On Mar 21, 2005, at 10:24 AM, Remy Maucherat wrote:

Jim Jagielski wrote:
That would be kind of impossible to do, logically :)
But I would agree that other companies have occasionally
crossed lines that should not have been crossed, both
companies "associated" with ASF projects and external
companies that have no ties or links at all. In those
cases we (the ASF and/or the projects affected) have
requested retractions/corrections/removals/etc...
And as I've mentioned before, I don't think there's
anyone here who has not been misquoted or mis-represented
(by journalists or over-eager PR types) to the extent
where they were embarassed-to-angry about it. I *know*
it's a struggle. I'm not trivializing it in the least.

Great, so you manage to sneak by an assertion that a line have been crossed here. Cool debate ;)

My intent was not to make an accusation but rather a simple statement that any issue we are talking about is not unique or particular to any one company. Yes, I think the SD tagline is a line that was crossed.

Geez... I go out of my way to make this NOT a JBoss thing, to
and it falls on deaf ears. How about reading the rest of the
Email instead of one line that you took the wrong way?

At this point, how about simply kicking me out and ending the problems faster ? Just one quick vote on board@ and any future issues disappear magically.

Oh foo. No one is remotely suggesting that.

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