Re: Jakarta at the center of the (ASF) universe

2007-11-18 Thread Jim Jagielski
On Sun, Nov 18, 2007 at 01:58:29PM -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> But that's the fact - that most of JavaLand sprang from jakarta...

Jukka's graph shows committer cross-polination, not *codebase*
cross-polination (as I understand it)... So yes, since most
committers for most ASF java projects were in Jakarta (since
those projects were *in* Jakarta, after all), I still think
that the non-Jakarta page provides a more accurate representation
of the "real" dynamics, by removing the artifical aspects of

Of course, I could be wrong :)
   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
"Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war"  ~ John Adams

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Re: Jakarta Board Report

2007-03-26 Thread Jim Jagielski

Thank you for your report. It has been added to
the board agenda.

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Re: CLA for Brian Stansberry

2005-08-09 Thread Jim Jagielski

Not rec'd.

On Aug 9, 2005, at 6:16 AM, Simon Kitching wrote:


Brian posted in his CLA around 1st of July (that's > 5 weeks ago). Is
there any sign of it?

I've emailed Jim directly but got no response.



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Re: VOTE: Tomcat -> TLP

2005-04-07 Thread Jim Jagielski
On Apr 6, 2005, at 7:36 PM, Ian F. Darwin wrote:
The question:
   I vote in support of the proposal to move Tomcat to an Apache Top 
Level Project as
   detailed in the attached Resolution.

   [  ] +1 Vote in support
   [  ]  0   Abstain
   [  ] -1  Vote against
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Jakarta Apache Tomcat as a TLP ?

2005-03-21 Thread Jim Jagielski
On Mar 21, 2005, at 12:17 PM, Mladen Turk wrote:
Anyhow, what are your feelings that we (Tomcat developers),
propose to the ASF to be nominated as TLP?
Personally, I think the Tomcat community is large enough and
healthy enough to warrant change to a TLP.
I know that some of you will think (since it's coming from me)
'Damn, JBoss is trying to control the Tomcat', but there
is just Remy and myself, with dozen of other developers, each
of them having a veto for anything that we try to commit as
encrypted or evil :).
Now you're just being paranoid ;)
But then again, when I pass your Email through my
patented Evil detection code, it
decodes as "Bwaaa H Ha Ha"! Ack!! :)
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Re: [draft] SD Magazine: request for change

2005-03-21 Thread Jim Jagielski
Costin Manolache wrote:
> Danny Angus wrote:
> > ... the issue is *only* that
> > "The Apache Jakarta Project and leading Tomcat contributor JBoss"
> > implys that JBOSS is not only a contributor, but *the* major contributor.
> Fact is that JBoss is _a_ major contributor to tomcat. So is any company 
> that have committers working full time - in any project.
> ( in addition the architecture of tomcat5 is based on jboss jmx model, 
> and that's _a_ major contribution as well )
> Sun is also _a_ major contributor to tomcat. So is any other company 
> that is funding tomcat developers. Code is written by people, but 
> companies like JBoss or Sun are actually paying the bills. Of course, a 
> lot of credit must go to people who manage to cut hours from their 
> families and free time.


> "Leading contributor" does not imply the only contributor or the only 
> leading contributor.

lead: ; leading:
  1. To guide on a way
  2. live (~ a quiet life)
  3. to direct the operations, activity, or performance of,
  4. to go at the head of; be first

No, leading does not imply sole or only, but it *does* imply
the sense of being first or the most significant, esp how
it was written.
   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
"There 10 types of people: those who read binary and everyone else."

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Re: [draft] SD Magazine: request for change

2005-03-21 Thread Jim Jagielski
On Mar 21, 2005, at 10:24 AM, Remy Maucherat wrote:
Jim Jagielski wrote:
That would be kind of impossible to do, logically :)
But I would agree that other companies have occasionally
crossed lines that should not have been crossed, both
companies "associated" with ASF projects and external
companies that have no ties or links at all. In those
cases we (the ASF and/or the projects affected) have
requested retractions/corrections/removals/etc...
And as I've mentioned before, I don't think there's
anyone here who has not been misquoted or mis-represented
(by journalists or over-eager PR types) to the extent
where they were embarassed-to-angry about it. I *know*
it's a struggle. I'm not trivializing it in the least.
Great, so you manage to sneak by an assertion that a line have been 
crossed here. Cool debate ;)
My intent was not to make an accusation but rather a simple statement
that any issue we are talking about is not unique or particular
to any one company. Yes, I think the SD tagline is a line that was
Geez... I go out of my way to make this NOT a JBoss thing, to
and it falls on deaf ears. How about reading the rest of the
Email instead of one line that you took the wrong way?
At this point, how about simply kicking me out and ending the problems 
faster ? Just one quick vote on board@ and any future issues disappear 
Oh foo. No one is remotely suggesting that.
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Re: [draft] SD Magazine: request for change

2005-03-21 Thread Jim Jagielski
Remy Maucherat wrote:
> Jim Jagielski wrote:
> > On Mar 20, 2005, at 7:20 PM, Bill Barker wrote:
> > 
> >> And, yet, all of the complaints about the article have been from 
> >> people that aren't involved with Tomcat development ;-).
> > 
> > I think that's an unfair statement... does that fact diminish the
> > accuracy of what anyone is saying? I would also wager that
> > if it had been any other company with any other ASF project,
> > there would have been just the same discussion.
> Cool :)
> What if I, on the opposite, contend that if it had been any other 
> company with any other ASF project, nobody would have bothered ?
> Can you prove me wrong ?

That would be kind of impossible to do, logically :)

But I would agree that other companies have occasionally
crossed lines that should not have been crossed, both
companies "associated" with ASF projects and external
companies that have no ties or links at all. In those
cases we (the ASF and/or the projects affected) have
requested retractions/corrections/removals/etc...

And as I've mentioned before, I don't think there's
anyone here who has not been misquoted or mis-represented
(by journalists or over-eager PR types) to the extent
where they were embarassed-to-angry about it. I *know*
it's a struggle. I'm not trivializing it in the least.

   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
"There 10 types of people: those who read binary and everyone else."

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Re: [draft] SD Magazine: request for change

2005-03-21 Thread Jim Jagielski
On Mar 20, 2005, at 7:20 PM, Bill Barker wrote:
And, yet, all of the complaints about the article have been from 
people that aren't involved with Tomcat development ;-).

I think that's an unfair statement... does that fact diminish the
accuracy of what anyone is saying? I would also wager that
if it had been any other company with any other ASF project,
there would have been just the same discussion.
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Re: [draft] SD Magazine: request for change

2005-03-21 Thread Jim Jagielski
Costin Manolache wrote:
> If tomcat would be a top level project instead of jakarta-tomcat, most 
> likely Remy would be the PMC chair. Acording to ASF rules, the PMC chair 
> is the ultimate decision maker for a project.
> It seems the notion of 'project leads' is not accepted by some - yet
> the entire legal organisation of apache is based on a top-down hieararhy
> ( Board -> PMC chair ). I don't know what is worse - the perception 
> people have about things, or the reality.

The PMC Chair is the eyes and ears of the board with respect
to the ASF project. Just as people would justifiably howl long
and loud if the board controlled or directed development
of an ASF project, so would (should) they howl if any PMC
chair does as well.

There's is a big difference between a management/oversight "lead" and
a developer/contributor "lead".
   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
"There 10 types of people: those who read binary and everyone else."

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Re: [draft] SD Magazine: request for change

2005-03-20 Thread Jim Jagielski
Remy Maucherat wrote:
> I am definitely contributing to Tomcat as part of my employment at 
> JBoss. I am not contributing on my own free time to Tomcat as an 
> individual at the moment, and (as far as I can remember, as it was a 
> while ago ...) have submitted a company CLA reflecting that 
> ( Anyway, it is obvious Apache has 
> the notion of company contributions. Stating otherwise is wrong, and 
> does not match the legal documents the ASF uses.
> I think continuing with the current attitude would only lead my company 
> to reevaluate its involvement in ASF projects, and I could not really 
> blame them if they did. Of course, this may be what some people here 
> seek (hopefully, it is not and it's just my paranoia at work).

Personally, having JBoss or any company reevaluate their involvement
in any ASF project would be a damn shame, and is something that
I would not want at all (assuming the reevaluation resulted in them
dropping their involvement! :) ). Quite a few of us, myself included,
are paid by our companies to develop and donate any code/patches/fixes
we develop back into the ASF code. Of course, there are no guarantees
regarding that... Just because I or Covalent want something in HTTPD
or APR or whatever doesn't mean it's going in. But that's beside the point.

When we touch ASF code, we do it with our ASF hats on, even if it was
developed with our INSERT-COMPANY-NAME-HERE hats on. We, as
individuals, have commit access. We, as individuals, are granted
contributor/committer/member status. When we commit code, we
do so as those individuals, with our ASF hats on.

Those companies who pay our salaries deserve credit, no doubt. Just
as we personally benefit with our involvement in ASF projects, so
do the companies we work for, whether they are huge F100 companies,
or small 1-man consulting firms.

   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
"There 10 types of people: those who read binary and everyone else."

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Re: [draft] SD Magazine: request for change

2005-03-20 Thread Jim Jagielski
Tim O'Brien wrote:
> Henri, I'm not -1, you can send it if you want.  You are (after all)
> Jakarta. :-)=20

Of course, that's just as wrong as the concept of Leading Contributor
or Main Developer :)

   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
"There 10 types of people: those who read binary and everyone else."

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Re: [draft] SD Magazine: request for change

2005-03-20 Thread Jim Jagielski
Henri Yandell wrote:
> It may be that leading contributor is, while not an 'Apache Way' to 
> discuss something, a completely true piece of investigative journalism. 
> There are definitely parts of Commons where a little bit of investigation 
> could point out that "Yes, on DBUtils 1.0, David Graham was the lead 
> developer" (Sorry David :) ).

That may be true, but certainly we do have the right and responsibility
to ensure that our desires, as far as how we run and represent ourselves,
is accurate as well.

It has always been a major foundation of the ASF that projects
are built and developed by communities, not individuals.
Terms such as "lead" or "main" do cause harm to the community
and have always been actively avoided.

   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
"There 10 types of people: those who read binary and everyone else."

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Re: [draft] SD Magazine: request for change

2005-03-19 Thread Jim Jagielski
On Mar 19, 2005, at 1:18 PM, Henri Yandell wrote:
Due to the timeliness of this, I plan to send it Sunday night. Given 
that we're on a weekend, I doubt it will be read until Monday.

Any opinions?
Subject: Tomcat 5.0 error in JOLT announcement
Hi Kate,
I'm writing to let you know about a serious error on your JOLT product 
excellence awards press release, and I assume in your forthcoming June 
2005 issue:
You've incorrectly attributed Apache's Tomcat 5.0 product to "The 
Apache Jakarta Project and leading Tomcat contributor JBoss".

There are two, very big, problems with this.
The first is that Apache does not have a concept of leading 
contributors, it is completely out of sync with the very philosophies 
that lie at the heart of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF).

The second is that JBoss are not a contributor to Tomcat. Two Tomcat 
committers are employed by JBoss Inc, but they commit to projects at 
the ASF as individuals and not as members of a company. This is true 
of all committers to the ASF, whether the company be Sun, IBM or Fred 
Bloggs Inc.

We would like to request that this be changed to:
Tomcat 5.0 (The Apache Software Foundation)
in both the press release (pdf url above) and the forthcoming June 
2005 issue.

Henri Yandell
V.P., Apache Jakarta

 Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
  "There 10 types of people: those who read binary and everyone else."
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Re: Leading Contributor?

2005-03-19 Thread Jim Jagielski
I've thought about this for a long time, and this is where
I stand.
As many people know, this has been a somewhat recurring issue,
with JBoss blurring and obscuring the facts regarding Apache
Tomcat, in such a way that it appears that they, JBoss, control
and direct the development of Tomcat. Now the first handfull
of times you could caulk it up to over-eager PR, etc, but the
fact is that they have been sluggish in doing anything to
clearly define what is reality... Tomcat is a JBoss Project?
I think not. Yet, that is still what is prominently displayed.
After too many times of this happening, and very, very limited
response to our requests, one's normal reaction is to
associate it with malicious intent. In other words, after
awhile, one tends to feel that they are doing it on
purpose. That may not be the case, but human nature being
the way it is, people do get suspicious :)
It's gotten to the point where there is real confusion among the
general population, and even within some segments of the
developer community, over whether Tomcat is an ASF project
or a JBoss project.
When it's strong enough to result in such misstatements such
as this article headline, then the ASF needs to be rigorous
in its protection of its brand and product. Same as if,
for some reason, Sun were to start shipping Sun JEMS, we
would reasonably expect JBoss to ask and demand Sun stop
doing that.
JBoss does hire a lot of developers, Tomcat and otherwise, and
they should be warmly and honestly honored for doing that.
Same as other companies such as Google, IBM, Covalent, Gluecode,
etc should be. But the simple fact is that JBoss, as an
entity, is not a contributor, leading or otherwise. All code
committed is from the individual contributor, whether they
are employed by JBoss or whoever. The fact that JBoss, or
whoever, pays someone's salary and they contribute code to
an ASF project, does NOT make the salary-payer a contributor,
not in the normal definition. Contributions are from the
individual, and they state that the code that they contribute
is theirs to contribute.
This is not to diminish in any way the real, valued fact
that paying someone's salary allows them to develop more
code. But it does not make that corporation a contributor.
At the very least, a step in the right general direction
would be a Corporate CLA. But again, the ASF recognizes
contributions (code) from individuals, and code donations
from corporations. So JBoss, as an entity, is not a
And it goes without saying that the concept of "leading
contributor" again flies against the grain of what the ASF
is all about. When such basic tenets of the ASF and "the
Apache way" are either willfully disregarded, or ignored
out of ignorance, it makes one question how much a
person or entity really understands and supports the
ASF. Any entity that would describe itself as a leading
contributor to an ASF project, really doesn't deserve
the title since it displays a supreme lack of knowledge
of how the ASF works. The adjectives such as "leading"
or "core" or "main" when associated with the noun
"developer" is never allowed in ASF project.
Finally, there is the question of how this might damage
the community. ASF projects are not one-man (or one-entity)
shows; They are not opportunities for people or entities
to jump up on a soapbox and grab the spotlight. Doing
so causes extreme harm to the development community,
again, something which anyone who claims to understand
the ASF should know.
No, JBoss is not unique with respect to any of these
issues; we've all had things miss-quoted, or over-eager
marketing people trying to "cash in" on our association
and involvement with the ASF. But it is our job to
do what we can to keep the story and the record straight.
IMO, the Software Developer "Jolt" award information should
be changed to remove the "leading contributor JBoss" tagline.
Furthermore, it would be interesting to see if CMP ever bothered
to contact the ASF regarding the award, for our feedback
or comment, and how they determined the "leading contributor"
PS: Much has been said about how we continue to refer to
Tomcat as Tomcat, and not Apache Tomcat all the time.
People point to our website and say, "You do it, why
can't we?" Well, one reason why is because Tomcat is
ours, we are referring to it on our website so if
people associate Tomcat with the ASF, then that's fine.
However, when it is used to confuse or dilute the fact
that Tomcat is an ASF project, then it becomes an issue.
I think it is clear that someone viewing the JBoss
site would come away with the clear impression that
Tomcat is developed by JBoss and is a JBoss project,
not an ASF one. When that happens, it becomes our
responsibility to remove that confusion and request
(or demand, as the case may be) that Tomcat be
referred to as Apache Tomcat.
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Re: Jakarta Support provider

2004-12-02 Thread Jim Jagielski
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> recently, having seen dissatisfaction in the ranks that some
> high-profile places (, didn't always make it
> clear who owns Tomcat.

+1. This is especially true when ambiguity is inserted either
by accident, ignorance or intent. One thing which we are
rigorously(sp?) trying to do is:

   1. "Apache" != "web server" (although that is the common
  understanding; but we are trying hard to ensure that
  people know that the ASF is more than just the web server
  and using Apache HTTP Server goes a long way)
   2. Prefacing the "normal" names with 'Apache'
  as well, eg: Apache Tomcat, Apache Axis, etc...
   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
"There 10 types of people: those who read binary and everyone else."

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Re: Jakarta Support provider

2004-12-02 Thread Jim Jagielski
Henri Yandell wrote:

I hope that as much discussion went into this when JBoss
released their PR regarding Apache-Tomcat integration :)

PS: I will work on getting the site updated.
   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
"There 10 types of people: those who read binary and everyone else."

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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Jim Jagielski
 > > > > conventions, with the following stylistic changes:
> > > > > - instance variables are prefixed with an underscore
> > > > > - a newline is inserted before all braces
> > > > >
> > > > > (3) Identify any Jakarta resources to be created
> > > > >
> > > > > (3.1) mailing lists
> > > > >
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- User discussions=20
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Developer discussions and CVS
> > > > > update notifications
> > > > >
> > > > > (3.2) CVS repositories
> > > > >
> > > > > The package will use a root branch of the hivemind CVS=20
> > > > > repository (to be created).
> > > > >
> > > > > (3.3) Bugzilla
> > > > >
> > > > > The package should be listed as top level component, "HiveMind".
> > > > >
> > > > > (4) Identify the initial set of committers to be listed in the=20
> > > > > Status File.
> > > > >
> > > > > Howard M. Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > Prashant Nayak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > Martin Bayly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > Christian Essl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > Harish Krishnaswamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > Knut Wannheden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > >
> > > > > This list represents the most active HiveMind participants=20
> > > > > within WebCT and on the Jakarta Commons Developer mailing list.=20
> > > > > Notably, Mr.s Essl, Krishnaswamy and Wannheden, among others,=20
> > > > > have already been actively mentoring other interested users on=20
> > > > > the mailing list in how to use HiveMind as well as contributing=20
> > > > > design ideas and patches to the framework itself.
> > > > >
> > > > > ---
> > > > >
> > > > > Prashant Nayak
> > > > > Senior Architect, WebCT Inc.
> > > > > Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > -
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> > > > >
> > > >
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> > > > ---
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> >=20
> >=20
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> >=20
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   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
  "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
 will lose both and deserve neither" - T.Jefferson

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Re: Call on Stein to resign over Gernimo

2003-11-11 Thread Jim Jagielski
On Nov 11, 2003, at 1:25 PM, Vic Cekvenich wrote:
ASF should publicly applogize, and as a sign of friendship with OSS, 
do something to help jBoss, such as help with J2EE certification, or 
help with code or something.

This statement jumped out at me like a tiger.

The suspicious might read the above and be saying to
themselves "Aha... now I understand where Vic's going
with this."
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Re: Call on Stein to resign over Gernimo

2003-11-10 Thread Jim Jagielski
On Nov 10, 2003, at 5:00 PM, Vic Cekvenich wrote:

Geir, are you supporting his actions, the ethics in here, denying what 
that developer is saying, ie: that is not his code? I know my code 
when I see it. What part are you supporting, all of it?

-Stein is the one that railroaded this project on the lists, a 
chairman. It is easy to trace messages that lead us to this.
Sorry, this is not the case. I know. I was there.

-Durign his "rule", ASF brand was embarased. What does it mean, ASF 
developer now?
I disagree about the ASF brand being embarrassed. I also think
that being an ASF developer now means just the same as it always
-Using ASF funds for this is a shame and a waste.
Why? Because you say so?

You seem to think that somehow the ASF decided (or was brainwashed by
Greg) to *steal* JBoss code. That is not the case, and it
has been mentioned so many times that repeating it again is
enough to make me sick. You also seem to think that the idea
is that "So what if GPL/JBoss code is in there? We'll
just take it." Again, this is so far from the truth that
again I wonder just how you are getting your information...
possibly a dyslexic carrier pigeon.
But once again: if Geronimo has any GPL code in it, whether from
JBoss or not, then it will be expunged. We've always said that.
What we are doing now is looking at "cases" where such claims
are being made and whether or not they have any merit, while
at the same time reviewing what's in CVS.
Got it?

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Re: Call on Stein to resin

2003-11-10 Thread Jim Jagielski
Vic Cekvenich wrote:
> I call on Greg Stein to resign.

   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
  "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
 will lose both and deserve neither" - T.Jefferson

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Re: Vote for XMLBeans proposal

2003-07-07 Thread Jim Jagielski
If Cliff is able to communicate BEA's preference, and the LGPL Piccolo 
issue is resolved, it seems like we're heading somewhere. Attracting 
new committers is easier when the project is already under incubation.


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Re: [VOTE] Howard Lewis Ship PMC Nomination

2003-07-03 Thread Jim Jagielski
Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> :-p  We already voted him in...I nominated him a long while back...Just no
> one like...bothered to count the votes and do whatever was needed to instate
> him (like tell him how to subscribe)

That's very different :)

   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
  "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
 will lose both and deserve neither" - T.Jefferson

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Re: [VOTE] Howard Lewis Ship PMC Nomination

2003-07-03 Thread Jim Jagielski
Does it make sense that someone is nominating himself
(or re-nominating himself) for membership?

   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
  "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
 will lose both and deserve neither" - T.Jefferson

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Re: [Fwd: [ASF] NOTICE: comprehensive list of ASF members and committers]

2002-01-15 Thread Jim Jagielski

Yep... it is :)

If you want to double check, send me an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and I'll respond back ;)

Paul Spencer wrote:
> Is this really from ASF?  The return address is not
> Paul Spencer
>  Original Message 
> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 09:17:05 -0500
> From: Jim Jagielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [ASF] NOTICE: comprehensive list of ASF members and committers
> Hello. You are rec'ing this email because you are a committer on one (or
> more) of the ASF projects and/or a member of the ASF. I am currently
> generating the formal list of all members and committers for the ASF 
> records,
> and one part of that was ensuring that we had on file a signed CLA or
> member application for everyone... Another stage is a comprehensive
> and as up-to-date list as possible of all the PMCs and associated 
> committers.
> So I'm asking for 2 things really: If all committers (and members) could
> send me Email (see below for the actual email address to send to)
> listing your name, email address, projects you are working on and
> your PGP/GPG key if you have one. The format for this email should
> be as follows:
>   Send to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Subject: <>
>   Name: <>
>   Email: <>
>   Projects: <   to>>
>   Key: <>
> For example:
>   Name: Joe Foobar
>   Projects: Tomcat, httpd
>   Key:
>  adklajdAL()@ N*@U)U@()@@ @)U@
> This will ease the automated parsing.
> Secondly, if you are a PMC chair, please send me, also to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> a list of members on/in your PMC. Once we have all the information, this
> will be stored and managed virtually, with a UI to allow PMC chairs and
> myself to manage the info, but we need to get it up to date now.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> ===
> Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
>"A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
> will lose both and deserve neither"
> --
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   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
  "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
   will lose both and deserve neither"

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RE: Comment for

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Jagielski

At 10:32 AM -0500 12/11/01, Tiseo, Paul wrote:
>Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 4:45 PM
>> When you come close to 1/5th the amount of work he has done
>> for Apache then you
>> can judge.
>   So, if I understand Apache's so-called "meritocracy" system, the
>more you do for a project, the more unprofessional and ego-driven behavior
>you are allowed? So, If Jon doubles his workload, will he then be allowed to
>murder dissenting listmemebers instead of simply insulting them? :)

I think at the "double workload" level, Jon would only be able to
club baby seals. Murder is a bit higher up... I've got those charts
around here *somewhere*...
   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
  "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
   will lose both and deserve neither"

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Re: Proposal to make BSF an ASF project

2001-06-22 Thread Jim Jagielski

My own personal POV is that it would make a welcome addition to
the ASF, assuming that it doesn't better "fit in" with a pre-existing

Bill Stoddard wrote:
> > The common criteria that we use for any new project is to ask what the
> > existing developer and user community is like. I know that there is a large
> > user community, but what is the developer community like?
> BSF does not have a large developer community; Victor, Chuck and perhaps 3 other 
> from IBM and a handful of occasional submitters.  This is definitely not a high 
> project.
> Bill
> -
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   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
"It's *good* to be the King."

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