Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-20 Thread Steve Meier
Must it be round?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-20 Thread DJ Delorie

> It would be great if we also had an easier way to contribute symbols
> back (perhaps with just a mouse click or two).

The only limit I put on gedasymbols is accountability.  I want to make
sure that if a symbol or footprint is up there, you know who's
responsible for it.  Solutions which meet that need would be
acceptable to me

Well, my time is limited too, they'd have to be easy solutions :-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-20 Thread Stephen Ecob
On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 1:26 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak
> Colin D Bennett wrote:
>> Not to get into the whole light/heavy symbol debate
> Maybe, it is time to look at this issue again. When I first read geda
> documentation, there were already references that this had been discussed
> ad nauseam. As a result, the default lib was the way it was and is. This
> is six year back now. Since then, this topic has not been raised on the
> mailing list. But there are
> Except for some bug fixes, the default lib stayed the same for all the
> years. No symbols were added, none was removed, nothing was restructured.
> If the default lib is to be changed now, then there should be some kind
> of new consensus on the heavy/light issue. Else, the effort might end in
> religious  war and, or frustration.

There will always be a place for both heavy and light.  People's work
flows vary too much to limit gEDA to just one.

One thing worth thinking about is closer integration of gschem and pcb
If our programs obtained symbols directly from there it would get
people out of the mind-set that there is just one library of symbols.
The reality is that our community provides a bazaar of different
symbols and philosophies of symbol creation.

It would be great if we also had an easier way to contribute symbols
back (perhaps with just a mouse click or two).

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-20 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Colin D Bennett wrote:

> Not to get into the whole light/heavy symbol debate

Maybe, it is time to look at this issue again. When I first read geda 
documentation, there were already references that this had been discussed 
ad nauseam. As a result, the default lib was the way it was and is. This
is six year back now. Since then, this topic has not been raised on the 
mailing list. But there are 

Except for some bug fixes, the default lib stayed the same for all the 
years. No symbols were added, none was removed, nothing was restructured. 

If the default lib is to be changed now, then there should be some kind 
of new consensus on the heavy/light issue. Else, the effort might end in
religious  war and, or frustration.

Kai-Martin Knaak  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
GPG key:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kai-Martin Knaak  writes:

> Stephan Boettcher wrote:

>> My colleagues use eagle.  I review their gerbers with gerbv. They
>> envy my hierachical schematics and scripting fu,
> Funny. I got the impression, the scripting abilities of eagle are one 
> of the few things eagle really excels at. 

I've heard so, yes, one of our engineers does eagle scripting once in a
while.  But he had to learn how to script eagle.  I did not learn any
new language, I script in sed, awk, python, gnumeric.  Both are good


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Stephan Boettcher wrote:

> Why do you have this notion of _right tool_?

Because my job is at risk if I am notorious for using that odd piece of 
messy software nobody else can get results with. After all, I am supposed 
to help the colleagues solve their electronics problems...

> My colleagues use eagle.  I review their gerbers with gerbv. They
> envy my hierachical schematics and scripting fu,
Funny. I got the impression, the scripting abilities of eagle are one 
of the few things eagle really excels at. 

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Colin D Bennett wrote:

> If you put default footprint attributes on the symbols, it is an
> invitation to error.  It's better to force the user to specify a
> footprint for each component.

If you want to force users, you can put in a footprint with an 
invalid value. No footprint attribute at all just heightens the barrier.
Footprint attributes not only contain a value. They also contain 
placement information relative to the symbol.

I am no fan of forcing users. But your argument does not convince 
me anyway. No default footprint value is an invitation to error, too. 
Newbies hardly know the difference of SO16 and SO14-wide. Default 
footprint attribute values should of course correspond to reasonable 
footprints in the default lib of PCB. So default will produce reasonable 
results that can be manufactured. If the user wanted SMD, he or she will
notice during placement. 

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Andrew Poelstra wrote:

> This already invalidates your point. 

The point is, that instances of the default library should be instantly
usable for major use cases. And they should be good blueprints for the 
creation of the users own instances.

The symbols in the current default lib fail for both. Most importantly, 
there is no footprint attribute. But there are more issues. Most of the 
symbols contain no license attributes, no description, no documentation, 
no symversion, no value. They are quite inconsistent. Some contain 
attributes geda won't recognize in a useful way (e.g. FND5148-1.sym 
features auth, date, fname and rev. The values of these attributes look
like variables because they are terminated by $-characters.) There is 
even a symbol with no attribute at all. (input-orcad-1.sym). 

The recommended technique of split symbols is not to be found in the 
default lib. Instead, the three logic blocks of the 4000 are all contained
in a single symbol.

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Geoff Swan
 We're going over old ground now...
  "First, in gschem/gattrib, the the GUI has a way of querying the
  database for potential values of attributes - such as choosing
  variants, picking parts from official part lists, sticking to
  on-hand inventory, etc."

   Agreed on both counts.
   Default footprints would be misleading - having some choice and an easy
   way to select seems the most logical compromise. I have a bunch of
   symbols I've created myself where I put a footprint attribute in but
   set it TBD - because I know that depending on project I'll be switching
   between through hole and SMT...



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Jared Casper
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Stephan Boettcher
> I still do not know where the pcb users manual is to be found. I found

PCB home page ( top level link in navigation box on the
left: "Manual".  Choose your version.  One could argue about how good
or complete it is, but certainly not that it can't easily be found.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher (Karl Hammar) writes:

> Stephan:
> ...
>> I still do not know where the pcb users manual is to be found.
> ...
> You can find it in the git repo. as pcb/doc/pcb.pdf,
> but you have to build it first.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Karl Hammar
> I still do not know where the pcb users manual is to be found.

You can find it in the git repo. as pcb/doc/pcb.pdf,
but you have to build it first.

/Karl Hammar

Aspö Data
Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
+46 173 140 57

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread DJ Delorie

> No, but what would be really cool is if gschem knew about PCB symbols
> so that when you open the properties window, footprint is a dropdown
> list of available PCB footprints.

We're going over old ground now...

  "First, in gschem/gattrib, the the GUI has a way of querying the
  database for potential values of attributes - such as choosing
  variants, picking parts from official part lists, sticking to
  on-hand inventory, etc."

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Russell Dill
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Stephan Boettcher
> Kai-Martin Knaak  writes:
>> Stephan Boettcher wrote:
>>> The way to promote gedasymbols and to fix the default library is to
>>> remove the default library, except for a small set of very generic
>>> symbols.
>> ack.
>> This set of symbols should provide the ability to start working as is
>> and generally be examples for complete working symbols. That is, they
>> should contain footprint attributes. And when applicable simulation
>> attributes, too. HOWTOs and manuals may refer to these items.
> nack.  There is no way for a footprint attribute to be generic.
> These symbols shall exactly not be examples, and exactly not just work.
> They shall be symbols that can be use as they are for any workflow, by
> adding the required attributes after instantiation, or by editing a copy
> in a project lib, i.e., the first easy steps in learning symbol editing.

No, but what would be really cool is if gschem knew about PCB symbols
so that when you open the properties window, footprint is a dropdown
list of available PCB footprints.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Poelstra
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 02:12:06PM -0400, Vanessa Ezekowitz wrote:
> On Thu, 19 May 2011 08:36:50 -0600
> John Doty  wrote:
> > On May 19, 2011, at 8:21 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> > 
> > > Vanessa Ezekowitz wrote:
> > > 
> > >> KMK didn't say what he means by "unusable", 
> > > 
> > > Most immediately: The symbols in the default lib do not contain footprint 
> > > attributes. Not even an empty ones. This prevents them to "just-work" for 
> > > the most common work-flow of geda: gschem -> gnetlist -> pcb -> gerbv 
> > 
> > What's the footprint for a transistor? A resistor? A 7400? All of these
> > come in many packages and many also expect a 1:1 mapping from package to
> > footprint, but that isn't how it works.
> But that *is* how it works - to a new user or a seasoned user, ultimately 
> footprint = package.  We've had this discussion before, and the answer is 
> clear:
> Choose some reasonable defaults that will work for the majority of use cases. 
>  Through hole or large gauge SMT unless there is no other option, and using 
> the most commonly available parts.
> If a person instantiates a transistor, give it a TO92-3 footprint (though I 
> prefer TO-18 for its retro look).
> Resistors?  I use a footprint I created that fits 1/8 and 1/4W and folds the 
> resistor in half to save board space.

This already invalidates your point. Many hobbyist users don't
care about TO resistor footprints, since you can fit the leads
into pretty well any hole spacing.

Me, I use 0805's since I have a lot of those. I have a friend
who always uses 0603's for the same reason. Sometimes the I
use massive SMT footprints or weird TO spacing to fit a lot of
traces under the part.

The moral is that defaults cannot make sense for even the
simplest of parts. Capacitors are much worse, transistors
worse still. 

All this without even considering paste width, etc.

Andrew Poelstra
Email: asp11 at OR apoelstra at

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Vanessa Ezekowitz
On Thu, 19 May 2011 08:36:50 -0600
John Doty  wrote:

> On May 19, 2011, at 8:21 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> > Vanessa Ezekowitz wrote:
> > 
> >> KMK didn't say what he means by "unusable", 
> > 
> > Most immediately: The symbols in the default lib do not contain footprint 
> > attributes. Not even an empty ones. This prevents them to "just-work" for 
> > the most common work-flow of geda: gschem -> gnetlist -> pcb -> gerbv 
> What's the footprint for a transistor? A resistor? A 7400? All of these
> come in many packages and many also expect a 1:1 mapping from package to
> footprint, but that isn't how it works.

But that *is* how it works - to a new user or a seasoned user, ultimately 
footprint = package.  We've had this discussion before, and the answer is clear:

Choose some reasonable defaults that will work for the majority of use cases.  
Through hole or large gauge SMT unless there is no other option, and using the 
most commonly available parts.

If a person instantiates a transistor, give it a TO92-3 footprint (though I 
prefer TO-18 for its retro look).

Resistors?  I use a footprint I created that fits 1/8 and 1/4W and folds the 
resistor in half to save board space.

Resistor packs?  Use whatever SIPx footprint fits the part.

Signal diodes like a 1N914?  Same footprint (just tweak the drill diameter for 
thick-leaded parts like 1N4001)

Capacitors?  I use one I made with 200 mil lead spacing and about 50 mil width 
for ceramics, and the default ACY100 for electrolytics.

ICs?  Use an SOIC footprint unless the part only comes in some other form.

IC sockets?  Obvious - use a DIP footprint.

The above probably covers 90% of use-cases, and besides, the user probably 
needs to be able to hand-assemble their creations initially (prototypes before 
a production run), and you can't do that if the initial board is covered in 
0603, TSSOP, BGA, and similar parts, and/or parts of any kind that have to be 
bought at some only-sells-1000-at-a-time distributor.

> > ack. 
> > The historically grown structure is less than stellar. And the scope needs
> > to be reduced to what can sensibly be delivered. The libs should not
> > suggest completeness where thay can only provide a (good) starting point. 
> It isn't so much the libs, as the lib browser, which sends the selected
> part straight to the schematic, thus giving the user the false impression
> that they're finished with it.

What's needed here is a minimal attribute editor right in the library browser 
window.  Click a symbol, and the bottom of the window expands to show the most 
important attributes of the symbol: refdes, footprint, slot# if applicable.  
Click again in the schematic window and the symbol is placed with whatever 
attributes have been set.

"There are some things in life worth obsessing over.  Most
things aren't, and when you learn that, life improves."
Vanessa Ezekowitz 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Colin D Bennett
On Thu, 19 May 2011 16:21:31 +0200
Kai-Martin Knaak  wrote:

> Vanessa Ezekowitz wrote:
> > KMK didn't say what he means by "unusable", 
> Most immediately: The symbols in the default lib do not contain
> footprint attributes. Not even an empty ones. This prevents them to
> "just-work" for the most common work-flow of geda: gschem -> gnetlist
> -> pcb -> gerbv 

If you put default footprint attributes on the symbols, it is an
invitation to error.  It's better to force the user to specify a
footprint for each component.

If it seems like extra work for a user to assign footprints, consider
that the user had better be reviewing each and every component's
footprint in the schematic anyway... though you know you'll forget to
check one component for which the default package is wrong.

Ideally, footprint assignment would be easy and convenient, however.
This could be improved by providing a footprint browser in gschem to
quickly locate the right symbol name.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Colin D Bennett
On Thu, 19 May 2011 15:57:12 +0200
Kai-Martin Knaak  wrote:

> Stephan Boettcher wrote:
> > The way to promote gedasymbols and to fix the default library is to
> > remove the default library, except for a small set of very generic
> > symbols.
> ack. 
> This set of symbols should provide the ability to start working as is
> and generally be examples for complete working symbols. That is, they
> should contain footprint attributes.

Not to get into the whole light/heavy symbol debate, but since we're
talking about making this uniform, simpler, and easier for new users, I
think there would be less opportunity for error if symbols did not
include a footprint attribute, UNLESS there is only one footprint
possible.  For instance, what footprint does a resistor symbol use?
Or, what footprint does an SPDT switch use?  A battery?  A transistor
(and of course many logical-physical pin mappings for transistors!).

Speaking of transistors, this brings to mind the mapping of schematic
pins to PCB footprint pins.  Because I don't want to create a different
PNP, NPN, N-MOSFET, P-MOSFET, etc. symbol for each package pinout, I
use logical pin names ("numbers") in my symbols:
  G, D, S (gate, drain, source) for MOSFET
  B, C, E (base, collector, emitter) for BJT
  P, N (P-doped and N-doped terminal) for all types of diode incl. LED
   --> anode and cathode are less appropriate because they refer to
   actual current flow (which may be reverse biased, esp. for

The I have corresponding footprints such as

 SOT23__MOSFET_1G_2S_3D   - MOSFET in SOT-23 package with gate on pin
 1, source on pin 2, and drain on pin 3.

The result is that you need fewer variants of symbols and there is less
of the "magic" pin 1 = +, pin 2 = - assumption between symbols and
footprints on these generic parts, where pin numbering is not
standardized.  It is much harder to make a footprint-symbol pin
mapping error since there is a single logical-physical mapping that
takes place in just one step (selecting the footprint).

If you think that the current gschem library's polarized capacitor and
diodes are sufficient, consider that gschem's “led-3.sym” has the
opposite polarity (pin 1 is negative terminal) of led-1.sym and
led-2.sym!!  The casual user is very likely to overlook this.  Even if
the pin numbers were shown, "pin 1" has no meaning for an LED, in
contrast to an IC package.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kai-Martin Knaak  writes:

> Stephan Boettcher wrote:
>> The way to promote gedasymbols and to fix the default library is to
>> remove the default library, except for a small set of very generic
>> symbols.
> ack. 
> This set of symbols should provide the ability to start working as is
> and generally be examples for complete working symbols. That is, they
> should contain footprint attributes. And when applicable simulation
> attributes, too. HOWTOs and manuals may refer to these items.

nack.  There is no way for a footprint attribute to be generic.  

These symbols shall exactly not be examples, and exactly not just work.

They shall be symbols that can be use as they are for any workflow, by
adding the required attributes after instantiation, or by editing a copy
in a project lib, i.e., the first easy steps in learning symbol editing.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread John Doty

On May 19, 2011, at 8:21 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

> Vanessa Ezekowitz wrote:
>> KMK didn't say what he means by "unusable", 
> Most immediately: The symbols in the default lib do not contain footprint 
> attributes. Not even an empty ones. This prevents them to "just-work" for 
> the most common work-flow of geda: gschem -> gnetlist -> pcb -> gerbv 

What's the footprint for a transistor? A resistor? A 7400? All of these come in 
many packages and many also expect a 1:1 mapping from package to footprint, but 
that isn't how it works.

>> The first thing that comes to mind is that, for both Gschem and PCB, 
>> the libraries need recategorized.  
> ack. 
> The historically grown structure is less than stellar. And the scope needs
> to be reduced to what can sensibly be delivered. The libs should not suggest 
> completeness where thay can only provide a (good) starting point. 

It isn't so much the libs, as the lib browser, which sends the selected part 
straight to the schematic, thus giving the user the false impression that 
they're finished with it.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Joshua Boyd
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 04:25:40AM +0200, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Stefan Salewski wrote:
> > While gEDA/PCB has some serious
> > users and a large list of projects done with gEDA, KiCAD users seems to
> > be more childreen type, making boards with a power LED and a led driver
> > chip...
> kicad is the EDA chosen by some high profile open hardware projects:
> * reprap (
> * micropendous (
> * nanonote ( )

Thanks for the links.  I never noticed that reprap and nanonote were
KiCad, and I never heard of micropendous before (and it looks useful).

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Vanessa Ezekowitz wrote:

> KMK didn't say what he means by "unusable", 

Most immediately: The symbols in the default lib do not contain footprint 
attributes. Not even an empty ones. This prevents them to "just-work" for 
the most common work-flow of geda: gschem -> gnetlist -> pcb -> gerbv 

> The first thing that comes to mind is that, for both Gschem and PCB, 
> the libraries need recategorized.  
The historically grown structure is less than stellar. And the scope needs
to be reduced to what can sensibly be delivered. The libs should not suggest 
completeness where thay can only provide a (good) starting point. 

Kai-Martin Knaak  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
GPG key:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Stephan Boettcher wrote:

> The way to promote gedasymbols and to fix the default library is to
> remove the default library, except for a small set of very generic
> symbols.

This set of symbols should provide the ability to start working as is
and generally be examples for complete working symbols. That is, they
should contain footprint attributes. And when applicable simulation
attributes, too. HOWTOs and manuals may refer to these items.

In addition, there should be a discoverable mechanism to exclusively use 
a specific set of libs. Currently gschem and gnetlist use a multiple 
fall-back strategy to find actual instances of footprints and symbols. 
This is the kind of automatism that introduces nasty design failures. It 
makes the user feel less in control and uneasy. 

The cvs way to mirror the contents of on the local hard
disk should be installed by default. 

Kai-Martin Knaak  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
GPG key:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
John Doty  writes:

> So, is it really that bad?

In the end, when you really need to look something up, giyf, it is all
there.  But terribly disorganised.  For most things that may need
looking up I am completely unaware that they even exist.

As I said eleswhere, the first thing I tend to read is some kind of
reference manual.  Those things are typically not very verbose and give
me a complete overview what the program, API, language, library can do
for me.  I could not point to such documents for gaf or PCB.

I still do not know where the pcb users manual is to be found. I found
it several times in the past after some googling, and after I read it, I
still have no idea what the possibilities are on the pcb actions command
line, because it appears to be incomplete both in coverage of the
actions as well as the parameters for the actions.

This is not a complaint, since I get along with what I know.  I may just
miss out on a lot of nice features that I do not know about.

What I did find early (and enjoyed a lot) was the file formats


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread John Doty

On May 19, 2011, at 4:26 AM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

>> I referred to the lack of documentation, rather than lack of comments.
>> The particular case I had in mind, is the interaction of gnetlist's 
>> C front-end with the scheme back-ends. There seems to be no documentation 
>> whatsoever, what data structure the front-end should use to communicate 
>> with the back-end.
> Ok, yes, that is a valid point...  the lack of documented APIs.

Here's a start, posted once before.

gnetlist:get-packages level

Yields a list of refdes values for the set of schematics. Duplicated values are 
only listed once. The "level" argument must be present, but is unused.

gnetlist:get-non-unique-packages level

Yields a list of refdes values for the set of schematics. Duplicated values are 
listed as many times as they appear. The "level" argument must be present, but 
is unused.

gnetlist:get-pins refdes

Yields a list of pin numbers for the specified refdes value.

gnetlist:get-all-nets level

Yields a list of net names for the set of schematics. Duplicated values are 
listed as many times as they appear (once per segment?). The "level" argument 
must be present, but is unused.

gnetlist:get-all-unique-nets level

Yields a list of net names for the set of schematics. Duplicated values are 
only listed once. The "level" argument must be present, but is unused.

gnetlist:get-all-connections net

Yields a list of all connections to the named net. Each element of the list is 
itself a two element list of the form (refdes pinnumber).

gnetlist:get-nets refdes pin

This is apparently intended to yield the netname connected to the given pin 
along with all pins connected to that net, including the pin in the initial 
query. A little experimentation, however, shows that it does not reliably list 
all of the connections, possibly due to a problem with net= connections. Most 
(all?) existing back ends that use this appear to use only the netname.

gnetlist:get-pins-nets refdes

Yields a list of (pinnumber . netname) pairs detailing all connections for the 
given refdes.

gnetlist:get-package-attribute refdes attribute

Yields the value of the named attribute attached to a symbol instance with the 
given refdes. Yields "unknown" if the attribute is absent. It only yields one 
value, regardless of how many matching attributes exist in the set of 
schematics. If there is more than one instance only the first instance 
encountered is inspected, so it may yield "unknown, even if a matching 
attribute is present.

gnetlist:get-toplevel-attribute attribute

Yields the value of the named attribute at top level, that is, an attribute 
present in one of the schematics unattached to any object. Yields "not found" 
if no matching attribute is present.

gnetlist:get-renamed-nets level

When gnetlist expands a hierarchical subcircuit, it first assigns every net 
within the subcircuit a unique name based on the refdes of the subcircuit 
instance and, if present, the netname within the subcircuit. If a net is 
attached to the higher level circuit, gnetlist then changes the name of the 
subcircuit net to the name of the higher level net to which it is attached. 
"gnetlist:get-renamed-nets" returns a list of lists of pairs of names. The 
first name in a pair is the initial unique netname within the subcircuit, the 
second is the higher level netname it has acquired. The "level" argument must 
be present, but is unused.

gnetlist:get-attribute-by-pinseq refdes pinseq attribute

Yields the value of the named attribute attached to the pin with the named 
pinseq attribute to the package with the named refdes attribute.

gnetlist:get-attribute-by-pinnumber refdes pinnumber attribute

Yields the value of the named attribute attached to the pin with the named 
pinnumber attribute to the package with the named refdes attribute.

gnetlist:vams-get-package-attributes refdes

Yields a list of the names of attributes attached to the symbol at schematic 

gnetlist:get-slots refdes

Yields a list of all slot attributes associated with a given refdes. Duplicated 
values are listed as many times as they appear.

gnetlist:get-unique-slots refdes

Yields a list of all slot attributes associated with a given refdes. Duplicated 
values are listed only once.

gnetlist:graphical-objs-in-net-with-attrib-get-attrib netname attrstring 

This searches for a graphical symbol attached to a net with the given netname. 
The symbol must have attrstring (of the form name=value) attached. It yields 
the value of the specified attribute,


Yields a list of lists of command line flags and values. Each flag must be 
known to the gnetlist front end. For example, the "--nomunge" flag will yield 
("nomunge_mode" #t).


Broken or unimplemented? Yields #f.

Higher level functions built atop these are in:


These are fairly comprehen

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Geoff Swan  writes:

>> > > Examples
>> > > are the next to unusable default library of geda
>> >
>> > As has been discussed many times, this cannot be fixed, since there is no
>> > narrow, common use case for gEDA. 

It can be fixed, ...

> Actually I think gEDA is not too bad for components/symbols really. What the
> default library lacks, gedsymbols often has. With a little bit more
> promotion of gedasymbols I think people wouldn't have such an issue.

The way to promote gedasymbols and to fix the default library is to
remove the default library, except for a small set of very generic

I do use some symbols from the defaul library, generic resistors,
capacitors, transistors, switches, but nothing else. Basically only the
very generic drawings.

The first thing a new user shall (have to) learn is making symbols, and
(for a pcb workflow) footprints, or (for a simulation workflow) models,
because, as John said, it cannot be done right for everybody, so we
shall not try, and if it were possible, nobody wants to to the work


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kai-Martin Knaak  writes:

> Stephan Boettcher wrote:
>> Why is there so much discussion here about the needs of potential new
>> users, instead of the needs of current, loving, existing users?  Let's
>> make the tools perfect for us (that includes discoverability and
>> documentation improvements), and not cater for not-yet-users.
> In my case, this is essentially the same. If students find geda more
> difficult and less attractive than eagle, I have a hard time to convince 
> them to use the right tool.

Why do you have this notion of _right tool_?  Let them use what they
want.  My colleagues use eagle.  I review their gerbers with gerbv. They
envy my hierachical schematics and scripting fu, but still, they are
happy.  All I say is: look if you want help from me with these things,
use gEAD, else, do it yourself.

>> In the end, the development caters the needs of whoever is doing the
>> development,
> and whose contributions get accepted. There is a heap of 45 patches for 
> pcb and 20 patches for geda rotting on launchpad. 

just what I said see below ...

>> That brings me to another point: I somehow feel a barrier of entry for
>> contributing code to gEDA/PCB, more than with other projects.  This is a
>> combination of a lot of little details which have been discussed before.
> ack. 
> It starts with a developer mailing list that is closed to mortal users but 
> discusses issues which affect said users. The wiki only features edit buttons
> on application. 

That are two of those little details, major ones.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-19 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kai-Martin Knaak  writes:

> Stephan Boettcher wrote:
>> Judging the
>> code by lack of comments without knowledge of the language is too.
> I referred to the lack of documentation, rather than lack of comments.
> The particular case I had in mind, is the interaction of gnetlist's 
> C front-end with the scheme back-ends. There seems to be no documentation 
> whatsoever, what data structure the front-end should use to communicate 
> with the back-end.

Ok, yes, that is a valid point...  the lack of documented APIs.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread gedau
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 09:24:53PM +0100, Thomas Oldbury wrote:
>Is there a Python api for gEDA?

I once made a GPMI plugin for PCB. Unfortunately it contains only a 
small set of interface libraries so what can be done was limited. I've 
written an SVG exporter prototype in tcl, an interactive extension to 
draw non-90-deg arcs in awk, and a HGPL exporter that I really use in 
'production'. GPMI supports 10 script languages including both python 
and guile. 

Altough I totally agree with those who say guile keeps some people back 
from really making extensions or modifications to gEDA, my reasoning is 
probably totally different from the previous ones in this thread. I 
believe it is the wrong way to bind a tool to a specific scripting 
language and force the user to learn a new language for each new tool. 
It is not (only) about being lazy to learn: there are very different 
tasks out there and some tools are more suited for some tasks. Once one 
knows 2-3 different scripting languages, it may already cover a large 
area of possible tasks well enough that learning a new one has nearly 
zero benefit.

Unfortunately in case of pcb-gpmi burdens are elsewhere. My current 
theory is that such project would work only if it was fully integrated 
in the tool, shipped with default installation. It takes some efforts to 
compile the plugin and naturally it has dependencies (like why would I 
try to rewrite the interpreters of all those languages when I could use 
their libs?). As far as I know, i am the only one who ever tried the 
pcb-gpmi. Probably those who dare to start compiling non-singe-c-file 
plugins and fetch external libraries are not that much interested in 
scripting PCB in python (or anything else) as they are already good 
enough in C. To work around this I provided .deb packages but it's 
probably the same story, those who really would use the stuff are not on 

So all in all, all positive feedback but 0 efforts in even trying it 
out. I can imagine something similar would happen to a gschem/geda 
variant. Maybe the burden is slightly smaller if only python is hacked onto 
gschem/geda, but then, in my opinion, that's not much better than having 
only guile is. I think it starts to be good at like 3..4 very different 
languages. Python itself is not the solution to anything.

Menawhile pcb-gpmi is bitrotten; I am still using it with an old version 
of PCB (even debs are still available) but since the low user count I 
started the big configuration system refactoring of gpmi in trunk which 
most probably makes it fail to configure on non-linux systems.


Tibor Palinkas

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread John Doty

On May 18, 2011, at 7:57 PM, Geoff Swan wrote:

>   Actually I think gEDA is not too bad for components/symbols really.
>   What the default library lacks, gedsymbols often has. With a little bit
>   more promotion of gedasymbols I think people wouldn't have such an
>   issue.
>   In terms of the usability of the default symbols - I just treat them as
>   a starting point. It is unlikely anyone will have done a symbol exactly
>   to my preference, and even if they have I like to add a whole bunch of
>   extra attributes. The default library and gedasymbols remove a lot of
>   the heavy lifting.
>   A full symbol/footprint library is something that I expect to build for
>   myself - I am not going to be happy unless I have closely checked each
>   symbol. I am very thankful for being able to base my work from what
>   others have done - but I am not planning on being in the position of
>   having a dead pcb because I didn't check a 3rd party footprint
>   properly.

Exactly. The real issue is that the UI doesn't encourage newbies to perceive 
this. The library browser should really import the symbol into the project, and 
open it in gschem for customization.

>   As far as the guile/scheme gnetlist backend is concerned... I did
>   manage to modify one of the BOM backends to pull some extra attributes
>   I add to my symbols. My first look at guile/scheme hurt my head - too
>   many brackets. But after the initial shock it wasn't too bad.

Indeed. It's easier than it looks.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Geoff Swan
   > > Examples
   > > are the next to unusable default library of geda
   > As has been discussed many times, this cannot be fixed, since there
   is no
   > narrow, common use case for gEDA. Even the big $$ tools can't get
   > right, so how can we? A narrowly targeted, inflexible tool like Eagle
   > maybe, kind of, but that's not gEDA.

   Actually I think gEDA is not too bad for components/symbols really.
   What the default library lacks, gedsymbols often has. With a little bit
   more promotion of gedasymbols I think people wouldn't have such an
   In terms of the usability of the default symbols - I just treat them as
   a starting point. It is unlikely anyone will have done a symbol exactly
   to my preference, and even if they have I like to add a whole bunch of
   extra attributes. The default library and gedasymbols remove a lot of
   the heavy lifting.
   A full symbol/footprint library is something that I expect to build for
   myself - I am not going to be happy unless I have closely checked each
   symbol. I am very thankful for being able to base my work from what
   others have done - but I am not planning on being in the position of
   having a dead pcb because I didn't check a 3rd party footprint

   As far as the guile/scheme gnetlist backend is concerned... I did
   manage to modify one of the BOM backends to pull some extra attributes
   I add to my symbols. My first look at guile/scheme hurt my head - too
   many brackets. But after the initial shock it wasn't too bad.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Vanessa Ezekowitz
On Wed, 18 May 2011 18:39:43 -0600
John Doty  wrote:

> On May 18, 2011, at 6:31 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> > Examples 
> > are the next to unusable default library of geda
> As has been discussed many times, this cannot be fixed, since there is no
> narrow, common use case for gEDA. Even the big $$ tools can't get this
> right, so how can we? A narrowly targeted, inflexible tool like Eagle can
> maybe, kind of, but that's not gEDA.

KMK didn't say what he means by "unusable", but if I had to suggest:

My use of the suite is always the same - draw up a schematic in GSchem and 
import it into PCB when it comes time to do so.

The first thing that comes to mind is that, for both Gschem and PCB, the 
libraries need recategorized.  

Start by getting rid of PCB categories "newlib", "pcblib" and "pcblib-newlib",  
and subcategories within such as "geda", "generic", and "not_vetted_ingo" need 
to go as well - all of these are completely vague and really aren't helpful.  
Recombine everything into one big monolithic library, then divide it back out 
by component type (IC, electromechanical, interconnects, resistors, capacitors, 
...), and perhaps by brand after that.Think of how Digi-Key lays out their 
Product Index on their website, but simplify it.

GSchem's library is already reasonably well categorized in this regard.

Then, add a new level above all of that, in both programs, to categorize 
according to use case.  Gschem might include such things as PCB design, ASIC, 
even plumbing.  PCB might include categories for PCB design, floorplans, I 
could even see it being used to lay out something big like a University campus.

Each program would need an "Unsorted" category to catch what doesn't fit into 
the defaults.   One should add an "All" category to both programs to bypass 
this mechanism, as inevitably some footprints and symbols will be misfiled.

Then there is the previously discussed idea of setting default PCB footprints 
on various symbols in gschem.

Such changes wouldn't break an existing workflow, just as the recent addition 
of PCB's schematic import facility (which works pretty well) doesn't stop 
people from using gsch2pcb and similar tools.

"There are some things in life worth obsessing over.  Most
things aren't, and when you learn that, life improves."
Vanessa Ezekowitz 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Colin D Bennett
On Wed, 18 May 2011 18:39:43 -0600
John Doty  wrote:

> On May 18, 2011, at 6:31 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> > Examples 
> > are the next to unusable default library of geda
> As has been discussed many times, this cannot be fixed, since there
> is no narrow, common use case for gEDA. Even the big $$ tools can't
> get this right, so how can we? A narrowly targeted, inflexible tool
> like Eagle can maybe, kind of, but that's not gEDA.

Maybe we could put together a sort of “jumpstart” add-on library for
new users who just want to design basic circuit schematics and get a PCB
designed.  The library would include only high-quality symbols that
adhere to the same paradigms (e.g., no hidden power pins).
You could leave out all the SPICE symbols and many of the rarely-used
special symbols since this is a library for the basic and simple
schematic->pcb workflow.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Stephan Boettcher wrote:

> Judging the
> code by lack of comments without knowledge of the language is too.

I referred to the lack of documentation, rather than lack of comments.
The particular case I had in mind, is the interaction of gnetlist's 
C front-end with the scheme back-ends. There seems to be no documentation 
whatsoever, what data structure the front-end should use to communicate 
with the back-end.

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread John Doty

On May 18, 2011, at 6:31 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

> Examples 
> are the next to unusable default library of geda

As has been discussed many times, this cannot be fixed, since there is no 
narrow, common use case for gEDA. Even the big $$ tools can't get this right, 
so how can we? A narrowly targeted, inflexible tool like Eagle can maybe, kind 
of, but that's not gEDA.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Stephan Boettcher wrote:

> Why is there so much discussion here about the needs of potential new
> users, instead of the needs of current, loving, existing users?  Let's
> make the tools perfect for us (that includes discoverability and
> documentation improvements), and not cater for not-yet-users.

In my case, this is essentially the same. If students find geda more
difficult and less attractive than eagle, I have a hard time to convince 
them to use the right tool.

>> but I must say that it's difficult to learn.  Perhaps a comprehensive
>> tutorial/manual that explains the usual PCB workflow would help.

full ack.

> In the end, the development caters the needs of whoever is doing the
> development,

and whose contributions get accepted. There is a heap of 45 patches for 
pcb and 20 patches for geda rotting on launchpad. 

> That brings me to another point: I somehow feel a barrier of entry for
> contributing code to gEDA/PCB, more than with other projects.  This is a
> combination of a lot of little details which have been discussed before.

It starts with a developer mailing list that is closed to mortal users but 
discusses issues which affect said users. The wiki only features edit buttons
on application. 

Some major usability issues effectively have the status "won't fix". Examples 
are the next to unusable default library of geda and the lack of proper 
find&replace mechanisms, in gschem and in pcb. 

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread John Doty

On May 18, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Stefan Salewski wrote:

> The problem in not only missing documentation, but the fact that not all
> geda guile code is really clean and beautiful, as stated by one of the
> experts some time ago on this list. I don't know if that is true, but I
> have seen that even experts had to work hard to make small improvements.
> I think that learning lisp/scheme/guile is an interesting (academic)
> task. But I think that gEDA is not a really good point to start
> learning, because: 1. the C-guile interaction and 2. the risk of
> breaking something.

The prevailing style for gnetlist back ends has several problems:

1. The near-universal use of recursion for iterating over lists. In most cases, 
the code is executed for side effects, typically output. For those cases 
(for-each) is a much simpler and clearer construct. (map) may also be useful in 
other cases. Recursion is a cool theoretical idea, but in practice it should be 
a last resort for when simpler iteration constructs don't work cleanly.

2. Excessively long functions. These are hard to read, hard to debug, and hard 
to maintain. A good scheme function is so simple it's almost trivial. Scheme 
allows procedural programming, but clumsily: one should prefer functional 
composition in most cases.

3. The use of (display) where (format) is more reasonable. I used to favor 
(display), but Peter B. dragged me kicking and screaming to (format). Thanks, 

Last year, I rewrote my Osmond-PCB back end based on these ideas, and I think 
the new version is much simpler and clearer. I submitted it as a patch, but it 
hasn't made it to release yet. I think it illustrates just how good the 
gnetlist API is for flat PCB-oriented netlist generation: the back end receives 
the data in very conveniently digested form.

Description: Binary data

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Colin D Bennett  writes:

> First, let's be clear that popularity is no indication of usefulness or
> goodness of something.
> But, if a product is less widely-chosen, perhaps there is something
> that can be done to improve the learning curve for new users... 

Why is there so much discussion here about the needs of potential new
users, instead of the needs of current, loving, existing users?  Let's
make the tools perfect for us (that includes discoverability and
documentation improvements), and not cater for not-yet-users.  When we
love the tools, they will eventually also leran how to love them.  See: 

> e.g., I was frustrated with gEDA when I first started using it, and
> thought KiCAD looked easy to use and cool.  But I found that I didn't
> like the feel of KiCAD (Wxwidgets was probably part of the
> problem...), and eventually figured out the tricks needed to make the
> gEDA system "work".  Now I love gEDA and am really comfortable with
> it, 


> but I must say that it's difficult to learn.  Perhaps a comprehensive
> tutorial/manual that explains the usual PCB workflow would help.  I
> know there are lots of ways to use gEDA, but for new users, a basic
> and sensible standard workflow could be identified.

Yes.  Well, the results may be essentially the same, but still, the
emphasis must be the needs of those how already use the tools, else the
delepoment may run into dead ends.

In the end, the development caters the needs of whoever is doing the
development, and that is how it must be.  Those of us (like me) who just
argue their needs on this list, but do not write code, can just hope to
steer the development a little bit towards their needs.

That brings me to another point: I somehow feel a barrier of entry for
contributing code to gEDA/PCB, more than with other projects.  This is a
combination of a lot of little details which have been discussed before.
Maybe there is change in the right direction now, but I do not see any.

If it were easier, some new users may already have written a tutorial
based on their learning experience, or make the existing tutorials
easier to find.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Thomas Oldbury
   Is there a Python api for gEDA?
   Because that would be really nice...

   On 18 May 2011 20:56, Stefan Salewski <[1]> wrote:

   On Wed, 2011-05-18 at 19:26 +0200, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
   > Russell Shaw wrote:
   > > I think Scheme could be made much more attractive in geda if
   > > it was adequately explained in documentation or a tutorial.
   > +1
   > I wouldn't mind to learn (a new language). But to learn a new
   language by
   > almost non-commented code is just too much of a barrier.
   > ---<)kaimartin(>---

 The problem in not only missing documentation, but the fact that not
 geda guile code is really clean and beautiful, as stated by one of
 experts some time ago on this list. I don't know if that is true,
 but I
 have seen that even experts had to work hard to make small
 I think that learning lisp/scheme/guile is an interesting (academic)
 task. But I think that gEDA is not a really good point to start
 learning, because: 1. the C-guile interaction and 2. the risk of
 breaking something.
 And finally: It is hard to see the real benefit of mixing c and
 guile in
 geda for simple people like me. For PCB C plugins seem to work fine.
 Guile may be really fine for writing extensions/exporters, but very
 people really do it. And guile itself seems to be not a masterpiece
 software -- gentoo package maintainers have to struggle with version
 conflicts, guile is not used much at all (OK, gimp has guile script

   geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Kai-Martin Knaak  writes:

> Russell Shaw wrote:
>> I think Scheme could be made much more attractive in geda if
>> it was adequately explained in documentation or a tutorial.
> +1
> I wouldn't mind to learn (a new language). But to learn a new language by 
> almost non-commented code is just too much of a barrier. 

Learning a programming language by examples is hazardous.  Judging the
code by lack of comments without knowledge of the language is too.

Comments that help those who do not know the language to understand the
code belong in tutorials, but not production code.  Well written code
should be understandable, with full knowlegde of the semantics of the
language, but not necessarily without that knowledge.  

I do think that most code needs comments, but mostly exactly not the
comments that are present in the code.

I once learned TeX by reading the source of LaTeX2.09 (before reading
the TeXbook).  Nowadays I start with the language reference manual, skip
the tutorial, and _then_ jump into example code.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Wed, 2011-05-18 at 19:26 +0200, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Russell Shaw wrote:
> > I think Scheme could be made much more attractive in geda if
> > it was adequately explained in documentation or a tutorial.
> +1
> I wouldn't mind to learn (a new language). But to learn a new language by 
> almost non-commented code is just too much of a barrier. 
> ---<)kaimartin(>---

The problem in not only missing documentation, but the fact that not all
geda guile code is really clean and beautiful, as stated by one of the
experts some time ago on this list. I don't know if that is true, but I
have seen that even experts had to work hard to make small improvements.
I think that learning lisp/scheme/guile is an interesting (academic)
task. But I think that gEDA is not a really good point to start
learning, because: 1. the C-guile interaction and 2. the risk of
breaking something.

And finally: It is hard to see the real benefit of mixing c and guile in
geda for simple people like me. For PCB C plugins seem to work fine.
Guile may be really fine for writing extensions/exporters, but very few
people really do it. And guile itself seems to be not a masterpiece of
software -- gentoo package maintainers have to struggle with version
conflicts, guile is not used much at all (OK, gimp has guile script

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread John Doty

On May 17, 2011, at 8:25 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

> BTW, what are the show cases for geda/pcb

One of gEDA's great strengths is that it works well with other tools, so it's a 
great toolkit when the project isn't contained within a pure EDA environment. 
The trouble is that such a project is dependent on things other than gEDA, and 
so it can be tricky to import into an environment different than that in which 
it was developed.

The spaceflight hardware project at is an example. 
In the environments we use at Noqsi, a simple "make" generates all of the data 
products, including extensive documentation. However, incompatibilities in 
other LaTeX setups  cause trouble: that's why we have a private copy of tikz, 
and some other workarounds in the Makefiles. There may be other issues: we are 
only concerned with portability between Noqsi and Osaka U. environments for 
this particular project. So, as a demo, it's not so great, even though its 
organization is a tremendous timesaver for us.

But by all means, take a look at it if you want.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Eduardo Costa
On 18/05/2011, Russell Shaw  wrote:
>  > On 17/05/2011, John Doty  wrote:
>  >>
>  >> On May 17, 2011, at 9:56 AM, Russell Shaw wrote:
>  >>
>  >>>
>  >>> Most guis hide what they do. I believe in them showing the commands
> they
>  >>> send internally as a script would (or atleast have the option to show
>  >>> that) so the user can paste the commands into an external file if
>  >>> needed.
>  >>
>  >> I've done GUIs that wrap scripts, but it only works in very simple,
>  >> shallow cases. An API that supports GUI well is very different from an
>  >> that supports scripting well.
>  >>
>  >> John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
>  >>
> On 18/05/11 04:57, Eduardo Costa wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> That's not true at all John. Have you ever heard/seen a program called
>> Alias
>> Wavefront Maya? It used to be from Silicon Graphics, but they sold it to
>> Autodesk a couple of years ago.
>> A program for 3D CGI which has quite an innovative popup menu system with
>> something called hotboxes and cardinal menus (the one shown bellow). 200%
>> productive, and much better than anyother existing/deployed nowadays:
>> and driven from MEL (sort of an intepreted c languaje they roled for the
>> purpose of scripting such a huge program). Believe me, you wouldn't even
>> think it is scripted because they didn't abuse of it, yet it lets such
>> menu
>> system be 10 times more powerful!
>> I do share many of your points Russell, while I'm happy (still) using
>> geda.
>> It seems to me is going somewhere I don't really want to be in a future.
>> I've got almost done a c-library I wrote implementing this menu systems
>> for
>> my own programs. Haven't looked at it for a time, but it could work with
>> gtk
>> or other toolkits as long as they allow low level event handling.
>> Anyways, if you are really going for it, and are going to use old'good c,
>> I'll be pleased to hear your thoughts and cooperate.
> Hi,
> I'm a gtk hater, and am open to new widget toolkit user interface paradigms,
> even if it means writing new widgets or toolkits from scratch (which i've
> done
> before).
> I found the useability of a 20yo unix box sch/pcb cad program far better
> in certain ways than current cad packages. It involved the left hand and
> an external multi-button "puck" device in most of the screen-panning
> operations, leading to much less mouse-finger fatigue. It made all the
> current Windows cad packages look like kiddies toys by comparison.

Yes, with Maya you also need to have a hand on the keyboard and the
other on the mouse. But Maya is a properly huge and complex sytem
meant for 2D/3D compositing and animation.

The good point on this sytem is that you can have as many menus as
needed. They are extremely ligthweight in terms of memory and cpu
costs, and can show up depending on current context, previous selected
option (resembling a deeper submenu in a hierarchy), etc. There are
many ways they can be employed without even the need for a keyboard at
all, still boosting productivity by a  factor of tens in respect of
current windows-looking menu systems.

As a big plus, they relieve the application from having to use
valuable screen space to draw and maintain stupid toolbars with stupid
icons. All you need is right-click somewhere, move the mouse a bit on
the direction of your preferred option, and release:

In either case, I also have experience programming others than xlib
and relevant toolkits. This menus that I propose/like do not have to
be used if other methods are suitable or better.

As long as we can have some good geda software that is not constantly
going to be limited by ancient stuff, yet is not directly going to the
evil hands of svg and similar crap and human/cpu-unfriendly formats
just because windows users want to look at the files with their
browsers, it's fine for me.

In either case, whatever your 20 y/o software does can also be done
nowadays with xlib, motif, opengl, a mixture of all three, or

So, again, if you are at any time going to get hands on it, I'll be
glad to help.


> ___
> geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Russell Shaw wrote:

> I think Scheme could be made much more attractive in geda if
> it was adequately explained in documentation or a tutorial.
I wouldn't mind to learn (a new language). But to learn a new language by 
almost non-commented code is just too much of a barrier. 

Kai-Martin Knaak  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
GPG key:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Russell Shaw

On 19/05/11 02:13, DJ Delorie wrote:

I'm a gtk hater, and am open to new widget toolkit user interface paradigms,

So, you build pcb with --enable-gui=lesstif ?  ;-)

I do it with gtk whenever i want to poke at it. I know how gtk
works, but it's far too convoluted and burdensome for developing
non-trivial widgets for non-trivial applications.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Colin D Bennett
On Tue, 17 May 2011 22:30:27 -0400
DJ Delorie  wrote:

> > BTW, what are the show cases for geda/pcb?
> There's a list on

First, let's be clear that popularity is no indication of usefulness or
goodness of something.

But, if a product is less widely-chosen, perhaps there is something
that can be done to improve the learning curve for new users... e.g., I
was frustrated with gEDA when I first started using it, and thought
KiCAD looked easy to use and cool.  But I found that I didn't like the
feel of KiCAD (Wxwidgets was probably part of the problem...), and
eventually figured out the tricks needed to make the gEDA system
"work".  Now I love gEDA and am really comfortable with it, but I must
say that it's difficult to learn.  Perhaps a comprehensive
tutorial/manual that explains the usual PCB workflow would help.  I
know there are lots of ways to use gEDA, but for new users, a basic and
sensible standard workflow could be identified.

With the reminder that popularity is not necessarily related to the
"goodness" of a tool... I see that KiCAD does have some fairly popular
projects using it, while I haven't seen the same for gEDA.  I don't see
any project on the gEDA "projects using gEDA" list that I would
consider as high-profile as the following:

* reprap (
* nanonote ( )
* Versaloon debugger/programmer (
  (First open-source SWD device and first OpenOCD SWD support.)

Certainly there are many complex and good designs done in gEDA, but as
far as serious high-profile projects, it looks like KiCAD has the
lead.  No matter, gEDA is what works well for me and that's all I
really care about!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread DJ Delorie

> I'm a gtk hater, and am open to new widget toolkit user interface paradigms,

So, you build pcb with --enable-gui=lesstif ?  ;-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Thomas Oldbury
   Can I enter my own project Super OSD?


   On 18 May 2011 03:25, Kai-Martin Knaak <[2]> wrote:

   Stefan Salewski wrote:
   > While gEDA/PCB has some serious
   > users and a large list of projects done with gEDA, KiCAD users seems
   > be more childreen type, making boards with a power LED and a led
   > chip...

 kicad is the EDA chosen by some high profile open hardware projects:
 * reprap ([3]
 * micropendous ([4]
 * nanonote ([5] )
 Doesn't look like child play to me...
 BTW, what are the show cases for geda/pcb? Projects You'd proudly
 on public presentations? One project I know of is ronja by Karel
 ( [6] ). What else?

   Kai-Martin Knaak
   Email: [7]
   Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

   geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Russell Shaw

On 18/05/11 12:28, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

Russell Shaw wrote:

The problem with KiCAD is 1) C++, 2) Qt.

The problems I encountered with gnetlist were
1) scheme

I think Scheme could be made much more attractive in geda if
it was adequately explained in documentation or a tutorial.

I haven't looked lately to see if there's more documentation
on it compared to last time i looked.

2) poor documentation

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Russell Shaw

> On 17/05/2011, John Doty  wrote:
>> On May 17, 2011, at 9:56 AM, Russell Shaw wrote:
>>> Most guis hide what they do. I believe in them showing the commands they
>>> send internally as a script would (or atleast have the option to show
>>> that) so the user can paste the commands into an external file if
>>> needed.
>> I've done GUIs that wrap scripts, but it only works in very simple,
>> shallow cases. An API that supports GUI well is very different from an API
>> that supports scripting well.
>> John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

On 18/05/11 04:57, Eduardo Costa wrote:

Hi guys,

That's not true at all John. Have you ever heard/seen a program called Alias
Wavefront Maya? It used to be from Silicon Graphics, but they sold it to
Autodesk a couple of years ago.

A program for 3D CGI which has quite an innovative popup menu system with
something called hotboxes and cardinal menus (the one shown bellow). 200%
productive, and much better than anyother existing/deployed nowadays:

and driven from MEL (sort of an intepreted c languaje they roled for the
purpose of scripting such a huge program). Believe me, you wouldn't even
think it is scripted because they didn't abuse of it, yet it lets such menu
system be 10 times more powerful!

I do share many of your points Russell, while I'm happy (still) using geda.
It seems to me is going somewhere I don't really want to be in a future.

I've got almost done a c-library I wrote implementing this menu systems for
my own programs. Haven't looked at it for a time, but it could work with gtk
or other toolkits as long as they allow low level event handling.

Anyways, if you are really going for it, and are going to use old'good c,
I'll be pleased to hear your thoughts and cooperate.

I'm a gtk hater, and am open to new widget toolkit user interface paradigms,
even if it means writing new widgets or toolkits from scratch (which i've done

I found the useability of a 20yo unix box sch/pcb cad program far better
in certain ways than current cad packages. It involved the left hand and
an external multi-button "puck" device in most of the screen-panning
operations, leading to much less mouse-finger fatigue. It made all the
current Windows cad packages look like kiddies toys by comparison.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-18 Thread Markus Hitter

Am 18.05.2011 um 04:25 schrieb Kai-Martin Knaak:

kicad is the EDA chosen by some high profile open hardware projects:
* reprap (

As a RepRapper I can say, there is no such thing like a "choosen  
EDA". People use what they like most and that's Eagle for some 90% of  
the RepRap electronics sets (there exist many in parallel).

BTW, what are the show cases for geda/pcb? ?

At least worth mentioning :-)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
DJ Delorie wrote:

> There's a list on

What would be the top five with regard to public visibility, nerdiness, or
technological impact? 

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread DJ Delorie

> BTW, what are the show cases for geda/pcb?

There's a list on

Personally, climate control and electrical monitoring in my house is
done by gEDA/PCB projects.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Russell Shaw wrote:

> The problem with KiCAD is 1) C++, 2) Qt.

The problems I encountered with gnetlist were 
1) scheme 
2) poor documentation 

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Stefan Salewski wrote:

> While gEDA/PCB has some serious
> users and a large list of projects done with gEDA, KiCAD users seems to
> be more childreen type, making boards with a power LED and a led driver
> chip...

kicad is the EDA chosen by some high profile open hardware projects:
* reprap (
* micropendous (
* nanonote ( )

Doesn't look like child play to me... 

BTW, what are the show cases for geda/pcb? Projects You'd proudly show
on public presentations? One project I know of is ronja by Karel Kulhavy
( ). What else?

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread John Doty

On May 17, 2011, at 12:57 PM, Eduardo Costa wrote:

> A program for 3D CGI which has quite an innovative popup menu system
> with something called hotboxes and cardinal menus (the one shown
> bellow). 200% productive, and much better than anyother
> existing/deployed nowadays:

That's not the toolkit approach: it's just scripting within an integrated tool. 
Toolkits work well with other toolkits, so gEDA works with the simple, classic 
UNIX tools like make and AWK, as well as things like LaTeX. With gEDA, once 
you've captured the design with gschem, you never need to use GUI at all to 
make data products like netlists, BOM, simulation outputs, and documentation.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Vanessa Ezekowitz
On Mon, 16 May 2011 16:41:11 -0700
Steven Michalske  wrote:

> On May 16, 2011, at 4:25 PM, al davis  wrote:
> > On Monday 16 May 2011, Steven Michalske wrote:
> >> But lawyers can use that clause as a loophole to invalidate
> >> legitimate patents.
> > 
> > Minor side effect of "lawyers can use that clause as a loophole 
> > to invalidate ILLegitimate patents" ...  which outnumber the 
> > ligitimate ones a million to one.
> > 
> A software licence should not be used for this purpose...  As a person with
> patents,  I can't afford to contribute substantual code back, but I can use
> all the code I want.  Because my patents are legitimate.

You don't want to open *that* can of worms here, Steven.

If your patents are in regards to a piece of software or a software algorithm, 
they aren't legitimate, no matter what the laws of the issuing country may say. 
 You "can't afford it" because you have this idea in your head that locking up 
your code will somehow result in a substantially higher profit than if the code 
had been open.

"There are some things in life worth obsessing over.  Most
things aren't, and when you learn that, life improves."
Vanessa Ezekowitz 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Eduardo Costa
That's a shot of it:

It lacks a two cadinal pointers in the image, as I was testing don't
remember what when I had stop it.

I also forgot to say is done right on top of Xlib and uses XResources
for font color, background and border color. No dependencies or
whatsoever on thirdy-party libraries.


On 17/05/2011, Eduardo Costa  wrote:
> Hi guys,
> That's not true at all John. Have you ever heard/seen a program called
> Alias Wavefront Maya? It used to be from Silicon Graphics, but they
> sold it to Autodesk a couple of years ago.
> A program for 3D CGI which has quite an innovative popup menu system
> with something called hotboxes and cardinal menus (the one shown
> bellow). 200% productive, and much better than anyother
> existing/deployed nowadays:
> and driven from MEL (sort of an intepreted c languaje they roled for
> the purpose of scripting such a huge program). Believe me, you
> wouldn't even think it is scripted because they didn't abuse of it,
> yet it lets such menu system be 10 times more powerful!
> I do share many of your points Russell, while I'm happy (still) using
> geda. It seems to me is going somewhere I don't really want to be in a
> future.
> I've got almost done a c-library I wrote implementing this menu
> systems for my own programs. Haven't looked at it for a time, but it
> could work with gtk or other toolkits as long as they allow low level
> event handling.
> Anyways, if you are really going for it, and are going to use old'good
> c, I'll be pleased to hear your thoughts and cooperate.
> Regards,
> On 17/05/2011, John Doty  wrote:
>> On May 17, 2011, at 9:56 AM, Russell Shaw wrote:
>>> Most guis hide what they do. I believe in them showing the commands they
>>> send internally as a script would (or atleast have the option to show
>>> that)
>>> so the user can paste the commands into an external file if needed.
>> I've done GUIs that wrap scripts, but it only works in very simple,
>> shallow
>> cases. An API that supports GUI well is very different from an API that
>> supports scripting well.
>> John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
>> ___
>> geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Eduardo Costa
Hi guys,

That's not true at all John. Have you ever heard/seen a program called
Alias Wavefront Maya? It used to be from Silicon Graphics, but they
sold it to Autodesk a couple of years ago.

A program for 3D CGI which has quite an innovative popup menu system
with something called hotboxes and cardinal menus (the one shown
bellow). 200% productive, and much better than anyother
existing/deployed nowadays:

and driven from MEL (sort of an intepreted c languaje they roled for
the purpose of scripting such a huge program). Believe me, you
wouldn't even think it is scripted because they didn't abuse of it,
yet it lets such menu system be 10 times more powerful!

I do share many of your points Russell, while I'm happy (still) using
geda. It seems to me is going somewhere I don't really want to be in a

I've got almost done a c-library I wrote implementing this menu
systems for my own programs. Haven't looked at it for a time, but it
could work with gtk or other toolkits as long as they allow low level
event handling.

Anyways, if you are really going for it, and are going to use old'good
c, I'll be pleased to hear your thoughts and cooperate.


On 17/05/2011, John Doty  wrote:
> On May 17, 2011, at 9:56 AM, Russell Shaw wrote:
>> Most guis hide what they do. I believe in them showing the commands they
>> send internally as a script would (or atleast have the option to show
>> that)
>> so the user can paste the commands into an external file if needed.
> I've done GUIs that wrap scripts, but it only works in very simple, shallow
> cases. An API that supports GUI well is very different from an API that
> supports scripting well.
> John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
> ___
> geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Peter Clifton
On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 15:36 +0200, Stefan Salewski wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 12:02 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:
> > Core features in the PCB editor can be pretty complex. We have a lot of
> > code for dealing with polygon geometry,

> May we consider use of clipping libraries like

Why - is ours broken? (Answer - a little, but I don't know theirs would
be any better)

Is theirs faster?

I could believe theirs "might" be faster (it uses a scan-line based
algorithm which ours does not).

Is it optimised (like ours is) for speed performing iterative
computation on existing polygons without touching unaffected geometry?

This might make a real difference PCB's speed.

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)
Tel: +44 (0)1223 748328 - (Shared lab phone, ask for me)

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread John Doty

On May 17, 2011, at 11:15 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

>> There are already two IPC architectures in place between gschem and
>> PCB:
>> 1. Text files.
>> 2. The user.
>   3. dbus
> (at least, we had it working at one point)

dbus is one of the approaches I had in mind when I wrote:

> General-purpose IPC is complex, fragile, and always less flexible than 
> intended.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread DJ Delorie

> There are already two IPC architectures in place between gschem and
> PCB:
>  1. Text files.
>  2. The user.
   3. dbus

(at least, we had it working at one point)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Robert Spanton
Hi John,

Russell Shaw wrote:
> There's no reason why a schematic and pcb editor can't have tight
> coupling and still interact with all external tools.

John Doty wrote:
> The architectures are different. To flexibly interact with external
> tools, you need the interfaces to be simple text files. Anything more
> complex is a serious barrier, in general.

What do you mean by "the architectures are different"?

The reason I ask is that I am sceptical that a different architecture is
required to allow IPC.  There are already two IPC architectures in place
between gschem and PCB:

 1. Text files.
 2. The user.

I think the general consensus is that these are good IPC mechanisms;
they can get the job done.  However, they are poor for a variety of use
cases that people have.  For some of these, the biggest disadvantage is
that they are too slow.



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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread John Doty

On May 17, 2011, at 9:56 AM, Russell Shaw wrote:

> Most guis hide what they do. I believe in them showing the commands they
> send internally as a script would (or atleast have the option to show that)
> so the user can paste the commands into an external file if needed.

I've done GUIs that wrap scripts, but it only works in very simple, shallow 
cases. An API that supports GUI well is very different from an API that 
supports scripting well.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Russell Shaw

On 18/05/11 01:41, John Doty wrote:

On May 17, 2011, at 9:06 AM, Russell Shaw wrote:

It seems like too much redundancy to have two projects with similar uses
(which i wouldn't like), and i don't like forking either.

But your vision is an integrated tool, while gEDA is a toolkit.

I'm still studying geda, but if i did some real work on it, it would end up
having an extra file format, extra guis, and a closer sch/pcb link.

Please, no. These are tools that represent extremely incompatible design
philosophies. They work well together only because the interface is clean and
simple, and avoids the minefield of integration.

Most guis hide what they do. I believe in them showing the commands they
send internally as a script would (or atleast have the option to show that)
so the user can paste the commands into an external file if needed.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Wed, 2011-05-18 at 01:06 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

> I'm still studying geda, but if i did some real work on it, it
> would end up having an extra file format, extra guis, and a closer
> sch/pcb link.

Maybe a good starting point is defining a new extended file format. (For
current pcb footprint keepouts and copper arcs are missing...) If that
format is fine, someone may write importers and exporters for gschem,
PCB, maybe KiCAD. But even this is a big task -- some like the gschem
format with position dependent meaning, some like XML, YAML, SVG.

I think it is not a bad idea to have separate tools for schematic
capture and PCB layout work -- the tasks are really different, sometimes
done by different people. A closer coupling would be fine -- back
annotation and cross probing. That is easier in an integrated tool.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread John Doty

On May 17, 2011, at 9:06 AM, Russell Shaw wrote:

> It seems like too much redundancy to have two projects with similar
> uses (which i wouldn't like), and i don't like forking either.

But your vision is an integrated tool, while gEDA is a toolkit.

> I'm still studying geda, but if i did some real work on it, it
> would end up having an extra file format, extra guis, and a closer
> sch/pcb link.

Please, no. These are tools that represent extremely incompatible design 
philosophies. They work well together only because the interface is clean and 
simple, and avoids the minefield of integration.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Wed, 2011-05-18 at 00:41 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

> The problem with KiCAD is 1) C++, 2) Qt.
> C++ was a *really* bad idea. Qt i don't like because it was fundamentally
> architected just for the sake of hiding code from users using the MOC
> preprocessor that used to be closed source. Anyway, it's C++ too.

KiCAD uses wxWidgets, not (direct) QT. Qucs uses QT.

Many people seems to like QT. When I started learning GUI programming
for Linux some years ago, I decided for GTK, against QT. Because GTK is
more in the spirit of FOSS. But most people seems to vote for QT,
against GTK. Popularity of QT may drop, when there is less support from
Nokia in future.

C++: I have never managed to really learn it -- with a background in
Pascal/Modula/Oberon I was never really happy with C++. But for a PCB
layout tool C++ may be still the best choice. Ruby and Python are nice
for non time critical applications. Vala may be a nice option, as long
we are programming for GTK/Gnome. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Russell Shaw

On 18/05/11 00:30, Stefan Salewski wrote:

On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 23:59 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

Instead of blindly reinventing the wheel, i always look in detail
at what currently exists.

Maybe KiCAD is a better starting point for you?
Written in C++ with wxWidgets, it is available for multiple OS including
windows. Here in Germany KiCad is more popular than gEDA/PCB, even for
Linux users. I do not really understand this, I have never find time and
motivation to really test KiCad myself. While gEDA/PCB has some serious
users and a large list of projects done with gEDA, KiCAD users seems to
be more childreen type, making boards with a power LED and a led driver

On the KiCAD developer mailing list there is much activity, but there
are only a few really smart and active developers, so development
progress is slow. Indeed, nearly all windows KiCAD users seems to be
only consumers, without any contributions. And there is Fritzing or Qucs
-- Qucs has schematics and simulation support, but PCB backend is
missing. Once I had the strange idea to implement a PCB or schematics
mode for inkscape. Really crazy.

The problem with KiCAD is 1) C++, 2) Qt.

C++ was a *really* bad idea. Qt i don't like because it was fundamentally
architected just for the sake of hiding code from users using the MOC
preprocessor that used to be closed source. Anyway, it's C++ too.

If i got familiar enough with geda, i'd adapt it, but it's a tradeoff
of how much work it would take compared to something new. The biggest
problem is changes without affecting current users. IMO, more progress
would be made by exchanging code between separate projects.

It seems like too much redundancy to have two projects with similar
uses (which i wouldn't like), and i don't like forking either.

I'm still studying geda, but if i did some real work on it, it
would end up having an extra file format, extra guis, and a closer
sch/pcb link.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Russell Shaw

On 18/05/11 00:30, Stefan Salewski wrote:

On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 23:59 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

Instead of blindly reinventing the wheel, i always look in detail
at what currently exists.

Maybe KiCAD is a better starting point for you?
Written in C++ with wxWidgets, it is available for multiple OS including
windows. Here in Germany KiCad is more popular than gEDA/PCB, even for
Linux users. I do not really understand this, I have never find time and
motivation to really test KiCad myself. While gEDA/PCB has some serious
users and a large list of projects done with gEDA, KiCAD users seems to
be more childreen type, making boards with a power LED and a led driver

On the KiCAD developer mailing list there is much activity, but there
are only a few really smart and active developers, so development
progress is slow. Indeed, nearly all windows KiCAD users seems to be
only consumers, without any contributions. And there is Fritzing or Qucs
-- Qucs has schematics and simulation support, but PCB backend is
missing. Once I had the strange idea to implement a PCB or schematics
mode for inkscape. Really crazy.

The problem with KiCAD is 1) C++, 2) Qt.

C++ was a *really* bad idea. Qt i don't like because it was fundamentally
architected just for the sake of hiding code from users using the MOC
preprocessor that used to be closed source. Anyway, it's C++ too.

If i got familiar enough with geda, i'd adapt it, but it's a tradeoff
of how much work it would take compared to something new. The biggest
problem is changes without affecting current users. IMO, more progress
would be made by exchanging code between separate projects.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Russell Shaw

On 18/05/11 00:30, Stefan Salewski wrote:

On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 23:59 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

Instead of blindly reinventing the wheel, i always look in detail
at what currently exists.

Maybe KiCAD is a better starting point for you?
Written in C++ with wxWidgets, it is available for multiple OS including
windows. Here in Germany KiCad is more popular than gEDA/PCB, even for
Linux users. I do not really understand this, I have never find time and
motivation to really test KiCad myself. While gEDA/PCB has some serious
users and a large list of projects done with gEDA, KiCAD users seems to
be more childreen type, making boards with a power LED and a led driver

On the KiCAD developer mailing list there is much activity, but there
are only a few really smart and active developers, so development
progress is slow. Indeed, nearly all windows KiCAD users seems to be
only consumers, without any contributions. And there is Fritzing or Qucs
-- Qucs has schematics and simulation support, but PCB backend is
missing. Once I had the strange idea to implement a PCB or schematics
mode for inkscape. Really crazy.

The problem with KiCAD is 1) C++, 2) Qt.

C++ was a *really* bad idea. Qt i don't like because it was fundamentally
architected just for the sake of hiding code from users using the MOC
preprocessor that used to be closed source. Anyway, it's C++ too.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 23:59 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

> Instead of blindly reinventing the wheel, i always look in detail
> at what currently exists.

Maybe KiCAD is a better starting point for you?
Written in C++ with wxWidgets, it is available for multiple OS including
windows. Here in Germany KiCad is more popular than gEDA/PCB, even for
Linux users. I do not really understand this, I have never find time and
motivation to really test KiCad myself. While gEDA/PCB has some serious
users and a large list of projects done with gEDA, KiCAD users seems to
be more childreen type, making boards with a power LED and a led driver

On the KiCAD developer mailing list there is much activity, but there
are only a few really smart and active developers, so development
progress is slow. Indeed, nearly all windows KiCAD users seems to be
only consumers, without any contributions. And there is Fritzing or Qucs
-- Qucs has schematics and simulation support, but PCB backend is
missing. Once I had the strange idea to implement a PCB or schematics
mode for inkscape. Really crazy.

Best wishes,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Russell Shaw

On 18/05/11 00:15, John Doty wrote:

On May 17, 2011, at 7:45 AM, Russell Shaw wrote:

A well-stocked workshop is nothing more than a multitool workshop.

With that attitude, you'll botch the job.

There's no reason why a schematic and pcb editor can't have tight coupling
and still interact with all external tools.

The architectures are different. To flexibly interact with external tools,
you need the interfaces to be simple text files. Anything more complex is a
serious barrier, in general.

That's why the matching pcb/schematic editors will work seamlessly, but
external tools will only work by importing and exporting file formats.

If an external tool had a way of "remote control" by scripting, then
some degree of closer coupling between the tools could be done.

The only disadvantage to external tools is that an interface layer is

A separate piece of complex code for every interface, yes. This isn't too bad
in gEDA, because we don't try to integrate the diverse collection of
downstream tools with gschem: it's a pretty clean, simple flow.

The coupling could simply be an ipc protocol between separate programs.

Specialized IPC is good in its place. General-purpose IPC is complex,
fragile, and always less flexible than intended.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread John Doty

On May 17, 2011, at 7:45 AM, Russell Shaw wrote:

> A well-stocked workshop is nothing more than a multitool workshop.

With that attitude, you'll botch the job.

> There's
> no reason why a schematic and pcb editor can't have tight coupling and
> still interact with all external tools.

The architectures are different. To flexibly interact with external tools, you 
need the interfaces to be simple text files. Anything more complex is a serious 
barrier, in general.

> The only disadvantage to external
> tools is that an interface layer is needed.

A separate piece of complex code for every interface, yes. This isn't too bad 
in gEDA, because we don't try to integrate the diverse collection of downstream 
tools with gschem: it's a pretty clean, simple flow.

> The coupling could simply be
> an ipc protocol between separate programs.

Specialized IPC is good in its place. General-purpose IPC is complex, fragile, 
and always less flexible than intended.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

This message contains technical discussion involving difficult issues. No 
personal disrespect or malice is intended. If you perceive such, your 
perception is simply wrong. I'm a busy person, and in my business "go along to 
get along" causes mission failures and sometimes kills people, so I tend to be 
a bit blunt.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Russell Shaw

On 17/05/11 23:43, Stefan Salewski wrote:

On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 23:35 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

I was expert at using high-end HP DCS/PCDS on unix boxes 20 years
ago before it got discontinued, and a few other cad systems since then.

A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the
symbol and footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent
library browser.

makes me not really confident.

I've thought of all the implementation and usage problems for a *long* time.
I've been coding on lower level problems for quite a while too.

Great -- the FOSS EDA world really needs some more smart and active

Instead of blindly reinventing the wheel, i always look in detail
at what currently exists. The more i figure out geda, maybe i could
do something with it. It's just that i have to do it at arms length
because i can't stand using it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 23:35 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

> I was expert at using high-end HP DCS/PCDS on unix boxes 20 years
> ago before it got discontinued, and a few other cad systems since then.
> >> A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the
> >> symbol and footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent
> >> library browser.
> >
> > makes me not really confident.
> I've thought of all the implementation and usage problems for a *long* time.
> I've been coding on lower level problems for quite a while too.

Great -- the FOSS EDA world really needs some more smart and active

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Russell Shaw

On 17/05/11 22:40, John Doty wrote:

On May 17, 2011, at 4:36 AM, Russell Shaw wrote:

Hi, A schematic/pcb editor is not "huge" unless it's done in an inelegant

A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the symbol
and footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent library
browser. Then i would make a drawing mode so that whatever symbol i click
on in the schematic, will appear under the mouse in the pcb. Likewise,
clicking a pcb symbol hilights it in the schematic.

I'd design everything from the ground up to decent reverse annotations so
that pin and gate swapping in the pcb appears in the schematic.
Hierarchical schematics is a must too.

OK, you want an integrated tool. Integrated tools are great: I have a nice,
handy multitool on my belt. It's the tool I use most.

By serializing all the gui actions internally, undo/redo and scripting is
easy to add.

Creating a schematic and pcb should be done productively within the first
hour of never having used the program, yet have no limitations for power

Impossible. A multitool cannot do all of the things a well-stocked workshop
can. The architectures are different.

A well-stocked workshop is nothing more than a multitool workshop. There's
no reason why a schematic and pcb editor can't have tight coupling and
still interact with all external tools. The only disadvantage to external
tools is that an interface layer is needed. The coupling could simply be
an ipc protocol between separate programs.

Your program will probably never export designs to other layout programs. It
will never support a variety of simulators. It will never support symbolic
circuit analysis. It will never support scripted documentation generation. Or
the other things in the open-ended list a toolkit can support.

A main priority was to draw schematics for input to a spice or microwave
circuit simulator (simulator writing is my other interest), and have an
easy gui way of displaying the results.

That's fine for an integrated tool: target the specific flow you want. It's
no doubt what the majority of users would prefer, at least at the start, and
gEDA will still be around for those who need more.

Everything in geda is 180deg opposite to what i'd do.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 12:02 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:

> Core features in the PCB editor can be pretty complex. We have a lot of
> code for dealing with polygon geometry,

May we consider use of clipping libraries like

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Russell Shaw

On 17/05/11 22:31, Stefan Salewski wrote:

On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 20:36 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

On 17/05/11 02:44, DJ Delorie wrote:

A schematic/pcb editor is not "huge" unless it's done in an inelegant way.

A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the symbol and
footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent library browser.
Then i would make a drawing mode so that whatever symbol i click on in the
schematic, will appear under the mouse in the pcb. Likewise, clicking a pcb
symbol hilights it in the schematic.

I'd design everything from the ground up to decent reverse annotations so
that pin and gate swapping in the pcb appears in the schematic. Hierarchical
schematics is a must too.

By serializing all the gui actions internally, undo/redo and scripting is easy
to add.

Creating a schematic and pcb should be done productively within the first
hour of never having used the program, yet have no limitations for power

Everything in geda is 180deg opposite to what i'd do.

gEDA/PCB may be not the ultimate tools, but they work not bad, when you
have learned to use them. (I guess for KiCAD it is similar)

Most other commercial tools, like the popular eagle, or the more than
10k Euro professional tools, needs a long learning period. I was told
that companies consider a 3 month learning period with seminars for
employees when they switch their 10k professionals tools.

EDA design is different from custom office tools!
And an application interface is not bad, just because it is not like
latest Apple/Windows style.

I really would be happy if we can try YOUR EDA suite soon -- but I know
how fast these great projects can fail. Your sentence

I was expert at using high-end HP DCS/PCDS on unix boxes 20 years
ago before it got discontinued, and a few other cad systems since then.

A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the
symbol and footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent
library browser.

makes me not really confident.

I've thought of all the implementation and usage problems for a *long* time.
I've been coding on lower level problems for quite a while too.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread John Doty

On May 17, 2011, at 4:36 AM, Russell Shaw wrote:

> Hi,
> A schematic/pcb editor is not "huge" unless it's done in an inelegant way.
> A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the symbol 
> and footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent library browser.
> Then i would make a drawing mode so that whatever symbol i click on in the
> schematic, will appear under the mouse in the pcb. Likewise, clicking a pcb
> symbol hilights it in the schematic.
> I'd design everything from the ground up to decent reverse annotations so
> that pin and gate swapping in the pcb appears in the schematic. Hierarchical
> schematics is a must too.

OK, you want an integrated tool. Integrated tools are great: I have a nice, 
handy multitool on my belt. It's the tool I use most.

> By serializing all the gui actions internally, undo/redo and scripting is easy
> to add.
> Creating a schematic and pcb should be done productively within the first
> hour of never having used the program, yet have no limitations for power
> users.

Impossible. A multitool cannot do all of the things a well-stocked workshop 
can. The architectures are different.

Your program will probably never export designs to other layout programs. It 
will never support a variety of simulators. It will never support symbolic 
circuit analysis. It will never support scripted documentation generation. Or 
the other things in the open-ended list a toolkit can support. 

That's fine for an integrated tool: target the specific flow you want. It's no 
doubt what the majority of users would prefer, at least at the start, and gEDA 
will still be around for those who need more.

> Everything in geda is 180deg opposite to what i'd do.

I cheer for your success. Both approaches are needed.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

This message contains technical discussion involving difficult issues. No 
personal disrespect or malice is intended. If you perceive such, your 
perception is simply wrong. I'm a busy person, and in my business "go along to 
get along" causes mission failures and sometimes kills people, so I tend to be 
a bit blunt.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 20:36 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:
> On 17/05/11 02:44, DJ Delorie wrote:
> Hi,
> A schematic/pcb editor is not "huge" unless it's done in an inelegant way.
> A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the symbol 
> and 
> footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent library browser.
> Then i would make a drawing mode so that whatever symbol i click on in the
> schematic, will appear under the mouse in the pcb. Likewise, clicking a pcb
> symbol hilights it in the schematic.
> I'd design everything from the ground up to decent reverse annotations so
> that pin and gate swapping in the pcb appears in the schematic. Hierarchical
> schematics is a must too.
> By serializing all the gui actions internally, undo/redo and scripting is easy
> to add.
> Creating a schematic and pcb should be done productively within the first
> hour of never having used the program, yet have no limitations for power
> users.
> Everything in geda is 180deg opposite to what i'd do.

gEDA/PCB may be not the ultimate tools, but they work not bad, when you
have learned to use them. (I guess for KiCAD it is similar)

Most other commercial tools, like the popular eagle, or the more than
10k Euro professional tools, needs a long learning period. I was told
that companies consider a 3 month learning period with seminars for
employees when they switch their 10k professionals tools.

EDA design is different from custom office tools!
And an application interface is not bad, just because it is not like
latest Apple/Windows style.

I really would be happy if we can try YOUR EDA suite soon -- but I know
how fast these great projects can fail. Your sentence

>A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the
>symbol and footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent
>library browser.

makes me not really confident.

Best regards,

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Peter Clifton
On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 20:36 +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:
> On 17/05/11 02:44, DJ Delorie wrote:
> >
> >> I've always been interested in CAD programs and thought of making
> >> a schematic/pcb one from scratch.
> >
> > I've never truly understood why people would rewrite a (potentially)
> > huge application set "just because".  Why not start with the existing
> > tools and just rewrite the parts you're interested in?  Like, start
> > with pcb's HID modules but swap out the core?
> >
> > (and if you really want to get *that* involved in pcb layout tools,
> > there *are* parts of pcb that could stand to be ripped out and
> > replaced... ;)
> Hi,
> A schematic/pcb editor is not "huge" unless it's done in an inelegant way.

Core features in the PCB editor can be pretty complex. We have a lot of
code for dealing with polygon geometry, and I wouldn't even know where
to start when in comes to the auto-router and topo-router!


> Creating a schematic and pcb should be done productively within the first
> hour of never having used the program, yet have no limitations for power
> users.

Always a good aim to have. Granted gEDA can do better in this regard,
but IMO gschem and PCB are very intuitive for drawing with. (Perhaps the
bias of experience applies here).

What I would concede is that our forward / backwards annotation and
cross probing work-flows are pretty un-discoverable. These are all
things we aim to improve, but it is not an instant change.

Knowing the gEDA and PCB code bases well, I strongly feel that it would
be less work (and more productive) to slowly refactor and fix those.

It is almost certain that you will be able to build these features from
scratch in less time than it takes to refactor all the old code, BUT -
you would also have to implement a TON of features which already work.

> Everything in geda is 180deg opposite to what i'd do.

In terms of code, UI design, architecture design? There is no wrong
answer here of course, and there are plenty of things in gEDA which I
would not implement the same had I written them myself.

Please feel free (as far as licenses are compatible), to borrow any bits
of code from gEDA as you bootstrap your efforts.

It would be interesting to see another project develop where different
ideas can be tested without the burden of legacy code and user-base. I
hope that if you continue with this, we can share some ideas - and
perhaps help improve gEDA in the process.

Finally, this has become a little off-topic for geda-user (which has a
very wide audience, not all interested in development details -
especially as this case sounds to be heading, of new, non-gEDA tools!)

Perhaps you could apply to geda-dev and move any development discussion

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)
Tel: +44 (0)1223 748328 - (Shared lab phone, ask for me)

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-17 Thread Russell Shaw

On 17/05/11 02:44, DJ Delorie wrote:

I've always been interested in CAD programs and thought of making
a schematic/pcb one from scratch.

I've never truly understood why people would rewrite a (potentially)
huge application set "just because".  Why not start with the existing
tools and just rewrite the parts you're interested in?  Like, start
with pcb's HID modules but swap out the core?

(and if you really want to get *that* involved in pcb layout tools,
there *are* parts of pcb that could stand to be ripped out and
replaced... ;)

A schematic/pcb editor is not "huge" unless it's done in an inelegant way.

A very first task i would do is create a decent gui for drawing the symbol and 
footprint in the schematic/pcb library, and make a decent library browser.

Then i would make a drawing mode so that whatever symbol i click on in the
schematic, will appear under the mouse in the pcb. Likewise, clicking a pcb
symbol hilights it in the schematic.

I'd design everything from the ground up to decent reverse annotations so
that pin and gate swapping in the pcb appears in the schematic. Hierarchical
schematics is a must too.

By serializing all the gui actions internally, undo/redo and scripting is easy
to add.

Creating a schematic and pcb should be done productively within the first
hour of never having used the program, yet have no limitations for power

Everything in geda is 180deg opposite to what i'd do.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Steven Michalske
hit send too soon

On May 16, 2011, at 4:30 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak  wrote:

> Steven Michalske wrote:
>> In a perfect world this would not be an issue.  But lawyers can use that 
>> clause as a loophole to invalidate legitimate patents.
> The notion of software patents is by no means obvious. In fact, it is 
> subject to serous doubt. See the undulating tale of conflicting judgments
> by the  (European) Court of Justice.
>> Big point here, I was talking to some of the google compilier guys 
>> and finding out that most of the big compiler guys around consider 
>> gcc to be a dead man walking, largely due to GPLv3 issues. This is
>> not limited to Google either, but includes Apple
> Neither of them is notorious for their contributions to the gcc
> code base. They both have the resources to roll their own compiler 
> from scratch. Why don't they?
It is used as an argument for the gpl.  With quotes of,  without the gpl gcc 
would not have c++ or the objective c compiler.  But I can't stand behind that 
statement,  because it assumes the worst out of everybody.  Apple has released 
lots of core technologies without the demands of gpl distribution rules.  
Launchd, clang and llvm, libdispach, blocks(closures) for c code, part of 
clang, Webkit. And many others.

>> and many of the other players.  
> like the FSF? 
>> The latest revision of the gpl threatens input from companies.  
> smells like FUD
It's from lawyers, that are paid to protect patents.

Where I work we had big review processes to protect ourselvs from violating the 
v2 license,  now we have an explicit ban.

>> Not the only reason,  I am more than willing to share code, even
>> at no cost.  Although, I'm not selfish enough to demand that all
>> of their work must be given freely to me.

This is not in the gpl,  but often with the users/developers perception.  

"How dare you make money off of my code, and not give the changes back to me."

> There is no such clause in GPL3
> The cases of openoffice shows how important the absence of loopholes
> in the GPL is to the continuous freedom of open sources software is. 
> Oracle demonstrated how big players try to chain software written by 
> others to their legal stronghold.

And not having loopholes is a good thing,  no disagreement.  But here the gpl 
did the same thing,  put in a patent,  and everyone gets free access to it and 
your related patents.  That put a loophole in the patent system.

Realistically there should be no patented material in the code.
> ---<)kaimartin(>---
> -- 
> Kai-Martin Knaak
> Email:
> Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:
> ___
> geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Steven Michalske

On May 16, 2011, at 4:30 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak  wrote:

> Steven Michalske wrote:
>> In a perfect world this would not be an issue.  But lawyers can use that 
>> clause as a loophole to invalidate legitimate patents.
> The notion of software patents is by no means obvious. In fact, it is 
> subject to serous doubt. See the undulating tale of conflicting judgments
> by the  (European) Court of Justice.
The clauses are not limited to just software patents.  Imagine building 
hardware with gschem,  100% legal and your design is yours.

Now,  you accidentally included a symbol with a gpl licence.  Now I know we 
release the bulk of our symbols with explicitly free use licenes.  But I may 
have used tom's that was pure gpl.  And Tom saw my 

>> Big point here, I was talking to some of the google compilier guys 
>> and finding out that most of the big compiler guys around consider 
>> gcc to be a dead man walking, largely due to GPLv3 issues. This is
>> not limited to Google either, but includes Apple
> Neither of them is notorious for their contributions to the gcc
> code base. They both have the resources to roll their own compiler 
> from scratch. Why don't they?
>> and many of the other players.  
> like the FSF? 
>> The latest revision of the gpl threatens input from companies.  
> smells like FUD
>> Not the only reason,  I am more than willing to share code, even
>> at no cost.  Although, I'm not selfish enough to demand that all
>> of their work must be given freely to me.
> There is no such clause in GPL3
> The cases of openoffice shows how important the absence of loopholes
> in the GPL is to the continuous freedom of open sources software is. 
> Oracle demonstrated how big players try to chain software written by 
> others to their legal stronghold.
> ---<)kaimartin(>---
> -- 
> Kai-Martin Knaak
> Email:
> Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:
> ___
> geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Steven Michalske
On May 16, 2011, at 4:25 PM, al davis  wrote:

> On Monday 16 May 2011, Steven Michalske wrote:
>> But lawyers can use that clause as a loophole to invalidate
>> legitimate patents.
> Minor side effect of "lawyers can use that clause as a loophole 
> to invalidate ILLegitimate patents" ...  which outnumber the 
> ligitimate ones a million to one.
A software licence should not be used for this purpose...  As a person with 
patents,  I can't afford to contribute substantual code back, but I can use all 
the code I want.  Because my patents are legitimate.

But this is straying from this lists topic.

I wish the best of luck to those that wish to reinvent this wheel,  a gpl 
compatible library with a less restrictive licence bsd, MIT, etc...  Could be 
used to extend pcb and gschem.  And allow commercial interests to support us.

> ___
> geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread DJ Delorie

> Sorry for the OT bit, but v2 got a black eye from v3, commercially
> that is.  I know of two companies shying away from all gpl, because
> of the "or later" clause in v2 and how you can apply v3 to it.  Is
> that still in our gpl v2 license?

That phrase does not allow the user to change the licence, it merely
allows them to use terms from a newer one.  The license remains GPLv2
even if they do that.  However, it applies to *distribution* not
*reception* so if the company chooses v2.1 or v2.0 as their means, the
recipient cannot retroactively apply v3.0 to them.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Steven Michalske wrote:

> In a perfect world this would not be an issue.  But lawyers can use that 
> clause as a loophole to invalidate legitimate patents.

The notion of software patents is by no means obvious. In fact, it is 
subject to serous doubt. See the undulating tale of conflicting judgments
by the  (European) Court of Justice.

> Big point here, I was talking to some of the google compilier guys 
> and finding out that most of the big compiler guys around consider 
> gcc to be a dead man walking, largely due to GPLv3 issues. This is
> not limited to Google either, but includes Apple

Neither of them is notorious for their contributions to the gcc
code base. They both have the resources to roll their own compiler 
from scratch. Why don't they?

> and many of the other players.  

like the FSF? 

> The latest revision of the gpl threatens input from companies.  

smells like FUD

> Not the only reason,  I am more than willing to share code, even
> at no cost.  Although, I'm not selfish enough to demand that all
> of their work must be given freely to me.

There is no such clause in GPL3

The cases of openoffice shows how important the absence of loopholes
in the GPL is to the continuous freedom of open sources software is. 
Oracle demonstrated how big players try to chain software written by 
others to their legal stronghold.

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Steven Michalske

On May 16, 2011, at 2:45 PM, DJ Delorie  wrote:

>> Biggest determent to the open source is now GPLv3
> OT here, since our stuff is still GPLv2
Sorry for the OT bit,  but v2 got a black eye from v3,  commercially that is.  
I know of two companies shying away from all gpl,  because of the "or later" 
clause in v2 and how you can apply v3 to it.  Is that still in our gpl v2 

But the whole bit countering your issues with reinventing the wheel,  was on 
your topic.

> ___
> geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread al davis
On Monday 16 May 2011, Steven Michalske wrote:
> But lawyers can use that clause as a loophole to invalidate
> legitimate patents.

Minor side effect of "lawyers can use that clause as a loophole 
to invalidate ILLegitimate patents" ...  which outnumber the 
ligitimate ones a million to one.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Mon, 2011-05-16 at 12:44 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
> > I've always been interested in CAD programs and thought of making
> > a schematic/pcb one from scratch.
> I've never truly understood why people would rewrite a (potentially)
> huge application set "just because".  Why not start with the existing
> tools and just rewrite the parts you're interested in?  Like, start
> with pcb's HID modules but swap out the core?
> (and if you really want to get *that* involved in pcb layout tools,
> there *are* parts of pcb that could stand to be ripped out and
> replaced... ;)

I have no idea whom you cite, sorry.

Many people dream about designing and building an own house -- and most
computer science students dream about writing a compiler from scratch --
at the beginning of the education. Later they learn how difficult it is
(writing a good one for a complicated language) and do something easier.

Of course, only a very young child can do really something from scratch
-- older people always build on existing knowledge, even when they write
new code.

Reasons for writing from scratch:
- licenses
- other programming language
- other GUI toolkit
- other operating system
- other target audience (Fritzing has other target than gEDA/PCB/KICAD
- learning
- fun

CLANG <--> gcc , wayland <--> xfree86, inkscape <--> xfig -- a few
promising rewrites from scratch.

I think for learning purposes writing something from scratch is always a
good decision. In most cases improving existing software is much more

In my opinion, writing a PCB layout tool from scratch is very much work
-- at least 5k hours for a very smart guy. (A group of people may need
much more than 5k hours total, because they have to agree on language
and Toolkit before starting and may waste much time with discussions.)  

For a simple schematics editor the task is much easier in these days, we
have support through nice OO languages like Ruby or Python, GUI Toolkits
like GTK or QT, and drawing support by libraries like cairo. So it was
my idea that writing a (basic) gschem clone can be done in 1k hours
resulting in about 15k lines of code. I started writing just for fun in
last summer, now after about 400 hours of work I think that my initial
estimation was not too bad, I think 25% is done. But I am still learning
GTK, Cairo and Ruby, so progress was slow. If I really should finish
that work, what is the benefit? 15k lines of code instead of 120k, only
Ruby code, instead of C mixed with guile, and a smarter user interface.
Not much, but maybe a better skeleton for other contributors? I don't

Today, I think that working on the PCB (Topo)-Router instead of a gschem
clone would have been a much more valuable task. But until one year ago
Anthony's progress was so awesome, that it was my feeling that I had not
much to offer in that direction. Now Anthony an his router has vanished
-- but still I think that that task is better suited for really smart
people, smarter than me. From time to time, when I have contact to a
smart one with interests in electronics and programming, I tell him
about that topic. Now that Anthony's homepage has disappeared, it is
even more difficult to catch smart guys.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread DJ Delorie

> Biggest determent to the open source is now GPLv3

OT here, since our stuff is still GPLv2

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Steven Michalske

On May 16, 2011, at 10:21 AM, DJ Delorie  wrote:

>>>  Why not start with the existing
>>> tools and just rewrite the parts you're interested in?
>> License?
> True.  One of the benefits of the GPL is that people can bsae their
> work off existing work, but not everyone wants to offer that benefit
> to others.
Biggest determent to the open source is now GPLv3

Private companies are now turned away from GPLv3. As it has some nasty clauses 
in it for their IP.  In a perfect world this would not be an issue.  But 
lawyers can use that clause as a loophole to invalidate legitimate patents.

Big point here, I was talking to some of the google compilier guys and finding 
out that most of the big compiler guys around consider gcc to be a dead man 
walking, largely due to GPLv3 issues.  This is not limited to Google either, 
but includes Apple and many of the other players.  

The latest revision of the gpl threatens input from companies.  

Another reason to reinvent the wheel is when the wheel is not exactly what you 

> I really don't feel bad for people who need to start from scratch due
> to a desire not to share their code, though.  Their choice, their
> pain.
Not the only reason,  I am more than willing to share code, even at no cost.  
Although, I'm not selfish enough to demand that all of their work must be given 
freely to me.

> ___
> geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread DJ Delorie

> >  Why not start with the existing
> > tools and just rewrite the parts you're interested in?
> License?

True.  One of the benefits of the GPL is that people can bsae their
work off existing work, but not everyone wants to offer that benefit
to others.

I really don't feel bad for people who need to start from scratch due
to a desire not to share their code, though.  Their choice, their

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread Bob Paddock
>  Why not start with the existing
> tools and just rewrite the parts you're interested in?


> (and if you really want to get *that* involved in pcb layout tools,
> there *are* parts of pcb that could stand to be ripped out and
> replaced... ;)

Might interfere with someones script running someplace?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread John Doty

On May 16, 2011, at 10:44 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

>> I've always been interested in CAD programs and thought of making
>> a schematic/pcb one from scratch.
> I've never truly understood why people would rewrite a (potentially)
> huge application set "just because".  Why not start with the existing
> tools and just rewrite the parts you're interested in?  Like, start
> with pcb's HID modules but swap out the core?

Because when the theory is all epicycles and no physics, there's no foundation 
upon which to stand.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Reinventing the wheel

2011-05-16 Thread DJ Delorie

> I've always been interested in CAD programs and thought of making
> a schematic/pcb one from scratch.

I've never truly understood why people would rewrite a (potentially)
huge application set "just because".  Why not start with the existing
tools and just rewrite the parts you're interested in?  Like, start
with pcb's HID modules but swap out the core?

(and if you really want to get *that* involved in pcb layout tools,
there *are* parts of pcb that could stand to be ripped out and
replaced... ;)

geda-user mailing list