Re: [gentoo-user] emerge troubles

2006-02-14 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 14 February 2006 17:43, Benno Schulenberg wrote:
> Jorge Almeida wrote:
> > parser error : out of memory error
> > /bin/sh: line 1:  3831 Segmentation fault
> Doesn't look good.  :(
No it doesn't, but there has to be a reason why he's out of memory...  What is 
the output of free, before emerge?  How about after it fails?  Can you give 
the output of the following commands:
cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
cat /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
cat /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio

Also try using "vmstat 5" in one window and attempting the emerge in another 

What process is using the most memory right now?  (Check top sorted by 
> Is this box always on?  Have you tried rebooting?  Maybe loads of
> memory have leaked away.
WHOA!  Stop right there.  Perhaps we should help him diagnose his problem 
before using a shotgun.

> If the RAM has gone bad, to replace it you will have to touch it
> anyway.  So, no harm in trying to wriggle it a bit first.  Touch
> and hold the case before touching the RAM strips.
There is nothing in the information he has presented thus far to show that 
there are memory errors of any type.  He very well may be just running out of 
memory.  It happens.

Send back the extra information and let's get to the bottom of the issue.
Zac Slade
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] is kde 3.5 stable enough?

2006-02-14 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 14 February 2006 15:47, b.n. wrote:
> However I did it now and I noticed the USE flag "kdexdeltas", which
> description on is:
> "kdexdeltas -  Makes kde ebuilds download binary diffs rather than
> entire new tarballs for every new release"
> how is it supposed to work?! does it work for every kind of C flag?
This will download binary source diffs against a previous release.  So if you 
have the kdelibs-3.4 tar ball it will just get the delta tar ball that will 
contain the binary diff from kdelibs-3.4->kdelibs-3.5  CFLAGS are irrelevant 
here.  It can save you a lot of bandwidth if the delta exists.

> > I think it is important to note that KDE 3.5 has been released as
> > stable by KDE for some time.  It is only the ebuilds that are still
> > marked as testing.
> Yes, I know. But I'm easily scared :P
Well kde 3.5.1 is probably one of the most solid releases in a while.  3.5 had 
some issues, but so far 3.5.1 seems almost as mature as 3.4.4 was. YMMV.
Zac Slade
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: trying KDE (again)

2006-02-14 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 14 February 2006 16:09, Richard Fish wrote:
> Which ATI do you have?  The ATI drivers (fglrx) does not support
> composite yet.  Both of the above options are only for nvidia users, I
> believe.
Enabling the Composite extension should work for all drivers, it isn't 
accelerated on fglrx, but there is a software fallback.  It may not be worth 
it if you can't get HW acceleration.
Zac Slade
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge troubles

2006-02-14 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 14 February 2006 19:25, Jorge Almeida wrote:
>   $ cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
>   60
>   $ cat /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
>   0
>   $ cat /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio
>   50
That was a long shot, but just wanted to make sure the system was allowing 

>   $ free
>total   used   free sharedbuffers 
> cached
>   Mem:   1035204 968140  67064  0 270248 
> 538412
>   -/+ buffers/cache: 159480 875724
>   Swap:   996020300 995720
This seems within spec.  You have plenty of memory free.

> Of course, this is the output of free _after_ the previous failed emerge
> attempts. It seems RAM really was caught and not released... I can try
> rebooting, but there is the possibility that the box won't boot, and I'm
> away... Is there some way to find what's eating RAM?
If you don't have physical access to the system, don't reboot it.  It's not 
just a good rule of thumb, it's one you should live by (whenever possible).

> > What process is using the most memory right now?  (Check top sorted by
> > memory).
>   $ top
>   top - 01:21:23 up 22 days, 17:29,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00,
> 0.00 Tasks: 120 total,   2 running, 118 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
> Cpu(s):  0.0% us,  0.0% sy,  0.0% ni, 99.7% id,  0.0% wa,  0.3% hi,  0.0%
> si Mem:   1035204k total,   968760k used,66444k free,   270684k buffers
> Swap:   996020k total,  300k used,   995720k free,   538452k cached
>8291 root  15   0  159m  29m 3056 S  0.0  3.0   5:05.74 X
>   24756 jorge 15   0 30592  25m 2576 S  0.0  2.5   0:06.52 pine
>   28731 jorge 16   0 20016  14m  14m S  0.0  1.4   0:19.34 imap
>   26923 root  15   0 21236  12m 9704 S  0.0  1.2   0:00.39 kdm_greet
>   24757 jorge 16   0  8436 6292 5984 S  0.0  0.6   0:01.85 imap
>   21961 jorge 16   0  8044 3992 2684 S  0.0  0.4   0:00.15 vim
>8259 root  16   0  5756 2852 1356 S  0.0  0.3   0:50.69 cupsd
>   24734 root  16   0  5944 1764 1440 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.01 sshd
>   24767 root  16   0  5948 1764 1440 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.01 sshd
>3588 root  15   0  2644 1560 1172 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.11 bash
>   24746 jorge 15   0  2924 1472 1164 S  0.0  0.1   0:00.02 bash
>6396 privoxy   15   0 36028 1464  784 S  0.0  0.1   0:07.90 privoxy
>   24785 jorge 15   0  2796 1456 1156 S  0.0  0.1   0:00.01 bash
>   24799 root  16   0  2664 1456 1156 S  0.0  0.1   0:00.00 bash
Well nothing really stands out here  There are multiple imap processes 
open, but really you have plenty of memory.

Just an absolute blind stab in the dark.  what does df -h give you?  
Anything interesting in dmesg?  And just to make sure we have PLENTY of 
information here, can we get the end of emerge.log (some context prior to the 
error message).

Zac Slade
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: trying KDE (again)

2006-02-15 Thread Zac Slade
On Wednesday 15 February 2006 06:44, Iain Buchanan wrote:
> Screen sections get corrupted, windows are unusable, parts of windows
> are transparent, old parts of the screen aren't updated (eg, the splash
> screen is visible long after it's really disappeared) web browsing shows
> lines of text over the top of each other -
It is still very beta.  This codebase will improve and more of the compositing 
functions will be put into the window managers.

> is this what everyone else sees with translucency?
Maybe not they might be using per application translucency like what konsole 
Zac Slade
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge troubles

2006-02-15 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 14 February 2006 21:14, Jorge Almeida wrote:
> Well, so that was it! I just finished compiling gcc.
> I wonder why those limits were set for user root?!
> My home computer didn't have such restriction, and I recently made a new
> install on the computer that had all this problem, so I'm sure I didn't
> do it myself and forgot it...
Check /etc/limits to see what the defaults are.  I'd also look at any shell 
scripts that are being sourced during login (/etc/profile ~/.bashrc, etc.).

> It's a relief to know it's not hw problem!
Memory allocation is one of those things that usually isn't.  Normally you'd 
see physical memory errors as programs randomly crashing (like the kernel, 
with no PANIC).  You also might notice when you start the system up that it 
is reporting less memory than you have installed.

> Thank you, and thanks also to Benno and Zac.
Very appreciated.
Zac Slade
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Konqueror as an FTP Client

2006-02-15 Thread Zac Slade
On Wednesday 15 February 2006 22:54, Richard Fish wrote:
> On 2/15/06, Ryan Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  My initial thoughts are that Konqueror is opening too many simultaneous
> > connections and the FTP Site doesn't like it. Can anybody help me?
> Use KGet (the KDE download manager) to limit the number of
> simultaneous connections.
This is unhelpful.  He is asking about a way to get konqueror to work as a 
full on ftp client.  It won't work doing uploads.  installing kget does not 
solve the problem at all.

I've not used konqueror for this only for ftp downloads and can't really 
comment here.  You might want to try a kde list for more insight.

Zac Slade
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] How many GB for / partition?

2006-02-16 Thread Zac Slade
On Thursday 16 February 2006 07:47, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 14:06:12 +0100, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> > That's not advisable. I'd strongly suggest to create
> > filesystems for /boot, swap, /home, /opt, /usr, /var
> > and / (of course). This way you're more flexible
> > and also a bit safer (not such a high risk of running
> > out of space on /).
AMEN!  Running out of space on / is not what you want..

> But far more chance of running out of space on /usr, /var or /opt while
> one of the others has plenty free. I prefer to have these three on the
> same partition for a desktop, but separate from /. I use the bind option
> to mount /var and /opt on /usr/var and /usr/opt
Good god man!  This is about as kludgy as they come.  Sure it gets the job 
done, but this is EXACTLY what LVM was invented for.

Partitions are hard (relatively) to resize.  However, logical volumes are not.  
You can increase them when they are full, or reduce their size when you need 
to distribute disk space to other places.

Also consider the case where you completely fill up your 200GB drive.  What 
then?  Buy a new drive and migrate data from /home or /usr to the new disk 
and mount that, then reclaim the partition for some other fs etc.  You have 
the migration of data and the inflexibility of partitions to resize.  If you 
use LVM in the same case you just add the new disk to your volume group 
increase any logical volumes that are in need of more space and resize the 

One thing never changes.  You will run out of space.  You will buy larger 
drives.  You will have more data than you do today.  When that day comes, 
using a volume management software and filesystems that support growing and 
shrinking (reiser is excellent in this regard) will be invaluable.
Zac Slade
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Kernel Panic

2006-02-18 Thread Zac Slade
On Saturday 18 February 2006 08:58, Izar Ilun wrote:
> Here's the issue:
>From your post:
title   Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.12-9-386 
 kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386 root=/dev/hdb2 ro quiet splash 
 initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-9-386 

Try removing the initrd first.  Just comment that line out and remove quiet 
and splash from the entry.  This will test and make sure that /dev/hdb2 has a 
working installation.  Once you can boot into the system proper then you can 
look for how to get the initrd image working.
Zac Slade

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] What about a new file system subtree?

2006-02-18 Thread Zac Slade
On Saturday 18 February 2006 09:52, Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> "./configure ; make ; make install" (in an app called 'whatever') and it
> could create for example "/home/me/bin/whatever" and
> "/home/me/share/doc/whatever" or
> "/home/me/doc/whatever", and so on.
This is what --prefix is for.
./configure --prefix=~/
make && make install
This puts it into /home/user/ where /home/user is considered to be /
Zac Slade

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] What about a new file system subtree?

2006-02-18 Thread Zac Slade
On Saturday 18 February 2006 10:16, Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> > This is what --prefix is for.
> > ./configure --prefix=~/
> > make && make install
> > This puts it into /home/user/ where /home/user is considered to be /

>   What I meant is that it could be selected as default option. My idea is 
> to
> make easier new users to install apps that don't have, and that would like
> to, without having to read man configure.
This is the pneumonic load of *nix.  Installing software is non-trivial.  We 
make it much easier in gentoo with emerge, just as autoconf/automake made it 
much simpiler in the past.  If a user is going to compile and install 
software in their home directory they are going to have to at least learn 
--prefix as an option to configure.  Fortunately/unfortunately this is a 
requirement.  Just as learning to use ls to list files in a directory.
Zac Slade

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] What about a new file system subtree?

2006-02-18 Thread Zac Slade
On Saturday 18 February 2006 10:20, Rafael Fernández López wrote:
>   Is [OT] marked because it has nothing to do with Gentoo. I mean when no
> ebuild is provided, someone is a new user (doesn't know what --prefix is),
> and by default with one shot "./configure ; make ; make install" it could
> be installed in home.
If this is what you want then the user must be in the portage group.  Now that 
user may be able to install software in / due to a lack of knowledge of the 
system.  However they can do ROOT=/home/user emerge program and that will 
install it into their home directory.  However if they have the power to do 
this, they have the power to accidentally install into /.  Pick your poison 
Zac Slade

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] AUTOTOOLS

2006-02-19 Thread Zac Slade
On Sunday 19 February 2006 18:32, Rafael Fernández López wrote:
>   That is one of the reasons because I would like to write my own
> But lots of questions came to my mind, like if I have
> something like:
> myproject
> src
> gui
> base
> sounds
> [...]
>   And my objective is only an executable (no .so...) is it necessary to go
> on creating *.la files for each directory (and portion of code) to get them
> linked at the end of the build process?
I'm not sure what you mean.  As a matter of fact your entire question is 
strange.  If you wnat to use autoconf/automake and don't want to use KDevelop 
then you are going to have to read the info pages for autoconf and automake.  
You will also need to find out what the m4 tests are for QT versions and 
kdelibs versions if you need that sort of dependency. is only  
part of the puzzle here.

Your above section here doesn't make much sense either.  If you don't want to 
build libraries in your subdirs you don't have to.  You can build all the 
object files and then link them all together at the end of the build process.  
If you are creating a custom Makefile you can do whatever you please.

>   I had some vtable errors from GCC that I had never had before (because
> before I used to write my own Makefiles) [no autotools].
What sort of vtable issues?  A little more information and a clearer statement 
of what you are trying to do would be very helpful.
Zac Slade

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] puzzled over why xrdb process hangs

2006-02-22 Thread Zac Slade
On Wednesday 22 February 2006 14:59, James wrote:
> quickly running 'top' I find the culprit:
> krdb. I can kill it off and the sequence completes and the system is fine.
> But 'eix xrdb' reveals:
> x11-apps/xrdb
>  Available versions:  [M]1.0.1
>  Installed:   none
> If it's not installed how can it be running (hung)?
> I've tried all sorts of things to fix this and nothing
> works, including revdep-rebuild...

Are you using the monolithic or split ebuilds for kde?
That is, did you emerge kde or emerge kde-meta?
If you using the monolithic ebuilds, this binary will be provided by a 
different package.  If you'll locate the actual binary, you can find which 
package provides it with equery b /path/to/xrdb.  You might be able to 
recompile that package.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] S/P diff question

2006-02-24 Thread Zac Slade
On Friday 24 February 2006 09:12, Alexander Puchmayr wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm wondering why dts and aac sound coming from DVD is perfectly
> transmitted over the spdif port (the A/V receiver recognizes the format ans
> switches to dts/dolby mode, and -- much important -- I can hear the movie's
> sound); But if I try the same with a "normal" divx-file or try to play
> anything else, nothing comes out over the spdif port, only via the analog
> audio jacks I can hear something.
What program is playing back the DVD?  Is this different from the player 
playing the "other" media files?

Since something can play out the spdif port then it might be important to look 
at that program's setup for audio output.  What device is it using etc.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo LVM Newbie Question

2006-02-24 Thread Zac Slade
On Friday 24 February 2006 00:03, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> John Jolet wrote:
> > Remember, the fs cannot be mounted when you extend it.
> That's wrong. Every FS can be extended online, even ext{2,3}
> with certain patches IIRC.
WRONG!!! (or partially anyway)  Here's the rundown:
reiser3, resizable online in two ways 
1)resize_reiserfs /path/to/dev 
2)mount -o remount,resize /path/to/dev
XFS, MUST be mounted to resize use xfs_grow /mount/point
JFS, resizable online with a mount -o remount,resize /path/to/dev
ext2/3, resizable offline reliably.  Online resize is a *very* experimental 
experiment.  Have good backups.

For a good reference if one is ever needed to give to a friend, relative or 
foe try
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo LVM Newbie Question

2006-02-24 Thread Zac Slade
On Friday 24 February 2006 22:13, John Jolet wrote:
> okay, i'll rephrase being an old aix hand... with the (possible)
> exeption of reiser I, personally, would not trust any filesystem
> to resize without being unmounted.  but then, compared to the aix
> lvm, which can be resized with oracle accessing at full speed, linux
> lvms are just barely getting to what I'd call "production ready".
> interesting to see that we're moving in an online-resizable direction
> on linux. :)
What an unenlighten troll.  I have plenty of experience with AIX's volume 
manager.  LVM2 can stand up to it any day.  As a matter of fact Linux's LVM 
is about to completely surpass what is available in AIX.  LVM2 can do cluster 
locking and management.  You can use LVM2 with Multipathing tools just as you 
can under any commercial Unix.  LVM2 is more than ready for prime time as can 
be seen by looking at RHEL and SLES distributions.

Linux is not a toy and neither is LVM2.  It can be used as a toy or a learning 
device, but it is not relegated to the closet of geeks.  And don't get me 
started on AIX if you don't happen to have the OnlineJFS sets installed.  
Also the draconian having to resize the filesystem by calculating the number 
of 512 byte blocks in the filesystem.

Do your homework please.  Just because you've dealt exclusively or extensively 
with one flavor of *nix doesn't mean that others aren't up to the task.  And 
just because it's IBM's Unix doesn't make it more or less ready for the 
enterprise, it just makes it proprietary.  You'd do well to judge based on 
features, capabilities and the completeness of the tools.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ALSA: All modules loaded, mixer unmuted, still no sound

2006-02-26 Thread Zac Slade
On Sunday 26 February 2006 02:20, Ducky Z. wrote:
> Hello,
> The sound card works fine with Ubuntu in my other partition. I've
> followed Gentoo's Alsa Guide and currently with kernel modules. But no
> sound comes out when I play music or any other things.
> The 'lspci' for my card is:
> 00:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation
> 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 04)
>   Subsystem: Toshiba America Info Systems Unknown device ff10
>   Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 10
>   I/O ports at e100 [size=256]
>   I/O ports at e200 [size=64]
>   Memory at d018 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=512]
>   Memory at d0180200 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256]
>   Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2
> The 'lsmod' for the OS is:
> Module  Size  Used by
> ipw220089900  0
> ieee80211  29256  1 ipw2200
> ieee80211_crypt 4736  1 ieee80211
> firmware_class  8192  1 ipw2200
> sky2   32640  0
> snd_seq48080  0
> snd_seq_device  6924  1 snd_seq
> snd_pcm_oss48160  0
> snd_mixer_oss  17024  1 snd_pcm_oss
> snd_intel8x0   29468  0
> snd_ac97_codec 91168  1 snd_intel8x0
> snd_ac97_bus1920  1 snd_ac97_codec
> snd_pcm79240  3 snd_pcm_oss,snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec
> snd_timer  21508  2 snd_seq,snd_pcm
> snd46180  8
> snd_seq,snd_seq_device,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_code
>c,snd_pcm,snd_timer soundcore   7776  1 snd
> snd_page_alloc      8456  2 snd_intel8x0,snd_pcm
> xfs   543448  1
> ntfs   99440  1
Did you look at your mixer?  Try alsamixer.

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ALSA: All modules loaded, mixer unmuted, still no sound

2006-02-26 Thread Zac Slade
On Sunday 26 February 2006 02:50, Ducky Z. wrote:
> I've already unmuted all channels. Still no sound.
My aplogies I didn't read far enough

Do you have any programs that will play sound?  I think I may have to bow out 
of this discussion.  It's always worked for me just fine (emu10k driver 
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] What happens with masked packages?

2006-02-26 Thread Zac Slade
On Sunday 26 February 2006 18:57, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> > > My proposal at this point, would be for an additional restriction on
> > > packages based on a new UPSTREAM variable in the ebuild itself,
> > > ACCEPT_UPSTREAM variable in make.conf / the environment, and the
> > > package.upstream file in /etc/portage.
Stephen and I have talked about this before.  The real fleshed out idea is 
meant to be for a user that might want to follow a package as it moves from 
alpha->beta->release.  While the overall stability of the system might be 
compromised by globally adding an ACCEPT_UPSTREAM=BETA an individual may be 
willing to make that compromise to test new applications and provide upstream 
bug reports before a package has made it to final release.

> > I read your previous posts about this as that you wanted it to be easier
> > to get beta versions but what you want is in fact the exact opposite -
> > further restriction. Now I get it.
I don't envision it as further restriction, instead it's a way to add 
seperation of ebuild/software stability.  Imagine that I have a package that 
is in early alpha state and very unstable.  However the ebuild for that 
package does not hurt the system, it's proper and conforms to portage and 
plays nicely.  Under the current system if my ebuild was added to portage it 
would be masked with package.mask.  Under the new system it would not be in 
package.mask, instead a user would have to set ACCEPT_UPSTREAM=ALPHA or set 
mypackage ALPHA in package.upstream.

This also facilitates cvs ebuilds nicely by not having to hard mask 
everything, but instead making the user choose the system's level of 
stability.  Of course the defaults would be sane, but then the user could 
override it globally or locally to each package.  This would clean 
package.mask up and make it purely for misbehaving ebuilds.

> I'm imaging the default provided by the base profile would be
> alia al) would not be installed.  (Until you changes your ACCEPT_UPSTREAM
> in make.conf or edit /etc/portage/package.upstream)

Let's take a real life example of the cloudiness of the current situation.  If 
you run ~arch right now and update your system it will pull a new kernel in 
even if that kernel is a release candidate.  The ebuild is clean and installs 
properly and is not in package.mask, however if you don't want release 
candidate kernels there isn't an easy way to do it and only allow released 
version.  Under the new system the kernel ebuilds would still be handled the 
same way (not placed into package.mask), but the user wouldn't get a release 
candidate kernel unless they say ACCEPT_UPSTREAM=RELEASE_CANDIDATE or set the 
kernel up that way in package.upstream.

Another example that sticks out in my head.  In the run up to KDE 3.5 I wanted 
to follow all the ALPHA, BETA and RC releases so I could file bug reports and 
make the final version better.  There wasn't an easy way to do this and the 
list of packages to unmask was enourmous.  Somewhere near beta2 all the 
ebuils were good, so it could be cleanly merged, but you had to go through 
the unmask dance.  Under the new system once the ebuilds were clean, they 
would move out of package.mask and any user with the appropriate 
ACCEPT_UPSTREAM/package.upstream settings could test the new KDE.

> "If there's one thing we've established over the years,
> it's that the vast majority of our users don't have the slightest
> clue what's best for them in terms of package stability."
> -- Gentoo Developer Ciaran McCreesh
I can't believe he said that!  What he might have meant is that we should 
provide sane defaults to our users so newcomers don't get hosed systems due 
to us requiring intimate knowledge of the system.  While we shouldn't make 
unsafe policies at the global level we should allow advanced users to do as 
they please.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ALSA: All modules loaded, mixer unmuted, still no sound

2006-02-26 Thread Zac Slade
On Sunday 26 February 2006 22:17, Ducky Z. wrote:
> I'm using the modules provided by the kernel, which is 2.6.15.
> alsa-lib is 1.0.10.
This should be fine.

> When I aplay a file, it shows:
> ALSA lib pcm_direct.c:900:(snd_pcm_direct_initialize_slave) unable to
> install hw params
> ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:831:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to initialize slave
> aplay: main:544: audio open error: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Hrm  Is this being done as root?  I think your /etc/asound.conf file might 
need some help.  I'm not sure here, but it might not be able to play because 
the wrong information is in the asound.conf file.

> > In addition to being unmuted are the outputs actually turned up?
> Output means?
Means that PCM, MASTER are not set to 0 in alsamixer.  You said earlier that 
they were unmuted and turned up so I think you have this covered, but you 
should double check.

> > You appear to have the right modules loaded, but those dmesg errors are
> > likely because the userland is having problems talking to the kernel.
> Is there any workaround?
Well the workaround is to get programs using the alsa libraries to properly 
initialize the device.  Not sure what the configuration issue is.

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo LVM Newbie Question

2006-02-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Monday 27 February 2006 00:48, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> Wrong. Switch to runlevel 1 (using "telinit 1"), which is for maintenance.
> In RL 1, no user processes are running and you can umount everything
> except /.
Partially right.  Gentoo has several gotchas in runlevel 1.  If /usr is a 
seperate filesystem you have to be careful.  Bash by default is not 
statically linked and requires readline (which is installed in /usr/lib).  ls 
will require libgpm which is also in /usr/lib.  So you have to be careful.  
One of the best things you can do for yourself is install an all in one shell 
for maintenece like busybox or nash.  Also lvm is not statically linked and 
can require libraries out of /usr/lib also.  So be careful and understand 
what you are doing.  You  just might need a livecd in some cases for 

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Adding gw route in /etc/conf.d/net

2006-02-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Monday 27 February 2006 20:06, Harry Putnam wrote:
> /etc/conf.d/net currently looks like this:
>   config_eth0=( " netmask" )
>   routes_eth0=(
>  "default via"
>   )
>   config_eth1=( " netmask" )
With both interfaces up what is the output of "ip route"?  I don't see 
anything wrong with the configuration really, both networks are in different 
subnets so they should be seperate.  However you may be getting a default 
route for eth1.  You really don't need one, from the description you give you 
don't need a route at all for eth1.  If all the computers on the network can all see each other's MAC addresses then there is 
no problem.

> I wondering if that is the reason for my troubles.  maybe I need to
> add a static route for config_eth1?
This should not be required for your setup as I understand it.  I'd be realy 
interested in your arp table too, arp -a.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] SUID mounts

2006-02-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 28 February 2006 00:56, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> Hi All,
>   I'm having some issues with enabling programs to be suid root. Stuffs
> like /bin/mount /usr/bin/mount.cifs is already in mode 47xx and I still
> get errors that I have no permissions to execute it (to mount)
If the mount point is not specified in /etc/fstab then only root can do the 
mount.  If it's in /etc/fstab it needs the option users to allow this.  There 
are exceptions, like when HAL manages the mount for you.

> (I'm troubleshooting another program but using mount as an example as
> the error symptom is the same)
What is the other program?  What is the real issue?  Mount is sort of special.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo LVM Newbie Question

2006-02-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 28 February 2006 03:03, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> Oops, you're right, telinit 1 doesn't work as expected in Gentoo (are there
> any bugreports about it?). However, I can reboot into RL 1 just fine and
> umount /usr w/o problems. I can also use ls just fine with /usr unmounted,
> all fs maintenance tools should also work.
It just depends on the setup and USE flags.  The situation has begun to 
improve in the default case.

The telinit command is not how it's done in Gentoo.  You should use rc or 
init.  The best way to get to single user mode on a running Gentoo system is 
to use rc single.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] accelerate emerge

2006-02-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Monday 27 February 2006 10:39, El Nino wrote:
> > if you want to use prozilla, just change the  FETCHCOMMAND and
> > RESUMECOMMAND in /etc/make.conf
> >
> > There is some examples in /etc/make.conf.example, but not for prozilla
> how can i get to know all these portage features?
Read two lines above this one for the answer to your question.  The other way 
is to read man portage, man emerge, man make.conf.  The example file stays 
updated with new features (it may lag some) and so do the man pages.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Adding gw route in /etc/conf.d/net

2006-02-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 28 February 2006 05:30, Harry Putnam wrote:
> It all cleared up after a reboot.  I didn't mention I made a domain
> name switch preceding the reported problem too.  I suspect my
> nameserver cache hadn't had time to clear up (I have pretty long Time
> To Live values set). Although I really don't now if that would be an
> issue.
That's great!  Too bad you didn't get to the bottom of it, but fixed is better 
than broken.

> ip route
> dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src
> dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
> dev lo  scope link
> default via dev eth0
This is proper.  Only one gateway and it's through the eth0 device.

>  arp -a
> fw.local.lan ( at 00:09:5B:01:2F:E4 [ether] on eth0
> fwobsd.local.lan ( at 00:10:B5:91:85:88 [ether] on eth0
It's interesting here that you don't see anything on  Perhaps 
nothing is connected to that interface right now?

Congrats on the problem being fixed.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: linux filesystem + transparent compression (rw)

2006-02-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 28 February 2006 13:48, Sascha Lucas wrote:
> what is the status of transparent compression in a linux filesystem
> (read/write)? wikipedia[1] says jfs has one. Is this true? I don't think
> so. Hans Reiser proclaimed to have a reiser4 compression plugin before
> 2.6.1[4-5]. Where is it? Has someone tried extz[2]? chattr(1) tells me to
> set the (c) attribute. But this seems not to work: writing 100MB /dev/zero
> to a c ./test file on a 100MB partion results in disk full.
I will speak to what I know, which is the reiser4 part of the story.  There 
will be no repacker/resizer or any other modules for the fs until it gets 
merged into the kernel.  During the process of getting reiser4 into mainline 
many things about the implementation are changing so it is probably 
impossible to write the compression or encryption modules until it gets 

I don't consider it a lacking feature, just a nice checkbox to be able to 
check.  If we get transparent compression in the filesystems (that you can 
toggle on and off) then that will be great news to marketers.  It also could 
be good news to embedded people if the compression isn't too processor 
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] no sound when playing flash

2006-02-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 28 February 2006 10:19, Daniel da Veiga wrote:
> I once had the same problem, solved it using ESD (well, not the best
> solution, but it works), so, at my startup script I have "esd &" and
> flash anims have sound...
It's not only the best solution it is the only solution.  Flash uses esd for 
sound.  You can start it everytime you start your web browser or you can add 
esound to your default run level.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] no sound when playing flash

2006-02-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 28 February 2006 14:56, David Morgan wrote:
> eh? I have sound with flash and I don't have esd installed.
Didn't use to be the case, went googling and found that it no longer requires 
esd it just uses OSS.

> I don't have proper hardware mixing though, so when I want to hear
> sound with flash I usually have to restart firefox or it doesn't work.
Or as I found there are alternatives here, try launching firefox with artsdsp 
firefox, or alternatively aoss firefox.  This will play all sound through a 
muxer and will allow it to play nice even on machines without hardware 

So to recap, you don't need esd anymore, just working OSS (ALSA provides OSS 
compatibility).  If you are having trouble with it playing while other things 
are playing sound try using aoss or artsdsp to mux the sounds for you (or esd 
if you like).
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Adding gw route in /etc/conf.d/net

2006-02-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 28 February 2006 16:12, Harry Putnam wrote:
> arp -a (after ssh to
> ? ( at 00:04:75:9B:E5:0D [ether] on eth1
> harvey.local.lan ( at 00:11:2F:92:54:E7 [ether] on eth0
> fw.local.lan ( at 00:09:5B:01:2F:E4 [ether] on eth0
> fwobsd.local.lan ( at 00:10:B5:91:85:88 [ether] on eth0
> Do you know what the first line notation means?
Yeah the first field is the hostname of the remote system.  If it's not in 
your /etc/hosts file or in DNS then it will show up with a ?.  It shows that 
eth1 is seeing another host at and eth0 shows three hosts,20,22 and each of those it knows their hostname.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] sound recording software in gentoo

2006-03-05 Thread Zac Slade
On Sunday 05 March 2006 04:45, Thomas Kear wrote:
> The only app that i can think of off the top of my head is audacity.
> Have a look through media-sound though, audacity has some nasty
> recording latency issues, but it's fine for arranging and mixing
> tracks.
Audacity "used" to have that issue.  And they only had that issue when doing 
playback and record using integrated sound cards.  This is now a non-issue.

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] dvdrip help

2006-03-13 Thread Zac Slade
On Sunday 12 March 2006 22:55, Roy Wright wrote:
> Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> >I'm a big fan of ANDREW from the FSF.  There should be an ebuild in
> >bugzilla; but it's trivial to install.  It's not a X application, but
> >it /is/, despite the name, a wizard that does all of the "heavy lifting"
> >for you.

Here here!  ANDREW Rules! 

> Just tried acidrip which is mplayer based instead of transcode.  It
> worked fine on the
> one DVD I've tested with.
You should give ANDREW a shot.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ANDREW homepage is down!

2006-03-13 Thread Zac Slade
On Monday 13 March 2006 19:21, Iain Buchanan wrote:
> Has someone already downloaded
> that they can mirror for me?
I can mirror it not for terribly long.  I've set my server to maxclients of 3, 
the file is only 171K.

Please anyone that can mirror this file do so!  It will be needed for once it 
gets a package maintainer.

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ANDREW homepage is down!

2006-03-13 Thread Zac Slade
On Monday 13 March 2006 23:26, Alan E. Davis wrote:
> What's the secret to compiling ANDREW?

Get the ebuild there.  There are a lot of dependencies.  Also look at the 
latest note in the bug.  You must build ogmtools with the dvd USE flag.

Make sure you read the man page, this ANDREW is really flexible.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT - Where is perlfunc?

2006-03-14 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 14 March 2006 19:35, JimD wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 18:25:06 -0600
> perldoc perlfunc
or man perlfunc

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] can't compile audacity

2006-03-26 Thread Zac Slade
On Saturday 25 March 2006 06:31, Tamas Sarga wrote:
> Hi,
> I use -gtk2 -unicode wxgtk1 use flags and wxGTK-2.4.2-r4 and wxGTK-2.6.1
> . It works for me on x86 with audacity-1.2.1 .
> The error message
> (/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.4/../../../ hint,
> that it tries to use gtk2 for the compilation.
Is this on x86_64

here is my output from emerge -av audacity (using 2005.1 profile):

ebuild   R   ] media-sound/audacity-1.2.4b-r1  USE="encode mad vorbis" 4,394kB

What gtk use flag are you talking about???  I don't have one.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] can't compile audacity

2006-03-26 Thread Zac Slade
On Sunday 26 March 2006 02:13, Martins Steinbergs wrote:
> Calculating dependencies ... done!
> [ebuild  N] media-sound/audacity-1.2.3-r1  USE="encode gtk2
> vorbis -flac -libsamplerate -mad" 4,078 kB
This is a package to definately put in package.keywords with ~arch.

Not only is it under rapid development, each ebuild contains a release (even 
the betas) that is almost of release quality.  I feel completely safe using 
the betas that come out of the audacity project for my every day audio work.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] chroot

2006-03-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Monday 27 March 2006 23:21, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> > "Boyd Stephen Smith Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Yes, that's an option to, although with more than ~768K of ram it's
> > > not ideal.
Maybe not ideal (especially on 64-bit processors) it is more than possible to 
address a lot of memory (damn I forget the numbers, I think 64G).

> > Why is that?  I thought 32-bit should have no problems addressing
> > 2GB?
Yes you can.  It will be slower than native 48-bit address modes from 64-bit 
processors, but not a large overhead at all (and the code mostly stays in 
cache).  You will need to select 3G/1G split to access the full 2GB you have 
in your system.  I have 1.5G and have to use 2G/2G to address all of mine.

> Plus, with a 64-bit kernel, it'll have access to the 64-bit specific
> registers. :)
That is a much larger benefit than most people give it credit for.  Almost 
double the registers!

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Hosted server as distcc machine

2006-03-28 Thread Zac Slade
On Monday 27 March 2006 12:16, Grant wrote:
> So you're saying if I don't use PKI, the remote system is going to
> prompt me for a password after I'm already logged in?  You say "each
> compile that goes to an ssh host will ask for a password".  At what
> point in the emerge process does this happen?
Anytime you dipatch a job to another system.  If you are using ssh to send 
your jobs (instead of distccd) you will be prompted for a password for every 
job you send to the remote host.  That is of course until distcc realises it 
can't communicate and will then fall back to sending the jobs to localhost.  
If you have a lot of jobs you are sending to distcc then you will see a huge 
increase in your load average as a result.

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: "Space" opera

2006-04-07 Thread Zac Slade
On Friday 07 April 2006 23:32, Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
>  When I have to copy my current / to another harddisk, which has a
>  different physical layout of partitions and another overall size --
>  how would I do this best (conserving as much of the information
>  of the old root as possible)
>  Is cp -a sufficient ?
Why not?  Just make sure after you finish copying all the files that you 
install grub to the new disk and make it bootable etc.  If you are using lvm 
this is easier because you can do a pvmove to migrate the data to the new 

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] User group problem

2006-04-11 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 11 April 2006 01:34, Anthony E. Caudel wrote:
> I sometimes have to add my user to a group. This of course doesn't take
> effect until I log out and back in.   However, if I'm under X, I can't
> logout without first exiting X.
> So, I'm wondering if there is any way to re-log the user without exiting X?
Not really.  (please someone correct me if I'm wrong)

However, if you are using a terminal to launch an application and using "bash 
-l" for that terminal application then anything you start will show the new 

If you are instead just launching from the applications menu in your desktop 
(kde, gnome, blackbox) then you have to log out of X then log back in.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] User group problem

2006-04-13 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 11 April 2006 12:57, Anthony E. Caudel wrote:
> Maybe I'm not doing something right.  From KDE's konsole, I invoked a
> new shell with "bash -l" and then ran "id" but it did not reflect the
> new group.
No you did nothing wrong.  I double checked it and it's as I feared.  You have 
to log out and back in for the changes to be reflected.  Any new logins will 
reflect the group change, but not existing ones.   If you ssh into your 
system that login will reflect the new group, just as if you logged out and 
back into X the changes will be reflected.

This is a shortcoming of the Unix strategy for dealing with users.  They are 
immutable after they log in.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] shell script

2006-04-17 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 18 April 2006 00:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a shellp script, let
>STRING="a.txt b.txt c.txt"
> And I want to delete a sub-string from $STRING, for example
> b.txt, and then we got
>$STRING is "a.txt c.txt"
> How to achieve it?
>From man bash:
Use Default Values.  If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is 
substituted.  Otherwise, the value of parameter is substituted.

So for what you want just do:
STRING="a.txt b.txt c.txt"

There are tons of ways to manipulate "parameters" and you should reference the 
man page for more.  Look under "Parameter Expansion" for all the 
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] HP Cluster on Gentoo

2007-02-20 Thread Zac Slade
On Monday 19 February 2007 02:47:03 Hans-Stefan Bauer wrote:
>  * Loading lock_dlm kernel module ...
> FATAL: Error inserting lock_dlm (/fs/gfs_locking/lock_dlm/lock_dlm.ko):
> Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
>  * Failed to load lock_dlm kernel
> module                                   [ !! ]

This looks strangely like dlm-kernel was compiled against the wrong kernel.  
Or that dlm-kernel doesn't have support for that kernel. Do you have a newer 
kernel installed than the one you are using?  It very well might have built 
against it instead.

This webpage is a bit dated, but shows steps to get GFS working under gentoo.
They talk about a CONFIG_LOCK_DLM needing to be set in the kernel, but I think 
that is taken care of by the dlm-kernel module.

You'll also need to make sure you have device-mapper installed.

Can you give an update on what you've found and if you've made any progress?

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] CHOST recursive problem

2006-09-05 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 05 September 2006 00:33, Jean-Marc Beaune wrote:
> Hi,
> Just a stupid question : What is used for ?
This is the script used to "bootstrap" your system.  Usually this is only used 
if installing from stage1.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT Bookeeping recommendations

2006-09-05 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 05 September 2006 20:24, Stephen Liu wrote:
> Hi Brett,
> > What software does anyone use for bookeeping under Linux.  I do some
> > consulting and need to be able to track income, expenses, and do
> > invoices and
> > payments.  I don't need anything fancy.
> Maybe
> GnuCash
GnuCash is very good.  Also you should investigate KMyMoney.  Both programs 
are capable.  GnuCash has been around longer, but they lack some features now 
due to spending the last two years porting to GTK2.

Good luck,
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT Bookeeping recommendations

2006-09-06 Thread Zac Slade
On Wednesday 06 September 2006 20:02, Nico wrote:
> yep, this is the stable one, but I'd like to know about usability of the
> testing 2.0.1.
I like it.  It's mostly the same.  They took great care to make the release as 
solid as possible.  Give it a shot.  I think you'll like it.  If you need 
accounting I'd start with GnuCash and then move on if it doesn't meet your 

I'd also start with the latest stable 2 version out.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Why you use Gentoo

2006-09-07 Thread Zac Slade
On Thursday 07 September 2006 19:31, Chris White wrote:
> So, wondering why people use Gentoo.  Put [dev] or something if you're an
> actual gentoo dev and [user] if you're a user.  Doesn't need to be fancy,
> you can put "community" or something if that's all you want.  All responses
> off list please.  Thanks.
Please read:
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] dual scsi configuration?

2006-09-08 Thread Zac Slade
On Friday 08 September 2006 19:43, James wrote:
> If I want maximum/optimized IO performance
> from these drives what is the best file system
> to use and drive configuration. (1/2) the swap space
> on each drive? Raid level? Other methods? EVMS(which
> I know nothing about)?
Well what's the workload?  Random reads, sequential reads, random writes, 
sequential writes?  All these are important to selecting the best method of 
getting optimal I/O.  There is no one perfect filesystem/raid level for 

Since you are using only a 400Mhz processor I think that reiser3 may be out of 
the question.  It uses a lot of CPU and gets great performace, but if the 
processor can't keep up then reiser loses a lot of performance.

Also any Device Mapper layers will slow you down a bit.  I user LVM and love 
it, but if I really need maximum raw throughput I'd look to hw RAID or sw 
based RAID (if my system is up to that).

For filesystems it just depends on your needs.  If you want high sequential 
reads/writes then JFS and XFS are particularly good.  If you need an all 
around performer, random reads/writes with good sequential throughput then 
ext3 and reiser (see above note on reiser).  Reiser is also the best at 
purely random access especially with large directories (1,000s of little 

To be honest if you just go look at the filesystem howtos and filesystem 
comparisons (use google luke) you won't go wrong.  They are all up to the 
task as long as you know a little bit about what your workload is going to 
look like.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] The Real Darkside...

2006-09-09 Thread Zac Slade
On Saturday 09 September 2006 20:21, Nick Rout wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Sep 2006 15:03:58 -0400
> By the time he went to bed it was running and he'd been on the net using
> firefox and checked that runescape (online java game) worked. By the
> time I got up this morning he was setting up his RSS feeds in kontact
> and configuring various other bits.
Heck yeah!  If everyone knew about Kontact...  I demo it and KStars every 
chance I get.

> Pretty good I thought. Not sure whether it says something about Miles,
> or about SuSE's ease of installation (probably both). He has used linux
> before, and is pretty computer literate (gaining a "High Distinction"
> in an international exam, batting against kids 2 years older), but
> neither those exams nor school do much to prepare you for installing a
> different OS.
We've come a long way in the last 6 years.  I think even further than the 
proceeding years.  Suse 10.1 is really a landmark.  I say that from my Gentoo 
installation, but they really did something right with that release.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Why you use Gentoo

2006-09-09 Thread Zac Slade
On Saturday 09 September 2006 07:49, Rodrigo Lazo wrote:
> [user]
> Portage
> Handbook, it dragged me out of the dull and darkness that I was living in
> and because... it works!! 99% of the times it didn't work was because of
> me.
Okay I've taken the bait.  This is the same reason I love Gentoo.  The bugs 
(outside of portage) are MY bugs.  Other distros might have strange 
interaction problems because of patches they add for usability or stability, 
but in Gentoo the bugs are MINE.   I own the bugs.  It's up to me to push to 
get them fixed or find workarounds, because either I'm doing something wrong 
or there is an honest to goodness bug in the app.

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] gnucash 2 problem

2006-09-16 Thread Zac Slade
On Saturday 16 September 2006 03:44, Konstantinos Agouros wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using gnucash 2 with the postgres backend. Somehow I know can
> not make any changes to the bookings anymore. Anybody got a clue
> what might have gone wrong?
Please try the gnucash mailing list.  Let google be your guide.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] C programming use of isascii(), ispunct() and isblank() fails

2006-10-10 Thread Zac Slade
On Friday 06 October 2006 09:31, Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman wrote:
> gcc -o digits -Wall -ansi -pedantic digits.c
> With that, I got the "implicit declaration of function BLAH" message. When
> that happens, and the man page does not list anything special, I usually
> add this at the beginning of the source file:
> #define _GNU_SOURCE
> et voila', now compiles cleanly
Yes but this is still entirely wrong  Come on people let's at least try to 
be standards based.

If you really want isascii() and isblank() then you need this 
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600

Without the above define:
gcc -Wall -pedantic ctype.c -o ctype
ctype.c: In function 'main':
ctype.c:13: warning: implicit declaration of function 'isascii'
ctype.c:14: warning: implicit declaration of function 'isblank'

With the above define:
gcc -Wall -pedantic ctype.c -o ctype

This is needed for "A Strictly Conforming POSIX Application."  If you read the 
SUSv3 it states that you should define _POSIX_C_SOURCE to 200112L, but that 
this is redundant if you define _XOPEN_SOURCE to 600.  Now realistically you 
should not be defining it yourself, you should be testing for compliance then 
using what is available.

Please let's not try and make code completely unportable to different 
compilers just cause we all like gcc.  There may be a day that another 
compiler comes along that is way better than gcc and by using _GNU_SOURCE you 
are locked in.

We do have standards.  They are sometimes a little hard to read and sometimes 
you just can't get the behavior you want by following them, try to use them 
when possible and be aware of the standards that functions are defined in on 
their man pages.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Music Database Collection

2007-01-03 Thread Zac Slade
On Wednesday 03 January 2007 17:49, Daniel Iliev wrote:
> Sean wrote:
> > I would like to create a database of some sort for my music collection.
> > It is large so I thought that somehow I could use some application
> > that could pull the info from a freebd server and if I wished I could
> > alter any info. Try to entering it all by hand will be just to big of
> > a project.
> My vote goes to media-sound/amarok.
Yeah mine goes to Amarok too.  I've got a lot of music.  I love the ability to 
use a proper DB as my backend.  I use postgresql and the DB is currently 7.0 
gigs.  It was much much larger until I enabled autovaccuum... 

By having your musicDB split off onto a postgres backend you can do whatever 
you like with it.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] kill a child and suicide

2006-05-02 Thread Zac Slade
On Tuesday 02 May 2006 08:48, Jorge Almeida wrote:
> On Tue, 2 May 2006, Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:
> > I think (untested) you can do something like
> >
> > trap 'kill ' TERM
> >
> > at then beginning of This way, when the parent recives TERM it
> > in turn sends a TERM to the child. If you want the parent to terminate,
> > add the exit command as well:
> >
> > trap 'kill ; exit 1' TERM
> But how to find out the PID of child? What would be convenient is a way
> to send signals "recursively" to a process and its children.
> Maybe I'm trying to solve a problem with wrong tools...
> Thanks,
You can find the PID of the last backgrouned process using the bash variable 

So something like:
subprocess &

Using trap along with maybe setting alarms should get you what you want.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] kill a child and suicide

2006-05-03 Thread Zac Slade
On Wednesday 03 May 2006 16:04, Jorge Almeida wrote:
> On Wed, 3 May 2006, Hans-Werner Hilse wrote:
> > Signals are the only way (or you have a "parent died" logic inside the
> > child process). And this will always open a racing condition when
> But I won't be able to use svc to interact with the child. That's why I
> feel I must reformulate the whole setup.
If you need deeper interaction with a child process then you might need to 
look outside the realm of shell.  I'd suggest looking at perl.  Not that you 
can't accomplish what you are looking for with bash scripting, but you may be 
better served by using a more full featured programming language than shell 
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gnome and KDE on same system!

2006-05-11 Thread Zac Slade
On Thursday 11 May 2006 09:14, Philip Webb wrote:
> To get both Gnome & KDE, emerge the appropriate parts
> -- I don't use Gnome itself, tho' I have much of it installed,
> & KDE now comes in modules, some of which are essential, others a choice --
> then edit  ~/.xinitrc  to start the one you want with 'startx'.
> That's if you boot into a raw terminal: if you boot into X straight off,
> then you need to get them listed in Kdm or Gdm or whatever you use.
> I boot into a raw terminal, then 'startx' & have  2  versions of  .xinitrc
>   # PP 050123 : for KDE
>   xscreensaver &
>   startkde
>   # PP 050619 : for Fluxbox
>   xscreensaver &
>   fluxbox
There is no need to go through this trouble.  It's gentoo.  You can set the 
system default WM/DE in /etc/rc.conf.  To select a different WM/DE when you 
startx all you have to do is "export XSESSION=".  Then you will 
have the window manager/desktop environment of your choice.  If you are 
already using kdm/gdm as a login manager then you have the ability to easily 
select what environment you want each time you login.

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] What can I use for a compressed file system?

2006-05-12 Thread Zac Slade
On Thursday 11 May 2006 19:51, W.Kenworthy wrote:
> What can I use for a compressed file system?  I am looking at setting up
> a loopback mounted filesystem that I want to use to store backups into.
> Compression is needed as space will become a limitation in the future (I
> want to do a whole system backup that so far is 2:1 compressed via
> tar.bzip2.  I am thinking of using dirvish into a compressed loopback
> mount - but how do I set up a compressed fs?
Have you tried reiserfs?  As long as it is NOT mounted with the "notail" 
option it can sometimes save 50% on space compared to ext3/jfs/xfs depending 
on your usage.

There is also a possiblility of using LVM2 snapshots also if you have LVM2 
devices already set up.  I'm not sure how dirvish is for backup and I'm not 
sure how good a loopback backup to a file really is anyway.  That depends on 
the consistency of at least a partition anyway.  Maybe you are trying to 
solve the wrong problem?

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list

Re: DNSDOMAIN in /etc/conf.d/domainname has no effect? (was: [gentoo-user] "hostname -d" returns no domainname)

2006-05-26 Thread Zac Slade
On Friday 26 May 2006 08:25, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Bo Ørsted Andresen wrote:
> > Friday 26 May 2006 10:46 skrev Etaoin Shrdlu:
> >> I seem to remember that this was somehow related to /etc/hosts, look:
> >>
> >> # cat /etc/hosts
> >
> > Changing:
> >>  mybox
> >
> > to:
> >>   mybox
> >
> > has just solved this issue for me. :) Thanks!
Here is why this solved the issue for you.  hostname -d and hostname --fqdn 
get the domain part by using gethostbyname() so it does a DNS lookup on your 
hostname.  If your /etc/hosts.conf is set to files, bind then it will look 
your hostname up in /etc/hosts then query DNS.  If your /etc/hosts file has 
an FQDN entry for your hostname then all is well.  If not then your hostname 
is queried in DNS using the domain statement in /etc/resolv.conf.

> But I wonder what this DNSDOMAIN setting in /etc/conf.d/domainname is
> supposed to do. Because of
It sets the domain in /etc/resolv.conf

> # When setting up resolv.conf, what should take precedence?
> # If you wish to always override DHCP/whatever, set this to 1.
> I thought that this setting would have an effect. Seems not so...
This will determin whether DHCP will be allowed to replace your domain 
statement in /etc/resolv.conf.

I hope this clears it up.
Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: "hostname -d" returns no domainname

2006-05-27 Thread Zac Slade
On Friday 26 May 2006 04:43, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> I don't think that I can set a "domain entry" in resolv.conf, as it's
> generated by dhcpcd.
The domainname start up script starts before DHCP so yes it would set it.  It 
doesn't depend on net.

> What does the DNSDOMAIN setting in /etc/conf.d/domainname do?
Here's what it used to do.  From my /etc/config-archive/etc/init.d/domainname:
start() {
# Ensure that we have a hostname binary or function
source /lib/rcscripts/net.modules.d/helpers.d/functions

local retval=0
local retval2=0

if checkconfig_nis ; then
ebegin "Setting NIS domainname to ${NISDOMAIN}"
hostname -y "${NISDOMAIN}"
eend ${retval} "Failed to set the NIS domainname"

if checkconfig_dns ; then
ebegin "Setting DNS domainname to ${DNSDOMAIN}"
resolv=$(grep -v '^[[:space:]]*domain' /etc/resolv.conf)
[[ ${OVERRIDE} == "1" ]] \
&& resolv="${resolv}"$'\n'"domain ${DNSDOMAIN}" \
|| resolv="domain ${DNSDOMAIN}"$'\n'"${resolv}"
echo "${resolv}" > /etc/resolv.conf
eend ${retval2} "Failed to set the DNS domainname"

return $((retval + retval2))

${DNSDOMAIN} and ${NISDOMAIN} are read out of /etc/conf.d/domainname earlier 
in the script.  So it does as I said it did it sets a domain line 
in /etc/resolv.conf.

However, this file does not exist in my /etc/init.d anymore.  I'm not sure 
when that changed or why.

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
-- mailing list