Re: [gentoo-user] jar

2003-09-15 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Pietro Leone was rumored to have written:
> Emerging and compiling db-4.0.14-r2 (for vlc) I obtain this output, why
> it does not like my jar executable? The directory in which jar is IS
> into the PATH env variable, but the bash does not view it and so does
> make.
> [snip]
> checking for gcj... gcj -C
> checking if gcj -C works... yes
> checking for jar... no
> configure: error: no acceptable jar program found in $PATH
> !!! ERROR: sys-libs/db-4.0.14-r2 failed.
> !!! Function src_compile, Line 64, Exitcode 1
> !!! (no error message)
> Someone can explain me this?

I had to hack the .ebuild file (one line change) to work around that.

I edited /usr/portage/sys-libs/db/db-4.0.14-r2.ebuild at line 54 to
change from:

export PATH=`dirname ${JAVAC}`:${PATH}


export PATH=/path/to/jarbinary:${PATH}

For example, if your jar was in /opt/blackdown-jdk-1.4.1/bin then you'd
change the line to:

export PATH=/opt/blackdown-jdk-1.4.1/bin:${PATH}


# emerge /usr/portage/sys-libs/db/db-4.0.14-r2.ebuild

(to build+install it)

The next rsync will back out the changes but that's ok - you only need
it for one time. That's the workaround I used as a temporary measure since
I'm sure it'd be fixed soon.

Not sure why it'd pop up because JAVAC environment variable is present and
pointing to the javac binary, and dirname works fine on the command line.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] telnet & qpkg

2003-09-10 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Stroller was rumored to have written:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ qpkg -f /usr/bin/ktelnet
> app-crypt/krb5 *
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ qpkg -f /usr/bin/ktelnetd
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $
> Two questions remain:
> - Why does app-crypt/krb5 (kerberos?) rely on what appears to be a 
> telnet app..?

It's kind of the other way around ;)

It's saying that ktelnet is a part of the krb5 ebuild.

That is, ktelnet is a special version of telnet that has been Kerberized
(yes, you're right, Kerberos stuff) where it passes along Kerberos tickets
to the local ktgt server and stuff to avoid needing to send passwords in
cleartext, only ticket-granting tickets (TGTs). Nifty technology, but of no
use if you don't have a Kerberos realm running either locally or remotely.

If you don't use Kerberos, chances are pretty good you probably don't need
that stuff at all and could likely safely unmerge it.

> - Where has /usr/bin/ktelnetd come from, and why doesn't qpkg show me..?

Could it be /usr/sbin/ktelnetd by any chance?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] telnet & qpkg

2003-09-10 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Stroller was rumored to have written:
> I tried to test a server by telnetting to its appropriate port today to 
> find that `telnet`is not installed on my system. I do not know if I've 
> tried to use it on Gentoo before, so tried to find it using the 
> `locate` command.

I think you want the telnet-bsd ebuild for telnet.

(I don't use telnet to login to systems; I usually use it as a diagnostics
tool -- ie, telnet to a server on port 389, 110, 443, 8080, etc. as needed.)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ locate telnet | grep bin
> /usr/bin/ktelnet

I think you want to do this instead:

$ qpkg -f /usr/bin/ktelnet

>From the qpkg man page:

  Package Selection:

   -f, --find-file Finds package that owns file 


P.S. I'd highly recommend sending mail from an address other than 'root' :-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Flashing the bios

2003-09-07 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Stephen Boulet was rumored to have written:
> If I don't have access to windows to create a DOS boot floppy, is there a
> way to upgrade the bios? I have an Asus motherboard (A7N8X-X).

Well... one way to handle that is to go to and
download the boot disk image of choice then dd it to the floppy disk, and
test it with a boot.

Alternatively, if you don't trust that site, there are some other similar
ones on the net, or ask a co-worker or friend to make you one from their
Windows system.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] grub

2003-09-01 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Ben Anderson was rumored to have written:
> These grub commands - are they a one time deal that I can do, or do I have 
> to do it every time?  Can I embed these commands in my grub.conf ?

Sure, you can embed them in grub.conf, but first you want to verify to see
if they help any.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] grub

2003-09-01 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Ben Anderson was rumored to have written:
> title=Windows XP
> root (hd1,0)
> chainloader +1

Perhaps try booting to a grub prompt, then do:

grub> map (hd0) (hd1)
grub> map (hd1) (hd0)
grub> unhide (hd0,0)
grub> rootnoverify (hd0,0)
grub> chainloader +1
grub> makeactive
grub> boot

See if that works any better?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] eth0 problems after installing gentoo 1.4rc4

2003-08-14 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Farrell Farahbod was rumored to have written:
> 8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.26
> eth0: RealTek RTL8139 Fast Ethernet at 0xe08cf000, 00:02:44:14:1b:72,
> IRQ 11
> eth0:  Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8139B'
> eth0: Setting half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability .
> eth0: no IPv6 routers present
> NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
> eth0: Tx queue start entry 4  dirty entry 0.
> eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 2000. (queue head)
> eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 2000.
> eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 2000.
> eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 2000.

After further thinking, I would suggest sending your /usr/src/linux/.config
file. In particular, I'm interested in your IO-APIC and ACPI table stuff
because there is a small chance of that misprogramming the IRQ routing

If the system delivers the IRQ from the ethernet card to the wrong place
(due to a misprogrammed IRQ routing table) then the driver essentially
never sees a single interrupt and hence, not a single packet.

Judging from the fact that it works fine for both the Gentoo LiveCD boot as
well as the RH 9 HD boot, all three setups using the same driver... the
only thing that differs is the kernel config, so this is quite possible
that you have IO-APIC or ACPI issues causing all this fun.

Can you also post the full dmesg output right after a boot into Gentoo
off the HD?

_And_ also a full dmesg output from a boot into Gentoo off the LiveCD?

(In both cases, you can do: # dmesg > /yourredhat9partition/gentoo.boot-hd
and likewise for gentoo.boot-cd, and also cp /usr/src/linux/.config
/yourredhat9partition/gentoo.config then upload these files for emailing.)

You're welcome to send these directly to me to avoid spamming the list if
you like... if I see anything useful, I can summarize it to the list.

Also, what kind of system is it? (CPU make, model, frequency, and
motherboard make and model. If you know, what chipset is on the motherboard
such as SiS900, etc. This is important.)

Is it an uniprocessor or multiprocessor system?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Kernel conundrum

2003-08-14 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Nick Fisher was rumored to have written:
> Every kernel I have compiled for this one machine has failed. My general
> test is to recompile the kernel multiple times (As recomended by
> DRobbins). One of my kernels once made it through three compiles. If I
> start from the liveCD and chroot into my gentoo install and compile, it
> goes for days. So (unless I have missed something) the problem appears to
> be the kernel. I did think it was hardware for some time but after a few
> days of CPUburn and Memtest86 I have basicly discounted that. If it were

Don't be too quick to discount it. It is possible to run memtest86 and
still not detect marginal RAM - friend was in that boat; memtest86 said
it was clean but he stll replaced it, anyway, and all his problems went
away when he put in the high quality RAM. He hasn't crashed once since.

> the hardware I couldn't continuously compile the kernel for over a day
> chrooted from the liveCD.
> So from what I can tell there is something *wrong* with the way I'm
> compiling this kernel or the options I'm setting. When the machine crashes
> it just stops. No errors, no nothing. It just stops. I have scoured the

That basically sounds like an hardware issue of some sort.

What's the CPU's temperature? (BIOS report or lm_sensors type of report)
If it's getting too hot, it could be leading to random bit flips which
results in either a nasty crash or undefined/unpredictable behavior.

Another thought: could you try Mushkin RAM? ( -- been a
customer ever since it solved various stability on my Mac G4
system and one on my friend's Athlon system)

Kernel compiles tend to stress the CPU and memory subsystem the most.
Any issues with either subsystem will often result in crashed or wacky
kernel compiles -- and not just under Linux, either.

If it's just silently powering off, could potentially be some sort of VRM,
power loading, power supply issue... but that's relatively rare.

For your next compile run, you could also boot off the CD, fsck the
filesystem, then cd /usr/src/linux ; make clean then restart your compile.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] eth0 problems after installing gentoo 1.4rc4

2003-08-05 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Steven Marcotte was rumored to have written:
> By chance do you have ACPI (the power management stuff) enabled in the kernel?
> If you do, you might try turning it off and see what happens.  

Yeah, agreed. Looks like the LiveCD boot disables it with a acpi=off
parameter passed to the kernel, which is probably why it works then.

Likely use of ACPI broke IRQ routing in some way which probably explains
why the driver didn't process a single packet, is my best guess.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] eth0 problems after installing gentoo 1.4rc4

2003-08-04 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Farrell Farahbod was rumored to have written:
> heres the output of ifconfig eth0 on redhat9:
> eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:44:14:1B:72
>   inet addr:  Bcast: 
> Mask:
>   RX packets:412070 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:852881 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:209 txqueuelen:100
>   RX bytes:192045449 (183.1 Mb)  TX bytes:77096680 (73.5 Mb)
>   Interrupt:11 Base address:0x1000
> hum...other than rx/tx packets, the only change i see, and this may be
> the problem... "Base address" on redhat its 0x1000, on gentoo its
> this the problem?

Possibly. Can you boot from the LiveCD and do the ifconfig eth0 there
as well?

That should help narrow it down further.

Having the wrong base address can indeed be enough to hose things; just
not yet ready to pronounce that as the culprit...yet.

There *is* a way to specify the base address to use for a module if
that's necessary, I believe -- but first, I want to make sure that this
is indeed the culprit before going that far.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] eth0 problems after installing gentoo 1.4rc4

2003-08-03 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Farrell Farahbod was rumored to have written:
> wow...quick reply :) i guess they werent lying when they said gentoo has
> terrific forums! wooho!

It's a pretty nifty crowd, indeed. :)
> well about possible nic/nat problems...i highly highly doubt it, becuase
> like i said, i run redhat9 linux on the same box...its a dual boot. and
> the live cd was able to easily use my nic, like i mentioned earlier. but

Ok. Based on that and the other information you pasted, I'd like to say
that it's likely a module issue of some sort, possibly. Not with loading
it, but with functioning, for some unknown reason?

> cat /etc/env.d/01hostname:
> HOSTNAME="farrell"
> (you said it should have a FQDN...but it doesnt...but if it was supposed
> to have a fqdn, why is the filename 01hostname? just curious...i like to
> learn :) )

With some OS installs (not just Gentoo, but many others on various
platforms), sometimes it isn't always clear to end users -- especially one
new to the OS/distribution -- that a FQDN is desirable. I'm no spring
chicken when it comes to UNIX (and UNIX-like clones for some of our
resident pedants ;) ) but that still bites me from time to time.

Further compounded by the fact that the various OS/distros don't usually be
picky about FQDN vs non-FQDN hostname because it doesn't assume anything
about the environment the machine is in. (DNS, no DNS, domain vs no domain,
or just plain don't care, etc)

As for numbering scheme with /etc/env.d, if it's anything like SysV init
scripts, it appears that the numbering is mostly to ensure the more
important basic stuff gets set or processed first.

For instance, with /etc/env.d, you see: 00basic, 01hostname -- number one
stuff to get set early on! Then you have 05gcc, 10mozilla, 10xfree, etc...
then later on, the less important stuff -- 70less, 90games, etc.
> lsmod:
> Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
> usbcore55488   1
> 8139too14152   1
> mii 2160   0  [8139too]

So it appears to have loaded ok. You've got an eth0 device as well.

But what bothers me is the ifconfig eth0 output.
> (hum...looks to me like petty few kernel modules...but then again i have
> practically nothing configured...sound, printing, etc..) also, you asked

That's fine. Modules offers the greatest flexibility and lessens the need
to reboot to enable/disable functionality. But since this is a new
installation, I'm sure you'll eventually get around to modulizing as many
stuff as you can... for now, what you have is fine.

> ifconfig eth0:
> eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:44:14:1B:72
>   inet addr:  Bcast: Mask:
>   inet6 addr: fe80::202:44ff:fe14:1b72/10 Scope:Link
>   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
>   RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
>   Interrupt:11 Base address:0xf000

I was mostly concerned about 'UP BROADCAST RUNNING' being present
along with inet+bcast+netmask matching/making sense, and MAC address
being correctly displayed. Looks good on all counts.

Now, the fact is, there's _0_ packets or errors... that seriously
bothers me the most. Try pinging the default route IP again, and see
if you get anywhere.

Not going to be a cable issue (which usually lists some TX packets
and errors) because it works fine in a dual-booted RH setup.

Also, could try booting into RH, and do 'ifconfig eth0' and compare
to see if stuff (like the MTU, for instance) agrees.

Now, normally, 0'd counters for an ethernet device might mean that
the driver (module) is not working or didn't recognize the chipset,
even though it loaded.

Just because a module loaded, doesn't mean it will actually handle
a device. I'm baffled, if the exact same module worked ok on the
LiveCD. Hmm.

Might also try pasting the output of:

# dmesg | grep -i eth
> and about ipchains etc..i dont think so... i dont recall them loading at
> boot time, but it scrolls by soo fast i dont know if i'd really
> notice... but all i have installed on gentoo is what i had emerge
> install: sync, gnome, kudzu, but of course it satasfied any dependencies
> those had. how do i check to see if ipchains, etc is installed? im used
> to redhats rpm -qa ;(

That's ok... judging from eth0 info, doesn't appear to be an issue.

As for checking packages... you'd need to do this to emulate rpm -qa:

# emerge gentoolkit
# qpkg -I -v [search string]

(or just 'qpkg -I -v' to look through the whole list)

Although until you get eth0 working, probably don't have an easy way of
grabbing gentoolkit-0.1.30.tar.bz2 (or .gz) into /usr/portage/distfiles
for that emerge to work. :) (short of booting into RH, d/l'ing that file,
cp'ing over to the Gentoo partition, etc)

One workaround and a way 

Re: [gentoo-user] eth0 problems after installing gentoo 1.4rc4

2003-08-03 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Farrell Farahbod was rumored to have written:
> first, i have used linux for close to five years, but this is the first
> time i have tried any distro other than redhat. :) i know a fair amount
> about linux, and i have compiled programs before, but i am not an
> expert, as you will probably realize by the end of this email :)

You're doing just fine.
> i am not sure if this is my problem, but when i run "route" on gentoo,
> it prints this:
> Kernel IP Routing Table
> DestinationGateway  Genmask Flags  Metic Ref Use Iface
>* U0  00   
> eth0
> loopbacklocalhost   UG  0  00lo
> default UG  1  00   
> eth0

Looks sane.
> shouldn't the top entry by

Nah, it's referring to a whole subnet, saying anything destined for an IP
in that /24 netblock will exit through eth0. This is necessary to make the
default route work properly.

The default route itself is pointed at, and the flags looks
> also, when i am shown the login screen, it says: "This is farrell.(none)

That's a known bug with agetty, I believe... someone submitted a patch
for this on this mailing list a few weeks ago. Cosmetic but trivially
fixed if you apply the patch. Mail me if you need a copy of the email
with patch and installation instructions, if you can handle the patch

But first, double check the next suggestion (see below).

> (Linux i686...)" but it should read! :( farrell is
> my hostname, is the domainname in my home LAN (NOT on the
> internet!) i set /etc/hostname, and /etc/dnsdomain least
> as best i can tell. and i setup /etc/hosts correctly, afaik.

See if /etc/env.d/01hostname has the FQDN defined there.
> and lastly, here is my /etc/conf.d/net file:

Looks perfect.

So, considering your settings looks to be exactly as it should be...  I'm
going to guess that either it's a eth0 issue in some way OR it's a linksys
issue of some sort with NAT.

Just to double check -- you don't have ipchains or a similar firewall
utility loaded and enabled on your box?

Can you post the output of:

# ifconfig eth0


# lsmod 

Which kernel tree package are you using? gentoo-sources?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Build a binary package under another *non-gentoo* PC

2003-07-29 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Stefano was rumored to have written:
> I've discovered that 1,5 GB are not enough to emerge openoffice, so I'm
> asking about the procedure (if one) to build the gentoo openoffice binary
> package with k6-2 optimization for my laptop, under my second pc. This
> one is an athlon xp 1.8 that runs a debian SID with gcc 3.3 compiler.

One possible approach is to temporarily NFS mount /var/tmp/portage from the
other Linux machine to your laptop, do the build+install, then unmount.

That's what someone here did recently for the OpenOffice build :)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Keymap not loading

2003-07-29 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Richard Kilgore was rumored to have written:
> You could try re-emerging kbd, and if that doesn't help, try
> running the command:
> # strace -fF -o log loadkeys uk

Better yet:

# strace -fF -e trace=chdir,open -o log loadkeys uk


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Locations used by emerge/ebuild?

2003-07-22 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Mark Knecht was rumored to have written:
> WORKDIR seems to work out to /var/tmp/portage//work, which

Aye, that is correct.

> Has some process cleaned this up? Maybe this is my problem? I'm trying

Aye, that is also correct.

After a successful emerge, it deletes the work directory... UNLESS the
FEATURES for that ebuild specifies 'noclean'. 'man ebuild' for more info.

One way to do what you want to do would be to:

# ebuild /path/to/ebuild.file fetch
# ebuild /path/to/ebuild.file unpack

unpack not only untars the tar file, it also applies the retrieved patches
as well. Unpacks into /var/tmp/portage//work as you deduced.

At that point, you can fiddle with the sources if you like -- it does not
start a compile unless you do the 'ebuild  compile' command
which executes src_compile() function in the ebuild file for that package.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] BinHex

2003-07-20 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Patrick Marquetecken was rumored to have written:

Actually, that should be :-)
> they have a expander for linux
> see right site downloads

I haven't used the Linux version but I've used and owned the Stuffit
Expander (Lite and Deluxe) for years. Good product.

Just one word of caution... they apparently resell harvested email
addresses to spammers... unless that's changed recently, you would be
advised to not enter your name/email address/etc in step 2 of the download
for the trial Linux version.

Works fine - I just tried that with downloading and it didn't complain...
the app also seems to work fine under Linux, too.

Good luck, and enjoy.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] gcc 3

2003-07-17 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! blade- was rumored to have written:
> When I do emerge -Up world it lists the following
> [ebuildU ] sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.3-r1 [1.3.1-r1]
> [ebuildU ] sys-devel/gcc-3.2.3-r1 [3.2.2]
> [ebuildU ] sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2-r1 [2.3.1-r4]
> Will I have to recompile everything again or is it just a minor change 
> the will not require me to do much at all.

Well, depends on how you look at it.

It will indeed recompile all these three ebuilds... but all you need to do
to upgrade them will be:

# emerge -u world

So, you don't have to do much, but you could have some waiting for the
compiles to finish, depending on how fast your system is. Anywhere between
an hour to a couple of hours, perhaps?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] SUMMARY: Kernel 2.6.0 test1 Exploits

2003-07-15 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Tom Syroid was rumored to have written:
> In grub.conf, appended to my kernel line, I have:
> video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=0x31A

Doesn't grub require you to enter the decimal equivalent? vga=794 might
be a better option?
> * Using /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.4:
> * Loading module emu10k1...
> * Failed to load emu10k1
> FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.0-test1/modules.dep: No such file or 
> directory

Did you install and use the new modutils package? Required for 2.6, I hear.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Bunch of Gnome junk to be added in world upgrade!???

2003-07-13 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Phil Barnett was rumored to have written:
> alias cd2iso='dd if=/dev/scd0'
> alias iso2cd='cdrecord -v -eject -data speed=24 dev=0,0,0'

If your CD-R[W] drive supports it, may also want to add this flag:


to the cdrecord command line as well. Less chances of a coaster :)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Suggestions for improvement

2003-07-12 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! Bjorn Sodergren was rumored to have written:
> 1) emerge gentoolkit
> qpkg does that 

Ah! Very nice. Just emerge'd it... qpkg -I -v looks to be a winner.
> Note, that in debian, apt-* doesn't show what packages are installed, you
> need to query dpkg. Also, apt-* are front-ends to dpkg and its many tools.
> emerge info in gentoo currently reports Portage configuration information.

Makes sense. I see it now.
> 2) Gentoo network installation (PXE) HOWTO 
> I don't have enough extra boxes laying around to try out the network
> install, but I have faith in the author of that how to that it works :)

Cool! I'll give it a try. Thanks for the update/corrections :)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Suggestions for improvement

2003-07-12 Thread Dan Foster
Some suggestions:

1. emerge is missing one key function -- I say key, because we can't
   consider deploying Gentoo as the OS of choice for x86 servers unless
   it has this feature: the ability to see what ebuilds were installed
   on the system and what version they are.

   Package management is extremely important to us in the server arena
   because it represents the bulk of our long-term maintenance for both
   by hand and with our extensive automated tools which figures out what
   stuff to install based on what currently is installed. Currently, the
   argument is to use Debian instead of Gentoo because of missing bits
   related to package management such as this. I suck at coding or I'd
   contribute something, but I could take a shot at it.

   Perhaps consider a command such as 'emerge info' to list one-liners
   listing all installed ebuilds and their versions? And 'emerge info
   ' to view info for a specific ebuild. And some sort
   of wildcard support such as 'emerge info foo*' to return info about
   all installed ebuilds matching the wildcard pattern.

   For the most part, I think you've already got code in emerge to figure
   out what ebuilds are installed and at what version... could adapt it
   to also be used for an 'emerge info' function.

2. The only other thing we're missing with Gentoo is a network boot/install
   server -- we already have AIX's NIM, Solaris's Jumpstart, RedHat's
   KickStart. Even Windows and MacOS has something. :) With the number of
   sites and servers we run, this is a crucial bit of functionality.

   Since that functionality is generally generic -- support tftp, etc. sounds theoretically simple to support this one way or another.
   I wonder if RedHat's KickStart stuff could be ported to Gentoo? I
   hesitate to suggest this, but I'm also hesitant to suggest something
   that would chew up developers' time by doing something from scratch.

   Gentoo's got a firm hold on the desktop... and getting there with the
   hardened project for the high security stuff... but could get a bigger
   chunk of the servers.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Questions (fb color bg, logo, cloop, etc)

2003-07-12 Thread Dan Foster
A couple questions:

1. How can I get the same kind of coloured background - just like the one
   from the install CD? I find it easier to read than a white-text-on-black
   background. Maybe I'm weird, but that's just me. ;)

2. How can I keep the Gentoo logo at the bottom? I think it'd be a great
   way to advertise Gentoo while I'm using the console. Most of my
   co-workers are big Gentoo fans now.

   The framebuffer logos aren't enough because they're small, only at the
   top left corner, and disappears as soon as something is done late at
   boot time (consolefonts run, perhaps?).

3. Where's the source for cloop.c? I'd like to poke through the compressed
   initrd images to see how some of the more neat things happen.

4. There isn't a command to list installed package name and version, is
   there? If not, where is that information stored, so that I might whip
   up something to parse it? I know it exists _somewhere_ because emerge -u
   is able to figure out what already is installed and at what version.

5. Where's the sources for various Gentoo stuff such as emerge?


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[gentoo-user] Thank you to the Gentoo developers!

2003-07-12 Thread Dan Foster
Some comments:

1. Many folks at work -- the system engineers and developers -- LOVES
   Gentoo! It's such a refreshing breath of fresh air.

2. The docs are top notch -- kudos to those who put it together. Even when
   it isn't 100% complete, it's often still enough to get us started on the
   right track.

3. Kudos to the entire Gentoo Linux team and all the contributors for an
   insanely great product.

4. UML is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and I was delighted to
   see there was even a page at with step by step info, too!

5. At least two of us here (myself included) always enjoyed reading the
   newsletter once a week... which is the mark of a well done newsletter
   because we never found others' interesting enough to read it on a
   weekly basis. Much appreciated Mr. Lieber's (and others') hard work.

Well done, folks, and many thanks from us here for such an awesome


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