Remy Maucherat wrote:
> I am definitely contributing to Tomcat as part of my employment at 
> JBoss. I am not contributing on my own free time to Tomcat as an 
> individual at the moment, and (as far as I can remember, as it was a 
> while ago ...) have submitted a company CLA reflecting that 
> ( Anyway, it is obvious Apache has 
> the notion of company contributions. Stating otherwise is wrong, and 
> does not match the legal documents the ASF uses.
> I think continuing with the current attitude would only lead my company 
> to reevaluate its involvement in ASF projects, and I could not really 
> blame them if they did. Of course, this may be what some people here 
> seek (hopefully, it is not and it's just my paranoia at work).

Personally, having JBoss or any company reevaluate their involvement
in any ASF project would be a damn shame, and is something that
I would not want at all (assuming the reevaluation resulted in them
dropping their involvement! :) ). Quite a few of us, myself included,
are paid by our companies to develop and donate any code/patches/fixes
we develop back into the ASF code. Of course, there are no guarantees
regarding that... Just because I or Covalent want something in HTTPD
or APR or whatever doesn't mean it's going in. But that's beside the point.

When we touch ASF code, we do it with our ASF hats on, even if it was
developed with our INSERT-COMPANY-NAME-HERE hats on. We, as
individuals, have commit access. We, as individuals, are granted
contributor/committer/member status. When we commit code, we
do so as those individuals, with our ASF hats on.

Those companies who pay our salaries deserve credit, no doubt. Just
as we personally benefit with our involvement in ASF projects, so
do the companies we work for, whether they are huge F100 companies,
or small 1-man consulting firms.

   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
    "There 10 types of people: those who read binary and everyone else."

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