Re: [gentoo-user] AMD64 or Dual Athlon or Other? Motherboard suggestions?

2004-01-21 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On 01/21/04 09:19:06, Matt Garman wrote:
On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 12:42:22AM -0500, Thomas Achtemichuk wrote:
 1 x Tyan TigerMPX (S2466N-4M  Rev B or 2 or something) [1]
 2 x Athlon MP 1900+
 2 x 512 Corsair PC2100 REG ECC
 2 x Alpha PAL6035 Heatsinks
How quiet is that system?  I seem to recall reading somewhere that the
Alpha PAL HSFs aren't known for their quietness.  shrug
Yup, the stock 60mm fans are screamers, a couple 60-80mm converters and  
some low-noise panaflows solve the problem.

Thomas Achtemichuk
Why my thoughts are my own, when they are in, but when they are out they
are another's.
 -- Susanna Martin, executed for witchcraft, 1681
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] AMD64 or Dual Athlon or Other? Motherboard suggestions?

2004-01-20 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On 01/20/04 08:56:04, Brenden Walker wrote:
I'm thinking about building a new system, and can't decide if I want to  
with AMD64 or dual Athlons (or something else)?

Current system is an Athlon 1200+ I think, 512MB RAM, 2gigs of swap,
of HD space
You'll be blown away at how silky smooth an SMP system stays even through  
the highest load. I've got a Tyan MPX board with a gig of ram and 2 1900+  
MPs - I couldn't ask for better Linux support, and the thing has been a  
rock since I bought it over a year and a half ago.

You might also want to look at a dual Xeon box at around 2.4 GHz - the  
prices are very reasonable and you just can't beat Intel stuff for quality  
and reliability. Xeons also tend to be much less finicky when it comes to  
components like RAM, PSUs, etc. Also Xeons don't suffer from the memory  
bottlenecks that the AMDs do.

As far as AMD 64, I think the sweet-spot for both price and Linux support  
is still a few months away. As I'm discovering right now with my new  
Centrino laptop, the latest and greatest isn't always the best purchase  
decision when you're running Linux.

I'd suggest you check out and do some searching  
around. The For Sale / For Trade thread usually has some great deals on  
used dualies if you're out to save a few $. All of the long-time members  
are very trustworthy and I've bought and sold a lot of stuff on that forum  
with no problems.

Thomas Achtemichuk
Mathematics is the only science where one never knows what
one is talking about nor whether what is said is true.
-- Russell
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Re: [gentoo-user] AMD64 or Dual Athlon or Other? Motherboard suggestions?

2004-01-20 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On 01/20/04 17:12:37, Jerry McBride wrote:

Could you be more specific on the motherboard? Like a model or part
Inquireing minds wish to know. :')

1 x Tyan TigerMPX (S2466N-4M  Rev B or 2 or something) [1]
2 x Athlon MP 1900+
2 x 512 Corsair PC2100 REG ECC
2 x Alpha PAL6035 Heatsinks
1 x nVidia GF4 Ti4200 128MB (MSI)
1 x nVidia GF2 MX200 32MB
1 x VIA chipset USB2 PCI card
1 x Hoontech Digital-XG (ymf-754) PCI soundcard
1 x 3com 905B-TX PCI NIC
2 x 120GiB Maxtor DiamondMax+ 9
1 x 40GiB Maxtor D740X
1 x Enermax 550W PSU
That should do it, if there's anything else, just ask.

[1] -
Thomas Achtemichuk
Avert misunderstanding by calm, poise, and balance.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Mozilla 1.6 and GAIM

2004-01-19 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On 01/19/04 08:25:46, Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. wrote:
Why is Mozilla 1.6 being emerged with GAIM?
You probably have ssl as a USE flag. This installs gaim-encryption which  
uses mozilla libs.

Try emerge -vp gaim to see the USE flags that affect the packages that will  
be installed.

Thomas Achtemichuk
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Switching from KMail to Evolution

2003-12-12 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 16:10, Tony Scharf wrote:
 Does anyone know any easy way to transfer my email from KMail over to 

I believe all it takes is adding a local maildir mailbox in evolution's
preferences. Just point it to ~/mail (or ~/Mail - I can't remember) and
drag your mail into the local evolution mailboxes. You may want to tell
evolution to use maildir instead of mbox by right-clicking on the local
folder in evolution and setting New store format to maildir in the
preferences for the folder. This will make the transition back to kamil
(if it ever happens) much easier.
Thomas Achtemichuk

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] install: bootstrapping w/NPTL support?

2003-12-11 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 13:15, Chris Graves wrote:
 Is it possible to bootstrap with NPTL support? Is there a particular
 stage1 tarball I need?

I believe you'll need to do the bootstrapping under a 2.6 kernel as
glibc won't build with nptl without one. I had some difficulties using
the experimental 2.6 LiveCD so I just used a regular LiveCD and rebuilt
glibc and did an emerge -eD world after the install. Everything is
working fine.
Thomas Achtemichuk

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] NFS vs AFS vs?

2003-12-11 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 19:40, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
 Let me know what you find.  Maybe it was just Win2K server that had it.

What you're looking for is Microsoft Services For Unix (SFU). They are
currently beta testing v3.5 which is a free download. The stable version
is 3.0 and is $99. It does NFS and a bunch of other things you'd expect
from a *NIX box. I haven't used it myself (no Windows boxes to run it
on), but I have heard good things about the NFS abilities.

Thomas Achtemichuk

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Konsole configuration

2003-12-10 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 08:53, Tiago Lima wrote:

 so that every shell has this alias but it appears that Konsole doesnt read 
 this file when using the bash command (Settings  Configure Konsole  
 Session) and I want Konsole to be aware of this fact. How do I do this?

Try bash -l for the session instead of just bash.

Thomas Achtemichuk

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Planning for a future crash

2003-12-10 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 21:00, Mark Knecht wrote:
I built a Gentoo machine for my dad who is located about 350 miles
 away. He's been using it for 2 weeks now and is loving it. Cool to see a
 75 year old guy using Mozilla and Evolution.

Very cool indeed. I'm impressed.

I have two drives at his site, one internal and one external. I've
 set things up for me to do manual backups of the system to the second
 drive. (/etc and /home only for now. - comments on other things I should
 be backing up?) Anyway, I now want to figure out how I could rebuild the
 machine from here should it ever fail.

I've set PKGDIR=/home/backup/packages and FEATURES=buildpkg ... in
make.conf. If something goes awry I can blow away my / partition and be
up and running in no time using the packages saved to my separate /home
drive. I've got about 500 packages installed and my packages directory
is just under 3GB - If you've got the space it's definitely worth it. If
you have a few things in your portage overlay you should back those up
too. Kernel .config files are handy to keep as well, although fairly
easily replaced.

I have no experience in this sort of thing, so the first idea I had
 was to use the Live CD if it has sshd enabled and running. If he put it
 in and rebooted, would the Live CD allow anyone to log in remotely?

Yes, this is totally possible - just have your dad pop in the live cd,
type 'passwd' and set the root password, then have him start sshd - the
entire install is easily done over ssh. 

Will this work? Any other ideas about how I could get ready for when
 (not if) this eventually happens?

One thing to look into will be Catalyst when it is capable of producing
liveCDs. You could create a liveCD for your dad with all of his
evolution and mozilla settings set up, with passwords set, sshd enabled
and his internet connection set up. If anything goes wrong you can have
him boot the liveCD and use his computer like usual as you rebuild his
system behind the scenes over ssh. When you're done have him reboot and
he's back up and running on his 'real' Gentoo system.

Thomas Achtemichuk

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Planning for a future crash

2003-12-10 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 22:01, Celestial Wizard wrote:
 What about making the 2 Drives software RAID 0?

I believe you will be limited in speed to the slowest drive in the pair.
Considering that one is an external drive, in the current setup RAID 1
will probably be unacceptably slow.

Thomas Achtemichuk

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ripping music cd to mp3

2003-12-07 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On 12/07/03 23:35:05, Tom Hosiawa wrote:
So if I want to rip the songs of the cd to mp3's with a program like
lame, how do I tell it where the input wav file is? Or is there some
better way to ripping music cd's?
If you'd like a nice, full-featured gtk+ app, give media-sound/grip a shot.  
Grip 3.1.3 in ~arch is gtk+2 if that's your thing. Also media-sound/sound- 
juicer is a nice, simple gnome2 app for CD ripping.

Thomas Achtemichuk
modesty, n.:
Being comfortable that others will discover your greatness.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] anoying terminal

2003-12-04 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On 12/04/03 11:05:43, Helder Rossa wrote:
my terminal in gnome when I'm writing a command bigger than the console
size it wraps the text to the same line that i was witting on :-S .
By default bash doesn't check it's window size after every command. The  
good thing is that you can make it. Add shopt -s checkwinsize to your
~/.bashrc or /etc/profile. Works like a charm.

To reproduce the error:
man bash
resize the window
quit, and type a long string at the prompt.
It will wrap at the window's original width and wrap onto the same line.
echo shopt -s checkwinsize  ~/.bashrc (or /etc/profile)
source ~/.bashrc
try again
It works correctly!

In my opinion this is something (along with a decent PS1) that should be  
added to the default /etc/profile or /etc/skel/.bashrc and the user should  
never have to set by themselves.

Thomas Achtemichuk
Speaking of purchasing a dog, never buy a watchdog that's on sale.
After all, everyone knows a bargain dog never bites!
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] all terminals act weird with PS1 line

2003-12-04 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On 12/04/03 18:09:39, Redeeman wrote:
hi, i made my own PS1 line to make stuff look abit more funny:
PS1=\e[1;33m[\e[36;1m\u\e[01;[EMAIL PROTECTED];1m\H:
\e[01;34m\w\e[01;31m\e[1;33m] \[\e[0m\]
and i place it in ~/.bashrc.
Your question was answered in the anoying terminal thread, just this  

The quick answer is after you've made sure that you've properly escaped all  
non-printing characters in PS1, is you can add shopt -s checkwinsize to
~/.bashrc or /etc/profile and bash will check the window size after every  

Thomas Achtemichuk
But it does move!
-- Galileo Galilei
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] xchat user list missing

2003-12-03 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On 12/03/03 11:10:12, Chris Bare wrote:
All the buttons to the right of the topic bar are also missing now, but I
never used them, so I didn't mention it.
Right-click in the main xchat window and choose 'User List Buttons' at the  
bottom of the context menu. You can also hide/show the topic bar, menu bar  
and mode buttoms this way.

Thomas Achtemichuk
The grave's a fine and private place,
but none, I think, do there embrace.
-- Andrew Marvell
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] error updating lcms

2003-12-03 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk

On 12/03/03 14:48:06, Paul Stear wrote:
I have deleted the dist file and downloaded it again but with the same
Try another mirror, sandia's lcms matches the dogest:
Thomas Achtemichuk
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] xmms-alsa development-sources

2003-12-02 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On 12/02/03 13:00:42, Mark Knecht wrote:
   OK, I'm going completely buggy. I want to emerge alsa-xmms for my
2.4.20-r7 machine, but emerge is telling me it wants to emerge
development-sources also. I do not have development-sources installed.
Why must I do this?
Because according to your virtuals file development-sources is providing  
virtual/alsa support for your system. It may also be providing virtual/ 

To remedy this make sure you have your running kernel (2.4.20-r7) is merged  
and that the virtual/alsa line in /var/cache/edb/virtuals lists media- 
sound/alsa-driver before sys-kernel/development-sources and lists sys- 
kernel/gentoo-sources before sys-kernel/developemet-sources on the virtual/ 
linux-sources line.

   Is there a simple way for me to stop this occurance at the command
line, or do I need to mask development-sources for some reason? Or do I
need to install it even though I don't use it? I'm seeing this alot with
Alsa packages recently, so I'm wondering if I have a make.conf option
set that's doing this?
What most likley happened is that you merged development-sources, unmerged  
gentoo-sources then unmerged development-sources. Being the only installed  
kernel at the time development-sources left itself as the only provider of  
virtual/linux-sources and virtual/alsa. In order for this to not happen  
again make sure you always have at least one kernel merged.

Thomas Achtemichuk
I live the way I type; fast, with a lot of mistakes.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] xmms-alsa development-sources

2003-12-02 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
On 12/02/03 15:50:10, Mark Knecht wrote:

Thomas - thanks for responding. It all makes sense, but it isn't working
out right as I try to get this cleaned up. I edited
/var/cache/edb/virtuals to only have the two kernels called out that I
have emerged
virtual/linux-sources sys-kernel/aa-sources sys-kernel/gentoo-sources
What does you virtual/alsa line say?

Currently I'm running 2.4.20-r7, but 2.4.20-r8 is merged. Maybe this is
the problem? possibly I need to emerge -C r8 and emerge =r7 to get it
perfectly in sync?
That shouldn't cause any problems, virtuals aren't version specific. So as  
long as you have an aa-sources kernel merged and running your virtual/ 
linux-sources shoudln't give you any trouble.

[ebuild  N] sys-kernel/development-sources-2.6.0_beta11
[ebuild  N] media-plugins/alsa-xmms-0.9.12
So, development-sources is not merged, and it's not under /usr/src, and
it's no longer in /var/cache/edb/virtuals, but it's still getting pulled
in. Why?
The only deps of alsa-xmms are xmms (obviously), alsa-lib and virtual/alsa  
for some reason portage feels the need to merge development-sources to  
satisfy virtual/alsa, the only thing I can think of that would cause this  
would be development-sources in virtual/alsa. If that isn't the case maybe  
someone more intimate with portage can shed some light on the problem.

Thomas Achtemichuk
All newspaper editorial writers ever do is come down from the hills after
the battle is over and shoot the wounded.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] alsa works applications dont

2003-12-01 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
You will need to emerge media-plugins/alsa-xmms for xmms to be able to  
output to ALSA. And select the ALSA plugin from the mplayer  
preferences. Adding alsa to your USE variables will ensure that apps  
are built with ALSA support in the future.

Or you can use OSS output for any app and emerge media-libs/alsa-oss  
for the ALSA/OSS compatibility layer.

Thomas Achtemichuk
On 12/01/03 21:44:28, Stephen Turner wrote:
hey i ran back through the alsa guide and noticed the alsa drivers
but xmms and mplayer isnt. actually, no sound is except when i use
any suggestions? thanks for your help!
::: common sense? does it come with a manual?:::
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Re: [gentoo-user] way way OT: Prince of Persia commercial

2003-12-01 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
It actually says his name at the bottom of the screen at the end of the  
commercial: Peter Gabriel.. oh wait that is in the Uru ad you had me  
wodering there for a second. /me googles... Ah:

To extend and enhance the immersive, atmospheric experience of Prince  
of Persia: The Sands of Time, Ubi Soft has teamed with legendary  
musicians Jason Bentley and DJ Melo-D, who are creating an original  
song - inspired by the universe and gameplay - that will be used in  
commercials and trailers for the game.

Thomas Achtemichuk

On 12/02/03 00:40:24, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
I'm sure that most of you who own a TV in the US have seen one of the  
many commercials for the new game 'Prince of Persia: Sands of Time'.  
Also, I'm sure that many of you who have seen it think that the music  
in the commercial is damn cool. Does anyone know the artist and/or  
name of that song?

Andrew Gaffney
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] speed problems

2003-11-30 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk

From a hardware point of view, I'd take a look at that single IDE drive  
as your most likely bottleneck. You've got so much processor for so  
little disk performace. A few parallel makes pegging your CPUs at 100%  
will most likely also be hitting your drive pretty hard. Those 8MB WD  
drives, while they show great sequential transfer speeds (read: disk  
benchmarks) suffer from slow seeks which will be the thing you'll  
notice in desktop responsiveness. I've got a very similar setup but  
with some quicker (seek time) Maxtor drives in software RAID5. I'd  
suggest that you look into maybe another WD drive in software RAID0 to  
bring your disk bandwidth on par with your CPus.

Before you do that, you may want to look at a 2.6 kernel - my MPX box  
seems to have taken quite fondly to the new kernels. I'm currently  
using Lovechild's collection of patches and desktop responsiveness is a  
great deal better than vanilla 2.6 and anything I tried in 2.4. My box  
feels much 'snappier' than with a ck patched 2.4 kernel and it has been  
far more stable. The ebuild and patches for love-sources can be found  
here: and there is a  
2.4 to 2.6 migration thread here:

Also, do you have PORTAGE_NICENESS set in /etc/make.conf? Is your seti  
client running at idle priority?

Thomas Achtemichuk
On 11/30/03 19:36:34, Lotas T Smartman wrote:
ok. im not 100% sure if its a software problem, and im hoping its not
hardware problem, but when im doing a few things at once (compiling
something, [EMAIL PROTECTED], and browsing the web) my system gets really
i installed linux a few days ago and i cant really under stand why.
typing this email is slow (letters comming up after the next one has
been typed). my load average is 3.33, 3.34, 2.79. i have a dual AMD
Athlon 2Gz, 1Gb ram (666mb free) 1 gb swap (980 total, 980 free). the
drive is a western digital 120Gb special edition with 8mb cache.
-tT /dev/hda shows:
 Timing buffer-cache reads:   460 MB in  2.15 seconds = 214.45 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  144 MB in  3.03 seconds =  47.52 MB/sec
im using the kernel from genkernel (2.4.20, like the boot cd).
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Lotas T Smartman, MCP
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Re: [gentoo-user] USB scanner

2003-11-29 Thread Thomas Achtemichuk
Do you have USB scanner support compiled in or as a module? The option  
you're looking for is CONFIG_USB_SCANNER in the USB section.

When you plug the scanner in you should see a message in dmesg like:
  hub 4-0:1.0: new USB device on port 1, assigned address 3
  drivers/usb/image/scanner.c: USB scanner device (0x03f0/0x0605) now
  attached to usb/scanner0
Thomas Achtemichuk

On 11/29/03 14:13:35, Jorge Almeida wrote:
I just bought a USB scanner (Epson perfection 1660), and, of course,  
can't get it to work under linux. Murphy rules.
The kernel is 2.4.22 vanilla, with usb support compiled in. Something
wrong at a base level, because  the file /proc/bus/usb/devices is
The scanner was already on when I started the computer.
Any idea?

Jorge Almeida
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