[gep-ed] Methyl bromide critical use exemptions?

2023-12-11 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

Another really specific thing I'm looking for (thanks to everyone who
helped with other really specific things) that SHOULD exist but I haven't

Has anyone compiled a complete (or close-to-complete) list of all the
"critical use" exemptions for methyl bromide under the Montreal Protocol?
(yes, I know folks who have written about methyl bromide/Montreal Protocol
generally and have all that stuff; what I'm hoping to avoid is having to
make my own chart of what all of the exemptions have been over time -- I'm
hoping someone has already done that, or aggregated that info in some other
usable way.)

If you know of such a thing, please let me know, and I'm happy to share
with anyone else who wants that info if it exists --


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[gep-ed] Looking for a (specific) wily source on CFC economics

2023-11-13 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi Gep-Ed folks:

This is a weirdly obscure request, but I have failed, and librarians have
failed, to find a source that I keep seeing cited in work on ozone
depletion.  I'm wondering if any of you who have worked on this issue might
have a copy squirreled away somewhere, or might have better ideas than I've
had about how to find it.

Author: Michael Kavanaugh (sometimes listed with co-authors Michael Barth,
and Ted Jaenicke)

Title: An Analysis of the Economic Effects of Regulatory and Non-Regulatory
Events Related to the Abandonment of Chlorofluorocarbons as Aerosol
Propellants in the United States from 1970 to 1980 with a Discussion of
Applicability of the Analysis to Other Nations

Alternative Title (or source): Eliminating CFCs from Aerosol Uses: The
U.S.  Experience and Its Applicability to Other Nations

Source: sometimes listed as ICF, sometimes as EPA; he seems to have
presented forms this to the EPA, and also at the (similarly mysterious)
UNEP Economic Workshop on Protection of the Ozone Layer (which might have
been in 1986?)

If anyone has leads on how to find this, I'll owe you a



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[gep-ed] Wellesley College - Visiting Lecturer in Environmental Studies and Political Science

2023-02-08 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi gep-ed folks:

I'll be on leave next year, and this excellent one-year visiting job at
Wellesley is (mostly) to replace me -- and I'll hand over all my teaching
materials for that required social science course that will be taught twice
as part of the position. Please, if you have late-stage graduate students
(or are one!) or finishing ones who don't yet have a job for the 23-24
academic year, pass along this info. This search is starting QUICKLY!

Happy to answer any questions; I LOVE teaching Wellesley students, and the
ES department is a collegial place.


The Political Science and Environmental Studies departments at Wellesley
College are seeking an outstanding instructor for a one-year position as a
Visiting Lecturer in environmental politics for the academic year 2023-24.
We are interested in candidates whose research and teaching focuses on
environmental politics outside the United States. The full teaching load is
five courses over two semesters.  The instructor will teach the core social
science course for the Environmental Studies major twice, a cross-listed
elective, as well as some comparative politics courses.  Candidates with a
wide variety of regional specializations will be considered.  Applicants
should have a Ph.D. and a strong commitment to teaching undergraduates in a
liberal arts environment.

Wellesley College is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, and
we are committed to increasing diversity and equity in the college
community and curriculum. In that spirit, we are especially interested in
receiving applications from members of under-represented groups.
Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a one-page
statement of teaching philosophy, graduate school transcript, teaching
materials (for example sample syllabi or teaching evaluations), a sample of
your research, and three letters of reference. All materials should be
submitted online by visiting our application website at
https://career.wellesley.edu. Applications should be submitted as soon as
possible. We will begin reviewing candidates on February 22, 2023, but will
continue to accept applications until the position is filled. If
circumstances do not allow you to submit materials through our online
application system, please email us at work...@wellesley.edu.

The full job posting and application portal can be found here:

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[gep-ed] Wellesley looking for Center for Environment/ES Dept Coordinator

2022-07-13 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi GEP-ED folks:

Wellesley College is hiring a new program coordinator for our Frost Center
for the Environment and the ES Department. This is a long-term position
that requires only a bachelors in a related field and a bit of experience,
and is a fantastic opportunity. The last person in this job had it for 15
years or so and did a great job envisioning and implementing excellent
programming for students and the community.

If you have recent (or not so recent) students who might be interested,
send them our way (and if you or they have questions, feel free to contact
me). The ES/Frost Center community at Wellesley is a genuinely collegial
and enjoyable place to be:



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[gep-ed] Interested in doing a summer book review?

2022-05-30 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

Got some extra time this summer (or winter, if you're in the Southern
Hemisphere) and need something to fill it with?  How about some global
environmental beach (or ski) reading?

I'm looking for some people interested in doing quick turnaround book
reviews for Global Environmental Politics. If you'd be interested, please
send me an email with a brief overview of your background and the types of
topics/approaches of books you'd be interested in reviewing.



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Book Review Editor, Global Environmental Politics

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[gep-ed] Got a minute to do a last-minute book review?

2021-12-18 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

Are you worried about what to do with your time once you've finished
grading student essays?  Looking for an escape from family holiday
gatherings?  Seeking an excuse to procrastinate from New Year's cleaning?
Stuck in quarantine from a global pandemic? *Global Environmental Politics*
can help!

I'm seeking quick turnaround book reviews -- I'll get you the book ASAP
(along with instructions and examples) and you'll write a book review,
ideally by no later than 1 February. (Then it'll get published.)

Interested? Send me (edeso...@wellesley.edu) an email with your areas of
interest/expertise and I'll match you with a book in our review pile!
(Don't worry; I'll check in with you to make sure it's a book you want to

Limited time offer! Call (well, email) now!


Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Book Review Editor, *Global Environmental Politics*

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[gep-ed] Interested in doing a quick turnaround book review?

2020-11-24 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

In my role as the book review editor for *Global Environmental Politics*,
I'm writing to ask for volunteers for reasonably quick turnaround book
reviews -- you indicate your interest, and I'll try to find a book in your
area of expertise and ask if you want to review it.

I'm especially interested in people who might be able to do a review by
early-to-mid January; I'll send you the book as soon as we agree on it.



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Book Review Editor, Global Environmental Politics

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[gep-ed] Suggestions for an environmental policy "topic" for reading exercise

2020-08-10 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi again, folks:

Here's a more nebulous request for suggestions (and a recommendation for a
class exercise -- this has worked really well for me).

On the first day of my Environmental Policy seminar I have students all do
a reading exercise, where they all get 10-15 minutes to "read" a source
(each student has a different source) on a collective topic and report back
to the class on what that source tells us about a specific set of
questions.  We gather that info, use it in a discussion about the topic,
and then talk about what reading strategies they used to get info out of
their sources when they didn't have enough time to fully read them -- and
how those reading strategies are helpful for course reading and research
more generally.  (I use widely varying types of sources, from complex
econometric articles, to memoirs, to government documents, history, etc;
some really long, some short, some directly on topic, some tangential.)

This will be complicated this year because I have to do this all
electronically, and I also want to do a different topic than I've done in
the past (which has been about the health of the NE Atlantic Fisheries and
causes of decline).

So I'm looking for suggestions of an empirical issue that has a lot of
(electronically-available) literature of varying types (like REALLY
different -- history, memoir, quantitative analysis, qualitative, advocacy,
etc.). Policy related, and ideally not US-based.

Weird request, I know . . . thanks in advance if anyone has suggestions.


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[gep-ed] articles on non-state actors in developing countries?

2020-08-10 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

I'm looking for some good articles (need to be things I can access
electronically in the time of COVID, so great book chapters won't work
unless you can send me a pdf) on the role of non-state actors in
environmental policy, *with a focus on countries other than the rich
west *(e.g.
NOT in Europe, N. America). Actors defined broadly -- including NGOs but
also business/industry and others.

This is for my seminar on Environmental Policy that starts way too soon, so
quick suggestions are welcomed.  (I can summarize and report back.)



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[gep-ed] Interested in reviewing books for GEP?

2020-03-27 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

In the unlikely event that you find yourselves with extra spare time right
now (if, say, all your favorite recreational activities have been cancelled
and you're stuck in your home), and would like to spend some of that time
doing a book review (or book review essay) for Global Environmental
Politics, please send me an email (edeso...@wellesley.edu) and let me know
your area of interest/expertise.

If I have a book available for review that's in your area, I'll happily to
send it to wherever you're quarantining at the moment.

Stay well,


Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Book Review Editor, Global Environmental Politics

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[gep-ed] Wellesley seeking environmental scientist for spring

2019-09-11 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

This is a little outside of the gep-ed area, but the Wellesley ES community
is a lovely one, and if you know scientists please bring this to their
attention. (This would be a good opportunity for a grad student in the
Boston area or someone who doesn't have a job for spring or who has reason
to want to be in the Boston area).

Happy to talk to anyone who might be interested (but official interest
should be expressed to Jay Turner, whose contact info is below).



We are looking for someone to teach our core ES science course,
Fundamentals of Environmental Science with Laboratory, during the spring
semester 2020.

It is a fun course to teach, and we are willing to share the teaching
materials, class notes, and laboratories, so someone teaching it will have
a lot to work with.  The instructor will teach the lecture section and two
lab sections to a total of approximately 28 students.

The pay is at the per-course level (in this case, it is the equivalent of
two courses), so it would probably only make sense for someone with other
reasons to be in the greater Boston area.  Wellesley cares a lot about
teaching, so the ideal candidate would have some teaching experience and an
interest in engaging smart, diverse students in environmental science.

Please pass this information along to anyone you can imagine (including
your own graduate students) who might be interested, and send any questions
or expressions of interest to me (jtur...@wellesley.edu).

We are hoping to identify a person to teach this course by early October,
so we can accommodate their schedule in our planning for the spring

Jay Turner
Associate Professor and Chair
Environmental Studies Department
Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA
Learn about my new book:  The Republican Reversal: Conservatives and the
Environment from Nixon to Trump

See the accompanying teaching website:  The Republican Reversal:
Conservatives and the Environment 

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[gep-ed] journals that do book reviews?

2019-06-03 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

As the book review editor for a journal, and a writer of books, I feel like
I should have a better handle on this, but I don't.

Are there any good lists of which journals vaguely in our field (broadly
defined) publish book reviews of books related to environmental politics?

If anyone has a list, or even has created your own list (presses tend to
want these things when you're about to publish a book), that you're willing
to share, I'd love to see it.



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[gep-ed] Good environmental trends

2019-04-06 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

This seems like a no brainer, but I'm having a surprisingly difficult time
gathering a list of positive environmental trends (worldwide and over
history). Things that have -- because of human intervention --
unquestionably improved, with some specific details to hang on them. Things
like improved access to clean water, better air quality (of various types)
in many parts of the world, etc.

I'd like to not reinvent the wheel -- I could easily come up with a list of
things I think are better now environmentally than 50 (or 25) years ago and
go fetch the details of each, but I'm certain that one or more sources has
already outlined them, with specifics attached.

Can someone point me towards such lists/overviews/compilations? (Happy to
share suggestions with the group afterwards).



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[gep-ed] Re: index for government environmental commitment?

2018-04-25 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

The suggestions I received (below) suggests that there's a need to be
filled, especially because lots of other people are looking for the same
thing.  I still haven't found what I'm looking for -- the ESI is closest,
but it's no longer being updated -- so if anyone else has suggestions, feel
free to pass 'em along.


-WRI’s Environmental Democracy Index

-For climate policy only, Climate Action Tracker

-Perhaps the number of international environmental agreements a country has
ratified could be a good measure; See

-María Ivanova at u mass Boston has been developing an environmental
conventions index based on countries commitments to the 9 environmental

-The predecessor to the EPI, the Environmental Sustainability Index
<http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/data/collection/esi/>, had a few things
along these lines. There was an index of global environmental treaty
participation; environmental INGO participation; participation in global
environmental finance mechanisms, gasoline price as fraction of world
average, protected areas area, some survey results that I wouldn't use now,
an index of how many important environmental variables are missing from
global databases.

-Martin Janicke's students have got some useful metrics - Klaus Jacob has
work that tracks diffusion of environmental impact assessment, for example.

-There are people that track environmental protection status in national
constitutions. And there are efforts to track commitment to a right to
environmental information.

-The Environmental Policy Stringency Index is all we've found for the EU /
OECD [but not for countries outside this region]


* http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1070496506287135

-Some commonly utilized indicators of government commitment: signatories &
ratification of environmental treaties/ agreements; lands (and coastal
areas) set aside as natural reserves; number and status of eNGOs...

On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 12:11 PM, Beth DeSombre <edeso...@wellesley.edu>

> Hi gep-ed-ers
> I'd love suggestions for an index that gets at country-level commitment
> about the environment across a wide variety of countries (in my case, I'm
> looking at countries with major seaports, across all continents).
> Everyone these days is using the EPI <https://epi.envirocenter.yale.edu/>
> for lots of things, but in this instance I actually DON'T want
> environmental conditions (e.g. how polluted your air is), but what level of
> commitment your government makes to environmental protection generally.
> What options do you recommend? It needs to cover a pretty big geographic
> range.
> I'll report back on what the major suggestions are, if you email me
> privately.
> Thanks,
> Beth

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[gep-ed] index for government environmental commitment?

2018-04-23 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi gep-ed-ers

I'd love suggestions for an index that gets at country-level commitment
about the environment across a wide variety of countries (in my case, I'm
looking at countries with major seaports, across all continents).

Everyone these days is using the EPI 
for lots of things, but in this instance I actually DON'T want
environmental conditions (e.g. how polluted your air is), but what level of
commitment your government makes to environmental protection generally.

What options do you recommend? It needs to cover a pretty big geographic

I'll report back on what the major suggestions are, if you email me



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[gep-ed] Environmental Studies at Wellesley summer school - REDUX

2018-04-18 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

If you have environment-interested students who might want to be in the
Boston area this summer, let me recommend Wellesley's (co-ed) summer school.
One of our selling points is that all our summer courses are taught by
full-time Wellesley faculty members.

This summer in session I (June) I'm teaching my core social science course
ES/POL2-214 (cross-listed with political science): Social Causes and
of Environmental Problems.

CANCELLED. So if someone is thinking of enrolling, please send 'em our way

And our fantastic professor Monica Higgins is teaching Introduction to
Environmental Science (with laboratory) -- ES 101 -- in Session II (July).

Both are highly recommended! https://www.wellesley.edu/summer

Let me know if you have any questions --


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[gep-ed] URGENT: ISA JSS Climate Transitions -- need discussant

2018-03-28 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

If you're going to ISA and work on climate issues (and are available *Wednesday
in the D panel slot*), can I ask for your help?

The Junior Scholar symposium panel on Climate Transitions has lost both its
discussants -- this is a part of ISA that is supposed to give EXTRA
feedback to junior scholars, and these folks are in danger of getting
none.  If you know anything about the topic and would like to help, please
let me know ASAP. Only three papers, and it doesn't matter how many other
ISA participations you have -- you'd be doing a service to ISA and to these
three junior scholars.



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[gep-ed] Seeking a one-course social scientist for fall at Wellesley

2018-03-21 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

While I'm on leave in the fall, we're looking for someone to teach our core
ES social science course (cross-listed with Political Science), called *Social
Causes and Consequences of Environmental Problems*. It's about what social
science tells us (at the macro and micro level) about why we get
environment problems, and what it tells us about how we can address them.

It's a fun course to teach, and I'd turn over all my teaching materials and
class notes (and be willing to consult), so whoever teaches it will have a
lot to work with.

Pay is at the per-course level, so it would probably only make sense for
someone with other reasons to be in the greater Boston area. (The course
meets Monday/Thursday 1:30-2:40 p.m.). Wellesley cares a lot about
teaching, so the ideal candidate would have some teaching experience and be
able to demonstrate teaching effectiveness.

Please pass this info along to anyone you can imagine (including your own
graduate students) who might be interested, and send any questions or
expressions of interest to me (edeso...@wellesley.edu).

I'll be at the International Studies Association conference in early April
if anyone would like to meet in person to talk about this opportunity.



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Director, Environmental Studies Program
Wellesley College

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[gep-ed] Send your students to Wellesley Summer School

2018-03-20 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

If you have environment-interested students who might want to be in the
Boston area this summer, let me recommend Wellesley's (co-ed) summer
school. One of our selling points is that all our summer courses are taught
by full-time Wellesley faculty members.

This summer in session I (June) I'm teaching my core social science course
ES/POL2-214 (cross-listed with political science): Social Causes and
Consequences of Environmental Problems.

And our fantastic professor Monica Higgins is teaching Introduction to
Environmental Science (with laboratory) -- ES 101 -- in Session II (July).

Both are highly recommended! https://www.wellesley.edu/summer

Let me know if you have any questions --


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[gep-ed] ESS Speed Mentoring at ISA: Wednesday 8:15 a.m.

2018-03-20 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

If you're going to ISA, please check out the Environmental Studies Speed
Mentoring opportunity in the very first panel slot (Wednesday, 815-10:00 in
Plaza B).

We think we have something to offer to people at almost every stage of an
academic career -- come with questions, or come to listen to the questions
of others and the sage advice of experienced people in the field.

Here are the clusters of topics on which there will be mentoring -- you'll
have the opportunity to engage with multiple mentors on up to three
different topics during the time period:

Job search

Let me know if you have any questions, let others -- especially graduate
students and early-stage faculty members know. ESS is sponsoring, but
everyone interested in mentoring is welcomed!


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[gep-ed] Re: Different types of reasons for saving the environment?

2018-02-08 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

The responses to my query below were all over the map (and lots were
general ways to think about things, rather than specific readings). Not
easily summarizable, but instead I'll send you the list of readings I
settled on for the first week of class.

The broader idea of this class session was assembling the building blocks
of different types of things we could care about/focus on when deciding
about creating environmental policy.

Patricia Balvanera et al, “Conserving Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services,”
Science 291(5511) (16 March 2001), p. 2047.

Peter Singer, “All Animals Are Equal,” Philosophical Exchange 1 (1974), pp.

Alison Dundes Renteln, “Environmental Rights vs. Cultural Rights,” Carnegie
Council for Ethics and International Affairs, Spring 2004, 3 pp.

Robert W. Lake, “Volunteers, NIMBYs, and Environmental Justice: Dilemmas of
Democratic Practice,” in Antipode 28(2) (1996), pp. 160-174.

Alasdair Cochrane, “Holistic Entities” and “Deep Ecology,” in Environmental
Ethics/Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,

Thanks to all who made suggestions.


On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 9:40 AM, Beth DeSombre <edeso...@wellesley.edu>

> Hi folks:
> I'm re-doing my Environmental Policy seminar syllabus for the spring, and
> want to have an initial week on different types of reasons for protecting
> the environment/addressing environmental problems.  My hope is to have a
> different reading for each of a variety of (different types of) reasons we
> could care about the environment.
> Things like:
> -nature's value in its own terms
> -the advantages to people generally in having a protected env (ecosystem
> services)
> -the value to us in caring for nature
> -issues of environmental justice
> -any other types of reasons? (looking for suggestions)
> If you have an article or chapter to suggest (including your own), please
> pass them on!
> Thanks in advance,
> Beth

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[gep-ed] Different types of reasons for saving the environment?

2018-01-01 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

I'm re-doing my Environmental Policy seminar syllabus for the spring, and
want to have an initial week on different types of reasons for protecting
the environment/addressing environmental problems.  My hope is to have a
different reading for each of a variety of (different types of) reasons we
could care about the environment.

Things like:
-nature's value in its own terms
-the advantages to people generally in having a protected env (ecosystem
-the value to us in caring for nature
-issues of environmental justice
-any other types of reasons? (looking for suggestions)

If you have an article or chapter to suggest (including your own), please
pass them on!

Thanks in advance,


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[gep-ed] Anyone up for writing a book review quickly?

2017-07-05 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

I'm the book review editor for Global Environmental Politics. I'm facing an
unanticipated shortage of reviews for an upcoming issue.

If you'd be interested in writing a review by the end of the month (I can
get a book to you *quickly*), let me know -- and what your areas of
interest are -- and I'll see if we have a book in the "to be reviewed" list
that matches your expertise. (GEP Book Reviews are 800-900 words in length.)



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
GEP Book Review Editor

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[gep-ed] Responses to Neil deGrasse Tyson?

2016-06-30 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

If you saw Tyson's tweet yesterday about creating the country of
"rationalia"  (where "all policy shall be based on the weight of
evidence")-- there have been a few interesting responses designed to poke
at the problems with his logic, like this one from vox:

What I'm hoping exists -- perhaps as a response, or better yet as an
already existing standalone piece -- is something that clearly articulates
the "science can't decide policy, because policy involves making actual
choices among multiple things we value and there's no "scientifically
right" way to do that."

I've tried a few different readings in my undergrad course to get at that
point, but none has been successful at communicating it to my students (or
my ES colleagues!). Does anyone have a reading to suggest?


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[gep-ed] Your favorite calls to action?

2016-06-01 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi Gep-ed-ers:

I'm looking for suggestions for your favorite, inspiring "here's why we
need to do something to save the planet" readings. (Less about what
specifically we should be doing and more about the big picture of how
urgent or important it.)

Happy to collate and send the full list back to the group if you send your
nominations to me individually.



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Wellesley College

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[gep-ed] "greenness" of cities

2015-10-18 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

I tried posting this to the AESS list (apologies to those on both lists),
but the suggestions I've received from there haven't been the sort of thing
I was looking for, so I thought I'd try here.

Anyone have suggestions for how to measure environmental public opinion in
cities?  (Are there polls that disaggregate by city, so we could compare --
for instance -- how environmentally-minded/concerned the citizens of
Boston, Miami and Cleveland are?)

For one project I'm interested in that kind of information across cities in
the U.S.; in a different project I'd be interested in the variety of ways
one could measure greenness (public opinion or policy or behavior) across
cities internationally.

To be clear:  *I'm interested in existing polls or indexes people have done
or created across a wide number of cities (either in the U.S. or
internationally).*  We can certainly craft our own indices with interesting
sub-components (though that's less true about measuring opinion), but I
want to know what other people have already done that we can make use of
directly, that measure across a large number of cities.

I'd love to hear any and all suggestions; if you send them to me privately (
edeso...@wellesley.edu) I can summarize and post back to the list.



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Wellesley College

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[gep-ed] Quick suggestions for energy/electricity readings?

2015-01-18 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi gep-ed folks:

I teach the capstone course for Wellesley's ES major; each year we take on
a campus project and the syllabus for that course is designed around that

This spring (soon!) we'll be looking at electricity and thermal (heating
and cooling) energy generation and use on campus, considering the fate of
our aging co-gen power plant and the future of energy generation and use on

The topic may sound very local, but clearly energy decisions have
international ramifications (especially environmentally), and I'm hoping
folks int his community might be able to point me towards good sources of

I'm pretty much starting from scratch in putting together a syllabus. Does
anyone have related syllabi to pass on, suggested readings (we want some
basic background on approaches to, and implications of, different energy
options, as well as anything about use/conservation strategies or anything
else you'd think relevant)?  Any and all suggestions welcomed, especially
if they arrive soon.

Please reply to me; I can report back to the list on what suggestions I



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Wellesley College

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[gep-ed] standard operating procedures and environmental effects?

2014-06-10 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

I'm trying to find a literature on business standard operating procedures,
or routine operations, and their effects on the environment (for good or
for bad). I'm interested in the idea that routines that were established
for one purpose end up having negative environmental effects and/or the
idea that changing them could make an environmental difference.  Such a
literature must exist, but I haven't been able to locate it. (Kind of the
business analogy to habit as a determinant to individual behavior.)  Any

I'm happy to aggregate the recommendations and report back to the list.



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Wellesley College

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[gep-ed] Seeking ridiculous LCAs

2013-12-21 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

[This message was cross-posted in AESS; apologies for those who get it

At points I've come across some politically motivated (or politically
convenient) life-cycle assessments; one I remember in particular -- which
was in popular media like the NYTimes Magazine or Wired or something --
concluded that riding a bicycle was more environmentally problematic than
driving an SUV, perhaps because the person riding the bike would have to
consume more food to make up for the energy used, or because being fit
would increase lifespan and thus the time over which a person would cause
environmental harm.

I can't find that LCA of memory; if anyone remembers that one in particular
I'd love details about how to find it. And I'm also seeking other examples
of LCAs that find not just counterintuitive but someone ridiculous
conclusions by how they are set up.

If you have any ideas for how to find these, I'd love to hear about 'em.
[And I'm happy to summarize any suggestions I get to post back to gep-ed.]



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Wellesley College

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[gep-ed] Wellesley College looking for one-course environmental economist for spring

2012-07-12 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

Wellesley College will be looking to hire someone on a one-course basis to
teach our course in Environmental Economics (in the economics department)
in the spring semester.  Because it is per-course hire, it would need to be
someone already in the Boston area or who has other reasons for being here.
PhD preferable, but ABDs eligible.  If you're interested (or have questions
-- or know someone I should get in touch with who might be interested),
please let me know. The ultimate hiring decision lies with the Econ
department, but I have been deputized to hunt up candidates.


Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Director, Environmental Studies Program
Wellesley College

[gep-ed] seeking definitions of sustainability

2011-08-30 Thread Beth DeSombre
For a new introduction to sustainability course I'm involved in, we're
seeking definitions of sustainability (which can include sustainable
development). On the first day of class (soon!) we want to look at the
range of different ways people define the term, which means we're seeking
as wide a variety of definitions as possible.  (This is course co-taught
with a business school and an engineering school, so we're going for

If you have/use/are aware of interesting/useful/problematic defintions of
sustainability and can pass them on to me, I'd be extremely grateful. You
don't have to *like* the definitions you send -- this is just starting
material for a broader exercise.



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Director, Environmental Studies Program
Wellesley College

[gep-ed] Summary of suggestions for certification/labeling of food

2011-01-20 Thread Beth DeSombre
Thanks, everyone, for great suggestions.  gep-ed really is a great

Among other things, I've learned that this field is dominated my one
particular part of the alphabet.


Auld, G. (January 01, 2010). Assessing Certification as Governance:
Effects and Broader Consequences for Coffee. Journal of Environment 
Development, 19, 2, 215-241. 

Gavin Fridell (2007). Fair-Trade Coffee and Commodity Fetishism: The  
Limits of Market-Driven Social Justice. Historical Materialism 15 (4): 

Fridell, M., Hudson, I.,  Hudson, M. (2008). “With Friends Like  
These…: The Corporate Response to Fair Trade Coffee.”  Review of  
Radical Political Economics 40(1).

Fred Gale (2002). Caveat Certificatum in Princen, Maniates, and  
Conca (eds) Confronting Consumption. Cambridge: MIT Press

Getz, C. and Shreck, A. (2006), What organic and Fair Trade labels do not
tell us: towards a place-based understanding of certification.
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30:� 490–501.� 

Giovannucci, D., Barham, E.,  Pirog, R. (2010). Defining and Marketing
Local Foods: Geographical Indications for US Products. The Journal of
World Intellectual Property, 13, 2, 94-120. 

Gulbrandsen, Lars H. Overlapping Public and Private Governance: Can  
Forest Certification Fill the Gaps in the Global Forest Regime?
Global Environmental Politics - Volume 4, Number 2, May 2004, pp. 75-99

Also take a look at Gulbrandsen's recently (2010?) book on forest and  
fisheries certification.

Guthman, J. (1998), Regulating Meaning, Appropriating Nature: The
Codification of California Organic Agriculture. Antipode, 30:� 135–15.

Guthman� J, 2004, Back to the land: the paradox of organic food
standards� Environment and Planning A� 36(3) 511� –� 528.

Guthman, Julie. 2007. The Polanyian way? Voluntary food labels as
neoliberal governance. Antipode 39 (3):456-478.

Hudson, Ian  Hudson, Mark (2003). “Removing the Veil? Commodity  
Fetishism, Fair Trade, and the Environment,” in Organization and  
Environment 16(4): 413-440.

Hudson I and Hudson M. 2009. Dissecting the Boom: Is Fair Trade  
Growing OUt of its Roots (Review Essay). Historical Materialsm 17:  

Nilsson, H., Tuncer, B.,  Thidell, A.�  (2004). The use of eco-labeling
like initiatives on food products to promote quality assurance-is there
enough credibility?. Journal of Cleaner Production, 12, 5, 517-526. 

Raynolds,� Laura T. (2000),� Re-embedding global agriculture: The
international organic and fair trade movements.� AGRICULTURE AND HUMAN
Volume 17, Number 3,� 297-309.

Starobin, Shana and Weinthal, Erika (2010) The Search for Credible 
Information in Social and Environmental Global Governance: The Kosher 
Label, Business and Politics: Vol. 12 : Iss. 3, Article 8.

As well as papers/articles by these folks that I don't have time to
aggregate publication info:

-Kolkm Jacquet, Goyert, and more by Gulbrandson

And a blog post:


[gep-ed] adv/disadv of certification/labeling for food?

2011-01-19 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

I know I owe you (I'll post soon) a summary of responses to my previous
request, but here's another:

For a new course related to food sustainability, we have a section on the
various certifications, labels, etc. one could append to food (organic,
fair trade, humane, MSC certified, etc.)  I'm looking in particular for
broader articles that a) critique the usefulness of such certification
processes, either individually or (more usefully) collectively or
conceptually; and b) those that celebrate them (again, especially useful
if it's collective or conceptual).

If you have any suggestions, I need 'em quickly: the semester starts



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Wellesley College

[gep-ed] Best very recent article on current international climate architecture?

2011-01-05 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

For my international environmental law course (starting soon!) I want a
very current reading that gives the lay of the land of the current state
of international climate change politics -- the reading from course books
on that subject is outdated, so I want to also include something that
brings them up to speed on the latest developments. Doesn't need any
particularly fancy analysis (although I'm fine if it has some), just the

Any suggestions? (I'll summarize to the list, of course.)



Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Wellesley College

[gep-ed] Looking for some good book reviewers

2010-09-21 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks:

I'm the book review editor for the journal Global Environmental Politics.
Most book reviews I commission by asking particular people to review
specific books I know they have the expertise to review.

But in order to expand the usual suspects, I also sometimes put out a call
for reviewers for specific books or groups of books, and this is that call.

If you're interested in reviewing one or more of these, please respond
directly to me (edeso...@wellesley.edu), letting me know your relevant
background (please do not send me a full c.v., but indicate a couple
relevant publication and/or your dissertation topic or ongoing research
projects if I don't already know you).

These reviews will be distributed across several GEP issues. Your odds of
being chosen increase if you can commit to sending in your review by
November 15th, but not being able to do it by then doesn't rule you out.

I'm looking for . . . .

Single-book reviews of these books:

-Laura A. Henry, Red to Green: Environmental Activism in Post-Soviet Russia

-Susan Park, World Bank Group Interactions With Environmentalists:
Changing International Organisation Identities

-John Mikler, Greening the Car Indistry: Varieties of Capitalism and
Climate Change

-Carmen Richershagen, Protecting Biological Diversity: The Effectiveness
of access and Benefit-Sharing Regimes

-Michael Maniates and John M. Meyer, eds., The Environmental Politics of

-Julian Agyeman and Yelena Ogneva-Himmelverger, Environmental Justice and
Sustainability in the Former Soviety Union

 . . . and I have about 50,000 candidate books on one aspect or another of
climate change, so if you'd love to review a book about climate change,
let me know (and let me know which general aspects you're interested in
and/or have experience with) and I might be able to match you with an
appropriate book

Review Essay options (review essays are longer -- around 2500 words, and
consider three or four books together in the context of their overarching

-A review essay on recent textbooks on global environmental politics
(presumably you need to not have written a recent textbook nor be a
contributor to one)

-A review essay on the politics of food

-A review essay on multilateral environmental agreements/institutions 

Please let me know if you'd be interested in taking on one of these review


Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Global Environmental Politics Book Review Editor

[gep-ed] Job posting: env politics at Davidson

2010-08-18 Thread Beth DeSombre
Davidson College has a job of relevance to some of us (our or graduate
students). Please pass the word -- Davidson is a great place to work, and
the political science department there is especially collegial.  


Elizabeth R. DeSombre
Wellesley College

[Marker]View Posting Summary - Assistant Professor of Political Science
and Environmental Studies - 0750

Posting Details

Job Title 
Assistant Professor of Political Science and Environmental Studies �  

Requisition Number 
0750 �  

Position Number 

Job Family 
Academic Affairs �  

Basic Function 
Davidson College invites applications at the Assistant Professor level
for a tenure-track position in environmental politics, starting in August
of 2011. �  

Essential Functions 
Applicants must have a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching, and 
record of promising research. Teaching load is five courses per academic
year, shared between the Department of Political Science and an
Interdisciplinary Major in Environmental Studies. Applicants may approach
environmental politics from the standpoint of American politics,
comparative politics, or international relations. In addition to courses
on interdisciplinary environmental studies and politics, the successful
candidate will likely teach public policy, and methods and statistics. �  

Additional Duties 

Required Qualifications 
A Ph.D. in political science, public policy, or environmental studies is
required. �  

Preferred Qualifications 

Reports To: 

Department Chair �  

Working Conditions 
Mostly office/classroom environment �  

Special Instructions to Applicants 
Davidson is strongly committed to achieving excellence and cultural
diversity, and welcomes applications from women, minority groups, and
others who would bring additional dimensions to the college's mission. The
applicatio n review process will begin September 15, 2010. Interested
candidates should complete an online application at
http://jobs.davidson.edu and attach a CV, a statement of teaching
interests, a statement of research interests, and copies of significant
research papers or publications. Candidates must also request at least
three references to submit letters of recommendation on their behalf.
Questions may be directed to Brian Shaw, Chair, Department of Political
Science, at brs...@davidson.edu. �  

Political Science �