ApacheCon Sessions in PDF ?

2004-11-16 Thread Stephane Bailliez
Anyone know if there will be a way to get our hands on the ApacheCon 
sessions (in PDF or whatever) ?

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[OT] Goodbye all

2003-01-14 Thread Stephane Bailliez
Just a quick note to say goodbye to all readers and committers on ant-dev and general.

I'm leaving for an extended trip around the world that should last about a year thus 
my involvement if not already zero these last months will really be zero for the 
months to come.

I take the opportunity to thank everyone for the many things I learned (and still have 
to) since I'm in the Apache boat. And if someone feel like having a drink when I'm 
cruising in his living area, feel free to email me. I'm planning to stop by Jon's 
place when I will be in San Francisco but this should be around october/november 2004 
so things may change till then.
( Check http://www.bearaway.org/countries/ for itinerary - SVG 3.0 mandatory for 
interactive/animated map )

I should (hopefully) blog some news and pics from time to time (no tech talk, sorry ;) 
at http://www.bearaway.org/blog/, so feel free to check, subscribe or syndicate you 
(FYI I did not test any of these features yet ;)

Last but not least I would like to thank Stefan Bodewig for taking a tremendous share 
of Ant (if not all) on his shoulders and doing it without any mistakes nor conflicts 
with anyone and always be on your back to fix anything you break ( should it be the 
copyright year we all take pride not to change each time we checkin :o). Stefan is an 
example of diplomatic and technical skills at their best. So many thanks to Stefan and 
I'm glad I was able to work with him.

Keep well.


RE: localhost:8080 vs localhost???

2002-07-19 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Leo Simons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 the world. I have also taken the precaution of killing all my 
 family and friends so you have no way to blackmail me.

Are you by any chance a relative of Kaiser Soze ? ;-)

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Jakarta is not an open source project in the pure community sense anymore

2002-03-22 Thread Stephane Bailliez

Apparentely I did not pay attention to those many gremlins working out for
Sun and IBM in Jakarta and that are so closed... doh !

See Marc Fleury's interview.



Anglin: There has been much speculation of late regarding JBoss and Apache
Jakarta. Could JBoss become a Jakarta project?

Fleury and Mason: No, we don't see that happening. Jakarta is not an open
source project in the pure community sense anymore. It is dominated by
Sun/IBM employees. We are more focused on growing our own professional
services organization through JBoss Group. As such, we form a
hyper-efficient consultancy, where our open source product base enables us
to achieve an unparalleled degree of efficiency in sharing and communicating
knowledge. You may feel that our open source nature limits us here, but
never when it comes to high-level knowledge. The ability to see and
reproduce source code does not automatically give people the understanding
of how it's used or how it can be optimized. If they do achieve that on on
their own, that's great. For those who want more insight, we sell the
services to get them there.

The second reason for our dissatisfaction with Apache has to do with
problems in the 3.2 version of Tomcat (the new one is better). When those
problems arose, we grew close to Jetty, a competing open source project
backed by MortBay Consulting in Australia. We met these guys, spent time
with them, and we found there were a lot of similarities -- they are a
husband-and-wife-led company dedicated to their product because it is their
business. It just happens that we relate better to people with goals and
expectations similar to ourselves --dedicated independent professionals.
JBoss Group is about supporting and promoting that way of life and work,
which, in our opinion, is conducive to the development of great software.

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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-15 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Guillaume Rousse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I know they use such kind of filtering based on your domain 
 name. It also 
 means just using a private indirection, as you did, or public 
 service as anonymiser.com bypass it easily.
 So we can say that Sun attempts to fulfill this clause, but 
 not that they 
 actually comply to. We could also have a banner saying if 
 you're a evil guy 
 (as defined by US state department), please do not click 
 here with the same 

That did not prevent a French tribunal to stupidely force Yahoo to do such
filtering on french ips so that people could not see Nazi related items in
auctions even though this is absolutely impossible to comply with this (what
about aol users ? and others from company with a host located out of france
?, etc...)

Yahoo was supposed to be fine $91,000 per day of violation. Not sure what is
the status of this crap though but even if this is on, it would be piece of
cake to bypass it.

There was even an audition of Vinton Cerf which states the following in the

It has been proposed that users identify where they are at the request of
the web server, such as the one(s) serving yahoo.fr - or yahoo.com. There
are several potential problems with this approach. For one thing, users can
choose to lie about their locations. For another, every user of the web site
would have to be asked to identify his or her location since the web server
would have no way to determine a priori whether the user is French or is
using the Internet from a French location. Some users consider such
questions to be an invasion of privacy. While I am not completely acquainted
with privacy provisions in the Europe Union, it might be considered a
violation of the rights of privacy of European users, including French users
to request this in formation. Of course if this information is required
solely because of the French Court Order, one might wonder on what grounds
all other users all over the world are required to comply. 

Another complaint about the idea of asking user for their location in that
this might have to be done repeatedly by each web site that the user
accesses - yahoo cannot force every web site to make this request. When a
user first contacts the server(s) at yahoo.fr - or yahoo.com, one might
imagine that the question of geographic location might be asked and then a
piece of data called a cookie might be stored one the user's computer disk.
Repeated visits to Yahoo sites might then refer to this cookie for user
location information. The problem with this idea is that cookies are
considered by many to be an invasion of privacy also, as a result many users
either configure browsers to reject storage of cookies on their disk drives
or they clear them away after each session on the Internet - thus forcing
the query about geographical location each time the user encounters a
Yahoo-controlled web site. Again, Yahoo would have no way to force a web
site net under its control to either ask the location question or to request
a copy of the cookie 

containing the location. Indeed, it would open up a vulnerability for each
user if arbitrary web sites were told how to retrieve the cookie placed
there by the Yahoo sites. 

It has been suggested that the filtering need only apply to users accessing
the Internet from French Territories or by users who are French citizens. It
is not clear whether the jurisdiction of the French Court extends to actions
taken by French citizens who are not in French territory at the time of
their access to Internet. 

For these and many other reasons, it does not appear to be very feasible to
rely on discovering the geographic location of users for purposes of
imposing filtering of the kind described in the Court Order. 

report here:


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RE: License issue (the come back)

2002-03-13 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Donald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I presume there is some form of implied consent/licensing or 
 somethin gthat 
 may hold up if it ever went to court but even then I really 
 dislike the fact 
 that we have to rely on the good will of a company not to sue 
 apache or even 
 worse to sue Apaches users ;(
 Then again IANAL and could be completely wrong? Anyone want 
 to explain why I am wrong? :)

I believe this is somewhat the same mess about GPL and dynamic linking.

No one is able to figure what it means and from what I understand from Eric
Raymond post this is somewhat 'oh wait, I'm saying this but this is subject
to change anytime and anyway this can be overruled by a legal decision some
day depending on how they interpret it. For now I say this but eh, good


All this 'smoke' is I believe absolutely intentional to reserve room for
future legal actions in case an entity becomes a little bit 'annoying'.


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RE: Jakarta PMC 2002: Results of the Ballot.

2002-02-25 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-

 The 7 people with the largest number of votes (in alphabetical order):
   Stefan Bodewig
   Craig McClanahan
   Diane Holt
   Conor MacNeill
   Geir Magnusson Jr.
   Costin Monolache
   Sam Ruby
 The above people thus compose the Jakarta PMC effective immediately
 and will be confirmed as the Jakarta PMC for 2002 at the next ASF
 board meeting.

Congrats to all of them.
The Ant team is well represented. Ant rules ! :-)


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RE: New sites using Jakarta's projects

2002-02-20 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-

 From: Levy, Pierre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Dear Jakarta Team and contributors,
 I'm proud to let you know that the city of Paris is about to 
 release 21

cool !

 summer. Have a look to Credits popup for more detailed information on
 components we used (I'm sure you will understand some French ;-)).

Apache Server, Tomcat, Xalan, Xerces, Jetspeed, Cocoon, Lucene

Care to give the version used ? (apart from Apache 1.3.19)

out of curiosity:
- How many screens are in all webapps ?
- How many people worked on it ?
- How long did the development last ?

ps: Didn't you use Ant, it's not in the credits ? :o)



Jakarta Ant committer in Paris. ;-)

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RE: PMC Nomination

2002-01-31 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Conor MacNeill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 I would like to nominate Diane Holt for the PMC. Diane is a 

I second that too.


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RE: Possiblly an attack, certainly a nuissance

2002-01-28 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Ceki Gulcu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Could we please disable posts from 
 to jakarta/apache lists.

 This person (or an impostor) has posted emails with
 the  title new photos from my party! to many jakarta
 lists. The content of this mail is possibly a virus.

It is a mass-mailing email worm that propagates through Outlook address
book. In the wild since yesterday. I have asked my company to upgrade
Antivirus signatures in our mail server.


Will all my subscriptions, I have received more than a dozen of it.


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RE: More abuse of coding styles...

2002-01-04 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Kief Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 It is one of my major source of error when not using the '_'  and I
 have seen the error several times along with variable naming
 gymnastics to avoid the this. people would use aSomething or

 theSomething or whatever. That look crappy in the Javadoc.

 The standard way to handle this is of course:

See above. People will often forget to type 'this.' for the same reason they
forget to put braces around a single line statement: lazyness.

I think we all do this from time to time...human nature you know...


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RE: More abuse of coding styles...

2002-01-04 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 People who repeatedly forget to type this represent a minority and
 should perhaps look to exercise a different profession. The problem

You are right, but I think you know perfectly what kind of horrors you can
find in most code out there and there is still shortage of 'developpers'.

Let's face it the code quality in Jakarta is extremely high compared with
what I have seen in the industry, the most horrible I have seen in my
limited experience being in the Defense and/or aeronautical industry. I was
beginning my career at this time and could not believe someone could come up
with sleep() to synchronize work between threads and complain that the OS
was buggy since it was 'working' differently on different computers...

 public void setSomethingComplicated(Object sometingComplicateed){ 
   this.somethingComplicated = somethingComplicated;

right.. I forgot the best one...I have been hit by this as well..


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RE: Comment for Apache.org

2001-12-12 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Now, I'm going to go back and start writing some more code 
 (and answering
 some more user questions).  I suggest we all do the same.


While I more than vastly respect the huge work you are doing in both
contributed code and user questions answers (I'm puzzled at how productive
you are compared to me and how you can answer hundred of times the same
question in a relax attitude !), I have no idea what is the right attitude
to adopt in some cases...

There is some part of user education..what are we supposed to do then..say
oh well bear with it or try to educate users sometimes in a rude way like
parents do with their children (probably more in Europe than in US though)

I was sometimes kicked by Jon, but eh, he was damn right, I was being stupid
and did not do my homework. It sometimes happens to Jon as well too, but we
are all human and make mistakes and should put back on the right way
sometimes. If we do not then we take everything for granted.

I just had the same problem a couple of hours ago. Someone asked how to
retrieve the servlet parameters from web.xml, I replied with the link to the
servlet api..then I got a private email please help, could you give the
name of class that does it. Like what he did not even read the docs

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RE: Comment for Apache.org

2001-12-12 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 The most important thing to remember is that we are all 
 volunteers here,
 and we are not alone. If you don't want to do something, don't do it.
 Someone else will step in ... that's what meritocracy is all about. 

 The more you do, the more you are expected to do. The 
 corollary is, the less you do, the more someone else will do instead.

Your statements are OK for Apache projects since they are based on volunteer
contributions because we all bring our own brick to the building.

Unfortunately they are far from being true everywhere.

If you know a place where there is no such bad attitude, then please name
your company and location so that I can remember it... it's always nice to
know :)


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RE: Comment for Apache.org

2001-12-10 Thread Stephane Bailliez

 -Original Message-
 From: Frans Thamura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Is there a team that responsible for managing the projects of apache
 Like in Apache XML may be there is a team that manage that.
 I have been working several years in IT, and managing the 
 project. There is
 a methodology to make a project clear..
 I cannot find it in Apache..


It's hard to figure out what you really want to say...but I believe you are
looking for this:



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RE: Small mailing list fix...

2001-11-02 Thread Stephane Bailliez

  -Original Message-
  From: Pier Fumagalli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  I just had a report from a guy who had problems posting from some
  M$ client (looks like an enterprise version of Outlook for Windoze).
  Basically, no matter what he does, the thing keeps sending 
 messages with
  content-type set to multipart/alternative with two attachments, one
  text/plain and one text/html...


Please direct the guy to:

It looks like applying the SP is not enough and he may have to edit the
registry as described. (At least that's what should do the mail admin)

I had the same problem and it took me some time to figure out the solution.
I had the occasion to send this link a couple of time to people in various
mailing list at jakarta.

 Stéphane Bailliez 
 Software Engineer, Paris - France 
 iMediation - http://www.imediation.com 
 Disclaimer: All the opinions expressed above are mine and not those from my

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