[gentoo-user] Background pix Login.App

2005-02-06 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there One  All,
I apologize if I'm posting this to an inappropriate forum, however I
*do* use Gentoo, so I think it's probably OK. If not, please direct me
I have Gentoo successfully installed on my 'pooter where it's working
away quite happily  effectively. I use X exclusively for Linux stuff
(except when I stuff it up by playing with the settings) and log myself
in via Login.App rather than xdm/gdm/kdm. It works quite well  I'm
happy with it.
Recently I tired of the same boring old plain background screen  tried
to use xsetbg in the startup script for Login.App. I thought that the
correct way to do it, but no matter what I try I can't get a picture
onto the background. I've tried using exactly the same command from an
aterm, and my pic is magically presented on the root window. Therefore I
think I've got the command worked out correctly. What I can't do is get
it up there underneath the login dialogue.
Has anyone succeeded in doing just this? Can someone please tell me how
it's done?
I guess I'd describe myself as an intermediate user - not really a
newbie, but not clever enough to actually know what I'm doing =)
Thanks in advance,
Ken McLennan
Qld, Australia
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] emerge Quanta problem

2005-01-17 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there People,
	I'm back again, however this time I have a different problem with my 
install of Quanta. Whatever was ailing previously went away when I 
updated XOrg. I've no idea why.

However, I now have the following message at the end of 'emerge quanta':
making executable: /usr/lib/libkommanderwidgets.so.0.0.0
making executable: /usr/lib/libqtnotfier.so.3.1.7
making executable: /usr/lib/libxsldbg.so.3.1.7
 Completed installing into /var/tmp/portage/quanta-3.2.3/image/
 Merging app-editors/quanta-3.2.3 to /
Eclass 'multilib' does not exist for 'app-editors/quanta-3.2.3'
	It appears to me that everything is just swimming along and then some 
problem occurs with 'multilib', whatever that is.

	I see that there are several patches throughout portage which have 
multilib in their names, but that doesn't tell me what to do to fix 
this. Does anyone have an idea?

See ya,
Thanks again
Ken McLennan
Qld Australia
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge Quanta problem

2005-01-17 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there Bastian,
# ls -l /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass
show no file try to
# emerge --sync
I'd already emerged sync about 20 mins earlier.
and eventually
# emerge portage
...and that did the trick
Successful emerge of Quanta overnight while I went beddy-byes.
Thanks very muchly for your assistance.
See ya
Ken McLennan
Qld, Australia
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge Quanta problem

2005-01-17 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there Peter,
$ qpkg -f /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass
   (nothing, so it's probably supplied by portage)
	Hmm...	qpkg...		sigh...		I've read through the man page for emerge, but 
didn't think of that. I can see that I'll have to go over it again.

$ emerge portage -p
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild   R   ] sys-apps/portage-2.0.51-r3
	You were quite correct. I had emerged sync about 20 mins earlier and so 
emerged portage. Quanta then emerged overnight and all went well.

Thanks very much for your advice, it's greatly appreciated. Not only 
that, but I've learned a new technique for troubleshooting - qpkg.

See ya later,
Ken McLennan
Qld, Australia
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] kdelibs error

2005-01-15 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there Alec,
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
   Python is trying to write out to your emerge.log file and it can't 
concantonate the strings together for some reason.  Post a bug on 
...probably because my 'pooter hates me.
bugs.gentoo.org with the traceback and your emerge --info and someone 
will look at it.
	OK then. I've had a suggestion or two off list so I might just try 
those first and then if unsuccessful I'll see about posting a bug.

Thanks for your suggestion and assistance
Ken McLennan
Qld Australia
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] kdelibs error

2005-01-13 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there Gentoo People,
	I'm trying to emerge Quanta+, and although it started off quite nicely 
it's now reached kdelibs-3.3.2-r1 and I get this error:

bash-2.05b# emerge --resume
*** Resuming merge...
 emerge (1 of 2) kde-base/kdelibs-3.3.2-r1 to /
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/emerge, line 2980, in ?
  File /usr/bin/emerge, line 1830, in merge
emergelog( === (+str(mergecount)+ of +str(len(mymergelist))+) 
Cleaning (+x[pkgindex]+::+y+), short_msg=short_msg)
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

	I know that this is a Python error, but that's about all I understand 
of it. I couldn't find anything in the forums about this, nor in the 
last 1500 or so messages of this mailing list.

	Does anyone know about this at all? Or even if you don't know what's 
causing it, how do I solve it?

	Using 2.6.8-gentoo-r3 kernel on an Athlon XP2100+ with Rox  OpenBox3. 
No network on a desktop box. Intermediate user knowledge.

See ya  thanks,
Ken McLennan
Qld, Australia.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Emerging MPlayer

2003-11-17 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there One  All again,

After getting oodles of assistance with my FreeBSD/fstab difficulties, I'm now 
back with another problem. (Hmmm... I hope this isn't the start of a trend).

This time around I find that emerge is causing me grief. I've read man pages, 
forums, et al, with nothing useful coming to my notice but that's quite possibly a 
function of my powers of observation rather than the difficulty of what's happening. I 
entered, as root, emerge mplayer. All ran fine for a bit, downloading 'stuff', until 
the process reached font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2. It downloaded this one, and then 
seems to have tried to download it again (I think). I've tried to re-emerge mplayer, 
but it tries to continue with this file and I keep getting several attempts at 
different URLs with a corresponding 404 Not Found. Then I get:

Continued download failed on this file, which conflicts with `-c'.
Refusing to truncate existing file 

Then the final entry is:

 Resuming download...
--20:30:59--  http://mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/fonts/font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2
   = `/usr/portage/distfiles/font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2'
Resolving mplayerhq.hu... done.
Connecting to mplayerhq.hu[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 416 Unknown
The file is already fully retrieved; nothing to do.
!!! Couldn't download font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2. Aborting.

I've tried deleting the file but it simply downloads it again and then 
continues with the same result. At least I know that wget is working fine, since I'm 
exercising it so often, but I'd like to get Mplayer. Is anyone here knowledgeable 
regarding emerge? Or at least have more of a clue than I do? 

Thanks in advance
Ken McLennan
Brisbane, Australia

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] emerge this time

2003-11-10 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there One  All again,

After getting oodles of assistance with my FreeBSD/fstab difficulties, I'm now 
back with another problem. (Hmmm... I hope this isn't the start of a trend).

This time around I find that emerge is causing me grief. I've read man pages, 
forums, et al, with nothing useful coming to my notice but that's quite possibly a 
function of my powers of observation rather than the difficulty of what's happening. I 
entered, as root, emerge mplayer. All ran fine for a bit, downloading 'stuff', until 
the process reached font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2. It downloaded this one, and then 
seems to have tried to download it again (I think). I've tried to re-emerge mplayer, 
but it tries to continue with this file and I keep getting several attempts at 
different URLs with a corresponding 404 Not Found. Then I get:

Continued download failed on this file, which conflicts with `-c'.
Refusing to truncate existing file 

Then the final entry is:

 Resuming download...
--20:30:59--  http://mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/fonts/font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2
   = `/usr/portage/distfiles/font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2'
Resolving mplayerhq.hu... done.
Connecting to mplayerhq.hu[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 416 Unknown
The file is already fully retrieved; nothing to do.
!!! Couldn't download font-arial-iso-8859-1.tar.bz2. Aborting.

I've tried deleting the file but it simply downloads it again and then 
continues with the same result. At least I know that wget is working fine, since I'm 
exercising it so often, but I'd like to get Mplayer. Is anyone here knowledgeable 
regarding emerge? Or at least have more of a clue than I do? 

Thanks in advance
Ken McLennan
Brisbane, Australia

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] fstab problem

2003-11-08 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there Chad,

 Well, normally I am an OS X person, and abnormally I watch tv.  FreeBSD 
 is for my servers and Linux for specialty servers needing Java or other 
 things that exist in better forms on Linux...  But OS X is my desktop.

OK then. Makes sense. My work (Government) used to have Imacs with, IIRC, OS 
8.something , but they were never interested in OS X. They changed over to cheap 
Pentium 4's with Windows NT. Could have been worse I suppose I was expecting them to 
go for Pentium III's. I asked our IT people about Linux instead of NT, but the 
decision was made way above our heads and long before I got to ask about it. Quite 
disappointing, but expected.

I've now got BSD working from Lilo, so that's one problem solved. I'm about to 
go fetch some updated HOWTOs for Sound  ALSA, just in case emerge doesn't work 
properly. I just tried a new version of ALSA by hand, unsuccessfully I might add, but 
the documentation that came with it was abysmal.

See ya, and thanks for your assistance,
Ken McLennan
Brisbane, Australia

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] fstab problem

2003-11-08 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there One  All,

To those who followed this thread and offered assistance, I now send my 
thanks. I've finally got FreeBSD 4.8 up and running. I still don't know what I did 
wrong, as I'm sure that lilo.conf is exactly the same as I had it yesterday and I 
couldn't get it to work at all. (Yes, in case you're going to suggest it, I *did* run 
lilo after changing the configuration).

Gentoo can't see the partitions, but that's not a big deal as the only reason 
I wanted to see them was to determine the correct entry for lilo.conf anyway. Now that 
I can access the fs I don't really give a fat rat's arse whether Gentoo sees them or 
not =).

Thanks to you all once again for your suggestions  support. It's much appreciated.

See ya
Ken McLennan
Brisbane, Australia

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] fstab problem

2003-11-07 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there Chad,

 Well, since I normally am a FreeBSD person, I will point out that fdisk 

Aahhh...but what are you when you're abnormal?  g

 on a gentoo system does know about FreeBSD types.  However, the 
 filesystem on a FreeBSD system is generally ufs up to FreeBSD4 and 
 for FreeBSD5 the default is ufs2.  You can compile support into your 

Right then. I'm using FreeBSD 4.8, so that would make it the first version, 

 kernel on a gentoo system for ufs, at least readonly, but I have not 
 done it.

I successfully did it this morning, but still can't get it to load on booting. 
I'll have to play with the fstab settings I think. I can mount it successfully using 
the options kindly supplied by Anders Hasselqvist in his response to my query, however 
even though it mounts without complaining there are no entries inside the mount point. 
More fiddling to do I guess.

Thanks for your assistance,
Ken McLennan
Brisbane, Australia

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] fstab problem

2003-11-07 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there Anders,

 I did this during the weekend so I have it in fresh memory :)

...then tell your memory 'thanks' from me, as it worked well =)
 You have to add ufs filesystem support in the kernel. Under partition
 types you have to add PC BIOS-BSD disklabel support.

Yep, I did that. About 8 times. I don't know what I was doing wrong, but I 
couldn't even get the new kernels to mount vfat or ntfs. I've built kernels before  
never had the same problems, but I just couldn't figure out what was going wrong. 
Still, I've now got this kernel working OK. It's linux-2.4.22, while the earlier ones 
I couldn't get to work were linux-2.4.20-gentoo-r6. I don't think the kernel version 
was the problem though, I've probably stuffed something up somewhere with the first 
(non-working) bunch.

I *did* learn not to issue make instructions while talking with the phone 
stuck between your ear  your shoulder - make modules_install is *not* the same as 
make modules install grin.

Be that as it may, my current kernel allows me to use the mount command to 
access my BSD fs, just not the contents. 

lsmod shows:

Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
ufs51392   1  (autoclean)
nls_cp437   4348   3  (autoclean)
vfat   10636   3  (autoclean)
fat32408   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
nls_iso8859-15  3356   4  (autoclean)
ntfs   53824   1  (autoclean)
ext3   63876   1  (autoclean)
jbd42128   1  (autoclean) [ext3]

should there be an entry showing something like Module - pc bios partition 
tables support; Size - ?; Used by - ?; (autoclean); [ufs]?

I've obviously got ufs file system support, but there's no mention of the 
partition tables and since I can't see them on the mount point then I obviously need 
that support. The options were selected my configuration, although I don't now recall 
whether as modules or hardwired in. I'll run it again and select them permanently, but 
I know I've successfully run vfat as a module before today so I'd have expected ufs 
partitions to do the same.
 Then just mount -r /dev/hd* -t ufs /mnt/bsd

Yup. I did that, and that bit worked, thankyou.

 This is read only since write support isn't completed/stable.

Easy fixed. I won't write to it from Gentoo =).

 This worked for a FreeBSD4 partition.

Mine's kind of working for FreeBSD4.8. I'm sure that the secret lies in the 
partition support, but it just doesn't seem to want to work for me. Even the basic 
Gentoo kernel (from genkernel) had a similar lsmod result. No mention of partition 
support at all, although if it's compiled in, would it still show up as a module? 
Probably not.

See ya
Ken McLennan
Brisbane, Australia

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] fstab problem

2003-11-06 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there Gentoo List Members,

I originally wrote a query in this message inquiring into non-root access, but 
before sending it I found the answer in the forums. I've now fixed that problem 
(thanks very much to the Gentoo community), but I still have one to go and I'm 

My fstab file is thus:

# fs  mountpointtype  opts  

# NOTE: If your BOOT partition is ReiserFS, add the notail option to opts.
/dev/hdb5   /boot   ext3noauto,noatime  1 1
/dev/hdb7   /   ext3noatime 0 0
/dev/hdb6   noneswapsw  0 0
/dev/hdb8   /usrext3noatime 0 0
/dev/cdroms/cdrom0  /mnt/cdrom_0iso9660 users,noauto,ro 0 0
/dev/cdroms/cdrom1  /mnt/cdrom_1iso9660 users,noauto,rw 0 0

/dev/hd0/mnt/floppy vfatusers,rw,noauto 0 0
/dev/hda1   /mnt/c_driventfsusers,ro,auto   0 0
/dev/hda2   /mnt/d_driveumsdos  0 0
/dev/hdb2   /mnt/e_drivevfatusers,rw,auto   0 0
/dev/hdb3   /mnt/f_driveufs ufstype=old 0 0
/dev/hdb4   /mnt/g_drivevfatusers,rw,auto   0 0

or at least, these are the bits I've put in there.

Can anyone please give me some advice as to how to read FreeBSD partitions 
under Linux? I've tried various options for the ufstype as outlined in the manpages 
for mount  fstab, but without success. /dev/hdb3 is a 20gig partition on which I've 
installed a FreeBSD filesystem with the usual subpartitions as set up by the 'auto' 
function in their version of fdisk. I'd like to have lilo offer it on bootup along 
with Gentoo  Win_XP, but I can't seem to get Gentoo Linux to recognise what's there. 
I've never tried to fiddle with BSD before, so I'm sure that the install is OK, but 
I've got something wrong here. Any ideas as to what I've done wrong?

I should add that /dev/hdb3 is, I think, an extended partition with hdb10, 
hdb11, hdb12, and hdb13 inside it.

See ya  thanks
Ken McLennan
Brisbane, Australia.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] fstab problem

2003-11-06 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there Hall,

 I know NOTHING about FreeBSD filesystems or partition types, but it's 

Well, that makes 2 of us =)

 possible you have to compile support into your kernel for this. Maybe it's 

Hmmm... hadn't thought of kernel support. It's an obvious one now that 
you've pointed it out though.

 already there as a module too though... You should probably check that first.

I'll have a look.
 It does appear that ufs is the proper filesytem type as you've specified 

That's something then. Not all is lost.

 This is a whole different issue. Edit /etc/lilo.conf and add an 'image' 
 section for FreeBSD. You'll have multiple image sections already - two, at 

I've got to have Gentoo see the partition first though, so that I can enter 
its path. 

 least, Gentoo and WinXP. Just duplicate the format for the new FreeBSD 
 section. 'root' should be /dev/hdb3, per your /etc/fstab listing. When 
 you're done editing, run /sbin/lilo as root user.

That shouldn't be too difficult. Once I can find the image then I should be 

Thanks muchly for your assistance,
Ken McLennan
Brisbane, Australia.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] fstab problem

2003-11-06 Thread Ken McLennan
G'day there Brett,

 Did you check under the kernel build options.  There are options for adding 

Err...  No, I didn't. Never even thought about kernel support. I think the 
kernel should just intuitively know what I'm trying to do  make adjustments to itself 
accordingly =)

 file systems but I don't konw if FreeBSD is there.

I'll soon find out.

Thanks muchly
Ken McLennan
Brisbane, Australia.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list