netlister, not plain spice.  Even so, often I need to 
manually edit the netlist to make it work.  Working with files 
as I usually do, I can deal with it.  With a GUI, the slightest 
imperfection makes the whole thing useless.

geda-user mailing list

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